AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER  ("AGREEMENT")  dated as of June 23, 2004, by
and between Citadel Media, Inc., a Washington corporation ("CITADEL"), and Orion
Acquisition Corp. II, a Delaware corporation ("ORION").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS,  Orion  desires to acquire  Citadel,  and  Citadel  desires to be
acquired by Orion through the merger of Citadel with and into Orion  pursuant to
the terms hereinafter set forth (the "MERGER");

      WHEREAS,  Orion and Citadel each intend,  for Federal income tax purposes,
that the Merger contemplated  thereby  constitutes a reorganization  pursuant to
Section 368(a)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("CODE");

      WHEREAS,  Orion has an authorized  capital stock  consisting of 10,000,000
shares of common stock, $.01 par value per share (the "ORION COMMON STOCK"),  of
which 1,030,907 shares are currently issued and outstanding  ("PRE-MERGER  ORION
SHARES"), and 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.01 par value per share (the
"ORION PREFERRED STOCK"), of which (i) there are 110 shares are designated Class
A Preferred  Stock  currently  issued or  outstanding  convertible  into 110,000
shares of Orion Common Stock ("ORION CLASS A PREFERRED STOCK") and (ii) of which
there are 685,000 shares  designated  Orion Class B Preferred Stock  convertible
into 6,850,000 shares of Orion Common Stock ("ORION CLASS B PREFERRED STOCK");

      WHEREAS,  Orion  currently  also has  outstanding  common  stock  purchase
warrants entitling the holders thereof to purchase an aggregate of up to 358,000
shares of the Orion Common Stock, all as further described herein (collectively,
the  "ORION  WARRANTS  ")  and  certain  obligations  pursuant  to a  settlement
agreement to issue rights for additional shares of Orion Common Stock in certain
circumstances ("ORION RIGHTS");

      WHEREAS,  Citadel has an authorized capital stock consisting of 50,000,000
shares of common stock, no par value per share (the "CITADEL COMMON STOCK"),  of
which 12,987,500  shares are currently  issued and  outstanding;  and 50,000,000
shares of  Preferred  Stock,  no par value per  share  (the  "CITADEL  PREFERRED
STOCK"), of which 4,001,250 shares are currently issued or outstanding currently
convertible  pursuant  to the terms  thereof  into  4,001,250  shares of Citadel
Common Stock and designated as Class A Preferred Stock, Class B Preferred Stock,
Class C Preferred  Stock,  Class D Preferred  Stock and Class E Preferred  Stock
(collectively,  Citadel  Common  Stock and Citadel  Preferred  Stock as "CITADEL
STOCK"); and

      WHEREAS, Citadel currently also has outstanding stock warrants and options
entitling  the  holders  thereof to purchase an  aggregate  of up to  12,949,800
shares of Citadel Stock,  all as further  described  herein  (collectively,  the

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
hereinafter contained, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby,
agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                              ADOPTION OF AGREEMENT

      1.1 THE MERGER.  At the Effective Time (as defined in Section 1.2 herein),
in accordance with this Agreement and the relevant  provisions of the Washington
Business  Corporation  Act  ("WBCA") and the Delaware  General  Corporation  Law
("DGCL"),  Citadel  shall be merged with and into  Orion,  and Orion will be the
surviving corporation to the Merger (the "SURVIVING CORPORATION"), and be deemed
to continue, for all purposes,  after the Merger. The existence of Citadel shall
cease at the Effective Time as a consequence of the Merger.

      1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE MERGER. This Agreement shall be submitted to the
stockholders of Citadel as provided in Section 6.4 hereof,  for approval as soon
as  practicable,  after  the date of this  Agreement.  Subject  to the terms and
conditions hereof, including, without limitation, Orion's and Citadel's right to
terminate this Agreement  without liability in accordance with Article X hereof,
upon  the  authorization,  approval  and  adoption  of  this  Agreement  by  the
affirmative  vote of the holders of the required  outstanding  shares of Citadel
Stock  pursuant  to RCW  23B.11.030  of the  WBCA,  a copy  of the  Articles  of
Amendment and Merger, substantially in the form annexed hereto as EXHIBIT 1.2(A)
(the  "ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT AND MERGER")  shall be executed in accordance  with
Section  23.11 of the WBCA and  delivered to the Secretary of State of the State
of  Washington  for filing in accordance  with RCW  23B.11.050 of the WBCA and a
copy of the  Certificate of Merger  substantially  in the form annexed hereto as
EXHIBIT 1.2(B) (the  "CERTIFICATE  OF MERGER"),  shall be executed in accordance
with  Section 251 of the DGCL and  delivered  to the  Secretary  of State of the
State of Delaware (the time of such filings being the  "EFFECTIVE  TIME" and the
date of such filings being the "EFFECTIVE DATE").

      1.3 SURVIVING  CORPORATION.  Following the Merger, Orion shall continue to
exist  under,  and be governed  by, the laws of the State of Delaware and be the
surviving corporation ("SURVIVING CORPORATION").

Certificate of Incorporation of Orion, as in effect at the Effective Time, shall
continue in full force and effect as the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the
Surviving Corporation.

      1.5 BY-LAWS OF THE  SURVIVING  CORPORATION.  The  By-laws of Orion,  as in
effect at the  Effective  Time,  shall  continue in full force and effect as the
By-laws of the Surviving Corporation.


                                   ARTICLE II

                                 PLAN OF MERGER.


            (a) PLAN.  The  method of  effecting  the  Merger  and the basis for
      exchanging  and  converting  (i)  the   outstanding   Citadel  Stock  into
      authorized  but unissued  shares of Class B Preferred  Stock of Orion with
      the rights and  preferences  set forth in Exhibit  2.2(F)(i)  hereto  (the
      "MERGER  STOCK"),  and (ii) the outstanding  Citadel  Warrants and Citadel
      Options into warrants and options to purchase  shares of Merger Stock,  as
      the case may be, shall be as provided in this Article.

            (b) MERGER CONSIDERATION. The total consideration in shares of Orion
      to be issued by Orion  pursuant to this Merger shall be 685,000  shares of
      Merger Stock,  of which,  subject to  adjustments  pursuant to the formula
      provided,  in Section 2.1(c),  (i) 443,526 shares of Merger Stock shall be
      issued as provided  in Section  2.1(c) and (ii)  241,474  shares of Merger
      Stock shall be  reserved  by Orion  pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof for the
      benefit of the holder of Citadel  Warrants  and  Citadel  Options  and, if
      lapsed and subject to Section  2.2(e),  for the  benefit of  Participating

            (c) CONVERSION OF CITADEL STOCK.  At the Effective Time, each issued
      and  outstanding  share of Citadel Stock shall by virtue of the Merger and
      without  further  action,  be deemed  canceled  and  cease to exist.  Upon
      presentation  for  surrender of a certificate  representing  such share by
      each stockholder of Citadel participating in the Merger (collectively, the
      "PARTICIPATING  STOCKHOLDERS"),  Citadel Stock shall be converted  into an
      aggregate of shares of Merger Stock  pursuant to the  following,  two part
      mathematical procedure, which is represented below:

                  (i) DETERMINATION OF THE ADJUSTED SHARE TOTAL:  Firstly,  each
share of Citadel Stock shall be multiplied by the Adjustment  Factor pursuant to
the schedule below to produce an Adjusted Share:

                                ADJUSTMENT FACTOR

                      Citadel Stock    Adjustment Factor ("AR")
        Common Stock                            1
        Series A Preferred Stock                2
        Series B Preferred Stock                2
        Series C Preferred Stock                5
        Series D Preferred Stock                5
        Series E Preferred Stock               n/a

                  (ii) ORION  CONVERSION  FORMULA.  Secondly,  (a) the  Adjusted
Share  shall be  divided by the Common  Stock  Equivalents  ("CSE") to produce a
Conversion  Factor,  and (b) then the  Conversion  Factor shall be multiplied by


                  (iii)  CITADEL  CONVERSION  FORMULA.  The forgoing  conversion
procedure may be represented mathematically pursuant to the following formula:

           Share of Merger Stock = [ (CITADEL STOCK X AR) ] X 685,000


                  "CSE" means Common Stock Equivalents, as set forth in Schedule
                  2.2(f)(ii) hereof

                  "AR" means Adjustment Factor

                  "Citadel Stock" means a share of Citadel Stock

            (d) CITADEL WARRANTS AND OPTIONS. At the Effective Time, each issued
      and outstanding Citadel Warrant and Citadel Option shall, by virtue of the
      Merger and without  further  action,  be deemed to be assumed by Orion and
      modified so that, in lieu of having the right to acquire shares of Citadel
      Stock on  exercise,  the holder  will have the right to acquire  shares of
      Merger Stock on the same basis as Citadel Stock was exchanged  into Merger
      Stock under Section  2.1(c) at an exercise  price  adjusted to reflect the
      exchange under Section 2.1(c) so as to maintain the relative  entitlements
      before and after the Merger,  and for an exercise  period that is the same
      as the  exercise  period of the  particular  Citadel  Warrant  and Citadel
      Option (collectively, the "CITADEL WARRANTS AND CITADEL OPTIONS").

Notwithstanding the foregoing,  upon conversion of the Merger Stock, the Citadel
Warrants  and Citadel  Options  then will  represent  the right to acquire  that
number of shares of Orion  Common  Stock into which the Merger Stock the Citadel
Warrant  and  Citadel  Option  had the right to  acquire  immediately  after the
Effective  Date  (subject  to all  contractual  adjustments  thereafter),  at an
exercise price adjusted for the conversion of the Merger Stock. For the purposes
of clarity,  if any  Citadel  Warrant and  Citadel  Option was  exercisable  for
Citadel  Common Stock  and/or  Citadel  Preferred  Stock,  upon  exercise of the
Citadel Warrant and Citadel  Option,  the holder will receive only Merger Stock,
as if all  Citadel  securities  had been issued and then  converted  into Merger
Stock and after the conversion of the Merger Stock into Orion Common Stock, upon
exercise of the Citadel Warrant and Citadel Option, the holder will receive only
Orion Common Stock at the rate provided in the Merger Stock conversion as if the
holder had  exercised or converted  the Citadel  Warrant and Citadel  Option for
Merger Stock after the Effective Date. Except as provided herein,  all the other
substantive terms of Citadel Warrants and Citadel Options shall continue in full
force and effect.

      hereto as  SCHEDULE  2.1(E) is the list of Citadel  Warrants  and  Citadel
      Options,  the  respective  holders  thereof and the numbers and classes of
      Citadel Stock and Merger Stock for which they may now and after the Merger
      be exercised and the price per share of Merger Stock.

shall  retain and reserve at all times as  authorized,  but  unissued  shares of
Merger  Stock,  and after  conversion  of the Merger  Stock,  Orion Common Stock
("RESERVED  MERGER  STOCK"),  which such Reserved  Merger Stock shall be used to
satisfy the  obligations of the Citadel  Warrants and Citadel Options assumed by
Orion  pursuant  to this  Merger  Agreement  until  their  respective  exercise,
conversion or termination.  The Reserved Merger Stock shall be held,  maintained
and administered by the Surviving Corporation pursuant to this Agreement for the
benefit of the holder of Citadel Warrants and Citadel Options and, if lapsed and
subject to Section 2.2(e), for the benefit of Participating Stockholders.


            (a) EXERCISES. The Reserved Merger Stock will be used to satisfy the
      obligation of the  Surviving  Corporation  under the Citadel  Warrants and
      Options assumed hereunder.

            (b) WARRANTS  AND OPTION  CONSIDERATION.  The exercise  price or any
      other  consideration  paid by a holder of a Citadel  Warrant  and  Citadel
      Option   ("OPTION   CONSIDERATION")   shall  be  paid  to  the   Surviving
      Corporation,  as  provided  under the  terms of the  Citadel  Warrant  and
      Citadel  Option,  or the stock  plan or  agreement  pursuant  to which the
      Citadel  Warrant  and  Citadel  Option  was  issued.  Upon  receipt of the
      Exercise Consideration by the Surviving Corporation, Surviving Corporation
      shall direct the  issuance of the  Reserved  Merger Stock in the amount to
      which the holder of the Citadel Warrant and Citadel Option is entitled.

            (c) LAPSED  CITADEL  WARRANTS  AND CITADEL  OPTIONS.  If any Citadel
      Warrant  and  Citadel  Option  lapses  or  otherwise   terminates  without
      exercise,  in whole or part,  the Reserved  Merger  Stock  subject to such
      unexercised  portion of the Citadel  Warrant and Citadel  Option  ("LAPSED
      RESERVED MERGER STOCK") shall be distributed,  or subject to distribution,
      by the  Surviving  Corporation  as  provided  Section  2.2(d),  subject to
      Section 2.2(e) hereof.

      Determination   Date  (as   hereinafter   defined),   each   Participating
      Stockholder shall receive the  Participating  Stockholder's Pro Rata Share
      of the Lapsed  Reserved  Merger  Stock based on the  conversion  ratio set
      forth in Section 2.1(c) hereof.  The Surviving  Corporation shall endeavor
      to  distribute  all  Lapsed  Reserved  Merger  Stock to the  Participating
      Stockholders as soon as reasonable  practical,  but not later than 30 days
      after a Determination Date.

            (e)  OTHER  CITADEL   WARRANTS  AND  CITADEL   OPTIONS.   Prior  any
      Determination  Date, the Lapsed Reserved Merger Stock, if any, may be used
      by the  Surviving  Corporation  to satisfy,  in whole or in part,  in good
      faith any claim of a Person  claiming to be holder of a Citadel Warrant or
      Citadel Option not set forth herein.


                  (i)  "CLASS B  PREFERRED  STOCK"  means the Class B  Preferred
Stock of Orion,  which  shall have the rights  and  preferences  as set forth in
EXHIBIT 2.2(F)(I) hereof.

                  (ii) "CITADEL  STOCK  EQUIVALENTS"  means (i) aggregate of the
Citadel Stock, as adjusted  pursuant to Section 2.1(c)(i) to Adjusted Shares and
(ii) aggregate  total of the Citadel  Warrants and Citadel Options under Section
2.1(c)(ii),  all as adjusted  to Adjusted  Shares,  in the manner  provided  for
Citadel  Stock under  Section  2.1(c)(i)  hereof.  The  schedule of Common Stock
Equivalents is attached hereto as SCHEDULE 2.2(F)(II) hereof.


                  (iii)  "DETERMINATION DATE" shall mean each anniversary of the
Closing Date commencing on the third (3rd) anniversary of the Closing Date until
exercise, conversion and termination of all the Citadel Warrants and Options, at
such  other  times as  determined  by the board of  directors  of the  Surviving
Corporation,  and the last  expiration  or  termination  date of all the Citadel
Warrants and Citadel Options.

                  (iv)  "PRO  RATA   SHARE"   means,   with   respect   to  each
Participating Stockholder, the ratio (a) the numerator of which is the number of
shares of Merger Stock receive by the Participating  Stockholder at Closing, and
(b) the  denominator  of which is the total  number  of  shares of Merger  Stock
received by all of the Participating Stockholders at Closing.

                  No fractional  shares of Merger Stock,  Lapsed Reserved Merger
Stock, or the Common Stock into which it is convertible, will be distributed. In
lieu  of any  fractional  share  to  which  a  Participating  Stockholder  would
otherwise be entitled or receive or purchase,  Surviving Corporation shall round
down to the next whole share;  provided  that no rounding  shall occur until the
conversion of the Merger Stock to Orion Common Stock.  If at the  termination of
the  rights of all of the  Participating  Stockholders  to the  Reserved  Merger
Stock,  there are any fractional  Lapsed  Reserved Merger Stock  remaining,  the
Lapsed  Reserved  Merger Stock shall be returned to the status of authorized and
unissued shares of capital stock Orion without restrictions.

      2.3 ORION NOTE. At the Effective  Time, the Promissory  Note of Citadel to
Orion  dated  December  9,  2003 and March 9,  2004 and the  Warrant(s)  granted
therewith  to Orion  dated  December  9, 2003 and  March 9, 2004  (collectively,
"ORION NOTE") shall be extinguished.


            (a)  Notwithstanding  Section 2.1(b) above,  shares of Citadel Stock
      that are held by a stockholder  of Citadel who has properly  preserved and
      perfected  dissenters'  rights  with  respect  to  such  shares  ("CITADEL
      DISSENTING  STOCKHOLDER")  pursuant to RCW  23B.13.200 et seq. of the WBCA
      shall not be converted  into the right to receive Merger Stock pursuant to
      Section  2.1(c)  hereof,  and instead shall be treated in accordance  with
      those  provisions  of the WBCA unless and until the right of such  Citadel
      Dissenting Stockholder under RCW 23B.13.250 of the WBCA to payment for his
      shares shall cease.

