Exhibit 1.5

                               YM BIOSCIENCES INC.

                             RESOLUTION OF DIRECTORS

EXCERPTED  from  the  MINUTES  of a  meeting  of the  board of  directors  of YM
BioSciences Inc. (the  "Corporation") held at the head office of the Corporation
on May 28, 2002 at 4:15 p.m.

                                    * * * * *


      The  Chairman  reported  that the  Corporation  proposes to issue  certain
shares to be designated  as Class B Preferred  Shares,  Series 1 (the  "Shares")
pursuant to a public  offering  in Canada and  placing to certain  institutional
investors in the UK and Europe and the directors are  empowered,  subject to the
provisions of the terms of the Class B Preferred Shares of the  Corporation,  to
determine  the  designation,   priorities,   preferences,   rights,  privileges,
restrictions  and  conditions  to  attach to each  particular  series of Class B
Preferred Shares.


1.  50,000,000  of the  unissued  Class B  Preferred  Shares of the  Corporation
without nominal or par value be designated as Class B Preferred Shares, Series 1
and which, in addition to the rights,  privileges,  restrictions  and conditions
attaching  to the Class B  Preferred  Shares  as a class,  shall  have  attached
thereto the rights,  privileges,  restrictions and conditions attached hereto as
Schedule A;

2. the  Corporation  allot in favour of the  holders of the Shares  from time to
time,  50,000,000  voting common shares (the "Common  Shares") to be issued upon
the automatic  conversion or other exercise of conversion rights under the Class
B Preferred Shares, Series 1 conditions;

3. any officer or director of the  Corporation,  acting alone,  be and is hereby
authorized for and on behalf of the Corporation to take all such action, do such
things and execute (by manual or facsimile  signature  and, where  required,  in
counterparts)  and deliver,  whether under the corporate seal of the Corporation
or otherwise, such other statements,  forms, instruments,  letters,  agreements,
documents,  certificates  and other  writings (and any amendments or supplements
thereto),  as such officer or director may deem  necessary or advisable or as he
or she may be  advised  by  counsel  so to do in  connection  with  the  matters
referred to in the preceding  resolutions and the documents referred to therein,
and execution by any one officer or director shall be conclusive  proof of their
authority to act on behalf of the Corporation; and

4. any and all action  heretofore or hereafter  taken by any officer or director
of the  Corporation  in  accordance  with the  preceding  resolutions  is hereby
approved, ratified and confirmed as the act and deed of the Corporation;

                                   * * * * * *


                                   Schedule A

                       CLASS B PREFERRED SHARES, SERIES 1
                               YM BIOSCIENCES INC.

The rights,  privileges,  restrictions  and conditions  attaching to the Class B
Preferred Shares, Series 1 (the "Shares") are as follows:

1. Voting  Rights:  The holder of a Share shall be entitled to receive notice of
and to attend  all  meetings  of  shareholders  of the  Corporation  and to vote
thereat together with the holders of the Common Shares as a single class, except
meetings at which only holders of a specified  class of shares (other than Class
B  Preferred  Shares) or  specified  series of shares  (other  than  Shares) are
entitled to vote.  At all  meetings of which notice must be given to the holders
of the Shares, each holder of Shares shall be entitled to one vote in respect of
each Share held by him or her.

2.  Dividends:  The holders of the Shares shall be entitled,  in priority to the
Common  Shares and Class A non-voting  common shares and any shares of any other
class of the Corporation  ranking junior to the Shares,  to receive any dividend
declared by the  Corporation  thereon out of moneys  properly  applicable to the
payment of dividends. The Corporation may declare a dividend on another class or
series of shares, other than the Common Shares and the Class A non-voting common
shares, without declaring a dividend on the Shares.

3.  Rights on  Dissolution:  In the  event of the  liquidation,  dissolution  or
winding up of the Corporation,  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of
the Shares  shall be  entitled to  receive,  subject to the prior  rights of the
holders of the Class A  Preferred  Shares and  before  any  distribution  to the
holders of the Common  Shares and Class A non-voting  common  shares,  an amount
equal to $o per Share,  together with all declared and unpaid dividends thereon;
provided that there shall be no further participation in the property and assets
of the Corporation by the holders of the Shares.

4. Automatic Conversion:  Each Share shall automatically and immediately convert
(the "Automatic Conversion") into one fully-paid and non-assessable Common Share
of the Corporation (subject to adjustment in certain  circumstances as described
in  paragraph  7, below) (a) on the later of (i) the 365th day after the Closing
Date and (ii)  immediately  following the time at which the Common Shares become
listed and  commence  trading on The  Toronto  Stock  Exchange or are listed and
commence trading on another  prescribed stock exchange within the meaning of the
Income Tax Act (Canada),  or (b)  immediately  before a Change in Control as set
out below or (c) in the event of a  Take-over  Bid as set out below  (each  such
event, an "Automatic Conversion Event").

