Exhibit 10.1

Graphics Omitted

                                LEASE AGREMEENT


Mrs.  Samina  Hijab W/O Masood Llahi through General Power of Attorney Mr. Ibrar
Ahmad S/O Nissar Ahmad Malik resident of 4-Tariq Block, New Garden Town, Lahore,
hereinafter  called  the  Lessor, which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context  means  and  include  here  legal  heirs,  executor,  administrators and
assignees,  party  of  the  ONE  PART.


ESSENTIAL-TEC  (PVT)  LTD  458-K MODEL TOWN, EXT, LAHRORE hereinafter called the
LESSEE, which shall unless repugnant to the context means and include here legal
heirs,  executor,  administrators  and  assignees,  party  of  the  OTHER  PART.

WHEREAS  the  party  of  the  ONE PART is the absolute owner of the property No-
458-K,  Model  Town,  Ext.  Lahore and she have full authority to let the house.
This  house  is  taken  for  Office  but there will be no Public dealing in that
office  and  no  signboard  will  be  placed  outside  the  building.

AND  WHEREAS  the party of the ONE PART has decided to lease the above mentioned
property in favour of the LESSEEE for a period of eleven (11) months with effect
from  1st  August  2000  and  the lessee is desirous of taking on lease the said
premises  to  have  residence  therein on such terms and conditions as indicated
herein  below.

This  agreement  witnesseth  as  follows:

     1.   That the property has been leased to the LESSEE for a period of eleven
          months commencing from 1st August, 2000 and expiring 1st July, 2001 at
          a  monthly  rent  of  Rs,  2480/.

                                   /s/               /s/
                                   ____________      ___________
                                   Lessor             Lessee


                                     Page 2

     2.   That an advance rent for the entire period of Six months amounting Rs.
          149040/-  has  been  paid  by  the  LESSEE  to  the  PARTY  ONE.

     3.   That  the  LESSEE  has paid the sum of Rs 50,000/- as security Deposit
          which  will  be  refunded  by the LESSOR to the LESSEEE at the time of
          vacation  of  the  premises  (including  in  the  payment at to Page 2

     4.   That  the  period  of  the  lease will commence from 1st July 2000 and
          shall be terminated on 31st May, 2001. The renewal of the lease can be
          effected by the parties by their mutual consent only though agreement.
          In  case the lessee intends to vacant the premises before the maturity
          of  the  agreement he will give clear 2 months notice to the lessor in

     5.   That  the  vacant  physical possession of the property shall be handed
          over  to  the  LESSOR on termination of the lease expiring on 31st May
          2001,  the LESSEE will handover the possession to the party of the ONE
          PARTY  unless  the lease is renewed for further period. If a two month
          notice  from  with  party is not given at the expiry of this agreement
          the  contract  will  assumed as renewed automatically @ 8% increase in
          monthly rent effective thereof i.e. from 1st July 2001 on yearly basic
          this 8% applicable on the original Rent Rs 268271/- and increase added
          every  year  i.e  on  1st  August  each  year.

     6.   That  the  lease  is nit entitles to make any alterations or additions
          etc.  in  the  premises  without  prior written consent of the LESSOR.

     7.   That  the  LESSEE  is responsible for the safe custody of all fixtures
          fittings,  installation  and  in  case  of  any  damage  caused to the
          fixtures etc it will be repaired or replaced at the cost of the LESSEE
          (Inventory  of  fixtures etc to be prepared signed by both the parties
          before  occupation  which  shall  become part of this agreement) shall
          maintain  Garden,  Plats,  plague,  etc.  Rocky.

                                   /s/               /s/
                                   ____________      ___________
                                   Lessor             Lessee

                                     Page 3

8.  That  the  LESSEE shall Hanover the vacant possession of the premises at the
time  of  vacation to the LESSOR or her authorized agent on a valid receipt. The
LESSEE  shall  not  be  entitled  to  sublet  the  premises  to  anyone  else.

9. That the LESSEE will also pay essential service bills the Water, Electricity,
Sui,  Gas  and  Telephone  charges  to  the  respective  departments directly in
addition to the above mentioned monthly rent and provide the copy of receipts to
the  LESSOR.

10.  That  he  lease  can be terminated by the either party by giving two months
notice  without  assigning  any  reason. In such event the Lessor will return to
the  Lessee  the  balance for UNUTILIZED period of the advance rent, promptly on
such  termination.

11.  The  Lessee will Handover the House to the LESSOR in the same condition, he
had  taken  over  at  the  time  of  occupancy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set and subscribed their hands hereunder at
Lahore  on  the  day  and  year  mentioned  above.

/s/                                   /s/
_______________________                ______________________
Lessor                                 Lessee


1_______________________             2. ______________________