            (b) If any Citadel Dissenting Stockholder shall effectively withdraw
      or lose (through failure to perfect or otherwise) such Citadel  Dissenting
      Stockholder's  right  to  payment  for  any  of  such  Citadel  Dissenting
      Stockholder's  shares  under RCW  23B.13.200  et seq.  of the  WBCA,  such
      Citadel Dissenting  Stockholder's  shares shall automatically be converted
      into the  right to  receive  shares  of Merger  Stock in  accordance  with
      Section 2.1(c) hereto.


            (c)  Each  Citadel  Dissenting  Stockholder  who  becomes  entitled,
      pursuant to the  provisions  of RCW  23B.13.200  et seq.  of the WBCA,  to
      payment of the fair  value of any such  Citadel  Dissenting  Stockholder's
      shares shall receive  payment  therefore  from the  Surviving  Corporation
      pursuant to Section 23B.13.250 of the WBCA.

exchanging and converting shares of Citadel Stock into shares of Merger Stock in
accordance with Section 2.1(c) above, shall be as follows:

            (a) From and after the Effective  Time,  American  Stock  Transfer &
      Trust  Company  (the  "EXCHANGE  AGENT")  shall act as  exchange  agent in
      effecting  the  exchange of  certificates  representing  shares of Citadel
      Stock pursuant to Section 2.1(c) hereof.  As soon as practicable after the
      Effective  Time,  and  after  surrender  to the  Exchange  Agent  by  each
      Participating  Stockholder  of  certificates  which prior to the Effective
      Time represented shares of Citadel Stock, the Surviving  Corporation shall
      cause to be  distributed to such  Participating  Stockholder in whose name
      such stock certificates shall have been registered,  or in accordance with
      the  written  instructions  transmitted  to  the  Exchange  Agent  by  the
      Participating  Stockholder,  certificates  representing  shares  of Merger
      Stock,  all in accordance  with the  provisions of Section  2.1(c) hereof.
      Upon the  surrender  by  Participating  Stockholders  of each  certificate
      representing shares of Citadel Stock, and the issuance and delivery by the
      Exchange Agent of certificates  representing  shares of Merger Stock,  the
      certificates  which prior to the Effective  Time  represented  outstanding
      shares of Citadel Stock shall forthwith be canceled.  Until so surrendered
      and exchanged,  each such certificate representing shares of Citadel Stock
      shall be deemed  for all  purposes  to  evidence  only a right to  receive
      shares of Merger  Stock,  and the holders of such  certificates  after the
      Effective  Time  shall  no  longer  be  deemed,  for  any  purpose,  to be
      stockholders in Citadel.

            (b)  Participating  Stock Holders will, for all purposes (except for
      the payment of possible  dividends or other  distributions  by Orion which
      will be withheld until the exchange of certificates  discussed  above), be
      deemed to be stockholders of Orion, as of the Effective Time, irrespective
      of  whether  they  have   received   their   certificates   or  agreements
      representing shares of Merger Stock.

            (c) Immediately prior to the Effective Time, Orion shall provide the
      Exchange  Agent  with  certificates  representing  the number of shares of
      Merger Stock as Orion may be required to issue in accordance  with Section
      2.1(c) hereof.

            (d) Promptly after the Effective Time, the Exchange Agent, on behalf
      of Citadel and Orion, shall mail to each holder of record of certificates,
      which  immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time  represented  shares  of
      Citadel Stock, a form of letter of transmittal and instructions for use in
      surrendering  such  certificates and receiving  certificates  representing
      shares of Merger Stock.

Promptly after the Effective Time, the Surviving  Corporation  will mail to each
holder of Citadel  Warrants  and Citadel  Options a notice of the terms of their
respective warrants and options as a result of the Merger.


                                  ARTICLE III


      3.1 CLOSING DATE. The closing of the Merger (the  "CLOSING") and the other
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement (the "RELATED  TRANSACTIONS") shall
take place at the offices of Graubard  Miller,  600 Third Avenue,  New York, New
York 10016, 12:00 noon, New York time, on or before July 31, 2004, or such other
date, time and place as the parties hereto may agree upon (the "CLOSING DATE").

      3.2 EXECUTION OF FORMAL MERGER DOCUMENTS. On the Closing Date, Citadel and
Orion shall  execute the  Certificate  of Merger as provided by the DGCL and the
Articles of Amendment  and Merger as provided by the WBCA.  The  Certificate  of
Merger and Articles of Amendment and Merger shall be  transmitted by the parties
to the appropriate  offices for filing and/or  recording on the Closing Date, in
order that the Merger  contemplated by this Agreement shall become  effective at
5:00 p.m., New York time, on the Closing Date.

      3.3 POST MERGER  OWNERSHIP  OF ORION.  Pursuant to the Plan and subject to
the rights of the terms of this Agreement and the Orion Rights, at Closing Orion
and Citadel anticipate that, if the Orion Private Placement is fully subscribed,
Orion would be owned materially as follows:

                                             Orion Post-Merger Stock
                                                                                           As Converted
        Orion Shareholders                  Common             Class A    Class B        to Common Stock
- ------------------------------------ --------------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------
Participating Stockholders                                                685,000              6,850,000
Orion Class A Stock                                               110                            110,000
Orion Pre-Merger Stock                     1,030,907                                           1,030,907
Orion Warrants                               358,000                                             358,000
Orion Private Placement                    3,000,000                                           3,000,000
MDB Fee Shares                               300,000                                             300,000
- ------------------------------------ --------------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*     Excluding  shares of common  stock  potentially  issuable on Orion  Rights
      under  Settlement  Agreement,  as defined  herein and shares under Section
      6.21 hereof.

                                   ARTICLE IV


      In order to induce Orion to enter into this  Agreement  and to  consummate
the Merger and Related Transactions, contemplated hereby, Citadel represents and
warrants to Orion the following  representations  and  warranties for itself and
its subsidiaries and affiliates  through which it operates in part, and the term
Citadel,  in this section,  unless the context clearly  indicates that it refers
only to Citadel as the parent  corporation  or  specifically  a subsidiary or an
affiliate,  will be  deemed  to  include  the  subsidiaries  and the  affiliates
together with Citadel.



            (a) Citadel is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
      good  standing  under  the  laws of the  State  of  Washington,  with  all
      requisite power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and
      to carry on its business as they are now being owned, leased, operated and
      conducted.  To the knowledge of Citadel,  Citadel is qualified or licensed
      to do business and is in good  standing as a foreign  corporation  in each
      jurisdiction where the nature of the properties owned,  leased or operated
      by it and the business  transacted  by it requires such  qualification  or
      licensing,  except where the failure to be so qualified or licensed  would
      not have a Citadel  Material  Adverse  Effect (as  defined in Section  4.6
      hereof). The jurisdictions in which Citadel is qualified or licensed to do
      business as a foreign corporation are set forth on SCHEDULE 4.1(A).  True,
      correct and complete  copies of the current  Certificate of  Incorporation
      and By-laws,  as amended,  and minutes of meetings (or written consents in
      lieu of meetings) of the Board of Directors (and all  committees  thereof)
      and  stockholders  of Citadel since  inception  have been, or prior to the
      Closing Date will have been, delivered to Orion.

            (b) SCHEDULE  4.1(B) sets forth all the  subsidiaries or affiliates,
      either wholly or partially owned, of Citadel,  and the schedule  specifies
      the  percentage  ownership.  Citadel does not own any economic,  voting or
      management interest in any corporation, proprietorship, firm, partnership,
      limited  partnership,  trust,  association,  individual or other entity (a
      "PERSON")  except as set forth on SCHEDULE  4.1(B).  Each entity listed on
      SCHEDULE 4.1(B) is a duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
      in under the laws of the  jurisdiction of its  incorporation  or formation
      with all  requisite  power and  authority  to own,  lease and  operate its
      properties  and to carry on its  business  as they  are now  being  owned,
      leased,  operated and conducted.  Each entity listed on SCHEDULE 4.1(B) is
      qualified or licensed to do business and is in good  standing as a foreign
      corporation  or  entity  in each  jurisdiction  where  the  nature  of the
      properties owned,  leased or operated by it and the business transacted by
      it requires such  qualification or licensing,  except where the failure to
      be so qualified  or licensed  would not have an Citadel  Material  Adverse
      Effect.  The jurisdictions in which the entities listed on SCHEDULE 4.1(B)
      qualified or licensed to do business as a foreign corporation are also set
      forth on SCHEDULE 4.1(B).

      4.2 DUE AUTHORIZATION.  Citadel has full power and authority to enter into
this  Agreement,  the  Certificate  of Merger and the Articles of Amendment  and
Merger and to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby.  The
execution,  delivery and performance by Citadel of this Agreement have been, or,
in the case of the  Articles  of  Amendment  and Merger and the  Certificate  of
Merger,  prior to the  Closing  Date  will be,  duly and  validly  approved  and
authorized  by the Board of Directors of Citadel,  unless the Board of Directors
is unable pursuant to the WBCA recommend approval, and, subject to obtaining the
necessary  approval  of the  Merger by the  stockholders  of  Citadel,  no other
actions or  proceedings  on the part of Citadel are necessary to authorize  this
Agreement,  the Articles of Amendment and Merger and the  Certificate  of Merger
and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and  thereby.  Citadel  has duly and
validly  executed and delivered this Agreement and will duly and validly execute
and deliver the Articles of Amendment and Merger and the  Certificate of Merger.
Subject to obtaining the necessary  approval of the  stockholders of Citadel and
the consents set forth on SCHEDULE 4.3, this  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,
valid and binding  obligation of Citadel,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its
terms,  except as such  enforceability may be limited by applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  fraudulent transfer, moratorium,  reorganization or other laws from
time to time in effect which affect  creditors'  rights generally and by general
principles of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in
a proceeding in equity or at law).



            (a) Except as set forth on  SCHEDULE  4.3,  for the  approval of the
      stockholders  of Citadel,  for the filing of the Articles of Amendment and
      Merger  with  the  appropriate   authorities  pursuant  to  the  WBCA  and
      Certificate  of Merger with the  appropriate  authorities  pursuant to the
      DGCL, and for the filing of the Information Statement by Orion on Schedule
      14(f) ("SCHEDULE 14(F)") as set forth in Section 6.5, no permit,  consent,
      authorization  or  approval  of,  or  filing  or  registration  with,  any
      Governmental  Authority or any other Person not a party to this  Agreement
      is necessary in connection with the execution, delivery and performance by
      Citadel  of this  Agreement,  the  Articles  of  Amendment  and Merger the
      Certificate  of  Merger,   or  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
      contemplated  hereby or thereby,  or for the lawful continued operation by
      Orion following the Effective Time of the business currently  conducted by
      Citadel.  "GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY" shall mean the government of the United
      States  or any  foreign  country  or any  state or  political  subdivision
      thereof  or  any  entity,   body  or   authority   exercising   executive,
      legislative,  judicial,  regulatory  or  administrative  functions  of  or
      pertaining to government.

            (b)  Except as set  forth on  SCHEDULE  4.3 and  except as would not
      result in a Citadel Material Adverse Effect,  the execution,  delivery and
      performance  by Citadel of this  Agreement,  the Articles of Amendment and
      Merger and the  Certificate  of Merger do not and will not (A) violate any
      Law ("LAW" meaning any law, statute,  regulation,  ordinance, rule, order,
      decree,  judgment,  consent decree,  settlement  agreement or governmental
      requirement enacted,  promulgated,  entered into, agreed or imposed by any
      Governmental Authority);  (B) violate or conflict with, result in a breach
      or termination of, constitute a default (or a circumstance  which, with or
      without  notice or lapse of time or both,  would  constitute a default) or
      give any third party any additional right (including a termination  right)
      under,  permit cancellation of, or result in the creation of any mortgage,
      lien  (except  for any lien for  taxes not yet due and  payable),  charge,
      restriction,  pledge, security interest, option, lease or sublease, claim,
      right  of  any  third  party,   easement,   encroachment   or  encumbrance
      (collectively,  a "LIEN") upon any of the assets or  properties of Citadel
      under any contract to which  Citadel is a party or by which Citadel or any
      of its assets or properties is bound;  (C) permit the  acceleration of the
      maturity  of any  indebtedness  of  Citadel  or  indebtedness  secured  by
      Citadel's  assets or  properties;  or (D)  violate  or  conflict  with any
      provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of Citadel.


            (c) Citadel has obtained and is in compliance with all  governmental
      permits, licenses, registrations, certificates of occupancy, approvals and
      other authorizations  (collectively,  the "PERMITS") that are required for
      the complete  operation of the business of Citadel as currently  operated,
      except for any  Permits the absence of which would not result in a Citadel
      Material  Adverse  Effect.  All of the Permits are currently  valid and in
      full force and, to Citadel's  knowledge,  no revocation,  cancellation  or
      withdrawal thereof has been threatened or noticed to Citadel.  Citadel has
      filed such timely and  complete  renewal  applications  as may be required
      with  respect to the  Permits.  Except as set forth on  SCHEDULE  4.3,  to
      Citadel's  knowledge,  the Permits,  in their  current  state,  will allow
      Citadel to continue to operate its business  following the Effective  Time
      in  substantially  the same  manner as  Citadel's  business  is  currently


            (a) The authorized  capital stock of Citadel  consists of 50,000,000
      shares of Citadel Common Stock and 50,000,000  shares of Citadel Preferred
      Stock.  On the date hereof,  there are issued and  outstanding  12,987,500
      shares of Citadel Common Stock and 4,001,250  shares of Citadel  Preferred
      Stock,  consisting of 200,000 Shares of Series A Preferred Stock,  176,250
      Shares of Series B Preferred Stock, 3,125,000 shares of Series C Preferred
      Stock, 500,000 Shares of Series D Preferred Stock and 0 Shares of Series E
      Preferred  Stock.  All of the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of Citadel
      Common Stock and Citadel  Preferred Stock are validly  issued,  fully paid
      and  non-assessable and the issuance thereof was not subject to preemptive

            (b)  Except as set  forth on  SCHEDULE  4.4,  there are no shares of
      Citadel Stock or other equity  securities  (whether or not such securities
      have voting rights) of Citadel issued or outstanding or any subscriptions,
      options, warrants, call rights, convertible securities or other agreements
      or commitments of any character  obligating Citadel to issue,  transfer or
      sell any shares of capital stock or other securities  (whether or not such
      securities have voting rights) of Citadel. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE
      4.4,  there are no  outstanding  contractual  obligations of Citadel which
      relate  to  the  purchase,   sale,   issuance,   repurchase,   redemption,
      acquisition,  transfer,  disposition,  holding  or voting of any shares of
      capital stock or other securities of Citadel.

            (c) Each outstanding  security,  agreement or arrangement of Citadel
      that gives the holder or contract party right to acquire  capital stock of
      any class of Citadel,  including the Citadel Warrants and Options,  on the
      Effective Date,  automatically  with no action by Citadel or the Surviving
      Corporation,  will  become the right to acquire the Merger  Stock,  and on
      conversion  of the  Merger  Stock will  become the right to acquire  Orion
      Common  Stock,  and each such  security,  agreement  or  arrangement  will
      automatically  adjust as to the number of shares of Merger  Stock or Orion
      Common  Stock and as to any  amount of  consideration  payable  for Merger
      Stock or Orion Common Stock to comply with the amounts of Merger Stock and
      Orion Common Stock as set forth in Section 2.1(c) hereof.


purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Citadel  Financial  Statements"  shall  mean the
unaudited  financial  statements  of Citadel as of December 31, 2003 and for the
period from inception (January 1, 2003) through December 31, 2003 (including all
notes thereto) which have been previously delivered to Orion,  consisting of the
balance  sheet as at December 31, 2003 and the related  statements  of operation
and cash flow and  stockholders'  equity  as of  December  31,  2003 and for the
period  from  inception   through  December  31,  2003.  The  Citadel  Financial
Statements  have  not  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles  ("GAAP")  consistently  applied,  but present fairly the
financial  position,  assets and  liabilities of Citadel as at the dates thereof
and the revenues,  expenses, results of operations and cash flows of Citadel for
the periods  covered then ended (subject,  in the case of any unaudited  Citadel
Financial Statements,  to normal audit adjustments consistent with past practice
and the absence of notes).  The Citadel  Financial  Statements are in accordance
with the books and records of Citadel, do not reflect any transactions which are
not bona fide transactions and do not contain any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to  state  any  material  fact  necessary  to make  the  statements
contained  therein,  in light of the  circumstances in which they were made, not
misleading.  The Citadel Financial  Statements make full and adequate disclosure
of, and provision for, all material obligations and liabilities of Citadel as of
the date thereof.

