
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is  made,  entered  into,  and
effective  as  of  [date  of  agreement]  (the "Effective Date"), by and between
EssTec,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation  ("Company"),  and  [employee  name],  an
individual  ("Employee")  (collectively,  the  "Parties").


     A.     Company  is  engaged  in  the  business  of  information  technology
services  and  maintains  an  office  in  the  State  of  California.

     B.     Company desires to have an employment agreement with Employee as its
[employee position/title] subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual covenants and conditions
contained  herein,  the  Parties  hereto  hereby  agree  as  follows:


1.     At  Will  Employment.  Company  hereby employs Employee and Employee
accepts  employment  with  Company  on  an  "at  will"  basis.  Either party may
terminate  this  Agreement  at  any  time,  with  or  without  cause.

2.     Duties  and  Obligations  of Employee.  Employee shall serve as [employee
position/title].  Employee  shall  report  to  [supervisor]  or other individual
designated  by the Board of Directors of the Company.  Employee shall faithfully
and  diligently perform all professional duties and acts as may be requested and
required  of  Employee  by Company or its Directors.  Employee shall devote such
time  and  attention  to the business of Company as shall be required to perform
the  required  services  and  duties.  Employee  at  all times during his or her
employment  with  Company  shall strictly adhere to and obey all policies, rules
and regulations established from time to time governing the conduct of employees
of  Company

3.     Exclusivity,  Non-Disclosure.

     a.     Devotion to Company Business.  Employee agrees to perform Employee's
services  efficiently  and  to the best of Employee's ability.  Employee agrees,
during his or her employment with Company, to devote his or her time, energy and
skill  to the business of the Company and to the promotion of the best interests
of  the  Company.

     b.     Trade  Secrets.  Employee  agrees  that  he  shall  not at any time,
either  during  or  subsequent  to  his  or  her employment with Company, unless
expressly  consented to in writing by Company, either directly or indirectly use
or  disclose  to  any person or entity any confidential information of any kind,
nature  or  description  concerning  any  matters  affecting  or relating to the
business  of  Company, including, but not limited to, information concerning the


customers  of  Company,  Company's  marketing  methods,  compensation  paid  to
employees,  independent  contractors  or  suppliers  and  other  terms  of their
employment  or  contractual  relationships,  financial  and  business  records,
know-how,  or  any  other  information  concerning  the business of Company, its
manner  of  operations,  or  other  data  of  any  kind,  nature or description.
Employee agrees that the above information and items are important, material and
confidential  trade secrets and these affect the successful conduct of Company's
business  and  its  goodwill.

     c.     Inventions  and  Patents.  All  processes,  inventions,  patents,
computer  software,  copy-rights,  trademarks  and  other  intangible  rights
(collectively  referred  to as "Intellectual Property") that may be conceived or
developed  by  Employee  while employed by Company, either alone or with others,
made  or  conceived  by  him  shall  remain  the  sole  property  of  Company.

4.     Compensation.

     a.     Annual  Salary.  Beginning on the date of this Agreement and subject
to  the  termination  of  this  Agreement  as  provided  herein,  Company  shall
compensate  Employee  for  his  or her services hereunder at an annual salary of
$[salary amount] payable in accordance with the Company's practices, less normal
payroll  deductions,  and  prorated  for  the  actual  term  of  employment.

     b.     Salary  Increases;  Additional Compensation.  Employee shall receive
such  annual  increases  in  salary  and  such additional compensation as may be
determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors of the Company in its sole discretion.
Such  salary  increases and/or additional compensation shall be paid to Employee
at  such  times  as  may  be  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

5.     Employee  Incentives.

     [Stock  options,  bonuses,  profit  sharing,  etc.]

