
                               [GRAPHIC  OMITED]

                           ARTICLES  OF  INCORFORATION


                               ESSENTIAL TEC, INC.

     FIRST.       The  name  of  this  corporation  is  ESSENTIAL  TEC,  INC.

     SECOND.     Its resident agent and registered office in the State of Nevada
is as follows: PARA CORP at 3l8 N. Carson Street. Suite 208, Carson City, Nevada

     TH1RD.     The  total  number of shares which the corporation is authorized
to  issue is Ten Million (10,000,000) shares of common stock with a par value of
$.001  and  500,000  snares  of  preferred  stock  par  value  $.001.

     FOURTH.     The  governing  body  of  this  corporation  shall  be known as
directors,  and  the  number  of directors may from time to time be increased or
decreased  in  such  a  manner  as  shall  be  provided  by  the  bylaws  of the

     The names and addresses of the first board of director, which shall consist
of  two  directors  is  as  follows:

                                   Tariq Khan
                                  Imran Husain
                              318 N. Carson Street
                                    Suite 208
                              Carson City, NV 89701

     FIFTH.  The  name  and  address of the incorporator signing the Articles of
Incorporation  is  as  follows:

                               Lawrence W. Horwitz
                          Two Venture Plaza, Suite 350
                                Irvine, CA 92618

     SIXTH.     At  all election of directors of the corporation, each holder of
stock  possessing  voting power is entitled to as many votes as equal the number
of  shares  multiplied by the number of directors to be elected, and he may cast
all  of  his votes for a single director or may distribute them among the number
to  be  voted  for  or  any  two  or  more  of  them,  as  he  may  see  fit.

     SEVENTH.     No  director or officer of the corporation shall be personally
liable  to  the corporation or any of its stockholders for damages for breach of
fiduciary  duty  as  a  director or officer involving any act or omission of any
such  director or officer; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall
not  eliminate  or  limit the liability of a director or officer (i) for acts or
omissions  which involve intentional misconduct, fraud or a knowing violation of
law,  or  (ii)  the  payment  of dividends in violation of Section 78.300 of the
Nevada  Revised  Statues.  Any  repeal  or modifications of this Article by me
stockholders  of  the  corporation  shall  be  prospective  only,  and shall not
adversely  affect  any  limitation  on  the  personal liability of a director or
officer  of  the  corporation  for  acts  or  omissions  prior to such repeal or

     I,  THE  UNDERSIGNED,  being  the  incorporator hereinbefore named, for the
purpose  of forming a corporation pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the
State  of  Nevada,  do  make  and  file  these Articles of Incorporation, hereby
declaring and certifying that the facts herein stated are true, and  accordingly
have  hereunto  set  my  hand  this  19th  day  of  January,  2000.

                                        Lawrence  W.  Horwitz,  Incorporator