
                            ADVISORY BOARD AGREEMENT

     This  ADVISORY BOARD AGREEMENT made as of this 1st day of February, 2001 by
and  between  ESSTEC,  INC., a Nevada corporation, having an office at 6033 West
Century  Boulevard,  Suite  500,  Los  Angeles,  California  90045  (hereinafter
referred to as "ESSTEC") and Monis Rahman, an individual, with an address at 210
Flynn  Street,  Mountain  View,  CA 94043 (hereinafter referred to as "RAHMAN").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  ESSTEC  desires  to  retain  RAHMAN  for  its advisory board; and

     WHEREAS,  RAHMAN  is  willing to serve on the advisory board of ESSTEC upon
the  terms  and  conditions  herein  set  forth;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises and mutual covenants
herein  set  forth  it  is  agreed  as  follows:

1.     Retain  RAHMAN as Advisory Board Member.  ESSTEC hereby retains RAHMAN to
serve  on its advisory board until removed by the Board or until RAHMAN resigns.

2.     Duties.  RAHMAN  shall  perform  those  functions  generally performed by
persons  of  such  title and position, shall attend all meetings of the Advisory
Board  and  shall  perform any and all related duties and shall have any and all
powers  as  may  be prescribed by resolution of the Advisory Board, and shall be
available  to  confer  and consult with and advise the officers and directors of
ESSTEC  at  such  times  that  may  be  required  by  ESSTEC.

3.     Compensation:  RAHMAN  shall receive nonrefundable compensation of 15,000
stock  options  exercisable at $3.50 per share of the Restricted Common Stock of
the  Company  upon  completion of one year of duty hereunder.  Stock Option that
has vested may be exercised immediately until 11:59 P.M. (Pacific Standard time)
on  the  date that is one (1) years after the Vesting Date (the "Expiration
Date").  Stock  Option  not  exercised  on  or  before the Expiration Date shall

4.     Expenses.  RAHMAN  shall  submit  to  ESSTEC reasonably detailed receipts
with respect thereto which substantiate RAHMAN's expenses, including expenses to
attend  all  advisory  board meetings and ESSTEC shall reimburse RAHMAN for
all  reasonable  documented  expenses.

5.     Secrecy.  At  no time shall RAHMAN disclose to anyone any confidential or
secret  information  (not  already  constituting  information  available  to the
public)  concerning:  (a) internal affairs or proprietary business operations of
ESSTEC  or  its  affiliates; or (b) any trade secrets, new product developments,
patents,  programs  or  programming,  especially  unique  processes  or methods.

6.     Termination.

     (a)     Termination  by  ESSTEC

     (i)     ESSTEC  may  terminate this Agreement immediately without assigning
any  reason,  at  any  time,  by  submitting  a  written  notice  to  RAHMAN.

     (ii)     This  agreement  automatically  shall  terminate upon the death of
RAHMAN,  except  that  RAHMAN's  estate  shall be entitled to receive any amount
accrued  under  Section  3  for the period prior to RAHMAN's death and any other
amount  to  which  RAHMAN  was  entitled  of  the  time  at  his  death.

7.     Arbitration.  Any  controversies  between ESSTEC and RAHMAN involving the
construction  or  application  of  any of the terms, provisions or conditions of
this  Agreement shall on the written request of either party served on the other
be submitted to arbitration.  Such arbitration shall comply with and be governed
by  the  rules  of  the  American  Arbitration Association.  An arbitration
demand must be made within one (1) year of the date on which the party demanding
arbitration  first had notice of the existence of the claim to be arbitrated, or
the  right to arbitration along with such claim shall be considered to have been
waived.  An  arbitrator  shall  be  selected  according to the procedures of the
American Arbitration Association.  The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the
losing  party  unless  the arbitrator shall determine otherwise.  The arbitrator
shall  have  no  authority  to  add  to,  subtract  from or otherwise modify the
provisions  of  this  Agreement,  or  to award punitive damages to either party.

8.     Attorneys'  Fees  and  Costs.  If  any  action  at  law  or  in equity is
necessary  to  enforce  or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing
party  shall  be  entitled  to  reasonable  attorney's fees, costs and necessary
disbursements  in  addition  to  any  other  relief to which he may be entitled.

9.     Entire Agreement; Survival.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement
between  the  parties  with respect to the transactions contemplated herein
and  supersedes,  effective  as  of  the  date  hereof  any  prior  agreement or
understanding  between ESSTEC and RAHMAN.  The unenforceability of any provision
of  this  Agreement  shall not effect the enforceability of any other provision.
This  Agreement  may  not be amended except by an agreement in writing signed by
the  RAHMAN  and the ESSTEC, or any waiver, change, discharge or modification as
sought.  Waiver  of or failure to exercise any rights provided by this Agreement
and in any respect shall not be deemed a waiver of any further or future rights.
The  provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  survive  the  termination  of  this

10.     Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall  not  be  assigned to other parties.

11.     Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  and  all  the  amendments  hereof, and
waivers and consents with respect thereto shall be governed by the internal laws
of  the  State  of  California,  without  regard  to  the conflicts of laws
principles  thereof.

12.     Notices.  All  notices,  responses, demands or other communication under
this  Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when:
(a)  delivered  by  hand;  (b)  sent  by  telex  or  telefax, (with receipt
confirmed),  provided  that  a  copy  is mailed by registered or certified mail,
return  receipt  requested;  or (c) received by the addressee as sent by express
delivery  service (receipt requested) in each case to the appropriate addresses,
telex numbers and telefax numbers as the party may designate to itself by notice
to  the  other  parties:

     (i)     if  to  ESSTEC:

                         ESSTEC,  INC.
                         Attn:     Mr.  Abdul  L.  Saquib
                         6033  West  Century  Boulevard
                         Suite  500
                         Los  Angeles,  CA  90045

     (ii)     if  to  RAHMAN:

                         Monis  Rahman
                         20  Flynn  Street
                         Mountain  View,  CA  94043

13.     Severability  of  Agreement.  Should  any part of this Agreement for any
reason  be  declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
shall  not  affect  the  validity  of  any  remaining  portion,  which remaining
provisions  shall  remain in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been
executed  with the invalid portion thereof eliminated, and it is hereby declared
the  intention  of  the  parties  that  they  would  have executed the remaining
portions  of  this  Agreement without including any such part, parts or portions
which  may,  for  any  reason,  be  hereafter  declared  invalid.

14.     Prior Agreements.  Any prior agreements between the parties with respect
to  this  same  subject  matter  is  null  and  void.

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this agreement as of the
day  and  year  first  above  written.


/s/      Tariq  Khan
By:      Tariq  Khan
Its:     President

/s/      Monis  Rahman
         Monis  Rahman