Washington D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 20-F

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission file number _______

                               YM BIOSCIENCES INC.

             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                               NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA

                 (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

                   SUITE 400, BUILDING 11, 5045 ORBITER DRIVE,
                     MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA. L4W 4Y4

                   (Addresses of principal executive offices)

 Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

      Title of each class            Name of each exchange on which registered
         COMMON SHARES                 Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") and
                                       admitted to trading on the Alternative
                                      Investment Market ("AIM") of the London
                                                 Stock Exchange plc

      Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the

      Securities for which there is a reporting  obligation  pursuant to Section
      15(d) of the Act: NONE

      Indicate by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
      required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
      of 1934 during the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that
      the  registrant  was  required  to file  such  reports),  and (2) has been
      subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days :

                          Yes  |_|             No     |X|

                      Item 17  |X|        Item 18     |_|

         Indicate by check mark which  financial  statement  item the registrant
has elected to follow:


FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS................................................iii

GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND PROPER NAMES..........................................v

PART I......................................................................1



ITEM 3: KEY INFORMATION.....................................................2

ITEM 4: INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY.........................................11




ITEM 8:  FINANCIAL INFORMATION.............................................45

ITEM 9:  THE OFFER AND LISTING.............................................46

ITEM 10:  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...........................................47



PART II....................................................................57

PART III...................................................................57

ITEM 17:  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.............................................57

ITEM 18:  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.............................................57

ITEM 19: EXHIBITS..........................................................57

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS......................................................F-1



This   registration    statement   contains   or   incorporates   by   reference
forward-looking  statements.  All statements other than statements of historical
fact included or  incorporated by reference in this  registration  statement and
that address activities, events or developments that we expect or anticipate may
or will  occur in the  future are  forward-looking  statements.  Forward-looking
statements contained or incorporated by reference in this registration statement
include, but are not limited to, references to:

      -     early stage of development

      -     expenditures and accumulated deficit

      -     pre-clinical and clinical product testing and development

      -     obtaining and maintaining patents and proprietary rights

      -     Cuban licenses and political risks, and the Cuban effect on the
            Corporation's access to US capital, finance, customers and suppliers

      -     relationships with collaborative partners - technological changes -
            competition and ability to maintain competitive position

      -     ability to attract and retain skilled and experienced personnel

      -     adequacy of product liability insurance

      -     maintenance of licenses

      -     ability to continue to identify and research licensable products

      -     regulatory approvals

      -     funding requirements and available financing

      -     passive foreign investment company

      -     in- and out-licensing of products

      -     business strategy

      -     cancer and cancer therapeutic markets

      -     licensing arrangements

      -     regulatory approvals

      -     nature of operations

      -     liquidity and capital resources

      -     dividend policy

      -     approval and completion of the Corporation's listing on the American
            Stock Exchange

      -     exchange controls

      -     taxation

      -     effect of arrangements with subsidiaries

While these forward-looking  statements, and any assumptions upon which they are
based,  are made in good faith and reflect our current  judgment  regarding  the
direction of our business,  actual results may vary, sometimes materially,  from
any estimates,  predictions,  projections,  assumptions or other  suggestions of
future  performance  herein.  Undue  reliance  should  not be  placed  on  these
forward-looking statements, which are based upon our assumptions and are subject
to known and unknown risks and  uncertainties  and other factors which may cause
actual results,  levels of activity and  achievements to differ  materially from
those  estimated or projected  and  expressed in or implied by such  statements.
Such factors include, but are not limited to:

o     our early stage of development;

o     our lack of revenues and history of losses;

o     risks of pre-clinical and clinical testing;

o     our reliance on patents and proprietary rights;

o     our dependence on collaborative partners;

o     rapid technological changes;


o     competitors with greater product development capabilities and resources;

o     our lack of manufacturing experience;

o     our reliance on key personnel;

o     potential product liability;

o     our ability to maintain licenses;

o     our reliance upon licensors;

o     risks associated with obtaining regulatory approval for drug products; and

o     other factors, many of which are beyond our control.

We  undertake no  obligation  to update  publicly or revise any  forward-looking
statements  contained in this  registration  statement,  and such statements are
expressly  qualified by this  cautionary  statement.  You should also  carefully
consider  the  matters  discussed  under  "Risk  Factors"  in this  registration


The  information  set forth in this  registration  statement  is as of April 30,
2004, unless another date is indicated.  All references to dollars are expressed
in Canadian funds, unless otherwise  indicated.  References in this registration
statement to "YM", the  "Corporation",  "us",  "we" or "our" mean YM BioSciences
Inc. and its subsidiaries,  unless otherwise  specified or the context otherwise



This  glossary   contains   general   terms  used  in  the   discussion  of  the
biopharmaceutical  industry,  as well as  specific  technical  terms used in the
descriptions of our technology and business.

Active  Immunotherapy  -  Deliberate  stimulation  of the  patient's  own immune
response  through  administration  of  antigens  with or  without  immunological
adjuvants.   Therapeutic   cancer   vaccines  are  considered   Active  Specific
Immunotherapy  agents  because the body is stimulated to make its own antibodies
specific for the tumour cells

Adjuvant - Substance added to a vaccine to enhance its immunogenicity  (i.e. its
ability to stimulate an immune response)

Affinity - Binding strength of an antibody to a target

Antisense  Drug - Short  spans of nucleic  acid (DNA or RNA) used to disrupt the
expression of disease related genetic code

Autocrine  - Used  herein to describe a hormonal  pathway  characterized  by the
production of a  biologically  active  substance by a cell;  the substance  then
binds to receptors on that same cell to initiate a cellular response

Autocrine  loop - A  self-sustaining  process built on a  self-feeding  positive
feedback  cycle.  Refers to the ability of a  substance  to act on the same cell
that produced it

Cancer Vaccine - Vaccines or candidate vaccines designed to treat cancer,  using
pure or  extracted  tumour-specific  antigens or using the  patient's  own whole
tumour cells as the source of antigens

CBQ - Centro de  Bioactivos  Quimicos  (Center for Bioactive  Chemicals),  Santa
Clara, Cuba

cDNA - Cloned copies of mRNA - the essential  messenger  element of the genes in
the DNA that help in the coding of proteins

Chemopotentiator  - A substance  that  enhances the  activity of a  chemotherapy

Chimeric - A chimeric antibody consists mainly of human protein, but the portion
of the antibody that binds to the target is still mouse protein

CIM - Centro de Inmunologia Molecular (Center for Molecular Immunology), Havana,

Cisplatin - Approved chemotherapeutic agent

c-myc - Cellular gene involved in proliferation, commonly deregulated in cancer

CTA - Clinical Trial  Application - previously known as an  Investigational  New
Drug  application  which must be filed and accepted by the regulatory  agency of
Health Canada before each phase of human clinical trials may begin

Cyclophosphamide - Approved chemotherapeutic agent

Cytoprotective - Having the capacity to protect cells

Cytostatic - Having capacity to arrest the growth of cells

Cytotoxic - Having capacity to kill cells


Cytotoxic T cell response - Killing the tumour cell by activated tumour-specific
T cells

Doxorubicin - Approved chemotherapeutic agent

E. coli - A common bacterial strain often used as a host for recombinant protein

Epidermal  Growth Factor - A growth factor known to be involved in regulation of
epithelial cell growth

Epithelial - Derived  from  epithelium  which is the layer of cells  forming the
epidermis of the skin and the surface layer of the serous and mucous membranes

Estramustine - An approved chemotherapeutic agent

Extracellular  domain  (ECD) - The  portion of a cell  surface  protein  located
outside the cell

5-FU - See Fluorouracil

Fluorouracil (5-Fluorouracil, 5-FU) - Approved chemotherapeutic agent

Fusion protein - Two or more proteins genetically engineered to be produced as a
single protein

Glioma - A form of brain cancer  involving  the  malignant  transformation  of a
glial cell

GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice, a set of standards used to define appropriate
manufacturing methods for pharmaceuticals and biologicals

GnRH - Gonadotrophin  Releasing  Hormone;  controlling the circulating levels of
the sex hormones

HER-1 positive tumours - Tumours expressing/producing the EGF receptor

Hormone-refractory - Term used to indicate that a tumour is no longer responsive
to hormone therapy

Humanized - The process whereby an antibody derived from murine cells is altered
to  resemble a human  antibody.  Humanized  antibodies  are less likely to cause
allergic  reactions when given to humans but retain the  biological  activity of
the original murine form

IND -  Investigational  New Drug application which must be filed and accepted by
the FDA before each phase of human clinical trials may begin

Ininotecan - An approved chemotherapeutic agent

In vivo - In the living body or organism. A test performed on a living organism

Ligand - Used herein to describe a protein or peptide that binds to a particular

Metastatic - A term used to describe a cancer  where tumour cells have  migrated
from the primary tumour to a secondary site (e.g. from prostate to bone)

Mitoxantrone - An approved chemotherapy agent

Monoclonal  antibody  "Mab" - Antibodies of exceptional  purity and  specificity
derived  from  hybridoma  cells  (cells  which are fused  cells,  generally  MAb
produced in mice, that secrete MAbs)

Murine - Derived from mouse cells


NCIC - The National Cancer Institute of Canada

Neoplastic - New and abnormal growth of tissue  (neoplasm),  which may be benign
or cancerous

Oncogene - A gene that induces or promotes uncontrolled cell growth

Orphan  Drug - A drug aimed at treating a condition  with an  incidence  of less
than  200,000  per year in the United  States  (often  given a seven year market
exclusivity by the United States government)

Overall  Survival - For patients who have died,  overall survival was calculated
in months from the day of  randomization to date of death.  Otherwise,  survival
was censored at the last day the patient is known alive

P64k - Outer membrane protein of N. meningitides

Passive  Immunotherapy -  Immunologically  active material  transferred into the
patient as a passive  recipient.  Monoclonal  antibodies are considered  Passive
Immunotherapy  since antibodies are generated  outside the body and given to the

pGp - P-Glycoprotein.  A pumping mechanism that removes noxious  substances from
the cell.

pGp inhibitor - Inhibitor of the activity of P-Glycoprotein.

P. haemolytica - A bacterium causing respiratory disease in cattle and sheep

Phosphorylation -  Addition/donation  of a phosphate group to a particular amino
acid which can lead to tumour growth

Prednisone - An approved standard anti-inflammatory

Resection - The process of tumour removal

Taxol - An approved chemotherapeutic agent

Taxotere - An approved chemotherapeutic agent

TGF(alpha) - Transforming growth factor alpha

Th 1 - T helper cell type 1 (generally  involved in stimulating a  cell-mediated
immune response)

Therapeutic  vaccine - An approach to the treatment of cancer utilizing  "active

Titers - Term used to express levels of circulating antibodies


Tyrosine   kinase  -  An  enzyme  that   undergoes   phosphorylation   and  that
phosphorylates other molecules at the tyrosine amino acid

Upregulation - Increased production of an RNA transcript or a protein by a cell

Vinylfuran - A chemical polymer

Yttrium 90 - A radioisotope used in the treatment of disease


                                     PART I



Directors                          Position                           Business Address
- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
David G.P. Allan                   Chairman, Chief Executive          YM BioSciences Inc.
                                   Officer and Director               Suite 400, Building 11, 5045 Orbiter Drive
                                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 4Y4

Thomas I.A. Allen                  Director                           Ogilvy Renault, Toronto
                                                                      Royal Trust Tower, TD Centre
                                                                      77 King Street West
                                                                      Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5K 1H1

Mark Entwistle                     Director                           Societas Consulting Inc.
                                                                      933 Marguerite Avenue,
                                                                      Suite Five
                                                                      Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1K 3T6

John Friedman                      Director                           Easton Hunt Capital Partners L.P.
                                                                      641 Lexington Avenue, 21st Floor
                                                                      New York, NY 10022

Henry Friesen                      Director                           Genome Canada
                                                                      150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 2100
                                                                      Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 1P1

Julius Vida                        Director                           Vida International Pharmaceutical
                                                                      27 Sachem Road
                                                                      Greenwich, CT, USA, 06830

Gilbert Wenzel                     Director                           Quisisana AG
                                                                      Krummackerstrasse 10
                                                                      CH-8700 Kusnacht, Switzerland

Tryon M. Williams                  Director                           CellStop International Limited
                                                                      1166 Alberni Street, Suite 1405,
                                                                      Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6E 3Z3
Officers and Management

David G.P. Allan                   Chairman, Chief Executive          YM BioSciences Inc.
                                   Officer and Director               Suite 400, Building 11, 5045 Orbiter Drive
                                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 4Y4

Paul M. Keane                      Director, Medical Affairs          YM BioSciences Inc.
                                                                      Suite 400, Building 11, 5045 Orbiter Drive
                                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 4Y4


Directors                          Position                           Business Address
- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Vincent Salvatori                  Executive Vice President           YM BioSciences Inc.
                                                                      Suite 400, Building 11, 5045 Orbiter Drive
                                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L4W 4Y4

Len Vernon                         Director, Finance and              YM BioSciences Inc.
                                   Administration and Secretary       Suite 400, Building 11, 5045 Orbiter Drive
                                                                      Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 4Y4


Our  principal  bankers  are Royal  Bank of  Canada,  of 6880  Financial  Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7Y5.

Our legal  advisors in Canada are (1) Heenan  Blaikie LLP, of Toronto,  Ontario;
Torys LLP,  of Toronto,  Ontario  with  respect to  licensing  and  intellectual
property; and (3) Dimock Stratton Clarizio LLP, of Toronto, Ontario with respect
to patents.

Our U.S. securities counsel is Torys LLP, of New York, New York.

The registrar  and transfer  agent for the  Corporation's  common shares is CIBC
Mellon Trust Company at its principal offices in Toronto, Canada.


Our auditors since  September 1995 have been KPMG LLP, Yonge  Corporate  Centre,
4100 Yonge Street, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, M2P 2H3.


Not applicable.

                             ITEM 3: KEY INFORMATION


The selected financial data is derived from the audited  consolidated  financial
statements for the years ended June 30, 2003,  2002,  2001,  2000,  1999 and the
unaudited  interim  consolidated  financial  statements  for the  periods  ended
December 31, 2003 and 2002.  The  consolidated  financial  statements  have been
prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted  accounting  principles,
(GAAP) and are in Canadian dollars.

Consolidated Statements of Operations Data

                                                 Six months        Six months
                                                   ended             ended          Year Ended        Year Ended        Year Ended
                                               Dec. 31, 2003     Dec. 31, 2002     June 30, 2003     June 30, 2002     June 30, 2001
                                               -------------     -------------     -------------     -------------     -------------
Interest income                                 $   104,762       $   137,195       $   273,232       $   154,112       $   645,742
General and administrative expenses               1,180,425           923,703         1,877,509         1,864,289         1,805,204
Licensing and product development expenses          889,423         2,249,667         3,965,385         4,729,216         6,294,981
Loss on marketable securities                            --        -1,137,103        -1,812,158                --                --
Loss for the period                             ($1,965,086)      ($4,173,278)      ($7,381,820)      ($6,439,393)      ($7,454,443)

Basic and diluted loss per common share         ($     0.11)      ($     0.32)      ($     0.56)      ($     0.50)      ($     0.58)

                                                     Year Ended         Year Ended
                                                    June 30, 2000      June 30, 1999
                                                    -------------      -------------
Interest income                                      $   387,236       $   292,814
General and administrative expenses                    1,422,765         1,196,481
Licensing and product development expenses             3,462,148         2,532,727
Loss on marketable securities                                 --                --
Loss for the period                                  ($4,497,677)      ($3,436,394)

Basic and diluted loss per common share              ($     0.44)      ($     0.38)


Basic and diluted loss per common share     ($0.11)    ($0.32)    ($0.56)    ($0.50)    ($0.58)    ($0.44)    ($0.38)

Consolidated Balance Sheet Data

                                           as at           as at           as at            as at         as at         as at
                                      Dec. 31, 2003    June 30, 2003   June 30, 2002   June 30, 2001  June 30, 2000  June 30, 1999
                                      -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
Cash and short-term deposits           $22,808,239       $7,675,466     $12,707,522      $8,142,888     $14,646,424   $4,109,934
Total assets                            23,697,242        8,649,842      13,577,482       8,448,593      15,283,640    4,247,836
Current Liabilities                        502,197          322,583         374,386         538,211         368,815      277,191
Shareholders equity                    $23,195,045       $8,327,259     $13,203,096      $7,910,382     $14,914,825   $3,970,645


The  consolidated  financial  statements  have been prepared in accordance  with
Canadian  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  (GAAP).  The  principles
conform in all material  respects with US GAAP except as described in note 10 to
the consolidated  Financial  Statements in Item 18. For all the years presented,
the selected  financial data are prepared in accordance  with Canadian GAAP. The
differences  between the line items as determined  under Canadian GAAP and those
as determined under US GAAP are not significant except that, under US GAAP:

a)   Comprehensive income (loss) for the period ended December 31, 2003 under US
     GAAP would be ($1,317,693), $647,393 less than the net loss of ($1,965,086)
     shown above because US GAAP requires the recognition of unrealized gains on
     marketable securities classified as trading securities.

b)   Licensing  and product  development  expenses  would be greater  than shown
     above,  offset by a credit in income tax expense,  because US GAAP requires
     investment  tax  credits  to be  credited  to income tax  expense,  whereas
     Canadian  GAAP  requires  the  amounts  accounted  for  as a  reduction  of
     development costs. The amounts are as follows:

               Six months ended               Years ended June 30,
                 December 31,
               2003          2002        2003        2002         2001
             $73,440       $25,287     $110,563    $91,597      $368,665



All references to dollars are expressed in Canadian funds, unless otherwise
indicated. On May 13, 2004 the exchange rate for the conversion of U.S. dollars
into Canadian dollars was Cdn.$1.00 = U.S.$0.7159 and certain amounts stated
herein reflect such exchange rate. The following tables set forth the high and
low rates of exchange of U.S. dollars into Canadian dollars for each month
during the previous six months and the average rates for our five most recent
fiscal years calculated by using the average of the exchange rates on the last
day of each month during the period. These rates are based upon the inverse of
the nominal noon exchange rates reported by the Bank of Canada in U.S. dollars.

                                                        High               Low

         October 31, 2003                               0.7670          0.7418
         November 30, 2003                              0.7708          0.7486
         December 31, 2003                              0.7738          0.7464
         January 31, 2004                               0.7879          0.7497
         February 31, 2004                              0.7632          0.7440
         March 31, 2004                                 0.7646          0.7621

         Year Ended                           Average Rate
         June 30, 1999                        0.6616
         June 30, 2000                        0.6791
         June 30, 2001                        0.6580
         June 30, 2002                        0.6379
         June 30, 2003                        0.6637


The Corporation has no long-term liabilities. The following table sets forth the
capitalization of the Corporation as at March 23, 2004:

     Long-term liabilities                                                              0
     Share capital
             Common Shares (500,000,000 authorized without nominal or par
                 value; 28,183,152 outstanding as at March 23, 2004)                    $58,807,212
             Class A non-voting commons shares (500,000,000 authorized
                 without nominal or par value; no outstanding as at March 23, 2004)     $0
             Class A preferred shares (500,000,000 authorized without
                 nominal or par value; no outstanding as at March 23, 2004)             $0
             Class B preferred shares (500,000,000 authorized, issuable in series,
                 without nominal or par value; no outstanding as at March 23, 2004)     $0
     Share purchase warrants                                                            $2,922,343
     Deficit                                                                            ($40,525,221)
     Contributed surplus                                                                $26,215

                  Total stockholders' equity                                            $21,230,549

                  Total capitalization                                                  $21,230,549


Not applicable.



An investment in the Common Shares is speculative  and involves a high degree of
risk.  Prospective  investors  should  carefully  consider,  together with other
matters referred to in this registration statement,  the following risk factors.
If any event arising from these risks occurs, our business, prospects, financial
condition,  results of operations  and cash flows could be materially  adversely

Early Stage of Development

The  Corporation  was  founded in 1994 and none of the  licensed  products  have
received regulatory approval for sale in any of the jurisdictions covered by the
licenses.  Accordingly,  the Corporation has not generated any revenues from the
commercialization  of  its  licensed  products.  A  significant   commitment  of
resources to conduct clinical trials and additional development will be required
to commercialize most of the licensed  products.  There can be no assurance that
the licensed products will meet applicable regulatory  standards,  be capable of
being produced in commercial  quantities at reasonable  cost or be  successfully
marketed,   or   that   the   investment   made  by  the   Corporation   in  the
commercialization  of the licensed  products  will be recovered  through  sales,
license fees or related royalties.

Lack of Revenues and History of Losses

The Corporation has not received any revenues from the  commercialization of its
licensed products and, since  incorporation and up to  December 31, 2003, has an
accumulated deficit of $38.5 million.  The Corporation expects  expenditures and
the  accumulated  deficit to increase as it proceeds with its  commercialization
programs  until  such  time as any  sales,  license  fees and  royalty  payments
generate sufficient revenues to fund its continuing operations.

Risks of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Testing

The Corporation is not able to predict the results of pre-clinical  and clinical
testing of drug products,  including the Corporation's  licensed products. It is
not possible to predict, based on studies or testing in laboratory conditions or
in animals, whether a drug product will prove to be safe or effective in humans.
In addition,  success in one stage of testing is not  necessarily  an indication
that the  particular  drug  product  will succeed in later stages of testing and
development. There can be no assurance that the pre-clinical or clinical testing
of the Corporation's licensed products will yield satisfactory results that will
enable the  Corporation to progress toward  commercialization  of such products.
Unsatisfactory  results  may cause the  Corporation  or its  licensors  or other
partners to reduce or abandon future testing or  commercialization of particular
drug products,  and this may have a material adverse effect on the Corporation's
business, financial condition and results of operations.

Patents and Proprietary Rights

The  Corporation's  success  will  depend,  in  part,  on  the  ability  of  the
Corporation  and  its  licensors  to  obtain  patents,  maintain  trade  secrets
protection,  and operate without  infringing on the proprietary  rights of third
parties or having third parties  circumvent the  Corporation's  rights.  Certain
licensors and the  institutions  that they represent,  and in certain cases, the
Corporation on behalf of the licensors and the institutions that they represent,
have filed and are  actively  pursuing  certain  applications  for  Canadian and
foreign patents.  The patent position of pharmaceutical and biotechnology  firms
is uncertain and involves  complex legal and financial  questions for which,  in
some cases,  important legal principles are largely unresolved.  There can be no
assurance that the patent  applications made in respect of the licensed products
will result in the issuance of patents,  that the licensors or the  institutions
that they  represent  will  develop  additional  proprietary  products  that are
patentable,  that any patent  issued to the  licensors or the  Corporation  will
provide the  Corporation  with any competitive  advantages,  that the patents of
others  will not impede the  ability of the  Corporation  to do business or that
third parties will not be able to circumvent the patents  obtained in respect of
the licensed products.  The cost to the Corporation of obtaining and maintaining
patents is high.  Furthermore,  there can be no  assurance  that others will not
independently  develop  similar  products  which  duplicate  any of the licensed
products,  or, if patents are issued,  design around the patent for the product.
There can be no  assurance  that  processes  or  products  of the  Corporation's
licensors or the  Corporation  do not or will not  infringe  upon the patents of


third  parties,  or that  the  scope  of  patents  issued  to the  Corporation's
licensors  or the  Corporation  will  successfully  prevent  third  parties from
developing similar and competitive products.

The Corporation is aware of US patent #5,770,195 granted to Genentech, Inc., for
the  anti-cancer  use of EGFr MAbs in combination  with a cytotoxic  agent.  The
Corporation  is also aware of US patents  granted  to others in this  field.  In
April 2001 Rorer  International  (Overseas)  ("Rorer")  was issued the US patent
#6,217,866 which includes claims to any antibody targeting the EGFr administered
with any anti-neoplastic agent. A counterpart patent has been granted in Europe.
The Corporation has filed an opposition to the grant of the European patent. The
Corporation believes that the Rorer patents are licensed to ImClone Systems Inc.
("ImClone").  In  addition,  the  Corporation  is aware of a separate  series of
national  patent  applications  filed by ImClone,  and represented by EP1080113,
claiming the anti-cancer  use of radiation in combination  with any inhibitor of
any receptor tyrosine kinase that is involved in the genesis of tumours. ImClone
is also reported to have filed a PCT  application  covering the use of EGFr MAbs
to  treat  patients  having  tumours  that  do not  respond  to  treatment  with
conventional therapies.  The Corporation is also challenging ImClone's claims in
respect of the radiation-related  patent applications by filing additional prior
art at the relevant  national  patent offices.  The outcome of these  challenges
cannot be predicted,  and there can be no assurance  that the  Corporation  will
succeed in challenging  the validity or scope of patent claims by ImClone or any
other patent  applicant.  The  Corporation is also aware of US patent #6,303,123
owned by Aphton Corporation  relating to the use of GnRH immunogenic  conjugates
to  treat  GnRH-dependent  diseases,  including  prostatic  hypertrophy,  and is
developing a strategy for addressing this patent should it prove relevant to the
Corporation's commercial activities with Norelin.

There can be no  assurance  that  litigation  or other  proceedings  will not be
commenced seeking to challenge patent  protection or patent  applications of the
Corporation's licensors, or that any such challenges will not be successful. The
cost of  litigation to uphold the validity and prevent  infringement  of patents
related to the  Corporation's  licensed  drug  products may be  significant.  In
addition,  it is possible  that others may claim  rights in YM's  licensed  drug
products, patents or patent applications.  These other persons could bring legal
actions  against the  Corporation,  its  licensors or its customers or licensees
claiming  damages  and  seeking to enjoin  them from  using,  manufacturing  and
marketing  the  affected  products  or  processes.   If  any  such  action  were
successful,  in addition to any potential liability for damages, the Corporation
could be required  to obtain a license in order to  continue  to  develop,  use,
license or market the  affected  product or process.  There can be no  assurance
that the  Corporation  would  prevail  in any such  action or that any  required
license  would  be made  available  or,  if  available,  would be  available  on
acceptable terms.

There may be risks  related to certain of the  Corporation's  licenses  for drug
products  originating  from Cuba.  Cuba is a socialist  country  and,  under the
current patent law, ownership of the inventions of the Cuban inventors for which
patent applications have been filed rests with the State.

Much of the Corporation's know-how and technology may not be patentable,  though
they may constitute trade secrets. There can be no assurance,  however, that the
Corporation  will be able to  meaningfully  protect its trade  secrets.  To help
protect its rights, the Corporation  requires employees,  consultants,  advisors
and  collaborators  to enter into  confidentiality  agreements.  There can be no
assurance  that these  agreements  will provide  meaningful  protection  for the
Corporation's  trade secrets,  know-how or other proprietary  information in the
event of any unauthorized use or disclosure.

Further, the Corporation's business may be adversely affected by competitors who
independently  develop  competing  technologies,  especially  if no patents  are
obtained  or only  narrow  patents  are  obtained  in  respect  of the  licensed


The  Corporation's  future success and competitive  position depend in part upon
the Corporation's ability to maintain its intellectual property portfolio. There
can be no  assurance  that any patents  will be issued on any existing or future
patent applications.  Even if such patents are issued, there can be no assurance
that  any  patents  issued  to or  licensed  to  the  Corporation  will  not  be


challenged.  The  Corporation's  ability to establish and maintain a competitive
position may be achieved in part by  prosecuting  claims  against others who the
Corporation  believes are infringing the  Corporation's  rights and by defending
claims  brought by others who believe that it is  infringing  their  rights.  In
addition, enforcement of the Corporation's patents in foreign jurisdictions will
depend on the laws  procedures in those  jurisdictions.  Even if such claims are
found to be invalid,  the  Corporation's  involvement in  intellectual  property
litigation would likely have a material adverse effect on its business,  results
of operations  and prospects.  The  Corporation's  involvement  in  intellectual
property  litigation could result in significant expense to it, adversely affect
the use or licensing of related intellectual  property and divert the efforts of
the  Corporation's  valuable  technical  and  management  personnel  from  their
principal  responsibilities,  whether or not such  litigation is resolved in the
Corporation's favor.

Dependence on Collaborative Partners

The Corporation has negotiated or is in the process of negotiating collaborative
arrangements   with   biopharmaceutical   companies,   scientific  and  academic
institutions and hospitals,  or scientists  affiliated with those  institutions,
and is in the process of negotiating with corporate  partners in connection with
development,  pre-clinical testing, clinical testing,  manufacturing,  marketing
and  commercialization  of licensed products.  The Corporation's  strategy is to
establish and maintain such  collaborative  arrangements  in order to assist the
Corporation with clinical and pre-clinical development, regulatory approvals and
developing additional  regulatory and marketing  information.  In addition,  the
Corporation generally plans to negotiate out-licensing  agreements with selected
manufacturers and marketers. There can be no assurance that the Corporation will
be successful in maintaining its relationships  with  collaborative or corporate
partners  or  in   negotiating   additional   collaborative   or   out-licensing
arrangements   on  terms   acceptable  to  the  Corporation  or  that  any  such
collaborative  arrangements  will be  successful.  In addition,  there can be no
assurance that any  arrangements  between the Corporation and its  collaborative
partners will prevent others from entering into  arrangements with such entities
for the  development  or  commercialization  of  similar  products  or that  the
collaborators  will  not be  pursuing  alternative  technologies  or  developing
products  either on their own or in  collaboration  with others,  including  the
Corporation's  competitors.  If the  Corporation  does not establish  sufficient
collaborative  and  out-licensing  arrangements,  it could  encounter  delays in
product introductions or could find that the development, manufacture or sale of
its licensed products could be materially adversely affected.

