Copyright  2002  SunGard  Corbel
All  Rights  Reserved


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                    ARTICLE I

                                   ARTICLE II
     2.1     ELIGIBILITY                                                       3
     2.2     EFFECTIVE  DATE  OF  PARTICIPATION                                3
     2.3     APPLICATION  TO  PARTICIPATION                                    3

     2.4     TERMINATION  OF  PARTICIPATION                                    3

     2.5     CHANGE  OF  EMPLOYMENT  STATUS                                    4

     2.6     TERMINATION  OF  EMPLOYMENT                                       4

                                   ARIICLE III
                            CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLAN
     3.1     EMPLOYER  CONTRIBUTION                                            4
     3.2     SALARY  REDIRECTION                                               5
     3.3     APPLICATION  OF  CONTRIBUTIONS                                    5
     3.4     PERIODIC  CONTRIBUTIONS                                           5

                                   ARTICLE IV
     4.1     BENEFIT  OPTIONS                                                  5
     4.2     HEALTH  INSURANCE  BENEFIT                                        6
     4.3     DENTAL  INSURANCE  BENEFIT                                        6
     4.4     DISABILITY  INSURANCE  BENEFIT                                    6
     4.5     CASH  BENEFIT                                                     6
     4.6     NONDISCRIMINATION  REQUIREMENTS                                   7

                                    ARTICLE V
                              PARTICIPANT ELECTIONS
     5.1     INITIAL  ELECTIONS                                                7
     5.2     SUBSEQUENT  ANNUAL  ELECTIONS                                     8
     5.3     FAILURE  TO  ELECT                                                8
     5.4     CHANGE  OF  ELECTIONS                                             8

                                   ARTICLE VI
                                ERISA PROVISIONS
     6.1     CLAIM  FOR  BENEFITS                                             11
     6.2     NAMED  FIDUCIARY                                                 12
     6.3     GENERAL  FIDUCIARY  RESPONSIBILITIES                             12
     6.4     NONASSIGNABILITY  OF  RIGHTS                                     12

                                   ARTICLE VII
     7.1     PLAN  ADMINISTRATION                                             13
     7.2     EXAMINATION  OF  RECORDS                                         13
     7.3     PAYMENT  OF  EXPENSES                                            14
     7.4     INSURANCE  CONTROL  CLAUSE                                       14
     7.5     INDEMNIFICATION  OF  ADMINISTRATOR                               14

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                        AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN
     8.1     AMENDMENT                                                        14
     8.2     TERMINATION                                                      14

                                   ARIICLE IX
     9.1     PLAN  INTERPRETATTON                                             15
     9.2     GENDER  AND  NUMBER                                              15
     9.3     WRITTEN  DOCUMENT                                                15
     9.4     EXCLUSIVE  BENEFIT                                               15
     9.5     PARTICIPANTS  RIGHTS                                             15
     9.6     ACTION  BY  THE  EMPLOYER                                        15
     9.7     EMPLOYER'S  PROTECTIVE  CLAUSES                                  15
     9.8     NO  GUARANTEE  OF  TAX  CONSEQUENCES                             16
     9.9     INDEMNIFICATION  OF  EMPLOYER  BY  PARTICIPANTS                  16
     9.10     FUNDING                                                         17
     9.11     GOVERNINGLAW                                                    17
     9.12     SEVERABILITY                                                    17
     9.13     CAPTIONS                                                        17

     9.14     CONTINUATION  OF  COVERAGE                                      17
     9.15     FAMILY  AND  MEDICAL  LEAVE  ACT                                17
              ACT                                                             18



     The  Employer  has  adopted  this  Plan  effective  September  1,  2002, to
recognize the contribution made to the Employer by its Employees. Its purpose is
to  reward  them  by  providing  benefits  for those Employees who shall qualify
hereunder and their dependents and beneficiaries. The concept of this Plan is to
allow  Employees  to choose among different types of benefits based on their own
particular  goals,  desires  and  needs.  The  Plan  shall  be known as Dialysis
Corporation  of  America  Section  125  Plan  (the  "Plan").

     The  intention  of  the  Employer  is that die Plan qualify as a "Cafeteria
Plan" within the meaning of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended,  and  that  the  benefits which an Employee elects to receive under the
Plan  be ineludible or excludable from the Employees income under Section 125(a)
and  other applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                                    ARTICLE I

     1.1     "Administrator" means the individual(s) or corporation appointed by
the  Employer  to  carry  out  the  administration of the Plan. In the event the
Administrator  has  not been appointed, or resigns from a prior appointment, the
Employer  shall  be  deemed  to  be  the  Administrator.

     1.2     "Affiliated  Employer" means the Employer and any corporation which
is  a  member  of a controlled group of corporations (as defined in Code Section
414(b))  which  includes  the  Employer;  any  trade or business (whether or not
incorporated)  which is under common control (as defined in Code Section 414(c))
with  the  Employer;  any  organization (whether or not incorporated) which is a
member  of an affiliated service group (as defined in Code Section 414(m)) which
includes  the Employer; and ally other entity required to be aggregated with the
Employer  pursuant  to  Treasury  regulations  under  Code  Section  414(o).

     1.3     "Benefit'' means any of the optional benefit choices available to a
Participant  as  outlined  in  Section  4.1.

     1.4     "Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of 1986, as amended or
replaced  fain  time  to  time.

     1.5     "Compensation"  means  the  base  compensation  received  by  the
Participant from the Employer during a Plan Year. Compensation shall not include
overtime,  commissions  and  bonuses.

