OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

File by the Registrant [XX]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                [ ]  Confidential, for use of the Commission
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement                      only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            URANIUM POWER CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                        Thornton J. Donaldson, President
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate Box:)

[XX] No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and O-11.
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule O-11:(1)
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5)  Total fee paid:
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

(1)  Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
     was determined.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     O-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:

September 14, 2004

To Our Shareholders:

         You are cordially  invited to the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting")  of  Uranium  Power  Corporation  (the  "Company")  to be held at the
Company's  principal  office,  206-475 Howe  Street,  Vancouver,  B.C.,  Canada,
V6C-2B3 on Friday, October 15, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. local time.

         The formal  Notice of the Meeting and Proxy  Statement  describing  the
matters to be acted upon at the Meeting are  contained in the  following  pages.
Shareholders  also are entitled to vote on any other matters which properly come
before the Meeting.

         Enclosed  is a proxy  which will  enable you to vote your shares on the
matters to be  considered  at the  Meeting  even if you are unable to attend the
Meeting.  Please mark the proxy to indicate  your vote,  date and sign the proxy
and return it in the enclosed  envelope as soon as possible for receipt prior to
the Meeting.



                                              Thornton J. Donaldson, President

                            URANIUM POWER CORPORATION
                               206-475 HOWE STREET
                         VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA V6C-2B3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 15, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

September 14, 2004

To the Shareholders of Uranium Power Corporation:

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of Uranium Power Corporation,
a Colorado  corporation (the "Company") will be held at the Company's  principal
office, 206-475 Howe Street, Vancouver,  B.C., Canada V6C-2B3 on Friday, October
15, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.  local time,  for the purpose of  considering  and voting
upon proposals to:

         1.    Elect two  directors  to serve until the next  annual  meeting of
               shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified.

         2.    Adopt an amendment  to the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation
               changing the Company's name to CanWest Petroleum Corporation.

         3.    Adopt an amendment  to the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation
               increasing  the number of authorized  shares of Common Stock from
               40,000,000 shares to 100,000,000 shares

4.              Transact  such other  business as may  lawfully  come before the
                Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.

         The  Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  other  business  to come
before the Meeting. Pursuant to the Company's Bylaws, the Board of Directors has
fixed the close of business on  Wednesday,  September 8, 2004 as the record date
for  determination of the  shareholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting and any
adjournments thereof.

         You are  requested  to complete  and sign the  enclosed  proxy which is
solicited  by the Board of  Directors  and to return it promptly in the enclosed
envelope.  The proxy  will not be used if you  attend  the  Meeting  and vote in



                                             BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,

                                             Thornton J. Donaldson, President

                            URANIUM POWER CORPORATION
                               206-475 HOWE STREET
                         VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA V6C-2B3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                OCTOBER 15, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

September 14, 2004

To Our Shareholders:

This proxy statement (the "Proxy Statement") is furnished in connection with the
solicitation  by the  Board of  Directors  of  Uranium  Power  Corporation  (the
"Company")  of  proxies to be used at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") to be held at the Company's  principal  office,  206-475 Howe Street,
Vancouver,  B.C., Canada V6C-2B3 on Friday, October 15, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. local
time, and at any  adjournments or  postponements  thereof.  The Meeting is being
held for the purposes set forth in the accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders.  This Proxy Statement,  the accompanying proxy card and the Notice
of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  (collectively,  the "Proxy  Materials")  are
first being mailed to shareholders beginning on or about September 14, 2004.



         The  enclosed  proxy  is  being  solicited  by the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  The costs of the solicitation will be borne by the Company.  Proxies
may be solicited  personally  or by mail,  telephone,  facsimile or telegraph by
directors and officers of the Company,  none of whom will receive any additional
compensation for such solicitations.  The Company will reimburse banks, brokers,
nominees, custodians and fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in sending the proxy materials to beneficial owners of the shares.


         Holders  of shares of  Uranium  Power  Corporation  common  stock  (the
"Common Stock"),  at the close of business on Wednesday,  September 8, 2004 (the
"Record  Date") are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the  Meeting.  On the
Record Date, _______________ shares of Common Stock were outstanding. Holders of
Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share.

         The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of holders of  one-third of the
shares  outstanding  as  of  the  Record  Date  constitutes  a  quorum  for  the
transaction  of business at the Meeting.  In the event there are not  sufficient
votes for a quorum or to approve any  proposals at the time of the Meeting,  the
Meeting may be adjourned  in order to permit  further  solicitation  of proxies.
Abstentions will count towards quorum requirements.

         As to the  election of  directors  under  Proposal  One, the proxy card
being  provided by the Board enables a  shareholder  to vote for the election of
each of the nominees proposed by the Board, or to withhold authority to vote for
one or more of the nominees being proposed. Directors are elected by a plurality
of votes cast,  without respect to either (i) broker non-votes,  or (ii) proxies
as to which  authority to vote for one or more of the nominees being proposed is

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares  represented  at the
Meeting in person or by proxy and  entitled to vote on the matter is required to
approve  Proposals Two and Three. As to these proposals,  a shareholder may: (i)
vote "FOR" the proposal,  (ii) vote "AGAINST" the proposal,  or (iii)  "ABSTAIN"
with respect to the proposal. These proposals shall be determined without regard
to broker non-votes or proxies marked "ABSTAIN" as to each matter.

         The  proposed  corporate  actions on which the  shareholders  are being
asked to vote are not  corporate  actions for which  shareholders  of a Colorado
corporation  have the right to dissent under the Colorado  Business  Corporation


         Shares of Common Stock  represented  by all properly  executed  proxies
received at the Company's  transfer  agent by Tuesday,  October 12, 2004 will be
voted as specified in the proxy.  Unless contrary  instructions are indicated on
the proxy,  the shares of Common Stock  represented  by such proxy will be voted
"FOR" the slate of  directors  described  herein;  and  "FOR"  adoption  of both
amendments  to the Articles  Incorporation  of the Company as described  herein.
Management and the Board of Directors of the Company know of no other matters to
be brought  before the  Meeting  other than as  described  herein.  If any other
matters properly are presented to the shareholders for action at the Meeting and
any  adjournments  or  postponements  thereof,  the  proxy  holder  named in the
enclosed  proxy  intends to vote in his  discretion  on all matters on which the
shares of Common Stock represented by such proxy are entitled to vote.