Rapid Technological Change

The  biotechnology  and  pharmaceutical  industries  are  subject  to rapid  and
substantial technological change. There can be no assurance that developments by
others will not render the Corporation's  licensed products  non-competitive  or
that  the  Corporation  or  its  licensors  will  be  able  to  keep  pace  with
technological  developments.  Competitors have developed technologies that could
be the  basis  for  competitive  products.  Some of those  products  may have an
entirely  different  approach or means of accomplishing the desired  therapeutic
effect than the  Corporation's  licensed  products and may be more  effective or
less costly than the Corporation's  licensed products. In addition,  other forms
of medical treatment may offer competition to the licensed products.  The impact
of these  factors  could have a  material  adverse  effect on the  Corporation's
business, financial condition and results of operations.


Technological competition from pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies
and  universities is intense and is expected to increase.  Many  competitors and
potential  competitors of the  Corporation  have  substantially  greater product
development  capabilities  and  financial,   scientific,   marketing  and  human
resources than the Corporation.  Other companies may succeed in  commercializing
products  earlier than the  Corporation  is able to  commercialize  its licensed
products or in  developing  products that are more  effective  than the licensed
products.   While  the  Corporation  will  seek  to  expand  its   technological
capabilities  in order to remain  competitive,  there can be no  assurance  that
research  and  development  by others will not render  products  licensed by the
Corporation  obsolete or uncompetitive or result in treatments or cures superior
to the licensed products, or that the licensed products will be preferred to any
existing or newly developed technologies.



The Corporation has not commercially  launched any of the licensed  products and
has no manufacturing experience. To be successful, the licensed products must be
manufactured in commercial quantities in compliance with regulatory requirements
and at acceptable  costs.  The Corporation  does not have and does not intend to
acquire  facilities for the production of the licensed  products although it may
invest in the ownership of production  facilities if  appropriate  opportunities
are available.  In some cases, the Corporation's  licensed products are expected
to be manufactured  by the relevant  licensor or a related party. In particular,
under applicable license  arrangements,  CIMAB has the right, subject to certain
terms and conditions, to supply the licensed drug substances (namely,  TheraCIM,
Radio  TheraCIM,  TGF(alpha)  Vaccine and HER-1  Vaccine) to any  sub-licensees.
There can be no assurance  that such entities  will be able to develop  adequate
manufacturing capabilities for commercial scale quantities.  Alternatively,  the
Corporation or its licensor may contract with third parties to  manufacture  the
licensed products.  There can be no assurance,  however, that the Corporation or
its licensor will be able to reach  satisfactory  arrangements  with any of such
parties  or  that  such  arrangements  will  be  successful.  All  manufacturing
facilities  must comply with  applicable  regulations in their  jurisdiction  or
where products are to be sold. In addition,  production of the licensed products
may  require  raw  materials  for which the  sources  and  amount of supply  are
limited.  An inability to obtain  adequate  supplies of such raw materials could
significantly  delay the development,  regulatory  approval and marketing of the
Corporation's licensed products.

Reliance on Key Personnel

The Corporation is dependent on certain members of its management and scientific
staff,  the loss of services of one or more of whom could  adversely  affect the
Corporation. Currently, the Corporation does not have employment agreements with
any of its  management  or  scientific  staff.  In addition,  the  Corporation's
ability to manage  growth  effectively  will require it to continue to implement
and improve  its  management  systems  and to recruit  and train new  employees.
Although the Corporation has done so in the past and expects to be able to do so
in the future,  there can be no assurance that the  Corporation  will be able to
successfully attract and retain skilled and experienced personnel.

Potential Product Liability

Human therapeutic  products involve an inherent risk of product liability claims
and associated adverse publicity.  The Corporation  currently maintains clinical
trial  liability  insurance  with an ultimate net loss value of up to $5 million
per claim and policy aggregate of $10 million. The Corporation  currently has no
other product liability  insurance and there can be no assurance that it will be
able to obtain or maintain  product  liability  insurance on acceptable terms or
with  adequate  coverage  against  potential  liabilities.   Such  insurance  is
expensive,  difficult  to  obtain  and may not be  available  in the  future  on
acceptable  terms,  or at all.  An  inability  to  obtain  sufficient  insurance
coverage on reasonable terms or to otherwise  protect against  potential product
liability claims could prevent or inhibit the  commercialization of the licensed
products.  A product  liability  claim  brought  against the  Corporation,  or a
product  withdrawal,  could have a material  adverse effect upon the Corporation
and its financial condition.

Ability to Maintain the Licenses

The Corporation  has obtained its rights to the licensed  products under license
agreements from various third party licensors. The Corporation is dependent upon
the licenses for its rights to the licensed  products and  commercialization  of
the licensed products.  While the Corporation  believes it is in compliance with
its  obligations  under the  licenses,  certain  licenses may be  terminated  or
converted to non-exclusive licenses by the licensors if there is a breach of the
terms  of the  licenses.  There  can  be no  assurance  that  the  licenses  are
enforceable  or  will  not  be  terminated  or  converted.  The  termination  or
conversion  of the licenses or the inability of the  Corporation  to enforce its
rights  under  the  licenses  would  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the
Corporation.  Terms of the licenses which management  considers  material to the
undertaking of the  Corporation  are the subject of signed  license  agreements.
Terms of certain remaining licenses are to be determined at a later date.


Although the Corporation's current licenses are governed by the laws of Ontario,
their  enforcement  may  necessitate  pursuing legal  proceedings  and obtaining
orders in other  jurisdictions,  including the United States and the Republic of
Cuba.  There can be no assurance that a court judgement or order obtained in one
jurisdiction  will be enforceable in another.  In addition,  as described  under
"Business of the  Corporation - Licensing  Arrangements",  the Corporation has a
number of  license  agreements  with  CIMAB,  a Cuban  company  responsible  for
commercializing  products developed at CIM and the product licensed from CBQ. As
is the case in many developing  states, the commercial legal environment in Cuba
is in a  formative  stage and may be subject to greater  political  risk.  It is
possible  that the  Corporation  may not be able to enforce its legal  rights in
Cuba or against Cuban  entities to the same extent as it would in a country with
a more developed  commercial and legal system.  Termination of the Corporation's
license  arrangements or difficulties  in enforcement of such  arrangements  may
have a material  adverse effect on the  Corporation's  business,  operations and
financial condition.

Reliance Upon the Licensors

The  Corporation  does not conduct its own basic  research  with  respect to the
identification of new products.  Instead,  the Corporation  relies upon research
and  development  work conducted by others as a primary source for new products.
While the  Corporation  expects  that it will be able to  continue  to  identify
licensable products or research suitable for licensing and  commercialization by
the Corporation, there can be no assurance that this will occur.

Risks Associated With Obtaining Regulatory Approval for Drug Products

Securing  regulatory  approval for the manufacture and sale of human therapeutic
products in Canada and the Corporation's  other territories is a long and costly
process  that is  governed  by a variety of statutes  and  regulations  in those
countries.  These laws  require  controlled  research  and testing of  products,
government  review and  approval of a  submission  containing  pre-clinical  and
clinical data  establishing  the safety and efficacy of the product for each use
sought,  approval of manufacturing  facilities including adherence to GMP during
production  and  storage,  and  control  of  marketing   activities,   including
advertising and labelling.

The Corporation's licensed products will require additional development, certain
confirmatory  and  clinical  testing  and  investment  of  significant  funds to
progress toward  commercialization.  There can be no assurance that the licensed
products will be successfully commercialized. The process of completing clinical
testing and  obtaining  regulatory  approval is likely to take a number of years
for most of the licensed  products and require the  expenditure  of  substantial
resources. Any failure to obtain, or a delay in obtaining,  such approvals could
adversely  affect  the  Corporation  thereby  adversely  affecting   operations.
Further, there can be no assurance that the Corporation's licensed products will
prove to be safe and  effective in clinical  trials  under the  standards of the
regulations in the Corporation's  territories or receive  applicable  regulatory
approvals from applicable regulatory bodies.

Changes in Government Regulation

The Corporation  has, or has had,  licenses with, or clinical trials at, various
academic  organizations,  hospitals and companies in Canada,  Cuba,  Italy,  the
United  States and the United  Kingdom  and  depends  upon the  validity  of its
licenses and access to the data from the timely  completion of clinical research
in  those  jurisdictions.   Any  changes  in  the  drug  development  regulatory
environment  or shifts in political  attitudes  of a  government  are beyond the
control of the Corporation and may adversely  affect its business.  The business
of the  Corporation  may also be affected in varying  degrees by such factors as
government  regulations  with respect to  intellectual  property,  regulation or
export  controls.  Such changes remain beyond the control of the Corporation and
the effect of any such changes cannot be predicted.

Country Risks

The Corporation conducts it business internationally.  The Corporation currently
licenses  products  and  technologies  from  sources  in Canada  and  Cuba.  The
Corporation  intends  to,  and  may,  license  products  from  sources  in other
jurisdictions.  The Corporation  conducts  clinical trials in Canada,  Cuba, the
United Kingdom and the United States and intends to, and may,  conduct  clinical
trials in other  jurisdictions.  There can be no  assurance  that any  sovereign
government, including Canada's, will not establish laws or regulations that will


not be  deleterious to the interests of the  Corporation.  There is no assurance
that the Corporation, as a foreign corporation,  will continue to have access to
the regulatory agencies in Cuba, the United Kingdom,  and the United States, and
there can be no  assurance  that the  Corporation  will be able to  enforce  its
licenses  in  foreign  jurisdictions.  Governments  have,  from  time  to  time,
established foreign exchange controls which could have a material adverse effect
on the  Corporation  and its financial  condition and results of operations.  In
addition,  the value of the Corporation's  licenses will depend upon no punitive
or prohibitive legislation in respect of biological materials.

The Corporation has licensed products from two academic  institutes in Cuba. The
United States has maintained an embargo against Cuba, administered by the Office
of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury ("Treasury"). The
laws and  regulations  establishing  the embargo  have been amended from time to
time,  most  recently  by  the  passage  of the  Cuban  Liberty  and  Democratic
Solidarity  Act (the  "Helms-Burton  Bill").  The embargo  applies to almost all
transactions  involving  Cuba  or  Cuban  enterprises,  and it  bars  from  such
transactions  any US persons unless such persons obtain  specific  licenses from
Treasury authorizing their participation in the transactions.  There is Canadian
legislation (the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act) which provides generally
that judgments  against Canadian  companies under the Helms-Burton Bill will not
be enforced  in Canada.  The US embargo  could have the effect of  limiting  the
Corporation's  access to US capital,  US finance, US customers and US suppliers.
In particular, the Corporation's products licensed from Cuban sources, including
TheraCIM,  RadioTheraCIM,  the TGF(alpha) Vaccine, the HER-1 Vaccine and the G-1
anti-microbial  product,  are  likely to be  prohibited  from sale in the United
States unless the Office of Foreign Assets Control of Treasury  issues a license
or the embargo is lifted.

The Helms-Burton Bill authorizes private lawsuits for damages against anyone who
"traffics" in property confiscated,  without compensation,  by the Government of
Cuba from persons who at the time were, or have since  become,  nationals of the
United  States.  The  Corporation  does not own any property in Cuba and, to the
best of the  Corporation's  knowledge,  and based  upon the  advice of the Cuban
government,  none of the properties of the  scientific  centers of the licensors
from where the licensed  products were developed and are or may be  manufactured
was  confiscated by the Government of Cuba from persons who at the time were, or
have since  become,  nationals of the United  States.  However,  there can be no
assurance that the  Corporation's  understanding in this regard is correct.  The
Corporation does not intend to traffic in confiscated property.

Passive Foreign Investment Company

The Corporation may be deemed to be a "Passive Foreign Investment Company".  See
"Item 10 - United States Federal Income Tax Considerations - U.S. Holders". As a
result,  a U.S.  Holder of the  Corporation's  Common Shares could be subject to
increased tax liability, possibly including an interest charge, upon the sale or
other  disposition  of the U.S.  Holder's  Common  Shares or upon the receipt of
"excess distributions".

Need for Future Capital and Uncertainty of Additional Funding

The Corporation may require additional funding for the  commercialization of the
licensed  products,  and it will  require  additional  funds if new products are
licensed and put into development.  To the extent that the Corporation is unable
to fund such  expenditures  from sales,  license fees and  royalties,  it may be
necessary to access  either the public  markets or private  financings  whenever
conditions  permit.  In  addition,  the  Corporation  has  no  established  bank
financing  arrangements  and there can be no assurance that the Corporation will
be able to establish such arrangements on satisfactory terms. Such financing, if
required and  completed,  may have a dilutive  effect on the holdings of persons
who hold  Common  Shares.  There is no  assurance  that such  financing  will be
available if required, or that it will be available on favourable terms.

Possible Volatility of Share Price

The trading  price of the  Corporation's  Common  Shares,  as with many emerging
biopharmaceutical  companies,  is likely to be highly volatile.  Factors such as
the efficacy of the Corporation's  products or the products of the Corporation's


competitors,  announcements of  technological  innovations by the Corporation or
its  competitors,  governmental  regulations,  developments  in patents or other
proprietary  rights  of the  Corporation,  its  licensors  or  its  competitors,
litigation,   fluctuations  in  the  Corporation's   operating  results,  market
conditions  for  biopharmaceutical   stocks  and  general  market  and  economic
conditions  could have a significant  impact on the future  trading price of the
Common Shares.

International Taxation

Given the intended international scope of its operations, the Corporation may be
subject to taxation by more than one country.

                       ITEM 4: INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY


YM  BioSciences  Inc. was  incorporated  under the laws of Ontario on August 17,
1994 and on December  11,  2001 it  continued  into the  Province of Nova Scotia
under the Nova Scotia  Companies  Act.  The head office and  principal  place of
business of the  Corporation  is Suite 400,  Building  11, 5045  Orbitor  Drive,
Mississauga,  Ontario,  Canada,  L4W 4Y4,  telephone number (905) 629-9761.  The
registered  office of YM  BioSciences  is 1959 Upper  Water  Street,  Suite 800,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 2X2.

The  Corporation was founded in 1994 to acquire rights to develop drug products.
The Corporation is principally focused on cancer therapeutics.

In 1995  the  Corporation  secured  its  first  drug  licenses  and its  initial
financing.  The  Corporation  initially  licensed  a range of drug  products  at
various  stages  of  assessment  and  development,   including  certain  of  the
Corporation's  current anti-cancer  products and its anti-microbial  product. In
1998, the Corporation  determined to concentrate on anti-cancer products,  while
retaining its interest in anti-microbials. The Corporation has used funds raised
in its initial financing and subsequent financings in 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002 and
2003 to advance certain of its licensed drug products through clinical trials in
Canada,  the United States of America and Europe, and to expand its portfolio of
anti-cancer  products by licensing  additional  drug products in later stages of
development.  In addition,  the Corporation  licensed certain drug products that
were in pre-clinical  development for which it is  participating  in development
costs. See "Business of the Corporation - Products in Clinical  Development" and
"- Products in Pre-Clinical Development".

Investments in capital assets totaled  $90,447 during the last three full fiscal
years  and the  subsequent  six month  period  ended  December  31,  2003.  Such
investments  consisted  primarily of leasehold  improvements and office computer

                                                        Capital Expenditures          Capital Dispositions
     ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- -------------------------------
     Six-month period ended December 31, 2003                  $3,724                          $0
     Year ended June 30, 2003                                  $2,361                          $0
     Year ended June 30, 2002                                  $2,808                          $0
     Year ended June 30, 2001                                  $81,554                         $0

There are no  principal  capital  expenditures  and  divestitures  currently  in

There is no indication of any public takeover offers by third parties in respect
of the YM's  shares or by YM in respect of other  companies'  shares  which have
occurred during the last and current financial year.




The  Corporation is a  biopharmaceutical  company  engaged in the development of
drugs primarily for the treatment of cancer. YM in-licenses  substances designed
for use in anti-cancer therapy in order to advance them along the regulatory and
clinical  pathways  toward  commercial  approval.   The  Corporation's  licenses
generally  cover the major market  countries of the developed  world  (including
Canada,  the  United  States  of  America,  Japan  and  Western  Europe)  or are
world-wide.  The  Corporation  uses its  expertise to manage and perform what it
believes are the most  critical  aspects of the drug  development  process which
include the design and conduct of clinical trials, the development and execution
of strategies for the protection and maintenance of intellectual property rights
and  the  interaction  with  drug  regulatory  authorities  internationally.  YM
concentrates on drug development and does not engage in drug discovery, avoiding
the significant investment of time and capital that is generally required before
a compound is identified  and brought to clinical  trials.  YM both conducts and
out-sources   clinical  trials  and  out-sources  the  manufacture  of  clinical
materials to third parties.

The Corporation's current portfolio of products in clinical development includes
three anti-cancer agents (a small molecule, a vaccine and a monoclonal antibody)
in a number of formulations  targeting seven different  tumours and/or stages of
cancer.  The Corporation also has licensed rights to two additional  anti-cancer
immunotherapies in pre-clinical development.  The Corporation intends to license
the rights to manufacture  and market its drug products to other  pharmaceutical
companies in exchange  for license fees and royalty  payments and to continue to
seek other  in-licensing  opportunities in pursuing its business  strategy.  The
Corporation does not currently intend to manufacture or market products although
it may, if the opportunity is available on terms that are considered attractive,
participate  in ownership of  manufacturing  facilities  or retain  marketing or
co-development rights to specific drugs.

Business Strategy

The Corporation is principally focused on development of drugs for the treatment
of cancer.  YM's  strategy  is to license  rights to  promising  drug  products,
further develop those products by conducting and managing  clinical research and
trials and progressing the products toward regulatory approval,  and sub-license
or out-license  rights to manufacture  and/or market  resulting drug products to
other  pharmaceutical  firms in exchange for  royalties  and license  fees.  The
Corporation  seeks  to  use  its  product  development  capabilities  to  bridge
discoveries  and  research  from   scientific/academic   institutions  or  other
biopharmaceutical  companies, on the one hand, with commercial manufacturing and
marketing of biopharmaceutical products, on the other hand.

The main elements of the Corporation's business strategy are described below:

Identification  of  Product  Candidates.   The  Corporation   directly  performs
scientific  evaluation and market assessment of biopharmaceutical  drug products
and  research   developed   by   scientific/academic   institutions   and  other
biopharmaceutical  companies. As part of this process, the Corporation evaluates
the related scientific research and pre-clinical and clinical research,  if any,
and the intellectual property rights in such products and research,  with a view
to  determining  the  therapeutic  and  commercial  potential of the  applicable
product candidates.

In-Licensing.  Upon identifying a promising  biopharmaceutical drug product, the
Corporation  seeks to negotiate a license to the rights for the product from the
holder of those rights, the developer or researcher.  The terms of such licenses
vary, but generally the Corporation's  goal is to secure licenses that permit it
to  engage  in  further  development,  clinical  trials,  intellectual  property
protection  (on behalf of the licensor or  otherwise)  and further  licensing of
manufacturing and marketing rights to any resulting drug products.  This process
of securing license rights to drug products is commonly known as "in-licensing".

Further Development.  Upon in-licensing a drug, the Corporation's strategy is to
apply its skills and  expertise  to  progress  the  products  toward  regulatory
approval and commercial  production and sale in major markets.  These activities
include   implementing   intellectual   property   protection  and  registration


strategies,  performing or having  performed for it,  pre-clinical  research and
testing,  the formulating or reformulating of drug products,  making  regulatory
submissions, performing or managing clinical trials in target jurisdictions, and
undertaking or managing the collection, collation and interpretation of clinical
and field data and the  submission of such data to the relevant drug  regulatory
authorities in compliance with applicable protocols and standards.

Out-Licensing.  The Corporation generally plans to further license manufacturing
and  marketing  rights to its  licensed  drug  products to other  pharmaceutical
firms.  This is  commonly  known as  "out-licensing".  Under  the  Corporation's
business  model,  licensees  would be  expected,  to the  extent  necessary,  to
participate  in the  remaining  clinical  development  required to obtain  final
regulatory approval for the product.  The Corporation expects that out-licensing
would  result  in a  pharmaceutical  company  or  other  licensee  marketing  or
manufacturing  the product in return for licensing fees in addition to royalties
on any sales of the product.  Management  believes this model is consistent with
current  biotechnology  and  pharmaceutical  industry  licensing  practices.  In
addition,  although out-licensing is a primary strategy of the Corporation,  the
Corporation  may retain  co-development  or marketing  rights to particular drug
products or territories.  To date, the Corporation has  out-licensed  one of its
products   in   certain   European   countries,   and   has   entered   into  an
agreement-in-principle   to  permit  the   licensor   of  its  two   anti-cancer
pre-clinical  products to license those  products to a  third-party,  subject to
certain     government     and    corporate     approvals.     See    "Licensing

The  Corporation  actively  searches  for new  product  opportunities  using the
relationships  of its management and advisory team and continuous  monitoring of
the academic and biotechnology environment in cancer treatment developments. The
Corporation's  staff  analyses  and  evaluates  opportunities  and  continuously
reviews them. In addition,  the Corporation has existing rights of first refusal
in certain of its existing license  agreements for certain  additional  products
and  extensions  to existing  products.  The  Corporation  intends to seek other
in-licensing opportunities in pursuing its business strategy.

Cancer and Cancer Therapeutic Market

Worldwide, an estimated 10 million people are diagnosed with some type of cancer
annually.  In North America,  where the incidence is approximately  1.25 million
cases per year,  cancer is the second  leading cause of  disease-related  death,
behind  cardiovascular  disease which it is predicted to surpass in the next few
years.  The  principal  reasons  for  this  projection  appear  to be the  aging
population  in  more  developed  countries,   environmental  issues  related  to
industrial  development,  and  improvements  in the treatment of  cardiovascular
disease.  North America,  Europe and Japan are the principal  markets for cancer
therapies because of the established healthcare and payor systems.

The principal types of cancer in the United States, accounting for approximately
55% of the incidence of all cancers,  based on management analysis, are prostate
(16%), breast (14%), lung (14%) and colorectal (11%). These four types of cancer
are  also  responsible  for  the  highest  combined  mortality,  accounting  for
approximately 50% of all cancer deaths in the United States.  Bladder,  ovarian,
brain and oral cancer,  as well as lymphoma,  leukemia and melanoma  account for
the  majority of the balance of cancer  deaths.  The  incidence  of a particular
cancer varies greatly between continents, principally because of diet and habit.
For  instance,  the  incidence of prostate  cancer  appears to be  significantly
higher in the United States than in Europe.

Surgery,  radiation and chemotherapy remain the principal  effective  treatments
for  cancer.   Although   there  is  an  ongoing   debate  about  the  value  of
chemotherapeutics  with regards to prolongation of life,  their palliative value
has  resulted  in  significant  improvements  in  quality  of  life  for  cancer
sufferers. In addition,  although the reason is not clearly understood,  current
cancer drugs are effective in only a subpopulation  of individuals with the same
disease.  Notwithstanding  this,  revenues  in the global  oncology  market were
reported to be approximately US$20 billion in 2003, and are expected to increase
to over US$45  billion  by 2011.  The use of cancer  therapies  is  forecast  to
increase as diagnostics  methods  improve (as already  demonstrated  in prostate
cancer) and, particularly, as more effective treatments are developed.


Numerous new approaches to cancer are currently in clinical  trials.  As targets
become  validated  and  technologies  improve,  research is  beginning  to yield
therapeutic  approaches  that appear to be more  effective  than existing  ones.
Monoclonal  antibodies  were first  described in 1978,  and are now beginning to
yield commercially viable therapeutic  products,  such as Rituxan(R),  the first
monoclonal  treatment for cancer,  approved by the United  States  Department of
Health and Human  Services  Food and Drug  Administration  ("FDA") in 1998.  The
Corporation is aware of only four monoclonal  antibodies  approved in the United
States for the treatment of cancer,  Rituxan(R),  Campath(R),  Herceptin(R)  and
Mylotarg(R)  although many more are in development.  A second approach to cancer
treatment,  therapeutic  cancer  vaccines,  has been under  development for many
years, and the first such vaccine, Melacine(R), was approved in 1999 in Canada.


The Corporation has an interest in three anti-cancer agents (a small molecule, a
vaccine and a monoclonal  antibody) in a number of formulations  targeting seven
different  tumours and/or stages of cancer.  The  Corporation  has also licensed
rights  to  two   additional   anti-cancer   immunotherapies   in   pre-clinical
development.  A number of these  involve  newer  approaches  to the treatment of
cancer and include two  formulations  of a  monoclonal  antibody,  TheraCIM  and
RadioTheraCIM,  and an anti-cancer  therapeutic vaccine,  Norelin,  currently in
clinical development as well as two anti-cancer therapeutic vaccines,  HER-1 and
TGF(alpha),   in  preclinical  development.   The  Corporation's  lead  product,
tesmilifene,   is   a   chemical   that   enhances   the   activity   of   known
chemotherapeutics.  The  Corporation's  drug  products  target  some of the most
common cancer indications, including breast and prostate (early-stage as well as
metastatic  disease).  YM is also pursuing  several  smaller cancer  indications
including  head-and-neck  cancer,  brain  cancers and certain  indications  with
orphan  drug   designations.   The   successful   development  of  most  of  the
Corporation's  drugs in the initial  indications  would  suggest that they could
continue to be developed in multiple indications.



Tesmilifene is a small molecule  anti-cancer  drug with multiple modes of action
that  enhances the activity of  traditional  chemotherapy  agents.  Its chemical
designation is  N,N-diethyl-2[4-phenylmethyl)]  ethanamine hydrochloride. It has
demonstrated  synergistic  effects with  anthracyclines  in late-stage  clinical
trials  and with  taxanes,  5-FU  and  platins  in  earlier-stage  clinical  and
pre-clinical studies.

Clinical Experience and Development Plans:

Tesmilifene  has  been  administered  to  more  than  460  cancer  patients  and
demonstrated  to be well  tolerated.  The product has been approved by either or
both of the FDA and the  Canadian  drug  regulatory  agency  of the  Therapeutic
Products  Directorate,  Health  Canada  ("Health  Canada")  for use in  numerous
clinical trials including:

      a)    Phase  I/II  study of  tesmilifene  alone  and in  combination  with
            doxorubicin in patients with metastatic breast cancer;

      b)    Phase  I/II  study  of  tesmilifene  in  combination   with  various
            anti-neoplastic agents;

      c)    Phase   I/   II   study   of   tesmilifene   in   combination   with
            cyclophosphamide  in  patients  with   hormone-refractory   prostate

      d)    Phase II trial of  tesmilifene  plus  doxorubicin  in patients  with
            metastatic   breast   cancer;

      e)    Phase II pilot study of mitoxantrone/prednisone  plus tesmilifene in
            patients with symptomatic

            hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer;

      f)    Phase II combination study of tesmilifene with doxorubicin and taxol
            in advanced breast cancer;

      g)    Randomized  Phase  III  trial of  tesmilifene  plus  doxorubicin  in
            patients with metastatic breast cancer;

      h)    Phase II combination  study of tesmilifene  with various  taxanes in
            first-line metastatic breast cancer;


      i)    Randomized  Phase  III  trial of  tesmilifene  plus  epirubicin  and
            cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic breast cancer.


In October,  2003 the FDA provided  clearance to the  Corporation  to initiate a
Phase III trial,  the design and  endpoints  of which were subject to a positive
review  by the FDA in March,  2003  under a process  known as  Special  Protocol
Assessment  ("SPA").  An SPA is intended to provide official  evaluation of, and
agreement  with,  a  protocol  and  endpoints  to form  the  basis of a new drug
application.  In November,  2003 the Corporation received approval, from the FDA
to apply an  "adaptive  design"  to the  pivotal  trial  for  which  the SPA had
approved the protocol.  This adaptive design,  which in the case of YM's pivotal
trial  provides  for  "sequential   analysis",   permits  the  independent  Data
Monitoring  Board  ("DMB") to review the status of the patients in the trial and
to conclude,  at any point during the trial, whether the trial should be stopped
because of sufficient  evidence of the effect of tesmilifene;  continued for the
purpose of  increasing  the  numbers of the  patients  in the trial;  or stopped
because of the absence of any effect  (futility)  of the drug in  patients  with
metastatic breast cancer.  This sequential  analysis can be applied at any point
during the trial.  The FDA has advised the  Corporation  that the first  interim
analysis  of the data  generated  under this  process  may take place  after 192
deaths have occurred in the patient population of the trial. Sequential analysis
differs  significantly from the classical trial design which requires enrollment
of the full number of patients  contemplated  in the original  protocol prior to
which no  review of the  patients  may take  place  except  with a  considerable
statistical  penalty  being paid by the sponsor for the trial  results.  Under a
sequential  analysis a positive outcome would permit shortened time to approval,
and thus to market.  This  shortened  time period  would also have the effect of
"patient  sparing" so that in the event of success no  patients  continue in the
control arm and in the event of futility no additional patients are enrolled.

