SEC 1922
Previous versions

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             OMB  APPROVAL
                                             OMB  Number:  3235-0056
                                             Expires:  September  30,  2003
                                             Estimated  average  burden
                                             hours  per  response3


                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-A


                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(B) OR (G) OF THE

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       YantaiDahua Holdings Company Limited (formerly Equity Finance Holding
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
              Belize                                       NA
         -------------                                    -----
  (State of incorporation or organization)  (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

     East of Muping, Yantai,Shandong, People's Republic of China       NA
     -----------------------------------------------------------     ------
          (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
             Title of each class           Name of each exchange on which
             To be so registered           each class is to be registered
             None/Not Applicable
             ________________________     ______________________________
             ________________________     ______________________________

If  this  form  relates to the registration of a class of securities pursuant to
Section  12(b)  of  the  Exchange  Act  and  is  effective  pursuant  to General
Instruction  A.(c),  check  the  following  box.  [  ]

If  this  form  relates to the registration of a class of securities pursuant to
Section  12(g)  of  the  Exchange  Act  and  is  effective  pursuant  to General
Instruction  A.(d),  check  the  following  box.  [X]

Securities  Act  registration  statement file number to which this form relates:
NA (if  applicable)
- --

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                           Common Stock, par value $.001
                                (Title of class)
                                (Title of class)




The  authorized  capital  of  the  registrant is $100,000 in the currency of the
United States, divided into 100,000,000 shares of $.001 each.  All shares are to
be  issued  at  par  value  of  $.001.

The  registrant  may  issue  shares  of  different  classes,  including  common,
preferred,  limited  and  redeemable  shares.  All the initial authorized shares
numbered  00001-50000  shall  be  issued  as  common  shares.

The  designations,  powers,  preferences, rights, qualifications and limitations
and  restrictions  of  each  class  and  series of shares that the registrant is
authorized  to  issue, including but not limited to, the allocation of different
rights as to voting dividends, redemption and distribution on liquidation, shall
be  fixed  by  resolution  of  the  directors  unless such designations, powers,
preferences,  rights,  qualifications, limitations and restrictions are fixed by
the  Memorandum of Association or the Articles of Association of the registrant.

Each  member  of the registrant is entitled to one vote per share on each matter
presented  at  a  meeting  of  members.

The  directors, by resolution, may declare and pay dividends in money, shares or
other  property,  but  dividends  shall  only  be  declared  out  of  surplus.


The  following  exhibits  are  filed  as  a  part of the registration statement:

(1)     Memorandum  of Association and Articles of Association of Equity Finance
Holding  Corporation

(2)     The  International  Business  Companies Act Memorandum of Association of
Equity  Finance  Holding  Corporation

(3)     The  International  Business  Companies  Act  Articles of Association of
Equity  Finance  Holding  Corporation  (Interpretation)



Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on
its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,  thereto  duly  authorized.


YantaiDahua Holdings Company Limited (formerly Equity Finance Holding
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date  February  18,  2003

        TANG  Yuxiang,  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer




                                  MEMORANDUM OF



                                   ARTICLES OF



                             EQUITY FINANCE HOLDING


                                     IBC No.6825

                                INCORPORATED THE

                             6th DAY OF MARCH, 1998

                                 REGISTERED AGENT:

                                 DICKIE BRADLEY
                                 2A King Street
                                 Belize city
                                 Central America
                                 Telephone: 501 02 70810
                                 FAX 501 02 77159.

                           THE CORRESPONDING BUSINESS


                           MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION

CLAUSE                                                                 PAGE
- ------                                                                 ----

1      NAME .......................................................      1
2      REGISTERED OFFICE ..........................................      1
3      REGISTERED AGENT ...........................................      1
4      GENERAL OBJECTS AND POWERS .................................      1
5      EXCLUSIONS .................................................      6
6      SHARE CAPITAL ..............................................      7
7      AMENDMENTS .................................................      8

                            ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
- --------

1      PRELIMINARY ................................................      9
2      OFFICES ....................................................     10
3      REGISTERED SHARES ..........................................     10
4      BEARER SHARES ..............................................     10
5      SHARES - ASCI, TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION ...................     13
6      MEETINGS OF MEMBERS ........................................     15
7      VOTING AND PROXIES .........................................     18
8      DIRECTORS ..................................................     19
9      POWERS OF DIRECTORS ........................................     19
10     PROCEEDINGS Or DIRECTORS ...................................     20
11     OFFICERS ...................................................     21
12     SEAL .......................................................     22
13     DIVIDENDS ..................................................     23
14     AUDIT ......................................................     23
15     NOTICES ....................................................     24
16     AMENDMENTS .................................................     25



                                  MEMORANDUM OF




1.   NAME

     The name of the Company is EQUITY FINANCE HOL13ING CORPORATION.


     The Registered Office of the Company ~& 2A King Street, Belize City or such
     other  place  within  BELIZE  as the  company  may  from  time to time by a
     resolution of the members determine.


     The  Registered  Agent of the Company is DICKIE  Bradley of 2A King Street,
     Belize  City,  or such  other  person  qualified  under  the  International
     Business  Companies  hut IS90 (the  "Act-) as the  Company may from time to
     time by a resolution of the members determin


     The objects of the company are to engage in any act or activity that is not
     prohibited  under any law for the time being in force in Belize  including,
     but not limited to, the following:

     4.1  to carry on the business of an investment company and for that purpose
          to acquire  and hold  either in the name of the  company or in that of
          any nominee shares, stocks, debentures,  debenture stock scrip, bonds,
          notes, delegations. investments end securities and warrants or options
          in respect of any shares, stocks, debentures,  debenture stock, scrip,
          bonds,  notes,  obligations,,  investments or  securities;

     4.2  to carrry  debenture  quire such  shares,  stock  debentures,  stocks,
          strip,  bonds,  notes,  obligations,  investments,  or  securities  or
          warrants  or  options  therein  by  original  subscription,  contract,
          tender,   purchase  .  exchange,   .Underwriting,   participation   in
          Syndicates  or  otherwise,  and  whether.or  not fully paid up, and to
          subscribe for the same subject to ouch terms and  conditions  (it any)
          am may be thought fit;

     4.3  to exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incident
          to the  ownership  of any such  shares,  stock,  obligation*  or other
          securities Including with prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
          &11 such  powers of veto or control as may be  Conferred  by virtue of
          the holding by the Company of some special proportion of the issued or
          nominal amount thereof And to provide  managerial and other  executive
          supervisory and consultancy Services for or in relation to any company
          in which the Company is  interested  upon such terms as may be thought

