WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-K


            EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004


            EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     For the transition period from ______ to ______

                         Commission file number: 1-10986

                                  MISONIX, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               New York                                  11-2148932
     -------------------------------               --------------------
     (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

    1938 New Highway, Farmingdale, New York                11735
    ----------------------------------------            ----------
    (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (631) 694-9555

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                          Common Stock, $.01 par value
                                (Title of class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No|_|

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K (ss.229.405 of this chapter) is not contained herein, and will
not be contained,  to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information  statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K
or any amendment to this Form 10-K. |X|

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). |_| Yes |X| No

The  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the
registrant  on December  31, 2003  (computed by reference to the average bid and
asked prices of such stock on such date) was approximately $28,630,203.

There were 6,738,453 shares of Common Stock outstanding at September 15, 2004.



This Report on Form 10-K,  and the Company's  other  periodic  reports and other
documents  incorporated  by reference or  incorporated  herein as exhibits,  may
contain  forward-looking  statements that involve risks and  uncertainties.  The
Company's actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in the
forward-looking statements.  Factors that might cause such a difference include,
but are not limited to, general economic conditions, competition,  technological
advances,  claims or lawsuits,  and the market's acceptance or non-acceptance of
the Company's products.

                                     PART I



MISONIX,  INC.  ("Misonix" or the  "Company") is a New York  corporation  which,
through its  predecessors,  was first  organized in 1959.  The Company  designs,
manufactures and markets ultrasonic  medical devices.  The Company also develops
and  markets  ultrasonic  equipment  for use in the  scientific  and  industrial
markets,  ductless fume enclosures for filtration of gaseous  contaminates,  and
environmental control products for the abatement of air pollution.

The Company's  operations  outside the United States consist of a 100% ownership
in  Labcaire  Systems,  Ltd.  ("Labcaire"),  which is  based in North  Somerset,
England.  This  business  consists of  designing,  manufacturing,  servicing and
marketing air-handling systems for the protection of personnel, products and the
environment from airborne hazards.

The Company's 90% owned  subsidiary,  Acoustic  Marketing  Research,  Inc. doing
business  as Sonora  Medical  Systems,  Inc.  ("Sonora"),  located in  Longmont,
Colorado,  is an ISO 9001 certified  refurbisher of high-performance  ultrasound
systems  and  replacement  transducers  for the  medical  diagnostic  ultrasound
industry.  Sonora also offers a full range of aftermarket  products and services
such as its own ultrasound  probes and transducers,  and other services that can
extend the useful life of its customers'  ultrasound  imaging systems beyond the
usual five to seven years.

In fiscal 2004,  approximately  35% of the  Company's  net sales were to foreign
markets.  Labcaire  manufactures  and sells the Company's fume enclosure line as
well as its own range of laboratory and medical  environmental control products,
represents  approximately  76% of the  Company's  net sales to foreign  markets.
Labcaire  also  distributes  the  Company's  ultrasonic  equipment  for  use  in
scientific and industrial markets, predominately in the United Kingdom. Sales by
the Company in other  major  industrial  countries  are made  primarily  through
distributors.  There are no  additional  risks for products  sold by Labcaire as
compared to other  products  marketed and sold by Misonix in the United  States.
Labcaire  experiences  minimal currency  exposure since the major portion of its
revenues  are from the United  Kingdom.  Labcaire  revenues  outside  the United
Kingdom are remitted in British Pounds.

Misonix represents  approximately 15% of the net sales to foreign markets. These
sales have no  additional  risks as most sales are  secured by letters of credit
and are remitted to Misonix in U.S. currency.

Sonora  represents  approximately 9% of the net sales to foreign markets.  These
sales have no  additional  risks as most sales are  secured by letters of credit
and are remitted to Sonora in U.S. currency.


The Company's medical device products are subject to the regulatory requirements
of the Food and Drug Administration  ("FDA"). A medical device as defined by the
FDA is an instrument,  apparatus,  implement, machine, contrivance,  implant, in
vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including a component, part,
or  accessory  which is  recognized  in the official  National  Formulary or the
United States  Pharmacopoeia,  or any supplement to such listings,  intended for
use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation,
treatment,  or prevention of disease,  in man or animals,  or intended to affect
the structure or any function of the body of man or animals,  and which does not
achieve any of its primary  intended  purposes through chemical action within or
on the body of man or animals and which is not dependent upon being  metabolized
for  the  achievement  of any of  its  primary  intended  purposes  (a  "Medical
Device"). The Company's products that are subject to FDA regulations for product
labeling and promotion  comply with all applicable  regulations.  The Company is
listed with the FDA as a Medical Device manufacturer and has the appropriate FDA
Establishment Numbers in place. The Company has a post-market  monitoring system
in place such as Complaint Handling and Medical Device Reporting procedures. All
current  devices  manufactured  and sold by the Company  have all the  necessary
regulatory approvals.  The Company is not aware of any situations which would be
materially  adverse at this time and neither has the FDA sought  legal  remedies
available,  nor have  there  been any  violations  of its  regulations  alleged,
against the Company.

In October 1996, the Company entered into a twenty-year  license  agreement (the
"USS  License") with United States  Surgical  Corporation  ("USS")  covering the
further  development of the Company's medical technology  relating to ultrasonic
cutting,  which uses high  frequency  sound waves to coagulate and divide tissue
for both open and  laproscopic  surgery.  The USS  License  gives USS  exclusive
worldwide marketing and sales rights for this technology and device. The Company
received  $100,000 under the option agreement  preceding the USS License.  Under
the USS License,  the Company sells such device to USS. In addition to receiving
payment  from  USS for its  orders  of the  device,  the  Company  has  received
aggregate  licensing fees of $475,000 and receives  royalties based upon USS net
sales of such device. Licensing fees from the USS License are amortized over the
term of the USS License.  In November 1997, the Company began manufacturing this
device for USS and recognized  its first revenues for this product.  Total sales
of this device were approximately $7,198,000,  $6,205,000 and $4,060,000 for the
fiscal years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  Total royalties
from sales of this device were approximately  $1,402,000,  $664,000 and $824,000
for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2004,  2003 and 2002,  respectively.  During
fiscal year 2004,  the Company  received an  additional  royalty  payment in the
first quarter of fiscal 2004 of approximately  $410,000,  which was based upon a
review of USS' records that  determined that royalties were due for prior years.
The review  showed that USS owed (and  subsequently  paid in the first  quarter)
royalties  due on a  product  that  was not  included  in the  original  royalty

In June 2002,  the  Company  entered  into a ten-year  worldwide,  royalty-free,
distribution   agreement  with  Mentor  Corporation  ("Mentor")  for  the  sale,
marketing  and  distribution  of the  Lysonix  soft  tissue  aspirator  used for
cosmetic surgery.  This agreement is a standard  agreement for such distribution
in that it specifies the product to be  distributed,  the terms of the agreement
and the price to be paid for product covered under the agreement. Total sales of
this device were approximately  $1,732,000,  $536,000 and $97,000 for the fiscal
years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  Included in litigation
(recovery)  settlement  expenses in fiscal 2003 is $254,606 which represents the
sale of Lysonix 2000 units by Mentor that were  received by Mentor from LySonix,
Inc.  ("LySonix")  in connection  with  inventory  received under the settlement
agreement with LySonix. This inventory was previously reserved for in the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2002, as its saleability was uncertain.

Fibra Sonics, Inc.

On February 8, 2001,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets and  liabilities of
Fibra Sonics,  Inc. ("Fibra Sonics"),  a Chicago-based,  privately held producer
and marketer of ultrasonic  medical devices for approximately  $1,900,000.  This
acquisition  gave the Company  access to three  important  new medical  markets,
namely,  neurology with its Neuro Aspirator product,  urology and ophthalmology.
Subsequent to the acquisition,  the Company relocated the assets of Fibra Sonics
to the Company's Farmingdale  facility.  The acquisition was accounted for under
the  purchase  method  of  accounting.  Accordingly,  the  acquired  assets  and
liabilities  have been initially  recorded at their estimated fair values at the
date of acquisition.  The excess of the cost of the acquisition ($1,723,208 plus
acquisition costs of $144,696, which includes a broker fee of $100,716) over the
fair  value of net  assets  acquired  was  $1,814,025  and is being  treated  as
goodwill.  In fiscal year 2002, the Company  re-evaluated  fixed assets acquired
from Fibra Sonics and reclassified  approximately  $54,000 from property,  plant
and equipment to goodwill.

Focus Surgery, Inc.

On May 3, 1999, the Company  entered into an agreement with Focus Surgery,  Inc.
("Focus")  to  obtain  a  20%  equity  position  in  Focus  for  $3,050,000  and
representation on its Board of Directors.  Additionally, the Company has options
and  warrants  to  purchase an  additional  5% of the equity of Focus.  Focus is
located  in  Indianapolis,  Indiana.  The  agreement  provides  for a series  of
development  and  manufacturing  agreements  whereby the Company  would  upgrade
existing Focus products, currently the Sonablate(R) 500, and create new products
based  on  high  intensity  focused  ultrasound   ("HIFU")  technology  for  the
non-invasive  treatment of tissue for certain medical applications.  The Company
has the right to utilize HIFU  technology  for the  treatment of both benign and
cancerous tumors of the breast,  liver and kidney and the right of first refusal
to purchase 51% of the equity of Focus. In February 2001, the Company  exercised
its right to start  research  and  development  for the  treatment of kidney and
liver tumors utilizing HIFU technology.  The Company has subcontracted  Focus to
perform research and development  activities for which the Company paid $155,000
in fiscal  2004 to Focus and  which is  recorded  as  research  and  development
expenses. During fiscal 2004, Focus entered into an exclusive agreement with the
Company to distribute the Sonoblate 500 in the European market.


In December 2000, Focus received  Investigational  Device Exemption ("IDE") from
the FDA to treat 40 patients for prostate cancer; these comprise 20 patients who
have never been treated and 20 patients who have been unsuccessfully  treated by
another modality. The IDE will be conducted at Indiana University Medical Center
and Case Western Reserve Medical Center.  To date, Focus has treated 24 patients
for prostate cancer, 20 of whom have never been treated previously and 4 of whom
have been unsuccessfully treated by another modality.

On November 7, 2000, the Company purchased a $300,000,  5.1% Secured  Cumulative
Convertible  Debenture  from  Focus,  due  December  22,  2002 (the "5.1%  Focus
Debenture").  The 5.1% Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus
preferred stock at the option of the Company at any time after December 22, 2000
for two years at a  conversion  price of $1,200  per  share,  if the 5.1%  Focus
Debenture is not retired by Focus.  Interest  accrues and is payable at maturity
or is convertible on the same terms as the Focus  Debenture's  principal amount.
The 5.1% Focus Debenture is secured by a lien on all of Focus' right,  title and
interest in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and equipment and
processes of specified  products whether now existing or hereafter arising after
the date of the 5.1% Focus Debenture.  The Company recorded an allowance against
the entire  balance of principal  and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2001.  The
related  expense has been  included in loss on  impairment  of investment in the
accompanying  consolidated  statement  of income.  The 5.1% Focus  Debenture  is
currently  in default and the Company is  negotiating  an extended  due date and
conversion  right.  The Company  believes the loan is impaired since the Company
does not anticipate the 5.1% Focus  Debenture to be satisfied in accordance with
the contractual terms of the loan agreement.

On April 12,  2001,  the Company  purchased a  $300,000,  6% Secured  Cumulative
Convertible  Debenture from Focus, due May 25, 2003 (the "6% Focus  Debenture").
The 6% Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus preferred stock
at the option of the  Company at any time after May 25,  2003 for two years at a
conversion  price of $1,200 per share,  if the 6% Focus Debenture is not retired
by Focus.  Interest accrues and is payable at maturity, or is convertible on the
same terms as the 6% Focus Debenture's  principal amount. The 6% Focus Debenture
is secured by a lien on all of Focus'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts
receivable,  inventory, property, plant and equipment and processes of specified
products  whether now  existing or  hereafter  arising  after the date of the 6%
Focus Debenture. The Company recorded an allowance against the entire balance of
principal and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2001. The related expense has been
included in loss on impairment of  investment in the  accompanying  consolidated
statement  of income.  The 6% Focus  Debenture  is  currently in default and the
Company is negotiating an extended due date and  conversion  right.  The Company
believes the loan is impaired since the Company does not anticipate the 6% Focus
Debenture to be satisfied in accordance with the  contractual  terms of the loan

On July 31, 2001, the Company purchased a second $300,000, 6% Secured Cumulative
Convertible Debenture from Focus, due May 25, 2003 (the "Focus Debenture").  The
Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus preferred stock at the
option  of the  Company  at any  time  after  the due  date  for two  years at a
conversion  price of  $1,200  per  share.  The  Focus  Debenture  also  contains
warrants,  which are deemed  nominal in value,  to  purchase an  additional  125
shares to be  exercised at the option of the  Company.  Interest  accrues and is
payable at maturity or is convertible on the same terms as the Focus Debenture's
principal  amount.  The Focus  Debenture  is  secured by a lien on all of Focus'
right, title and interest in accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and
equipment  and process of  specified  products  whether now  existing or arising
after the date of the Focus Debenture. The Company recorded an allowance against
the entire  balance of principal  and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2002.  The
related  expense has been  included in loss on  impairment  of investment in the
accompanying  consolidated statement of income. The Focus Debenture is currently
in default and the Company is  negotiating  an extended due date and  conversion
right.  The Company  believes the Focus  Debenture is impaired since the Company
does not anticipate that the Focus Debenture will be paid in accordance with the
contractual terms of the loan agreement.

In May 2004,  the  Company's  ownership  was  reduced  to 13% due to  additional
preferred stock issued by Focus.


If the Company were to convert the 5.1% Focus Debenture,  6% Focus Debenture and
Focus Debenture and exercise all warrants, the Company would hold an interest in
Focus of approximately 18%.

During  fiscal 2002,  the Company  entered into a loan  agreement  whereby Focus
borrowed  $60,000  from the  Company.  This loan matured on May 30, 2002 and was
extended  to  December  31,  2002.  The loan bears  interest at 6% per annum and
contains  warrants  to acquire  additional  shares.  These  warrants  are deemed
nominal in value.  The loan is secured by a lien on all of Focus'  right,  title
and interest in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and equipment
and  processes of specified  products  whether now existing or arising after the
date of the loan. The Company  recorded an allowance  against the entire balance
of principal and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2002.  The related  expense has
been  included  in  loss  on  impairment  of  investment  in  the   accompanying
consolidated  statement  of income.  The loan is  currently  in default  and the
Company is negotiating an extended due date. The Company believes that this loan
is impaired since the Company does not anticipate that this loan will be paid in
accordance with the contractual terms of the loan agreement.

The Company's portion of the net losses of Focus were recorded since the date of
acquisition in accordance  with the equity method of  accounting.  During fiscal
2001,  the  Company  evaluated  the  investment  with  respect to the  financial
performance  and the  achievement  of specific  targets and goals and determined
that the equity  investment  was impaired and therefore the Company  recorded an
impairment  loss in the  amount of  $1,916,398.  The net  carrying  value of the
investment at June 30, 2004 is $0. Under the equity method of accounting, if the
equity investment was ever deemed not impaired, the Company would have to record
its share of Focus'  losses since 2001 before the Company can record income from
Focus. Focus' unaudited net income in fiscal year 2004 was $150,810. The Company
will start to record its share of Focus'  income when  Focus'  income is greater
than the losses from fiscal year 2002 and 2003, which total $1,847,694.

Hearing Innovations, Inc.

On October  18,  1999,  the  Company and  Hearing  Innovations,  Inc.  ("Hearing
Innovations") completed the agreement whereby the Company invested an additional
$350,000 and cancelled notes receivable  aggregating  $400,000 in exchange for a
7% equity  interest in Hearing  Innovations and  representation  on its Board of
Directors.  Warrants to acquire  388,680  shares of Hearing  Innovations  common
stock with exercise  prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.25 per share were also part
of this agreement.  These warrants, which are deemed nominal in value, expire in
October  2005.  Upon  exercise  of the  warrants,  the  Company has the right to
manufacture Hearing  Innovations'  ultrasonic products and also has the right to
create a joint  venture with Hearing  Innovations  for the marketing and sale of
its ultrasonic  tinnitus masker device.  As of the date of the acquisition,  the
cost  of the  investment  was  $784,000  ($750,000  plus  acquisition  costs  of
$34,000).  Hearing  Innovations  is located in  Farmingdale,  New York.  Hearing
Innovations  is focusing on multiple  applications  for its patented  supersonic
bone  conduction  hearing  technology.  The HiSonic(R) is a 510(k) approved (FDA
approved)  non-invasive  hearing  device  that  processes  audible  sounds  into
supersonic  vibrations  that can be heard and  understood as speech through bone
conduction.  For the profoundly  deaf,  the HiSonic is the only known  available
alternative   therapy  to  cochlear  implant  surgery.   HiSonic  is  completely
non-invasive  and may cost 80% less than surgery.  Tinnitus is  characterized by
constant  sound in the ear that can  range  from a  metallic  ringing,  buzzing,
popping or  nonrhythmic  beating.  Currently,  it is  estimated  that 50 million
people  worldwide suffer from Tinnitus,  of which  approximately 2 million cases
are considered  severe.  There are currently no cures but only temporary relief.
In fiscal year 2004, Hearing Innovations test marketed the Hisonic TRD device in
the Northeast  United States to develop  marketing data for ultimately a product
launch.  Hearing  Innovations  is still  collecting  data and has not  drawn any
conclusions  from such.  Hearing  Innovations  has also received 510(k) approval
from the FDA for the Tinnitus product, Hisonic TRD.