The Corporation has initiated the above-mentioned  international Phase III trial
of tesmilifene in metastatic  breast cancer in 700 patients.  The FDA has agreed
that the trial  may be  stopped  after 192  patient  events  (deaths)  have been
recorded provided that certain results have been achieved,  as determined by the

As of the date of this  registration  statement,  the Corporation has contracted
with Pharm-Olam  International,  Ltd., a clinical research organization ("CRO"),
to conduct this Phase III trial internationally.

The SouthWest  Oncology Group, a US National Cancer  Institute-supported  cancer
clinical trials  cooperative group, has advised the Corporation that it proposes
to undertake a randomized Phase II trial in which  tesmilifene is to be combined
with mitoxantrone (Novantrone(R))/prednisone and compared to results in patients
to be treated with  taxotere/estramustine/calcitriol  for advanced,  metastatic,
hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

The Corporation has completed a US/Canadian  Phase II trial of tesmilifene in 29
patients in combination  with  mitoxantrone  (Novantrone(R))/prednisone  for the
treatment of metastatic, hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Preliminary results
from this trial were presented at the annual meeting of the American  Society of
Clinical  Oncology ("ASCO") in May 2002. Those data demonstrated a response rate
(greater  than 70%) in patients and  suggested  that  tesmilifene  increased the
efficacy of  mitoxantrone/predisone  compared  with  mitoxantrone/prednisone  in
historical controls, as determined by objective pain reduction and decreased PSA
levels.  Objective  pain  reduction  is measured  using a specific  pain-related
questionnaire  and by  discontinuance or reduction of treatment with analgesics.
Results of the trial have been published in a major oncology journal.

The National  Cancer  Institute  of Canada  ("NCIC")  and  Bristol-Myers  Squibb
Company  ("BMS"),  the  then-licensee  of tesmilifene,  designed and conducted a
global, open-label, randomized Phase III study of tesmilifene/doxorubicin versus
doxorubicin   alone  in  metastatic  breast  cancer  with  tumour  response  and
progression-free-survival  as  primary  endpoints  and  overall  survival  as  a
secondary endpoint. A planned interim analysis failed to demonstrate improvement
in tumour response and progression-free-survival and BMS terminated all clinical
development.  However, the 305 patients then enrolled in the study were followed
by NCIC for  overall  survival.  At the 2001 ASCO  meeting,  two years after the
decision by BMS to terminate development,  the NCIC reported that an increase in
overall survival of greater than 50% was seen in those patients who had received
the   tesmilifene/doxorubicin   combination  compared  with  patients  receiving
doxorubicin alone (23.6 months vs. 15.6 months; p<0.03, as adjusted). Results of
the trial have been published in a major oncology journal.



Tesmilifene is a small  molecule that is  inexpensive  and simple to manufacture
through a two-step  chemical process.  The tesmilifene  active drug substance is
currently manufactured at Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici in Italy and is formulated
into final drug product by Chesapeake Biological Laboratories Inc. in the United
States.  Both of these suppliers operate facilities  meeting GMP standards.  The
Corporation  has not at this time  engaged  in  detailed  discussions  regarding
commercial scale manufacturing of tesmilifene, however, the Corporation believes
that numerous fine chemical manufacturers worldwide would be able to manufacture
this compound at commercial scale.

Intellectual Property:

Aspects of  tesmilifene,  including  its  anti-cancer  uses,  are the subject of
patents  that have  issued in the  United  States,  Europe,  Japan,  Canada  and
Australia.  Tesmilifene's cytoprotective end-use is the subject of other patents
granted or pending in major markets. In addition,  the drug's use in combination
with  doxorubicin  to treat  breast  cancer is the  subject  of a recent  patent
application in the United  States.  The  Corporation  has obtained its rights to
such patents  principally  under a license agreement with University of Manitoba
and  CancerCare  Manitoba and also by assignment  from its  consultant,  Vincent
Research & Consulting Inc. See "- Licensing Arrangements".

Competitive Position:

The  primary   competition  for  tesmilifene  is  other  enhancers  of  standard
chemotherapies and possibly the market reduction for those  chemotherapies  from
the introduction of new drugs for tesmilifene's  target conditions.  Competition
appears to be principally from antisense drugs and pGp inhibitors.

Avastin  from  Genentech  Inc. is being  developed  as an  inhibitor of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its activity,  while a different  approach,
could be competitive with tesmilifene.

Antisense  drugs  (including  Genasense from Genta  Incorporated,  GTI 2501 from
Lorus  Therapeutics  Inc.  and ISIS  2503 from  ISIS  Pharmaceuticals)  have the
potential to become competitive for tesmilifene as chemopotentiators.

To the knowledge of the Corporation only one pGp inhibitor,  Zosuquidar-LY335979
from Eli Lilly and Company, continues in clinical development.

The development of new drugs for metastatic  breast cancer could reduce the size
of  the  market  for  currently  used  chemotherapeutics  which  tesmilifene  is
demonstrated to enhance. To the knowledge of the Corporation there are more than
300 Phase III studies in metastatic breast cancer currently underway.

TheraCIM and RadioTheraCIM


TheraCIM,  targeting the EGFr,  is a humanized  MAb. The EGFr is present at high
concentrations on the surface of many cancer cells and it is postulated that the
binding of ligands to this  receptor is  important in the  continuing  growth of
cancer cells. TheraCIM blocks this binding resulting in the potential for direct
inhibition of cell growth or,  possibly,  cell destruction by the immune system.
Improved  tumour  responses have been reported when MAbs are combined with other
anti-cancer treatments.


The Corporation's EGFr MAb is being developed in the following formulations:

     --------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
     TheraCIM              Naked               Administered in combination with conventional
                           Antibody            radiation therapy.
     --------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

     RadioTheraCIM         Radiolabelled  For  local  injection   directly  into
                           tumour resection  Antibody  cavities,  such as in the
                           treatment of brain cancers.

     --------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

The  discussion  below on  Manufacturing  and  Competitive  Position  refers  to

Clinical Experience - TheraCIM:

In fiscal 2004, the Corporation  plans to undertake a randomized  Phase II trial
in head-and-neck cancer.  Further, the Corporation  understands that certain new
trials will be initiated in Europe by the Corporation's licensee in 2004.

The  Corporation has also been advised that  recruitment for a randomized  Phase
III, 84 patient  study in  head-and-neck  cancer  with  TheraCIM  together  with
radiation being conducted by the  Corporation's  licensor,  CIM is ongoing and a
CIM-sponsored  single-arm  Phase II glioma  study of the drug with  radiation is
also ongoing.

In the first quarter of calendar 2003, the Corporation completed recruitment for
its Phase II  clinical  trial of  TheraCIM in  patients  with  locally  advanced
head-and-neck  cancer.  Twenty-four  fully evaluable  patients were recruited in
five sites across Canada.  The side effects seen to date in this study appear to
be less severe than those  previously  noted with the current  standard-of-care,
chemoradiation,  with no  apparent  loss  of  effectiveness  of the  combination
therapy.  TheraCIM  appears to  sensitize  tumours to the degree  that  patients
receiving  the antibody  appear to have in excess of twice the response  rate to
radiation than that reported for patients receiving radiation alone.

A previous  Phase I/II trial for which  recruitment  was  completed in the third
quarter of calendar 2002 and conducted by the Corporation's  licensor,  resulted
in 24 fully evaluable  patients  receiving  TheraCIM with radiation.  This trial
demonstrated a significant benefit compared to radiation alone (greater than 60%
complete  response compared to approximately 30% complete response expected from
radiation alone).

In July 2001, YM BioSciences received approval from Health Canada, to initiate a
Phase I/II study of TheraCIM hR3 in conjunction  with  radiotherapy  in patients
with brain cancer resulting from metastases from  non-small-cell lung cancer. YM
has postponed  implementing  this trial while it evaluates the results of trials
of competitive approaches to treatment of this condition.

Clinical Experience - RadioTheraCIM:

In May 2003,  data were  presented  at ASCO,  the  American  Society of Clinical
Oncology   annual   meeting,   of  an   investigator-led   trial   utilizing  an
Yttrium-90-labeled  version of  TheraCIM  in 45  patients,  post-excision,  with
glioma.  It was  concluded  that this method is feasible  and  warrants  further
study. Since the trial is physician-sponsored,  neither the Corporation nor CIM,
the supplier of the RadioTheraCIM, control the conduct of the trial.


The  current  manufacturing  processes  for  TheraCIM  are not  able to  produce
sufficient   material  to  satisfy  long-term   requirements.   Currently,   the
Corporation's  licensor  manufactures  the product.  Product from this plant has
been  approved  for use in a  clinical  trial  in  Canada.  The  plant  operates
according to GMP principles and its cGMP compliance  status has been reviewed on
behalf of the  Corporation by industry  experts.  However,  the facility has not


been inspected by a non-Cuban  regulatory agency and the Corporation  recognizes
that the  manufacturing  facility  has to meet GMP  standards in order to supply
product  for  more  advanced  clinical  trials.   Consequently,   in  1999,  the
Corporation  entered  into  a  collaboration  with  the  Biotechnology  Research
Institute  ("BRI") of the National  Science and Engineering  Research Council of
Canada ("NSERC") in order to fund the development of a manufacturing  process to
produce  clinical  grade  material on a  commercial  scale.  This  collaboration
yielded promising results, and the Corporation is currently working to develop a
validated  commercial scale manufacturing  process and generate data required to
satisfy applicable regulatory requirements.

The Corporation's license agreement for TheraCIM  contemplates  manufacturing of
the product by CIMAB S.A ("CIMAB"),  or a supplier  contracted by CIMAB.  Should
CIMAB agree to alternative manufacturing arrangements, such as a sub-licensee of
CIMYM manufacturing the product, the loss of manufacturing benefits to CIMAB may
be  reflected  in a lower  license  fee and  royalty  payable  to CIMYM  than if
manufacturing remains with CIMAB.

Intellectual Property:

Aspects of TheraCIM,  including claims to the antibody and its formulation,  are
the subject of patents  that have  issued in the United  States and Canada and a
patent application that has been granted in Europe. In addition, the combination
of any  EGF-based  passive  immunization  (such as TheraCIM)  together  with any
EGF-based  active  immunization  is the  subject  of Patent  Cooperation  Treaty
("PCT") and United States patent applications.  The Corporation has obtained its
rights to such  patents  under a  license  agreement  with  CIMAB,  the  company
responsible for the  commercialization of products developed at CIM and CBQ. See
"- Licensing Arrangements".

The Corporation is aware of US patent #5,770,195 granted to Genentech, Inc., for
the  anti-cancer  use of EGFr MAbs in combination  with a cytotoxic  agent.  The
Corporation  is also aware of US patents  granted  to others in this  field.  In
April 2001, Rorer  International  (Overseas)  ("Rorer") was issued the US patent
#6,217,866 which includes claims to any antibody targeting the EGFr administered
with any anti-neoplastic agent. A counterpart patent has been granted in Europe.
The Corporation has filed an opposition to the grant of the European patent. The
Corporation believes that the Rorer patents are licensed to ImClone Systems Inc.
("ImClone").  In  addition,  the  Corporation  is aware of a separate  series of
national  patent  applications  filed by ImClone,  and represented by EP1080113,
claiming the anti-cancer  use of radiation in combination  with any inhibitor of
any receptor tyrosine kinase that is involved in the genesis of tumours. ImClone
is also reported to have filed a PCT  application  covering the use of EGFr MAbs
to  treat  patients  having  tumours  that  do not  respond  to  treatment  with
conventional therapies.  The Corporation is also challenging ImClone's claims in
respect of the radiation-related  patent applications by filing additional prior
art at the relevant  national  patent offices.  The outcome of these  challenges
cannot be predicted,  and there can be no assurance  that the  Corporation  will
succeed in challenging  the validity or scope of patent claims by ImClone or any
other patent  applicant.  The Corporation has not incurred  material expenses in
connection   with  the   challenges   to  ImClone's   radiation-related   patent
application. See "Risk Factors - Patents and Proprietary Rights".

The manufacturing of TheraCIM may fall within the scope of process patents owned
by Protein Design Labs Inc.,  Genentech,  Inc., and the Medical Research Council
of the United  Kingdom.  Management is aware that some of these process  patents
are currently  being  challenged by companies other than YM. In the event any of
the applicable process patents are upheld,  management  believes it will be able
to obtain licenses under such patents on commercially  reasonable terms,  though
there can be no assurance thereof.

Competitive Position:

To the knowledge of the  Corporation,  other  companies that are involved in the
development of monoclonal antibody cancer  therapeutics  directly related to the
Corporations efforts include Abgenix Inc./Amgen,  Genmab A/S,  ImClone/BMS,  and
Merck KGaA. The Corporation  understands that OSI Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. ("OSI")
in concert with  Genentech and Roche and  AstraZeneca  PLC  ("AstraZeneca")  has
small molecules designed to target the tyrosine kinase domains of EGF receptors.
Iressa(R) has been approved in twenty countries, including Japan and the USA for
third line monotherapy of NSCLC. OSI reported that it has positive survival data
in a phase III monotherapy study in treatment  refractory NSCLC.  Tarceva(TM) is


under a rolling NDA  submission in the USA for NSCLC.  Erbitux(R) is approved in
the USA  and  Switzerland  for   metastatic  colorectal  cancer  in  combination
with irinotecan  in  the  irinotecan-refractory  patients. Erbitux(R)  is  under
review by other regulatory agencies including EMEA the European regulatory

OSI's   product,   TarcevaTM,   is  reported  to  be  in   co-development   with
F.Hoffmann-LaRoche  Ltd. and  Genentech,  Inc. and is reported to be in numerous
trials in various indications  including Phase III registration  studies. See "-

Norelin TM


Originally  developed  by  Biostar  Inc.  ("Biostar"),  NorelinTM  is an  active
specific  immunotherapy  agent that  harnesses  the  immune  system to block the
activity of the master hormone GnRH,  which controls the production of both male
and female sex hormones.  These  hormones bind to receptors in malignant  cancer
cells and  promote  the growth and spread of cancer.  By  eliciting  an antibody
response  to GnRH,  NorelinTM  is  designed  to block  GnRH  from  reaching  its
receptors in the  pituitary  gland,  thus reducing the amount of sex hormones in
circulation and thus reducing their effect on tumour growth.  NorelinTM consists
of an  adjuvant  combined  with the  immunogen,  the drug  substance  IPS-21,  a
proprietary  carrier  protein  that is a non-toxic  fragment of P.  haemolytica,
flanked by eight  copies of GnRH on both ends.  Extensive  testing by Biostar of
IPS-21 and product  formulations  has been carried out in numerous  domestic and
laboratory  species,  using a range of  adjuvants  and  doses.  In  pre-clinical
testing,  NorelinTM has been effective in inducing an antibody response to GnRH,
which in turn reduced sex hormones to  sterilization  levels in the pre-clinical
animal models assessed.  In addition, a significant  anti-tumour effect has been
demonstrated in several animal models.

Clinical Experience:

In 2002, YM obtained a Clinical  Trial  Application  approval from Health Canada
for  Norelin(TM)  and  a  safety  and  immunogenicity  study  in  patients  with
hormone-sensitive prostate cancer was initiated in the third quarter of calendar
2002.  Patient  enrolment  for this  trial was  completed  in  January  2003 and
preliminary results,  released in June 2003, indicated that the vaccine was well
tolerated and preliminary evidence of immune response was demonstrated in 50% of
patients. The data demonstrated  biological effect (decreased circulating levels
of testosterone) in a number of patients.  The presence of biological effect has
encouraged the  Corporation to pursue the further  clinical  development of this
product in the immediate future.


Unlike  MAbs,  NorelinTM  can be produced  in a bacterial  host such as E. coli.
Numerous production facilities are available in North America and elsewhere. The
drug substance was manufactured  for Biostar by Diosynth Inc.,  located in North
Carolina,  USA, and the current drug  product has been  manufactured  under cGMP
conditions by the University of Iowa's Pharmaceutical Services Division, located
in Iowa,  USA. The  Corporation is also aware of US patent  #6,303,123  owned by
Aphton Corporation  relating to the use of GnRH immunogenic  conjugates to treat
GnRH-dependent  diseases,  including prostatic hypertrophy,  and is developing a
strategy  for   addressing   this  patent  should  it  prove   relevant  to  the
Corporation's commercial activities with Norelin.

Intellectual Property:

Aspects of NorelinTM,  including claims to the fusion protein, its synthesis and
its  formulation,  are the  subject  of patents  that have  issued in the United
States, and patent  applications are pending in a number of other major markets.
The  Corporation  has  obtained  its  rights  to such  patents  under a  license
agreement with Biostar. See "- Licensing Arrangements".


Competitive Position:

Although  the  Corporation  is aware of  numerous  products in  development  for
prostate  cancer,  the Corporation is aware of only three competing  products in
the GnRH vaccine  field.  Of the four  products in  development  (including  the
Corporation's product), to the knowledge of the Corporation, a product by Aphton
Corporation appears to be the most advanced, having reportedly completed Phase I
testing  and having  reportedly  commenced  Phase II  testing.  The  Corporation
believes that the competitive  vaccines are based on chemical  synthesis  and/or
classical  conjugation  techniques,  unlike  NorelinTM  which is  produced  in a
bacterial host. As a result, the Corporation believes those competitive vaccines
are complex mixtures of proteins that would be expected to be more difficult and
expensive to produce than NorelinTM.

These  vaccine  products  will seek to compete  with  existing  treatments.  Two
existing  products  designed to induce  chemical  castration in the treatment of
prostate  cancer have been  approved  for  marketing  and in use for a number of
years. These products, Lupron by TAP Pharmaceuticals and Zoladex by AstraZeneca,
have a strong market presence.


TGFa Cancer Vaccine


Human  epidermal  growth  factors  and  their  receptors  are  known  to play an
important role in both normal cell  proliferation and in neoplastic  growth. The
EGFr is overexpressed in many human epithelial  malignancies,  including breast,
bladder,  ovarian,  colon,  lung, brain and esophageal  cancer. In some tumours,
EGFr  overexpression is an indicator of a poor clinical  prognosis.  There are a
number of ligands  (proteins  or  peptides  produced in the human body) that can
bind to the EGFr and are postulated to promote cancer growth. These include EGF,
TGFa, amphiregulin, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor and betacellulin.


The most  common  ligand for the EGFr in human  tissues is TGFa,  which is often
overexpressed in human epithelial malignancies. With this ligand, the EGFr forms
a well-defined  autocrine loop and there are numerous reports  demonstrating the
influence of the TGFa/EGFr system in human tumours.  Increased production in the
body of  either  EGFr or TGFa  have  been  identified  as  early  events  in the
progression of head-and-neck cancers. The autocrine loop EGFr/TGFa has also been
found to be very  important  for the  growth  of human  renal  carcinoma  cells.
Furthermore,  studies  with both  brain  tumour  cell lines and  primary  tumour
tissues  suggest that the TGFa and the EGFr  function as an important  autocrine
loop in supporting proliferation of brain tumours. The relationship between TGFa
and oncogenes is also established.  One example is the relationship between TGFa
and the oncogene c-myc.  Overexpression  of these genes is demonstrated in human
cancers,  suggesting that their  interaction may be a critical step in malignant
growth.  Taken as a whole, these studies suggest that overexpression of EGFr and
its ligand TGFa is frequent in human tumours.

Intellectual Property:

Aspectsof  the TGFa  Vaccine,  including  claims for vaccines  containing
TGFa, are the subject of patent  applications  that have been filed in all major
markets including the United States.  The TGFa Vaccine would also fall under the
scope of the  passive/active  immunization  claims  described in connection with
TheraCIM,  above.  The  Corporation  has  obtained  its  rights  to such  patent
applications   under  a  license   agreement   with  CIMAB.   See  "-  Licensing
Arrangements".  The Corporation is party to an agreement in principle with CIMAB
and CancerVax  Corporation  that would involve CIMAB granting a license for TGFa
and HER-1 directly to certain subsidiaries of CancerVax Corporation


and suspension of the Corporation's  license for TGF(alpha) and HER-1, in return
for certain payments. See "- Licensing Arrangements - Out-Licensing".

Current Status:

A  TGFa/P64k  fusion  protein has been  produced  in E. coli and  semi-purified.
Immunized  mice have mounted an anti-TGFa  antibody  response.  A murine  tumour
model  depending  on TGFa  expression  for in vivo  growth  is  currently  under

HER-1 Based Cancer Vaccine


As described  above,  the  EGF/EGFr  system is an  attractive  target for cancer
therapy.  The EGFr is  overexpressed  in many  malignant  tumours of  epithelial
origin,  such as breast,  bladder,  ovarian,  colon,  lung, brain and esophageal
cancer.  EGFr expression in human breast tumours has been correlated with a poor
prognosis.  Furthermore  it has been  demonstrated  that  expression  of EGFr in
breast tumour metastases is frequently  elevated compared to the primary tumour,
which suggests the involvement of EGFr in the metastatic  process,  though there
can be no assurance thereof.

Although  several MAbs against the EGFr,  both naked and those  associated  with
drugs,  toxins or radioisotopes,  are being evaluated for cancer  immunotherapy,
active specific  immunotherapy with the EGFr itself has not, to the knowledge of
the Corporation, been tested.


The HER-1 Vaccine  project is aimed at developing a cancer  vaccine  composed of
the extracellular domain of the human EGFr, presented in a  Th1-pattern-inducing
vehicle.  An antibody response would block the interaction  between EGFr and its
ligands,  provoking a  cytostatic  effect,  but tumour  shrinkage  could also be
induced by a cytotoxic T cell ("CTL") response.

Intellectual Property:

Aspects of the HER-1 Vaccine,  including claims for vaccines  containing  HER-1,
are the subject of patent applications that have been filed in the major markets
including the United  States.  The HER-1 Vaccine would also fall under the scope
of the passive/active immunization claims described in connection with TheraCIM,
above. The Corporation has obtained its rights to such patent applications under
a license agreement with CIMAB. See "- Licensing Arrangements".  The Corporation
is party to an agreement in principle with CIMAB and CancerVax  Corporation that
would  involve CIMAB  granting a license for  TGF(alpha)  and HER-1  directly to
certain   subsidiaries   of  CancerVax   Corporation   and   suspension  of  the
Corporation's  license for TGF(alpha) and HER-1, in return for certain payments.
(See "- Licensing Arrangements - Out-Licensing").

Current Status:

In the product,  the cDNAs  encoding the  extra-cellular  domain  ("ECD") of the
human and murine EGFr have been cloned into expression vectors,  and stable cell
lines secreting these ECDs appear to have been established.  Mice were immunized
with the ECD of the murine EGFr in different immunogenic preparations.  Specific
T cell  proliferation  and antibody  titers above 1/1000 were  obtained  without
severe toxicity. Pre-clinical tumour challenge experiments are ongoing.


G-1 Vinylfuran


G-1, a vinylfuran,  is the lead compound in a family of  anti-microbial  agents.
The properties of this molecule and related  structures  could result in a range
of therapeutic  products for bacterial and fungal  infections  affecting various
systems of the body.

Clinical Experiences:

A cream formulation of the G-1 product did not satisfy the criteria in a Phase I
study in the United Kingdom.  However, the original ointment formulation appears
to not have those  difficulties.  The  ointment  formulation  is reported by the
licensor  to have has been  tested  successfully  in both  Phase I and  Phase II
trials.  The licensor submitted results from its Phase III trial to CBQYM. CBQYM
distributed  marketing  materials  based on the trial results to  pharmaceutical
companies in order to elicit interest in sub-licensing the product.


The molecule is manufactured using conventional  synthetic chemistry  processes.
Separate  formulations  for  each  anticipated  method  of  application  will be
required as will the development of analytical and quality testing procedures to
allow stability  testing  programmes to be initiated.  The Corporation  does not
expect  to  experience   significant   difficulties  in  manufacturing  the  G-1
anti-microbial products.

The Corporation's  license  agreement for G-1 contemplates  manufacturing of the
product  by CIMAB or a  supplier  contracted  by CIMAB.  Should  CIMAB  agree to
alternative  manufacturing  arrangements,   such  as  a  sub-licensee  of  CIMYM
manufacturing  the product,  the loss of manufacturing  benefits to CIMAB may be
reflected  in a  lower  license  fee  and  royalty  payable  to  CIMYM  than  if
manufacturing remains with CIMAB.

Intellectual Property:

Aspects of G-1, including the purified product,  its synthesis,  formulation and
anti-microbial  end-use,  are the subject of a patent that has issued in Canada.
In addition,  patents for the  synthesis of G-1 and its  anti-microbial  end-use
have been  granted in Japan.  The  Corporation  has  obtained its rights to such
patents under a license agreement with CIMAB.  Also,  aspects of G-1,  including
the  purified  product,  formulation,  anti-microbial  end-use,  use of G1 as an
anti-microbial  medicament,  and its use in the manufacture of an anti-microbial
medicament  are the  subject  of a patent  that has  issued  in  Europe.  See "-
Licensing Arrangements".

Competitive Position:

Although  there  are  many  agents  currently  available  to  treat  infections,
antibiotic  resistance  continues  to be a major  concern to health  authorities
worldwide.  Many anti-microbial agents have a single mode of action, which means
that mutation of the invading  organism can render an antibiotic  ineffective in
very short order.  Data generated on this family of molecules  suggest that they
have  multiple  modes of  action  by which  bacteria  or  fungi  can be  killed,
indicating  that resistance is less likely to develop in the short term and that
the agents could be useful against multi-resistant species.


The  biopharmaceutical  industry  is  intensely  competitive.   Many  companies,
including other  biopharmaceutical  companies and biotechnology  companies,  are
actively engaged in activities  similar to those of the  Corporation,  including
research  and   development   of  drugs  for  the  treatment  of  cancer.   More
specifically,  competitors for the  development of new  therapeutic  products to
treat cancer also focus on MAb-based  cancer  therapeutics,  cancer vaccines and
other approaches that are based on both active and passive  immunotherapies  and


small molecule  discovery and development.  A 2001 survey by the  Pharmaceutical
Research and  Manufacturers  of America  ("PhRMA") listed 402 new treatments for
cancer that are currently being tested by researchers.

To the knowledge of the  Corporation,  other  companies that are involved in the
development of monoclonal antibody cancer  therapeutics  directly related to the
Corporation's efforts include Abgenix Inc./Amgen,  Genmab A/S, ImClone/BMS,  and
Merck KGaA. The Corporation  understands  that OSI in concert with Genentech and
Roche and AstraZeneca has small molecules designed to target the tyrosine kinase
domains of EGF  receptors.  Iressa(R)  has been  approved  in twenty  countries,
including  Japan and the USA for third line  monotherapy of NSCLC.  OSI reported
that is has positive survival data in a phase III monotherapy study in treatment
refractory  NSCLC.  Tarceva(TM) is under a rolling NDA submission in the USA for
NSCLC.  Erbitux(R) is approved in USA and Switzerland for metastatic  colorectal
in combination with irinotecan in irinotecan-refractory  patients. Erbitux(R) is
under review by other regulatory agencies including EMEA the European regulatory

The   Corporation   expects  to  encounter   significant   competition  for  the
pharmaceutical products it is developing and plans to develop in future. Many of
the  Corporation's  competitors have  substantially  greater financial and other
resources,  larger  research and  development  capabilities  and more  extensive
marketing and  manufacturing  organizations  than the Corporation.  In addition,
some such  companies  have  considerable  experience  in  pre-clinical  testing,
clinical  trials  and  other  regulatory  approval  procedures.  There  are also
academic  institutions,  governmental agencies and other research  organizations
which are conducting  research in areas in which the  Corporation is working and
they may also  market  commercial  products,  either  on  their  own or  through
collaborative  efforts.  If any of these  competitors were to complete  clinical
trials,  obtain required  regulatory  approvals and commence commercial sales of
their products before the Corporation they may achieve a significant competitive


The Corporation,  designs, funds and manages pre-clinical and clinical research,
and may support, but does not conduct,  basic research.  The Corporation manages
the  development  of  products  that it  in-licenses  through  its  own  team of
clinical, regulatory,  licensing and business development executives and through
a number of research and medical collaborations.  The Corporation is responsible
for filing  applications with the relevant  authorities for regulatory  approval
for clinical  trials and  conducts,  or has  conducted  on its behalf,  clinical
trials to progress  products  in  development  toward  regulatory  approval  and
possible  out-licensing for commercial sale. The Corporation's  current licenses
generally  provide that the Corporation will conduct,  or cause to be conducted,
the tests and clinical  studies  necessary to progress  products in  development
toward regulatory approval with a view to obtaining the approval for sale of the
licensed drug from  appropriate  regulatory  authorities.  The  Corporation  has
received  regulatory  approvals for clinical trials in Canada, the United States
of America,  the United Kingdom and South Africa from Phase I through Phase III.
Some  basic  research  is  conducted  at the  facilities  of  the  Corporation's
licensors, and the Corporation pays for certain amounts of this research.