6.     Employee  Benefits.

     a.     Personal  Time  Off  ("PTO").  Employee  shall be entitled to PTO in
accordance  with  Company's  Personnel  Manual  in effect at the time of the PTO
request.  Employee may be absent from his or her employment for PTO only at such
times  as  may  be  convenient  to  Company  and  Employee.

     b.     Medical  Coverage.   Company  agrees  to  include  Employee  in  the
coverage  of  its  medical  and  dental  insurance.

     c.     Plan Participation.  Employee shall be entitled to participate in or
to receive benefits under all of Company's employee benefit plans made available
by  Company  or  in  the  future to similarly situated employees, subject to the
terms,  conditions  and  overall administration of such plans, including but not
limited  to  401(k)  plans,  IRA plans, E.R.I.S.A Plans, any other retirement or
benefit  plans  that  the  Company  has  made  available  to  similarly situated


7.     General  Provisions.

     a.     Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the  benefit  of  the Parties hereto their respective devisees, legatees, heirs,
legal  representatives,  successors,  and  permitted  assigns.  The  preceding
sentence  shall  not affect any restriction on assignment set forth elsewhere in
this  Agreement.

     b.     Notices.  Any  notice,  request,  instruction,  or  other  document
required  by the terms of this Agreement, or deemed by any of the Parties hereto
to  be  desirable, to be given to any other Party hereto shall be in writing and
shall be given by facsimile, personal delivery, overnight delivery, or mailed by
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested, to
the  Company  at  the address of its corporate office and to the Employee at the
Employee's  home  address  as  it  appears  in the Employee's personnel records.
Addresses  may  be  changed from time to time by a notice sent as aforesaid.  If
notice  is  given  by  facsimile,  personal  delivery,  or overnight delivery in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Section,  said  notice  shall  be
conclusively  deemed  given at the time of such delivery.  If notice is given by
mail  in  accordance  with  the provisions of this Section, such notice shall be
conclusively  deemed  given  seven  business  days  after deposit thereof in the
United  States  mail.

     c.     Sums  Due  Deceased Employee.  If Employee dies while this Agreement
is  in effect, any sums that may be due him from Company under this Agreement as
of  the  date  of  death  shall be paid to Employee's executors, administrators,
heirs,  personal  representatives,  successors,  and  assigns.

     d.     Arbitration.  If  a dispute or claim shall arise with respect to any
of the terms or provisions of this Agreement, or with respect to the performance
by either of the Parties under this Agreement, other than a dispute with respect
to  Section  3  of  this Agreement, then either party may, with notice as herein
provided, require that the dispute be submitted under the Commercial Arbitration
Rules  of  the  American  Arbitration Association ("AAA"). Each party shall bear
one-half (1/2)  of  the  cost  of  appointing  the arbitrator and of paying such
arbitrator's  fees.  The  written  decision  of  the  arbitrator(s)  ultimately
appointed by or for both Parties shall be binding and conclusive on the Parties.
Judgment may be entered on such written decision of the single arbitrator in any
court  having  jurisdiction  and  the Parties consent to the jurisdiction of the
Municipal  and  Superior  Court  of  Orange County, California for this purpose.
Any  arbitration undertaken pursuant to the terms of this section shall occur in
Orange  County,  California.

     e.     Assignment.  Subject  to all other provisions of this Agreement, any
attempt  to  assign  or  transfer  this Agreement or any of the rights conferred
hereby,  by  judicial  process  or  otherwise,  to any person, firm, Company, or
corporation  without  the  prior  written  consent  of the other party, shall be
invalid,  and  may,  at  the  option of such other party, result in an incurable
event  of  default  resulting  in  termination  of this Agreement and all rights
hereby  conferred.

     f.     Choice  of  Law.  This  Agreement  and  the  rights  of  the Parties
hereunder  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State  of  California  including  all  matters  of  construction,  validity,
performance,  and  enforcement  and  without  giving effect to the principles of
conflict  of  laws.


     g.     Indemnification.  Company  shall indemnify, defend and hold Employee
harmless,  to  the  fullest  extent  permitted  by law, for all claims, demands,
losses,  costs,  expenses,  obligations,  liabilities,  damages,  recoveries and
deficiencies,  including interest, penalties and reasonable attorney's fees that
Employee  shall  incur  or  suffer that arise from, result from or relate to the
discharge  of  Employee's  duties  under this Agreement.  Company shall maintain
adequate  insurance  for  this  purpose  or  shall advance Employee any expenses
incurred  in  defending  any  such  proceeding  or  claim  to the maximum extent
permitted  by  law.