On September 11, 2000, the Company loaned $108,000 to Hearing Innovations, which
together with the  then-outstanding  loans  aggregating  approximately  $192,000
(with accrued  interest) was  exchanged for a $300,000,  7% Secured  Convertible
Debenture  due August 27, 2002 and extended to November  30, 2003 (the  "Hearing
Debenture").  The Hearing Debenture  contains warrants to acquire 250,000 shares
of  Hearing  Innovations  common  stock,  at the  option of the  Company,  for a
purchase price of $2.25 per share.  These warrants,  which are deemed nominal in
value, expire in October 2005.  Interest accrues and is payable at maturity,  or
is convertible on the same terms as the Hearing  Debenture's  principal  amount.
The Company  recorded an allowance  against the entire  balance of principal and
accrued  interest due in fiscal 2001.  The related  expense has been included in
loss on impairment of investment in the accompanying  consolidated  statement of
income. The Company believes the Hearing Debenture is impaired since the Company
does not  anticipate  such  Debenture  to be satisfied  in  accordance  with the
contractual terms of the loan agreement. At June 30, 2004, the Hearing Debenture
is in default.


During fiscal 2001, the Company  entered into fourteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  was  required  to pay the Company an  aggregate  amount of
$397,678 due May 30, 2002.  The maturity date was extended to November 30, 2003.
All notes bear interest at 8% per annum.  The notes are secured by a lien on all
of Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts  receivable,
inventory,  property,  plant and equipment  and processes of specified  products
whether now existing or hereafter  arising  after the date of these  agreements.
The loan agreements  contain,  in the aggregate,  warrants to acquire  1,045,664
shares of Hearing  Innovations common stock, at the option of the Company,  at a
cost that ranges from $2.00 to $2.25 per share. These warrants, which are deemed
nominal in value,  expire in October  2005.  The Company  recorded an  allowance
against the entire balance and interest due in fiscal 2001. The related  expense
has been  included  in loss on  impairment  of  investment  in the  accompanying
consolidated statement of income. The Company believes the loans and the related
interest are impaired since the Company does not anticipate  these loans will be
paid in accordance with the contractual  terms of the loan  agreements.  At June
30, 2004, the above loans are in default.

During fiscal 2002,  the Company  entered into fifteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  was  required  to pay the Company an  aggregate  amount of
$322,679  due May 30,  2002,  extended to November  30,  2003,  and $151,230 due
November  30,  2003.  All notes bear  interest  at 8% per  annum.  The notes are
secured by a lien on all of Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and interest in
accounts receivable,  inventory,  property, plant and equipment and processes of
specified  products  whether  now  existing  or arising  after the date of these
agreements.  The loan agreements contain, in the aggregate,  warrants to acquire
548,329  shares  of  Hearing  Innovations  common  stock,  at the  option of the
Company,  at a cost that  ranges from $.01 to $2.00 per share.  These  warrants,
which are deemed nominal in value,  expire in October 2005. The Company recorded
an allowance against the entire balance and accrued interest due in fiscal 2002.
The related  expense has been  included  in loss on  impairment  of loans in the
accompanying  consolidated  statement of income.  The Company believes the loans
and related  interest are impaired  since the Company does not  anticipate  that
these loans will be paid in accordance  with the  contractual  terms of the loan
agreements. At June 30, 2004, the above loans are in default.

During fiscal 2003,  the Company  entered into sixteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  is  required  to pay the  Company an  aggregate  amount of
$274,991 due November 30,  2003.  All notes bear  interest at 8% per annum.  The
notes are  secured by a lien on all of  Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and
interest in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and equipment and
processes of specified  products  whether now existing or arising after the date
of these agreements. The loan agreements contain, in the aggregate,  warrants to
acquire 274,991 shares of Hearing Innovations common stock, at the option of the
Company, at a cost of $.10 to $1.00 per share. These warrants,  which are deemed
nominal in value,  expire in October  2005.  The Company  recorded an  allowance
against the entire balance and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2003. The related
expense has been included in loss on impairment  of Hearing  Innovations  in the
accompanying  consolidated  statement of income.  The Company believes the loans
and related  interest are impaired  since the Company does not  anticipate  that
these loans will be paid in accordance  with the  contractual  terms of the loan
agreements. At June 30, 2004, the above loans are in default.


During  fiscal  2004,  the Company  entered into eight loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  is  required  to pay the  Company an  aggregate  amount of
$199,255.  Two of these notes aggregating $23,000 were due November 30, 2003 and
are in default due to non-payment.  The remaining six notes aggregating $176,255
were due June 30,  2004 and all in default  due to  non-payment.  The notes bear
interest  at 8% per  annum.  The notes are  secured  by a lien on all of Hearing
Innovations'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts  receivable,  inventory,
property,  plant and equipment and processes of specified  products  whether now
existing  or arising  after the date of these  agreements.  The loan  agreements
contain warrants to acquire 199,255 shares of Hearing  Innovations common stock,
at the option of the Company, at a cost of $.20 per share. These warrants, which
are deemed  nominal in value,  expire in October 2005.  The Company  recorded an
allowance against amounts loaned prior to April 1, 2004, which totaled $198,800.
The  related  expense  has  been  included  in loss  on  impairment  of  Hearing
Innovations in the accompanying  consolidated  statements of income. The Company
believes the loans and related  interest are impaired since the Company does not
anticipate  that these  loans will be paid in  accordance  with the  contractual
terms of the loan  agreements and Hearing  Innovations  has no predictable  cash
flows from its product revenue.  The Company previously made the decision not to
continue funding Hearing  Innovations'  operations,  however, the Company loaned
Hearing  Innovations   $199,255  to  enable  Hearing  Innovations  to  reduce  a
substantial  portion of its long-term debt to certain third parties. At June 30,
2004, the above loans are currently in default. The Company continues to believe
that Hearing Innovations' technology could provide a benefit to patients but the
products require more improvement and market development. All equity investments
and debt in Hearing  Innovations  have been fully  reserved and currently have a
zero basis.

If the Company were to exercise all  warrants  associated  with the above loans,
exercise the warrants  associated  with the Hearing  Debenture  and the original
investment and include the original investment ownership, the Company would hold
an interest in Hearing Innovations of approximately 46%.

Prior to April 1,  2004,  the  Company's  portion  of the net  losses of Hearing
Innovations  were recorded since the date of acquisition in accordance  with the
equity  method of  accounting.  During  fiscal 2001,  the Company  evaluated the
investment  with respect to the financial  performance  and the  achievement  of
specific  targets  and goals  and  determined  that the  equity  investment  was
impaired and therefore the Company  recorded an impairment loss in the amount of

In August 2002, the President of Hearing  Innovations  resigned and the Board of
Directors of Hearing  Innovations  granted the Company a management  contract to
run the Hearing Innovations.  Kenneth Coviello was named Chief Executive Officer
and a board  member  of  Hearing  Innovations.  This  appointment  has not  been
ratified by the  stockholders of Hearing  Innovations.  Kenneth  Coviello is the
Vice President of Medical Devices of the Company.

In March 2003, the Board of Directors of Hearing  Innovations  assigned  Richard
Zaremba a board position.  On September 30, 2003,  Richard Zaremba resigned from
the board.  Richard Zaremba is the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
the Company.

In  connection  with the  adoption of FIN 46, the Company  consolidated  Hearing
Innovations  in its March 31, 2004 balance sheet as the entity was determined to
be a variable interest entity ("VIE") as the Company is its primary beneficiary.
The Company  elected to record the adoption of FIN 46 as a cumulative  effect of
an accounting change.  Consolidating Hearing Innovations did not have a material
impact  on  the  Company's  consolidated  results  of  operations  or  financial

The current  ability of companies such as Hearing  Innovations to access capital
markets or incur third party debt is very limited and is likely to remain so for
the foreseeable  future. In light of this fact,  Hearing  Innovations  suspended
operations in April 2004.

On July 14, 2004, Hearing Innovations sent all shareholders and creditors a plan
for  reorganization  and  disclosure  statement.  The Company  committed to fund
Hearing  Innovations  up  to  $150,000  for  the  reorganization  plan.  Hearing
Innovations  plans to file for relief  under  Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy
Code in September  2004. If the petition is approved,  the Company will own 100%
of the equity in Hearing Innovations.


Sonora Medical Systems, Inc.

On  November  16,  1999,  the  Company  acquired  a 51%  interest  in Sonora for
approximately $1,400,000.  Sonora authorized and issued new common stock for the
51% interest.  Sonora  utilized the proceeds of such sale to increase  inventory
and expand marketing, sales, and research and development efforts. An additional
4.7% was  acquired  from the  principals  of Sonora on February  25,  2000,  for
$208,000, bringing the acquired interest to 55.7%. The principals of Sonora sold
an  additional  34.3% to Misonix on June 1, 2000 for  approximately  $1,407,000,
bringing the acquired interest to 90%. Sonora has developed the First Call 2000,
a device that provides objective data necessary to periodically test transducers
for performance variances. The acquisition of Sonora was accounted for under the
purchase method of accounting. Accordingly, results of operations for Sonora are
included in the  consolidated  statement of income from the date of  acquisition
and acquired assets and  liabilities  have been recorded at their estimated fair
values at the date of  acquisition.  The  excess of the cost of the  acquisition
($2,957,000 plus acquisition  costs of $101,000,  which includes a broker fee of
$72,000) over the fair value of net assets  acquired was $1,622,845 and is being
treated as goodwill.

On July 27, 2000,  Sonora  acquired  100% of the assets of CraMar  Technologies,
Inc. ("CraMar"),  an ultrasound  equipment servicer for approximately  $311,000.
The  assets of the  Colorado-based,  privately-held  operations  of CraMar  were
relocated  to Sonora's  facility in  Longmont,  Colorado.  The  acquisition  was
accounted for under the purchase  method of  accounting.  Accordingly,  acquired
assets  have  been  recorded  at  their  estimated  fair  values  at the date of
acquisition.   The  excess  of  the  cost  of  the  acquisition  ($272,908  plus
acquisition  costs of $37,898,  which includes a broker fee of $25,000) over the
fair value of net assets acquired was $257,899 and is being treated as goodwill.

On October 12, 2000, Sonora acquired the assets of Sonic Technologies Laboratory
Services ("Sonic Technologies"),  an ultrasound acoustic measurement and testing
laboratory,   for   approximately   $320,000.   The   assets  of  the   Hatboro,
Pennsylvania-based   operations  of  privately-held   Sonic   Technologies  were
relocated  to Sonora's  facility in  Longmont,  Colorado.  The  acquisition  was
accounted for under the purchase  method of  accounting.  Accordingly,  acquired
assets and liabilities  have been recorded at their estimated fair values at the
date of acquisition.  The excess of the cost of the  acquisition  ($270,000 plus
acquisition  costs of $51,219,  which includes a broker fee of $25,000) over the
fair value of net assets acquired was $301,219 and is being treated as goodwill.


The Company's other revenue producing  activities consist of the manufacture and
sale of Sonicator(R) ultrasonic liquid processors and cell disruptors,  Aura(TM)
ductless fume hood products and  Mystaire(R)  scrubbers for the abatement of air

Since 1959,  the  Sonicator(R)  line of products has been at the leading edge of
ultrasound technology for the laboratory.  Misonix has developed the application
of sonication as it is currently used in research  laboratories to disrupt cells
and bacteria,  accelerate  chemical reactions in the extraction of proteins from
cells, in genomic and proteomic  research.  Over the years our engineering staff
has greatly  improved the design and  performance of the instrument to include a
variety  of  ultrasonic  generators,  horns  and  probe  accessories  to  handle
virtually  any  laboratory   application  and  the  term  Sonicator  has  become
synonymous with ultrasonic liquid processing.

The  Aura(TM)  ductless  fume hood  products  offers 40 years of  experience  in
providing  safe  work   environments   to  Medical,   Pharmaceutical,   Biotech,
Semiconductor,  Law Enforcement,  Federal and Local Government laboratories.  We
manufacture a complete line of ductless fume enclosures to control and eliminate
hazardous  vapors,  noxious odors and  particulates in the laboratory.  All fume
enclosure  products  utilize either  activated carbon or HEPA filters to capture
contaminants  and are a cost effective  alternative to standard  laboratory fume
hoods that  require  expensive  ductwork to vent  contaminants  to the  outside.
Misonix  also  offers  laminar  airflow  stations  and PCR  enclosures.  Misonix
Ductless Fume Hoods meet or exceed  applicable OSHA, ANSI, NFPA, SEFA and ASHRAE
standards for ductless fume hoods.

School  Demonstration  Ductless Fume Hoods have proven to be a valuable addition
to hundreds of high school science  laboratories.  Multiple  application filters
allow for the use of a variety  of  chemicals  and a clear  back  panel  enables
students to view demonstrations from all sides.

The technology  used in the Aura ductless fume  enclosures has also been adapted
for specific uses in crime laboratories.  The Forensic Evidence Cabinet protects
wet evidence from contamination  while it is drying and simultaneously  protects
law enforcement  personnel from evidence that can be noxious and hazardous.  The
Cyanoacrylate (liquid glue) Fuming Chamber is used by fingerprinting  experts to
develop  fingerprints  on non-porous  surfaces while  providing  protection from
hazardous cyanoacrylate fumes.


In June 1992, the Company  initially  acquired an 81.4% interest in Labcaire for
$545,169.  The total  acquisition cost exceeded the fair value of the net assets
acquired by $241,299, which is being treated as goodwill. Currently, the Company
owns a 100%  interest in Labcaire.  The balance of the capital stock of Labcaire
was owned by three executives and one retired  executive of Labcaire,  who have,
under  a  purchase  agreement  (the  "Labcaire   Agreement"),   agreed  to  sell
one-seventh of their total holdings of Labcaire shares to the Company in each of
seven  consecutive  years,  commencing with the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996.
Under the Labcaire Agreement, the Company purchased such shares at a price equal
to  one-seventh  of each  executive's  prorata  share  of 8.5  times  Labcaire's
earnings before interest, taxes, and management charges for the preceding fiscal
year, which amount is being treated as goodwill.  Total goodwill associated with
Labcaire is $1,214,808 of which $1,063,294 remains at June 30, 2004.

Labcaire's  business  consists  of  designing,   manufacturing,   servicing  and
marketing air handling systems for the protection of personnel, products and the
environment  from airborne  hazards.  These systems are similar to the Aura fume
enclosures  in that they extract  noxious  fumes  through a series of filters to
introduce  clean  air  back  into  the  environment,  but  have  expanded  their
applications.  There are no  additional  risks for products  sold by Labcaire as
compared  to other  products  marketed  and sold by the  Company  in the  United
States.  Labcaire experiences minimal currency exposure since a major portion of
its revenues are from the United  Kingdom.  Revenues  outside the United Kingdom
are remitted in British Pounds. Labcaire is also the European distributor of the
Company's ultrasonic  laboratory and scientific products.  Labcaire manufactures
class 100 biohazard  safety  enclosures  used in laboratories to provide sterile
environments  and to protect lab  technicians  from airborne  contaminants,  and
class 100 laminar flow  enclosures.  Labcaire  also  manufactures  the Company's
ductless fume enclosures for the European market and sells the enclosures  under
its  trade  name.  Labcaire  has  developed  and now  manufactures  and sells an
automatic   endoscope   disinfection   system   ("Autoscope"),   which  is  used
predominantly  in  hospitals.   The  Autoscope  disinfects  and  rinses  several
endoscopes while abating the noxious disinfectant fumes produced by the cleaning
process.  In fiscal 2002,  Labcaire introduced the Autoscope Guardian version to
incorporate a number of enhancements in line with the UK guidelines.  This model
has now been further  developed  with features  designed to increase  Labcaire's
compliance with the latest interpretation of these UK guidelines.

The Company's products are proprietary in that they primarily utilize ultrasound
as a technology base to solve laboratory and scientific and medical issues.  The
Company has technical  expertise in ultrasound  and utilizes  ultrasound in many
applications,  which management believes makes the Company unique. The Company's
ultrasound technology is the core surrounding its business model.

The  Mystaire  pre-engineered  scrubbing  system is an air  pollution  abatement
system,  which removes difficult airborne  contaminants  emitted from laboratory
and industrial  processes at the source. The Mystaire scrubber systems utilize a
wide variety of technologies to operate on a broad range of contaminants  and is
particularly  effective  on  gaseous  contaminants  such as acid  gases,  mists,
particulate matter,  aerosol,  and odor removal. The Company also manufactures a
range of  "point  of use"  scrubbers  for the  microelectronics  industry.  This
equipment  eliminates toxic and noxious  contaminants arising from silicon wafer


Medical Devices

The Company relies on its licensee,  USS, a significant customer,  for marketing
its  ultrasonic  surgical  device.  The Company relies on  distributors  such as
Mentor, Aesculap, Inc. and ACMI Corporation and independent distributors for the
marketing of its other medical products.