The following diagram depicts YM's product licensing arrangements:

                                [CHART OMITTED]

License for tesmilifene.

In  November  2000,  YM  was  granted  an  exclusive  worldwide  license  by the
University of Manitoba and The Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation
(now  CancerCare  Manitoba)  (the  "Original  Licensor")  for all  products  and
formulations  of  tesmilifene  pursuant to which the  Corporation  undertook the
responsibility   for  the   clinical   development   of  the   product  and  its
commercialization. The Corporation must pay to the Original Licensor a specified
minority  percentage of revenues received from  sub-licensing the product,  less
certain  specified  development  costs,  similar  to  the  percentage  ownership
entitlement of the licensor of TheraCIM,  described  below.  If the  Corporation
manufactures and sells tesmilifene itself rather than through sub-licensing, the
Corporation must pay a specified lesser minority  percentage of net sales to the
Original  Licensor.  Management  believes these  royalties are  consistent  with
general  industry  practice for similar  arrangements.  In 2003, the Corporation
acquired  certain  additional  patent  rights  for the use of  tesmilifene  from
Vincent  Research  and  Consulting  in exchange for a small share of YM's future
royalty revenues.

License for NorelinTM.

In October 2000, YM secured the exclusive, sub-licensable,  worldwide license to
the  human  therapeutic  rights  to  NorelinTM  from  BioStar.  The  license  is
non-exclusive  with  respect  to  diagnostic  applications  for  P.  haemolytica
antibodies and excludes applications related to infectious diseases. Pursuant to
the license,  the  Corporation is required to pay Biostar an amount equal to the
lesser  of (a)  either  two or four  percent  (depending  on the  nature  of the
product) of net sales, and (b) 10 percent of any sub-licensing  revenue received
by the  Corporation.  The license will be terminated upon the termination of the
underlying  license between Biostar and the University of  Saskatchewan.  YM has
been advised  that  certain  rights to  technology  under the licence  depend on
patents and patent  applications,  the  prosecution and maintenance of which are
funded by third parties  pursuant to agreements  with the Veterinary  Infectious
Disease Organization ("VIDO"), a division of the University of Saskatchewan.  If
such parties purport to abandon any such  applications or patents,  VIDO has the


obligation to provide  Biostar with the  opportunity to fund the prosecution and
maintenance  of such  applications  and  patents,  if VIDO  chooses not to do so
itself. Similarly, Biostar has the obligation to provide YM with the opportunity
to fund the  prosecution and maintenance of such  applications  and patents,  if
Biostar chooses not to do so itself.

Licenses for TheraCIM, RadioTheraCIM, TGF(alpha) and HER-1.

(i)      The 1995 CIMYM License

In May 1995, YM acquired an exclusive,  sub-licensable  license (as amended, the
"1995  CIMYM  License")  from CIMAB,  acting on behalf of CIM,  to products  for
passive  immunotherapy  of  cancer  directed  toward  EGF and  EGFr as  targets,
including  hR3,  a  humanized  MAb  targeting  the  EGFr.  CIMAB is the  company
responsible  for the  commercialization  of  products  developed  at CIM and the
product licensed from CBQ (defined below).  The 1995 CIMYM License is in respect
of Europe,  Canada,  the United States,  Japan,  Australia,  Taiwan,  Singapore,
Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia,  Indonesia and the Philippines. As a
term of the 1995 CIMYM License,  YM has a right of first refusal with respect to
licensing  any other  products  derived  from the EGF and EGFr  programs  of CIM
except its anti-EGFr monoclonal antibody for psoriasis in Europe.

Pursuant to the 1995 CIMYM License,  in 1995 the Corporation  incorporated CIMYM
and assigned the 1995 CIMYM License to CIMYM.  Pursuant to the terms of the 1995
CIMYM License,  CIMAB acquired a 20% interest in CIMYM as partial  consideration
for the 1995 CIMYM License.  CIMYM was also required to pay for certain  product
development  costs.  The terms of the 1995 CIMYM  License  provide  for CIMYM to
conduct or cause to be conducted  pre-clinical  and clinical  trials to evaluate
the licensed products, and to work with CIMAB to select sites, develop protocols
and instruct  investigators  for pre-clinical  and clinical trials.  CIMYM is to
decide  after the end of each stage of trials  whether to proceed  with  further
development or to terminate the 1995 CIMYM License with respect to that product.
In  addition,   the  1995  CIMYM  License  provides  that,  where   commercially
reasonable,  CIMYM shall file applications for regulatory approval to market the
licensed  products  in the  applicable  territory.  Pursuant  to the 1995  CIMYM
License, CIMAB has the right, subject to certain terms and conditions, to supply
the related drug substances (i.e.,  TheraCIM and  RadioTheraCIM)  for commercial
sale. YM will be responsible  for any failure of CIMYM to fulfil its obligations
under the 1995 CIMYM License.

In connection with the 1995 CIMYM License,  CIMYM entered into an  international
sales,  marketing,   manufacturing  and  administrative   agreement  with  CIMYM
(Barbados)  pursuant to which  CIMYM  (Barbados)  acquired  the rights to market
TheraCIM outside Canada (see  "Arrangements  with  Subsidiaries").  CIMAB owns a
corresponding 20% interest in CIMYM (Barbados).

(ii)     The 2001 CIMYM License

In 2001, CIMYM  (Barbados)  acquired an exclusive,  sub-licensable  license (the
"2001 CIMYM License") from CIMAB to two active immunotherapy  products described
as HER-1 Vaccine and TGF(alpha)  Vaccine.  CIMAB has the right to consent to any
sub-licensee,  such  consent  not to be  unreasonably  withheld.  The 2001 CIMYM
License is in respect of Europe,  Canada, the United States,  Japan,  Australia,
New Zealand,  Taiwan,  Singapore,  Thailand,  Hong Kong, South Korea,  Malaysia,
Indonesia and the  Philippines.  Under the 2001 CIMYM License,  CIMYM (Barbados)
has a right of first  refusal  with  respect  to  licensing  all other  products
derived from the EGF active immunotherapy program of CIM.

The terms of the 2001 CIMYM License  provide for CIMYM  (Barbados) to conduct or
cause to be conducted  pre-clinical and clinical trials to evaluate the licensed
products, and to work with CIMAB to select sites, develop protocols and instruct
investigators  for  pre-clinical  and clinical  trials.  CIMYM  (Barbados) is to
decide  after the end of each stage of trials  whether to proceed  with  further
development or to terminate the 2001 CIMYM License with respect to that product.
In  addition,   the  2001  CIMYM  License  provides  that,  where   commercially
reasonable,  CIMYM (Barbados) shall file applications for regulatory approval to
market the licensed products in the applicable  territory.  Pursuant to the 2001
CIMYM License,  subject to certain terms and conditions,  CIMAB has the right to
supply the related drug  substance  (i.e.,  TGF(alpha) and HER-1) for commercial


sale,  unless  sub-licensees  require  manufacturing  rights. If the Corporation
elects to proceed with the license,  the  Corporation  would be expected to make
milestone and research and development payments,  the amount of such payments to
be negotiated between the Corporation and CIMAB.

In connection with each of the 1995 CIMYM License and the 2001 CIMYM License, it
is expected that,  notwithstanding  that CIMAB owns 20% of the voting securities
of each of CIMYM  and  CIMYM  (Barbados),  it  could,  based on the terms of the
relevant license,  receive approximately 40% of the overall economic return from
commercialization  of the related drug products.  This could occur, for example,
if CIMAB manufactures the licensed product.

License for G-1.

In May 1995, YM acquired an exclusive,  sub-licensable  license (as amended, the
"CBQYM  License")  from  CIMAB,  acting on behalf  of the  Centro de  Bioactivos
Quimicos of the Universidad  Central de Las Villas located in Santa Clara,  Cuba
("CBQ"),  to G-1 as an antifungal and antibacterial  agent (excluding  opthalmic
veterinary use in respect of Europe). The CBQYM License is in respect of Europe,
Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia,  Taiwan, Singapore,  Thailand, Hong
Kong, South Korea,  Malaysia,  Indonesia and the  Philippines.  As a term of the
CBQYM  License,  YM has a right of first  refusal with respect to licensing  any
other antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral product from CBQ.

Pursuant to the CBQYM License,  in 1995 the Corporation  incorporated  CBQYM and
assigned the CBQYM License to CBQYM. Pursuant to the terms of the CBQYM License,
CIMAB  acquired a 20% interest in CBQYM as partial  consideration  for the CBQYM
License. The terms of the CBQYM License provide for CBQYM to conduct or cause to
be conducted pre-clinical and clinical trials to evaluate the licensed products,
and to  work  with  CIMAB  to  select  sites,  develop  protocols  and  instruct
investigators for pre-clinical and clinical trials. CBQYM is to decide after the
end of each stage of trials  whether  to proceed  with  further  development  or
whether  to  terminate  the CBQYM  License  with  respect  to that  product.  In
addition, the CBQYM License provides that, where commercially reasonable,  CBQYM
shall file applications for regulatory  approval to market the licensed products
in the applicable territory. Pursuant to the CBQYM License, CIMAB has the right,
subject to certain terms and  conditions,  to supply the related drug substances
(i.e., G-1) for commercial sale. YM will be responsible for any failure of CBQYM
to fulfil its obligations under the CBQYM License.

In connection with the CBQYM License, CBQYM entered into an international sales,
marketing,  manufacturing  and  administrative  agreement with CBQYM  (Barbados)
pursuant to which  CBQYM  (Barbados)  acquired  the rights to market G-1 outside
Canada (see  "Arrangements with  Subsidiaries").  CIMAB owns a corresponding 20%
interest in CBQYM (Barbados).

On June 10, 2003, CIMAB assigned, and Heber Biotec, S.A, accepted all rights and
obligations  under the G-1  License.  The G-1 License has been amended such that
since March 10, 2004, all rights under the agreement became non-exclusive.

It is expected that,  notwithstanding  that Heber Biotech owns 20% of the voting
securities of each of CBQYM and CBQYM (Barbados),  it could,  based on the terms
of the  relevant  license,  receive  approximately  40% of the overall  economic
return from  commercialization  of the related drug products.  This could occur,
for example, if CIMAB manufactures the licensed product.


The   Corporation   generally   plans  to  out-license  its  licensed  drugs  to
pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing and marketing under license, although
it may retain  co-development  or marketing  rights if  management  considers it
appropriate to do so. Under the Corporation's business model, licensees would be
expected,  to the extent  necessary,  to participate  in the remaining  clinical
development  required to obtain final regulatory  approval for the product.  The
Corporation expects that out-licensing would result in a pharmaceutical  company
or other licensee marketing or manufacturing the product in return for licensing


fees and royalties on the sale of the product. Management believes this model is
consistent with current  biotechnology  and  pharmaceutical  industry  licensing

The Corporation's objectives in seeking to out-license products include:

o     obtaining long term revenue  streams from royalty  payments on the sale of
      the products;

o     providing  access to the resources and experience of large  pharmaceutical

o     obtaining up-front payments for product sub-licensing rights; and

o     minimizing  development   expenditures  through  cost  sharing  programmes

      late-stage clinical trials and regulatory approval applications).

The Corporation believes that out-licensing  arrangements could be attractive to
pharmaceutical  corporations  because they would provide the prospective partner
with  access to new  products  without  the  initial  research  risk or  earlier
clinical development costs. Since partners are expected to be sought only at the
later  stages of a  product's  development,  the  Corporation  anticipates  that
prospective licensees would view the Corporation's  products as having a reduced
risk of failure to achieve regulatory approval.

YM does not intend to develop its own  manufacturing,  marketing or distribution
programmes  although it may wish to  participate  in ownership of  manufacturing
facilities  if  appropriate  opportunities  become  available.  The  Corporation
intends to remain principally focused on the identification, further development
and commercialization of in-licensed products.


On November 12, 2003, the Corporation's  subsidiary,  CIMYM, licensed the rights
for TheraCIM in most of Europe to Oncoscience AG of Germany.  Under the terms of
the  agreement,  CIMYM is entitled to receive up to US$30  million as a share of
any amounts  received by or due to  Oncoscience  in relation to  development  or
sublicensing  of the product and as a royalty on initial net sales.  Thereafter,
CIMYM is also entitled to receive an escalating  royalty on all net sales of the
product.  Oncoscience  has  agreed to use  diligent  and  reasonable  efforts to
develop and  commercially  exploit  TheraCIM  in the  licensed  territory.  This
license  agreement  may be  terminated by either party in the event of specified
breaches  and  insolvency  events,  if a Phase  II  trial  of  TheraCIM  has not
commenced in Europe  within two years,  or if certain  regulatory  approvals for
marketing  TheraCIM in Europe  have not been  obtained  within  five  years.  In
addition, Oncoscience may terminate the agreement at any time on 90 days notice.

TGFa Cancer Vaccine and HER-1 Based Cancer Vaccine:

In October 2003, the  Corporation  entered into an agreement in principle  under
which certain  subsidiaries  of CancerVax  Corporation  of  California,  USA are
entitled to license both the  TGF(alpha)  Cancer  Vaccine and HER-1 Based Cancer
Vaccine  directly from CIMAB.  This  arrangement is subject to approval from all
relevant  governmental and corporate bodies. Under the proposed agreement YM and
its subsidiary CIMYM (Barbados) would agree to suspend the 2001 CIMYM License in
exchange  for  certain  up-front  and  milestone  payments  and would  retain an
interest in the revenues from the manufacture and marketing of the drugs or from
their sub-licensing. The CancerVax subsidiaries would undertake further clinical
development of the licensed  drugs,  and acquire an exclusive  license to market
and sell the products in North America,  Europe and certain other jurisdictions.
This  agreement,  if entered  into,  would be  terminable  by a party in certain
circumstances  including  in the  event of  specified  breaches  and  insolvency
events.  CIMAB would have the right to terminate if  reasonable  efforts are not
made to file  submissions for clinical trials for the licensed  products,  or if
the first  regulatory  approval  for  marketing  the  licensed  products  is not
received within 12 years. In addition,  the CancerVax subsidiaries may terminate
the agreement at any time on 180 days notice. In the event of early termination,
the 2001 CIMYM License would be  reinstated.  It is expected that this agreement
will  be  executed  and  become  effective  following  receipt  of the  required
approvals,  failing  which  the 2001  CIMYM  License  between  CIMAB  and  CIMYM
(Barbados) will not be suspended and will continue in force.



Government Approval Process in Canada

The  manufacture,  distribution and consumption of medical  products,  drugs and
equipment  is  regulated  by  a  variety  of   industry-specific   statutes  and
regulations  in Canada and the countries to which YM has rights for the licensed
products.  Drugs sold in Canada are regulated by the Food and Drugs Act (Canada)
and the regulations made under that Act.

Even though a drug, medical product or device may be approved for use in another
jurisdiction,  it may not be sold in Canada  until  approved  by Health  Canada.
Outside Canada, the regulatory  approval process for the manufacture and sale of
pharmaceuticals  varies  from  country to country and the time  required  may be
longer or shorter than that required by Health Canada.

Drug Approval Process In Canada

The Food and Drug Regulations  require  licensing of  manufacturing  facilities,
carefully  controlled research and testing of products,  governmental review and
approval  of test  results  prior to  marketing  of  therapeutic  products,  and
adherence to GMP, as defined by each licensing jurisdiction, during production.

The principal activities which must be completed prior to obtaining approval for
marketing of a therapeutic drug product are essentially the same in Canada as in
most major markets of the world and are as follows:

o     Pre-clinical Animal Studies. Pre-clinical studies are conducted in animals
      to test pharmacology and toxicology and to do formulation work based on in
      vivo results.

o     Phase I  Clinical  Trials.  Phase I clinical  trials  consist of testing a
      product  in a small  number  of humans  for its  safety  (toxicity),  dose
      tolerance and pharmacokinetic properties.

o     Phase II Clinical  Trials.  Phase II  clinical  trials  usually  involve a
      larger  patient  population  than is  required  for Phase I trials and are
      conducted  to evaluate  the  efficacy of a product in patients  having the
      disease or medical  condition  for which the product is  indicated.  These
      trials also serve to further  identify  side effects and risks in a larger
      group of patients.

o     Phase III Clinical  Trials.  Phase III clinical trials involve  conducting
      tests in an expanded patient  population at geographically  dispersed test
      sites   (multi-center   trials)  in  a  controlled   and/or   uncontrolled
      environment  to gather  information  about  clinical  safety and efficacy.
      These trials also generate information from which the overall benefit-risk
      relationship  of the drug can be  determined  and provide a basis for drug

Two key factors  influencing  the progression of clinical trials are the rate at
which  patients  can be recruited  into  clinical  trials and whether  effective
treatments  are  currently  available  for the  disease  the drug is intended to
treat.  Patient recruitment is largely dependent upon the incidence and severity
of the disease and the alternative  treatments  available,  as well as alternate
research studies.

A  Clinical  Trial  Application  must  be  filed  and  accepted  by  either  the
Therapeutic  Products Directorate ("TPD") or the Biologics and Genetic Therapies
Directorate ("BGTD") of Health Canada before each phase of human clinical trials
may begin. The CTA application must contain specified  information including the
results of the  pre-clinical  or clinical tests completed at the time of the CTA
application.  In  addition,  since the  method of  manufacture  may  affect  the
efficacy  and  safety of a drug,  information  on  chemistry  and  manufacturing
methods must be  presented.  Health  Canada  conducts  inspections  to determine
compliance with GMP. Good manufacturing practices and quality control procedures
must be in place.


Upon completion of all clinical studies, the results are submitted to the TPD or
BGTD as part of a New Drug Submission  ("NDS").  A notice of compliance  ("NOC")
which permits  marketing of the product typically takes between 12 and 24 months
from the date a NDS is submitted.

Even after marketing approval has been obtained, further studies may be required
to provide  additional data on safety and efficacy in order to gain approval for
the use of a drug as a treatment for clinical  indications  other than those for
which the product was initially tested. Also, Health Canada conducts post-market
surveillance  programmes  to  monitor  a  product's  side  effects.  Results  of
post-marketing programmes may limit or expand the further marketing of products.
A serious  safety or efficacy  problem  involving  an  approved  drug or medical
device may result in Health  Canada action  requiring  withdrawal of the product
from the market.

United States Approval Process

In the United States,  the FDA, a federal  government agency, is responsible for
the drug approval  process.  The FDA's mission is to ensure that all medications
on the market are safe and are effective.  The FDA's approval  process  examines
potential drugs; only those that meet strict requirements are approved.

The drug  approval  process  begins  with the  discovery  of a  potential  drug.
Pharmaceutical  companies then test the drug  extensively.  A description of the
different stages in the drug approval process in the US follows.

Stage 1: Preclinical Research

After  an  experimental  drug  is  discovered,  research  is  conducted  to help
determine  its  potential  for  treating  or curing an  illness.  This is called
preclinical research. Animal studies are conducted to determine if there are any
harmful  effects  of the  drug  and to  help  understand  how  the  drug  works.
Information from these experiments is submitted to the FDA in an Investigational
New Drug  Application.  The FDA reviews  information in an IND  Application  and
decides if the drug is safe to study in humans.

Stage 2: Clinical Research

In Stage 2, the experimental drug is studied in humans. The studies are known as
clinical  trials.   Clinical  trials  are  carefully   designed  and  controlled
experiments in which the  experimental  drug is administered to patients to test
its safety and to determine the effectiveness of an experimental  drug. The four
general phases of clinical research are described below.

Phase I clinical studies are generally conducted with healthy volunteers who are
not taking other  medicines;  patients with the illness that the drug will treat
are not tested at this stage.  Ultimately,  Phase I studies  demonstrate  how an
experimental drug affects the body of a healthy individual.  Phase I consists of
a series of small studies consisting of "tens" of volunteers.  Tests are done on
each  volunteer  throughout  the study to see how the person's  body  processes,
responds  to, and is affected by the drug.  Low doses and high doses of the drug
are usually studied,  resulting in the determination of the safe dosage range in
volunteers by the end of Phase I. This  information  will determine  whether the
drug proceeds to Phase II.

Phase  II  clinical   studies  are  conducted  in  order  to  determine  how  an
experimental  drug affects  people who have the disease to be treated.  Phase II
usually  consists of a limited  number of studies that help determine the drug's
short-term safety, side effects, and general effectiveness. The studies in Phase
II  are  often  controlled  investigations,  involving  comparison  between  the
experimental  drug  and a  placebo,  or  between  the  experimental  drug and an
existing drug.  Information  gathered in Phase II studies will determine whether
the drug proceeds to Phase III.

Phase III studies  consists of  numerous  clinical  trials that are used to more
fully  investigate  the nature of the drug.  These  trials  differ from Phase II
trials  because a larger  number  of  patients  are  studied  (sometimes  in the
thousands)  and because the  studies  are usually of longer  duration.  As well,
Phase III studies can  include  patients  who have more than one illness and are
taking  medications  in  addition  to the  experimental  drug used in the study.
Therefore,  the patients in Phase III studies  more closely  reflect the general


population.  The  information  from  Phase  III  forms the basis for most of the
drug's initial labeling, which will guide physicians on how to use the drug.

Phase IV studies are conducted after a drug is approved. Companies often conduct
Phase IV studies  to more fully  understand  how their  drug  compares  to other
drugs.  Also, the FDA may require additional studies after the drug is approved.
FDA-required  Phase IV studies often  investigate  the drug in specific types of
patients that may not have been included in the Phase III studies.  FDA-required
Phase IV studies  can also  involve  very large  numbers of  patients to further
assess the drug's safety.

Stage 3: FDA Review and Approval

Following Phase III, the pharmaceutical  company prepares reports of all studies
conducted  on  the  drug  and  submits  the  reports  to the  FDA in a New  Drug
Application  ("NDA"). The FDA reviews the information in the NDA to determine if
the drug is safe and effective for its intended use. Occasionally,  the FDA will
ask experts  for their  opinion of the drug;  this occurs at advisory  committee
meetings.  If the FDA determines  that the drug is safe and effective,  the drug
will be approved.

Stage 4: Marketing

After the FDA has approved the experimental drug, the pharmaceutical company can
make it available to physicians and their patients.  A company may also continue
to conduct research to discover new uses for the drug. Each time a new use for a
drug is  discovered,  the drug is once again  subject to the entire FDA approval
process before it an be marketed for that purpose.


The Corporation currently has four material subsidiaries, shown in the following

                                [CHART OMITTED]

(1)   Canadian operating subsidiary incorporated under the laws of Ontario.

(2)   International   marketing  subsidiary   incorporated  under  the  laws  of


YM and CIMAB entered into funding agreements with CIMYM and CBQYM (the "Canadian
Subsidiaries")  in November 1995 (the "Funding  Agreements")  in connection with
the  1995  CIMYM  License  and the  CBQYM  License,  respectively.  The  Funding
Agreements provide that YM will arrange for the appropriate studies and clinical
trials for the licensed products held by the Canadian Subsidiaries and will fund
the cost of such  studies  and  trials  provided  that  doing  so  would  not be
commercially or  scientifically  unreasonable.  Accordingly,  YM makes the final
determination  as to whether or not a clinical  trial expense is justified  with
respect to any given  product.  YM will be reimbursed  for all funds it provides


pursuant  to  the  Funding   Agreements  out  of  revenue   generated  from  the
exploitation of the relevant license,  subject to the successful  development of
the licensed products and adequate generation of revenue.

YM and CIMAB,  contemporaneously  with the  assignment of each of the 1995 CIMYM
License  and  the  CBQYM  License,   entered  into  joint-venture   shareholders
agreements  (the  "Shareholders  Agreements")  with  the  Canadian  Subsidiaries
relating to their  operation.  Pursuant  to the  Shareholders  Agreements,  each
Canadian  Subsidiary  is  required  to include  nominees  of CIMAB both as board
members  and as members of  operating  management.  The  Shareholder  Agreements
provide that: (i) issued and outstanding  shares of either  Canadian  Subsidiary
may not be sold or  transferred  without the consent of both YM and CIMAB;  (ii)
the issue of  additional  shares of either  Canadian  Subsidiary  shall first be
offered to each of YM and CIMAB in proportion to their holdings, and thereafter,
with the consent of both YM and CIMAB, to any other person; and (iii) the boards
of  directors  of  each  of the  Canadian  Subsidiaries  will  consist  of  five
directors,  three of whom are  nominees  of YM and two of whom are  nominees  of
CIMAB.  All material and  out-of-the-ordinary-course-of-business  contracts of a
Canadian Subsidiary, including those relating to the borrowing of money, issuing
guarantees,  entering into non  arm's-length  agreements,  paying  dividends and
pledging of property, must be approved by four-fifths of the Board of directors.

CIMYM   (Barbados)   and  CBQYM   (Barbados)   (the   "International   Marketing
Subsidiaries"), were incorporated in Barbados in May 1996 to market the licensed
products  under the 1995  CIMYM  License  and the CBQYM  License,  respectively,
outside of Canada.  YM and CIMAB have  entered  into  joint-venture  shareholder
agreements  (the  "Barbados  Shareholders  Agreements")  with the  International
Marketing  Subsidiaries  relating to their operation.  The terms of the Barbados
Shareholders Agreements are consistent with the Shareholders Agreements,  except
that the boards of directors of each of the International Marketing Subsidiaries
consist  of  a  majority   of   directors   nominated   by  YM.   Material   and
out-of-the-ordinary-course-of-business  contracts and approval for the strategic
marketing  plan and annual  budget must be approved by a vote of the majority of
directors,  including the affirmative vote of at least one nominee of YM and one
nominee of CIMAB. All earnings of the International  Marketing  Subsidiaries are
to be paid  annually to the  shareholders  as dividends  unless a change in such
policy is approved by a majority of the directors, including one nominee of each
of YM and CIMAB.

Pursuant to international  sales,  marketing,  manufacturing and  administrative
agreements  dated  as of  July  4,  1996,  each  of  the  Canadian  Subsidiaries
sub-licensed  certain of its respective rights to the licensed product under the
1995 CIMYM  License  and the CBQYM  License to the  corresponding  International
Marketing Subsidiary in exchange for certain royalty payments.

The International  Marketing  Subsidiaries will arrange for the out-licensing of
the licensed products in all relevant  territories  except Canada.  The Canadian
Subsidiaries remain responsible for all elements of commercializing the licensed
products  within  Canada,  and for  the  cost of  commercializing  the  licensed
products outside of Canada up to the point of out-licensing.



The  Corporation  currently  occupies 5,800 square feet of space in Mississauga,
Ontario pursuant to a sub-lease  agreement dated July 31, 1997 (the "Sub-Lease")
and a lease amending and extension  agreement dated February 1, 2003 (the "Lease
Amending  Agreement"),  such Lease Amending Agreement extended the initial terms
of the  Sub-Lease  for a term of five years  commencing  on February 1, 2003 and
expiring on January 31, 2008.  The average  annual  costs,  including  operating
expenses, are approximately $120,000.

There  are no  environmental  issues  associated  with  the  facilities  and the
Corporation  currently  has  no  plans  to  construct,  expand  or  improve  the



As at December 31, 2003, the Corporation owned tangible fixed assets with a book
value of $11,381, consisting primarily of computer equipment.


The following  discussion and analysis of the Corporation's  financial condition
and  results  of  operations  for the six months  ended  December  31,  2003 and
December 31, 2002 and for the fiscal  years ended June 30,  2003,  June 30, 2002
and June 30, 2001. This discussion and analysis of the  Corporation's  financial
condition  and  results of  operations  should be read in  conjunction  with the
consolidated  financial  statements and the related notes included  elsewhere in
this  registration  statement.  The financial  statements  have been prepared by
management  in  accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in
Canada.  These accounting  principles differ in certain respects from U.S. GAAP.
The differences as they affect our consolidated financial statements are set out
Note 10 to the audited consolidated financial statements.


The  Corporation  is  a  licensing  and  development   company  engaged  in  the
commercialization of drug products and technologies from original research.  The
Corporation   evaluates  drug  projects,   technologies  and  products  and  the
prospective  markets for them and  obtains,  as  appropriate,  a license for the
further development and marketing of the products.

