CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT

         This Consulting  Services Agreement  ("Agreement"),  dated February 23,
2004, is made by and between Saratoga Capital Partners, Inc. ("Consultant"), and
NANNACO, Inc., a Texas corporation ("Client").

         WHEREAS, David Otto ("Consultant Employee") has extensive background in
providing the Services (defined below).

         WHEREAS,  Consultant  shall perform  certain  services (as  hereinafter
defined) for Client through Consultant  Employee on the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein;

         WHEREAS,  Client is a publicly held  corporation  with its common stock
shares  trading on the Over the Counter  Bulletin  Board under the ticker symbol
"NNCO," and desires to further develop its business and customers; and

         WHEREAS,  Client  desires to engage  Consultant to provide the Services
(defined in Section 1 below) in its area of knowledge and expertise on the terms
and subject to the conditions set forth herein.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for those services Consultant provides
to Client, the parties agree as follows:

1.      Services of Consultant.

         Consultant  agrees to perform for Client the Services  (defined below).
As such Consultant will provide bona fide services to Client as follows:

                  (a) Review  and  advice  concerning  the  technical  design of
existing and planned products or services;

                  (b) Sales  assistance  through  the  development  of  business
models and sales strategy;

                  (c)  Strategic   consulting   regarding   high  level  product
planning, market development, marketing and public relations planning;

                  (d) Intellectual property planning;

                  (e)  Introductions  to prospective  customers for the Client's
products or services; and

                  (f) Participation and attendance at meetings with the Client's
Board of Directors, management,  customers, and strategic partners, as requested
by the Company.

(a)      Representations and Warranties of Consultant to Client.

         Consultant  hereby  represents and warrants to Client that the services
to be provided by Consultant will not be in connection with the offer or sale of
securities in a capital-raising


transaction,  and will not directly or  indirectly  promote or maintain a market
for Client's securities.

2.       Consideration.

         Client agrees to pay Consultant,  as his fee and as  consideration  for
services provided,  5,000,000 shares of common stock of the Client, which shares
shall be registered on Form S-8.

(a)      Issuance of Securities to Natural Persons.

         Consultant hereby acknowledges,  agrees and understands that the shares
of common stock of the Client  issued and  registered  on Form S-8 in connection
with this  Agreement  shall be  issued  to the  natural  person  performing  the
Services for Client, Consultant Employee, and not Consultant.

(b)      Transfer Restrictions.

         All  certificates  representing  such  shares  shall be subject to such
stock  transfer  orders,  legends  and other  restrictions  as  Client  may deem
necessary or advisable.

3.       Confidentiality.

         Each party agrees that during the course of this Agreement, information
that is  confidential  or of a  proprietary  nature may not be  disclosed to any
other  party,  including,  but not  limited  to,  product  and  business  plans,
software,  technical  processes and formulas,  source  codes,  product  designs,
sales, costs and other unpublished financial information,  advertising revenues,
usage  rates,  advertising  relationships,   projections,   and  marketing  data
("Confidential   Information").   Confidential  Information  shall  not  include
information  that the receiving  party can demonstrate (a) is, as of the time of
its disclosure, or thereafter becomes part of the public domain through a source
other than the receiving  party,  (b) was known to the receiving party as of the
time of its disclosure,  (c) is independently  developed by the receiving party,
or (d) is  subsequently  learned from a third party not under a  confidentiality
obligation to the providing party.

4.       Late Payment.

         Client shall pay to Consultant all fees within fifteen (15) days of the
due date.  Failure of Client to finally  pay any fees within  fifteen  (15) days
after  the  applicable  due date  shall  be  deemed a  material  breach  of this
Agreement,  justifying suspension of the performance of the Services provided by
Consultant,  and will be  sufficient  cause for  immediate  termination  of this
Agreement by Consultant.  Any such suspension will in no way relieve Client from
payment of fees,  and, in the event of collection  enforcement,  Client shall be
liable for any costs associated with such collection, including, but not limited
to, legal costs, attorneys' fees, courts costs, and collection agency fees.


5.       Indemnification.

(a)      Client.

         Client agrees to indemnify,  defend, and shall hold harmless Consultant
and/or his agents,  and to defend any action  brought  against said parties with
respect to any claim,  demand,  cause of action,  debt or  liability,  including
reasonable  attorneys'  fees to the extent  that such  action  arises out of the
negligence or willful misconduct of Client.

(b)      Consultant.

         Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend, and shall hold harmless Client,
its directors,  employees and agents, and defend any action brought against same
with respect to any claim, demand, cause of action, debt or liability, including
reasonable  attorneys' fees, to the extent that such an action arises out of the
gross negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant.

(c)      Notice.

         In claiming any indemnification  hereunder, the indemnified party shall
promptly provide the indemnifying  party with written notice of any claim, which
the  indemnified  party  believes  falls  within  the  scope  of  the  foregoing
paragraphs.  The indemnified party may, at its expense, assist in the defense if
it so chooses,  provided that the indemnifying party shall control such defense,
and  all  negotiations  relative  to the  settlement  of  any  such  claim.  Any
settlement intended to bind the indemnified party shall not be final without the
indemnified party's written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

6.       Termination and Renewal.

(a)      Term.

         This Agreement shall become effective on the date appearing next to the
signatures  below and terminate  one (1) year  thereafter  (the "Term").  Unless
otherwise agreed upon in writing by Consultant and Client,  this Agreement shall
not automatically be renewed beyond the Term.

