
                                TEAMING AGREEMENT
                               L3 TECHNOLOGY INC.
                                  ESSTEC, INC.

THIS  TEAMING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the February 15,
2002, by and among L3 TECHNOLOGY INC. (hereinafter referred to as  "L3"), having
offices  at  13700  International  Place,  Suite  120,  Richmond, BC V6V 2X8 and
ESSTEC,  INC.  (hereinafter  referred  to  as "EssTec"), with offices at 9500 E.
Artesia  Blvd,  Suite  203,  Bell  Flower,  CA  90706;  the  above  parties  are
individually and/or collectively referred to herein as the "Party" or "Parties".


WHEREAS,  L3  is  the  owner  of a wireless data software platform identified as
iMatix  a;  and

WHEREAS,  EssTec  is  a  developer and an integrator of custom applications in a
wide  range  of  industries;  and

WHEREAS,  L3  and  EssTec  wish  to  facilitate  the  process  by which EssTec's
customers  may  purchase  and/or  acquire  licensed  rights  to  use  iMatix  in
connection  with  EssTec's  own  products  and  services;  and

WHEREAS,  the  Parties  desire to enter into this Agreement in order to define a
business  relationship  to  support and accomplish the above business objective;

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth,
and  for  other  good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which  are  hereby  acknowledged,  the  Parties  agree  as  follows:


The  initial  term  of this Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year from
the  date  of  execution  of  the  Agreement  by  the Parties, unless terminated
pursuant to Article 6.0 herein or unless extended by mutual written agreement of
the  Parties.


2.0  (a)     Purpose:

This  agreement  is  a  formal  arrangement  aimed  at:

(i)     identifying  customer  opportunities  and  the  business processes to be
followed  where  L3  and  EssTec  will jointly offer the individual products and
services  of  each  party  directly to Customer (defined as meaning the end-user
customer in all cases hereinafter) on a mutually agreeable basis ("Joint-Bids"),

(ii)     identifying  customer  opportunities  and  the business processes to be
followed  where  EssTec  will  offer L3's products on a stand-alone basis, or in
conjunction  with  other  EssTec  product  and  services  offerings  directly to
Customer  ("EssTec  Bids").

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2.0  (b)     General  Provisions

(i)  This  agreement  shall  be  Non-exclusive  and  shall  represent  the  sole
     relationship between the two companies for the marketing and sale of iMatix
     both jointly with EssTec, or by EssTec on a stand-alone basis. In the event
     that  either  party  wishes  to  enter into an agreement with a competitive
     company,  that  party  shall  notify  the  other  party  in  writing;

(ii) iMatix  prices  are  based on L3's current commercial pricing structure and
     related  discount  schedule  (Annex  1);

(iii)  All  iMatix  Customer  support  and  training  is provided by L3 based on
     pre-discounted  commercial pricing unless otherwise agreed to in writing by
     the  parties.  Consulting  and  services are billed on a time and materials

(iv) L3  shall  provide  an  initial  technical end user, installation and sales
     training  to  identified  EssTec  employees  at  no  charge  to  facilitate
     development  and  integration efforts with EssTec's product offering and to
     assist  with  the  development  of  sales and marketing plans for iMatix in
     accordance with the terms of section 3.5. This training will be provided at
     L3's  offices.

(v)  For  sales  demonstration  and interface development purposes L3 shall make
     available an iMatix license to EssTec at no charge for use in developing an
     interface  between  iMatix  and EssTec's products and services. The license
     shall  not  be  available  for  sale to the Customer by EssTec and shall be
     destroyed on the termination of this agreement in accordance with the terms
     of  section  6;

(vi) EssTec  shall  provide  reciprocal  training  and product for marketing and
     interface development purposes under the same terms and conditions outlined
     in  sections  2.0(b)(iv)  and (v) for EssTec related products and services.

(vii)  A  Customer  Lead  Notice  (see Annex 2) must be completed, qualified and
     signed  by both parties prior to closing of the sale to determine the sales
     and  marketing  approach  (i.e.,  Joint  Bid  or EssTec Bid) and to confirm
     eligibility  and  method  of  compensation  and  discounting  as  per  this
     agreement  in  the  identified  account. EssTec agrees to act reasonably in
     identifying  opportunities  for  Customer  Lead  Notice  completion  that
     represent actual and real customer opportunities to sell L3's product which
     will  be  subject  to  formal  price quotations by EssTec. L3 agrees to act
     reasonably  in  confirming  their  knowledge of customer opportunities that
     were  previously  identified  by  L3.

