HANG FUN GOLD TECHNOLOGY LIMITED

                (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


The  Directors of Hang Fung Gold Technology Limited (the "Company") announce the
audited  consolidated  income  statements  of  the Company, its subsidiaries and
associates  (collectively  the  "Group")  for  the  year  ended 31st March, 2002
together  with  comparative  figures  for  the  year  ended  31st March, 2001 as

                                                                  2002            2001

                                                    Note         HK$'000        HK$'000
                                                                              (Restated -
                                                                               Note (1)ii)
Turnover                                                 (2)     1,568,757      1,327,753
Cost of sales                                                   (1,353,607)    (1,122,475)
                                                               -------------  ------------

Gross profit                                                       215,150        205,278
Other income                                                         4,486              -
Selling and distribution expenses                                  (62,878)       (16,856)
General and administrative expenses                                (87,180)       (91,260)
                                                               -------------  ------------

Profit from operations                                              69,578         97,162
Interest income                                                      7,452          8,723
Interest expense                                                   (30,471)       (30,105)
Share of losses of associates and provision
  against advance to an associate                                  (17,026)       (14,460)
Impairment of goodwill relating to associates                            -       (188,142)
                                                               -------------  ------------

Profit (Loss) before taxation                            (3)        29,533       (126,822)
Taxation credit (charge)                                 (4)         5,022         (9,156)
                                                               -------------  ------------

Profit (Loss) attributable to shareholders                          34,555       (135,978)

Retained profit, beginning of year                                 125,074        261,052
Transfer from share premium                              (5)       200,693              -
                                                               -------------  ------------

Retained profit, end of year                                       360,322        125,074
                                                                ============  ============

Earnings (Loss) per share                                (6)
  - Basic                                                       0.65 CENTS     (3.04) cents
                                                                ============  ============

  - Diluted                                                     0.65 CENTS          N/A
                                                                ============  ============

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Effective  from  1st April, 2001, the Group has adopted, for the first time, the
following  Statements  of  Standard  Accounting Practice ("SSAPs") issued by the
Hong  Kong  Society  of  Accountants:

SSAP  9  (revised)     Events  after  the  balance  sheet  date
SSAP  14 (revised)     Leases
SSAP  26               Segment  reporting
SSAP  28               Provisions,  contingent liabilities and contingent assets
SSAP  29               Intangible  assets
SSAP  30               Business  combinations
SSAP  31               Impairment  of  assets
SSAP  32               Consolidated  financial  statements  and  accounting  for
                       investments  in  subsidiaries

The  adoption  of  the  above  new/revised  SSAPs  had no material effect on the
Group's  financial  statements,  other  than  as  described  below:

i.   SSAP  26  -  Segment  reporting

     Segment information  of  the  Group  has  been  disclosed in Note 2 below.

ii.  SSAP  30  -  Business  combinations

Prior  to  1st April, 2001, goodwill was eliminated against reserves in the year
in  which  it  arose.  With  the introduction of SSAP 30, goodwill arising on or
after  1st  April,  2001 is capitalised in the balance sheet and is amortised to
the  income statement on a straight-line basis over its estimated economic life.
The  Group has taken advantage of the transitional provisions in SSAP 30 whereby
all  goodwill  arising  from  acquisitions  before  1st  April, 2001, previously
eliminated  against  reserves,  has  not  been  restated,  and  any  subsequent
impairment  of such goodwill is recognised in the income statement in accordance
with  SSAP  31 - Impairment of assets.  Following the transitional provisions of
SSAP  30,  where  an impairment loss has arisen since the date of acquisition on
goodwill  previously  eliminated  against  reserves,  this  change in accounting
policy  for  recognition of goodwill impairment has been applied retrospectively
and  the  impairment  losses  have been recognised as a prior year adjustment in
accordance  with  SSAP 2 - Net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors
and  changes in accounting policies.  In this respect, goodwill of approximately

                                  Page 2 of 12

HK$188,142,000  previously  eliminated against retained profit has been assessed
by  the Group and the Group determined that an impairment loss of HK$188,142,000
should  be  recorded  during  the year ended 31st March, 2001.  As a result, the
Group's  previously  reported  profit  attributable to shareholders for the year
ended  31st  March,  2001  of  HK$52,164,000  has  become a loss attributable to
shareholders  of approximately HK$135,978,000, however there is no impact on the
Group's  retained  profit  as  at  1st  April,  2001.

