THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant    |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant    |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_|     Preliminary Proxy Statement             |_|     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
                                                        (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
|_|     Definitive Proxy Statement

|X|     Definitive Additional Materials

|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-12

                             CREATIVE BAKERIES, INC.


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the  appropriate  box):

|X|   No fee required

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)   Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
            pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule ( 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)   Total fee paid:

|_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)   Amount Previously Paid:

      (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3)   Filing Party:

      (4)   Date Filed:

                               NOTICE OF MEETING

      The  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of  Creative  Bakeries,  Inc.  (the
"Company")  will  be  held  at  Creative  Bakeries,  Inc.,  20  Passaic  Avenue,
Fairfield,  NJ 07004 on August 4, 2004 at 3:00 pm Eastern time for the following

      o     Elect directors

      o     Approval of  authorization  to the Board of  Directors  to amend the
            Certificate  of  Incorporation  to authorize a reverse  split of the
            outstanding shares of common stock in any ratio between 1:2 and 1:25
            at the discretion of the Board of Directors

      o     Approval of increase of authorized capital stock

      o     Approval of  authorization  to the Board of  Directors  to amend the
            Certificate of  Incorporation at their discretion to change the name
            of the Company.

      o     Approval of the Creative Bakeries, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan

      o     To ratify the appointment of Zeller,  Weiss, & Kahn, LLP as Creative
            Bakeries,  Inc.'s  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending
            December 31, 2004

      o     To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the

            Only  Shareholders  of  record  on June  11,  2004  may  vote at the
            meeting. Attendance at the meeting is limited to shareholders.

            All Shareholders are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Travel
            directions may be found on page 46 of the attached proxy  statement.
            At the  meeting  you will hear a report on our  business  and have a
            chance to meet our directors and executive officers. Our 2003 Annual
            Report is enclosed.


                                             By  order of the Board of Directors

                                             /s/ Nancy De La Rosa
                                             NANCY DE LA ROSA

July 7, 2004


                                                         CREATIVE BAKERIES, INC

                                                         20 Passaic Avenue
                                                         Fairfield, NJ 07004

Ron Schutte
Chairman of the Board

                                                          July 7, 2004

Dear Shareowner:

         It is a pleasure to invite you to the Company's  2004 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  at our executive  offices in  Fairfield,  New Jersey on Wednesday,
August 4, 2004,  beginning at 3:00 pm. If you plan to join us at the meeting,  a
map of the area and directions to Creative Bakeries are printed page 46.

         Whether  you own a few or many  shares of stock and  whether or not you
plan to attend,  it is important  that your shares be voted on matters that come
before the meeting.  Registered broker managed shareowners can vote their shares
by using a  toll-free  number on the  Internet.  Instructions  for  using  these
convenient  services  are provided on the proxy card.  Of course,  you may still
vote your shares by marking your votes on the proxy card, signing and dating it,
and mailing it to the address  provided.  If you sign and return your proxy card
without  specifying  your choices,  it will be understood  that you wish to have
your shares voted in accordance with the Directors' recommendations.


         I look forward to seeing you on August 4, 2004 in Fairfield.


                                                         /s/ Ron Schutte
                                                         Ron Schutte
                                                         Chairman of the Board


                             CREATIVE BAKERIES, INC

                                20 Passaic Avenue
                               Fairfield, NJ 07004

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
on behalf of the Board of Directors  (the  "Board") of Creative  Bakeries,  Inc.
("Creative  Bakeries" or the "Company")  for the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders
(the "Annual  Meeting"),  and any postponements or adjournments  thereof,  to be
held at  Creative  Bakeries'  executive  offices  located at 20 Passaic  Avenue,
Fairfield  New Jersey  07004,  on  Thursday,  July 29,  2004,  at 3:00 p.m.  The
telephone number at that address is (973) 808-8248.  Every stockholder of record
shall  have  the  right  to vote  whether  in  person  or by one or more  agents
authorized  by a written  proxy  signed by the  stockholder  and filed  with the
secretary  of the  Company.  The shares  represented  by the  proxies  received,
properly  dated  and  executed,  and not  revoked  will be voted  at the  Annual
Meeting. A proxy may be revoked at any time before it is exercised by delivering
to the Company a written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a
later date or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person.


      The close of  business  on June 11, 2004 has been fixed as the record date
(the "Record Date") for determining the holders of shares of common stock of the
Company,  par value $0.01 per share,  ("Common Stock") entitled to notice of and
to vote at the Annual Meeting.  As of June 11, 2004,  6,501,211 shares of Common
Stock  outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  The holders of a
majority of voting power of the Common Stock issued and outstanding and entitled
to vote, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at
the Annual  Meeting  except as  otherwise  provided by  statute.  Each holder of
Common Stock on the Record Date is entitled to one vote for each share of Common
Stock  held by such  stockholder,  and  stockholders  shall not be  entitled  to
cumulate  their votes in the election of directors or with respect to any matter
submitted to a vote of the stockholders.

      Shares represented by proxies that reflect abstentions or broker non-votes
will be counted as shares that are present and  entitled to vote for purposes of
determining  the presence of a quorum.  Directors will be elected by a favorable
vote of the shares of voting stock present and entitled to vote, in person or by
proxy, at the Annual Meeting. Accordingly, abstentions or broker non-votes as to
the  election  of  directors  will not affect  the  election  of the  candidates
receiving the votes.  Proposals 2, 3, and 4 involve  amendments to the Company's
certificate of  incorporation  and require the affirmative vote of a majority of
the Company's Common Stock as of the record date.  Provided a quorum is present,
proposals  5 and 6  require  the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of shares in
attendance at the annual meeting.  Abstentions as to a particular  proposal will
have the same effect as votes against such proposal. Broker non-votes,  however,
will be  treated  as not voted for  purposes  of  determining  approval  of such
proposal and will not be counted as votes for or against such proposal.


      The shares  represented by all valid proxies received will be voted in the
manner specified on the proxies.  Where specific choices are not indicated,  the
shares  represented by all valid proxies  received will be voted in favor of all

      Should any matter not  described  above be acted upon at the meeting,  the
persons named in the proxy form will vote in accordance with their judgment.

      The expense of printing and mailing proxy  materials  will be borne by the
Company.  In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail,  solicitations may
be made by certain  directors,  officers  and other  employees of the Company by
personal interview,  telephone or facsimile.  No additional compensation will be
paid for such  solicitation.  The Company will request  brokers and nominees who
hold stock in their names to furnish proxy material to beneficial  owners of the
shares  and will  reimburse  such  brokers  and  nominees  for their  reasonable
expenses incurred in forwarding solicitation material to such beneficial owners.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

General Information                                                                                  7
Information About our Board                                                                          9
Proposal 1:     Election of Directors                                                                9
Executive Compensation                                                                              13
The Company's Independent Public Accountants                                                        14
Proposal 2:     Approval of authorization of the Board of Directors or their successors
to amend the Certificate of Incorporation to authorize a reverse spilt
of the outstanding shares of common stock in any ratio between
1:2 and 1:25 at the discretion of the Board of Directors                                            18
Proposal 3:     Approval of increase of authorized capital stock                                    21
Proposal 4:     Approval of name change                                                             22
Proposal 5:     Approval of the Creative Bakeries, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan                   23
Proposal 6:     Ratification of appointment of independent auditors                                 30
Preapproval Policies and Procedures                                                                 30
Shareholders Proposals for Next Year                                                                31
Other Matters                                                                                       31
Audit Committee Charter (Appendix A)                                                                32
Creative Bakeries, Inc. 2004 Incentive Stock Plan (Appendix B)                                      35


                               GENERAL INFORMATION


         Holders of Common Stock,  as reflected in our records on June 11, 2004,
may vote at the meeting.  This proxy  statement and the enclosed  proxy card are
being sent to our shareholders on or about July 7, 2004.


         You may vote in person at the meeting or by proxy.  We  recommend  that
you vote by proxy even if you plan to attend the meeting.  You can always change
your vote at the meeting.


         Creative Bakeries Board is asking for your proxy.  Giving us your proxy
means you  authorize  us to vote your  shares at the  meeting  in the manner you
direct. You may vote for all, some or none of our director  candidates.  You may
also vote for or against the other proposals, or abstain from voting.

      If    you are a registered shareholder you can vote by proxy in any of the
            following     ways:     o     Via     the     Internet:     Go    to
   and follow the instructions. You will
            need to enter the number in the shaded  box  printing  on your proxy

      o     By telephone: Call (866) 589-0642. You will need to enter the number
            in the shaded box printed on your proxy card.

      o     In writing:  Complete,  sign, date and return your proxy card in the
            enclosed envelope.

      If you vote via the Internet or by  telephone,  your vote must be received
by 5:00 p.m. on August 3, 2004.


      We are not aware of any matters to be presented other than those described
in this proxy  statement.  If any matters not described in this proxy  statement
are properly  presented at the meeting,  the proxies will use their own judgment
to determine how to vote your shares.  If the meeting is postponed or adjourned,
the  proxies  will vote your  shares on the new  meeting  date,  unless you have
revoked your proxy.



      You may revoke your proxy before it is voted by:

      o     Submitting  a new proxy with a later  date,  including a proxy given
            via the telephone

      o     Notifying our Secretary in writing before the meeting; or

      o     Voting in person at the meeting


      Attendance  at the  meeting  is limited  to  shareholders.  For safety and
security reasons, video and audio recording devices and other electronic devices
will not be allowed in the meeting.  All the meeting  attendees  may be asked to
present a valid,  government-issued  photo  identification,  such as a  driver's
license or passport,  before entering the meeting,  and attendees may be subject
to security inspections.


      The  Chairman  of the Board has broad  authority  to  conduct  the  annual
meeting in an orderly manner.  This authority  includes  establishing  rules for
shareholders  who wish to address the meeting.  The  Chairman may also  exercise
broad  discretion  in  recognizing   shareholders  who  wish  to  speak  and  in
determining the extent of discussion on each item of business.  The Chairman may
also rely on applicable  law  regarding  disruptions  or  disorderly  conduct to
ensure  that  the  meeting  is  conducted  in a  manner  that  is  fair  to  all


      If you have  questions  or would  like more  information  about the annual
meeting, you can contact us in the following ways:

      o     By telephone: (973) 808-8248

      o     By writing to the following address:

            Nancy De La Rosa
            Creative Bakeries, Inc
            20 Passaic Avenue
            Fairfield, NJ 07004

      The Board has provided a process for  shareholders to communicate with its
members.  Shareholders and other interested parties who wish to communicate with
our  directors may address their  correspondence  to the Board,  to a particular
director,  to the  non-employee  directors or to any other group of directors or
committee  of the  Board,  in care of  Nancy  De La  Rosa,  Secretary,  Creative
Bakeries, Inc., at the address given above. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE


      The Board has adopted corporate  governance  guidelines.  These guidelines
address items such as the standards,  qualifications and responsibilities of our
directors  and  director  candidates,  and  corporate  governance  policies  and
standards applicable to us in general. In addition, we have a code of ethics and
business  conduct,  which applies to all our employees,  including our executive

                           INFORMATION ABOUT OUR BOARD


      The Board is responsible for  establishing  broad  corporate  policies and
monitoring the overall performance of the Company. Members of the Board are kept
informed of Creative  Bakeries' business by participating in Board and committee
meetings and through discussions with the Chairman.

                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Creative  Bakeries Proxy Committee intends to vote for the election of
6 nominees listed on the following  pages.  These nominees have been selected by
the Board on the recommendation of the Governance and Nominating  Committee.  If
you do not wish your shares be voted for particular  nominees,  please  identify
the exceptions in the designated space provided on the proxy card or, if you are
voting by telephone or Internet, follow the instructions provided when you vote.
Directors  will be  elected by a  plurality  of the votes  cast.  Any shares not
voted, whether by abstention,  broker non-vote, or otherwise,  have no impact on
the vote.