      4.6 NO ADVERSE EFFECTS OR CHANGES. Except as listed on SCHEDULE 4.6, or as
disclosed in or reflected in Citadel Financial Statements, or as contemplated by
this Agreement or the  Certificate of Merger,  since December 31, 2003,  Citadel
has not (i) taken any of the actions  set forth in Section 6.3 (unless  excepted
therein),  (ii) suffered any Citadel Material Adverse Effect, (iii) suffered any
damage,  destruction or Loss to any of its assets or properties  (whether or not
covered by  insurance),  or (iv)  increased  the  compensation  of any executive
officer of Citadel.  "LOSS"  shall mean  material  liabilities,  losses,  costs,
claims,  damages  (including  consequential  damages),  penalties  and  expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees and costs of  investigation  and  litigation).  For
purposes of this  Agreement,  "CITADEL  MATERIAL  ADVERSE  EFFECT" shall mean an
effect  on the  then  business,  operations,  assets,  liabilities,  results  of
operations,  cash flows,  prospects or condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  of
Citadel that is materially adverse to Citadel.

      4.7 TITLE TO PROPERTIES.  Except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.7, Citadel (i)
has good and  marketable  title  to,  and is the  lawful  owner  of,  all of the
material tangible and intangible  assets,  properties,  including real property,
and rights reflected as being owned by Citadel in Citadel  Financial  Statements
(other than assets disposed of in the ordinary course of business since the date
of Citadel Financial Statements), and (ii) at the Effective Time, will have good
and  marketable  title to, and will be the lawful owner of, all of such tangible
and intangible assets,  properties,  including real property, and rights, in any
case free and clear of any Lien,  except for (x) any Lien for current  taxes not
yet due and payable,  (y) minor Liens that have arisen in the ordinary course of
business and that do not (in any case or in the  aggregate)  materially  detract
from the value of the assets subject thereto or materially impair the operations
of Citadel,  (z) Liens on assets held by Orion or on assets  acquired by Citadel
in Authorized Acquisitions (and subject to the terms of the Orion Note).

      4.8 LIABILITIES. Except to the extent reflected or reserved against on the
balance sheets of Citadel  constituting a part of Citadel Financial  Statements,
Citadel has no material  debts,  liabilities  or obligations of any nature other
than  (i)  non-material  liabilities  incurred  subsequent  to the  date of such
balance sheets in the ordinary course of Citadel's  business,  (ii) as set forth
on  SCHEDULE  4.8 or (iii)  arising  from a Contract  set forth in Section  4.10



            (a) SCHEDULE  4.9 is a true and  complete  list of all of the United
      States  and  foreign  material  patents,  patent  applications,  licenses,
      trademarks,  trade-names,  service  marks and  rights  (collectively,  the
      "INTELLECTUAL  PROPERTY")  used by Citadel in the conduct of its business.
      Except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.9:

                  (i) all of the  Intellectual  Property  is owned by Citadel or
licensed on a perpetual, exclusive basis with royalties as set forth on SCHEDULE

                  (ii) none of the  Intellectual  Property is the subject of any
pending or, to the knowledge of Citadel,  threatened  in writing,  litigation or
claim of infringement;

                  (iii)no  license or royalty  agreement  to which  Citadel is a
party is in breach or default by Citadel or, to Citadel's  knowledge,  any other
party thereto or the subject of any notice of termination given or threatened in

                  (iv) to Citadel's  knowledge,  the products and services being
offered or  developed  by Citadel do not and  currently  will not  infringe  any
trademark,  service  mark,  trade  name,  copyright,  trade  secret,  patent  or
confidential or proprietary rights of another,  and Citadel has not received any
notice contesting its right to use any Intellectual Property;

                  (v)  Citadel  has not  granted any license or agreed to pay or
receive any royalty in respect of any Intellectual Property; and

                  (vi) Citadel possesses adequate rights as owner or licensee in
and to all Intellectual  Property necessary to conduct its business as presently

            (b)  Citadel  has  no  knowledge  which,   directly  or  indirectly,
      indicates  a  material   infirmity  in  any  United   States  and  foreign
      Intellectual  Property or any basis for invalidity or  unenforceability of
      any rights claimed by Citadel in the Intellectual Property.

            (c)  Citadel  has  no  knowledge  which,   directly  or  indirectly,
      indicates that the licensor in each license  agreement under which Citadel
      has been granted rights does not own the entire  unencumbered right, title
      and interest in and to the  Intellectual  Property which is the subject of
      the license.

            (d) Citadel has made available to Orion for inspection and copying a
      true copy of each document in Citadel's  possession  relating  directly or
      indirectly to each item of Citadel Intellectual  Property,  including each
      license  agreement,  relating  Citadel's  present  and  intended  business
      activities and has disclosed to Orion each and all facts, test results and
      other  information  known to Citadel  which has, or to its  knowledge  may
      have, any negative impact upon the efficacy of any of Citadel Intellectual


      4.10 CONTRACTS.

            (a)  SCHEDULE   4.10(A)   lists  all  the  Material   Contracts  and
      arrangements  of the  following  types to which  Citadel  is a party or by
      which it is bound, or to which any of its assets or properties is subject,
      including but not limited to those categories listed below in this Section
      4.10.  For the  purpose  of this  Agreement,  "CONTRACT"  shall  mean  any
      contract, lease, commitment or understanding, sales order, purchase order,
      agreement, indenture, mortgage, note, bond, instrument or license, whether
      written or verbal,  which is  intended  or  purports  to be a binding  and
      enforceable   agreement  (other  than  a  Publisher  Contract  or  Officer
      Contract),  and for the purposes of this Section 4.10, "MATERIAL CONTRACT"
      shall mean a Contract under which Citadel remains obligated to pay, or may
      receive,  either (i) over a twelve-month period or (ii) the balance of the
      current term of the Contract  (exclusive or without  extensions  thereof),
      the sum of $100,000 or more.

                  (i) any collective bargaining agreement;

                  (ii) any Contract or  arrangement  of any kind with any senior
employee, consultant, officer or director of Citadel;

                  (iii)  any  Material  Contract  with a  sales  representative,
manufacturer's  representative,   distributor,  dealer,  broker,  sales  agency,
advertising agency or other Person engaged in sales, distributing or promotional
activities,  or any  Contract to act as one of the  foregoing,  on behalf of any

                  (iv) any Material  Contract or arrangement of any nature which
involves  the  payment  or  receipt of cash or other  property,  an  unperformed
commitment, or goods or services;

                  (v) any Contract or arrangement  pursuant to which Citadel has
made or will  make  loans or  advances,  or has or will have  incurred  debts or
become a  guarantor  or surety or  pledged  its  credit on or  otherwise  become
responsible  with  respect  to  any  undertaking  of  another  (except  for  the
negotiation  or collection  of negotiable  instruments  in  transactions  in the
ordinary course of business);

                  (vi) any indenture,  credit agreement,  loan agreement,  note,
mortgage,  security  agreement,  lease of real property or personal  property or
agreement for financing;

                  (vii)  any  Material  Contract  or  arrangement   involving  a
partnership, joint venture or other cooperative undertaking;

                  (viii) any  Material  Contract or  arrangement  involving  any
restrictions  with respect to the  geographical  area of  operations or scope or
type of business of Citadel;


                  (ix) any power of attorney or agency  agreement or arrangement
with any Person  pursuant to which such Person is granted the  authority  to act
for or on behalf of Citadel,  or Citadel is granted the  authority to act for or
on behalf of any Person;

                  (x)  any   Material   Contract   relating  to  any   corporate
acquisition or disposition by Citadel,  or any acquisition or disposition of any
subsidiary,  division,  line of business,  or real property,  during the five(5)
years prior to the date of this Agreement; and

                  (xi)  any  Contract  not  specified  above  that is  otherwise
generally  Material or  significant  to Citadel  and which  would have  Material
Adverse Effect to Citadel.

      Citadel  has made  available  to Orion  true and  complete  copies of each
document listed on SCHEDULE  4.10(A) and indicated by written  description  each
oral  arrangement  so listed.  Except as  disclosed  on  SCHEDULE  4.10(A),  the
cancellation  of any such  Contracts at any time by the other  party,  would not
have a Citadel Material Adverse Effect.

            (b)  PUBLISHER  CONTRACTS.   "PUBLISHER  CONTRACT"  shall  mean  any
      contract,  or agreement,  whether written or verbal,  which is intended or
      purports to be a binding and enforceable  agreement by and between Citadel
      and a  Publisher.  "PUBLISHER"  shall  mean an  on-line  or print  content
      provider to Citadel pursuant to a network affiliate agreement,  or similar
      contractual  arrangement  between the Publisher  and Citadel.  A "Material
      Publisher  Contract" is any Publisher Contract under which the payments to
      the Publisher  exceed  during the year 2003,  or that Citadel  projects to
      exceed  during the year 2004 the sum of $125,000.  SCHEDULE  4.10(B) lists
      all the Material Publisher Contracts.  Citadel has made available to Orion
      true and  complete  copies of each  document  listed on SCHEDULE  4.10(B).
      Except as  disclosed on SCHEDULE  4.10(B),  the  cancellation  of any such
      Publisher  Contract  at any  time by the  other  party,  would  not have a
      Citadel Material Adverse Effect.

      4.11  INSURANCE.  SCHEDULE  4.11 contains an accurate and complete list of
all policies of fire, liability, workers' compensation, product liability, title
and  other  forms  of  insurance  owned  or held by  Citadel,  and  Citadel  has
heretofore delivered to Orion a true and complete copy of all such policies. All
such policies are in full force and effect,  all premiums  with respect  thereto
covering all periods up to and including the Closing Date have been, or prior to
the Closing Date,  will be, paid, and no notice of  cancellation  or termination
has been  received  with  respect  to any such  policy.  Except  as set forth in
SCHEDULE  4.11,  Citadel has not been refused any insurance  with respect to its
assets or  operations,  and its coverage  has not been limited by any  insurance
carrier  to which it has  applied  for any such  insurance  or with which it has
carried  insurance,  during the last two years. Such insurance  policies provide
types and amounts of insurance customarily obtained by businesses similar to the
business of Citadel.

      4.12 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS.  Except as provided in SCHEDULE 4.12, Citadel
nor any other member of the Controlled Group (as hereinafter defined) (i) has at
any time  maintained,  contributed to or participated in, (ii) has or had at any
time any obligation to maintain,  contribute to or participate  in, or (iii) has
any liability or contingent liability,  direct or indirect, with respect to: any
employee  benefit  plan  (within  the  meaning of Section  3(3) of the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA")),  oral or written
retirement or deferred  compensation  plan,  incentive  compensation plan, stock
plan,  unemployment  compensation plan, vacation pay plan, severance plan, bonus
plan,  stock  compensation  plan or any other  type or form of  employee-related
arrangement, program, policy, plan or agreement. For purposes of this Agreement,
the term "CONTROLLED GROUP" shall refer to Citadel and each other corporation or
other entity under common  control with Citadel  (pursuant to the  provisions of
Sections  414(b),  (c),  (m) or (o) of the Code) at any time during the 60-month
period ending on the Closing Date.



            (a) SCHEDULE  4.13(A) lists all the written  employment,  consulting
      and similar agreements,  which are currently in effect to which Citadel is
      a party  under  which  Citadel  is  obligated  to pay in  salary  $100,000
      pursuant to the current term (exclusive or without extensions  thereof) or
      more in any twelve (12) month period. To the knowledge of Citadel, Citadel
      has  conducted  and  currently  is  conducting  its  business  in material
      compliance with all Laws relating to employment and employment  practices,
      terms and conditions of employment,  wages and hours and nondiscrimination
      in employment.  In the opinion of management,  the relationship of Citadel
      with its  employees  is good and there is,  and  during the past two years
      there has been,  no labor  strike,  dispute,  slow-down,  work stoppage or
      other  material  labor  difficulty  pending  or, to  Citadel's  knowledge,
      threatened against or involving Citadel.  None of the employees of Citadel
      is  covered  by  any  collective  bargaining   agreement,   no  collective
      bargaining  agreement  is  currently  being  negotiated  and no attempt is
      currently  being  made,  or during  the past two years has been  made,  to
      organize  any  employees  of  Citadel  to form or  enter a labor  union or
      similar organization.

            (b) Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.13(B), Citadel has no material
      liability  for any  vacation  time,  vacation  pay,  retirement  benefits,
      disability or other  insurance  benefits or severance pay  attributable to
      services rendered prior to the date of each such balance sheet.

      4.14 TAX MATTERS.

            (a) "TAXES",  as used in this Agreement,  means any Federal,  state,
      county,  local  or  foreign  taxes,   charges,   fees,  levies,  or  other
      assessments,  including all net income,  gross  income,  sales and use, ad
      valorem,  transfer,  gains, profits, excise,  franchise, real and personal
      property,  gross  receipt,   capital  stock,   production,   business  and
      occupation,  disability,  employment,  payroll, license, estimated, stamp,
      custom duties,  severance or withholding  taxes or charges  imposed by any
      Governmental Authority,  and includes any interest and penalties (civil or
      criminal) on or  additions to any such taxes and any expenses  incurred in
      connection  with the  determination,  settlement  or litigation of any tax
      liability. "TAX RETURN", as used in this Agreement, means a report, return
      or other information  required to be supplied to a Governmental  Authority
      with respect to Taxes including, where permitted or required,  combined or
      consolidated returns for any group of entities.

            (b) Citadel  (including its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates) has duly
      filed all Tax Returns  required to be filed by it under  applicable law or
      filed appropriate  extensions which have not yet expired and will file all
      Tax Returns  required to be filed by it at or prior to the Effective  Time
      under applicable law. All Tax Returns were in all material  respects (and,
      as to Tax Returns not filed as of the  execution of this  Agreement,  will
      be) true, complete and correct and filed on a timely basis, or extended as
      permitted by law.


            (c) Citadel (and its  subsidiaries  and affiliates)  has, within the
      time and in the manner  prescribed  by law,  paid (and until the Effective
      Time will pay  within the time and in the  manner  prescribed  by law) all
      Taxes that are  currently  due and payable  except for those  contested in
      good faith and for which adequate reserves have been taken.

            (d) There are no material liens for Taxes upon the assets of Citadel
      (and its subsidiaries and affiliates) except liens for Taxes not yet due.

            (e) Citadel (and its  subsidiaries and affiliates) has complied (and
      until the  Effective  Time will comply) in all material  respects with the
      provisions  of the Code relating to the payment and  withholding  of Taxes
      and has,  within the time and in the manner  prescribed  by Law,  withheld
      from employee wages and paid over to the proper  Governmental  Authorities
      all amounts required.

            (f)  Except  as  disclosed  on  SCHEDULE  4.14,  no  audits or other
      administrative proceedings or court proceedings are presently pending with
      regard to any Taxes or Tax Returns of Citadel  (and its  subsidiaries  and

            (g)  Except  as  disclosed  on  SCHEDULE  4.14,   Citadel  (and  its
      subsidiaries  and affiliates) has not received any Tax Rulings (as defined
      below) or entered into any Closing  Agreements (as defined below) with any
      taxing  authority  that would have a continuing  adverse  effect after the
      Effective  Time.  "TAX RULING",  as used in this  Agreement,  shall mean a
      written  ruling  of  a  taxing  authority  relating  to  Taxes.   "CLOSING
      AGREEMENT",  as used in this  Agreement,  shall mean a written and legally
      binding agreement with a taxing authority relating to Taxes.

      4.15  ENVIRONMENTAL  REGULATIONS.  To knowledge of Citadel,  Citadel is in
compliance in all material respects with all applicable federal, state and local
laws and  regulations  governing the  environment,  public health and safety and
employee health and safety (including all provisions of the Occupational  Safety
and Health Act ("OSHA")) and no charge,  complaint,  action,  suit,  proceeding,
hearing,  investigation,  claim,  demand or notice has been  filed or  commenced
against  Citadel and, to the  knowledge of Citadel,  no such charge,  complaint,
action, suit,  proceeding,  hearing,  investigation,  claim, demand or notice is
pending or threatened in writing.