(viii)  L3  retains  the  right  to have prime control on existing customers and
     partners  licensed  to  use  or  sell iMatix as identified by customer list
     attached  in  Annex  4.

(ix) Compensation  due  to L3 for licenses sold to Customer will be dependent on
     the  nature  of  the  relationship  between  the  parties  in  pursuing
     opportunities  pursuant  to  section 2.0(a)(i) and (ii), and is outlined in
     detail  below;

(x)  The  terms  of  all  software,  maintenance  and  training  payments by the
     Customer  on  L3  products  are  due  on  receipt.  Remittance  of  related
     compensation  under  2.0(c)  and  (d) to L3, or EssTec is due on receipt of
     payment  by  Customer.

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2.0  (c)  Joint  Bids:

(i)  Joint  Bids  undertaken  by  the  parties  must  be confirmed in advance of
     providing a formal quotation to the Customer as evidenced by completion and
     acceptance  of  the  Lead  Notice  (Annex  2).

(ii) Joint  Bids  shall  be  negotiated directly with the Customer by each party
     separately  reflecting  the  terms  and conditions acceptable to each party
     unless  directed  otherwise  by  the  customer. If directed otherwise and a
     three-party  agreement  is  required,  neither  party,  by  virtue  of this
     agreement,  has  the right to bind the other bidding party to any terms and
     conditions  without  their  express  written  consent.

(iii) All  other  terms  and  conditions of the "Joint Bid" process are covered
      under  section  3.0  of  this  agreement.

2.0  (d)     EssTec  Bids:

(i)  EssTec  Bids  undertaken  by  the  parties  must be confirmed in advance of
     providing  a  formal  quotation  to Customer as evidenced by completion and
     acceptance  of  the  Lead  Notice  (Annex  2).

(ii) EssTec  Bids  represent  a  resale  opportunity  to  EssTec,  under  which
     arrangement EssTec shall purchase L3's licensed software at 30% discount of
     L3's  current  list  price.  EssTec  shall  sell  the  licensed software to
     Customer  at  a  price,  which at a minimum, shall exceed 85 % of L3's list
     price  so  as  not  to  adversely impact the average selling prices of L3's
     software.  Discounts  that  would otherwise reduce this selling price below
     the  agreed  upon  minimum  price  must  be  authorized  in  writing by L3.

(iii)  Compensation  payable  to  L3  under this section 2.0(d) shall be due and
     payable  to  L3  upon  receipt  of  payment  by  Customer.

(iv) EssTec  shall  be  provided  with  copies  of  L3's  Software  License  and
     Maintenance  Agreements  to  provide to the Customer for completion. EssTec
     shall  ensure  that  all  orders submitted to L3 include a Software License
     Agreement  and,  where  applicable,  Maintenance  Agreement  signed  by the
     Customer for maintenance support service to be provided by L3 on its iMatix
     product.  EssTec  will contract separately for maintenance support services
     on  EssTec  products  with  the  Customer.

(v)  In  certain  circumstances,  EssTec  may  wish  to  integrate  L3's product
     offering  into  EssTec's  product  offering.  In  such  cases,  the bundled
     offering  will  be  offered to Customer at an all-inclusive price, provided
     that  the individual price of iMatix is not disclosed to the Customer. This
     product  offering  including  the  pricing,  cost  to  EssTec,  funding  of
     development of the integrated product, product support issues and the terms
     under  which  it  is  to  be  marketed  will  be  subject to a separate OEM
     agreement,  to  be  negotiated  at  a  later  date.

2.1     This Agreement shall not constitute, create, give effect to or otherwise
recognize  a  joint  venture, partnership or formal business organization of any
kind,  and  the  rights  and  obligations  of  the  Parties  shall be only those
expressly  set  forth  herein.  No  Party shall have authority to bind the other
Party  except  to  the  extent  as  expressed  herein.  The  Parties  shall  be
independent  entities  with  each  other for all purposes at all times; no Party
shall  act  as agent for or representative of the other Party, and the employees
of one Party shall not be deemed to be employees of the other Party.  Nothing in
this  Agreement  shall  be  construed as providing for the sharing of profits or
losses arising out of the efforts of any Party, except as may be provided for in
any  Subcontract  entered into between the Parties pursuant to Article 6 herein.