     4.4  to acquire  and hold  either in the name of the  Company or in that of
          any nominee and whether as  principal  or broker or agent any currency
          in any form in any part of the world end any  commodity  and 1-0 enter
          into any Contract of purchase,  sale. or option to Purchase or sell In
          respect. of any such currency or commodity;

     4.5  to offer for public  subscription  any shares or stocks in the capital
          of  or  debentures  or  debenture  stock  or  other  securities  of or
          otherwise  to  establish  or  promote  or  concur In  establishing  or
          promoting, any company, society anonyme,  association,  undertaking or
          public or private body;

     4.6  to carry on business as Capitalists,  financiers,  concessionaires and
          merchants  and to  undertake  and  carry  on and  execute  and,  other
          business which may Boom to be Capable of being conveniently carried on
          in  connection  with any of these  objects or  calculated  directly or
          indirectly to enhance the value of or facilitate the  realisation  of,
          or render profitable, any of the Company's property or rights;

     4.7  to carry on the business of a property  investment and holding company
          and for that purpose co purchase,  take on lease,  or in exchange,  or
          otherwise acquire, hold, undertake,  or direct the management of work,
          develop  the  resources  of, and turn to account  any  estates  lands,
          buildings,  tenements,  and other real  property and property of every
          description,  whether of, freehold,  leasehold,  or other Tenure,  and
          wheresoever  situate,  end any, interests  therein,  rights and powers
          conferred by, or incident to, the ownership of any such property;

     4.8  to sell, lease. let,  mortgage,  or otherwise dispose of, grant rights
          over or  otherwise  provide any such  property of the company  without
          seeking  rental or  consideration  for much disposal or provision,  or
          otherwise upon each terms as the Company shall determine;


     4.9  to acquire and assume for any estate or interest  and to take  options
          over,  construct  develop Or exploit any property  real or personal or
          movable  or  immovable  and rig t a of any  *Find and the whole or any
          part of the  undertaking  assets and  liabilities of any person and to
          act and carry on business as a holding company:

     4.10 to  acquire,  trade and deal  with,  or hold  stocks,  shares,  bonds,
          debentures,  scrip,  investments and securities of all kinds issued in
          any country in any part of the world;

     4.11 to raise and Borrow money by the issue of shares,  stock,  debentures,
          bonds,  obligations,  deposit  notes and  otherwise  howsoever  and to
          underwrite  any such issue and without  limiting the generality of the
          foregoing to secure or discharge  Any debt or obligation of or binding
          on the  Company  in any  manner  and in  particular  by the  issue  of
          debenture  (perpetual or otherwise) and to secure the repayment of any
          money borrowed raised or owing by mortgage,  charge.  or lien upon the
          whole or any part of the Company's property or assets (whether present
          or future);

     4.12 to deposit the monies of the Company with any company or person and to
          advance and land money upon such terms as may he arranged  and with or
          without  security and to guarantee the  performance of any contract of
          obligation  and the  payment of money of or by any person or  company,
          and generally to give guarantees and indemnities  including guarantees
          And indemnities in respect of the liabilities of person whether or not
          associated  with the Company  and whether or not the Company  receives
          Any  consideration  therefor  and to  secure  any  such  guarantee  or
          indemnity by the grant of charges,  mortgages or liens on the whole be
          Any part of the Company's property or assets present of future;

     4.13 to Apply for, purchase or by other means acquire and protect,  prolong
          and renew Any patents,  patent -right, brevets d'invention,  licences,
          trade marks,  protections  and  concessions  or other rights which may
          appear likely to be advantageous or useful to the Company,

     4.14 to acquire and undertake,  an any terms and subject to any conditions,
          the whole or any part of the business, property and liabilities of any
          person or  company  carrying  an any  business  which the  company  is
          authorized  to carry on, or  Possessed  Of property  suitable for 'the
          purposes of the Company;

     4.15 to amalgamate with or enter into.  partnership or any joint purpose or
          profitsharing  arrangement  with or to  co-operate in any way with, or
          assist  or  subsidise  any  Company,  firm or person  carrying  on, or
          proposing to carry on, any business within the obkects of the Company;


     4.16 to purchase  with a view to closing or  reselling  in whole or in part
          any  business  or  properties  which may seem or he  deemed  likely to
          injure by competition or otherwise, any business or branch of business
          which the Company is authorized to carry on, and to close, abandon and
          give up any work or businesses at any time acquired by the Company;

     4.17 to act as directors or managers of or to appoint directors or managers
          of any  subsidiary  company  Or of any  other  company  in which  this
          Company is or may be interested;

     4.18 to make, draw, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue
          and to buy,  sell  and deal in  promissory  notes  bills of  exchange,
          cheques  bills of  lading,  shipping  documents,  docks and  warehouse
          warrants  and  other   instruments   negotiable  or   transferable  or

     4.19 to land money with or without  security  and to  subsidise  assist and
          guarantee the payment of money by or the  performance of any contract,
          engagement or obligation by any persons or companies;

     4.20 to  constitute  any trusts  with 6 view to the issue of  preferred  or
          deferred  or any  other  special  stocks  or  securities  based  on or
          representing   any  shares,   Stocks  or  other   asset   specifically
          appropriated  for the  purpose of any such  trusts,  and to settle and
          regulate and, if thought fit, to undertake and execute any such trusts
          and to issue dispose of or hold any such preferred,  deferred or other
          special stocks or securities;

     4.21 to pay  all  preliminary  expenses  of the  Company  and  any  company
          promoted by the Company or any company in which this Company is or may
          contemplate  being interested  including in such preliminary  expenses
          all or any part of the costa and expenses Of Owners of any business or
          property acquired by the company;

     4.22 to enter  into any  arrangements  with any  -,overnment  or  authority
          imperial,  supreme,  municipal,  local or  otherwise,  or company that
          Rooms  'conductive  to the  Company's  objects  or any of them  and to
          obtain from any such Government,  authority,  or company any charters,
          contracts.  decrees,  rights, grants. loans, privileges or concessions
          which the Company may think it  desireable to Obtain and to carry out,
          exercise and comply with others

     4.23 to vent any real or personal property, rights or interest, acquired by
          or  belonging to the Company in any person or company on behalf or for
          the  benefit of the  Company,  with or without any  declared  trust in
          favors of the Company;

     4.24 to undertake and perform  sub-contracts and to act through or by means
          of Agents, brokers, sub-contractors or others;


     4.25 to remunerate any person or company rendering services to the Company,
          whether by cash payment or by the  allotment to him or them of shares,
          stocks, debentures,  bonds or other securities of the Company credited
          as paid " up in full or in part or otherwise;

     4.26 to procure the Company to be  registered  or recognised in any part of
          the world outside Belizw

     4.27 to distribute among the members of the company in kind any property of
          the Company (whether by way of dividend or otherwise and in particular
          any shares, stocks, debentures, bonds or other securities belonging to
          or at the disposal Of the company;