         The giving of the enclosed proxy does not preclude the right to vote in
person should the shareholder giving the proxy so desire. A proxy may be revoked
at any time  prior to its  exercise  by (i)  providing  notice in writing to the
Company's corporate secretary that the proxy is revoked;  (ii) presenting to the
Company a  later-dated  proxy;  or (iii) by attending  the Meeting and voting in


                              SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF

         The  following  table  sets  forth as of July 23,  2004,  the number of
shares of the Company's  outstanding  $0.001 par value common stock beneficially
owned by each of the Company's  current  directors  and the Company's  executive
officers  and the number of shares  beneficially  owned by all of the  Company's
current directors and named executive officers as a group:

                                                       AMOUNT AND   PERCENT
                                                       NATURE OF       OF
NAME AND ADDRESS OF                                    BENEFICIAL    COMMON
BENEFICIAL OWNER                  POSITION             OWNERSHIP     STOCK
- -------------------------         -------------        ----------   -------
Thornton J. Donaldson             President and          802,000(1)     3.8%
206 - 475 Howe Street             Director
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2B3

William G. Timmins                Secretary and          565,000(2)     2.6%
410 - 455 Granville Street        Director
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1T1

All current directors and                              1,367,000(3)     6.4%
executive  officers as a group
(two persons)

(1) Mr. Donaldson resigned as President from the Company on May 16, 2002 and was
reappointed President on September 15, 2003. Includes 22,000 shares owned by Mr.
Donaldson's spouse and 175,000 shares owned by United Corporate Advisors,  Ltd.,
of which Mr.  Donaldson  is the  President,  a Director  and  shareholder.  Also
includes options to purchase 175,000 shares of Common Stock at a price per share
of $0.27 until August 21, 2006 and options to purchase  200,000 shares of Common
Stock at a price per share of $0.25 until May 15, 2005.

(2) Includes 150,000 shares owned by Mr. Timmins' spouse.  Also includes options
to purchase  25,000  shares of Common  Stock at a price per share of $0.27 until
August 21,  2006 and  options to purchase  200,000  shares of Common  Stock at a
price per share of $0.17 until October 15, 2004.

(3) Includes securities reflected in footnotes 1 - 2.

b)       Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

         The  following  table  sets  forth as of July 23,  2004,  the number of
shares of the Company's Common Stock beneficially owned by each person who owned
of  record,  or was known to own  beneficially,  more  than 5% of the  Company's
outstanding shares of Common Stock:


         -------------------          --------------------     -------------
         October Sun(1)                     3,950,000              18.5%
         241 Ridge Street,
         Fourth Floor,
         Reno, Nevada 89501

- ----------
(1) Voting  and  investment  power for this  entity is  controlled  by Morris E.
Schorn, 1247-235 Keith Road, West Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V7P-1L5.


         Executive  officers  of  the  Company  are  elected  by  the  Board  of
Directors, and serve for a term of one year and until their successors have been
elected and qualified or until their earlier resignation or removal by the Board
of Directors.  There are no family  relationships among any of the directors and
executive officers of the Company.

         The  following  table  sets  forth the names and ages of all  executive
officers and directors  whose terms will not expire prior to the annual meeting,
and all persons  nominated to serve as directors  and the  positions and offices
that each person hold with the Company:


- -------------------------------    ---------------    ----    -----------------------------------------------------
Thornton J. Donaldson              1998-2002, 2003     75     President of the Company from April,  1998 to May 16,
President, Chief Financial                                    2002 and  from  September  15,  2003  until  present.
Officer and Director                                          President of Rich Coast,  Inc., an  industrial  waste
                                                              treatment company located in Dearborn,  Michigan from
                                                              1984 to 1993,  and a  Director  of Rich  Coast,  Inc.
                                                              from  1993 to  1999.  Director  of  Lorex  Resources,
                                                              Ltd.,  a  mineral   exploration  company  located  in
                                                              Vancouver,  B.C. since July 1999.  President and sole
                                                              director  of  United   Corporate   Advisers  Ltd.,  a
                                                              geological and financial  consulting business founded
                                                              by  Mr.   Donaldson  in  1970.   Self-employed  as  a
                                                              consulting  geologist and financial advisor from 1978
                                                              through the present.

William G. Timmins                       1998          67     Secretary   of   the   Company   since   July   1998.
Secretary and Director                                        Self-employed as President of WGT  Consultants,  Ltd.
                                                              from 1983 to present as a geological  consultant  for
                                                              numerous  mining  companies  in  Canada,  the  United
                                                              States, Central and South America,  Australia and New
                                                              Zealand.   Director  of  Monalta  Resources  Ltd.,  a
                                                              mineral   exploration   company   located   in   West
                                                              Vancouver, B.C. from April 1998 to present.

Except as indicated in the above table, no director of the Company is a director
of an entity that has its  securities  registered  pursuant to Section 12 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.



         The Company's  Board of Directors held 14 meetings during the Company's
year ended April 30, 2004, and five additional meetings through the date of this
Proxy Statement. Such meetings consisted of consent Directors' minutes signed by
all Directors and actual  meetings at which all of the Directors were present in
person or by telephone. The Company does not have a formal policy with regard to
board members'  attendance at annual  meetings,  but  encourages  them to attend
shareholder  meetings.  All Board members attended each meeting of the Directors
during the past fiscal year.

         There is no arrangement or  understanding  between any Director and any
other person pursuant to which any person was selected as a Director.

         Directors of the Company are not paid for their  services as such.  The
directors are  reimbursed for all expenses  incurred by them in attending  board


          Audit  Committee:  The Company  does not have a  separately-designated
standing audit committee  established in accordance with Section  3(a)(58)(A) of
the  Exchange  Act.  The  members of our Board of  Directors  serve as our audit
committee. The Board has not yet adopted an audit committee charter.

         Nominating Committee: The entire Board of Directors fulfills the duties
of our Nominating Committee ("Nominating  Committee"),  which include overseeing
the process by which  individuals  may be nominated  to our board of  directors.
Neither  of the board  members  is  considered  independent  as  defined in Rule
4200(a)(15)  of the  Nasdaq  listing  standards.  While  the  Company  hopes  to
establish a separate nominating  committee  consisting of independent  directors
once the number of  directors is  expanded,  the current  size of the  Company's
Board  of  Directors  does  not  facilitate  the  establishment  of  a  separate
committee.  Our  Nominating  Committee's  charter  was  adopted  by the board of
directors as of April 30,  2004.  The charter is included as an appendix to this
proxy statement.

         The functions performed by the Nominating Committee include identifying
potential  directors and making  recommendations  as to the size,  functions and
composition  of the  Board  and  its  committees.  In  making  nominations,  our
Nominating  Committee  is  required  to submit  candidates  who have the highest
personal and professional integrity,  who have demonstrated  exceptional ability
and  judgment and who shall be most  effective,  in  conjunction  with the other
nominees to the board,  in collectively  serving the long-term  interests of the

         The   Nominating   Committee   considers   nominees   proposed  by  our
shareholders.  To recommend a prospective nominee for the Nominating Committee's
consideration,  you may  submit the  candidate's  name by  delivering  notice in
writing to Uranium Power  Corporation,  c/o Burns,  Figa and Will, P.C., 6400 S.
Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 1030, Englewood, CO 80111, USA.