(b)      Termination.

         Either party may terminate  this Agreement on thirty (30) calendar days
written notice, or if prior to such action, the other party materially  breaches
any of its  representations,  warranties or  obligations  under this  Agreement.
Except as may be  otherwise  provided in this  Agreement,  such breach by either
party  will  result  in the other  party  being  responsible  to  reimburse  the
non-defaulting  party for all costs incurred  directly as a result of the breach
of this Agreement, and shall be subject to such damages as may be allowed by law
including all attorneys' fees and costs of enforcing this Agreement.


(c)      Termination and Payment.

         Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement,  Client shall pay
all unpaid and  outstanding  fees through the effective  date of  termination or
expiration  of this  Agreement.  And upon  such  termination,  Consultant  shall
provide and deliver to Client any and all  outstanding  services due through the
effective date of this Agreement.

7.       Miscellaneous.

(a)      Independent Contractor.

         This Agreement  establishes an  "independent  contractor"  relationship
between Consultant and Client.

(b)      Rights Cumulative; Waivers.

         The rights of each of the parties under this Agreement are  cumulative.
The rights of each of the parties hereunder shall not be capable of being waived
or varied other than by an express  waiver or variation in writing.  Any failure
to exercise or any delay in exercising any of such rights shall not operate as a
waiver or  variation of that or any other such right.  Any  defective or partial
exercise of any of such rights shall not preclude any other or further  exercise
of that or any other such right.  No act or course of conduct or  negotiation on
the part of any party shall in any way preclude such party from  exercising  any
such right or constitute a suspension or any variation of any such right.

(c)      Benefit; Successors Bound.

         This  Agreement  and  the  terms,  covenants,  conditions,  provisions,
obligations,  undertakings,  rights, and benefits hereof, shall be binding upon,
and shall  inure to the  benefit of, the  undersigned  parties and their  heirs,
executors, administrators, representatives, successors, and permitted assigns.

(d)      Entire Agreement.

         This Agreement  contains the entire agreement  between the parties with
respect  to the  subject  matter  hereof.  There  are no  promises,  agreements,
conditions,    undertakings,    understandings,    warranties,    covenants   or
representations,  oral or written, express or implied, between them with respect
to this  Agreement  or the matters  described in this  Agreement,  except as set
forth in this Agreement.  Any such  negotiations,  promises,  or  understandings
shall not be used to interpret or constitute this Agreement.

(e)      Assignment.

         Neither this Agreement nor any other benefit to accrue  hereunder shall
be assigned or transferred by either party,  either in whole or in part, without
the  written  consent  of the  other  party,  and any  purported  assignment  in
violation hereof shall be void.


(f)      Amendment.

         This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed
by all the parties hereto.

(g)      Severability.

         Each part of this  Agreement is intended to be severable.  In the event
that any provision of this Agreement is found by any court or other authority of
competent  jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable,  such provision shall be
severed or modified to the extent  necessary to render it enforceable  and as so
severed or modified, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

(h)      Section Headings.

         The Section headings in this Agreement are for reference  purposes only
and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

(i)      Construction.

         Unless the context otherwise  requires,  when used herein, the singular
shall be deemed to include  the  plural,  the plural  shall be deemed to include
each of the  singular,  and  pronouns  of one or no  gender  shall be  deemed to
include the equivalent pronoun of the other or no gender.

(j)      Further Assurances.

         In addition to the instruments  and documents to be made,  executed and
delivered pursuant to this Agreement,  the parties hereto agree to make, execute
and deliver or cause to be made, executed and delivered, to the requesting party
such other  instruments  and to take such other actions as the requesting  party
may  reasonably  require  to  carry  out the  terms  of this  Agreement  and the
transactions contemplated hereby.

(k)      Notices.

         Any notice which is required or desired under this  Agreement  shall be
given in writing  and may be sent by  personal  delivery  or by mail  (either a.
United States mail, postage prepaid,  or b. Federal Express or similar generally
recognized  overnight  carrier),  addressed as follows  (subject to the right to
designate a different address by notice similarly given):

If to Client:              NANNACO, Inc.
                           9739 Cobb Street, #1
                           San Antonio, Texas 78217

With a copy to:            David M. Otto
                           The Otto Law Group, PLLC
                           900 4th Ave., Suite 3140
                           Seattle, Washington 98164


If to Consultant:          David M. Otto
                           Saratoga Capital Partners, Inc.
                           900 4th Ave., Suite 3140
                           Seattle, Washington 98164

(l)      Governing Law.

         This Agreement  shall be governed by the interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the State of Washington  without  reference to its conflicts of laws
rules or principles.  Each of the parties consents to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the federal courts of the State of Washington in connection  with any dispute
arising under this Agreement and hereby waives,  to the maximum extent permitted
by law, any objection,  including any objection based on forum non coveniens, to
the bringing of any such proceeding in such jurisdictions.

(m)      Consents.

         The  person  signing  this  Agreement  on behalf of each  party  hereby
represents and warrants that he has the necessary  power,  consent and authority
to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of such party.

(n)      Survival of Provisions.

         The  provisions  contained in  paragraphs  1(a), 3, 5, 6, and 7 of this
Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

(o)      Execution in Counterparts.

         This Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one
and the same agreement.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed  and have agreed to and  accepted  the terms herein on the date written


                                                 NANNACO, INC.

                                                 By :


                                                 SARATOGA CAPITAL PARTNERS, INC.

                                                 Name: David Otto
                                                 Its: President
