Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           [X] Filed by the Registrant
                 [ ] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

                           Check the appropriate box:

                      [X] Preliminary Information Statement
                [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
                       (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
                      [ ] Definitive Information Statement

                           Global Yacht Services, Inc.

                        Commission File Number: 000-49616

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]      No fee required

[x]      Fee  computed on table below per Exchange  Act Rules  14(a)6(i)(1)  and

         (1) Title of each  class of  securities  to which  investment  applies:
         Common stock.

         (2)  Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  investment  applies:

         (3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of transaction  computed
         pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 011:  (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was  determined):  The filing
         fee is  determined  based upon the sum of (a) the product of 34,999,701
         shares of Hyalozyme's  common stock,  6,886,807 options and warrants to
         purchase  11,758,460 shares of Hyalozyme's  common stock outstanding on
         the date of this  filing  and the  merger  consideration  of the market
         price of Global  Yacht's  common stock ($0.02 per share on the close of
         business on February 4, 2004 as reported on Yahoo! Finance), making the
         transaction value equal to $1,072,899.36.  Pursuant to Section 14(g) of
         the Exchange Act, the fee was determined by  multiplying  the aggregate
         value of the transaction by 0.0001267.

         (4) Proposed Global Yacht aggregate value of transaction: $1,072,899.36

         (5) Total fee paid: $135.94

Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
011(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which  the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1) Amount Previously Paid:

         (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3) Filing Party:

         (4) Date Filed:


                           Global Yacht Services, Inc.
                      7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415
                           San Diego, California 92108



We are writing to advise you that Global Yacht  Services,  Inc. has entered into
an Agreement  and Plan of Merger  ("Merger")  with  DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc.,  dba  Hyalozyme  Therapeutics,   Inc.,   ("Hyalozyme")  a  privately  held
corporation  based in San Diego,  California and its  stockholders to merge with
Hyalozyme.  The Merger is to be accomplished after we form a wholly-owned merger
subsidiary  in Nevada  which  would  then merge  with and into  Hyalozyme,  with
Hyalozyme being the survivor. In addition,  Hyalozyme's outstanding shares would
then be converted into a combination  of shares of our common stock,  as well as
options and warrants to purchase  restricted  shares of our common  stock.  This
share conversion is intended to correspond to the  capitalization  of Hyalozyme.
After the merger is  concluded,  we will change our  corporate  name to Halozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc. We will also amend our Articles of Incorporation to increase
the number of  authorized  shares of common stock to one hundred  million and to
authorize twenty million shares preferred stock for which our Board of Directors
may set the designations and preferences.

The Merger,  name change,  increase in authorized common stock and authorization
of preferred  stock was approved on February 5, 2004,  by unanimous  approval of
our Board of Directors. In addition,  Mitch Keeler, our President,  director and
our  majority  shareholder,  approved  the  Merger,  name  change,  increase  in
authorized  common stock and authorization of preferred stock by written consent
in lieu of a meeting  on  February  5, 2004,  in  accordance  with the  relevant
sections of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

The name  change,  increase in  authorized  common  stock and  authorization  of
preferred   stock  will  not  be  effective  until  we  amend  our  Articles  of
Incorporation   by  filing  a  Certificate  of  Amendment  to  our  Articles  of
Incorporation  with the  Nevada  Secretary  of  State.  The  Merger  will not be
effective  until the Articles of Merger between the  acquisition  subsidiary and
Hyalozyme  are filed  with the  Nevada  Secretary  of State  and the  California
Secretary of State. We intend to file the Certificates of Amendment and Articles
of Merger  twenty days after this  information  statement is first mailed to our

Our  purpose  in  entering  into  the  Merger,  changing  our  name to  Halozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc.,  increasing  our  authorized  common stock and  authorizing
preferred  stock is to allow us to  comply  with the  terms of an  agreement  we
entered into with  DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., a California  corporation
("HTI") to acquire and operate HTI as our  wholly-owned  subsidiary.  We believe
that the acquisition of HTI will increase our  profitability and the total value
of the corporation to our investors.

No  action  is  required  by you.  The  accompanying  information  statement  is
furnished only to inform our  shareholders of the action  described above before
it takes effect in accordance with Rule 14c-2  promulgated  under the Securities
Act of 1934, as amended. This information statement is being mailed to you on or
about February ___, 2004.



By order of the Board of Directors,

Mitch Keeler, President
San Diego, California
February ___, 2004


                           Global Yacht Services, Inc.

                            MAJORITY OF SHAREHOLDERS

We are furnishing this shareholder  information  statement to you to provide you
with  information and a description of an action taken by written consent of our
majority  shareholder,  on February 5, 2004,  in  accordance  with the  relevant
Sections of the Nevada Revised Statutes.  This action was taken by Mitch Keeler,
our President,  director and our majority shareholder, who owns in excess of the
required majority of our outstanding  common stock necessary for the adoption of
the actions.


This  information  statement is being mailed on or about  February  ___, 2004 to
shareholders of record on February 5, 2004. The  information  statement is being
delivered only to inform you of the corporate  action described herein before it
takes effect in  accordance  with Rule 14c-2  promulgated  under the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

We have asked brokers and other custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries to forward
this Information  Statement to the beneficial owners of the common stock held of
record  by such  persons  and will  reimburse  such  persons  for  out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in forwarding such material.




On February 5, 2004,  our Board of Directors  unanimously  approved,  subject to
shareholder approval,  entering into the Merger with Hyalozyme, and an amendment
to our  Articles of  Incorporation  to change our  corporate  name to  "Halozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc.," increase our authorized common stock and authorize a class
of preferred stock. On February 5, 2004, Mitch Keeler,  our President,  director
and shareholder  who owns in excess of the required  majority of our outstanding
common stock necessary for the adoption of the action,  approved the name change
and  authorization  of preferred stock by action taken by written  consent.  The
increase in authorized common stock to one hundred million  (100,000,000) shares
will  allow  us  to  comply  with  the  terms  of  the  Merger  Agreement.   The
authorization of twenty million  (20,000,000)  shares preferred stock will allow
us to issue  preferred  stock  since we  currently  have only one class of stock
authorized. The full text of the proposed Merger Agreement is attached hereto as
Exhibit A, the full text of the proposed  Articles of Merger is attached  hereto
as Exhibit B and the full text of the proposed  Certificate  of Amendment to the
Articles of Incorporation is attached hereto as Exhibit C.

Purpose of Merger

Our Board of Directors  believes it is desirable to enter into the Agreement and
Plan of Merger with Hyalozyme by means of forming an acquisition  subsidiary and
acquiring   DeliaTroph   Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.  doing  business  as  Hyalozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc.,  a privately  held  California  corporation  ("HTI") as our
wholly-owned  subsidiary.  We believe that the  acquisition of HTI will increase
our profitability and the total value of the corporation to our investors.



Because  the  contemplated  Merger  is to be  accomplished  by  our  acquisition
subsidiary,  shareholder  vote by our shareholders is not required by the Nevada
Revised Statutes. However, because we are qualified to do business in California
the  transaction  may be  governed  by the  California  Corporations  Code which
requires  that such action be approved by a majority of the  outstanding  shares
entitled to vote. The Nevada Revised Statutes and California  Corporations  Code
provides that any action which may be taken at a meeting of the shareholders may
be taken without a meeting and without  prior  notice,  if a consent in writing,
setting forth the action so taken,  shall be signed by the holders of a majority
of the outstanding shares entitled to vote.

On  February  5, 2004,  the record date for  determination  of the  shareholders
entitled to receive this Information  Statement,  there were 8,196,362 shares of
common stock  outstanding.  The holders of common stock are entitled to one vote
for  each  share  held  of  record  on all  matters  submitted  to a vote of our
shareholders.  We needed  the  affirmative  vote of at least a  majority  of the
outstanding shares of our common stock to approve the name change. Our Board, by
its unanimous written consent,  adopted resolutions approving the Merger and the
filing of the Certificate of Merger to consummate the transaction.  By action of
written consent,  dated February 5, 2004, Mitch Keeler, our President,  director
and majority shareholder,  who owns 4,275,000 shares, or 52.2% of the issued and
outstanding  shares of our common  stock,  approved the Merger and the filing of
the Certificate of Merger with the Nevada  Secretary of State and the California
Secretary of State.


The Certificate of Merger,  attached hereto as Exhibit B, will become  effective
upon its filing with the Nevada Secretary of State and the California  Secretary
of State.  We intend to file the  Certificates  of Merger twenty days after this
Information Statement is first mailed to shareholders.

Purpose of Change in Name of the  Corporation,  INCREASE  IN  AUTHORIZED  COMMON
STOCK and  Authorization  of Preferred Stock on Which the Board of Directors May
Set the Designations and Preferences

Our Board of  Directors  believes  it is  desirable  to  change  the name of the
Company to  "Halozyme  Therapeutics,  Inc.," to increase our  authorized  common
stock and to authorize  the  issuance of  preferred  stock on which our Board of
Directors may set the preferences and designations.  Our purpose in changing our
name to Halozyme  Therapeutics,  Inc.  reflects the fact that we entered into an
agreement  with  DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.,  a  California  corporation
("HTI")  to  acquire  HTI  as  our  wholly-owned  subsidiary.  The  increase  in
authorized common stock to one hundred million  (100,000,000)  shares will allow
us to comply with the terms of the Merger Agreement. The authorization of twenty
million  (20,000,000)  shares  preferred  stock will allow us to issue preferred
stock  since we  currently  have  only one  class of stock  authorized,  and the
authorization for the Board of Directors to set the preferences and designations
on that preferred stock will allow such  preferences and  designations to be set
without shareholder  approval. We believe that these changes to our Articles and
the  acquisition of HTI will increase our  profitability  and the total value of
the  corporation  to our  investors,  though  there is no  guarantee  that these
actions will have that result.


The Nevada Revised  Statutes require that, in order for us to amend our Articles
of Incorporation,  such amendment must be approved by our Board of Directors and
approved by a majority of the  outstanding  shares  entitled to vote. The Nevada
Revised  Statutes  also provides that any action which may be taken at a meeting
of the shareholders may be taken without a meeting and without prior notice,  if
a consent in writing,  setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote.


On  February  5, 2004,  the record date for  determination  of the  shareholders
entitled to receive this Information  Statement,  there were 8,196,362 shares of
common stock  outstanding.  The holders of common stock are entitled to one vote
for  each  share  held  of  record  on all  matters  submitted  to a vote of our

Thus, we needed the  affirmative  vote of at least a majority of the outstanding
shares of our common stock , or 4,098,180  shares to approve the name change and
authorization  of preferred  stock on which the Board of  Directors  may set the
designations  and  preferences.  Our Board,  by its unanimous  written  consent,
adopted  resolutions  approving an amendment to our Articles of Incorporation to
effect the name change and  authorization  of preferred stock on which the Board
of Directors  may set the  designations  and  preferences.  By action of written
consent,  dated  February 5, 2004,  Mitch Keeler,  our  President,  director and
majority  shareholder,  who owns  4,275,000  shares,  or 52.2% of the issued and
outstanding   shares  of  our  common  stock,   approved  the  name  change  and
authorization  of preferred  stock on which the Board of  Directors  may set the
designations and preferences.


The amendment to our Articles of  Incorporation  will become  effective upon the
filing with the Nevada  Secretary of State of a Certificate  of Amendment to our
Articles of  Incorporation,  attached hereto as Exhibit C. We intend to file the
Certificates of Amendment twenty days after this Information  Statement is first
mailed to shareholders.


The change in the name of Global Yacht  Services,  Inc. will be reflected in its
stock records by book-entry in Global Yacht Services,  Inc.'s records. For those
shareholders that hold physical  certificates,  please do not destroy or send to
Global Yacht Services,  Inc. your common stock certificates.  Those certificates
will  remain  valid for the  number  of  shares  shown  thereon,  and  should be
carefully preserved by you.


Under Nevada law, a stockholder  is entitled to dissent from, and obtain payment
for the fair value of his or her shares  (i) in the event of  consummation  of a
plan of  merger  or plan of  exchange  in  which  the  Nevada  corporation  is a
constituent  entity,  and (ii) any corporate  action taken pursuant to a vote of
the stockholders to the extent that the articles of incorporation,  by-laws or a
resolution  of the  board  of  directors  provides  that  voting  or  non-voting
stockholders  are entitled to dissent and obtain  payment for their shares.  The
Nevada Revised  Statutes does not provide for dissenters'  right of appraisal in
connection  with the name change and  authorization  of preferred stock on which
the Board of Directors may set the designations and preferences.


No director, executive officer, nominee for election as a director, associate of
any  director,  executive  officer  or  nominee  or any  other  person  has  any
substantial interest,  direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, in
the Merger or name change which is not shared by all other  shareholders  of the


The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial ownership of
the shares of our common  stock as of February  5, 2004,  except as noted in the
footnotes below, by:


         o        Each  person who we know to be the  beneficial  owner of 5% or
                  more of our outstanding common stock;

         o        Each of our executive officers;

         o        Each of our directors; and

         o        All of our executive officers and directors as a group.

Beneficial  ownership  is  determined  in  accordance  with  the  rules  of  the
Securities  and  Exchange   Commission.   In  computing  the  number  of  shares
beneficially  owned by a person and the  percentage of ownership of that person,
shares of common stock subject to options held by that person that are currently
exercisable or become  exercisable within 60 days of February 5, 2004 are deemed
outstanding  even if they  have  not  actually  been  exercised.  Those  shares,
however,  are not deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage
ownership of any other person.  As of February 5, 2004,  8,196,362 shares of our
common  stock were issued and  outstanding.  Unless  otherwise  indicated in the
table,  the  persons and  entities  named in the table have sole voting and sole
investment power with respect to the shares set forth opposite the shareholder's
name, subject to community property laws, where applicable.  The address of each
shareholder is listed in the table.

The following  table sets forth  certain  information  regarding the  beneficial
ownership of our common  stock as of February 5, 2004,  by each person or entity
known by us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares
of common stock, each of our directors and named executive officers,  and all of
our directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                                        Amount and Nature of
Title of Class          Name of Beneficial Owner                          Beneficial Owner         Percent of Class
- --------------          ------------------------                          ----------------         ----------------
Common Stock            Mitch Keeler                                     4,275,000 shares,               52.16%
                        7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415           president, director
                        San Diego, California 92108

Common Stock            Melissa Day                                  21,375 shares, secretary,            0.26%
                        7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415           treasurer, director
                        San Diego, California 92108

Common Stock            Flexgene Corp.                                     771,873 shares                 9.42%
                        The Mill Mall, Barkers, P.O.  Box 62
                        Roadtown, Tortola, BVI

Common Stock            Carib-Ventures Inc.                                415,624 shares                 5.07%
                        Caribbean Place, Suite #3, P.O.  Box 599
                        Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands,

Common Stock            All directors and named executive officers        4,296,375 shares               52.42%
                        as a group

The officer,  director and  shareholder of Flexgene  Corp. is Martin Regan.  The
director of Carib-Ventures Inc. is Sterling Directors Ltd. and Keith Burant. The
shareholder of Carib-Ventures  Inc. is Meridian Trust Company Limited,  which is
controlled by Keith Burant.

Beneficial  ownership  is  determined  in  accordance  with  the  rules  of  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission and generally  includes voting or investment
power with respect to  securities.  In accordance  with  Securities and Exchange
Commission rules, shares of our common stock which may be acquired upon exercise
of stock  options or warrants  which are currently  exercisable  or which become
exercisable  within  60 days of the date of the table  are  deemed  beneficially
owned by the optionees.  Subject to community  property laws, where  applicable,
the persons or entities named in the table above have sole voting and investment
power with respect to all shares of our common stock  indicated as  beneficially
owned by them.


                               SUMMARY TERM SHEET

This  summary  term  sheet  does  not  contain  all of the  information  that is
important to you. You should carefully read the entire Information Statement and
the Appendices, as well as the information we incorporate by reference.

                                  The Companies

Global Yacht Services,  Inc., a Nevada  corporation,  ("Global  Yacht").  Global
Yacht was  incorporated  in Nevada on February 21, 2001.  Global Yacht  Services
provides a broad range of yacht services in the global marketplace. Our services
include yacht rental and charter,  yacht sales and yacht  services,  such as the
provision  of  captain,  crew,  supplies,  maintenance,   delivery  as  well  as
full-scale  contracted  care of  yachts.  Our  president,  Mitch  Keeler,  is an
experienced  captain and possesses a captain  certification  from the U.S. Coast
Guard. Mr. Keeler provides  professional advice and consultation for all aspects
of yacht lease,  purchase and ownership and is available for on site  assistance
anywhere in the world. We currently generate revenues from our charter services,
which range from day charters to full week charters.  We currently offer private
yacht  charters  in San Diego,  usually of up to one week in duration as well as
corporate  charters,  which are typically 3 to 5 hours and short range.  We have
very few charters  that are longer than one week,  however,  they do occur.  Our
officers act as captain and crew for our charter services,  but we often utilize
outside businesses for services such as catering and bartending.

We have also  generated  revenues  from our yacht  management  services  and our
delivery services.  Yacht management services include managing the yacht for the
owners  including  routine  maintenance,  repairs and electronics  installation.
Regular  maintenance  includes services such as exterior and interior  cleaning,
bottom  cleaning,  waxing  and  zinc  replacement.   Delivery  services  include
delivering newly purchased yachts to various  locations around the world. We use
subcontractors  on a per job basis for various  services that we provide.  Those
subcontractors are paid by us when we are paid by the client. Subcontractors for
our  charter  services  may  include,  but are not  limited  to, the  following:
captains, deckhands, stewards, cooks, caterers,  entertainment,  and bartenders.
Other  subcontractors  that we use  include  yacht  repair  persons  and skilled
electronics installers.

However, upon recent analysis of operations to date, Global Yacht has decided to
focus on evaluating  other  opportunities  that may enhance  stockholder  value,
including the  acquisition of a product or  technology,  or pursuing a merger or
acquisition of another business entity with long-term growth  potential.  Global
Yacht's  shares  currently  are listed  for  quotation  on the Over the  Counter
Bulletin  Board  under the  symbol  "GYHT" and the price of its shares of common
stock on February 4, 2004 was $0.02 per share as reported on Yahoo! Finance.

DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.,  a  California  corporation,  dba  Hyalozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc.  ("Hyalozyme").  Hyalozyme was incorporated in California on
February  26,  1998.  Hyalozyme  is  a  product-focused   biotechnology  company
dedicated to the development and  commercialization  of recombinant  therapeutic
enzymes and drug enhancement  systems,  based on intellectual  property covering
the family of human enzymes known as hyaluronidases.  Hyalozyme's first products
are human synthetic formulations of a hyaluronidase enzyme that replaces current
animal  slaughterhouse-derived  enzymes that carry high risks of animal pathogen
contamination and immunogenicity. These products are based on a highly versatile
enzyme  technology that has a wide range of therapeutic  applications,  and will
enable  Hyalozyme to help patients across multiple disease states while creating
significant shareholder value.

Pursuant to the terms of the  Agreement,  an  acquisition  subsidiary  of Global
Yacht  Services will merge with and into  Hyalozyme  and the separate  corporate
existence of such  acquisition  subsidiary  shall cease.  Following  the Merger,
Global Yacht Services shall continue as the parent corporation of Hyalozyme, but
will take the name  "Halozyme  Therapeutics,  Inc." APPROVAL OF THIS MERGER WILL


                            Preexisting Relationships

Hyalozyme and Global Yacht did not have any  preexisting  relationship  prior to
entering into the Merger Agreement. To the best of our knowledge, none of Global
Yacht's  shareholders hold shares of Hyalozyme nor do any of the stockholders of
Hyalozyme hold shares of Global Yacht Services.

                             Structure of the Merger

At the effective time of the Merger:

         o        Global Yacht will merge its  acquisition  subsidiary  with and
                  into  Hyalozyme  and the separate  corporate  existence of the
                  acquisition subsidiary shall cease;

         o        Global Yacht will issue  34,999,701  shares of its  restricted
                  common stock,  6,886,807  options and  11,758,460  warrants to
                  purchase  additional  shares of its restricted common stock to
                  the  shareholders  of  Hyalozyme  in exchange  for 100% of the
                  issued   and   outstanding   shares  of  common   stock,   and
                  corresponding  options  and  warrants  to  purchase  shares of
                  Hyalozyme's common stock; and

         o        A  total  of  4,296,375   shares  of  Global  Yacht's  current
                  outstanding  common stock will be tendered for  redemption  by
                  Global Yacht in exchange for $43,000 or $0.01 per share.

As a result of the Merger,  Global Yacht shall be the parent  corporation of the
acquisition subsidiary which shall continue as the surviving corporation and the
shareholders  of  Hyalozyme  will  become  stockholders  of  Global  Yacht.  The
remaining  stockholders of Global Yacht will own approximately 10% of the issued
and outstanding  shares of Global Yacht common stock, based on 38,899,688 Global
Yacht shares outstanding after the Merger. The remaining  shareholders of Global
Yacht  would own  approximately  6.8% of the  issued and  outstanding  shares of
Global Yacht common stock if all 6,886,807  options and  11,758,460  warrants to
purchase  restricted  shares of Global Yacht's common stock acquired pursuant to
the Merger are  exercised,  which would  result in  57,544,955  shares of common
stock  outstanding.  On January 28, 2004,  pursuant to an  investment  completed
simultaneously with the Merger, Hyalozyme raised approximately $8.1 million.

We are relying on Rule 506 of  Regulation D of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended (the "Act") in regard to the shares we  anticipate  issuing  pursuant to
the Merger.  We believe this offering  qualifies as a "business  combination" as
defined by Rule  501(d).  Reliance on Rule 506  requires  that there are no more
than 35  non-accredited  purchasers of securities from the issuer in an offering
under Rule 506.  Hyalozyme has represented to us that all of their  stockholders
have certified to Hyalozyme that they are  `accredited  investors' as defined in
Rule 501(a) of Regulation D. Hyalozyme also has represented to us that there has
been no advertising or general solicitation in connection with this transaction.

                      Global Yacht's Reasons for the Merger

Global Yacht's board of directors  considered  various  factors in approving the
Merger and the Merger Agreement, including:


         o        its inability to expand its current level of operations;

         o        the available  technical,  financial and managerial  resources
                  possessed by Hyalozyme;

         o        prospects for the future;

         o        the quality and  experience of management  services  available
                  and the depth of Hyalozyme management;

         o        Hyalozyme's potential for growth or expansion;

         o        Hyalozyme's profit potential; and

         o        an anticipated  increase in  stockholder  value as a result of
                  the Merger.

Global Yacht's board of directors considered various factors, but primarily that
Global Yacht's  management has not been able to expand Global Yacht's operations
to profitability. In considering the Merger with Hyalozyme, Global Yacht's board
of directors  anticipated that this lack of profitability was likely to continue
for the  foreseeable  future.  Given those  circumstances,  Global Yacht's board
decided that the best course of action for Global Yacht and its shareholders was
to enter into and  conclude  the  proposed  Merger with  Hyalozyme,  after which
Global  Yacht's  management  would  resign.  In agreeing  to the Merger,  Global
Yacht's board hoped that by relinquishing control to Hyalozyme's  management and
adopting  Hyalozyme's  assets and operations,  that such a move would eventually
add value to Global Yacht and the interests of its shareholders.  Global Yacht's
board  of  directors   reached  this  conclusion  after  analyzing   Hyalozyme's
operations,  technical assets,  intellectual  property and managerial resources,
which are described in more detail below and believes that acquiring Hyalozyme's
potential  for  profitable  operations  by  means  of the  Merger  was the  best
opportunity  to increase value to Global  Yacht's  shareholders.  Global Yacht's
board of directors  did not request a fairness  opinion in  connection  with the

                       Hyalozyme's Reasons for the Merger

Hyalozyme's  board of directors  considered  various  factors in  approving  the
Merger and the Merger Agreement, including:

         o        the  increased  market  liquidity   expected  to  result  from
                  exchanging  stock in a private  company  for  publicly  traded
                  securities of Global Yacht;

         o        the ability to use registered  securities to make  acquisition
                  of assets or businesses;

         o        increased visibility in the financial community;

         o        enhanced access to the capital markets;

         o        improved transparency of operations; and

         o        perceived  credibility and enhanced corporate image of being a
                  publicly traded company.

Hyalozyme's  board of directors did not request a fairness opinion in connection
with the Merger.

                                  Risk Factors

The Merger entails several risks, including:


         o        Upon completion of the Merger, we will assume Hyalozyme's plan
                  of  operation,  which is  anticipated  to require  substantial
                  additional  funds to fully implement.  Hyalozyme's  management
                  anticipates   that  after   giving   effect  to  the   Merger,
                  substantial additional funds will be required to implement its
                  business  plan.  However,  there  can  be  no  assurance  that
                  management  will be  successful  in  raising  such  additional

         o        Our current  stockholders will be diluted by the shares issued
                  as part of the Merger  and may be diluted by future  issuances
                  of shares to satisfy our working  capital  needs.  Even though
                  4,296,375 shares held by certain of our  shareholders  will be
                  redeemed,  we are  issuing  34,999,701  shares  of our  common
                  stock, along with 6,886,807 options and 11,758,460 warrants to
                  purchase   additional  shares  of  our  common  stock  to  the
                  shareholders  in  Hyalozyme  as part of the Merger.  The above
                  issuances,  along with anticipated  issuances to raise working
                  capital,   will  reduce  the   percentage   ownership  of  our

         o        The market  price of our common  stock may decline as a result
                  of the  Merger  if the  integration  of the  Global  Yacht and
                  Hyalozyme businesses is unsuccessful.

         o        The  stockholders of Hyalozyme will own  approximately  90% of
                  our common stock following  completion of the Merger,  even if
                  none  of the  6,886,807  options  or  11,758,460  warrants  to
                  purchase our common stock are exercised,  which will limit the
                  ability of other stockholders to influence corporate matters.

                      Risks Related to Hyalozyme's Business

If Hyalozyme does not receive and maintain regulatory  approvals for its product
candidates,  Hyalozyme  will not be able to  commercialize  its products,  which
would substantially  impair its ability to generate revenues and materially harm
its business and financial condition.

None of Hyalozyme's product candidates has received regulatory approval from the
FDA. Approval from the FDA is necessary to manufacture and market pharmaceutical
products in the United States.  Many other  countries  including  major European
countries and Japan have similar requirements.

The 510(k) and NDA processes are extensive, time-consuming and costly, and there
is no guarantee that the FDA will approve 510(k)s or NDAs for any of Hyalozyme's
product candidates,  or that the timing of any such approval will be appropriate
for its product launch schedule and other business priorities, which are subject
to change.

Clinical  testing  of  pharmaceutical  products  is also a long,  expensive  and
uncertain  process.  Even if initial results of preclinical  studies or clinical
trial results are  positive,  Hyalozyme  may obtain  different  results in later
stages  of drug  development,  including  failure  to show  desired  safety  and

The  clinical  trials  of  any  of  Hyalozyme's   product  candidates  could  be
unsuccessful,  which would  prevent it from  obtaining  regulatory  approval and
commercializing the product. FDA approval can be delayed, limited or not granted
for many reasons, including, among others:


         o        FDA  officials  may  not  find a  product  candidate  safe  or
                  effective to merit an approval;

         o        FDA  officials  may not find  that the data  from  preclinical
                  testing and clinical trials  justifies  approval,  or they may
                  require  additional  studies  that would make it  commercially
                  unattractive to continue pursuit of approval;

         o        the FDA might not approve Hyalozyme's  manufacturing processes
                  or facilities,  or the processes or facilities of its contract
                  manufacturers or raw material suppliers;

         o        the  FDA  may  change  its  approval  policies  or  adopt  new
                  regulations; and

         o        the FDA may approve a product  candidate for indications  that
                  are narrow or under  conditions  that  place our  product at a
                  competitive  disadvantage,  which may limit  Hyalozyme's sales
                  and  marketing  activities or otherwise  adversely  impact the
                  commercial potential of a product;

If the FDA does not approve  Hyalozyme's  product candidates in a timely fashion
on commercially viable terms or Hyalozyme  terminates  development of any of its
product  candidates due to difficulties or delays  encountered in the regulatory
approval process, it will have a material adverse impact on Hyalozyme's business
and  Hyalozyme  will  be  dependent  on the  development  of its  other  product
candidates  and/or our  ability  to  successfully  acquire  other  products  and

In addition,  Hyalozyme  intends to market certain of its products,  and perhaps
have certain of its products manufactured,  in foreign countries. The process of
obtaining  approvals  in foreign  countries  is subject to delay and failure for
similar reasons.

If Hyalozyme  product  candidates are approved by the FDA but do not gain market
acceptance,  its business will suffer because  Hyalozyme may not be able to fund
future operations.

A number of  factors  may affect the  market  acceptance  of any of  Hyalozyme's
existing  products  or any other  products it develops or acquire in the future,
including, among others:

         o        the price of Hyalozyme's  products relative to other therapies
                  for the same or similar treatments;

         o        the  perception by patients,  physicians  and other members of
                  the health care community of the  effectiveness  and safety of
                  Hyalozyme's products for their prescribed treatments;

         o        Hyalozyme's ability to fund its sales and marketing efforts;

         o        the effectiveness of Hyalozyme's sales and marketing  efforts;

         o        the introduction of generic competitors.

In  addition,  Hyalozyme's  ability to market and promote its  products  will be
restricted  to the  labels  approved  by the FDA.  If the  approved  labels  are
restrictive,  Hyalozyme's  sales  and  marketing  efforts,  as  well  as  market
acceptance  and the  commercial  potential  of its  products  may be  negatively

If Hyalozyme's products do not gain market acceptance, Hyalozyme may not be able
to fund future  operations,  including the  development  or  acquisition  of new
product  candidates  and/or its sales and  marketing  efforts  for its  approved
products, which would cause its business to suffer.


If  Hyalozyme  is  unable to  sufficiently  develop  its  sales,  marketing  and
distribution capabilities or enter into agreements with third parties to perform
these functions, Hyalozyme will not be able to commercialize products.

Hyalozyme is currently in the process of  developing  its sales,  marketing  and
distribution  capabilities.  However,  Hyalozyme's current capabilities in these
areas  are  limited.  In  order  to  commercialize  any  products  successfully,
Hyalozyme must internally develop substantial sales,  marketing and distribution
capabilities,  or  establish  collaborations  or other  arrangements  with third
parties to perform these services.  Hyalozyme does not have extensive experience
in these areas,  and it may not be able to establish  adequate  in-house  sales,
marketing  and  distribution  capabilities  or  engage  and  effectively  manage
relationships with third parties to perform any or all of such services.  To the
extent that Hyalozyme enters into co-promotion or other licensing  arrangements,
its product  revenues  are likely to be lower than if it directly  marketed  and
sold its products,  and any revenues it receives will depend upon the efforts of
third parties, whose efforts may not be successful.

Hyalozyme  has not  generated  any revenue from product  sales to date; it has a
history of net losses and negative cash flow,  and may never achieve or maintain

Hyalozyme has not generated any revenue from product sales to date and may never
generate  revenues  from product  sales in the future.  Even if  Hyalozyme  does
achieve significant revenues from product sales, it expects to incur significant
operating  losses  over  the  next  several  years.  Hyalozyme  has  never  been
profitable,  and may  never  become  profitable.  Hyalozyme  will  need to raise
additional capital during the next twelve months, particularly if it obtains FDA
approval  for any of its  products.  If  Hyalozyme  engages in  acquisitions  of
companies, products, or technology in order to execute its business strategy, it
may  need to  raise  additional  capital.  Hyalozyme  may be  required  to raise
additional  capital  in the future  through  collaborative  agreements,  Private
Investment in Public  Equity  ("PIPE")  financings,  and various other equity or
debt  financings.  If Hyalozyme is required to raise  additional  capital in the
future there can be no assurance that the additional financing will be available
on favorable terms, or at all.

If  Hyalozyme  has problems  with its sole  contract  manufacturer,  its product
development and  commercialization  efforts for its product  candidates could be
delayed or stopped.

Hyalozyme has signed an agreement with a contract manufacturing  organization to
produce bulk recombinant enzyme product for clinical use.  Hyalozyme's  contract
manufacturer will produce the active pharmaceutical  ingredient under cGMP's for
commercial   scale   validation   and  will  provide   support  for   chemistry,
manufacturing  and controls sections for FDA regulatory  filings.  Hyalozyme has
not  established and may not be able to establish  arrangements  with additional
manufacturers  for these  ingredients or products  should the existing  supplies
become unavailable or in the event that its sole contract manufacturer is unable
to  adequately  perform  its   responsibilities.   Difficulties  in  Hyalozyme's
relationship   with  its   manufacturer  or  delays  or  interruptions  in  such
manufacturer's  supply of its  requirements  could  limit or stop its ability to
provide sufficient  quantities of its products,  on a timely basis, for clinical
trials and, if Hyalozyme's products are approved, could limit or stop commercial
sales,  which would have a material adverse effect on its business and financial

Hyalozyme's  inability to retain key management and scientific  personnel  could
negatively affect its business.