2.2     In  all  of  its  activities  under this Agreement, each Party shall act
consistently  with  its  status  as an independent contractor.  When any Party's
employees  are  on the premises of the other Party, the visiting employees shall
obey  all  rules  and  regulations  established  by  the  owner  of the premises
regarding  employee  conduct  of  which  the  visiting  Party  is  made  aware.

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2.3     No Party shall, in its performance hereunder, take any action that would
be  illegal  under  any  applicable  rules,  regulations  and  laws.

2.4     Each  Party  shall  furnish  to  the  other  Party  such cooperation and
assistance  as  may  be  reasonably  required  hereunder.

2.5     Each  Party  represents and warrants that, to the best of its knowledge,
it  has  the legal right to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement.


3.1     During  the  term of this Agreement, each Party shall cooperate and work
with  the other Party in business planning, marketing efforts and presentations.
Each  Party  may bring prospective client recommendations to the other Party for
the  purpose  of  selecting  the  most  appropriate  projects for the pursuit of
mutually  beneficial opportunities.  Each Party may introduce the other Party to
prospective  customers.  In  each  instance, each Party shall use its reasonable
efforts  to  cooperate with the other Party in jointly marketing products and/or
services  to such customers as set forth herein; provided, however, that nothing
in  this  Agreement  shall  obligate  any Party to work with or notify the other
Party  on  individual  marketing  opportunities  or  projects.

3.2     In  instances  where  the  Parties  choose  to  work together in jointly
marketing  their  products  and/or  services for specific customers, the Parties
shall  discuss  between  or  among them the allocation of responsibilities on an
individual  project basis.  The Parties shall evidence such understandings in an
addendum  (hereinafter  "Project  Addendum")  to  this Agreement, which shall be
executed with respect to such individual customer projects prior to the start of
any  contemplated  proposal  activities.

3.3     L3  shall  provide  EssTec,  at  no  charge, reasonable amounts of sales
literature  to be used by EssTec for any marketing or technical presentations to
its  customers.  In  addition,  L3  will  make  iMatix  software  available  for
demonstration  Purposes  subject  to  the  terms  of  section  2.0(b)(v).

3.4     Each  Party  shall  designate  one  or  more  individuals  within  their
organization as their representative(s) responsible to direct the performance of
such  Party's  efforts  under  this  Agreement,  and  who  will  periodically
communicate,  as  needed,  to  resolve  any  problems with their joint marketing
activities  and exchange any materials or information necessary for the Parties'
further  performance  hereunder.  Each Party shall use its reasonable efforts to
coordinate  and  cooperate  with the other Party's representative.  Each Party's
designated  representative  shall  work  with  the  other  Party's  designated
representative  to  coordinate  trade  show  support,  media  campaigns, product
collateral  and RFP response support.  The following representative(s) are named
for  this  purpose:

    L3  Representative:     Allan  Larmour
                            Executive  Vice  President,  Sales  and  Marketing
                            (604)  214-7086

    EssTec  Representative: Shaun  Edwardes
                            Executive  Vice  President
                            310  309  5140

Any  notice of a change of representative(s) will be given promptly to the other
Party  in  writing.

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3.5     To  facilitate marketing and technical presentations, during the term of
the  Agreement,  L3  shall  semi-annually  make  available  at  no  charge,  an
appropriate, agreed to number of days of iMatix sales and marketing training for
EssTec'  personnel.  Such  training  shall  be provided at L3's offices.  EssTec
shall  be  responsible for all travel, lodging and per diem expenses incurred by
EssTec  personnel  and  L3  shall be responsible for all travel, lodging and per
diem  expenses  incurred  by  L3  personnel.


4.1     "Confidential  Information"  means  information  belonging  to or in the
possession  or  control  of  a  Party which is of a confidential, proprietary or
trade secret nature that is furnished or disclosed to the other Party under this
Agreement:  (i) in tangible form and marked or designated in writing in a manner
to  indicate  its  confidential,  proprietary or trade secret nature, or (ii) in
intangible  form  and  concurrently  identified  as confidential, proprietary or
trade secret. Each Party agrees that Customer Lead Notices shall be Confidential
Information  of  the  originating  Party.

4.2     Confidential  Information  shall  be  deemed  to  exclude any particular
information  that  (i)  is  already  known  to  the  receiving  Party  without
restrictions at the time of its disclosure by the disclosing Party, as evidenced
by  the written records of the receiving Party; (ii) after its disclosure by the
disclosing Party, is made known to the receiving Party without restrictions by a
third  Party;  (iii)  is  or  becomes  publicly  known without violation of this
Agreement;  or  (iv)  is  independently developed by the receiving Party without
reference  to  the  disclosing Party's Confidential Information, as evidenced by
the  written  records  of  the  receiving  Party.