In  addition  to  the adoption of the above standards, the Group has adopted the
consequential  changes  made  to  SSAP  10  -  Accounting  for  investments  in
associates, SSAP 17 - Property, plant and equipment, SSAP 18 - Revenue, and SSAP
21  -  Accounting  for  interests  in  joint  ventures.  The  adoption  of these
consequential  changes  had  no  material  effect  on  the  Group's  financial

The  2001  comparative  figures presented herein have incorporated the effect of
adjustments,  where  applicable,  resulting from the adoption of the new/revised


i.     Business  segments

The  Group  is  organised  into two operating units (i) wholesaling, trading and
retailing  of  gold  products,  other  precious  metal  products  and  jewelry
products;  and  (ii)  investment  holding.

An  analysis  by  business  segment  is  as  follows:

                                    trading and Investment
                                     retailing   Holding     Total
                                    -----------  --------  --------
                                      HK$'000    HK$'000    HK$'000
                                    -----------  --------  ---------

Sales to external customers          1,568,659        98   1,568,757
                                    ===========  ========  =========

Segment results                         70,181   (17,629)     52,552
                                    ===========  ========
Interest income                                                7,452
Interest expense                                             (30,471)
Taxation                                                       5,022
Profit attributable to shareholders                           34,555

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                                   trading and  Investment
                                   retailing     holding     Total
                                   ----------  ---------  ----------
                                    HK$'000     HK$'000    HK$'000
                                   ----------  ---------  ----------

Sales to external customers        1,327,657         96   1,327,753
                                   ==========  =========  ==========

Segment results                       97,606   (203,046)   (105,440)
                                   ==========  =========
Interest income                                               8,723
Interest expense                                            (30,105)
Taxation                                                     (9,156)

Loss attributable to shareholders                          (135,978)

ii.     Geographical  segments

The Group's activities are conducted predominantly in Hong Kong, Mainland China,
South-East  Asia,  the United States of America, Europe and others.  An analysis
by  geographical  segment  is  as  follow:

                                    TURNOVER        SEGMENT RESULTS
                                2002       2001      2002      2001
                               HK$'000    HK$'000   HK$'000   HK$'000


Hong Kong / Mainland China    1,191,651    767,585   10,844  (169,763)
South-East Asia                 168,650    238,083    6,275    11,564
The United States of America    135,503    140,903   22,657    25,161
Europe                           60,634    118,006   12,564    25,793
Others                           12,319     63,176      212     1,805
                              ---------  ---------  -------  ---------
Total                         1,568,757  1,327,753   52,552  (105,440)
                              =========  =========  =======  =========

Turnover  by geographical location is determined on the basis of the destination
of  shipment  of  merchandise.


Profit  (Loss)  before taxation (consolidated) was determined after charging the
following  item:

                                    2002            2001
                                  HK$'000          HK$'000

Depreciation  of  fixed  assets    94,406          75,436
                                 =========        =========

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(4)     TAXATION

Taxation  credit  (charge)  (consolidated)  consisted  of:

                                                       2002      2001
                                                     HK$'000   HK$'000
Current taxation
  - Hong Kong profits tax                             (5,181)   (2,519)
  - Write-back of over-provision of Hong Kong
       profits tax in prior years                      1,001         -
  - Write-back of over-provision of Mainland China
       taxes in prior years                            7,858         -
                                                      --------  -------
                                                       3,678    (2,519)
Deferred taxation
  - Write-back of (Provision for) deferred taxation    1,344    (6,637)
                                                      --------  -------
                                                       5,022    (9,156)
                                                      ========  =======

The  Company is exempted from taxation in Bermuda until 2016.  Hong Kong profits
tax  has  been  provided  at  the  rate  of  16%  (2001  - 16%) on the estimated
assessable  profit  arising in or derived from Hong Kong.  No Mainland China tax
has  been  provided  as  the  Group  had no taxable profit subject to such taxes
during  the  year.


On  1st March, 2002, the shareholders of the Company have passed a resolution to
reduce  the  share  premium  account  to zero by cancelling the entire amount of
approximately HK$328,220,000 standing to the credit of the share premium account
as  at 1st March, 2002.  The cancelled amount was transferred to the contributed
surplus  account of the Company.  An amount of HK$200,693,000 in the contributed
surplus  account  was  then  applied to eliminate the accumulated deficit of the
Company  as  at  31st March, 2001 amounting to HK$200,693,000.  As a result, the
Company  was  enabled  to  declare  dividends  to  shareholders  at  an  earlier
opportunity  and  make  a  distribution  to  shareholders out of the contributed
surplus  account  as  and  when  the Directors consider it appropriate to do so.