Sonora relies on direct  salespersons  and distributors for the marketing of its
ultrasonic  medical  devices.  Focus is utilizing  the Company,  in an exclusive
agreement,  to distribute the Sonablate 500 in the European market, which allows
the Company to sell  directly to end users such as doctors  and  hospitals.  The
Company  sells  directly  to end users  for the  neuroaspirator  medical  device

In June 2002,  the  Company  entered  into a ten-year  worldwide,  royalty-free,
distribution  agreement with Mentor for the sale,  marketing and distribution of
the Lysonix 2000/3000 soft tissue aspirator used for cosmetic surgery.

Laboratory and Scientific Products

The  Company  relies  on  direct   salespersons,   distributors,   manufacturing
representatives  and catalog  listings for the marketing of its  laboratory  and
scientific  products.  The Company  currently  sells its  products  through five
manufacturers  representative firms and twenty distributors in the United States
and fourteen internationally. The Company currently employs direct sales persons
who operate  outside the Company's  offices and conducts  direct  marketing on a
regional basis.

The market for the Company's  ductless fume  enclosures  includes  laboratory or
scientific  environments  in which  workers  may be exposed to noxious  fumes or
vapors.  The  products are suited to  laboratories  in which  personnel  perform
functions which release noxious fumes or vapors (including  hospital and medical
laboratories),   industrial  processing   (particularly  involving  the  use  of
solvents) and soldering,  and other general chemical processes. The products are
particularly   suited   to   users   in   the   pharmaceutical,   semiconductor,
biotechnology, and forensic industries.

The largest market for the Company's  Sonicator  includes  research and clinical
laboratories  worldwide.  In addition, the Company has expanded its sales of the
ultrasonic processor into industrial markets such as paint, pigment, ceramic and
pharmaceutical manufacturers.

In fiscal 2004,  approximately  35% of the  Company's  net sales were to foreign
markets. Labcaire, a subsidiary of the Company, acts as the European distributor
of the Company's  laboratory and scientific  products and manufactures and sells
the Company's  fume  enclosure  line as well as its own range of laboratory  and
hospital environmental control products, such as the Guardian endoscope cleaning
device.  Sales by the  Company  in other  major  industrial  countries  are made
through distributors.

The Company views a wide range of industries  as  prospective  customers for its
pollution  abatement  scrubbers.   Scrubbers  are  usable  in  any  industry  or
environment  in which airborne  contaminants  are created,  in  particular,  the
semiconductor manufacturing, chemical processing and pharmaceuticals industries.
The Company sells wet scrubbers directly to end users.


Medical Devices

The Company manufactures and assembles its medical devices and Focus and Hearing
Innovations  products at its production  facility  located in  Farmingdale,  New
York. The Company's products include components  manufactured by other companies
in the United  States.  The Company is not  dependent  upon any single source of
supply and has no long-term supply agreements. The Company believes that it will
not  encounter  difficulty  in  obtaining  materials,  supplies  and  components
adequate for its anticipated short-term needs.

Sonora  manufactures  and  refurbishes its products at its facility in Longmont,
Colorado.  Sonora is not  dependent  upon any single source of supply and has no
long-term  supply  agreements.  The Company  does not  believe  that Sonora will
encounter  difficulty in obtaining  materials,  supplies and components adequate
for its anticipated short-term needs.

Laboratory and Scientific Products

The Company  manufactures  and  assembles  the  majority of its  laboratory  and
scientific products at its production facility located in Farmingdale, New York.
The Company's products include components manufactured by other companies in the
United  States.  The Company  believes that it will not encounter  difficulty in
obtaining  materials,  supplies  and  components  adequate  for its  anticipated
short-term  needs. The Company is not dependent upon any single source of supply
and has no long-term supply agreements.


Labcaire  manufactures  and  assembles  its products at its facility  located in
North  Somerset,  England.  The Company  does not  believe  that  Labcaire  will
encounter  difficulty in obtaining  materials,  supplies and components adequate
for its anticipated  short-term needs. Labcaire is not dependent upon any single
source of supply and has no long-term supply agreements.


Medical Devices

Competition  in the medical  devices and the  medical  repair and  refurbishment
industry is rigorous with many companies having  significant  capital resources,
large research laboratories and extensive  distribution systems in excess of the
Company's.  Some of the Company's major competitors for our medical products are
Johnson & Johnson, Inc., Valley Lab, a division of Tyco Healthcare, Integra Life
Sciences,  Inc., EDAP, TMS S.A., Ambassador Medical, a subsidiary of GE Medical,
Philips and Siemens.

Laboratory and Scientific Products

Competitors  in the ultrasonic  industry for laboratory and scientific  products
range from large corporations with greater production and marketing capabilities
to smaller firms specializing in single products.  The Company believes that its
significant  competitors in the  manufacturing  and  distribution  of industrial
ultrasonic devices are Branson Ultrasonics,  a division of Emerson Electric Co.,
and Sonics & Materials, Inc. It is possible that other companies in the industry
are currently  developing  products with the same  capabilities  as those of the
Company.  The  Company  believes  that the  features  of its  Sonicator  and the
Company's  customer  assistance in connection with particular  applications give
the Sonicator a competitive advantage over comparable products.

Competitors   in  the  air   pollution   abatement   industry   include   large,
multi-national  corporations with greater production and marketing  capabilities
whose financial  resources are substantially  greater and, in many cases,  whose
share of the air  pollution  abatement  market is  significant  as well as small
firms  specializing  in single  products.  The Company  believes  that  specific
advantages of its scrubbers include  efficiency,  price and customer  assistance
and that specific advantages of its fume enclosures include efficiency and other
product  features,  such as  durability  and ease of  operation.  Ductless  fume
enclosure  advantages  are  the  quality  of  the  product  and  versatility  of
applications.  The  Company  believes  that  its  principal  competitors  in the
manufacturing  and  distribution of scrubbers are Ceilcote,  a division of ITEQ,
Inc.,  and Duall  Division,  a division of Met-Pro  Corporation.  The  principal
competitors for the ductless fume enclosure are Captair, Inc., Astec/Air Science
Technologies, Air Cleaning Systems, Inc. and Lancer UK Ltd.


The Company's medical device products are subject to the regulatory requirements
of the FDA. A medical device as defined by the FDA is an instrument,  apparatus,
implement, machine, contrivance,  implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or
related article,  including a component,  part, or accessory which is recognized
in the official National  Formulary or the United States  Pharmacopoeia,  or any
supplement  to such  listings,  intended for use in the  diagnosis of disease or
other  conditions,  or in the cure,  mitigation,  treatment,  or  prevention  of
disease,  in man or animals, or intended to affect the structure or any function
of the body of man or  animals,  and which does not  achieve  any of its primary
intended  purposes  through  chemical  action  within  or on the  body of man or
animals and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of
any of its  primary  intended  purposes  (a  "Medical  Device").  The  Company's
products that are subject to FDA regulations for product  labeling and promotion
comply with all applicable regulations.  The Company is listed with the FDA as a
Medical Device manufacturer and has the appropriate FDA Establishment Numbers in
place.  The  Company  has a  post-market  monitoring  system  in  place  such as
Complaint Handling and Medical Device Reporting procedures.  All current devices
manufactured  and  sold  by  the  Company  have  all  the  necessary  regulatory
approvals.  The Company is not aware of any situations which would be materially
adverse at this time and neither has the FDA sought  legal  remedies  available,
nor have there been any  violations  of its  regulations  alleged,  against  the


The Company  received a letter dated October 31, 2003 from the FDA regarding the
Company's notification  concerning the implemented procedures to "field correct"
a shock  sensation  that  was  caused  by users  forcing  the  output  connector
improperly  when using the Lysonix 2000.  Although the output cable was properly
marked, the Company issued new sticker directions and notified all its customers
in writing. The FDA stated that it "agreed with the Company's decision to "field
correct" the Lysonix 2000."

The FDA classified  this field  correction as a Class II recall which means that
this is a  situation  in which  use of or  exposure  to such  product  may cause
temporary or  medically  reversible  adverse  health  consequences  or which the
probability of serious adverse health  consequences is remote.  The Company will
do everything necessary to satisfy the FDA request for information on the "field
correction."  The Company,  additionally,  is following FDA policies to be fully
compliant with all requirements.  As of June 30, 2004, the Company has completed
a third round of  Notification  of  Corrective  Action by  certified  mail.  The
Company  will  cooperate  with the FDA to  collect  all data to allow the FDA to
determine when the Corrective Action will be officially  closed. The Company has
estimated the cost of this field correction to be immaterial.


Pursuant to a royalty free license  agreement with an unaffiliated  third party,
the Company has the right to use the trademark "Sonicator" in the United States.
The Company also owns trademark  registrations  for Mystaire in both England and

The  following  is a list of the U.S.  patents  which  have  been  issued to the

      Number                            Description                          Issue Date           Expiration Date
      ------                            -----------                          ----------           ---------------
4,920,954            Cavitation Device - relating to the Alliger             05/01/1990             08/05/2008
                     System for applying ultrasonic arteries using a
                     generator, transducer and titanium wire.

5,026,167            Fluid  Processing  -  relating  to the  Company's       06/25/1991             10/19/2009
                     environmental    control    product    line   for
                     introducing  ozone and liquid into the cavitation
                     zone for an ultrasonic probe.

5,032,027            Fluid  processing  -  relating  to the  Company's       07/16/1991             10/19/2009
                     environmental   control   product  line  for  the
                     intimate mixing of ozone and  contaminated  water
                     for the purpose of purification.

5,248,296            Wire  with  sheath -  relating  to the  Company's       09/23/1993             12/24/2010
                     Alliger System for reducing  transverse motion in
                     its catheters.

5,306,261            Guidewire  guides  -  relating  to the  Company's       04/26/1994             01/22/2013
                     Alliger  System for a catheter  with  collapsible
                     wire guide.

5,443,456            Guidewire  guides  -  relating  to the  Company's       08/22/1995             02/10/2014
                     Alliger  System for a catheter  with  collapsible
                     wire guide.

5,371,429*           Flow-thru  transducer - relating to the Company's       12/06/1994             09/28/2013
                     liposuction system and its ultrasonic  laboratory
                     and scientific products for an  electromechanical
                     transducer device.


      Number                            Description                          Issue Date           Expiration Date
      ------                            -----------                          ----------           ---------------
5,397,293            Catheter   sheath  - relating  to  the  Company's       03/14/1995             11/25/2012
                     Alliger  System  for an  ultrasonic  device  with
                     sheath and transverse motion damping.

5,419,761*           Liposuction   -   relating   to   the   Company's       05/30/1995             08/03/2013
                     liposuction  apparatus and associated method.

5,465,468            Flow-thru transducer - relating to the method of        11/14/1995             12/06/2014
                     making an electromechanical  transducer device to
                     be used in  conjunction  with the Company's  soft
                     tissue aspiration system and ultrasonic
                     laboratory and scientific products.

5,516,043            Atomizer horn - relating to an ultrasonic               05/14/1996             06/30/2014
                     atomizing device, which is used in the Company's
                     laboratory and scientific products.

5,527,273*           Ultrasonic probes - relating to an ultrasonic           06/18/1996             10/06/2014
                     lipectomy  probe to be used  with  the  Company's
                     soft tissue aspiration technology.

5,769,211            Autoclavable  switch  -  relating  to  a  medical       06/23/1998             01/21/2017
                     handpiece with  autoclavable  rotary switch to be
                     used in medical procedures.

5,072,426            Shock  wave   hydrophone   with   self-monitoring       12/10/1991             02/08/2011
                     medical procedures.  feature.

4,660,573            Ultrasonic lithotriptor probe.                          04/28/1987             05/08/2005

4,741,731            Vented   ultrasonic   transducer   for   surgical       05/03/1988             02/14/2006

5,151,083            Apparatus  for  eliminating  air  bubbles  in  an       09/29/1992             07/29/2011
                     ultrasonic surgical device.

5,151,084            Ultrasonic  needle with  sleeve  that  includes a       09/29/1992             07/29/2011

5,486,162            Bubble control device for an ultrasonic  surgical       01/23/1996             01/11/2015

5,562,609            Ultrasonic surgical probe.                              10/08/1996             10/07/2014

5,562,610            Needle for ultrasonic surgical probe.                   10/08/1996             10/07/2014

5,904,669            Magnetic ball valves and control module.                05/18/1999             10/25/2016

6,033,375            Ultrasonic  probe with isolated and teflon coated       03/07/2000             12/23/2017
                     outer cannula.

6,270,471            Ultrasonic probe with isolated outer cannula.           08/07/2001             12/23/2017

6,443,969            Ultrasonic blade with cooling.                          09/03/2002             08/15/2020

6,379,371            Ultrasonic blade with cooling.                          04/30/2002             11/15/2019


      Number                            Description                          Issue Date           Expiration Date
      ------                            -----------                          ----------           ---------------
6,375,648            Infiltration  cannula  with teflon  coated  outer       04/23/2002             10/02/2018

6,326,039            Skinless  sausage  or  frankfurter  manufacturing       12/04/2001             10/31/2020
                     method   and   apparatus    utilizing    reusable
                     deformable support.

6,322,832            Manufacturing   method  and  apparatus  utilizing       11/27/2001             10/31/2020
                     reusable deformable support.

6,146,674            Method  and  device  for  manufacturing  hot dogs       11/14/2000             05/27/2019
                     using high power ultrasound.

6,063,050            Ultrasonic dissection and coagulation system.           05/16/2000             10/16/2017

6,036,667            Ultrasonic dissection and coagulation system.           03/14/2000             08/14/2017

6,582,440            Non-clogging catheter for lithotrity.                   06/24/2003             12/26/2016

6,578,659            Ultrasonic horn assembly.                               06/17/2003             12/01/2020

6,454,730            Thermal film ultrasonic dose indicator.                 09/24/2002             04/02/2019

6,613,056            Ultrasonic probe with low-friction bushings.            09/02/2003             02/17/2019

6,648,839            Ultrasonic   medical   treatment  device  for  RF
                     cauterization and related method.                       11/18/2003             05/08/2022

6,660,054            Fingerprint   processing  chamber  with  airborne
                     contaminant containment and adsorption.                 12/09/2003             09/10/2021

6,736,814            Ultrasonic  medical  treatment device for bipolar
                     RF cauterization and related method.                    05/18/2004             02/28/2022

         * Patents valid also in Japan, Europe and Canada.

The  following  is a list of the U.S.  trademarks  which have been issued to the

   Registration     Registration
      Number            Date                   Mark                         Goods                    Renewal Date
      ------            ----                   ----                         -----                    ------------
2,611,532            08/27/2002              Mystaire        Scrubbers Employing Fine Sprays          08/27/2012
                                                             Passing Through Mesh for
                                                             Eliminating Fumes and Odors from

1,219,008            12/07/1982              Sonimist        Ultrasonic and Sonic Spray Nozzle        03/22/2013
                                                             for Vaporizing Fluid for
                                                             Commercial, Industrial and
                                                             Laboratory Use.

1,200,359            04/03/2002              Water Web       Lamination of Screens to Provide         04/03/2013
                                                             Mesh to be Inserted in Fluid
                                                             Stream for Mixing or Filtering of

2,051,093            03/27/2003               Misonix        Anti-Pollution Wet Scrubbers;            03/27/2009
                                                             Ultrasonic Cleaners; Spray Nozzles
                                                             for Ultrasonic Cleaners.


   Registration    Registration
      Number           Date                    Mark                         Goods                    Renewal Date
      ------           ----                    ----                         -----                    ------------
2,051,092            02/13/2003               Misonix        Ultrasonic Liquid Processors;            02/13/2009
                                                             Ultrasonic Biological Cell
                                                             Disrupters; Ultrasonic Cleaners.

2,320,805            02/22/2000                Aura          Ductless Fume Enclosures.                02/22/2006

2,812,718            02/10/2004               Misonix        Ultrasonic medical devices,              02/10/2014
                                                             namely, ultrasonic surgical
                                                             aspirators, ultrasonic
                                                             lithotripters, ultrasonic

1,195,570            07/14/2002              Astrason        Portable Ultrasonic Cleaners             07/14/2012
                                                             featuring Microscopic Shock Waves.


As of June 30, 2004,  the Company's  backlog (firm orders that have not yet been
shipped) was $8,700,000,  as compared to approximately $5,600,000 as of June 30,
2003. The Company's  backlog  relating to laboratory  and  scientific  products,
including Labcaire,  was approximately  $2,900,000 at June 30, 2004, as compared
to $2,600,000 as of June 30, 2003.  The increase is primarily due to an increase
in wet scrubber  backlog.  The Company's  backlog  relating to medical  devices,
including Sonora, was approximately  $5,800,000 at June 30, 2004, as compared to
approximately  $3,000,000 at June 30, 2003. This increase is primarily due to an
increase in therapeutic medical devices backlog.


As of September 15, 2004, the Company, including Labcaire and Sonora, employed a
total of 201 full-time  employees,  including 33 in management  and  supervisory
positions. The Company considers its relationship with its employees to be good.