      If at the time of the  meeting  one or more of the  nominees  have  become
unavailable  to  serve,  shares  represented  by  proxies  will be voted for the
remaining nominees and for any substitute nominee or nominees  designated by the
Governance and  Nominating  Committee or, if none, the size of the Board will be
reduced.  The Governance and Nominating Committee knows no reason why any of the
nominees will be unavailable or unable to serve.


      Directors  elected at the annual  meeting  will hold office until the next
annual meeting or until their  successors  have been elected and qualified.  For
each nominee there follows a brief listing of principal  occupation for at least
the past five years, other major affiliations, and age.


      Certain information relating to each director nominee is set forth below:

NAME                                   AGE             PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                       DIRECTOR SINCE
- ----                                   ---             --------------------                       --------------
Ronald Schutte                         47      President, Chief Executive Officer, and                 06/01
                                               Chairman of the Board, Creative
                                               Bakeries, Inc.

Vincent Bocchimuzzo                    51      Executive, CINN Worldwide Westchester                   01/03
                                               Venture Group

Anthony Merante                        43      Partner, Reda & Company CPA's, LLP                      01/03

Carmelo L. Foti                        51      Vice-President of Manager Credit and                    01/03
                                               Marketing, National Bank of Egypt

Ben Borsellino                         48      Partner, RBC and Associates                           Nominee

David Rabe                             42      President, Interpro Systems, Inc.                     Nominee

      RONALD  SCHUTTE was appointed to the Company's  Board of Directors in June
2001. Mr. Schutte has been President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company
since May 2001. Prior to that, Mr. Schutte was president of Brooklyn  Cheesecake
Company,  Inc from August  2000-May 2001. Mr. Schutte was president of Crestwood
Consulting  from April  1999-July  2000 and Mr. Schutte was employed by Mother's
Kitchen,  Inc. from March  1997-March  1999.  Mr.  Schutte was also president of
Creative Bakers, Inc in Brooklyn,  NY from July 1982-February  1997. Mr. Schutte
earned his Master's of Business  Administration  at Campbell  University in 1982
and received his Bachelor's of Arts at Fordham University in 1978.

      VINCENT  BOCCHIMUZZO  was  appointed  as  Director  in January  2003.  Mr.
Bocchimuzzo is an Executive for CINN Worldwide  Westchester  Venture Group.  Mr.
Bocchimuzzo  has worked for Univest  Partners from  1982-1995.  Mr.  Bocchimuzzo
received his Bachelor's of Arts degree at Fordham University in 1974.

      ANTHONY  MERANTE was appointed as Director in January 2003. Mr. Merante is
a Certified Public  Accountant.  Mr. Merante has been a partner with the firm of
Reda & Company, LLP CPA's in White Plains, NY since October 2001. Prior to that,
Mr.  Merante was a senior  manager with the firm of  Goldstein  and Morris CPA's
from  August  1996 to  October  2001.  Mr.  Merante  graduated  from St.  John's
University in 1982 with a Bachelor's of Science.

      CARMELO L. FOTI was  appointed  as Director in January  2003.  Mr. Foti is
Vice  President,  Manager Credit and Marketing of the National Bank of Egypt, NY
Branch (successor to Arab American Bank). Mr. Foti has been employed there since
1998. Mr. Foti earned his Masters in Arts from Johns Hopkins University in 1976.
Mr. Foti received his Bachelor's of Arts degree from Fordham University in 1974.


      BEN BORSELLINO is a director  nominee.  Mr.  Borsellino  works for RBC and
Associates. Mr. Borsellino has been employed there since 1994. Mr. Borsellino is
a manufacturer  representative for Gear Sports Apparel, Johnson & Johnson Sports
Medicine,  and Gatorade Athletic.  Mr. Borsellino received his Bachelor's degree
from Manhattan College in 1977.

      DAVID RABE is a director  nominee.  Mr. Rabe is the  President of Interpro
Systems,  Inc. Mr. Rabe has been with the company since  January 1998.  Mr. Rabe
received his Bachelor's of Science degree in 1984 from New York University.


      Karen Brenner,  a director of the corporation since 1997, has informed the
Company that she will not be standing for reelection.


      Approval of Proposal number 1 requires the affirmative vote of a plurality
of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      The Board has  established  a number of  committees,  including  the Audit
Committee,  the Compensation Employee Benefits Committee, and the Governance and
Nominating Committee, each of which is briefly described below.


      The Audit Committee  assists the Board in maintaining the integrity of the
Company's  financial  statements,  and of its financial  reporting processes and
systems of internal audit controls,  and the Company's compliance with legal and
regulatory  requirements,  and in overseeing  the Company's  code of conduct and
ethics  policies.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  the scope of  independent  and
internal  audits  and  assesses  the  results.  The Audit  Committee  meets with
Creative  Bakeries  management to consider the adequacy of the internal controls
and the  objectivity of financial  reporting.  The Committee also meets with the
independent  auditors  and  with the  appropriate  Creative  Bakeries  financial
personnel   concerning  these  matters.   The  Committee   selects,   recommends
compensation,   and  appoints  Creative  Bakeries'  independent  auditors.   The
independent  auditors  are to  periodically  meet alone with the  Committee  and
always have unrestricted access to the Committee. The Committee, which currently
consists  of three  independent  non-employee  directors,  did not meet in 2003.
Annexed  to this  Proxy as  Appendix  A is the  newly  adopted  Audit  Committee



      The Compensation and Employee  Benefits  Committee  administers  incentive
compensation  plans,  including  stock  option  plans,  and  advises  the  Board
regarding  employee  benefit plans.  The committee  establishes the compensation
structure for senior managers of Creative Bakeries, approves the compensation of
senior executives of Creative Bakeries,  and makes  recommendations to the Board
with respect to  compensation  of the Chief  Executive  Officer.  The committee,
which currently consists of three independent  non-employee directors,  met once
in 2003.


         The   Governance   and   Nominating   Committee   advises   and   makes
recommendations  to  the  Board  on  all  matters  concerning  directorship  and
corporate  governance  practices,  including  compensation  of directors and the
selection of  candidates  as nominees for  election as  directors,  and provides
guidance with respect to matters of public policy. The committee, which consists
of one  independent  non-employee  director and two directors that are viewed as
affiliates of the Company,  did not meet in 2003.  Prior to the formation of the
committee, the Board of Directors addressed corporate governance matters.

         In  recommending  Board  candidates,   the  Governance  and  Nominating
Committee   seeks   individuals  of  proven  judgment  and  competence  who  are
outstanding in their respective fields. The committee  considers such factors as
experience,   education,   employment  history,   special  talents  or  personal
attributes,  anticipated  participation in Board activities,  and geographic and
other diversity factors.  Shareowners who wish to recommend qualified candidates
should write to:  Nancy De La Rosa -  Secretary,  Creative  Bakeries,  Inc.,  20
Passaic Avenue,  Fairfield,  NJ 07004,  stating in detail the  qualifications of
such persons for consideration by the committee.

         Creative  Bakeries is committed  to the highest  standards of corporate
governance and ethical behavior.

         The table below provides  membership  information for each of the Board
committees as of June 11, 2004:

                                                   COMPENSATION AND              GOVERNANCE AND
NAME                              AUDIT            EMPLOYEE BENEFITS               NOMINATING
- ------------------------------ -------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------
Ronald L. Schutte                                                                    Chair
Anthony J. Merante                                                                     X
Vincent Bocchimuzzo               Chair                    X                           X
Karen Brenner                       X                      X
Carmelo Foti                        X                    Chair



         The  Board  has  determined  that  each of the  Company's  non-employee
directors  are  "independent"  within the  definitions  contained in current and
proposed  American Stock Exchange rules.  In addition,  the Board has determined
that each  member of the  Audit  Committee  would be  "independent"  within  the
definition  contained in a final rule of the Securities and Exchange  Commission
(SEC).  Furthermore,  the Board has  determined  that at least one member of the
Audit Committee would be a "financial expert" within the definition contained in
a final rule adopted by the SEC.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


         The following table sets forth certain information regarding annual and
long-term  compensation we paid to our Chief  Executive  Officer for each of our
last three fiscal years or, in some  instances  the period of time,  if shorter,
such individual has been Chief Executive Officer.

                                                                             LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                           ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       AWARDS
                                                                                           NUMBER OF
                                                             OTHER ANNUAL    RESTRICTED   SECURITIES       ALL OTHER
                                                             COMPENSATION      STOCK      UNDERLYING      COMPENSATION
NAME & PRINCIPAL POSITION     YEAR  SALARY ($)  BONUS ($)        ($)          AWARD ($)    OPTIONS (#)         ($)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ron Schutte                   2003    106,885       -             -              -            -                 -
   President & Chief          2002    147,116       -             -              -            -                 -
   Executive Officer          2001    98,077        -             -              -            -                 -


      On May 1, 2004, the Company entered with an employment  agreement with Mr.
Ronald Schutte Chief Executive Officer. The agreement is for a three-year period
with a base salary of $200,000 per annum.  Mr. Schutte may receive bonuses up to
250% of base  salary  based  on  performance.  Mr.  Schutte  has a  monthly  car
allowance of $500. The agreement  provides for full medical coverage and 20 days
vacation.  Mr.  Schutte  has agreed  that in lieu of $100,000 in salary he would
accept  $100,000 of his salary in the Company's  restricted  common stock due to
the Company's poor cash position


      There were no stock option  grants to  executive  officers or directors in
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.



      There were no options exercised by executive  officers or directors in the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.


         The Board of Directors has  appointed the firm of Zeller,  Weiss & Kahn
CPAs,  LLP  as  the   independent   accountants  to  audit  Creative   Bakeries'
consolidated financial statements for the year 2004.  Representatives of Zeller,
Weiss & Kahn CPA's, LLP are expected to attend the Creative Bakeries meeting and
will have the  opportunity  to make a statement if they desire and to respond to
appropriate questions.


         Aggregate fees for  professional  services  rendered for the Company by
Zeller,  Weiss & Kahn CPA's,  LLP for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002

                                                     ($IN THOUSANDS)
                                                  2003             2002
                                              -----------      -----------
          Audit Fees                          $    36,038      $    24,270
          Tax Fees                                     --            1,475
                                              -----------      -----------
              Total                           $    36,038      $    25,745
                                              ===========      ===========

      The Audit Fees for the years  ended  December  31,  2003 and 2002 were for
professional  services  in  connection  with  the  audits  of  the  consolidated
financial  statements of the Company and assistance with the review of documents
filed with the SEC.

      Tax Fees for the years ended  December 31, 2002 were for services  related
to: tax compliance, including preparation of income tax returns.

      The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision of the above
services other than audit services is compatible with maintaining Zeller,  Weiss
& Kahn CPA's, LLP's independence.



      At the  close of  business  on June 11,  2004,  the  record  date,  we had
outstanding 6,501,211 shares of Common Stock.

      In order to carry on the business of the  meeting,  we must have a quorum.
This means  that for each  matter  presented,  shareholders  entitled  to cast a
majority of the votes that shareholders are entitled to cast on that matter must
be represented at the meeting, either in person or by proxy.


      The director candidates who receive the most votes will be elected to fill
the available seats on the Board.  Approval of the other proposals  requires the
favorable  vote of a majority  of the votes cast or a majority of the issued and
outstanding  shares as the case may be.  Only  votes for or  against a  proposal
count.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes count for quorum purposes but not for
voting purposes.  Broker non-votes occur on a matter when a bank, brokerage firm
or other  nominee is not  permitted to vote on that matter  without  instruction
from the owner of the shares and no instruction is given.


      This table sets forth  information as of June 11, 2004 about the amount of
Common Stock  beneficially  owned by current  directors,  the executive officers
named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table,  and the  directors  and  executive
officers as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each officer and
director is in care of the Company at 20 Passaic Avenue, Fairfield, NJ 07004.

- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Ronald L. Schutte                               1,315,738 (1)                        20.2%
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Anthony J. Merante                                377,869                             5.8%
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Vincent Bucchimuzzo                                     0                             N/A
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Carmelo L. Foti                                         0                             N/A
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Karen Brenner (2)                                       0                             N/A
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Directors and Nominal                           1,693,607                            26.0%
Executives as a Group
(6 persons)
- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------

* Less than 1%

(1)   Includes 250,000 options exercisable at $.07 per share.

