                             AND OPTION TO PURCHASE

(Agreement)  is  entered  into  this  2nd  day  of July, 2002 by and between THE
INTERNET  ADVISORY  CORPORATION,  a  Utah corporation of 150 East 58 Street, New
York,  New  York10022  (Internet) and WORLDWIDE CONNECT, a Nevada corporation of
1470-  N.W.  107th Avenue, Suite H, Miami, Florida 33143 (Worldwide), and LONNIE
DIVINE  (Divine)  of  2356  N.W.  49  Lane,  Boca  Raton, Florida, all sometimes
hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  parties,

     WHEREAS,  Internet  desires to retain Worldwide to manage operations at its
office  located  at  Suite  ST3,  2455  East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida (Subject Premises), as set forth in the Addendum to Lease dated February
10,  1999  entered  into between Internet and Spring Lake Partners (Lease), said
space  being  located  on  the  ground  floor of the International Building; and

     WHEREAS,  Worldwide  desires  to  lease and acquire the assets of Internet.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein
and  other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------


     Worldwide  is hereby granted from Internet the Option to acquire the assets
more  specifically  identified  on  Exhibit  1 attached hereto, which assets are
being  sold  "as is", but free and clear of any claim, lien or encumbrance as of
the date of this Agreement, with the exception of any rights granted to Landlord
of  the  Subject  Premises  pursuant  to  the Lease with Landlord or pursuant to
Florida's  Non  Residential  Landlord-Tenant  Act.  Subject  to  the  terms  and
conditions  of  this  Agreement,  Worldwide shall, in its capacity as manager of
Internet  Advisory  at  the  Subject  Premises,  have  the right to utilize said
assets,  however,  it  shall  not have the right or authority to sell, transfer,


dispose, encumber, lien or in anyway, interfere with Internet Advisory Ownership
rights  until title has transferred to Worldwide as set forth in this Agreement.
The  parties  shall  execute a Management Agreement, a copy of which is attached
hereto  as  Exhibit  2.


     Worldwide  shall  pay  to Internet twenty-four (24) payments, as an for the
right  to acquire the assets and use said assets, set forth on Exhibit 1 and for
the  right  to retain all funds derived from the management of Internet Advisory
premises,  in  the  following  amounts  and  at  the  following  times:

      (A) Three  (3)  equal  monthly  payments  commencing  on  July  1, 2002 of
$6,250.00  per month which Internet acknowledges it has received payment in said
amount  for  the  first  month  under  this Agreement. Worldwide shall pay on or
before  the  20th of July the sum of $6,250.00, and on or before the 2oth day of
August  the  sum  of  $6,250.00,  for  the  months  of  August  and  September.

      (B) Worldwide  shall  pay  the sum of $7,500.00 per month on or before the
20th  day  of each month, three (3) equal continuous payments on September 20th,
October  20th  and  November  for  the months of October through December, 2002.

     (C)  Worldwide  shall  pay  to  Internet  the sum of $8,820.00 per month in
eighteen  (18)  continuous equal monthly payments the sum of $8,820.00 per month
on or before the day of each month commencing on or before December 20, 2002 and
continuing  through  May  20,  2004.

     (D)  In  the  event  of  the  failure  of Worldwide to remit any payment as
required  herein,  Worldwide  shall  be deemed in default and Internet shall, in
addition  to  any  other  available remedy set forth herein, be entitled, at its
option,  to  accelerate  any and all remaining payments through July 2003, which
shall  become immediately due and payable to Internet. Divine and Worldwide will
execute  a  Promissory  Note,  a  copy  of  which  is  attached  as  Exhibit  3.

     (E)  Internet  agrees  that  it  shall  pay  to  the  Landlord rent and the
additional  security deposit for the Subject Premises on a timely basis from the
payment  made  by  Worldwide  through  the


expiration  of  the  Lease  on  February 28, 2003 or unless sooner terminated or
canceled,  whichever  first  occurs.  Any  difference  between  payment  made by
Worldwide  and  Internet's payment to the Landlord shall be deemed consideration
toward  the  option  to  acquire  the subject assets set forth in Exhibit 1, and
consideration  for  use  of  assets  and  management  of  the  subject premises.
Subsequent to expiration of the lease, payment of all amounts due to Internet as
set  forth  herein shall be their sole property. Worldwide shall, at its option,
acquire  title to said assets set forth on Exhibit 1, upon providing to Internet
five (5) days written notice of its intent to exercise the option to purchase so
long  as  it has made all payment hereunder assets as set forth in Exhibit 1 and
pay  the  agreed  upon  option  price  of  $100.00.

