
                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

     This Consulting Agreement (this" Agreement") is made and entered into as of
July  15th,  2001,  by  and  between  EssTec  Inc,  Inc.,  a  Nevada corporation
(hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  "Company") and Rowley Corporate Group Inc.,
consultants  residing in the United Arab Emirate (hereinafter referred to as the


     WHEREAS,  Consultant  has  certain  experience  and  contacts pertaining to
marketing, strategic alliances, and other matters relating to the management and
growth  of  companies  internationally  and  in  the  United  Arab  Emirate;

     WHEREAS.1he  Company  wishes to engage the services of the Consultant as an
advisor  to  assist  the  company  in  analyzing  its  business  development
opportunities,  exploring  strategic alliances and assisting in its organization
located  in  the  United  Arab  Emirate;  and,

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  has  agreed  to  provide Consultant with options to
purchase  common  stock of Company according to the conditions set forth herein.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained,
the  parties  hereto  hereby  agree  as  follows:


     Consultant  shall  act  as  an  advisor  in assisting Company in developing
business  opportunities,  marketing  and  exploration of strategic alliances and
business projects both on an international basis and in the United Arab Emirates
(the  "Consulting  Services").  Consultant  hereby  agrees  to  utilize its best
efforts  in  performing  the  Consulting  Services.


     This  Agreement  shall be in full force and effect commencing upon the date
hereof and concluding at the close of business on the same date in twelve months
("termination  date").  After  the  termination  date,  this  Agreement  shall
automatically  renew  on  a  month-to-month  basis unless either party elects to
terminate  that  Agreement  by  giving  notice  in writing within 30 days of the
termination  date.  Either  party  hereto shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement  without  notice in the event of the death, bankruptcy, insolvency. Or
assignment.  for  the  benefit of creditors of the other party. Consultant shall
have  the light to terminate this Agreement  if Company fails to comply with any
or  the  material  terms  of  this  Agreement,  including without limitation its
responsibilities  for  fees  as  set  forth  in this Agreement, and such failure
continues  un-remedied  for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice to
the  Company  by Consultant The: Company shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement  upon  delivery  to  Consultant  of notice setting forth with specific
facts  comprising  a material breach of this Agreement by Consultant. Consultant
shall  have  thirty  (30)  days  to  remedy  such  breach.



     It  is  anticipated  that the Consultant shall spend as much time as deemed
necessary  by  the  Consultant in order to perform the obligations of Consultant
here  under.  The Company understands that this amount of time may vary and that
the  Consultant  may  perform  Consulting  Services  for  other  companies.


     The Consultant will perform most services in accordance with this Agreement
at  Consultant's  offices.  In addition, the Consultant will perform services on
the  telephone and at such other place(s) as necessary to perform these services
in  accordance  with  this  Agreement.


     a.   Initial  Services. In exchange for the Consulting Services provided by
          the  Consultant  to  Company, Company shall pay Consultant One Hundred
          Thousand  dollars  (  100,000)  at  the end of initial one-hundred and
          twenty  (120)  day  period.  The  initial  service fee of $ 100,000 is
          personally  guaranteed  by  Tariq  S  Khan.

     b.   Continuing  Services.  As  part of the Consulting Services, Consultant
          will  assist  the Company in creating strategic alliances and business
          development  opportunities  with  the  intent that these alliances and
          opportunities  shall  either directly or indirectly create or generate
          revenues  for  the  Company,  Further,  Consultant  shall  Introduce
          potential  business  opportunities  and  projects  to  the  Company.

          a.   In  exchange  for  the introduction of business opportunities and
               projects  that  can  be  directly  exploited  by  the  Company,
               Consultant  shall be compensated by the initial services fee that
               the  Company  shall  pay.

          b.   Consultant  shall  receive additional compensation in the form of
               seventy-five thousand (75,000) stock options exercisable at $3.50
               upon  delivery  of  a  minimum  of two hundred and fifty thousand
               dollars  ($250,000) in revenues generated for the Company through
               the  efforts  of  the  consultant.


     Both  Company  and  the Consultant agree that the Consultant will act as an
independent  contractor  in  the performance of his duties under this Agreement,
Nothing  contained  in  this  Agreement  shall  construed  to  imply  that  the
Consultant,  or  any  employee.  agent  or  other  authorized  representative of
Consultant, is a partner, joint venturer, agent, officer or employee of Company,


     The  Consultant  and  the Company acknowledge that each will have access to
proprietary information regarding the business operations of the other and agree
to  keep all such information secret and confidential and not to use or disclose
any such information to any individual or organization without the nondisclosing


parties  prior  written  consent.  It  is  hereby  agreed that from time to time
Consultant  and  the  Company  may  designate  certain  disclosed information as
confidential  for  purposes  of this Agreement. Consultant hereby designates its
broker  network  and/or any retail brokerage operations identified by Consu1tant
to  Company  as  Consultants  confidential  information.  The  Company  hereby
designates  it  shareholder  list  as  the  Company's  confidentia1 information.