(2)   Has  notified  the  Company  that she will not stand for  reelection  as a
      member of the Board of Directors.



         This table sets forth  information as of June 11, 2004 about persons we
know to beneficially own more than five percent of voting common stock.

- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Ronald L. Schutte                              1,315,738 (1)                          20.2%
c/o Creative Bakeries Inc.
20 Passaic Ave.
Fairfield, NJ 07004
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
David Abrahami                                   450,000                               6.9%
c/o Livingston Hue & Abrahami LLC
200 Executive Drive # 250
West Orange, NJ 07052
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Yona Gonen                                       451,000                               6.9%
c/o Creative Bakeries Inc.
20 Passaic Ave.
Fairfield, NJ 07004
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Philip Grabow                                    500,000                               7.7%
c/o Veggieland
222 New Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Righthand & Co.                                  500,000                               7.7%
c/o State Street Bank & Trust
Box 5756
Boston, MA 02206
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Inter Equity Capital Partners, L.P. c/o SBA      326,805                               5.0%
Charles Fulford
666 11th Street, NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20001
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
ICM Asset Management, Inc                        882,000                             13.5%
601 W. Main Avenue, Suite 600
Spokane, WA 99201
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------
Anthony J. Merante                               377,869                               5.8%
c/o Creative Bakeries Inc.
20 Passaic Ave
Fairfield, NJ 07004
- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------

(1)   Includes 250,000 options exercisable at $.07 per share.





                                   [BAR CHART]

      Creative Bakeries,  Inc. has elected to utilize the S & P Packaged Foods &
Meats Index.  As of December 31, 2003 the index was  comprised of the  following
companies:  the S & P  Packaged  Foods & Meats  Index - Campbell  Soup  Company,
ConAgra Foods Inc., General Mills,  Inc., Hershey Foods Corporation,  H.J. Heinz
Company, Kellogg Company, McCormick & Company Inc., Sara Lee Corporation and Wm.
Wrigley Jr. Company.  The returns on the Peer Composite index were calculated as
follows:  at the beginning of each fiscal year the amount  invested in the S & P
industry  sector index was  equivalent to the  percentage of Creative  Bakeries'
operating  profits business for the preceding year. As a result,  the investment
allocation was  re-weighted  each year to reflect the profit  percentage  change
that occurred in Creative Bakeries' business during the prior year.



      Our directors and executive  officers file reports with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  indicating the number of shares of any class of our equity
securities  they owned when they became a director  or  executive  officer  and,
after that, any changes in their ownership of our equity  securities.  They must
also  provide us with copies of these  reports.  These  reports are  required by
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We have reviewed copies of
the reports received and written  representations  received from the individuals
required to file the reports.  Based on this review, we believe that during 2003
each of our  directors  and  executive  officers  has complied  with  applicable
reporting  requirements  for  transactions  in our  equity  securities  with the
following  exception:  Ronald  Schutte and Anthony J. Merante who filed  reports
late in one instance.


      Approval of this  proposal  would  permit the Board of  Directors,  in its
discretion,  to amend the Company's  Amended  Certificate of  Incorporation  and
implement a reverse  stock split (the  "Reverse  Stock  Split") of the Company's
outstanding shares of Common Stock ("Common Stock") in any ratio between 1:2 and
1:25 which would  reduce the number of  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock (as
well as affecting the amount and exercise price of shares  underlying  preferred
stock,  warrants  and certain  options) on a pro-rata  basis,  would  affect all
stockholders proportionately and would, therefore, increase the amount of Common
Stock  available  for future  issuance.  The shares of common stock  outstanding
after a Reverse  Stock Split would have the same  rights and  privileges  as the
shares of Common Stock currently held.

      A Reverse  Stock Split would reduce the presently  issued and  outstanding
shares of Common Stock from  6,501,211 to  approximately  3,250,606 in the ratio
1:2 and approximately 260,048 in the ratio of 1:25 (as a result of rounding, the
actual number may be slightly higher). The number of authorized shares of Common
Stock shall  remain the same.  The  Company  believes  that the  decrease in the
number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as a  consequence  of a proposed
Reverse Stock Split may increase the per share price of the Common Stock,  which
may encourage  greater interest in the Common Stock and possibly promote greater
liquidity for the Company's stockholders. However, the increase in the per share
price of the Common Stock as a consequence of a proposed Reverse Stock Split may
be proportionately  less than the decrease in the number of shares  outstanding.
In addition,  any increased liquidity due to any increased per share price could
be  partially  or entirely  off-set by the reduced  number of share  outstanding
after a  proposed  Reverse  Stock  Split in a per share  price  that  adequately
compensates for the adverse impact of the market factors noted above. There can,
however,  be no assurance that the favorable effects described above will occur,
or that any increase in per share price of the Common Stock  resulting  from the
proposed  Reverse  Stock  Split will be  maintained  for any period of time.  In
addition,  there can be no  assurance  that a public  market  for the  Company's
securities will continue.


      The Board of Directors  will determine at its discretion and in accordance
with then applicable New York law whether  fractional shares will be issued. All
fractional  interests  resulting from a Reverse Stock Split will be increased to
the next  higher  whole  number of shares if  permitted  by law, or the Board of
Directors may arrange for the disposition of fractional  interests.  The Company
believes that the approximate  total number of beneficial  holders of the Common
Stock of the  Company  is in excess  of 300.  After a  Reverse  Stock  Split the
Company estimates that it will continue to have approximately the same number of

      Except for changes in the number of shares owned  resulting from a Reverse
Stock Split, the rights and privileges of holders of shares of Common Stock will
remain the same, both before and after a proposed Reverse Stock Split.

      There can be no assurance  that the market price of the Common Stock after
a proposed Reverse Stock Split will be  proportionately  greater than the market
price  before a proposed  Reverse  Stock  Split,  or that such price will either
exceed or remain in excess of the current market price.

      Upon shareholder approval of the proposal, the Board of Directors reserves
the right in its sole discretion to proceed with, hold in abeyance or to abandon
the proposed  Amendment and Reverse Stock Split  without  further  action by the
stockholders at any time.

      However, in no event will the Board of Directors exercise its authority to
effect a Reverse Stock Split, if such action would result in the Common Stock no
longer being listed on an exchange or quotation system.


      No  opinion  of  counsel  has  been  obtained   concerning  the  following
information. Stockholders are advised to consult with their own tax advisors for
more detailed  information  relating to their individual federal state and local
tax circumstances.

1. The  proposed  Reverse  Stock  Split will be a  reorganization  described  in
section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

2.  The  Company  will  recognize  no gain or loss as a result  of the  proposed
Reverse Stock Split.

3.  Stockholders  will  recognize  no gain or loss to the extent that  currently
outstanding  shares of Common Stock are exchanged for new shares of Common Stock
pursuant to the proposed Reverse Stock Split.


4. The tax basis of the new Common  Stock  received in exchange for Common Stock
pursuant  to  the  proposed  Reverse  Stock  Split  will  be  the  same  as  the
stockholders' basis in the stock exchanged.  Therefore, the new shares of Common
Stock in the hands of a stockholder  will have an aggregate  basis for computing
gain or loss equal to the aggregate basis of shares of Common Stock held by that
immediately prior to the proposed Reverse Stock Split.

      Any reverse  split would be  implemented  solely in the  discretion of the
Board of Directors,  which  reserves the right to implement the reverse split at
the time of its choosing and at any ratio from 1:2 to 1:25.  If the  application
of the ratio causes any  stockholder to have a fractional  share of stock,  such
share may be rounded up to the next highest whole share at the discretion of the
Board of Directors and in accordance  with then  applicable New York law. In the
event fractional shares are not permitted to be rounded to the next higher whole
number of shares,  the Board of  Directors  may arrange for the  disposition  of
fractional interests.

      The Company is currently  listed on the  Over-The-Counter  Bulletin  Board
(OTCBB);  however,  there is no assurance that the Company will continue to meet
the maintenance standards for continued listing on the OTCBB.

      The decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding resulting
from the Reverse Stock Split and the anticipated  corresponding  increased price
per share may stimulate interest in the Company's Common Stock,  promote greater
liquidity for the Company's  stockholders and result in a higher price level for
the  post-split  Common Stock.  However,  there is no assurance that the Reverse
Stock Split will achieve these results. In addition, a Reverse Stock Split might
leave some  stockholders  with one or more  "odd-lots" of the  Company's  Common
Stock  (stock in  amounts  of less than 100  shares).  These  shares may be more
difficult  to sell,  or require a greater  commission  per shares to sell,  than
shares in even multiples of 100.

      While approval of this proposal would NOT increase the authorized  capital
of the  Company,  additional  shares of common  stock would be  available to the
Company for issuance due to the decrease of currently  outstanding  Common Stock
caused by a Reverse  Stock  Split.  Any  additional  shares of Common Stock made
available by this  amendment  could be issued at the  direction of the Company's
Board  of  Directors  from  time  to  time  for any  proper  corporate  purpose,
including,  without limitation, the acquisition of other businesses, the raising
of additional capital for use in its business,  a split of, or dividend on, then
outstanding shares or in connection with any employee stock plan or program. Any
future  issuances of authorized  shares of Common Stock may be authorized by the
Board of Directors without further action by the stockholders.

      Although the  Company's  Board of  Directors  will issue Common Stock only
when  required  or when the  Board  considers  such  issuance  to be in the best
interests of the Company,  the issuance of  additional  Common Stock may,  among
other things, have a dilutive effect on earnings per share and on the equity and
voting rights of stockholders. Furthermore, since New York law requires the vote
of in excess of a majority  of shares of each class of stock in order to approve


certain  mergers and  reorganizations,  the  additional  authorized but unissued
shares of Common Stock  available  as a result of the Reverse  Stock Split could
permit the Board to issue shares to persons supportive of management's position.
Such persons might then be in a position to vote to prevent a proposed  business
combination that is deemed  unacceptable to the Board,  although perceived to be
desirable  by  some  stockholders,   including,   potentially,   a  majority  of
stockholders.  This could provide  management with a means to block any majority
vote that might be necessary to effect a business combination in accordance with
applicable law.  Additionally,  the presence of such  additional  authorized but
unissued  shares  of  Common  Stock  could   discourage   unsolicited   business
combination transactions that might otherwise be desirable to stockholders.  The
Board of  Directors  is not  currently  aware  of any  contemplated  hostile  or
friendly takeover attempt or business combination proposal.

         The  Board  believes  that  the  benefits  of  providing  it  with  the
flexibility  to issue  shares  without  delay for any proper  business  purpose,
including as an alternative to an unsolicited  business  combination  opposed by
the Board,  outweigh the  possible  disadvantages  of dilution and  discouraging
unsolicited  business combination  proposals,  and that it is prudent and in the
best interests of stockholders  to provide the advantage of greater  flexibility
which will result from this amendment.


         Approval  of  Proposal  number 2  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      The Company's  capital stock currently  consists of 10,000,000  authorized
shares of common  stock,  $.01 par value,  of which  6,501,211  were  issued and
outstanding  as of June 11, 2004, and 1,000,000  authorized  shares of preferred
stock,  of which  none were  issued  and  outstanding.  The  Company  is seeking
shareholder  approval to increase the authorized shares of the Company's capital
stock to 30,000,000  shares of common stock and to 2,000,000 shares of preferred


      The Board of Directors  has  recommended  the  increase in the  authorized
shares of the Company for possible acquisitions,  financings and other corporate
purposes.  The Company does not  currently  plan to issue any of the  additional
shares of common stock or preferred  stock. The Board can issue shares from time
to time in  accordance  with SEC rules and the Over the Counter  Bulletin  Board
rules without obtaining the approval of shareholders.