Hyalozyme's  success depends on the performance of key management and scientific
employees  with  biotech  experience.  Given its small  staff size and  programs
currently under development,  Hyalozyme depends  substantially on its ability to
hire,  train,  retain  and  motivate  high  quality  personnel,  especially  its
scientists and management  team in this field.  If Hyalozyme were to lose one or
more of its key  scientists,  then it would  likely  lose  some  portion  of its
institutional   knowledge  and  technical   know-how,   potentially   causing  a
substantial  delay in one or more of its  development  programs  until  adequate
replacement personnel could be hired and trained.


                      Risks Related to Hyalozyme's Industry

Compliance  with the  extensive  government  regulations  to which  Hyalozyme is
subject  is  expensive  and  time  consuming,  and may  result  in the  delay or
cancellation of product sales, introductions or modifications.

Extensive industry  regulation has had, and will continue to have, a significant
impact  on  Hyalozyme's  business.  All  pharmaceutical   companies,   including
Hyalozyme, are subject to extensive,  complex, costly and evolving regulation by
the federal  government,  principally the FDA and to a lesser extent by the U.S.
Drug  Enforcement  Administration  ("DEA"),  and  foreign  and state  government
agencies. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Controlled Substances Act
and other domestic and foreign statutes and regulations  govern or influence the
testing,  manufacturing,  packing,  labeling,  storing, record keeping,  safety,
approval,  advertising,  promotion, sale and distribution of our products. Under
certain  of  these  regulations,   Hyalozyme  and  its  contract  suppliers  and
manufacturers  are subject to  periodic  inspection  of its or their  respective
facilities, procedures and operations and/or the testing of products by the FDA,
the DEA and other  authorities,  which conduct  periodic  inspections to confirm
that Hyalozyme and its contract  suppliers and  manufacturers  are in compliance
with  all  applicable  regulations.  The  FDA  also  conducts  pre-approval  and
post-approval  reviews and plant  inspections to determine  whether  Hyalozyme's
systems,  or  its  contract  suppliers'  and  manufacturers'  processes,  are in
compliance with cGMP and other FDA regulations.

In  addition,  the FDA imposes a number of complex  regulatory  requirements  on
entities that advertise and promote pharmaceuticals,  including, but not limited
to,  standards and regulations  for  direct-to-consumer  advertising,  off-label
promotion,   industry-sponsored   scientific  and  educational  activities,  and
promotional activities involving the Internet.

Hyalozyme is dependent on receiving FDA and other  governmental  approvals prior
to manufacturing,  marketing and shipping its products.  Consequently,  there is
always a risk that the FDA or other applicable governmental authorities will not
approve  Hyalozyme's  products,  or will take  post-approval  action limiting or
revoking its ability to sell its products,  or that the rate, timing and cost of
such approvals will adversely affect its product  introduction  plans or results
of operations.

Hyalozyme's suppliers and sole manufacturer are subject to regulation by the FDA
and other agencies,  and if they do not meet their commitments,  Hyalozyme would
have to find substitute suppliers or manufacturers, which could delay the supply
of its products to market.

Regulatory   requirements   applicable  to  pharmaceutical   products  make  the
substitution of suppliers and manufacturers costly and time consuming. Hyalozyme
has no  internal  manufacturing  capabilities  and is, and  expects to be in the
future,  entirely  dependent on contract  manufacturers  and  suppliers  for the
manufacture  of its  products and for their  active and other  ingredients.  The
disqualification  of these  suppliers  through  their  failure  to  comply  with
regulatory requirements could negatively impact Hyalozyme's business because the
delays  and costs in  obtaining  and  qualifying  alternate  suppliers  (if such
alternative suppliers are available,  which Hyalozyme cannot assure) could delay
clinical  trials or  otherwise  inhibit  Hyalozyme's  ability to bring  approved
products to market,  which would have a material  adverse  affect on Hyalozyme's
business and financial condition.

Hyalozyme  may be  required  to initiate  or defend  against  legal  proceedings
related  to  intellectual  property  rights,  which may  result  in  substantial
expense,  delay and/or cessation of the development and commercialization of its

Hyalozyme  relies on patents to protect its intellectual  property  rights.  The
strength of this  protection,  however,  is  uncertain.  For example,  it is not
certain that:


         o        Hyalozyme's  patents and  pending  patent  applications  cover
                  products and/or technology that it invented first;

         o        Hyalozyme was the first to file patent  applications for these

         o        others will not  independently  develop similar or alternative
                  technologies or duplicate Hyalozyme's technologies;

         o        any of Hyalozyme's  pending patent applications will result in
                  issued patents; and

         o        any  of  Hyalozyme's   issued   patents,   or  patent  pending
                  applications that result in issued patents, will be held valid
                  and  infringed in the event the patents are  asserted  against

Hyalozyme  currently owns or licenses  several U.S. and foreign patents and also
has pending  patent  applications.  There can be no assurance  that  Hyalozyme's
existing patents,  or any patents issued to it as a result of such applications,
will provide a basis for commercially  viable products,  will provide  Hyalozyme
with any competitive  advantages,  or will not face third-party challenges or be
the subject of further proceedings limiting their scope or enforceability.

Hyalozyme may become involved in interference proceedings in the U.S. Patent and
Trademark  Office to  determine  the  priority  of  Hyalozyme's  inventions.  In
addition,  costly  litigation could be necessary to protect  Hyalozyme's  patent
position.  Hyalozyme  also  relies on  trademarks  to  protect  the names of its
products.  These trademarks may be challenged by others.  If Hyalozyme  enforces
its  trademarks  against third  parties,  such  enforcement  proceedings  may be
expensive.  Hyalozyme  also  relies  on trade  secrets,  unpatented  proprietary
know-how and continuing  technological  innovation that it seeks to protect with
confidentiality  agreements  with  employees,  consultants  and others with whom
Hyalozyme discusses its business. Disputes may arise concerning the ownership of
intellectual   property  or  the   applicability  or   enforceability  of  these
agreements,  and Hyalozyme  might not be able to resolve  these  disputes in its

In addition to protecting  Hyalozyme's own intellectual  property rights,  third
parties  may  assert  patent,  trademark  or  copyright  infringement  or  other
intellectual  property  claims against  Hyalozyme based on what they believe are
their  own  intellectual  property  rights.  Hyalozyme  may be  required  to pay
substantial  damages,  including  but not  limited to treble  damages,  for past
infringement if it is ultimately  determined that its products  infringe a third
party's  intellectual  property  rights.  Even if  infringement  claims  against
Hyalozyme are without merit,  defending a lawsuit takes significant time, may be
expensive and may divert  management's  attention from other business  concerns.
Further, Hyalozyme may be stopped from developing,  manufacturing or selling its
products until it obtains a license from the owner of the relevant technology or
other  intellectual  property rights.  If such a license is available at all, it
may require Hyalozyme to pay substantial royalties or other fees.

If third-party  reimbursement is not available,  Hyalozyme's products may not be
accepted in the market.

Hyalozyme's  ability to earn  sufficient  returns on its products will depend in
part  on the  extent  to  which  reimbursement  for  its  products  and  related
treatments will be available from government health administration  authorities,
private  health  insurers,  managed  care  organizations  and  other  healthcare

Third-party  payers are  increasingly  attempting to limit both the coverage and
the level of reimbursement of new drug products to contain costs.  Consequently,
significant  uncertainty exists as to the reimbursement status of newly approved
healthcare  products.  If  Hyalozyme  succeeds  in  bringing  one or more of its
product  candidates to market,  third-party  payers may not  establish  adequate
levels of  reimbursement  for its  products,  which  could  limit  their  market
acceptance  and result in a material  adverse  effect on  Hyalozyme's  financial


Hyalozyme faces intense  competition and rapid  technological  change that could
result in the  development  of  products  by  others  that are  superior  to the
products Hyalozyme is developing.

Hyalozyme has numerous  competitors in the United States and abroad,  including,
among  others,  major   pharmaceutical  and  specialized   biotechnology  firms,
universities and other research  institutions  that may be developing  competing
products.   Such  competitors  may  include  Sigma-Aldrich   Corporation,   Ista
Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.  and  Alcon  Laboratories,  Inc.,  among  others.  These
competitors  may develop  technologies  and products that are more  effective or
less costly than Hyalozyme's  current or future product candidates or that could
render its technologies and product candidates obsolete or noncompetitive.  Many
of these competitors have substantially more resources and product  development,
manufacturing and marketing  experience and capabilities than Hyalozyme does. In
addition,  many of Hyalozyme's competitors have significantly greater experience
than Hyalozyme does in undertaking  preclinical  testing and clinical  trials of
pharmaceutical  product  candidates  and  obtaining  FDA  and  other  regulatory
approvals of products and therapies for use in healthcare.

Hyalozyme is exposed to product  liability  claims,  and insurance against these
claims may not be available to it on reasonable terms or at all.

Hyalozyme might incur  substantial  liability in connection with clinical trials
or the sale of its products. Product liability insurance is expensive and in the
future may not be  available  on  commercially  acceptable  terms,  or at all. A
successful claim or claims brought against  Hyalozyme in excess of its insurance
coverage could materially harm its business and financial condition.

      Directors and Senior Management of Global Yacht Following the Merger

Following  completion of the Merger, the board of directors of Global Yacht will
resign and new appointees  will consist of directors which will be designated by
Hyalozyme. The management and directors are anticipated to include:

Jonathan E. Lim, MD, (32) President & Chief Executive Officer and Director.  Dr.
Lim  joined  Hyalozyme  in 2003.  From 2001 to 2003,  Dr.  Lim was a  management
consultant  at  McKinsey  & Company,  where he  specialized  in the health  care
industry,  serving a wide range of  start-ups  to Fortune 500  companies  in the
biopharmaceutical,  medical products, and payor/provider  segments. From 1999 to
2001,  Dr. Lim was a recipient of a National  Institutes of Health  Postdoctoral
Fellowship, during which time he conducted clinical outcomes research at Harvard
Medical  School.  He has  published  articles in leading  peer-reviewed  medical
journals  such as the Annals of Surgery and the Journal of  Refractive  Surgery.
Dr.  Lim's prior  experience  also  includes  two years of clinical  training in
general  surgery at the New York  Hospital-Cornell  Medical  Center and Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Founder and President of a seed-stage health care
company;  Founding  Editor-in-Chief of the McGill Journal of Medicine; and basic
science and clinical  research at the Salk Institute for Biological  Studies and
Massachusetts  Eye and Ear  Infirmary.  Dr.  Lim is  currently  a member  of the
strategic planning committee of the American Medical Association.  He earned his
BS with honors and MS degrees in molecular biology from Stanford University, his
MD degree from McGill  University,  and his MPH degree in health care management
from Harvard University.

Gregory I.  Frost,  PhD,  (32) Vice  President  & Chief  Scientific  Officer and
Director.  Dr. Frost joined  Hyalozyme in 1999 and has spent more than ten years
researching  the  hyaluronidase  family of enzymes.  From 1998 to 1999, he was a
Senior  Research  Scientist at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center (SKCC),  where he
focused much of his work developing the hyaluronidase technology. Prior to SKCC,
his research in the Department of Pathology at the University of California, San
Francisco,  led directly to the purification,  cloning,  and characterization of
the human  hyaluronidase  gene family,  and the  discovery of several  metabolic
disorders. He has authored over 13 scientific peer-reviewed and invited articles
in the Hyaluronidase field, is an inventor on numerous patents, and has been the
recipient of federal grants. Dr. Frost's prior experience  includes serving as a
scientific  consultant  to a number of  biopharmaceutical  companies,  including
Q-Med (SE), Biophausia AB (SE), and Active Biotech (SE). Dr. Frost is registered
to  practice  before  the US  Patent  Trademark  Office,  and  earned  his BA in
biochemistry  and molecular  biology from the  University of  California,  Santa
Cruz,  and  his  PhD  in the  department  of  Pathology  at  the  University  of
California, San Francisco, where he was an ARCS-Scholar.


David A. Ramsay, MBA, (39) Vice President & Chief Financial Officer.  Mr. Ramsay
joined Hyalozyme in 2003 and brings 17 years of corporate  financial  experience
spanning  several  industries.  From 2000 to 2003, he was Vice President,  Chief
Financial  Officer of Lathian Systems,  a leading  provider of  technology-based
sales solutions for the life sciences industry. Prior to Lathian, Mr. Ramsay was
the Vice President, Treasurer of ICN Pharmaceuticals, a multinational, specialty
pharmaceutical  company with  approximately $800 million in revenue and a market
capitalization  of $3 billion at the time.  Mr.  Ramsay  joined ICN in 1998 from
ARCO,  where he spent four  years in  various  financial  roles,  most  recently
serving  as  Manager  of  Financial   Planning  &  Analysis  for  the  company's
1,700-station West Coast Retail Marketing  Network.  Prior to ARCO, he served as
Vice  President,  Controller  for  Security  Pacific  Asian Bank, a $500 million
subsidiary  of  Security  Pacific  Corporation.  He began his career as a Senior
Auditor  (CPA) at Deloitte & Touche  after  graduating  from the  University  of
California,  Berkeley  with a BS degree in Business  Administration.  Mr. Ramsay
earned his MBA degree with a dual major in Finance and Strategic Management from
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Don A. Kennard,  (57) Vice President of Regulatory  Affairs & Quality Assurance.
Mr. Kennard joined  Hyalozyme in 2004 and brings to Hyalozyme nearly 30 years of
professional  senior management  experience in the fields of regulatory  affairs
(RA), clinical programs, and quality assurance (QA). He has worked directly with
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration  (FDA), as well as regulatory  authorities
of various  foreign  ministries  of health,  to secure  registration,  authorize
commercialization,  and successfully  implement  quality  programs,  for a broad
range  and  extensive  number  of  product  approvals  across   pharmaceuticals,
biologics, medical devices, and diagnostics. Prior to Hyalozyme, Mr. Kennard was
Vice President of Worldwide RA/QA at Quidel,  Inc., an $80 million  manufacturer
of  diagnostic  products,  where he led the  RA/QA  and  Clinical  functions  to
increase  product  approvals by 40% and increase sales volume by 22%, while also
establishing a Quality  System CE marking  program that enabled Quidel to expand
and  sustain  sales in the EU.  From  1991 to 2001,  he was  Vice  President  of
RA/QA/R&D for Nobel  Biocare,  Inc. and Steri-Oss  (acquired by Nobel  Biocare),
where he directed all regulatory  affairs,  quality assurance,  clinical trials,
and R&D  activities.  From 1981 to 1991,  Mr.  Kennard was  Director of RA/QA at
Allergan, Inc., where he directed RA/QA/QC in the development and manufacture of
prescription  and OTC ophthalmic and  dermatological  drugs,  injectable  drugs,
biotechnology  products (e.g.,  Botox), and ophthalmic  products (e.g.,  contact
lens,  intraocular lens). Prior to Allergan,  he was Director of Quality Control
at B. Braun.  Mr.  Kennard  holds a BS degree in  Microbiology  and a Regulatory
Affairs Certificate.

Carolyn  M.  Rynard,   PhD,  (48)  Vice  President  of  Product   Development  &
Manufacturing.  Dr. Rynard joined Hyalozyme in 2003. Dr. Rynard's career in drug
development spans 20 years in the  pharmaceutical  and biotech  industries.  Her
broad  experience  includes  project  management,  formulation,   manufacturing,
clinical supplies,  validation, medical devices, and drug delivery systems. From
2001 to 2003, Dr. Rynard was Vice  President of Product  Development at Medinox,
Inc., where she was directly responsible for Medinox's Chemistry, Manufacturing,
and  Controls  (CM&C),   formulation,   analytical  methods,  and  specification
development.  From 1994 to 2001, she worked for Amylin Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., a
San  Diego,  California-based  pharmaceutical  company  where  she held  various
positions of increasing responsibility, serving most recently as Senior Director
of Product Development. At Amylin, Dr. Rynard managed seven functional areas and
wrote CMC sections for US NDA and INDs; European MAA and CTX regulatory filings;
as well as device 510(k) and CE mark technical  files.  Prior to joining Amylin,
Dr. Rynard held various R&D positions at Baxter  Healthcare  and at Du Pont. Dr.
Rynard earned her BSc degree in Chemistry and  Biochemistry  from the University
of  Toronto,  and  her PhD in  Physical  and  Organic  Chemistry  from  Stanford

Mark S. Wilson,  MBA, (43) Vice  President of Business  Development.  Mr. Wilson
joined   Hyalozyme   in  2003  and  has   spent   more  than  15  years  in  the
biotechnology/pharmaceutical  industry,  having most recently  served as Founder
and CEO of Biophysica Science,  Inc. and Director of Strategic External Alliance
Management at Pfizer Global R&D - La Jolla from 2001 to 2003. From 1996 to 2001,
Mr. Wilson was Associate Director of Materials at Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
where he identified and negotiated  international supply agreements in excess of
$120  million  annually  and  served  as  Materials  Manager  for the  launch of
Viracept(R).  From 1991 to 1996, Mr. Wilson was an Associate  Director at Gensia
Laboratories, Ltd., where he directed a wide range of business operations. Prior
experience also includes various  management and operational roles at Hybritech,
Ferro Corporation,  and TRW, Inc. Mr. Wilson earned his BS degree in engineering
from the University of California,  Berkeley, and his MBA degree at the Anderson
Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles.


Louis H. Bookbinder,  PhD, (46) Director of Biochemistry.  Dr. Bookbinder joined
Hyalozyme in 2002. Dr. Bookbinder has extensive  experience in the biotechnology
industry,  serving as a Consulting  Research Scientist to a number of companies,
including  Molecular  Diagnostic  Solutions-USA  (San Diego,  CA),  Zygam,  Inc.
(Vista, CA), Mycoferm Technologies  (Bellevue,  WA), and Syrrx, Inc. (San Diego,
CA), from 2001 to 2002. From 1995 to 2001, he was a Principal  Investigator  and
Senior Staff Scientist at Tera  Biotechnology  Corporation  (San Diego,  CA) and
Favrille, Inc. (San Diego, CA), a VC funded spin-off of Tera Biotechnology.  Dr.
Bookbinder's  scientific  background  includes Senior Research  Scientist at the
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center;  Research  Scientist at the La Jolla  Institute for
Experimental  Medicine;  Research Fellow at the Scripps Research Institute;  and
Senior Research Fellow at the University of Washington. He has authored multiple
scientific  peer-reviewed articles in leading journals such as Science,  Journal
of Cellular Biology, and FASEB, and is a named inventor on numerous patents. Dr.
Bookbinder  earned  his BA in  biology  at the  University  of  California,  Los
Angeles,  his MS in zoology at the  University of Maine,  Orono,  and his PhD in
biology at the University of California, San Diego.

Ira M. Lechner,  (69) Director.  Mr. Lechner currently serves as chairman of the
board of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego. This is an extension of a
prestigious  career in law, service as a Virginia state  legislator,  and a long
history of trustee-level  involvements in many organizations.  Prior to assuming
the Board  Chairmanship,  Lechner served as SKCC's Vice Chairman of the Board of
Trustees and as Chair of the SKCC Development and Planned Giving Committees.  He
currently serves on the Board of the Council on Higher Education  Accreditation,
and  previously  served as Vice  Chair of the  Randolph-Macon  College  Board of
Trustees.  For the past five years,  Mr.  Lechner has been  employed as the sole
proprietor  of a law firm in the District of Columbia  entitled Ira M.  Lechner,

Edward L. Mercaldo,  (62) Director.  Mr. Mercaldo is a Financial  Consultant and
private investor, following his successful career as an International Commercial
and Investment Banker for several leading companies  including Bank of Montreal,
Bankers Trust Company of New York, Gordon Capital and First Marathon Securities.
Mr.  Mercaldo also served as Executive Vice President,  Chief Financial  Officer
and Director of Diamond  Fields  Resources,  Inc., and following the purchase of
Diamond  Fields by Inco Ltd. in August 1996,  he continued as a Director of Inco
until September  2000. Mr. Mercaldo has served as a self-employed  consultant to
numerous companies for the past five years.

John S. Patton, PhD, (56) Director. Dr. Patton is co-Founder and Vice President,
Research of Nektar  Therapeutics  (formerly Inhale Therapeutic  Systems) and has
served as Chief  Scientific  Officer since November 2001 and as a director since
July  1990.  He is a  world-renowned  expert in the  delivery  of  peptides  and
proteins.  Before  co-founding  Inhale,  John  led the  drug  delivery  group at
Genentech,  Inc., where he demonstrated the feasibility of systemic  delivery of
large molecules through the lungs.  Prior to joining  Genentech,  Inc., he was a
tenured professor at the University of Georgia. He has published a wide range of
articles and has presented his work in national and  international  arenas.  Dr.
Patton  received his Ph.D.  in Biology from the  University of  California,  San
Diego, and held post-doctoral positions in biomedicine at Harvard Medical School
and the University of Lund in Sweden.  Dr. Patton is both a personal investor in
Hyalozyme and Chairs the Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board.

                         MANAGEMENT FOLLOWING THE MERGER

The  following  table sets forth  information  with  respect to the  anticipated
levels of beneficial  ownership of our Common Stock owned after giving effect to
the Merger, by:


         o        the holders of more than 5% of our Common Stock;

         o        each of our directors;

         o        our executive officers; and

         o        all  directors  and  executive  officers  of our  company as a

We currently have 8,196,362  shares of our common stock issued and  outstanding.
Pursuant to the terms of the Merger, we anticipate that 34,999,701 shares of our
common stock will be issued to  Hyalozyme's  shareholders  along with options to
purchase an  additional  6,886,807  shares of our common  stock and  warrants to
purchase an additional 11,758,460 shares of our common stock, which could result
in up to 57,544,955  shares of our common stock  outstanding after giving effect
to the Merger.  We plan to redeem a total of  4,296,375  shares of common  stock
owned by certain of our  shareholders in exchange for $43,000 or $0.01 per share
upon the closing of the Merger.


The following  table sets forth  certain  information  regarding the  beneficial
ownership of our common  stock after giving  effect to the Merger by each person
or  entity  known  by us to be the  beneficial  owner  of  more  than  5% of the
outstanding  shares of common stock,  each of our directors and named  executive
officers,  and all of our directors and executive officers as a group. The table
below assumes all 11,758,460  warrants  anticipated to be outstanding  after the
Merger to purchase our common stock are exercised.

========================== ==================================== ============================== =======================
                             Name and Address of Beneficial         Amount and Nature of
     Title of Class                       Owner                       Beneficial Owner            Percent of Class
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Cantonal Corporation (1)                   6,644,054 shares                  16.24%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Gregory Frost (2)                          3,429,016 shares                   8.75%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Jonathan Lim (3)                            808,426  shares                   2.08%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Elliot Feuerstein (4)                      3,504,373 shares                   8.98%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Ira Lechner (5)                            1,152,329 shares                   2.94%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Edward Mercaldo (6)                         819,938  shares                   2.10%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               John S. Patton (7)                          447,471  shares                   1.15%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Borgstrom Family Trusts (8)                2,710,474 shares                   6.97%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Peter Geddes (9)                           2,528,542 shares                   6.37%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Jonathan Spanier (10)                      2,629,436 shares                   6.61%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               Jesse Grossman (11)                        2,585,237 shares                   6.50%
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
Common Stock               All officers and directors as a            6,657,180 shares                  16.66%
                           group (12)
========================== ==================================== ============================== =======================

Beneficial  ownership is determined in accordance  with the Rule 13d-3(a) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and generally
includes  voting or  investment  power  with  respect to  securities.  Except as
subject to community property laws, where applicable, the person named above has
sole  voting  and  investment  power with  respect to all shares of  Hyalozyme's
common stock shown as beneficially owned by him.

- ------------------
(1)      Includes  4,621,036  shares and warrants to purchase  2,023,018  shares
         held in the name of the Cantonal Corporation.

(2)      Includes  2,837,364  shares and warrants to purchase 22,241 shares held
         in the name of Dr.  Frost;  includes  116,415  shares and  warrants  to
         purchase 10,530 shares held in the name of the Frost Family Trust;  and
         includes  190,072 shares and warrants to purchase 22,241 shares held in
         the name of Francis E. Frost.  Also includes  230,153  shares  issuable
         upon exercise of options  exercisable  within 60 days of which are held
         in Dr. Frost's name.

(3)      Includes  484,497 shares and warrants to purchase 26,690 shares held in
         the name of Dr.  Lim;  and  includes  266,101  shares and  warrants  to
         purchase 31,138 shares held in the name of family members of Dr. Lim.

(4)      Includes  3,373,287 shares and warrants to purchase 131,086 shares held
         in the name of Mr. Feuerstein.

(5)      Includes 705,210 shares and warrants to purchase 134,806 shares held in
         an IRA account for Mr.  Lechner;  and  190,072  shares and  warrants to
         purchase  22,241  shares  held in a  charitable  trust.  Also  includes
         100,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options  exercisable within 60
         days of which are held in Mr. Lechner's name.

(6)      Includes  126,944  shares  held in the  name of Mr.  Mercaldo;  123,883
         shares and warrants to purchase  44,483  shares held for the benefit of
         Karen and Mr.  Mercaldo;  and 380,145  shares and  warrants to purchase
         44,483 shares held in a family  trust.  Also  includes  100,000  shares
         issuable upon exercise of options  exercisable  within 60 days of which
         are held in Mr. Mercaldo's name.

(7)      Includes  232,830 shares and warrants to purchase 31,590 shares held in
         a family trust, and 83,051 shares held in the name of Dr. Patton.  Also
         includes  100,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options  exercisable
         within 60 days of which are held in Dr. Patton's name.

(8)      Includes 2,710,474 shares held in family trusts.

(9)      Includes  1,587,451  shares and 731,091  warrants  to purchase  shares,
         140,000  shares and 50,000  warrants to  purchase  shares held by Peter
         Geddes  under  custodial  accounts  for the  benefit  of  minors.  Also
         includes  13,333 shares and 6,667  warrants to purchase  shares held by
         Grove Capital,  LLC in which Peter Geddes is a member. Peter Geddes may
         be deemed a beneficial  owner of the shares held by Grove Capital,  LLC
         however, he disclaims  beneficial ownership except to the extent of his
         pecuniary interest therein.

(10)     Includes  1,217,757  shares and 655,219  warrants  to purchase  shares,
         474,890  shares and 211,570  warrants  to  purchase  shares held by the
         Jonathan  Spanier IRA Account,  includes 50,000 shares held by Jonathan
         Spanier  under a custodial  account  for the  benefit of a minor.  Also
         includes  13,333 shares and 6,667  warrants to purchase  shares held by
         Grove Capital,  LLC in which Jonathan  Spanier and the Jonathan Spanier
         IRA Account are  members.  Each of  Jonathan  Spanier and the  Jonathan
         Spanier IRA Account may be deemed  beneficial owners of the shares held
         by Grove  Capital,  LLC however,  each disclaims  beneficial  ownership
         except to the extent of their pecuniary interest therein.

(11)     Includes  1,251,558  shares and 627,219  warrants  to purchase  shares,
         474,890  shares and 211,570  warrants  to  purchase  shares held by the
         Jesse Grossman Accountancy  Corporation Retirement Trust. Also includes
         13,333  shares and 6,667  warrants  to  purchase  shares  held by Grove
         Capital, LLC in which Jesse Grossman and the Jesse Grossman Accountancy
         Corporation  Retirement  Trust are members.  Each of Jesse Grossman and
         the Jesse  Grossman  Accountancy  Corporation  Retirement  Trust may be
         deemed  beneficial  owners of the  shares  held by Grove  Capital,  LLC
         however,  each disclaims  beneficial  ownership except to the extent of
         their pecuniary interest therein.

(12)     See Notes 2,3,5,6 and 7. Includes 530,153 shares issuable upon exercise
         of options exercisable within 60 days.

                 Interests of Directors, Executive Officers and
                      Principal Stockholders in the Merger

Some of the directors and executive  officers of Hyalozyme have interests in the
Merger that are  different  from,  or are in addition to, the interests of their
shareholders.  These  interests  include  positions  as  directors  or executive
officers  of  Global  Yacht  following  the  Merger,  potential  benefits  under
employment  or benefit  arrangements  as a result of the Merger,  and  potential
severance and other benefit  payments in the event of  termination of employment
following  the  Merger.  On January 8, 2004,  Hyalozyme's  directors,  executive
officers and their  affiliates  owned  approximately  19.69% of Hyalozyme common
stock entitled to vote on adoption of the Merger Agreement.  The board of Global
Yacht was aware of these interests and considered them in approving the Merger.

                   Anticipated Operations Following the Merger

Hyalozyme's Background. Hyalozyme was incorporated in California on February 26,
1998, as DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. After completing the Merger,  Global
Yacht will assume Hyalozyme's  business  operations,  including their assets and
liabilities as the parent  corporation of the acquisition  subsidiary into which
Hyalozyme  will merge.  Hyalozyme  is a  product-focused  biotechnology  company
dedicated to the development and  commercialization  of recombinant  therapeutic
enzymes and drug enhancement  systems,  based on intellectual  property covering
the family of human enzymes known as hyaluronidases.  Hyalozyme's first products
are human synthetic formulations of a hyaluronidase enzyme that replaces current
animal  slaughterhouse-derived  enzymes that carry high risks of animal pathogen
contamination and immunogenicity. These products are based on a highly versatile
enzyme  technology  that  Hyalozyme's  management  believes  has a wide range of
therapeutic  applications,  and which  Hyalozyme's  management  anticipates will
enable  Hyalozyme to help patients across multiple disease states while creating
significant shareholder value.


Products/services. Hyalozyme's patented technology is based on recombinant human
PH20 (rHuPH20),  a human synthetic  hyaluronidase that degrades  hyaluronic acid
(HA),  a  space-filling  "cement"-like  substance  that is a major  component of
tissues  throughout  the body  (e.g.,  skin,  cartilage).  The PH20  enzyme is a
naturally  occurring  enzyme that  digests HA to break down the cement,  thereby
facilitating  the  penetration  and  diffusion  of other drugs that are injected
subcutaneously  (i.e.,  in the skin) or  intramuscularly  (i.e., in the muscle).
Hyalozyme has two product candidates it is currently focusing on:

         o        CUMULASE(TM)-IVF  is an ex  vivo  formulation  of  rHuPH20  to
                  replace the bovine enzyme  currently used for the  preparation
                  of  oocytes  prior  to IVF  and  cryopreservation  during  the
                  process of ICSI (intracytoplasmic  sperm injection),  in which
                  the  enzyme  is an  essential  component.  The  FDA  considers
                  hyaluronidase  IVF products to be medical  devices  subject to
                  510K approval.  Hyalozyme believes the total  Cumulase(TM)-IVF
                  market consists of nearly 500,000 ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm
                  injection) cycles worldwide in 2004.

         o        OPTIPHASE(TM) is a low unit,  fast-acting local formulation of
                  rHuPH20  to replace  Wydase(R),  Wyeth's  discontinued  bovine
                  enzyme  previously  used for over 50 years as a drug  delivery
                  agent to enhance  diffusion of local anesthesia for ophthalmic
                  surgery  (mostly  cataract  surgery).  Hyalozyme  believes the
                  total  Optiphase(TM)  market  consists  of  approximately  6.4
                  million  local  anesthesia  procedures  (or  45% of  the  14.3
                  million total estimated cataract surgery procedures) worldwide
                  in 2004.

Intellectual property. The success of Hyalozyme's business will depend, in part,
on its ability to obtain patent  protection for its inventions,  to preserve its
trade secrets and to operate without  infringing the proprietary rights of third
parties.  Hyalozyme's  strategy is to actively  pursue patent  protection in the
United States and foreign  jurisdictions  for technology  that it believes to be
proprietary  and  that  offers  a  potential   competitive   advantage  for  its
inventions.   To  date,  Hyalozyme  has  licensed  issued  and  pending  US  and
International  Patents,  as well as filed  new  patent  applications  for  novel
compositions, formulations and uses of mammalian hyaluronidases.

