

                                                             NICK GATFIELD
                                                             Managing Director

20th  March  2002

Shaun  D.  C.  Edwardes
Esstec  Inc
9500  E  Artesia  Blvd  Suite  203
CA  90706

Dear  Mr  Shaun  Edwards

I,  Nick  Gatfield, Managing Director of Universal Island Records, agree to work
in  an  advisory  capacity  with  EssTec  Inc, to develop proprietary technology
platform  for use in the music industry. I understand that I will be compensated
on  a  revenue  share  basis  once  the  product  is  deployed.

If  you  have  any  queries  with the above mentioned, please do not hesitate to
contact  me.

Yours  sincerely

Nick  Gatfield
Managing  Director

                                [GRAPHIC OMMITED]