Exhibit 10.1

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      THIS  AGREEMENT,  dated as of April 1, 2004, is between AGU  Entertainment
Corp., a Colorado  corporation,  its parent,  subsidiaries  and sister companies
(the "Company"), and David Levy(the "Employee").


      A. The Company believes the Employee can make a unique contribution to the
business of the Company.

      B. The Board of  Directors  of the Company  believes  that the services of
Employee  would be of great  value to the  Company  and  desires  retaining  his
services for a period of time.

      C. Employee is willing to accept  employment by the Company upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth.

      NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
herein  contained and of the mutual  benefits herein  provided,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the Company and Employee  hereby
agree as follows:


      The Company shall employ Employee and Employee  hereby accepts  employment
by the Company,  on the terms and conditions herein  contained,  for a period of
five (5) years  commencing  as of the date  hereof and ending on the fifth (5th)
anniversary of the date hereof,  subject to termination as hereinafter  provided
(the period from the date hereof through the fifth (5th) anniversary of the date
hereof  or the  date  of  such  termination,  as the  case  may  be,  being  the
"Employment  Period").  This  Agreement may be extended for  subsequent one year
periods by both parties signing an extension  agreement  within 30 days prior to
the expiration of this Employment Period.


      (a) GENERAL DUTIES.  During the Employment  Period, and subject to removal
by the Board of  Directors  of the Company in  accordance  with the  termination
provisions  hereof  Employee  shall  serve  the  Company  in a senior  executive
position as the  President  of the Company  for the  duration of the  Employment
Agreement,  with such duties consistent therewith,  and shall perform such other
services for the Company as may be reasonably  assigned to him from time to time
by the Board of Directors of the Company.

      (b) PRIMARY ACTIVITY.  During the Employment Period, Employee shall devote
his full business efforts,  time and energy to the interests and business of the
Company; however, Employee shall be excused from performing any services for the
Company  hereunder during periods of temporary  illness or incapacity and during
reasonable vacations, and Employee may devote a reasonable amount of time to the
handling of his  personal  affairs,  without  thereby in any way  affecting  the
compensation  to which he is entitled  hereunder.  It is  acknowledged  that the
duties of President may often require from time to time attention to business at
times other than normal business hours.  During the Employment Period,  Employee
shall, to the best of his skill and ability,  use his best efforts and endeavors
to the  extension  and  promotion of the business of the Company,  to the proper

servicing  of such  business  and to the  protection  of the  good  will of such
business, both as now enjoyed and hereafter acquired.

      (c)  TRAVEL.  The  Employee  agrees to travel for  business  purposes in a
reasonable amount for reasonable  lengths of time,  commensurate with Employee's


      As  full   compensation  to  Employee  for  performance  of  his  services
hereunder,  the Company agrees to pay Employee and Employee agrees to accept the
following salary and other benefits during the Employment Period:

      (a) SALARY.  The Company shall pay Employee a salary at the annual rate of
$350,000 per year or such greater  annual rate of  compensation  as the Board of
Directors of the Company may from time to time determine  ("Base  Salary").  The
Base  Salary  due  Employee  hereunder  shall  be  payable  in  equal  bi-weekly
installments,  less any amounts required to be withheld by the Company from time
to time from such salary under any applicable federal, state or local income tax
laws or similar  laws then in effect.  The  parties  agree that the Base  Salary
shall increase 5% at the  commencement  of the second year of this Agreement and
that subsequently the Base Salary will be reviewed annually.

            (i) Notwithstanding  anything in (a) above, Employee agrees to defer
salary  in excess of $2,500  per week for so long as the  Company  accrues  such
excess on its books  and  records  and pays  such  excess to  Employee  upon the
Company raising a minimum of $5,000,000 in equity or equity equivalents.

      (b)  REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.  The Company shall reimburse  Employee for
all expenses properly incurred by him in the performance of his duties hereunder
in  accordance  with  policies  established  from  time to time by the  Board of
Directors of the Company.