4.3     Confidential  Information  shall  remain  the property of the disclosing
Party,  and  the receiving Party shall not be deemed by virtue of this Agreement
or  any  access  to  the  disclosing  Party's  Confidential  Information to have
acquired  any right or interest in or to any such Confidential Information.  The
receiving  Party  agrees:  (i)  to  hold  the  disclosing  Party's  Confidential
Information  in  strict  confidence;  (ii) to limit disclosure of the disclosing
Party's  Confidential  Information to personnel furnished by the receiving Party
to  perform  Services under a Prime Contract or Subcontract, as the case may be,
or  otherwise  having  a  need  to know the information for the purposes of this
Agreement;  (iii) not to disclose any such Confidential Information to any third
party,  except  to  a  customer  in a Project Proposal jointly prepared for such
customer; (iv) to use the disclosing Party's Confidential Information solely and
exclusively in accordance with the terms of this Agreement in order to carry out
its  obligations and exercise its rights under this Agreement; (v) to afford the
disclosing  Party's  Confidential  Information  at  least  the  same  level  of
protection  against  unauthorized  disclosure  or  use  as  the  receiving Party
normally  uses  to protect its own information of a similar character, but in no
event  less  than  reasonable  care;  and  (vi)  to  notify the disclosing Party
promptly  of  any  unauthorized  use  or  disclosure  of  the disclosing Party's
Confidential  Information.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor  the  exchange  of
Confidential  Information  hereunder shall be construed as granting any right or
license  under  any copyrights, inventions, or patents now or hereafter owned or
controlled  by  any  Party.

4.4     If  the  receiving  Party  receives  a  subpoena or other validly issued
administrative  or  judicial  notice requesting the disclosure of the disclosing
Party's  Confidential Information, the receiving Party shall promptly notify the
disclosing  Party  and, if so requested, shall provide reasonable cooperation to

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the  disclosing  Party  in resisting the disclosure.  Subject to its obligations
stated  in  the  preceding  sentence,  the  receiving Party shall be entitled to
comply with any binding subpoena or other process to the extent required by law,
but  shall in doing so make every effort to secure confidential treatment of any
materials  it  is  compelled  to  disclose.

4.5     Within  14  days  after the written request of the disclosing Party, the
receiving  Party, at the disclosing Party's option, shall return or destroy, and
give  written  confirmation  thereof,  all  Confidential  Information  of  the
disclosing  Party  that  the  receiving  Party  does  not  possess under a valid

4.6     Each  Party  agrees that if a court of competent jurisdiction determines
that the receiving Party has breached, or attempted or threatened to breach, any
of  its  confidentiality  obligations  to the disclosing Party or the disclosing
Party's  proprietary  rights,  the  disclosing Party shall be entitled to obtain
appropriate  injunctive relief and other measures restraining further, attempted
or  threatened  breaches  of  such  obligations.

4.7     The  rights  and  obligations provided by this Article 4.0 shall survive
the  termination  of  this  Agreement.


5.1     With  respect  to  any  proprietary  rights  in  and  to  all  designs,
engineering  details  and  other data pertaining to any discoveries, inventions,
patent  rights,  copyright rights and the like ("Intellectual Property Rights"),
and  except  as  otherwise  agreed  in  writing by the Parties, each Party shall
exclusively  own  Intellectual Property Rights which are independently developed
by  such  Party.  With  respect  to  any Intellectual Property Rights, which are
jointly  developed  by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties agree
that they shall share information with each other about their respective company
policies  regarding  the development and ownership of such Intellectual Property
and  shall endeavor to reach agreement as to each Party's rights and obligations

5.2     Except as set forth in Section 5.1, this Agreement does not grant to any
Party  any rights in, or license to, any present or future Intellectual Property


6.1     This  Agreement  shall  terminate  pursuant  to any one of the following

     6.1.1  upon  default  by a Party which continues unremedied for a period of
          thirty  (30)  days  after  written  notice  from  the  aggrieved Party
          specifying  the  nature  of  such  breach;

     6.1.2 upon acquisition of a Party by a competitor (determination of whether
          or not the acquiring party is a competitor shall be solely made by the
          non-acquired  Party)  of  the  non-acquired  Party;

     6.1.3  upon  expiration  of  the  term  of  this  Agreement;

     6.1.4  upon  ninety (90) days' prior written notice of termination from one
          Party  to the other Party after expiration of the initial term of this