         If a Take-over  Bid is made by way of a Circular Bid, all of the Shares
shall convert on the Acquisition Date, unless (a) a Significant Change Event has
occurred  or (b) the  Common  Shares  fail to be  listed on a  prescribed  stock
exchange,  as described above, on the Acquisition  Date. If there is a Change in
Control,  all of the  Shares  shall  convert  immediately  before  the Change in
Control  unless the Common Shares are not listed on a prescribed  stock exchange
(as described  above) at that time. In the event a Significant  Change Event has
occurred or the Common Shares are not listed on a prescribed  stock  exchange as
described above, the Shares shall not convert.


The Corporation  shall deliver notice to holders of Shares within thirty days of
the  Automatic  Conversion  Event,  and  registered  holders will be entitled to
receive  share  certificates  for Common  Shares into which the Shares have been
converted upon surrender of certificates for the Shares.

5. Optional  Conversion:  Each holder of Shares shall have the option to convert
each of his or her Shares into Common Shares at any time on or after the date of
a bid contained in a Circular Bid offer for the Common Shares, provided that the
right to convert set out herein shall expire on the day prior to the Acquisition
Date or in the event of a Significant Change Event (an "Optional Conversion").

Definitions relating to an Automatic Conversion Event

"Acquisition  Date" means in respect of a Take-over  Bid,  the date on which the
offeror under such Take-over Bid takes up and pays for the  securities  tendered
to the Offeror pursuant to such Take-over Bid.

A "Change in Control" means the occurrence, at any time, of:

      (a)   An  acquisition  (other than directly from the  Corporation)  of any
            voting  securities of the Corporation  (the "Voting  Securities") by
            any  person,  immediately  after  which such  person has  beneficial
            ownership of twenty  percent  (20%) or more of the then  outstanding
            Voting  Securities;  provided,  however,  in  determining  whether a
            Change in Control has occurred pursuant to this paragraph (a) Voting
            Securities  which are acquired in a  "Non-Control  Acquisition"  (as
            hereinafter defined) shall not constitute an acquisition which would
            cause a Change in Control. A "Non-Control Acquisition" shall mean an
            acquisition by:

            (i) the Corporation or its subsidiaries; or

            (ii)  any person in connection with a "Non-Control  Transaction" (as
                  hereinafter defined); or

      (b) The consummation of:

            (i)   a merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  with or into the
                  Corporation  or in which  securities  of the  Corporation  are
                  issued, unless such merger, consolidation or reorganization is
                  a "Non-Control Transaction";

            (ii)  the sale or other  disposition of all or substantially  all of
                  the  assets of the  Corporation  to any person  (other  than a
                  transfer  to  a  subsidiary   or  the   distribution   to  the
                  Corporation's  stockholders  of the stock of a  subsidiary  or
                  other assets).

"Circular  Bid"  means  a  formal  Take-over  Bid  to  which  section  95 of the
Securities Act (Ontario), as it may be amended from time to time, applies;


"Non-Control  Transaction" shall mean a merger,  consolidation or reorganization
with or into the  Corporation  or in which  securities  of the  Corporation  are
issued where:

            (i)   the  holders  of  Voting   Securities   of  the   Corporation,
                  immediately    before   such    merger,    consolidation    or
                  reorganization,   own  directly  or   indirectly   immediately
                  following such merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization,  at
                  least eighty percent (80%) of the combined voting power of the
                  outstanding  voting  securities  of the  corporation  or other
                  entity   resulting  from  such  merger  or   consolidation  or
                  reorganization  (the "Surviving  Entity") in substantially the
                  same  proportion as their  ownership of the Voting  Securities
                  immediately    before   such    merger,    consolidation    or
                  reorganization, and

            (ii)  no person other than (1) any subsidiary of the Corporation, or
                  (2)  any  person  who,   immediately  prior  to  such  merger,
                  consolidation or  reorganization  had beneficial  ownership of
                  fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the then  outstanding  Voting
                  Securities  or  Shares,  has  beneficial  ownership  of  fifty
                  percent  (50%)  or more of the  combined  voting  power of the
                  Surviving  Entity's then outstanding  voting securities or its
                  common stock;

"Significant  Change Event" means (i) an offeror  withdraws its offer or (ii) an
offeror fails to take up and pay for all of the shares tendered  pursuant to the
Take-over Bid,  provided  that, in either case, no other  Take-over Bid has been
made and is still open for acceptance;

"Take-over  Bid"  means a  take-over  bid,  as  defined  in the  Securities  Act
(Ontario), which is a "formal bid" as defined in such Act, and which is made for
any of the issued and outstanding shares of any one or more classes of shares in
the capital of the Corporation.

6. Income Tax:  The  Corporation  shall elect under  subsection  191.2(1) of the
Income Tax Act (Canada) in respect of the Shares.

7.  Adjustment:  The number of Common  Shares into which the Shares will convert
shall be  adjusted  in certain  circumstances  to reflect  the effect of certain
specified  transactions  affecting the Common  Shares,  including a stock split,
stock  consolidation,  stock dividend or a below-market price rights offering by
the Corporation.
