
                            DEBT CONVERSION AGREEMENT

     THIS  DEBT  CONVERSION  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement"),  dated as of December 20,
2000,  is  by and between CONVERGE GLOBAL, INC., a Utah Corporation  ("Debtor"),
and  ESSTEC,  INC.,  a  Nevada  corporation  ("Creditor")  (collectively,  the

                              W I T N E S S E T H

     WHEREAS,  Debtor  owes  Creditor  for  various  debts  incurred;

     WHEREAS, Debtor owns shares of common stock of Creditor (the "Shares"); and

     WHEREAS,  Creditor is willing to accept Shares as payment of debts owing to
     it  from  Debtor  upon  the  terms  and  conditions  set forth herein.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises and respective mutual
agreements  herein  contained, it is agreed by and between the Parties hereto as

                                    ARTICLE 1
                              PAYMENT OF THE SHARES

     1.1     Debts  Owing.  Debtor  owes  Creditor  a  total  of  $895,238.  The
current  fair  market value of the Shares is $3.50 as that is the price at which
the  shares  are currently being sold.  Creditor hereby agrees to accept 255,872
Shares  as  payment  in full of the $895,238 in debt being carried on Creditor's
books from Debtor.  Upon execution of this Agreement (the "Closing"), subject to
the  terms  and  conditions  herein  set  forth,  and  on  the  basis  of  the
representations,  warranties  and  agreements  herein  contained,  Debtor  shall
transfer  to  Creditor  the  Shares.

     1.2     Instruments  of  Conveyance  and  Transfer.  As soon as practicable
after  the  Closing,  Debtor  shall  deliver  a  certificate  or  certificates
representing  the  Shares of to Creditor sufficient to transfer all right, title
and  interest  in the Shares to Creditor.  As Creditor is the original issuer of
the  Shares,  upon  transfer  of  the Shares from Debtor to Creditor, the Shares
shall be returned to treasury of Creditor and, thus, shall become authorized but
unissued  Shares.

     1.3     Consideration and Payment for the Shares.  In consideration for the
Shares,  Creditor shall credit the total sum of $895,238 to Debtor as payment in
full  of  past  debts  owing  to  Creditor  from  Debtor.

                                    ARTICLE 2

     2.1     Debtor  hereby  represents  and  warrants  that:


          (a)    Debtor  shall transfer title, in and to the Shares to Creditor
free and clear of all liens, security interests, pledges, encumbrances, charges,
restrictions,  demands  and  claims,  of any kind and nature whatsoever, whether
direct  or  indirect  or  contingent.

          (b)     As  soon  as  practicable after the Closing Date, Debtor shall
deliver  to  Creditor  a  certificate  or  certificates  representing the Shares
subject  to  no  liens,  security  interests,  pledges,  encumbrances,  charges,
restrictions,  demands  or  claims  in any other party whatsoever, except as set
forth  in  the legend on the certificate, which legend shall provide as follows:

          IS  AVAILABLE.

     (c)     Creditor acknowledges that the Shares will initially be "restricted
securities"  (as  such  term  is  defined  in  Rule  144  promulgated  under the
Securities  Act  of 1933, as amended ("Rule 144"), that the  Shares will include
the  foregoing  restrictive  legend,  and, except as otherwise set forth in this
Agreement,  that  the  Shares  cannot  be sold unless registered with the United
States  Securities  and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and qualified by appropriate
state  securities  regulators,  or  unless Creditor obtains written consent from
Debtor  and  otherwise  complies  with  an  exemption from such registration and
qualification  (including,  without  limitation,  compliance  with  Rule  144).

     (d)     Creditor  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  Debtor  makes  no  other
representations  or  warranties  with  respect  to  the  Shares  or  the Debtor.

     2.2     Creditor  represents  and  warrants  to  Debtor  as  follows:

     (a)     Creditor  has  adequate  means  of  providing for current needs and
contingencies,  has no need for liquidity in the investment, and is able to bear
the  economic  risk of an investment in the Shares offered by Debtor of the size
contemplated.  Creditor  represents  that  Creditor is able to bear the economic
risk  of  the investment and at the present time could afford a complete loss of
such  investment.  Creditor  has had a full opportunity to inspect the books and
records  of  the Debtor and to make any and all inquiries of Debtor officers and
directors  regarding  the  Debtor  and  its  business  as  Creditor  has  deemed

     (b)     Creditor  is an "Accredited Investor" as defined in Regulation D of
the  Securities  Act  of  1933  (the  "Act")  or  Creditor, either alone or with
Creditor's  professional  advisers  who  are  unaffiliated  with, have no equity
interest  in and are not compensated by Debtor or any affiliate or selling agent
of  Debtor,  directly  or indirectly, has sufficient knowledge and experience in
financial and business matters that Creditor is capable of evaluating the merits
and  risks  of  an  investment  in the Shares offered by Debtor and of making an
informed  investment  decision  with  respect  thereto  and  has the capacity to
protect  Creditor's  own  interests  in  connection  with  Creditor's  proposed
investment  in  the  Shares.


     (c)     Creditor  is acquiring the Shares solely for Creditor's own account
as  principal, for investment purposes only and not with a view to the resale or
distribution thereof, in whole or in part, and no other person or entity  has a
direct  or  indirect  beneficial  interest  in  such  Shares.