     6.1.5 upon a Party's insolvency or initiation of bankruptcy or receivership
          proceedings  by  or  against a Party or the execution of an assignment
          for  the  benefit  of  creditors;  or

     6.1.6  upon  mutual  written  consent of the Parties; whichever shall first

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6.2     Termination  of  this Agreement shall have the effect of terminating the
Parties'  obligations  to  continue  any  joint  marketing,  sales  and proposal
activities  hereunder.  Prior  to the effective date of termination, the Parties
will  attempt  to  negotiate  in  good faith an orderly transition for any joint
marketing,  sales  or proposal activities in progress.  Upon termination of this

     6.2.1 No Party will be liable to the other Party for damages, expenditures,
          or  loss  of  profits  or  prospective  profits  of any kind or nature
          sustained  by,  arising  out of, or alleged to have arisen out of such

     6.2.2  However,  if  the  joint  marketing efforts contemplated herein have
          resulted  in  a  Project Proposal to a customer requiring bid security
          ("Bid Bond"), the Party requesting termination of this Agreement shall
          assume  full  responsibility,  including repayment to the other Party,
          for  any  proposal default which results in the loss of said Bid Bond;

6.3  Any  termination  of this Agreement for cause shall not affect any right or
obligation  of  a  Party  which  arose  prior  to  such  termination.


7.1     Any  and  all  costs and expenses incurred by a Party and arising out of
its  obligations  and efforts under this Agreement shall be borne by that Party.
No  Party  shall  charge  the other Party for any services provided to the other
Party  unless  specifically  agreed  to in writing by the Parties.  In the event
that  funds  are  provided by a particular customer for any work associated with
the  design, demonstration or other phases of a project, such funds will be used
to  defray the costs and expenses of each Party on a basis proportionate to each
Party's  share  of  the  total  costs  and  expenses  incurred by the Parties in
connection  with  such  work.

7.2     Should  a  dispute  arise from the subject matter of this Agreement, the
prevailing  Party  in  any resulting litigation shall be reimbursed by the other
Party involved in the litigation for any attorney's fees and associated expenses


8.1     Each  Party ("Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify and hold harmless the
other  Party  ("Indemnified  Party")  from  and  against  any loss, cost, claim,
liability,  damage  and  expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) to third
parties  relating  to  or arising out of the Indemnifying Party's performance of
its  obligations  in  this  Agreement,  insofar  as  such  claims  stem from the
Indemnifying  Party's negligence or willful misconduct which results in death or
bodily injury to any person or damage to any real or tangible personal property.

8.2     The  Indemnified  Party  will  notify the Indemnifying Party promptly in
writing  of  any  written claims, lawsuits or demands by third parties for which
one  or  more  of  the  Indemnified  Party allege that the Indemnifying Party is
responsible  under this Article 8.0, and if requested by the Indemnifying Party,
will  tender  the  settlement  or defense of such claim, lawsuit or demand.  The
Parties will cooperate in every reasonable manner with the defense or settlement
of  such  claim,  lawsuit  or demand.  The Indemnifying Party will not be liable
under  this  Article  8.0 for settlements by the Indemnified Party of any claim,
lawsuit  or demand, unless the Indemnifying Party has approved the settlement in
advance  or unless the defense of the claim, lawsuit or demand has been tendered
to  the  Indemnifying  Party  in  writing  and the Indemnifying Party has failed
promptly  to  undertake  the  settlement  or  defense.

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9.1     Except as set forth in Article 9.0 herein, neither Party shall be liable
to  any  other  Party  for  loss,  cost,  claim,  injury,  liability or expense,
including reasonable attorney's fees, relating to or arising out of any ordinary
negligent act or omission by a Party. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER
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9.2     Each  Party  shall  mitigate  its  damages  in a commercially reasonable
fashion  in  the  event  of the other Party's default under this Agreement.  The
Parties  shall exercise reasonable efforts to cooperate with each other so as to
avoid  having  any internal dispute between or among them affect the customer or
disrupt  service  to  the  customer.

9.3     The provisions of this Article 9.0 shall survive the termination of this


     No Party shall be liable for its failure or delay in the performance of its
obligations  under  this  Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control.


Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations under this Agreement
(including  any  Project  Addendum)  may  be assigned, delegated, sublicensed or
otherwise  transferred  by  any  Party  in  whole  or in part, without the prior
written  consent  of  the  other  Party.