The following  table  provides a breakdown of net sales by business  segment for
the periods indicated:

                                    Fiscal year ended
                                        June 30,

                            2004          2003            2002
                         -----------   -----------   -----------
Medical devices          $21,350,846   $17,504,978   $11,695,761
Laboratory and
   scientific products    17,708,220    17,353,773    17,894,692
                         -----------   -----------   -----------
Net sales                $39,059,066   $34,858,751   $29,590,453
                         ===========   ===========   ===========


The following  table  provides a breakdown of foreign  sales by geographic  area
during the periods indicated:

                           Fiscal year ended
                               June 30,

                     2004         2003          2002
Canada           $   565,872   $   446,307   $   230,567
Mexico               229,603         6,230        13,000
United Kingdom     9,509,301     8,767,304     7,526,478
Europe             1,502,776     1,357,245       980,633
Asia               1,037,553     1,193,294       890,621
Middle East          325,365       139,501       146,387
Other                627,437       345,643       530,097
                 $13,797,907   $12,255,524   $10,317,783


The Company's  annual reports on Form 10-K,  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q and
current  reports  on Form 8-K are  available  free of  charge  on the  Company's
website at www.MISONIX.COM as soon as reasonably practicable after such material
is  electronically  filed  with or  furnished  to the  Securities  and  Exchange

Also,  copies of the  Company's  annual report will be made  available,  free of
charge, upon written request.


The Company  occupies  approximately  45,500  square  feet at 1938 New  Highway,
Farmingdale,  New York under a lease  expiring on June 30, 2005. The Company has
the right to extend  the lease to June 30,  2010.  The rental  amount,  which is
approximately  $40,000  per month and  includes a pro rata share of real  estate
taxes,  water and sewer  charges,  and other  charges  which are assessed on the
leased  premises  or the land  upon  which the  leased  premises  are  situated.
Labcaire owns a 20,000 square foot facility in North  Somerset,  England,  which
was  purchased  in fiscal  1999,  for which  there is a  mortgage  loan.  Sonora
occupies  approximately  14,000 square feet in Longmont,  Colorado under a lease
expiring in July 2005. The rental amount is approximately  $18,000 per month and
includes a pro rata share of real estate  taxes,  water and sewer  charges,  and
other charges  which are assessed on the leased  premises or the land upon which
the  leased  premises  are  situated.  The  Company  believes  that  the  leased
facilities are adequate for its present needs.


The Company is a defendant in claims and lawsuits arising in the ordinary course
of  business.  The Company  believes  that it has  meritorious  defenses to such
claims and lawsuits and is vigorously  contesting them.  Although the outcome of
litigation  cannot be predicted with certainty,  the Company believes that these
actions will not have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's  consolidated
financial position or results of operations.


No matters were submitted to a vote of the Company's security holders during the
last quarter of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004.


                                     PART II


(a)   The Company's common stock, $.01 par value ("Common Stock"),  is listed on
      the NASDAQ National Market ("NMS") under the symbol "MSON".

The following  table sets forth the high and low bid prices for the Common Stock
during the periods indicated as reported by the NMS. The prices reported reflect
inter-dealer  quotations,  may not  represent  actual  transactions,  and do not
include retail mark-ups, mark-downs or commissions.

Fiscal 2004:                          High        Low
- -----------                           ----        ---

      First Quarter ..............  $ 5.35     $ 3.28
      Second Quarter .............    5.10       4.00
      Third Quarter ..............    7.37       4.45
      Fourth Quarter .............   11.76       6.97

Fiscal 2003:                          High        Low
- -----------                           ----        ---

      First Quarter ..............   $6.25      $5.05
      Second Quarter .............    5.40       3.55
      Third Quarter ..............    3.77       2.38
      Fourth Quarter .............    4.14       2.35

(b)   As of September 10, 2004, the Company had 6,738,453 shares of Common Stock
      outstanding  and 105  shareholders  of  record.  This  does not take  into
      account  shareholders  whose shares are held in "street name" by brokerage

(c)   The Company has not paid any dividends  since its  inception.  The Company
      currently  does not intend to pay any cash  dividends  in the  foreseeable
      future,  but  intends  to retain all  earnings,  if any,  in its  business


                                                                                                     OF SECURITIES
                                                                                                     REMAINING FOR
                                                                            b) WEIGHTED              FUTURE ISSUANCE
                                             a) NUMBER OF SECURITIES        AVERAGE EXERCISE         UNDER EQUITY COMPENSATION
                                          TO BE ISSUED UPON THE EXERCISE     PRICE OF THE            PLANS(EXCLUDING SECURITIES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Equity compensation
   plans approved by
   security holders
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   I. 1991 Plan                                         30,000               $    7.38                      --
   II. 1996 Director's Plan                            255,000               $    3.92                 166,500
   III. 1996 Plan                                      272,919               $    6.17                  40,786
   IV. 1998 Plan                                       440,877               $    6.36                  37,775
   V. 2001 Plan                                        791,444               $    5.29                 178,666
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Equity compensation
   plans not approved
   by security holders                                      --                      --                      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total                                             1,790,240               $    5.53                 423,727



Selected income statement data:

                                                        Year Ended June 30,

                              2004             2003             2002            2001             2000
                              ----             ----             ----            ----             ----
Net sales              $   39,059,066   $   34,858,751   $   29,590,453    $   30,757,519    $   29,042,872
Net income (loss)           1,718,945          967,575          176,661        (4,492,290)        2,520,896
Net income (loss)
  per share - Basic    $          .26   $          .15   $          .03    $         (.75)   $          .42
Net income (loss)
  per share - Diluted  $          .25   $          .15   $          .03    $         (.75)   $          .39

Selected balance sheet data:

                                                              June 30,

                              2004             2003             2002            2001             2000
                              ----             ----             ----            ----             ----
Total assets           $   34,241,112   $   29,794,589   $   26,964,452    $   33,220,788    $   31,163,622

Long-term debt
  and capital lease
  obligations          $    1,264,480   $    1,235,362   $    1,050,254    $    1,027,921    $    1,274,738

Total stockholders'
  equity               $   23,743,176   $   21,342,663   $   19,688,828    $   19,106,818    $   23,882,188



The following  table sets forth,  for the three most recent  fiscal  years,  the
percentage  relationship  to net  sales  of  principal  items  in the  Company's
Consolidated Statements of Income:

                                                        Fiscal year ended
                                                             June 30,

                                                   2004     2003        2002
                                                   ----     ----        ----

Net sales                                          100.0%   100.0%    100.0%
Cost of goods sold                                  57.7     58.4      60.6
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Gross profit                                        42.3     41.6      39.4
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Selling expenses                                    11.9     11.9      15.2

General and administrative expenses                 19.6     20.1      21.9

Research and development expenses                    6.2      6.1       7.1

Litigation (recovery) settlement expenses             --     (1.0)     (6.5)
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Total operating expenses                            37.7     37.1      37.7
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Income from operations                               4.6      4.5       1.7

Other income                                         2.7       .9        .2
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Income before minority interest and income taxes

                                                     7.3      5.4       1.9

Minority interest in net income of
   consolidated subsidiaries                          .2       .1        --
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Income before provision for income
   taxes                                             7.1      5.3       1.9

Income tax provision                                 2.7      2.5       1.3
                                                   -----    -----     -----

Net income                                           4.4%     2.8%       .6%
                                                   =====    =====     =====


The following  discussion and analysis provides  information which the Company's
management  believes is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the
Company's results of operations and financial condition.  This discussion should
be read in  conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and notes
thereto appearing elsewhere herein.

All of the  Company's  sales to date have been  derived from the sale of medical
devices,  which include  manufacture  and  distribution  of  ultrasonic  medical
devices and  laboratory  and  scientific  products,  which  include,  ultrasonic
equipment for scientific and industrial  purposes,  ductless fume enclosures for
filtration  of gaseous  emissions  in  laboratories  and  environmental  control
equipment for the abatement of air pollution.

Fiscal years ended June 30, 2004 and 2003

NET  SALES.  Net sales of the  Company's  medical  devices  and  laboratory  and
scientific  products  increased  $4,200,315 to  $39,059,066  in fiscal 2004 from
$34,858,751 in fiscal 2003.  This  difference in net sales is due to an increase
in sales of medical  devices of  $3,845,868 to  $21,350,846  in fiscal 2004 from
$17,504,978  in  fiscal  2003.  This  difference  in net sales is also due to an
increase in laboratory and  scientific  product sales of $354,447 to $17,708,220
in fiscal 2004 from $17,353,773 in fiscal 2003. The increase in sales of medical
devices  is due to an  increase  in  sales of  therapeutic  medical  devices  of
$3,335,285 and an increase of $510,583 in sales of diagnostic  medical  devices,
both due to increased  customer  demand for several  diagnostic and  therapeutic
medical  products.  The increase in sales of diagnostic  medical devices was not
attributable to a single customer, distributor or any other specific factor. The
increase in sales of therapeutic  medical devices was mostly  attributable to an
increase in sales to Mentor of the Lysonix  3000  device,  the Auto Sonix device
and  accessories  sold to USS and an increase of sales of the  Sonoblate  500 of
approximately $1,196,000,  $993,000, and $771,000, respectively. The increase in
sales of the  Sonoblate  500 is due to both an increase in sales to Focus as the
manufacturer of the device,  the sale of the device in Europe by the Company and
revenue  derived  for fee per use or rental  income.  Sales are not  recorded as
revenue until the total earnings  process is complete.  The increase in sales of
laboratory  and  scientific  products is due to an increase in Labcaire sales of
$589,980  and sales of  ultrasonic  laboratory  products of  $286,704  partially
offset by a  decrease  in wet  scrubber  sales of  $385,072  and a  decrease  in
ductless fume  enclosure  sales of $137,165.  The increase in Labcaire  sales is
primarily  due to  the  strengthening  of the  English  Pound  of  approximately
$917,000  offset by a decrease in sales of the  Guardian  (endoscopic  cleaning)
product of  approximately  $327,000.  The increase in laboratory  and scientific
ultrasonic  sales is due to an increase in  customer  demand for the  ultrasonic
sonicator  product.  Wet scrubber sales continue to be adversely affected by the
downturn in the  semi-conductor  market. The decrease in fume enclosure sales is
due to lower customer demand for several laboratory and scientific  products and
current  economic  conditions  for such  products.  Export sales from the United
States are  remitted in U.S.  Dollars and export sales for Labcaire are remitted
in English  Pounds.  During fiscal 2004 and fiscal 2003, the Company had foreign
net sales of $13,797,907 and $12,255,524,  respectively,  representing 35.3% and
35.2% of net sales for such periods, respectively. The increase in foreign sales
in fiscal 2004 as compared to fiscal 2003 is substantially due to an increase in
Labcaire sales due to the  strengthening  of the English Pound of  approximately
$917,000 as well as an increase in foreign  diagnostic and  therapeutic  medical
device sales as the Company  started to sell the ultrasonic  neuroaspirator  and
the Sonoblate 500 to distributors in Europe. Labcaire represented 76% and 82% of
foreign net sales during fiscal 2004 and 2003,  respectively.  The remaining 24%
and 18% represents net foreign sales remitted in U.S. Dollars during fiscal 2004
and 2003,  respectively.  Approximately 24% of the Company's revenues for fiscal
year 2004 were  received in English  Pounds.  To the extent  that the  Company's
revenues are generated in English Pounds,  its operating  results are translated
for reporting  purposes into U.S.  Dollars using weighted  average rates of 1.77
and  1.59  for  the  year  ended  June  30,  2004  and  2003,  respectively.   A
strengthening  of the English Pound, in relation to the U.S.  Dollar,  will have
the effect of increasing reported revenues and profits, while a weakening of the
English Pound will have the opposite effect.  Since the Company's  operations in
England  generally  set  prices and bids for  contracts  in  English  Pounds,  a
strengthening of the English Pound, while increasing the value of its UK assets,
might  place the  Company at a pricing  disadvantage  in  bidding  for work from
manufacturers  based  overseas.  The Company  collects  its  receivables  in the
currency  the  subsidiary  resides  in. The  Company  has not engaged in foreign
currency hedging transactions, which include forward exchange agreements.


The  Company's  revenues are  generated  from various  geographic  regions.  The
following is an analysis of net sales by  geographic  region for the year ending
June 30:

                                          2004        2003
      United States                  $25,261,159   $22,603,227
      Canada                             565,872       446,307
      Mexico                             229,603         6,230
      United Kingdom                   9,509,301     8,767,304
      Europe                           1,502,776     1,357,245
      Asia                             1,037,553     1,193,294
      Middle East                        325,365       139,501
      Other                              627,437       345,643
                                     $39,059,066   $34,858,751

Summarized  financial  information  for each of the segments for the years ended
June 30, 2004 and 2003 are as follows:

For the year ended June 30, 2004:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL      SCIENTIFIC   CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES       PRODUCTS     UNALLOCATED      TOTAL
Net sales                 $21,350,846   $17,708,220   $        --    $39,059,066
Cost of goods sold         11,879,237    10,663,226            --     22,542,463
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                9,471,609     7,044,994            --     16,516,603
Selling expenses            2,150,482     2,511,524            --      4,662,006
Research and development    1,580,909       856,843            --      2,437,752
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses    3,731,391     3,368,367     7,633,930     14,733,688
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 5,740,218   $ 3,676,627   $(7,633,930)   $ 1,782,915
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative expenses.

For the year ended June 30, 2003:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL      SCIENTIFIC   CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES       PRODUCTS     UNALLOCATED      TOTAL
Net sales                 $17,504,978   $17,353,773   $        --    $34,858,751
Cost of goods sold          9,725,617    10,628,941            --     20,354,558
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                7,779,361     6,724,832            --     14,504,193
Selling expenses            1,406,543     2,725,534            --      4,132,077
Research and development    1,400,336       708,976            --      2,109,312
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses    2,806,879     3,434,510     6,678,653     12,920,042
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 4,972,482   $ 3,290,322   $(6,678,653)   $ 1,584,151
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.


Net sales for the three months ended June 30, 2004 were $10,796,810  compared to
$10,926,239  for the three months ended June 30, 2003. This decrease of $129,429
for the  three  months  ended  June 30,  2004 is due to a  decrease  in sales of
medical  devices of $155,825  partially  offset by an increase in laboratory and
scientific  products sales of $26,396.  The decrease in sales of medical devices
is due to a  decrease  in  sales  of  diagnostic  medical  devices  of  $510,282
partially  offset by an increase of  $354,457  in sales of  therapeutic  medical
devices. The decrease in diagnostic medical devices is due to decreased customer
demand for  several  diagnostic  medical  products.  The  decrease  in sales for
diagnostic   medical  devices  was  not   attributable  to  a  single  customer,
distributor or any other specific factor.  The increase in sales for therapeutic
medical  devices  was mostly  attributable  to an  increase  in sales to USS and
Mentor.  The increase in  laboratory  and  scientific  products  sales is due to
increased  Labcaire sales of $191,616 and an increase in ductless fume enclosure
sales of $10,478  partially  offset by a decrease in ultrasonic sales of $74,880
and a decrease in wet scrubber sales of $100,818. The increase in Labcaire sales
is primarily  due to the  strengthening  of the English  Pound of  approximately
$338,000  partially  offset by a decrease in sales of the  Guardian  (endoscopic
cleaning)  product of  approximately  $146,000.  The decrease in laboratory  and
scientific ultrasonic sales is due to an increase in customer demand for several
ultrasonic products. Wet scrubber sales continue to be adversely affected by the
downturn in the semi-conductor market.

Summarized  financial  information for each of the segments for the three months
ended June 30, 2004 and 2003 are as follows:

For the three months ended June 30, 2004:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED      TOTAL
Net sales                 $ 5,579,670   $ 5,217,140   $        --    $10,796,810
Cost of goods sold          3,178,910     3,199,399            --      6,378,309
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                2,400,760     2,017,741            --      4,418,501
Selling expenses              735,341       644,353            --      1,379,694
Research and development      461,314       258,560            --        719,874
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses    1,196,655       902,913     1,930,290      4,029,858
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 1,204,105   $ 1,114,828   $(1,930,290)   $   388,643
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative expenses.

For the three months ended June 30, 2003:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED      TOTAL
Net sales                 $ 5,735,495   $ 5,190,744   $        --    $10,926,239
Cost of goods sold          3,254,408     3,369,032            --      6,623,440
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                2,481,087     1,821,712            --      4,302,799
Selling expenses              369,461       639,391            --      1,008,852
Research and development      320,514       189,032            --        509,546
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses      689,975       828,423     1,913,059      3,431,457
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 1,791,112   $   993,289   $(1,913,059)   $   871,342
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.


GROSS  PROFIT.  Gross  profit  increased  to 42.3% in fiscal  2004 from 41.6% in
fiscal 2003. Gross profit for medical devices  remained  consistent with a gross
profit of 44.4% in fiscal 2004 and fiscal 2003.  Gross profit for laboratory and
scientific products increased to 39.8% in fiscal 2004 from 38.8% in fiscal 2003.
Gross  profit of medical  devices was  impacted by the  favorable  order mix for
sales of  therapeutic  medical  devices  due to the fee per use  revenue for the
Sonoblate  500,  which  carries  higher  margins.  This increase is offset by an
unfavorable order mix of diagnostic medical devices,  which  traditionally carry
lower  margins.  The  increase in gross  profit for  laboratory  and  scientific
products is due to ultrasonic and ductless fume enclosure sales partially offset
by lower gross profit for wet scrubber and Labcaire sales. The decrease in gross
profit for wet  scrubber  sales is due to pricing  pressures  from  competition.
Gross profit increased to 40.9% of sales in the three months ended June 30, 2004
from 39.4% of sales in the three months  ended June 30,  2003.  Gross profit for
laboratory  and  scientific  products  increased  to 38.7% of sales in the three
months  ended June 30, 2004 from 35.1% of sales in the three  months  ended June
30, 2003. Gross profit for medical devices  decreased from 43.3% of sales in the
three  months  ended June 30, 2003 to 43.0% of sales in the three  months  ended
June 30,  2004.  The  increase in gross  profit for  laboratory  and  scientific
products  was  positively  impacted  by the  favorable  order  mix for  sales of
ultrasonic  products and wet scrubber  sales  partially  offset by a decrease in
gross profit of Labcaire  and ductless  fume  enclosure  sales.  The decrease in
gross  profit for medical  devices was impacted by the  favorable  order mix for
sales of  diagnostic  medical  devices  offset  by an  unfavorable  order mix of
therapeutic  medical  devices.  The Company  manufactures and sells both medical
devices and  laboratory  and  scientific  products  with a wide range of product
costs and gross margin dollars as a percentage of revenues.