In addition  to  patents,  Hyalozyme  relies on trade  secrets  and  proprietary
know-how.  Hyalozyme  seeks  protection of these trade  secrets and  proprietary
know-how,   in  part,  through   confidentiality  and  proprietary   information
agreements.  Hyalozyme  makes  efforts  to  require  its  employees,  directors,
consultants  and  advisors,   outside  scientific  collaborators  and  sponsored
researchers,  other  advisors and other  individuals  and  entities,  to execute
confidentiality  agreements  upon the start of  employment,  consulting or other
contractual   relationships   with  them.  These  agreements  provide  that  all
confidential  information  developed or made known to the  individual  or entity
during  the  course  of the  relationship  is to be  kept  confidential  and not
disclosed  to third  parties  except in specific  circumstances.  In the case of
employees and some other  parties,  the  agreements  provide that all inventions
conceived by the individual will be the exclusive  property of Hyalozyme.  These
agreements may not provide  meaningful  protection  for or adequate  remedies to
protect  its  technology  in the  event of  unauthorized  use or  disclosure  of
information.  Furthermore,  Hyalozyme's trade secrets may otherwise become known
to, or be independently developed by, its competitors.

In addition,  the approval process for patent  applications in foreign countries
may differ  significantly from the process in the U.S. The patent authorities in
each country administer that country's laws and regulations  relating to patents
independently of the laws and regulations of any other country,  and the patents
must be sought and obtained separately.  Therefore, approval in one country does
not necessarily indicate that approval can be obtained in other countries.

Government  regulations.  The FDA and comparable  regulatory agencies in foreign
countries  regulate  extensively the manufacture and sale of the  pharmaceutical
products  that  Hyalozyme  currently  is  developing.  The FDA  has  established
guidelines  and  safety   standards  that  are  applicable  to  the  nonclinical
evaluation  and clinical  investigation  of  therapeutic  products and stringent
regulations that govern the manufacture and sale of these products.  The process
of obtaining  FDA  approval for a new  therapeutic  product  usually  requires a
significant  amount  of time and  substantial  resources.  The  steps  typically
required before a product can be produced and marketed for human use include: 1)
nonclinical  pharmacological  studies to obtain  preliminary  information on the
safety and efficacy of a drug;  and 2)  nonclinical  evaluation  in vitro and in
vivo, including extensive toxicology.


The results of these nonclinical  studies may be submitted to the FDA as part of
an investigational  new drug application.  The sponsor of an investigational new
drug  application  may commence  human  testing of the compound only after being
notified by the FDA that the agency has activated the  investigational  new drug
application,   which  usually  occurs  within  30  days  of  submission  of  the

The clinical testing program for a drug typically involves three phases:

         o        Phase 1  investigations  are  generally  conducted  in healthy
                  subjects.  In  certain  instances,  subjects  with a  terminal
                  disease,  such as cancer,  may  participate in Phase 1 studies
                  that  determine the maximum  tolerated dose and initial safety
                  of the product;

         o        Phase 2 studies are  conducted in limited  numbers of subjects
                  with the disease or  condition  to be treated and are aimed at
                  determining   the  most   effective   dose  and   schedule  of
                  administration, evaluating both safety and whether the product
                  demonstrates  therapeutic  effectiveness  against the disease;

         o        Phase 3 studies involve large, well-controlled  investigations
                  in diseased subjects and are aimed at verifying the safety and
                  effectiveness of the drug.

Data from all clinical studies,  as well as all nonclinical studies and evidence
of  product  quality,  typically  are  submitted  to  the  FDA  in  a  new  drug

The FDA's  Center  for Drug  Evaluation  and  Research  (CDER) or the Center for
Biologics  Evaluation and Research (CBER) must approve a new drug application or
biologics license  application for a drug before the drug may be marketed in the
U.S. At the time, if ever, that Hyalozyme begins to market its proposed products
for  commercial  sale in the  U.S.,  any  manufacturing  operations  that may be
established  in or outside  the U.S.  will be subject  to  rigorous  regulation,
including compliance with current good manufacturing  practices.  Hyalozyme also
may be subject to regulation under the  Occupational  Safety and Health Act, the
Environmental  Protection  Act,  the Toxic  Substance  Control  Act,  the Export
Control  Act and other  present  and  future  laws of  general  application.  In
addition,  the  handling,  care  and  use  of  laboratory  mice,  including  the
hu-PBL-SCID  mice and rats, are subject to the Guidelines for the Humane Use and
Care of Laboratory Animals published by the National Institutes of Health.

International.  For  marketing  outside  the United  States,  Hyalozyme  is also
subject to foreign regulatory  requirements  governing human clinical trials and
marketing approval for pharmaceutical  products.  The requirements governing the
conduct of clinical trials,  product approval,  pricing and  reimbursement  vary
widely from country to country.  Whether or not FDA approval has been  obtained,
approval  of a product  by the  comparable  regulatory  authorities  of  foreign
countries  must be obtained  before  manufacturing  or marketing  the product in
those  countries.  The approval  process  varies from country to country and the
time required for such approvals may differ substantially from that required for
FDA approval.  Hyalozyme's management cannot give assurance that clinical trials
conducted in one country will be accepted by other countries or that approval in
one country will result in approval in any other  country.  For clinical  trials
conducted  outside  the  United  States,   the  clinical  stages  are  generally
comparable to the phases of clinical development established by the FDA.

Research and  development.  Since its inception,  Hyalozyme has made substantial
investments  in research and  development.  During the years ended  December 31,
2003 and 2002 and from the  period  February  26,  1998 (date of  inception)  to
December 31, 2003, Hyalozyme spent $1.1 million,  $0.8 million and $2.4 million,
respectively, on research and development activities.

Employees.  At February 5, 2004,  Hyalozyme  employed  13  full-time  employees.
Approximately  9  of  its  employees  are  involved  in  research  and  clinical
development  activities.  Four  of  Hyalozyme's  employees  hold  Ph.D.  or M.D.
degrees. Hyalozyme believes that its relationship with its employees is good.

Facilities.  Hyalozyme's  administrative  offices and  research  facilities  are
located in San Diego,  California.  Hyalozyme leases  approximately 5,700 square
feet of office  space which is adequate  for its purposes for the next twelve to
eighteen months. The lease expires on June 30, 2005.

Legal  Proceedings.  From time to time,  Hyalozyme may be involved in litigation
relating  to  claims  arising  out of its  operations  in the  normal  course of
business.  Hyalozyme  currently  is not a party to any  legal  proceedings,  the
adverse outcome of which, in its  management's  opinion,  individually or in the
aggregate,  would have a material adverse effect on its results of operations or
financial position.


        Anticipated Liquidity and Capital Resources Following the Merger

We will assume Hyalozyme's assets and liabilities following the Merger.

Hyalozyme's  management  anticipates  that after  giving  effect to the  Merger,
substantial  additional capital will be required to implement its business plan.
However,  there can be no  assurance  that  management  will be  successful.  If
additional  funds are raised through the issuance of equity or convertible  debt
securities,  the  percentage  ownership  of our  stockholders  will be  reduced,
stockholders  may experience  additional  dilution and such  securities may have
rights,  preferences and privileges  senior to those of our common stock.  There
can be no  assurance  that  additional  financing  will be  available  on  terms
favorable  to us or at all.  If  adequate  funds  are not  available  or are not
available  on  acceptable  terms,  we may not be able  to fund  expansion,  take
advantage  of  unanticipated  acquisition  opportunities,   develop  or  enhance
services or products or respond to competitive  pressures.  Such inability could
harm its business, results of operations and financial condition.

                    What We Need to Do to Complete the Merger

Global Yacht and Hyalozyme  will complete the Merger only if the  conditions set
forth in the Merger  Agreement are satisfied  or, in some cases,  waived.  These
conditions include:

         o        the  approval  and  adoption  of the Merger  Agreement  by the
                  requisite  vote  of  the  stockholders  of  Global  Yacht  and

         o        no statute, rule, regulation,  executive order, decree, ruling
                  or injunction shall have been enacted, entered, promulgated or
                  enforced by any United  States  court or  Governmental  Entity
                  which   prohibits,   restrains,   enjoins  or  restricts   the
                  consummation of the Merger;

         o        accuracy of each company's representations and warranties;

         o        performance  by each  company  of its  obligations  under  the
                  Merger Agreement; and

         o        the  mailing  of  this   information   to  all  Global   Yacht
                  stockholders as of the record date.


Some  statements  in this  Proxy  Statement  contain  certain  "forward-looking"
statements  of  management  of  Global  Yacht.  Forward-looking  statements  are
statements  that  estimate  the  happening  of  future  events  are not based on
historical  fact.  Forward-looking  statements  may be  identified by the use of
forward-looking   terminology,   such  as  "may,"  "shall,"  "could,"  "expect,"
"estimate,"   "anticipate,"   "predict,"   "probable,"   "possible,"   "should,"
"continue," or similar terms, variations of those terms or the negative of those
terms. The  forward-looking  statements  specified in the following  information
have  been  compiled  by our  management  on the  basis of  assumptions  made by
management and considered by management to be reasonable.  Our future  operating
results, however, are impossible to predict and no representation,  guaranty, or
warranty is to be inferred from those forward-looking statements.

The assumptions used for purposes of the forward-looking statements specified in
the following  information  represent estimates of future events and are subject
to uncertainty as to possible changes in economic,  legislative,  industry,  and
other circumstances.  As a result, the identification and interpretation of data
and other information and their use in developing and selecting assumptions from
and among  reasonable  alternatives  require the  exercise of  judgment.  To the
extent that the assumed events do not occur, the outcome may vary  substantially
from anticipated or projected results, and, accordingly, no opinion is expressed
on the  achievability of those  forward-looking  statements.  We cannot guaranty
that any of the assumptions relating to the forward-looking statements specified
in the following information are accurate, and we assume no obligation to update
any such forward-looking statements.


                         FINANCIAL AND OTHER INFORMATION

                    Global Yacht Audited Financial Statements

The  financial  statements  of Global Yacht as of December 31, 2002 and 2001 and
are contained in Global  Yacht's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended
December  31,  2002  which is  included  in this  document  as  Exhibit E. These
financial statements have been audited by Hall & Company,  independent auditors.
You are encouraged to review the financial  statements,  related notes and other
information included elsewhere in this filing.

                         Hyalozyme's Plan of Operations

Revenues.  Hyalozyme has  generated no revenues  since its inception on February
26, 1998, and does not anticipate generating revenues before the last quarter of
fiscal 2004.  However,  no assurances can be given as to the  recognition of any
revenues in fiscal 2004.

Expenses.  Hyalozyme has generated net losses of $4.0 million from its inception
through  December  31,  2003.  These  losses are  primarily  due to research and
development  expenses of $2.4 million,  general and  administrative  expenses of
$1.2 million, and interest expense of $.4 million.

Liquidity and Capital Resources. Hyalozyme has used $3.0 million net cash in its
operating  activities and purchased equipment for $.3 million from its inception
through  December  31,  2003.  It  has  financed  its  operating  and  investing
activities  by raising  $3.8  million in cash from the issuance of notes of $1.3
million, common stock of $.1 million, and preferred stock of $2.4 million. While
Hyalozyme  has $.5 million cash at December 31,  2003,  additional  financing is
required in order to execute its business  plan.  There can be no assurance that
additional  financing  will be available  on terms  favorable to Hyalozyme or at
all. On January 28, 2004,  pursuant to an  investment  completed  simultaneously
with the Merger, Hyalozyme raised approximately $8.1 million.

By adjusting its  operations  and  development  to the level of  capitalization,
management  believes it has sufficient  capital resources to meet projected cash
flow deficits during 2004. However, if during that period or thereafter,  we are
not successful in generating  sufficient liquidity from operations or in raising
sufficient  capital  resources,  on terms  acceptable  to us,  this could have a
material  adverse  effect on our business,  results of operations  liquidity and
financial condition.

Merger.  On January 28, 2004,  Hyalzoyme  entered into an Agreement  and Plan of
Merger (the "Merger  Agreement")  with Global Yacht  Services,  Inc., a publicly
traded Nevada corporation ("Global Yacht"), Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation, a
Nevada  corporation  and wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Global Yacht (the "Merger
Sub") and certain other  parties.  The Merger  Agreement will provide for Merger
Sub to merge with and into Hyalozyme  with Hyalozyme  remaining as the surviving
corporation  (the  "Merger") and becoming a public  company.  See Exhibit A, the
Merger Agreement,  for a detailed  discussion of the terms and conditions of the

Patents.  Hyalozyme  currently owns or licenses several U.S. and foreign patents
and also  has  pending  patent  applications.  There  can be no  assurance  that
Hyalozyme's  existing  patents,  or any patents issued to it as a result of such
applications,  will  provide  a basis for  commercially  viable  products,  will
provide Hyalozyme with any competitive advantages,  or will not face third-party
challenges  or be the  subject of further  proceedings  limiting  their scope or

Employees.  At February 5, 2004,  Hyalozyme  employed  13  full-time  employees.
Approximately  9  of  its  employees  are  involved  in  research  and  clinical
development  activities.  Four  of  Hyalozyme's  employees  hold  Ph.D.  or M.D.
degrees. Hyalozyme anticipates hiring 5 to 10 additional employees by the end of

                     Hyalozyme Audited Financial Statements

The financial statements of Hyalozyme  Therapeutics,  Inc. ("Hyalozyme") for the
years ending  December  31, 2002 and  December  31, 2003 are attached  hereto as
Exhibit F. These statements were prepared by Hyalozyme's management.


                          Summary Financial Information

The following gives a summary of the most recent unaudited balance sheet data of
Global  Yacht as of  September  30,  2003 and (2) the  unaudited  statements  of
operations data of Global Yacht for the nine months ended September 30, 2003.

Income Statement                             Global Yacht                    Global Yacht
                                       Nine month period ending               Year ending
                                          September 30, 2003               December 31, 2002
                                                  $                                $
Revenue                                         23,386                          87,769
Gross Profit (Operating Loss)                  (24,373)                         38,095
Net Loss                                       (25,173)                        (65,263)
Net Loss Per Share                              (.01)                            (.04)

Balance Sheet                             September 30, 2003               December 31, 2002
                                                  $                                $
Total Assets                                    68,149                          97,249
Total Liabilities                               4,752                           10,434
Shareholders' Equity (Deficit)                  63,397                          86,815

The following gives a summary of the most recent unaudited balance sheet data of
Hyalozyme  for the years ended  December  31, 2002 and December 31, 2003 and (2)
the unaudited  statements  of  operations  data of Hyalozyme for the years ended
December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2003.

      Income Statement                                Hyalozyme                       Hyalozyme
                                                     Year ending                     Year ending
                                                  December 31, 2003               December 31, 2002
                                                          $                               $
      Revenue                                             0                               0
      Gross Profit (Operating Loss)                  (1,721,872)                     (1,152,902)
      Net Loss                                       (2,115,025)                     (1,134,765)
      Net Loss Per Share                                (.31)                           (.25)

      Balance Sheet                               December 31, 2003               December 31, 2002
                                                          $                               $
      Total Assets                                     647,247                         230,580
      Total Liabilities                                273,440                         610,140
      Shareholders' Equity (Deficit)                   373,807                        (379,560)

This  information  is only a  summary.  You  should  also  read  the  historical
information,  management's  discussion  and analysis and related notes of Global
Yacht  contained  it its  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-QSB  as filed  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission for the nine month period ended September 30,
2003,  which are incorporated by reference into this document and the historical
financial statements, management's discussion and analysis and related notes for
Global Yacht contained elsewhere in this document.

We are  providing  above  financial  and  other  information  for  informational
purposes only. It does not necessarily  represent or indicate what the financial
position  and results of  operations  of Global Yacht will be once the merger is


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Global Yacht will furnish  without  charge to any  stockholder,  upon written or
oral request,  any documents  filed by Global Yacht  pursuant to the  Securities
Exchange Act.  Requests for such documents  should be addressed to Global Yacht,
Inc.,  7710 Hazard  Center  Drive,  Suite E-415,  San Diego,  California  92108.
Documents  filed by Global Yacht pursuant to the Securities  Exchange Act may be
reviewed  and/or  obtained  through the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission's
Electronic  Data  Gathering  Analysis and  Retrieval  System,  which is publicly
available   through  the   Securities   and  Exchange   Commission's   web  site

                               DISSENTERS' RIGHTS

As an owner of Global  Yacht  common  stock,  you have the right to dissent from
this merger and obtain  cash  payment for the "fair  value" of your  shares,  as
determined in accordance with the Nevada Revised  Statutes  ("NRS").  Below is a
description  of the  steps  you must  take if you wish to  exercise  dissenters'
rights with  respect to the merger under NRS  Sections  92A.300 to 92A.500,  the
Nevada  dissenters'  rights  statute.  The text of the  statute  is set forth in
Exhibit  D.  This  description  is not  intended  to be  complete.  If  you  are
considering  exercising your dissenters'  rights, you should review NRS Sections
92A.300  to  92A.500  carefully,  particularly  the steps  required  to  perfect
dissenters' rights.  Failure to take any one of the required steps may result in
termination of your dissenters'  rights under Nevada law. If you are considering
dissenting, you should consult with your own legal advisor.

To exercise your right to dissent, you must:

         o        before  the  effective  date of the  merger,  deliver  written
                  notice to us at Global Yacht,  Inc., 7710 Hazard Center Drive,
                  Suite E-415,  San Diego,  California  92108,  Attn:  Corporate
                  Secretary,  stating that you intend to demand payment for your
                  shares if the merger is completed; and

         o        not vote your shares in favor of the  merger,  either by proxy
                  or in person.

If you satisfy those conditions,  we will send you a written  dissenter's notice
within 10 days after the merger is effective. This dissenter's notice will:

         o        specify  where you should send your  payment  demand and where
                  and when you must deposit your stock certificates, if any;

         o        inform  holders of  uncertificated  shares to what  extent the
                  transfer  of  their  shares  will be  restricted  after  their
                  payment demand is received;

         o        supply a form of payment  demand  that  includes  the date the
                  merger was first publicly  announced and the date by which you
                  must have  acquired  beneficial  ownership  of your  shares in
                  order to dissent;

         o        set a date by when we must receive the payment  demand,  which
                  may not be less  than 30 or more  than 60 days  after the date
                  the dissenters' notice is delivered; and

         o        provide you a copy of Nevada's dissenters' rights statute.

After you have received a dissenter's notice, if you still wish to exercise your
dissenters' rights, you must:


         o        demand  payment  either  through  the  delivery of the payment
                  demand form to be provided or other comparable means;

         o        certify whether you have acquired beneficial  ownership of the
                  shares  before the date set forth in the  dissenter's  notice;

         o        deposit  your  certificates,  if any, in  accordance  with the
                  terms of the dissenter's notice.

Failure to demand  payment in the proper form or deposit  your  certificates  as
described in the dissenter's notice will terminate your right to receive payment
for your shares pursuant to Nevada's dissenters' rights statute.  Your rights as
a stockholder  will continue  until those rights are canceled or modified by the
completion of the merger.

Within 30 days after receiving your properly  executed  payment demand,  we will
pay you what we  determine  to be the fair value of your  shares,  plus  accrued
interest  (computed  from the  effective  date of the  merger  until the date of
payment). The payment will be accompanied by:

         o        our  balance  sheet as of the end of a fiscal  year  ended not
                  more  than 16 months  before  the date of  payment,  an income
                  statement   for  that  year,   a   statement   of  changes  in
                  stockholders'  equity for that year, and the latest  available
                  interim financial statements, if any;

         o        an  explanation  of how we  estimated  the  fair  value of the
                  shares and how the interest was calculated;

         o        information  regarding  your right to challenge  the estimated
                  fair value; and

         o        a copy of Nevada's dissenters' rights statute.

We may elect to withhold  payment from you if you became the beneficial owner of
the  shares  on or after  the date set forth in the  dissenter's  notice.  If we
withhold  payment,  after the  consummation of the merger,  we will estimate the
fair value of the shares, plus accrued interest, and offer to pay this amount to
you in full  satisfaction of your demand.  The offer will contain a statement of
our  estimate  of the  fair  value,  an  explanation  of how  the  interest  was
calculated,  and a statement of  dissenters'  rights to demand payment under NRS
Section 92A.480.

If you believe that the amount we pay in exchange for your dissenting  shares is
less than the fair value of your shares or that the  interest  is not  correctly
determined,  you can demand payment of the difference  between your estimate and
ours.  You must make such  demand  within 30 days  after we have made or offered
payment;  otherwise,  your  right to  challenge  our  calculation  of fair value

If there is still  disagreement about the fair market value within 60 days after
we receive your demand,  we will  petition the District  Court of Clark  County,
Nevada to determine the fair value of the shares and the accrued interest. If we
do not commence such legal action within the 60-day period,  we will have to pay
the amount  demanded for all unsettled  demands.  All  dissenters  whose demands
remain  unsettled will be made parties to the proceeding,  and are entitled to a
judgment for either:

         o        the amount of the fair value of the shares, plus interest,  in
                  excess of the amount we paid; or

         o        the fair value, plus accrued interest,  of the  after-acquired
                  shares for which we withheld payment.

We will pay the costs and  expenses  of the court  proceeding,  unless the court
finds the dissenters  acted  arbitrarily,  vexatiously or in bad faith, in which
case the costs will be equitably  distributed.  Attorney fees will be divided as
the court considers equitable.

Failure to follow the steps required by NRS Sections 92A.400 through 92A.480 for
perfecting  dissenters'  rights  may  result  in the  loss  of such  rights.  If
dissenters'  rights are not  perfected,  you will be  entitled  to  receive  the
consideration  receivable  with  respect to such shares in  accordance  with the
merger  agreement.  In view of the  complexity  of the  provisions  of  Nevada's


dissenters' rights statute,  if you are considering  objecting to the merger you
should consult your own legal advisor.

            [The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.]


                                    Exhibit A

                          Agreement and Plan of Merger
                                  by and among

       DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc., dba Hyalozyme Therapeutics, Inc.,
                            a California corporation,


                the DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Stockholders

                                on the one hand,


                          Global Yacht Services, Inc.,
                              a Nevada corporation,

                       Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation,
                              a Nevada corporation,


                          the Global Yacht Stockholders

                                on the other hand

                          Dated as of January 28, 2004

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         THIS  AGREEMENT  AND PLAN OF MERGER  (the  "Agreement")  is dated as of
January 28, 2004, by and among DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., dba Hyalozyme
Therapeutics,  Inc., a  California  corporation  ("Hyalozyme"),  and each of the
shareholders of Hyalozyme set forth on the signature page hereto  (collectively,
the "Hyalozyme Shareholders"), on the one hand, and Global Yacht Services, Inc.,
a publicly traded Nevada  corporation  ("Global Yacht"),  Hyalozyme  Acquisition
Corporation,  a Nevada  corporation and wholly owned  subsidiary of Global Yacht
("Merger  Sub"),  and Mitch Keeler and Melissa Day,  individual  stockholders of
Global Yacht (the "Global Yacht Stockholders"), on the other hand.


         A. Global  Yacht,  Merger Sub and  Hyalozyme  have each  determined  to
engage in the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  (collectively,  the "Merger")
pursuant to which Merger Sub will merge with and into Hyalozyme,  with Hyalozyme
being the surviving  corporation,  and the outstanding shares of Hyalozyme shall
be converted  into shares of Global  Yacht's  common stock in the manner  herein

         B. The  respective  boards of directors of Hyalozyme,  Global Yacht and
Merger Sub have each approved this  Agreement and the Merger,  and the Hyalozyme
Shareholders  and Global Yacht, as the sole shareholder of Merger Sub, have each
approved this Agreement and the Merger.

         C.  The  parties  intend  that  this  Agreement  constitutes  a plan of
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the regulations promulgated thereunder.


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained  herein  and in  reliance  upon  the  representations  and  warranties
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1
                                   THE MERGER

         1.1 Surviving Entity; Effective Time.

         (a) At the Closing (as hereinafter  defined),  subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, Merger Sub shall be merged with and into Hyalozyme
in accordance with the relevant  sections of the Nevada Revised Statutes ("NRS")
and the California General Corporation Law (the "CGCL"),  whereupon the separate
existence  of Merger  Sub shall  cease,  and  Hyalozyme  shall be the  surviving
corporation  ("Surviving   Corporation")  and  shall  take  the  name  "Halozyme
Therapeutics, Inc." (the "Effective Time"). It is intended by the parties hereto
that the Merger shall constitute a reorganization  within the meaning of Section
368(a) of the  Internal  Revenue Code and the parties  hereto  hereby adopt this
Agreement  as  a  "plan  of  reorganization"  within  the  meaning  of  Sections
1.368-2(g) and 1.368-3(a) of the United States Treasury Regulations.


                  (b) Simultaneously  with the Closing,  Articles of Merger (the
"Merger  Articles"),  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A, shall be filed
with the  Secretary of State of the State of Nevada in  accordance  with Section
92A.200 of the NRS.  Subsequent to the Closing, a certified copy of the Articles
of Merger as filed with the  Secretary  of State of the State of Nevada shall be
filed with the Secretary of State of the State of California. From and after the
Effective Time, Hyalozyme shall possess all the rights,  privileges,  powers and
franchises and be subject to all of the restrictions, disabilities and duties of
both Hyalozyme and Merger Sub, as provided under the NRS and the CGCL.

         1.2 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation
and  Bylaws of the Merger Sub as in effect  immediately  prior to the  Effective
Time shall be the Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws,  respectively,  of the
Surviving  Corporation  from and  after the  Effective  Time,  until  thereafter
amended in accordance with applicable law.

         1.3 Directors and Officers.  From and after the Effective  Time,  until
their successors are duly elected or appointed and qualified,  the directors and
officers of Global Yacht and the  Surviving  Corporation  shall be the directors
and  officers,  respectively,  of Hyalozyme in office  immediately  prior to the
Effective Time.

         1.4  Conversion of Shares.  As of the Effective  Time, by virtue of the
Merger, automatically and without any action on the part of any holder thereof:

                   Each fully paid and nonassessable share of Hyalozyme's common
stock, no par value ("Hyalozyme  Common Stock"),  warrants to purchase shares of
Hyalozyme's  Common Stock ("Hyalozyme  Warrants") and options to purchase shares
of Hyalozyme's Common Stock ("Hyalozyme Options"), outstanding immediately prior
to the  Effective  Time,  shall be  converted  into the same number of shares of
Global  Yacht's  common stock,  par value $0.001 per share ("Global Yacht Common
Stock"),  warrants to purchase  shares of Global  Yacht's  common stock ("Global
Yacht  Warrants") or options to purchase  shares of Global  Yacht's common stock
("Global Yacht  Options"),  respectively.  Each Hyalozyme  shareholder  shall be
entitled  to receive  the  equivalent  number of shares of Global  Yacht  Common
Stock,  Global Yacht  Warrants or Global Yacht  Options as set forth on Schedule
1.4 attached hereto; collectively,  the Hyalozyme shareholders shall be entitled
to receive an  aggregate  of  approximately  33,624,898  shares of Global  Yacht
Common Stock,  (the "Global Yacht  Shares"),  Global Yacht  Warrants to purchase
approximately  11,316,033  shares of Global  Yacht Common Stock and Global Yacht
Options to purchase approximately 6,886,807 shares of Global Yacht Common Stock.

         1.5 Fractional  Shares.  Fractional shares of Global Yacht shall not be
issued in connection  with the Global Yacht Shares,  but any  fractional  shares
shall be rounded to the nearest whole share.  No cash shall be issued in lieu of
any fractional shares.

         1.6      Stock Certificates.


                  (a)  Upon  surrender  to  Global  Yacht  of  the  certificates
representing the Hyalozyme Common Stock, Hyalozyme Warrants or Hyalozyme Options
(collectively,  the  "Hyalozyme  Certificates"),  the holders of such  Hyalozyme
Certificates  shall each be entitled to receive in exchange therefor one or more
certificates  representing  the number of shares of Global Yacht  Common  Stock,
Global Yacht Warrants or Global Yacht Options respectively, to which such holder
is entitled pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.4 hereof.

                  (b) Each  Hyalozyme  Certificate  converted  into Global Yacht
Common Stock, Global Yacht Warrants or Global Yacht Options  respectively shall,
by  virtue of the  Merger  and  without  any  action  on the part of the  holder
thereof,  cease to be outstanding,  be cancelled and retired and cease to exist.
Until  surrendered as contemplated by this Section 1.6, each holder of Hyalozyme
Common  Stock,  Hyalozyme  Warrants or  Hyalozyme  Options,  respectively  shall
thereafter  cease to possess any rights with respect to such shares,  except the
right to receive upon such surrender the number of shares of Global Yacht Common
Stock, Global Yacht Warrants or Global Yacht Options,  respectively, as provided
by Section 1.4 hereof.

                  (c) All shares of Global  Yacht  Common  Stock,  Global  Yacht
Warrants or Global  Yacht  Options,  respectively,  delivered  to the  Hyalozyme
shareholders  in respect of the Hyalozyme  Common Stock,  Hyalozyme  Warrants or
Hyalozyme Options , respectively, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
shall be  deemed to have  been  delivered  in full  satisfaction  of all  rights
pertaining  to such shares of  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock,  Hyalozyme  Warrants or
Hyalozyme  Options,  respectively.  If,  after  the  Effective  Time,  Hyalozyme
Certificates are presented for any reason, they shall be cancelled and exchanged
as provided in this Section 1.6.

         1.7 Closing.  Subject to the  satisfaction of the conditions  precedent
specified  in Section 6 hereof,  the  closing of the Merger  shall take place at
11:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) at the offices of Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP, on
or before  April 30,  2004,  or at such other time and date as the  parties  may
mutually agree (the "Closing").

         1.8. Press  Releases.  At Closing,  Global Yacht shall issue such press
release or  announcement of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement as
may be required by the reporting  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), subject to the applicable requirements of
Rules  135a  and  135c  under  the  Securities  Act of  1933,  as  amended  (the
"Securities   Act"),  and  such  release  or  announcement  will  be  reasonably
satisfactory  in form and substance to Hyalozyme  and its counsel.  Global Yacht
shall not issue any other press release or otherwise make public any information
with respect to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, prior to
the Closing,  without the prior written consent of Hyalozyme which consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if required by law,
Global  Yacht may issue  such a press  release or  otherwise  make  public  such
information as long as Global Yacht  notifies the Hyalozyme of such  requirement
and discusses with Hyalozyme in good faith the contents of such disclosure.

         1.9  Redemption.  At Closing,  Global  Yacht shall cause to be redeemed
4,296,375  shares  of its  outstanding  restricted  common  stock  from  certain


         1.10 Dissenters' Rights.  Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to
the contrary,  shares of Hyalozyme capital stock that are issued and outstanding
immediately  prior to the Effective Time and which are held by shareholders  who
did  not  vote  in  favor  of  the  Merger  (the  "Dissenting  Shares"),   which
shareholders  comply  with  all of the  relevant  provisions  of the  CGCL  (the
"Dissenting  Shareholders"),  shall not be converted into or be exchangeable for
the right to receive  the Global  Yacht  Shares,  unless and until such  holders
shall have failed to perfect or shall have  effectively  withdrawn or lost their
rights to appraisal  under the CGCL. If any  Dissenting  Shareholder  shall have
failed to perfect or shall have effectively  withdrawn or lost such right,  such
holder's  Shares shall thereupon be converted into and become  exchangeable  for
the right to receive,  as of the Effective Time, Global Yacht Shares without any
interest  thereon.  Hyalozyme  shall give Global Yacht (a) prompt  notice of any
written  demands for  appraisal  of any shares,  attempted  withdrawals  of such
demands and any other  instruments  served  pursuant to the CGCL and received by
Hyalozyme relating to shareholders' rights of dissent and appraisal, and (b) the
opportunity to direct, in its reasonable business judgment, all negotiations and
proceedings  with  respect  to demands  for  appraisal  under the CGCL.  Neither
Hyalozyme nor the  Surviving  Corporation  shall,  except with the prior written
consent of Global Yacht, voluntarily make any payment with respect to, or settle
or offer to settle, any such demand for payment.  If any Dissenting  Shareholder
shall fail to perfect or shall have  effectively  withdrawn or lost the right to
dissent,  the  shares  of  Hyalozyme  capital  stock  held  by  such  Dissenting
Shareholder  shall thereupon be treated as though such shares had been converted
into the right to receive Global Yacht Shares pursuant to Section 1.4

                                    ARTICLE 2

         Hyalozyme hereby represents and warrants to Global Yacht and Merger Sub
as follows:

         2.1 Organization.  Hyalozyme is a corporation,  duly organized, validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of California.