     4.28 to do all or any of the  above  things in any part of the  world,  and
          either as principals,  agents,  trustees  contractors or otherwise and
          either alone or in conjunction  with others,  and either by or through
          agents, sub-contractors, trustees or

     4.29 to  accept  payment  for any  property  or rights  sold or  other-wine
          disposed  of  or  dealt  with  by  the  Company  either  in  cash,  by
          instalments  or  otherwise or in fully or partly paid up shares of any
          company or corporation, with Or without defered or preferred rights in
          respect  of  dividend  or  repayment  of capital  or  otherwise  or in
          debentures  or mortgage  debentures or debenture  stock,  mortgages or
          other  securities of any company or corporations or partly in one mode
          and partly in another and to hold,  dispose of or otherwise  deal with
          any shares. stock or securities no acquired;

     4.30 to have the power exercisable solely by resolution of the directors to
          Vast the  corpus or the  income  of any trust in itself  and to do all
          such things as may be conducive to the attainment of such objects; and

     4.31 to make much gifts of the  Company's  property  as all  members of the
          Company in general meeting shall decide including without limiting the
          generality thereof, the power to vast all or any part of the Company's
          property  revocable  De  irrevocable  in the name of trustees  for the
          benefit of such person or persons  including the Company on such terms
          as all the members of the company in general meeting shall decide

The Company shall have all such power &a are permitted by law for the time being
to force in Beliza which are necessary or conducive to the conduct promotion or
attainment of the objects of the Company



     5.1  The Company shall not,

          5.1.1 carry on business with per acne resident on Belize;

          5.1.2 own an interest in real properity situate in Belize, other than
                a lease referred to in paragraph 5.2.5 of sub - clause 5-2

          5-1.3 carry on a banking business

          5.1.4 carry in business as an insurance or & reinsurance company; or

          5.1.5 carry on the  business of  providing  the registered  office for

     5.2  For the purpose of paragraph 5.1-1 of sub-clause 6.1 above the Company
          shall not be treated as carrying on business with persons  resident in
          Belize City by reason only that:

          5.2.1 it makes or maintains deposits  with a company  incorporated in
                Belize and carrying on a banking business within Belize;

          5.2.2 it makes  or maintains  professional  contact  with  solicitors,
                barristers, accountants  bookkeepers,   truercompanies,  adminis
                companies, Investment advisers or other similar persons carrying
                on business within Belize;

          5.2.3 it prepares or maintains books and records within Belize:

          5.2.4 it. holds. within Belize. meetings of its directors or members;

          5.2.5it holds a lease of  property  for use as an office from which to
               communicate  with  members  or where - books and  records  of the
               Company are prepared or maintained,

          5.2.6it  holdsshares,  debt  obligations  or  other  securities  in  a
               company incorporated under the Act or under the Companies Act;

          5.2.7shares,  debt  obligations or other securities in the Company are
               owned  by any  person  resident.  in  Belize  or by  any  company
               incorporated. under the Act or under the Companies Act; or

          5.2.8it owns a vessel or  vessels  registered  in Belize  inaccordance
               with the Merchant Shipping Act,1989



          6.1  Shares in the  Company  shall be issued  in the  currency  of The
               United States of America.

          6.2  The authorized  capital of the Company is fifty thousand  dollars
               ($50,000)  divided into fifty  thousands  (50,000)  shares of one
               dollar par value

          6.3  The  authorized  share  capital of the  Company is made up of one
               class of share divided intofifty  thousand (50,000) shares of one
               dollar par value with one (1) vote for each share.

          6.4  The designations,  powers, preferences,  rights,  qualifications,
               limitations  and  restrictions of each class and series of shares
               tbat  the  Company  is  authorized  to issue  including,  but not
               limited  to, the  allocation  of  different  rights as to voting,
               dividends,  redemption or  distribution  on liquidation  shall be
               fixed by resolution  of the directors of the Company  unless Such
               designations,   powers,  preferences,   rights,   qualifications,
               limitations  and  restrictions  axe fixed by this  Memorandum  of
               Association or the Articles of Association Of the Company

          6.5  Registered or Bearer Shares

               6.5.1the Company may issued all or part of its authorized  shares
                    either  as  registered  shares  issued  to  bearer  sod  the
                    directors of the Company  shall be empowered to determine by
                    resolution of the directors which of such authorized  shares
                    shall be issued  as  registered  shares  and which as shares
                    issued to bearer unless such  determination is fixed by this
                    Memorandum. of Association or the Articles of Association of
                    the Company.

               6.5.2snares  Issued an  registered  shares may be a exchanged for
                    shares  issued to  bearer  shares  issued  to bearer  may be
                    exchanged for registered shares

               6.5.3notice to the  holders of shares  issued to bearer  shall be
                    sent by prepaid  registered  pant addressed to the addressed
                    to  which  the  original  bearer  share   certificates  were
                    despatched  and/or in the manner not out in the  Articles of
                    Association of the Company and compliance with the foregoing
                    shall  constitute  proper  service  of any  notice  upon the
                    bearer or ouch shares.

          6.6  Registered  shares in the Company May be transferred,  subject to
               Compliance  with  the   requirements  of  the  Act  And  of  this
               Memorandum of Association  and the Articles of Association of the



     The Company may amend this Memorandum of Association by a resolution of its

For the purpose or  incorporating  an  International  Business Company under the
laws of Belize the person whose name and address appears below is the subscriber
hereby  subscribes its name to this Memorandum of Association in the presence of
the undersigned withness:


/s/ F. MARSHALLETK                             /s/ DICKIE BRADLEY
- --------------------------                     ------------------------------

 Name: F.MARSHALLETK                           Name DICKIE BRADLEY

 Address: 2A King Street                       Address. 2A king Street
                                                        Belize City, Belize
                                                        Central America

   BELIZE CITY                                 DICKIE BRADLEY
- --------------------------                     ------------------------------
- --------------------------                     ------------------------------

Date:  25 FEB 1998                             DATE: 25 FEB 1998
     ---------------------                         --------------------------




                           THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS

                               COMPANIES ACT 1990

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                             EQUITY FINANCE HOLDING


                                 1. PRELIMINARY

In theme Articles,  if not inconsistent  with the subject or context,  the words
and  expressions  standing in the first Column of the following table shall boar
the meaning set opposite them respectively in the second column thereof:

Words               Meanings
- -----               --------

the  Memorandum     the  Memorandum  of  Association  of the Company as original
                    framed or as from tithe to time amended,

the Act             the International  Business Companies Act 1990 including any
                    Statutory  modification of re-enactment thereof for the time
                    being in force;

the Seal            the Common Seal of the  Company,  any  Overseas  Seal or any
                    Securities Seal authorised in accordance with Article 121

titles              these  Articles of  Association  an originally  framed or as
                    from time to time amended,

"written"  or any  term of like  import  includes  word*  typewritten,  Printed,
painted, engraved lithographed, photographed Or represented at reproduced by any
mode or representing or reproducing  words in a visible form,  including  telex,
telegram, cable or other form of writing produced by electronic communication.

