CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION OF
                                  NANNACO, INC.

                         Pursuant to Article 2.13 of the
                         Texas Business Corporation Act

      Nannaco,  Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
state of Texas (the  "Corporation"),  hereby certifies that, pursuant to (i) the
ag  uthority  conferred  upon  the  Board of  Directors  by the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  of the  Corporation,  (ii) the  provisions of Article 2.13 of the
Texas Business  Corporation Act, and (iii) the resolutions  adopted by the Board
of Directors of the  Corporation by unanimous  written  consent dated August 23,
2004, the Board of Directors duly adopted resolutions providing for the adoption
of the Certificate of  Designations  of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock of
the Corporation,  and creating the number of votes to which each share of Series
A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock is entitled  and the number of shares of Common
Stock into which each share of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock will become
convertible (and making similar  conforming  changes),  which resolutions are as

      RESOLVED,  that pursuant to the authority vested in the Board of Directors
of the Corporation by the Certificate of  Incorporation,  the Board of Directors
does hereby approve the issuance of up to 10,000,000  shares of Preferred Stock,
par value  $.001 per  share,  of the  Corporation,  to be  designated  "Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock" of the presently  authorized  shares of Preferred
Stock.  The voting powers,  designations,  preferences,  and other rights of the
Series   A   Convertible   Preferred   Stock   authorized   hereunder   and  the
qualifications,  limitations and restrictions of such preferences and rights are
as follows:

      1. Cash  Dividends.  No cash  dividends  shall be paid with respect to the
shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock.

      2. Voting.  The holders of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock shall not
be  entitled  to vote on  issues  submitted  to a vote  of  stockholders  of the
Corporation, provided however, that each share of Series A Convertible Preferred
Stock  shall  be  entitled  to  100  votes  solely  on  the  specific  issue  of
reverse-splitting the Corporation's Common Stock.

      3.  Conversion.  The Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall not be
convertible  when issued,  but shall become  convertible,  at the  Corporation's
election,  into shares of Common Stock only after such date as the  shareholders
vote upon a  reverse-split  of the  Corporation's  Common  Stock.  The following
provisions  shall apply after the Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock becomes

      (a)  Upon  the  election  of the  Corporation  to  convert  the  Series  A
Convertible  Preferred Stock, the holders of said shares of Series A Convertible
Preferred Stock shall surrender the certificate or certificates  for such shares
at the office of the  Corporation (or at such other place as the Corporation may
designate by notice to the holders of shares of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock) during regular  business  hours,  duly endorsed to the  Corporation or in
blank, or accompanied by instruments of transfer to the Corporation in blank, in
form  satisfactory  to the  Corporation  and shall  give  written  notice to the
Corporation  at such  office  that  said  holder  has been  instructed  that the
Corporation has elected to convert the shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred
Stock.  The  Corporation  shall,  as soon as  practicable  after such deposit of
certificates for shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock,  accompanied by
the written  notice  above  prescribed,  issue and deliver at such office to the
holder for whose  account  such  shares  were  surrendered,  or to his  nominee,
certificates  representing  the  number of shares of Common  Stock to which such
holder is entitled upon such conversion.

      (b)  Conversion  shall  be  deemed  to have  been  made as of the  date of
surrender of certificates for the shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
to be converted and the delivery of written notice as hereinabove provided;  and
the person  entitled to receive the Common Stock  issuable upon such  conversion
shall be treated for all  purposes as the record  holder of such Common Stock on
such date.

      (c) The Conversion Rate shall be as follows:

            (i) The holders of all shares of the Series A Convertible  Preferred
Stock surrendered for conversion shall be entitled to receive Common Stock in an
amount such that when all such Common  Stock is  aggregated  the total number of
shares received by shareholders of the Series A Convertible Preferred Stock as a
class shall equal five  percent  (5%) of the number of shares of Common Stock of
the Corporation  which is then currently  issued and  outstanding,  which Common
Stock  shall be  distributed  to each holder of Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock on a pro-rata basis,  considering the relationship an individual  holder's
shares of the Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock bears to the total shares of
Series A Convertible Preferred Stock issued and outstanding.

            (ii) The  Corporation  shall pay any and all issue or transfer taxes
that may be payable in respect of any  issuance  or delivery of shares of Common
Stock on conversion of shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock pursuant
hereto. The Corporation shall not, however,  be required to pay any tax which is
payable in respect of any  transfer  involved in the issue or delivery of Common
Stock in a name  other  than  that in which the  shares of Series A  Convertible
Preferred  Stock so  converted  were  registered,  and no such issue or delivery
shall be made unless and until the person  requesting such issue has paid to the
Corporation the amount of such tax, or has  established,  to the satisfaction of
the Corporation, that such tax has been paid.

      4. Fractional Shares. The Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock may not be
issued as fractional shares.

      5.  Liquidation,   Dissolution,  Winding  Up.  The  Series  A  Convertible
Preferred  Stock  shall  have  no  liquidation  or  other  preference  over  the
Corporation's  Common  Stock.  Upon the  voluntary or  involuntary  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Corporation,  its  net  assets  shall  be
distributed  ratably to holders of the Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock and
holders of Common Stock in pari passu.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Nannaco,  Inc.,  has caused this  Certificate  to be
signed by Steve Careaga,  its Chief Executive Officer,  and attested by Tracy M.
Shier, its Temporary Secretary, this 23rd day of August, 2004.

By: /s/ Steve Careaga             ATTESTED BY:/s/ Tracy M. Shier
    --------------------                    ------------------
    Steve Careaga, CEO                      Tracy M. Shier, Temporary Secretary