      (c) FURTHER  BENEFITS.  Employee  shall be entitled to  participate in any
health,  accident,  retirement or similar employee benefit plans provided by the
Company  generally  to  its  employees  to  the  extent  commensurate  with  the
participation therein of Employees of the Company. Employee shall be entitled to
participate  in any present or future  bonus,  insurance,  pension,  retirement,
profit sharing or other  compensation or incentive plans adopted by the Company,
for the general and overall benefit of Employees of the Company,  the extent and
manner  of  participation  to be  determined  by the Board of  Directors  of the
Company.  The benefits  provided in this  subsection (c) shall be in addition to
the compensation and benefits  provided in the other subsections of this Section
3. Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the parties do agree that at all times during
the Employment Period,  subject to a reasonable timeframe after the execution of
this Agreement for the Company to implement a health insurance plan, the Company
shall  maintain  a health  insurance  plan in which the  Employee  can choose to
participate on the same basis as all employees generally.  Employee acknowledges
that the Company does not currently  have a health  insurance  plan but that the
Company will utilize its best  efforts to implement a health  insurance  plan as
soon as practical after the execution of this Agreement.

      (d) OFFICES. Employee agrees to serve without additional compensation,  if
elected or appointed thereto,  in one or more offices or as a director of any of
the Company's parent, affiliates, subsidiaries or sister companies.


      (e) VACATION.  The Employee  shall be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation
per year for years one and two of the  Employment  Period.  Commencing  with the
third year of the Employment  Period,  and each subsequent year thereafter,  the
Employee shall be entitled to four (4) weeks vacation per year.

      (f) CAR  ALLOWANCE.  Employee is hereby  granted a car allowance  equal to
$1,500 per month.  Employee shall be responsible  for all costs  associated with
maintaining  the car,  including  but not  limited  to  insurance,  repairs  and
maintenance, fuel and other such costs.


      (a)  COVENANT  NOT TO  COMPETE.  As a  material  inducement  to sign  this
Agreement and providing for the Series A Preferred  Stock,  the Employee  agrees
that as long as he is an employee of the  Company,  he will not Compete with the
Company and,  further,  that he will not Compete with the Company during the two
(2) year period  beginning on the date of termination of this Agreement.  During
the Employment  period and the two year period  subsequent to  termination,  the
Employee shall not within the United States  directly or indirectly,  either for
Employee's  own  account,  or as a  partner,  shareholder  ( other  than  shares
regularly traded in a recognized market),  officer,  director,  employee, agent,
consultant or otherwise,  be employed by connected with, participate in, consult
or otherwise  associate with any other  business,  enterprise or venture that is
competitive  with the Company.  During  employment and for a period of two years
thereafter,  the  Employee  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  solicit  for
employment or employ any employee of the Company.

      (b) COVENANT  NOT TO SOLICIT OR SERVICE.  The  Employee  acknowledges  and
agrees that the Company parent has spent  significant  amounts of time and money
in the development of a list of its customers,  distributors, and vendors, which
lists  are  not  available  to the  general  public  or the  Company's  ordinary
employees,  and that  these  lists  may  contain  other  information  about  the
customers,  distributors,  and vendors not  available to the general  public and
that  the  Employee  will be  privileged  to  these  lists.  The  Employee  also
acknowledges  and agrees that the Company's  business would be  irreparably  and
greatly  damaged  by the use of this  information  other  than for its  benefit.
Therefore,  as a material inducement to the Company to enter into this Agreement
and the granting of the Preferred Stock upon execution hereof, the Employee will
not solicit or do  business  with,  or attempt to solicit or do  business  with,
directly or indirectly any of the Company's customers,  distributors or vendors,
except on the  Company's  behalf  and will not  solicit or do  business  with or
attempt to solicit or do  business  with,  directly  or  indirectly,  any of the
Company's  customers,  distributors,  and vendors during the two (2) year period
beginning on the termination of this Agreement.

access to and will become aware of  confidential  information  and trade secrets
including Customer data, files,  business secrets,  and business  techniques not
generally  available to the public,  and this confidential  information has been
compiled by the Company,  and its parent,  its subsidiaries  and affiliates,  at
great expense and over a great amount of time. The parties acknowledge that this
confidential  information  gives the Company a competitive  advantage over other
businesses  in its field of endeavor  and that the  Company's  business  will be
greatly  and  irreparably  damaged by the  release  or use of this  confidential
information outside of its own business.  Therefore, as a material inducement to
signing this  Agreement,  the Employee will not,  while he is a  Stockholder  of
Pyramid  Music Corp.  or an employee of the Company,  or during the two (2) year
period  beginning  on the  termination  of this  Agreement,  either  disclose or
divulge  this  confidential  information  to  anyone  or use  this  confidential
information in any manner to Compete with the Company.