     1.6     "Dependent" means any individual who qualifies as a dependent under
an  Insurance  Contractor  under  Code  Section 152 (as modified by Code Section

1.7     "Effective  Date"  means  September  1,  2002.

1.8     "Election  Period"  means the period immediately preceding the beginning
of each Plan Year established by the Administrator, such period to be applied or
a  uniform  and  nondiscriminatory  basis  for  all  Employees and Participants.
However,  an  Employee's initial Election Period shall be determined pursuant to
Section  5.1.

     1.9     "Eligible  Employee"  means  any  Employee  who  has  satisfied the
provisions  of  Section  2.1.

     However,  any  Employee who is a "part-time" Employee shall not be eligible
to  participate  in this Plan. A "part-time" Employee is any Employee who works,
or  is  expected  to  work  on a regular basis, less than 35 hours a week and is
designated  as  a  part-time  Employee  on  the  Employer's  personnel  records.

     1.10     "Employee"  means  any person who is employed by the Employer, but
excludes  any  person  who  is  employed  as an independent contractor. The tern
Employee  shall  include  leased  employees  within  the meaning of Code Section

     1.11     "Employer" means Dialysis Corporation of America and any successor
which  shall  maintain  this Plan; and any predecessor which has maintained this

     1.12     "Employer  Contribution"  means  the  contributions  made  by  the
Employer  pursuant  to Section 3.1 to enable a Participant to purchase Benefits.

     1.13     "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
as  amended  from  time  to  time.

     1.14     "Insurance  Contract"  means  any  contract  issued  by an Insurer
underwriting  a  Benefit.

     1.15     "Insurer"  means  any insurance company that underwrites a Benefit
under  this  Plan.

     1.16     "Key  Employee"  means  an  Employee  described  in  Code  Section
416(i)(1)  and  the  Treasury  regulations  thereunder.

     1.17     "Participant"  means  any Eligible Employee who elects to become a
Participant pursuant to Section 2.3 and has not for any reason become ineligible
to  participate  further  in  the  Plan.

     1.18     "Plan''  means  this instrument, including all amendments thereto.

     1.19     "Plan  Year"  means  the 12-month period beginning January 1st and
ending December 31st, except that the first Plan Year shall be a short Plan Year
beginning  September  1st.  The  Plan  Year shall be the coverage period for the
Benefits  provided  for  under  this  Plan. In the event a Participant commences
participation  during a Plan Year, then the initial coverage period shall be hat
portion  of  the  Plan  Year  commencing on such Participant's date of entry and
ending  on  the  last  day  of  such  Plan  Year.

1.20     "Premium  Expenses"  or "Premiums" means the Participant's cost for the
Benefits  described  in  Section  4.1.

     1.21     "Salary  Redirection" means the contributions made by the Employer
on  behalf  of  Participants  pursuant  to  Section  3.2.

     1.22     "Salary  Redirection  Agreement"  means  an  agreement between the
Participant  and  the  Employer under which lie Participant agrees to reduce his
Compensation  or to forego all or part of the increases In such Compensation and
to  have  such  amounts  contributed  by  the  Employer  to  the  Plan  on  the
Participant's  behalf  The  Salary  Redirection  Agreement  shall  apply only to
Compensation  that  has  not  been  actually  or  constructively received by the
Participant  as  of  the  date of the agreement (after taking this Plan and Code
Section  125 into account) and, subsequently does not become currently available
to  die  Participant.

     1.23     "Spouse"  means  the  legally  married  husband  or  wife  of  a
Participant,  unless  legally  separated  by  court  decree.

                                   ARTICLE II


     Any  Eligible  Employee  shall be eligible to participate hereunder 90 days
after  his  initial  date  of  employment  with  the  Employer.


     An  Eligible  Employee shall become a Participant effective as of the first
day  of the month coinciding with or next following the date on which he met the
eligibility  requirements  of  Section  2.1.


     An  Employee  who is eligible to participate in this Plan shall, during the
applicable  Election Period, complete an application to participate and election
of  benefits  form  which  the  Administrator shall furnish to the Employee. The
election  made  on such form shall be 'revocable until the end of the applicable
Plan  Year  unless  the  Participant is entitled to change his Benefit elections
pursuant  to  Section  5.4  hereof

     An Eligible Employee shall also be required to execute a Salary Redirection
Agreement during the Election Period for the Plan Year during which he wishes to
participate  in  this  Plan.  Any  such  Salary  Redirection  Agreement shall be
effective  for  the  first  pay  period  beginning  on  or  after the Employee's
effective  date  of  participation  pursuant  to  Section  2.2.


     A  Participant shall no longer participate in this Plan upon the occurrence
of  any  of  the  following  events:
     (a)     His termination of employment, subject to the provisions of Section

(b)     The  end  of  the Plan Year during which he became a limited Participant
because  of  a  change  in  employment  status  pursuant  to  Section  2.5;

     (c)     His  death;  or

     (d)     The  termination of this Plan, subject to the provisions of Section


     If  a  Participant ceases to be eligible to participate because of a change
in  employment  status  or  classification  (other  than  through termination of
employment), the Participant shall become a limited Participant in this Plan for
the remainder of the Plan Year in which such change of employment status occurs.
As  a limited Participant, no further Salary Redirection maybe made on behalf of
the  Participant,  and, except as otherwise provided herein, all further Benefit
elections  shall  cease,  subject to the limited Participant's fight to continue
coverage  under  any  Insurance  Contracts. Subject to the provisions of Section
2.6,  if  the  limited  Participant later becomes an Eligible Employee, then the
limited  Participant  may again become a full Participant in this Plan, provided
he  otherwise satisfies the participation requirements set forth in this Article
II  as if he were a new Employee and made an election in accordance with Section


     If  a  Participant's  employment  with  the  Employer is terminated for any
reason  other  titan  death,  his participation in the Plan shall he governed in
accordance  with  the  following:

     (a)     With  regard  to  Benefits  which  are  insured,  the  Participants
participation  in  the  Plan  shall cease, subject to the Participant's light to
continue  coverage  under any Insurance Contract for which premiums have already
been  paid.