         2.2 Capitalization.  The authorized capital stock of Hyalozyme consists
of 60,000,000  shares of common stock,  no par value,  and 15,000,000  shares of
preferred stock, no par value, which are, and at the Closing will be, issued and
outstanding in the following manner;

         a)       18,320,094   shares  of  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock  issued  and
                  outstanding,  with  options to  purchase  6,886,807  shares of
                  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock,  and warrants to purchase  3,663,631
                  shares  of  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock,  held by the  historical
                  shareholders of Hyalozyme;

         b)       15,304,804 Hyalozyme Common Shares, with each purchase of such
                  shares  receiving a warrant to purchase one share of Hyalozyme
                  Common  Stock for every two shares of  Hyalozyme  Common Stock

         c)       Up to an additional 800,000 Hyalozyme Common Shares, with each
                  purchase  of such shares  receiving a warrant to purchase  one
                  share of  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock  for  every  two  shares of
                  Hyalozyme  Common  Stock  purchased  and  warrants to purchase
                  68,000   shares  of  Hyalozyme   Common  Stock  in  accordance
                  therewith; and

         d)       There  shall  be  reserved  approximately  618,000  shares  of
                  Hyalozyme   Common  Stock  to  be  issued  to  Monico  Capital
                  Partners, LLC upon closing of funding of $7,112,142.


         All of the issued and outstanding  shares of capital stock of Hyalozyme
are duly  authorized,  validly issued,  fully paid,  non-assessable  and free of
preemptive rights. Other than as specified above, there are no other outstanding
or authorized options, rights, warrants,  calls, convertible securities,  rights
to subscribe,  conversion  rights or other  agreements or  commitments  to which
Hyalozyme  is a party or which are  binding  upon  Hyalozyme  providing  for the
issuance or transfer by Hyalozyme of additional  shares of its capital stock and
Hyalozyme  has not reserved any other shares of its capital  stock for issuance,
nor are there any other  outstanding  stock  option  rights,  phantom  equity or
similar rights,  contracts,  arrangements or commitments  which are binding upon
Hyalozyme.  There are no voting trusts or any other agreements or understandings
with respect to the voting of Hyalozyme's capital stock.

         2.3  Certain  Corporate  Matters.  Hyalozyme  is duly  qualified  to do
business as a foreign  corporation and is in good standing in each  jurisdiction
in which the ownership of its properties, the employment of its personnel or the
conduct of its business requires it to be so qualified, except where the failure
to be so  qualified  would not have a  material  adverse  effect on  Hyalozyme's
financial  condition,  results of  operations  or business.  Hyalozyme  has full
corporate  power and  authority  and all  authorizations,  licenses  and permits
necessary to carry on the business in which it is engaged and to own and use the
properties owned and used by it.

         2.4 Authority  Relative to this Agreement.  Hyalozyme has the requisite
power  and  authority  to  enter  into  this  Agreement  and to  carry  out  its
obligations hereunder. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
by Hyalozyme and the consummation by Hyalozyme of the transactions  contemplated
hereby have been duly authorized by the Hyalozyme  Shareholders and the Board of
Directors  of  Hyalozyme  and no  other  actions  on the part of  Hyalozyme  are
necessary to authorize this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  hereby.
This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Hyalozyme and
constitutes  a valid and binding  agreement of  Hyalozyme,  enforceable  against
Hyalozyme  in  accordance  with its  terms,  except as such  enforcement  may be
limited  by   bankruptcy,   insolvency  or  other  similar  laws  affecting  the
enforcement of creditors' rights generally or by general principles of equity.

         2.5 Consents and Approvals;  No Violations.  Except for requirements of
applicable  law,  no filing  with,  and no  permit,  authorization,  consent  or
approval  of, any third party,  public body or  authority  is necessary  for the
consummation  by Hyalozyme of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.
Neither the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  by  Hyalozyme  nor the
consummation  by  Hyalozyme  of  the  transactions   contemplated   hereby,  nor
compliance by Hyalozyme  with any of the  provisions  hereof,  will (a) conflict
with or result in any breach of any provisions of the  organizational  documents
of  Hyalozyme,  (b) result in a violation or breach of, or  constitute  (with or
without  due  notice  or lapse of time or both) a  default  (or give rise to any
right of termination,  cancellation or  acceleration)  under,  any of the terms,
conditions  or  provisions  of any note,  bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  license,
contract,  agreement or other  instrument or obligation to which  Hyalozyme is a
party or by which it or its properties or assets may be bound or (c) violate any
order,  writ,  injunction,  decree,  statute,  rule or regulation  applicable to
Hyalozyme, or any of its properties or assets, except in the case of clauses (b)
and (c) for  violations,  breaches  or defaults  which are not in the  aggregate
material to Hyalozyme taken as a whole.


         2.6 Financial Statements

                  (a) Hyalozyme has provided its unaudited  balance sheets as at
December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related statements of operations, changes in
stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the years ended  December  31, 2003 and
2002, (collectively, "Hyalozyme's Financials").

                  (b)  Hyalozyme's  Financials  are (i) in  accordance  with the
books and records of Hyalozyme,  (ii) correct and complete, (iii) fairly present
the  financial  position and results of  operations of Hyalozyme as of the dates
indicated,  and (iv)  prepared in  accordance  with U.S.  GAAP  (except that (x)
unaudited financial statements may not be in accordance with GAAP because of the
absence of footnotes  normally contained  therein,  and (y) interim  (unaudited)
financials  are  subject  to  normal  year-end  audit  adjustments  that  in the
aggregate  will  not have a  material  adverse  effect  on  Hyalozyme,  or their
respective businesses, financial conditions or results of operations).

         2.7 Events Subsequent to Financial Statements. Since December 31, 2003,
there has not been:

                  (a) any sale,  lease,  transfer,  license or assignment of any
         assets, tangible or intangible, of Hyalozyme;

                  (b) any damage,  destruction or property loss,  whether or not
         covered by insurance, affecting adversely the properties or business of

                  (c)  any  declaration  or  setting  aside  or  payment  of any
         dividend or distribution with respect to the shares of capital stock of
         Hyalozyme or any redemption,  purchase or other acquisition of any such

                  (d) any issuance of shares of capital  stock or the  granting,
         issuance or execution of any rights,  warrants,  options or commitments
         by the  Hyalozyme,  as the case may be,  relating to its  authorized or
         issued capital stock;

                  (e) any subjection to any lien on any of the assets,  tangible
         or intangible, of Hyalozyme;

                  (f) any incurrence of  indebtedness or liability or assumption
         of obligations by Hyalozyme;

                  (g) any  waiver or release  by  Hyalozyme  of any right of any
         material value;

                  (h) any compensation or benefits paid to officers or directors
         of Hyalozyme;

                  (i)  any  change  made  or   authorized  in  the  Articles  of
         Incorporation or Bylaws of Hyalozyme;


                  (j)  any  loan  to or  other  transaction  with  any  officer,
         director or stockholder of Hyalozyme  giving rise to any claim or right
         of  Hyalozyme  against  any  such  person  or of  such  person  against
         Hyalozyme; or

                  (k) any material adverse change in the condition (financial or
         otherwise)  of the  properties,  assets,  liabilities  or  business  of
         Hyalozyme.,  except  changes in the ordinary  course of business  that,
         individually and in the aggregate, have not been materially adverse.

         2.8 Title to Assets.  Hyalozyme has good and marketable title to all of
the assets and properties now carried on its books  including those reflected in
the most recent balance sheet contained in the Hyalozyme  Financial  Statements,
free and  clear of all  liens,  claims,  charges,  security  interests  or other
encumbrances,  except as  described in the  Hyalozyme  Financial  Statements  or
arising  thereafter  in the ordinary  course of business  (none of which will be

         2.9  Undisclosed   Liabilities.   Except  as  otherwise   disclosed  in
Hyalozyme's  Financials,  Hyalozyme  has no  material  liability  or  obligation
whatsoever,  either direct or indirect, matured or unmatured, accrued, absolute,
contingent or otherwise.

         2.10 Real  Property.  Except as disclosed in Schedule  2.10,  Hyalozyme
does not own or lease any real property.

         2.11 Books and Records.  The corporate and financial  books and records
of Hyalozyme delivered to the Global Yacht prior to the Closing fully and fairly
reflect the  transactions  to which  Hyalozyme  is a party or by which it or its
properties are bound.

         2.12  Questionable  Payments.   Neither  Hyalozyme,   nor  any  of  its
respective  employees,  agents or  representatives  has, directly or indirectly,
made any bribes, kickbacks,  illegal payments or illegal political contributions
using  Hyalozyme's  funds  or  made  any  payments  from  Hyalozyme's  funds  to
governmental  officials for improper  purposes or made any illegal payments from
Hyalozyme's funds to obtain or retain business.

         2.13 Intellectual  Property.  Other than as specified below on Schedule
2.13,  Hyalozyme  neither owns nor uses any  trademarks,  trade  names,  service
marks, patents,  copyrights or any applications with respect thereto.  Hyalozyme
has no  knowledge  of any claim  that,  or inquiry as to whether,  any  product,
activity or operation of Hyalozyme  infringes upon or involves,  or has resulted
in the infringement  of, any trademarks,  trade-names,  service marks,  patents,
copyrights or other proprietary rights of any other person, corporation or other
entity; and no proceedings have been instituted, are pending or are threatened.

         2.14 Tax Matters.

                  (a)  Hyalozyme  has duly filed all  material  federal,  state,
local and foreign tax returns required to be filed by or with respect to it with
the  Internal  Revenue  Service or other  applicable  taxing  authority,  and no
extensions with respect to such tax returns have been requested or granted;


                  (b)  Hyalozyme has paid,  or  adequately  reserved  against in
Hyalozyme's  Financials,  all  material  taxes  due,  or  claimed  by any taxing
authority to be due, from or with respect to it;

                  (c) To the knowledge of Hyalozyme,  there has been no material
issue  raised or  material  adjustment  proposed  (and none is  pending)  by the
Internal Revenue Service or any other taxing authority in connection with any of
Hyalozyme's tax returns;

                  (d) No waiver or extension of any statute of limitations as to
any material  federal,  state,  local or foreign tax matter has been given by or
requested from Hyalozyme; and

                  (e) Hyalozyme has not filed a consent under Section  341(f) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         For the purposes of this Section 2.14, a tax is due (and must therefore
either be paid or adequately reserved against in Hyalozyme's Financials) only on
the last date  payment of such tax can be made  without  interest or  penalties,
whether such payment is due in respect of estimated  taxes,  withholding  taxes,
required tax credits or any other tax.

         2.15 Contracts.  Except as provided in Schedule 2.15,  Hyalozyme has no
material  contracts,  leases,  arrangements  or  commitments  (whether  oral  or
written).  Hyalozyme is not a party to or bound by or affected by any  contract,
lease,  arrangement or commitment (whether oral or written) relating to: (a) the
employment of any person; (b) collective  bargaining with, or any representation
of any  employees by, any labor union or  association;  (c) the  acquisition  of
services,  supplies,  equipment or other personal property;  (d) the purchase or
sale of real property;  (e) distribution,  agency or construction;  (f) lease of
real or personal  property as lessor or lessee or  sublessor or  sublessee;  (g)
lending or advancing of funds; (h) borrowing of funds or receipt of credit;  (i)
incurring any obligation or liability; or (j) the sale of personal property.

         2.16 Absence of Default. Each of the agreements listed on Schedule 2.15
that creates  obligations  of  Hyalozyme  is, and,  after  giving  effect to the
Merger,  will be, valid and binding and in full force and effect,  in each case,
without breaching the terms thereof or resulting in the forfeiture or impairment
of any rights thereunder and without notice to, the consent, approval or act of,
or the making of any filing with, any other person;

                  (b)  Hyalozyme  has  fulfilled  and  performed in all material
respects its obligations under each such agreement to which it is a party to the
extent such obligations are required by the terms thereof to have been fulfilled
or performed through the date hereof;

                  (c)  Hyalozyme  is not  alleged in writing to be, and no other
party to any such  agreement  is, in  default  under,  nor is there  alleged  in
writing to be any basis for termination of, any such agreement;

                  (d) No event has  occurred  and no condition or state of facts
exists  which,  with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both,  would
constitute such a default or breach by Hyalozyme or by any such other party; and


                  (e)  Hyalozyme  is  not  currently   renegotiating   any  such
agreement or paying liquidated damages in lieu of performance thereunder.

         2.17 Environmental Matters.

                  (a)  Definitions.  For  the  purpose  of this  Agreement,  the
following terms shall have the meaning herein specified:

                           (i)  "Governmental  Authority"  shall mean the United
States, each state, each county, each city and each other political  subdivision
in which Hyalozyme's or Global Yacht's business, as applicable,  is located, and
any court,  political  subdivision,  agency or instrumentality with jurisdiction
over Hyalozyme's or Global Yacht's business, as applicable.

                           (ii)   "Environmental   Laws"   shall  mean  (A)  the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as
amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C.A.
9601 et seq.  ("CERCLA"),  (B) the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery  Act, as
amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment of 1984, 42 U.S.C.A.  6901 et
seq. ("RCRA"),  (C) the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.A. 7401 et seq., (D) the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.A. 1251 et seq., (E) the Toxic
Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.A. 2601 et seq., (F) all applicable state laws,
and (G) all other laws and ordinances  relating to municipal waste, solid waste,
air  pollution,  water  pollution  and/or the handling,  discharge,  disposal or
recovery of on-site or off-site  hazardous  substances or materials,  as each of
the foregoing has been or may hereafter be amended from time to time.

                           (iii) "Hazardous Materials" shall mean, among others,
(A) any  "hazardous  waste" as  defined  by RCRA,  and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder;  (B) any "hazardous substance" as defined by CERCLA, and regulations
promulgated  thereunder;  (C) any "toxic  pollutant"  as defined in the  Federal
Water Pollution  Prevention and Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.,
(commonly known as "CWA" for "Clean Water Act"), and any regulations thereunder;
(D) any "hazardous air pollutant" as defined in the Air Pollution Prevention and
Control Act, as amended,  42 U.S.C.  7401 et seq.  (commonly  known as "CAA" for
"Clean  Air  Act")  and  any   regulations   thereunder;   (E)   asbestos;   (F)
polychlorinated  biphenyls;  (G) any  substance  the  presence  of  which at the
Business  Location (as hereinafter  defined) is prohibited by any  Environmental
Laws; and (H) any other substance which is regulated by any Environmental Laws.

                           (iv) "Hazardous  Materials  Contamination" shall mean
the presence of Hazardous Materials in the soil,  groundwater,  air or any other
media  regulated by the  Environmental  Laws on, under or around  Hyalozyme's or
Global Yacht's  facilities,  as  applicable,  at levels or  concentration  which
trigger  any  requirement  under the  Environmental  Laws to remove,  remediate,
mitigate,  abate or otherwise reduce the level or concentration of the Hazardous
Materials.  The term "Hazardous  Materials  Contamination"  does not include the
presence of Hazardous  Materials  in process  tanks,  lines,  storage or reactor
vessels,  delivery trucks or any other equipment or containers,  which Hazardous
Materials are used in the manufacture,  processing,  distribution, use, storage,
sale,  handling,  transportation,  recycling,  reuse or disposal of the products
that were  manufactured  and/or  distributed  by Hyalozyme or Global  Yacht,  as


                           (v) "Business Location" shall mean any real property,
building, facility or structure owned, leased or occupied by Hyalozyme or Global
Yacht, as applicable, at any time from its inception until the present.

                  (b)  Representations  and Warranties.  Based on the foregoing,
Hyalozyme represents and warrants that:

                           (i)  To  the  knowledge  of   Hyalozyme,   after  due
investigation,  there has been no material  failure by  Hyalozyme to comply with
all  applicable  requirements  of  Environmental  Laws  relating  to  Hyalozyme,
Hyalozyme's operations, and Hyalozyme's manufacture,  processing,  distribution,
use,  treatment,   generation,   recycling,  reuses,  sale,  storage,  handling,
transportation or disposal of any Hazardous  Material and Hyalozyme is not aware
of any facts or circumstances which could materially impair such compliance with
all applicable Environmental Laws.

                           (ii)  Hyalozyme  has not  received  notice  from  any
Governmental Authority or any other person of any actual or alleged violation of
any Environmental Laws, nor is any such notice anticipated.

                            (iii)  Except as provided in Schedule  2.17,  to the
knowledge  of  Hyalozyme,  after due  investigation,  Environmental  Laws do not
require  that any  permits,  licenses or similar  authorizations  to  construct,
occupy or operate any equipment or facilities used in the conduct of Hyalozyme's

                           (iv) No  Hazardous  Materials  are now located at the
Business Location, and, to the knowledge of Hyalozyme,  after due investigation,
Hyalozyme  has not ever  caused  or  permitted  any  Hazardous  Materials  to be
generated,  placed,  stored,  held,  handled,  located  or used at the  Business
Location,  except those which may lawfully be used,  transported,  stored, held,
handled,  generated  or  placed  at the  Business  Location  in the  conduct  of
Hyalozyme's business.

                           (v) Hyalozyme  has not received any notices,  whether
from a Governmental Authority or some other third party, that Hazardous Material
Contamination  exists at the Business Location or at any other location utilized
by  Hyalozyme  in the  conduct of its  business  nor is  Hyalozyme  aware of any
circumstances that would give rise to an allegation of such contamination.

                           (vi)  To  the  knowledge  of  Hyalozyme,   after  due
investigation,   no  investigation,   administrative  order,  consent  order  or
agreement,  litigation  or  settlement  with respect to  Hazardous  Materials or
Hazardous Materials Contamination is proposed, threatened,  anticipated, pending
or otherwise in existence with respect to the Business  Location or with respect
to any other site  controlled  or utilized by Hyalozyme in the  operation of its
business. To the knowledge of Hyalozyme,  after due investigation,  the Business
Location  is not  currently  on,  and has never  been on,  any  federal or state
"Superfund" or "Superlien" list.


         2.18  Litigation  and  Governmental  Enforcement.  To the  knowledge of
Hyalozyme,  neither  it nor  any  of  its  affiliates,  officers,  directors  or
shareholders  owning 5% or over of its  capital  stock is a party to any action,
suit, arbitration,  legal or administrative  proceeding or investigation pending
or threatened against it by any federal,  state, municipal or governmental body,
including,  but not  limited  to, the SEC nor any they  acting on behalf of such
governmental bodies. To the knowledge of Hyalozyme, neither Hyalozyme nor any of
its affiliates,  officers,  directors or shareholders  owning 5% or over of each
entities  capital  stock  have  ever  been  fined,  sanctioned,  disciplined  or
imprisoned  for any securities  violation.  There is no judgment,  order,  writ,
injunction  or decree  of any  court,  governmental  agency,  tribunal  or other
governmental or regulatory  authority as to which any of the assets,  properties
or  business of  Hyalozyme  or any of its  affiliates,  officers,  directors  or
shareholders  owning 5% or over of its capital  stock is subject,  and Hyalozyme
knows of no basis  for  such  actions,  suits,  proceedings  or  investigations.
Hyalozyme agrees to immediately  provide Global Yacht with written  notification
of any  inquiry  by any of the  aforementioned  regulatory  bodies  should  they
receive notice of same prior to the Effective Time.

         2.19  Employees.  Hyalozyme  has twelve  employees.  Hyalozyme  owes no
compensation  of any kind,  deferred  or  otherwise,  to any current or previous
employees.  Hyalozyme  has no written  or oral  employment  agreements  with any
officer or director of  Hyalozyme.  Hyalozyme  is not a party to or bound by any
collective bargaining agreement. There are no loans or other obligations payable
or owing by  Hyalozyme  to any  stockholder,  officer,  director  or employee of
Hyalozyme,  nor are  there any  loans or debts  payable  or owing by any of such
persons to Hyalozyme or any guarantees by Hyalozyme of any loan or obligation of
any nature to which any such person is a party.

         2.20   Employee   Benefit   Plans.   Neither   Hyalozyme  has  any  (a)
non-qualified   deferred  or  incentive  compensation  or  retirement  plans  or
arrangements, (b) qualified retirement plans or arrangements, (c) other employee
compensation, severance or termination pay or welfare benefit plans, programs or
arrangements  or (d) any related  trusts,  insurance  contracts or other funding
arrangements maintained, established or contributed to by Hyalozyme.

         2.21 Legal Compliance.  To the knowledge of Hyalozyme no claim has been
filed  against  Hyalozyme  alleging  a  violation  of any  applicable  laws  and
regulations of foreign,  federal,  state and local  governments and all agencies
thereof. Hyalozyme holds all of the material permits, licenses,  certificates or
other authorizations of foreign,  federal,  state or local governmental agencies
required for the conduct of its business as presently conducted.

         2.22 No Subsidiaries.  Hyalozyme does not own any capital stock or have
any  interest  in any  corporation,  partnership,  or  other  form  of  business

         2.23 Broker's Fees. Neither  Hyalozyme,  nor anyone on their behalf has
any liability to any broker,  finder,  investment banker or agent, or has agreed
to pay any brokerage  fees,  finder's fees or  commissions,  or to reimburse any
expenses of any broker,  finder,  investment  banker or agent in connection with
this Agreement.

         2.24 Affiliate Transactions.  Except as disclosed in Schedule 2.24, (a)
no officer or director of Hyalozyme has any  significant  interest in any entity
that is engaged in a  business  which is in  competition  with the  business  of
Hyalozyme  and (b) no officer or director of  Hyalozyme  is a supplier  to, or a
customer of Hyalozyme, or is a party to any contract.


         2.25 No  Disagreements  with  Accountants  and  Lawyers.  There  are no
disagreements  of any kind  presently  existing,  or reasonably  anticipated  by
Hyalozyme to arise,  between the accountants  and lawyers  formerly or presently
employed by Hyalozyme  and Hyalozyme is current with respect to any fees owed to
its accountants and lawyers.

         2.26 Securities Law Compliance.  Hyalozyme has, on a timely basis, made
any and all  appropriate  filings  required  by any  applicable  SEC  rules  and
regulations  and state  securities  laws  ("Blue Sky Laws") in any  jurisdiction
where Hyalozyme has offered, sold or distributed shares of its common stock, and
Hyalozyme represents and warrants that:

         (a) All issued and  outstanding  shares of Hyalozyme's  stock have been
offered,  sold or otherwise  distributed in a manner  compliant with any and all
applicable SEC regulations or state  securities  laws, and that Hyalozyme shall,
upon request,  be required to furnish in writing to Global Yacht all information
within Hyalozyme's  possession or knowledge required by the applicable rules and
regulations of the SEC and by any applicable  state  securities  laws concerning
the method of sale,  distribution or other disposition of Hyalozyme common stock
to its  shareholders,  including  but  not  limited  to  the  identity  of,  and
compensation  to be paid to,  any  proposed  underwriter(s)  that may have  been
employed or utilized in connection therewith; and

         (b) To the  knowledge of  Hyalozyme,  there is no order  preventing  or
suspending  the sale or trading of the  securities  of  Hyalozyme  that has been
issued by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  or any similar  regulatory
agency and Hyalozyme is not aware of any  justification  for such an order to be

         2.27 Insurance.  Except as provided in Schedule 2.27,  Hyalozyme has no
insurance policies in effect

         2.28 Disclosure.  The  representations and warranties and statements of
fact made by Hyalozyme in this Agreement are, as applicable,  accurate,  correct
and complete and do not contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or omit
to state  any  material  fact  necessary  in order  to make the  statements  and
information contained herein not false or misleading.

                                    ARTICLE 3
                          OF THE HYALOZYME SHAREHOLDERS

         Each of the  Hyalozyme  Shareholders  hereby  represents  and warrants,
individually as to himself, to Global Yacht and Merger Sub as follows:

         3.1  Restricted  Securities.  Each  Stockholder  acknowledges  that the
Global Yacht Shares will not be registered pursuant to the Securities Act or any
applicable  state  securities  laws,  that  the  Global  Yacht  Shares  will  be


characterized as "restricted securities" under federal securities laws, and that
under such laws and  applicable  regulations  the Global Yacht Shares  cannot be
sold or otherwise  disposed of without  registration under the Securities Act or
an exemption  therefrom.  In this regard,  each of the  Stockholders is familiar
with Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act, as currently in effect,  and
understands the resale limitations imposed thereby and by the Securities Act.

         3.2 Accredited Investor.  Each Stockholder is an "Accredited  Investor"
as that  term is  defined  in rule 501 of  Regulation  D  promulgated  under the
Securities Act. Each  Stockholder is able to bear the economic risk of acquiring
the Global Yacht  Shares  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement,  including a
complete loss of such Stockholder's investment in the Global Yacht Shares.

         3.3  Legend.  Each  Stockholder  acknowledges  that the  certificate(s)
representing the Global Yacht Shares shall each  conspicuously  set forth on the
face or back thereof a legend in substantially the following form:


                                    ARTICLE 4

         Except as set forth under the  corresponding  section of the disclosure
schedule  delivered to Hyalozyme  and the  Hyalozyme  Shareholders  concurrently
herewith (the "Disclosure Schedule"),  which Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed
a part hereof,  Global Yacht,  Merger Sub and the Global Yacht  Stockholders  to
their  Knowledge (for purposes of this Article 4, the Global Yacht  Stockholders
will be deemed to have  "Knowledge" of a particular fact or other matter if they
had a duty to investigate such matter and, upon investigation,  should have been
aware of such fact or other matter only after investigation  thereof. The Global
Yacht  Stockholders  will be not be deemed to have  "Knowledge"  of a particular
fact or other matter merely because those  individual is serving,  or has at any
time served, as a director or officer.) hereby, jointly and severally, represent
and warrant to Hyalozyme and the Hyalozyme Shareholders as follows:

         4.1 Organization.  Each of Global Yacht and Merger Sub is a corporation
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
state of its  incorporation,  and has the requisite  corporate power to carry on
its business as now conducted.

         4.2 Capitalization. Global Yacht's authorized capital stock consists of
50,000,000 shares of capital stock, all of which are designated as Common Stock,
of which no more  than  3,900,000  shares  at the  Closing  will be  issued  and
outstanding.  Prior to  Closing,  Global  Yacht  shall  amend  its  Articles  of


Incorporation  to increase the authorized  capital stock to 100,000,000  shares.
All issued and  outstanding  shares of capital  stock of Global Yacht and Merger
Sub are duly authorized,  validly issued, fully paid, non-assessable and free of
preemptive rights. When issued, the Global Yacht Shares will be duly authorized,
validly issued, fully paid,  non-assessable and free of preemptive rights, there
are no outstanding or authorized options, rights,  warrants,  calls, convertible
securities,  rights  to  subscribe,  conversion  rights or other  agreements  or
commitments  to which Global Yacht or Merger Sub is a party or which are binding
upon Global  Yacht or Merger Sub  providing  for the issuance by Global Yacht or
Merger Sub or transfer  by Global  Yacht or Merger Sub of  additional  shares of
Global Yacht's or Merger Sub's capital stock and neither Global Yacht nor Merger
Sub has reserved any shares of its capital stock for issuance, nor are there any
outstanding  stock option rights,  phantom equity or similar rights,  contracts,
arrangements  or  commitments  to issue  capital stock of Global Yacht or Merger
Sub. There are no voting trusts or any other agreements or  understandings  with
respect to the voting of Global Yacht's or Merger Sub's capital stock.

         4.3 Certain Corporate  Matters.  Each of Global Yacht and Merger Sub is
duly  licensed or qualified to do business and is in good  standing as a foreign
corporation  in every  jurisdiction  in which the character of its properties or
nature of its  business  requires it to be so licensed or  qualified  other than
such jurisdictions in which the failure to be so licensed or qualified does not,
or  insofar as can  reasonably  be  foreseen,  in the  future  will not,  have a
material  adverse  effect on its financial  condition,  results of operations or
business.  Each of Global  Yacht and  Merger  Sub has full  corporate  power and
authority and all authorizations, licenses and permits necessary to carry on the
business in which it is engaged or in which it proposes  presently to engage and
to own and use the  properties  owned and used by it.  Each of Global  Yacht and
Merger Sub has delivered to Hyalozyme true,  accurate and complete copies of its
Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws,  which reflect all  restatements  of and
amendments  made  thereto at any time prior to the date of this  Agreement.  The
records of meetings of the  stockholders and Boards of Directors of Global Yacht
and Merger Sub previously furnished to Hyalozyme are complete and correct in all
material  respects.  The stock  records  of Global  Yacht and Merger Sub and the
stockholder  lists of Global  Yacht  and  Merger  Sub  previously  furnished  to
Hyalozyme  are  complete and correct in all  material  respects  and  accurately
reflect the record ownership and the beneficial ownership of all the outstanding
shares  of  Global  Yacht's  and  Merger  Sub's  capital  stock  and  any  other
outstanding  securities  issued by Global Yacht and Merger Sub.  Neither  Global
Yacht nor Merger Sub is in default under or in violation of any provision of its
Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws in any material  respect.  Neither  Global
Yacht  nor  Merger  Sub  is in  any  material  default  or in  violation  of any
restriction,  lien,  encumbrance,  indenture,  contract,  lease, sublease,  loan
agreement,  note or other  obligation  or  liability  by which it is bound or to
which any of its assets is subject.  Global Yacht has delivered to Hyalozyme and
the Hyalozyme  Shareholders a complete copy of Global Yacht's  financial records
and tax returns from Global Yacht's inception to the Closing Date.

         4.4  Authority  Relative to this  Agreement.  Each of Global  Yacht and
Merger Sub has the  requisite  corporate  power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and carry out its/his obligations hereunder.  The execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement  by  Global  Yacht and  Merger  Sub and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized
by the Boards of Directors  of Global Yacht and Merger Sub and no other  actions
on the part of Global  Yacht or  Merger  Sub are  necessary  to  authorize  this
Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly
and  validly  executed  and  delivered  by  Global  Yacht  and  Merger  Sub  and
constitutes  a valid and  binding  obligation  of Global  Yacht and  Merger  Sub
enforceable  in accordance  with its terms,  except as such  enforcement  may be
limited  by   bankruptcy,   insolvency  or  other  similar  laws  affecting  the
enforcement of creditors' rights generally or by general principles of equity.


         4.5  Consents  and  Approvals;  No  Violations.  Except for  applicable
requirements  of federal  securities laws and Blue Sky Laws, no filing with, and
no permit,  authorization,  consent or approval of, any third party, public body
or authority is necessary for the  consummation by Global Yacht or Merger Sub of
the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Neither the  execution and
delivery of this Agreement by Global Yacht or Merger Sub nor the consummation by
Global  Yacht  or  Merger  Sub  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  nor
compliance by Global Yacht or Merger Sub with any of the provisions hereof, will
(a) conflict  with or result in any breach of any  provisions  of the charter or
Bylaws of Global Yacht or Merger Sub, (b) result in a violation or breach of, or
constitute  (with or without  due notice or lapse of time or both) a default (or
give rise to any right of termination,  cancellation or acceleration) under, any
of the terms,  conditions or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,
license,  contract,  agreement or other instrument or obligation to which Global
Yacht or Merger Sub is a party or by which it or any of its properties or assets
may be bound, or (c) violate any order, writ, injunction,  decree, statute, rule
or regulation applicable to Global Yacht or Merger Sub, or any of its properties
or assets, except in the case of clauses (b) and (c) for violations, breaches or
defaults  which are not in the aggregate  material to Global Yacht or Merger Sub
taken as a whole.

         4.6 SEC  Documents.  Global Yacht has filed all reports  required to be
filed by it under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, including pursuant to
Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof,  for the two years preceding the date hereof (or
such shorter  period as Global Yacht was required by law to file such  material)
(the foregoing  materials,  including the exhibits thereto,  being  collectively
referred to herein as the "SEC Reports").  As of their respective dates, the SEC
Documents  complied  in all  material  respects  with  the  requirements  of the
Exchange Act and the rules and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder and none of
the SEC Documents contained an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not  misleading.  The financial  statements of Global Yacht  included in the SEC
Documents comply as to form in all material respects with applicable  accounting
requirements  and the published  rules and  regulations  of the SEC with respect
thereto,  have been prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting
principles in the United States (except, in the case of unaudited statements, as
permitted by the applicable form under the Exchange Act) applied on a consistent
basis  during the  periods  involved  (except as may be  indicated  in the notes
thereto)  and fairly  present the  financial  position of Global Yacht as of the
dates thereof and its  statements of operations,  stockholders'  equity and cash
flows for the periods then ended (subject,  in the case of unaudited statements,
to normal  and  recurring  year-end  audit  adjustments  which  were and are not
expected  to have a  material  adverse  effect on Global  Yacht,  its  business,
financial  condition or results of operations).  Except as and to the extent set
forth on the  consolidated  balance  sheet of Global Yacht as of  September  30,
2003,  including the notes thereto,  neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has any
liability or obligation of any nature (whether accrued, absolute,  contingent or
otherwise and whether required to be reflected on a balance sheet or not).


         4.7 Financial Statements.

                  (a)  Included in the SEC  Documents  are the  audited  balance
sheets  of Global  Yacht as at  December  31,  2002 and  2001,  and the  related
statements of operations, changes in stockholders' equity and cash flows for the
year ended  December 31,  2002,  and the periods  February 21, 2001  (inception)
through December 31, 2001 and February 21, 2001 (inception) through December 31,
2002, together with the unqualified report thereon of Hall & Company CPAs, Inc.,
a   Professional   Accountancy   Corporation   ("Hall"),   independent   auditor
(collectively, "Global Yacht's Audited Financials").