The  Corporation  expends  money  on  the  evaluation,   licensing  and  further
development  of certain drug  products and on  providing  licensing,  marketing,
clinical development and regulatory affairs skills, patent advice and funding to
facilitate  the  introduction  of  the  licensed  products  into  the  principal
pharmaceutical  markets.  This  involves  taking  the  products  researched  and
developed by others and  progressing  them  through the clinical and  regulatory
processes in Canada and  elsewhere in order to achieve  regulatory  approval for
their sale in the markets to which the Corporation has rights.

The  Corporation  will  incur  expenditures  either  directly  or,  pursuant  to
agreements  with  certain  partners,  on behalf of joint  ventures.  These  will
include costs associated with the conduct of clinical trials; the collection and
collation  of data;  the  organizing  of data and  market  information  for each
product;  the development and production of  non-confidential  and  confidential
dossiers on each licensed product and the marketing of the information contained
in the dossiers to prospective  commercialization  partners; and the negotiation
and completion of  out-licensing  arrangements  for the licensed  products.  The
Corporation  does not intend to  establish  its own  manufacturing  or marketing
infrastructure  for the licensed  products or any additional  products for which
licensing  rights are obtained,  although the  Corporation  may  participate  in
ownership  of  manufacturing   facilities  if  appropriate   opportunities   are



DECEMBER 31, 2002

Total  expenditures  for the  first six  months  of this  year  were  $2,069,848
compared  to  $3,173,370  for the first six  months of last  year.  General  and
Administrative  expenses for the six months were  $1,180,425,  up slightly  from
$923,703 for the prior year,  principally  due to travel expenses being slightly
above  normal this year and less than normal a year ago.  Licensing  and Product
Development  expenses $889,423 for the six months compared to $2,249,667 for the
first  six  months  of last  year.  Last year  included  costs of  manufacturing
tesmilifene and of clinical  trials for TheraCIM hR3 that are now  substantially
completed.   Also,  there  were  no  expenditures  this  year  relating  to  the
development  of the EGF vaccine  that was  returned to the  licensor  last year.
Interest revenue was $104,762 this year compared with $137,195 for the first six
months  last year;  principally  because  there was less cash on hand during the

Net loss for first half was $1,965,086, down from $4,173,278 for the same period
last year.


During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, the Corporation  expended $5,842,894
on the development  and the  commercialization  of licensed  products and on the
administration  of the  Corporation  compared to $6,593,505  for the fiscal year
ended  June 30,  2002.  The loss for the fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  2003 was
$7,381,820  compared to  $6,439,393  for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. In
fiscal 2003 before "Loss on marketable  securities",  the loss was $869,731 less
than the  comparable  figure of $6,439,393 in fiscal 2002.  The carrying cost of
marketable securities was written down by $1,812,158 to market value at June 30,
2003. The accumulated deficit at the end of the period was $36,411,810  compared
to $28,969,893 at June 30, 2002.

During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003 the Corporation  funded licensing and
product development activities totaling $3,965,385,  a decrease of $763,831 from
the prior year. There was  approximately  $570,000 less spent on the EGF vaccine
in fiscal 2003 than in fiscal 2002  because work was stopped on  development  of
the vaccine in the first  quarter of fiscal 2003.  There was also  approximately
$470,000  less spent on  TheraCIM in fiscal 2003  because  fiscal 2002  included
manufacturing costs that were not repeated in fiscal 2003.  Expenditures related
to the development of tesmilifene increased  approximately $560,000 in 2003 over
fiscal 2002 as new  patents  were filed and new batches  were  manufactured  for
clinical trials.

The general and administrative  expenses for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003
totaled $1,877,509, comparable to $1,864,289 for the prior year.


During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, the Corporation  expended $6,593,505
on the development  and the  commercialization  of licensed  products and on the
administration  of the  Corporation  compared to $8,100,185  for the fiscal year
ended  June 30,  2001.  The loss for the fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  2002 was
$6,446,693  compared to $7,454,443  for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, and
the  accumulated  deficit at the end of the period was  $28,969,893  compared to
$22,523,200 at June 30, 2001.

During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002 the Corporation  funded licensing and
product  development  activities totaling  $4,729,216,  a decrease of $1,565,765
from the prior  year.  This is equal to the amount by which the  spending on the
manufacturing  process and facilities for TheraCIM  declined in fiscal 2002. The
total  amount spent on the EGF vaccine was about the same as in fiscal 2001 with
the reduction in research  payments to CIMAB being almost offset by the increase
in the costs of the clinical trial in  non-small-cell-lung  cancer. The increase
in development  costs for  tesmilifene and Norelin were offset by a reduction in
patent costs and travel costs for CIMYM.


The general and administrative  expenses for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002
totaled $1,864,289, comparable to $1,805,204 for the prior year.


Since its inception, the Corporation has financed the evaluation,  licensing and
further  development  of its  licensed  products  as well as the  evaluation  of
prospective products principally through equity issuances. Since the Corporation
does not have net earnings  from its  operations,  the  Corporation's  long-term
liquidity  depends on its ability to  out-license  its products or to access the
capital markets,  and both of these will depend  substantially on results of the
product development programs.

The  Corporation's  cash  requirements  will be affected by the  progress of its
clinical  trials,  the  development  of its  regulatory  submissions  (alone  or
together with partners),  the achievement of commercialization  agreements,  the
costs  associated  with  obtaining and  protecting  the patents for the licensed
products, and the availability of funding for part of the process from investors
and prospective commercialization partners.

In June 2002, the  Corporation  raised $11.5 million ($15 million gross) through
the  issuance  of  3,750,000  Class B  Preferred  Shares,  Series 1. This public
offering  resulted in these Class B Preferred Shares being listed on the TSX and
AIM. On June 12, 2003 all the preferred  shares were converted to Common Shares.
On that date, all the Common Shares became listed on the TSX and AIM.

As at  December  31,  2003 the  Corporation  had cash  and  short-term  deposits
totaling $22,808,239 and payables of $502,197.  On December 15, 2003 the company
completed the sale of 10,895,658  special warrants for a total gross proceeds of
$19,067,402 (net $17,047,001). Management expects that the current cash reserves
will be sufficient to fund the Corporation's development program beyond the 2005
fiscal year.


The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with GAAP  requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities  and disclosures of contingent  assets and liabilities at
the date of the  financial  statements,  and the reported  amount of revenue and
expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Significant  accounting  policies  and
methods used in preparation of the financial  statements are described in note 1
to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  Significant  policies and estimates
effect,: the amount of development  expenditures  expensed vs. capitalized;  the
amount  reserved  against the amount advanced to joint ventures in excess of the
Corporation's  proportionate  share of expenses  incurred by the joint ventures;
and the income tax valuation allowances.

The  Corporation  does  not  engage  in  scientific   research  but  does  incur
significant  product  development costs. Only development costs that meet strict
criteria  related to technical,  marketing and  financial  feasibility  would be
capitalized.  To date,  no costs have met such criteria  and,  accordingly,  all
development costs have been expensed as they have been incurred.

All expenditures  incurred by the joint ventures are funded by advances from the
Corporation. The Corporation will not be able to recover the advances unless and
until the joint  venture's  net  income  exceeds  the  amount of the  cumulative
advances.  Accordingly, the Corporation has set up a reserve in full against the
other joint venture partners share of the advances.

The  Corporation  and its joint  ventures have a net tax benefit  resulting from
non-capital  losses  carried  forward,  and  pools of  scientific  research  and
experimental  development expenditures and investment tax credit. In view of the
recent net losses  incurred,  management  is of the opinion  that it is not more
likely than not that these tax assets will be realized in the foreseeable future
and hence, a full valuation allowance has been recorded against these income tax
assets.  Accordingly, no future income assets or liabilities are recorded on the
balance sheets.



For a discussion of the risks and  uncertainties  relating to the  biotechnology
industry and YM BioSciences particularly, readers are referred to the discussion
in this registration statement under the heading "Risk Factors".


The Corporation does not engage in research,  but product  development,  patents
and licenses are at the heart of the  Corporation's  activities.  Details of the
Corporation's  licensing and product  development  activities for the last three
years,  including  amounts spent during each of the last three financial  years,
can be found under the  captions  "Business  Overview"  and "Risk  Factors"  and
elsewhere under this Item 5 and in the financial statements.  It should be noted
that during the past three years the Corporation  spent some of its resources on
the development of an EGF vaccine,  but in 2003 the Corporation  stopped work on
the project and returned the license to the licensor.


It is important to note that historical patterns of expenditures cannot be taken
as an indication of future  expenditures.  The amount and timing of expenditures
and therefore  liquidity and capital resources vary substantially from period to
period  depending on the  pre-clinical  and clinical studies being undertaken at
any one time and the  availability  of funding from  investors  and  prospective
commercial partners.

Other than as  discussed  above,  the  Corporation  is not aware of any material
trends related the Corporation's  business of product  development,  patents and


The  Corporation has certain  arrangements  with its  subsidiaries  that have an
effect or may have a future  effect on the  Corporation's  financial  condition,
revenues or expenses, results of operations,  liquidity, capital expenditures or
capital  resources.   The  arrangements  are  described  under   "Organizational
Structure  -  Arrangements  with  Subsidiaries"  and in  notes 1, 5 and 9 of the
financial statements.


As of June 30, 2003, the only  determinable  future  payments were those related
operating lease obligations, which payments are set forth below.

- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
    Contractual             Total         Less Than 1 Year       1-3 Years          3-5 Years       More Than 5 Years
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
Operating Lease           $271,747            $58,632            $177,555           $35,560
January 2008)
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

In  addition,  as  of  June  30,  2003,  the  Corporation  had  certain  product
development  payments as described in note 8 of the  financial  statements.  The
product development  payments were paid in full in November 2003. Finally, as of
June 30, 2003, the  Corporation was party to certain  licensing  agreements that
required  the  Corporation  to pay  royalty  fees  based  on any  fees  that the
Corporation may receive from sublicensees. The royalty fees are not known.




- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Name                            Position                                            Period Served
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
David G.P. Allan                Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director      Since 1994
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Thomas I.A. Allen               Director                                            Since 1996
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Mark Entwistle                  Director                                            Since 1997
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
John Friedman                   Director                                            Since 2004
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Henry Friesen                   Director                                            Since 2001
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Paul M. Keane                   Officer                                             Since 1996
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Vincent Salvatori               Officer                                             Since 1998
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Len Vernon                      Officer                                             Since 1997
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Julius Vida                     Director                                            Since 2001
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Gilbert Wenzel                  Director                                            Since 2001
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Tryon M. Williams               Director                                            Since 1995
- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

David G.P. Allan - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director

Mr. Allan has been Chief Executive  Officer of the Corporation  since April 1998
and Chairman of the Board of directors of the Corporation  since August 1994. In
1992 Mr.  Allan  created  the  Knowledge-Based  Industries  Group for a Canadian
investment  bank where he was  Executive  Director  until 1998.  Mr.  Allan is a
former governor of The Toronto Stock  Exchange,  a former member of the Canadian
Healthcare  Licensing  Association and of the Awards Selection Committee for the
Networks of Centres of Excellence in Canada.

Thomas I.A. Allen, Q.C., F.C.I.Arb - Director

Mr.  Allen was called to the Bar in  Ontario  and began  practicing  law in 1965
concentrating  on securities  law and  corporate  law. He was a member of senior
management  of  Gordon  Capital  Corporation,  and  its  merchant  bank,  Gordon
Investment Corporation, from mid 1989 until early 1994. Mr. Allen was counsel to
Davies,  Ward & Beck from 1994 until 1996 when he joined the  Toronto  office of
the law firm Ogilvy Renault.  Mr. Allen is Chairman of the Accounting  Standards
Oversight Council of Canada, a member of the Advisory Board of the Office of the
Superintendent  of Financial  Institutions of Canada and a director of Bema Gold
Corporation,  Mundoro Mining Inc.,  GEAC Computer  Corporation,  Unisphere Waste
Conversion Inc., and Middlefield  Bancorp Limited.  Mr Allen has been a director
of the Corporation since December 1996.

Mark Entwistle, M.A. - Director

Prior to founding his own consulting  practice in 1997 in  international  trade,
political business intelligence and strategic communications,  Mr. Entwistle was
an Ambassador for Canada in the Caribbean  from 1993 to 1997. Mr.  Entwistle was
previously a career diplomat with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and
International  Trade in a variety of embassy  positions  from 1982 to 1997,  and
served as Press Secretary and Director of  Communications  to the Prime Minister
of Canada from  1991-1993.  He is a Fellow of the  Canadian  Defence and Foreign
Affairs  Institute.  Mr. Entwistle has been a director of the Corporation  since
October 1997.

John Friedman - Director

Mr. Friedman  launched the Easton Capital Group  ("Easton") in 1993, with Easton
Capital  Corporation.  In 1999,  Easton Hunt  Capital  Partners was added to the
Group.   Prior  to  Easton,  Mr.  Friedman  was  a  founder  of  Atrium  Capital
Corporation,  which he helped  manage from  1991-1993,  and also the founder and
Managing General Partner of Security Pacific Capital Investors from 1989 through
1991. Security Pacific Capital Investors was a $200-million  private equity fund
geared  towards  expansion  financings and  recapitalizations.  Prior to joining
Security  Pacific,  Mr.  Friedman  was a Managing  Director  and Partner at E.M.
Warburg, Pincus & Co., Inc.,


where he spent eight and a half years from 1981-1989.  Prior thereto,  he worked
at Shearson  Loeb Rhoades and was an attorney  with  Sullivan and Cromwell  from
1978  through  1980.  He holds a JD degree  from Yale Law School and a BA degree
from Yale  College.  John  currently  serves on the Boards of Conor  Medsystems,
Renovis,  Acorda  Therapeutics,  Comverse  Technology,  Trellis  Bioscience,  YM
BioSciences  Inc.,  Assistive  Technology,  and  ModelWire,  Inc., and is on the
President's Council at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.  Mr. Friedman has been
a director of the Corporation since April 2004.

Henry Friesen, C.C., M.D., F.R.S.C. - Director

Dr. Friesen is the Chair, Genome Canada, a non-profit organization that supports
national  genomics to benefit Canadian  science and industry.  From 1991 to 2000
Dr. Friesen was President of the Medical Research  Council of Canada,  now known
as the Canadian  Institutes  of Health  Research.  Dr.  Friesen is noted for his
discoveries  about the human hormone  prolactin and as Head of the Department of
Physiology and Professor of Medicine at the University of Manitoba.  Dr. Friesen
is a Fellow of the Royal  Society of Canada,  a Companion of the Order of Canada
and also sits on the Board of directors of Aventis  Pasteur  Canada and Spectral
Diagnostics  Inc.  Dr.  Friesen  has been a director  of the  Corporation  since
November 2001.

Paul M. Keane,  M.D.,  F.R.C.P.C.,  F.A.C.P.,  F.R.C.  Path - Director,  Medical

Dr. Keane has been an officer of the  Corporation  since January 1996. Dr. Keane
was Director of Clinical  Research at Miles Canada Inc.  (now Bayer Canada) from
1989 to 1995,  prior to which he was  Professor  of  Medicine at  University  of
Calgary and  Professor  of  Pathology  at  McMaster  University.  Dr.  Keane has
authored numerous scientific  publications in peer review journals, has acted as
a reviewer of research  proposals for the Medical Research Council of Canada and
has acted in an editorial capacity for a number of scientific journals.

Vincent Salvatori, Ph.D. - Executive Vice President

Dr.  Salvatori has been an officer of the  Corporation  since December 2002. Dr.
Salvatori is an experienced  drug  development  executive  with an  accomplished
background in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. He has more than 20
years of experience in all aspects of drug development, corporate operations and
external collaborations. Dr. Salvatori most recently held the position of Senior
Vice  President of Clinical  Operations for Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. from May
1998 to July 2002. He was  previously at StressGen  Biotechnologies  Corporation
from January 1995 to April 1998 where he held the  positions of Chief  Operating
Officer and Vice President of Research and Development,  subsequently  appointed
to Senior Vice President.  In this capacity,  Dr.  Salvatori was responsible for
corporate operations,  strategic management and clinical/regulatory development.
Prior to joining  StressGen,  Dr.  Salvatori was the Senior  Director of Program
Management  at QLT  PhotoTherapeutics  Inc.  from June 1990 to December 1994 and
held various positions at Boehringer  Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. from April 1982 to
June 1990.

Len Vernon, B.Sc., C.A. - Director, Finance and Administration

Mr. Vernon earned a B.Sc. in 1968 and was awarded his C.A. in 1972 with Clarkson
Gordon & Co. (now Ernst & Young). He has held senior financial  positions with a
number of  organizations  both  public  and  private.  Prior to joining YM as an
officer in July 1997,  Mr.  Vernon was an  independent  consultant  working with
senior   management  in  a  variety  of   industries.   Prior  to  1992  he  was
Vice-president, Finance and Administration of Unitel Inc. (now Allstream Inc.) a
major Canadian telecommunications company.

Julius Vida, Ph.D., M.B.A. - Director

Dr.  Vida  has  been  the   President  of  Vida   International   Pharmaceutical
Consultants,   a  consulting  firm  advising  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology
companies,  since 1993.  Previously  Dr.  Vida was  Director  of  Licensing  and
subsequently  Vice  President,  Business  Development,  Licensing  and Strategic
Planning at Bristol-Myers Squibb, from 1975 to 1993. Dr. Vida is a director of a
number of biotechnology  firms including  Medarex,  Inc., Orphan Medical,  Inc.,


ALS, Inc., FibroGen,  Inc.,  OsteoScreen,  Inc., Spectrum  Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
Albachem,  LTD. (UK) and SWITCH Biotech AG, Inc. Dr. Vida has been a director of
the Corporation since September 2001.

Gilbert Wenzel, Ph.D. - Director

Dr. Wenzel is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Quisisana AG, a
business  development  firm  focused  on  pharmaceuticals.   Prior  to  founding
Quisisana  in  January  2003,  Dr.  Wenzel  joined   Novartis  Group,  a  global
pharmaceutical  manufacturer,  in  November  2000  where  he  served  as Head of
Strategic  Planning and a Member of its Executive  Committee until January 2003.
Prior to joining  Novartis  in November  2000,  Dr.  Wenzel  spent 15 years with
McKinsey & Co., an international management consulting firm, and was a member of
the  European  Leadership  Group  of  its  Pharma/Healthcare  Sector  and of the
European New Venture Initiative. From 1981 to 1985, Dr. Wenzel was at Hoechst AG
in Germany and developed  global  strategies  for generics and  over-the-counter
medicines. Dr. Wenzel has been a director of the Corporation since March 2001.

Tryon M. Williams, B.Sc. (Math) - Director

Mr. Williams is the Chairman of CellStop  International  Limited,  an automobile
electronics manufacturer, and Chief Executive Officer and director of Bingo.com,
Inc., an internet technology company.  Since 1993, Mr. Williams has been Adjunct
Professor,  Sauder School of Business,  The University of British Columbia.  Mr.
Williams is also a director of Infowave Software, Inc. and several other private
corporations. Mr. Williams has been a director of the Corporation since November


The  Corporation  maintains  a  Clinical  Advisory  Board  ("CAB")  composed  of
internationally  recognized  clinicians and  scientists.  Management  meets with
members  of  the  CAB  periodically  to  review   operational   aspects  of  the
Corporation's  clinical and scientific  programme and make  recommendations with
regard to the perceived  trends and  direction of medical and  biopharmaceutical
technologies  and the  industry  generally.  Each member of the CAB has signed a
confidentiality  agreement with the Corporation.  CAB members receive  honoraria
paid by the Corporation of varying amounts per year. The current  composition of
the CAB is as follows:

Lorne J. Brandes, B.Sc., M.D., C.R.C.P.C.

Professor, Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology/Therapeutics,  University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Section of Hematology/Oncology, CancerCare
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Robert S. Kerbel, Ph.D.

Professor  of Medical  Biophysics,  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto,  Ontario,
Canada;  Canada Research Chair in Molecular  Medicine;  Director,  Molecular and
Cell Biology  Research,  Sunnybrook and Women's  College Health Science  Centre,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Agustin Lage Davila M.D. Ph.D.

Director, Centro de Inmunologia Molecular,  Havana, Cuba; Professor of Medicine,
University of Havana

Derek Raghavan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.R.A.C.P.

Professor of Medicine and Urology,  Chief,  Division of Oncology,  University of
Southern  California (USC), Los Angeles,  California,  United States;  Associate
Director for Clinical  Research at  USC/Norris  Comprehensive  Cancer Center and
Hospital, Los Angeles, California, United States


Raymond M. Reilly, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Departments of Medical Imaging and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Associate Scientist, Department
of Medical Imaging, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Niclas Stiernholm, PhD.

Chief Executive Officer, Trillium Therapeutics Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mark Vincent, M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.C.

Associate  Professor,  Department of Oncology,  University  of Western  Ontario,
London,  Ontario,  Canada;  Staff Medical  Oncologist,  London  Regional  Cancer
Centre, London, Ontario, Canada

Daniel D. Von Hoff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Professor of  Medicine,  University  of Arizona and  Executive  Vice  President,
Translational  Genomics  Research  Institute  and Director,  Translational  Drug
Development Program, Tucson, Arizona, United States.



Directors of the Corporation who are not full-time  employees of the Corporation
are entitled to receive an annual retainer fee of $12,000 plus an attendance fee
of $1,500 per meeting (with the exception of informational meetings) and per day
spent  travelling  to  attend  the  meeting,  plus  expenses.  With  respect  to
informational  meetings,  directors  of the  Corporation  who are not  full-time
employees  of the  Corporation  are  entitled to an  attendance  fee of $500 per
meeting and per day spent  travelling to attend the meeting,  plus expenses.  In
addition, the Chair of the Audit Committee is entitled to an annual retainer fee
of  $6,000  and the  Chair of the  each of the  Compensation  and the  Corporate
Governance and Nominating  Committees are entitled to an annual  retainer fee of
$4,000.  Members  of  the  Audit,  Compensation  and  Corporate  Governance  and
Nominating  Committees who are not full-time  employees of the  Corporation  are
entitled to an attendance fee of $1,500 per meeting and per day spent travelling
to attend the meeting, plus expenses. As at April 30, 2004 the number of options
held by non-executive  directors is 667,120.  An additional  655,624 options are
held by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.


The  compensation  payable  to the  executive  officers  of the  Corporation  is
established by the Compensation  Committee, no member of which is or has been an
executive officer or employee of the Corporation or its subsidiaries.

The following table sets forth a summary of compensation  paid during the fiscal
years ended June 30, 2003, 2002, and 2001 to the  Corporation's  Chief Executive
Officer and its four next most highly compensated executive officers (the "Named
Executive Officers").


                                        SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

- ---------------------- ------ ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Name and Principal     Year        Annual Compensation                      Long-Term Compensation
- ---------------------- ------ ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
                                                                     Awards           Payouts
- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
                               Salary   Bonus      Other      Securities Restricted LTIP Payouts    All Other
                                ($)      ($)       Annual     Under      Shares       ($) (2)      Compensation
                                                Compensation  Options    or                            ($)
                                                    ($)       Granted    Restricted
- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
David G.P. Allan,      2003   250,000   15,000      Nil        110,000       -           -             Nil
Chief Executive        2002   160,000   24,000      Nil          Nil                                   Nil
Officer                2001   160,000    Nil        Nil        250,000                                 Nil
- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
David Harper,          2003   145,000    Nil        Nil        54,000        -           -             Nil
Director, Licensing    2002   140,000   21,000      Nil          Nil                                   Nil
and Business           2001   140,000    Nil        Nil        25,000                                  Nil
Development 3

- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
Paul Keane,            2003   150,000   25,000      Nil        54,000        -           -             Nil
Director, Medical      2002   125,000   18,750      Nil        15,000                                  Nil
Affairs                2001   125,000    Nil        Nil        10,000                                  Nil
- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
Vincent Salvatori,     2003   149,000    Nil        Nil        39,500        -           -             Nil
Executive Vice
President 4

- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------
Len Vernon,            2003   148,000   4,000       Nil        54,000        -           -             Nil
Director, Finance      2002   140,000    Nil        Nil        25,000                                  Nil
and Administration     2001   140,000    Nil        Nil          Nil                                   Nil
- ---------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------

1.    The  Corporation  has  not  at  any  time  granted  restricted  shares  to
      executives or other employees.

2.    The  Corporation  has not  established  any Long Term  Incentive  Plans as
      defined  by  the  regulations  to  the  Securities  Act  (Ontario),  which
      specifically exclude option plans.

3.    David Harper resigned as Director,  Licensing and Business  Development on
      December 31, 2003.

4.    Dr. Salvatori joined the Corporation in December 2002.


The  Corporation  has no  long-term  incentive  plan in place and there  were no
awards made under any long term incentive  plan to directors or Named  Executive
Officers  during the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2003.  A "Long Term  Incentive
Plan" in a plan under which awards are made based on  performance  over a period
longer than one fiscal year, other than a plan for options,  stock  appreciation
rights or restricted share compensation.


The following table sets forth information  concerning  options for the purchase
of Common  Shares  granted  during  the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2003 to the
directors and Named Executive Officers.


                            COMPLETED FINANCIAL YEAR

- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
                                                                          Market Value of
                       Common Shares      % of Total      Exercise Price     Securities     Expiration Date
        Name               Under        Options Granted    ($/Security)      Underlying
                           Option (1)   to Employees in                      Options on
                                        Financial Year                      the Date of
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
David G.P. Allan          102,500             17%              1.75             1.45         April 30, 2013
                           7,500              1%               2.50             1.45         April 30, 2013
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
David Harper2             29,000              5%               1.75             1.45         April 30, 2013
                          25,000              4%               2.50             1.45         April 30, 2013
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
Paul Keane                29,000              5%               1.75             1.45         April 30, 2013
                          25,000              4%               2.50             1.45         April 30, 2013
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
Vincent Salvatori         14,500              2%               1.75             1.45         April 30, 2013
                          25,000              4%               2.50             1.45         April 30, 2013
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------
Len Vernon                29,000              5%               1.75             1.45         April 30, 2013
                          25,000              4%               2.50             1.45         April 30, 2013
- --------------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------- -----------------

(1)   The options vest at the rate of 2.5% per month.

(2)   David Harper resigned as Director,  Licensing and Business  Development on
      December 31, 2003.

None of the directors or Named Executive  Officers  exercised any options during
the fiscal year ended June 30,  2003.  The  following  table shows the number of
options to purchase Common Shares held by the Named  Executive  Officers and the
value of unexercised  in-the-money  options of such persons as at the end of the
Corporation's most recently completed fiscal year:


- ----------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------
         Name           Unexercised Options at June 30,           Value of Unexercised
                                      2003                        In-the-Money Options
                                                                   at June 30, 2003(1)
- ----------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                           Vested          Unvested            Vested             Unvested
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
David G.P. Allan           314,250          142,000              Nil                Nil
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
David Harper2              73,950           55,050               Nil                Nil
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
Paul Keane                 72,825           56,175               Nil                Nil
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
Vincent Salvatori          25,725           13,775               Nil                Nil
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
Len Vernon                 72,825           56,175               Nil                Nil
- ----------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------

(1)  Values  have been based on the  closing  price of the Common  Shares on the
     Toronto Stock Exchange on June 30, 2003 of $1.00 per share.

(2)  David Harper  resigned as Director,  Licensing and Business  Development on
     December 31, 2003.


An executive officer of the Corporation is entitled to receive six months salary
upon  termination  if such  termination  is caused by a change of control of the
Corporation.  The Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Corporation  is  entitled to
receive twenty-four months salary upon termination if such termination is caused
by  a  change  of  control  of  the   Corporation.   Other  than  the  foregoing
arrangements, the Corporation does not currently have employment agreements with
any of the Named Executive Officers.


The Corporation does not provide any pension, retirement or similar benefits.



The Corporation has established a licensing bonus pool to reward  management and
employees for the completion of product licenses of the Corporation's  products.
The  Corporation  will  contribute  to  the  licensing  bonus  pool:  (i) if the
Corporation receives a license fee or an applicable milestone or royalty payment
under  a  license  agreement;  (ii)  if  a  licensor  directly  invests  in  the
Corporation  by purchasing  shares out of treasury in exchange for the licensing
rights to a particular drug; and (iii) if the Corporation sells an interest in a
product to a development partner and the Corporation retains an interest in that
product.  The  amount  contributed  to the  licensing  bonus  pool  for  each of
(i)-(iii)  is set  forth in a  summary  of the  licensing  bonus  pool  which is
provided to all management and non-management participants. Nothing has occurred
to date that has required the  Corporation to contribute to the licensing  bonus


All  directors  hold  office  until  the  next  annual  general  meeting  of our
shareholders  or until they resign or are removed from office in accordance with
the Corporation's memorandum of association and articles of association.