Save as aforesaid,  words or expressions  contained in these Articles shall bear
the  same  meanings  as in the Act but:  excluding  any  statutory  modification
thereof not in force when these Articles become binding on the Company.

Words  importing  the singular  number shall  include the plural number and vice
versa:  words  importing  the  masculine  gender shall  include the feminine and
neuter  genders  respectively:  words  Importing  persons shall  include  bodies
corporate and unincorporated associations of persons.

A reference  to money I in these  Articles is a reference to the currency of the
United States of America unless otherwise stated.


                                   2. OFFICES

The company shall at all times have a registered office in Belize, a Company may
have an office or offices at such other place or places within or outside as the
directors may from time to time by  resolution  of the directors  appoint at the
business of the Company may require.

                                 3. REGISTERED SHARES


The Company shall issue to every member holding registered shares in the Company
a  certificate  signed by a dirrector  Or officer at the Company  anti under the
Seal specifying the share or shares held by him.


Any member receiving a share  certificate for registered  shares shall indemnify
and hold the Company and Its  directors  and officers  harmless from any lore or
liability which it be they may incur by reason of the wrongful or fraudulent us*
made by any person 'by virtue of the possession  thereof. if a share certificate
for registered shares is worn out or lost it may be renewed on production of the
worn out  certificate  or on  satisfactory  proof Of its 105B together with such
indemnity as may be required by a resolution of the directors.


If several  persons are  registered as joint  holders or any shares,  -ny one Of
such persons may give an effectual  receipt for any vidend payable in respect of
such shares.

                                4. BEARER SHARES


Subject to a request  for the issue of bearer  shares and to the  payment of the
appropriate  consideration for the shares to be issued,  the Company way, to the
extent authorised by the Memorandum,  issue bearer shares to, and at the expense
of, such person as shall be specified in the request. The Company may also, upon
receiving  a request in writing  accompanied  by the share  certificate  for the
shares in question, exchange registered shares far bearer shares or may exchange
bearer shares for registered shares.  Such request served or. the Company by the
holder of bearer  shares shall  specify the name and address of the person to be
registered and unless the request Lr delivered in person by. the bearer shall be
Authenticated an hereinafter provided. Such request served an the Company by the
holder of bearer shares



                                THE INTERNATIONAL


                                  COMPANIES ACT

                                  MEMORANDUM OF




                        An International Business Company


2.   Registered:         56 Regent Street, Belize City, Belize

3.   Registered:         UNITED OFFSHORE  SERVICES  LIMITED,  56 Regent
                         Street,  Belize City, Belize.

4.   Objects of:         The object of this company is to engage
     Company             any or activity not prohibited by Law.

5.   Currency  of:       The  shares in the  company  shall be  issued
     Shares              in the currency  of the  United  States of  America.

6.   Authorised:         The  authorised capital of the  Company is
     Capital             $50,000.00  in the  currency  of United States of
                         America  divided into  100,000,000  shares of 6. $.001
                         each.  All shares are to he issued at par
                         value of $.001.

7.   Classes of          The Company may issue shares of different
     Shares              classes including common  shares,  preferred,
                         limited  and  redeemable  shares.  All the  initial
                         authorised shares numbered 00001-50000 shall be
                         issued as common shares.

8.   Designations:       The directors of the Company are etc. authorise
     Powers              to fix any and all designations, powers,
                         Preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations
                         and restrictions on the shares of the Company as
                         they determine in their absolute discretion.

9.   Issuance of         Shares in the Company may be issued either
     Shares              as registered shares or as bearer shares.


The  undersigned  whose name and  address is  subscribed,  is  desirous of being
formed into a Company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association.


/S/ D. Waithe
56 Regent Street
Belize City


DATED this 9th day of February, 2001

Witness to the above signature:           /s/ E. Richards
                                          56 Regent St.
                                          Belize   City



                                THE INTERNATIONAL
                                  COMPANIES ACT
                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
                        An international Business Company


     1. In these Articles, unless the subject or Context otherwise requires, the
words standing in the first column of the table next hereinafter ter contained
shall bear the meanings set opposite to them respectively in the second column

           WORDS                                          MEANINGS
 The Act of the international                 The International Business
 Business Companies Act                       Companies Act 1990 as amended
                                              and every other Act for the time
                                              being in force concerning
                                              International Business Companies
                                              and affecting the Company.

 These Articles                               These Articles of Association
                                              as now framed or as altered from
                                              time to time by the procedure
                                              laid out in section 16 of the

 The Company                                  EQUITY FINANCE HOLDING

 The Directors                                The Directors for the time being
                                              of the Company.

 The Office                                   The registered office for the time
                                              being of the Company.

 The Agent                                    The registered agent for the time
                                              being of the Company.

 The Seal                                     The common seal of the Company.

     Writing shall include printing lithography, photography and other modes of
representing or reproducing words in a visible form, Words importing the
singular number only shall include the plural number, and vice versa.

     Words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine gender
and vice versa.

     Words importing persons shall include bodies corporate and vice Versa. Save
as aforesaid, any words or expressions defined in the Act shall, except where
the subject or context forbids, bear the same meaning in these Articles,

                                 PRIVATE COMPANY

          2. The Company is an International Business company, and accordingly

               (a)  the right to transfer the shares of the Company is
                    unrestricted by these Articles; and

               (b)  the number of members of the Company shall be unlimited.


          3.   The initial capital of the Company is $50,000.00 in the currency
               of the United States of America divided into 100,000,000 shares
               of $.001 each and divided into such classes as provided by clause
               7 of the Memorandum of Association and the Company may from time
               to time by resolution of directors exercise the powers and
               provisions contained in sections 9 and 24 of the Act.

          4.   The shares shall be under the control of the Directors, who may
               allot and issue the same to such persons on such terms and
               conditions and at such times as the Directors think fit, but so
               that no shares shall be issued unless the consideration in
               respect of the share is fully paid.

          5.   The rights attached to any class of (unless otherwise provided by
               the terms of issue of the shares of that class) may, whether or
               right not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the
               consent in writing of the holders of three fourths of the issued
               shares of that classs

               compelled to accept any shares or other securities whereon there
               is any liability.