                  (b)  Included  in  the  SEC   Documents   are  the   unaudited
consolidated  balance  sheets of Global Yacht as at September 30, 2003,  and the
related  statements  of  operations  and cash  flows for the nine  months  ended
September 30, 2003, as reviewed by Hall ("Global  Yacht's Interim  Financials").
The unaudited  balance  sheet at September  30, 2003 included in Global  Yacht's
Interim  Financials is hereinafter  referred to as the "Unaudited Balance Sheet"
and September 30, 2003 is  hereinafter  referred to as the "Global Yacht Balance
Sheet Date".

                  (c) Global  Yacht's  Audited  Financials  and  Global  Yacht's
Interim Financials  (collectively "Global Yacht's Financial Statements") are (i)
in  accordance  with the books and  records of Global  Yacht,  (ii)  correct and
complete,  (iii) fairly present the financial position and results of operations
of Global Yacht as of the dates indicated,  and (iv) prepared in accordance with
U.S.  GAAP  (except  that  (x)  unaudited  financial  statements  may  not be in
accordance  with GAAP  because of the absence of  footnotes  normally  contained
therein,  and (y) interim (unaudited)  financials are subject to normal year-end
audit  adjustments that in the aggregate will not have a material adverse effect
on  Global  Yacht or  Merger  Sub,  or their  respective  businesses,  financial
conditions or results of operations.

         4.8 Events Subsequent to Financial Statements. Since December 31, 2002,
there has not been:

                  (a) any sale,  lease,  transfer,  license or assignment of any
         assets, tangible or intangible, of Global Yacht;

                  (b) any damage,  destruction or property loss,  whether or not
         covered by insurance, affecting adversely the properties or business of
         Global Yacht;

                  (c) except as contemplated by this Agreement,  any declaration
         or setting  aside or  payment  of any  dividend  or  distribution  with
         respect  to  the  shares  of  capital  stock  of  Global  Yacht  or any
         redemption, purchase or other acquisition of any such shares;

                  (d) any issuance of shares of capital  stock or the  granting,
         issuance or execution of any rights,  warrants,  options or commitments
         by the Global Yacht,  as the case may be, relating to its authorized or
         issued capital stock,  except with respect to Global Yacht's investment
         in Merger Sub and Global  Yacht's  forward  split of its common  stock,
         which is  effective  on  December  5, 2003 and the  action  by  written
         consent  of  shareholders  in lieu of a meeting  to be held on or about
         February 5, 2004 to authorize  increase the authorized number of shares
         of its common stock and ;


                  (e) any subjection to any lien on any of the assets,  tangible
         or intangible, of Global Yacht;

                  (f) any incurrence of  indebtedness or liability or assumption
         of obligations by Global Yacht or Merger Sub;

                  (g) any waiver or release by Global Yacht or Merger Sub of any
         right of any material value;

                  (h) any compensation or benefits paid to officers or directors
         of Global Yacht,  except as to the redemption of those shares of common
         stock held by the Global Yacht Stockholders specified in Section 1.9 of
         this Agreement;

                  (i)  any  change  made  or   authorized  in  the  Articles  of
         Incorporation or Bylaws of Global Yacht;

                  (j)  any  loan  to or  other  transaction  with  any  officer,
         director or  stockholder  of Global  Yacht  giving rise to any claim or
         right of Global Yacht against any such person or of such person against
         Global Yacht; or

                  (k) any material adverse change in the condition (financial or
         otherwise) of the properties, assets, liabilities or business of Global

         4.9 Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except as otherwise  disclosed in Global
Yacht's  Financial  Statements,  neither  Global  Yacht nor  Merger  Sub has any
material liability or obligation whatsoever,  either direct or indirect, matured
or unmatured, accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise.

         4.10 Tax Matters.

                  (a)  Global  Yacht and  Merger  Sub have  each duly  filed all
material federal,  state,  local and foreign tax returns required to be filed by
or with  respect to it with the  Internal  Revenue  Service or other  applicable
taxing  authority,  and no extensions with respect to such tax returns have been
requested or granted;

                  (b) Global Yacht and Merger Sub have each paid,  or adequately
reserved against in Global Yacht's Financial Statements, all material taxes due,
or claimed by any taxing authority to be due, from or with respect to it;

                  (c) To the knowledge of Global Yacht and Merger Sub, there has
been no material  issue  raised or  material  adjustment  proposed  (and none is
pending)  by the  Internal  Revenue  Service or any other  taxing  authority  in
connection with any of Global Yacht's or Merger Sub's tax returns;


                  (d) No waiver or extension of any statute of limitations as to
any material  federal,  state,  local or foreign tax matter has been given by or
requested from Global Yacht or Merger Sub; and

                  (e)  neither  Global  Yacht nor Merger Sub has filed a consent
under Section 341(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         For the purposes of this Section 4.10, a tax is due (and must therefore
either  be paid or  adequately  reserved  against  in Global  Yacht's  Financial
Statements)  only on the  last  date  payment  of such  tax can be made  without
interest  or  penalties,  whether  such  payment is due in respect of  estimated
taxes, withholding taxes, required tax credits or any other tax.

         4.11 Real Property.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub owns or leases
any real property.

         4.12 Books and Records.  The corporate and financial  books and records
of Global Yacht and Merger Sub delivered to the Hyalozyme  Shareholders prior to
the Closing fully and fairly reflect the transactions to which Global Yacht is a
party or by which it or its properties are bound.

         4.13 Questionable Payments. Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub, or any
of their  respective  employees,  agents or  representatives  has,  directly  or
indirectly,  made any bribes,  kickbacks,  illegal payments or illegal political
contributions  using  Global  Yacht's or Merger Sub's funds or made any payments
from Global Yacht's or Merger Sub's funds to governmental officials for improper
purposes or made any illegal  payments from Global Yacht's or Merger Sub's funds
to obtain or retain business.

         4.14 Environmental Matters. Global Yacht represents and warrants that:

                           (i) To the  knowledge  of Global Yacht and the Global
Yacht Stockholders, after due investigation,  there has been no material failure
by Global Yacht to comply with all applicable requirements of Environmental Laws
relating  to  Global  Yacht,  Global  Yacht's  operations,  and  Global  Yacht's
manufacture,  processing,  distribution, use, treatment, generation,  recycling,
reuses,  sale,  storage,  handling,  transportation or disposal of any Hazardous
Material and Global Yacht is not aware of any facts or circumstances which could
materially impair such compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws.

                           (ii) Global  Yacht has not  received  notice from any
Governmental Authority or any other person of any actual or alleged violation of
any Environmental Laws, nor is any such notice anticipated.

                            (iii)  To the  knowledge  of  Global  Yacht  and the
Global Yacht  Stockholders,  after due investigation,  Environmental Laws do not
require  that any  permits,  licenses or similar  authorizations  to  construct,
occupy or operate  any  equipment  or  facilities  used in the conduct of Global
Yacht's business.


                           (iv) No  Hazardous  Materials  are now located at the
Business  Location,  and, to the  knowledge of Global Yacht and the Global Yacht
Stockholders,  after due  investigation,  Global  Yacht  has not ever  caused or
permitted  any  Hazardous  Materials  to be  generated,  placed,  stored,  held,
handled,  located  or used at the  Business  Location,  except  those  which may
lawfully be used, transported, stored, held, handled, generated or placed at the
Business Location in the conduct of Global Yacht's business.

                           (v)  Global  Yacht  has  not  received  any  notices,
whether from a Governmental  Authority or some other third party, that Hazardous
Material  Contamination exists at the Business Location or at any other location
utilized by Global  Yacht in the conduct of its business nor are Global Yacht or
the Global Yacht Stockholders aware of any circumstances that would give rise to
an allegation of such contamination.

         (vi)  To  the   knowledge   of  Global   Yacht  and  the  Global  Yacht
Stockholders,  after due investigation, no investigation,  administrative order,
consent order or agreement,  litigation or settlement  with respect to Hazardous
Materials  or  Hazardous  Materials   Contamination  is  proposed,   threatened,
anticipated,  pending or  otherwise  in  existence  with respect to the Business
Location  or with  respect to any other site  controlled  or  utilized by Global
Yacht in the operation of its business. To the knowledge of Global Yacht and the
Global Yacht Stockholders, after due investigation, the Business Location is not
currently  on,  and has never  been on,  any  federal  or state  "Superfund"  or
"Superlien" list.

         4.15 Intellectual Property. Other than listed on Schedule 4.15, neither
Global Yacht nor Merger Sub owns or uses any  trademarks,  trade names,  service
marks,  patents,  copyrights or any applications  with respect thereto.  Neither
Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has any  knowledge of any claim that,  or inquiry as
to whether,  any  product,  activity or  operation of Global Yacht or Merger Sub
infringes  upon  or  involves,  or has  resulted  in the  infringement  of,  any
trademarks, trade-names, service marks, patents, copyrights or other proprietary
rights of any other person, corporation or other entity; and no proceedings have
been instituted, are pending or are threatened.

         4.16  Insurance.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has any insurance
policies in effect.

         4.17  Contracts.  Neither  Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has any material
contracts,  leases,  arrangements  or  commitments  (whether  oral or  written).
Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub is a party to or bound by or affected by any
contract,  lease,  arrangement or commitment  (whether oral or written) relating
to: (a) the  employment of any person;  (b) collective  bargaining  with, or any
representation  of any  employees  by, any labor union or  association;  (c) the
acquisition of services, supplies, equipment or other personal property; (d) the
purchase or sale of real property; (e) distribution, agency or construction; (f)
lease  of real or  personal  property  as  lessor  or  lessee  or  sublessor  or
sublessee;  (g) lending or advancing of funds; (h) borrowing of funds or receipt
of  credit;  (i)  incurring  any  obligation  or  liability;  or (j) the sale of
personal property.


         4.18 Litigation.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub is subject to any
judgment or order of any court or quasijudicial or administrative  agency of any
jurisdiction,  domestic or foreign, nor is there any charge, complaint,  lawsuit
or  governmental  investigation  pending  against  Global  Yacht or Merger  Sub.
Neither  Global Yacht nor Merger Sub is a plaintiff  in any action,  domestic or
foreign,  judicial  or  administrative.  There are no existing  actions,  suits,
proceedings against or investigations of Global Yacht or Merger Sub, and neither
Global  Yacht  nor  Merger  Sub  knows of any  basis  for such  actions,  suits,
proceedings  or  investigations.  There are no  unsatisfied  judgments,  orders,
decrees or stipulations  affecting Global Yacht or Merger Sub or to which Global
Yacht or Merger Sub is a party.

         4.19 Employees.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has any employees.
Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub owes any compensation of any kind,  deferred
or otherwise,  to any current or previous  employees.  Neither  Global Yacht nor
Merger Sub has any  written or oral  employment  agreements  with any officer or
director of Global Yacht or Merger Sub. Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub is a
party to or bound by any collective bargaining agreement.  There are no loans or
other  obligations  payable  or  owing by  Global  Yacht  or  Merger  Sub to any
stockholder,  officer,  director or employee of Global  Yacht or Merger Sub, nor
are there any loans or debts  payable or owing by any of such  persons to Global
Yacht or Merger Sub or any  guarantees by Global Yacht or Merger Sub of any loan
or obligation of any nature to which any such person is a party.

         4.20 Employee  Benefit  Plans.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub has
any (a) non-qualified  deferred or incentive compensation or retirement plans or
arrangements, (b) qualified retirement plans or arrangements, (c) other employee
compensation, severance or termination pay or welfare benefit plans, programs or
arrangements  or (d) any related  trusts,  insurance  contracts or other funding
arrangements maintained, established or contributed to by Global Yacht or Merger

         4.21 Legal Compliance. To the knowledge of Global Yacht and Merger Sub,
after due investigation,  no claim has been filed against Global Yacht or Merger
Sub  alleging a violation of any  applicable  laws and  regulations  of foreign,
federal, state and local governments and all agencies thereof.  Global Yacht and
Merger Sub each holds all of the material  permits,  licenses,  certificates  or
other authorizations of foreign,  federal,  state or local governmental agencies
required for the conduct of its business as presently conducted.

         4.22 Subsidiaries.  Except for all of the issued and outstanding shares
of capital stock of Merger Sub and Global Yacht  Services (BVI) Limited , Global
Yacht does not own any capital  stock or have any  interest in any  corporation,
partnership,  or other form of business  organization.  Global Yacht owns all of
the capital stock or other equity  interests of Merger Sub free and clear of any
liens,  charges,  security  interests,  encumbrances,  rights of first  refusal,
preemptive rights or other restrictions.

         4.23 Broker's Fees.  Neither Global Yacht nor Merger Sub, nor anyone on
their  behalf has any  liability  to any broker,  finder,  investment  banker or
agent, or has agreed to pay any brokerage fees, finder's fees or commissions, or
to reimburse any expenses of any broker,  finder,  investment banker or agent in
connection with this Agreement.


         4.24  Registration  Rights.  Global  Yacht has not granted or agreed to
grant to any person or entity any rights  (including  "piggy back"  registration
rights) to have any  securities of Global Yacht  registered  with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission or any other governmental  authority that have not been

         4.25 Listing and Maintenance Requirements. Global Yacht has not, in the
12 months preceding the date hereof,  received notice from the trading market or
stock quotation  system on which Global Yacht's Common Stock is listed or quoted
to the  effect  that  Global  Yacht is not in  compliance  with the  listing  or
maintenance  requirements  of such  trading  market or stock  quotation  system.
Global  Yacht  is,  and  has no  reason  to  believe  that  it  will  not in the
foreseeable  future  continue  to be, in  compliance  with all such  listing and
maintenance requirements.

         4.26 No  Disagreements  with  Accountants  and  Lawyers.  There  are no
disagreements  of any kind  presently  existing,  or reasonably  anticipated  by
Global Yacht to arise, between the accountants and lawyers formerly or presently
employed by Global  Yacht and Global  Yacht is current  with respect to any fees
owed to its accountants and lawyers.

         4.27 Disclosure.  The  representations and warranties and statements of
fact made by Global Yacht and Merger Sub in this  Agreement  are, as applicable,
accurate,  correct and  complete  and do not contain any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state any material fact  necessary in order to make the
statements and information contained herein not false or misleading.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                           EFFECTIVE PRIOR TO CLOSING

         5.1 Corporate  Examinations and  Investigations.  Prior to the Closing,
each party shall be entitled, through its employees and representatives, to make
such  investigations  and  examinations  of the  books,  records  and  financial
condition of  Hyalozyme,  Global Yacht and Merger Sub as each party may request.
In order that each party may have the full opportunity to do so, Hyalozyme,  the
Hyalozyme   Shareholders,   Global  Yacht,  Merger  Sub  and  the  Global  Yacht
Stockholders shall furnish each party and its representatives during such period
with all such information  concerning the affairs of Hyalozyme,  Global Yacht or
Merger Sub as each party or its representatives may reasonably request and cause
Hyalozyme, Global Yacht or Merger Sub and their respective officers,  employees,
consultants,  agents,  accountants  and  attorneys to cooperate  fully with each
party's  representatives  in connection  with such review and examination and to
make full disclosure of all  information  and documents  requested by each party
and/or its  representatives.  Any such  investigations and examinations shall be
conducted  at  reasonable  times and under  reasonable  circumstances,  it being
agreed  that any  examination  of  original  documents  will be at each  party's
premises,  with  copies  thereof  to  be  provided  to  each  party  and/or  its
representatives upon request.

         5.2  Cooperation;  Consents.  Prior to the  Closing,  each party  shall
cooperate  with the other  parties  to the end that the  parties  shall (i) in a
timely manner make all necessary  filings with, and conduct  negotiations  with,
all  authorities  and other  persons the  consent or  approval of which,  or the
license or permit from which is required for the  consummation of the Merger and
(ii)  provide  to each  other  party  such  information  as the other  party may
reasonably  request in order to enable it to prepare such filings and to conduct
such negotiations.


         5.3 Conduct of Business.  Subject to the  provisions  hereof,  from the
date  hereof  through  the  Closing,  each party  hereto  shall (i)  conduct its
business in the ordinary course and in such a manner so that the representations
and  warranties  contained  herein shall  continue to be true and correct in all
material respects as of the Closing as if made at and as of the Closing and (ii)
not enter into any material  transactions  or incur any material  liability  not
required or  specifically  contemplated  hereby,  without  first  obtaining  the
written consent of Hyalozyme and the Hyalozyme  Shareholders on the one hand and
Global Yacht and Merger Sub on the other hand. Without the prior written consent
of  Hyalozyme,  the Hyalozyme  Shareholders,  Global Yacht or Merger Sub, as the
case may be, except as required or specifically  contemplated hereby, each party
shall not  undertake or fail to  undertake  any action if such action or failure
would render any of said warranties and  representations  untrue in any material
respect as of the Closing.

               5.4  Litigation.  From the date hereof through the Closing,  each
party hereto shall promptly  notify the  representative  of the other parties of
any lawsuits,  claims, proceedings or investigations which after the date hereof
are  threatened or commenced  against such party or any of its affiliates or any
officer, director, employee,  consultant, agent or shareholder thereof, in their
capacities as such, which, if decided adversely, could reasonably be expected to
have a material  adverse  effect upon the condition  (financial  or  otherwise),
assets,  liabilities,  business,  operations or prospects of  Hyalozyme,  Global
Yacht or Merger Sub.

               5.5 Notice of Default.  From the date hereof through the Closing,
each party hereto shall give to the  representative  of the other parties prompt
written  notice of the  occurrence  or  existence  of any  event,  condition  or
circumstance  occurring  which would  constitute  a violation  or breach of this
Agreement by such party or which would render inaccurate in any material respect
any of such party's representations or warranties herein.

               5.5 Continuation of Insurance  Coverage.  From the date hereof to
the Closing,  each party  hereto  shall keep in full force and effect  insurance
coverage  for its assets and  operations  comparable  in amount and scope to the
coverage now maintained covering its assets and operations.

              5.6 Hyalozyme Audited Financial Statements.

                  (a) Prior to the Effective  Time,  Hyalozyme  will provide its
audited  balance  sheets  as at  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  and the  related
statements of operations, changes in stockholders' equity and cash flows for the
year ended  December 31, 2003 and 2002,  together  with the  unqualified  report
thereon of  Cacciamatta  Accountancy  Corporation,  a  Professional  Accountancy
Corporation,    independent   auditor   (collectively,    "Hyalozyme's   Audited

                  (b) Hyalozyme's  Audited Financials are (i) in accordance with
the books and records of  Hyalozyme,  (ii)  correct and  complete,  (iii) fairly
present the financial  position and results of operations of Hyalozyme as of the
dates indicated, and (iv) prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


                                    ARTICLE 6
                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

         6.1   Conditions  to   Obligations   of  Hyalozyme  and  the  Hyalozyme
Shareholders.  The obligations of Hyalozyme and the Hyalozyme Shareholders under
this Agreement shall be subject to each of the following conditions:

                  (a) Closing  Deliveries.  At the Closing,  Global Yacht and/or
the Global Yacht  Stockholders shall have delivered or caused to be delivered to
Hyalozyme and the Hyalozyme Shareholders the following:

                           (i)   resolutions   duly  adopted  by  the  Board  of
                  Directors  of  each  of  Global  Yacht  and  Merger  Sub,  and
                  authorizing  and  approving  the  Merger  and  the  execution,
                  delivery and performance of this Agreement;

                           (ii) a  certificate  of  good  standing  for  each of
                  Global Yacht and Merger Sub from the Secretary of State of the
                  State of Nevada,  dated not  earlier  than three days prior to
                  the Closing Date;

                           (iii) subject to compliance with Section 14(f) of the
                  Exchange Act and Rule 14f-1 thereunder,  written  resignations
                  of all  officers  and  directors  of  Global  Yacht in  office
                  immediately  prior  to  the  Closing,  and  board  resolutions
                  electing  the  following  individuals  to the  positions  with
                  Global Yacht listed opposite their names below:

                           Jonathan Lim................CEO, President, Director
                           David Ramsay.....................................CFO
                           Ira Lechner.................................Director
                           Gregory Frost...............................Director
                           Edward Mercaldo.............................Director
                           John S. Patton..............................Director

                           (iv)  certificates   representing  the  Global  Yacht
                  Shares bearing the names of the Hyalozyme Shareholders as well
                  as the Global Yacht  Warrants  and Global  Yacht  Options that
                  shall be issued as provided on Schedule 1.4 attached hereto;

                           (v)  evidence of  cancellation  of  4,296,375  of the
                  total number of shares held by certain  stockholders of Global

                           (vi) such other documents as Hyalozyme may reasonably
                  request  in  connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated


                  (b)   Representations   and   Warranties   to  be  True.   The
representations  and warranties of Global Yacht and Merger Sub herein  contained
shall be true in all  material  respects at the Closing  with the same effect as
though made at such time.  Global  Yacht and Merger Sub shall have  performed in
all material respects all obligations and complied in all material respects with
all  covenants  and  conditions  required by this  Agreement  to be performed or
complied with by them at or prior to the Closing.

                  (c) Spinoff. Global Yacht shall have spun off its wholly owned
subsidiary, Global Yacht Services (BVI) Limited ("Global Yacht - BVI") and shall
have contributed all of the tangible assets and intellectual  property rights of
Global Yacht to the Global Yacht  Stockholders and the Global Yacht Stockholders
shall have assumed substantially all the liabilities of Global Yacht, except for
up to  $100,000  of  liabilities  of any  kind  whatsoever  (the  "Global  Yacht
Liabilities") will be completed on or before the Effective Time (the "Spinoff").
The amount of liabilities of any kind whatsoever remaining in Global Yacht after
the Spinoff  will not exceed the Global Yacht  Liabilities.  The Spinoff will be
effected in compliance with all applicable laws,  including  without  limitation
the applicable provisions of the NRS and any other applicable state and national
laws.  The  consummation  of the Spinoff will not require any consent,  release,
waiver or approval that would adversely affect Global Yacht. The consummation of
the Spinoff will not give rise to or trigger the application of any right of any
third  party that has not been  waived by such party in a writing  signed by it.
The  consummation  of the Spinoff  will not conflict  with,  or (with or without
notice or lapse of time, or both) result in a termination, breach, impairment or
violation  of, (a) any provision of the Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of
the Global Yacht,  (b) any note,  bond,  lease,  mortgage,  indenture,  license,
franchise,  permit,  agreement,  contract  or  other  instrument  or  obligation
(whether oral or in writing) to which Global Yacht is or was a party or by which
Global  Yacht is or was  bound,  or (c) any  federal,  state,  local or  foreign
statute,  law,  concession,  grant,  franchise,  permit  or  other  governmental
authorization or approval applicable to Global Yacht or Global Yacht - BVI.

                  (d) Amendment of Articles of Incorporation. Global Yacht shall
have amended its  Articles of  Incorporation  to: (i)  increase  the  authorized
number of shares of Common Stock to 100,000,000  and (ii)  authorize  20,000,000
shares  of  preferred  stock,  upon  which the  Board of  Directors  may set the
preferences and designations without shareholder approval.

         6.2  Conditions  to  Obligations  of Global  Yacht and the Global Yacht
Stockholders.  The obligations of Global Yacht,  Merger Sub and the Global Yacht
Stockholders  under this  Agreement  shall be  subject to each of the  following

              (a) Closing Deliveries.  On the Closing Date, Hyalozyme and/or the
Hyalozyme Shareholders shall have delivered to Global Yacht the following:

                  (i)      one  or  more  certificates  representing  all of the
                           issued and  outstanding  shares of  capital  stock of
                           Hyalozyme   duly  endorsed  or  accompanied  by  duly
                           executed stock power(s);

                  (ii)     evidence of  completion  of  financing  wherein up to
                           $7,112,142 will have been raised; and

                  (iii)    such other  documents as Global Yacht may  reasonably
                           request   in   connection   with   the   transactions
                           contemplated hereby.


                  (b)   Representations   and   Warranties   to  be  True.   The
representations  and  warranties  of Hyalozyme  and the  Hyalozyme  Shareholders
herein contained shall be true in all material  respects at the Closing with the
same  effect  as  though  made  at  such  time.   Hyalozyme  and  the  Hyalozyme
Shareholders  shall have performed in all material  respects all obligations and
complied in all material respects with all covenants and conditions  required by
this  Agreement  to be  performed  or  complied  with by them at or prior to the

                  (c) Director Questionnaires. Each of the individuals listed as
directors in Section  6.1(a)(iii)  shall have  submitted to Global Yacht's legal
counsel,  no later than 15 calendar  days prior to the Closing  Date,  a written
response to the director  questionnaire  previously delivered to Hyalozyme,  and
upon receipt of all such  responses  Global  Yacht's legal counsel shall prepare
and file with the SEC at least 10  calendar  days prior to the  Closing  Date an
Information Statement Notice of Change In Control and of a Majority of Directors
pursuant to Section  14(f) of the  Exchange Act and Rule 14f-1  thereunder.  The
Hyalozyme  Shareholders  and Hyalozyme  shall have the opportunity to review and
provide comments to such Information Statement prior to its filing with the SEC.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                         TERMINATION; AMENDMENT; WAIVER

         7.1 Termination by Mutual  Agreement.  This Agreement may be terminated
and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time, whether
before or after the  approval  of the  Merger by  Hyalozyme's  shareholders  and
Global  Yacht's  stockholders,  by mutual  written  consent of the Hyalozyme and
Global Yacht by action of their respective boards of directors.

         7.2 Termination by either Global Yacht or Hyalozyme. This Agreement may
be terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective
Time by action of the board of directors of either Global Yacht or Hyalozyme if:

                  (a) the Merger  shall not have been  consummated  by [May 31],
2004, whether such date is before or after the date of approval of the Merger by
Hyalozyme's  shareholders  and Global  Yacht's  stockholders  (the  "Termination

                  (b) any law  permanently  restraining,  enjoining or otherwise
prohibiting  consummation  of the Merger shall  become final and  non-appealable
(whether before or after the approval of the Merger by Hyalozyme's  shareholders
and Global Yacht's stockholders); provided, however, that the right to terminate
this Agreement  pursuant to this Section 7.2 shall not be available to any party
that has breached in any material  respect its obligations  under this Agreement
in any manner that shall have  proximately  contributed to the occurrence of the
failure of the Merger to be consummated; or

         7.3 Termination by Hyalozyme.  This Agreement may be terminated and the
Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time,  whether before
or after the  approval  of the  Merger by  Hyalozyme's  shareholders  and Global
Yacht's stockholders by action of Hyalozyme's board of directors, if:


                  (a) (i) any of Global Yacht's  representations  and warranties
shall  have  been  inaccurate  as of the date of this  Agreement,  such that the
condition set forth in Section 6.1 would not be satisfied, or (ii) if (A) any of
Global Yacht's  representations  and warranties  become  inaccurate as of a date
subsequent to the date of this Agreement (as if made on such  subsequent  date),
such that the  condition set forth in Section 6.1 would not be satisfied and (B)
such  inaccuracy  has not been cured by Global Yacht  within ten  business  days
after its receipt of written  notice  thereof  and  remains  uncured at the time
notice of  termination  is given,  or (iii) Global  Yacht's  representation  and
warranties with respect to its capitalization are inaccurate such that there are
shares or rights to obtain  shares  outstanding  in addition to those  initially

                  (b) Hyalozyme's due diligence  examination of Global Yacht and
its assets and business reveals  information that varies materially or adversely
from  the  understandings  upon  which  Hyalozyme  agreed  to  proceed  with the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  as determined by Hyalozyme in its
reasonable discretion;

                  (c) since the date of this Agreement,  Global Yacht shall have
suffered any material  adverse  effect on its  financial  condition,  results of
operations or business.

         7.4  Termination by Global Yacht.  This Agreement may be terminated and
the Merger may be abandoned  at any time prior to the  Effective  Time,  whether
before or after the  approval  of the  Merger by  Hyalozyme's  shareholders  and
Global  Yacht's  stockholders,  by action of the  Board of  Directors  of Global
Yacht, if:

                  (a)  (i) any of  Hyalozyme's  representations  and  warranties
shall  have  been  inaccurate  as of the date of this  Agreement,  such that the
condition set forth in Section 6.2 would not be satisfied, or (ii) if (A) any of
Hyalozyme's  representations  and  warranties  become  inaccurate  as of a  date
subsequent to the date of this Agreement (as if made on such  subsequent  date),
such that the  condition set forth in Section 6.2 would not be satisfied and (B)
such  inaccuracy has not been cured by Hyalozyme  within ten business days after
its receipt of written notice thereof and remains  uncured at the time notice of
termination is given;

                  (b) if,  since the date of this  Agreement,  there  shall have
occurred any material  adverse  effect on the  financial  condition,  results of
operations or business of Hyalozyme.

         7.5 Effect of Termination and Abandonment.  In the event of termination
of this Agreement and the  abandonment of the Merger pursuant to this Article 7,
this Agreement  shall become void and of no effect with no liability on the part
of  any  party  hereto  (or  of  any  of  its  directors,  officers,  employees,
consultants,  contractors,  agents,  legal  and  financial  advisors,  or  other
representatives);  provided,  however, that except as otherwise provided herein,
no such  termination  shall relieve any party hereto of any liability or damages
resulting from any willful breach of this Agreement.


                                    ARTICLE 8
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

         8.1 Name Change.  The parties agree to take  whatever  actions that are
necessary to change the name of Global Yacht to "Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc." as
of or as soon as possible after the Effective Time.

         8.2 Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in
writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly  given if  delivered  personally,
sent by overnight  courier or mailed by  registered  or certified  mail (postage
prepaid  and  return  receipt  requested)  to the  party  to whom the same is so
delivered,  sent or mailed at addresses set forth on the  signature  page hereof
(or at such other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice).

         8.3  Interpretation.  The headings  contained in this Agreement are for
reference  purposes  only  and  shall  not  affect  in any  way the  meaning  or
interpretation  of this Agreement.  References to Sections and Articles refer to
sections and articles of this Agreement unless otherwise stated.

         8.4 Severability.  If any term,  provision,  covenant or restriction of
this Agreement is held by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be invalid, void
or  unenforceable,  the  remainder  of  the  terms,  provisions,  covenants  and
restrictions  of this Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect and shall
in no way be affected,  impaired or invalidated  and the parties shall negotiate
in good faith to modify this  Agreement  to preserve  each  party's  anticipated
benefits under this Agreement.

         8.5  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  (together with all other documents
and instruments  referred to herein):  (a) constitutes the entire  agreement and
supersedes all other prior agreements and  undertakings,  both written and oral,
among the parties  with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof;  (b) except as
expressly set forth herein,  is not intended to confer upon any other person any
rights or remedies  hereunder  and (c) shall not be assigned by operation of law
or otherwise, except as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto.

         8.6 Separate Counsel. Each party hereby expressly  acknowledges that it
has been advised to seek its own separate  legal counsel for advice with respect
to this  Agreement,  and that no  counsel  to any party  hereto  has acted or is
acting as counsel to any other party hereto in connection with this Agreement.

         8.7 Governing  Law;  Venue.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by, and
construed and enforced in accordance  with, the laws of the State of California,
U.S.A.  Any and all actions brought under this Agreement shall be brought in the
state and/or  federal  courts of the United States  sitting in the County or San
Diego,  California  and each  party  hereby  waives  any  right to object to the
convenience of such venue.

         8.8  Counterparts  and  Facsimile  Signatures.  This  Agreement  may be
executed in two or more  counterparts,  which together shall constitute a single
agreement.  This Agreement and any documents  relating to it may be executed and
transmitted to any other party by facsimile,  which facsimile shall be deemed to
be, and utilized in all respects as, an original, wet-inked document.


         8.9 Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented
only by an instrument in writing executed by all parties hereto.

         8.10  Parties In  Interest:  No Third  Party  Beneficiaries.  Except as
otherwise  provided  herein,  the terms and conditions of this  Agreement  shall
inure  to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon  the  respective  heirs,  legal
representatives,  successors and assigns of the parties  hereto.  This Agreement
shall not be deemed to confer  upon any person not a party  hereto any rights or
remedies hereunder.

         8.11 Waiver. No waiver by any party of any default or breach by another
party of any representation,  warranty,  covenant or condition contained in this
Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent  default or breach by
such  party of the  same or any  other  representation,  warranty,  covenant  or
condition. No act, delay, omission or course of dealing on the part of any party
in exercising  any right,  power or remedy under this  Agreement or at law or in
equity  shall  operate as a waiver  thereof or otherwise  prejudice  any of such
party's rights, powers and remedies. All remedies,  whether at law or in equity,
shall be cumulative  and the election of any one or more shall not  constitute a
waiver of the right to pursue other available remedies.