     (b)     This Section shall be applied and administered consistent with such
further  rights  a Participant and his Dependents may be entitled to pursuant to
Code  Section  4980B  and  Section  9.14  of  the  Plan.

                                   ARTICLE III
                            CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLAN


     The  Employer  shall  make  available  to  each  Participant  an  Employer
Contribution  in  an  amount  to  be  determined  by  the  Employer prior to the
beginning  of  each Plan Year. Each Participant's Employer Contribution shall be
available  to  purchase  Benefits  pursuant  to  Article  IV. If no Benefits are
selected,  there  shall  be  no  Employer  Contribution.

     The Employer's Contribution shall be made available at the beginning of the
Plan  Year.


     If  a  Participant's  Employer  Contribution is not sufficient to cover the
cost  of  Benefits  he  elects  pursuant to Article IV, his Compensation will be
reduced  in  an  amount  equal to the difference between the cost of Benefits he
elected and the amount of Employer Contribution available to him. Such reduction
shall  be  his  Salary  Redirection,  which die Employer will use on his behalf,
together with his Employer Contribution, to pay for the Benefits he elected. The
amount  of  such Salary Redirection shall be specified in the Salary Redirection
Agreement  and  shall  he applicable for a Plan Year. Notwithstanding the above,
for  new Participants, the Salary Redirection Agreement shall only be applicable
from  the  first day of the pay period following the Employee's entry date up to
and  including  the  last  day  of  the  Plan  Year.

     Any Salary Redirection shall be determined prior to the beginning of a Plan
Year (subject to initial elections pursuant to Section 5.1) and prior to the end
of  the  Election Period and shall be irrevocable for such Plan Year. However, a
Participant  may  revoke  a  Benefit  election or a Salary Redirection Agreement
after  the  Plan  Year has commenced and make a new election with respect to the
remainder  of the Plait Year, if both the revocation and the new election are on
account  of  and  consistent  with  a  change in status and such other permitted
events  as  determined under Article V of the Plan and consistent with the rules
and  regulations  of  the Department of the Treasury. Salary Redirection amounts
shall  be  contributed  on  a pro rata basis for each pay period during die Plan
Year.  All  individual  Salary  Redirection Agreements are deemed to the part of
this  Plan  and  incorporated  by  reference  hereunder.


     As  soon  as  reasonably  practical after each payroll period, the Employer
shall  apply  the  Employer  Contribution  and Salary Redirection to provide the
Benefits  elected  by  the  affected  Participants.


     Notwithstanding  the  requirement  provided  above and in other Articles of
this Plan that Salary Redirections be contributed to the Plan by the Employer on
behalf of an Employee on a level and pro rata basis for each payroll period, the
Employer  and  Administrator  may  implement  a  procedure  in  which  Salary
Redirections  are  contributed throughout the Plan Year on a periodic basis that
is  not  pro  rata  for  each  payroll  period.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     Each Participant may elect to have the amount of his Employer Contributions
and  Salary  Redirections  applied  to any one or more of the following optional

     (1)     Health  Insurance  Benefit

     (2)     Dental  Insurance  Benefit

     (3)     Disability  Insurance  Benefit


     (a)     Each  Participant  may  elect  to  be  covered  under  a health and
hospitalization  Insurance  Contract for the Participant, his or her spouse, and
his  or  her  Dependents.

     (b)     The  Employer  may  select  suitable  health  and  hospitalization
Insurance  Contracts  for  use in providing this health insurance benefit, which
policies  will  provide  uniform  benefits  for  all  Participants electing this

     (c)     The rights and conditions with respect to the benefits payable flow
such  health  and  hospitalization  Insurance  Contract  shall  be  determined
therefrom,  and  such  Insurance  Contract  shall  he  incorporated  herein  by


     (a)     Each  Participant  may  elect  to  he  covered under the Employer's
dental  Insurance  Contract.  In  addition,  the  Participant  may  elect either
individual  or  family  coverage  under  such  Insurance  Contract.

     (b)     The Employer may select suitable dental Insurance Contracts for use
in  providing this dental insurance benefit, which policies will provide uniform
benefits  for  all  Participants  electing  this  Benefit

     (c)     The rights and conditions with respect to the benefits payable from
such  dental  Insurance  Contract shall be determined therefrom, and such dental
Insurance  Contract  shall  be  incorporated  herein  by  reference.


     (a)     Each  Participant  may  elect  to  be  covered under the Employer's
disability  Insurance  Contract.  The  amount  of  coverage  thereunder shall be
sufficient  to  provide a basic benefit of 60% of the Participants Compensation.

     (b)     The Employer may select suitable disability Insurance Contracts for
use in providing this disability Benefit. The disability Insurance Contracts may
provide  for  long-term  or  short-term  coverage.

     (c)     The rights and conditions with respect to the Benefits payable from
such  disability  Insurance  Contract  shall  be  determined therefrom, and such
disability  Insurance  Contract  shall  be  incorporated  herein  by  reference.