3.  Divine  shall execute a mortgage on real property more specifically securing
payment  to  Internet,  and  further  execute any and all documents necessary to
guarantee  Worldwide's  obligation  to  Internet. Divine agrees that the subject
real  property  is free of any claims, liens or encumbrances and that its has an
value  of more than $200,000,00 and that he is empowered to pledge said property
for  payment  herein.  (See  Exhibit  4).


Internet  represents  and  warrants  to  Worldwide  as  follows:

     (a)  Organization,  Standing  and  Qualification. Internet is a corporation
duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Utah; it
has  all requisite corporate power and authority and is entitled to carry on its
business  as  now being conducted and to own, lease or operate its properties as
and  in  the places where such business is now conducted and such properties are
now  owned,  leased  or  operated.

     (b)  Execution,  Delivery  and Performance of Agreement; Authority. Neither
the  execution,  delivery  nor  performance  of this Agreement by Internet will,
conflict  with,  result  in  a default, or create any liability, pursuant to any
legal  or  contractual  requirement  to  which Internet is a party. Internet has


the  full  power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the
transactions  contemplated  hereby.  All  proceedings  required  to  be taken by
Internet  to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
and  the  agreements  relating  hereto  have been properly taken and this cement
constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Internet, enforceable against them
in  accordance  with  its  terms. However, Internet specifically represents that
this  Agreement may be construed by the Landlord as an assignment or sub-let and
may  require  consent by the Landlord, and in said event, Internet and Worldwide
will  cooperate  with  each  other  to  obtain Landlord's consent, if necessary.

     (c)  Litigation.  There  is  no  claim,  legal  action,  suit, arbitration,
governmental  investigation or other legal or administrative proceeding, nor any
order,  decree or judgment in progress, pending or in effect, threatened against
Internet,  its  assets  or  business  or  the  transactions contemplated by this
Agreement,  that  would  adversely  affect  this  agreement.

     (d)  Title to Properties. Internet has good and marketable title to all the
properties  and  assets  it  set  forth  on  Exhibit 1. None of these assets are
subject  to  any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, security interest, encumbrance,
restriction,  lease, license, easement, liability or adverse claim of any nature
whatsoever,  direct  or  indirect,  whether  accrued,  absolute,  contingent  or
otherwise, with the exception of any Landlord's lien as established by the Lease
or  under  Florida's  Non-Residential  Landlord-Tenant  Act as previously stated


Worldwide  represents  and  warrants  to  Internet  as  follows:

(a)  Organization.  Worldwide  is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
and  in good standing under the laws of Nevada, and has full corporate power and
authority  to  enter  into this Agreement and the related agreements referred to
herein  and  to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and to
carry  on  its  business as now being conducted and to own, lease or operate its


(b) Authorization and Approval of Agreement. All proceedings or corporate action
required to be taken by Worldwide relating to the execution and delivery of this
Agreement  and  the  consummation  of the transactions contemplated hereby shall
have  been  taken  at  or  prior  to  the  Closing.

(c)  Execution,  Delivery  and  Performance of Agreement. Neither the execution,
delivery  nor  performance  of  this Agreement by Worldwide will, conflict with,
result in a default to any provision of Worldwide's certificate of incorporation
or by-laws or agreement, order, judgment or decree to which Worldwide is a party
or  by which it may be bound or affected. Worldwide has full power and authority
to  enter  into  this  Agreement  and to carry out the transactions contemplated
hereby,  all  proceedings  required  to  be  taken by Worldwide to authorize the
execution,  delivery  and  performance  of  this  Agreement  and  the agreements
relating hereto, have been properly taken and this Agreement constitutes a valid
and  binding  obligation  of  Worldwide.