The  calculation  of  basic  earnings  (loss)  per share for the year ended 31st
March,  2002 is based on the consolidated profit attributable to shareholders of
approximately  HK$34,555,000 (2001 - loss of HK$135,978,000) and on the weighted
average  number  of  approximately  5,332,000,000  shares  (2001 - 4,468,231,000
shares)  in  issue  during  the  year.

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The  calculation  of  diluted  earnings per share for the year ended 31st March,
2002  is  based  on  the  consolidated  profit  attributable  to shareholders of
approximately  HK$34,555,000 and on the weighted average number of approximately
5,351,772,000  shares  in issue, after adjusting for the effects of all dilutive
potential  shares.

A  reconciliation  of  the weighted average number of shares used in calculating
the  basic  earnings  per  share and the diluted earnings per share for the year
ended  31st  March,  2002  is  as  follows:


Weighted  average  number of shares used in calculating
  basic earnings per share                                       5,332,000

Adjustment  for  potential  dilutive  effect in respect of
  outstanding employee share  options                               19,772

Weighted average number of shares used in calculating
  diluted earnings per share                                     5,351,772

No  diluted  loss  per share for the year ended 31st March, 2001 is presented
as the  outstanding  share  options  were  anti-dilutive.

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Group  turnover  for the year ended 31st March, 2002 was HK$1,568,757,000, a 18%
increase  over  HK$1,327,753,000 the previous year. The increase in turnover was
mainly  due  to  the contribution from the 3D-GOLD Tourism Exhibition Hall which
has  been  in  operation  since  28th  January,  2001.  In addition, the Group's
businesses  in  Mainland  China/Hong  Kong  also  showed  satisfactory  growth.

In  the  year,  profit  attributable to shareholders was HK$34,555,000, compared
with  HK$52,164,000  (before  charging  impairment  of  goodwill  relating  to
associates)  of  the previous year. This decline in net profit was primarily due
to a change in product portfolio, including the increase in the sales mix of the
lower-margin  gold  jewellery business. To cope with an increasingly competitive
market  and  to boost our market share, the Group also adopted a more aggressive
pricing  strategy,  thereby  lowering gross margin from 15% last year to 14% the
year  under  review.  Additional  expenses  associated  with  the opening of the
3D-GOLD  Tourism  Exhibition  Hall and the promotion costs for the "3D-GOLD" and
"La  Milky  Way"  products  and  brands accounted for a considerable part of the
selling  expenses  for  the  year.  Management believes that investments such as
these  will  enhance  the  Group's  brand  value  and  sustain  the  Group's
profitability. Improvements in gross profit margins are anticipated in line with
the  increase  in  the  contribution  of  retail operations.  As the business of
associates  is  still at the investment stage, the Group has shared their losses
and  provision.


The  Directors  do  not  recommend  the payment of a final dividend for the year
ended  31st  March,  2002 (2001: Nil). No interim dividend was paid for the year
ended  31st  March,  2002  (2001:  Nil).

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In  the  year under review, gold jewellery remained the Group's core product. In
addition,  the  Group  is aggressively developing higher-margin sterling-silver,
18K-gold  and  diamond  jewellery lines, and has introduced house brands such as
the  "Everlasting  Fortune" and "Cupid-Cut" of 3D-Gold diamond jewellery series.
At the same time the Group is collaborating with TVB and ATV in promoting a line
of  products  designed for entertainment celebrities. The Group will continue to
forge  alliances  with  various  business  partners in introducing new jewellery
lines  and  diversifying  retail  coverage  and  channels.


Always  planning  ahead, the Group invested further capital last year to enhance
production  facilities  and  technological standards, and to build the Hong Kong
headquarters  and  the  Mainland  subsidiaries  into world-class workplaces. The
following  achievements  are  noted:

1.   ISO  9001:  2000 Certificates awarded to Hang Fung Gold Technology Limited,
     Hang  Fung Jewellery Company Limited, 3D-GOLD International Company Limited
     and  La  Milky  Way  International  Company  Limited

2.   ISO  9001  Certificate  awarded  to Hang Fung Jewellery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

3.   HKPC  Certificate  of Merit in Productivity from the Hong Kong Productivity
     Council  awarded  to  Hang  Fung  Gold  Technology  Group


In January 2001, the Group commenced operation of the 20,000 square-foot 3D-GOLD
Tourism  Exhibition  Hall,  a  HK$200-million  investment, at 28 Man Lok Street,
Hunghom.  The  Group  employed  the  very  latest  technology to create a unique
tourist  spectacle,  incorporating  an  exhibition  of high-technology jewellery
manufacturing,  the  Gold  and  Jewellery  Sparkling  Environmentally  Friendly
Washroom,  the  World's  Tallest  Pure Gold Kuan Yin Statue, the World's Largest
Fresh  Water  Pearl,  and  the Twelve Chinese Zodiacal Statues of the Old Summer
Palace.  Of  these,  the  Gold  and Jewellery Sparkling Environmentally Friendly
Washroom  earned  two  entries  in  the  Guinness  Book of World Records as "the
world's  most  expensive  bathroom"  and  "the  world's  most expensive toilet".