          105. In addition to section 57 of the Act every Director or other
               officer of the Company shall be entitled to be indemnified out of
               the assets of the Company against all losses or liabilities which
               he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of the duties
               of his office or otherwise in relation thereto, and no Director
               or other officer shall be liable for any loss, damage or
               misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the Company in
               the execution of the duties of his office or in relation thereto.
               But this Article shall only have effect in so far as its
               provisions are not avoided by the Act


/S/ D. Waithe
56 Regent
Street, Belize City, Belize.

DATED this 9th day of February 2001

Witness to the above signature;                    /S/ E. Richards
                                                   56 Regent Street
                                                   Belize City,

shall also be  accompanied  by any  coupons or talons  which at the date as such
delivery have not become due for payment of dividends or any other  distribution
by the company to the holders of such shares.  allowing  such exchange the share
certificate  relating to the  exchange  shares shall be delivered an directed by
the member requesting the exchange.


Bearer  snare  certificates  Shall be under  the Seal and Shall  state  that the
bearer is entitled to the Shares  therein  specified and may provide by coupons,
talons,  or otherwise for the payment of dividends or other monies on the =hare=
included therein.


Subject to the  -provisions of the Act, the memorandum and of these Articles the
bearer  of a bearer  share  certificate  Shall be  deemed  to be a member of the
Company and Shall be entitled to the Same rights and privileges as he would have
had if his name had been  included  in the share  register of the company 45 the
holder of the shares.


Subject to any specific  provisions in these articles,  in order to exercise his
rights as a member Of the  Company,  the  bearer Of a bearer  share  certificate
shall produce the bearer share  certificate as evidence of his membership of the
Company.  Without  prejudice to the  generality  of the  foregoing the following
rights may be exercised in-the following manner:

(a)  for the purpose of excerising  hie voting rights at a meeting the bearer of
     a bearer shire  certificate  shall produce ouch certificate to the chairman
     of the meeting;

(b)  for the purpose of  excerising  his vote on a  resolution  in writing,  the
     bearer of a Nearer share  certificate shall cause his signature to any such
     resolution to be. authenticated as hereinafter provided;

(c)  for the purpose of  requisitioning  a meeting of  members,  the bearer of a
     bearer share certificate shall address him requisition to the directors and
     him signatures thereon shall be duly authenticated an hereinafter provided;

(d)  for the  purpose  of  resolving  divi  dends the  bearer of a bearer  share
     certificate  shall  present  at ouch  places  as may be  designated  by the
     directors any coupons or talone issued for such purpose, or shall I present
     the  bearer  share  cert if icate to any  paying  agent  authorized  to pay


the  signature of a bearer of a bearer share  certificate  shall be deemed to be
duly  authenticated if the bearer of the bearer share  Certificate shall produce
such  certificate  to a notary public or a bank manager or a director or officer
of the  company  (herein  referred  to as an  "authorised  person")  aria If the
authorised  person shall  endorse the document  bearing  such  signature  with a

(a)  identifying  the bearer  share  certificate  produced to him. by number and
     date and  specifying  the  number  of  shares  and the  class of share  (if
     appropriate) comprised therein;

(b)  confirming   that  the  signatures  of  the  bearer  of  the  bearer  share
     certificate  was  subscribed  in his  presence  and that if the  bearer  is
     representing  a body.  corporate  he has so  acknowledged  and has produced
     satisfactory evidence thereof;

(c)  specifying  the capacity in which tie is qualified aman  authorised  person
     and, if a notary  public.  affixing  his seal thereto or, if a bank manger,
     attaching an identifying stamp of the bank of which be is a manager.


Notwithstanding any other provisions of theses Articles, at any time, the bearer
of a bearer &haze  certificate  may deliver the certificate for such shares into
the custody of the Company at its registered office, whereupon the Company shall
issue a  receipt  therefore  under  the seal  signed by a  director  or  officer
Identifying  by name and  address the person  delivering  such  certificate  and
specifyIng the date and number of the bearer share  certificate so deposited and
the umber of shares comprised therein. Any such receipt may be used by '0 person
named  therein for the  purpose of  exercising  the rights  vested in the shares
represented by the bearer share  certificate  of deposited  shall be returned to
the person named in the receipt or his personal  representative  (if such person
be dead) and thereupon the receipt Issued therefor shall be of no further effect
whatsoever and shall be returned to the company for  cancellation  or, it it has
been lost or mislaid,  Such  indemnity am may be required by  resolution  of the
directors shall be given to the Company.


the bearer of a bearer share  certificate shall for all purposes be deemed to be
the owner of the shares  comprised in such  certificate and in no  circumstances
shall the Company or the  chairman  of may  meeting of members or the  Company's
registrars or any director or officer of the Company or any authorized person be
obliged to enquire into the circumstances whereby a

bearer  share  certificate  came into the  hands of the  Dearer  thereof,  or to
question  the  validity or  authenticity  of any action taken by the bearer of a
bearer share certificate  Whose Signature has been  authenticated as provided In
Section 5 above.


It the bearer of a bearer  share  certificate  shall be a company,  then all the
rights  exercisable  by  virtue  of such  shareholding  may be  exercised  by an
individual  duly  authorized to represent the company but unless such individual
shall  acknowledge  that he in  representing  a company and shall  produce  upon
request  satisfactory  evidence  that he is duly  Authorized  to,  represent the
company,  the individual shall for all purposes hereof be regarded as the holder
or the shares in any bearer share certificate held by him.


The  directors  may provide for  payment of  dividends  to the holders of hearer
shares by coupon or talons and in such event the  coupons or talon*  %hall be in
such form -and payable at such time and in such time and !a such place or places
an the directors  shall resolve.  The Company shall be entitled to recognize the
absolute  right of the  bearer of any  coupon or talon  issued as  aforesaid  to
payment of the  dividend to which it relates and delivery of the coupon or talon
to the Company or Its agents Shall  constitute  In all respects a good and final
discharge of the Company in respect of Such dividend.


It any bearer  share  certificate,  coupon or talon be worn out or defaced,  the
directors may, upon the surrender thereof for  cancellation,  issue a now one In
its  stead,  and if any  bearer  share  certificate  coupon  or talon be lost or
destruction be established to their satisfaction,  and upon such indemnity being
given to the Company as it shall be resolution of the directors determine, issue
a now bearer share  certificate  in its stead,  and in either came on Payment of
such sum as the Company  may from time to time by  resolution  of the  directors
require. In case of loss or destruction the person to whom such new bearer share
certificate,  coupon or talon Is Issued  shall also bear and pay to the  Company
all expenses  incidental to the  Investigation by the Company Of the evidence of
such long or destruction and to Such Indemnity.