     If  a  Participant does not elect any Salary Redirections, such Participant
shall  be  deemed  to  have  chosen the Cash Benefit as his sole Benefit Option.
However, if a Participant fails to make any election of Benefit Option, then the
Employer  Contribution  will  be  deemed  to  be  waived.


          (a)  It  is  the  intent  of  this  Plan  to  provide  benefits  to  a
     classification  of  employees which the Secretary of the Treasury finds not
     to  be  discriminatory  in favor of the group in whose favor discrimination
     may  not  occur  under  Code  Section  125.

          (b) It is the intent of this Plan not to provide qualified benefits as
     defined  under Code Section 125 to Key Employees in amounts that exceed 25%
     of the aggregate of such Benefits provided for all Eligible Employees under
     the  Plan. For purposes of the preceding sentence, qualified benefits shall
     not  include  benefits  which  (without  regard  to  this  paragraph)  are
     includible  in  gross  income.

          (c) If the Administrator deems it necessary to avoid discrimination or
     possible  taxation  to Key Employees or a group of employees in whose favor
     discrimination  may not occur in violation of Code Section 125, it may, but
     shall  not  be  required  to reject any election or reduce contributions or
     non-taxable  Benefits  in order to assure compliance with this Section, Any
     act taken by the Administrator under this Section shall be carried out in a
     uniform  and  nondiscriminatory  manner.  If  the  Administrator decides to
     reject  any  election  or  reduce contributions or non-taxable Benefits, it
     shall  he  done in the following manner. First, the non-taxable Benefits of
     the affected Participant (either an employee who is highly compensated or a
     Key  Employee,  whichever  is  applicable)  who  has  the highest amount of
     non-taxable  Benefits for the Plan Year shall have his non-taxable benefits
     reduced  until  the  discrimination  tests  sot  forth  In this Section are
     satisfied  or  until  the  amount  of  his  non-taxable Benefits equals the
     nor-taxable Benefits of the affected Participant who has the second highest
     amount  of  non-taxable  Benefits.  This  process  shall continue until the
     nondiscrimination  tests  set  forth  in  this  Section are satisfied. With
     respect  to  any affected Participant who has had Benefits reduced pursuant
     to  this Section, the reduction shall be made proportionately among insured
     Benefits.  Contributions  which are not utilized to provide Benefits to any
     Participant  by virtue of any administrative act under this paragraph shall
     be  forfeited  and  deposited  into  the  benefit  plan  surplus.

                                    ARTICLE V
                              PARTICIPANT ELECTIONS


     An  Employee  who  meets the eligibility requirements of Section 2.1 on the
first  day  of, or during, a Plan Year may elect to participate in this Plan for
all  or  the remainder of such Plan Year, provided he elects to do so before his
effective  date  of  participation  pursuant  to  Section  2.2. However, if such
Employee  does  not  complete an application to participate and benefit election
form  and  deliver it to the Administrator before such date, his Election Period
shall extend 30 calendar days after such date, or for such further period as the
Administrator  shall  determine  and  apply  on  a uniform and nondiscriminatory
basis. However, any election during the extended 30-day election period pursuant
to  this Section 5.1 shall not be effective until the first pay period following
the  later  of  such  Participant's  effective date of participation pursuant to
Section  2.2  or  the  date  of  the  receipt  of  the  election  form  by  the
Administrator,  and

shall  be  limited  to the Benefit expenses incurred for the balance of the Plan
Year  for  which  the  election  is  made.


     During  the  Election  Period  prior  to  each  subsequent  Plan Year, each
Participant  shall be given the opportunity to elect, on an election of benefits
form  to  be  provided  by the Administrator, which Benefit options he wishes to
select und purchase with his Employer Contributions and Salary Redirections. Any
such  election  shall  be effective for any Benefit expenses incurred during the
Plan  Year  which  follows  the  end  of  the  Election  Period.  With regard to
subsequent  annual  elections,  the  following  options  shall  apply:

          (a)  A  Participant  or  Employee  who  railed  to  initially elect to
     participate  may  elect different or new Benefits under the Plan during the
     Election  Period;

          (h)  A  Participant  may  terminate  his  participation in the Plan by
     notifying  the  Administrator in writing during the Election Period that he
     does  not  want  to  participate  in  the  Plan  for  the  next  Plan Year;

          (c)  .An  Employee  who  elects  not  to participate for the Plan Year
     following  the  Election  Period  will have to wait until the next Election
     Period  before  again  electing  to  participate  in  the  Plan.


     Any  Participant  failing to complete an election of benefits form pursuant
to  Section  5.2 by the end of the applicable Ejection Period shall be deemed to
have  made  the  same  Benefit  option  elections  as are then in effect for the
current  Plan  Year. The Participant shall also be deemed to have elected Salary
Redirection  in  an  amount  necessary,  when  added  to  available  Employer
Contributions,  to  purchase  such  Benefit  options.


          (a)  Any Participant may change a Benefit election after the Plan Year
     (to  which such election relates) has commenced and make new elections with
     respect  to  the  remainder  of  such  Plan  Year  if,  under the facts and
     circumstances,  the  changes  are necessitated by and are consistent with a
     change in status which is acceptable under rules and regulations adopted by
     the Department of the Treasury, the provisions of which art incorporated by
     reference.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary, if the rules
     and  regulations  conflict,  then such rules and regulations shall control.