         A shareholder  nomination  submitted to the  Nominating  Committee must
include  at  least  the  following  information  (and  can  include  such  other
information the person submitting the  recommendation  desires to include),  and
must be submitted to the Company by the date  mentioned in this proxy  statement
under the heading  "Proposal From  Shareholders"  as such date may be amended in
cases where the annual  meeting  has been  changed as  contemplated  in SEC Rule
14a-8(e), Question 5:

(i).     The name,  address,  telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of
         the person  submitting the  recommendation;

(ii).    The number of shares and  description of the Company voting  securities
         held by the person submitting the nomination and whether such person is
         holding the shares through a brokerage  account (and if so, the name of
         the broker-dealer) or directly;

(iii).   The name,  address,  telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of
         the person being  recommended to the nominating  committee to stand for
         election at the next annual meeting (the "proposed  nominee")  together
         with information  regarding such person's education  (including degrees
         obtained  and dates),  business  experience  during the past ten years,
         professional affiliations during the past ten years, and other relevant

(iv).    Information  regarding any family relationships of the proposed nominee
         as required by Item 401(d) of SEC Regulation S-K. (v)

(v).     Information  whether the proposed nominee or the person  submitting the
         recommendation  has (within the ten years prior to the  recommendation)
         been involved in legal proceedings of the type described in Item 401(f)
         of SEC  Regulation S-K (and if so,  provide the  information  regarding
         those legal proceedings required by Item 401(f) of Regulation S-K).

(vi).    Information  regarding  the share  ownership  of the  proposed  nominee
         required by Item 403 of Regulation  S-K.

(vii).   Information   regarding   certain   relationships   and  related  party
         transactions  of the  proposed  nominee  as  required  by  Item  404 of
         Regulation S-K.

(viii).  The signed consent of the proposed nominee in which he or she

         a.       consents  to being  nominated  as a director of the Company if
                  selected  by the  nominating  committee,

         b.       states  his or her  willingness  to  serve  as a  director  if
                  elected for  compensation  not greater than that  described in
                  the most recent proxy statement;

         c.       states  whether  the  proposed  nominee  is  "independent"  as
                  defined by Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4200(a)(15); and

         d.       d.  attests  to  the  accuracy  of the  information  submitted
                  pursuant to paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii),  (iv), (v), (vi), and
                  (vii), above.

         Although the  information  may be submitted by fax,  e-mail,  mail,  or
courier,  the nominating  committee must receive the proposed  nominee's  signed
consent, in original form, within ten days of making the nomination.


         When the information  required above has been received,  the nominating
committee  will evaluate the proposed  nominee  based on the criteria  described
below,  with the  principal  criteria  being  the needs of the  Company  and the
qualifications of such proposed nominee to fulfill those needs.

         The process for  evaluating  a director  nominee is the same  whether a
nominee is recommended  by a shareholder or by an existing  officer or director.
The Nominating Committee will:

         1.       Establish  criteria  for  selection  of  potential  directors,
         taking into consideration the following  attributes which are desirable
         for a member  of our  Board  of  Directors:  leadership;  independence;
         interpersonal skills; financial acumen; business experiences;  industry
         knowledge;  and diversity of viewpoints.  The Nominating Committee will
         periodically  assess the criteria to ensure it is consistent  with best
         practices and the goals of the Company.

         2.       Identify individuals who satisfy the criteria for selection to
         the Board and, after  consultation with the Chairman of the Board, make
         recommendations to the Board on new candidates for Board membership.

         3.       Receive and evaluate  nominations for Board  membership  which
         are  recommended  by  existing  directors,   corporate   officers,   or
         shareholders   in  accordance  with  policies  set  by  the  Nominating
         Committee and applicable laws.

         The  Nominating  Committee  has held no formal  meetings  and taken one
action by unanimous  written consent through the Record Date. On August 11, 2004
by unanimous consent the Nominating Committee nominated both directors currently
serving on our board of directors to stand for reelection.

Compensation Committee:

         The Company does not have a separate standing Compensation Committee.


         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,
requires the Company's  Officers and Directors and persons who own more than 10%
of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock to file reports of ownership with the
Securities and Exchange Commission  ("SEC").  Directors,  officers,  and greater
than 10%  shareholders  are required by SEC  regulations  to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

         Based  solely on a review of Forms 3, 4, and 5 and  amendments  thereto
furnished to the Company during and for the Company's year ended April 30, 2004,
and as of September 8, 2004 there were no  Directors,  officers or more than 10%
shareholders  of the  Company  who failed to timely file a Form 3, 4 or 5, other
than Thornton J. Donaldson (as to 3 Forms 4) and William  Timmins (as to 9 Forms
4).  Messrs.  Donaldson  and Timmins are now current in their filings as Forms 5
were filed for each of them on June 8, 2004.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Compensation and other Benefits of Executive Officers

         The following table sets out the  compensation  received for the fiscal
years April 30, 2004,  2003 and 2002 in respect to each of the  individuals  who
were the Company's  chief  executive  officer at any time during the last fiscal
year and the Company's  four most highly  compensated  executive  officers whose
total salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 (the "Named Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

   FISCAL YEAR COMPENSATION                                                   LONG TERM COMPENSATION

                                                                      AWARDS                       PAYOUTS
                                                            --------------------------    --------------------------
                                                              SECURITIES        OR
    NAME AND                                      OTHER       UNDERLYING    RESTRICTED      LTIP        ALL OTHER
    POSITION         YEAR    ($)       ($)   COMPENSATION     GRANTED         UNITS          ($)            ($)
- -----------------   -----  -------   ------- ------------  ------------    -----------    ----------   -------------
Douglas Cannaday,   2004   $24,857   $30,000            0       600,000(4)           0             0               0
President(2)        2003   $56,000   $30,000            0       400,000              0             0               0

Thornton            2004         0   $22,100            0       130,000(5)           0             0               0
Donaldson,          2003         0         0            0       200,000              0             0               0
Former              2002         0         0            0       175,000              0             0               0

- ----------
(1)  Mr. Donaldson served as President from April, 1998 to May 16, 2002 and from
     September 15, 2003
(2)  Mr.  Cannaday  has served as President  from May 16, 2002 to September  15,
(3)  These options were cancelled by the Company May 28, 2003
(4)  During  2004 Mr.  Cannaday  received  300,000  common  shares to settle the
     $30,000 bonus declared in 2003 plus  management  fees of $54,857 made up of
     24,857 in cash and a $30,000 bonus paid by way 300,000 common shares
(5)  Mr. Donaldson received a bonus of $22,100 which was paid by the issuance of
     130,000 common shares

Agreements with Management

         Effective May 6, 2002, the Company entered into an employment agreement
with Doug Cannaday, its new President (the "Employment Agreement").  Pursuant to
the terms of the  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Cannaday  shall  receive  monthly
compensation  in the  amount  of  $6,000  (Cnd.)  and was  granted  an option to


purchase  400,000 shares of the Company's  common stock at $0.25 per share until
May 6, 2005, which was cancelled May 28, 2003. The Company has agreed to issue a
replacement  option in the  future,  however,  as yet this  option  has not been
issued.  In addition,  Mr.  Cannaday  was granted a royalty  interest of 0.2% on
certain of the Company's  petroleum and natural gas prospects  from October Sun.
At the  latter  of  three  months  from  the  effective  date of the  Employment
Agreement or at such time as the outcome of a certain well project is known, the
Company and Cannaday shall  renegotiate the remuneration  paid to Cannaday under
the  Employment  Agreement.  During the year ended  April 30,  2003 the Board of
Directors  granted  Mr.  Cannaday a bonus of $30,000 in  reflection  of his work
performed on the Athabasca  Prospect.  On June 20, 2003 Mr. Cannaday was granted
options to acquire up to 300,000 shares of Common stock at $0.10 per share, this
option was exercised July 25, 2003 against to his accrued bonus noted above.  On
July 25, 2003 the Company issued Mr. Cannaday  300,000 bonus shares for services
preformed  with a deemed value of $30,000.  Mr.  Cannaday  resigned as President
effective September 15, 2003.