SELLING  EXPENSES.  Selling expenses  increased  $529,929 or 12.8% to $4,662,006
(11.9% of sales) in fiscal 2004 from $4,132,077 (11.9% of sales) in fiscal 2003.
Medical devices selling expenses increased $743,939 due both to additional sales
and marketing  efforts for diagnostic  medical devices and  therapeutic  medical
devices.  The  increase  in  therapeutic  medical  devices  selling  expenses of
$564,801  is due to an  increase  in sales and  marketing  efforts  relating  to
European  distribution  and the hiring of  additional  salesman for  therapeutic
medical devices.  Laboratory and scientific  products selling expenses decreased
$214,010  predominantly  due to a decrease in fume  enclosure  and wet  scrubber
commissions and ultrasonic marketing expenses offset by the strengthening of the
English Pound. Selling expenses increased $370,842 or 36.8% to $1,379,694 (12.8%
of sales) in the three  months  ended  June 30,  2004 from  $1,008,852  (9.2% of
sales) in the three months ended June 30, 2003. Medical devices selling expenses
increased  $365,880  due both to  additional  sales and  marketing  efforts  for
diagnostic  medical devices and  therapeutic  medical  devices.  The increase in
therapeutic  medical devices selling  expenses of $311,804 is due to an increase
in sales and marketing efforts relating to European distribution. Laboratory and
scientific  products selling expenses  decreased $4,962  predominantly  due to a
decrease  in  fume  enclosure,  wet  scrubber  and  ultrasonic  commissions  and
marketing expenses offset by the strengthening of the English Pound for Labcaire
selling expenses.

GENERAL  AND  ADMINISTRATIVE  EXPENSES.   General  and  administrative  expenses
increased  $610,842  or 8.7% to  $7,633,930  in fiscal 2004 from  $7,023,088  in
fiscal  2003.  The  increase is  predominantly  due to an increase in  corporate
general and administrative expenses relating to corporate insurance, information
technology consulting, legal fees and other accrued corporate expenses partially
offset by a decrease in bad debt  expense due to payments  received  from Focus.
The remaining increase is attributable to the strengthening of the English Pound
at Labcaire. General and administrative expenses decreased $126,098 or 6.1% from
$2,056,388  in the three months ended June 30, 2003 to  $1,930,290  in the three
months ended June 30, 2004. The decrease is  predominantly  due to a decrease in
general and  administrative  expenses relating to severance costs offset in part
by an increase in  administrative  staff,  all  attributable to Labcaire,  and a
decrease in corporate expenses related to bad debt.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  EXPENSES.  Research and development expenses increased
$328,440 or 15.6% to $2,437,752  in fiscal 2004 from  $2,109,312 in fiscal 2003.
Research and development  expenses related to medical devices increased $180,573
and  research and  development  expense  related to  laboratory  and  scientific
products  increased  $147,867.  Research  and  development  expenses  related to
medical devices increased  predominantly due to efforts for therapeutic  medical
devices and an increase in amounts paid Focus in fiscal 2004 for the development
work  performed  for the Company for the  treatment  of kidney and liver  tumors
utilizing high  intensity  focused  ultrasound  technology as compared to fiscal
2003. The increase in research and development  expenses  relating to laboratory
and scientific  products  increased efforts in research and development  efforts
for Labcaire and the  strengthening  of the English Pound at Labcaire.  Research
and development  expenses increased $210,328 or 41.3% for the three months ended
June 30,  2004 from  $509,546 to $719,874  for the three  months  ended June 30,
2003.  Research and development  expenses  related to medical devices  increased
$140,800  and  research  and  development  expense  related  to  laboratory  and
scientific products increased $69,528. Research and development expenses related
to  medical  devices  increased  predominantly  due  to  increased  efforts  for
therapeutic  medical  devices and an increase in payments made to Focus in three
months ended June 30, 2004 for the  development  for the treatment of kidney and
liver tumors utilizing high intensity focused ultrasound  technology as compared
to the three  months ended June 30,  2003,  as  requested  by the  Company.  The
increase in laboratory and scientific  products is due to increased research and
development efforts for all laboratory and scientific products.


LITIGATION  (RECOVERY)  SETTLEMENT EXPENSES.  The Company recorded a reversal of
the litigation settlement for the fiscal year 2003 of $344,435 as compared to $0
for the fiscal  year 2004.  The Company  recorded a reversal  of the  litigation
settlement  for the three  months ended June 30, 2003 of $143,329 as compared to
$0 for the three months ended June 30, 2004.  This reversal  represents the sale
of Lysonix 2000 units by Mentor that were  received by Mentor from LySonix under
the settlement  agreement with LySonix (this  inventory was previously  reserved
for in fiscal year June 30, 2002, as its saleability was uncertain).

OTHER INCOME  (EXPENSE).  Other income was $1,057,191 in fiscal 2004 as compared
to $292,701 in fiscal  2003.  The  increase of $764,490  for the fiscal year was
primarily  due to an  increase in royalty  income of $655,844  and a decrease in
loss  on  impairment  of  investments  of  $113,157.  The  Company  received  an
additional  royalty payment in the first quarter of fiscal 2004 of approximately
$410,000,  which was based upon a review of USS'  records that  determined  that
royalties  were due for  prior  years.  The  review  showed  that USS owed  (and
subsequently paid in the first quarter)  royalties due on a product that was not
included in the  original  royalty  computation.  The increase was also due to a
decrease in loss on impairment of investments of Hearing Innovations of $99,432.
The decrease in loss on impairment of Hearing  Innovations is a direct result of
a reduction of loans made to Hearing Innovations in the current year compared to
loans made in the prior year.  Other  income was  $296,947  in the three  months
ended June 30, 2004 as compared to $218,927 in the three  months  ended June 30,
2003.  The  increase  of $78,020  for the three  months  ended June 30, 2004 was
primarily due to a decrease in loss on impairment of investments of $66,250. The
decrease in loss on  impairment of Hearing  Innovations  is a direct result of a
reduction  of loans to Hearing  Innovations  in the current  period  compared to
loans made in the prior period.

INCOME TAXES. The effective tax rate is 38.3% for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2004 as  compared  to an  effective  tax rate of 47.8% for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2003. The current effective income tax rate of 38.3% was impacted by no
corresponding  income  tax  benefit  from  the  loss on  impairment  of  Hearing
Innovations of approximately  $78,000 plus the standard consolidated tax rate of
approximately  36%.  The  decrease  in the  effective  tax rate for fiscal  2004
compared to fiscal 2003 is primarily due to the reduction in the impaired  loans
to  Hearing  Innovations.  The loss on  impairment  of  Hearing  Innovations  is
recorded with no corresponding tax benefit since these  transactions are capital
losses.  Benefits  for such  losses are only  received  if the  Company  has the
ability to generate capital gains. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003, the
Company recorded a valuation allowance of $96,642 against the deferred tax asset
related to the  non-cash  compensation  charge due to the recent  decline in the
Company's  stock price.  During the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2004,  the Company
reduced the  valuation  allowance  by $51,641 due to the recent  increase in the
Company's stock price leaving a valuation allowance of $45,001.

Fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002

NET  SALES.  Net sales of the  Company's  medical  devices  and  laboratory  and
scientific  products  increased  $5,268,298 to  $34,858,751  in fiscal 2003 from
$29,590,453 in fiscal 2002.  This  difference in net sales is due to an increase
in sales of medical  devices of  $5,809,217 to  $17,504,978  in fiscal 2003 from
$11,695,761  in fiscal 2002.  This  increase is offset by lower  laboratory  and
scientific  product  sales of  $540,919  to  $17,353,773  in  fiscal  2003  from
$17,894,692 in fiscal 2002.  The increase in sales of medical  devices is due to
an increase in sales of diagnostic medical devices of $2,613,214 and an increase
of $3,196,003 in sales of  therapeutic  medical  devices,  both due to increased
customer demand for several  diagnostic and therapeutic  medical  products.  The
increase  in sales for  diagnostic  medical  devices was not  attributable  to a
single customer, distributor or any other specific factor. The increase in sales
for therapeutic  medical devices was mostly attributable to an increase in sales
to USS of  approximately  $2,145,000.  The  remaining  increase  in  therapeutic
medical  devices is due to increased  demand for all  products.  The decrease in
laboratory  and  scientific  products is due to decreased wet scrubber  sales of
$1,227,154 and a decrease in ductless fume enclosure sales of $616,769 primarily
offset by an increase in Labcaire sales of $1,130,075  and  ultrasonic  sales of
$172,929.  Wet scrubber sales continue to be adversely  affected by the downturn
of the  semi-conductor  market.  The decrease in fume enclosure  sales is due to
lower customer demand for several laboratory and scientific products and current
economic  conditions  for such  products.  The  increase  in  Labcaire  sales is
primarily due to the demand for the new Guardian  (endoscopic  cleaning) product
introduced in December 2001. Export sales from the United States are remitted in
U.S.  Dollars and export  sales for  Labcaire  are  remitted in British  Pounds.
During  fiscal  2003 and fiscal  2002,  the  Company  had  foreign  net sales of
$12,255,524 and $10,317,783,  respectively,  representing 35.2% and 34.9% of net
sales for such years, respectively. The increase in foreign sales in fiscal 2003
as compared to fiscal 2002 is substantially due to an increase in Labcaire sales
of  $1,130,075.  Labcaire  represented  82% and 85% of foreign net sales  during
fiscal 2003 and fiscal 2002,  respectively.  Approximately  29% of the Company's
revenues  in the year  ended  June 30,  2003 were  received  in  English  Pounds
currency.  To the extent that the  Company's  revenues are  generated in English
Pounds,  its operating  results are translated for reporting  purposes into U.S.
Dollars  using  weighted  average rates of 1.59 and 1.44 for the year ended June
30,  2003 and 2002,  respectively.  A  strengthening  of the English  Pound,  in
relation  to the U.S.  Dollar,  will  have the  effect  of  increasing  reported
revenues  and  profits,  while a weakening  of the  English  Pound will have the
opposite effect.  Since the Company's operations in England generally set prices
and bids for contracts in English Pounds,  a strengthening of the English Pound,
while  increasing  the value of its UK  assets,  might  place the  Company  at a
pricing disadvantage in bidding for work from manufacturers based overseas.  The
Company collects its receivables in the currency the subsidiary  resides in. The
Company has not engaged in foreign currency hedging transactions,  which include
forward exchange agreements.


The  Company's  revenues are  generated  from various  geographic  regions.  The
following is an analysis of net sales by  geographic  region for the year ending
June 30:

                                      2003           2002
      United States                $22,603,227   $19,272,670
      Canada                           446,307       230,567
      Mexico                             6,230        13,000
      United Kingdom                 8,767,304     7,526,478
      Europe                         1,357,245       980,633
      Asia                           1,193,294       890,621
      Middle East                      139,501       146,387
      Other                            345,643       530,097
                                   $34,858,751   $29,590,453

Summarized  financial  information  for each of the segments for the years ended
June 30, 2003 and 2002 are as follows:

For the year ended June 30, 2003:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED       TOTAL
Net sales                 $17,504,978   $17,353,773   $        --    $34,858,751
Cost of goods sold          9,725,617    10,628,941            --     20,354,558
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                7,779,361     6,724,832            --     14,504,193
Selling expenses            1,406,543     2,725,534            --      4,132,077
Research and development    1,400,336       708,976            --      2,109,312
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses    2,806,879     3,434,510     6,678,653     12,920,042
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 4,972,482   $ 3,290,322   $(6,678,653)   $ 1,584,151
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.

For the year ended June 30, 2002:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED       TOTAL
Net sales                 $11,695,761   $17,894,692   $        --    $29,590,453
Cost of goods sold          7,233,535    10,698,339            --     17,931,874
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                4,462,226     7,196,353            --     11,658,579
Selling expenses            1,218,583     3,283,590            --      4,502,173
Research and development    1,554,438       549,263            --      2,103,701
                          -----------   -----------                  ----------
Total operating expenses    2,773,021     3,832,853     4,556,745     11,162,619
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 1,689,205   $ 3,363,500   $(4,556,745)   $   495,960
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.


Net sales for the three months ended June 30, 2003 were $10,926,239  compared to
$7,893,175  for the same period in fiscal 2002.  This increase of $3,033,064 for
the three  months  ended June 30, 2003 is due to an increase in sales of medical
devices of $2,179,077  and an increase in  laboratory  and  scientific  products
sales  of  $853,987.  The  increase  in sales of  medical  devices  is due to an
increase in sales of diagnostic  medical  devices of $818,761 and an increase of
$1,360,316  in sales  of  therapeutic  medical  devices,  both due to  increased
customer demand for several  diagnostic and therapeutic  medical  products.  The
increase  in sales for  diagnostic  medical  devices was not  attributable  to a
single customer, distributor or any other specific factor. The increase in sales
for therapeutic  medical devices was mostly attributable to an increase in sales
to USS of  approximately  $950,000.  The increase in laboratory  and  scientific
products sales is due to increased  Labcaire  sales of $639,455,  an increase in
ultrasonic  sales of $226,483 and an increase in wet scrubber  sales of $109,399
primarily offset by a decrease in ductless fume enclosure sales of $121,350. The
increase in Labcaire  sales is primarily  due to the demand for the new Guardian
(endoscopic  cleaning) product introduced in December 2001. The decrease in fume
enclosure  sales is due to lower  customer  demand for  several  laboratory  and
scientific products and current economic conditions for such products.

Summarized  financial  information for each of the segments for the three months
ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 are as follows:

For the three months ended June 30, 2003:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED       TOTAL
Net sales                 $ 5,735,495   $ 5,190,744   $        --    $10,926,239
Cost of goods sold          3,254,408     3,369,032            --      6,623,440
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Gross profit                2,481,087     1,821,712            --      4,302,799
Selling expenses              369,461       639,391            --      1,008,852
Research and development      320,514       189,032            --        509,546
                          -----------   -----------                  -----------
Total operating expenses      689,975       828,423     1,913,059      3,431,457
                          -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Income from operations    $ 1,791,112   $   993,289   $(1,913,059)   $   871,342
                          ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

For the three months ended June 30, 2002:

                                       LABORATORY AND      (a)
                            MEDICAL     SCIENTIFIC    CORPORATE AND
                            DEVICES      PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED       TOTAL
Net sales                  $3,556,418    $4,336,757    $       --     $7,893,175
Cost of goods sold          2,641,767     3,151,304            --      5,793,071
                           ----------    ----------                   ----------
Gross profit                  914,651     1,185,453            --      2,100,104
Selling expenses              405,777       874,621            --      1,280,398
Research and development      348,754       143,642            --        492,396
                           ----------    ----------                   ----------
Total operating expenses      754,531     1,018,263          (204)     1,772,590
                           ----------    ----------    ----------     ----------
Income from operations     $  160,120    $  167,190    $      204     $  327,514
                           ==========    ==========    ==========     ==========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.


GROSS  PROFIT.  Gross  profit  increased  to 41.6% in fiscal  2003 from 39.4% in
fiscal 2002. Gross profit for medical devices  increased to 44.4% in fiscal 2003
from 38.2% in fiscal 2002.  Gross profit for laboratory and scientific  products
decreased  to 38.8% in fiscal  2003 from 40.2% in fiscal  2002.  For fiscal year
2003, gross profit was positively  impacted by the favorable order mix for sales
of therapeutic and diagnostic  medical  devices;  Mystaire  scrubber sales had a
significant  increase in gross margin on all of its products,  predominately due
to the  implementation  of  cost  reduction  efforts;  and  increased  sales  by
Labcaire,  whose products  traditionally carry lower gross margins. Gross profit
increased  to 39.4% of sales in the three  months ended June 30, 2003 from 26.6%
of sales in the three  months  ended June 30,  2002.  Gross  profit for  medical
devices increased to 43.3% of sales in the three months ended June 30, 2003 from
25.7% of sales in the  three  months  ended  June 30,  2002.  Gross  profit  for
laboratory  and  scientific  products  increased  to 35.1% of sales in the three
months  ended June 30, 2003 from 27.3% of sales in the three  months  ended June
30, 2002. For the three months ended June 30, 2003,  gross profit was positively
impacted by the  favorable  order mix for sales of  therapeutic  and  diagnostic
medical  devices;  Mystaire  scrubber and fume enclosure sales had a significant
increase  in  gross  margin  on all of its  products,  predominately  due to the
implementation of cost reduction  efforts;  the above were offset by an increase
in sales by Labcaire,  whose products  traditionally  carry lower gross margins.
The Company  manufactures  and sells both  medical  devices and  laboratory  and
scientific  products with a wide range of product costs and gross margin dollars
as a percentage of revenues.