          In  general,  a  change in election is not consistent if the change in
     status  is  the Participant's divorce, annulment or legal separation from a
     spouse,  the  death  of  a  spouse  or dependent, or a dependent ceasing to
     satisfy  the  eligibility  requirements for coverage, and the Participant's
     election  under the Plan is to cancel accident or health insurance coverage
     for  any individual other than the one involved in such event. In addition,
     if  the  Participant,  spouse  or  dependent  gains

     or  loses eligibility for coverage, then a Participant's election under the
     Plan  to  cease  or  decrease  coverage  for that individual under the Plan
     corresponds with that change in status only if coverage for that individual
     becomes  applicable  or  is  increased  under  the  family  member  plan.

          Regardless  of  the  consistency  requirement,  if the individual, the
     individual's  spouse,  or  dependent  becomes  eligible  for  continuation
     coverage under the Employer's group health plan as provided in Code Section
     4980B  or  any similar state law, then the individual may elect to increase
     payments  under  this  Plan  in order to pay for the continuation coverage.
     However,  this  does  not  apply  for  COBRA  eligibility  due  to divorce,
     annulment  or  legal  separation.

          Any  new election shall be effective at such time as the Administrator
     shall  prescribe, but not earlier than the first pay period beginning after
     the  election  form is completed and returned to the Administrator. For the
     purposes  of  this  subsection,  a  change in status shall only include the
     following  events  or  other  events  permitted  by  Treasury  regulations:

          (1)  Legal  Marital  Status:  events that change a Participant's legal
          marital  status, including marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, legal
          separation  or  annulment;

          (2)  Number of Dependents: Events that change a Participants number of
          dependents,  including  birth,  adoption,  placement  for adoption, or
          death  of  a  dependent;

          (3)  Employment  Status:  Any  of the following events that change the
          employment  status  of  the  Participant,  spouse,  or  dependent:
          termination  or  commencement  of  employment,  a  strike  or lockout,
          commencement or return from an unpaid leave of absence, or a change in
          worksite.  In  addition, if the eligibility conditions of this Plan or
          other  employee  benefit  plan  of  the  Employer  of the Participant,
          spouse,  or  dependent  depend  on  the  employment  status  of  that
          individual  and  there  is  a  change  in that individual's employment
          status  with the consequence that the individual becomes (or ceases to
          be)  eligible under the plan, then that change constitutes a change in
          employment  under  this  subsection;

          (4)  Dependent  satisfies  or  ceases  to  satisfy  the  eligibility
          requirements:  An  event  that  causes  the Participant's dependent to
          satisfy  or  cease  to  satisfy  the  requirements for coverage due to
          attainment  of  age,  student status, or any similar circumstance; and

          (5)  Residency: A change in lie place of residence of the Participant,
          spouse  or  dependent.

          (b)  Notwithstanding  subsection  (a),  the Participants may change an
     election  for accident or health coverage during a Plan Year and make a new
     election  that  corresponds  with the special enrollment rights provided in
     Code  Section 9801(f). Such change shall take place on a prospective basis.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  subsection  (a),  in  the  event  of a judgment,
     decree,  or  order  ("order")  resulting  from a divorce, legal separation,
     annulment,  or change in legal custody (including a qualified medical child
     support  order  defined  in  ERISA  Section 609) which requires accident or
     health  coverage for a Participant's child (including a foster child who is
     a  dependent  of  the  Participant):

               (1)  The  Plan may change an election to provide coverage for the
          child  if the order requires coverage under the Participant's plan; or

               (2)  The  Participant shall be permitted to change an election to
          cancel  coverage for the child if the order requires the former spouse
          to  provide  coverage  or  such child, under that individuals plan and
          such  coverage  is  actually  provided.

               (d)  Notwithstanding  subsection  (a),  a  Participant may change
          elections to cancel accident or health coverage for the Participant or
          the  Participant's  spouse  or  dependent  if  the  Participant or the
          Participants spouse or dependent is enrolled in the accident or health
          coverage  of  the  Employer  and  becomes  entitled to coverage (i.e.,
          enrolled)  under  Part  A  or  Part B of the Title XVIII of the Social
          Security  Act  (Medicare)  or  Title  XIX  of  the Social Security Act
          (Medicaid),  other  than  coverage consisting solely of benefits under
          Section  1928 of the Social Security Act (the program for distribution
          of  pediatric vaccines). If the Participant or the Participants spouse
          or  dependent  who  has been entitled to Medicaid or Medicare coverage
          loses  eligibility,  that  individual may prospectively elect coverage
          under  the  Plan  if  a benefit package option under the Plan provides
          similar  coverage.

               (e) If the cost of a Benefit provided under the Plan increases or
          decreases  during  a  Plan  Year,  then  the  Plan shall automatically
          increase  or  decrease, as the case may be, the Salary Redirections of
          all affected Participants for such Benefit. Alternatively, if the cost
          of a benefit package option increases significantly, the Administrator
          shall  permit  the  affected Participants to either make corresponding
          changes  in  their  payments  or  revoke  their elections and, in lieu
          thereof, receive on a prospective basis coverage under another benefit
          package  option  with similar coverage, or drop coverage prospectively
          if  there  is  no  benefit  package  option  with  similar  coverage.

               A  cost increase or decrease refers to an increase or decrease in
          the amount of elective contributions under the Plan, whether resulting
          from  an  action  taken  by the Participants or an action taken by the

               If  the  coverage  under  a Benefit is significantly curtailed or
          ceases  during  a  Plan  Year,  affected Participants may revoke their
          elections  of such Benefit and, in lieu thereof, elect to receive on a
          prospective  basis  coverage under another plan with similar coverage,
          or  drop  coverage  prospectively  if  no similar coverage is offered.