      Newly  authorized  shares  would  have the same  rights  as the  presently
authorized shares, including the right to cast one vote per share and to receive
dividends paid by the Company,  should some be declared.  Although authorization
would  not,  in itself,  have any effect on the rights of current  shareholders,
issuance of  additional  shares of common  stock for other than a stock split or
dividend could,  under certain  circumstances,  have a dilutive effect on voting
rights and earnings per share. The Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  does
not provide for preemptive rights for shareholders.


The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares entitled to vote with respect
to the  proposal is required to approve the increase in the  authorized  capital
stock of the Company.  Abstentions and broker  non-votes will have the effect of
votes against the proposal.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       PROPOSAL 4. APPROVAL OF NAME CHANGE

      The Board of  Directors  had  recommended  that  shareholders  approve the
proposal to grant authority to the Board of Directors at its discretion to amend
the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Company  to change  the name of the

      The Board of Directors  believes that the name "Creative  Bakeries,  Inc."
does not truly  reflect the business and the business plan of the Company and as
such believes that increasd goodwill can be established  through a change in the
Company  name.  While no  specific  name has been chosen or  recommended  at the
current time,  the Board of Directors is actively  studying  proposed  names and
wishes to have the flexibilty of  shareholder  approval in advance of when a new
corporate name is selected so as to proceed with the name change in an expedient
fashion  without  the time and  expense  associated  with  scheduling  a special
meeting of shareholders for the approval of the name change.

      The Board believes that the benefit of providing it with the flexibilty to
effectuate  a corporate  name change in the future  outweighs  any  detriment in
providing the Board with this authority.



The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares entitled to vote with respect
to the proposal is required to give the Board approval to amend the  Certificate
of   Incorporation  to  effectuate  a  corporate  name  change  in  the  future.
Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will have the effect of votes  against  the


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

The Board of  Directors  has  adopted,  subject to  approval  at the 2004 Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders,  the Creative  Bakeries 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (the
"Stock Incentive Plan").  The purposes of the Stock Incentive Plan are to enable
the Company to attract,  retain and reward  employees  by offering  employees an
equity interest in the Company, to enable the Company to offer equity incentives
to  employees  of  entities  which the Company  may  acquire,  and to enable the
Company to pay part of the  compensation of its outside  directors in options to
purchase common stock.


The following  summary of the Stock  Incentive  Plan, as adopted by the Board of
Directors  (subject to shareholder  approval),  is qualified by reference to the
full text of the Stock Incentive Plan, which can be located in Appendix B.


The Stock  Incentive  Plan  authorizes  the  granting  of  awards  to  employees
(including officers) of the Company and certain related companies in the form of
any  combination  of (1) options to purchase  shares of common stock,  (2) stock
appreciation rights ("SARs"), (3) shares of restricted common stock ("restricted
stock"),  (4) shares of deferred  common  stock  ("deferred  stock"),  (5) bonus
stock, and (6) tax-offset payments with respect to any of such awards. The Stock
Incentive  Plan also  authorizes the granting of awards to directors who are not
employees  or  officers  of the  Company  ("outside  Directors")  of  options to
purchase  shares  of  common  stock  and  related  limited  SARs and  tax-offset

Administration.  The Stock  Incentive Plan is administered by a committee of the
Company's Board of Directors,  which consists of at least two outside Directors.
The  Committee  has  authority  to interpret  the Stock  Incentive  Plan,  adopt
administrative  regulations,  and  determine  and  amend  the terms of awards to
employees.  The Board of Directors has similar authority with respect to outside


Directors (although the Stock Incentive Plan also provides for certain automatic
grants to outside Directors).

Eligibility.  The  Committee may make awards under the Stock  Incentive  Plan to
employees  (including  officers)  of the  Company  or of any entity in which the
Company  owns at  least  a 20%  interest.  All  employees  (currently  numbering
approximately 40) and outside Directors  (currently numbering 3) are eligible to
receive awards under the Stock Incentive Plan.

Limitations on Awards. The aggregate number of shares of Common Stock, which may
be issued under the Stock  Incentive  Plan is 3,000,000  (subject to shareholder
approval of either or both  proposals  2 and 3). In the event  Proposals 2 and 3
are not approved, the aggregate number of shares and Common Stock used under the
Stock  Incentive  Plan will be reduced  based upon  treasury  shares  available.
Shares under the Stock  Incentive  Plan may consist of  authorized  but unissued
shares or treasury shares.  The exercise of a SAR for cash or for the settlement
of any other  award in cash will not count  against  this  share  limit.  Shares
subject to lapsed, forfeited or canceled awards, including options canceled upon
the exercise of tandem SARs for cash,  will not count against this limit and can
be regranted  under the Stock Incentive Plan. If the exercise price of an option
is paid in Common  Stock or if shares are  withheld  from payment of an award to
satisfy tax  obligations  with  respect to the award,  such shares also will not
count against the above limit.

No recipient may be granted stock  options,  SARs,  restricted  stock,  deferred
stock,  or bonus stock under the Stock  Incentive Plan with respect to more than
300,000  shares of Common  Stock in any  fiscal  year.  No  employee  or outside
Director may be granted tax-offset payments with respect to more than the number
of shares of Common  Stock  covered by awards held by such  employee.  The Stock
Incentive Plan does not limit awards, which may be made under other plans of the


The Stock Incentive Plan authorizes the Committee (or, with respect to awards to
outside Directors, the Board) to grant the following types of awards:

1.  Stock  Options.  The  Committee  (or,  with  respect  to awards  to  outside
Directors,  the Board) is authorized to grant incentive  stock options  ("ISOs")
and  non-qualified  stock  options to  purchase  such number of shares of common
stock as the  Committee  (or, with respect to awards to outside  Directors,  the
Board)  determines.  An option will be exercisable at such times, over such term
and subject to such terms and  conditions as the Committee  (or, with respect to
awards to outside  Directors,  the Board)  determines,  and at an exercise price
determined by the Committee, which may be less than the fair market value of the
common stock at the date of grant of the option. The Committee (or, with respect
to awards to outside  Directors,  the Board) has  authority to waive any vesting
conditions it may have imposed.


2. Stock  Appreciation  Rights  and  Limited  Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  Upon
exercise of a SAR the holder is entitled to receive, for each share with respect
to which the SAR is  exercised,  an  amount  (the  "appreciation")  equal to the
excess of the fair market value of a share of common stock on the exercise  date
over the "base amount" determined by the Committee.  The appreciation is payable
in cash, common stock, or a combination of both, as determined by the Committee.
The Committee (or, with respect to awards to outside  Directors,  the Board) may
grant a SAR,  which can only be exercised  within the 60-day period  following a
Change of Control (Limited Stock Appreciation  Rights).  The Committee (or, with
respect to awards to outside Directors,  the Board) may also provide that in the
event of a Change of  Control,  the  amount to be paid by the  Company  upon the
exercise of the SAR will be based on the Change of Control  Price (as defined in
the Stock Incentive Plan and summarized below). Such a SAR is sometimes referred
to as a limited SAR.

3.  Restricted  Stock.  The Committee is authorized  to award  restricted  stock
subject to such terms and  conditions as the Committee may determine in its sole
discretion.  The  Committee  has  authority to determine the number of shares of
restricted  stock to be awarded,  the price, if any, to be paid by the recipient
of the restricted  stock,  and the date or dates on which (or  conditions  under
which) the restricted  stock will vest. The Committee has authority to waive any
vesting  conditions  it may have imposed.  The  Committee  also has authority to
determine  whether  the  employee  will  have the right to vote  and/or  receive
dividends on shares of restricted  stock,  and whether the certificates for such
shares will be held by the Company or delivered to the employee  bearing legends
to restrict their transfer.

4. Deferred Stock. A deferred stock award is a commitment to deliver a specified
number of shares of common  stock (or their cash  value) at a future  date.  The
award may be made subject to vesting, based on future service or satisfaction of
other conditions. The Committee has authority to waive any vesting conditions it
may have imposed. During the deferral period set by the Committee,  the employee
may not sell, transfer, pledge or assign the deferred stock award.

5. Bonus Stock.  The  Committee  may award bonus stock subject to such terms and
conditions as it may determine.  Such awards may be conditioned  upon attainment
of  specific  performance  goals or such other  criteria  as the  Committee  may
determine, and the Committee may waive such conditions in its discretion.

6.  Tax-Offset  Payments.  The Committee  (or, with respect to awards to outside
Directors,  the Board) is authorized to provide for a tax-offset  payment by the
Company not in excess of the amount necessary to pay the federal,  state, local,
and other  taxes  payable  with  respect  to any award  and the  receipt  of the
tax-offset  payment,  assuming  the  recipient  is taxed at the maximum tax rate
applicable to such income.


7. Performance Awards. The Committee can designate any awards to employees under
the Stock Incentive Plan as "Performance Awards." Awards so designated are to be
granted and  administered so as to qualify as  "performance-based  compensation"
under Section  162(m) of the Code.  The grant or vesting of a Performance  Award
will be subject to the achievement of performance  objectives (the  "Performance
Objectives")  established by the Committee based on one or more of the following
criteria,  which the Committee may apply to the Company on a consolidated  basis
and/or to a business unit, and which the Committee may use either as an absolute
measure or as a measure of comparative  performance  relative to a peer group of
companies:  sales, operating profits,  operating profits before interest expense
and taxes, net earnings, earnings per share, return on equity, return on assets,
return on invested capital, cash flow, debt to equity ratio, market share, stock
price, economic value added, and market value added.

8. Deferral of Awards.  The Committee may permit an employee to defer receipt of
any award for a specified period or until a specified event.


As a  general  matter,  upon the  occurrence  of a Change  of  Control,  (1) all
outstanding  stock  options,  SARs,  and limited SARs,  including  those held by
outside   Directors,   will  become  fully  exercisable  and  vested,   (2)  all
restrictions  applicable  to  outstanding  restricted  stock and deferred  stock
awards under the Stock Incentive Plan will lapse, and such awards will be deemed
fully  vested,  and (3) to the extent the cash  payment of any award is based on
the fair market  value of stock,  such fair  market  value will be the Change of
Control  Price.  The Committee may provide  exceptions  from the above rule with
respect to grants to employees.

A "Change  of  Control"  is deemed to occur on the date (1) any  person or group
(with  certain   exceptions)   acquires   beneficial   ownership  of  securities
representing  20% or more of the Company's  total voting power,  (2) individuals
who  constitute the  "Incumbent  Directors"  (as defined in the Stock  Incentive
Plan) fail to  constitute at least  two-thirds of the Board of Directors,  (3) a
merger or consolidation  becomes effective unless the transaction is approved by
the Board of  Directors,  a majority of the members of which were in place prior
to the transaction or, following such transaction,  (a) the beneficial owners of
the Company's  common stock before the transaction  own securities  representing
more  than 50% of the  total  voting  power of the  company  resulting  from the
transaction, and (b) at least a majority of members of the board of directors of
the Company  resulting from the transaction  were members of the Company's Board
of Directors  immediately  prior to the transaction,  or (4) the shareholders of
the Company approve a liquidation of the Company or a sale of substantially  all
of its assets.

The Change of Control  Price is the highest price per share of common stock paid
in any open market transaction, or paid or offered to be paid in any transaction
related to a Change of Control,  during the 90-day period ending with the Change
of Control,  except that for a SAR granted in tandem with an ISO,  such price is
the highest price paid on the date the SAR is exercised.



Tax Withholding. The Stock Incentive Plan permits participants to satisfy all or
a  portion  of their  minimum  statutory  federal,  state,  local  or other  tax
liability  with respect to awards under the Stock  Incentive  Plan by delivering
previously-owned  shares  held at least  six  months or by  having  the  Company
withhold from the shares otherwise deliverable to such participant shares having
a value equal to the liability to be so satisfied.