      (d) Enforcement. The Company may enforce the provisions of this section by
suit for damages, injunction, or both.

         (i) The  Company  would be  irreparably  injured  by the  breach of any
      provision  of this  Section  , and  money  damages  alone  would not be an
      appropriate  measure  of the  harm to the  Company  from  such  continuing
      breach.  Therefore,  equitable relief,  including specific  performance of
      these  provisions by injunction,  would be an  appropriate  remedy for the
      breach of these provisions.

         (ii) Money damages will be appropriate  with respect to any past breach
      of any provision of this Section. Therefore, in case of any breach of this
      Section,  the breaching party shall render a full and complete  accounting
      of the gross receipts,  expenses,  and net profits that have resulted from
      such  breach and shall be liable for money  damages  equal to  twenty-five
      percent (25%) of the gross amount derived by such breaching party from all
      transactions  in breach of this  Section,  such  amount  representing  the
      amount of profit the Company  could have derived from its own  transaction
      of such business.

         (iii) Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that equitable
      relief is not available to remedy the  continuous  breach of any or all of
      the  provision of this Section,  an amount of liquidated  damages shall be
      paid to the Company by the breaching  party equal to  twenty-five  percent
      (25%)  of the  gross  amount  derived  by such  breaching  party  from all
      transactions  in breach of this  Section,  such  amount  representing  the
      amount of profit the Company  could have derived from its own  transaction
      of such business.

         (iv) If this  Agreement is terminated  for any reason  whatsoever,  not
      renewed or extended,  the provisions of this  Agreement  shall survive and
      shall be in full force and effect for the period  commencing from the date
      of actual termination of employment of the Employee.

              (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Agreement, the following
         definitions are applicable:

                  (1)  "Compete." "To Compete" and "to Compete with the Company"
              both mean to engage in any business that is  competitive  with the
              Company in any manner  whatsoever as of the date of termination of
              this  Agreement,  including  competing as a  proprietor,  partner,
              investor,  stockholder,  director, officer, employee,  consultant,
              independent contractor, or otherwise, within the United States.

                  (2)  "Customer." A "Customer" of the Company is any person for
              whom it has performed or attempted to perform  services or sold or
              attempted  to sell any  product  or  service,  whether  or not for
              compensation,  and regardless of the date of such rendition, sale,
              or attempted rendition or sale.



      (a) Events of Termination. The Employment Period shall cease and terminate
upon the earliest to occur of the events specified below:

         (i) The close of  business  on the fifth  (5th)anniversary  of the date

         (ii) the death of Employee;

         (iii)  termination of Employee's  employment for Cause. For the purpose
      of this Agreement,  the Company shall have "Cause" to terminate Employee's
      employment  hereunder  upon (A) the failure by  Employee to  substantially
      perform his material duties hereunder in the reasonable  discretion of the
      Board of Directors,  other than any such failure resulting from incapacity
      due to physical or mental  illness,  (B) the engaging by Employee in gross
      negligence or willful misconduct injurious or potentially injurious to the
      Company in the  Company's  reasonable  discretion,  (C) the  violation  by
      Employee  of  the  provisions  of  Section  4  hereof  in  the  reasonable
      discretion of the Company, or (D) the conviction of Employee of any crime,
      other  than  a  misdemeanor.  As a  condition  precedent  to  the  Company
      terminating  the  Employee  for Cause  pursuant  to  Section  5(a)(iii)(A)
      hereof,  and in the event the reason for Cause  termination  is  something
      that is curable by the Employee in the  Company's  reasonable  discretion,
      then in such event only,  the Company agrees to provide notice to Employee
      of the Cause for  termination  and a 30 day period to cure.  If within the
      reasonable  discretion of the Company, the Employee has failed to cure the
      reason for the Cause  termination  within  said 30 day cure  period,  then
      Company may immediately terminate the Employee without further notice.