      4.16 LITIGATION.

            (a) Except as  disclosed  in  SCHEDULE  4.16,  there are no actions,
      suits,   arbitrations,   regulatory   proceedings  or  other   litigation,
      proceedings  or  governmental  investigations  pending  or,  to  Citadel's
      knowledge,  threatened  in writing  against  Citadel  or any of  Citadel's
      officers  or  directors  in  their  capacity  as  such,  or any  of  their
      respective properties or businesses, and Citadel is not aware of any facts
      or circumstances which may reasonably be likely to give rise to any of the
      foregoing.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.16,  all of the  proceedings
      pending  against  Citadel  are  covered  and being  defended  by  insurers
      (subject to such deductibles as are set forth in such Schedule). Except as
      disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.16, Citadel is not subject to any order, judgment,
      decree,  injunction,  stipulation or consent order of or with any court or
      other Governmental  Authority.  Citadel has not entered into any agreement
      to settle or compromise  any  proceeding  pending or threatened in writing
      against it which has involved  any  obligation  for which  Citadel has any
      continuing obligation.

            (b)  There  are  no  claims,   actions,   suits,   proceedings,   or
      investigations  pending or, to Citadel's knowledge,  threatened in writing
      by or against  Citadel with  respect to this  Agreement or the Articles of
      Amendment and Merger, or in connection with the transactions  contemplated
      hereby or thereby,  and Citadel has no reason to believe  there is a valid
      basis for any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation.

      4.17 NO CONFLICT OF INTERESTS.  Except as disclosed on Schedule 4.17 or as
a holder of capital  stock of Citadel  and  Citadel  Warrants  and  Options,  to
Citadel's knowledge, no Person affiliated with Citadel has or claims to have any
direct or indirect  interest in any tangible or intangible  property used in the
business  of  Citadel or has a conflict  of  interest  as defined in Item 404 of
Regulation S-B under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      4.18 BANK  ACCOUNTS.  SCHEDULE  4.18 sets forth the names and locations of
each bank or other financial  institution at which Citadel has either an account
(giving  the account  numbers) or safe  deposit box and the names of all Persons
authorized to draw thereon or have access thereto, and the names of all Persons,
if any, now holding  powers of attorney or  comparable  delegation  of authority
from Citadel and a summary statement thereof.

      4.19 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.19,  Citadel
is not subject to and is not in default of any order of any court,  Governmental
Authority or other agency or  arbitration  board or tribunal to which Citadel is
or was subject  within the past two years and is not in  violation  of any laws,
ordinances,  governmental rules or regulations  (including,  but not limited to,
those  relating to  environmental,  safety,  building,  product safety or health
standards  or labor or  employment  matters) to which  Citadel is or was subject
within the past two years, except to the extent failure to comply would not have
a Citadel  Material  Adverse  Effect.  To knowledge of Citadel,  the business of
Citadel  is being,  and at the  Closing  Date  will be,  conducted  in  material
compliance  with  all  applicable  laws,   ordinances,   rules  and  regulations
applicable   to  it   (including,   but  not  limited  to,  those   relating  to
environmental,  safety, building, product safety or health standards or labor or
employment  matters,  except to the extent  failure  to comply  would not have a
Citadel Material Adverse Effect).

      4.20  BROKER'S/FEES  SHARES.  Citadel has not used any broker or finder in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and Orion has
not and shall not have any liability or otherwise  suffer or incur any loss as a
result  of or in  connection  with  any  brokerage  or  finder's  fee  or  other
commission  payable as a result of any actions  taken by Citadel with respect to
any  broker  or  finder  in  connection  with the  Merger  contemplated  by this


      4.21 BOARD RECOMMENDATION. The Board of Directors of Citadel, at a meeting
of  such  board  held  on May  13,  2004  determined  that  it  should  make  no
recommendation   with  respect  this   Agreement,   the  Merger  and  the  other
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  but has  forwarded  this  Agreement and the
Merger to the stockholders of Citadel to approve this Agreement and Merger.

                                   ARTICLE V


      In order to induce  Citadel to enter into this Agreement and to consummate
the Merger and Related  Transactions  contemplated  hereby, Orion represents and
warrants to Citadel the following representations and warranties.

      5.1 DUE  INCORPORATION.  Orion is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware with all
requisite  power and authority to own,  lease and operate its  properties and to
carry on its  businesses  as they are now  being  owned,  leased,  operated  and
conducted.  To the  knowledge  of Orion,  Orion is not  required to qualify as a
foreign  corporation in any  jurisdiction and is not qualified to do business in
any jurisdiction other than its jurisdiction of incorporation. True, correct and
complete  copies of the current  Certificate of  Incorporation  and By-laws,  as
amended or  restated,  and minutes of meetings  (or written  consents in lieu of
meetings)  of  the  Board  of  Directors  (and  all   committees   thereof)  and
stockholders  of Orion since  January 1, 1999 have been, or prior to the Closing
Date will have been,  delivered  to  Citadel.  Orion does not own any  economic,
voting or management interest in any other Person.

      5.2 DUE  AUTHORIZATION.  Orion has full power and  authority to enter into
this  Agreement,  the Articles of Amendment and Merger,  and the  Certificate of
Merger and to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby.  The
execution, delivery and performance by Orion of this Agreement have been, or, in
the case of the  Articles of  Amendment  and Merger and  Certificate  of Merger,
prior to the Closing Date will be, duly and validly  approved and  authorized by
the Board of Directors of Orion,  and, no other  actions or  proceedings  on the
part of Orion are  necessary  to  authorize  this  Agreement,  the  Articles  of
Amendment  and  Merger,   the   Certificate  of  Merger  and  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby  and  thereby.  Orion  has duly and  validly  executed  and
delivered  this  Agreement  and will duly and  validly  execute  and deliver the
Articles of  Amendment  and Merger and  Certificate  of Merger.  This  Agreement
constitutes  the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Orion,  enforceable in
accordance  with its  terms,  except as such  enforceability  may be  limited by
applicable   bankruptcy,    insolvency,    fraudulent   transfer,    moratorium,
reorganization or other laws from time to time in effect which affect creditors'
rights generally and by general principles of equity (regardless of whether such
enforceability  is  considered  in a  proceeding  in  equity  or at law) and the
requirement to obtain approval of the security  holders of Orion to increase the
number of  authorized  shares of Common  Stock to permit the  conversion  of the
Class B Preferred Stock.  Upon the authorized  increase of the authorized shares
of  Orion  Common  Stock  to at  least  13,000,000,  the  Merger  Stock  will be
automatically  convertible in accordance with the terms of the Merger Stock into
duly  authorized,  validly  issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  Orion Common



            (a) Except as set forth on Schedule 5.2, for the filing the Articles
      of  Amendment  and  Merger  and of the  Certificate  of  Merger  with  the
      appropriate  authorities pursuant to the WBCA and the DGCL,  respectively,
      the  requirement  to increase  the number of  authorized  shares of Common
      Stock to at least  13,000,000,  and the filing of the  Schedule  14(f) and
      waiting the requisite  waiting periods for notice (as set forth in Section
      6.5),  no permit,  consent,  authorization  or  approval  of, or filing or
      registration  with, any  Governmental  Authority or any other Person not a
      party to this  Agreement is necessary in  connection  with the  execution,
      delivery  and  performance  by Orion of this  Agreement,  the  Articles of
      Amendment and Merger or the Certificate of Merger,  or the consummation of
      the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or  thereby,  or for  the  lawful
      continued  operation  of the  business  currently  conducted  by Orion and
      Citadel by Orion following the Effective Time.

            (b) Except as would not result in an Orion Material  Adverse Effect,
      the execution,  delivery and performance by Orion of this  Agreement,  the
      Certificate of Amendment and Merger,  and the Certificate of Merger do not
      and will not (A) violate any Law, (B) violate or conflict with,  result in
      a breach or termination of, constitute a default (or a circumstance which,
      with or  without  notice  or  lapse of time or both,  would  constitute  a
      default)  or give any  third  party  any  additional  right  (including  a
      termination  right)  under,  permit  cancellation  of,  or  result  in the
      creation  of any  Lien  (except  for any Lien  for  taxes  not yet due and
      payable)  upon any of the assets or properties of Orion under any contract
      to  which  Orion is a party or by  which  Orion  or any of its  assets  or
      properties is bound;  (C) permit the  acceleration  of the maturity of any
      indebtedness  of  Orion or  indebtedness  secured  by  Orion's  assets  or
      properties;  or  (D)  violate  or  conflict  with  any  provision  of  the
      Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of Orion.

            (c) Orion has  obtained and is in  compliance  with all Permits that
      are  required  for the  complete  operation  of the  business  of Orion as
      currently operated,  except for any Permits the absence of which would not
      result  in an  Orion  Material  Adverse  Effect.  All of the  Permits  are
      currently  valid and in full  force and,  to the  knowledge  of Orion,  no
      revocation,  cancellation or withdrawal thereof has been threatened. Orion
      has filed such timely and complete renewal applications as may be required
      with  respect to the  Permits.  Except as set forth on  SCHEDULE  5.3,  to
      Orion's knowledge,  the Permits,  in their current state, will allow Orion
      to  continue to operate  its  business  following  the  Effective  Time in
      substantially  the same  manner  as the  business  of  Orion is  currently


            (a) The  authorized  capital  stock of Orion  consists of 10,000,000
      shares of Orion Common Stock and 1,000,000  shares of Preferred  Stock. On
      the date  hereof,  there are issued and  outstanding  1,030,907  shares of
      Orion Common Stock and 110 shares of Class A Preferred Stock and there are
      685,000 authorized,  but unissued shares of Class B Preferred Stock, which
      will be convertible (subject to adjustment) into 6,850,000 shares of Orion
      Common  Stock  pursuant  to the  terms  set  forth in the  Certificate  of
      Designation  for the Class B Preferred Stock and subject to an increase in
      the  authorized  number of shares of Orion Common Stock and which shall be
      reserved  for  issuance  in  connection  with the Merger  pursuant to this
      Agreement.  All of the issued and outstanding shares of Orion Common Stock
      and  Class  A  Preferred  Stock  are  validly   issued,   fully  paid  and
      non-assessable  and the  issuance  thereof was not  subject to  preemptive
      rights and upon issuance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or
      the terms of the Citadel  Warrants and  Options,  the Merger  Stock,  when
      issued,  will be validly  issued,  fully paid and  non-assessable  and the
      issuance thereof will not be subject to pre-emptive rights.


            (b) Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.4 and,  except for the Class B
      Warrants  for the  purchase  of an  aggregate  of 358,000  shares of Orion
      Common  Stock,  the  110,000  shares of Orion  Common  Stock  issuable  on
      conversion of the 110 shares of outstanding  Orion  Preferred  Stock,  the
      shares  that may be issued on  outstanding  rights and rights  that may be
      issued in connection with any exchange offer to the holders of the Class B
      Warrants pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement dated January 21,
      2000,  as modified  ("SETTLEMENT  AGREEMENT"),  with  American High Growth
      Equities Retirement Trust ("ORION RIGHTS"),  and up to 3,300,000 shares of
      Common  Stock that may be issued to  investors  and MDB Capital  Group LLC
      pursuant  to a private  offering  by  Orion,  there are no shares of Orion
      Common Stock or other equity  securities  (whether or not such  securities
      have voting rights) of Orion issued or  outstanding or any  subscriptions,
      options, warrants, call rights, convertible securities or other agreements
      or commitments  of any character  obligating  Orion to issue,  transfer or
      sell any shares of capital stock or other securities  (whether or not such
      securities  have  voting  rights)  of  Orion.  Except as set forth in this
      Section  or  on  SCHEDULE  5.4,  there  are  no  outstanding   contractual
      obligations  of  Orion  which  relate  to the  purchase,  sale,  issuance,
      repurchase,  redemption,  acquisition,  transfer, disposition,  holding or
      voting of any shares of capital stock or other securities of Orion.

            (c) Orion shall not, in any event,  be required to issue more than a
      maximum of 671,250  shares of Orion  Common  Stock  pursuant  to the Orion
      Rights currently required by the Settlement  Agreement or any amendment or
      modification thereof.

purposes of this Agreement,  "ORION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" shall mean the audited
financial  statements  of Orion  included  in the SEC  Filings  (as  hereinafter
defined) as at December 31, 2003 and for the period from inception  (October 15,
1995) through December 31, 2003 and the unaudited financial  statements of Orion
as at March 31, 2004  (including all notes  thereto) which have been  previously
delivered or were available to Citadel, consisting of the balance sheets at such
dates and, with respect to the audited Orion Financial  Statements,  the related
statements  of income and cash flow for each of the  twelve-month  periods ended
December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2003, and the period October 15, 1995 through
December 31, 2003, and with respect to the unaudited Orion Financial Statements,
the related  statements of income and cash flow for the three-month period ended
March 31, 2004 and the period from October 15, 1995 through March 31, 2004.  The
Orion   Financial   Statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  GAAP
consistently  applied  and present  fairly the  financial  position,  assets and
liabilities of Orion as at the dates thereof and the revenues, expenses, results
of  operations  and cash  flows of Orion  for the  periods  covered  then  ended
(subject,  in the case of the unaudited  interim Orion  Financial  Statements to
normal year-end audit  adjustments  consistent  with past  practice).  The Orion
Financial  Statements are in accordance  with the books and records of Orion, do
not reflect any  transactions  which are not bona fide  transactions  and do not
contain any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state any material
fact  necessary  to make  the  statements  contained  therein,  in  light of the
circumstances  in which  they were made,  not  misleading.  The Orion  Financial
Statements  make  full and  adequate  disclosure  of,  and  provision  for,  all
obligations and liabilities of Orion as of the date thereof. The Orion Financial
Statements when filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  complied as
to form in all material respects with applicable accounting requirements and the
published rules and  regulations of the Securities and Exchange  Commission with
respect thereto.


      5.6 NO ADVERSE EFFECTS OR CHANGES.  Except as disclosed in or reflected in
the Orion  Financial  Statements,  or as  contemplated  by this Agreement or the
Certificate  of Merger,  since March 30, 2004,  other than  lending  $750,000 to
Citadel  pursuant to a secured,  convertible  promissory note, Orion has not (i)
taken any of the  actions  set forth in Section  5.3,  (ii)  suffered  any Orion
Material Adverse Effect,  (iii) suffered any damage,  destruction or Loss to any
of its assets or  properties  (whether  or not  covered by  insurance),  or (iv)
increased the  compensation of any executive  officer of Orion.  For purposes of
this  Agreement,  "ORION  MATERIAL  ADVERSE  EFFECT" shall mean an effect on the
business, operations, assets, liabilities, results of operations, cash flows, or
condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  of Orion which is  materially  adverse to
Orion,  excluding  the  default  and  obligations  pursuant  to  the  Settlement

      5.7 TITLE TO PROPERTIES.  Orion (i) has good and marketable  title to, and
is the lawful owner of, all of the tangible and intangible  assets,  properties,
including real property,  and rights reflected in the Orion Financial Statements
(other than assets disposed of in the ordinary course of business since the date
of the Orion  Financial  Statements),  and (ii) at the Effective  Time will have
good and  marketable  title to,  and will be the  lawful  owner of,  all of such
tangible and  intangible  assets,  properties  and rights,  in any case free and
clear of any Liens,  except for (x) any Lien for  current  taxes not yet due and
payable, and (y) minor Liens that have arisen in the ordinary course of business
and that do not (in any case or in the  aggregate)  materially  detract from the
value of the assets  subject  thereto or  materially  impair the  operations  of

      5.8 LIABILITIES. Except to the extent reflected or reserved against on the
balance sheets of Orion  constituting a part of the Orion Financial  Statements,
Orion has no debts,  liabilities  or  obligations  of any nature  other (i) than
non-material  liabilities incurred subsequent to the date of such balance sheets
in the ordinary  course of Orion's  business,  and (ii) as set forth on SCHEDULE

      5.9 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SCHEDULE 5.9 is a true and complete list of all
Intellectual  Property used by Orion in the conduct of its  business.  Except as
disclosed on SCHEDULE 5.9:

            (a) all of the  Intellectual  Property is licensed or owned by Orion
      free and clear of all Liens;

            (b) none of the Intellectual  Property has been or is the subject of
      any  pending  or,  to the  knowledge  of  Orion,  threatened  in  writing,
      litigation or claim of infringement;


            (c) no license or royalty  agreement to which Orion is a party is in
      breach or  default  by Orion or, to  Orion's  knowledge,  any other  party
      thereto or the subject of any notice of termination given or threatened in

            (d) Orion has not  granted  any  license or agreed to pay or receive
      any royalty in respect of any Intellectual Property; and

            (e)  Orion  owns  or  possesses   adequate  rights  in  and  to  all
      Intellectual  Property  necessary  to conduct its  business  as  presently

      5.10  CONTRACTS.  SCHEDULE  5.10  lists  all the  material  Contracts  and
arrangements  of the following types to which Orion is a party or by which it is
bound, or to which any of its assets or properties is subject, including but not
limited to:

            (a) any collective bargaining agreement;

            (b) any  Contract  or  arrangement  of any kind  with any  employee,
      consultant, advisor, officer or director of Orion;

            (c)  any  Contract  or  arrangement  with  a  sales  representative,
      manufacturer's representative,  distributor, dealer, broker, sales agency,
      advertising  agency or other  Person  engaged  in sales,  distributing  or
      promotional activities, or any Contract to act as one of the foregoing, on
      behalf of any Person;

            (d) any Contract or  arrangement  of any nature  which  involves the
      payment or receipt of cash or other property,  an unperformed  commitment,
      or goods or services, having a value in excess of $10,000;

            (e) any Contract or arrangement  pursuant to which Orion has made or
      will make loans or advances,  or has or will have incurred debts or become
      a  guarantor  or surety or  pledged  its  credit  on or  otherwise  become
      responsible  with respect to any  undertaking  of another  (except for the
      negotiation or collection of negotiable instruments in transactions in the
      ordinary course of business);

            (f) any indenture, credit agreement, loan agreement, note, mortgage,
      security  agreement,  lease  of real  property  or  personal  property  or
      agreement for financing;

            (g) any  Contract  or  arrangement  involving a  partnership,  joint
      venture or other cooperative undertaking;

            (h) any Contract or  arrangement  involving  any  restrictions  with
      respect  to the  geographical  area  of  operations  or  scope  or type of
      business of Orion;


            (i) any power of attorney or agency  agreement or  arrangement  with
      any Person  pursuant to which such Person is granted the  authority to act
      for or on behalf of Orion, or Orion is granted the authority to act for or
      on behalf of any Person;

            (j)  any  Contract   relating  to  any  corporate   acquisition   or
      disposition of Orion, or any acquisition or disposition of any subsidiary,
      division, line of business, or real property,  during the five years prior
      to the date of this Agreement; and

            (k) any Contract not specified above that is material to Orion.