Upon  prior written notice to, and the consent (not to be unreasonably withheld)
of,  the  other Party, either Party may subcontract any of its obligations under
this  Agreement,  but no such subcontract shall relieve the subcontracting Party
of  primary  responsibility  for  performance  of  its  obligations.


This  Agreement  is  non-exclusive.  Any Party may enter into similar agreements
with  third  parties;  provided,  however,  that  consistent  with observing the
requirements  of  Article  7  herein,  neither  Party  shall  disclose a Project
Proposal  or  other terms of any agreement concerning the subject matter of this
Agreement  to  any  third  party  without the prior written consent of the other
Parties.  Each  Party  expressly understands and agrees that the other Party may
sell,  in  the  ordinary  course of business, its products and services to third
parties  who  may  individually  (but  not  in  cooperation with a Party hereto)
respond  to  the  same solicitation for a customer project, or who may team with
another  third party for the purpose of submitting a proposal.  Sales by a Party
to  such  third  parties  shall  not  constitute  a violation of this Agreement.

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No  Party  shall  use  the  name  of the other Party in any news release, public
announcement, advertisement, sales promotion material or other form of publicity
without  the  prior written consent of the other Party.  No Party shall disclose
the  existence  or  the  contents  of  any  of  the terms and conditions of this
Agreement  without  prior  written  consent  of  the  other  Party.


In  the event that the Parties agree to any joint advertising and/or joint sales
promotional  materials,  each  Party  shall  have  a  right of approval over the
applicable  advertising  or  sales  promotional  materials,  and  all  costs and
expenses  associated  with  the  production  of  such  advertising  and  sales
promotional  materials  shall be shared equally by the Parties, unless otherwise
agreed  in  writing  by  the  Parties.

16.0     NOTICES

16.1     Notices and authorizations under this Agreement shall be transmitted in
writing  by  Certified  Mail,  postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the
address  of  the appropriate Party indicated on the first page of this Agreement
or to such other address as a Party may designate by written notice to the other

Notices  to  L3  shall  be  delivered  to:

                                  L3  Technology,  Inc.
                                  13700  International  Place,  Suite  120
                                  Richmond,  BC  V6V  2X8
                                  Attention:  Naiel  Kanno,  President  &  CEO

Notices  to  EssTec  shall  be  delivered  to:

                                  EssTec,  Inc.
                                  9500  E.  Artesia  Blvd.,  Suite  203
                                  Bell  Flower,  CA  90706

16.2     Any  notice  given  pursuant to this Article 16 shall be effective five
(5)  days  after the day it is mailed or upon receipt as evidenced by the Postal
Service  return  receipt  card,  whichever  is  earlier.


This  Agreement  and  any Project Addendum hereto may be amended only by written
agreement  of  the  Parties.  No  amendment  or waiver of any provisions of this
Agreement,  and  of  consent  to  any  default  under  this  Agreement, shall be
effective  unless  the  same shall be in writing and signed by a duly authorized
representative  on  behalf  of  the Party against whom such amendment, waiver or
consent  is  claimed.  In addition, no course of dealing or failure of any Party
to  enforce  strictly  any  term, right, or condition of this Agreement shall be
construed  as  a  waiver  of  such  term,  right  or  condition.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 9

18.0     ORIGINALS

This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, in which case each such
counterpart  shall be an original and together each shall constitute one and the
same  document.


Section  headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not be used in any
way  to  construe  the  terms  of  this  Agreement.


If any provision hereof is declared or determined to be invalid or unenforceable
under  applicable  law,  the  remaining provisions hereof shall continue in full
force  and  effect  and the Parties shall substitute for the invalid provision a
valid  provision, which most closely approximates the economic effect and intent
of  the  invalid  provision.

The  invalidity,  in  whole  or  in  part,  of  any section or paragraph of this
Agreement  shall  not  affect  the  validity of the remainder of this Agreement.


Both  L3  and  EssTec  agree  to  comply fully with all relevant export laws and
regulations  of  the  United  States and Canada to ensure that no information or
technical  data  provided  pursuant to this Agreement is exported or re-exported
directly  or  indirectly  in  violation  of  law.  Each Party agrees, at its own
expense,  to  comply  with  all  foreign exchange and other laws and regulations
applicable  to  such  Party,  and  each  Party  agrees to obtain any licenses or
approvals  necessary  for  such  Party  to  perform  this  Agreement.