(d)  Litigation.  There  is  no  legal  action,  suit, arbitration, governmental
investigation or other legal or administrative proceeding, nor any order, decree
or  judgment in progress, pending or in effect, or to the knowledge of Worldwide
threatened,  against  or relating to Worldwide in connection with or relating to
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement that would adversely affect this
Agreement,  and  Worldwide  does  not know or have any reason to be aware of any
basis  for  the  same.


(a)  Prior  to the Closing, Internet shall conduct its business and affairs only
in  the  ordinary  course  and  consistent  with  its  prior  practice and shall
maintain,  keep  and  preserve Internet's Assets in good condition and repair in
accordance  with  present  practices.  Without  limiting  the  generality of the
foregoing,  prior  to  the  Closing  Internet will not without Worldwide's prior
written  approval:

     (i)  merge  or  consolidate  or  obligate  itself to do so with or into any
          other  entity;

     (ii) enter  into any contract, agreement, commitment or other understanding
          or  arrangement  concerning  Internet's  assets;  or



     Worldwide  represents  that  it  has  been  given full access to Internet's
documents,  contracts,  books  and  records  of  Internet  and  that it has been
furnished with copies of such documents, and of such information with respect to
the  affairs  of Internet. Worldwide will not improperly disclose the same prior
to  the  Closing.  Worldwide specifically represents that it has fully completed
its  due  diligence  and  it  is  fully  satisfied  on all aspects of Internet's
business,  including  its  financial  statements,  books  and  records.


     Neither  Internet nor Worldwide have entered into any contract, arrangement
or  understanding  with any person or firm which may result in the obligation to
pay  any  finder's fees, brokerage or agent's commissions or other like payments
in  connection  with  the  negotiations  leading  to  this  Agreement  or  the
consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  nor  are Internet or
Worldwide  aware of any claim or basis for any claim for payment of any finder's
fees,  brokerage  or agent commissions or other like payments in connection with
the  negotiations  leading  to  this  Agreement  of  the  consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby.


     (a)  At  or prior to the Closing, Internet will deliver to Worldwide a copy
of  the resolutions of the Board of Directors and the resolutions or consents of
the  shareholders of Internet, together with any and all required resolutions or
consents  of  the  shareholders thereof, approving the execution and delivery of
this  Agreement  and  the  consummation  of all of the transactions contemplated
hereby,  duly  certified  by  an officer of Internet, and Worldwide will deliver
same  to  Internet,


     All  obligations  of  Worldwide hereunder are subject to the fulfillment or
waiver  by  Worldwide  of  each  of the following conditions at, or prior to the
Closing,  and  Internet  shall  exert  their  best  efforts  to  cause each such
condition  to  be  so  fulfilled:


     (a)  All  representations and warranties of Internet contained herein or in
any document delivered pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all material
respects  when made and shall be deemed to have been made again at and as of the
date of the Closing, and shall then be true and correct in all material respects
except  for  changes in the ordinary course of business after the date hereof in
conformity  with  the  covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein.

     (b) All covenants, agreements and obligations required by the terms of this
Agreement  to  be performed by Internet at or before the Closing shall have been
duly  and  properly  performed  in  all  material  respects.

     (c)  Since  the  date  of  this Agreement there shall not have occurred any
material  adverse  change  in  the condition (financial or otherwise), business,
properties,  assets  or  prospects  of  Internet.

     (d)  All documents required to be delivered to Worldwide at or prior to the
Closing  shall  have  been  so  delivered.

     (e) Internet shall obtain written consents to the transfer or assignment to
Worldwide  of  all  agreements, licenses, leases and other material contracts of
Internet  where  the consent of any other party to any such contract may, in the
opinion  of  Worldwide's  counsel,  be required for such assignment or transfer.


     All  obligations  of  Internet at the Closing are subject, at the option of
Internet,  to the fulfillment of each of the following conditions at or prior to
the  Closing,  and  Worldwide  shall  exert  its best efforts to cause each such
condition  to  be  so  fulfilled:

     (a)  All representations and warranties of Worldwide contained herein or in
any document delivered pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all material
respects  when  made  and  as  of  the  Closing.

     (b) All obligations required by the terms of this Agreement to be performed
by  Worldwide  at  or  before  the  Closing  shall  have  been duly and properly
performed  in  all  material  respects.


     (c)  There  shall  be  delivered  to Internet a certificate executed by the
President  and Secretary of Worldwide, dated the date of the Closing, certifying
that  the  conditions set forth m paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 14 have
been  fulfilled.