      Orion has made  available  to  Citadel  true and  complete  copies of each
document  listed  on  SCHEDULE  5.10,  and a  written  description  of each oral
arrangement so listed. The cancellation of any such Contracts at any time by the
other party would not have an Orion Material Adverse Effect.

      5.11  INSURANCE.  SCHEDULE  5.11 contains an accurate and complete list of
all  policies of fire,  liability,  workers'  compensation,  product  liability,
professional  malpractice,  title and other forms of insurance  owned or held by
Orion, and Orion has heretofore delivered to Citadel a true and complete copy of
all such policies.  All such policies are in full force and effect, all premiums
with respect  thereto  covering all periods up to and including the Closing Date
have  been,  or prior to the  Closing  Date,  will be,  paid,  and no  notice of
cancellation  or termination  has been received with respect to any such policy.
Except as set forth in SCHEDULE  5.11,  Orion has not been refused any insurance
with respect to its assets or operations,  and its coverage has not been limited
by any insurance  carrier to which it has applied for any such insurance or with
which it has  carried  insurance,  during  the last two  years.  Such  insurance
policies  provide  types  and  amounts  of  insurance  customarily  obtained  by
businesses similar to the business of Orion.

      5.12 EMPLOYEE  BENEFIT PLANS.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.12, Orion
has no employee benefit plans.

      5.13 TAX MATTERS.

            (a) Orion has duly filed all Tax Returns  required to be filed by it
      under  applicable law or filed  appropriate  extensions which have not yet
      expired  and will file all Tax  Returns  required  to be filed by it at or
      prior to the Effective Time under  applicable law. All Tax Returns were in
      all  material  respects  (and,  as to Tax Returns not filed as of the date
      hereof, will be) true, complete and correct and filed on a timely basis or
      extended as permitted by law.

            (b) Orion has, within the time and in the manner  prescribed by law,
      paid (and  until the  Effective  Time will pay  within the time and in the
      manner  prescribed  by law) all Taxes that are  currently  due and payable
      except for those  contested in good faith and for which adequate  reserves
      have been taken.


            (c) There are no  material  liens for taxes upon the assets of Orion
      except liens for Taxes not yet due.

            (d) Orion has complied (and until the Effective Time will comply) in
      all respects  with the  provisions of the Code relating to the payment and
      withholding of Taxes, including,  without limitation,  the withholding and
      reporting requirements under Code Sections 1441 through 1464, 3401 through
      3606, 6041 and 6049, as well as similar  provisions  under any other Laws,
      and has,  within the time and in the manner  prescribed  by Law,  withheld
      from employee wages and paid over to the proper  Governmental  Authorities
      all amounts required.

            (e)  No  audits  or  other   administrative   proceedings  or  court
      proceedings are presently  pending with regard to any Taxes or Tax Returns
      of Orion.

            (f) Orion has not  received  any Tax  Rulings  or  entered  into any
      Closing  Agreements with any taxing authority that would have a continuing
      adverse effect after the Effective Time.

            (g) Orion has made and  after the date of this  Agreement  will make
      available to Citadel  complete and accurate copies of (i) all Tax Returns,
      and any  amendments  thereto,  filed  by  Orion,  (ii) all  audit  reports
      received  from any taxing  authority  relating to any Tax Return  filed by
      Orion and (iii) any  Closing  Agreements  entered  into by Orion  with any
      taxing authority.

            (h) The United  States  government  (with  respect to United  States
      Federal income taxes) and Delaware and  California  (with respect to state
      income  and  franchise  taxes)  are  the  only  states,   territories  and
      jurisdictions  (whether  foreign  or  domestic)  to which  any  Taxes  are
      properly payable by Orion.

      5.14  ENVIRONMENTAL  REGULATIONS.  Orion is in  compliance in all material
respects  with all  applicable  federal,  state and local  laws and  regulations
governing  the  environment,  public  health and safety and employee  health and
safety  (including  all  provisions of OSHA) and no charge,  complaint,  action,
suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, claim, demand or notice has been filed
or  commenced  against  Orion and, to the  knowledge  of Orion,  no such charge,
complaint, action, suit, proceeding,  hearing,  investigation,  claim, demand or
notice is pending or threatened in writing.

      5.15  LITIGATION.  Except as set forth on SCHEDULE  5.15 or in  connection
with the  Settlement  Agreement (a) there are no actions,  suits,  arbitrations,
regulatory   proceedings  or  other  litigation,   proceedings  or  governmental
investigations  pending or, to Orion's knowledge,  threatened in writing against
Orion or any of the officers or directors of Orion in their capacity as such, or
any of their respective properties or businesses,  and (b) Orion is not aware of
any facts or circumstances which may give rise to any of the foregoing. Orion is
not subject to any order, judgment, decree,  injunction,  stipulation or consent
order of or with any court or other Governmental Authority, except in respect of
the Settlement Agreement;  Orion has not entered into any agreement to settle or
compromise any proceeding pending or threatened in writing against it, which has
involved any obligation for which Orion has any continuing  obligation (i) other
than in connection  with the Settlement  Agreement or (ii) has been disclosed in
the SEC Filings,  copies of which have been  provided to Citadel,  and listed on
SCHEDULE 5.15(B); and (b) there are no claims, actions, suits,  proceedings,  or
investigations  pending or, to Orion's  knowledge,  threatened  in writing by or
against  Orion with respect to this  Agreement or the Articles of Amendment  and
Merger, or in connection with the transactions  contemplated  hereby or thereby,
and Orion has no reason to believe  there is a valid  basis for any such  claim,
action, suit, proceeding or investigation.


      5.16 NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST.  Except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 5.16 and as
a holder of shares of Orion Common Stock,  Preferred Stock, Class B Warrants and
potentially pursuant to the Settlement  Agreement,  including thereunder certain
Orion Rights that may be offered,  to Orion's  knowledge,  no Person  affiliated
with Orion has claims to have any direct or indirect interest in any tangible or
intangible property used in the business of Orion.

      5.17 BANK  ACCOUNTS.  SCHEDULE  5.17 sets forth the names and locations of
each bank or other  financial  institution  at which Orion has either an account
(giving  the account  numbers) or safe  deposit box and the names of all Persons
authorized to draw thereon or have access thereto, and the names of all Persons,
if any, now holding  powers of attorney or  comparable  delegation  of authority
from Orion and a summary statement thereof.

      5.18 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.  Orion is not in default under any order of any
court,  Governmental  Authority or other agency or arbitration board or tribunal
to which Orion is or was subject  within the past two years or in  violation  of
any laws,  ordinances,  governmental  rules or regulations  (including,  but not
limited to, those relating to environmental, safety, building, product safety or
health  standards  or  labor or  employment  matters)  to which  Orion is or was
subject within the past two years,  except to the extent failure to comply would
not have an Orion Material  Adverse Effect.  The business of Orion is being, and
at the Closing  will be,  conducted  in  compliance  with all  applicable  laws,
ordinances,  rules and regulations applicable to it (including,  but not limited
to, those relating to environmental,  safety, building, product safety or health
standards  or labor or  employment  matters),  except to the  extent  failure to
comply would not have an Orion Material Adverse Effect.

      5.19 BROKER'S/FINDER'S FEES. Except for the employment of MDB Capital, LLC
("MDB"),  of which the current  members of the Board of  Directors  of Orion are
also  members,  Orion has not used any broker or finder in  connection  with the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement, and except as aforementioned after
the transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement,  Citadel has not and shall not
have any  liability or  otherwise  suffer or incur any loss as a result of or in
connection  with any  brokerage  or  finder's or other  commission  payable as a
result of any  actions  taken by Orion  with  respect to any broker or finder in
connection with the Merger contemplated by this Agreement.


      5.20 BOARD APPROVAL.  The Board of Directors of Orion, at a meeting of the
Board of Directors held on June 22, 2004,  approved this  Agreement,  the Merger
and the other transactions  contemplated  hereby on the terms and conditions set
forth herein.

      5.21 EMPLOYEE MATTERS. Orion is not a party to any employment agreement or
consulting or similar  agreement for the present or future provision of services
to Orion.  Orion has  conducted  and  currently  is  conducting  its business in
material  compliance  with  all  Laws  relating  to  employment  and  employment
practices,   terms  and   conditions   of   employment,   wages  and  hours  and
nondiscrimination  in  employment.  Orion has no liability for any vacation pay,
vacation  time,  retirement  benefits,  health,  disability  or other  insurance
benefits or severance pay,  other than those incurred in the ordinary  course of

      5.22 SEC FILINGS.  Orion's most recent Form  10-KSB,  as amended,  for the
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2003 and all  subsequent  Form  8-K's,  Form
10-QSB's,  proxy  statements  and other  documents  together  with all  exhibits
thereto,  as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") by Orion
have been delivered or otherwise  available to Citadel (the "SEC FILINGS").  The
SEC Filings  were timely  filed with the SEC and as of their  respective  filing
dates did not  contain a  misstatement  of a material  fact or an  omission of a
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein not  misleading as of the time such  documents  were filed.  There is no
other document or report required to be filed by Orion with the SEC that has not
been filed and,  with the  exception  of the  execution  of this  Agreement  and
consummation  of  the  Merger,  no  event  or  transaction  has  occurred  or is
contemplated  which will hereafter be required to be disclosed by the Company in
a Form 10-KSB, Form 10-QSB, Form 8-K or similar filing with the SEC. Orion shall
cause to be filed all periodic and current reports required to be filed with the
SEC for all periods after execution of their Agreement through the Closing Date.

                                   ARTICLE VI


      6.1 IMPLEMENTING  AGREEMENT.  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereof,
each party  hereto  shall use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to take all
action  required  of it to  fulfill  its  obligations  under  the  terms of this
Agreement,  the  Certificate  of Merger and the Articles of Amendment and Merger
and to facilitate the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and


            (a) From and after the date of this  Agreement,  Citadel shall allow
      Orion and its  representatives  access during normal business hours to all
      of the facilities,  properties, books, Contracts,  commitments and records
      of Citadel and shall make the officers and employees of Citadel  available
      to Orion and its  representatives  as Orion or its  representatives  shall
      from time to time reasonably request.  Orion and its representatives  will
      be furnished with any and all information  concerning Citadel, which Orion
      or its representatives reasonably request.


            (b) From and  after the date of this  Agreement,  Orion  shall  give
      Citadel and its representatives access during normal business hours to all
      of the facilities,  properties, books, Contracts,  commitments and records
      of Orion (and its subsidiaries and affiliates) and shall make the officers
      and employees of Orion (and its subsidiaries and affiliates)  available to
      Citadel and its  representatives as Citadel or its  representatives  shall
      from time to time reasonably request. Citadel and its representatives will
      be furnished with any and all information  concerning Orion, which Citadel
      or its representatives reasonably request.

      6.3 PRESERVATION OF BUSINESS. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, from
the date of this  Agreement  until the Closing  Date,  each of Citadel and Orion
(which  for the  purposes  of  their  covenant  includes  its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates),  as the case may be,  shall  operate only in the ordinary and usual
course of  business  consistent  with past  practice,  and shall use  reasonable
commercial  efforts to (a) preserve intact the present business  organization of
Citadel  and  Orion,  as the  case  may be,  (b)  preserve  the  good  will  and
advantageous  relationships  of  Citadel  and  Orion,  as the case may be,  with
employees  and other  Persons  material  to the  operation  of their  respective
businesses,  and (c) not permit any action or omission  within its control which
would cause any of the  representations  or warranties of Citadel and Orion,  as
the case may be, contained  herein to become  inaccurate in any material respect
or any of the covenants of Citadel and Orion, as the case may be, to be breached
in any material respect.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  (i)
with respect to Citadel,  except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.6, and for Publisher
Contracts  (including  acquisitions  of  specialty-sports,   on-line  or  print,
publishing  businesses)  for a gross  consideration  of less  than  $150,000  or
approved by Orion  ("APPROVED  ACQUISITIONS")),  and (ii) with respect to Orion,
except as set forth on SCHEDULE 5.6 and the Orion Private  Placement as provided
in Section 6.19, prior to the Closing,  neither Citadel nor Orion will,  without
having obtained the prior written consent of the other:

            (a) except in connection with professional expenses and fees related
      to the  Merger,  incur any  obligation  or enter into any  Contract  which
      either (x) requires a payment in excess of, or a series of payments  which
      in the aggregate exceeds $100,000,  in the case of Citadel and $10,000, in
      the case of Orion, or provides for the delivery of goods or performance of
      services, or any combination thereof, having a value in excess of $100,000
      in the case of Citadel  and  $10,000,  in the case of Orion,  or (y) has a
      term of, or  requires  the  performance  of any  obligations  over time by
      Citadel or Orion, in excess of one year;

            (b) take any  action,  or enter into or  authorize  any  Contract or
      transaction  other than in the ordinary  course of business and consistent
      with past practice;

            (c) as  applicable,  sell,  transfer,  convey,  assign or  otherwise
      dispose of any of its assets or properties,  except in the ordinary course
      of business;


            (d) waive,  release or cancel any claims  against  third  parties or
      debts owing to it, or any rights which have any value in an amount greater
      than  $50,000,  other than actions taken that are  consistent  with normal
      past business practices;

            (e) make any material changes in its accounting  systems,  policies,
      principles  or  practices,  except as  required  by  Citadel to be able to
      comply with generally  accepted  accounting  practices to be  consistently
      applied and to be able to prepare and provide  auditable books and records
      for the  purpose of filing  with the SEC  audited  and  interim  financial
      statements  pursuant to  applicable  securities  laws and to the rules and
      regulations of the SEC;

            (f) authorize for issuance,  issue, sell, deliver or agree or commit
      to issue,  sell or deliver  (whether  through the  issuance or granting of
      options,  warrants,  convertible or exchangeable securities,  commitments,
      subscriptions,  rights to purchase or otherwise) any shares of its capital
      stock  or any  other  securities,  or amend  any of the  terms of any such

            (g) split,  combine,  or reclassify any shares of its capital stock,
      declare,  set aside or pay any dividend or other distribution  (whether in
      cash,  stock or  property  or any  combination  thereof) in respect of its
      capital stock, or redeem or otherwise acquire any of its securities;