         Effective  May  15,  2002,  the  Company  entered  into  an  employment
arrangement with Michel David, who then became a director of the Company ("David
Employment Agreement"). Pursuant to the terms of the David Employment Agreement,
Mr. David, under certain conditions was entitled to receive monthly compensation
in the  amount of $3,000  Cdn.  and was  granted an option to  purchase  200,000
shares of the  Company's  common  stock for a period of two years at an exercise
price of $0.25 per share until May 15, 2005. In addition,  Mr. David was granted
a royalty interest of 0.1% on certain of the Company's petroleum and natural gas
prospects by October Sun. In the event Mr.  David was  terminated  for cause any
options not exercised  would be  cancelled.  The Company and Mr. David agreed on
his compensation being $3,271 ($5,000 Cdn.). Mr. David resigned on June 23, 2003
and this balance was written off during the year ended April 30, 2004.

         There are no other arrangements or understandings between any executive
officer  and any  director  or other  person  pursuant  to which any  person was
selected as a director or an executive officer.

Option/Stock  Appreciation  Rights  ("SAR")  Grants  during  the  most  recently
completed Fiscal Year.

         The  following  table  sets out the stock  options  and stock  warrants
granted as bonuses,  which were granted by the Company  during 2004 to the Named
Executive Officers of the Company.


                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                              NUMBER OF
                              NUMBER OF        % OF TOTAL
                              SECURITIES      OPTIONS/SARS
                              UNDERLYING       GRANTED TO        EXERCISE OR
                             OPTIONS/SARS     EMPLOYEES IN          BASE         MARKET PRICE ON
NAME                          GRANTED (#)       FISCAL YEAR      PRICE ($/SH)      DATE OF GRANT      EXPIRATION DATE
- ----------------------       -----------      -------------      ------------    ---------------      ---------------
Doug Cannaday (2)             600,000(3)          9.9%              $0.10             $0.10                n/a
Thornton Donaldson (1)        130,000(4)          2.1%              $0.17             $0.17                n/a

- ----------
(1)  Mr. Donaldson served as President from April, 1998 to May 16, 2002 and from
     September 15, 2003 to present.

(2)  Mr. Cannaday served as President from May 16, 2002 to September 15, 2003

(3)  During  2004 Mr.  Cannaday  received  300,000  common  shares to settle the
     $30,000 bonus declared in 2003 plus  management  fees of $54,857 made up of
     24,857 in cash and a $30,000 bonus paid by way 300,000 common shares

(4)  Mr. Donaldson received a bonus of $22,100 which was paid by the issuance of
     130,000  common shares

Aggregated  Option/SAR  Exercised  in Last  Financial  Year and Fiscal  Year-End
Option/SAR Values.

         The following table sets out all  option/SARs  and warrants  granted as
bonuses which were  exercised by the Named  Executive  Officers  during the most
recently  completed  fiscal year and the values of options/SARs and warrants for
such persons as of the end of the most recently completed fiscal year.

Aggregated Option/SAR Exercised in Last Fiscal Year and FY-End Option/SAR Values

                                                                             NUMBER OF
                                                                              UNDERLYING              VALUE OF
                                                                             UNEXERCISED             UNEXERCISED
                                                                           OPTIONS/SARS AT         OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                                                              FY-END (#)             FY-END ($)
                            SHARES ACQUIRED ON                               EXERCISABLE/           EXERCISABLE/
           NAME                EXERCISE (#)       VALUE REALIZED ($)        UNEXERCISABLE           UNEXERCISABLE
- ----------------------      -------------------   ------------------       --------------           --------------
Doug Cannaday(2)                  600,000               $60,000                 $0/$0                   $0/$0
Thornton Donaldson (1)            130,000               $22,100               375,000/0              $52,750/$0

(1)  Mr. Donaldson served as President from April, 1998 to May 16, 2002 and from
     September 15, 2003 to present.
(2)  Mr. Cannaday served as President from May 16, 2002 to September 15, 2003


Compensation of Directors.

         The Directors of the Company are not compensated for their services. In
addition,  no pension or  retirement  benefit  plan has been  instituted  by the
Company  and none is  proposed  at this  time and  there is no  arrangement  for
compensation with respect to termination of the directors in the event of change
of control of the Company.

Benefit Plans.

         The  Company  currently  has no  retirement,  pension,  profit-sharing,
insurance or medical  reimbursement  plans or long term incentive plans covering
its officers and directors.

Repricing of Options.


Transactions with Management and Others and Certain Business Relationships

         James  R.  Billingsley,  a  former  director  of  the  Company,  is the
registered owner of the entire  Billingsley  Claim, and thus, has an interest in
the Company's  option to acquire  rights to explore and develop the  Billingsley
Claim.  In addition,  Mr.  Billingsley is a Director of Pacific Amber  Resources
Ltd., and therefore,  has an interest in the Company's Property Option Agreement
with Pacific Amber Resources Ltd. with respect to the PDC Properties.  The Board
of  Directors  of the  Company is aware of Mr.  Billingsley's  interests  in the
Billingsley  Claim and in Pacific Amber  Resources  Ltd. The terms of the option
agreement were negotiated by Thornton  Donaldson and Mr.  Billingsley before Mr.
Billingsley  became a Director  of the  Company.  The  agreement  involving  the
Company and Mr. Billingsley's claim was handled as an arms-length transaction.

         October Sun, a Nevada  Corporation  ("October  Sun"), a greater than 5%
beneficial owner of the Company's shares, and the Company were parties an Option
Agreement,  dated as of  September  10, 2001 (the "Option  Agreement"),  whereby
October Sun granted  the  Company the right to purchase  all of the  outstanding
shares of its wholly-owned  subsidiary - API Canada. Pursuant to the October Sun
Option Agreement the Company: (i) made a payment of $75,000 to October Sun; (ii)
issued to two third  parties  each a warrant to  acquire  up to  500,000  common
shares at a purchase price of $0.01 per share until July 25, 2003;  (iii) issued
to two third parties each options to purchase up to 250,000  common shares at an
exercise  price of $0.27 per share until August 21, 2006; and (iv) agreed to pay
costs  up to a  maximum  of  $60,000  ($100,000  Cdn.)  for  the  completion  or
abandonment  of the  7-32  Well if the  October  Sun  Option  Agreement  was not
exercised. On April 30, 2002, the Company and October Sun closed the transaction
contemplated  by the Option  Agreement  pursuant to the terms and  provisions of
that certain  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated April 30, 2002 (the
"Merger  Agreement").  Pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement,  Anhydride
Petroleum  (USA)  ("Anhydride  USA"), a wholly owned  subsidiary of October Sun,
which in turn owned all of the  outstanding  capital  stock of API  Canada,  was
merged with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, UPC Merger, Inc.,
a Colorado  corporation,  with the entity  surviving  the merger  being a wholly


