WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

             Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Information Statement

[ ]      Confidential,  for Use of the Commission  Only (as permitted by Rule

[X]      Definitive Information Statement

                                   GWIN, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee  (Check the appropriate box)

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules  14c-5(g)
     and  0-11.

         1)       Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction
         2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         3)       Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):
         4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  5) Total fee

[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)       Amount  Previously  Paid:
         2)       Form,  Schedule or  Registration
                  Statement No.:
         3)       Filing Party:
         4)       Date Filed:


                              INFORMATION STATEMENT
                                   GWIN, INC.
                             5092 SOUTH JONES BLVD.
                             LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89118

         A PROXY.

         This  Information  Statement is first being  furnished on or about July
28,  2003 to the  holders of record as of the close of business on July 25, 2003
of the common stock of GWIN, Inc. ("GWIN").

         GWIN's Board of Directors has approved,  and a total of 9  stockholders
owning 20,559,731 shares of the 40,271,859 shares of common stock outstanding as
of April 30, 2003, have consented in writing to the action described below. Such
approval  and consent  constitute  the approval and consent of a majority of the
total number of shares of outstanding  common stock and are sufficient under the
Delaware  General  Corporation  Law and GWIN's  By-Laws to approve  the  action.
Accordingly,  the action will not be submitted to the other stockholders of GWIN
for a vote, and this Information Statement is being furnished to stockholders to
provide them with certain  information  concerning the action in accordance with
the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and the  regulations
promulgated  thereunder,  including  Regulation  14C, and Section  228(e) of the
Delaware General Corporation Law.

                          ACTION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                             CONSENTING STOCKHOLDERS


         GWIN  will  pay all  costs  associated  with the  distribution  of this
Information  Statement,  including the costs of printing and mailing.  GWIN will
reimburse  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for
reasonable  expenses  incurred by them in sending this Information  Statement to
the beneficial owners of GWIN's common stock.

         GWIN will only deliver one Information  Statement to multiple  security
holders sharing an address unless we have received  contrary  instructions  from
one or more of the security  holders.  Upon written or oral  request,  GWIN will
promptly  deliver a separate copy of this  Information  Statement and any future
annual  reports and  information  statements to any security  holder at a shared
address to which a single copy of this Information  Statement was delivered,  or
deliver  a single  copy of this  Information  Statement  and any  future  annual
reports and information  statements to any security holder or holders sharing an
address to which multiple  copies are now delivered.  You should direct any such
requests to the following address:

         GWIN, Inc.
         Attn:  Douglas  R.  Miller
         5092  South  Jones  Blvd.
         Las  Vegas,  Nevada  89118
         (702)  967-6000


         Pursuant to GWIN's Bylaws and the Delaware  General  Corporation Act, a
vote by the holders of at least a majority of GWIN's  outstanding  capital stock
is  required  to effect the  action  described  herein.  GWIN's  Certificate  of
Incorporation does not authorize  cumulative voting. As of the record date, GWIN


had  40,271,859  voting shares of common stock issued and  outstanding  of which
20,135,930  shares  are  required  to  pass  any  stockholder  resolutions.  The
consenting  stockholders,  who consist of 9 current  stockholders  of GWIN,  are
collectively  the record  and  beneficial  owners of  20,559,731  shares,  which
represents  50.5% of the issued and  outstanding  shares of GWIN's common stock.
Pursuant  to  Section  228 (a) of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Act,  the
consenting  stockholders  voted in favor of the  actions  described  herein in a
written  consent,  dated  June  10,  2003,  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  A. No
consideration  was paid for the consent.  The  consenting  stockholders'  names,
affiliations with GWIN, and their beneficial holdings are as follows:

- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------
           NAME                       AFFILIATION            SHARES BENEFICIALLY HELD        PERCENTAGE

- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------
Wayne Allyn Root             Chairman of the Board and               4,403,473                 10.90%
                             Chief Executive Officer
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------
                             President, Chief Operating
Douglas R. Miller            Officer, Secretary and
                             Director                                3,549,135                  8.81%

- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Timothy J. Keating           Director                                4,542,723                 11.20%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