Adjustments.  In  the  event  of  specified  changes  in the  Company's  capital
structure,  the  Committee  will have the power to adjust the number and kind of
shares or other property  authorized by the Stock  Incentive Plan (including any
limitations  on individual  awards),  and the number,  option price and kinds of
shares or other property covered by outstanding  awards (including those held by
outside Directors), and to make such other adjustments in awards under the Stock
Incentive  Plan as it deems  appropriate,  provided that no such  adjustment may
increase the aggregate value of outstanding awards. In addition,  if the Company
is  dissolved  or  liquidated,  of  if  there  is a  reorganization,  merger  or
consolidation  where the  Company is not the  surviving  corporation,  or if the
Company sells  substantially all of its assets, the Board will have the power to
provide that outstanding  stock options shall be (i) cashed out, (ii) assumed by
the surviving  corporation,  and/or (iii) exercised  within ten (10) days of any
such event.

Amendments.  The Board of Directors may amend the Stock  Incentive  Plan without
shareholder  approval,  unless such  approval is required by law.  Amendment  or
discontinuation  of the Stock Incentive Plan cannot  adversely  affect any award
previously granted without the holder's written consent.

The Committee may amend any grant under the Stock Incentive Plan, except that no
award can be modified in a manner  unfavorable to the holder without the written
consent of the holder.  In addition,  the  Committee  may,  without  shareholder
approval,  cancel an option or other  award  granted to a holder and grant a new
option or award to the employee on more favorable  terms and conditions than the
canceled award.

The Stock Incentive Plan shall continue in effect for an unlimited  period,  but
may be  terminated  by the Board of Directors in its  discretion at any time. No
ISOs may be granted under the Stock Incentive Plan after July 1, 2014.


The  following  is a general  summary of certain  federal  income tax aspects of
awards made under the Stock Incentive Plan, based upon the laws in effect on the
date hereof.

Non-Qualified Stock Options. With respect to non-qualified stock options: (a) no
income is recognized by the  participant at the time the option is granted;  (b)
upon exercise of the option,  the participant  recognizes  ordinary income in an
amount  equal to the  difference  between  the option  price and the fair market
value  of the  shares  on the  date of  exercise;  and (c) at  disposition,  any


appreciation  after the date of  exercise  is  treated  either as  long-term  or
short-term capital gain, depending on whether the shares were held for more than
one year by the participant.

Incentive Stock Options. No taxable income is recognized by the participant upon
the grant of an ISO or upon the  exercise  of an ISO during the period of his or
her  employment  with the  Company or one of its  subsidiaries  or within  three
months after termination (12 months after termination, in the event of permanent
and  total  disability,  or the term of the  option,  in the  event  of  death).
However,  the  exercise  of an ISO may  result  in an  alternative  minimum  tax
liability to the  participant.  If the participant  continues to hold the shares
acquired  upon  exercise of an ISO for at least two years from the date of grant
and one year from the date of  exercise,  upon the sale of the shares any amount
realized in excess of the option price will be taxed as long-term capital gain.

If common stock acquired upon the exercise of an ISO is disposed of prior to the
expiration of the one-year and two-year  holding periods  described  above,  the
participant will generally  recognize  ordinary income in an amount equal to the
excess,  if any, of the fair market  value of the shares on the date of exercise
(or, if less,  the amount  realized on the  disposition  of the shares) over the
option price. Any further gain recognized by the participant on such disposition
will be taxed as short-term or long-term capital gain,  depending on whether the
shares were held for more than one year.

Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  No income will be recognized  by a participant  in
connection  with the grant of a SAR. When the SAR is exercised,  the participant
will  generally  recognize as ordinary  income in the year of exercise an amount
equal to the amount of cash  received  plus the fair market value on the date of
exercise of any shares received.  If the participant  receives common stock upon
exercise of an SAR, rules similar to those described above under  "Non-Qualified
Stock Options" will apply with respect to the post-exercise appreciation.

Restricted  Stock.  A participant  receiving  restricted  stock  generally  will
recognize  ordinary  income  in the  amount  of the  fair  market  value  of the
restricted stock at the time the stock vests,  less the  consideration  paid for
the stock. However, a participant may elect, under Section 83(b) of the Code, to
recognize  ordinary income on the date of grant in an amount equal to the excess
of the fair market value of the shares on such date  (determined  without regard
to the restrictions)  over their purchase price. The holding period to determine
whether the participant has long-term or short-term capital gain on a subsequent
disposition of the shares generally begins when the restriction  period expires,
and the tax basis for such shares  will  generally  be the fair market  value of
such shares on such date. However, if the participant has made an election under
Section  83(b),  the holding  period will commence on the date after the date of
grant, and the tax basis will be equal to the fair market value of the shares on
the date of grant (determined without regard to the restrictions).


Deferred Stock. A participant  receiving deferred stock generally will recognize
ordinary  income equal to the amount of cash received in settlement of the award
or the fair market value on the settlement date of the stock  distributed to the
participant.  The capital gain holding  period for such stock will also commence
on that date.

Dividends and Dividend Equivalents.  Dividends paid on restricted stock prior to
the date on which the forfeiture restrictions lapse generally will be treated as
compensation that is taxable as ordinary income to the participant. If, however,
the  participant  makes a Section 83(b)  election with respect to the restricted
stock,  the  dividends  will be  taxable  as  ordinary  dividend  income  to the
participant. If dividend equivalents are credited with respect to deferred stock
or other awards,  the participant  generally will recognize ordinary income when
the dividend equivalents are paid.

Bonus Stock.  A  participant  receiving  bonus stock  generally  will  recognize
ordinary income on the date of grant equal to the fair market value of the bonus
stock on such date, less the amount paid for such stock

Tax-Offset  Payments.  A participant  receiving a cash  tax-offset  payment will
recognize ordinary income on the date of payment.

Company  Deductions.  As a general  rule,  the  Company  will be  entitled  to a
deduction  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  at the same time and in the same
amount that an  employee or outside  Director  recognizes  ordinary  income from
awards under the Stock  Incentive  Plan, to the extent such income is considered
reasonable  compensation  under the Code.  The  Company  will not,  however,  be
entitled to a deduction  to the extent  compensation  in excess of $1 million is
paid to an executive  officer  named in the Proxy  Statement who was employed by
the   Company   at   year-end,    unless   the    compensation    qualifies   as
"performance-based" under Section 162(m) of the Code or certain other exceptions
apply. In addition, the Company will not be entitled to a deduction with respect
to payments to employees  which are contingent  upon a change of control if such
payments are deemed to constitute "excess parachute payments" under Section 280G
of the Code and do not  qualify  as  reasonable  compensation  pursuant  to that
Section; such payments will subject the recipients to a 20% excise tax.


The last sale price of common  stock on the Over the Counter  Bulletin  Board on
June 23, 2004 was $0.21 per share.


      Approval of Proposal 5 requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company  represented and voting at the
Annual Meeting.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The Board has appointed the accounting firm of Zeller, Weiss and Kahn, LLP
as independent auditors to audit the financial statements of the Company for the
fiscal year ending  December 31, 2004.  Zeller,  Weiss and Kahn, LLP has been so
engaged since 1997.

      Representatives from Zeller, Weiss and Kahn, LLP are expected to be at the
Annual  Meeting and to be available to respond to  appropriate  questions.  Such
representatives  will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to
do so and to respond to appropriate questions raised during the meeting.


      Approval of Proposal 6 requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company  represented and voting at the
Annual Meeting.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      During  2003,  the Company  updated  its policy to require  that the Audit
committee  pre-approve audit and non-audit services performed by the auditors to
assure that the services do not impair the auditors' independence. Unless a type
of service has received general pre-approval,  it requires separate pre-approval
by the Audit Committee. Even if a service has received general pre-approval,  if
the fee associated  with the service  exceeds  $5,000 in a single  engagement or
series of  engagements,  or relates to tax  planning  and  advice,  it  requires
separate  pre-approval.  The Audit  Committee  has  delegated  its  pre-approval
authority to its Chairman acting with one additional member.



      To  be  considered   for  inclusion  for  next  year's  Proxy   Statement,
shareholder  proposals  must be received at Creative  Bakeries'  office no later
than the close of business on April 25, 2005.

      For any proposal  that is not submitted for inclusion in next year's proxy
statement but is instead  sought to be presented  directly at next year's annual
meeting,  Securities  and Exchange  Commissions  rule permit  management to vote
proxies in its  discretion  if (a) the Company  receives  notice of the proposal
before the close of business on May 25,  2005 and advises  stockholders  in next
year's proxy statement about the nature of the matter and how management intends
to vote on such matter.

      Notices of  intention  to present  proposals  at the 2005  annual  meeting
should be addressed to Nancy De La Rosa, Secretary,  Creative Bakeries, Inc., 20
Passaic Avenue,  Fairfield,  NJ 07004. The Company reserves the right to reject,
rule out of order, or take other appropriate action with respect to any proposal
that does not comply with these and other applicable requirements.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

      The  Company  knows  of no  other  matters  that  will  be  presented  for
consideration  at the Annual Meeting.  If any other matters properly come before
the Annual  Meeting,  it is intended  that proxies in the enclosed  form will be
voted in respect  thereof in accordance with the judgments of the persons voting
the proxies.

      The Company  incorporates by reference all items and matters  contained in
its Form 10-KSB for the fiscal  year-ended  December 31, 2004, as filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  in addition to its Form 10-QSB and other
reports as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  by order of the
Board of Directors.

                                              By order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Ronald Schutte
                                              Ronald Schutte

July 7, 2004


Creative Bakeries, Inc.

                 [ ]  Mark this box with an X if you have made changes to your
                      name or address details above.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Annual Meeting Proxy Card
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A Election of Directors


1. The Board of Directors recommends a vote to elect six directors of the
company to serve until the next Annual meeting of shareholders and until their
respective successors have been elected and qualified.

                           For Withhold                                    For Withhold
01 - Ronald Schutte        [ ]      [ ]      04 - Anthony Merante          [ ]     [ ]
02 - Vincent Bocchimuzzo   [ ]      [ ]      05 - Ben Borsellino           [ ]     [ ]
03 - Carmelo L. Foti       [ ]      [ ]      06 - David Rabe               [ ]     [ ]

B Issues

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following    For   Against Abstain

                                                              [ ]     [ ]      [ ]
2. To approve the authorization of the Board of Directors
or their successors to amend the certificate of
incorporation to authorize a reverse split of the common
stock in any ration between 1:2 and 1:25 at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.

                                                              For    Against Abstain
3. To approve an increase in the Authorized capital stock.
                                                              [ ]       [ ]    [ ]

4. To approve the authorization of the Board of Directors     For    Against Abstain
or their successors to amend the certificate of
incorporation to change the name of the company at the        [ ]       [ ]     [ ]
discretion of the Board of Directors.

                                                              For   Against Abstain
5. To approve the Creative Bakeries, Inc,. 2004 Stock
Incentive Plan.                                               [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                                                              For    Against Abstain
6. To ratify the appointment of Zeller, Weiss and Kahn,
LLP as auditors of the company to serve for the fiscal        [ ]       [ ]    [ ]
year ending December 31, 2004; and

                                                              For    Against Abstain
7. To transact any other business that may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement         [ ]       [ ]     [ ]

C Authorized Signatures - Sign Here - This section must be
completed for your instructions to be executed.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on June
11, 2004 are entitled to notice and will be entitled to
vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof and only
holders of shares of common stock of record at the close
of business on that day will be entitled to vote.

NOTE: Please sign your name(s) EXACTLY as your name(s)
appear(s) on this proxy. All joint holders must sign. When
signing as attorney, trustee, executor, administrator,
guardian or corporate officer, please provide your FULL

Signature 1 - Please keep signature within the box                                      Signature 2 - Please keep signature within

the box                                     Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

________________________________________    ________________________________________    ________________________________________

                                                                      APPENDIX A

                             CREATIVE BAKERIES, INC

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


      The Audit  Committee  (the  "Committee")  shall  consist of at least three
members.  Members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors  (the
"Board")  from time to time and may be  removed  by the Board at any time.  Each
member of the Committee  shall be  independent  directors,  as determined by the
Board in accordance  with the  applicable  rules of the New York Stock  Exchange
("NYSE"), the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), and the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act (the "Act"). Committee members shall be chosen based on their competence and
ability to add substance to the  deliberations of the Committee.  All members of
the Committee will have a general  understanding of basic finance and accounting
practices.  The Board will  determine if any member is a  "financial  expert" as
defined by the SEC.