Subject to the  provisions of the Act, the  Memorandum,  these  Articles and any
resolution of the members of the Company any issued shares; of the Company shall
be at the disposal of the  directors  who may,  without  prejudice to any rights
previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class or series of
Shares,  offer,  allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of the shares to
such Persons,  at such times and upon such terms and conditions as the directors
may determine.


The  Company  shall  issue  certificates  in  respect  of  its  shares,  whether
registered  shares or bearer sharer.  No notice of a trust,  whether  expressed,
implied or constructive, shall be entered in the share register of the company.


The  directors  may refuse to register any transfer of share-,  in favor of more
than four parsons Jointly


The registration of transfere of shares may be suspended and the share registrar
closed at ouch timer and for such  periods as the  company may from time to time
by resolution of the directors  determine provided always that such registration
shall not be suspended  and the share  register  closed for more than 60 days in
any period of 12 months


The  executor  of  administrator  of a  deceased  member,  the  guardian  of  an
incompetent  member of the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be the only person
recognized  by the  Company as having any title to his shares but they shall not
be entitled to  exercise  any rights as a member of the company  until they have
proceeded as set forth in the Act and in Section 6 below.


  Any person becoming entitled by operation of law or otherwise to a share or
  shares in consequence of the death, incompetence Or bankruptcy of any member
  may be registered as a member upon such evidence being produced as may
  reasonably be - required by the directors An application by any such persons
  to be registered a% a member shall be deemed to be a transfer of shares of the
  deceased, incompetent or bankrupt member and the directors shall treat it', as


The directors may make such rules and  requlations as are in accordance with the
Act, the Memorandum and these Articles and as they may deem expedient concerning
the issuance and transfer of Certificates representing shares of the Company and
may appoint  transfer  agents or registrar.  or both,  and may require all share
certificates to bear the signatures of either or both of the foregoing.  Nothing
herein  shall be  construed  to  prohibit  the Company  from  acruing on its own
transfer agent at any of Its offices.

                             6. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS


The Company may hold once in every  calendar year an annual meeting at such time
and place as may be designated in the notice of meeting


All  meetings of members  other then  annual  meetings  shall be called  Special
meetings.  The directors may call special  meetings and, on the  requisition  of
members pursuant to the provision& of the Act, shall forthwith proceed to call a
special  mating  for a date not later  than  eight  weeks  after  receipt of the


Meetings of the  members  shall be held at such place  either  within or without
Belize am may be fixed  from time to time by the  directors  or if no such place
has been fixed, such place an shall be stated in the notice of any such meeting.


written notice of the time,  place and, as far es practicable,  purposes of each
meeting of the members  Shall be given by any director of by the  Secretary  and
shall be served in the manner  required  by Article is Section I to each  member
entitled to vote at Such meeting.


Each meeting of the members  shall be preceded over by the Chairman of the board
of  directors  (if any) or. In his absence,  by such person as my he  designated
from time to time by the board of directors or, in the absence of Such person or
If there  shall be no such  designation,  by a  .,hairman  to be  chosen  at the
meeting. The Secretary shall act as secretary of each meeting of the members or,
if he shall not be  present,  such person as may be  designated  by the board of
directors  shall act as much  secretary  or, in the absence of such person or if
there shall be no such designation, a secretary shall he chosen at the meeting.


Without  prejudice  to Section 17 below,  at all,  Meetings  of the  members two
persons  entitled  to vote upon the  business  to be  transacted,  each being a,
member  or a proxy  for a  member  or a duly  authorized  represe  ntat ive of a
corporation,  shall be necessary  and  sufficient to constitute a quorum for the
transaction  of  business,  except  as  otherwise  provided  by the Act,  by the
Memorandum or by these Articles.


No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the members unless a quorum is
present.  IF such  quorum  is not  present  within  half an hour  from  the time
appointed  for the meeting,  or if during a meeting  such a quorum  ceases to be
present,  the meeting shall stand  adjourned  from time to time until a quorum
shall attend or to such time and place an the directors may determine. SECTION a
The chairman  may, with the consent of a meeting at which quorum is present (and
shall If so.  directed by the  meetings),  adjourn the meeting from time to time
and from place to place but no  business  shall be  transacted  at an  adjourned
meeting other than business which might Properly have been  transacted  at; the
meeting had the  adjournment  not taken place.  when a meeting Is adjourned  for
fourteen  days  or  more  notice  shall  be give  of the  adjourned  meeting  in
accordance with Section 4 above. otherwise It shall not be necessary to give any
such notice.


A  directors  shall,  notwithstanding  that he is not a Member,  be  entitled to
attend and speak at any meeting of the members  and at any  separate  meeting of
the holders of any class of shares in the company.


A revolution  put to the vote of a meeting of the members  shall be decided on a
show of hands unless before, or on the declaration of the result of, the show of
hands  a poll is  duly  demanded.  subject  to the  provision  of the act or the
Memorandum, a poll may be demanded

          (1)  by the chairman of the meeting or

          (2)  by at least two members having the right to vote A meeting; or

          (3)  by a member or member= representing Act less than 10 per cent, or
               the total voting rights of all the,  Members  having the right to
               vote at the meeting;

and a demand by a person &a proxy for a member  shall be the Game as a demand by
the member.


Unless a poll is duly demanded a  declaration  by the chairman that a resolution
has been carried or carried unanimously,  or by a particular majority,  or lost,
or net  carried  by a  particular  majority  and an entry to that  effect in the
minutes of the, meeting shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without.  proof
of the number of  proportion  of the votes  recorded in favour Of Or against the


The demand for a poll may,  before the poll is taken, be withdrawn but Only with
the consent of the chairman and a demand so withdrawn .shallnot be taken to have
invalidated the result of a show of hands declared before the demand was made.


A poll shall be taken as the  chairman  direct& and he May  appoint  scrutineers
(who need not be members) and fix a time and place for  declaring  the result of
the poll- The  result of the poll  shall be deemed to be the  resolution  of the
meeting at which the poll was demanded


In the case of an equality of votes whether an a show of hands or an a poll, the
chairman  shall be entitled to a casting  vote in addition to any or-her vote he
may have.


A poll  demanded on the  election of a chairman or an a question of  adjournment
shall he taken  forthwith;  a poll demanded on any other question shall be taken
either  forthwith  or at such time and place as the  chairman  directs not being
more than  thirty days after the poll is  demanded.  The demand for a poll shall
not prevent the  continuance  of a meeting for the  transaction  of any business
other than the  question on which the poll was  demanded.  If a poll is demanded
before the  declaration  of the result of a show of hands and the demand is duly
withdrawn, the meeting shall continue as if the demand had no" been made.