SELLING  EXPENSES.  Selling  expenses  decreased  $370,096 or 8.2% to $4,132,077
(11.9% of sales) in fiscal 2003 from $4,502,173 (15.2% of sales) in fiscal 2002.
Medical  device  selling  expenses  increased  $187,960   predominantly  due  to
additional sales and marketing efforts of diagnostic medical devices. Laboratory
and  scientific  selling  expenses  decreased  $558,056  predominantly  due to a
decrease  in  fume  enclosure  and  ultrasonic   commissions  and  wet  scrubber
employees,  due to the reduction of staff,  marketing expenses and a decrease in
Labcaire sales  personnel.  Selling  expenses  decreased  $271,546 or 21.2% from
$1,280,398  (16.2%  of  sales)  in the  three  months  ended  June  30,  2002 to
$1,008,852  (9.2% of sales) in the three months ended June 30, 2003.  Laboratory
and  scientific  selling  expenses  decreased  $235,230   predominantly  due  to
decreased  sales  commissions  for the wet  scrubber  products and a transfer of
salaries of two Labcaire employees to general and  administrative  expenses from
selling   expenses.   Medical  device   selling   expenses   decreased   $36,316
predominantly  due to less sales and marketing  efforts for therapeutic  medical
devices partially offset by additional sales and marketing efforts of diagnostic
medical devices.

GENERAL  AND  ADMINISTRATIVE  EXPENSES.   General  and  administrative  expenses
increased  $553,384  or 8.6% to  $7,023,088  in fiscal 2003 from  $6,469,704  in
fiscal  2002.  The increase is  predominantly  due to an increase in general and
administrative  expenses  relating  to  severance  costs and a  transfer  of two
employees  from selling  expenses,  all  attributable  to Labcaire.  General and
administrative  expenses  increased  $143,633 or 7.5% to $2,056,388 in the three
months  ended June 30, 2003 from  $1,912,755  in the three months ended June 30,
2002.  The  increase  is  predominantly  due  to  an  increase  in  general  and
administrative   expenses  relating  to  severance  costs  and  an  increase  in
administrative staff, all attributable to Labcaire.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  EXPENSES.  Research and development expenses increased
$5,611 or .3% to  $2,109,312  in fiscal  2003 from  $2,103,701  in fiscal  2002.
Research and development  expenses related to medical devices decreased $154,103
and research and  development  expenses  related to  laboratory  and  scientific
products  increased  $159,714.  During  fiscal  year 2003,  the  Company  funded
$100,000 to Focus to start research and  development for the treatment of kidney
and liver tumors utilizing high intensity  focused  ultrasound  technology.  The
Company has the right to the  technology if the Company  funds the  development.
The  Company has  exercised  its right and  started to fund the  development  of
treatment of kidney and liver tumors.  During fiscal year 2003,  three customers
reimbursed the Company,  in the amount of  approximately  $260,000,  for certain
product development  expenditures  incurred.  Research and development  expenses
increased  $17,150 or 3.5% from $492,396 in the three months ended June 30, 2002
to $509,546 in the three months ended June 30, 2003.


LITIGATION  (RECOVERY)  SETTLEMENT EXPENSES.  The Company recorded a reversal of
the litigation settlement for fiscal 2003 of $344,435.  This reversal represents
the  following:  the sale of $254,606 of Lysonix  2000 units by Mentor that were
received by Mentor from LySonix in connection with inventory  received under the
settlement agreement with LySonix (this inventory was previously reserved for in
fiscal year June 30, 2002, as its saleability was uncertain) and the reversal of
an accrual of $170,000  for unpaid  professional  fees  offset by an  additional
reserve for net assets received in connection with the settlement of $80,171. In
fiscal year 2002, the Company  recorded a reversal of the litigation  settlement
during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002 of $1,912,959.  The Company  recorded a
litigation  settlement  charge of  $6,176,000  during  fiscal 2001. On April 11,
2001, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal  Circuit Court issued a
decision  reversing  in large part the  decision of the trial court and granting
the motion by Mentor  against  MDA,  LySonix and the Company  for  violation  of
Mentor's U.S.  Patent No.  4,886,491.  This patent covers  Mentor's  license for
ultrasonic  assisted  liposuction.  Damages  were  awarded in favor of Mentor of
approximately  $4,900,000  and $688,000 for  interest.  The Court also granted a
permanent  injunction  enjoining further sales of the LySonix 2000 in the United
States for the use of  liposuction.  The Court affirmed that the lower court did
not have  the  ability  to  increase  damages  or award  attorneys'  fees.  Each
defendant  was  jointly  and  severally  liable  as  each  defendant   infringed
proportionally.   Mentor  requested  further  relief  in  the  trial  court  for
additional damages.  Accordingly, the Company accrued an aggregate of $6,176,000
for damages,  attorneys' fees, interest and other costs during the third quarter
and fourth quarter of fiscal year 2001. On April 24, 2002, the Company  resolved
all issues  related  to the  lawsuit  brought by Mentor.  Under the terms of the
settlement,  the Company paid Mentor  $2,700,000 for its share of the $5,600,000
settlement  with Mentor in exchange  for a complete  release  from any  monetary
liability in connection  with the lawsuit and judgment.  In connection with this
litigation  settlement,   the  Company  paid  $1,000,000  and  forgave  accounts
receivable of $455,500 in exchange for certain  assets from  MDA/LySonix,  which
the Company expects to utilize in the future.  The net realizable value of those
assets was  $295,751.  In addition,  the Company paid  $228,960 of other accrued
costs during fiscal 2002.

In June 2002,  the  Company  entered  into a ten-year  worldwide,  royalty-free,
distribution  agreement with Mentor for the sale,  marketing and distribution of
the Lysonix 2000 soft tissue aspirator used for cosmetic surgery. This agreement
is a standard  agreement for such  distribution in that it specifies the product
to be  distributed,  the  terms of the  agreement  and the  price to be paid for
product covered under the agreement.

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE).  Other income was $292,701 in fiscal 2003 as compared to
$47,317 in fiscal 2002. Other income was $218,927 in the three months ended June
30, 2003 as compared to $36,402 in the three  months  ended June 30,  2002.  The
increase of $245,384 for the fiscal year was primarily due to a decrease in loss
on impairment of  investments  of Focus of $396,975 and Hearing  Innovations  of
$243,965,  offset by lower royalty income of $159,928 and lower interest  income
of $207,548.  The decrease in impairment of Focus and Hearing  Innovations  is a
direct  result of current  period loans to Focus and Hearing  Innovations  being
less than in the prior period. Royalties decreased since the first six months of
fiscal 2002 included  additional  royalty  payments of  approximately  $150,000,
which was based upon an audit of USS'  records for prior years'  royalties.  The
audit showed that USS owed (and  subsequently  paid) royalties due on prior year
sales that were not included in the original royalty  computation.  The decrease
in interest  income is due to less cash on hand and lower interest yields during
the year as compared to the prior year.

INCOME TAXES. The effective tax rate is 47.8% for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2003 as  compared  to an  effective  tax rate of 68.5% for the fiscal year ended
June 30,  2002.  The  current  effective  tax rate of 47.8% was  impacted  by no
corresponding  income tax  benefit  from the loss of the  impairment  of Hearing
Innovations  and Focus by $311,957  plus the standard  consolidated  tax rate of
approximately  35%. The loss on  impairment of  investments  is recorded with no
corresponding  tax benefit  since these  transactions  are capital  losses.  The
benefit  for such  losses are only  utilized  to the extent the  Company has the
ability to generate capital gains. During the first quarter of fiscal year 2001,
the Company  recorded a reduction of the  valuation  allowance  applied  against
deferred tax assets in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No.109 "Accounting
for Income Taxes" which  provided a one-time  income tax benefit of  $1,681,502.
The valuation  allowance was  established in fiscal year 1997 because the future
tax benefit of certain  below  market stock  option  grants  issued at that time
could not be reasonably assured. The Company continually reviews the adequacy of
the valuation allowance and recognized the income tax benefit during the quarter
due to the reasonable  expectation that such tax benefit will be realized due to
the fiscal  strength of the Company.  During the fourth  quarter of fiscal 2003,
the Company  recorded a valuation  allowance of $96,642 against the deferred tax
asset related to the non-cash  compensation  charge due to the recent decline in
the Company's stock price. With this valuation, management believes that it will
generate  taxable income  sufficient to realize the tax benefit  associated with
future deductible temporary differences.



General:  Financial  Reporting  Release  No.  60,  which  was  released  by  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission in December 2001,  requires all companies to
include a  discussion  of critical  accounting  policies or methods  used in the
preparation  of the financial  statements.  Note 1 of the Notes to  Consolidated
Financial  Statements  included in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended June 30,  2004  includes a summary of the  Company's  significant
accounting  policies  and  methods  used  in the  preparation  of its  financial
statements. The Company's discussion and analysis of its financial condition and
results of operations are based upon the Company's financial  statements,  which
have been prepared in accordance with accounting  principles  generally accepted
in the United States. The preparation of these financial statements requires the
Company to make  estimates  and  judgments  that affect the reported  amounts of
assets,  liabilities,  revenues and expenses.  On an on-going basis,  management
evaluates  its estimates and  judgments,  including  those related to bad debts,
inventories,   goodwill,   property,  plant  and  equipment  and  income  taxes.
Management  bases its estimates and  judgments on historical  experience  and on
various   other   factors  that  are  believed  to  be   reasonable   under  the
circumstances,  the results of which form the basis for making  judgments  about
the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from
other sources.  Actual results may differ from these  estimates  under different
assumptions or conditions.  The Company  considers certain  accounting  policies
related to allowance for doubtful  accounts,  inventories,  property,  plant and
equipment,  goodwill  and  income  taxes  to be  critical  policies  due  to the
estimation process involved in each.

Allowance  for  Doubtful  Accounts:  The  Company's  policy  is  to  review  its
customers'  financial  condition  prior  to  extending  credit  and,  generally,
collateral is not required. The Company utilizes letters of credit on foreign or
export sales where appropriate.

Inventories:  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in,  first-out)
or market and consist of raw  materials,  work-in-process  and  finished  goods.
Management evaluates the need to record adjustments for impairments of inventory
on a quarterly  basis.  The  Company's  policy is to assess the valuation of all
inventories, including raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods.

Property,  Plant and  Equipment:  Property,  plant and equipment are recorded at
cost. Depreciation of property and equipment is provided using the straight-line
method over estimated  useful lives ranging from 1 to 5 years.  Depreciation  of
the  Labcaire  building  is  provided  using the  straight-line  method over the
estimated useful life of 50 years. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the
life of the lease or the useful life of the related asset, whichever is shorter.
The Company's  policy is to  periodically  evaluate the  appropriateness  of the
lives  assigned to property,  plant and  equipment  and to make  adjustments  if

Goodwill:  In  July  2001,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 141 ("SFAS 141") and
SFAS  142  ("SFAS  142"),  "Business   Combinations"  and  "Goodwill  and  Other
Intangible Assets", respectively.  SFAS 141 replaced Accounting Principles Board
("APB") Opinion 16 "Business  Combinations" and requires the use of the purchase
method for all business  combinations  initiated  after June 30, 2001.  SFAS 142
requires  goodwill  and  intangible  assets with  indefinite  useful lives to no
longer be amortized,  but instead be tested for impairment at least annually and
whenever events or circumstances occur that indicate goodwill might be impaired.
With the adoption of SFAS 142, as of July 1, 2001,  the Company  reassessed  the
useful lives and residual values of all acquired  intangible  assets to make any
necessary  amortization  period  adjustments.  Based  on that  assessment,  only
goodwill was  determined  to have an indefinite  useful life and no  adjustments
were made to the  amortization  period or  residual  values of other  intangible
assets.  SFAS 142 provided a six-month  transitional  period from the  effective
date of adoption for the Company to perform an assessment of whether there is an
indication  that  goodwill  is  impaired.  To the extent that an  indication  of
impairment  exists, the Company must perform a second test to measure the amount
of  impairment.  The second test must be performed  as soon as possible,  but no
later than the end of the fiscal year. Any impairment measured as of the date of
adoption will be recognized as the  cumulative  effect of a change in accounting
principle.  The Company performed the first test and determined that there is no
indication  that the goodwill  recorded is impaired and,  therefore,  the second
test was not required. The Company also completed its annual goodwill impairment
tests for fiscal  2004 in the fourth  quarter.  There were no  indications  that
goodwill recorded was impaired.


Income Taxes:  Income taxes are  accounted for in accordance  with SFAS No. 109,
"Accounting  for Income  Taxes".  Under  this  method,  deferred  tax assets and
liabilities  are  recognized  for the future tax  consequences  attributable  to
differences  between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets
and  liabilities and their  respective tax bases,  operating loss and tax credit
carryforwards.  Deferred tax assets and  liabilities  are measured using enacted
tax rates  expected  to apply to  taxable  income  in the  years in which  those
temporary  differences  are expected to be  recovered or settled.  The effect on
deferred tax assets and  liabilities  of a change in tax rates is  recognized in
income in the period that includes the enactment date.

Stock-Based Compensation:  The Company accounts for its stock-based compensation
plans in  accordance  with APB Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to
Employees"  ("APB 25") and related  interpretations.  Under APB 25,  because the
exercise price of the Company's employee stock options is generally set equal to
the market price of the underlying  stock on the date of grant,  no compensation
expense is recognized.


Working  capital  at June  30,  2004  and June  30,  2003  was  $16,997,590  and
$13,967,805, respectively. For the fiscal year 2004, cash provided by operations
totaled $2,630,794. The increase in the cash provided by operations is due to an
increase in net income, the collection of accounts receivable and royalties from
the prior  period and the  increase of  accounts  payable and income tax payable
partially offset by cash paid for inventory  purchased for unshipped orders. For
the fiscal year 2004,  cash used in investing  activities  was  $732,935,  which
primarily consisted of the purchase of property,  plant and equipment during the
regular course of business and loans made to Hearing Innovations. For the fiscal
year 2004,  cash  provided  by  financing  activities  was  $616,129,  primarily
consisting  of proceeds  from  short-term  borrowings  and the exercise of stock
options  partially  offset by payments of  short-term  borrowings  and principal
payments on capital lease obligations.

Revolving Credit Facilities

Labcaire has a debt purchase agreement with Lloyds TSB Commercial  Finance.  The
amount of this facility is approximately  $1,710,000  ((pound)950,000) and bears
interest  at the bank's  base rate  (5.25% and 4.00% at June 30,  2004 and 2003,
respectively) plus 1.75% and a service charge of .15% of sales invoice value and
fluctuates based upon the outstanding  United Kingdom and European  receivables.
The agreement  expires on September  30, 2004 and covers all United  Kingdom and
European sales. At June 30, 2004, the balance  outstanding  under this overdraft
facility  was  $1,373,681  and  Labcaire was in  compliance  with all  financial

The Company  secured a $5,000,000  revolving  credit facility with Fleet Bank on
January 18, 2002 to support future working capital needs.  The revolving  credit
facility  expires  January 18, 2005 and has interest  rate options  ranging from
Libor plus 1.0% per annum to prime rate plus .25% per annum.  This  facility  is
secured by the assets of the Company.  This facility  contains certain financial
covenants,  including  requiring  that the  Company  maintain a ratio of debt to
earnings before  interest,  depreciation,  taxes and amortization of not greater
than 2 to 1; that the Company  maintain a working capital ratio of not less than
1.5 to 1; and that the Company maintain a tangible net worth of $14,500,000. The
terms  provide for the  repayment of the debt in full on its maturity  date.  On
June 30, 2004, the Company had $5,000,000  available on its line of credit.  The
Company is in compliance with all such covenants.



The Company has  commitments  under a revolving note payable,  facility debt and
capital and operating leases that will be funded from operating sources. At June
30, 2004, the Company's contractual cash obligations and commitments relating to
the revolving note payable,  facility debt and capital and operating  leases are
as follows:

                         LESS THAN                                AFTER
COMMITMENT                1 YEAR       1-3 YEARS    4-5 YEARS     5 YEARS      TOTAL
Revolving note payable   $1,373,681   $       --   $       --   $       --   $1,373,681
Facility debt                62,172      129,239      136,307      782,891    1,110,609
Capital leases              268,993      241,780       16,560           --      527,333
Operating leases            663,367      123,130       49,304           --      835,801
                         $2,368,213   $  494,149   $  202,171   $  782,891   $3,847,424

Hearing Innovations, Inc.

During  fiscal  2004,  the Company  entered into eight loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  is  required  to pay the  Company an  aggregate  amount of
$199,255.  Two of these notes aggregating $23,000 were due November 30, 2003 and
are in default due to non-payment.  The remaining six notes aggregating $176,255
were  due  June  30,  2004  and  are  in  default  due to  non-payment.  Hearing
Innovations is currently negotiating with the Company to extend the due dates of
all its outstanding debt. All notes bear interest at 8% per annum. The notes are
secured by a lien on all of Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and interest in
accounts receivable,  inventory,  property, plant and equipment and processes of
specified  products  whether  now  existing  or arising  after the date of these
agreements.  The loan agreements  contain  warrants to acquire 199,255 shares of
Hearing  Innovations  common stock,  at the option of the Company,  at a cost of
$.20 per share.  These  warrants,  which are deemed nominal in value,  expire in
October 2005. The Company recorded an allowance  against amounts loaned prior to
April 1, 2004, which totaled $198,800.  The related expense has been included in
loss on  impairment  of Hearing  Innovations  in the  accompanying  consolidated
statements of income.  The Company  believes the loans and related  interest are
impaired since the Company does not anticipate  that these loans will be paid in
accordance  with  the  contractual  terms  of the loan  agreements  and  Hearing
Innovations has no predictable cash flows from its product revenue.  The current
ability of companies such as Hearing  Innovations  to access capital  markets or
incur  third  party  debt is very  limited  and is  likely  to remain so for the
foreseeable  future.  In light of this fact,  the  Company  continues  to review
strategic  options  available  to it and  Hearing  Innovations  due  to  Hearing
Innovations'  continuing need for financial support. The Company previously made
the decision not to continue funding Hearing Innovations'  operations,  however,
the Company loaned Hearing Innovations $199,255 to enable Hearing Innovations to
reduce a substantial  portion of their  long-term debt to certain third parties.
The Company  continues  to believe that Hearing  Innovations'  technology  could
provide a benefit to patients but the  products  require  more  improvement  and
market development.  All equity investments and debt in Hearing Innovations have
been fully reserved and currently have a zero basis.