            (h) other than in the ordinary course of business or consistent with
      prior business practices, make any borrowings,  incur any debt (other than
      trade  payables in the  ordinary  course of business or  equipment  leases
      entered into in the ordinary  course of business),  or assume,  guarantee,
      endorse or otherwise  become liable  (whether  directly,  contingently  or
      otherwise)  for  the   obligations  of  any  other  Person  other  than  a
      subsidiary,  or make any unscheduled  payment or repayment of principal in
      respect of any Short Term Debt or Long Term Debt.  "LONG TERM DEBT"  shall
      mean the aggregate  original principal amount (less any cash repayments of
      principal  previously  made) of, and any and all accrued  interest on, all
      indebtedness  with respect to borrowed money and all other obligations (or
      series of related  obligations) to pay money with respect to extensions of
      credit, including capitalized lease and deferred compensation obligations,
      except  indebtedness or obligations for which all installments are payable
      within six months from the date of the  advancement  of funds or extension
      of credit.  The term "SHORT TERM DEBT" shall  include any amount listed or
      to be listed as a current liability on financial statements which reflects
      the  current  portion  or final  installments  of  obligations  originally
      reflected as non-current liabilities;

            (i) make any new loans  advances to any other  Person  other than in
      the  ordinary  course  of  business  or  consistent  with  prior  business

            (j) make any  capital  contributions  to or new  investments  to any
      other person, other than to a subsidiary;


            (k) except as  contemplated by this  Agreement,  enter into,  adopt,
      amend or terminate any bonus, profit sharing,  compensation,  termination,
      stock option,  stock  appreciation  right,  restricted stock,  performance
      unit, pension, retirement, deferred compensation, employment, severance or
      other  employee  benefit  agreements,   trusts,   plans,  funds  or  other
      arrangements  for the  benefit  or  welfare  of any  director,  officer or
      employee, or increase in any manner the compensation or fringe benefits of
      any  director,  officer or employee or pay any benefit not required by any
      existing  plan and  arrangement  or enter  into any  contract,  agreement,
      commitment or  arrangement  to do any of the foregoing  other than actions
      taken in the ordinary  course of business  consistent  with prior business

            (l)  acquire,  lease or encumber  any assets  outside  the  ordinary
      course of business or which are assets material to its  operations,  other
      than in connection Approved Acquisitions ;

            (m) authorize or make any capital expenditures which individually or
      in the aggregate are in excess of $50,000;

            (n) make any Tax  election  or settle  or  compromise  any  federal,
      state,  local or  foreign  income  Tax  liability,  or waive or extend the
      statute of limitations in respect of any such Taxes;

            (o) pay or agree to pay any amount in  settlement  or  compromise of
      any suits or claims of liability  against it or its  directors,  officers,
      employees or agents in an amount more than $50,000; or

            (p) terminate, modify, amend or otherwise alter or change any of the
      terms or provisions of any Contract other than in accordance with ordinary
      business  practices,  or pay  any  amount  not  required  by Law or by any
      Contract in an amount more than $50,000.


      6.4 CITADEL  STOCKHOLDERS'  MEETING.  Reasonably  promptly  following  the
execution  of  this   Agreement,   Citadel  shall  call  a  special  meeting  of
stockholders  (the  "CITADEL  STOCKHOLDERS'  MEETING") to be held as promptly as
practicable  following  the execution of this  Agreement for the purpose,  among
others, of voting on the Merger contemplated  herein. In connection with Citadel
Stockholders'  Meeting,  Citadel shall  promptly  prepare and distribute a proxy
statement/information  statement (the "PROXY  STATEMENT/INFORMATION  STATEMENT")
for dissemination to each holder of shares of Citadel Stock and other securities
of  Citadel,  sufficient  for them to make a decision  to approve the Merger and
acquire  the  Orion  Common  Stock  and  Orion  Warrants  or  Orion  Options  on
consummation  of the Merger on the basis of an exemption  from the  registration
provisions of Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("SECURITIES ACT"). Orion shall
as promptly as practical  provide to Citadel  copies of its SEC Filings and such
other public information as may be necessary in connection with the provision of
the Proxy Statement/Information Statement.

      6.5 SCHEDULE 14(F) OF ORION.

            (a)  As  promptly  as  practicable   after  the  execution  of  this
      Agreement, Orion shall file with the SEC and distribute the Schedule 14(f)
      for the purpose of  notifying  the holders of the Orion Common Stock prior
      to the  Merger  of the  change  of  control  and  change  of the  Board of
      Directors of Orion upon consummation of the Merger.

            (b) Citadel  shall  cooperate  and use its  commercially  reasonable
      efforts  to supply  Orion  with all  requisite  information  necessary  to
      complete the Schedule 14(f).

            (c) The  information as being supplied by Orion for inclusion in the
      Schedule 14(f) shall not, at the time the Schedule 14(f) is filed with the
      SEC or  distributed  to the  holders of Orion  Common  Stock  prior to the
      Merger  and on the  Effective  Date,  contain  any untrue  statement  of a
      material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact  required to be stated
      therein  or  necessary  in  order  to make  the  statements  therein,  not

            (d) The  information  specifically  designated as being  supplied by
      Citadel for  inclusion  in the  Schedule  14(f) shall not, at the time the
      Schedule  14(f) is filed  with the SEC or  distributed  to the  holders of
      Orion Common Stock prior to the Merger and on the Effective Date,  contain
      any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact
      required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
      therein, not misleading.

            (e) If,  at any  time  prior to the  Effective  Date,  any  event or
      circumstance  relating  to Orion or its  officers or  directors  should be
      discovered  by Orion  which  should  be set forth in an  amendment  to the
      Schedule  14(f),  Orion  shall  promptly  inform  Citadel  and Orion shall
      promptly file and distribute such amendment to the Schedule 14(f).

            (f) If,  at any  time  prior to the  Effective  Date,  any  event or
      circumstance  relating to Citadel or its officers or  directors  should be
      discovered  by Citadel  which  should be set forth in am  amendment to the
      Schedule 14(f), Citadel shall promptly inform Orion of the same, and Orion
      shall promptly file and distribute such amendment to the Schedule 14(f).


            (g) All documents that Orion is responsible  for filing with the SEC
      in connection with the transactions  contemplated herein will comply as to
      form  and  substance  in  all  material   respects  with  the   applicable
      requirements of the Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder and the
      Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "EXCHANGE ACT"), and the
      rules and regulations thereunder.

      6.6 BLUE SKY  COMPLIANCE.  Orion  shall  use its  commercially  reasonable
efforts to avail  itself of any  exemptions  or to qualify  the shares of Merger
Stock to be issued  pursuant to the Merger  under the  securities  or "blue sky"
laws of every  jurisdiction of the United States in which a Citadel  stockholder
has an address on the  records of Citadel,  on the record  date for  determining
Citadel stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote on the Merger, except any
such  jurisdiction  with respect to which counsel for Orion has determined  that
such  qualification  is not required  under the securities or "blue sky" laws of
such jurisdiction.

      6.7  AGREEMENT  TO  VOTE.  Citadel  will use its  commercially  reasonable
efforts to obtain the  agreements of all holders of five percent (5%) or more of
Citadel Stock and all the officers and directors of Citadel, to vote any Citadel
Stock held of record or over which they have the  authority  to vote in favor of
approval of this Agreement and the Merger and the Related Transactions.


            (a) POST MERGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  Immediately after the Effective
      Date, the Board of Directors of the Surviving  Corporation  will take such
      action to appoint  the  following  persons to the Board of  Directors,  in
      accordance with the statements of the Schedule 14(f):

            (i) Christopher A. Marlett ("MARLETT");

            (ii) James C. Heckman ("HECKMAN");

            (iii) Brian Kosar ("KOSAR"); and

            (iv) Patrick Crumb ("CRUMB").

(collectively "AGREED DIRECTORS").

            (b) VOTING  AGREEMENT.  For the period of three (3) years  after the
      Effective  Date,  the  Surviving  Corporation  will use its best  efforts,
      without  limitation,  to cause the Agreed  Directors  to be  nominated  as
      directors for election by the Surviving  Corporation.  In connection  with
      the  nomination of the Agreed  Directors,  each of Marlett,  Heckman,  and
      Kosar shall enter into the form of  agreement  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT
      6.8 hereto  ("VOTING  AGREEMENT"),  which  provides  for their  respective
      agreement to vote any shares of common stock or other voting securities of
      the Surviving  Corporation  that they own, are the beneficial  owner of or
      over which they have voting  control,  pursuant to a voting  agreement  or
      otherwise  (i) in favor of the Agreed  Directors  as the  directors,  (ii)
      their  agreement  not to vote to  remove  any one of them  other  than for
      cause,  and  to  (iii)  to  vote  for an  amendment  to  the  Articles  of
      Incorporation  to increase  the shares of Orion  Common  Stock to not less
      than 25,000,000 shares.



            (a) The Surviving  Corporation shall (simultaneously and on the same
      terms and  conditions  provided to the holders of any of the Orion  Common
      Stock acquired in the Orion Private  Placement which is a condition to the
      Merger) (a) include on any registration  statement filed with the SEC, for
      re-offer  and  re-sale,  the Merger  Stock and any Orion Common Stock into
      which the Merger  Stock may be  converted  or which may be  acquired  upon
      exercise or conversion of any Citadel  Warrants and Options  (collectively
      such Merger  Stock or Orion Common Stock is referred to in this section as
      the  "Registrable  Securities")  and (b) the  Company  will "blue sky" the
      reoffer  and  resale  of  the   Registrable   Securities   in  such  state
      jurisdictions where the sale of Orion Common Stock is approved for reoffer
      and resale.  All costs associated with the registration of the Registrable
      Securities, other than brokerage commissions and counsel costs incurred by
      the holders in connection with resales of the Registrable Securities which
      shall  be the  responsibility  of  the  holders,  shall  be  borne  by the
      Surviving Corporation.  The Surviving Corporation is not obligated to file
      the  registration  statement  set  forth in this  provision  or any  other
      registration  statement in respect of the Registrable Securities until the
      Surviving Corporation is current in its SEC filings by filing the required
      financial statements reflecting the Merger on Form 8-K.

            (b) The Surviving  Corporation  shall use its reasonable  commercial
      efforts to register and keep the  registration  statement  which registers
      the  Registrable  Securities  pursuant  hereto  effective  and the related
      prospectus  current  until  the  earlier  of the date by which  all of the
      Registrable  Securities  have  been  sold  or the  date  that  Registrable
      Securities  may be  sold  pursuant  to  Rule  144  promulgated  under  the
      Securities Act (even through at such date all the  Registrable  Securities
      may not be eligible for public sale under Rule 144).

            (c)  The  Company  will  notify  each  holder  of  such  Registrable
      Securities as expeditiously as possible following the effectiveness of the
      registration statement on which the Registrable Securities are registered,
      and/or of any request by the Commission for the amending or  supplementing
      of  such  registration  statement  or  prospectus;  provided  that  if the
      prospectus is amended to comply with the  requirements  of the  Securities
      Act, the holders,  if requested  by the Company,  will  immediately  cease
      making offers of the Registrable Securities and return all prospectuses to
      the  Company,  and the Company  will  promptly  provide  the holders  with
      revised  prospectuses to enable the holders to resume making offers of the
      Registrable  Securities.  The Company will promptly notify the holders, if
      after  delivery of a prospectus  to the holders,  that, in the judgment of
      the Company, it is advisable to suspend use of the prospectus delivered to
      the holders due to pending material developments or other events that have
      not yet been  publicly  disclosed  and as to which  the  Company  believes
      public  disclosure  would be detrimental  to the Company.  Upon receipt of
      such notice,  each such holder will  immediately  discontinue any sales of
      Registrable  Securities pursuant to such registration statement until such
      holder has received  copies of a  supplemented  or amended  prospectus  or
      until such  holder is advised  in  writing  by the  Company  that the then
      current  prospectus may be used and has received  copies of any additional
      or supplemental  filings that are  incorporated or deemed  incorporated by
      reference  in such  prospectus.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary
      herein,  the Company will not exercise its rights under this subsection to
      suspend sales of Registrable  Securities for a period in excess of 60 days
      in any 365-day period.



            (a) Citadel shall use commercially  reasonable efforts to obtain all
      consents,   approvals,   certificates  and  other  documents  required  in
      connection   with  the  performance  by  it  of  this  Agreement  and  the
      consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby,  including all such
      consents and approvals by each party to any of the  Contracts  referred to
      on SCHEDULE 4.3. Citadel shall make all filings, applications,  statements
      and reports to all  Governmental  Authorities  and other  Persons that are
      required to be made prior to the  Closing  Date by or on behalf of Citadel
      pursuant  to any  applicable  Law or  Contract  in  connection  with  this
      Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

            (b) Orion shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to obtain all
      consents,   approvals,   certificates  and  other  documents  required  in
      connection   with  the  performance  by  it  of  this  Agreement  and  the
      consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby,  including, but not
      limited to all such  consents  and  approvals  by each party to any of the
      Contracts  referred to on  SCHEDULE  5.3.  Orion  shall make all  filings,
      applications,  statements and reports to all Governmental  Authorities and
      other Persons that are required to be made prior to the Closing Date by or
      on  behalf  of  Orion  pursuant  to  any  applicable  Law or  Contract  in
      connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

      6.11  MAINTENANCE OF INSURANCE.  Citadel and Orion shall continue to carry
their respective  existing insurance,  and shall not allow any breach,  default,
termination or cancellation of such insurance policies or agreements to occur or


            (a) Until the earlier of (i) the Closing,  (ii) the  termination  of
      this Agreement,  or (iii) twenty-five (25) days prior to the Maturity Date
      of the Orion Note,  neither Orion nor Citadel  (except with respect to Fox
      Entertainment Group) their respective affiliates,  subsidiaries, agents or
      representatives will (x) solicit,  encourage,  directly or indirectly, any
      inquiries,  discussions or proposals  for, (y) continue,  propose or enter
      into any  negotiations or discussions  looking toward,  (z) enter into any
      agreement or  understanding  providing for any  acquisition of any capital
      stock  of the  respective  corporation  or any part of the  assets  or the
      businesses of the respective  corporation,  other than as  contemplated or
      authorized hereby; or borrow or raise funds some or all of the proceeds of
      which shall be used to repay the Orion Note.  In addition,  neither  Orion
      nor  Citadel  and their  respective  affiliates,  subsidiaries,  agents or
      representatives  will provide any information to any Person (other than as
      contemplated   by  this  Agreement)  for  the  purpose  of  evaluating  or
      determining whether to make or pursue any such inquiries or proposals with
      respect to any such acquisition of capital stock, assets or business. Each
      of Orion on the one hand and  Citadel  on the other  hand will  notify the
      other  immediately  of any such  inquiries  or  proposals  or requests for


            (b)  Notwithstanding  Section 6.12(a), in the event that there is an
      unsolicited  proposal  to  enter  into  a  merger,  business  combination,
      purchase of substantially all the assets or similar transaction of or with
      Orion or Citadel,  as the case may be, such party at its  discretion,  may
      furnish to and communicate with the party or parties public and non-public
      information  requested  by them and such  party may  negotiate  with these
      parties,  if (i) the board of  directors of the party  determines  in good
      faith, based upon the advice of its financial advisors, that such business
      combination  proposal would, if consummated,  result in a transaction that
      is more favorable to the corporation's stockholders from a financial point
      of view, than the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, and based on
      the advice of its  outside  counsel,  that,  as a result,  such  action is
      necessary  for the board of directors to act in a manner  consistent  with
      its fiduciary  duties under  applicable  law, and (ii) prior to furnishing
      such information to or entering into  negotiations  with such third party,
      Orion or Citadel,  as the case may be, (x) provides  prompt  notice to the
      other party hereto to the effect that it is furnishing  information  to or
      entering into  discussions or  negotiations  with such third party and (y)
      receives from such third party an executed confidentiality  agreement, and
      (B) Orion may comply with Rule 14e-2  promulgated  under the  Exchange Act
      with regard to a tender or exchange  offer and/or Citadel may proceed with
      the proposal.  Each of Orion and Citadel shall notify the other orally and
      in writing of any such inquiries, offers or proposals (including the terms
      and  conditions of any such proposal and the identity of the Person making
      it)  within 48 hours of the  receipt  thereof,  shall  keep the such other
      party  informed  of the status and details of any such  inquiry,  offer or
      proposal, and shall give such other party five (5) days' advance notice of
      any agreement to be entered into with or any information to be supplied to
      any Person making such inquiry, offer or proposal.