owned subsidiary of the Company named Anhydride  Petroleum (USA), and owning all
of the outstanding  capital stock of API Canada. As a result of the transaction,
the Company (i) issued to October Sun an demand promissory note in the principal
amount of U.S.  $100,000,  bearing  interest  at a rate of prime  plus 2%;  (ii)
3,950,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  $0.001 par value; and (iii) a
warrant to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  $0.001
par value,  at a purchase price of $0.01 per share,  which warrant expires April
30, 2003, which warrant was  subsequently  cancelled and replaced with a warrant
issued to  Anhydride  Oil  Corporation  whereby  it may  purchase  600,000 up to
600,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  $0.001 par value,  at a purchase
price of $0.01 per share,  which warrant expires August 30, 2004. As a result of
the merger,  the Company  through its wholly owned  subsidiary,  Anhydride  USA,
which owns all of the issued and  outstanding  shares of API Canada,  became the
owner of  certain  parcels,  mining  rights,  and  licenses,  subject to certain
working interests, collectively known as the Anhydride Rights.

         In addition to the consideration  received by October Sun in connection
with the Merger Agreement,  October Sun was paid by the Company a management fee
in the amount of $72,000 (2003 -$72,000.)

         October  Sun  also  retained  a 1% -  1.36%  gross  overriding  royalty
interest in the  Athabasca and Firebag  Prospects  which were written off during
the year ended April 30, 2003.

         In  connection  with,  and as a condition to, the  consummation  of the
Merger  Agreement  on April 30,  2002,  each of Robert  Edwards  and  Hodgkinson
Equities Corp or its assignee 858642 Alberta Ltd., who at that time were greater
than 5% beneficial owners of the Company's shares, were each issued a warrant to
purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  $0.001 par value,
at a purchase  price of $0.01 per share,  which  warrant  expired  July 25, 2003

         The Company is party to a Joint Venture  Agreement dated April 30, 2002
between the Company and Anhydride  Oil  Corporation  ("AOC"),  among others (the
"AOC Joint  Venture  Agreement").  AOC is the present owner of the 7-32 well and
AOC  License,  however  upon  completion  of the  testing of the 7-32 Well on or
before September 15, 2002, which is expected to involve the spending of $156,250
($250,000  Cdn.) the  Company  earns  its  interest.  AOC shall  retain a 27.25%
working  interest after payout,  subject to gross overriding  royalty  interests
amounting to 9.5% and  government  royalties.  Out of the 9.5% gross  overriding
royalty,  5% is  payable  to AOC.  Additionally,  AOC  holds an  18.25%  working
interest in each of the five API Canada Licenses  covering the Athabasca and the
Firebag  Prospects.  Under  certain  conditions  AOC is  entitled  to exercise a
Warrant to purchase 600,000 common shares from the Company's  treasury for $0.01
valid until August 30, 2004. The  conditions of the warrant  require that a well
be  successfully  completed  from  which is  established  continuous  commercial
production of petroleum  substances for a period of not less than 30 consecutive
days. As the  exploration of the Athabasca  Prospect proved not to be successful
this warrant has been deemed  expired.  Upon a successful  well,  the Company is
obliged to pay to AOC a one-time cash payment of $100,000 Cdn., which given that
the Athabasca and Firebag  Prospects  were written off as of April 30, 2003 will
not be paid.


         Effective May 6, 2002, the Company entered into an Employment Agreement
with Doug Cannaday, its new President (the "Employment Agreement").  Pursuant to
the terms of the  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Cannaday  shall  receive  monthly
compensation in the amount of $6,000 (Cdn.) monthly and was granted an option to
purchase  400,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock for a period of three
years  at an  exercise  price  equal  to the  market  price  on the  date of the
Employment Agreement less the maximum allowable discount. At the latter of three
months from the effective  date of the  Employment  Agreement or at such time as
the outcome of a certain well project is known,  the Company and Cannaday  shall
renegotiate the remuneration paid to Cannaday under the Employment Agreement.

         Also,  effective  May 6, 2002,  Doug  Cannaday  entered  into an Option
Agreement  with a third party,  pursuant to which Mr.  Cannaday has the right to
purchase  200,000  of the  Company's  common  stock  from the third  party at an
exercise price of $0.01 per share.  Mr. Cannaday was granted a royalty  interest
of 0.2% on certain of the  Company's  petroleum  and  natural gas  prospects  by
October Sun, which were written off by the Company as of April 30, 2003.

         In  satisfaction  of the above noted  obligation to issue  options,  on
September 24, 2002, the Company issued Mr. Cannaday  options to purchase 400,000
shares  of  Common  stock at $0.25  per share  until  May 6,  2005,  which  were
cancelled  May 28, 2003.  During the year ended April 30, 2004 Mr.  Cannaday was
paid a total of $54,857  (2003 - $86,000),  including  300,000 bonus shares at a
deemed  price of $0.10 per share on July 25,  2003.  Mr.  Cannaday  resigned  as
President on September 15, 2003.

         Effective  May  15,  2002,  the  Company  entered  into  an  employment
agreement with Michel David an officer and director of the Company.  Pursuant to
the terms of this agreement Mr. David is to receive monthly  compensation in the
amount of $3,000 Cdn.  monthly and an option to purchase  200,000  shares of the
Company's  common stock for a period of two years at an exercise  price of $0.35
per share.  Also,  effective  May 15,  2002,  Mr.  David  entered into an Option
Agreement  with a third  party,  pursuant  to which he has the right to purchase
100,000 of the Company's  common stock from the third party at an exercise price
of $0.01 per share.  In addition,  Mr.  David was granted a royalty  interest of
0.1% on certain of the Company's  petroleum and natural gas prospects by October
Sun,  which the Company  wrote off as of April 30, 2003.  Mr. David  resigned on
June 23, 2003.

         On July 10,  2002 in order to  provide  a  substantial  portion  of the
necessary  funding to give effect to our business  objectives in connection with
the Athabasca and Firebag Prospects we entered into exploration  agreements with
the Limited  Partnership with an objective to raise $865,385  ($1,350,000 Cdn.).
In return for each $34,615 ($54,000 Cdn.) expended in either of the Athabasca or
Firebag Prospects the Limited Partnership will earn a 1% working interest before
and after payout in the prospect in which the expenditure  occurs,  to a maximum
cumulative  25% between the  Prospects.  The Company  maintains a call option to
reacquire the working interests earned by the Limited Partnership exercisable at
130% of earned in  expenditures  payable in shares at the then  market  when the
option  is  exercised.   The  Company  also  granted  warrants  to  the  Limited
Partnership to purchase up to 750,000 shares at $.50 per share, valid until July
11, 2003. The Warrants will vest in proportion to the working interest earned in
the Prospects by the Limited Partnership. For each 1% working interest earned in
a Prospect,  warrants to acquire  30,000  common shares of the Company will vest
and be immediately exercisable.