         (iv) the election by Employee to  terminate  his  employment  hereunder
      upon 120 days prior written notice;

         (v) the  election by the  Company to  terminate  Employee's  employment
      hereunder without cause; or

         (vi) the  permanent  disability  of  Employee.  For the purpose of this
      Agreement,  the "permanent  disability" of Employee shall mean  Employee's
      inability,  because of his injury,  illness, or other incapacity (physical
      or mental), to perform the services to the Company contemplated hereby for
      a continuous period of 180 days. Such permanent disability shall be deemed
      to have occurred on the he 180th day.

      (b) Compensation  Upon  Termination.  If the Employment Period shall cease
and terminate hereunder

      (i) for any  reason,  with the  exception  of  (a)(v) of this  Section  5,
      Company  shall pay to  Employee  (or his estate in the case of  subsection
      (a)(ii))  his  Base  Salary  pursuant  to  Section  3(a)  hereof  and  the
      reimbursable  expenses incurred under Section 3(b) hereof through the date
      of termination.  The Company shall have no additional or further liability
      to Employee hereunder, or

        (ii) pursuant to subsection  (a)(v) of this Section 5, the Company shall
        (A) pay to Employee his Base Salary  pursuant to Section 3(a) hereof and
        the reimbursable expenses incurred under Section 3(b) hereof through the
        date of  termination,  (B) pay to Employee an amount equal to the lesser
        of (x) his then current  Base Salary for the number of months  remaining


        in the term of this  Agreement,  or (y) his then  current  monthly  Base
        Salary  multiplied  by 24, such amount to be payable in 24 equal monthly
        installments,  in either event less any amounts  required to be withheld
        by the Company under any applicable  federal,  State or local income tax
        laws or similar laws then in effect, and (C) continue for a period of 24
        months  from the  date of  termination  (but  only if  permitted  by the
        applicable  plan) all fringe benefits to which Employee is then entitled
        pursuant to Section 3(c) hereof  (including  payment for any benefits to
        which  Employee  would be  entitled  to receive  under the  Consolidated
        Omnibus  Budget  Reconciliation  Act of 1985,  the  benefit  period with
        respect to which shall commence on the date of  termination);  provided,
        however,  that the Employment  Period shall be deemed to have expired on
        the date of  termination  for the  purposes of any vesting  period,  and
        provided further, that in no event shall Employee be entitled to receive
        pursuant  to  clause  (b)  above an  amount  in  excess of that to which
        Employee  would  have  been  entitled  had  this  Agreement  not been so

      (c)  Effect  of  Termination.  This  Agreement  and  all  liabilities  and
obligations of the parties hereto hereunder shall cease and terminate  effective
upon any  termination  of the  Employment  Period  permitted by this  Agreement;
provided,  however,  that  Employee's  obligations  under Section 4 hereof shall
survive any such termination.

      (d) Remedies.  Nothing herein  contained shall be construed as prohibiting
any party hereto from pursuing any other remedies available to it for any breach
of any provision hereof.


      This Agreement  shall not be assigned by either party hereto,  except that
the Company shall have the right to assign its rights hereunder to any direct or
indirect  subsidiary of the Company or its parent,  any successor in interest of
the Company or its parent whether by merger,  consolidation,  purchase of assets
or otherwise,  and any person  controlling  or which controls or is under common
control  with  the  Company  or its  parent,  any  such  subsidiary  or any such
successor;  provided,  however,  that any such assignment  shall not relieve the
Company of any of its obligations hereunder.


      All notices requests,  demands and other communications  hereunder must be
in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if delivered by hand or mailed
by first class, registered mail, return receipt requested,  postage and registry
fees prepaid and addressed as follows:

      (a)   If to the Company:
                  AGU Entertainment Corp.
                  Attn: David Levy, CEO
                  11077 Biscayne Blvd.
                  Suite 100
                  Boca Raton, FL 33431

            With a copy to:
                  Blank Rome, LLP
                  Bruce C. Rosetto, Esq.
                  1200 Federal Highway
                  Suite 417
                  Boca Raton, FL 33432


      (b)   If to Employee, addressed to:
                  Allen Jacobi
                  11077 Biscayne
                  Suite 200
                  Miami, FL 33161

Addresses may be changed by notice in writing signed by the addressee.