No notice need be given of a poll not taken  forthwith  if the time and place at
which it is to be taken are announced at the meeting at which it to demanded.  .
in any other case at lease seven days' notice shall be given specifying the time
and place at which the poll is to be taken,


If the  Company  shall  have only one member  then,  provided  that such  member
represents,  in person or by proxy,  a  majority  of the  shares of the  company
issued and outstanding that:  members shall have full power to represent and act
on behalf of the members of the Company a nd the provisions herein contained for
meetings of the members  shall not apply A, member An aforesaid  shall record In
writing by signing a note or  memorandum  all matters  requiring a resolution of
members of the Company and such act shall.  be deemed a resolution that has been
carried  unanimously by the members of the company having the right to vote upon
the matter in question. Such a note or memorandum shall be in lieu of minutes of
a meeting and shall  constitute  sufficient  evidence of such resolution for all

                              2. VOTINC AND PROXIES


At each  meeting of the members,  if there shall be a quorum,  4 majority Of the
vote& cast at such  meeting by the holders of Shares  entitled to vote  thereon,
and present in person or by proxy,  shall decide all matters brought before such
meeting,  except as otherwise provided by the Act, by the Memorandum or by these


Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any class of shares and to any
provisions of the Act regarding joint ownership of shares, at any meeting of the
Company  each  member  present in person  shall be  entitled  to one vote on any
question to be decided on a show of hands and each  member  present in person by
proxy  shall be entitled an a poll to one vote for oath  share  hold by him.  A
member  shall be deemed to be present if he  participates  by telephone or other
electronic  means in the manner  required  by the act In which event he shall be
deemed to have raised or failed to raise his hand on a show of hands and to have
voted.  either  for,  against  or  abstained  on a poll as  communicated  by the
participant by telephone or other electronic  means as appropriate,  at the time
of the vote in question.  Any failure so to communicate by the participant shall
he  deemed  to be a  failure  to  raise  his  hands  an a show of  hands  and an
abstention on a poll on the vote in question.


No  objection  shall be raised to the  qualification  of any vote  except at the
meeting at which the vote  objected to is tendered.  Any  objection  made in due
time shall he referred to the chairman of the meeting  whose  decision  shall be
Final and conclusive.


The  instrument  appointing  a proxy  shall be in writing  under the hand Of the
appointer or of is attorney, or, if such appointer is a company either under the
hand of any duly  appointed  director  or officer  of such  company or under its
common  seal.  ile  instrument  appointment  a proxy  shall be in any usual or
common  form or any other  form  which  the  directors  shall  from time to time
approve or accept no person shall be appointed a proxy who is not a member.


The  provisions  of Section 4 above are In addition to and not in  derogation of
any  other   statutory  or  other   provision   enabling  a  company   (wherever
incorporated)  which in member of this  Company to authorise a. person to act as
its representative at a meeting of the members of the company.


An instrument either  appointing a proxy or evidencing an authorization  made in
the manner  referred to in Section 4 above shall be left with the  Secretary not
loss than 24 hours,  or such  shorter time as may be stated in the form of proxy
circulated  with the notice of the meeting  before the holding of the meeting or
adjourned  meeting,  as the  case  may be,  at which  the  person  named in such
instrument proposes to vote.

                                  S. DIRECTORS


The first  directors of the Company shall be elected by the  subscribers  to the
Memorandum;  and thereafter, new directors Shall elected by the member or by the
existing directors for such term as the members or the directors,  respectively,
shall determine.


The minimum number of directors shall be one and the maximum shall be ten.


Each director  shall hold office for the term, if any,  fixed.  by resolution of
the  members  or  directors,  as  appropriate,   or  until  his  earlier  death,
resignation or removal.


Any director may be removed from office,  with or without cause, by a resolution
of the members or a resolution of the directors.

                              9.POWERS OF DIRECTORS


The  business  and  affairs  o f the  Company  shall  be  managed  by a board of
directors  which shall consist of one or more persons who may be  individuals at
companies.  The directors may pay all expenses  incurred  preliminary  to and in
connection,  with the formation,  incorporation  and registration of the Company
and may exercise all such powers; of the Company as are not by the Act or by the
Memorandum on by these  Articles  required to be exercised by the members or any
other person,  subject to any  delegation of such powers A* may be authorized by
these Articles and ea Duch  requirements as may be prescribed by a resolution Of
member;  but no requirement  made by a resolution of members shall prevail if it
be  inconsistent  with the Act, the  Memorandum or these Articles nor shall such
requirement  invalidate  any prior act of the  directors  which  would have been
valid it such requirement had not been made.


Any  director  which is. a body  corporate  may,  appoint  any  person  its duly
authorized  representative for the purpose of representing it at meetings of the
board of directors or with respect to written consents of the directors.


The continuing directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body.


All cheques  promissory  notes,  drafts,  bills of exchange and other negotiable
instruments  and all  receipts  for monies paid to the company , shall he signed
drawn,  accepted,  endorsed or otherwise  executed,  am rho case may be, in such
manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the directors.

                          10. PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS


The directors of the Company or any committee thereof may meet at such timer and
in such  mariner  and  places  within or  outside  Belize as the  directors  may
determine to be necessary or desirable.


A director shall be given not less than I day's notice of meetings of directors,
but a meeting of directors  held without I day's notice having been given to all
directors shall be valid it a majority of the directors  entitled to vote at the
meeting  waived  notice Of the meeting and for this  purpose,  the presence of a
director at the meeting shall be deemed to constitute a waiver an his Part.


Without  prejudics  to  section 4 below,  a meeting  of  director*  IN  property
constituted  for all purposes If at the  commencement  of the meeting  there are
present in person or by alternate  not less than one half of the total number of
directors  unless there are only two directors in which case the quorom shall be


It the Company shall have only one director the provisions  herein contained for
meeting of the directors  shall not apply but such sole director shall have full
power to represent and act for the Company in. all matters an are not by the hot
or Memorandum or theme  Articles  required to be exercised by the members of the
Company  and in lieu of minutes of A meeting  shall  record in writing a" sign a
note or memorandums or all matters requiring a resolution of directors, Such e a
resolutions of the directors and shall  constitute  Sufficient  evidence Of Duct
resolution "Or a11 purposes


At every meeting of the board of director the Chairman of the board of directors
shall preside as chairman of the meeting If there is no Chairman of the board of
directors  or if the  Chairman  of the board or  director  is not present at the
meeting  the  directors  present  shall  choose  someone  of their  number to be
chairman of the meeting.

The meeting and  proceedings  of any  committee of  directors  %hall be governed
mutatis  mutatdis by the provisions of there Articles  regulating the proceeding
of directors so far as It-he tame are not  superseded  by any  provisions in the
resolution establishing the committee.