22.1     At  the  written  request  of either Party, the Parties will attempt to
resolve  any  dispute  arising  under  or relating to this Agreement through the
informal  means  described  in  this  Section.  Each Party will appoint a senior
management  representative  who  does not devote substantially all of his or her
time  to  performance  under  this Agreement (the "Arbitration Representative").
Each  Arbitration  Representative  will  furnish to the other all non-privileged
information  with  respect  to  the  dispute  that  the  Parties  believe  to be
appropriate  and  germane.  The Arbitration Representatives will negotiate in an
effort  to  resolve  the dispute without the necessity of any formal proceeding.
Formal proceedings for the resolution of the dispute may not be commenced until:
(i)  the  designated  representatives conclude that resolution through continued
negotiation  does  not  appear  likely;  or  (ii) thirty (30) calendar days have
passed  since  the  initial request to negotiate the dispute was made; provided,
however, that a Party may file earlier to avoid the expiration of any applicable
limitations  period,  to  preserve  a  superior  position  with respect to other
creditors,  or  to  apply  for  interim  or  equitable  relief.

22.2     Any  question  or  dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement
not  resolved  pursuant  to  Section  24.1  will  be  settled  by  arbitration
administered  by  the  Canadian  Arbitration  Association in accordance with its
Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Large, Complex
Disputes,  and  judgment  on  the  award  may  be  entered  in  any court having
jurisdiction  thereof or over the applicable Party or its assets.  There will be
three  (3)  arbitrators;  one (1) selected by each Party and the two so selected
will  select  a  third  arbitrator.  The  third  arbitrator  will  meet  the
qualification  criteria  to  serve  as  an arbitrator in the Large, Complex Case
Dispute  Resolution  Program and will serve as chairman of the arbitration.  The
Expedited  Procedures  will  apply.  The  arbitrators  will have no authority to
award  any  damages  that  are  excluded  by  the  terms  and conditions of this
Agreement.  Either  Party will have the right to apply at any time to a judicial
authority for appropriate injunctive or other interim or provisional relief, and
will not by doing so be deemed to have breached its agreement to arbitrate or to
have  affected  the  powers  reserved  to  the  arbitrators.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 10

No  proceeding,  regardless of form, arising out of or related to this Agreement
may  be brought by either Party more than two (2) years after the accrual of the
cause  of  action, except that (i) proceedings related to violation of a Party's
proprietary  rights  or  any  duty  to  protect  Confidential Information may be
brought  at  any  time  within  the  applicable statute of limitations, and (ii)
proceedings  for  non-payment  may be brought up to two (2) years after the date
the  last  payment  was  due.


In  the  event  of any conflict between or among the provisions contained in the
following  documents  (the  "Contract  Documents"),  the  following  order  of
precedence  will govern: (i) Subcontracts, (ii) this Agreement, exclusive of its
Annexes;  (iii) Annexes to this Agreement; and (iv) Project Addendums (except as
to  terms  specifically identified in a particular Project Addendum as modifying
or amending terms of this Agreement, which terms will control over the Agreement
for  that  Project  Addendum  only).


During  the  term  of  this  Agreement  and  for  twelve  (12)  months after its
expiration  or  termination,  neither  Party will either directly or indirectly,
solicit  for employment by itself (or any of its Affiliates) any employee of the
other  Party  (or  any of its Affiliates) who was involved in the performance of
the  Contract  Documents, unless the hiring Party obtains the written consent of
the  other  Party.


     26.1 This  Agreement  constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of
          and  among  the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and
          supersedes  any  prior  or  contemporaneous  representations  and
          agreements, verbal or written. This Agreement shall be governed by and
          construed  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of the Province of British
          Columbia,  Canada.

     26.2 All  provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  take  precedence over any
          conflicting  terms and conditions of any purchase orders, invoices, or
          other  instruments  which  may  be  issued  by  EssTec  and L3, unless
          otherwise  agreed  by  the  parties  in  writing.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 11

IN  WITNESS  HEREOF,  the  Parties  have caused this Agreement to be executed by
their  duly  authorized  representatives  as  of  the  dates  set  forth  below.

L3  TECHNOLOGY  INC.             ESSTEC,  INC.

By:                              By:
   ---------------------            -----------------------
Name:  Naiel  P.  Kanno           Name:  Abdul  L  Saquib
       -----------------                 ------------------

Title:  President  and  CEO       Title:  VP  Operations
        -------------------              ------------------

Date:                            Date:   March  4,  2002

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 12

                                     ANNEX 1
                             IMATIX CURRENT PRICING

- -----

1.     All  prices  are  in  US  funds.

2.     All  license  prices  are  applicable  for  iMatix Release 2.2 and do not
include  future  upgrades.  The  upgrade  policy  is  as  follows:

a)     Each  new  version  will  be  separately  priced.

b)     Customers  upgrading  from  one  version to a higher version will pay the
       price  difference  between  versions.

c)     No  credit  will  be  issued  for  versions that have decreased in price.