     The  Company  hereby  agrees to indemnify and hold Consultant harmless from
any and all liabilities incurred by Consultant under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended (the "Act"), the various state securities acts, or otherwise, insofar
as such liabilities arise out of or are based upon (i) any material misstatement
or omission contained in any offering documents provided by the Company, or (ii)
any  intentional  actions by the Company, direct or indirect, in connection with
any  offering  by  the  Company, in violation of any applicable federal or state
securities  laws  or regulations.   Furthermore, the Company agrees to reimburse
Consultant  for any legal or other expenses incurred by Consultant in connection
with  investigating or defending any action, proceeding, investigation, or claim
in  connection  herewith.  The  indemnity  obligations of the Company under this
paragraph  shall  extend  to  the  shareholders, directors, officers, employees,
agents,  and  control  persons  of  Consultant.

     Consultant  hereby  agrees  to indemnity and hold the Company harmless from
any and all liabilities incurred by the Company under the Act, the various state
securities  acts,  or otherwise, insofar as such liabilities arise out of or are
based  upon  (i)  any actions by Consultant, its officers, employees. agents, or
control  persons,  direct  or  indirect,  in connection with any offering by the
Company,  in  violation  of  any  applicable federal or state securities laws or
regulations,  or  (ii)  any  breach  of  this  Agreement  by  Consultant.

     The  indemnity  obligations  of the parties under this paragraph 8 shall be
binding  upon  and  inure  to the benefit of any successors, assigns. heirs, and
personal  representatives  of  the  Company,  the Consultant. and any other such
persons  or  entities  mentioned  hereinabove.


     Consultant  covenants  and  agrees  With  the  Company  that, in performing
Consulting  Services Consultant will not publish, circulate or otherwise use any
solicitation materials business plan, financial statements, investor mailings or
updates  other  then materials provided by or otherwise approved by the Company.


     (a)  Attorneys'  Fees.  If  either  party  files  any  action or brings any
proceeding against the other arising out of this Agreement. then the prevailing
party  shall  be  entitled  to  reasonable  attorneys'  fees.


     (b)  Waiver. No waiver by a party of any provision of this Agreement shall
be  considered  a  waiver of any other provision or any subsequent breach of the
same  or  any other provision. The exercise by a party of any remedy provided in
this  Agreement  or  at  law sha11 not prevent the exercise by that party of any
other  remedy  provided  in  this  Agreement  or  at  law.

     (c)  Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall  be  binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the parties hereto and no assignment shall be allowed without first
obtaining  the  written  consent  of  the  non-assigning  party.

     (d)  Severability.   In  any condition or covenant herein contained is held
to  be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be
deemed severable form the remainder of this Agreement and shall in no way effect
the  other  covenants  and  conditions  contained  herein.

     (e)  Amendment.  The  Agreement  may  be  amended only by written agreement
executed  by  all  parties  hereto.

     (f)  Headings.  Titles  or  captions  contained  herein  are inserted as a
matter  of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit, extend, or
describe  the  scope  of this Agreement or any provision hereof. No provision in
this  Agreement  is  to  be interpreted for or against either party because that
party  or  his  legal  representative  drafted  such  provision.

     (g)  Notice.  All written notices, demands, or requests of any kind , which
either  party  may be required or any desire to serve on the other in connection
with  this  Agreement,  must  be  served  by  registered or certified mail, with
postage  prepaid  and return receipt requested. In lieu of mailing, either party
may  cause  delivery of such notice, demands and requests to be made by personal
service facsimile transmission, provided that acknowledgment of reciept is made.
Notice  shal1  be  deemed  given  upon personal delivery or receipt of facsimile
transmission,  or  two  (2)  days  after  mailingAll such notices, demands, and
requests  shall  be  delivered  as  follows:

     If  to  the  Company:

     Esstec.  Inc.
     c/o  Manhattan  West,  Inc.
     233  Wilshire  Blvd.,  Suite  930
     Santa  Monica,  California  90401
     ATTN:  Tariq  Khan
     FAX:  310-656-3045

     If  to  Consultant:

     Rowley  Corporate  Group  Inc.
     P.O.  Box  53144
     Dubai,  United  Arab  Emirates
     FAX:  050  6520454


      (h) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, including any Exhibits or Schedules
attached hereto, contains all of the representations, warranties, and the entire
understanding  and  agreement between the parties. Correspondence, memoranda, or
agreements,  whether  written  or  oral,  originating  before  the  date of this
Agreement  are  replaced  in total by this Agreement unless otherwise especially

     (i)  Counterparts:  Facsimile  Signatures.  This  Agreement may be executed
simultaneously  in  one  or  more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original,  but  all  of  which  together  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same
instrument.  The Parties agree that facsimile signatures of this Agreement shall
be  deemed  a  valid  and  binding  execution  of  this  Agreement.

     (j)  Governing  Law  and  Venue.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and
construed  in  accordance  with  the laws of the State of California which would
apply  if  both parties were residents of California and this Agreement was made
and performed in Ca1ifornia. In any legal action involving this Agreement or the
parties'  relationship,  the  parties  agree  that  the  exclusive venue for any
lawsuit  shall  be  in  the  state or federal court located within the County of
Orange,  California. The parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of
the  state  and  federal  courts  located  within  Orange  County,  California.

                         [Signatures on following page]


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have placed their signatures hereon on
the  day  of  the  year  first  above  written.

"COMPANY"                              "CONSULTANT"

ESSTEC,  INC.                          ROWLEY  CORPORATE  GROUP  INC.
A  Nevada  Corporation                 A  BVI  Corporation

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BY: /s/ Abdul L. Saquib                BY: /s/  Amir Khan Managing Director
ITS:  VP of Operations                 ITS: Managing Director