No director has a service contract with us. Each director has formally consented
to serve as a director and signed a confidentially agreement with us.

From time to time the Board  appoints,  and  empowers,  committees  to carry out
specific  functions on behalf of the Board. The following  describes the current
committees of the Board and their members:


The members of the Corporation's Audit Committee are Thomas I.A. Allen and Tryon
M. Williams.

The principal  functions of the Audit  Committee are to appoint,  compensate and
oversee  the  external  auditors;  to review and  approve  annual and  quarterly
financial  statements and all legally required  continuous and public disclosure
documents containing financial information about the Corporation;  to review and
approve  the  adequacy  of  internal  accounting  controls  and the  quality  of
financial  reporting  procedures and systems;  to examine the  presentation  and
impact of key financial and other  significant risks that may be material to the
Corporation's  financial  reporting;  and to review and  approve  the nature and
scope of the  annual  audit and review the  results  of the  external  auditor's
examination.  The Audit  Committee  reports its  findings  with  respect to such
matters to the Board of directors.


The members of the Corporation's  Corporate  Governance and Nominating Committee
are Thomas I.A. Allen, Julius Vida and Tryon M. Williams.

The mandate of the Corporation's  Corporate  Governance and Nominating Committee
is to develop and monitor the  Corporation's  system of corporate  governance in
the context of the Toronto Stock Exchange  Report on Corporate  Governance,  and
the rules and regulations  promulgated by the Ontario Securities  Commission and
the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  including reviewing the mandate of the
Board of directors and its committees; periodically reviewing and evaluating the
performance of all directors, committees and the Board as a whole; selecting new
candidates  for  Board  memberships,  making  recommendations  to the  Board and
ensuring that appropriate orientation and education programmes are available for
new Board  members;  establishing  procedures  to ensure that the Board may meet
independent  of Management  and reviewing  annually the membership and chairs of
all committees.



The members of the Corporation's  Compensation  Committee are Thomas I.A. Allen,
Tryon M. Williams and Mark Entwistle.

The  mandate of the  Compensation  Committee  is to  establish  and  monitor the
Corporation's  policies for  attracting,  retaining,  developing  and motivating
senior  employees.  The  compensation  policies  are  designed  to  support  the
Corporation's  strategic  objectives,   ensure  that  incentive  programmes  are
designed to motivate senior managers to achieve or exceed  corporate  objectives
and to  enhance  shareholder  value  and to  ensure  that  there  is  reasonable
consistency in the application of the compensation  policies.  The Corporation's
responsibilities  include  reviewing  annually  the  performance  of  the  Chief
Executive  Officer (or more frequently if deemed  necessary by the  Compensation
Committee),   setting  the  Chief  Executive  Officer's   compensation  and,  in
consultation  with  the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  establishing  his  personal
objectives,   reviewing  the  performance  and  approving  the  compensation  of
executive  officers  of the  Corporation  on  the  recommendation  of the  Chief
Executive Officer, establishing incentive compensation programmes and monitoring
their  effectiveness and developing and documenting the compensation  policy and
philosophy of the Corporation for approval by the Board of directors.


As of June 30, 2003, the Corporation  employed 14 permanent  employees.  Each of
the  employees  are  located  at  the  Corporation's  head  office.  Other  than
administrative  staff,  the employees  conduct the  Corporation's  licensing and
product development activities.


The following table sets out details of our shares and options that are directly
or indirectly  held by directors  and  executive  officers as at April 30, 2004,
based on 28,183,152 Common Shares issued and outstanding on such date.

- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
                                                                   Number of
                                               Percentage of       Common Shares
                         Number of Common      Outstanding         held under       Exercise Price
Name                     Shares                Common Shares       Option                           Expiration Date
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
David G.P. Allan         669,659               2.4%                656,250          $1.75 - $4.50   2007 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Thomas I.A. Allen        -                     -                   105,600          $1.75 - $4.50   2007 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Mark Entwistle           -                     -                   80,660           $1.75 - $4.50   2007 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
John Friedman            -                     -                   50,000           $2.10           2014
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Henry Friesen            -                     -                   80,660           $1.75 - $4.50   2011 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Paul M. Keane            -                     -                   204,000          $1.75 - $4.50   2007 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Vincent Salvatori        -                     -                   80,000           $1.75 - $2.50   2008 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Len Vernon               -                     -                   170,000          $1.75 - $4.50   2008 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Julius Vida              -                     -                   75,660           $1.75 - $4.50   2011 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Gilbert Wenzel           -                     -                   75,660           $1.75 - $4.50   2011 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------
Tryon M. Williams        20,100                0.1%                118,160          $1.75 - $4.50   2007 - 2013
- ------------------------ --------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------------


The directors of the Corporation adopted a stock option plan (the "Option Plan")
on November 22, 1996,  which was  subsequently  ratified by the  shareholders on
December 14, 1996. The Option Plan was subsequently amended on November 26, 2003
to increase  the number of Common  Shares  available to be reserved for issuance
under the Option Plan to 2,750,000.

Under the Option Plan, options to purchase Common Shares may, from time to time,
be granted to  directors,  officers,  employees  and  service  providers  of the
Corporation.  The exercise  price for any options  granted under the Option Plan
will not be less than the current  market price of the Common Shares at the time
of grant. The aggregate number of Common Shares issuable to directors and senior
officers of the Corporation and their associates  ("Insiders")  under the Option


Plan and any other share  compensation  arrangements of the Corporation may not:
(i) exceed 2,750,000  Common Shares;  or (ii) result in the issuance to Insiders
and their  associates,  within a one year period, of more than 10% of the number
of Common Shares  outstanding at the time of the grant.  The aggregate number of
Common Shares  issuable to any Insider under the Option Plan and any other share
compensation  arrangements of the Corporation may not, within a one year period,
exceed 5% of the number of Common  Shares  outstanding  at the time of the grant
from time to time.  The maximum  term of each  option is ten years,  and options
granted  under  the  Option  Plan  are  non-transferable  and  subject  to early
termination in the event of the death of the optionee or the optionee ceasing to
be a director,  officer,  employee of or service  provider to the Corporation or
the applicable subsidiary.


Options in respect of 597,500  Common  Shares  were  granted in the fiscal  year
ended June 30, 2003 under the Option Plan. During the fiscal year 80,000 options
expired or were  cancelled.  As at April 30, 2004 there were  2,530,752  options
outstanding. The exercise price of such options is between $1.50 and $4.50.

The following table contains  information  regarding the outstanding  options to
acquire Common Shares granted by the Corporation as of April 30, 2004:

- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
                                   Number of Common        Exercise       Fair Market Value at            Expiry
                                    Shares Optioned         Price             date of Grant
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
Directors and former directors          274,620             $1.75                 $1.75                    2013
(9)                                     52,500              $2.00                 $2.00                    2013
(Excluding senior officers)             120,000             $3.25                 $3.25                    2007
                                        220,000             $4.50                 $4.50                  2005-2011
                                        50,000              $2.10                 $2.10                    2014
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
Senior Officers (5)                     560,500             $1.75                 $1.75                    2013
                                         7,500              $2.00                 $2.00                    2013
                                        100,000             $2.50                 $2.50                  2008-2013
                                        246,250             $3.25                 $3.25                  2007-2008
                                        325,000             $4.50                 $4.50                  2010-2011
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
Employees and former employees          135,500             $1.75                 $1.75                    2013
(6)                                     65,000              $2.50                 $2.50                  2008-2013
                                        50,000              $3.25                 $3.25                    2007
                                           0                $4.00                 $4.00                    2008
                                        62,000              $4.50                 $4.50                    2010
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
Consultants and advisors (14)           25,000              $1.50                 $1.50                    2004
                                        112,000             $1.75                 $1.75                    2013
                                         8,000              $2.50                 $2.50                    2013
                                         9,050              $3.25                 $3.25                    2004
                                        12,500              $4.00                 $4.00                  2007-2008
                                        95,332              $4.50                 $4.50                  2005-2010
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------
TOTAL                                  2,530,752
- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------



The corporation is not indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation, by
any foreign  government or by any other person or entity.  The  following  table
sets forth certain  information  as of April 30, 2004  concerning the beneficial
ownership  of our  Common  Shares  as to  each  person  known  to us that is the
beneficial owner of more that 5% of our outstanding shares:


- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------------
      Title of Class           Identity of Person or Group         Number of Shares            Percent of class
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------------
Common shares                equity4Life                                           1,500,000  5.3%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------------
Common shares                North Sound Legacy International Ltd. 1,522,726                  5.4%
- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- ----------------------------

The  Corporation's  major  shareholders do not have different voting rights than
the other shareholders.


We have not entered into any related party  transactions in the period since the
beginning of our  preceding  three  financial  years,  July 1, 2000, to the date


Not applicable.

                          ITEM 8: FINANCIAL INFORMATION


Audited consolidated financial statements including consolidated balance sheets,
consolidated  statements of loss and deficit and consolidated statements of cash
flows,  for the  fiscal  years  ended  June 30,  2003,  2002 and  2001,  and the
unaudited  financial  statements  for the six months ended December 30, 2003 and
2002,  together  with the notes to those  statements  and the  auditor's  report
thereon, are contained under the caption "Item 18: Financial Statements" below.


The Corporation has not undertaken any export sales.


The  Corporation  is not a party to any material  pending  legal or  arbitration
proceedings and is not aware of any material  contemplated  legal proceedings to
which we may be a party.


The  Corporation  has not  paid  any  dividends  since  its  incorporation.  The
Corporation  will  consider  paying  dividends  in  future  as  its  operational
circumstances may permit having regard to, among other things, the Corporation's
earnings, cash flow and financial requirements.  It is the current policy of the
Board of directors to retain all earnings to finance the Corporation's  business


Other than "Subsequent Events" described in note 12 of the financial statements,
there have been no  significant  changes  in the  Corporation's  business  since
December 31, 2003.


                          ITEM 9: THE OFFER AND LISTING


The  Corporation's  Common Shares have traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the
"TSX") since June 12, 2003 under the symbol "YM",  and were  admitted to trading
on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange plc on
June 12, 2003 under the symbol "YMBA".


The  Corporation has been listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") since
June 11, 2002.  Initially,  the Corporation listed its Class B Preferred Shares,
Series  1. On June 12,  2003,  the  Class B  Preferred  Shares,  Series  1, were
automatically  converted on a one-for-one  basis into the Common  Shares,  which
became listed on the TSX on that date.  The following  tables set forth the high
and low closing prices as reported by the TSX for our securities for each of the
indicated periods. Prices prior to June 12, 2003 are for the Corporation's Class
B Preferred  Shares,  Series 1, and prices on or after June 12, 2003 are for the
Corporation's Common Shares:

Annual high-low price history for previous two fiscal years
- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
        Fiscal Year Ended                       High                            Low
- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
 June 30, 2002 (1)                            4.30                            3.80
- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
 June 30, 2003                                4.05                            0.85
- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------

(1) The high-low price history for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, includes
the high and low closing  prices as reported for June 11,  2002,  the first date
the Corporation's  Class B Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 were listed, to June 30,

Quarterly  high-low  price  history for  previous  two fiscal years and the most
recent fiscal quarters
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     Quarter Ended                High                    Low
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
    June 30, 2002(1)              4.30                    3.80
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
   September 30, 2002             4.05                    2.00
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
   December 31, 2002              2.25                    1.60
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     March 31, 2003               1.90                    1.45
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     June 30, 2003                1.60                    0.85
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
   September 30, 2003             1.65                    0.86
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
   December 31, 2003              2.50                    1.15
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     March 31, 2004               3.10                    1.75
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------

(1) The high-low price history for the quarter ended June 30, 2002, includes the
high and low closing  prices as reported for June 11,  2002,  the first date the
Corporation's Class B Preferred Shares, Series 1 were listed, to June 30, 2002.

Monthly high-low price history for previous six months
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
         Month                    High                    Low
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
      October 2003                1.63                    1.54
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     November 2003                1.62                    1.50
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     December 2003                2.10                    1.95
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
      January 2004                2.30                    1.75
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
     February 2004                3.10                    1.80
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
       March 2004                 2.49                    2.10
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
       April 2004                 3.50                    2.05
- ------------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------


The securities being registered pursuant to this registration  statement are our
Common Shares, without par value.



Not applicable.


The Corporation's Common Shares have traded on the TSX since June 12, 2003 under
the symbol "YM",  and were admitted to trading on AIM on June 12, 2003 under the
symbol  "YMBA".  We have  applied to list the Common  Shares for  trading on the
American  Stock  Exchange.  We expect such  listing to be  completed  during the
second  quarter of calendar  2004.  However,  there can be no assurance that our
application  will be approved or that an active  trading market in our shares in
the US will be established and/or if established sustained.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

                         ITEM 10: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


The authorized share capital of the Corporation  consists of 500,000,000  Common
Shares  without  nominal or par value,  500,000,000  Class A  non-voting  common
shares  without  nominal  or par value,  500,000,000  Class A  preferred  shares
without nominal or par value and 500,000,000 Class B preferred shares,  issuable
in  series,  without  nominal  or par value.  As at April 30,  2004,  there were
28,183,152  Common Shares,  no Class A non-voting common shares and no preferred
shares outstanding.

The following  table is a  reconciliation  of our issued share capital from June
30, 2000 to April 30, 2004:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Issued and Outstanding              Special          Common        Preferred        Amount
                                            Warrants          Shares           Shares
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at June 30, 2000                                            12,923,094               $29,983,582
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issued pursuant to a licensing agreement                           50,000                   450,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at June 30, 2001                                            12,973,094               $30,433,582
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issued pursuant to a licensing agreement                           25,000                   225,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public offering of preferred shares                                         3,750,000    11,514,407
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at June 30, 2002                                            12,998,094   3,750,000   $42,172,989
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issued from treasury                                                          759,000     2,595,780
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares repurchased for cancellation                              (19,000)    (46,200)      (39,665)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conversion of preferred to common                               4,462,800 (4,462,800)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at June 30, 2003                                            17,441,894           0   $44,729,104
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares repurchased for cancellation                             (169,900)                  (73,675)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private placement                             10,895,658                                 17,047,001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at December 31, 2003                       10,895,658       17,271,994               $61,702,430
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exercise of special warrants                (10,895,658)       10,895,658
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issued on the exercise of options                                  15,500                    27,125
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at April 30, 2004                                   0       28,183,152               $61,729,555
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



All of the Common Shares rank equally as to voting  rights,  participation  in a
distribution of the assets of the  Corporation on a liquidation,  dissolution or
winding-up of the Corporation  and the entitlement to dividends.  The holders of
the Common Shares are entitled to receive notice of all meetings of shareholders
and to attend and vote the Common  Shares at the  meetings.  Each  Common  Share
carries with it the right to one vote.

In the event of the  liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation,
the  holders of the  Common  Shares  will be  entitled,  subject to the  rights,
privileges,  restrictions and conditions  attaching to any other class of shares
of the Corporation,  to receive,  on a pro rata basis, share for share, with the
Class  A  non-voting  common  shares,  all  of  the  remaining  property  of the
Corporation. There are no pre-emptive or conversion rights and no provisions for
redemption,  retraction,  purchase for  cancellation  or surrender or sinking or
purchase funds.


The  Corporation  had 2,530,752  options  outstanding  as at April 30, 2004. See
"Item 6-E.  Share  Ownership of Directors  and  Executive  Officers"  for a more
detailed  summary  of  the   Corporation's   outstanding  stock  options  and  a
description of the Corporation's stock option plan.

As at April 30, 2004, the  Corporation  had 6,944,339  share  purchase  warrants
outstanding,  which have been issued to  licensors  and to  participants  in the
Corporation's  private  placement.  The  following  table  describes  the  share
purchase warrants outstanding as of April 30, 2004:

- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
           Issued                 Number of             Expiry             Exercise Price
                                Common Shares
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        Sept. 1, 2000              200,000           Sept. 1, 2005             $4.50
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        Oct. 11, 2000               37,500           Oct. 11, 2004             $9.00
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        Feb. 15, 2002               44,444           Feb. 15, 2006             $4.50
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        June 12, 2002              125,000           June 12, 2006             $4.00
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        Feb. 17, 2004             5,447,829           Feb 15, 2009             $2.50
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
        Feb. 17, 2004             1,089,566          Feb. 15, 2009             $1.75
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
            Total                 6,944,339
- ------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ---------------------


YM  BioSciences  Inc. was  incorporated  under the laws of Ontario on August 17,
1994 and on December  11,  2001 it  continued  into the  Province of Nova Scotia
under the Nova Scotia  Companies  Act.  The head office and  principal  place of
business of the  Corporation  is Suite 400,  Building  11, 5045  Orbitor  Drive,
Mississauga,  Ontario,  Canada, L4W 4Y4. The registered office of YM BioSciences
is 1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 800, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 2X2.


The authorized share capital of the Corporation  consists of 500,000,000  Common
Shares  without  nominal or par value,  500,000,000  Class A  non-voting  common
shares  without  nominal  or par value,  500,000,000  Class A  preferred  shares
without nominal or par value and 500,000,000 Class B preferred shares,  issuable
in series, without nominal or par value.

All of the Common Shares rank equally as to voting  rights,  participation  in a
distribution  of assets  on a  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding-up  of the
Corporation and the  entitlement to dividends.  The holders of the Common Shares
are entitled to receive notice of all meetings of shareholders and to attend and
vote at the  meetings.  Each Common Share carries with it the right to one vote.
There are no limitations on the rights of shareholders,  including  non-resident
or foreign  shareholders,  to own or  exercise  the voting  rights of the Common

In the event of  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding-up of the  Corporation or
other  distribution of assets, the holders of the Common Shares will be entitled
to  receive,  on a  pro-rata  basis,  all  of the  assets  remaining  after  the
Corporation has paid out it's  liabilities.  Although the Corporation  currently
does not pay dividends, a capital distribution in the form of dividends, if any,
would be declared by the Board of directors.

Provisions as to modification,  amendment or variation of the rights attached to
the Common Shares are contained in the Corporation's memorandum and articles and
the Nova Scotia Companies Act. Generally  speaking,  substantive  changes to the
rights attached to the Common Shares will require the approval of the holders of
Common Shares by special resolution (at least 75% of the votes cast).

There are no restrictions on the repurchase or redemption by us of Common Shares
as long as we remain solvent. There are no indentures or agreements limiting the
payment  of  dividends.  There are no  conversion  rights,  special  liquidation
rights,  sinking fund  provisions,  pre-emptive  rights or  subscription  rights
attached  to any  Common  Shares.  Holders  of Common  Shares  are not liable to
further capital calls by the Corporation.

The directors have the power to convene general  meetings of the Corporation and
to set the record date for such meetings to determine the shareholders of record
entitled to receive notice of and vote at such  meetings.  Meetings must be held
annually,  at  least  every  13  months,  and if they  are not  convened  by the
directors,  may be requisitioned by shareholders in certain  circumstances.  The
directors   must  stand  for  election  at  each  annual   general   meeting  of

If one of the  Corporation's  directors  votes  on a  proposal,  arrangement  or
contract in which the director is materially interested,  the director is liable
to  account  to the  Corporation  for any profit  made as a  consequence  of our
entering into or performing  the proposed  arrangement  or contract,  unless the
arrangement  or  contract  is  reasonable  and fair and is approved by a special
resolution  of the  shareholders.  A director is not deemed to be  interested or
have been  interested  at any time in a  proposal,  arrangement  or  transaction
merely  because it relates to the  remuneration  of a director in that capacity.
The directors  have the power to borrow money form any source and upon any terms
and conditions on the  Corporation's  behalf.  There is no requirement  that the
directors hold shares in the Corporation to qualify as directors and there is no
age limit requirement for directors.


Except for contracts  entered into in the ordinary course of business,  the only
material  contracts which the Corporation  entered into prior to the date hereof
as follows:

(a)   Stock  Option Plan dated  November  22,  1996,  as amended on November 26,
      2003.  See "Share  Ownership of Directors and  Executive  Officers - Stock
      Option Plan".


(b)   Clinical  Research  Services  Agreement  between YM  BioSciences  Inc. and
      Pharm-Olam  International,   Ltd.  ("POI"),  dated  March  10,  2004.  The
      Corporation  has  contracted  with POI to do a Phase III clinical trial in
      Metastatic  Breast  Cancer.  POI in turn is  contracting  with  others  to
      perform services and to recruit and treat patients.  The contract with POI
      is  payable  over the next  few  years  depending  on the  recruitment  of

(c)   Development  and  License  Agreement  between  CIMYM  Inc.,  CIMAB  SA and
      Oncoscience  AG, dated November 5, 2003.  See "- Licensing  Arrangements -
      Out-Licensing -TheraCIM".

(d)   License  Agreement  between CIMYM Inc. and CIMAB SA, January 24, 2001. See
      "-  Licensing   Arrangements  -  In-Licensing  -  Licenses  for  TheraCIM,
      RadioTheraCIM, TGF(alpha) and HER-1".

(e)   License  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  University of Manitoba and
      The Manitoba  Cancer  Treatment and Research  Foundation,  carrying on its
      undertaking  as  Cancercare  Manitoba,  dated  November  2,  2000.  See "-
      Licensing Arrangements - In-Licensing - License for Tesmilifene".

(f)   License Agreement between York Medical Inc. and Biostar Inc. dated October
      11,  2000.  See "- Licensing  Arrangements  -  In-Licensing  - License for

(g)   License  Agreement between Yorkton Medical Inc. and CIMAB SA, dated May 3,
      1995.  See  "-  Licensing  Arrangements  -  In-Licensing  -  Licenses  for
      TheraCIM, RadioTheraCIM, TGF(alpha) and HER-1".

(h)   Licensing Bonus Pool Plan dated March 31, 2004. See "Compensation -
      Licensing Bonus Pool".

(i)   Lease Amending and Extension Agreement between 1411029 Ontario Limited and
      YM BioSciences Inc. dated January 15, 2003. See "Property, Plants and
      Equipment - Facilities".

(j)   The Corporation has entered into joint venture arrangements with licensors
      for the purpose of developing and commercializing certain of its licensed
      products. The agreements found at Exhibit 4.10 though Exhibit 4.19 set out
      the terms of such joint venture arrangements. See "Arrangements with

In the ordinary course of its business, the Corporation enters into licenses for
products  which  it  develops,  however,  because  of their  materiality  to the
Corporation,  they are referenced here. The licenses for these products are more
fully  described  in this  registration  statement  under the heading  "Business
Overview - Licensing".


There is no law or  governmental  decree or regulation in Canada that  restricts
the  export or import of  capital,  or  affects  the  remittance  of  dividends,
interest or other payments to a non-resident holder of our Common Shares,  other
than  withholding  tax  requirements.  See "Item 10 -  Canadian  Federal  Income
Taxation" and "Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consequences".

There is no  limitation  imposed by Canadian law or by the  Canadian  Charter of
Rights  and  Freedoms,  or  other  constituent  documents  on  the  right  of  a
non-resident  to hold or vote our Common  Shares,  other than as provided in the
Investment Canada Act ("ICA"). The following discussion summarizes the principal
features of the ICA for a non-resident  who proposes to acquire Common Shares of
a Canadian  business or the  establishment  by a non-resident  of a new Canadian
business. The description of the ICA contained herein is only a general overview
and should not be relied upon as a  substitute  for  independent  advice from an
investor's  own advisor,  and it does not  anticipate  statutory  or  regulatory
amendments related thereto.

The ICA applies to all  acquisitions  of control by a non-Canadian of a Canadian
business or  establishment  by that  non-Canadian  of a new  Canadian  business.
"Non-Canadian"  for the  purposes  of the  ICA,  is  defined  as an  individual,
government,  government  agency  or  entity  that  is not  Canadian.  Generally,
Canadians are Canadian citizens,  permanent residents of Canada,  governments in
Canada and their agencies, and Canadian controlled  corporations,  partnerships,
trusts and joint ventures. Generally, one of two statutory obligations may apply
to a  proposed  investment  or  acquisition:  (i) a  notification;  or  (ii)  an
application  for review.  A review is  required  where a  non-Canadian  is a WTO
investor  (i.e.  an investor  from a country that is a member of the World Trade
Organization)  and  that  investor  is  making a direct  acquisition  of  assets
exceeding CDN$237 million. In the context of an indirect  acquisition,  a review
will be  required  only  where  the asset  value  associated  with the  Canadian
business(es)  represents  greater  than 50 per  cent of the  asset  value of the
transaction.  Otherwise,  such  transactions are not subject to review under the


It should be noted that if the Canadian  business being acquired is engaged in a
"sensitive sector" defined in the ICA as including financial services,  culture,
transportation and uranium, then lower thresholds apply for notification namely,
CDN$5  million  for  direct   acquisitions   and  CDN$50  million  for  indirect
acquisitions.  If an investment is subject to review under the ICA, the investor
must demonstrate to the Minister  responsible for the  administration of the ICA
that the  investment  is likely to be of net  benefit  to Canada in light of the
several factors enumerated under the ICA.

With respect to the  Corporation,  a non-Canadian  would acquire  control of the
Corporation for the purposes of the ICA if the non-Canadian  acquired a majority
of the Corporation's  Common Shares. The acquisition of less than a majority but
one third or more of the Common Shares would be presumed to be an acquisition of
control of the Corporation  unless it could be established that,  following such
acquisition,  the Corporation was not controlled in fact by the acquirer through
the ownership of such Common Shares.

Certain transactions relating to the Corporation's Common Shares would be exempt
from the ICA, including:

(a)   acquisition of the Corporation's Common Shares by a person in the ordinary
      course of that person's business as a trader or dealer in securities;

(b)   acquisition  of  control  of  the   Corporation  in  connection  with  the
      realization of security  granted for a loan or other financial  assistance
      and not for a purpose related to the provisions of the ICA; and

(c)   acquisition of control of the  Corporation  by reason of an  amalgamation,
      merger.  consolidation  or corporate  reorganization  following  which the
      ultimate direct or indirect  control in fact of the  Corporation,  through
      the ownership of Common Shares remained unchanged.



The  following  summary  describes  certain  material  U.S.  federal  income tax
considerations  applicable to U.S. Holders and Non-U.S. Holders (each as defined
below) as a result of the purchase,  ownership and disposition of Common Shares.
This discussion is limited to holders that hold Common Shares as a capital asset
within the meaning of Section 1221 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code").

This  summary  is not  exhaustive  of  all  possible  U.S.  federal  income  tax
considerations  applicable to an investment in Common Shares. This summary is of
a  general  nature  only and is not  intended  to be legal or tax  advice to any
prospective purchaser of Common Shares.  Holders of Common Shares should consult
their  own tax  advisors  in  determining  the  application  to them of the U.S.
federal  income tax  consequences  set forth  below and any other U.S.  federal,
state, local,  foreign or other tax consequences of the purchase,  ownership and
disposition of Common Shares.

This  summary  is based on the  Code,  Treasury  Regulations,  IRS  rulings  and
official pronouncements,  judicial decisions and the Treaty, all as in effect on
the  date  hereof,  and all of  which  are  subject  to  change,  possibly  with
retroactive  effect,  or  different  interpretations,  which  could  affect  the
accuracy of the statements and conclusions set forth below and the U.S.  federal
income tax  consequences to U.S.  Holders and Non-U.S.  Holders.  Holders should
note that no rulings  have been or will be sought  from the IRS with  respect to
any of the U.S.  federal income tax issues discussed below, and no assurance can
be given that the IRS will not successfully challenge the conclusions reached in
this summary.

This  discussion  does not  purport to deal with all  aspects  of United  States
federal income taxation that might be relevant to any particular holder in light
of their personal  investment  circumstances or status,  nor does it discuss the
United States federal income tax  consequences  to certain types of holders that
may be subject to special rules under the United States federal income tax laws,


such as financial institutions, persons owning 10% or more (by vote or value) of
the Common Shares,  persons that hold Common Shares that are a hedge against, or
that  are  hedged  against,  currency  risk or that are  part of a  straddle  or
conversion  transaction,  or persons whose functional currency is not the United
States dollar.

For purposes of this summary,  a "U.S. Holder" means any holder that is for U.S.
federal income tax purposes:  (i) a citizen or individual resident in the United
States;  (ii) a corporation or other entity taxable as a corporation  created or
organized  under  the  laws of the  United  States  or a  political  subdivision
thereof;  (iii) an estate, the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income
tax regardless of the source;  or (iv) a trust, if (A) a court within the United
States is able to exercise primary  supervision over the trust's  administration
and one or more United  States  persons have the authority to control all of its
substantial decisions,  or (B) the trust was in existence on August 20, 1996 and
has properly  elected under  applicable  Treasury  Regulations to continue to be
treated as a United States  person.  A "Non-U.S.  Holder" is a beneficial  owner
that is not a U.S. Holder.