      Each  committee   member  is  prohibited  from   accepting,   directly  or
indirectly,  any fees from the Company other than for service as a member of the
Board or  committee  thereof,  and each member will be free from any  financial,
family, or other material  relationship that, in the opinion of the Board, would
interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment.


      The  principal  role of the Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling
its financial, legal, and regulatory oversight responsibilities. The Committee's
primary responsibilities are to assist Board oversight of:

      o     The  integrity  of  the  Company's  financial  statements,  and  its
            financial  reporting  processes  and  systems of  internal  controls
            regarding   finance,   legal,  risk  management,   accounting,   and
            information systems.

      o     The Company's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

      o     The  independence,   qualifications   and  performance  of  Creative
            Bakeries independent accountants and the Internal Audit Department.

      o     The business ethics and conduct function.

      o     The  facilitation and maintenance of an open avenue of communication
            among the Board,  Senior Management,  the Internal Audit Department,
            and independent accountants.



      The Committee is to serve in an oversight  capacity and is not intended to
be part of the Company's operational or managerial  decision-making process. The
Company's  management is  responsible  for  preparing  the  Company's  financial
statements and the outside  auditors are  responsible for auditing the financial
statements.  Additionally, the Committee recognizes that the Company's financial
management, including the internal audit staff, as well as the Company's outside
auditors,  have more time,  knowledge and detailed  information  concerning  the
Company than do Committee members;  consequently,  in carrying out its oversight
responsibilities, the Committee is not providing any expert or special assurance
as to the Company's financial  statements or any certification as to the outside
auditors' work.

      Consistent with the above, the Committee shall:

      o     Provide  an open  avenue  of  communication  among  management,  the
            internal audit staff, the outside auditors and the Board.

      o     Review  with  management  and  the  outside   auditors  the  audited
            financial  statements to be included in the Company's  Annual Report
            on Form 10-K (or the Annual Report to  Shareholders,  if distributed
            prior to the filing of the Form 10-K),  and recommended to the Board
            the  approval for  inclusion  in such Report,  prior to their filing
            with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (or  prior to such
            distribution,  if earlier) and, in connection therewith,  review and
            consider  with the  outside  auditors  the  matters  required  to be
            discussed by Statements of Auditing  Standards ("SAS") No. 61, as it
            may be modified or supplemented.

      o     Either  on its own or  through  its  chairpersons,  review  with the
            outside  auditors,  prior to the Company's  filing of each quarterly
            report on Form 10-Q with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the
            Company's interim  financial  statements to be included in such Form
            10-Q and the matters  required to be  discussed by SAS No. 71, as it
            may be modified or supplemented.

      o     Discuss with  management,  the internal audit staff, and the outside
            auditors  the  quality  and  adequacy  of  the  Company's   internal
            accounting and financial controls.

      o     Receive  from  the  outside  auditors   annually  a  formal  written
            statement delineating all relationships between the outside auditors
            and  the  Company  consistent  with  Independence   Standards  Board
            Standard No. 1.

      o     Discuss with the outside  auditors any  disclosed  relationships  or
            services  contained in the formal written statement received from he
            outside auditors that may impact the objectivity and independence of
            the outside auditors.

      o     Take,  or  recommend  that the  Board  take,  appropriate  action to
            oversee the independence of the outside auditors.


      The  outside  auditors  are  ultimately  accountable  to the Board and the
Committee,  as  representatives  of  the  Company's   shareholders,   and  these
shareholder  representatives  have the ultimate  authority and responsibility to
select,  evaluate review and approve fees to be paid to, and where  appropriate,
replace the outside auditors (or to nominate the outside auditors to be proposed
for shareholder approval in any proxy statement).


      The  Committee  may  delegate  its  duties  and   responsibilities   to  a
subcommittee  consisting of one or more members of the  Committee,  or to senior
officers of the Company. Any delegation may be made only to the extent permitted
by the NYSE rules, SEC rules and applicable law.


      The  Committee has the authority to retain and obtain advice from internal
and external legal, accounting and other advisors as it determines necessary and
appropriate to carry out its duties.


      The  Committee   shall  conduct  an  annual  review  of  the   Committee's
performance, periodically assess the adequacy of its charter (at least annually)
and recommend changes to the Board as needed. The charter should be published at
least every 3 years on accordance with SEC regulations.


      Meetings of the Audit Committee shall be held upon call by the Chairman of
the Board or Chairman of the  Committee.  The Committee  will meet at least four
times annually.  Additional  meetings may occur more frequently as circumstances
dictate.  The  Committee  chairman  shall  approve  an agenda in advance of each

      The Committee shall meet privately in executive session at least quarterly
with the senior internal auditing executive, the independent  accountants,  such
other members of management as deemed  appropriate and as a committee to discuss
any  matters  that  the  Committee  believes  are  relevant  to  fulfilling  its


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                             CREATIVE BAKERIES, INC.

                            2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN


      The purposes of the Creative Bakeries, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (the
"Plan")  are (i) to enable  Creative  Bakeries,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  and its
Related Companies (as defined below) to attract, retain and reward employees and
strengthen  the existing  mutuality of interests  between such employees and the
Company's  shareholders  by offering  such  employees an equity  interest in the
Company, (ii) to enable the Company to offer incentives to employees of entities
which are acquired or established by the Company from time to time as incentives
and inducements  for employment,  and (iii) to enable the Company to pay part of
the compensation of its outside Directors (as defined in Section 5.2) in options
to purchase  the  Company's  common stock  ("Stock"),  thereby  increasing  such
directors'  proprietary  interests in the  Company.  For purposes of the Plan, a
"Related  Company" means any  corporation,  partnership,  joint venture or other
entity  in which  the  Company  owns,  directly  or  indirectly,  at least a 20%
beneficial ownership interest.


      2.1  Awards  under the Plan to  employees  may be in the form of (i) Stock
Options;  (ii) Stock  Appreciation  Rights;  (iii)  Limited  Stock  Appreciation
Rights;  (iv) Restricted  Stock; (v) Deferred Stock;  (vi) Bonus Stock; or (vii)
Tax Offset Payments.

      2.2 An eligible employee may be granted one or more types of awards, which
may be  independent  or granted in tandem.  If two awards are granted in tandem,
the employee may exercise (or  otherwise  receive the benefit of) one award only
to the extent he or she relinquishes the tandem award.

      2.3 Outside  Directors may receive only Stock Options and related  Limited
Stock Appreciation Rights and Tax Offset Payments.


      3.1 The Plan  shall  be  administered  (i) by the  Committee  (as  defined
below)or the  Company's  Board of Directors in the case of awards to  employees,
and (ii) by the Company's  Board of Directors  (the "Board")  (with  recusals as
necessary  or  appropriate)  in the case of awards  to  outside  Directors.  The
Committee  shall  be the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  or such  other
committee of directors as the Board shall designate,  which shall consist of not
less than two outside Directors.

      3.2 The  Committee  shall have the  following  authority  with  respect to
awards under the Plan other than awards to outside Directors: to grant awards to
eligible   employees   under  the  Plan;   to  adopt,   alter  and  repeal  such
administrative  rules,  guidelines and practices  governing the Plan as it shall
deem advisable;  to interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan and any award
granted under the Plan;  and to otherwise  supervise the  administration  of the


Plan. In particular,  and without limiting its authority and powers, except with
respect to awards to outside Directors, the Committee shall have the authority:

            (a) to determine whether and to what extent any award or combination
of awards  will be granted  hereunder,  including  whether  any  awards  will be
granted in tandem with each other;

            (b) to select the employees to whom awards will be granted;

            (c) to determine the number of shares of Stock to be covered by each
award granted hereunder subject to the limitations contained herein;

            (d) to  determine  the terms  and  conditions  of any award  granted
hereunder,  including,  but not limited  to, any  vesting or other  restrictions
based on such  performance  objectives (the  "Performance  Objectives") and such
other  factors as the  Committee  may  establish,  and to determine  whether the
Performance  Objectives  and  other  terms  and  conditions  of  the  award  are

            (e)  to  determine  the  treatment  of  awards  upon  an  employee's
retirement,  disability,  death,  termination for cause or other  termination of

            (f) to determine  pursuant to a formula or otherwise the fair market
value of the Stock on a given date;  provided,  however,  that if the  Committee
fails to make such a  determination,  fair market  value of the Stock on a given
date shall be the mean  between  the highest and lowest  quoted  selling  price,
regular  way,  of the  Stock on the  Over the  Counter  Bulletin  Board  (or the
principal  market or exchange  upon which the Stock is traded or listed) on such
date, or if no such sale of Stock occurs on such date,  the weighted  average of
the high and low prices on the nearest trading date before such date;

            (g) to determine  that amounts  equal to the amount of any dividends
declared  with  respect to the number of shares  covered by an award (i) will be
paid to the  employee  currently  or (ii)  will be  deferred  and  deemed  to be
reinvested or (iii) will otherwise be credited to the employee, or (iv) that the
employee has no rights with respect to such dividends;

            (h)  to  determine   whether,   to  what  extent,   and  under  what
circumstances  Stock and other amounts  payable with respect to an award will be
deferred  either  automatically  or at the  election of an  employee,  including
providing  for and  determining  the amount (if any) of deemed  earnings  on any
deferred amount during any deferral period;

            (i) to provide  that the shares of Stock  received as a result of an
award  shall be  subject  to a right of first  refusal,  pursuant  to which  the
employee  shall be required to offer to the Company any shares that the employee
wishes to sell,  subject  to such  terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  may

            (j) to amend the terms of any award, prospectively or retroactively;
provided, however, that no amendment shall impair the rights of the award holder
without his or her written consent; and

            (k)  to  substitute  new  awards  with  more  favorable   terms  and
conditions for previously granted awards under the Plan, or for stock options or
awards granted under other plans or agreements.


      3.3 The Committee shall have the right to designate awards as "Performance
Awards."  Awards so  designated  shall be granted and  administered  in a manner
designed to preserve the  deductibility of the compensation  resulting from such
awards in accordance  with Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended (the "Code").  The grant or vesting of a  Performance  Award shall be
subject  to  the  achievement  of  Performance  Objectives  established  by  the
Committee based on one or more of the following  criteria,  in each case applied
to the Company on a consolidated  basis and/or to a business unit, and which the
Committee may use either as an absolute  measure or as a measure of  comparative
performance  relative to a peer group of companies:  sales,  operating  profits,
operating profits before interest expense and taxes, net earnings,  earnings per
share,  return on equity,  return on assets,  return on invested  capital,  cash
flow, debt to equity ratio, market share, stock price, economic value added, and
market value added.

      The Performance  Objectives for a particular Performance Award relative to
a particular  period shall be  established  by the Committee in writing no later
than 90 days after the beginning of such period.  The Committee's  determination
as to the achievement of Performance  Objectives relating to a Performance Award
shall be made in writing.  The  Committee  shall have  discretion  to modify the
Performance  Objectives or vesting conditions of a Performance Award only to the
extent that the  exercise  of such  discretion  would not cause the  Performance
Award to fail to quality as "performance-based  compensation" within the meaning
of Section 162(m) of the Code.

      3.4 With  respect to awards to  outside  Directors,  the Board  shall have
authority to grant and amend awards subject to the  limitations of Sections 2.3,
6 and 7.2; to interpret the Plan and grants to outside Directors pursuant to the
Plan; to adopt,  amend,  and rescind  administrative  regulations to further the
purposes  of the Plan;  and to take any other  action  necessary  to the  proper
operation of the Plan. Subject to any express limitations set forth in the Plan,
the Board shall have the same powers with respect to awards to outside Directors
as are set forth for the Committee with respect to awards to employees.

      3.5 All determinations  made by the Committee or the Board pursuant to the
provisions of the Plan shall be final and binding on all persons,  including the
Company and Plan participants.