         8.12 Expenses. At or prior to the Closing, the parties hereto shall pay
all of their own  expenses  relating to the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  the  fees  and  expenses  of their
respective counsel and financial advisers;  provided,  however,  that the Global
Yacht   Liabilities   may  include  legal  fees  related  to  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         8.13 Schedules. If there is any inconsistency between the statements in
the body of this  Agreement and those in the schedules  (other than an exception
expressly set forth in the schedules with respect to a  specifically  identified
representation  or warranty),  the statements in the body of this Agreement will

         8.14  Construction.  The  parties  have  participated  jointly  in  the
negotiation  and  drafting of this  Agreement.  If an  ambiguity  or question of
intent or interpretation  arises, this Agreement will be construed as if drafted
jointly by the parties and no presumption or burden of proof will arise favoring
or  disfavoring  any party  because of the  authorship  of any provision of this

         8.15. Incorporation of Exhibits and Schedules. The exhibits, schedules,
and other  attachments  identified in this Agreement are incorporated  herein by
reference and made a part hereof.

                               [SIGNATURES FOLLOW]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement and Plan
of Merger as of the date first written above.

DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,


Name:  ________________________

Title:  _________________________



- ----------------------------

- ----------------------------

- ----------------------------


- ----------------------------

- ----------------------------


- ----------------------------

                       [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE]

                             [SIGNATURE PAGE TWO OF
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement and Plan
of Merger as of the date first written above.


By:  _______________________________
Name:  Mitch Keeler
Title:  President

7710 Hazard Centre Dr.
Suite E-415
San Diego, CA 92108


- -----------------------------------

- ---------------------------------


By:  ______________________________
Name:  Mitch Keeler
Title: President

7710 Hazard Centre Dr.
Suite E-415
San Diego, CA 92108



                                    Exhibit B

                              CERTIFICATE OF MERGER
                                 BY AND BETWEEN

Dean Heller
Secretary of State
204 North Carson Street, Suite 1
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299

                               Articles of Merger
                            (Pursuant to NRS 92A.200)

1)       Name and jurisdiction of organization of each  constituent  entity (NRS

Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation
- ---------------------------------
Name of merging entity

Nevada                                      Corporation
- ------                                      -----------
Jurisdiction                                Entity type


DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- --------------------------------
Name of surviving entity

California                                           Corporation
- ----------                                           -----------
Jurisdiction                                         Entity type

2)       Forwarding address where copies of process may be sent by the Secretary
         of State of Nevada (if a foreign entity is the survivor in the merger -
         NRS 92A.190):

Attn:    __________________
C/o:     Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.


3)       The undersigned  declares that a plan of merger has been adopted by the
         parent domestic entity (NRS 92A.180)

4)       Owners approval (NRS 92A.200)

         b.       The plan was  approved by the  required  consent of the owners

              Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation
              Name of merging entity


              DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
              Name of surviving entity

5)       Amendments,  if any, to the articles or  certificates  of the surviving
         entity. Provide article numbers if available. (NRS 92A.200)

6)       Location of the plan of merger: the entire plan of merger is on file at
         the registered office of the surviving  corporation,  or other place of
         business of the surviving entity.

7)       Effective date: (optional):_______________________

8)       Signatures-  Must be signed by: an officer of each  Nevada  corporation
         (NRS 92A.230)*

Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation
- ---------------------------------
Name of merging entity

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature                  Title                     Date

DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- --------------------------------
Name of surviving entity

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature                  Title                     Date

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature                  Title                     Date

*The articles of merger must be signed by each foreign constituent entity in the
manner provided by the law governing it.

                               Agreement of Merger

This  Agreement of Merger is entered into  between  DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., a California  corporation  (herein "Surviving  Corporation") and Hyalozyme
Acquisition Corporation, a Nevada corporation (herein "Merging Corporation).

1.       Merging Corporation shall be merged into Surviving Corporation.

2.       Each outstanding share of Surviving Corporation shall be converted into
         an equal  number of shares of Global  Yacht  Services,  Inc,  parent of
         Merging Corporation.

3.       The outstanding shares of Merging  Corporation shall remain outstanding
         and are not affected by the merger.

4.       Merging  Corporation  shall from time to time, as and when requested by
         Surviving  Corporation,  execute  and deliver  all such  documents  and
         instruments and take all such action necessary or desirable to evidence
         or carry out this merger.

5.       The  effect of the  merger  and the  effected  date of the  merger  are
         prescribed by law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement.

                                            DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc

                                               Jonathan Lim, President

                                               David Ramsay, Secretary

                                            Hyalozyme Acquisition Corporation

                                               Mitch Keeler, President

                                               Mitch Keeler, Secretary


                                    Exhibit C

              Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
                         For Nevada Profit Corporations
          (Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78,390 - After Issuance of Stock)

1.       Name of Corporation: Global Yacht Services, Inc.

2.       The Articles have been amended as follows  (provide  article numbers if

              First: The name of this corporation is Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

              Fourth:  That the voting common stock  authorized may be issued by
              the  Corporation  is One Hundred  Million  (100,000,000)  and that
              shares of stock with a par value of $.001 and that there  shall be
              a class of preferred stock authorized,  the number of shares which
              may be  issued is Twenty  Million  (20,000,000)  and for which our
              Board of Directors may set the designations and preferences.  Said
              shares may be issued by the corporation from time to time for such
              consideration  as may be fixed  from  time to time by the Board of

3.       The vote by which the  stockholders  holding shares in the  corporation
         entitling them to exercise at least a majority of the voting power,  or
         such greater  proportion  of the voting power as may be required in the
         case of a vote by  classes  or  series,  or as may be  required  by the
         provisions of the articles of incorporation  have voted in favor of the
         amendment is: 52.16%.

4.       Effective date of filing (optional):_____________________.

5.       Officer  Signature  (required):   ____________________________.
                                           Mitch Keeler, President


                                    Exhibit D


NRS 92A.300 Definitions.  As used in NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500,  inclusive,  unless
the context  otherwise  requires,  the words and terms defined in NRS 92A.305 to
92A.335, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

NRS 92A.305 "Beneficial  stockholder" defined.  "Beneficial stockholder" means a
person  who is a  beneficial  owner of  shares  held in a  voting  trust or by a
nominee as the stockholder of record.

NRS 92A.310 "Corporate action" defined. "Corporate action" means the action of a
domestic corporation.

NRS 92A.315 "Dissenter" defined. "Dissenter" means a stockholder who is entitled
to dissent  from a  domestic  corporation's  action  under NRS  92A.380  and who
exercises that right when and in the manner  required by NRS 92A.400 to 92A.480,

NRS 92A.320  "Fair value"  defined.  "Fair value," with respect to a dissenter's
shares, means the value of the shares immediately before the effectuation of the
corporate action to which he objects, excluding any appreciation or depreciation
in anticipation of the corporate action unless exclusion would be inequitable.

NRS 92A.325 "Stockholder"  defined.  "Stockholder" means a stockholder of record
or a beneficial stockholder of a domestic corporation.

NRS 92A.330  "Stockholder of record" defined.  "Stockholder of record" means the
person  in whose  name  shares  are  registered  in the  records  of a  domestic
corporation  or the  beneficial  owner of  shares to the  extent  of the  rights
granted by a nominee's certificate on file with the domestic corporation.

NRS 92A.335  "Subject  corporation"  defined.  "Subject  corporation"  means the
domestic  corporation  which is the  issuer of the  shares  held by a  dissenter
before the corporate action creating the dissenter's rights becomes effective or
the  surviving or acquiring  entity of that issuer  after the  corporate  action
becomes effective.

NRS 92A.340 Computation of interest. Interest payable pursuant to NRS 92A.300 to
92A.500, inclusive, must be computed from the effective date of the action until
the date of payment,  at the average  rate  currently  paid by the entity on its
principal  bank  loans or, if it has no bank  loans,  at a rate that is fair and
equitable under all of the circumstances.

NRS 92A.350  Rights of dissenting  partner of domestic  limited  partnership.  A
partnership  agreement of a domestic  limited  partnership or, unless  otherwise
provided in the partnership  agreement,  an agreement of merger or exchange, may
provide that  contractual  rights with respect to the partnership  interest of a
dissenting  general or limited  partner of a domestic  limited  partnership  are
available for any class or group of partnership interests in connection with any
merger or exchange in which the domestic  limited  partnership  is a constituent

NRS 92A.360 Rights of dissenting member of domestic  limited-liability  company.
The   articles  of   organization   or   operating   agreement   of  a  domestic
limited-liability  company or,  unless  otherwise  provided  in the  articles of
organization  or operating  agreement,  an agreement of merger or exchange,  may
provide  that  contractual  rights with  respect to the interest of a dissenting
member are  available  in  connection  with any merger or  exchange in which the
domestic limited-liability company is a constituent entity.

NRS 92A.370 Rights of dissenting member of domestic nonprofit corporation.

         1. Except as otherwise  provided in subsection 2, and unless  otherwise
provided  in the  articles  or bylaws,  any member of any  constituent  domestic
nonprofit  corporation  who voted against the merger may,  without prior notice,
but  within  30 days  after  the  effective  date  of the  merger,  resign  from
membership  and is  thereby  excused  from all  contractual  obligations  to the
constituent or surviving corporations which did not occur before his resignation
and is thereby  entitled to those  rights,  if any,  which would have existed if
there had been no merger and the  membership  had been  terminated or the member
had been expelled.


         2. Unless  otherwise  provided  in its  articles  of  incorporation  or
bylaws,  no member  of a  domestic  nonprofit  corporation,  including,  but not
limited to, a cooperative  corporation,  which  supplies  services  described in
chapter  704 of NRS to its  members  only,  and no  person  who is a member of a
domestic  nonprofit  corporation as a condition of or by reason of the ownership
of an interest in real property,  may resign and dissent  pursuant to subsection

NRS 92A.380 Right of stockholder to dissent from certain  corporate  actions and
to obtain payment for shares.

         1.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  NRS  92A.370  and  92A.390,  a
stockholder is entitled to dissent from, and obtain payment of the fair value of
his shares in the event of any of the following corporate actions:

              (a)  Consummation  of a plan  of  merger  to  which  the  domestic
corporation is a constituent entity:

              (1) If approval by the  stockholders is required for the merger by
NRS 92A.120 to 92A.160, inclusive, or the articles of incorporation,  regardless
of whether the stockholder is entitled to vote on the plan of merger; or

              (2) If the domestic corporation is a subsidiary and is merged with
its parent pursuant to NRS 92A.180.

              (b)  Consummation  of a plan of  exchange  to which  the  domestic
corporation is a constituent  entity as the  corporation  whose subject  owner's
interests  will be  acquired,  if his shares are to be  acquired  in the plan of

              (c)  Any  corporate  action  taken  pursuant  to  a  vote  of  the
stockholders  to the  event  that the  articles  of  incorporation,  bylaws or a
resolution  of  the  board  of  directors  provides  that  voting  or  nonvoting
stockholders are entitled to dissent and obtain payment for their shares.

         2. A stockholder who is entitled to dissent and obtain payment pursuant
to NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500,  inclusive,  may not challenge  the corporate  action
creating  his  entitlement  unless the action is  unlawful  or  fraudulent  with
respect to him or the domestic corporation.

NRS 92A.390 Limitations on right of dissent:  Stockholders of certain classes or
series; action of stockholders not required for plan of merger.

         1.  There is no right of  dissent  with  respect to a plan of merger or
exchange in favor of  stockholders  of any class or series which,  at the record
date fixed to determine the  stockholders  entitled to receive  notice of and to
vote at the  meeting at which the plan of merger or  exchange is to be acted on,
were either listed on a national securities  exchange,  included in the national
market system by the National  Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc., or held
by at least 2,000 stockholders of record, unless:

              (a) The articles of incorporation  of the corporation  issuing the
shares provide otherwise; or

              (b) The holders of the class or series are required under the plan
of merger or exchange to accept for the shares anything except:

              (1) Cash,  owner's interests or owner's interests and cash in lieu
of fractional owner's interests of:

                        (I) The surviving or acquiring entity; or


              (II) Any other entity which,  at the effective date of the plan of
merger or  exchange,  were  either  listed on a  national  securities  exchange,
included in the national market system by the National Association of Securities
Dealers,  Inc., or held of record by a least 2,000 holders of owner's  interests
of record; or

         (2) A combination  of cash and owner's  interests of the kind described
in sub-subparagraphs (I) and (II) of subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b).

         2.  There  is no  right  of  dissent  for any  holders  of stock of the
surviving domestic  corporation if the plan of merger does not require action of
the stockholders of the surviving domestic corporation under NRS 92A.130.

NRS 92A.400  Limitations  on right of dissent:  Assertion as to portions only to
shares registered to stockholder; assertion by beneficial stockholder.

         1. A stockholder  of record may assert  dissenter's  rights as to fewer
than all of the shares  registered  in his name only if he dissents with respect
to all shares  beneficially  owned by any one person and  notifies  the  subject
corporation in writing of the name and address of each person on whose behalf he
asserts  dissenter's  rights.  The  rights of a  partial  dissenter  under  this
subsection are determined as if the shares as to which he dissents and his other
shares were registered in the names of different stockholders.

         2. A beneficial  stockholder may assert dissenter's rights as to shares
held on his behalf only if:

              (a) He submits to the subject  corporation  the written consent of
the  stockholder of record to the dissent not later than the time the beneficial
stockholder asserts dissenter's rights; and

              (b) He does so with  respect  to all  shares  of  which  he is the
beneficial stockholder or over which he has power to direct the vote.

NRS 92A.410 Notification of stockholders regarding right of dissent.

         1. If a  proposed  corporate  action  creating  dissenters'  rights  is
submitted to a vote at a stockholders'  meeting,  the notice of the meeting must
state that  stockholders  are or may be  entitled to assert  dissenters'  rights
under NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500,  inclusive,  and be accompanied by a copy of those

         2. If the  corporate  action  creating  dissenters'  rights is taken by
written consent of the stockholders or without a vote of the  stockholders,  the
domestic corporation shall notify in writing all stockholders entitled to assert
dissenters'  rights  that the  action  was taken  and send them the  dissenter's
notice described in NRS 92A.430.

NRS 92A.420 Prerequisites to demand for payment for shares.

         1. If a  proposed  corporate  action  creating  dissenters'  rights  is
submitted to a vote at a  stockholders'  meeting,  a  stockholder  who wishes to
assert dissenter's rights:

              (a) Must  deliver to the subject  corporation,  before the vote is
taken,  written  notice of his  intent to demand  payment  for his shares if the
proposed action is effectuated; and

              (b) Must not vote his shares in favor of the proposed action.

         2. A stockholder who does not satisfy the  requirements of subsection 1
and NRS 92A.400 is not entitled to payment for his shares under this chapter.


NRS 92A.430  Dissenter's  notice:  Delivery to  stockholders  entitled to assert
rights; contents.

         1. If a  proposed  corporate  action  creating  dissenters'  rights  is
authorized at a stockholders'  meeting,  the subject corporation shall deliver a
written dissenter's notice to all stockholders who satisfied the requirements to
assert those rights.

         2. The dissenter's  notice must be sent no later than 10 days after the
effectuation of the corporate action, and must:

              (a) State where the demand for payment  must be sent and where and
when certificates, if any, for shares must be deposited;

              (b) Inform the holders of shares not  represented by  certificates
to what extent the  transfer of the shares will be  restricted  after the demand
for payment is received;

              (c) Supply a form for demanding  payment that includes the date of
the first  announcement to the news media or to the stockholders of the terms of
the proposed action and requires that the person  asserting  dissenter's  rights
certify  whether or not he acquired  beneficial  ownership of the shares  before
that date;

              (d) Set a date by which the subject  corporation  must receive the
demand  for  payment,  which may not be less than 30 nor more than 60 days after
the date the notice is delivered; and

              (e) Be accompanied by a copy of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive.

NRS 92A.440 Demand for payment and deposit of certificates;  retention of rights
of stockholder.

         1. A stockholder to whom a dissenter's notice is sent must:

              (a) Demand payment;

              (b) Certify whether he acquired beneficial ownership of the shares
before  the date  required  to be set forth in the  dissenter's  notice for this
certification; and

              (c) Deposit his certificates, if any, in accordance with the terms
of the notice.

         2. The stockholder  who demands payment and deposits his  certificates,
if any, before the proposed  corporate  action is taken retains all other rights
of a  stockholder  until those  rights are canceled or modified by the taking of
the proposed corporate action.

         3.  The  stockholder  who  does  not  demand  payment  or  deposit  his
certificates  where  required,  each by the  date set  forth in the  dissenter's
notice, is not entitled to payment for his shares under this chapter.

NRS 92A.450 Uncertificated  shares:  Authority to restrict transfer after demand
for payment; retention of rights of stockholder.

         1. The subject  corporation  may  restrict  the  transfer of shares not
represented  by a  certificate  from the date the  demand  for their  payment is

         2. The person for whom dissenter's rights are asserted as to shares not
represented  by a certificate  retains all other rights of a  stockholder  until
those rights are  canceled or modified by the taking of the  proposed  corporate


NRS 92A.460 Payment for shares: General requirements.

         1. Except as otherwise  provided in NRS  92A.470,  within 30 days after
receipt  of a  demand  for  payment,  the  subject  corporation  shall  pay each
dissenter  who  complied  with NRS 92A.440  the amount the  subject  corporation
estimates  to be the fair  value  of his  shares,  plus  accrued  interest.  The
obligation of the subject  corporation  under this subsection may be enforced by
the district court:

              (a) Of the county  where the  corporation's  registered  office is
located; or

              (b) At the  election  of any  dissenter  residing  or  having  its
registered  office in this state,  of the county where the dissenter  resides or
has its registered office. The court shall dispose of the complaint promptly.

         2. The payment must be accompanied by:

              (a) The  subject  corporation's  balance  sheet as of the end of a
fiscal  year  ending  not more  than 16 months  before  the date of  payment,  a
statement of income for that year,  a statement of changes in the  stockholders'
equity for that year and the latest available interim financial  statements,  if

              (b) A statement of the subject corporation's  estimate of the fair
value of the shares;

              (c) An explanation of how the interest was calculated;

              (d) A statement of the dissenter's  rights to demand payment under
NRS 92A.480; and

              (e) A copy of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive.

NRS 92A.470 Payment for shares:  Shares acquired on or after date of dissenter's

         1. A subject corporation may elect to withhold payment from a dissenter
unless he was the  beneficial  owner of the shares  before the date set forth in
the dissenter's  notice as the date of the first  announcement to the news media
or to the stockholders of the terms of the proposed action.

         2. To the extent the subject  corporation  elects to withhold  payment,
after  taking  the  proposed  action,  it shall  estimate  the fair value of the
shares,  plus  accrued  interest,  and  shall  offer to pay this  amount to each
dissenter  who  agrees to  accept it in full  satisfaction  of his  demand.  The
subject corporation shall send with its offer a statement of its estimate of the
fair value of the shares, an explanation of how the interest was calculated, and
a statement of the dissenters' right to demand payment pursuant to NRS 92A.480.

NRS  92A.480  Dissenter's  estimate  of  fair  value:  Notification  of  subject
corporation; demand for payment of estimate.

         1. A dissenter may notify the subject corporation in writing of his own
estimate  of the fair value of his shares and the amount of  interest  due,  and
demand  payment of his estimate,  less any payment  pursuant to NRS 92A.460,  or
reject the offer pursuant to NRS 92A.470 and demand payment of the fair value of
his shares and interest due, if he believes that the amount paid pursuant to NRS
92A.460 or offered  pursuant  to NRS  92A.470 is less than the fair value of his
shares or that the interest due is incorrectly calculated.

         2. A  dissenter  waives his right to demand  payment  pursuant  to this
section  unless he  notifies  the subject  corporation  of his demand in writing
within 30 days after the  subject  corporation  made or offered  payment for his


NRS  92A.490  Legal  proceeding  to  determine  fair  value:  Duties of  subject
corporation; powers of court; rights of dissenter.

         1. If a demand for payment remains unsettled,  the subject  corporation
shall  commence  a  proceeding  within 60 days  after  receiving  the demand and
petition  the  court to  determine  the fair  value of the  shares  and  accrued
interest. If the subject corporation does not commence the proceeding within the
60-day period,  it shall pay each dissenter  whose demand remains  unsettled the
amount demanded.

         2. A subject  corporation shall commence the proceeding in the district
court of the county  where its  registered  office is  located.  If the  subject
corporation is a foreign entity without a resident agent in the state,  it shall
commence  the  proceeding  in the  county  where  the  registered  office of the
domestic  corporation  merged with or whose shares were  acquired by the foreign
entity was located.

         3. The subject  corporation  shall make all dissenters,  whether or not
residents of Nevada,  whose demands remain unsettled,  parties to the proceeding
as in an action against their shares.  All parties must be served with a copy of
the petition.  Nonresidents  may be served by registered or certified mail or by
publication as provided by law.

         4. The  jurisdiction  of the court in which the proceeding is commenced
under  subsection 2 is plenary and exclusive.  The court may appoint one or more
persons as  appraisers  to receive  evidence  and  recommend  a decision  on the
question of fair value.  The appraisers  have the powers  described in the order
appointing  them, or any amendment  thereto.  The dissenters are entitled to the
same discovery rights as parties in other civil proceedings.

         5. Each  dissenter who is made a party to the proceeding is entitled to
a judgment:

              (a) For the  amount,  if any,  by which the  court  finds the fair
value of his  shares,  plus  interest,  exceeds  the amount  paid by the subject
corporation; or

              (b)  For  the  fair  value,   plus   accrued   interest,   of  his
after-acquired  shares for which the  subject  corporation  elected to  withhold
payment pursuant to NRS 92A.470.

NRS 92A.500 Legal  proceeding to determine  fair value:  Assessment of costs and

         1. The court in a proceeding  to determine  fair value shall  determine
all of the costs of the proceeding,  including the reasonable  compensation  and
expenses of any  appraisers  appointed by the court.  The court shall assess the
costs  against the subject  corporation,  except that the court may assess costs
against all or some of the dissenters,  in amounts the court finds equitable, to
the extent the court finds the dissenters acted arbitrarily,  vexatiously or not
in good faith in demanding payment.

         2. The court may also  assess the fees and  expenses of the counsel and
experts for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

              (a) Against the subject corporation and in favor of all dissenters
if the court finds the subject corporation did not substantially comply with the
requirements of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive; or

              (b) Against either the subject corporation or a dissenter in favor
of any other party,  if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and
expenses are assessed acted  arbitrarily,  vexatiously or not in good faith with
respect to the rights provided by NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive.

         3. If the court finds that the  services  of counsel for any  dissenter
were of substantial benefit to other dissenters similarly situated, and that the
fees for those services should not be assessed against the subject  corporation,
the  court  may  award to those  counsel  reasonable  fees to be paid out of the
amounts awarded to the dissenters who were benefited.


         4. In a proceeding  commenced  pursuant to NRS  92A.460,  the court may
assess the costs  against  the  subject  corporation,  except that the court may
assess  costs  against  all or some of the  dissenters  who are  parties  to the
proceeding,  in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds
that such parties did not act in good faith in instituting the proceeding.

         5. This section  does not preclude any party in a proceeding  commenced
pursuant to NRS 92A.460 or 92A.490 from applying the  provisions of N.R.C.P.  68
or NRS 17.115.


                                    Exhibit E

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1
                                   FORM 10-KSB

    ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002

    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from           to
                                                       ----------    ----------.

Commission File Number: 000-49616

                           Global Yacht Services, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Nevada                                                               88-0488686
- ------                                                               ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415, San Diego, California             92108
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Act:

 Title of each class registered:      Name of each exchange on which registered:
 -------------------------------      -----------------------------------------

               None                                          None
               ----                                          ----
Securities registered under Section 12(g) of the Act:

                   Common Stock, Par Value $.001
                          (Title of Class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. [X] Yes [ ] No

Check if there is no disclosure of delinquent filers in response to Item 405 of
Regulation S-B is not contained in this form, and no disclosure will be
contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-KSB
or any amendment to this Form 10-KSB. [ ]

State issuer's revenues for its most recent fiscal year. $87,769.

State the aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held
by non-affiliates computed by reference to the price at which the common equity
was sold, or the average bid and asked price of such common equity, as of a
specified date within the past 60 days. (See definition of affiliate in Rule
12b-2 of the Exchange Act.) As of April 29, 2003, approximately $228,068.

As of April 29, 2003, there were 1,917,277 shares of the issuer's $.001 par
value common stock issued and outstanding.

Documents incorporated by reference. There are no annual reports to security
holders, proxy information statements, or any prospectus filed pursuant to Rule
424 of the Securities Act of 1933 incorporated herein by reference.

Transitional Small Business Disclosure format (check one):

                         [ ]  Yes          [ ]  No


                                     PART I

- --------------------------------

Our Background.  We were incorporated in Nevada on February 21, 2001.

Our Business. We provide a broad range of yacht services in the global
marketplace. Our services include yacht rental and charter, yacht sales and
yacht services, such as the provision of captain, crew, supplies, maintenance,
delivery as well as full-scale contracted care of yachts. Our president, Mitch
Keeler, is an experienced captain and possesses a captain certification from the
U.S. Coast Guard. Mr. Keeler provides professional advice and consultation for
all aspects of yacht lease, purchase and ownership and is available for on site
assistance anywhere in the world.

We currently generate revenues from our charter services, which range from day
charters to full week charters. We currently offer private yacht charters in San
Diego, usually of up to one week in duration as well as corporate charters,
which are typically 3 to 5 hours and short range. We have very few charters that
are longer than one week, however, they do occur. Our officers act as captain
and crew for our charter services, but we often utilize outside businesses for
services such as catering and bartending.

For those charter services, Mr. Keeler did not get paid or reimbursed for
providing the use of his yacht. We do not believe that there are limitations on
our use of Mr. Keeler's yacht in the future, although Mr. Keeler has not made
any formal commitment to provide us with the use of his yacht at no charge. We
anticipate that Mr. Keeler will not expect to be paid or reimbursed for
providing the use of his yacht as long as he is our president and maintains a
significant equity interest in us.

We also have arrangements with four yacht charter companies, which provide that
we may use their yachts for our charter services. Those arrangements provide
that we can rent those companies' yachts for fixed daily and hourly rental fees
ranging from $300 per hour to $3000 per day depending on the size of the yacht.
We cannot guaranty that those yachts will be available in the event that we need
to rent those yachts to provide our services.

We have also generated revenues from our yacht management services and our
delivery services. Yacht management services include managing the yacht for the
owners including routine maintenance, repairs and electronics installation.
Regular maintenance includes services such as exterior and interior cleaning,
bottom cleaning, waxing and zinc replacement. Delivery services include
delivering newly purchased yachts to various locations around the world.

We use subcontractors on a per job basis for various services that we provide.
Those subcontractors are paid by us when we are paid by the client.
Subcontractors for our charter services may include, but are not limited to, the
following: captains, deckhands, stewards, cooks, caterers, entertainment, and
bartenders. Other subcontractors that we use include yacht repair persons and
skilled electronics installers.

Our Products and Services. We intend to be a professional source that the yacht
owner or enthusiast will utilize for all their yachting requirements, including
brokering sales or providing consulting services for yacht purchases, overseeing
delivery to a foreign destination, recruiting captain and crew, procuring and
supervising quality subcontract repairs and routine maintenance, and providing
yacht charter cruises. We intend to provide high quality customer service, which
we hope will result in repeat and referral business.

We currently provide the following services:

o    yacht services such as the provision of captains, engineers and crew, from
     a list of qualified prospects and also supplies and maintenance;
o    deliveries of yachts to worldwide destinations;
o    full-scale contracted care yachts, including interior and exterior cleaning
     twice monthly, exterior waxing twice yearly, bottom cleaning once monthly,
     and routine maintenance;
o    brokering traditional face-to-face yacht sales, of vessels in the $1 -
     $1.5 million range, and;
o    advice and consultation to clients with regard to all aspects of yacht
     lease, purchase, custom construction and ownership, such as consultation at
     a boat show by contract, although we have not generated any revenues from
     theses services.


We are currently equipped to provide all of the above services those services
only require the manpower of our officers and directors and the use of

We intend to provide the following services:

o    yacht sales or lease by means of the website, of vessels in the $500,000
     range; and
o    custom yacht design and construction.

In order to provide the above services, we need to develop our website. We also
intend to establish relationships with various parties including yacht owners,
sellers, brokers, lessors, charter agents, maintenance suppliers, industry
professionals and specialists, captains, crew, engineers, designers, insurance
agents, legal advisors, and government agents. In the high-end yachting
industry, reputation of the company and its personnel is very important to the
customers. Our president, Mitch Keeler has extensive contacts and experience in
all aspects of the yachting industry due to his 20 years in the field as a
licensed yacht captain. We believe that a significant portion of our customers
will be generated by referral from Mr. Keeler's contacts.

Our facilities are located in San Diego, California, giving us a presence in
what we believe is one of the world's largest luxury yacht markets. We also
intend to conduct operations to the eastern Caribbean market through Global
Yacht Services (BVI) Limited, our wholly owned subsidiary. We anticipate that
our subsidiary will establish an office in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, so
that we provide services to that market. Our subsidiary has not conducted any
operations to date.

We anticipate that we will develop our website so that it will function as a
means for global clients to access our range of services and communicate with
us. In California, the chief means of contact will be in person, by mail,
e-mail, phone or fax, although we anticipate that a significant portion of our
business will be conducted away from the office or at the client's location. We
believe that we must be accessible via multiple types of communication systems,
such as cellular phone and email, so that prospects and clients can always reach

We anticipate that we will rely upon effective business systems to grow our
business. We intend to develop an information database to capture client data
for future business development, which will cue our management follow-up calls
to brokers and clients for a regular check up to ensure they are satisfied with
current services. As with many other luxury purchases, luxury yacht purchases
are often cyclical with some clients upgrading to new models every 2 or 3 years.
We hope to serve these clients in making these upgrade purchases. However, we
expect that other clients will maintain their original yacht, but make use of
relevant maintenance services through us.

Our business, as well as the entire recreational boating industry, is highly
seasonal, with seasonality varying in different geographic markets. We expect to
realize significantly lower sales and operations in winter months in climates
that are characterized by cold temperatures or severe weather. However, we
anticipate activity to generally fluctuate with seasonal changes. Our business
could become substantially more seasonal as we expand operations into colder
regions of the United States. In addition, weather conditions adversely impact
our operating results. For example, drought conditions, reduced rainfall levels,
and excessive rain may force boating areas to close or render boating dangerous
or inconvenient, thereby curtailing customer demand for our products. In
addition, unseasonably cool weather and prolonged winter conditions may lead to
shorter selling seasons in certain locations. Hurricanes and other storms could
result in the disruption of our proposed Caribbean operations or damage to our
proposed boat inventories and facilities. As a result, our operating results in
some future quarters could be below our expectations.

Our Website Our current website, which is hosted by a local
provider in San Diego, California, displays our corporate logo and contact
information and provides a general description of our staff, the services that
we provide as well as links to resources of interest to yacht owners. We believe
that there is a need in the global yacht industry for clients to obtain timely
and comprehensive services. We hope to fulfill this need by means of our
website, which we intend to further develop to provide one-stop shopping and
support for clients and prospective clients.


Our Target Markets and Marketing Strategy. We do not believe that our current
operations depend on one or a limited number of customers. We intend to serve
the global high-end luxury yachting market through relationship marketing and
our website. We will begin by providing service in the San Diego region, central
to the southern California yacht market, by approaching existing yacht owners to
act as charter agents. Yacht services such as care-taking or maintenance, making
travel arrangements and brokering captains and crew, yacht delivery world-wide,
yacht sales and general yachting related services will be provided initially in
San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles counties. The southern California region is
second only to Florida in the U.S. market for luxury yachts and services.

We intend to be competitive in price to satisfy those clients who are price
shoppers. However, we intend to provide high quality services, which we believe
will attract loyal clients for whom price will be a secondary consideration. We
will promote our services primarily by means of our website, but also by
relationship-building with yacht brokers, articles and advertisements in trade
publications such as Yachts International, duPont Registry, Yachting, Yachting
World, Sea Magazine and Motor Yachting Magazine, as well as by reputation and
word-of-mouth. Additionally, we anticipate that attendance at a number of boat
shows will be necessary, often in a contract capacity to assist a client to find
a new vessel.