With  the  hall  proving  to  be  a creative and unique tourist attraction, plus
robust  demand  from Mainland and Southeast Asian tourists for quality jewellery
products,  the hall has received, in the short space of a year, over one million
visitors,  an average of some 3,000 per day. During the Chinese New Year, Labour
Day  Gold Week and National Day holidays, the hall received over 10,000 visitors
per  day.

                                  Page 8 of 12

The  "3D-GOLD"  brand's  first  year  of  business  was  promising, contributing
substantial cash income and an improved overall cashflow position for the Group.

The  Hong  Kong  Government  has taken steps to relax visa procedures for Taiwan
tourists,  and  the  authorities  in Guangzhou and Shenzhen are currently in the
process  of  considering  allowing  their  citizens  to  visit  Hong  Kong  on a
short-term  visa-free  basis.  These  developments,  coupled  with  the  planned
construction of a magnetic express railway between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, will
bring  increased number of tourists to the territory. To cater to the increasing
numbers  of  visitors,  the  Group has expanded facilities over the past year by
adding  an  additional 30,000 square feet of retail space to the 3D-GOLD Tourism
Exhibition  Hall. The extension to the hall will be completed in September 2002,
in  time  to  cater  to  visitors during the October holiday season. On 27 April
2002,  the  Group held a recruitment open day to fill new positions ranging from
customer  reception  and  sales  staff  to  public  relations  and  management

The  Group's  expansion  is  in  line  with  the HKSAR Government's policies for
developing  the  Hong  Kong  tourist  industry.  It  is  also currently actively
participating  in  the  Hong  Kong Mega Shopping Sale promotion organised by the
Hong  Kong  Tourism Board, taking place between 15th June and 31st August, 2002,
during  which  lucky  draw  winners  will  win "3D-GOLD" pure gold figurines and
jewellery  gifts  to  the  value  of  HK$7  million.


Over  the past year, the global economy has remained weak, further compounded by
the  tragic  September  11 incident, which had a dampening effect on the Group's
overseas  markets.  As  a  result,  the  Group's  overseas sales showed a slight
decrease  over  the  previous  year.

The  Mainland  market  performed  satisfactorily.  During  the  year,  the Group
expanded  the  Mainland  retail  network  for  its  "3D-GOLD" and "La Milky Way"
branded  products,  with  the  overall  number  of retail outlets and franchised
stores  increased  to 30 up to present, leveraging on synergies from the Group's
3D-GOLD  Tourism  Exhibition Hall in Hong Kong. Contribution of the Mainland and
Hong  Kong  markets to turnover increased steadily from 58% the previous year to
76%  of  the  year  ended  31st  March,  2002.

                                  Page 9 of 12

Management  intends  to  continue  with  its  investment  plans  in 2002. In the
Mainland  this  will take the form of franchised business alliances, cooperative
and  joint-venture,  or wholly-owned business models, which within the year will
increase the number of retail outlets to around 100. The increased proportion of
retail business will help the Group to improve margins, and play its part in the
burgeoning  Mainland  retail  market. Management considers that the China market
will  be  the  major  motive  force  in the Group's growth in the years to come.


As  at 31st March, 2002, the Group maintained an aggregate banking facilities of
HK$475,277,000  (2001:  HK$432,186,000),  of  which  HK$32,783,000  (2001:
HK$38,117,000)  had  not  been  utilised.  The  Group  primarily  uses  its
internally-generated  cashflow  and banking facilities to finance its operations
and  business  developments.  Management  is  of  the  view  that  the Group has
sufficient  funding  for  such  purposes.

The  Group's  gearing  ratio  (ratio of aggregate bank borrowings to equity) was
maintained  at  0.79  (2001:  0.77),  a  level  close  to  last  year's.

Certain  assets  of the Group have been pledged to banks for facilities. Details
are  disclosed  in  the  accompanying financial statements to the annual report.