               If,  during  the period of coverage, a new benefit package option
          or  other coverage option is added, an existing benefit package option
          is  significantly  improved,  or an existing benefit package option or
          other  coverage  option  is

          eliminated,  then  the affected Participants may elect the newly-added
          option,  or  elect  another  option  if  an option has been eliminated
          prospectively  and make corresponding election changes with respect to
          other benefit package options providing similar coverage. In addition,
          those Eligible Employees who are not participating in the Plan may opt
          to  become  Participants  and  elect the new or newly improved benefit
          package  option.

               A Participant may make a prospective election change to add group
          health  coverage  for  the  Participant,  the  Participants  spouse or
          dependent  if such individual loses group health coverage sponsored by
          a  governmental  or  educational  institution,  including  a  state
          children's health insurance program under the Social Security Act, the
          Indian  Health Service or a health program offered by an Indian tribal
          government, a state health benefits risk pool, or a foreign government
          group  health  plan.

               A  Participant  may make a prospective election change that is on
          account  of  and  corresponds  with  a change made under the plan of a
          spouse's,  former spouses or dependent's employer if (1) the cafeteria
          plan  or  other  benefits  plan  of  the  spouse's, former spouse's or
          dependent's employer permits its participants to make a change; or (2)
          the  cafeteria  plan  permits  participants  to make an election for a
          period of coverage that is different from the period of coverage under
          the  cafeteria  plan  of  a  spouse's,  former  spouse's or dependents

                                   ARTICLE VI
                                ERISA PROVISIONS


               (a)  Any claim for Benefits underwritten by an Insurance Contract
          shall  be  made  to  the Insurer. If the Insurer denies any claim, the
          Participant  or  beneficiary  shall follow the Insurer's claims review
          procedure.  Any  other  claim  for  Benefits  shall  be  made  to  the
          Administrator.  If the Administrator denies a claim, the Administrator
          may  provide  notice  to  the  Participant or beneficiary, in writing,
          within  90  days after the claim is filed unless special circumstances
          require  an  extension  of  time  for  processing  the  claim.  If the
          Administrator  does  not  notify  the Participant of the denial of the
          claim  within  the 90 day period specified above, then the claim shall
          be  deemed  denied. The notice of a denial of a claim shall be written
          in  a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant and shall set

               (1) specific references to the pertinent Plan provisions on which
          the  denial  is  based;

               (2)  a  description  of  any  additional  material or information
          necessary  for the claimant to perfect the claim and an explanation as
          to  why  such  information  is  necessary;  and

               (3)  an  explanation  of  the  Plan's  claim  procedure.

               (b)  Within  60  days  after  receipt  of the above material, the
          claimant  shall  have  a  reasonable  opportunity  to appeal the claim
          denial  to  the

          Administrator  for  a  full  and fair review, the claimant or his duly
          authorized  representative  may:

          (1)  request  a  review  upon  written  notice  to  the Administrator;

          (2)  review  pertinent  documents;  and

          (3)  submit  issues  and  comments  in  writing.

               (c)  A  decision  on the review by the Administrator will be made
          not  later  than 60 days after receipt of a request for review, unless
          special  circumstances  require  an  extension  of time for processing
          (such as the need to hold a hearing), in which event a decision should
          be  rendered  as soon as possible, but in no event later than 120 days
          after such receipt. The decision of the Administrator shall be written
          and  shall  include  specific  reasons  for the decision, written in a
          manner  calculated  to  be  understood  by the claimant, with specific
          references  to  the pertinent Plan provisions on which the decision is


     The  Administrator  shall  be the named fiduciary pursuant to ERISA Section
402 and shall be responsible for the management and control of the operation and
administration  of  the  Plan.


     The Administrator and any other fiduciary under ERISA shall discharge their
duties  with respect to this Plan solely in the interest of the Participants and
their  beneficiaries  and

               (a)  for  the  exclusive  purpose  of  providing  Benefits  to
          Participants and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses
          of  administering  the  Plan;

               (b)  with  the  care,  skill,  prudence  and  diligence under the
          circumstances  then  prevailing  that  a  prudent  man  acting in like
          capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an
          enterprise  of  a  like  character  and  with  like  aims;  and

               (c)  in  accordance  with the documents and instruments governing
          the Plan insofar as such documents and instruments are consistent with


               The  right  of any Participant to receive any reimbursement under
          the  Plan  shall  not be alienable by the Participant by assignment or
          any other method, and shall not be subject to the rights or creditors,
          and  any  attempt  to cause such right to be so subjected shall not be
          recognized,  except  to  such  extent  as  may  be  required  by  law.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     The  operation  of  the  Plan  shall  be  under  the  supervision  of  the
Administrator. It shall be a principal duty of the Administrator to see that the
Plan  is carried out in accordance with its terms, and for the exclusive benefit
of  employees  entitled  to  participate into Plan. The Administrator shall have
full  power  to  administer the Plan in all of its details, subject, however, to
the  pertinent provisions of the Code. The Administrator's powers shall include,
but  shall  not  be limited to the following authority, in addition to all other
powers  provided  by  this  Plan:

               (a)  To  make  and  enforce  such  rules  and  regulations as the
          Administrator  deems  necessary  or  proper  for  the  efficient
          administration  of  the  Plan;

               (b)  To  interpret  the Plan, the Administrator's interpretations
          thereof  in  good  faith  to  be  final  and conclusive on all persons
          claiming  benefits  by  operation  of  the  Plan;

               (c)  To  decide  all  questions  concerning  the  Plan  and  the
          eligibility  of  any  person to participate in the Plan and to receive
          benefits  provided  by  operation  of  the  Plan;

               (d) To reject elections or to limit contributions or Benefits for
          certain  highly  compensated  participants  if  it  deems  such  to be
          desirable in order to avoid discrimination under the Plan in violation
          of  applicable  provisions  of  the  Code;

               (e)  To provide Employees with a reasonable notification of their
          benefits  available  by  operation  of  the  Plan;

               (f)  To  appoint  such agents, counsel, accountants, consultants,
          and  actuaries as may be required to assist in administering the Plan.