      3.6 The  Committee  may from time to time delegate to one or more officers
of the  Company  any or all of its  authorities  granted  hereunder  except with
respect to awards  granted to  persons  subject to Section 15 of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 or  Performance  Awards.  The  Committee  shall specify the
maximum  number of shares that the officer or officers to whom such authority is
delegated may award.


      4.1 The  total  number  of  shares of Stock  reserved  and  available  for
distribution  under  the Plan  shall be  2,000,000  (subject  to  adjustment  as
provided  below).  Such shares may consist of authorized but unissued  shares or
treasury  shares.  The  exercise of a Stock  Appreciation  Right for cash or the
payment of any other award in cash shall not count against this share limit.

      4.2 To the extent a Stock Option terminates without having been exercised,
or an award terminates  without the employee having received stock in payment of
the award,  or shares  awarded are  forfeited,  the shares subject to such award
shall again be available for distribution in connection with future awards under
the Plan.  If the  exercise  price of an option is paid in Stock or if shares of


Stock are  withheld  from  payment of an award to satisfy tax  obligations  with
respect to such award,  such shares will also not count  against the Plan limits
and shall again be available for  distribution  in connection with future awards
under the Plan.

      4.3 No  recipient  shall be  granted  Stock  Options,  Stock  Appreciation
Rights,  Restricted Stock, Deferred Stock and/or Bonus Stock, or any combination
of the  foregoing  with  respect to more than  1,500,000  shares of Stock in any
fiscal year of the Company  (subject to  adjustment as provided in Section 4.4).
No employee  shall be granted Tax Offset  Payments with respect to more than the
number of shares of Stock covered by awards held by such employee.

      4.4 In the event of any  merger,  reorganization,  consolidation,  sale of
substantially  all  assets,  recapitalization,   Stock  dividend,  Stock  split,
spin-off,  split-up,  split-off,  distribution  of  assets  or other  change  in
corporate structure affecting the Stock, a substitution or adjustment, as may be
determined  to be  appropriate  by the  Committee  or  the  Board  in  its  sole
discretion,  shall be made in the  aggregate  number and kind of shares or other
property  reserved for issuance under the Plan, the number and kind of shares or
other property as to which awards may be granted to any individual in any fiscal
year,  the number and kind of shares or other  property  subject to  outstanding
awards and the amounts to be paid by award  holders or the Company,  as the case
may be, with respect to  outstanding  awards;  provided,  however,  that no such
adjustment  shall  increase the aggregate  value of any  outstanding  award.  In
addition,  upon the  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the  Company,  or upon any
reorganization,  merger or consolidation as a result of which the Company is not
the surviving  corporation (or survives as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of another
corporation), or upon a sale of substantially all the assets of the Company, the
Board may take such action as it in its discretion deems appropriate to (i) cash
out outstanding Stock Options at or immediately prior to the date of such event,
(ii) provide for the  assumption  of  outstanding  Stock  Options by  surviving,
successor or  transferee  corporations,  and/or (iii) provide that Stock Options
shall be exercisable  for a period of at least 10 business days from the date of
receipt of a notice from the Company of such event,  following the expiration of
which  period  any  unexercised  Stock  Options  shall  terminate.  The  Board's
determination as to which adjustments shall be made and the extent thereof shall
be final, binding and conclusive.


      5.1 Employees of the Company or a Related Company, including employees who
are officers and/or directors of the Company,  are eligible to be granted awards
under the Plan. The employee  participants under the Plan shall be selected from
time to  time  by the  Committee,  in its  sole  discretion,  from  among  those

      5.2 For purposes of the Plan, the term "outside  Director"  shall mean any
director  of the  Company  other than one who is an employee of the Company or a
Related Company.


      6.1 The Stock  Options  awarded to employees  under the Plan may be of two
types: (i) Incentive Stock Options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code
or any successor provision thereto; and (ii) Non-Qualified Stock Options. To the
extent that any Stock Option is  identified as a  Non-Qualified  Stock Option or
does  not  qualify  as  an  Incentive  Stock  Option,   it  shall  constitute  a
Non-Qualified Stock Option. All Stock Options awarded to outside Directors shall
be Non-Qualified Stock Options.


      6.2  Subject  to  the  following  provisions,  Stock  Options  awarded  to
employees by the Committee and Stock Options awarded to outside Directors by the
Board  shall be in such form and shall  have such  terms and  conditions  as the
Committee or the Board, as the case may be, may determine. All references to the
Committee  in the  following  paragraphs  of this Section 6.2 shall be deemed to
refer to the Board with respect to awards to outside Directors.

            (a) Option  Price.  The option price per share of Stock  purchasable
under a Stock Option shall be determined by the Committee,  and may be less than
the fair market value of the Stock on the date of the award of the Stock Option.

            (b) Option Term. The term of each Stock Option shall be fixed by the

            (c) Exercisability.  Stock Options shall be exercisable at such time
or times and subject to such terms and  conditions as shall be determined by the
Committee.  The Committee may waive such exercise  provisions or accelerate  the
exercisability of the Stock Option at any time in whole or in part.

            (d) Method of Exercise.  Stock  Options may be exercised in whole or
in part at any time  during  the  option  period  by  giving  written  notice of
exercise  to the  Company  specifying  the  number of  shares  to be  purchased,
accompanied  by payment of the purchase  price.  Payment of the  purchase  price
shall be made in such manner as the  Committee  may provide in the award,  which
may  include  cash  (including  cash  equivalents),  delivery of shares of Stock
already  owned by the  optionee  and held for at least six  months or subject to
awards  hereunder,  "cashless  exercise",  any  other  manner  permitted  by law
determined  by the  Committee,  or any  combination  of  the  foregoing.  If the
Committee  determines  that a Stock  Option  may be  exercised  using  shares of
Restricted  Stock,  then unless the  Committee  provides  otherwise,  the shares
received upon the exercise of a Stock Option which are paid for using Restricted
Stock  shall  be  restricted  in  accordance  with  the  original  terms  of the
Restricted Stock award.

            (e) No Shareholder  Rights. An optionee shall have neither rights to
dividends or other rights of a shareholder  with respect to shares  subject to a
Stock Option until the  optionee  has given  written  notice of exercise and has
paid for such shares.

            (f) Surrender Rights.  The Committee may provide that options may be
surrendered for cash upon any terms and conditions set by the Committee.

            (g) Transferability.  Stock Options shall not be transferable by the
optionee  other than by will or by the laws of  descent  and  distribution,  and
during the optionee's  lifetime,  all Stock Options shall be exercisable only by
the  optionee  or by his or her  guardian  or  legal  representative;  provided,
however, the Committee may, in its discretion, authorize all or a portion of the
Stock Options to be granted to an optionee to be on terms which permit  transfer
by such  optionee to (i) the spouse,  children,  stepchildren  or  grandchildren
(including   relationships   arising  from  legal   adoption)  of  the  optionee
("Immediate  Family Members"),  (ii) a trust or trusts for the exclusive benefit
of such Immediate Family Members, or (iii) a partnership in which such Immediate
Family  Members  are the only  partners,  provided  that (x)  there  shall be no
consideration  for any such  transfer  (other than  interests in the  transferee
partnership),  (y) the instrument pursuant to which such options are transferred
must  be  approved  by  the  Committee,  and  must  expressly  provide  for  the
transferability  in a  manner  consistent  with  this  Section  as  well  as any
additional  conditions  on  transfer  and  restrictions  on  the  rights  of the


transferree,  as may be required by the Committee,  and (z) subsequent transfers
of transferred  options shall be prohibited  except those by will or the laws of
descent and distribution.  Following any such transfer,  the Stock Options shall
continue  to be  subject  to the same terms and  conditions  as were  applicable
immediately prior to transfer.

            (h)  Termination  of  Employment.  Following the  termination  of an
optionee's  employment (or Board service) with the Company or a Related Company,
the Stock Option shall be exercisable to the extent determined by the Committee.
The Committee may provide different  post-termination  exercise  provisions with
respect to  termination  of  employment or service for  different  reasons.  The
Committee may provide that,  notwithstanding  the option term fixed  pursuant to
Section 6.2(b), a Stock Option which is outstanding on the date of an optionee's
death shall remain  outstanding for an additional  period after the date of such

      6.3  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Section 6.2, no Incentive  Stock
Option shall (i) have an option price which is less than 100% of the fair market
value of the Stock on the date of the award of the Incentive Stock Option,  (ii)
be exercisable more than ten years after the date such Incentive Stock Option is
awarded,  or (iii) be awarded  after July 30, 2014.  No  Incentive  Stock Option
granted to an employee who owns more than 10% of the total combined voting power
of all  classes  of stock of the  Company  or any of its  parent  or  subsidiary
corporations,  as defined in Section  424 of the Code,  shall (A) have an option
price which is less than 110% of the fair market  value of the Stock on the date
of award of the  Incentive  Stock  Option or (B) be  exercisable  more than five
years after the date such Incentive Stock Option is awarded.


      7.1 A Stock  Appreciation  Right awarded to an employee  shall entitle the
holder thereof to receive  payment of an amount,  in cash,  shares of Stock or a
combination  thereof,  as  determined  by the  Committee,  equal in value to the
excess of the fair market value of the number of shares of Stock as to which the
award is  granted  on the  date of  exercise  over an  amount  specified  by the
Committee.  Any such  award  shall be in such form and shall have such terms and
conditions as the Committee may determine. The grant shall specify the number of
shares of Stock as to which the Stock Appreciation Right is granted.

      7.2 The  Committee (or the Board with respect to outside  Directors),  may
grant a Stock  Appreciation  Right which may be exercised only within the 60-day
period following  occurrence of a Change of Control (as defined in Section 15.2)
(such  Stock  Appreciation  Right being  referred  to herein as a Limited  Stock
Appreciation  Right).  Unless the  Committee  (or Board with  respect to outside
Directors) provides otherwise, in the event of a Change of Control the amount to
be  paid  upon  exercise  of  a  Stock   Appreciation  Right  or  Limited  Stock
Appreciation  Right shall be based on the Change of Control Price (as defined in
Section 15.3).


      Subject to the following  provisions,  all awards of  Restricted  Stock to
employees  shall be in such form and shall have such terms and conditions as the
Committee may determine:

            (a) The Restricted Stock award shall specify the number of shares of
Restricted  Stock to be awarded,  the price, if any, to be paid by the recipient
of the Restricted  Stock and the date or dates on which,  or the conditions upon


the  satisfaction of which, the Restricted Stock will vest. The grant and/or the
vesting  of  Restricted  Stock  may be  conditioned  upon  the  completion  of a
specified  period of service  with the  Company or a Related  Company,  upon the
attainment of specified  Performance  Objectives or upon such other  criteria as
the Committee may determine.

            (b) Stock certificates  representing the Restricted Stock awarded to
an employee  shall be registered in the  employee's  name, but the Committee may
direct that such  certificates be held by the Company on behalf of the employee.
Except as may be permitted by the Committee, no share of Restricted Stock may be
sold,  transferred,  assigned,  pledged or otherwise  encumbered by the employee
until such share has vested in accordance with the terms of the Restricted Stock
award. At the time Restricted  Stock vests, a certificate for such vested shares
shall be delivered to the employee (or his or her designated  beneficiary in the
event of death), free of all restrictions.

            (c) The Committee may provide that the employee shall have the right
to vote and/or  receive  dividends on  Restricted  Stock.  Unless the  Committee
provides  otherwise,  Stock  received as a dividend on, or in connection  with a
stock split of,  Restricted  Stock shall be subject to the same  restrictions as
the Restricted Stock.

            (d) Except as may be provided by the  Committee,  in the event of an
employee's  termination of employment  before all of his or her Restricted Stock
has vested,  or in the event any  conditions to the vesting of Restricted  Stock
have not been  satisfied  prior to any  deadline  for the  satisfaction  of such
conditions set forth in the award, the shares of Restricted Stock which have not
vested shall be  forfeited,  and the Committee may provide that (i) any purchase
price paid by the  employee  shall be  returned  to the  employee or (ii) a cash
payment  equal  to the  Restricted  Stock's  fair  market  value  on the date of
forfeiture, if lower, shall be paid to the employee.