Subject to the discussion below under "Passive Foreign Investment Company",  the
gross amount of any distribution  made with respect to the Common Shares,  other
than  distributions in liquidation and distributions in redemption of stock that
are treated as  exchanges,  will be treated as a dividend to the extent that the
distribution  is paid out of current or accumulated  earnings and profits of the
Corporation.  The  amount  treated  as a  dividend  will  include  any  Canadian
withholding  tax deducted  from the  distribution.  Under  current law,  certain
dividends  received  by  individuals  are  taxed at lower  rates  than  items of
ordinary income. Distributions, if any, in excess of the current and accumulated
earnings and profits of the Corporation  will constitute a nontaxable  return of
capital  to a U.S.  Holder  and will be  applied  against  and  reduce  the U.S.
Holder's  tax  basis  in  the  holder's  Common  Shares.   To  the  extent  that
distributions  exceed the tax basis of a U.S.  Holder in its Common Shares,  the
excess generally will be treated as capital gain.

In  the  case  of  a  distribution  in  Canadian  dollars,  the  amount  of  the
distribution generally will equal the United States dollar value of the Canadian
dollars distributed,  determined by reference to the spot currency exchange rate
on the date of  receipt of the  distribution  by the U.S.  Holder,  and the U.S.
Holder will realize  separate  foreign  currency gain or loss to the extent that
gain or loss arises on the actual disposition of foreign currency received.  Any
foreign  currency gain or loss generally  will be treated as ordinary  income or

Dividends   that  the   Corporation   pays   will  not  be   eligible   for  the
dividends-received  deduction  generally  allowed to United States  corporations
under the Code.

Subject to the  limitations  set forth in the Code, the Canadian tax withheld or
paid with  respect  to  distributions  on the  Common  Shares  generally  may be
credited  against the U.S. federal income tax liability of a U.S. Holder if such
U.S.  Holder  makes an  appropriate  election for the taxable year in which such
taxes are paid or accrued.  Alternatively,  a U.S.  Holder who does not elect to
credit any foreign  taxes paid during the taxable  year may deduct such taxes in
such  taxable  year  subject to certain  requirements.  Because  the foreign tax
credit  provisions of the Code are very complex,  U.S.  Holders  should  consult
their own tax advisors with respect to the claiming of foreign tax credits.

Sale or Exchange

Subject to the discussion below under "Passive Foreign Investment Company", upon
a sale or exchange of Common Shares,  a U.S.  Holder will recognize gain or loss
in an amount equal to the difference  between the amount realized on the sale or
exchange and the U.S. Holder's adjusted tax basis in the Common Shares. Any gain
or loss  recognized  will be capital gain or loss and will be long-term  capital
gain or loss if the U.S.  Holder  has held the  Common  Shares for more than one
year.  Under current law,  long-term  capital gains of individuals are generally
taxed at lower  rates than items of  ordinary  income.  Deductions  for  capital
losses are subject to limitations.

Passive Foreign Investment Company

The Code contains  special rules for the taxation of U.S. Holders who own shares
in a "passive  foreign  investment  company"  (a  "PFIC").  A PFIC is a non-U.S.
corporation  that meets an income test and/or an asset test.  The income test is
met if 75% or  more  of the  corporation's  gross  income  is  "passive  income"
(generally,   dividends,   interest,   rents,  royalties,  and  gains  from  the
disposition of assets  producing  passive income) in any taxable year. The asset
test is met if at  least  50% of the  average  value of a  corporation's  assets
produce, or are held for the production of, passive income. Based on its current
income, assets and activities, the Corporation may be a PFIC.

If the  Corporation is a PFIC,  then, in the absence of the elections  described
below, a U.S. Holder will generally be subject to increased tax liability and an
interest  charge with respect to gain  recognized  on the sale of such  holder's
Common  Shares and upon the receipt of certain  "excess  distributions"  made in
respect of Common Shares.  Generally,  the special tax and interest  charges are
determined as follows: (i) the gain or excess distribution (which are treated as


ordinary income) is allocated ratably over the days in the U.S. Holder's holding
period for the Common  Shares,  (ii) the amounts  allocated  to years before the
current year are taxed at the highest  ordinary income rates in effect for those
years,  and (iii)  underpayment  interest  is  charged as if such  amounts  were
actually taxed in the prior years but the tax had not been paid.

As an  alternative  to the  foregoing  rules,  if the Common  Shares  constitute
"marketable stock" under applicable Treasury regulations, a U.S. Holder may make
a  mark-to-market  election to include in income each year as ordinary income an
amount equal to the increase in value of such  holder's  Common  Shares for that
year or to claim a deduction  for any  decrease in value (but only to the extent
of previous  mark-to-market  gains).  The  Corporation  expects  that the Common
Shares will be treated as marketable  stock for these  purposes but no assurance
can be given.

Alternatively,  if the Corporation  complies with certain information  reporting
requirements,  a U.S.  Holder may elect to treat the Corporation as a "qualified
electing fund" (a "QEF"), in which case such holder would be required to include
in income each year its pro rata share of the  Corporation's  ordinary  earnings
and net capital gains, whether or not distributed. However, the Corporation does
not  currently  intend to provide  the  information  necessary  to permit a U.S.
Holder to make the QEF election.

The PFIC rules are complex.  U.S. Holders should consult with their tax advisors
regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences  under the PFIC rules and the
applicability of the mark to market regime.

Backup Withholding Tax

Backup  withholding  tax at a rate of 28% may apply to payments of dividends and
to payments of proceeds of the sale or other disposition of Common Shares within
the United States by a non-corporate U.S. Holder, if the holder fails to furnish
a correct  taxpayer  identification  number or  otherwise  fails to comply  with
applicable  requirements of the backup withholding tax rules. Backup withholding
tax is not an additional tax and amounts so withheld may be refunded or credited
against a U.S.  Holder's  United States federal  income tax liability,  provided
that correct information is provided to the Internal Revenue Service.


A Non-U.S.  Holder should not be subject to U.S.  federal  income or withholding
taxes with respect to the sale,  disposition or any  distribution  in respect of
the Common Shares,  unless (i) such income is effectively connected with a trade
or business conducted by such Non-U.S.  Holder within the United States, or (ii)
in the case of an individual,  such Non-U.S.  Holder is a nonresident  alien who
holds the Common  Shares as a capital  asset and is present in the United States
for 183 days or more during a taxable  year and  certain  other  conditions  are


The following  discussion  summarizes the principal  Canadian federal income tax
considerations generally applicable to a person (an "Investor") who acquires one
or more Common Shares pursuant to this  Registration  Statement,  and who at all
material  times for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada)  (the  "Canadian
Act") deals at arm's length with us, holds all Common  Shares  solely as capital
property,  is a non resident of Canada,  and does not, and is not deemed to, use
or hold any Common  Share in or in the course of carrying on business in Canada.
It is assumed that the Common  Shares will at all material  times be listed on a
stock exchange that is prescribed for the purposes of the Canadian Act.

This summary is based on the current  provisions of the Canadian Act,  including
the regulations  thereunder,  and the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention
(1980) (the  "Treaty") as amended.  This summary takes into account all specific
proposals  to amend the  Canadian Act and the  regulations  thereunder  publicly
announced by the  government of Canada to the date hereof and our  understanding
of the  current  published  administrative  and  assessing  practices  of Canada


Customs and  Revenue  Agency.  It is assumed  that all such  amendments  will be
enacted  substantially  as currently  proposed,  and that there will be no other
material change to any such law or practice, although no assurances can be given
in these respects. Except to the extent otherwise expressly set out herein, this
summary does not take into account any provincial, territorial or foreign income
tax law or treaty.

This summary is not, and is not to be construed as, tax advice to any particular
Investor.  Each prospective and current Investor is urged to obtain  independent
advice as to the Canadian  income tax  consequences  of an  investment in Common
Shares applicable to the Investor's particular circumstances.

An Investor generally will not be subject to tax pursuant to the Canadian Act on
any capital  gain  realized by the Investor on a  disposition  of a Common Share
unless the Common Share constitutes  "taxable Canadian property" to the Investor
for  purposes of the  Canadian  Act and the  Investor is not eligible for relief
pursuant to an applicable  bilateral tax treaty. A Common Share that is disposed
of by an Investor will not constitute  taxable Canadian property of the Investor
provided that the Common Share is listed on a stock  exchange that is prescribed
for  the  purposes  of the  Canadian  Act  (the  Toronto  Stock  Exchange  is so
prescribed),  and that neither the  Investor,  nor one or more persons with whom
the Investor did not deal at arm's length,  alone or together at any time in the
five years immediately preceding the disposition owned 25% of more of the issued
shares of any class of our capital stock. In addition, the Treaty generally will
exempt an Investor  who is a resident of the United  States for the  purposes of
the Treaty,  and who would  otherwise  be liable to pay  Canadian  income tax in
respect of any capital  gain  realized by the Investor on the  disposition  of a
Common Share, from such liability provided that the value of the Common Share is
not  derived  principally  from  real  property  (including  resource  property)
situated in Canada or that the  Investor  does not have,  and has not had within
the 12-month period proceeding the disposition,  a "permanent  establishment" or
"fixed  base",  as those  terms are  defined  for the  purposes  of the  Treaty,
available  to the  Investor  in Canada.  The Treaty  may not be  available  to a
non-resident  investor  that is a U.S.  LLC which is not  subject  to tax in the
United States.

Any dividend on a Common Share, including a stock dividend, paid or credited, or
deemed to be paid or credited,  by us to an Investor will be subject to Canadian
withholding tax at the rate of 25% on the gross amount of the dividend,  or such
lesser rate as may be available under an applicable income tax treaty.  Pursuant
to the Treaty,  the rate of  withholding  tax applicable to a dividend paid on a
Common  Share to an  Investor  who is a resident  of the  United  States for the
purposes  of the Treaty  will be reduced  to 5% if the  beneficial  owner of the
dividend  is a company  that owns at least 10% of our voting  stock,  and in any
other case will be reduced to 15%, of the gross  amount of the  dividend.  It is
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's  position that the Treaty reductions are not
available to an Investor that is a "limited  liability  company" resident in the
United  States.  We will be required to withhold any such tax from the dividend,
and remit the tax directly to Canada  Customs and Revenue Agency for the account
of the Investor.


The  Corporation  has not  paid  any  dividends  since  its  incorporation.  The
Corporation  will  consider  paying  dividends  in  future  as  its  operational
circumstances may permit having regard to, among other things, the Corporation's
earnings, cash flow and financial requirements.  It is the current policy of the
Board of directors to retain all earnings to finance the Corporation's  business


Not applicable.


Copies of all filings made with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission can be
obtained from  www.sec.gov.  Copies of all documents  filed with the  securities
commissions in Canada can be obtained from the website located at www.sedar.com.


Our  documents may be viewed at our head office  located at Suite 400,  Building
11, 5045 Orbitor Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4W 4Y4.


Not applicable.


As at December  31,  2003,  YM had  US$3,026,000.00  in US  currency  short-term
investments.  To  date,  YM has not  engaged  in any  foreign  currency  hedging
activity nor has it formally monitored the fluctuation of US$.



Not applicable.

                                     PART II

Not applicable.

                                    PART III

                          ITEM 17: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Not applicable.

                          ITEM 18: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

See pages F-1 to F-25 of this registration statement on Form 20-F.

                                ITEM 19: EXHIBITS

The following documents are filed as part of this registration statement on Form
20-F as Exhibits:

Exhibit           Description

1.1   Certificate of Continuance dated December 11, 2001

1.2   Certificate of Registration dated December 11, 2001

1.3   Memorandum of Association dated December 11, 2001

1.4   Articles of Association dated December 11, 2001

1.5   Directors resolution re creation and issuance of Class B Preferred Shares,
      Series 1

2.1   Form of the Corporation's Canadian common share purchase warrant

2.2   Form of the Corporation's United States common share purchase warrant

2.3   Form of the Corporation's Canadian placement agent warrant

2.4   Form of the Corporation's United States placement agent warrant

2.5   Form of warrant  certificate granted by the Corporation in connection with
      that certain License Agreement between YM BioSciences Inc.  (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) and Biostar Inc. dated October 11, 2000.

2.6   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Aran Asset Management SA dated Jun 12, 2002.


2.7   Form of warrant  certificate  granted by York  Medical  Inc.  to CIMAB S.A
      dated September 1, 2000.

2.8   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Aran Asset Management SA dated February 15, 2002.

2.9   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Clubb BioCapital Limited dated February 15, 2002.

4.1   Stock Option Plan dated November 22, 1996, as amended on November 26, 2003

4.2   License  Agreement  between YM BioSciences  Inc.  (formerly  known as York
      Medical Inc.) and Biostar Inc. dated October 11, 2000.

4.3+  Development  and  License  Agreement  between  CIMYM  Inc.,  CIMAB  SA and
      Oncoscience AG, dated November 5, 2003.

4.4+  License  Agreement  between YM BioSciences  Inc.  (formerly  known as York
      Medical Inc.),  University of Manitoba and The Manitoba  Cancer  Treatment
      and  Research  Foundation,  carrying  on  its  undertaking  as  Cancercare
      Manitoba, dated November 2, 2000.

4.5   License Agreement between CIMYM Inc. and CIMAB SA, January 24, 2001.

4.6   License Agreement  between YM BioSciences Inc.  (formerly known as Yorkton
      Medical Inc.) and CIMAB SA, dated May 3, 1995.

4.7+  Clinical  Research  Services  Agreement  between YM  BioSciences  Inc. and
      Pharm-Olam International, Ltd., dated March 10, 2004.

4.8   Licensing Bonus Pool Plan dated March 31, 2004.

4.9   Lease Amending and Extension Agreement between 1411029 Ontario Limited and
      YM BioSciences Inc. dated January 15, 2003.

4.10  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CIMYM
      Inc. (an Ontario Corporation) and CIMAB S.A dated November 14, 1995.

4.11  Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement  between York Medical Inc. and CIMYM
      Inc. dated November 22, 1995.

4.12  Letter from York Medical Inc. to CIMYM Inc. dated November 23, 1995.

4.13  Exclusive  International Sales, Marketing Manufacturing and Administrative
      Agreement  between CIMYM Inc. (an Ontario  Corporation)  and CIMYM Inc. (a
      Barbados Corporation) dated July 4, 1996.

4.14  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CIMYM
      Inc. (a Barbados Corporation) and CIMAB S.A. dated May 16, 1996.

4.15  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CBQYM
      Inc. and CIMAB S.A.,  representing  Centro de  Bioactivos  Quimicos of the
      Universidad Central de Las Villas dated November 11, 1995.

4.16  Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement  between York Medical Inc. and CBQYM
      Inc. dated November 22, 1995.


4.17  Letter from York Medical Inc. to CBQYM Inc. dated November 23, 1995.

4.18  Exclusive  International Sales, Marketing Manufacturing and Administrative
      Agreement  between CBQYM Inc. (an Ontario  Corporation)  and CBQYM Inc. (a
      Barbados Corporation) dated July 4, 1996.

4.19  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CBQYM
      Inc. (a Barbados Corporation) and CIMAB S.A. dated May 16, 1996.

8.1   List of subsidiaries

+     Confidential treatment requested for portions of these agreements.


                      Consolidated Financial Statements
                      (Amounts in Canadian dollars)

                      YM BIOSCIENCES INC.

                      Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001



To the Board of Directors of YM Biosciences Inc.

We have audited the  consolidated  balance sheets of YM  Biosciences  Inc. as at
June 30, 2003 and 2002 and the consolidated statements of operations and deficit
and cash  flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period  ended June 30,
2003.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian  generally accepted auditing
standards  and  United  States  generally  accepted  auditing  standards.  Those
standards  require  that we plan  and  perform  an audit  to  obtain  reasonable
assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An
audit includes examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit also includes  assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

In our opinion,  these consolidated  financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the Company as at June 30, 2003 and
2002 and the results of its  operations and its cash flows for each of the years
in the  three-year  period  ended  June 30,  2003 in  accordance  with  Canadian
generally accepted accounting principles.


Chartered Accountants

Toronto, Canada

August 14, 2003, except
as to note 12 which is as
of as to February 12, 2004
and as to note 10 which
is as of May 7, 2004


(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

 Consolidated Balance Sheets

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         December 31,                    June 30,
                                                 2003             2003               2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current assets:

     Cash and short-term deposits        $ 22,808,239      $  7,675,466      $ 12,707,522
     Restricted cash (note 2)                      --                --           600,000
     Marketable securities (note 3)           783,622           783,622                --
     Accounts receivable and
       prepaid expenses                        94,000           168,187           190,114
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           23,685,861         8,627,275        13,497,636

Capital assets (note 4)                        11,381            22,567            79,846

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         $ 23,697,242      $  8,649,842      $ 13,577,482
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Current liabilities:

     Accounts payable                    $    224,684      $    101,506      $    116,100
     Accrued liabilities                      277,513           221,077           258,286
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              502,197           322,583           374,386

Shareholders' equity:

     Special warrants (note 6)             17,047,001                --                --
     Share capital (note 6)                44,655,429        44,729,104        42,172,989
     Contributed surplus (note 6)              26,215             9,965                --
     Deficit accumulated during the
       development stage                  (38,533,600)      (36,411,810)      (28,969,893)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           23,195,045         8,327,259        13,203,096

Commitments (note 7)
Subsequent events (note 12)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         $ 23,697,242      $  8,649,842      $ 13,577,482
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

 Consolidated Statements of Operations and Deficit

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           Six months ended                        Years ended                      inception to
                                             December 31,                             June 30,                      December 31,
                                       2003              2002            2003             2002              2001            2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    (Unaudited) (Unaudited)                                                          (Unaudited)
Interest income                $    104,762      $    137,195    $    273,232     $    154,112      $    645,742    $  2,545,993

     General and
       administrative             1,180,425           923,703       1,877,509        1,864,289         1,805,204      12,344,093
     Licensing and product
       development                  889,423         2,249,667       3,965,385        4,729,216         6,294,981      26,699,241
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  2,069,848         3,173,370       5,842,894        6,593,505         8,100,185      39,043,334
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Loss before the undernoted       (1,965,086)       (3,036,175)     (5,569,662)      (6,439,393)       (7,454,443)    (36,497,341)

Unrealized loss on
   marketable securities                 --        (1,137,103)     (1,812,158)              --                --      (1,812,158)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Loss before income taxes         (1,965,086)       (4,173,278)     (7,381,820)      (6,439,393)       (7,454,443)    (38,309,499)

Income taxes                             --                --              --            7,300                --           7,300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Loss for the period              (1,965,086)       (4,173,278)     (7,381,820)      (6,446,693)       (7,454,443)    (38,316,799)

Deficit, beginning of period    (36,411,810)      (28,969,893)    (28,969,893)     (22,523,200)      (15,068,757)             --

Cost of purchasing shares
   for cancellation in excess
   of book value (note 6)          (156,704)          (11,499)        (60,097)              --                --        (216,801)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deficit, end of period         $(38,533,600)     $(33,154,670)   $(36,411,810)    $(28,969,893)     $(22,523,200)   $(38,533,600)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic and diluted loss per
   common share                $      (0.11)     $      (0.32)   $      (0.56)    $      (0.50)     $      (0.58)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted average number
   of common shares
   shares outstanding            17,430,393        12,988,094      13,218,177       12,991,039        12,958,436

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            Six months ended                                                          inception to
                                               December 31,                         Years ended June 30,              December 31,
                                         2003              2002             2003           2002               2001            2003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              (Unaudited)                                                              (Unaudited)
Cash provided by (used in):

Operating activities:

     Loss for the period         $ (1,965,086)     $ (4,173,278)   $ (7,381,820)   $ (6,446,693)     $ (7,454,443)   $(38,316,799)
     Items not involving

        Depreciation                   14,910            29,820          59,640          48,061            30,324         258,947
        Unrealized loss on

          securities                       --         1,137,103       1,812,158              --                --       1,812,158
          compensation                 16,250                --           9,965              --                --          26,215
     Change in non-cash
       operating working
        Accounts receivable

          and prepaid
          expenses                     74,187            77,115          21,927          (9,508)          382,741         (94,000)
        Accounts payable
          and accrued
          liabilities                 179,614            86,974         (51,803)       (163,825)          169,396         502,197
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   (1,680,125)       (2,842,266)     (5,529,933)     (6,571,965)       (6,871,982)    (35,811,282)

Financing activities:
     Redemption of

       preferred shares                    --                --         (80,372)             --                --      (2,630,372)
     Repurchase of

       common shares                 (230,379)          (20,026)        (19,390)             --                --        (249,769)
     Net proceeds from
       issuance of shares
       and special warrants        17,047,001                --              --      11,739,407           450,000      61,769,990
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   16,816,622           (20,026)        (99,762)     11,739,407           450,000      58,889,849

Investing activities:

     Restricted cash                       --                --         600,000        (600,000)               --              --
     Additions to capital assets       (3,724)           (2,361)         (2,361)         (2,808)          (81,554)       (270,328)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       (3,724)           (2,361)        597,639        (602,808)          (85,554)       (270,328)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Increase (decrease) in cash
   and short-term deposits         15,132,773        (2,864,653)     (5,032,056)      4,564,634        (6,503,536)     22,808,239

Cash and short-term deposits,
   beginning of period              7,675,466        12,707,522      12,707,522       8,142,888        14,646,424              --

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and short-term
   deposits, end of period       $ 22,808,239      $  9,842,869    $  7,675,466    $ 12,707,522      $  8,142,888    $ 22,808,239
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company was  incorporated  on August 17, 1994 under the laws of the Province
of Ontario.  The Company continued under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia
on December 11, 2001.  The Company has entered into  licensing  agreements  with
certain biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical institutes. The licenses grant
exclusive  rights for certain  territories  for certain  products or families of
products  developed  and  rights of first  refusal  on  additional  territories,
additional products or extensions to existing products.

The Company is a development  stage enterprise with a relatively short operating
history.  Its long-term  viability is dependent on the success of its regulatory
submissions  and  licensing  and  marketing  activities,  its  ability to obtain
additional  financing  and to earn a  sufficient  market share once its licensed
products are in commercial production.


       The  accompanying  financial  statements are prepared in accordance  with
       accounting   principles   generally   accepted  in  Canada.   Significant
       accounting policies are summarized below:

       (a) Basis of presentation:

           These  consolidated  financial  statements  have been prepared on the
           basis of accounting principles  applicable to a going concern,  which
           assumes  that the  Company  will  realize the  carrying  value of its
           assets and satisfy its  obligations  as they become due in the normal
           course of operations.

           These consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the
           Company and its proportionate share of the revenue,  expenses, assets
           and liabilities of the following incorporated joint ventures:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Incorporated in Ontario:
                CIMYM Inc.                                            80%
                CBQYM Inc.                                            80%
           Incorporated in Barbados:
                CIMYM Inc.                                            80%
                CBQYM Inc.                                            80%

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           The Company has  advanced a total of  $5,489,185  as of December  31,
           2003 (June 30, 2003 - $5,355,099; June 30, 2002 - $4,718,643),  which
           is equal to the  amount by which the  funding  provided  to the joint
           ventures by way of preferred  shares and loans  exceeds the Company's
           proportionate share of expenses incurred.  Provision for the advances
           has been made in the accounts  consistent with the  classification of
           the expenditures  being funded. The provisions may not be required in
           the future if recovery from the joint ventures appears certain.

       (b) Cash and short-term deposits:

           Cash and  short-term  deposits are recorded at cost.  The  short-term
           deposits consist of highly liquid,  held-to-maturity  deposits,  with
           maturities not exceeding 90 days.

       (c) Marketable securities:

           Marketable  securities  are  recorded at the lower of cost and market
           value. Market values of shares and warrants held are determined based
           on their quoted  market  prices.  Losses  arising from changes in the
           market value are included in net earnings or loss for the year.

       (d) Capital assets:

           Capital  assets  are  stated at cost less  accumulated  depreciation.
           Depreciation is provided to write off the cost of capital assets over
           their estimated useful lives using the straight-line  method over the
           following periods:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Computer equipment                                      3 years
           Furniture and equipment                                 5 years
           Leasehold improvements                            Term of lease

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       (e) Development costs:

           To date, all development costs have been expensed.  Development costs
           that meet specific  stringent  criteria related to technical,  market
           and  financial  feasibility  are  capitalized.  To date,  none of the
           development  costs has met such  criteria.  The  Company  has made no
           expenditures for scientific research.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (f) Government assistance:

           Government  assistance,  including  investment  tax credits  received
           relating to  development  costs,  is  reflected as a reduction of the
           development  costs  when  there  is  reasonable  assurance  that  the
           assistance will be realized.

       (g) Income taxes:

           The Company uses the asset and  liability  method of  accounting  for
           income taxes. Under the asset and liability method, future tax assets
           and  liabilities  are  recognized  for the  future  tax  consequences
           attributable to differences  between the financial statement carrying
           amounts of existing assets and  liabilities and their  respective tax
           bases.  Future tax assets and  liabilities are measured using enacted
           or  substantively  enacted  tax rates  expected  to apply to  taxable
           income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected
           to be  recovered  or  settled.  The  effect on future  tax assets and
           liabilities  of a change in tax rates is  recognized in income in the
           year that includes the date of enactment or substantive enactment.

           In  assessing  the   realizability   of  future  income  tax  assets,
           management  considers  whether it is more  likely  than not that some
           portion or all of the future income tax assets will be realized.  The
           ultimate  realization  of future income tax assets is dependent  upon
           the  generation of future  taxable  income during the period in which
           the temporary  differences are deductible.  Management  considers the
           scheduled  reversals of future income tax liabilities,  the character
           of the future income tax asset and tax planning  strategies in making
           this  assessment.  To the extent that  management  believes  that the
           realization of future income tax assets does not meet the more likely
           than not  realization  criteria,  a valuation  allowance  is recorded
           against the future income tax assets.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (h) Stock-based compensation:

           The  Company  has  a  stock  option  plan  for  directors,  officers,
           employees  and service  providers,  as described in note 6. All stock
           options  issued  under the plan have an  exercise  price equal to the
           fair market value of the underlying  shares on the date of the grant.
           The Company applies the intrinsic value-based method of accounting to
           its stock option  plan.  No  compensation  expense is recorded on the
           grant of options to directors, officers and employees under the plan.
           Consideration  paid  by  directors,  officers  and  employees  on the
           exercise  of stock  options is  recorded  as share  capital.  Options
           issued to service  providers  of the  Company  are  valued  using the
           Black-Scholes  fair value option  pricing  model.  The value of these
           options  is  expensed  during  the  period  in which the  service  is
           rendered and is recorded as contributed surplus.

       (i) Measurement uncertainty:

           The preparation of financial  statements  requires management to make
           estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets
           and liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities
           at the date of the financial  statements and the reported  amounts of
           revenue and expenses during the periods.  Actual results could differ
           from those estimates.