      6.13 RULE 145  AFFILIATES.  As soon as practicable  after the date of this
Agreement,  but in no event later than the Closing Date,  Citadel shall identify
in a letter to Orion all Persons who might,  at the Effective Time, be deemed to
be  "affiliates"  of Citadel for the  purposes of Rule 145 under the  Securities

      6.14 ACCREDITED INVESTOR  QUESTIONNAIRE.  Citadel will obtain from each of
the  holders of Citadel  Stock and Citadel  Warrants  and  Citadel  Options,  an
investor  questionnaire,  in form  acceptable  to Orion.  Except as  provided in
SCHEDULE  6.14 and subject to Section  6.14,  each holder of Citadel Stock shall
certify that such Person is an "accredited  investor" as defined in Regulation D
under the Securities Act, promulgated by the SEC ("ACCREDITED  INVESTOR"),  that
in connection with the Merger, they have obtained all information that they deem
necessary to evaluate the Merger and the  acquisition of the securities of Orion
upon  consummation  of the Merger that they  understand  they will be  receiving
"restricted  securities"  of Orion as a  consequence  of the Merger,  with a new
holding  period  and that the  securities  they  will  receive  from  Orion as a
consequence of the Merger will bear restrictive legends.


      6.15  SCHEDULES.  Citadel on the one hand and Orion on the other hand have
made a good faith effort to provide  information  for which they are responsible
on each Schedule to this  Agreement and  appropriate to the  representation  and
warranty of the related schedule; however, to the extent information is provided
on one  Schedule  which  should also have been  presented  on another  schedule,
disclosure on the one Schedule will be deemed  disclosure on the other schedules
where appropriate.

      6.16  SUPPLEMENTAL  INFORMATION.  From time to time prior to the  Closing,
Citadel,  on the one hand, and Orion, on the other hand, will promptly  disclose
in  writing  to the other any  matter  hereafter  arising  which,  if  existing,
occurring or known at the date of this Agreement  would have been required to be
disclosed to the other parties  hereto or which would render  inaccurate  any of
the  representations,  warranties  or  statements  set forth in  Article  IV and
Article V, respectively, hereof.

      6.17 TAX OPINION.  Orion shall seek from Graubard  Miller,  tax counsel to
Orion,   an  opinion  to  the  effect  that  the  Merger  should  qualify  as  a
reorganization  under Section  368(a)(1)A of the Code  substantially in the form
attached hereto as EXHIBIT 6.17.


            (a) Each of the  Persons set forth in  SCHEDULE  6.18(A)  will enter
      into  Lock-Up  Agreements  in the form  attached  hereto as  EXHIBIT  6.18
      ("LOCK-UP AGREEMENT"). The Lock-Up Agreement shall provide that, except as
      specifically  provided  in the Lock-Up  Agreements  and subject to Section
      6.18(b) and  6.18(c),  such  persons  will not sell Orion Common Stock and
      derivatives  thereof or securities  convertible into Orion Common Stock of
      which they are the  beneficial  owner or over which they have  dispositive
      control,  for a period of twelve (12)  months  after the  Effective  Time,
      except pursuant to the terms of the Lock-Up Agreement.

            (b) The  Surviving  Corporation  agrees that it will not release any
      Person  from the  terms of the  Lock-Up  Agreement  without  the  specific
      approval of the designee of MDB ("MDB DESIGNEE"), on the one hand, and the
      approval of the Board of Directors of the  Surviving  Corporation,  on the
      other  hand;  provided  that any  releases  from the terms of the  Lock-Up
      Agreement by the Surviving  Corporation shall be applied equally to all of
      the Lock-up Agreements,  other that the shares subject to Section 6.18(c).
      Without limiting the foregoing and for clarity purposes,  if the Surviving
      Corporation at any time  releases,  in whole or in part, any person from a
      Lock-up Agreement,  subject to Section 6.18(c), the Surviving  Corporation
      shall have also released all Lock-up Agreements pursuant to the same terms
      and conditions and in the same proportions.

            (c)  Notwithstanding   Section  6.18(a)  and  6.18(b),  the  Lock-Up
      Agreement  for (i) MDB,  with  respect to the Fee Shares and any shares of
      Orion  Common  Stock  owned  by MDB as of the  Effective  Date,  and  (ii)
      Marlett,  shall each  provide  that the shares of Orion  Common  Stock and
      derivatives  thereof or securities  convertible into Orion Common Stock of
      which they are the  beneficial  owner or over which they have  dispositive
      control  shall not be sold  until and  unless  the  Merger  Stock has been
      converted to Orion Common Stock  pursuant to the terms of the Merger Stock
      and  registered as provided in Section 6.9 hereof.  For clarity  purposes,
      the Lock-up agreement of MDB shall not apply to any shares of Orion Common
      Stock or derivatives thereof acquired after the Effective Time.



            (a)  PRIVATE  PLACEMENT.  Orion  shall  offer in a private  offering
      pursuant to  Regulation  D at $2.00 per share of Orion Common  Stock,  not
      less than 1,000,000 shares of Orion Common Stock ("ORION PRIVATE PLACEMENT
      Minimum") and not more than 3,000,000  shares of Orion Common Stock before
      the Effective Time ("ORION PRIVATE  PLACEMENT"),  subject to the terms and
      conditions of Section 6.19(b) hereof.

            (b) ORION PRIVATE PLACEMENT CONDITIONS.  The Orion Private Placement
      shall be subject to the following:

                  (i) the sale of the Orion  Common  Stock in the Orion  Private
Placement will be subject to the Closing of the Merger;

                  (ii)  Citadel  shall have the right to  approve  the terms and
conditions of the Orion Private Placement, which it has done with respect to the
Private Placement Memorandum and which it has extended to July 31, 2004; and

                  (iii)Although  Orion may  accept all  subscriptions  for Orion
Common Stock pursuant to the Orion Private  Placement up to the Orion Collection
Requirement,  as defined  below,  at the written  request of Citadel at any time
before Closing,  Orion agrees that it shall reject or otherwise refuse to accept
(in whole or in part, as requested by Citadel),  subscriptions  for Orion Common
Stock pursuant to the Orion Private  Placement,  if the subscribed  funds exceed
the Orion Collection Requirement ("ORION RETURN REQUIREMENT").

            (c) ORION  COLLECTION  REQUIREMENT.  Orion shall have collected into
      escrow,  or  otherwise  received,  on or before the earlier of (i) Closing
      Date or (ii) June 28, 2004 the minimum  sum of  $2,000,000  from the Orion
      Private  Placement  pursuant  to  executed  and  acceptable   subscription
      agreements  issued  by  Orion  in  the  Orion  Private  Placement  ("ORION

      6.20  AUDIT.  Citadel  shall use its good faith best effort to obtain from
the independent auditors of Citadel, BDO Seidman, LLP, within sixty (60) days of
the  Effective  Time  an  audit  report  of  Citadel  and its  subsidiaries  and
affiliates,  on a consolidated  basis, of the balance sheets for the fiscal year
ending at December 31, 2003 and related  statements  of operation  and cash flow
and stockholders'  equity for the three years ending as of December 31, 2003 and
for any quarterly  interim  periods since  December 31, 2003 and the period from
inception to the  appropriate  fiscal year or interim  period  date.  Such audit
report will be in form and substance consistent with SEC audit practice.


      6.21 Kosar Note Conversion.  Reasonably  immediately after Closing,  Orion
shall in a private  placement  pursuant  to a  subscription  agreement  and such
documents as Orion shall  prepare  issue 50,000  shares of Orion Common Stock to
Kosar  Investments,  LLC  as  full  payment  of the  $100,000  loan  from  Kosar
Investments,  LLC, which such shares of Orion Common Stock shall have all of the
same  rights  and  preferences  as  Orion  Common  Stock  issued  Orion  Private

                                  ARTICLE VII


      The  obligations  of  Orion  under  this  Agreement  are  subject  to  the
satisfaction by Citadel or waiver by Orion of the following conditions precedent
on or before the Closing Date:

      7.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Without supplementation after the date
of this Agreement,  the  representations  and warranties of Citadel contained in
this Agreement  shall be, with respect to those  representations  and warranties
qualified by any materiality  standard,  true and correct in all respects, as of
the Closing Date, and with respect to all other  representations and warranties,
true and correct in all material respects, as of the Closing Date, with the same
force and effect as if made as of the Closing Date.

      7.2 COMPLIANCE WITH AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. Citadel shall have performed
and complied with all of its covenants,  obligations and agreements contained in
this  Agreement  to be  performed  and  complied  with by it on or  prior to the
Closing Date.

      7.3 CONSENTS AND APPROVALS.  Citadel, shall have received written evidence
satisfactory  to  Orion  that  all  consents  and  approvals  required  for  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been obtained, and all
required filings have been made,  including (without limitation) those set forth
on Schedule 4.3 hereto.

      7.4 DOCUMENTS. Orion shall have received all of the agreements,  documents
and items specified in Section 9.1 below.

      7.5 NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. At the Closing Date, there shall have been
no material  adverse  change in the assets,  liabilities,  prospects,  financial
condition or business of Citadel (together with its subsidiaries and affiliates)
since December 31, 2003 ("CITADEL MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE"). Between the date of
this Agreement and the Closing Date, there shall not have occurred an event that
would reasonably be expected to constitute a Citadel Material Adverse Effect.

      7.6 ACTIONS OR  PROCEEDINGS.  No action or proceeding by any  Governmental
Authority or other Person shall have been instituted or threatened  which (a) is
likely to have a Citadel Material Adverse Effect, or (b) could enjoin,  restrain
or prohibit, or could result in substantial damages in respect of, any provision
of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


      7.7 CITADEL DISSENTING  STOCKHOLDERS.  The good faith estimate  determined
jointly by Orion and Citadel  that the  aggregate  amount to be paid as the fair
value of the shares held by Citadel  Dissenting  Stockholders  at the  Effective
Time will not exceed $100,000 ("DISSENTER PAYMENT THRESHOLD").

      7.8 OPINION OF COUNSEL FOR CITADEL.  Orion shall have received the opinion
of Peterson, Russell Kelly PLLC, counsel for Citadel,  substantially in the form
annexed hereto as EXHIBIT 7.8.

      7.9 APPROVAL OF MERGER.  The  stockholders  of Citadel shall have approved
this  Agreement  and the  Merger  contemplated  hereby  in  accordance  with its
certificate of incorporation and by-laws and the WBCA.

      7.10 SCHEDULE  14(F).  The Schedule  14(f) shall have been  distributed by
Orion not less than 10 days prior to the Closing  Date to all the holders of the
Orion Common Stock as of the date of  distribution  which will be a day prior to
the  Closing  Date in  accordance  with the Act and the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated by the SEC.

      7.11 RESOLUTION ABOUT LOCK-UP AGREEMENTS.  The Board of Directors of Orion
shall have passed a  resolution  to the effect that the Lock-Up  Agreements  may
only be terminated, amended, modified or waived by the Board of Directors of the
Surviving Corporation consistent with their fiduciary duties.

      7.12 Fees of MDB as Finder.

            (a) MDB shall receive as  compensation  pursuant to the terms of the
      Finders Fee Agreement,  dated as of April 5, 2004 ("Finders Agreement") an
      amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the shares of Orion Common Stock sold
      by MDB in the Orion Private Placement. ("FEE SHARES").

            (b) Except as provided in this Section  7.12(a),  no compensation is
      due MDB, or its officers or  affiliates  from Orion related to the Merger,
      Orion Private  Placement,  the Orion Note, or other services performed for
      or on behalf of Orion.

      7.13  MARLETT  OPTION.  Orion will issue to Marlett an option to  purchase
100,000  shares  of  Common  Stock at $2.00  per  Share,  pursuant  to an option
agreement in the form attached as Exhibit 7.13 hereof.


                                  ARTICLE VIII


      The  obligations  of  Citadel  under  this  Agreement  are  subject to the
satisfaction by Orion or waiver by Citadel of the following conditions precedent
on or before the Closing Date:

      8.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Without supplementation after the date
of this Agreement, the representations and warranties of Orion contained in this
Agreement  shall  be,  with  respect  to those  representations  and  warranties
qualified by any materiality  standard,  true and correct in all respects, as of
the Closing Date, and with respect to all other  representations and warranties,
true and correct in all material respects, as of the Closing Date, with the same
force and effect as if made as of the Closing Date.

      8.2 COMPLIANCE WITH  AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS.  Orion shall have performed
and complied with all of its covenants,  obligations and agreements contained in
this  Agreement  to be  performed  and  complied  with by it on or  prior to the
Closing Date.

      8.3 CONSENTS AND  APPROVALS.  Orion shall have received  written  evidence
satisfactory  to  Citadel  that all  consents  and  approvals  required  for the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been obtained, and all
required filings have been made,  including (without limitation) those set forth
on SCHEDULE 5.2 hereto.

      8.4  DOCUMENTS.  Citadel  shall  have  received  all  of  the  agreements,
documents and items specified in Section 9.2 hereof.

      8.5 NO  MATERIAL  ADVERSE  CHANGE.  At the  Closing  Date,  other  than as
relating to the Settlement Agreement,  there shall have been no material adverse
change in the  assets,  liabilities,  financial  condition  or business of Orion
since December 31, 2003 ("ORION MATERIAL ADVERSE  CHANGE").  Between the date of
this Agreement and the Closing Date, there shall not have occurred an event that
would reasonably be expected to constitute an Orion Material Adverse Effect.

      8.6 ACTIONS OR  PROCEEDINGS.  No action or proceeding by any  Governmental
Authority or other Person shall have been instituted or threatened  which (a) is
likely to have an Orion Material Adverse Effect,  or (b) could enjoin,  restrain
or prohibit, or could result in substantial damages in respect of, any provision
of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

      8.7 CITADEL DISSENTING  STOCKHOLDERS.  The good faith estimate  determined
jointly by Orion and Citadel  that the  aggregate  amount to be paid as the fair
value of the shares held by Citadel  Dissenting  Stockholders  at the  Effective
Time will not exceed the Dissenter Payment Threshold.


      8.8 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL FOR ORION. Citadel shall have received the opinion
of Graubard Miller, counsel for Orion,  substantially in the form annexed hereto
as EXHIBIT 6.17 as provided in Section 6.17 and as to other matters.

      8.9  APPROVAL OF MERGER AND OTHER  PROVISIONS.  The Board of  Directors of
Orion shall have approved this Agreement and the Merger  contemplated  hereby in
accordance with its certificate of incorporation and by-laws.

      8.10 SURVIVING CORPORATION  DIRECTORS.  The directors specified in Section
6.8(a)  shall  have  been  appointed  to  be  the  directors  of  the  Surviving
Corporation  of the  Effective  Time  and the  Schedule  14(f)  will  have  been
distributed to the security holders of Orion pursuant to the rules of the SEC.

      8.11  ORION  SETTLEMENT  AGREEMENT.  Orion  shall  have  resolved  to  the
reasonable  satisfaction of Citadel any material litigation set forth in Section
5.15 and the litigation or dispute related to the Settlement  Agreement,  one of
terms of which  shall be that in no event  shall Orion be required to issue more
than 248,624 shares of Orion Common Stock pursuant to the Orion Rights.

      8.12 ORION  ASSETS.  Orion shall  certify  that it has at Closing  current
assets,  after accrual or reduction for any and all accounts payable and accrued
expenses up and through the Closing  (including all legal,  accounting and other
expenses  of Orion  related to or  occurred  as a result of this  Merger due and
owing) of not less than $1,150,000 ("ORION LIQUIDITY REQUIREMENT").

      8.13 ORION  PRIVATE  PLACEMENT.  Orion  shall  have met the Orion  Private
Placement  Minimum  and also the Orion  Collection  Requirement,  as further set
forth in Section 6.19 hereof.

