CONTACT: Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Peter A. Clemens, SVP Investor Relations & CFO   847-705-7709

                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



PALATINE,  IL,  AUGUST 13,  2004:  Halsey  Drug Co.,  Inc.  (OTC.BB-HDGC)  today
announced that  Shareholders at its 2004 Annual Meeting  authorized an amendment
to the Company's charter to change its name to Acura  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. The
new name becomes  effective today. As a result of this name change,  the Company
will  receive a new stock symbol and will notify the market of the new symbol as
soon as it is provided by NASDAQ.

In addition to changing the Company's  name the  Shareholders  approved  certain
additional matters including:

o        Elected six directors to the board;

o        Authorized  the Company to amend its  Certificate of  Incorporation  to
         increase the number of authorized  shares of its $0.01 par value common
         stock to 650.0  million  shares  and to  authorize  various  series  of
         preferred stock;

o        Approved the sale of substantially all the assets used in the Company's
         operations at its former Congers, NY locations to IVAX  Pharmaceuticals
         New York LLC;

o        Adopted amendments to the Company's 1998 Stock Option Plan;

o        Ratified  the  appointment  of  Grant  Thornton  LLP as  the  Company's
         independent  certified  public  accountants  for the fiscal year ending
         December 31, 2004.

Commenting, Andy Reddick, President and CEO said, "We're pleased to announce the
name change to Acura Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. Our new name closes a chapter on the
Company's  heritage as a  manufacturer  of generic  pharmaceutical  products and
clearly  signifies  the  establishment  of a  revitalized  organization  engaged
primarily  in research,  development  and  manufacture  of  proprietary  product
candidates   utilizing  our  innovative   opioid  abuse  deterrent   formulation
technology.  These are truly  exciting times as we attempt to fill a market void
for products designed to deter abuse of orally administered opioids.

The additional  matters approved at the 2004 Annual Meeting serve to further the
corporate  restructuring  begun in late 2003 by allowing for the  completion  on
August  13,  2004 of the  sale of the  Company's  former  generic  manufacturing
facilities located in Congers,  New York to IVAX  Pharmaceuticals  New York LLC.
The asset sale was completed in accordance  with the terms of the Asset Purchase
Agreement  dated March 19, 2004  previously  disclosed on Form 8-K, and provided
for a cash payment to the Company of $2.5 million.  Of this amount, $2.0 million
was  received  on March 19, 2004 and the  remaining  $0.5  million was  received
August 13, 2004.  In addition,  the approval of the  amendment to the  Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  triggers the immediate  conversion of all of the
Company's  outstanding  convertible  debentures  totaling  approximately  $100.6
million into approximately 218.0 million shares of convertible  preferred stock.
Such preferred  stock is convertible  into an aggregate of  approximately  305.8
million shares of the Company's common stock."

Acura Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. (formerly Halsey Drug Co., Inc.), together with its
subsidiaries,  is an  emerging  pharmaceutical  technology  development  Company
specializing in proprietary  opioid abuse deterrent  formulation  technology and
opioid API synthesis technologies.

This press release  contains forward looking  statements,  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act
of 1934,  as amended  that are based on  management's  beliefs and  assumptions,
current  expectations,  estimates and projections.  Investors are cautioned that
forward looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors, which
could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or
implied by such forward looking statements. The most significant of such factors
include,  but are not  limited  to,  general  economic  conditions,  competitive
conditions,   technological  conditions  and  governmental   legislation.   More
specifically,  important factors that may affect future results include, but are
not limited to: changes in laws and  regulations,  particularly  those affecting
the  Company's  operations;  the  Company's  ability  to  continue  to  attract,
assimilate  and  retain  highly  skilled  personnel;  its  ability to secure and
protect its patents, trademarks and proprietary rights; litigation or regulatory
action that could require the Company to pay  significant  damages or change the
way it conducts its business;  the Company's ability to successfully develop and
market its products;  customer  responsiveness  to new products and distribution
channels;  its  ability  to  compete  successfully  against  current  and future
competitors;  its  dependence on  third-party  suppliers of raw  materials;  the
availability of controlled  substances that constitute the active ingredients of
the Company's products in development; difficulties or delays in clinical trials
for Company products or in the manufacture of Company products;  and other risks
and  uncertainties  detailed in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The  Company is at an early stage of  development  and may not ever
have any products that generate significant revenue.

Further,  the  forward  looking  statements  speak  only as of the  date of such
statements  are made,  and the Company  undertakes  no  obligation to update any
forward looking statements to reflect events or circumstances  after the date of
such statements.  Any or all of the forward looking  statements whether included
in this release or in the  Company's  filings with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission,  may turn out to be wrong.  Readers should  remember that no forward
looking statement can be guaranteed and other factors besides those listed above
could  adversely  affect  the  Company,   its  operating  results  or  financial

This and past press  releases for Acura  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. are available at
the Company's web site at www.halseydrug.com.