     Each statement, representation, warranty, indemnity, covenant and agreement
made  by  Internet  in  this  Agreement or in any document, certificate or other
instrument  delivered  by or on behalf of Internet pursuant to this Agreement or
in connection herewith shall survive the Closing, except where inconsistent with
the  contemplated  promissory  note,  mortgage  and  Management  Agreement.


     Any  and  all  notices  or other communications required or permitted to be
given  under  any  of  the  provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall  be  deemed to have been duly given when personally delivered or mailed by
first  class  certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the parties
at  the  addresses  set  forth herein (or at such other address as any party may
specify  by  notice  to  all  other  parties given as aforesaid) with copies to:

If  to  Internet:

          150  East  58  Street
          New  York,  New  York  10022

If  to  Worldwide:

          1470-  N.W.  107  Avenue
          Suite  H,  Miami,  Florida  33143


     In  the  event that any party (the Defaulting Party) defaults in his or its
obligations  under  this  cement  and, as a result thereof, the other party (the
"Non-Defaulting  Party")  seeks  to  legally enforce his or its rights hereunder
against  the  Defaulting  Party,  then,  in  addition  to  all damages and other
remedies  to  which  the  Non-Defaulting  Party  is  entitled  by reason of such
default,  the Defaulting Party shall promptly pay to the Non-Defaulting Party an
amount  equal  to  all  costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees)
paid  or  incurred  by  the  Non-Defaulting  Party  in  connection  with  such



     Worldwide  assumes  no  liabilities  of  Internet  whatsoever provided that
Worldwide shall have no liability for the license agreements and contracts prior
to the Closing, but only for performance of the license agreements and contracts
as  may  be  required  thereunder  subsequent  to  Closing.


     In  any  action  between  the  parties  to enforce any of the terms of this
agreement  or any other matter arising from this agreement, the prevailing party
shall  be  entitled  to  recover  its  costs  and expenses, including reasonable
attorney's  fees  up  to  and  including  all  negotiations, trials and appeals,
whether  or  not  litigation  is  initiated.


(a) This writing constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to
the  subject matter hereof and may not be modified, amended or terminated except
by a written agreement specifically referring to this Agreement signed by all of
the  parties  hereto.

(b)  No  waiver  of  any  breach  or default hereunder shall be considered valid
unless in writing and signed by the party giving such waiver, and no such waiver
shall  be  deemed  a  waiver  of any subsequent breach or default of the same or
similar  nature.

(c)  This  Agreement  shall  be  binding  upon  and inure to the benefit of each
corporate  party  hereto,  its successors and assigns, and each individual party
hereto  and  his  heirs,  personal  representatives,  successors  and  assigns.

(d)  Any paragraph headings contained herein are for the purposes of convenience
only  and  are  not intended to define or limit the contents of said paragraphs.

(e)  Each party hereto shall cooperate, shall take such further action and shall
execute and deliver such further documents as may be reasonably requested by any
other party in order to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Agreement.

(f)  Internet  will pay all sales, taxes, if any, payable in connection with the
sale, conveyances, assignments, transfers and deliveries to be made to Worldwide
hereunder, however, Worldwide shall pay all taxes and stamps on the mortgage and
promissory  note.

(g)  This  Agreement  may  be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which
taken  together  shall  be  deemed  one  original.

(h) This Agreement and all amendments thereof shall be governed by and construed
in  accordance with the law of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made
and to be performed therein, and the parties agree that venue shall be proper in
Broward  County,  Florida.


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed  as  of  the  day  and  year  first  above  written.

ATTEST:                                       THE INTERNET ADVISORY CORPORATION,
                                              (Utah  Corporation)

/s/  John  Neilson                            By:  /s/  Richard  Goldring
Secretary                                      -------------------------------
John  Nielson                                  Richard  Goldring,  President

                                              WORLDWIDE CONNECT
                                              (Nevada  Corporation)
                                              By:  /s/  L.R.  Divine
                                              L.R.  Divine, President

Signature  /s/ Lonnie  Divine                 By:  /s/ Lonnie  Divine
Print  Name:  L.R.  Divine                    Lonnie  Divine,  Guarantor