The current  ability of companies such as Hearing  Innovations to access capital
markets or incur third party debt is very limited and is likely to remain so for
the foreseeable  future. In light of this fact,  Hearing  Innovations  suspended
operations in April 2004.

In  connection  with the  adoption of FIN 46, the Company  consolidated  Hearing
Innovations  in its March 31, 2004 balance sheet as the entity was determined to
be a VIE and the Company is its  primary  beneficiary.  The  Company  elected to
record the adoption of FIN 46 as a cumulative  effect of an  accounting  change.
Consolidating  Hearing  Innovations  did  not  have  a  material  impact  on the
Company's consolidated results of operations or financial condition.

On July 14, 2004, Hearing Innovations sent all shareholders and creditors a plan
for  reorganization  and  disclosure  statement.  The Company  committed to fund
Hearing  Innovations  up  to  $150,000  for  the  reorganization  plan.  Hearing
Innovations  plans to file for relief  under  Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy
Code in September  2004. If the petition is approved,  the Company will own 100%
of the equity in Hearing Innovations.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

The Company has no off-balance  sheet  arrangements  that have or are reasonably
likely to have a current or future effect on the Company's financial  condition,
changes in financial  condition,  revenues or expenses,  results of  operations,
liquidity,  capital  expenditures  or capital  resources that is material to the



The Company  believes  that its  existing  capital  resources  will enable it to
maintain its current and planned operations for at least 18 months from the date
hereof due to increase in cash flow from operations.  The Company expects future
cash flow from operations to fund all ongoing cash flow needs.

In the opinion of  management,  inflation  has not had a material  effect on the
operations of the Company.


Market Risk:

The principal  market risks (i.e., the risk of loss arising from adverse changes
in market rates and prices) to which the Company is exposed are  interest  rates
on short-term investments and foreign exchange rates, which generate translation
gains and losses due to the English Pound to U.S. Dollar conversion of Labcaire.

Foreign Exchange Rates:

Approximately  24% of the  Company's  revenues in fiscal  2004 were  received in
English Pounds currency. To the extent that the Company's revenues are generated
in English Pounds,  its operating results are translated for reporting  purposes
into U.S.  Dollars using weighted  average rates of 1.77 and 1.59 for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively.  A strengthening of the English
Pound,  in relation to the U.S.  Dollar,  will have the effect of increasing its
reported revenues and profits,  while a weakening of the English Pound will have
the opposite effect.  Since the Company's  operations in England  generally sets
prices and bids for contracts in English Pounds,  a strengthening of the English
Pound, while increasing the value of its UK assets, might place the Company at a
pricing disadvantage in bidding for work from manufacturers based overseas.  The
Company collects its receivables in the currency the subsidiary  resides in. The
Company has not engaged in foreign currency hedging transactions,  which include
forward exchange agreements.


The  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm  report and  consolidated
financial  statements listed in the accompanying  index is filed as part of this
report. See "Index to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page 43.


The following table presents selected  financial data for each quarter of fiscal
2004, 2003 and 2002. Although unaudited, this information has been prepared on a
basis consistent with the Company's audited  consolidated  financial  statements
and,  in the  opinion of the  Company's  management,  reflects  all  adjustments
(consisting only of normal  recurring  adjustments)  that the Company  considers
necessary  for a fair  presentation  of  this  information  in  accordance  with
accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States.  Such quarterly
results are not  necessarily  indicative  of future  results of  operations  and
should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements
of the Company and the notes thereto.



                                                                     FISCAL 2004
                                              Q1            Q2             Q3             Q4            YEAR
Net sales                              $  8,619,898    $  9,296,109    $ 10,346,249    $ 10,796,810   $ 39,059,066

Gross profit                              3,665,695       3,978,218       4,454,189       4,418,501     16,516,603

Operating expenses                        3,500,781       3,531,403       3,671,646       4,029,858     14,733,688

Income from operations                      164,914         446,815         782,543         388,643      1,782,915

Other income                                511,949         246,066           2,229         296,947      1,057,191

Minority interest in net income of
consolidated subsidiaries                    14,026          14,125           7,790          16,564         52,505

Income tax provision                        269,095         289,470         388,933         121,158      1,068,656
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------

Net income                             $    393,742    $    389,286    $    388,049    $    547,868   $  1,718,945
                                       ============    ============    ============    ============   ============

Net income per share - Basic           $        .06    $        .06    $        .06    $        .08   $        .26

Net income per share - Diluted         $        .06    $        .06    $        .06    $        .08   $        .25

                                                                     FISCAL 2003
                                              Q1            Q2             Q3             Q4            YEAR
Net sales                              $  7,010,322    $  8,174,513    $  8,747,677    $ 10,926,239   $ 34,858,751

Gross profit                              2,957,218       3,405,158       3,839,018       4,302,799     14,504,193

Operating expenses                        2,867,500       3,180,454       3,440,631       3,431,457     12,920,042

Income from operations                       89,718         224,704         398,387         871,342      1,584,151

Other income                                 15,111           5,221          53,442         218,927        292,701

Minority interest in net income
(loss) of consolidated subsidiaries           6,717         (40,553)         29,628          27,693         23,485

Income tax provision                         46,955         157,437         503,634         177,766        885,792
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------

Net income                             $     51,157    $    113,041    $    244,435    $    558,942   $    967,575
                                       ============    ============    ============    ============   ============

Net income per share - Basic           $        .01    $        .02    $        .04    $        .08   $        .15

Net income per share - Diluted         $        .01    $        .02    $        .04    $        .08   $        .15

                                                                     FISCAL 2002
                                              Q1            Q2             Q3             Q4            YEAR
Net sales                              $  6,822,521    $  7,503,537    $  7,371,220    $  7,893,175   $ 29,590,453

Gross profit                              3,185,172       3,325,335       3,047,968       2,100,104     11,658,579

Operating expenses                        2,976,732       3,050,663       3,362,634       1,772,590     11,162,619

Income (loss) from operations               208,440         274,672        (314,666)        327,514        495,960

Other income (expense)                      (17,100)        101,855         (73,840)         36,402         47,317

Minority interest in net (loss)
income of consolidated subsidiaries          12,186         (42,916)          5,099           8,066        (17,565)

Income tax provision (benefit)              222,209         158,823        (182,833)        185,982        384,181
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------

Net (loss) income                      $    (43,055)   $    260,620    $   (210,772)   $    169,868   $    176,661
                                       ============    ============    ============    ============   ============

Net (loss) income per share - Basic    $       (.01)   $        .04    $       (.03)   $        .03   $        .03

Net (loss) income per share - Diluted  $       (.01)   $        .04    $       (.03)   $        .03   $        .03





The  Company's  management,  with  the  participation  of  the  Company's  Chief
Executive Officer and Chief Financial  Officer,  has evaluated the effectiveness
of the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures as of June 30, 2004. Based
on that  evaluation,  the Company's Chief Executive  Officer and Chief Financial
Officer  concluded that the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures  were
effective as of June 30, 2004.  There were no material  changes in the Company's
internal  control over financial  reporting  during the fourth quarter of fiscal



                                    PART III


The  Company  currently  has five  Directors.  Their term  expires at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders.  The following table contains information regarding all
Directors and executive officers of the Company:

NAME                      AGE     PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                               SINCE
- ----                      ---     --------------------                              --------
Gary Gelman               57      Chairman of the Board                               1995

                                  of Directors

Howard Alliger            77      Director                                            1971

T. Guy Minetti            53      Director                                            2003

Thomas F. O'Neill         58      Director                                            2003

Michael A. McManus, Jr.   61      President and Chief                                 1998

                                  Executive Officer

Richard Zaremba           49      Vice President, Chief Financial Officer,              --
                                  Secretary and Treasurer

Kenneth Coviello          52      Vice President - Medical Devices                      --

Dan Voic                  42      Vice President of Research and Development
                                  and Engineering                                       --

Bernhard Berger           42      Vice President - Laboratory/Scientific Products       --

Ronald Manna              50      Vice President of New Product Development
                                  and Regulatory Affairs                                --

The  following is a brief account of the business  experience  for the past five
years of the Company's Directors and executive officers:

GARY GELMAN, the founder of American Claims Evaluation,  Inc., a publicly traded
company   engaged  in  auditing   hospital   bills  and   providing   vocational
rehabilitational  counseling,  has been  Chairman of the Board and a Director of
that company for more than ten years. Since 1973, Mr. Gelman has also been Chief
Executive Officer of American Para Professional Systems,  Inc., a privately held
entity,  which provides nurses who perform  physical  examinations of applicants
for life and/or  health  insurance for  insurance  companies.  He received a B.A
degree from Queens College. Mr. Gelman became a member of the Board of Directors
of the Company in 1995 and Chairman of the Board of the Company in March 1996.


HOWARD ALLIGER  founded the Company's  predecessor in 1955 and the Company was a
sole   proprietorship   until   1960.   The   Company   name   then   was   Heat
Systems-Ultrasonics.  Mr.  Alliger was  President of the Company  until 1982 and
Chairman of the Board until 1996. In 1996 Mr.  Alliger  stepped down as Chairman
and ceased to be a  corporate  officer.  He has been  awarded 23 patents and has
published various papers on ultrasonic  technology.  For three years,  ending in
1991, Mr. Alliger was the President of the Ultrasonic Industry Association.  Mr.
Alliger  holds a B.A.  degree  in  economics  from  Allegheny  College  and also
attended  Cornell  University  School of Engineering for four years. He has also
established,  and is President of, two privately held entities which are engaged
in pharmaceutical research and development.

T. GUY MINETTI  currently  serves as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
of 1-800-Flowers.Com, a publicly-held specialty gift retailer based in Westbury,
New York. Before joining 1-800-Flowers.Com in 2000, Mr. Minetti was the Managing
Director of Bayberry Advisors, an investment-banking boutique he founded in 1989
to  provide  corporate   finance  advisory  services  to   small-to-medium-sized
businesses.  From 1981 through 1989, Mr. Minetti was a Managing  Director of the
investment banking firm, Kidder,  Peabody & Company.  While at Kidder,  Peabody,
Mr. Minetti worked in the  investment  banking and high yield bond  departments.
Mr. Minetti is a graduate of St. Michael's College.

THOMAS F. O'NEILL,  a founding  principal of Sandler  O'Neil & Partners L.P., an
investment  banking firm, began his Wall Street career at L.F.  Rothschild.  Mr.
O'Neill specialized in working with financial  institutions in Rothschild's Bank
Service Group from 1972. He was appointed  Managing Director of the Bank Service
Group,  a group  consisting  of fifty-five  professionals,  in 1984. In 1985, he
became a Bear Stearns Managing Director and Co-Manager of the Group. Mr. O'Neill
is a graduate  of New York  University  and a veteran  of the United  States Air

MICHAEL A. MCMANUS,  JR. became  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company in November  1999.  From  November 1991 to March 1999,  Mr.  McManus was
President and Chief  Executive  Officer of New York Bancorp,  Inc.  Prior to New
York   Bancorp,   Inc.,   Mr.   McManus  held  senior   positions   with  Jamcor
Pharmaceutical,  Inc.,  Pfizer,  Inc.  and Revlon Corp.  Mr.  McManus also spent
several years as an Assistant to President  Reagan.  Mr.  McManus  serves on the
Board of Directors of the following  publicly  traded  companies:  American Home
Mortgage Holdings,  Inc.; Liquid Audio, Inc.;  Novavax,  Inc.; and NWH, Inc. Mr.
McManus holds a B.A. degree in Economics from the University of Notre Dame and a
Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center.

RICHARD  ZAREMBA became Vice President and Chief  Financial  Officer in February
1999.  From March 1995 to February  1999,  he was the Vice  President  and Chief
Financial  Officer of Converse  Information  Systems,  Inc., a  manufacturer  of
digital voice recording systems.  Previously, Mr. Zaremba was Vice President and
Chief  Financial  Officer of Miltope Group,  Inc., a manufacturer  of electronic
equipment. Mr. Zaremba is a licensed certified public accountant in the state of
New York and holds BBA and MBA degrees in Accounting from Hofstra University.

KENNETH  COVIELLO  became Vice  President  of Medical  Products in June 2000 and
assumed the additional  responsibility  of Farmingdale  plant operations in June
2001. Prior to joining the Company, he was Vice President-Sales and Marketing of
FNC Medical  Corp.  Mr.  Coviello  was Vice  President  of Graham  Field  Health
Products, Inc. from 1992 through 1998 and President of Lumex, a medical products
manufacturer and a division of Lumex/Cybex, Inc. from 1986 to 1991. Mr. Coviello
holds a B.S. degree in Marketing from Long Island University.

DAN VOIC became Vice President of Research and  Development  and  Engineering in
January 2002.  Prior thereto,  he served as Engineering  Manager and Director of
Engineering with the Company.  Mr. Voic has approximately 14 years experience in
both medical and laboratory and scientific products development.  Mr. Voic holds
a M.S. degree in mechanical  engineering  from  Polytechnic  University  "Traian
Vuia"  of  Timisoara,  Romania  and  a  MS  degree  in  applied  mechanics  from
Polytechnic University of New York.


BERNHARD BERGER became Vice President of Laboratory  /Scientific Products in May
2001. Mr. Berger has approximately 20 years of sales and engineering  experience
in ultrasonic  products and process control  instrumentation.  From 1995 through
2000, he was Sales Manager - Worldwide of the  ultrasonic  products  division of
Introltek  International,  an Edgewood,  New York-based  manufacturer of process
instrumentation.  Mr.  Berger  holds a B.S.  degree in  Chemistry  from  Adelphi

RONALD MANNA became Vice  President of New Product  Development  and  Regulatory
Affairs of the Company in January 2002. Prior thereto,  Mr. Manna served as Vice
President  of Research  and  Development  and  Engineering,  Vice  President  of
Operations and Director of  Engineering  of the Company.  Mr. Manna holds a B.S.
degree in mechanical engineering from Hofstra University.

Executive  officers are elected  annually by and serve at the  discretion of the
board of directors.

Each non-employee  Director receives an annual fee of $15,000. In addition,  Mr.
Gelman  receives a special  Chairman's  fee of $15,000 per year.  For the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2004, options to purchase 15,000 shares of Common Stock were
granted to each of Mr. Gelman,  Mr. Minetti and Mr. O'Neill.  Each  non-employee
Director is also reimbursed for reasonable  expenses incurred while traveling to
attend  meetings of the Board of Directors or while  traveling in furtherance of
the business of the Company.


Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"), requires the Company's executive officers,  Directors and persons who own
more  than  10%  of a  registered  class  of  the  Company's  equity  securities
("Reporting  Persons") to file reports of ownership  and changes in ownership on
Forms 3, 4, and 5 with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and
the National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  (the  "NASD").  These
Reporting  Persons are  required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the Company with
copies of all Forms 3, 4 and 5 they file with the SEC and NASD.  Based solely on
the  Company's  review of the copies of the forms it has  received,  the Company
believes that all Reporting  Persons  complied on a timely basis with all filing
requirements  applicable to them with respect to transactions during fiscal year


The Company has adopted a code of ethics that  applies to all of its  directors,
officers  (including  its chief  executive  officer,  chief  financial  officer,
controller and any person  performing  similar  functions)  and  employees.  The
Company has filed a copy of this Code of Ethics as Exhibit 14 to this Form 10-K.
The  Company  has also  made the Code of  Ethics  available  on its  website  at


The Company has a separately-designated  standing audit committee established in
accordance  with section  3(a)(58)(A)  of the  Exchange  Act. The members of the
Audit Committee are Messrs.  Gelman, Minetti and O'Neill. The Board of Directors
has determined that each member of the Audit Committee is "independent" not only
under the Qualitative  Listing  Requirements of the Nasdaq Stock Market but also
within the  definition  contained in a final rule of the SEC.  Furthermore,  the
Board of Directors has determined that all of the members of the Audit Committee
are "audit  committee  financial  experts" within the definition  contained in a
final rule adopted by the SEC.