3.     License  fees  DON'T  include  cost  of:

a)     Database  software  (Oracle).

b)     Hardware  (file  server  and  devices).

c)     Operating  systems  (file  server  and  devices).

d)     Third  party  software  packages,  IIS  for  Web  server and Java Virtual
       Machine  for  devices.

e)     Network  connection/provider.

f)     Map  engine  &  data.

g)     Professional  services  such  as,  installation,  implementation,
       customization  and  training.

4.     Out  of  pocket  expenses  (travel,  car  rental, hotel, meals, etc.) are
billed  at  cost.

5.     Definition  of  mobile  device  is,  a  mobile  device is one IP address.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 13


              -----    ------------------     ----------------------
                1         1  -   100                250,000
              -----    ------------------     ----------------------
                2       101  -   250                300,000
              -----    ------------------     ----------------------
                3        251  -  500                350,000
              -----    ------------------     ----------------------
                4        501  - 1000                400,000
              -----    ------------------     ----------------------
                5          Unlimited                500,000
              -----    ------------------     ----------------------

The  iMatix License Fee is a perpetual one-time fee. To determine the list price
for  an  iMatix  License  Fee,  follow  these  steps:

     1.   Determine  the  total  number  of devices that will be serviced by the
          iMatix  platform.

     2.   Refer  to  the iMatix License Fee Table, above, and determine the Base
          License  Fee  and  the  Per  Device  Fee.

An iMatix License needs to be upgraded, once additional devices are added on the
iMatix  platform.  Two  upgrade  possibilities:

     1.   Additional  devices  don't  result in a Class category change. In this
          case,  nothing  needs  to  be  changed.

     2.   Additional  devices  result  in a Class category change. In this case,
          determine  the  iMatix  License  Fee for the old and new configuration
          (refer  to  item B, above). Subtract the old device count pricing from
          the  new  device  count pricing. The difference is the upgrade fee. In
          addition,  you need to adjust the Annual Support Fee (refer to item D,

The  iMatix Annual Support Fee is 20% of the current iMatix License Fee. The fee
is  pre-paid  annually.

If  an  iMatix license has been upgraded to a higher Class category, then follow
these  steps  to  adjust the current Annual Support Fee for the remainder of the
current  term:

     1.   Determine the Annual Support Fee based on the new Class category.

     2.   Find  out the current Annual Support Fee and apply it as a 100% credit
          towards  item  1,  above.

     3.   The difference is the adjusted amount for the remainder of the current

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 14

L3's  professional  services  fees  are  as  follows:

1.     Development:           US$150/hour
2.     Installation:          US$150/hour
3.     Business  Analysis:    US$150/hour
4.     On-site  Training:     US$200/hour
5.     L3  Site  Training:    US  $500/person/day
                             (Minimum  3  attendees  per  class)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 15

                                     ANNEX 2
                              CUSTOMER LEAD NOTICE

TYPE  OF  BID:     Joint:  _________          EssTec:  _______












EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS LEAD NOTICE: ____________________________________________

L3  TECHNOLOGY  INC.                   ESSTEC,  INC.
- --------------------                   ------------------
By:                                    By:
   ---------------------------             --------------
Name: ------------------------         Name: ------------

Title:------------------------         Title: -----------

Date: ------------------------         Date: ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 16

                                     ANNEX 3
                             SAMPLE PROJECT ADDENDUM

This  document  details  the responsibilities and work scope of the Parties with
respect  to  preparing  and submitting a joint Project Proposal and carrying out
the  project  as  defined  below.




Name                        Phone#                       Email
- ---------------------     ----------------------    ------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     1.1     L3  Undertakings

     1.2     EssTec  Undertakings

     1.3     Joint  Undertakings

     1.4     Proposal  Prime  for  L3:
                              Phone  #:  __________________________
                              FAX  #:    __________________________

     1.5     Proposal  Prime  for  EssTec:
                              Phone  #:  __________________________
                              FAX  #:    __________________________

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 17

                                     ANNEX 4
                         EXISTING CUSTOMERS AND PARTNERS

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confidential                   Teaming Agreement                       Page 18