                                  11. OFFICERS


The company may by  resolution of directors  appoint  officers of the company at
much times at shall be  considered  necessary or  expedient.  such  officers may
consist of a Chairman of the board of directors, a vice-chairman of the board of
directors President and one or more vicepresidents,  Secretary and Treasurer and
much other officers as may from time to time be deemed desirable.  Any number of
offices may so held by the came person


The  emoluments  of all  the  officers  shall  be  fixed  by  resolution  of the
directors.  subject to the Act, the Memorandum and these Articles,  the officers
shall  perform  ouch  duties  as  shall  be  prescribed  at the  time  of  their
appointment  subject to any  modification  in much  duties as may be  proscribed
thereafter by resolution of the directors or resolution of the members.,  but in
the absence of any specific  allocation of duties it $hall be the responsibility
of the Chairman of the board of directors to reside at meetings of directors and
members, the vice-chairman to act in the absence of the Chairman,  the President
to manage the day to clay affairs of the Company,  the vice-presidentr to act in
order of Seniority  but  otherwise to perform ouch duties an may be delegated of
them by the  President,  the  Secretary to maintain the share  Register,  minute
books and records  (other than  financial  records) of the Company and to ensure
compliance with sit procedural requirements imposed on the company by applicable
law,  and the  Treasurer  to be  responsible  for the  financial  affairs of the


The officers of t he Company shall hold office until their  successors  are duly
elected and qualified, but any officer elected or appointed by the directors may
be removed at any time, with or without cause,  by resolution of directors.  Any
vacancy  occurring in any office of the company may be filled by  resolution  of
the directors.

                                    12. SEAL

The  directors  shall  provide for the safe  custody of the Seal.  The Seal when
affixed to any written Instrument. shall be witnessed by a director of any other
person  so  Authorized  from  time to  'time by  resolution  of  directors.  The
directors  may provide for A facsimile  of the Seal and of the  Signature of any
director or authorised  person hich may be reproduced by printing Or other Means
on any  instrument  and it shall have the same force and validity as If the Seal
had been affixed to such Instrument and the same had been signed as hereinbefore


The company may have for use in any territory,  district or place elsewhere than
in Belize at% official meal (the overseas Seat"),  which shall be a facsimile of
its common  seal. A deed or Other  document to which the  Overseas  coal is duly
affixed  shall bind the  Company as if it had been coaled ith the common real of
the company


The Company may have for use for  sealing  securities  Issued by the Company and
for sealing  documents  creating or evidencing  securities so issued an official
coal (the  "sucurities  Seal")  which in a  facsimile  of the common seal of the
Company with the addition on its face of the word Securities Each certificate to
whith the Securities Seal shall be affixed need not bear any signature.

                                  13. DIVIDENDS


The Company may be a resolution  of the  directors  declare and pay dividends in
money,  shares,  or other property but dividends shall only be declared and paid
out Of  surplue  In the event that  dividends  are paid in specie the  directors
shall have  responsibility  for  establishing and recording In the resolution of
directors authorizing the dividends, a fair Ind proper value for the asset to be
so distributed.


The director may from time to time pay to the members such interim  dividends an
appear to the directors to be justified by the profits a: the Company.


The directors may, before declaring any dividend, set aside out of he profits Of
the Company such sum as they think proper as A reserve fund,  and may invest the
sum so set apart as a reserve fund upon such securities as they may select.


Notice of any dividend that may have been  declared  shall be g v to each member
in the manner mentioned in Article 15 Section I and all dividends  unclaimed for
three years after having been  declared may be  forfeited by  resolution  of the
directors for the benefit Of the, Company.


No dividend shall bear interest as against the Company.



The  Company  may by  resolution  of the  members  call for any  accounts of the
Company to be examined by auditors.


The  first  auditors  shall  be  appointed  by  resolution  of  this  directors,
subsequent auditors Shall be appointed by a resolution of the members


The  auditors  may be members of the Company  but no  director or other  officer
shall be  eligible  to be an auditor Of the company  during his  Continuance  in


The remuneration of the auditors of the Company.

(a)  in the  case of  auditors  appointed  by the  directors,  may be  fixed  by
     resolution of the directors;

(b)  subject to the foregoing  shall be fixed by resolution of the members or in
     such manner as the Company may by resolution of the members determine.


Every  auditor of the  company  shall have a right of access at all times to the
books of account and vouchers of the company,  and shell be entitled to require.
from the directors and officers of the Company such Information and explanations
as he thinks necessary for the performance of the duties of the auditors


The  auditors  of the Company  shall be  entitled  to receive  notice of, and to
attend any meetings Of members of the Company at which the Company's  profit and
loss account; and balance sheet are to be prepared.

                                  15. NOTICES


Any  notice,  information  or written  statement  to be given by the  Company to
member*  must be  served,  in the case of  members  holding  regsitered  shares,
personally or sent by mail or by telegraph,  cable telex, facsimile transmission
or similar communications equipment. if served other than in person. such notice
shall be  directed  to each  member at his  address  as it  appears on rho share
regsiter of the,  Company unless he shall have filed with the Secretary prior to
ouch service a written  request that notices  intended for him be served at some
other, address, in which case It shall be directed to the address designation in
such request In, The case of members  holding shares issued to bearer,  any such
notice,  information or written  statement must be served in the manner required
by the  memorandum  and/or by publication in a newspaper in Belize in such other
newspaper  (if  any)  as  the  directors  Consider  to be  appropriate  and in a
newspaper in the place where the Company has its principal office, it different.


Any summons,  notice, order, document,  process Information Or written statement
to be served on the  Company  may be served by  leaving  it, or by sending it by
registered mail addressed to the Company, as its regsitered office or be leaving
It with, or by sending it by  registered  mail to, the  registered  agent of the


service of any summons notice order, document,  process,  Information or written
Statement to be served on the Company may be proved by showing that the summons,
notice, order, document, process. information or written statement was mailed in
much time a* to admit to its being  delivered  In the normal  course of delivery
within rho period  prescribed for service  and.was  correctly  addressed and the
postage was prepaid.


Those  Articles may only be altered,  repealed or replaced by  resolution of the
members of the Company.

For the purpose of  incorporating  An  International  business Company under the
law% of Belize the parson whose name and address is But out below as  Subscriber
hereby  subscribes  its name to these Articles of Association in the presence of
the undersigned withness

WITNESS                                        SUBSCRIBER

/s/ F. MARSHALLETK                             /s/ DICKIE BRADLEY
- --------------------------                     ------------------------------

 Name: F.MARSHALLETK                           Name DICKIE BRADLEY

 Address: 2A King Street                       Address. 2A king Street
                                                        Belize City, Belize
                                                        Central America

   BELIZE CITY                                 DICKIE BRADLEY
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Date:  25 FEB 1998                             DATE: 25 FEB 1998
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