     h.     Jurisdiction.  The  Parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts
of  the  State  of  California  or  a  Federal  Court  empaneled in the State of
California  for  the resolution of all legal disputes arising under the terms of
this  Agreement,  including,  but not limited to, enforcement of any arbitration

     i.     Entire  Agreement.  Except  as  provided  herein,  this  Agreement,
including exhibits, contains the entire agreement of the Parties, and supersedes
all  existing  negotiations,  representations, or agreements and all other oral,
written,  or  other communications between them concerning the subject matter of
this  Agreement.  There  are  no  representations,  agreements, arrangements, or
understandings,  oral  or written, between and among the Parties hereto relating
to  the  subject  matter  of this Agreement that are not fully expressed herein.

     j.     Severability.  If  any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable,
invalid, or violates applicable law, such provision, or unenforceable portion of
such provision, shall be deemed stricken and shall not affect the enforceability
of  any  other  provisions  of  this  Agreement.

     k.     Captions.  The  captions  in  this  Agreement are inserted only as a
matter  of  convenience  and  for  reference  and shall not be deemed to define,
limit,  enlarge,  or describe the scope of this Agreement or the relationship of
the  Parties,  and  shall  not  affect this Agreement or the construction of any
provisions  herein.

     l.     Modification.  No  change,  modification,  addition, or amendment to
this  Agreement  shall  be  valid  unless  in  writing and signed by all Parties

     m.     Attorneys'  Fees.  Except as otherwise provided herein, if a dispute
should  arise between the Parties including, but not limited to arbitration, the
prevailing  party  shall  be  reimbursed  by  the  non-prevailing  party for all
reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  resolving such dispute, including reasonable
attorneys'  fees  exclusive  of  such  amount  of  attorneys' fees as shall be a
premium  for  result  or  for  risk of loss under a contingency fee arrangement.

     n.     Taxes.  Any  income taxes required to be paid in connection with the
payments  due  hereunder,  shall  be  borne  by  the party required to make such
payment.  Any  withholding  taxes  in  the  nature  of  a tax on income shall be
deducted  from  payments  due, and the party required to withhold such tax shall
furnish to the party receiving such payment all documentation necessary to prove
the  proper  amount  to  withhold  of such taxes and to prove payment to the tax
authority  of  such  required  withholding.


     o.     Not  for  the Benefit of Creditors or Third Parties.  The provisions
of  this  Agreement  are intended only for the regulation of relations among the
Parties.  This  Agreement  is  not  intended for the benefit of creditors of the
Parties  or  other  third  Parties and no rights are granted to creditors of the
Parties  or  other  third  Parties  under this Agreement. Under no circumstances
shall  any  third party, who is a minor, be deemed to have accepted, adopted, or
acted  in  reliance  upon  this  Agreement.

     p.     Counterparts;  Facsimile Signatures.  This Agreement may be executed
simultaneously  in  one  or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an
original,  but  all  of  which  together  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same
instrument.  The Parties agree that facsimile signatures of this Agreement shall
be  deemed  a  valid  and  binding  execution  of  this  Agreement.

     q.     Conflict  Waiver.  Both  Employee  and  the  Company (the "Parties")
hereby  agree  and  acknowledge that the law firm of Senn Palumbo Meulemans, LLP
("SPM"),  which represents the Company, has drafted this Agreement.  The Parties
hereto further acknowledge that they have been informed of the inherent conflict
of  interest associated with the drafting of this Agreement by SPM and waive any
action they may have against SPM regarding such conflict.  The Parties have been
given  the  opportunity  to consult with counsel of their choice regarding their
rights  under  this  Agreement.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly  executed  as  of  the  Effective  Date.

"Company"                              "Employee"

EssTec,  Inc.,                              [Employee  Name]
a  Nevada  corporation

__________________________________       _______________________________________
BY:  _____________________________        [Employee  Name]
ITS:  ____________________________