     (d)     As  Creditor is the original issuer of the Shares, upon transfer of
the  Shares from Debtor to Creditor, the Shares shall be returned to treasury of
Creditor  and, thus, shall become authorized but unissued shares of common stock
of  Creditor.

                                    ARTICLE 3

     3.1     Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement sets forth the entire agreement
and  understanding  of  the  parties  hereto  with  respect  to the transactions
contemplated  hereby,  and  supersedes  all  prior  agreements, arrangements and
understandings related to the subject matter hereof.  No understanding, promise,
inducement,  statement  of  intention,  representation,  warranty,  covenant  or
condition, written or oral, express or implied, whether by statute or otherwise,
has been made by any party hereto which is not embodied in this Agreement or the
written  statements,  certificates, or other documents delivered pursuant hereto
or  in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, and no party hereto
shall  be bound by or liable for any alleged understanding, promise, inducement,
statement,  representation,  warranty,  covenant  or condition not so set forth.

     3.2     Notices.  Any  notice,  request, instruction, or other document
required  by the terms of this Agreement, or deemed by any of the parties hereto
to  be  desirable, to be given to any other party hereto shall be in writing and
shall be given by facsimile, personal delivery, overnight delivery, or mailed by
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested, to
the  following  addresses:

  To  Debtor:        Converge  Global,  Inc.
  ----------         233  Wilshire  Blvd.,  Suite  930B
                     Santa  Monica,  CA  90401
                     Fax:  (310)  656-3055
                     Attn:  Imran  Husain,  President

  To  Creditor:      EssTec,  Inc.
  ------------       6033  W.  Century  Boulevard,  Suite  500
                     Los  Angeles,  CA  90045
                     Fax:  (310)  338-3601
                     Attn:  Tariq  Khan,  President

   --------------    18301  Von  Karman  Avenue,  Suite  850
                     Irvine,  CA  92612
                     Fax:  (949)  251-1331
                     Attn:  Lynne  Bolduc,  Esq.


The  persons and addresses set forth above may be changed from time to time by a
notice  sent  as aforesaid.  If notice is given by facsimile, personal delivery,
or  overnight  delivery  in accordance with the provisions of this Section, said
notice  shall  be  conclusively  deemed  given at the time of such delivery.  If
notice  is given by mail in accordance with the provisions of this Section, such
notice  shall  be  conclusively deemed given seven days after deposit thereof in
the  United  States  mail.

     3.3     Waiver  and  Amendment.  Any  term,  provision,  covenant,
representation,  warranty or condition of this Agreement may be waived, but only
by  a  written  instrument signed by the party entitled to the benefits thereof.
The failure or delay of any party at any time or times to require performance of
any  provision  hereof  or  to exercise its rights with respect to any provision
hereof shall in no manner operate as a waiver of or affect such party's right at
a  later  time to enforce the same.  No waiver by any party of any condition, or
of  the  breach  of  any  term,  provision, covenant, representation or warranty
contained in this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be
or  construed  as a further or continuing waiver of any such condition or breach
or  waiver of any other condition or of the breach of any other term, provision,
covenant,  representation  or  warranty.  No  modification  or amendment of this
Agreement  shall  be valid and binding unless it be in writing and signed by all
parties  hereto.

     3.4     Choice  of  Law.  This Agreement and the rights of the parties
hereunder  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State  of  California  including  all  matters  of  construction,  validity,
performance,  and  enforcement  and  without  giving effect to the principles of
conflict  of  laws.

     3.5     Jurisdiction.  The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts
of the County of Orange, State of California or a Federal Court empaneled in the
State  of  California for the resolution of all legal disputes arising under the
terms  of  this  Agreement,  including,  but  not limited to, enforcement of any
arbitration  award.

     3.6     Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall
together  constitute  one  and  the  same  instrument.

     3.7     Attorneys' Fees.  Except as otherwise provided herein, if a dispute
should  arise between the parties including, but not limited to arbitration, the
prevailing  party  shall  be  reimbursed  by  the  non-prevailing  party for all
reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  resolving such dispute, including reasonable
attorneys'  fees  exclusive  of  such  amount  of  attorneys' fees as shall be a
premium  for  result  or  for  risk of loss under a contingency fee arrangement.

     3.8     Taxes.  Any income taxes required to be paid in connection with the
payments  due  hereunder,  shall  be  borne  by  the party required to make such
payment.  Any  withholding  taxes  in  the  nature  of  a tax on income shall be
deducted  from  payments  due, and the party required to withhold such tax shall
furnish to the party receiving such payment all documentation necessary to prove
the  proper  amount  to  withhold  of such taxes and to prove payment to the tax
authority  of  such  required  withholding.


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement, as of the
date  first  written  hereinabove.


Converge  Global,  Inc.,
 a  Utah  corporation

/s/ Imran  Husain
- -------------------------------------
By:  Imran  Husain
Its:  President


EssTec,  Inc.,
a  Nevada  corporation

/s/ Abdul  Latif  Saquib
- -------------------------------------
By:  Abdul  Latif  Saquib
Its:  Vice  President  -  Operations,  Secretary