       At June 30,  2002,  the  Company  had cash on  deposit  with a  financial
       institution  in the amount of $600,000.  The cash was set aside to secure
       certain  contingent  obligations  of the  Company to its  employees.  The
       contingency  was  resolved  and the  restricted  cash was returned to the
       Company by the trustee on January 1, 2003.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       On September 25, 2002,  as set out in note 6, the Company  issued Class B
       preferred  shares in exchange for 1,100,000  ordinary  shares and 220,000
       warrants of New  Opportunities  Investment  Trust ("NOIT") as part of the
       NOIT initial  prospectus  offering.  The cost of the NOIT  investment  of
       $2,595,780  was  determined  with  reference  to the market  value of the
       Company's  Class B preferred  shares at that time.  Since the date of the
       original  listing of the NOIT  shares and  warrants  on the London  Stock
       Exchange to June 30,  2003,  the value of these  shares and  warrants has
       declined by $1,812,158  with such amount being reflected as a loss in the
       consolidated statements of operations.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Accumulated            Net book
       December 31, 2003 (unaudited)                             Cost         depreciation               value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Computer equipment                               $     132,022         $    123,394         $     8,628
       Furniture and equipment                                 75,042               72,289               2,753
       Leasehold improvements                                  45,206               45,206                   -

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $     252,270         $    240,889         $    11,381
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Accumulated            Net book
       June 30, 2003                                             Cost         depreciation               value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Computer equipment                               $     130,457         $    112,902         $    17,555
       Furniture and equipment                                 72,883               67,871               5,012
       Leasehold improvements                                  45,206               45,206                   -

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $     248,546         $    225,979         $    22,567
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Accumulated            Net book
       June 30, 2002                                             Cost         depreciation               value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Computer equipment                               $     128,096         $     85,316         $    42,780
       Furniture and equipment                                 72,883               50,201              22,682
       Leasehold improvements                                  45,206               30,822              14,384

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $     246,185         $    166,339         $    79,846
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       There are no  assets or  liabilities  in the joint  ventures  that do not
       eliminate on consolidation. The consolidated financial statements include
       the  Company's  proportionate  share  of  the  revenue  and  expenses  of
       incorporated joint ventures, which are as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               Six months ended
                                                 December 31,                      Years ended June 30,
                                              2003          2002            2003           2002           2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       General and administrative
         expenses                     $   766,115   $    591,170  $    1,189,314  $   1,570,284  $   1,191,435
       Licensing and product
         development costs                228,057        389,921         581,726      1,140,209      4,236,540

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Loss for the period            $   994,172   $    981,091  $    1,771,040  $   2,710,493  $   5,427,975
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



           500,000,000 Class A preferred shares
           500,000,000 Class B preferred shares
           500,000,000 Class A non-voting common shares
           500,000,000 common shares


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                          December 31, 2003
                                                                                of shares               Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Special warrants                                                        10,895,658      $    17,047,001

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       In  a  private  placement  on  December  15,  2003,  the  Company  issued
       10,895,658 special warrants for $1.75 per warrant,  net proceeds of which
       amounted to approximately $17,047,001.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       Each  special  warrant  consisted  of one common  share and one-half of a
       share purchase  warrant.  Each whole share purchase  warrant entitles the
       holder  to  purchase  one  additional  common  share at $2.50  per  share
       (subject  to  adjustment)  for a period of five years from  February  12,
       2004, the date of the final prospectus qualifying the distribution of the
       shares and warrants upon exercise of the special warrants.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     Number of
                                                                       shares           Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Class B preferred shares, Series 1:

           Balance, June 30, 2001                                            --      $         --
           Issued by public offering                                  3,750,000        11,514,407
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2002                                     3,750,000        11,514,407
           Issued from treasury (NOIT)                                  759,000         2,595,780
           Shares repurchased for cancellation                          (46,200)          (29,329)
           Conversion to common shares                               (4,462,800)      (14,080,858)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2003                                            --      $         --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     Number of
                                                                       shares           Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Common shares:

           Issued on incorporation, August 17, 1994                           7      $          1
           Issued to founding shareholders during fiscal 1996         4,204,250           224,457
           Issued on private placements, August 1996                    125,009            10,000
           Issued on conversion of special warrants, June 1997        4,484,613        13,167,901
           Issued on private placement, August 1997                     272,250         1,139,366
           Issued on private place, March/April 2000                  3,813,840        15,366,701
           Issued on stock options, May 2000                             23,125            75,156
           Issued pursuant to licensing agreement, November 2000         50,000           450,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2001                                    12,973,094        30,433,582
           Issued pursuant to a licensing agreement                      25,000           225,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2002                                    12,998,094        30,658,582
           Conversion of preferred shares, June 12, 2003              4,462,800        14,080,858
           Shares repurchased for cancellation                          (19,000)          (10,336)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2003                                    17,441,894        44,729,104
           Shares repurchased for cancellation                         (169,900)          (73,675)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Balance, December 31, 2003                                    17,271,994      $ 44,655,429
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       On  September  25,  2002,   the  Company   completed  a  share   purchase
       transaction, whereby the Company issued 759,000 Class B preferred shares,
       Series 1 at their market value of (pound)1.45  (approximately  $3.42) per
       share in consideration for 1,100,000 ordinary shares and 220,000 warrants
       of NOIT under NOIT's U.K. prospectus offering.

       The Company repurchased for cancellation 46,200 Class B preferred shares,
       Series 1 and 19,000  common  shares  during the year ended June 30,  2003
       under a normal course issuer bid, at a total cost of $99,762.  The excess
       over the book value of the shares of $60,097 was charged to deficit.

       On June 12, 2003, the Class B preferred  shares,  Series 1  automatically
       converted into common shares on a one-for-one basis.

       The Company repurchased for cancellation 169,900 common shares during the
       six months ended December 31, 2003 under a normal course issuer bid, at a
       total cost of  $230,379.  The excess over the book value of the shares of
       $156,704 was charged to deficit.

       Stock options:

       The Company has granted  stock  options  pursuant to a stock option plan.
       Under the plan,  options  to  purchase  common  shares  may be granted to
       directors,  officers,  employees and service providers of the Company. Of
       the 1,727,132 options  outstanding at June 30, 2003, 143,382 were granted
       to vest immediately and the remainder were granted to vest over time. The
       options exercise prices ranging from $1.75 to $4.50.

       On January 24, 2003,  the Company issued 10,000 stock options in exchange
       for investor relations services rendered. The fair value of these options
       using the  Black-Scholes  fair value option  pricing  model of $9,965 was
       expensed and recorded as contributed surplus.

       On October 1, 2003,  the Company  issued 25,000 stock options in exchange
       for investor relations services rendered. The fair value of these options
       using the  Black-Scholes  fair value option  pricing model of $16,250 was
       expensed and recorded as contributed surplus.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       The  following  tables  outline  the impact and  assumptions  used if the
       compensation  cost for the Company's  stock options  issued to directors,
       officers and employees was determined under the fair value-based  method.
       The Company has applied  the pro forma  disclosure  provisions  to awards
       granted on or after July 1, 2002.  The pro forma effect of awards granted
       prior to July 1, 2002 has not been included:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         Six months ended           Year ended
                                                                             December 31,             June 30,
                                                                                     2003                 2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Loss for the period, as reported                                   $    (1,965,086)     $    (7,381,820)
       Pro forma loss for the period                                           (2,112,364)          (7,440,675)
       Pro forma loss per common share -
         basic and diluted                                                          (0.12)               (0.56)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       The fair value of each option  granted was estimated on the date of grant
       using  the  Black-Scholes  fair  value  option  pricing  model  with  the
       following assumptions:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       January 24,    January 24,    April 3,      October 1,     November 28,
       Issue date                             2003           2003        2003            2003             2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Number of options issued             10,000         35,000     552,500          25,000          748,120
       Risk-free interest rate               4.14%          4.14%       4.43%           2.75%            4.11%
       Dividend yield                           --             --          --              --               --
       Volatility factor                       86%            86%         94%            120%             120%
       Expected life of options            5 years       10 years    10 years         5 years         10 years
       Vesting period (months)                  12             40          40     Immediately               24

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       The  following  tables  reflect the activity  under the stock option plan
       from  July 1,  2001  through  December  31,  2003 and the  share  options
       outstanding at December 31, 2003:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                Six months ended                Years ended June 30,
                                               December 31, 2003             2003                   2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Weighted               Weighted               Weighted
                                                         average                average                average
                                                        exercise               exercise               exercise
                                                 Number    price      Number      price      Number      price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Outstanding, beginning of year         1,727,132     3.34    1,209,632   $  4.04   1,162,132    $  4.02
       Granted                                  773,120     1.74      597,500      1.70      90,000       4.50
       Cancelled/forfeited                       (6,500)    2.94      (80,000)     4.19     (42,500)      4.50

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Outstanding, end of year               2,493,752     2.84    1,727,132      3.34   1,209,632       4.04
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Exercisable, end of year               1,524,585     3.47    1,092,170   $  3.90     905,220    $  3.88

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       As at December 31, 2003 (unaudited):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                   OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                                      ------------------------------------------    --------------------------
                                                         average        Weighted                      Weighted
                                                       remaining         average                       average
       Range of                            Number    contractual        exercise         Number       exercise
       exercise price                 outstanding   life (years)           price    exercisable          price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       $1.50                               25,000            0.8        $   1.50         25,000        $  1.50
       $1.75                            1,098,120            8.6            1.75        290,024           1.75
       $2.00                               60,000            9.3            2.00         12,000           2.00
       $2.50                              173,000            9.0            2.50         62,600           2.50
       $3.25                              425,300            3.6            3.25        425,300           3.25
       $4.00                               10,000            4.0            4.00         10,000           4.00
       $4.50                              702,332            6.0            4.50        699,661           4.50

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $1.50 - $4.50                    2,493,752            7.0            2.84      1,524,585           3.47
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       As at June 30, 2003:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                   OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                                      ------------------------------------------    --------------------------
                                                         average        Weighted                      Weighted
                                                       remaining         average                       average
       Range of                            Number    contractual        exercise         Number       exercise
       exercise price                 outstanding   life (years)           price    exercisable          price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       $1.75                              351,500            9.8        $   1.75         17,575        $  1.75
       $2.00                               60,000            9.8            2.00          3,000           2.00
       $2.50                              176,000            9.2            2.50         32,050           2.50
       $3.25                              425,300            4.1            3.25        425,300           3.25
       $4.00                               10,000            4.5            4.00          7,500           4.00
       $4.50                              704,332            6.5            4.50        606,745           4.50

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $1.75 - $4.50                    1,727,132            7.0            3.34      1,092,170           3.90
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       As at June 30, 2002:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                   OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
                                      ------------------------------------------    --------------------------
                                                         average        Weighted                      Weighted
                                                       remaining         average                       average
       Range of                            Number    contractual        exercise         Number       exercise
       exercise price                 outstanding   life (years)           price    exercisable          price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       $3.25                              445,300            5.0        $   3.25        445,300        $  3.25
       $4.50                              764,332            7.6            4.50        459,920           4.50

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $3.25 - $4.50                    1,209,632            6.6            4.04        905,220           3.88
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       Share purchase warrants:

       The Company has issued  warrants for the purchase of common shares.  Each
       warrant  entitles  the holder to purchase one common share of the Company
       for a specified price for a specific period of time, generally four years
       from  the  date  of  issue.  The  following  table  contains  information
       regarding  the  warrants  to  acquire  common  shares  outstanding  as of
       December 31, 2003. As of December 31, 2003, all outstanding warrants were

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Number of       exercise
                                                         shares          price
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Outstanding, June 30, 2001                     2,838,725      $    4.50
       Issued                                           181,944           4.47
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Outstanding, June 30, 2003 and 2002            3,020,669           4.50
       Expired                                          258,883           4.50
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Outstanding, December 31, 2003 (unaudited)     2,761,786           4.50
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Number    contractual
       Exercise price                               outstanding   life (years)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       $4.00                                            125,000           2.50
       $4.50                                          2,599,286           0.35
       $9.00                                             37,500           0.83

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       As part of the license  agreements for certain products,  the Company has
       committed to make certain product  development  payments.  These payments
       are  obligations  of the  Company  so long as the  Company  continues  to
       support the development of certain products.

       The Company is committed to product development  payments of $100,000 per
       year and to  consulting  services  payments  of  $50,000  per year to the
       University  of Manitoba and The Manitoba  Cancer  Treatment  and Research
       Foundation for a three-year period ended November 2003.

       The  Company  leases  premises  under a five-year  lease that  expires in
       January 2008. Under the terms of the lease, the Company can terminate the
       lease at any time with six  months  notice  plus a penalty  of two months
       rent.  Annual minimum  payments  under this operating  lease for the next
       five years from December 31, 2003 are as follows:

- ------------------------------------------------------------

       2004                               $      53,004
       2005                                      53,004
       2006                                      56,645
       2007                                      60,628
       2008                                       5,080

- ------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $     228,361
- ------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       The Company and its joint  venturers have  non-capital  losses for income
       tax purposes  available for application  against future taxable income in
       Canada and Barbados. The losses expire as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           Canada             Barbados

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

       2004                        $      129,000      $            --
       2005                               217,000                   --
       2006                               125,000              930,000
       2007                               285,000            2,229,000
       2008                               642,000            2,079,000
       2009                             1,687,000            3,500,000
       2010                             2,102,000            5,019,000
       2011                             1,330,000            3,802,000
       2012                                    --            2,600,000
       2013                                    --              787,000

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   $    6,517,000      $    20,946,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company  has a pool of  scientific  research  and  experimental  development
expenditures  available to reduce future taxable income of $1,214,000.  The pool
has no expiry date.

The Company is amortizing  its share issuance costs for tax purposes over a five
year period.  The unamortized balance is $3,584,000 (June 30, 2003 - $2,141,000;
June 30, 2002 - $2,888,000).

The Company has investment tax credit  carryforwards  available of $1,054,000 to
reduce future taxes payable. These investment tax credits expire as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

       2011                                     $      259,000
       2012                                            424,000
       2013                                            371,000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                $    1,054,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

No  future  tax  benefit  resulting  from the  non-capital  losses,  the pool of
scientific research and experimental  development expenditures or the investment
tax  credit  carryforwards  has been  reflected  in the  consolidated  financial
statements as a valuation allowance of $5,173,000 has been taken at December 31,
2003 (June 30, 2003 - $3,650,000; June 30, 2002 - $2,825,000).



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       The fair values of cash and  short-term  deposits,  accounts  receivable,
       accounts  payable  and accrued  liabilities  approximate  their  carrying
       values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.

       Marketable  securities  are  recorded at the lower of their cost and fair
       market  value.  At  December  31,  2003,  the fair  value  of  marketable
       securities  based on their quoted market prices was $1,431,015  (June 30,
       2003 - $783,622).


       The  Company's   consolidated   financial   statements  are  prepared  in
       accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  ("GAAP") in
       Canada, which differ in certain respects from those applied in the United
       States.  The following  items present the impact of material  differences
       between   Canadian   GAAP  and  United   States  GAAP  on  the  Company's
       consolidated financial statements.

       (a) Development stage enterprise:

           United  States  GAAP  requires  certain  additional  disclosures  for
           development  stage  enterprises.   These  requirements  include  that
           cumulative amounts from the enterprise's  inception be provided.  For
           ease of  presentation,  these  disclosures have been disclosed in the
           consolidated  statements of operations and deficit and cash flows and
           note 6 to these consolidated financial statements as appropriate.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (b) Statement of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss):

           The following table reconciles loss for the period as reported in the
           consolidated  statements of  operations  and deficit  reported  under
           Canadian  GAAP to what would have been  reported  had the  statements
           been prepared in accordance with United States GAAP.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Six months ended
                                                     December 31,                       Years ended June 30,
                                                 2003           2002            2003           2002           2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Loss for the period based
              on Canadian GAAP           $ (1,965,086)  $ (4,173,278)  $  (7,381,820)  $ (6,446,693)  $ (7,454,443)
           Unrealized gain (loss) on
              marketable securities (i)       647,393             --              --             --             --

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Loss for the period and
              comprehensive income
               based on United States
               GAAP                      $ (1,317,693)  $ (4,173,278)  $  (7,381,820)  $ (6,446,693)  $ (7,454,443)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Basic and diluted loss
              per share                  $      (0.08)  $      (0.32)  $       (0.56)  $      (0.50)  $      (0.58)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Weighted average number
              of common shares
              outstanding                  17,430,393     12,988,094      13,218,177     12,991,039     12,958,436

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           (i)  Canadian GAAP requires that marketable securities be recorded at
                the  lower of cost and  market  value  and does not  permit  the
                written-down   value  to  be  adjusted   upward  for  subsequent
                recoveries of market value.  The marketable  securities  held by
                the Company are  classified as trading  securities in accordance
                with Statement 115. Under United States GAAP,  these  securities
                are measured at market value each period end and any  unrealized
                holding  gains  and  losses  are  reported  in the  consolidated
                statements  of  operations  and  deficit.  During the six months
                ended  December 31, 2003,  the market value of these  securities
                increased by $647,393.  As such, this amount has been recognized
                above as an unrealized gain for United States GAAP purposes.

           Loss per common share has been calculated  using the weighted average
           number of common shares  outstanding during the period. The potential
           effect of share options and share  purchase  warrants is not dilutive
           to the loss per common share.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (c) Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity:

           United States GAAP requires the inclusion of a consolidated statement
           of  changes in  shareholders'  equity  for each year a  statement  of
           income is  presented.  Shareholders'  equity under the United  States
           GAAP is as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     accumulated                    Accumulated
                                          Special     during the                          other
                                     warrants and    development     Contributed  comprehensive
                                    share capital          stage         surplus         income          Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Balance, June 30, 2000   $  29,983,582  $ (15,068,757)  $          --   $         --   $ 14,914,825
           Issued pursuant to a
              licensing agreement         450,000             --              --             --        450,000
           Loss for the year                   --     (7,454,443)             --             --     (7,454,443)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Balance, June 30, 2001      30,433,582    (22,523,200)             --             --      7,910,382
           Issued pursuant to a
              licensing agreement         225,000             --              --             --        225,000
           Issued by public offering   11,514,407             --              --             --     11,514,407
           Loss for the year                   --     (6,446,693)             --             --     (6,446,693)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Balance, June 30, 2002      42,172,989    (28,969,893)             --             --     13,203,096
           Issued from treasury         2,595,780             --              --             --      2,595,780
           Shares repurchased for
              cancellation                (39,665)       (60,097)          9,965             --        (89,797)
           Loss for the year                   --     (7,381,820)             --             --     (7,381,820)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Balance, June 30, 2003      44,729,104    (36,411,810)          9,965             --      8,327,259
           Special warrants issue      17,047,001             --              --             --     17,047,001
           Shares repurchased for
              cancellation                (73,675)      (156,704)         16,250             --       (214,129)
           Loss for the period                 --     (1,317,693)              -             --     (1,317,693)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Balance, December 31,

              2003 (unaudited)      $  61,702,430  $ (37,886,207)  $      26,215   $         --   $ 23,842,438
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           United  States  GAAP  requires  the  disclosures  of  a  consolidated
           statement of  comprehensive  income.  Comprehensive  income generally
           encompasses all changes in shareholders' equity, except those arising
           from  transactions  with  shareholders.  There have been no  material
           transactions  that would have been included in  comprehensive  income
           had the  statements  been prepared in  accordance  with United States



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (d) Investment in joint ventures:

            The Company's  investments in joint ventures have been accounted for
            under Canadian GAAP using the  proportionate  consolidation  method.
            Under United States GAAP, these  investments  would be accounted for
            using the equity method. For the purposes of this  reconciliation to
            United   States  GAAP,  the   following  summarized   statements  of
            operations  and   deficit  are  required  disclosures  in  lieu   of
            presenting the consolidated  financial  statements using the  equity
            method to record the investments in joint ventures.

            There are no assets or liabilities in the joint ventures that do not
            eliminate  on  consolidation.  As set out in note 1(a),  the Company
            makes  provision for advances to the joint venture  partners that do
            not  eliminate on  consolidation.  Accordingly,  these  consolidated
            financial  statements  include all of the  revenue  and  expenses of
            incorporated joint ventures, which are as follows:



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Six months ended                                          inception to
                                           December 31,                Years ended June 30,       December 31,
                                       2003         2002          2003         2002         2001          2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          (Unaudited)                                               (Unaudited)
           General and
              expenses          $   957,644  $   738,962   $ 1,486,642  $ 1,962,855  $ 1,489,294  $  9,610,936
           Licensing and
              costs                 285,071      487,401       727,158    1,425,261    5,295,675    17,834,990

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Loss for the period $ 1,242,715  $ 1,226,363   $ 2,213,800  $ 3,388,116  $ 6,784,969  $ 27,445,926
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           All of the cash  flows of the joint  ventures  are used in  operating

       (e) Pro forma stock option disclosure:

           The following table outlines the pro forma impact if the compensation
           cost for the Company's  stock  options is  determined  under the fair
           value method for awards granted on or after July 1, 1995:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             Six months ended
                                                December 31,                       Years ended June 30,
                                             2003           2002            2003           2002           2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Options granted                748,120             --         587,500         90,000        659,000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Weighted average fair
              value of options
              granted                $       1.08   $         --   $        1.28   $       1.33   $       1.16

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Loss for the period, as
              reported               $ (1,965,086)  $ (4,173,278)  $  (7,381,820)  $ (6,446,693)  $ (7,454,443)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Pro forma loss for the
              period                 $ (2,219,998)  $ (4,296,514)  $  (7,680,304)  $ (6,751,059)  $ (7,648,429)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           Pro forma basic and
              diluted loss per
              share                         (0.13)         (0.33)          (0.58)         (0.52)         (0.59)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           The fair value of each option  granted was  estimated  on the date of
           grant using the  Black-Scholes  fair value option  pricing model with
           the assumptions set out in note 6 for the period from July 1, 2002 to
           December  31,  2003  and the  following  assumptions  for the  period
           preceding June 30, 2002:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Risk-free interest rate                                                              4.11% to 5.66%
           Dividend yield                                                                                   --
           Volatility factor                                                                       50% to 120%
           Expected life of
               options                                                                           5 to 10 years
           Vesting period (months)                                                    Immediately to 40 months

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       (f) Investment tax credits:

           Canadian  GAAP  requires  that  investment  tax  credits  relating to
           development  costs be  accounted  for as a reduction  of  development
           costs.  United  States GAAP requires such amounts to be accounted for
           as a reduction of income tax  expense.  There is no impact on the net
           loss for the period as a result of this GAAP  difference.  Investment
           tax credits earned are as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         Six months ended                                                         inception to
                            December 31,                       Years ended June 30,               December 31,
                      2003            2002             2003            2002             2001              2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)                                                       (Unaudited)

              $     73,440   $      25,287   $      110,563   $      91,597   $      368,665    $    1,586,659

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       (g) Income taxes:

           Canadian GAAP requires that future income taxes are calculated  using
           enacted income tax rates, or where they exist,  substantively enacted
           income  tax  rates.  United  States  GAAP does not  permit the use of
           substantively  enacted rates. As a full valuation  allowance has been
           recorded  against  all future tax  assets,  the future tax assets and
           valuation   allowances   are   also   different   as  a   result   of
           Canadian/United States GAAP loss differences.

           The future tax assets and related valuation  allowances as would have
           been   calculated   using  United   States  GAAP  are   approximately
           $5,056,000,  $3,650,000 and $2,825,000, respectively, for the periods
           ended December 31, 2003, June 30, 2003 and June 30, 2002.

       (h) Recent United States accounting pronouncements:

           (i) Consolidation of variable interest entities:

                In  June  2003,  the  CICA  issued   Accounting   Guideline  15,
                Consolidation  of Variable  Interest  Entities  ("AcG-15").  The
                guideline  is  harmonized  with  FASB   Interpretation  No.  46,
                Consolidation  of  Variable  Interest  Entities  ("FIN  46") and
                provides  guidance for applying the  principles in Section 1590,
                Subsidiaries,  to those entities  (defined as Variable  Interest
                Entities  ("VIEs")  and more  commonly  referred  to as  Special
                Purpose Entities ("SPEs"), in which either the equity at risk is
                not  sufficient to permit that entity to finance its  activities
                without  additional  subordinated  financial  support from other
                parties,  or equity  investors  lack either voting  control,  an
                obligation  to absorb  expected  losses or the right to  receive
                expected residual returns. AcG-15 requires consolidation of VIEs
                by the Primary  Beneficiary.  The Primary Beneficiary is defined
                as the  party  which  has  exposure  to the  majority  of  VIE's
                expected losses and/or expected residual returns. AcG-15 will be
                effective  for all annual and interim  periods  beginning  on or
                after November 1, 2004 and FIN 46 is effective for all reporting
                periods  ending  on or after March 31, 2004.  Early  adoption is
                encouraged.  The Company is  currently  assessing  the impact of
                this  interpretation  on the  Company's  consolidated  financial

                In December 2003, the FASB issued FIN 46R, which  superseded FIN
                46. FIN 46R contains  numerous scope  exemptions and guidance on
                trust-preferred structures.



(Amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise noted)

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001
(Information as at and for the six months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 is

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           (ii) Stock-based compensation:

                In December 2002, the FASB issued Statement No. 148,  Accounting
                for  Stock-Based  Compensation - Transition and  Disclosure,  an
                amendment  of FASB  SFAS No.  123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based
                Compensation,  to provide  alternative methods of transition for
                the  change  to  the  fair  value  method  of   accounting   for
                stock-based  employee  compensation.  The  Company  has  not yet
                chosen the method of  transition.  In addition,  this  Statement
                amends the  disclosure  requirements  of SFAS No. 123 to require
                prominent  disclosures  in both  annual  and  interim  financial
                statements  about  the  method  of  accounting  for  stock-based
                employee  compensation  and the  effect  of the  method  used on
                reported results.


       Certain  comparative  figures have been  reclassified to conform with the
       financial statement presentation adopted in the current year.


       On January 9, 2004,  the  Company  completed a  transaction,  whereby the
       Company sold 1,100,000  ordinary  shares of NOIT at their market value of
       (sterling) 0.55 (approximately  $1.29) per share,  resulting in a gain of
       approximately $633,000.

       On February  12,  2004,  the Company  filed a  prospectus  to qualify the
       distribution of 10,895,658 common shares and 5,447,829  warrants upon the
       exercise of the 10,895,658  special warrants (note 6) previously  issued.
       Upon the prospectus being filed, the special warrants were  automatically
       exercised,  resulting in the issuance of the 10,895,658 common shares and
       5,447,829 detachable share purchase warrants. The values allocated to the
       common share and one half warrant  components of the special  warrant are
       $14,124,658 and $2,922,343 respectively.



      The Registrant  hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for
filing on Form 20-F and has duly caused and authorized  the  undersigned to sign
this registration statement on its behalf.

                                               YM BIOSCIENCES INC.

                                               By: /s/ David Allan
                                                  Name:    David Allan
                                                  Title: Chief Executive Officer

Dated: May 14, 2004


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

The following documents are filed as part of this registration statement on Form
20-F as Exhibits:

Exhibit           Description

1.1   Certificate of Continuance dated December 11, 2001

1.2   Certificate of Registration dated December 11, 2001

1.3   Memorandum of Association dated December 11, 2001

1.4   Articles of Association dated December 11, 2001

1.5   Directors resolution re creation and issuance of Class B Preferred Shares,
      Series 1

2.1   Form of the Corporation's Canadian common share purchase warrant

2.2   Form of the Corporation's United States common share purchase warrant

2.3   Form of the Corporation's Canadian placement agent warrant

2.4   Form of the Corporation's United States placement agent warrant

2.5   Form of warrant  certificate granted by the Corporation in connection with
      that certain License Agreement between YM BioSciences Inc.  (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) and Biostar Inc. dated October 11, 2000.

2.6   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Aran Asset Management SA dated Jun 12, 2002.

2.7   Form of warrant  certificate  granted by York  Medical  Inc.  to CIMAB S.A
      dated September 1, 2000.

2.8   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Aran Asset Management SA dated February 15, 2002.

2.9   Form of warrant  certificate granted by YM BioSciences Inc. (formerly York
      Medical Inc.) to Clubb BioCapital Limited dated February 15, 2002.

4.1   Stock Option Plan dated November 22, 1996, as amended on November 26, 2003

4.2   License  Agreement  between YM BioSciences  Inc.  (formerly  known as York
      Medical Inc.) and Biostar Inc. dated October 11, 2000.

4.3+  Development  and  License  Agreement  between  CIMYM  Inc.,  CIMAB  SA and
      Oncoscience AG, dated November 5, 2003.

4.4+  License  Agreement  between YM BioSciences  Inc.  (formerly  known as York
      Medical Inc.),  University of Manitoba and The Manitoba  Cancer  Treatment
      and  Research  Foundation,  carrying  on  its  undertaking  as  Cancercare
      Manitoba, dated November 2, 2000.

4.5   License Agreement between CIMYM Inc. and CIMAB SA, January 24, 2001.

4.6   License Agreement  between YM BioSciences Inc.  (formerly known as Yorkton
      Medical Inc.) and CIMAB SA, dated May 3, 1995.

4.7+  Clinical  Research  Services  Agreement  between YM  BioSciences  Inc. and
      Pharm-Olam International, Ltd., dated March 10, 2004.

4.8   Licensing Bonus Pool Plan dated March 31, 2004.

4.9   Lease Amending and Extension Agreement between 1411029 Ontario Limited and
      YM BioSciences Inc. dated January 15, 2003.

4.10  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CIMYM
      Inc. (an Ontario Corporation) and CIMAB S.A dated November 14, 1995.

4.11  Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement  between York Medical Inc. and CIMYM
      Inc. dated November 22, 1995.

4.12  Letter from York Medical Inc. to CIMYM Inc. dated November 23, 1995.

4.13  Exclusive  International Sales, Marketing Manufacturing and Administrative
      Agreement  between CIMYM Inc. (an Ontario  Corporation)  and CIMYM Inc. (a
      Barbados Corporation) dated July 4, 1996.

4.14  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CIMYM
      Inc. (a Barbados Corporation) and CIMAB S.A. dated May 16, 1996.

4.15  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CBQYM
      Inc. and CIMAB S.A.,  representing  Centro de  Bioactivos  Quimicos of the
      Universidad Central de Las Villas dated November 11, 1995.

4.16  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.  and CBQYM
      Inc. dated November 22, 1995.

4.17  Letter from York Medical Inc. to CBQYM Inc. dated November 23, 1995.

4.18  Exclusive  International Sales, Marketing Manufacturing and Administrative
      Agreement  between CBQYM Inc. (an Ontario  Corporation)  and CBQYM Inc. (a
      Barbados Corporation) dated July 4, 1996.

4.19  Joint Venture  Shareholders'  Agreement  between York Medical Inc.,  CBQYM
      Inc. (a Barbados Corporation) and CIMAB S.A. dated May 16, 1996.

8.1   List of subsidiaries

+     Confidential treatment requested for portions of these agreements.