         During the year ended April 30, 2003, the Company  amended the terms of
the exploration agreements whereby the number of shares to be issued pursuant to
the warrants was  increased  to 1,500,000  and the exercise  price per share was
lowered to $0.25 per share. The rate at which the Limited Partnership shall earn
a 1%  working  interest  was also  increased  to  $60,000  Cdn.  in  exploration
expenditures.  The Company also agreed to pay costs associated with the start up
of the  Limited  Partnership.  Based  on the  Limited  Partnerships  exploration
expenditures  of  $313,725  ($483,000  Cdn.) as at April  30,  2003 the  Limited
Partnership earned an 8.05% working interest before and after payout, subject to
various royalties,  in the Athabasca Prospect and they were entitled to warrants
to acquire 483,000 common shares at $0.25 per share. These warrants subsequently
expired unexercised.

         Also subsequent to April 30, 2003, the Company,  rather than exercising
the Working Interest Call Option, made an offer to acquire the working interests
of the Limited  Partnership for 3,220,000 common shares of the Company which was
accepted by the Limited Partnership. These shares have yet to be issued.

         On July 18, 2002, Doug Cannaday  entered into an Option  Agreement with
Robert Edwards and Hodgkinson Equities Corporation ("Hodgkinson"), both of which
were 5% or greater  beneficial owners of the Company's common stock. Mr. Edwards
and Hodgkinson are parties to an Exploration Agreement dated August 20, 2002, as
amended,  between Comstock Petroleum  Corporation,  October Sun, Mr. Edwards and
Hodgkinson,  related to the Athabasca and Firebag  Prospects  which were written
off  during  the  year  ended  April  30,  2003.  Pursuant  to this  exploration
agreement, Hodgkinson and Edwards received stock options and warrants to acquire
shares of the Company.  One of the benefits  granted to  Hodgkinson  and Edwards
entitles  Hodgkinson and Edwards to acquire up to 500,000 shares of common stock
of the Company for a period of five years at a price per share of $0.27. Each of
Hodgkinson  and Edwards are  entitled  to  one-half of the  warrant.  Hodgkinson
introduced  Cannaday to the principals of the Company and encouraged Cannaday to
become a part of the Company's  management team. In  consideration  for Cannaday
ultimately  agreeing to become a part of the  management  the  Company,  each of
Hodgkinson and Edwards  granted  Cannaday an option to purchase 50,000 shares of
the Company's  common stock  (100,000  shares in total) for a price per share of
$0.27 until the option  expires.  In the event that the Company extends the life
of the  option,  Mr.  Cannaday's  options  pursuant  to the  agreement  shall be
extended on the same terms.

              Convertible  Notes - On  September  24, 2002 the Company  issued a
convertible note to October Sun, a Nevada Corporation in the principal amount of
$400,000 and on the same date the Company  issued a  convertible  note to United
Corporate Advisors in the principal amount of $195,000.  The notes become due on
September  30, 2003,  bear  interest at 6% per annum and may be  converted  into
Units at a price per  share  equal to the lower of i) $0.25 per share or ii) the
market  price  of one  share  of the  Company's  common  stock  on the  date  of
conversion.  Each unit is to  consist  of one  common  share  and a  warrant  to
purchase one common share at a price equal to 133% of the conversion price for a
period of one year following the date of conversion. During the year these notes
were extended to December 31, 2004.


         Other than the  transactions  stated  above,  none of the  directors or
executive  officers  of the  Company,  nor any person who owned of record or was
known to own beneficially  more than 5% of the Company's  outstanding  shares of
its Common  Stock,  nor any associate or affiliate of such persons or companies,
has any material  interest,  direct or  indirect,  in any  transaction  that has
occurred  since its inception on April 3, 1998, or in any proposed  transaction,
which has materially affected or will affect the Company.


         We have selected  Pannell Kerr Forster  ("PKF") to continue to serve as
our independent  registered public accounting firm.  Representatives  of PKF are
not expected to be present at the annual meeting.

Audit Fees.

         Our principal  accountant,  PKF, billed us aggregate fees in the amount
of  approximately  $13,796  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  April  30,  2004  and
approximately  $8,213 for the fiscal year ended April 30,  2003.  These  amounts
were billed for  professional  services  that PKF  provided for the audit of our
annual financial  statements and the review of the financial statements included
in our report on 10-KSB.

Audit-Related Fees.

         PKF billed us  aggregate  fees in the amount of $27,813  for the fiscal
year ended  April 30,  2004 and $10,320 for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003
for  assurance  and  related  services  that  were  reasonably  related  to  the
performance of the audit or review of our financial statements.

Tax Fees.

         No fees were billed to us by PKF for tax compliance or tax advice

All Other Fees

         No fees were billed to us by PKF for any other fees.

         Our principal  accountant  (through its full time employees)  performed
all work  regarding  the audit of our financial  statements  for the most recent
fiscal year.

         No  pre-approval  was required under "Tax Fees" and "All Other Fees" as
no services were performed by PKF and no fees incurred.


                                  PROPOSAL ONE
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board of  Directors is  nominating  the two current  Directors  for
reelection. The number of Directors on the Company's Board of Directors has been
established  under the Bylaws of the  Company as two  directors.  Each  Director
serves for a one year term or until his successor is elected and qualified.


         The persons  named in the  enclosed  form of Proxy will vote the shares
represented  by such Proxy for the  election of the two  nominees  for  Director
named below. If, at the time of the Meeting,  any of these nominees shall become
unavailable  for any reason,  which event is not expected to occur,  the persons
entitled to vote the Proxy will vote for such substitute nominee or nominees, if
any,  as they  determine  in their sole  discretion.  If  elected,  Thornton  J.
Donaldson and William G. Timmins will each hold office a term of one year, until
their  successors  are duly elected or appointed or until their  earlier  death,
resignation or removal.

         The Board of Directors  recommends a vote "FOR" the election of Messrs.
Donaldson and Timmins.  Unless otherwise  specified,  the enclosed proxy will be
voted "FOR" the election of the Board of Directors'  slate of nominees.  Neither
Management  nor the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  is aware of any reason
which  would  cause  any  nominee  to be  unavailable  to serve  as a  Director.
Discretionary  authority  may be  exercised  by the proxy  holders  named in the
enclosed  proxy  to vote  for a  substitute  nominee  proposed  by the  Board of
Directors if any nominee  becomes  unavailable  for election.  At this time, the
Board knows of no reason why any nominee might be unavailable to serve.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO
                          TO CHANGE THE COMPANY'S NAME

         The Board of  Directors of the Company has approved an amendment to the
Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  to change the  Company's  name to CanWest
Petroleum Corporation.