John T. Manner               Director                                1,859,308                  4.61%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Clapacs Family Trust         Stock Holder                              527,702                  1.31%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Trilium Holdings Ltd.        Stock Holder                            3,513,809                  8.72%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Newmarket-Simon Hayes        Director                                  100,000                  0.20%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Luca Toscani                 Stock Holder                            1,665,326                  4.13%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

Michele Toscani              Stock Holder                              398,255                  0.98%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------

TOTAL                                                               20,559,731                 50.86%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- --------------------









         The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  April  30,  2003,  certain
information regarding the ownership of GWIN's capital stock by each director and
executive  officer of GWIN,  each person who is known to GWIN to be a beneficial
owner of more than 5% of any class of GWIN's voting  stock,  and by all officers
and  directors of GWIN as a group.  Unless  otherwise  indicated  below,  to our
knowledge,  all persons  listed below have sole voting and investing  power with
respect to their  shares of capital  stock,  except to the extent  authority  is
shared by spouses under applicable community property laws.

         Beneficial  ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission and generally  includes voting or investment
power with respect to  securities.  Shares of common  stock  subject to options,
warrants or convertible  securities exercisable or convertible within 60 days of
April 30, 2003,  are deemed  outstanding  for  computing  the  percentage of the
person or entity holding such options,  warrants or  convertible  securities but
are not deemed outstanding for computing the percentage of any other person, and
is based on 68,462,187  shares issued and  outstanding on a fully diluted basis,
as of April 30, 2003.

- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
                                 Name and Address            Amount and Nature              Percent
        Title of                        Of                Of Beneficial Ownership              Of
          Class               Beneficial Owners (1)                                          Class
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and 5%              Wayne Allyn Root (2)                  6,860,024                   10.02%
Convertible Debt
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and 5%              Douglas R. Miller (3)                 3,689,019                   5.39%
Convertible Debt
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and Series C        Timothy J. Keating (4)                8,484,106                   12.39%
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and 5%              John T.Manner (5)                     2,265,773                   3.31%
Convertible Debt
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and 5%              Simon  Hayes  (6)  Newmarket         13,830,769                   20.20%
Convertible Debt           Investment plc.
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
                           Directors and executive              35,129,691                   51.31%
                           officers as a group (5
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common                     Trilium Holdings Ltd. (7)             4,180,476                   6.10%
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
Common and 13%             Laurus Master Fund, Ltd. (8)          2,142,857                   3.10%
Convertible Note
- -------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------

- ----------------
(1) Unless otherwise noted, the address for each of the named beneficial  owners
is 5092 South Jones Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89188.

(2) Amount also includes Mr. Root's stock options to acquire  106,551  shares of
common stock at an exercise  price of $1.41,  and to acquire  350,000  shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $0.50 per share, stock options and warrants
to purchase  1,900,000  shares at an exercise price of $0.50,  106,552 shares of
common stock owned by Mr. Root's minor children,  100,000 shares of common stock
to be issued upon  conversion  of a 5%  Convertible  Debenture  and  warrants to
purchase 100,000 shares at an exercise price of $0.50 related to that Debenture.

(3) The shares are held in the name of Kerlee  Inter  Vivos  Trust for which Mr.
Miller is a  beneficiary.  Amount also  includes Mr.  Miller's  stock options to
acquire  106,551  shares of common stock at an exercise  price of $1.41,  33,333
shares  of  common  stock  to be  issued  upon  conversion  of a 5%  Convertible
Debenture  held by Mr.  Miller's wife and warrants to purchase  33,333 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $0.50 related to that Debenture.


(4) Amount also includes Mr. Keating's  Warrants to purchase 1,208,600 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $1.00,  warrants to purchase 400,000 shares
of common stock at an exercise price of $0.50,  1,690,430 shares of common stock
held by Former  Partners  through an affiliated  entity and related  warrants to
purchase 338,067 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $1.00.

(5) Amount also includes Mr. Manner's stock options to acquire 186,465 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $1.41, 220,000 shares of common stock to be
issued upon  conversion of a 5%  Convertible  debenture and warrants to purchase
220,000  shares of common  stock at an exercise  price of $0.50  related to that

(6)  Represents  9,230,308  shares of common stock  underlying a 5%  Convertible
Debenture,  maturing  in August  2004,  and  3,000,000  shares  of common  stock
underlying a warrant,  exerciseable  at $0.13  expiring on August 31, 2005,  and
options to purchase  1,500,000  common shares at an exercise price of $0.50. The
address for Newmarket  Investments,  plc. is Queensberry House, 129 High Street,
Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9WP, UK.

(7)  Represents  3,333,333  shares of common stock and an associated  warrant to
purchase  666,667  shares of common  stock at an  exercise  price of $1.00.  The
address for Trilium  Holdings is Charlotte  House,  Charlotte  Street,  P.O. Box
9204, Nassau, Bahamas.

(8) Represents  1,875,000  shares of common stock  underlying a 16%  Convertible
Note and 250,000  shares of common  stock  issuable  upon  exercise of a warrant
issued in connection  with the 16%  Convertible  Note. The address for Laurus is
P.O. Box 1234  Queensgate  House,  South Church  Street,  Grand  Cayman,  Cayman


         The following action was taken based upon the unanimous  recommendation
of GWIN's  Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  and the  written  consent of the
consenting stockholders:

                                    ACTION 1

         The Board  and the  consenting  stockholders  unanimously  adopted  and
approved an amendment to GWIN's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase the
number of shares of authorized common stock from 50,000,000 to 100,000,000. Such
amendment is referred to as the "Authorized Shares  Amendment".  The text of the
Authorized Shares Amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

         Currently,  GWIN has 50,000,000 shares of common stock  authorized,  of
which  40,271,859  shares are issued and  outstanding as of the record date, and
5,000,000  shares of preferred stock  authorized,  of which 0 shares of Series B
Preferred  Stock are issued and  outstanding  and 0 shares of Series C Preferred
Stock are issued and outstanding.

         The  Authorized  Shares  Amendment  will be  implemented  by filing the
Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of  Incorporation  with the Secretary of
State of  Delaware,  a form of which is  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  B.  Under
federal  securities laws, GWIN cannot file the Certificate of Amendment until at
least 20 days after the mailing of this Information  Statement.  Once GWIN files
the Certificate of Amendment, GWIN will have 59,728,141 shares of authorized but
unissued common stock available for issuance.


         Our board of directors  believes  that it is advisable  and in the best
interests of the company to have  available  additional  authorized but unissued
shares of common  stock in an amount  adequate to provide for our future  needs.
The unissued  shares of common stock will be available for issuance from time to
time as may be deemed advisable or required for various purposes,  including the
issuance of shares in connection with financing or acquisition  transactions and
the issuance or reservation  of common stock for employee stock options.  GWIN's
Board would be able to authorize  the issuance of shares for these  transactions
without the necessity, and related costs and delays, of either calling a special
stockholders'  meeting or of waiting for the regularly  scheduled annual meeting
of stockholders in order to increase the authorized capital. If, in a particular
transaction, stockholder approval were required by law or any stock exchanges or
markets or were otherwise deemed  advisable by the Board,  then the matter would
be referred to the stockholders for their approval notwithstanding that GWIN may
have the requisite number of voting shares to consummate the transaction. Except
for the outstanding  convertible preferred stock, stock options and warrants, we
have no present  commitments for the issuance or use of the proposed  additional
shares of common  stock.  However,  our board of directors  believes  that if an
increase in the authorized number of shares of common stock were to be postponed
until a specific  need arose,  the delay and expense  incident to obtaining  the
approval of our stockholders at that time could significantly impair our ability
to meet financing requirements or other objectives.

         The   Authorized   Shares   Amendment  is  not  intended  to  have  any
anti-takeover  effect  and is not part of any series of  anti-takeover  measures
contained in any debt  instruments or the  Certificate of  Incorporation  or the
Bylaws  of GWIN in effect on the date of this  Information  Statement.  However,
GWIN stockholders should note that the availability of additional authorized and
unissued  shares of common  stock could make any attempt to gain control of GWIN
or the Board more  difficult  or time  consuming  and that the  availability  of
additional authorized and unissued shares might make it more difficult to remove
management. Although the Board currently has no intention of doing so, shares of
common  stock  could be issued by the Board to dilute the  percentage  of common
stock owned by a significant stockholder and increase the cost of, or the number
of,  voting  shares  necessary  to  acquire  control of the Board or to meet the
voting  requirements  imposed by Delaware  law with respect to a merger or other
business  combination  involving GWIN. GWIN is not aware of any proposed attempt
to take over the  company or of any  attempt to acquire a large  block of GWIN's
common  stock.  GWIN has no present  intention to use the  increased  authorized
common stock for anti-takeover purposes.


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 WRITTEN CONSENT
                                     OF THE
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                            AND MAJORITY STOCKHOLDERS
                                   GWIN, INC.
                            (A DELAWARE CORPORATION)

                             TAKEN WITHOUT A MEETING

         Pursuant  to the  authority  set forth in  Sections  141 and 228 of the
Delaware   General   Corporation   Law  and  the  Bylaws  of  GWIN,   Inc.  (the
"Corporation"),  the undersigned,  constituting the entire Board of Directors of
the Corporation and a majority of the stockholders of the  Corporation,  without
the  formality  of  convening  a  meeting,  do hereby  consent  to and adopt the
following resolutions, effective as of this 10th day of June, 2003:


         WHEREAS,  it is proposed that this Corporation amend its Certificate of
Incorporation  to increase the number of  authorized  shares of its common stock
from  50,000,000 to 100,000,000 so that unissued  shares of common stock will be
available for issuance from time to time as may be deemed  advisable or required
for  various  purposes,  including  the  issuance of shares in  connection  with
financing or acquisition  transactions and the issuance or reservation of common
stock for employee stock options.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED,  that any  executive  officer of this
Corporation, acting alone, be and hereby is authorized,  empowered and directed,
for an on behalf of this  Corporation,  to  execute  and file with the  Delaware
Secretary of State a Certificate of Amendment to  Certificate  of  Incorporation
increasing the number of authorized  shares of its common stock from  50,000,000
to 100,000,000;

         RESOLVED, that any executive officer of this Corporation, acting alone,
be and hereby is  authorized,  empowered and directed,  for an on behalf of this
Corporation,  to take such further action and execute and deliver any additional
agreements,  instruments,  certificates,  filings or other documents and to take
any  additional  actions as any such officer deems  necessary or  appropriate to
effectuate the purposes of the foregoing resolution;

         RESOLVED,  that any action or actions heretofore taken by any executive
officer of this Corporation on behalf of this Corporation in connection with the
foregoing  resolutions  are hereby  ratified and approved as the actions of this



         This Written  Consent shall be added to the  corporate  records of this
Corporation  and made a part thereof,  and the resolutions set forth above shall
have the same force and effect as if adopted at meetings  duly  noticed and held
by the Board of Directors and the stockholders of this Corporation. This Written
Consent may be executed in counterparts  and with facsimile  signatures with the
effect as if all parties hereto had executed the same document. All counterparts
shall be construed together and shall constitute a single Written Consent.


                                          /s/ Wayne Allyn Root
                                 Wayne Allyn Root

                                          /s/ Douglas R. Miller
                                 Douglas R. Miller

                                          /s/ Timothy J. Keating
                                 Timothy J. Keating

                                          /s/ John T. Manner
                                 John T. Manner

                                          /s/ Simon Hayes
                                 Simon Hayes


                                          /s/ Wayne Allen Root
                                 Wayne Allyn Root
                                 Shares: 4,403,473 shares

                                          /s/ Douglas R. Miller
                                 Douglas R. Miller
                                 Shares: 3,549,135 shares

                                          /s/ Timothy J. Keating
                                 Timothy J. Keating
                                 Shares: 4,542,723 shares

                                          /s/ John T. Manner
                                 John T. Manner
                                 Shares: 1,859,308 shares

                                          /s/ Simon Hayes
                                 Simon Hayes
                                 Shares: 100,000 shares

                                          /s/ Deidre M. McCoy
                                 Trilium Holdings, Ltd.
                                 Deidre M. McCoy, Director
                                       Shares: 3,513,809 shares

                                          /s/ Luca Toscani
                                 Luca Toscani
                                 Shares: 1,665,326 shares

                                          /s/ Michele Toscani
                                 Michele Toscani
                                 Shares: 398,255 shares

                                          /s/ Alan Clapacs
                                 Clapacs Family Trust
                                 Shares: 527,702 shares