     Any  procedure,  discretionary act, interpretation or construction taken by
the Administrator shall be done in a nondiscriminatory manner based upon uniform
principles consistently applied and shall be consistent with the intent that the
Plan  shall  continue  to  comply  with  the  terms  of Code Section 125 and the
Treasury  regulations  thereunder.


     The  Administrator  shall  make  available  to  each  Participant, Eligible
Employee mid any other Employee of the Employer such records as pertain to their
interest  under  the  Plan  for  examination  at reasonable times during nominal
business  hours.


     Any reasonable administrative expenses shall be paid by the Employer unless
the  Employer  determines  that  administrative  costs  shall  be  borne  by the
Participants  under  the  Plan  or  by  any  Trust Fund which may he established
hereunder.  The  Administrator  may  impose  reasonable conditions for payments,
provided  that  such  conditions  shall  not  discriminate  in  favor  of highly
compensated  employees.


     In  the event of a conflict between the terms of this Plan and the terms of
an  Insurance  Contract  of  an independent third party Insurer whose product is
then  being  used  in  conjunction  with  this  Plan, the terms of the Insurance
Contract  shall  control  as to those Participants receiving coverage under such
Insurance  Contract.  For  this purpose, the Insurance Contract shall control in
defining the persons eligible for insurance, the dates of their eligibility, the
conditions  which  'mist  be  satisfied  to become insured, if any, the benefits
Participants  are  entitled  to  and  the  circumstances  under  which insurance


     The  Employer  agrees  to  indemnify  and  to  depend to the fullest extent
permitted  by  law any Employee serving as the Administrator or as a member of a
committee designated as Administrator (including any Employee or former Employee
who previously served as Administrator or as a member of such committee) against
all  liabilities,  damages,  costs  and  expenses (including attorney's fees and
amounts paid in settlement of any claims approved by the Employer) occasioned by
any  act or omission to act in connection with the Plan, if such act or omission
is  in  good  faith.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                        AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN


     The Employer, at any time or from time to time, may amend any or all of the
provisions  of  the  Plan without the consent of any Employee or Participant. No
amendment  shall  have  the  effect  of  modifying  any  benefit election of any
Participant  in  effect  at the time of such amendment, unless such amendment is
made  to  comply  with  Federal,  state  or local laws, statutes or regulations.


     The  Employer  is  establishing  this  Plan  with the intent hat it will be
maintained  for an indefinite period of time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Employer  reserves the right to terminate this Plan, in whole or in part, at any
time.  In  the  event  the Plan is terminated, no further contributions shall be
made. Benefits under any Insurance Contract shall be paid in accordance with the
terms  of  the  Contract.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     All  provisions of this Plan shall be interpreted and applied in a uniform,
nondiscriminatory  manner.  This  Plan  shall  be  read  in its entirety and not
severed  except  as  provided  in  Section  9.12.


     Wherever  any  words  are  used herein in the masculine, feminine or neuter
gender,  they shall be construed as though they were also used in another gender
in  all  cases where they would so apply, and whenever any words are used herein
in the singular or plural form, they shall be construed as though they were also
used  in  the  other  form  in  all  eases  where  they  would  so  apply.


     This  Plan,  in conjunction with any separate written document which may be
required  by  law,  is  intended to satisfy the written Plan requirement of Code
Section 125 and any Treasury regulations thereunder relating to cafeteria plans.


     This  Plan  shall  be maintained for the exclusive benefit of the Employees
who  participate  in  the  Plan.


     This  Plan shall net be deemed to constitute an employment contract between
the  Employer  and any Participant or to be a consideration or an inducement for
the  employment  of  any Participant or Employee. Nothing contained in this Plan
shall  be deemed to give any Participant or Employee the right to be retained in
the  service  of  the Employer or to interfere with the right of the Employer to
discharge any Participant or Employee at any time regardless of the effect which
such  discharge  shall  have  upon  him  as  a  Participant  of  this  Plan.


     Whenever  the Employer under the terms of the Plan is permitted or required
to do or perform any act or matter or thing, it shall be done and performed by a
person  duly  authorized  by  its  legally  constituted  authority.


          (a)  Upon  the  failure  of  either the Participant or the Employer to
     obtain  the  insurance  contemplated  by  this Plan (whether as a result of
     negligence,  gross  neglect or otherwise), the Participant's Benefits shall

be  limited  to  the  insurance premium(s), if any, that remained unpaid for the
period  in  question  and the actual insurance proceeds, if any, received by the
Employer  or  the  Participant  as  a  result  of  the  Participant's  claim.

          (b)  The  Employer's liability to the Participant shall only extend to
     and  shall be limited to any payment actually received by the Employer from
     the  Insurer.  In the event that the full insurance Benefit contemplated is
     not  promptly  received  by  the  Employer  within  a reasonable time after
     submission  of  a  claim, then the Employer shall notify the Participant of
     such  facts  and  the  Employer  shall  no longer have any legal obligation
     whatsoever  (except  to  execute  any  document  called for by a settlement
     reached  by  the  Participant).  The  Participant  shall be free to settle,
     compromise  or  refuse  to pursue the claim as the Participant, in his sole
     discretion,  shall  see  fit.