         The Board of Directors  believes  that the change in corporate  name to
CanWest  Petroleum  Corporation will better reflect the scope of the business of
the  Company  while  allowing  members  of the  general  public to  continue  to
distinctively  identify  the  Company.  The primary  business of the Company now
involves  the  exploration  for  and  mining  of oil  shale  in  Pasquia  Hills,
Saskatchewan and the refining of certain  petrochemical  feedstocks derived from
oil shale. If the proposed  amendment to the Company's Articles of Incorporation
is approved by the shareholders of the Company and is not abandoned by the Board
of  Directors,  such  amendment  will  become  effective  when the  Articles  of
Amendment to the Company's  Articles of Incorporation  are filed for record with
the Secretary of State of Colorado.



         Proposal Two requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast by the  holders  of  shares  entitled  to  vote.  The  Board  of  Directors
recommends that shareholders  vote "For" the proposed  amendment to the Articles
of Incorporation.

                                 PROPOSAL THREE
                            TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF

         The Board of  Directors of the Company has approved an amendment to the
Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation  to  increase  the  number  of  shares of
authorized Common Stock from 40,000,000 shares to 100,000,000 shares.


         The  proposed   increase  in  the  authorized  Common  Stock  has  been
recommended  by the Board of  Directors  to ensure  that an  adequate  supply of
authorized  unissued  shares is  available  for general  corporate  needs.  With
respect to the Company's  authorized  capital:  (i) 21,384,838  shares of Common
Stock were outstanding on the July 23, 2004; (ii) an additional 4,871,666 shares
of authorized  Common Stock have been reserved for issuance  under the Company's
option plans;  and (iii)  approximately  7,111,111  shares of authorized  common
stock have been reserved for issuance  upon  conversion of principal and accrued
interest pursuant to convertible debentures. The additional authorized shares of
Common  Stock may be used for  additional  options  and  warrants,  for  raising
additional  capital  for  the  operations  of the  Company  or  acquiring  other
businesses,  and may also be used for such purposes as future stock dividends or
stock  splits.  There are  currently  no plans or  arrangements  relating to the
issuance  of any  of the  additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  proposed  to be
authorized,  other than  pursuant  to the  exercise  of options or  warrants  or
conversion of  debentures.  Such shares would be available  for future  issuance
without  further action by the  shareholders,  unless  required by the Company's
Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws or by applicable law.

         Anti-Takeover  Effects.  The  issuance of  additional  shares of Common
Stock by the Company may also potentially have an anti-takeover effect by making
it more difficult to obtain stockholder  approval of various actions,  such as a
merger or removal of  management.  The increase in  authorized  shares of common
stock has not been proposed for an  anti-takeover  related purpose and the Board
of Directors and management  have no knowledge of any current  efforts to obtain
control of the Company or to effect large accumulations of its Common Stock.

         Dilutive  Effects.   The  authorization  and  subsequent   issuance  of
additional  shares of common  stock may,  among  other  things,  have a dilutive
effect on  earnings  per share and on the equity and  voting  power of  existing
holders of common stock. The actual effect on the holders of common stock cannot
be  ascertained  until  the  shares of common  stock are  issued in the  future.
However,  such effects might include  dilution of the voting power and reduction
of amounts available on liquidation.



         Proposal Three requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
cast by the  holders  of  shares  entitled  to  vote.  The  Board  of  Directors
recommends that shareholders  vote "For" the proposed  amendment to the Articles
of Incorporation.

                          ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS

         Included with this Proxy  Statement is the Company's 2004 Annual Report
on Form 10-KSB for the year ended April 30, 2004.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         Management and the Board of Directors of the Company know of no matters
to be brought before the Meeting other than as set forth herein. However, if any
such other matters  properly are presented to the shareholders for action at the
Meeting and any  adjournments or postponements  thereof,  it is the intention of
the proxy holder named in the enclosed  proxy to vote in his  discretion  on all
matters on which the shares represented by such proxy are entitled to vote.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

Proposals from shareholders intended to be present at the next Annual Meeting of
shareholders  should be  addressed  to Uranium  Power  Corporation.,  Attention:
Corporate Secretary, 206-475 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C-2B3 and we
must receive the proposals by June 17, 2005.  Upon receipt of any such proposal,
we shall  determine  whether or not to include  any such  proposal  in the Proxy
Statement  and proxy in accordance  with  applicable  law. It is suggested  that
shareholders forward such proposals by Certified  Mail-Return Receipt Requested.
After June 17, 2005, any shareholder  proposal  submitted outside the process of
Rule 14a-8 will be considered to be untimely.

                                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

                                            URANIUM POWER CORPORATION
                                            Thornton J. Donaldson, President


                          NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHARTER
                                     OF THE
                               AS ADOPTED 4/30/04

     The role of the  Nominating  Committee of the Board of Directors of Uranium
Power  Corporation.  ("UPC")  shall be  fulfilled  by the  entire  UPC  Board of
Directors  until the Board of  Directors  amends  this  charter to  establish  a
separate Committee.  Any reference in this charter to "Committee" shall mean the
entire Board of Directors.

     The purpose of this  Committee  shall be to assist the Board in identifying
qualified individuals to become Board members, in determining the composition of
the Board of Directors  and its  Committees,  in  monitoring a process to assess
Board   effectiveness  and  in  developing  and  implementing   UPC's  corporate
governance guidelines.

Authority and Responsibilities

     In  furtherance  of this purpose,  the  Committee  shall have the following
authority and responsibilities:

     1.   To lead the search for individuals  qualified to become members of the
          Board of Directors and to select Director nominees to be presented for
          shareholder approval at the annual meeting. The Committee shall select
          individuals as Director  nominees who shall have the highest  personal
          and professional integrity,  who have demonstrated exceptional ability
          and judgment and who shall be most effective,  in conjunction with the
          other  nominees to the Board,  in  collectively  serving the long-term
          interests of the shareholders.

     2.   To review the Board of Directors' Committee structure and to recommend
          to the Board for its  approval  Directors  to serve as members of each
          Committee.   The  Committee  shall  review  and  recommend   Committee
          positions annually and shall recommend additional Committee members to
          fill vacancies.

     3.   To review recommendations received from shareholders for persons to be
          considered for nomination to the Board of Directors,  and to designate
          a member of the  Nominating  Committee to receive such  communications
          directly from  shareholders,  and to publish the name, fax number, and
          e-mail address of such person on the UPC's website.

     4.   To develop and  recommend to the Board of Directors for its approval a
          set of corporate governance guidelines. The Committee shall review the
          guidelines from time to time, as it deems  appropriate,  and recommend
          changes as necessary.

     5.   To develop and recommend to the Board of Directors for its approval an
          annual  self-evaluation  process of the Board and its Committees.  The
          Committee shall oversee the annual self-evaluations.


     6.   To review and recommend changes to procedures whereby shareholders may
          communicate with the Board of Directors.

     The   Committee   shall  have  the   authority   to  delegate  any  of  its
responsibilities  to  subcommittees as the Committee may deem appropriate in its
sole discretion.  The Committee shall have the authority to retain a search firm
to assist in identifying Director candidates,  and to retain outside counsel and
any other advisors as the Committee may deem necessary in its sole discretion.