Our Growth Strategy. Our objective is to establish our reputation of providing
preeminent services to luxury yacht owners and users of yacht services initially
in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties. Our strategy is to provide
clients with exceptional personal service and access to products and services.
Key elements of our strategy include:

o    cultivate relationships with existing and potential clients;
o    increase our relationships with third party providers of maintenance and
     repair products and services;
o    continue to promote our website and expand its capabilities; and
o    expand operations in the southern California and eastern Caribbean markets.

Our Competition. The market for luxury yacht sales and services is very
competitive. We compete primarily with single-location boat dealers and yacht
brokers with respect to brokering sales or providing consulting services for
yacht purchases and overseeing delivery to a foreign destination. We also
compete with national specialty marine parts and accessories stores, catalog
retailers, sporting goods stores, and mass merchants with respect to sales of
marine parts, accessories, services and equipment.

We also compete with other providers of yacht charter services and with cruise
ship lines and other forms of vacation choices and types of recreation. In
addition, several of our competitors, especially those selling marine equipment
and accessories, are large international, national or regional businesses that
have substantial financial, marketing, and other resources. Private boat
charters are additional competition.

We intend to compete on the basis of price and quality of service and by
offering a complete range of services. We intend to utilize the experience and
contacts of Mitch Keeler to provide high quality services at a reasonable price.
We believe that Mr. Keeler's experience and contacts in the industry will allow
us to pay less for the services that we subcontract. We also believe that we can
compete by providing a complete range of services, from assisting clients with
purchase, delivery maintenance and sale of their yacht. We can also teach the
client how to operate the boat and understand the systems. We believe that by
offering a total range of services to the yacht owner we can compete effectively
with those competitors that only offer one of the services that we provide.

Additionally, the market for similar products and services offered over the
Internet is highly competitive. There are no substantial barriers to entry in
these markets, and we expect that competition will continue to intensify. Our
yacht purchasing and maintenance services compete against a variety of Internet
and traditional boat and other recreational equipment purchasing services as
well as boat manufacturers, yacht brokers and yacht maintenance companies.
Therefore, the competitive factors faced by both Internet commerce companies as
well as traditional, offline companies within the boating equipment and service
industries affect us. To compete successfully in the global marketplace as an
Internet-based commercial entity, we must significantly increase awareness of
our services and brand name.


We anticipate we will compete with other entities which maintain similar
commercial websites including,,,, and In addition, all major
cruise companies, yacht manufacturers and other boating industry players have
their own websites and many have recently launched or announced plans to launch
online buying services. For example, Campers & Nicholsons, or C&N, which is
based overseas with a long-established history and reputation, uses traditional
means such as relying on referrals, direct mail and high-end catalogue to
generate leads. However, C&N also has a website,, but mostly
relies upon this means of communication to generate calls to brokers. On the
other hand, Yachtstore generates the majority of its business from its website,
where a buyer can conduct transactions from yacht purchases to charter
arrangements without speaking to a live broker. We also compete with yacht
charter or maintenance companies, as well as yacht manufacturers and dealers.
Such companies may already maintain or may introduce websites which compete with

Many of these competitors have greater financial resources than we have,
enabling them to finance acquisition and development opportunities, to pay
higher prices for the same opportunities or to develop and support their own
operations. In addition, many of these companies can offer bundled, value-added
or additional services not provided by us, and may have greater name
recognition. These companies might be willing to sacrifice profitability to
capture a greater portion of the market for yacht sales, service or charters, or
pay higher prices than we would for the same expansion and development
opportunities. Consequently, we may encounter significant competition in our
efforts to achieve our internal growth objectives.

Our Intellectual Property. We do not presently own any patents, trademarks,
copyrights, licenses, concessions or royalties. Our success may depend in part
upon our ability to protect our trade name, preserve our trade secrets, obtain
and maintain patent protection for our technologies, products and processes, and
operate without infringing the proprietary rights of other parties. However, we
may rely on certain proprietary technologies, trade secrets, and know-how that
are not patentable. Although we may take action to protect our unpatented trade
secrets and our proprietary information, in part, by the use of confidentiality
agreements with our employees, consultants and certain of our contractors, we
cannot guaranty that

o    these agreements will not be breached;
o    we would have adequate remedies for any breach; or
o    our proprietary trade secrets and know-how will not otherwise become known
     or be independently developed or discovered by competitors.

We cannot guaranty that our actions will be sufficient to prevent imitation or
duplication of either our products or services by others or prevent others from
claiming violations of their trade secrets and proprietary rights.

We own the Internet domain name Under current domain name
registration practices, no one else can obtain an identical domain name, but
someone might obtain a similar name, or the identical name with a different
suffix, such as ".org", or with a country designation. The regulation of domain
names in the United States and in foreign countries is subject to change, and we
could be unable to prevent third parties from acquiring domain names that
infringe or otherwise decrease the value of our domain names.

Government Regulation. Our yacht sales, maintenance and charter operations are
subject to extensive regulation, supervision, and licensing under various
federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations. For example,
broker services require sales licenses in most states, and boats under charter
must adhere to U.S. Coast Guard standards, including safety regulations such as
those for life-saving equipment, and are subject to various vessel inspection
and testing requirements. Also, vessel manufacturers must certify yachts and all
recreational powerboats sold in the U.S. meet U.S. Coast Guard standards. These
certifications specify standards for the design and construction of yachts and
other powerboats. In addition, yacht safety is subject to federal regulation
under the Boat Safety Act of 1971. The Boat Safety Act requires boat
manufacturers to recall products for replacement of parts or components that
have demonstrated defects affecting safety. In addition, boats manufactured for
sale in other countries must be certified to meet standards in those


Certain states have required or are considering requiring a license to operate a
recreational boat. These licensing requirements are not expected to be unduly
restrictive. They may, however, discourage potential first-time buyers, which
could hinder our ability to generate revenues. In addition, certain state and
local governmental authorities are contemplating regulatory efforts to restrict
boating activities on certain inland bodies of water. While the scope of these
potential regulations is not yet known, their adoption and enforcement could
significant reduce our revenues.

Changes in federal and state tax laws, such as an imposition of luxury taxes on
new boat purchases, also could influence consumers' decisions to purchase
products we offer and could have a negative effect on our sales. For example,
during 1991 and 1992, the federal government imposed a luxury tax on new
recreational boats with sales prices in excess of $100,000, which coincided with
a sharp decline in boating industry sales from the late 1980s compared to 1992.

Our business or that of our subcontractors may involve the use, handling,
storage, and contracting for recycling or disposal of hazardous or toxic
substances or wastes, including environmentally sensitive materials, such as
motor oil, waste motor oil and filters, transmission fluid, antifreeze, freon,
waste paint and lacquer thinner, batteries, solvents, lubricants, degreasing
agents, gasoline, and diesel fuels. Accordingly, we could be subject to
regulation by federal, state, and local authorities establishing investigation
and health and environmental quality standards, and liability related thereto,
and providing penalties for violations of those standards.

In particular, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act, or CERCLA or Superfund, imposes joint, strict, and several
liability on:

o    owners or operators of facilities at, from, or to which a release of
     hazardous substances has occurred;
o    parties who generated hazardous substances that were released at such
     facilities; and
o    parties who transported or arranged for the transportation of hazardous
     substances to such facilities.

A majority of states have adopted Superfund statutes comparable to and, in some
cases, more stringent than CERCLA. In addition, operations conducted on
waterways are subject to federal or state laws regulating navigable waters
(including oil pollution prevention), fish and wildlife, and other matters.

Additionally, Internet access and online services are not subject to direct
regulation in the United States. Changes in the laws and regulations relating to
the telecommunications and media industry, however, could impact our business.
For example, the Federal Communications Commission could begin to regulate the
Internet and online services industry, which could result in increased costs for
us. The laws and regulations applicable to the Internet and to our services are
evolving and unclear and could damage our business. There are currently few laws
or regulations directly applicable to access to, or commerce on, the Internet.
Due to the increasing popularity and use of the Internet, it is possible that
laws and regulations may be adopted, covering issues such as user privacy,
defamation, pricing, taxation, content regulation, quality of products and
services, and intellectual property ownership and infringement. Such legislation
could expose us to substantial liability as well as dampen the growth in use of
the Internet, decrease the acceptance of the Internet as a communications and
commercial medium, or require us to incur significant expenses in complying with
any new regulations. The European Union has recently adopted privacy and
copyright directives that may impose additional burdens and costs on
international operations.

Our Research and Development. We are not currently conducting any research and
development activities, other than the development of our website. We do not
anticipate conducting such activities in the near future.

Employees. As of April 29, 2003, we have no employees other than our officers.
We anticipate that we will not hire any employees in the next six months, unless
we generate significant revenues. From time-to-time, we anticipate that we will
use the services of independent contractors and consultants for the various
services that we provide.

Facilities. Our executive, administrative and operating offices are located 7710
Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415, San Diego, California 92108.


- ---------------------------------

Property held by us. As of the date specified in the following table, we held
the following property:

==================================== ======================================
             Property                                    December 31, 2002
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
Cash                                                               $97,249
==================================== ======================================

Our Facilities. Our executive, administrative and operating office is
approximately 150 square feet and is located in the personal residence of Mitch
Keeler, our president and one of our directors. We have complete ownership of
this office and we do not share this office with any other business. We believe
that our facilities are adequate for our needs and that additional suitable
space will be available on acceptable terms as required. We do not own any real
estate. Mitch Keeler, our president and director, currently provides office
space to us at no charge. We do not have a written lease or sublease agreement
and Mr. Keeler does not expect to be paid or reimbursed for providing office
facilities. Our financial statements reflect, as occupancy costs, the fair
market value of that space, which is approximately $193 per month. That amount
has been included in the financial statements as additional capital contribution
by Mr. Keeler.

- ---------------------------

There are no legal actions pending against us nor are any legal actions
contemplated by us at this time.

- ----------------------------------------------------------

Not applicable.

                                     PART II

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reports to Security Holders. We are a reporting company with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, or SEC. The public may read and copy any materials filed
with the SEC at the SEC's Public Reference Room at 450 Fifth Street N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549. The public may also obtain information on the operation
of the Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The SEC
maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information
statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically
with the SEC. The address of that site is

Prices of Common Stock. We participate in the OTC Bulletin Board, an electronic
quotation medium for securities traded outside of the Nasdaq Stock Market, and
prices for our common stock are published on the OTC Bulletin Board under the
trading symbol "GYHT". This market is extremely limited and the prices quoted
are not a reliable indication of the value of our common stock. As of April 29,
2003 our common stock has not traded.

We are authorized to issue 50,000,000 shares of $.001 par value common stock,
each share of common stock having equal rights and preferences, including voting
privileges. As of December 31, 2002, 1,917,277 shares of our common stock were
issued and outstanding.

There are 12,827 shares that can be sold pursuant to Rule 144 promulgated
pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933. There are no outstanding options or
warrants to purchase, or securities convertible into, shares of our common
stock. There are no outstanding shares of our common stock that we have agreed
to register under the Securities Act for sale by security holders. The
approximate number of holders of record of shares of our common stock is four.

In February 2002, our registration statement on Form SB-2 to register 750,000
shares of common stock to be offered for sale by us, and 50,000 shares of common
stock held by our shareholders was declared effective by the SEC. We sold
634,500 shares of our common stock pursuant to that offering, which resulted in
proceeds to us of $126,900.


There have been no cash dividends declared on our common stock. Dividends are
declared at the sole discretion of our Board of Directors.

Penny Stock Regulation. Shares of our common stock are subject to rules adopted
by the Securities and Exchange Commission that regulate broker-dealer practices
in connection with transactions in "penny stocks". Penny stocks are generally
equity securities with a price of less than $5.00 (other than securities
registered on certain national securities exchanges or quoted on the Nasdaq
system, provided that current price and volume information with respect to
transactions in those securities is provided by the exchange or system). The
penny stock rules require a broker-dealer, prior to a transaction in a penny
stock not otherwise exempt from those rules, deliver a standardized risk
disclosure document prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which
contains the following:

o    a description of the nature and level of risk in the market for penny
     stocks in both public offerings and secondary trading;
o    a description of the broker's or dealer's duties to the customer and of the
     rights and remedies available to the customer with respect to violation to
     such duties or other requirements of securities' laws;
o    a brief, clear, narrative description of a dealer market, including "bid"
     and "ask" prices for penny stocks and the significance of the spread
     between the "bid" and "ask" price;
o    a toll-free telephone number for inquiries on disciplinary actions;
o    definitions of significant terms in the disclosure document or in the
     conduct of trading in penny stocks; and
o    such other information and is in such form (including language, type, size
     and format), as the Securities and Exchange Commission shall require by
     rule or regulation.

Prior to effecting any transaction in penny stock, the broker-dealer also must
provide the customer the following:

o    the bid and offer quotations for the penny stock;
o    the compensation of the broker-dealer and its salesperson in the
o    the number of shares to which such bid and ask prices apply, or other
     comparable information relating to the depth and liquidity of the market
     for such stock; and
o    monthly account statements showing the market value of each penny stock
     held in the customer's account.

In addition, the penny stock rules require that prior to a transaction in a
penny stock not otherwise exempt from those rules, the broker-dealer must make a
special written determination that the penny stock is a suitable investment for
the purchaser and receive the purchaser's written acknowledgment of the receipt
of a risk disclosure statement, a written agreement to transactions involving
penny stocks, and a signed and dated copy of a written suitably statement. These
disclosure requirements may have the effect of reducing the trading activity in
the secondary market for a stock that becomes subject to the penny stock rules.
Holders of shares of our common stock may have difficulty selling those shares
because our common stock will probably be subject to the penny stock rules.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This following information specifies certain forward-looking statements of
management of the company. Forward-looking statements are statements that
estimate the happening of future events are not based on historical fact.
Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking
terminology, such as "may", "shall", "will", "could", "expect", "estimate",
"anticipate", "predict", "probable", "possible", "should", "continue", or
similar terms, variations of those terms or the negative of those terms. The
forward-looking statements specified in the following information have been
compiled by our management on the basis of assumptions made by management and
considered by management to be reasonable. Our future operating results,
however, are impossible to predict and no representation, guaranty, or warranty
is to be inferred from those forward-looking statements.

The assumptions used for purposes of the forward-looking statements specified in
the following information represent estimates of future events and are subject
to uncertainty as to possible changes in economic, legislative, industry, and
other circumstances. As a result, the identification and interpretation of data
and other information and their use in developing and selecting assumptions from
and among reasonable alternatives require the exercise of judgment. To the
extent that the assumed events do not occur, the outcome may vary substantially
from anticipated or projected results, and, accordingly, no opinion is expressed
on the achievability of those forward-looking statements. No assurance can be
given that any of the assumptions relating to the forward-looking statements
specified in the following information are accurate, and we assume no obligation
to update any such forward-looking statements.

Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations section discusses our
consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The
preparation of these financial statements requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and
expenses during the reporting period. On an on-going basis, management evaluates
its estimates and judgments, including those related to revenue recognition,
accrued expenses, financing operations, and contingencies and litigation.
Management bases its estimates and judgments on historical experience and on
various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the
circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about
the carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from
other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different
assumptions or conditions. The most significant accounting estimates inherent in
the preparation of our financial statements include estimates as to the
appropriate carrying value of certain assets and liabilities which are not
readily apparent from other sources. These accounting policies are described at
relevant sections in this discussion and analysis and in the notes to them
consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002.


Liquidity and Capital Resources. We had cash of $97,249 as at December 31, 2002.
We believe that our available cash is sufficient to pay our day-to-day
expenditures. Our total current assets and total assets were approximately
$97,249 as at December 31, 2002. In February 2002, our registration statement on
Form SB-2 to register 750,000 shares of common stock to be offered for sale by
us at $0.20 per share, and 50,000 shares of common stock held by our
shareholders was declared effective by the SEC. As of April 29, 2003, we have
 sold 634,500 shares of common stock for proceeds of $126,900, and we have
terminated the offering.

Our current liabilities were $10,434 as at December 31, 2002, and were
represented by accounts payable and accrued expenses. We had no other
liabilities and no long term commitments or contingencies as at December 31,

Results of Operations.

Revenue. For the year ended December 31, 2002, we realized revenues of $87,769.
This is in comparison to the period from February 21, 2001, our date of
inception, to December 31, 2001, when we realized revenues of approximately
$24,685 from providing charter and yacht management services. We hope to
continue to generate more revenues as we expand our customer base. Our cost of
revenues for the year ended December 31, 2002 was $49,674, making our gross
operating margin $38,095. This is in comparison to our cost of revenues which
were $15,857 from the period from February 21, 2001, our date of inception, to
December 31, 2002. Therefore, our gross operating margin from February 21, 2001,
our date of inception, through December 31, 2002, was $8,828. Because we
increased the scope and volume of our operations, we had greater costs of
generating revenues, but increased our gross operating margin as well.

Operating Expenses. For the year ended December 31, 2002, we had $77,482 in
total operating expenses, compared to the period from February 21, 2001, our
date of inception, through December 31, 2002, where our total operating expenses
were approximately $48,534. For the year ended December 31, 2002, the majority
of those expenses were represented by legal and professional fees of $64,768. We
also had advertising expenses of $350, occupancy expenses of $2,340, office
supplies and expense of $2,112, outside services expenses of $6,000, and $1,912
for telephone and utilities. Therefore, for the year ended December 31, 2002,
our loss from operations was $39,387. We also had $25,076 in other expenses,
which resulted in a net loss of $64,463 before provision for income taxes and
our net loss a total of $65,263. By comparison, for the period from our
inception on February 21, 2001 through December 31, 2002, we experienced a net
loss of approximately $39,706, plus $54 in other income, for a net loss of
$39,652. We anticipate that we will continue to incur significant general and
administrative expenses.

Our Plan of Operation for the Next Twelve Months. In our management's opinion,
to effectuate our business plan in the next twelve months, the following events
should occur or we should reach the following milestones in order for us to
become profitable:

1.       We must conduct marketing activities to promote our services and obtain
         additional customers to increase our customer base. We currently market
         our business primarily through referrals and our website. Our
         president, Mitch Keeler, had a large foundation of business and a
         strong reputation in the industry, which we believe has been
         transferred to us. We believe that referrals comprise approximately 70%
         of our business and business generated from our website is
         approximately 30% of our business. Future marketing will include
         articles and advertisements in industry publications, such as:
         Yachting, Motor Boating, and Sea. Within six months, we should have
         increased our customer base.

2.       We must develop relationships with various parties including yacht
         owners, sellers, brokers, lessors, charter agents, maintenance
         suppliers, industry professionals and specialists, captains, crew,
         engineers, designers, insurance agents, legal advisors, and government
         agents. We believe that these parties will help supply some of our
         services and they may become sources of referrals. Within six to twelve
         months, we should have developed relationships with several of those
         parties who provide some of the services that we offer as well as be
         sources of referrals.


3.       We must develop our website so that it will function as a means for
         global clients to access our range of services and communicate with us
         for support services as well as for use as a marketing tool to inform
         and persuade customers to engage our services. We intend to develop our
         website so that we utilize a database set up on the backend, which will
         capture customer information and allow us to process information
         concerning our clients and potential clients. One objective for our
         website is to interact with clients in "real time" so that they feel
         that their needs are being taken care of professionally and on a
         personal level. Within six to twelve months, we should have developed
         our website to provide those services.

We anticipate that we will use the funds raised from our offering and revenues
generated to fund marketing activities and for working capital. Our failure to
market and promote our services will hinder our ability to increase the size of
our operations and generate additional revenues.

We have cash of $97,249 as of December 31, 2002. In the opinion of management,
available funds will satisfy our working capital requirements for the next
twelve months. Our forecast for the period for which our financial resources
will be adequate to support our operations involves risks and uncertainties and
actual results could fail as a result of a number of factors. In order to expand
our operations, we do not currently anticipate that we will need to raise
additional capital in addition to the funds raised in this offering.

We are not currently conducting any research and development activities, other
than the development of our website. We do not anticipate conducting such
activities in the near future. In the event that we expand our customer base,
then we may need to hire additional employees or independent contractors as well
as purchase or lease additional equipment.

Item 7.  Financial Statements
- -----------------------------

                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                                DECEMBER 31, 2002


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


Consolidated Financial Statements

     Independent Auditors' Report                                           12

     Consolidated Balance Sheet                                             13

     Consolidated Statements of Operations                                  14

     Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity             15

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                  16

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                             17


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Stockholders of
Global Yacht Services, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Global Yacht
Services, Inc. and subsidiary as of December 31, 2002, and the related
consolidated statements of operations, changes in stockholders' equity, and cash
flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility
of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audit. The financial statements of
Global Yacht Services, Inc. and subsidiary for the period February 21, 2001
(inception) through December 31, 2001, were audited by other auditors whose
report dated February 8, 2002, expressed an unqualified opinion on those

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Global Yacht Services, Inc. and
subsidiary as of December 31, 2002 and the results of its operations and its
cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

                                                                 HALL & COMPANY
                                                             Irvine, California


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                DECEMBER 31, 2002

Current assets
   Cash                                                           $      97,249

     Total current assets                                                97,249

       Total assets                                               $      97,249


Current liabilities
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                          $      10,434

     Total current liabilities                                          10,434

Stockholders' Equity
   Common stock, $.001 par value;
     Authorized shares-- 50,000,000
     Issued and outstanding shares-- 1,917,277                            1,917
   Additional paid-in-capital                                           189,813
   Accumulated deficit                                                 (104,915)

     Total stockholders' equity                                          86,815

       Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                 $      97,249

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                            THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001

                                                                 2002                   2001
                                                             -------------         -------------

REVENUES                                                     $      87,769         $      24,685

COST OF REVENUES                                                    49,674                15,857
                                                             -------------         -------------

GROSS MARGIN                                                        38,095                 8,828

   Advertising                                                         350                 1,121
   Legal and professional fees                                      64,768                29,578
   Occupancy                                                         2,340                 1,990
   Office supplies and expense                                       2,112                 4,063
   Outside services                                                  6,000                10,550
   Telephone and utilities                                           1,912                 1,232
                                                             -------------         -------------

     Total operating expenses                                       77,482                48,534
                                                             -------------         -------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                               (39,387)              (39,706)

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                                             (25,076)                   54
                                                             -------------         -------------

LOSS BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                             (64,463)              (39,652)

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX EXPENSE (BENEFIT)                             800                   ---
                                                             -------------         -------------

NET LOSS/COMPREHENSIVE LOSS                                  $     (65,263)        $     (39,652)
                                                             =============         =============

                                                             $        (.04)        $        (.03)
                                                             =============         =============

                                                                 1,691,300             1,199,450
                                                             =============         =============

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                            THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001

                                              COMMON STOCK
                                          ---------------------           PAID-IN                ACCUMULATED
                                          SHARES         AMOUNT           CAPITAL          DEFICIT         TOTAL
                                      ------------    ------------     -------------    -------------   -------------
Balance, December 31, 2001               1,282,777    $      1,283     $      61,207    $     (39,652)  $      22,838

Issuance of common  stock,  May 10,
   2002                                    634,500             634           126,266              ---         126,900

Cost of occupancy
   contributed by officer                      ---             ---             2,340              ---           2,340

Net loss/comprehensive loss                    ---             ---               ---          (65,263)        (65,263)
                                      ------------    ------------     -------------    -------------   -------------

Balance, December 31, 2002               1,917,277    $      1,917     $     189,813    $    (104,915)  $      86,815
                                      ============    ============     =============    =============   =============

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                            THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001

                                                                           2002                  2001
                                                                       -------------        -------------
   Net loss                                                            $     (65,263)       $     (39,652)
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used in operating
       Occupancy costs contributed by officer                                  2,340                1,990
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities
         Increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses                     7,145                3,289
                                                                       -------------        -------------

           Net cash provided/(used) by operating activities                  (55,778)             (34,373)

   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                    126,900               60,500
                                                                       -------------        -------------

           Net cash provided by financing activities                         126,900               60,500
                                                                       -------------        -------------

NET INCREASE IN CASH                                                          71,122               26,127

CASH, beginning of period                                                     26,127                  ---
                                                                       -------------        -------------

CASH, end of period                                                    $      97,249        $      26,127
                                                                       =============        =============

   Income taxes paid                                                   $         800        $         ---
                                                                       =============        =============
   Interest paid                                                       $         ---        $         ---
                                                                       =============        =============

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                           DECEMBER 31, 2002 AND 2001


Business Description - Global Yacht Services, Inc. and its subsidiary (the
"Company") provides chartering, delivery, maintenance and consulting services to
luxury yacht owners and manufacturers. The Company's President is a United
States Coast Guard certified captain. The Company was incorporated in the state
of Nevada on February 21, 2001 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.

Principles of Consolidation - The accompanying consolidated financial statements
include the accounts of Global Yacht Services, Inc. and its majority owned
subsidiary Global Yacht Services, Ltd. (collectively, the "Company"). All
significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated, if any.

Cash Equivalents - For purposes of the balance sheet and statement of cash
flows, the Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with
maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Receivables - Receivables, if any, represent valid claims against debtors for
sales or other charges arising on or before the balance-sheet date and are
reduced to their estimated net realizable value. An allowance for doubtful
accounts is computed as a percentage (%) of sales.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments - The carrying amount of the Company's
financial instruments, which includes cash and accounts payable and accrued
expenses approximate their fair value due to the short period to maturity of
these instruments.

Recognition of Revenue - The Company records revenues of its services when they
are complete, fee is fixed and determinable, and collectibility is reasonably
assured. The Company will also provide an allowance for returns when experience
is established. Cost of goods sold consists of fuel, docking fees, supplies and
cost of services and related expenses of personnel used.

Advertising Costs - The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred.

Income Taxes - The Company recognizes deferred tax assets and liabilities based
on differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and
liabilities using the enacted tax rates and laws that are expected to be in
effect when the differences are expected to be recovered. The Company provides a
valuation allowance for deferred tax assets for which it does not consider
realization of such assets to be more likely than not.

Net Loss per Common Share - The Company has adopted the provisions of Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, "Earnings Per Share" ("SFAS 128").
SFAS 128 requires the reporting of basic and diluted earnings/loss per share.
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing net loss by the weighted average
number of outstanding common shares during the period.


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                           DECEMBER 31, 2002 AND 2001


Comprehensive Loss - The Company applies Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income" ("SFAS 130"). SFAS 130
establishes standards for the reporting and display of comprehensive income or
loss, requiring its components to be reported in a financial statement that is
displayed with the same prominence as other financial statements. For the period
ended December 31, 2001, the Company had no other components of its
comprehensive income or loss other than the net loss as reported on the
consolidated statement of operations.

Accounting Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity
with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ
from those estimates.


As shown in the accompanying consolidated financial statements, the Company has
incurred a net operating loss of $104,915 since inception on February 21, 2001
through December 31, 2002. Management believes its existing cash resources of
approximately $96,000 will be sufficient over the next twelve months to continue
the expansion of its business plan and operations.

The Company occupies office space within the officer's residence. Accordingly,
occupancy costs have been allocated to the Company based on the square foot
percentage assumed multiplied by the officer's total monthly costs. These
amounts are shown in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for
years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Accrued Wages and Compensated Absences - The Company currently does not have any
employees. The majority of development costs and services have been provided to
the Company by the officers and outside, third party vendors. As such, there is
no accrual for wages or compensated absences as of December 31, 2002 and 2001.


On February 22, 2001, the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of its common stock to
its officer and founder for $10,000 cash to initially capitalize the Company.
Since there was no readily available market value at the time the shares were
issued, the value of $0.01 per share was considered as a reasonable estimate of
fair value between the officer and the Company.


                           GLOBAL YACHT SERVICES, INC.


                           DECEMBER 31, 2002 AND 2001

NOTE 4 - COMMON STOCK (Continued)

On May 4, 2001, the Company issued 5,000 shares of its common stock to an
officer for $500 cash. Since there was no readily available market value at the
time the shares were issued, the value of $0.10 per share was considered as a
reasonable estimate of fair value between the office and the Company.

On May 31, 2001, the Company completed a "best efforts" offering of its common
stock pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 and
Regulation S promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In
accordance with the Private Placement Memorandum Offering, the Company issued
277,777 shares of its common stock at $0.18 per share for a total of $50,000.

On May 10, 2002, the Company issued 634,500 shares of its common stock at a
selling price of $0.20 per share pursuant to its prospectus as filed with its
registration statement on Form SB-2. The net proceeds were $126,900.


At December 31, 2002, the Company has available for federal income tax purposes
a net operating loss carryforward of approximately $104,915, expiring at various
dates through 2022, that may be used to offset future taxable income. Therefore,
the provision for income taxes includes only the minimum state franchise tax of

In addition, the Company has deferred tax assets of approximately $24,000 at
December 31, 2002. The Company has not recorded a benefit from its net operating
loss carryforward because realization of the benefit is uncertain and,
therefore, a valuation allowance of ($24,000) has been provided for the deferred
tax assets.


On February 22, 2001 and May 4, 2001, the Company issued 1,000,000 and 5,000
shares of its common stock, respectively to it current officers for cash as
described in Note 4.

The Company occupies office space provided by its officer. Accordingly,
occupancy costs have been allocated to the Company based on the square foot
percentage assumed multiplied by the officer's total monthly costs. These
amounts are shown in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for
the year ended December 31, 2002 and for the period February 21, 2001
(inception) through December 31, 2001 and are considered additional
contributions of capital by the officer and the Company.


The financial statements required by Item 7 are presented in the following

- -------------------------------------------------------

On November 11, 2002, our Board of Directors voted to replace our independent
accountant, Quintanilla Accountancy Corporation ("Quintanilla"). Effective as of
November 11, 2002, our new independent accountant is Hall & Company, certified
public accountants ("Hall & Company"). We retained the accounting firm of Hall &
Company on November 11, 2002, to make an examination of our financial statements
for the 2002 fiscal year. We authorized Quintanilla to respond fully to any
inquiries from Hall & Company and to make its work papers available to Hall &

The reports of Quintanilla from February 21, 2001, the date of our inception,
through November 11, 2002, did not contain any adverse opinion, disclaimer of
opinion, or qualification or modification as to the certainty, audit scope or
accounting principles. During February 21, 2001 through November 11, 2002, there
were no disagreements between us and Quintanilla on any matter of accounting
principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or
procedure. In addition, during February 21, 2001 through November 11, 2002,
there were no "reportable events" within the meaning of Item 304 of the
Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation S-K.

                                    PART III

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Executive Officers and Directors. We are dependent on the efforts and abilities
of certain of our senior management. The interruption of the services of key
management could hinder our ability to conduct operations and complete future
development, if suitable replacements are not promptly obtained. We hope that we
will enter into employment agreements with Mitch Keeler and Melissa Day.
Although we do not know the terms of those proposed agreements, we hope to enter
into an employment agreement with Mitch Keeler and Melissa Day with a term of at
least one year with compensation contingent on us becoming profitable. We cannot
guaranty that each executive will remain with us during or after the term of his
or her employment agreement. In addition, our success depends, in part, upon our
ability to attract and retain other talented personnel. Although we believe that
our relations with our personnel are good and that we will continue to be
successful in attracting and retaining qualified personnel, we cannot guaranty
that we will be able to continue to do so. Our officers and directors will hold
office until their resignations or removal.

Our directors and principal executive officers are as specified on the following

=============================== =============== ================================
Name                                 Age        Position
- ------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------
Mitch Keeler                          45        President and Director
- ------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------
Melissa Day                           34        Secretary, Treasurer, Director
=============================== =============== ================================

Mitch Keeler. Mr. Keeler is our president and one of our directors since our
inception. Mr. Keeler is our principal executive officer and is responsible for
our day-to-day operations. Mr. Keeler currently devotes approximately 40 hours
per week to our business. Mr. Keeler has been a licensed yacht captain for the
past twenty years. He has a 100 Ton Master license, and is qualified for motor
and sail operations and commercial assistance towing. He also has completed the
following courses: U.S. Coast Guard Advanced Navigation; the Shipboard
Firefighting School, Coast Guard Certified Course at Mobile, Alabama and the
Maritime Consortium Compliance with U.S. Coast Guard Drug Testing Regulations.
From 1997 to the present, Mr. Keeler has been the owner and operator of
Tlaquepaque Yacht Charters, managing the crew and performing routine maintenance
on a cruising route between Baja California, Mexico to Santa Barbara, CA.
Tlaquepaque Yacht Charters' current operations include the rental of Mr.
Keeler's yacht, Tlaquepaque, to other yacht charter service companies. Mr.
Keeler currently devotes less than two hours per month on the business of
Tlaquepaque Yacht Charters. Also from 1997 to the present, he has served as a
tugboat captain for West Coast Tugs, where he moves various vessels and barges,
works closely with pilots, and trains the crew. From 1994 to 1997, he served as
the operations manager and captain for San Diego Harbor Excursions, conducting
both ferry and dinner charters as the Captain of the Spirit of San Diego, a 120'
Blaunt 600 passenger charter yacht. He also served as the manager of charters,
performing maintenance, Coast Guard inspections, and personnel and deliveries.
Prior to 1994, he was the captain of vessels ranging between 65' and 120', and
has experience including interisland cruising in Hawaii, returning a vessel to
Newport Beach from Kauai, Pacific yacht racing, long range cruising, conducting
sport fishing charters, dinner cruises and whale watching trips. Mr. Keeler has
not been a director of any other reporting company.