          (c)  The  Employer  shall  not  be responsible for the validity of any
     Insurance  Contract  issued hereunder or for the Failure on the part of the
     Insurer  to  make  payments provided for under any Insurance Contract. Once
     insurance  is applied for or obtained, the Employer shall not be liable for
     any  loss  which  may result from the failure to pay Premiums to the extent
     Premium  notices  are  not  received  by  the  Employer.


     Neither  the  Administrator  nor  the  Employer  makes  any  commitment  or
guarantee that any amounts paid to or for the benefit of a Participant under the
Plan will be excludable from the Participant's gross income for federal or state
income tax purposes, or that any other federal or state tax treatment will apply
to  or  be  available  to  any  Participant.  It shall be the obligation of each
Participant  to determine whether each payment under the Plan is excludable from
the Participant's gross income for federal and state income tax purposes, and to
notify  the  Employer  if  the  Participant  has reason to believe that any such
payment  is  not  so  excludable.  Notwithstanding  the Foregoing, the rights of
Participants  under  this  Plan  shall  be  legally  enforceable.


     If  any  Participant  receives one or more payments or reimbursements under
the  Plan that arc not for a permitted Benefit, such Participant shall indemnify
and  reimburse  the  Employer  for  any  liability  it  may incur for failure to
withhold  federal  or state income tax or Social Security tax from such payments
or  reimbursements.  However,  such  indemnification and reimbursement shall not
exceed the amount of additional Federal and state income tax plus any penalties)
that  the Participant would have owed if the payments or reimbursements had been
made  to  the  Participant  as regular cash compensation, plus the Participant's
share of any Social Security tax that would have been paid on such compensation,
less  any  such  additional  income and Social Security tax actually paid by the

9.10     FUNDING

     Unless  otherwise  required  by  law, contributions to the Plan need not be
placed  in  trust  or  dedicated  to  a  specific  Benefit,  but  may instead be
considered  general  assets  of  the Employer until the Premium Expense required
under the Plan has been paid. Furthermore, and unless otherwise required by law,
nothing  herein  shall be construed to require the Employer or the Administrator
to maintain any fund or segregate any amount for the benefit of any Participant,
and  no  Participant  or other person shall have any claim against, right to, or
security  or  other interest in, any fund, account or asset of the Employer from
which  any  payment  under  the  Plan  may  be  made.


     This  Plan  is  governed  by  the  Code and the Treasury regulations issued
thereunder  (as  they might be amended from time to time). In no event shall the
Employer guarantee the favorable tax treatment sought by this P1st To the extent
not  preempted  by  Federal law, the provisions of this Plan shall be construed,
enforced  and  administered  according  to  the  laws  of the State of Maryland.


     If  any  provision  of  the  Plan  is  held  invalid  or unenforceable, its
invalidity  or  unenforceability  shall  sot  affect any other provisions of the
Plan,  and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such provision had not
been  included  herein.

9.13     CAPTIONS

     The  captions contained herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience
and for reference, and in no way define, limit, enlarge or describe the scope or
intent  of the Plan, nor in any way shall affect the Plan or the construction of
any  provision  thereof


     Notwithstanding  anything  in  the  Plan  to the contrary, in the event any
benefit under this Plan subject to the continuation coverage requirement of Code
Section  4980B  becomes  unavailable,  each  Participant  will  be  entitled  to
continuation  coverage  as  prescribed  in  Code  Section  4980B.


     Notwithstanding  anything  in  the  Plan  to the contrary, in the event any
benefit  under  this  Plan becomes subject to the requirements of the Family and
Medical  Leave  Act  and  regulations thereunder, this Plan shall be operated in
accordance  with  Regulation  1  125-3.


     Notwithstanding  anything  in this Plan to the contrary, this Plan shall be
operated  in  accordance  with  HIPPA  and  regulations  thereunder.


     Notwithstanding  any provision of this Plan to the contrary, contributions,
benefits  and service credit with respect to qualified military service shall be
provided  in  accordance  with  USERRA  and  the  regulations  thereunder.

               IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Plan document is hereby executed this
__________day  of________________________________.

                        Dialysis  Corporation  of  America

                        By  ______________________


     The  undersigned  Secretary  of  Dialysis  Corporation  of  America  (the
Corporation)  hereby  certifies that the following resolutions were duly adopted
by  the  board of directors of the Corporation on __________________________ and
that  such resolutions have not been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof

     RESOLVED,  that  the  form  of  Cafeteria  Plan effective September 1,2002,
presented  to  this  meeting  is hereby approved and adopted and that the proper
officers  of  the  Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to execute and
deliver  to  the Administrator of the Plan one or more counterparts of the Plan.

     RESOLVED,  that  the Administrator shall be instructed to take such actions
that  are deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the Plan, and to set
up  adequate  accounting and administrative procedures to provide benefits under
the  Plan.

     RESOLVED,  that the proper officers of the Corporation shall act as soon as
possible  to  notify  the  employees  of  the Corporation of the adoption of the
Cafeteria  Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description
of  the  Plan  in  the  form  of  the Summary Plan Description presented to this
meeting,  which  form  is  hereby  approved.

     The undersigned further certifies that attached hereto as Exhibits A and B,
respectively,  are  true  copies  of Dialysis Corporation of America Section 125
Plan  and  the  Summary  Plan  Description approved and adopted in the foregoing