      8.14 D&O  INSURANCE.  At or before the  Effective  Time,  pursuant  to the
exclusive  effort of Citadel,  Orion shall have obtained  directors and officers
insurance  ("D&O"  insurance)  from an insurance  company that is  acceptable to
Citadel in its sole discretion.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                              DELIVERIES AT CLOSING

      9.1  DELIVERIES  BY  CITADEL.  At the  Closing,  in  addition to any other
documents or agreements required under this Agreement,  Citadel shall deliver to
Orion the following:

            (a) Evidence,  in form reasonably  satisfactory  to Orion,  that all
      filings,  approvals  and other matters set forth on Schedule 4.3 have been
      obtained;  (b) a  certificate,  dated the Closing  Date,  of an officer of
      Citadel,  certifying as to the  compliance by it with Sections 7.1 and 7.2
      hereof and (c) a certificate  of the estimated  amount  payable to Citadel
      Dissenting Stockholders at the Effective Time;


            (b) A certificate of the secretary or equivalent (a  "SECRETARY") of
      Citadel certifying  resolutions of the Board of Directors and stockholders
      of  Citadel   approving  and  authorizing  the  execution,   delivery  and
      performance  of  this  Agreement  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
      contemplated  hereby and thereby,  including the Merger  (together with an
      incumbency and signature  certificate  regarding the officer(s) signing on
      behalf of Citadel);

            (c) The Certificate of  Incorporation  of Citadel,  certified by the
      Secretary of State of Washington, and the by-laws of Citadel, certified by
      the Secretary of Citadel;

            (d)  Certificates  of Good  Standing  for Citadel  from the State of
      Washington  and all the  other  jurisdictions  set forth on  Schedule  3.1

            (e) The opinion referenced in Section 7.8 above;

            (f) The  accredited  investor  questionnaires  referenced in Section
      6.14 above;

            (g) The Lock-Up Agreements of the stockholders of Citadel referenced
      in Section 6.18 above;

            (h) The Voting Agreements referenced in Section 6.8 above;

            (i) The executed Certificate of Merger and Articles of Amendment and
      Merger; and

            (j) All other  instruments  and documents that Orion or its counsel,
      in the reasonable exercise of their reasonable  discretion,  shall deem to
      be  necessary  (i) to fulfill any  obligation  required to be fulfilled by
      Citadel on the  Closing  Date,  and (ii) to evidence  satisfaction  of any
      conditions to Closing.

      9.2  DELIVERIES  BY  ORION.  At the  Closing,  in  addition  to any  other
documents or agreements  required under this  Agreement,  Orion shall deliver to
Citadel the following:

            (a) Evidence,  in form  satisfactory  to Citadel,  that all filings,
      approvals  and  other  matters  contemplated  in  Section  5.2  have  been

            (b) A  certificate,  dated the Closing Date, of an officer of Orion,
      certifying as to compliance by Orion with Sections 8.1 and 8.2 hereof;

            (c) A certificate of the Secretary of Orion  certifying  resolutions
      of the  Board  of  Directors  approving  and  authorizing  the  execution,
      delivery and  performance  of this Agreement and the  consummation  of the
      transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby,   including  the  Merger
      (together  with an  incumbency  and  signature  certificate  regarding the
      officer(s) signing on behalf of Orion), and, as of the Effective Time, the
      election of the directors set forth on Section 6.8 hereof;


            (d) The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of Orion,  certified by the
      Secretary of State of Delaware, and the by-laws of Orion, certified by the
      Secretary of Orion;

            (e) The Lock-Up  Agreements of MDB and Marlett referenced in Section
      6.18 above;

            (f)  Certificates  of Good  Standing  for  Orion  from the  State of

            (g) The opinions referenced in Sections 8.8 and 6.17 above;

            (h) The executed Certificate of Merger and Articles of Amendment and

            (i) Certificate required under Section 8.12 hereof;

            (j) Written  evidence,  in form reasonably  satisfactory to Citadel,
      that Orion has delivered  authorization to the Exchange Agent to issue the
      Merger  Stock to the  holders  of  Citadel  Stock in the  Merger  upon due
      presentation and provided to the Exchange Agent the instruction letters to
      be sent to the holders of Citadel  Common  Stock for the exchange of their
      certificates; and

            (k) All other instruments and documents that Citadel or its counsel,
      in the reasonable exercise of their reasonable  discretion,  shall deem to
      be  necessary  (i) to fulfill any  obligation  required to be fulfilled by
      Orion on the  Closing  Date,  and  (ii) to  evidence  satisfaction  of any
      conditions to Closing.

                                   ARTICLE X


      10.1   TERMINATION.   Anything   herein  or   elsewhere  to  the  contrary
notwithstanding,  this Agreement may be terminated  and the Merger  contemplated
hereby may be abandoned at any time prior to the Closing Date, as follows:

            (a) by mutual written agreement of Orion and Citadel;

            (b) by  Orion  (if  Orion  is not  then in  material  breach  of its
      obligations  under this  Agreement)  if (i) a  material  default or breach
      shall be made by Citadel with respect to the due and timely performance of
      any of its covenants and agreements  contained  herein and such default is
      not cured  within  thirty days,  or (ii) if Citadel  makes an amendment or
      supplement  to any  Schedule  hereto  and  such  amendment  or  supplement
      reflects  a  Citadel  Material  Adverse  Effect  after  the  date  of this
      Agreement,  or (iii) a Citadel Material Adverse Change shall have occurred
      after the date of this Agreement, or (iv) Citadel or Orion enters into any
      agreement to effect any  transaction  described in Section 6.12(b) of this
      Agreement,  or (v)  the  board  of  directors  of  Citadel  withdraws  its
      recommendation   of  the  Merger,  if  given,  or  recommends  to  Citadel
      stockholders the approval of any transaction other than the Merger or (vi)
      the amount  payable  to  Dissenting  Stockholders  exceeds  the  Dissenter
      Payment Threshold;


            (c) by Citadel (if Citadel and its  subsidiaries  and affiliates are
      not then in material  breach of its  obligations  under this Agreement) if
      (i) a material  default or breach  shall be made by Orion with  respect to
      the due and timely  performance  of any of its  covenants  and  agreements
      contained herein and such default is not cured within thirty days, or (ii)
      if Orion makes an amendment or supplement to any Schedule  hereto and such
      amendment or supplement  reflects an Orion  Material  Adverse Effect after
      the date of this  Agreement,  or (iii) an Orion  Material  Adverse  Change
      shall have  occurred  after the date of this  Agreement,  or (iv) Orion or
      Citadel enters into any agreement to effect any  transaction  described in
      Section 6.12(b) of this Agreement,  or (v) stockholders of Citadel fail to
      approve this  Agreement  as provided in this  Agreement or (vi) the amount
      payable  to  Dissenting   Stockholders   exceeds  the  Dissenter   Payment

            (d) by Orion on the one hand and by Citadel on the other hand if the
      Effective Time has not occurred for any reason by July 31, 2004 unless the
      Parties  agree to an  extension  in  writing,  provided  that the right to
      terminate this Agreement under this Section 10.1(d) shall not be available
      to a party that is in breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant
      in this Agreement, which breach would entitle any other party to terminate
      this Agreement,  unless both Parties are in breach of any  representation,
      warranty or covenant in this  Agreement,  in which case,  either party may
      terminate this Agreement; and

            (e) by Orion,  on the one hand and by  Citadel  on the other hand if
      prior to the Effective  Time a third party  successfully  brings an action
      resulting in a permanent  injunction  preventing the  consummation  of the
      Merger pursuant to this Agreement.


      10.2  EFFECT  OF  TERMINATION.  In the  event  of  termination  authorized
pursuant to Section 10.1 hereof,  written  notice  thereof shall be given to the
other parties and all  obligations  of the parties shall  terminate and no party
shall  have any right  against  any  other  party  hereto  for any  Damages  (as
hereinafter defined), subject to Section 10.3 hereof. "DAMAGES" means the dollar
amount  of any loss,  damage,  expense  (including  out-of-pocket  expenses)  or
liability,  including,  without  limitation,   reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and
disbursements  arising out of the  preparation  and execution of this Agreement,
fulfilling in whole in part its  obligations  under this  Agreement or otherwise
incurred by a party in any action or proceeding between such party and the other
party  hereto or between such party and a third party,  which is  determined  to
have been sustained,  suffered or incurred by a party and to have arisen from or
in  connection  with an event or state of facts  which is subject to claim under
this Agreement.

      10.3 ORION NOTE EXTENSION.  If Citadel  terminates this Agreement pursuant
to Section  10.1(c)(i)  through (iv) (including,  without  limitation failure of
Orion to comply with Section 8.13) then, without limiting the rights of Citadel,
Orion agrees that the Maturity  Date of the Orion Note,  as defined  thereunder,
shall be extended to October 15, 2004.

                                   ARTICLE XI


      11.1 EXPENSES.  Each party hereto shall bear its own expenses with respect
to the transactions contemplated hereby.

      11.2  AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended,  modified or supplemented
but only in writing signed by the parties hereto.


            (a) On and after the date of this Agreement,  Orion will keep secret
      and confidential (i) all information  heretofore or hereafter  acquired by
      it  and  deemed  to  be  confidential  by  Citadel,  and  (ii)  all  other
      information  provided  by  Citadel  to  Orion  relating  to the  business,
      operations,  employees,  customers and distributors of Citadel, including,
      but not  limited  to, any  customer or  distributor  lists,  documentation
      regarding Intellectual Property,  marketing arrangements,  business plans,
      sales plans,  promotional sales materials,  pricing information,  manuals,
      correspondence,  notes,  financial data or employee  information (all such
      information  described  in  clauses  (i) and  (ii)  above  is  hereinafter
      collectively referred to as "CITADEL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION").

            (b) Upon any  termination of this  Agreement  pursuant to Article IX
      hereof,  Orion  shall  return  to  Citadel  all  documents  and  copies of
      documents  in  its  possession   relating  to  any  Citadel   Confidential
      Information, and no director, officer, employee or representative of Orion
      shall make or retain any copy or extract of any of the foregoing.



            (a) On and  after  the date of this  Agreement,  Citadel  will  keep
      secret  and  confidential  (i) all  information  heretofore  or  hereafter
      acquired by it and deemed to be confidential by Orion,  and (ii) all other
      information  provided  by  Orion  to  Citadel  relating  to the  business,
      operations,  and  employees of Orion,  including,  but not limited to, any
      documentation  regarding  Intellectual Property,  marketing  arrangements,
      business  plans,  sales  plans,   promotional  sales  materials,   pricing
      information,  manuals,  correspondence,  notes, financial data or employee
      information (all such information  described in clauses (i) and (ii) above
      is   hereinafter   collectively   referred   to  as  "ORION   CONFIDENTIAL

            (b) Upon any  termination of this  Agreement  pursuant to Article IX
      hereof,  Citadel  shall  return  to Orion  all  documents  and  copies  of
      documents   in  its   possession   relating  to  any  Orion   Confidential
      Information,  and no  director,  officer,  employee or  representative  of
      Citadel shall make or retain any copy or extract of any of the foregoing.

      11.5  PRESS  RELEASE:  PUBLIC  ANNOUNCEMENTS.  Reasonably  promptly  after
execution of this  Agreement and the filing by Orion of a Current Report on Form
8-K disclosing this Agreement, Citadel and Orion may issue press releases in the
form  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT  11.5.  The  parties  shall not make any other
public   announcements   in  respect  of  this  Agreement  or  the  transactions
contemplated herein without prior consultation and written approval by the other
party  as to  the  form  and  content  thereof,  which  approval  shall  not  be
unreasonably  withheld.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any party may make any
disclosure   which  its  counsel  advises  is  required  by  applicable  law  or
regulation, in which case the other party shall be given such reasonable advance
notice as is  practicable in the  circumstances  and the parties shall use their
best efforts to cause a mutually agreeable release or announcement to be issued.

      11.6 NOTICES.  Any notice,  request,  instruction  or other document to be
given  hereunder  by a party  hereto  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have  been  given  (a) when  received  if given  in  person,  (b) on the date of
transmission if sent by telex, facsimile or other wire transmission or (c) three
business days after being  deposited in the U.S.  mail,  certified or registered
mail, postage prepaid:


            (a)   If to Citadel:

                           2125 Western Avenue, Suite 200
                           Seattle, Washington 98121
                           Attention: Patrick Crumb, Esq.
                           Facsimile No.: (206)  728-7744
                           with a copy to:

                           Peterson Russell Kelly PLLC
                           10900 NE 4th Street, Suite 1850
                           Seattle, Washington 98004-5873
                           Attention: Patrick Moran, Esq.
                           Facsimile No.: (425) 990-4008


                           If to Orion:

                           401 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1020
                           Santa Monica, California 90401
                           Facsimile No.: (310) 526-5000

                           with a copy to:

                           Graubard Miller
                           600 Third Avenue, 32nd Floor
                           New York, NY 10016
                           Attention: Andrew D. Hudders, Esq.
                           Facsimile No.: (212) 818-8881

or to such  other  individual  or address as a party  hereto may  designate  for
itself by notice given as herein provided.

      11.7  WAIVERS.  The  failure  of a party  hereto  at any  time or times to
require  performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right
at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by a party of any condition or of
any breach of any term,  covenant,  representation or warranty contained in this
Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, and no waiver in any one or more
instances  shall be  deemed  to be a further  or  continuing  waiver of any such
condition  or breach in other  instances  or a waiver of any other  condition or
breach of any other term, covenant, representation or warranty.


      11.8  INTERPRETATION.  The  headings  preceding  the text of Articles  and
Sections  included in this  Agreement and the headings to Schedules  attached to
this  Agreement  are for  convenience  only and shall not be deemed part of this
Agreement or be given any effect in interpreting this Agreement.  The use of the
masculine,  feminine or neuter  gender  herein shall not limit any  provision of
this Agreement. The use of the terms "including" or "include" shall in all cases
herein mean "including,  without limitation" or "include,  without  limitation,"

      11.9 APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and
enforced  in  accordance  with the  internal  laws of the  State of  Washington,
without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.

      11.10  ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the  parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and  assigns;
provided, however, that no assignment of any rights or obligations shall be made
by any party without the prior written consent of all the other parties hereto.

      11.11 NO THIRD  PARTY  BENEFICIARIES.  This  Agreement  is solely  for the
benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and,  to the  extent  provided  herein,  their
respective  directors,  officers,  employees,  agents and  representatives,  and
except  for  the  finders  fee  acknowledgement   owing  to  MDB  under  Section
7.12(without  any limitation  resulting from the fact that principals of MDB are
officers and directors of Orion), no provision of this Agreement shall be deemed
to confer upon other third parties any remedy, claim, liability,  reimbursement,
cause of action or other right.

      11.12  FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  Upon the request of the parties  hereto,  the
other parties  hereto will,  on and after the Closing Date,  execute and deliver
such other  documents,  releases,  assignments  and other  instruments as may be
required  to  effectuate  completely  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this

      11.13  SEVERABILITY.  If any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be held
invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the validity,  legality or enforceability of
the other provisions  hereof shall not be affected  thereby,  and there shall be
deemed  substituted  for the provision at issue a valid,  legal and  enforceable
provision as similar as possible to the provision at issue.

      11.14 REMEDIES  CUMULATIVE.  The remedies provided in this Agreement shall
be  cumulative  and shall not  preclude  the  assertion or exercise of any other
rights or remedies available by law, in equity or otherwise.

      11.15 ENTIRE  UNDERSTANDING.  This Agreement  (including the Schedules and
Exhibits)  and the  Articles  of  Amendment  and  Merger  set forth  the  entire
agreement  and  understanding  of the  parties  hereto and  supersede  all prior
agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties.

      11.16 COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,  each
of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute
one and the same  instrument.  Facsimile  transmissions  of any signed  original
document, or transmission of any signed facsimile document, shall be the same as
delivery of an executed  original.  At the  request of any of the  parties,  the
parties will confirm facsimile transmission signatures by signing and delivering
an original document


      11.17  RESOLUTION  OF  DISPUTES.  In the event  that there is a dispute in
connection with this Agreement, if the controversy cannot be resolved by Citadel
and Orion  within 10 days of the  notification  in  writing by Citadel to Orion,
then the controversy initially shall be submitted for resolution by mediation by
JAMS/Endispute in Seattle, Washington or its successor, and if the matter is not
resolved  through such  mediation  process  within the first to occur of (i) the
expiration of 30 days from such submission to mediation,  or (ii) the holding of
two meetings of Citadel and Orion within such mediation,  then such  controversy
shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration by the American  Arbitration
Association  (AAA),  which shall have jurisdiction of the matter pursuant to its
rules  of  commercial  arbitration  sitting  in  Seattle,  Washington,  with one
arbitrator to be mutually  appointed by Orion and Citadel,  or in the absence of
such appointment, to be appointed by the AAA.


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed and delivered on the date first above written.

                                        ORION ACQUISITION CORP. II

                                        Name: Christopher A. Marlett
                                        Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                        CITADEL MEDIA, INC.

                                        Name: James C. Heckman, Jr.
                                        Title: Chief Executive Officer