At  31st March, 2002, the Group had over 2,000 employees. Employees are rewarded
according  to  industry  standards,  which  are reviewed on an annual basis. The
remuneration  includes basic salary and bonus. The employment costs of the Group
amounted  to  HK$55,002,000  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,  2002  (2001:
HK$47,321,000).  The  Group  has a share option scheme, in which options will be
granted  to  employees  who  have  contribution  to  the  Group.


The Group's edge in technology and design has earned it industry recognition and
major  international  and  local  awards.  Last  year, the group was awarded the

1.    Guinness  World  Record  for  the  "Most  Expensive  Toilet"

2.    Guinness  World  Record  for  the  "Most  Expensive  Bathroom"

                                  Page 10 of 12

3.   Hong  Kong  Jewellery Manufacturers' Association "The 4th Buyers' Favourite
     Diamond  Jewellery  Design Competition 2001" - Gold Award (Necklace Group);
     Award  of  Merit  (Ring  Group  &  Bracelet  Group)

4.   2001  Grand Competition of Taiwan & Hong Kong Jade Jewellery Design - HKJJA
     Chairman's  Award,  Fine  Design Award (Five Awards and Honourable Mention)

5.   Citation  for  Innovation  in  HKMA/TVB  Award  for  Marketing  Excellence

The  Group  has  a compelling vision of advancing the traditional gold jewellery
industry by developing and deploying leading-edge technology and management. The
Group's  co-founders,  chairman  Mr. Lam Sai Wing and vice-chairman Ms. Chan Yam
Fai,  Jane,  were  conferred  with,  respectively,  Honorary  Fellowship  and
Associateship  of the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries on
25th  March, 2002. These were in recognition of their professional expertise and
outstanding  achievements in the industry, as well as for their contributions to
society  as  a  whole.

The  Group  also takes pride in its achievements in furthering the industry, and
in  its  unceasing  efforts,  under  the guidance of Mr Lam Sai Wing, to improve
business management and operational systems, enabling it to attain international
market  leadership.  During  the  year 2002, Mr Lam was also awarded an Honorary
Doctorate  in  Business  Management  by  the  Southern California University for
Professional Studies, recognition again of his talent and initiatives in forging
business  development.


Mainland  China and Hong Kong continue to be the Group's most important markets.
China  has  now  joined the World Trade Organisation, the incomes and purchasing
power  of her people have been steadily increasing, and there is a corresponding
increase  in  the  demand  for  jewellery, for new and original designs, and for
brands  guaranteeing  reliability  and quality. The group thus plans to grow its
domestic sales network and to maintain its close cooperation with the Shatoujiao
Free  Trade  Zone, Shenzhen, and to work closely with reputable organisations on
the  Mainland  and  in  Hong  Kong  and  Macau  in  developing  jewellery  and
tourism-related businesses. With China's entry into the WTO, restrictions on the
trading  of gold will be increasingly relaxed. The Group has already taken steps
to raise its profile and to broaden its sales network to maintain its commanding
position  at  the  forefront  of  the  emerging  market.

Looking to the future, the Group will expand the 3D-GOLD Tourism Exhibition Hall
and  is  actively  considering  introducing  counters  in  the  hall  for  other
non-jewellery  merchandise  such as branded watches and leather goods. The Group
is  also researching the possibility of leveraging its production technology and
marketing  expertise  by  setting  up  3D-GOLD  Tourism  Exhibition  Halls  with
different  themes  in  Macau  and  key  cities  on the Mainland, and in creating
further  'world  records'  for  everyone  to  enjoy.

                                  Page 11 of 12

Thanks to proactive development of new businesses and business acumen, the Group
has  made  steady  progress  from  being a traditional jewellery manufacturer to
become  an  integrated  group  offering  high  levels of production, technology,
retailing  and  tourism  expertise. Our development will not only strengthen the
growth  potential and the competitiveness of our business but, in the long term,
will  also  help  raise  our  profit  margins.

In  the  year to come we foresee some improvement in the under-performing export
sector  in  a  gradually  rallying  global  economy. Management also anticipates
increased  growth  in  our  Mainland  and  retail  businesses.  Overall,  we are
confident  of  the  Group's  performance  in  the  coming  year.


All  the information required by paragraphs 45(1) to 45(3) of Appendix 16 to the
Rules  Governing  the  Listing  of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited  will  be  published  on  the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited  in  due  course.

                                         On behalf of the Board
                                              LAM SAI WING

Hong  Kong,  24th  July,  2002

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