Melissa Day. Ms. Day has been our secretary and treasurer since our inception
and was appointed one of our directors in August 2001. Ms. Day is our principal
financial and accounting officer and is responsible for all of our financial
reporting and record keeping. Ms. Day currently devotes approximately 40 hours
per week to our business. Ms. Day has experience in the charter industry and has
experience in advertising, web site design, graphic art and marketing. Ms. Day
is a Microsoft Certified Professional in Windows NT, and has experience in
network administration, design and installation. From 1999 to 2000, Ms. Day was
a technical marketing director for Technology Answers, and in 1999 a Marketing
Director of Information Systems for CFS Management. She was the Assistant NT
Systems Administrator from 1998 to 1999 for Centrax Corporation, and from 1996
to 1998 was the owner of Business Systems Consulting, providing consulting
services for technical-based business. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in
business administration from the University of Southern California, with an
emphasis in marketing and entrepreneurship, which she earned in 1993, and has an
Associates degree in Computer Applications and Networks from Coleman College in
La Mesa, California. Ms. Day is not an officer or director of any other
reporting company.


There is no family relationship between any of our officers or directors. There
are no orders, judgments, or decrees of any governmental agency or
administrator, or of any court of competent jurisdiction, revoking or suspending
for cause any license, permit or other authority to engage in the securities
business or in the sale of a particular security or temporarily or permanently
restraining any of our officers or directors from engaging in or continuing any
conduct, practice or employment in connection with the purchase or sale of
securities, or convicting such person of any felony or misdemeanor involving a
security, or any aspect of the securities business or of theft or of any felony.
Nor are any of the officers or directors of any corporation or entity affiliated
with us so enjoined.

Our directors will serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders. Our
executive officers are appointed by our Board of Directors and serve at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance. Our officers,
directors, and principal shareholders have filed all reports required to be
filed on, respectively, a Form 3 (Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership of
Securities), a Form 4 (Statement of Changes of Beneficial Ownership of
Securities), or a Form 5 (Annual Statement of Beneficial Ownership of

- --------------------------------

Any compensation received by our officers, directors, and management personnel
will be determined from time to time by our Board of Directors. Our officers,
directors, and management personnel will be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket
expenses incurred on our behalf.

Summary Compensation Table. The table set forth below summarizes the annual and
long-term compensation for services in all capacities to us payable to our chief
executive officer and our other executive officers during the year ended
December 31, 2002. Our Board of Directors may adopt an incentive stock option
plan for our executive officers which would result in additional compensation.

==================================== ======= ============= ============= ===================== ==========================
Name and Principal Position           Year      Annual      Bonus ($)        Other Annual       All Other Compensation
                                              Salary ($)                   Compensation ($)
- ------------------------------------ ------- ------------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------
Mitch Keeler - president             2002        None          None              None                    None
- ------------------------------------ ------- ------------- ------------- --------------------- --------------------------
Melissa Day - secretary, treasurer   2002        None          None              None                    None
==================================== ======= ============= ============= ===================== ==========================

Compensation of Directors.  Our current directors are also our employees
and receive no extra compensation for their service on our board of directors.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of our common stock as of April 29, 2003, by each person or entity
known by us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares
of common stock, each of our directors and named executive officers, and all of
our directors and executive officers as a group.

Title of Class           Name of Beneficial Owner                              Amount and Nature of           Percent of Class
                                                                               Beneficial Owner
- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------

Common Stock             Mitch Keeler                                          1,000,000 shares, president,          52.16%
                         7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415, San Diego,               director
                         California 92108

Common Stock             Melissa Day                                             5,000 shares, secretary,            0.26%
                         7710 Hazard Center Drive, Suite E-415, San Diego,          treasurer, director
                         California 92108

Common Stock             Flexgene Corp.                                               180,555 shares                 9.42%
                         The Mill Mall, Barkers
                         P.O. Box 62
                         Roadtown, Tortola, BVI

Common Stock             Carib-Ventures Inc.                                           97,222 shares                 5.07%
                         Caribbean Place, Suite #3
                         P.O. Box 599
                         Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI

Common Stock             All directors and named executive officers as a             1,005,000 shares                52.42%

The officer, director and shareholder of Flexgene Corp. is Martin Regan. The
director of Carib-Ventures Inc. is Sterling Directors Ltd. and Keith Burant. The
shareholder of Carib-Ventures Inc. is Meridian Trust Company Limited, which is
controlled by Keith Burant.


Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and generally includes voting or investment
power with respect to securities. In accordance with Securities and Exchange
Commission rules, shares of our common stock which may be acquired upon exercise
of stock options or warrants which are currently exercisable or which become
exercisable within 60 days of the date of the table are deemed beneficially
owned by the optionees. Subject to community property laws, where applicable,
the persons or entities named in the table above have sole voting and investment
power with respect to all shares of our common stock indicated as beneficially
owned by them.

- ---------------------------------------------------------

Related party transactions.

Mitch Keeler, our president and director, currently provides office space to us
at no charge. Mr. Keeler does not expect to be paid or reimbursed for providing
office facilities. Our financial statements reflect, as occupancy costs, the
fair market value of that space, which is approximately $193 per month. That
amount has been included in the financial statements as additional capital
contribution by Mr. Keeler.

Our president, Mitch Keeler, owns one yacht, Tlaquepaque, which is used for our
charter services. Mr. Keeler does not expect to be paid or reimbursed for
providing the use of his yacht.

In February 2001, we issued 1,000,000 shares of our common stock to Mitch
Keeler, our president and one of our directors, in exchange for $10,000, or
$0.01 per share.

In May 2001, we issued 5,000 shares of our common stock to Melissa Day, our
secretary, treasurer and one of our directors, in exchange for $500, or $0.10
per share.

With regard to any future related party transaction, we plan to fully disclose
any and all related party transactions, including, but not limited to, the

o    disclosing such transactions in prospectuses where required;
o    disclosing in any and all filings with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission, where required;
o    obtaining disinterested directors consent; and
o    obtaining shareholder consent where required.

- ------------------------------------------

(a) Exhibit No.
- ---------------

3.1                   Articles of Incorporation*

3.2                   Certificate of Amendment to Articles of

3.3                   Bylaws*

99.1                  Section 906 Certification by Chief Executive Officer

99.2                  Section 906 Certification by Chief Financial Officer

* Included in the registration statement on Form SB-2 filed on September 21,

(b) Reports on Form 8-K
- -----------------------

No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last quarter of the period covered
by this annual report on Form 10-KSB, except for the following:

On November 12, 2002, we filed a report on Form 8-K to report our change in


(a) Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures. We maintain controls and
procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the
reports that we file or submit under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is
recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified
in the rules and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Based upon
their evaluation of those controls and procedures performed within 90 days of
the filing date of this report, our chief executive officer and the principal
financial officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were

(b) Changes in internal controls. There were no significant changes in our
internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect these
controls subsequent to the date of the evaluation of those controls by the chief
executive officer and principal financial officer.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned in the City of San Diego, on April 29, 2003.

                               Global Yacht Services, Inc.,
                               a Nevada corporation

                               By:      /s/   Mitch Keeler
                                        Mitch Keeler
                               Its:     president, principal executive officer,

In accordance with the Exchange Act, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By:      /s/   Mitch Keeler                                   April 29, 2003
         Mitch Keeler
Its:     president, principal executive officer, director

By:      /s/  Melissa Day                                     April 29, 2003
         Melissa Day
Its:     secretary, treasurer, director


- --------------

I, Mitch Keeler, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-KSB of Global Yacht Services,

2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements
were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material
respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and have:

         a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that
         material information relating to the registrant, including its
         consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
         entities, particularly during the period in which this annual report is
         being prepared;

         b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls
         and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of
         this annual report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

         c) presented in this annual report our conclusions about the
         effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our
         evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

         a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
         controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to
         record, process, summarize and report financial data and have
         identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in
         internal controls; and

         b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
         other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
         internal controls; and

6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this
annual report whether there were significant changes in internal controls or in
other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to
the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with
regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: April 29, 2003

/s/ Mitch Keeler
- -----------------------
Mitch Keeler
Chief Executive Officer


- --------------
I, Melissa Day, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-KSB of Global Yacht Services,

2. Based on my knowledge, this annual report does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements
were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this annual

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial
information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material
respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and have:

         a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that
         material information relating to the registrant, including its
         consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
         entities, particularly during the period in which this annual report is
         being prepared;

         b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls
         and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of
         this annual report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

         c) presented in this annual report our conclusions about the
         effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our
         evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

         a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
         controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to
         record, process, summarize and report financial data and have
         identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in
         internal controls; and

         b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
         other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
         internal controls; and

6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this
annual report whether there were significant changes in internal controls or in
other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to
the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with
regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: April 29, 2003

/s/  Melissa Day
- -----------------------
Melissa Day
Chief Financial Officer

                            CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                             18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
                             AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO
                  SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

In connection with the Annual Report of Global Yacht Services, Inc. a Nevada
corporation (the "Company") on Form 10-KSB for the year ending December 31,
2002, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof
(the "Report"), Mitch Keeler, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, certifies
to the best of his knowledge, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, as adopted
pursuant to ss. 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (1)  The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or
          15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all
          material respects, the financial condition and result of operations of
          the Company.

A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been
provided to Global Yacht Services, Inc., and will be retained by Global Yacht
Services, Inc. and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its
staff upon request.

/s/ Mitch Keeler
- --------------------------------------
Mitch Keeler
Chief Executive Officer
April 29, 2003

                            CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
                             18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
                             AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO
                  SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

In connection with the Annual Report of Global Yacht Services, Inc. a Nevada
corporation (the "Company") on Form 10-KSB for the year ending December 31,
2002, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof
(the "Report"), Melissa Day, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, certifies
to the best of her knowledge, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, as adopted
pursuant to ss. 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (1)  The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or
          15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all
          material respects, the financial condition and result of operations of
          the Company.

A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been
provided to Global Yacht Services, Inc., and will be retained by Global Yacht
Services, Inc. and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its
staff upon request.

/s/ Melissa Day
- ---------------------------------
Melissa Day
Chief Financial Officer
April 29, 2003

                                    Exhibit F


                        DELIATROPH PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                          (A Development Stage Company)

                              Financial Statements

                                December 31, 2003

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
DeliaTroph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying  balance sheets of DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., doing business as Hyalozyme Therapeutics, (a California corporation) as of
December  31,  2003  and  2002,  and  the  related   statements  of  operations,
shareholders'  equity and cash flows for the years then ended and for the period
from  inception  (February  26,  1998) to December  31,  2003.  These  financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial  position of DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc. as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the results of its operations and its
cash flows for the years then ended and for the period from inception  (February
26,  1998) to December  31,  2003,  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared  assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in  Note 8 to the
financial   statements,   the  Company's   significant  operating  losses  raise
substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. Management's
plans  regarding  this  uncertainty  are also described in Note 8. The financial
statements do not include any adjustments  that might result from the outcome of
this uncertainty.


Irvine, CA
January 7, 2004


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General - DeliaTroph  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. (a  development  stage company) dba
Hyalozyme  Therapeutics,  Inc. (the "Company") was  incorporated on February 26,
1998 and is a development stage, product-focused biotechnology company dedicated
to the development and commercialization of recombinant  therapeutic enzymes and
drug enhancement systems,  based on intellectual property covering the family of
enzymes known as hyaluronidases.

Basis of Presentation - The accompanying financial statements have been prepared
in  accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the United

Cash and Cash Equivalents - The Company considers all highly liquid  investments
with  maturities  of three months or less from the original  purchase date to be
cash equivalents.

Concentration of Credit Risk - Financial  instruments  that potentially  subject
the  Company  to a  concentration  of  credit  risk  consist  of cash  and  cash
equivalents.  The Company  maintains its cash balances with one major commercial
bank. The balances are insured by the Federal Deposit  Insurance  Corporation up
to $100,000.

Property and Equipment - Property and equipment are recorded at cost.  Equipment
and furniture are depreciated using the straight-line basis over their estimated
useful lives of three years and leasehold  improvements  are amortized using the
straight-line  method over the  estimated  useful life of the asset or the lease
term, whichever is shorter.

Long-Lived  Assets - The Company  accounts for the impairment and disposition of
long-lived  assets  in  accordance  with  Statements  of  Financial   Accounting
Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  144,  Accounting  for the  Impairment  or  Disposal of
Long-Lived  Assets.  In  accordance  with SFAS No.  144,  long-lived  assets are
reviewed  for events of  changes in  circumstances,  which  indicate  that their
carrying  value may not be  recoverable.  At  December  31,  2003,  the  Company
believes there has been no impairment of the value of such assets.

Income  Taxes - Income  taxes are  recorded  in  accordance  with SFAS No.  109,
Accounting for Income Taxes. This statement requires the recognition of deferred
tax assets and liabilities to reflect the future tax consequences of events that
have been  recognized  in the  Company's  financial  statements  or tax returns.
Measurement of the deferred items is based on enacted tax laws. In the event the
future  consequences of differences  between  financial  reporting bases and tax
bases of the Company's  assets and  liabilities  result in a deferred tax asset,
SFAS No. 109 requires an evaluation of the  probability of being able to realize
the future benefits indicated by such assets. A valuation allowance related to a
deferred tax asset is recorded when it is more likely than not that some portion
or all of the deferred tax asset will not be realized. At December 31, 2003, the
Company had federal and state  deferred tax assets of  approximately  $1,200,000
and $300,000,  respectively,  both  consisting  primarily of net operating  loss
carryforwards.  The Company has recorded a full valuation  allowance for all net
deferred  tax assets  generated to date.  The deferred tax assets and  valuation
allowances increased  approximately  $800,000 in 2003. The federal and state net
operating  losses of  approximately  $3,400,000 will begin to expire in 2018 and
2008, respectively.

Stock-Based  Compensation - The Company has elected to adopt the disclosure only
provisions  of SFAS No. 148 and will  continue  to follow APB Opinion No. 25 and
related interpretations in accounting for stock options granted to its employees
and  directors.  Accordingly,  employee  and  director  compensation  expense is
recognized  only for those  options whose price is less than the market value at
the measurement  date. When the exercise price of the employee or director stock
options is less then the  estimated  fair value of the  underlying  stock on the
grant date, the Company  records  deferred  compensation  for the difference and
amortizes this amount to expense in accordance with FASB  Interpretation No. 28,
Accounting  for Stock  Appreciation  Rights and Other  Variable Stock Options or
Award Plans, over the vesting period of the options.

Stock  options  issued to  non-employees  are  recorded  at their  fair value as
determined  in  accordance  with SFAS No.  123 and  Emerging  Issues  Task Force
("EITF") No. 96-18,  Accounting for Equity  Instruments That Are Issued to Other
Than Employees for Acquiring or in  Conjunction  With Selling Goods or Services,
and recognized  over the related service  period.  Deferred  charges for options
granted to non-employees  are periodically  re-measured as the options vest. The
Company's  calculations were made using the Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model
with the  following  weighted-average  assumptions:  expected life of 48 months;
100% stock volatility;  risk-free interest rate of 3.0%; no dividends during the
expected term; and forfeitures recognized as they occur.

For purposes of pro forma  disclosures,  the estimated fair value of the options
is amortized  to expense over the  estimated  life of the related  options.  The
Company's pro forma information follows (in thousands except per share data):

                                                             Year Ended
                                                           2003          2002
                                                        -------       -------

Net loss, as reported                                   $(2,115)      $(1,135)

Deduct:  Total stock-based employee
Compensation expense determined under
Fair value based method for all awards                  $  (149)      $    (1)
                                                        -------       -------

Pro forma net loss                                      $(2,264)      $(1,136)
                                                        =======       =======

Net loss per share, basic and diluted, as reported      $ (0.31)      $ (0.25)
                                                        =======       =======

Pro  forma  net loss per  share,  basic  and  diluted  $ (0.33) $ (0.25)  Use of
Estimates  -  The  preparation  of  financial   statements  in  conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
necessarily  requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect
the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of contingent
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses  during the reporting  periods.  Actual results
could differ from these estimates.

Comprehensive  Income  (Loss) -  Comprehensive  income  (loss) is defined as all
changes in a company's net assets,  except changes  resulting from  transactions
with shareholders.  At December 31, 2003 and 2002, the Company has no reportable
differences between net loss and comprehensive loss.

Research  and  development  costs -  Costs  and  expenses  that  can be  clearly
identified  as research  and  development  are charged to expense as incurred in
accordance  with FASB statement No. 2,  "Accounting for Research and Development

Net loss per share - In accordance  with SFAS No. 128,  Earnings Per Share,  and
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 98, basic net loss per common share is
computed by dividing net loss for the period by the weighted  average  number of
common shares  outstanding  during the period.  Under SFAS No. 128,  diluted net
income  (loss) per share is computed by dividing  the net income  (loss) for the
period by the weighted  average number of common and common  equivalent  shares,
such as stock options and warrants,  outstanding during the period.  Such common
equivalent  shares have not been  included in the Company's  computation  of net
loss per share as their effect would have been anti-dilutive.

                                                                                 2003                   2002

Numerator - Net loss                                                            $ (2,115,025)          $ (1,134,765)
                                                                           ==================    ===================

Denominator - Weighted average shares outstanding                                  6,826,109              4,599,591
                                                                           ==================    ===================

Net loss per share                                                                   $ (0.31)               $ (0.25)
                                                                           ==================    ===================

Incremental  common shares (not included in denominator of diluted  earnings per
share because of their anti-dilutive nature)

        Employee stock options                                                     6,392,567                168,710
        Warrants to outside parties                                                   67,129                      -
        Warrants on notes                                                            867,419                315,830
        Series B warrants                                                            361,969                361,969
        Series C warrants                                                          2,367,114                      -
        Series C option                                                           15,304,804                      -
        Warrants issuable if Series C option is exercised                          7,652,402                      -
                                                                           ------------------    -------------------

        Potential common equivalents                                              33,013,404                846,509
                                                                           ==================    ===================

If all currently  outstanding  potential common  equivalents are exercised,  the
Company would receive proceeds of approximately $25.3 million.

Recent  Accounting  Pronouncements  - In August 2001,  the Financial  Accounting
Standards Board ("FASB")  issued SFAS No. 144,  Accounting for the Impairment or
Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. This statement addresses financial accounting and
reporting for the  impairment or disposal of  long-lived  assets and  supersedes
SFAS  No.  91,  Accounting  for the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets  and for
Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of, and the accounting and reporting provisions
of APB  Opinion No. 30,  Reporting  the Results of  Operations  - Reporting  the
Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary,  Unusual, and
Infrequently  Occurring  Events and  Transactions.  This  statement  also amends
Accounting  Research  Bulletin No. 51,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  to
eliminate the exception to  consolidation  for a subsidiary for which control is
likely  to  be   temporary.   The   provisions   are  generally  to  be  applied
prospectively.  The Company  adopted the provisions of this statement  effective
January 1, 2002. The adoption of SFAS No. 144 did not have a significant  impact
on the Company's financial statements.

In July 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 146, Accounting for Costs Associated with
Exit or Disposal Activities,  which addresses financial accounting and reporting
for costs  associated with exit or disposal  activities and supersedes  Emerging
Issues  Task Force  ("ETIF")  Issue  94-3,  Liability  Recognition  for  Certain
Employee  Termination  Benefits  and Other Costs to Exit an Activity  (including
Certain  Costs  Incurred  in a  Restructuring).  SFAS No.  146  requires  that a
liability  for an exit cost, as defined in ETIF Issue 94-3, be recognized at the
date of an entity's  commitment to an exit plan.  SFAS No. 146 also  establishes
that the liability  should initially be measured and recorded at fair value. The
provisions of SFAS No. 146 will be adopted for exit or disposal  activities that
are initiated after December 31, 2002.

In  November  2002,  the  FASB  issued  FASB   Interpretation  No.  ("FIN")  45,
Guarantor's  Accounting and Disclosure  Requirements  for Guarantees,  Including
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others,  an  interpretation of FASB Statement Nos.
5, 57 and 107, and  rescission of FIN 34,  Disclosure of Indirect  Guarantees of
Indebtedness  of Others.  FIN 45 elaborates on the disclosures to be made by the
guarantor in its interim and annual  financial  statements about its obligations
under certain  guarantees that it has issued.  It also requires that a guarantor
recognize,  at the  inception of a guarantee,  a liability for the fair value of
the obligation undertaken in issuing the guarantee.  The initial recognition and
measurement  provisions of this  interpretation  are applicable on a prospective
basis to  guarantees  issued or modified  after  December  31,  2002;  while the
provisions of the disclosure requirements are effective for financial statements
of interim or annual  periods  ending  after  December  15,  2002.  The  Company
believes the adoption of the recognition  provisions of such interpretation will
not have a material  impact on its results of operations  or financial  position
and has adopted such interpretation on January 1, 2003, as required.

In December  2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No.  148,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure - an amendment of SFAS No. 123. This
statement  amends SFAS No. 123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,  to
provide  alternative  methods of transition  for a voluntary  change to the fair
value-based  method of accounting  for  stock-based  employee  compensation.  In
addition,  this statement amends the disclosure  requirements of SFAS No. 123 to
require prominent  disclosures in both annual and interim  financial  statements
about the method of accounting for  stock-based  employee  compensation  and the
effect of the method used on reported results.

In May 2003,  the FASB  issued SFAS No. 150,  Accounting  for Certain  Financial
Instruments  with   Characteristics  of  Both  Liabilities  and  Equity,   which
establishes  standards  for  how  an  issuer  classifies  and  measures  certain
financial  instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity. This
statement is effective for financial  instruments entered into or modified after
May 31, 2003 and  otherwise is effective at the  beginning of the first  interim
period beginning after June 15, 2003, except for mandatory  redeemable financial
instruments  of  nonpublic  companies.   For  nonpublic   companies,   mandatory
redeemable financial instruments are subject to the provisions of this statement
for the first fiscal period  beginning after December 15, 2003. The Company does
not believe that the adoption of this statement  will have a significant  impact
on its financial statements.


                                                       2003            2002

Research equipment                                  $ 195,534       $ 168,445
Office equipment and furniture                         59,687          30,254
Leasehold improvements                                 84,573          68,636
                                                    ---------       ---------
                                                      339,794         267,335

Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       (208,890)       (133,165)
                                                    ---------       ---------

                                                    $ 130,904       $ 134,170


                                                       2003            2002

Accrued wages payable                               $  11,000       $  86,667
Accrued vacation payable                               39,162          22,418
                                                    ---------       ---------

                                                    $  50,162       $ 109,085
                                                    =========       =========

The 2002 accrued wages  payable were due to two former  officers and one current
officer of the Company.  The former  officers  were paid their  accrued wages of
$50,000 in February  2003.  The remaining  balance of $36,667 was converted to a
note payable in February 2003.  This note was  subsequently  converted to common
stock (see Note 4).


In 2002, the Company issued 10% promissory  notes in the amount of $355,000.  As
amended,  principal and interest automatically convert to common stock at $0.449
per share at the  closing  of the next  equity  financing  in which the  Company
receives gross proceeds of at least $800,000. Because market value of the common
shares  was below the  conversion  price at the  commitment  date,  there was no
beneficial  conversion feature.  The notes carried a 40 percent warrant coverage
for the purchase of common stock (see Note 5).

In 2002 and 2003,  the  Company  issued  10%  promissory  notes in the amount of
$917,000.  As amended,  principal and interest  automatically  convert to common
stock at $0.281 per share at the closing of the next equity  financing  in which
the Company  receives  gross proceeds of at least  $800,000.  Because the market
value of the shares was above the  conversion  price at the  commitment  date, a
beneficial  conversion  feature of $306,754 was recorded as interest expense and
additional  paid in capital in October  2003,  upon the  Company's  issuance  of
$1,004,486 of Series C preferred  stock.  The notes carried a 20 percent warrant
coverage for the purchase of common stock (see Note 5).

Upon  closing  the  Series C  preferred  financing,  the  principal  balance  of
$1,272,000  of the above  described  notes and $99,764 of accrued  interest were
converted into 4,260,869 shares of common stock of the Company.


Issuance of Common Stock - In March 1999, the Company issued 2,078,662 shares of
common stock for $10,956 in goods and  services.  In January  2000,  the Company
issued 2,078,662 shares of common stock for $10,956 in cash. In August 2000, the
Company  issued  442,267 shares of common stock in exchange for a license valued
at $2,330.  Of the common  stock  4,157,324  shares were sold to founders of the

Issuance of Common Stock Options for Services - In September  2002,  the Company
issued 7,897 common stock  options for  consulting  services  valued at $500. In
January 2003,  the Company  issued  39,488  common stock options for  consulting
services valued at $2,500. In April 2003, the Company issued 39,488 common stock
options for consulting  services valued at $2,500.  In October 2003, the Company
issued 39,488 common stock options for consulting  services valued at $2,500. In
November  2003,  the Company  issued 24,712 common stock options for  consulting
services  valued at $9,638.  In December 2003, the Company issued 100,000 common
stock  options to two former Board  members and 75,000  common stock  options to
members of its Scientific  Advisory Board.  These options were fully exercisable
and fully vested on the date of grant and shall expire in ten years based on the
terms of the options.  The fair value of these options,  totaling  $68,250,  was
recorded as a noncash stock issuance cost by the Company.

Series A, B and C Convertible  Preferred  Stock - In January  2001,  the Company
completed  an 8 for 1 stock split of its  outstanding  common stock and Series A
preferred  stock.  In November 2001 the Company  completed a 2 for 1 stock split
for the Series B preferred  stock and  warrants.  In October  2003,  the Company
completed a 1 for  1.266199  reverse  stock split of all its common  stock.  All
share  numbers  and  per  share  dollar  values  in the  accompanying  financial
statements and footnotes have been restated for all periods presented to reflect
the stock splits.

From March 1999 to January 2000, the Company sold  3,803,507  shares of Series A
convertible  preferred  stock  ("Series A") for  $198,006  ($178,006 in cash and
$20,000 in goods and services),  net of issuance  costs.  From March 2001 to May
2002, the Company sold 2,743,121 shares of Series B convertible  preferred stock
("Series B") for $1,254,672 in cash, net of issuance costs. During October 2003,
the  Company  sold  2,367,114  shares of Series C  convertible  preferred  stock
("Series C") for $1,004,486,  net of issuance costs. In addition,  in connection
with the Series C financing,  the Company  issued an option to purchasers of the
Series C to buy an additional  15,304,804  shares of the Company's  common stock
for $0.4647 per share or $7,112,142.  In connection with the Series C financing,
289,482  additional  shares  of  Series  B stock  were  issued  to the  Series B
investors as a result of anti-dilution provisions.

Upon  closing  the  Series C  investment,  the  Series  A and  Series B were all
converted to common stock. The liquidation preference of the Series C is $0.4647
per share and is  payable in  preference  to the common  stock.  Following  this
distribution,  upon  liquidation,  any remaining  assets of the Company shall be
distributed ratably to holders of the common stock.

Warrants - In November and  December of 2001,  the Company  granted  warrants to
purchase  252,721  shares of common  stock at an  exercise  price of $0.4748 per
share to  purchasers  of the  Series B. From  January to May 2002,  the  Company
granted warrants to purchase 109,248 shares of common stock at an exercise price
of  $0.4748  per  share to  purchasers  of the  Series  B.  These  warrants  are
exercisable  until  February 15, 2005.  In June 2002,  the Company  granted,  to
outside parties for services, warrants to purchase 67,129 shares of common stock
at an exercise price of $0.13 per share.  These warrants were fully  exercisable
and fully vested on the date of grant and shall expire in ten years based on the
terms of the warrants.  The fair value of these warrants,  totaling $8,500,  was
recorded as a noncash stock issuance cost by the Company.

In  connection  with the notes issued in 2002 and 2003 (see Note 4), the Company
granted warrants to purchase 867,419 shares of common stock at an exercise price
of $0.4496 per share.  In October 2003, in conjunction  with the issuance of its
Series C convertible  preferred  stock, the Company granted warrants to purchase
2,367,114  shares of common stock to  purchasers  of the Series C at an exercise
price of $0.7667 per share, exercisable until October 15, 2008.

In  connection  with an option the Company  issued to purchasers of the Series C
stock to buy an additional  15,304,804 disclosed above, the Company also granted
these  purchasers  warrants to purchase  7,652,402  shares of common stock at an
exercise price of $1.75 per share, as amended.


The Company's 2001 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"), as amended,  provides for the
granting of  non-statutory  or incentive  stock options to acquire shares of the
Company's common stock to employees of the Company.  The Plan is administered by
the Board of  Directors  and permits the issuance of options for the purchase of
up to 10,000,000 shares, as amended,  of the Company's common stock at exercises
prices of not less than the fair market  value of the  underlying  shares on the
date of grant.  Options  granted under the Plan  generally vest over a four-year
period and expire up to a maximum of 10 years from the date of grant.

The following table summarizes stock option activity for the periods indicated:

                                                      Shares           Per Share

Outstanding, January 1, 2002                             --                 --

Granted                                             179,037              $0.06
Canceled                                            (10,327)             $0.06

Outstanding, December 31, 2002                      168,710              $0.06

Granted                                           6,484,962              $0.39
Exercised                                          (256,410)             $0.39
Canceled                                             (4,695)             $0.06

Outstanding, December 31, 2003                    6,392,567              $0.38

The  following  table  summarizes  information  concerning  on  outstanding  and
exercisable options as of December 31, 2003:

                       Options Outstanding              Options Exercisable
                       -------------------              -------------------
                             Average         Weighted                      Weighted
                            Remaining        Average                        Average
Exercise       Number      Contractual       Exercise        Number         Exercise
  Price     Outstanding        Life           Price        Exercisable        Price
  -----     -----------        ----           -----        -----------        -----
$0.06          164,015         5.5            $0.06           61,714        $ 0.06
$0.39        6,228,552         9.9            $0.39          705,153        $ 0.39
             ---------                                      --------

             6,392,567         9.8            $0.38          766,867        $ 0.36
             =========                                      ========


Operating Leases - The Company leases its San Diego, California corporate office
under  a  two-year  lease.  Additionally,  the  Company  leases  certain  office
equipment under operating leases.  Rent expense totaled $123,110 and $64,958 for
the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Future  minimum  payments,  by year and in the  aggregate,  required  under  the
Company's noncancelable operating lease obligations consist of the following:

Year Ending
December 31

2004                                                         $ 132,306
2005                                                            67,492

Contract Manufacturing  Agreement - In November 2003, the Company entered into a
contract  manufacturing  agreement  whereby the contractor will  manufacture the
Company's  recombinant  protein  to be  used  as the  Company  seeks  regulatory
approval for its product. The value of the contract is approximately  $1,500,000
and is payable as milestones are achieved over the term of the contract in 2004.

Consulting  Agreements - In November and December 2003, the Company entered into
consulting  agreements  with key members of its Scientific  Advisory  Board.  In
connection  with these  agreements,  the Company issued stock options to some of
these  members.  As discussed in Note 4, the Company  recorded the fair value of
these options as an expense on the date of grant.

Management  Agreements - The Company has entered into employment agreements with
various  members of its executive  management  team.  The agreements are for one
year and then revert to "at will" employment.

Indemnities  and Guarantees - During its normal course of business,  the Company
has made certain  indemnities,  commitments and guarantees under which it may be
required to make payments in relation to certain transactions. These indemnities
include  those  given to  directors  and  officers of the Company to the maximum
extent  permitted  under the laws of the State of  California.  The  duration of
these indemnities, commitments and guarantees varies. Some of these indemnities,
commitments  and  guarantees  do not provide for any  limitation  of the maximum
potential  future  payments the Company could be obligated to make.  The Company
has not recorded any liability for these indemnities, commitments and guarantees
in the accompanying balance sheets.

Merger  Agreement - The Company is  currently  in  negotiations  to merge with a
public  company  in  order  to  maximize  shareholder  value.  The  terms of the
agreement have not yet been finalized.


The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will  continue as a going  concern.  The Company  has  reported  losses from its
inception,  is still in the development  stage and does not have sufficient cash
to cover its  current  operating  needs.  The  Company  is  seeking to raise the
additional capital it will require to meet its obligations in 2004. There can be
no assurances that the Company will be successful in these efforts.

                                  * * * * * * *