            (e) The Committee may waive,  in whole or in part, any or all of the
conditions  to receipt of, or  restrictions  with  respect to, any or all of the
employee's  Restricted  Stock,  other than Performance  Awards whose vesting was
made subject to satisfaction of one or more Performance  Objectives (except that
the Committee may waive  conditions or restrictions  with respect to Performance
Awards if such waiver would not cause the  Performance  Award to fail to qualify
as "performance-based  compensation" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the


      Subject  to the  following  provisions,  all awards of  Deferred  Stock to
employees  shall be in such form and shall have such terms and conditions as the
Committee may determine:

            (a) The Deferred  Stock award shall  specify the number of shares of
Deferred Stock to be awarded to any employee and the duration of the period (the
"Deferral Period") during which, and the conditions under which,  receipt of the
Stock will be deferred.  The  Committee  may  condition  the grant or vesting of
Deferred Stock,  or receipt of Stock or cash at the end of the Deferral  Period,
upon the attainment of specified  Performance  Objectives or such other criteria
as the Committee may determine.

            (b)  Except as may be  provided  by the  Committee,  Deferred  Stock
awards may not be sold, assigned,  transferred,  pledged or otherwise encumbered
during the Deferral Period.


            (c) At the expiration of the Deferral  Period,  the employee (or his
or  her  designated  beneficiary  in the  event  of  death)  shall  receive  (i)
certificates  for the  number of shares of Stock  equal to the  number of shares
covered by the Deferred Stock award, (ii) cash equal to the fair market value of
such Stock,  or (iii) a  combination  of shares and cash,  as the  Committee may

            (d) Except as may be provided by the  Committee,  in the event of an
employee's  termination of employment before the Deferred Stock has vested,  his
or her Deferred Stock award shall be forfeited.

            (e) The Committee may waive,  in whole or in part, any or all of the
conditions to receipt of, or restrictions with respect to, Stock or cash under a
Deferred Stock award, other than with respect to Performance Awards (except that
the Committee may waive  conditions or restrictions  with respect to Performance
Awards if such waiver would not cause the  Performance  Award to fail to qualify
as "performance-based  compensation" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the


      The  Committee may award Bonus Stock to any eligible  employee  subject to
such terms and conditions as the Committee shall  determine.  The grant of Bonus
Stock may be conditioned upon the attainment of specified Performance Objectives
or upon such other  criteria as the Committee may  determine.  The Committee may
waive such conditions in whole or in part other than with respect to Performance
Awards  (except that the Committee may waive  conditions  or  restrictions  with
respect to  Performance  Awards if such waiver  would not cause the  Performance
Award to fail to qualify as "performance-based  compensation" within the meaning
of  Section  162(m) of the  Code).  The  Committee  shall also have the right to
eliminate or reduce the amount of Cash Bonus  otherwise  payable under an award.
Unless  otherwise  specified  by the  Committee,  no money  shall be paid by the
recipient for the Bonus Stock.  Alternatively,  the Committee may offer eligible
employees the  opportunity  to purchase  Bonus Stock at a discount from its fair
market  value.  The Bonus Stock award shall be  satisfied by the delivery of the
designated number of shares of Stock, which are not subject to restriction.


      The  Committee  (or the Board,  with  respect to  outside  Directors)  may
provide  for a Tax Offset  Payment by the  Company  with  respect to one or more
awards  granted  under the Plan.  The Tax Offset  Payment  shall be in an amount
specified by the  Committee (or the Board,  with respect to outside  Directors),
which shall not exceed the amount necessary to pay the federal, state, local and
other taxes payable with respect to the applicable  award and the receipt of the
Tax Offset Payment, assuming that the recipient is taxed at the maximum tax rate
applicable to such income. The Tax Offset Payment shall be paid solely in cash.


      The Committee may permit an employee to elect to defer receipt of an award
for a  specified  period or until a  specified  event,  upon  such  terms as are
determined by the Committee.



      13.1 Each award holder shall, no later than the date as of which the value
of an  award  first  becomes  includible  in  such  person's  gross  income  for
applicable tax purposes,  pay to the Company, or make arrangements  satisfactory
to the Committee  regarding  payment of, the minimum statutory  federal,  state,
local or other taxes of any kind  required by law to be withheld with respect to
the award. The obligations of the Company under the Plan shall be conditional on
such  payment or  arrangements,  and the Company  (and,  where  applicable,  any
Related  Company),  shall,  to the extent  permitted  by law,  have the right to
deduct any such taxes from any  payment of any kind  otherwise  due to the award

      13.2 To the extent  permitted by the Committee,  and subject to such terms
and  conditions as the Committee may provide,  an employee may elect to have the
minimum  statutory  withholding  tax  obligation  with  respect  to  any  awards
hereunder,  satisfied  by (i)  having  the  Company  withhold  shares  of  Stock
otherwise  deliverable  to  such  person  with  respect  to the  award  or  (ii)
delivering  to the Company  shares of  unrestricted  Stock held for at least six
months. Alternatively, the Committee may require that a portion of the shares of
Stock  otherwise  deliverable  be  applied  to  satisfy  the  minimum  statutory
withholding tax obligations with respect to the award.


      The Plan shall continue in effect for an unlimited  period.  The Board may
discontinue  the  Plan at any  time  and may  amend  it from  time to  time.  No
amendment  or  discontinuation  of the Plan  shall  adversely  affect  any award
previously granted without the award holder's written consent. Amendments may be
made without shareholder approval except as required by law.


      15.1 In the event of a Change of Control, unless otherwise provided in the
grant or by amendment (with the holder's consent) of such grant:

            (a)  all  outstanding   Stock  Options  and  all  outstanding  Stock
Appreciation Rights (including Limited Stock Appreciation  Rights) awarded under
the Plan shall become fully exercisable and vested;

            (b) the restrictions  applicable to any outstanding Restricted Stock
and Deferred  Stock awards under the Plan shall lapse and such shares and awards
shall be deemed fully vested; and

            (c) to the extent the cash payment of any award is based on the fair
market  value of Stock,  such fair  market  value shall be the Change of Control

      15.2 A "Change of Control" means the happening of any of the following:

            (a)  When  any  "person,"  as  defined  in  Section  3(a)(9)  of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act") and as used in Sections
13(d) and 14(d) thereof,  including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d) of the
Exchange  Act, but  excluding  the Company and any  subsidiary  and any employee
benefit plan sponsored or maintained by the Company or any subsidiary (including
any trustee of such plan  acting as  trustee),  or any  person,  entity or group
specifically  excluded  by  the  Board,  directly  or  indirectly,  becomes  the


"beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, as amended
from time to time) of securities of the Company  representing 20 percent or more
of the combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities;

            (b) When Incumbent  Directors  cease for any reason to constitute at
least two-thirds of the Board (where "Incumbent  Director" means any director on
the  date of  adoption  of the  Plan  and any  director  elected  by,  or on the
recommendation of, or with the approval of, a majority of the directors who then
qualified as Incumbent Directors);

            (c) The effective date of any merger or consolidation of the Company
with another corporation where (i) the shareholders of the Company,  immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation, do not beneficially own, immediately after
the merger or  consolidation,  shares entitling such shareholders to 50% or more
of all votes (without consideration of the rights of any class of stock to elect
directors by a separate class vote) to which all shareholders of the corporation
issuing cash or securities in the merger or  consolidation  would be entitled in
the election of directors,  or (ii) where the members of the Board,  immediately
prior to the merger or  consolidation,  do not,  immediately after the merger or
consolidation,   constitute  a  majority  of  the  board  of  directors  of  the
corporation issuing cash or securities in the merger;  provided,  however, that,
in each of the cases set forth above in clauses (c)(i) or (c)(ii), no "Change of
Control"  shall be deemed to take place if the  transaction  was approved by the
Board of Directors,  the majority of the members of which were in place prior to
the commencement of such sale, merger or consolidation; or

            (d) The date of approval by the  shareholders  of the Company of the
liquidation  of  the  Company  or  the  sale  or  other  disposition  of  all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company.

      15.3 "Change of Control  Price" means the highest  price per share paid in
any  transaction  reported  in the Over  the  Counter  Bulletin  Board or on any
national  securities exchange or other market where the Stock is traded, or paid
or offered in any transaction related to a Change of Control, at any time during
the  90-day  period  ending  with the  Change of  Control.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing  sentence,  in the case of Stock Appreciation Rights granted in tandem
with Incentive  Stock Options,  the Change of Control Price shall be the highest
price paid on the date on which the Stock Appreciation Right is exercised.


      16.1 Each award under the Plan shall be subject to the  requirement  that,
if at any time the Committee shall determine that (i) the listing,  registration
or  qualification  of the Stock subject or related  thereto upon any  securities
exchange  or market or under any state or federal  law,  or (ii) the  consent or
approval  of any  government  regulatory  body  or  (iii)  an  agreement  by the
recipient of an award with respect to the  disposition  of Stock is necessary or
desirable (in connection with any requirement or  interpretation  of any federal
or state securities law, rule or regulation) as a condition of, or in connection
with, the granting of such award or the issuance,  purchase or delivery of Stock
thereunder,  such award shall not be granted or exercised,  in whole or in part,
unless such listing, registration, qualification, consent, approval or agreement
shall have been effected or obtained free of any  conditions  not  acceptable to
the Committee.


      16.2 Nothing set forth in this Plan shall  prevent the Board from adopting
other or additional compensation arrangements.  Neither the adoption of the Plan
nor any award hereunder  shall confer upon any employee of the Company,  or of a
Related Company, any right to continued employment,  and no award under the Plan
shall  confer  upon any outside  Director  any right to  continued  service as a

      16.3  Determinations by the Committee or the Board under the Plan relating
to the form, amount, and terms and conditions of awards need not be uniform, and
may be made  selectively  among  persons who receive or are  eligible to receive
awards under the Plan, whether or not such persons are similarly situated.

      16.4 No member of the Board or the Committee,  nor any officer or employee
of the  Company  acting  on  behalf  of the  Board  or the  Committee,  shall be
personally liable for any action,  determination or interpretation taken or made
with respect to the Plan,  and all members of the Board or the Committee and all
officers or employees of the Company acting on their behalf shall, to the extent
permitted by law, be fully  indemnified  and protected by the Company in respect
of any such action, determination or interpretation.


      The Plan  shall be  effective  upon  approval  by the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  The Plan will be presented to the Company's Shareholders at the 2004
Annual Meeting of Shareholders  for ratification of the Board of Directors prior


                                TRAVEL DIRECTIONS

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

toward  I-80/GARDEN  STATE PARKWAY.  Take the I-80 WEST EXPRESS exit on the left
the exit- exit number 52- toward THE CALDWELLS/FAIRFIELD. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto
TWO  BRIDGES RD. TWO BRIDGES RD becomes  PASSAIC  AVE/CR-613.  End at 20 Passaic
Ave, Fairfield NJ.

ALBANY/TAPPAN  ZEE BR. Take the GARDEN  STATE PKWY exit- exit number 14A- toward
GARDEN  STATE PKWY S  (Portions  toll).  Merge  onto I-80 W via exit  number 159
toward PATERSON. Take the exit- exit number 52- toward THE  CALDWELLS/FAIRFIELD.
AVE/CR-613. End at 20 Passaic Ave, Fairfield NJ.

ONLY (Portions toll). Take the GARDEN STATE PARKWAY exit- exit number 11- toward
WOODBRIDGE. Merge onto GARDEN STATE PKWY N (Portions toll). Take the I-280 exit-
exit number 145- toward WEST ORANGE/NEWARK.  Merge onto I-280 W via the exit- on
the left- toward THE ORANGES.  Merge onto LIVINGSTON  AVE/CR-527  N/CR-649 N via
exit number 5B toward THE  CALDWELLS.  Turn LEFT onto EAGLE ROCK AVE. Turn RIGHT
AVE/CR-613. End at 20 Passaic Ave, Fairfield NJ.