Actions and Recommendations

     In carrying  out its  responsibilities  under its charter,  the  Nominating
Committee is required to:

     (a)  Establish criteria for selection of potential  Directors,  taking into
          consideration   the   following   desired   attributes:    leadership;
          independence;   interpersonal  skills;   financial  acumen;   business
          experiences;  industry  knowledge;  and diversity of  viewpoints.  The
          Committee  will  periodically  assess  the  criteria  to  ensure it is
          consistent with best practices and the goals of UPC.

     (b)  Identify  individuals  who satisfy the criteria  for  selection to the
          Board and,  after  consultation  with the Chairman of the Board,  make
          recommendations to the Board on new candidates for Board membership.

     (c)  Receive  and  evaluate  nominations  for  Board  membership  which are
          recommended by existing directors, corporate officers, or shareholders
          in  accordance  with  policies  set by the  Nominating  Committee  and
          applicable laws.

     (d)  Oversee the process for conducting background checks on new candidates
          for Board  membership,  including the process of validating  candidate

     (e)  Establish  criteria for the  evaluation of existing  directors and the
          re-election or removal of Directors based on the needs of UPC.

     (f)  Review the  qualifications,  performance and  independence of existing
          Board members and make  recommendations  whether they should stand for

     (g)  Recommend to the Board the removal of a director where appropriate.

     (h)  Recommend  to the  Board,  a slate of  nominees  for the  next  annual
          meeting of stockholders.

     (i)  Recruit,  in  consultation  with  the  Chairman  of the  Board,  those
          candidates for Board membership that are approved  by the  Board.

     (j)  Oversee the orientation process for new Directors.

     The  Committee  shall report its actions and  recommendations  to the Board
after each  Committee  meeting  and shall  conduct  and  present to the Board an
annual performance  evaluation of the Committee.  The Committee shall review the
adequacy  of this  charter  from time to time as it deems  appropriate  and,  if
applicable, recommend changes to the Board for approval.


Shareholder Recommendations

     The Nominating  Committee will consider all recommendations from any person
(or group) who has (or  collectively  if a group  have) held more than 5% of UPC
voting  securities  for longer  than one year.  Shareholders  desiring to submit
recommendations  to  the  Nominating   Committee  should  submit  the  following
information in writing or by e-mail addressed to the following person:

         Theresa Mehringer
         Burns, Figa & Will, P.C.
         6400 South Fiddlers Green Circle

         Suite 1030
         Englewood, CO 80111
         Fax: 303 796 2777

     The information submitted to the Nomination Committee must include at least
the following (and can include such other  information the person submitting the
recommendation  desires to  include),  and must be  submitted to UPC by the date
mentioned in the most recent proxy  statement  under the heading  "Proposal From
Shareholders"  as such date may be amended in cases where the annual meeting has
been changed as contemplated in SEC Rule 14a-8(e), Question 5:

     (i)  The name, address,  telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of
          the person submitting the recommendation;

     (ii) The number of shares and description of UPC voting  securities held by
          the person  submitting  the  nomination  and  whether  such  person is
          holding the shares through a brokerage account (and if so, the name of
          the broker-dealer) or directly;

     (iii)The name, address,  telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of
          the person being recommended to the Nominating  Committee to stand for
          election at the next annual meeting (the "proposed  nominee") together
          with information  regarding such person's education (including degrees
          obtained and dates),  business  experience  during the past ten years,
          professional  affiliations  during  the  past  ten  years,  and  other
          relevant information.

     (iv) Information regarding any family relationships of the proposed nominee
          as required  by Item 401(d) of SEC  Regulation  S-K.

     (v)  Information  whether the proposed nominee or the person submitting the
          recommendation has (within the ten years prior to the  recommendation)
          been  involved  in legal  proceedings  of the type  described  in Item
          401(f)  of SEC  Regulation  S-K (and if so,  provide  the  information
          regarding  those  legal   proceedings   required  by  Item  401(f)  of
          Regulation S-K).

     (vi) Information  regarding  the share  ownership of the  proposed  nominee
          required by Item 403 of Regulation S-K.

     (vii)Information   regarding   certain   relationships  and  related  party
          transactions  of the  proposed  nominee  as  required  by Item  404 of
          Regulation S-K.


     (viii) The signed consent of the proposed nominee in which he or she

               a.   consents to being nominated as a Director of UPC if selected
                    by the Nominating Committee,

               b.   states  his or her  willingness  to serve as a  Director  if
                    elected for  compensation not greater than that described in
                    the most recent proxy statement;

               c.   states  whether the  proposed  nominee is  "independent"  as
                    defined by Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4200(a)(15); and

               d.   attests  to  the  accuracy  of  the  information   submitted
                    pursuant to paragraphs  (i), (ii),  (iii),  (iv), (v), (vi),
                    and (vii), above.

Although the information may be submitted by fax, e-mail,  mail, or courier, the
Nominating  Committee must receive the proposed  nominee's  signed  consent,  in
original form, within ten days of making the nomination.

When the information required above has been received,  the Nominating Committee
will evaluate the proposed nominee based on the criteria  described above,  with
the principal  criteria  being the needs of UPC and the  qualifications  of such
proposed nominee to fulfill those needs.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                            URANIUM POWER CORPORATION
                               206-475 HOWE STREET
                         VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA V6C-2B3



         The  undersigned   shareholder  of  Uranium  Power  Corporation  hereby
constitutes and appoints Thornton J. Donaldson or William Timmins,  or either of
them, as attorneys  and proxies to appear,  attend and vote all of the shares of
Common  Stock  and/or  standing  in the name of the  undersigned  at the  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held at the Company's  principal  office,  206-475
Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C-2B3, Friday, October 15, 2004, at 10:00
a.m.  local time,  and at any  adjournment  or  adjournments  thereof,  upon the

         Proposal  One: To elect the  following two persons as directors to hold
office until the next annual meeting of shareholders  and until their successors
have been elected and qualified:

         Thornton J. Donaldson       For / /   Withhold Authority to vote / /
         William G. Timmins          For / /   Withhold Authority to vote / /

         Proposal  Two:  Approval of an amendment to the  Company's  Articles of
Incorporation   to  change  the  name  of  the  Company  to  CanWest   Petroleum

                For / /            Against / /              Abstain / /

         Proposal Three:  Approval of an amendment to the Company's  Articles of
Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares of Common Stock from
40,000,000 to 100,000,000 shares:

                For / /            Against / /              Abstain / /

         In their  discretion,  the Proxy is  authorized to vote upon such other
business as lawfully may come before the Meeting. The undersigned hereby revokes
any proxies as to said shares  heretofore  given by the undersigned and ratifies
and confirms all that said proxy lawfully may do by virtue hereof.



         Please  mark,  date and  sign  exactly  as your  name  appears  hereon,
including designation as executor,  Trustee, etc., if applicable, and return the
Proxy in the  enclosed  postage-paid  envelope as promptly  as  possible.  It is
important to return this Proxy  properly  signed in order to exercise your right
to vote if you do not attend the meeting and vote in person.  A corporation must
sign in its name by the President or other authorized officer. ALL CO-OWNERS AND

Date:  _______________________


                                            Address if different from that on

                                            Street Address

                                            City, State and Zip Code

Please check if you intend to be present at the meeting:
