This  Plan  and   Agreement   of  Merger   and   Reorganization   (this
"Agreement"),  dated  as of  February  27,  2004 is  entered  into by and  among
CONVERSION  LLC,  a  Delaware  limited  liability  company  and  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of CSI ("Merger Sub"),  each with an office at 100 Eagle Rock Avenue,
East  Hanover,  New Jersey  07936,  and DELEEUW  ASSOCIATES,  INC., a New Jersey
corporation,  with an office at 1700 Route 23 N, Suite  150,  Wayne,  New Jersey
07470 ("DeLeeuw").


         WHEREAS,  the  Board  of  Directors  of each of CSI  and  DeLeeuw  have
determined  that it is in the  best  interests  of CSI  and  DeLeeuw  and  their
shareholders  to effect a business  combination  pursuant to which  DeLeeuw will
merge with and into  Merger Sub on the terms and subject to the  conditions  set
forth herein (the "Merger");

         WHEREAS,  the  manager of Merger Sub has  determined  that it is in the
best interests of Merger Sub and its sole member to effect the Merger;

         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of each of CSI and DeLeeuw and the sole
shareholder of DeLeeuw have approved this  Agreement and the Merger  pursuant to
the terms and conditions herein set forth as of the date hereof;

         WHEREAS,  the  manager of Merger Sub and the sole  member of Merger Sub
have approved this Agreement and the Merger pursuant to the terms and conditions
herein set forth as of the date hereof;

         WHEREAS,  for federal  income tax  purposes,  it is  intended  that the
Merger shall qualify to the extent possible as a tax-free  reorganization within
the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(A)  of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as
amended (the "Code");

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the above premises and the mutual
promises set forth in this  Agreement,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows.

                                   THE MERGER

Section 1. The Merger.  At the Effective Time (as hereinafter  defined) and upon
the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with
the  Delaware  Limited  Liability  Company Act (the  "DLLCA") and the New Jersey
Business  Corporation  Act (the "NJBCA"),  DeLeeuw shall be merged with and into
Merger Sub.  Following  the Merger,  Merger Sub shall  continue as the surviving
limited liability company (the "Surviving  Entity"),  and the separate corporate
existence of DeLeeuw shall cease.

Section 2.  Effective  Time.  The parties hereto will file with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware  and the  Department  of Treasury of the State of
New Jersey or other  governmental  agencies as  required  under  applicable  law
certificates  of merger in such form as required by, and executed in  accordance
with,  the relevant  provisions of the law of each such state.  The later of (i)
the  effective  time  of the  filing  of the  certificate  of  merger  with  the
Department of Treasury of the State of New Jersey or (ii) the effective  time of
the filing of the certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State
of Delaware is the "Effective Time."

Section 3. Effects of the Merger. The Merger shall have the effects set forth in
the DLLCA and the NJBCA.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  and
subject thereto, at the Effective Time, all the properties,  rights, privileges,
powers and  franchises  of Merger Sub and  DeLeeuw  shall vest in the  Surviving
Entity,  and all debts,  liabilities  and duties of Merger Sub and DeLeeuw shall
become the debts, liabilities and duties of the Surviving Entity.

Section 4. Certificate of Formation and Operating Agreement.  The Certificate of
Formation of Merger Sub, as in effect  immediately  prior to the Effective Time,
shall be the  Certificate of Formation of the Surviving  Entity until amended in
accordance with applicable law. The Operating  Agreement,  in substantially  the
form of Exhibit A hereto, as in effect  immediately prior to the Effective Time,
shall be the  Operating  Agreement  of the  Surviving  Entity  until  amended in
accordance with applicable law.

Section 5.  Manager and  Officers.  As of the  Effective  Time,  the manager and
officers of the Surviving Entity shall be comprised of the individuals listed in
Exhibit B hereto who shall hold office in  accordance  with the  Certificate  of
Formation and Operating Agreement of the Surviving Entity until their successors
are duly  elected or  appointed  and  qualified  or until their  earlier  death,
resignation or removal.

Section 6. Merger Sub Membership Interests and DeLeeuw Securities.

      (a) At the Effective  Time,  all of the shares of Common Stock,  par value
$0.01 per share,  of DeLeeuw  issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the
Effective  Time  ("DeLeeuw  Common  Stock")  shall,  by virtue of the Merger and
without any action on the part of DeLeeuw,  Merger Sub or CSI, be converted into
and be exchangeable  for (i) an aggregate of Eighty Million  (80,000,000)  newly
issued,  fully paid and non-assessable  shares of common stock, par value $0.001
per share,  of CSI (the "CSI  Common  Stock"),  and (ii) the cash  consideration
payable and other shares of CSI Common Stock  issuable to Robert C. DeLeeuw,  in
his  capacity  as sole  shareholder  of  DeLeeuw,  pursuant to the terms of that
certain  Acquisition  Agreement to which CSI,  DeLeeuw and Robert C. DeLeeuw are
parties (the "Acquisition Agreement"), including the Cash Acquisition Price, the
Additional  Buyer  Shares and the  Additional  Cash  Payment (as such  initially
capitalized terms are defined in the Acquisition Agreement)  (collectively,  the
items  described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this  Section  6(a) are  hereinafter
referred to as the "Conversion Consideration");

      (b) At the Effective  Time, all membership  interests of Merger Sub issued
and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, by virtue of the
Merger and  without  any action on the part of  DeLeeuw,  Merger Sub or CSI,  be
converted into One Hundred  Percent  (100%) of the  membership  interests of the
Surviving Entity;

      (c) At the Effective Time, all options,  warrants,  convertible  notes and
other rights, entitling the holders thereof to purchase or otherwise acquire any
shares of DeLeeuw capital stock shall be canceled, retired and cease to exist at
and as of the Effective Time.

Section 7. Tax  Consequences.  It is  intended  by the  parties  hereto that the
Merger shall constitute a tax-free  reorganization within the meaning of Section
368(a)(1)(A)  of  the  Code.  Each  party  hereto  shall  use  its  commercially
reasonable  efforts to cause the  Merger to be so  qualified,  shall  report the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement in a manner  consistent  with such
reorganization  treatment and will not take any position inconsistent  therewith
in any tax return,  refund claim,  litigation or otherwise unless required to do
so by law. The Merger shall be treated as a purchase for accounting purposes.

Section 8. No Further  Ownership  Rights in DeLeeuw Common Stock. The Conversion
Consideration  issued or paid upon the  conversion  of DeLeeuw  Common  Stock in
accordance with the terms of Section 6 above shall be deemed to have been issued
in full  satisfaction  of all rights  pertaining to DeLeeuw Common Stock. At the
Effective  Time and  subject to and after  giving  effect to the  provisions  of
Section  6(a)  hereof,  each share of DeLeeuw  Common  Stock  owned prior to the
Effective Time shall be canceled and extinguished.

Section 9. Stock  Certificates.  At or after the  Effective  Time,  certificates
representing  DeLeeuw Common Stock presented to the Surviving  Entity or CSI for
any reason shall be exchanged for certificates representing CSI Common Stock and
the other Conversion Consideration with respect to DeLeeuw Common Stock formerly
represented thereby.

Section 10.  Shareholders' and Members' Approval.  This Agreement and the Merger
provided  for herein have been  submitted  for approval to, and approved by, the
sole  shareholder  of DeLeeuw in the manner  prescribed by the provisions of the
NJBCA. This Agreement and the Merger provided for herein have been submitted for
approval  to,  and  approved  by,  the sole  member of Merger  Sub in the manner
prescribed by the provisions of the DLLCA.

Section 11. Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Subject to the terms and conditions
of this Agreement,  each party will use commercially reasonable efforts to take,
or cause to be taken,  all  actions  and to do, or cause to be done,  all things
necessary,  proper or advisable  under  applicable laws to consummate the Merger
and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement.  Neither CSI, DeLeeuw
nor  Merger  Sub will take,  agree to take or  knowingly  permit to be taken any
action or do or  knowingly  permit to be done  anything  in the  conduct  of the
business of the companies, or otherwise, which would be contrary to or in breach
of any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement.

Section 12. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger and the
other transactions contemplated herein may be abandoned at any time prior to the
Effective Time by mutual consents of DeLeeuw, CSI and Merger Sub.

Section 13.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware,  excluding any choice of law
rules that may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction.

Section 14. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,  each
of which shall be an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute one
and the same agreement.

                            [signature page follows]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto  caused this  Agreement to be
executed on their behalf by their respective  officers thereunto duly authorized
all as of the date first above written.

                                   CONVERSION SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                   By: /s/ Scott Newman
                                       Name:  Scott Newman
                                       Title: President

                                   DELEEUW CONVERSION LLC

                                   By: /s/ Scott Newman
                                       Name:  Scott Newman
                                       Title: Manager

                                   DELEEUW ASSOCIATES, INC.

                                   By: /s/ Robert C. DeLeeuw
                                       Name:  Robert C. DeLeeuw
                                       Title: President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                 Form of Operating Agreement of Surviving Entity

                            LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
                               OPERATING AGREEMENT


                             DELEEUW CONVERSION LLC

                               OPERATING AGREEMENT


                             DELEEUW CONVERSION LLC

made as of  February  27,  2004,  by the party  named as the member on Exhibit A
attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Member").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  the Member  desires to enter into this  Agreement  to provide
for, among other things,  (i) the creation and management of a limited liability
company  under the Limited  Liability  Company Act of the State of Delaware (the
"Act"); (ii) the respective rights,  obligations and interests of the Member and
to DeLeeuw Conversion LLC (the "Company"), and (iii) certain other matters.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  herein
expressed,  and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows:


         The name of the limited liability company is DeLeeuw Conversion LLC.

         The Member  represents  and warrants that the percentage of such Member
set forth opposite its name under the column "Percentage  Interest" in Exhibit A
hereto  constitutes all the interests owned by the Member after giving effect to
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                               SECTION 2 - OFFICE

         The  address  of the  principal  office  of the  Company  shall  be c/o
Conversion  Services  International,  Inc., 100 Eagle Rock Avenue, East Hanover,
New Jersey  07936.  The  address of the  registered  agent of the Company in the
State of Delaware is c/o  National  Registered  Agents,  Inc. 9 East  Loockerman
Street, Suite 1B, Dover, Delaware 19901, County of Kent.

                              SECTION 3 - PURPOSES

         The character and purposes for which the Company is formed, in general,
is to do any and all acts and  things  which  may be  necessary,  incidental  or
convenient  to carry on the  business  of the  Company as  contemplated  by this

                        SECTION 4 - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS

         The  initial  capital  contribution  is set forth on Exhibit A attached
hereto.  If the Board of Managers agrees that  additional  funds are required to
pay the cost of operating the Company,  or for any other purpose consistent with
the purpose of the  Company,  the Member  shall be required to  contribute  such
additional  funds.  The Member shall not be entitled to withdraw any part of its
capital contribution.


         Additional  Members may be admitted to the Company and will participate
in the profits, losses, distributions and ownership of the assets of the Company
on such terms as are determined by the Member.


         Profits and losses for any fiscal year shall be allocated to the Member
in  proportion  to its  Percentage  Interest.  Distributions,  if any,  shall be
allocated to the Member in proportion to its Percentage Interest.

                             SECTION 7 - MANAGEMENT

         7.1 Board of Managers. Management of the Company shall be vested in the
Board of Managers (the "Board of Managers"). The Board of Managers shall consist
of between one (1) and three (3)  Managers,  and the  initial  Board of Managers
shall consist of the Member. The Member agrees to take all action to cause Scott
Newman to be the initial sole and managing  Member of the Board of Managers (the
"Manager")  and to take all  other  action  and do or cause to be done all other
things  as shall be  necessary  or  appropriate  to carry  out the terms of this
Agreement.  The Board of Managers shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
be authorized to act on behalf of and to bind the Company.

         7.2  Officers.  The Member may appoint  officers of the Company who, to
the extent provided by the Member,  may have and may exercise all the powers and
authority  of the Member or Board of Managers in the conduct of the business and
affairs of the Company. The officers of the Company may consist of a Chairman of
the Board, Chief Executive Officer,  President,  Executive Vice President, Chief
Operating  Officer,  one or more Vice  Presidents,  a Treasurer,  a Secretary or
other  officers  or agents as may be elected or  appointed  by the  Member.  The
Member  may  provide  rules  for  the  appointment,   removal,  supervision  and
compensation  of such  officers,  the  scope of their  authority,  and any other
matters  relevant to the  positions.  The officers  shall act in the name of the
Company and shall supervise its operation,  within the scope of their authority,
under the  direction and  management  of the Member.  Any action taken by a duly
authorized  officer,  pursuant to authority  granted by the Member in accordance
with this Agreement, shall constitute the act of and serve to bind the Company.

                         SECTION 8 - TERM OF THE COMPANY

         The Company's duration shall be perpetual.


                           SECTION 9 - INDEMNIFICATION

         The  Member  and  Manager  shall not be liable to the  Company  for any
liability, loss, damage, cost or expense which may arise out of or in connection
with any act or conduct on the part of the  Member or Manager  without  fraud or
willful misconduct.  The Company, but not the Member or Manager, shall indemnify
and hold harmless the Member or Manager  against all  liability,  loss,  damage,
cost and/or expense,  including reasonable legal fees and costs of investigation
in connection  with defense or settlement  incurred or sustained by it by reason
of any of its acts or omissions or by reason of any threatened or pending claim,
suit,  action or  proceeding  against  the Member or  Manager,  or  against  the
Company,  to which the  Member or  Manager  are or are  threatened  to be made a
party, arising out of or in connection with the acts or conduct of the Member or
Manager and their  management of the business of the Company,  unless the Member
or Manager  shall be adjudged by a final  determination  of a court of competent
jurisdiction to have acted in bad faith, with willful misconduct or fraud.

                      SECTION 10 - LIMITATION ON LIABILITY

         Except as  otherwise  provided by the Act, the debts,  obligations  and
liabilities  of the Company,  whether  arising in contract,  tort or  otherwise,
shall be solely the debts,  obligations and liabilities of the Company;  and the
Member,  Manager,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of the  Company  shall  not be
obligated personally for any such debt,  obligation or liability of the Company,
or for any debt,  obligation  or  liability  of the  Member,  Manager,  officer,
employee or agent of the Company,  by reason of being the Member, or acting as a
Manager,  officer,  employee or agent of the  Company.  The Member  shall not be
required to loan any funds to the Company.  Except as may be expressly  provided
otherwise  herein,  the Member shall not be required to make any contribution to
the Company by reason of any negative balance in its capital account,  nor shall
any negative balance in the Member's capital account create any liability on the
part of the Member to any third party.

                             SECTION 11 - AMENDMENT

         This Agreement may only be amended by the Member.

                           SECTION 12 - MISCELLANEOUS

         12.1  Organizational  Fees. The Company shall pay all expenses incurred
in the organization of the Company.

         12.2  Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance
with,  and the  rights of the  parties  hereunder  shall be  determined  by, the
substantive  laws of the State of Delaware  (without  regard to its conflicts of
laws provisions).

         12.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be declared
invalid, cause the Company not to be treated for income tax purposes as either a
disregarded  entity  or a  partnership,  then  and in any of such  events,  such
provision(s)  shall  be  deemed  to be  invalid,  and  notwithstanding  any such
invalidity,  the  remaining  provisions of this  Agreement  shall remain in full
force and effect as if such invalid provisions(s) had not been a part hereof.


         12.4 Benefit.  This Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall inure to
the benefit of, the parties hereto,  and to their respective  heirs,  executors,
administrators  and assigns;  provided  however,  that none of the provisions of
this Agreement  shall be for the benefit of nor shall they be enforceable by any
creditor of the Company or the Member.

         12.5  Partnership.  It is the intent of the Member  that the Company be
treated as a disregarded  entity for all tax purposes.  If, however,  additional
Members are admitted,  the Member intends that, for tax purposes, the Company be
treated as a partnership.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Member has hereunto set its hands and seals or
caused these presents to be signed and sealed by duly  authorized  persons as of
the day and year first above written.



     Name:  Scott Newman
     Title: President and Chief Executive Officer



                                    EXHIBIT A


                                                               Initial Capital
         Member                             Contribution       Interest

1.  Conversion Services International, Inc.     $100             100%


                                    EXHIBIT B

The  following  persons  shall be  manager  of the  Surviving  Entity  as of the
Effective Time:

                    Scott Newman

The following  persons shall hold the offices of the Surviving  Entity set forth
opposite their respective names as of the Effective Time:

Name                                Office
- ----                                ------

Scott Newman                        Sole Manager and Chief Executive Officer

Robert C. DeLeeuw                   President

Glenn Peipert                       Executive Vice President & Chief
                                    Operating Officer

Mitchell Peipert                    Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
                                    Secretary & Treasurer