      Employee shall disclose  promptly to Company any and all  conceptions  and
ideas for inventions, improvements, and valuable discoveries, whether patentable
or not,  which are conceived or made by Employee  solely or jointly with another
during the period of  employment  or within  one year  thereafter  and which are
related to the business or activities of the Company.  Employee  hereby  assigns
and  agrees to assign  all his  interest  therein  to  Company  or its  nominee.
Whenever  requested  by  the  Company,   Employee  shall  execute  any  and  all
applications,  assigns or other instruments that Company shall deem necessary to
apply for and obtain  Letters of  Patents  of the United  States or any  foreign
country or to otherwise  protect Company's  interest therein.  These obligations
shall  continue  beyond  termination  of employment  with respect to inventions,
improvements and valuable  discoveries,  whether  patentable or not,  conceived,
made or acquired by Employee  during the period of employment or within one year
thereafter,  and shall be binding upon  Employee's  heirs,  assigns,  executors,
administrators and other legal representatives.


      All correspondence,  reports, charts, products, records, designs, patents,
plans, manuals, sales and marketing material, memorandum, advertising materials,
customer lists, distributor lists, vendor lists, telephones,  beepers,  portable
computers,  and any other such data,  information  or property  collected  by or
delivered  to Employee by or on behalf of the  Company,  their  representatives,
customers,  suppliers  or others and all other  materials  compiled  by Employee
which  pertain to the  business  of the  Company  shall be and shall  remain the
property of the Company and shall be delivered to the Company  promptly upon its
request at any time and without respect upon completion or other  termination of
Employee's employment hereunder for any reason.


Employee  represents  and  warrants to the Company that he is not subject to any
restriction  or  non-competition  covenant in favor of a former  employer or any
other person or entity, and that the execution of this Agreement by Employee and
his provision of services to the company and the  performance of his obligations
hereunder  will  not  violate  or be a  breach  of any  agreement  with a former
employer or any other person or entity.  Further,  Employee  agrees to indemnify
Company for any claim, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and expenses
of investigation,  by any such third party that such third party may now have or
may hereafter have against the Company based upon any noncompetition  agreement,
invention or secrecy agreement between Employee and such third party.



      This  Agreement  embodies  the entire  understanding  between  the parties
hereto  respecting  the  subject  matter  hereof  and no change,  alteration  or
modification hereof may be made except in writing signed by both parties hereto.
Any prior  agreement  between  the  Company and  Employee,  of whatever  kind or
nature, shall be deemed to be superseded for all purposes by this Agreement and,
upon the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Employee and the Company,
any such prior  employment  agreement  shall be deemed to be canceled  and of no
further force or effect.  The headings in this Agreement are for  convenience of
reference only and shall not be considered as part of this Agreement or to limit
or otherwise  effect the meaning  hereof.  If any  provisions of this  Agreement
shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, neither the
validity of the remaining part of such  provisions nor the validity of any other
provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  in any  way be  affected  thereby.  This
agreement  shall in all respects be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Florida.


      Employee  recognizes  that the Company is represented  by counsel,  namely
Blank Rome,  LLP.,  and that such counsel does not  represent  the  interests of
Employee.  The Company strongly recommends and suggests that Employee obtain its
own counsel to review this Agreement  prior to execution of the  Agreement.  The
Company agrees to provide Employee with a reasonable period of time to have this
Agreement reviewed by its own counsel or any other  professional  adviser deemed
appropriate by the Employee.  Should  Employee not choose to have this Agreement
reviewed by its own counsel,  then Employee  assumes the risk of such  decision,
and Employee hereby acknowledges that Company has not unduly influenced Employee
in any way and that Company desires that Employee retain its own counsel.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed and delivered this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

Witnesses:                                    "COMPANY"

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- -------------------------------     -------------------------------------------
                                    David Levy