The following table sets forth for the fiscal years  indicated the  compensation
paid by the  Company  to its Chief  Executive  Officer  and any other  executive
officers with annual compensation exceeding $100,000.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                        ANNUAL COMPENSATION                         LONG TERM
                                                        -------------------                       COMPENSATION
          NAME AND PRINCIPAL               FISCAL YEAR                                       SECURITIES UNDERLYING
              POSITION                    ENDED JUNE 30,       SALARY ($)      BONUS ($)       OPTIONS GRANTED (#)

Michael A. McManus, Jr.                       2004              275,000         250,000              125,000
President and Chief                           2003              275,000         100,000              150,000
Executive Officer                             2002              275,000         150,000              150,000

Richard Zaremba                               2004              157,878          30,000               30,000
Vice President,                               2003              154,121           1,595               40,000
Chief Financial Officer,                      2002              150,000          28,000               32,000
Secretary and Treasurer

Kenneth Coviello                              2004              141,095          30,000               30,000
Vice President of Medical                     2003              135,093           2,562               35,000
Products                                      2002              130,000          15,000               15,000

Daniel Voic                                   2004              121,141          25,000               15,000
Vice President of                             2003              116,645          12,129               10,000
Research and Development and                  2002               97,729          10,000                6,500

Bernhard Berger                               2004              110,692           2,000               10,000
Vice President of                             2003              108,748          17,021               20,000
Laboratory /Scientific Products               2002              105,000           3,000                5,000

Ronald Manna                                  2004              102,522           2,000                5,000
Vice President of                             2003              114,231           1,000                5,000
New Product Development and                   2002              121,072          10,000               10,000
Regulatory Affairs


In October  2003,  the Company  entered into an  employment  agreement  with its
President and Chief  Executive  Officer which expires on October 31, 2004 and is
automatically  renewable  for  one-year  periods  unless  notice is given by the
Company or Mr.  McManus  that it or he  declines  to renew the  agreement.  This
agreement  provides  for an annual base  compensation  of $275,000 and a Company
provided  automobile.  The agreement  also provides for an annual bonus based on
the Company's  pre-tax  operating  earnings,  based on a calendar  year,  with a
minimum  guaranteed bonus of $250,000.  In 2003, Mr. McManus received a bonus of
$250,000,  which was paid in December. In 2002, Mr. McManus elected to receive a
bonus of  $100,000,  which was paid in December  2002.  Mr.  McManus  elected to
receive a reduced bonus for such year due to the Company's results.  Mr. McManus
receives  additional  benefits that are generally provided to other employees of
the Company.

In conformity  with the Company's  policy,  all of its  Directors,  officers and
employees  execute   confidentiality  and  nondisclosure   agreements  upon  the
commencement of employment with the Company.  The agreements  generally  provide
that all  inventions  or  discoveries  by the employee  related to the Company's
business  and  all  confidential  information  developed  or made  known  to the
employee  during the term of employment  shall be the exclusive  property of the
Company and shall not be disclosed to third parties  without the prior  approval
of the Company.  Mr. Manna has an agreement  with the Company which provides for
the  payment of six  months'  severance  upon his  termination  for any  reason.
Messrs.  McManus  and  Zaremba  have  agreements  for the payment of six months'
annual  base  salary  upon a change in control  of the  Company.  The  Company's
employment agreement with Mr. McManus also contains  non-competition  provisions
that preclude him from competing with the Company for a period of 18 months from
the date of his termination of employment.



The following table contains information concerning options granted to executive
officers named in the Summary  Compensation  Table during fiscal year ended June
30, 2004:

                                                 %OF TOTAL
                                 SECURITIES      GRANTED TO
                                 UNDERLYING      EMPLOYEES                                   (a)
                                   OPTIONS       IN FISCAL    EXERCISE      EXPIRATION    GRANT DATE
             NAME                GRANTED (#)       YEAR      PRICE ($/SH)      DATE         VALUE($)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael A. McManus, Jr.             125,000       50            4.66        11/1/2013     438,750
Richard Zaremba                      30,000       12            4.70        9/16/2013     105,300
Kenneth Coviello                     30,000       12            4.70        9/16/2013     105,300
Daniel Voic                          15,000        2            4.70        9/16/2013      52,650
Bernhard Berger                      10,000        6            4.70        9/16/2013      35,100
Ronald Manna                          5,000        4            4.70        9/16/2013      17,550

(a) The fair value for these  options was estimated at the date of grant using a
Black-Scholes   option  pricing  model  with  the  following   weighted  average
assumptions:  risk-free  interest  rates  of  2.5%-2.58%;  no  dividend  yields;
volatility  factor of the expected market price of the Common Stock of 100%, and
a weighted-average expected life of the options of five years.


The following  table contains  information  concerning the number and value,  at
June 30, 2004, of exercised  options and  unexercised  options held by executive
officers named in the Summary Compensation Table:

                                                                    NUMBER OF
                                                                    SECURITIES                 VALUE OF
                                                                    UNDERLYING                UNEXERCISED
                                                                    UNEXERCISED               IN-THE-MONEY
                                   SHARES                           OPTIONS AT                 OPTION AT
                                  ACQUIRED                       FISCAL YEAR END (#)       FISCAL YEAR END ($)
                                     ON            VALUE            EXERCISABLE/             EXERCISABLE/
            NAME                EXERCISE (#)    REALIZED ($)       UNEXERCISABLE             UNEXERCISABLE
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael A. McManus, Jr.                    --              --     912,500/62,500         1,660,375/180,625
Richard Zaremba                        15,000          72,504      78,000/54,000           150,419/105,453
Kenneth Coviello                        3,000           8,700      48,333/38,667            90,591/97,884
Daniel Voic                            24,090          67,347      23,410/15,500            24,344/39,873
Bernhard Berger                        19,998          48,628      10,001/15,001            25,834/37,802
Ronald Manna                               --              --       79,167/8,333           130,421/18,516

(1)   Fair market  value of  underlying  securities  (the  closing  price of the
      Common  Stock on the NASD  Automated  Quotation  System) at June 30, 2004,
      minus the exercise price.


Mr. Alliger was the Chairman of the Board and a corporate officer of the Company
until  1996  when Mr.  Alliger  stepped  down as  Chairman  and was no  longer a
corporate officer.



In September  1991,  in order to attract and retain  persons  necessary  for the
success of the  Company,  the  Company  adopted a stock  option  plan (the "1991
Plan") which covers up to 375,000  shares of Common Stock.  Pursuant to the 1991
Plan,  officers,  Directors,  consultants  and key  employees of the Company are
eligible to receive incentive and/or  non-incentive  stock options.  At June 30,
2004,  options to purchase 30,000 shares were outstanding under the 1991 Plan at
an exercise price of $7.38 per share with a vesting period of two years, options
to purchase  327,750  shares had been  exercised and options to purchase  47,250
shares have been forfeited (of which options to purchase 30,000 shares have been

In March 1996, the Board of Directors approved the 1996 Employee Incentive Stock
Option Plan  covering an aggregate  of 450,000  shares (the "1996 Plan") and the
1996  Non-Employee  Director  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "1996  Directors  Plan")
covering an  aggregate of 1,125,000  shares of Common  Stock.  At June 30, 2004,
options to purchase  272,919 shares were  outstanding at exercise prices ranging
from $3.07 to $18.50 per share with a vesting  period of  immediate to two years
under the 1996 Plan and options to acquire  255,000  shares were  outstanding at
exercise  prices  ranging from $.73 to $7.10 per share with a vesting  period of
immediate  to three  years  under the 1996  Directors  Plan.  At June 30,  2004,
options to purchase  136,295  shares under the 1996 Plan have been exercised and
182,731 shares have been forfeited (of which options to purchase  141,945 shares
have been reissued).  At June 30, 2004, options to purchase 703,500 shares under
the 1996  Directors  Plan have been  exercised  and options to  purchase  40,000
shares have been forfeited (of which none have been reissued).

In October  1998,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  and, in January  1999,  the
shareholders  approved  the 1998  Employee  Stock  Option Plan (the "1998 Plan")
covering an  aggregate  of 500,000  shares of Common  Stock.  At June 30,  2004,
options to  purchase  440,877  shares  were  outstanding  under the 1998 Plan at
exercise  prices  ranging from $3.07 to $7.31 per share with a vesting period of
immediate to two years.  At June 30,  2004,  options to purchase  21,348  shares
under the 1998 Plan have been  exercised  and options to purchase  66,700 shares
under the 1998 Plan have been  forfeited  (of which  options to purchase  28,925
shares have been reissued).

In October  2000,  the Board of  Directors  adopted and, in February  2001,  the
shareholders  approved  the 2001  Employee  Stock  Option Plan (the "2001 Plan")
covering an  aggregate of 1,000,000  shares of Common  Stock.  At June 30, 2004,
options to  purchase  791,444  shares  were  outstanding  under the 2001 Plan at
exercise  prices  ranging from $4.66 to $6.07 per share with a vesting period of
one to three years.  At June 30, 2004,  options to purchase  29,890 shares under
the 2001 Plan have been  exercised  and options to purchase  59,062 shares under
the 2001 Plan have been forfeited (of which no options have been reissued).

The selection of participants,  allotments of shares and  determination of price
and  other  conditions  relating  to  options  are  determined  by the  Board of
Directors or a committee thereof,  depending on the Plan, and in accordance with
Rule 4350(c) of the Qualitative Listing Requirements of the Nasdaq Stock Market.
Incentive  stock options granted under the plans are exercisable for a period of
up to ten years from the date of grant at an  exercise  price  which is not less
than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of the grant,  except
that  the  term of an  incentive  stock  option  granted  under  the  plans to a
shareholder  owning more than 10% of the outstanding Common Stock may not exceed
five years and its  exercise  price may not be less than 110% of the fair market
value of the Common Stock on the date of grant. Options shall become exercisable
at  such  time  and in  such  installments  as  provided  in the  terms  of each
individual option agreement.


The following table sets forth as of August 31, 2004,  certain  information with
regard to the  ownership of the  Company's  Common Stock by (i) each  beneficial
owner of 5% or more of the Company's  Common Stock;  (ii) each  Director;  (iii)
each executive officer named in the "Summary Compensation Table" above; and (iv)
all executive officers and Directors of the Company as a group. Unless otherwise
stated,  the persons  named in the table have sole voting and  investment  power
with respect to all Common Stock shown as beneficially owned by them.


                                       COMMON STOCK          OF
- --------------------                 ------------------     -----

Michael A. McManus, Jr                    1,032,450 (2)      13.9
Gary Gelman                                 755,750 (3)      11.1
Howard Alliger                              579,608 (4)       8.5
Ronald Manna                                108,061 (5)       1.2
Richard Zaremba                              78,500 (6)       1.2
Kenneth Coviello                             48,333 (7)         *
Dan Voic                                     23,410 (8)         *
Bernard Berger                               10,001 (9)         *
T. Guy Minetti                               10,000(10)         *
Thomas F. O'Neill                             5,000(11)         *
All executive officers and
   Directors as a group
   (ten people)                           2,653,313(12)      32.8

- ----------
       *    Less than 1%

      (1)   Except as otherwise noted, the business address of each of the named
            individuals  in  this table is c/o MISONIX, INC., 1938  New Highway,
            Farmingdale, New York 11735.
      (2)   Includes  912,500  shares which Mr. McManus has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (3)   Includes  65,000  shares  which Mr.  Gelman has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (4)   Includes  115,000  shares which Mr. Alliger has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (5)   Includes 79,167 shares which Mr. Manna has the right to acquire upon
            exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (6)   Includes  78,000  shares which Mr.  Zaremba has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (7)   Includes  48,333 shares which Mr.  Coviello has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (8)   Includes  23,410 shares which Mr. Voic has the right to acquire upon
            exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (9)   Represents  10,001  shares which Mr. Berger has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (10)  Includes  5,000  shares  which Mr.  Minetti has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (11)  Represents  5,000 shares which Mr.  O'Neill has the right to acquire
            upon exercise of stock options which are currently exercisable.
      (12)  Includes the shares indicated in notes (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),
            (8), (9), (10) and (11).




Audit Fees:

Ernst & Young LLP billed the Company  $190,045 and $148,225 in the aggregate for
services  rendered for the audit of the Company's 2004 and 2003 fiscal years and
the  review  of the  Company's  interim  financial  statements  included  in the
Company's  Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the Company's 2004 and 2003 fiscal
years, respectively.


All Audit Related and Other Fees:

Ernst & Young LLP has billed the Company  $15,000  and $29,800 in the  aggregate
for  professional  services  rendered  for all other  services  other than those
covered in the section  captioned  "Audit Fees" for the Company's  2004 and 2003
fiscal years,  respectively.  These other services  include (i) assistance  with
regulatory filings, (ii) audit of the Company's 401(k) plan, (iii) consultations
on the  effects  of  various  accounting  issues  and  changes  in  professional
statements  and (iv)  income  tax  returns  for  Labcaire,  the  Company's  U.K.

Tax Fees:

Ernst & Young LLP did not render any  professional  services for tax compliance,
tax advice or tax planning for the Company's 2004 and 2003 fiscal years.

                                     PART IV


(a)   1. The  response  to this  portion of Item 15 is  submitted  as a separate
         section of this report.

      2. Financial Statement Schedules

         Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves.

      3. Exhibits

         3(a)     Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company. (1)

         3(b)     By-laws of the Company. (1)

         10(a)    Lease extension and  modification  agreement dated October 31,
                  1992. (3)

         10(b)    Stock Option Plan. (1)

         10(g)    Settlement and License  Agreement dated March 12, 1984 between
                  the Company and Mettler Electronics Corporation. (1)

         10(j)    Assignment  Agreement between the Company and Robert Ginsburg.

         10(k)    Subscription Agreement between the Company and Labcaire. (2)

         10(l)    Option Agreements between the Company and each of Graham Kear,
                  Geoffrey Spear, John Haugh,  Martin Keeshan and David Stanley.

         10(m)    Stock Option Contract between the Company and Michael Juliano.

         10(n)    Form of Director's Indemnification Agreement. (2)

         10(o)    Stock Option  Contract  between the Company and Ronald  Manna.

         10(s)    Severance Agreement between the Company and Ronald Manna. (4)

         10(u)    Option  Agreement dated September 11, 1995 between the Company
                  and Medical Device Alliance, Inc. (4)


         10(w)    Amendment to agreement with principal shareholders of Labcaire
                  Systems Ltd. (5)

         10(y)    Development and Option Agreement dated August 27, 1996 between
                  the Company and United States Surgical Corporation. (6)

         10(z)    License  Agreement  dated October 16, 1996 between the Company
                  and United States Surgical Corporation. (6)

         10(aa)   Amendment  No.  1 dated  January  23,  1997  to  Underwriters'
                  Warrant Agreement. (6)

         10(bb)   1996 Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan. (7)

         10(cc)   1996 Employee Incentive Stock Option Plan. (7)

         10(ee)   1999 Employee Stock Option Plan. (8)

         10(ff)   Investment Agreement,  dated as of May 3, 1999, by and between
                  the Company, and Focus Surgery, Inc. (10)

         10(gg)   Investment Agreement dated October 14, 1999 by and between the
                  Company and Hearing Innovations, Inc. (10)

         10(ii)   Exclusive License Agreement dated as of February, 2001 between
                  the Company and Medical Device Alliance, Inc. (10)

         10(jj)   Stock Purchase  Agreement dated as of November 4, 1999 between
                  the Company and Acoustic Marketing Research, Inc. d/b/a Sonora
                  Medical Systems. (10)

         10(kk)   6% Secured  Convertible  Debenture,  dated April 12, 2001,  by
                  Focus Surgery, Inc. payable to the Company. (9)

         10(ll)   Asset Purchase  Agreement dated January 16, 2001, by and among
                  the  Company,  Fibra-Sonics,  Inc.,  Mary Anne  Kirchschlager,
                  James Kirchschlager and James Conrad Kirchschlager. (9)

         10(mm)   Purchase  and Sale  Agreement,  dated  July 28,  2000,  by and
                  between  CraMar   Technologies,   Inc.,   Acoustic   Marketing
                  Research, Inc. and Randy Muelot. (9)

         10(nn)   7% Secured  Convertible  Debenture,  dated August 28, 2000, by
                  Hearing Innovations, Inc. payable to the Company. (9)

         10(oo)   5.1% Secured Convertible Debenture, dated November 7, 2000, by
                  Focus Surgery, Inc. payable to the Company. (9)

         10(pp)   Asset Purchase Agreement by and between  Perceptron,  Inc. and
                  Acoustic Market  Research,  Inc. d/b/a Sonora Medical Systems.

         10(qq)   First  Amendment to  Employment  Agreement,  dated October 13,
                  2000, by and between the Company and Michael A.  McManus,  Jr.

         10(ss)   6% Secured  Convertible  Debenture,  dated July 31,  2001,  by
                  Focus Surgery, Inc. payable to the Company. (11)

         10(tt)   Employment Agreement dated October 31, 2002 by and between the
                  Company and Michael A. McManus, Jr. (12)


         14       Code of Ethics

         21       Subsidiaries of the Company.

         23.1     Consent of independent registered public accounting firm.

         31.1     Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification.

         31.2     Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification.

         32.1     Section 1350 Certification.

         32.2     Section 1350 Certification.

- ----------
      (1)   Incorporated by reference from the Company's  Registration Statement
            on Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-43585).
      (2)   Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the fiscal year 1992.
      (3)   Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-KSB for the fiscal year 1993.
      (4)   Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-KSB for the fiscal year 1995.
      (5)   Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-KSB for the fiscal year 1996.
      (6)   Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-KSB for the fiscal year 1997.
      (7)   Incorporated  by  reference  from  the  Company's  definitive  proxy
            statement for the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  held on February
            19, 1997.
      (8)   Incorporated by reference from the Company's  Registration Statement
            on Form S-8 (Reg. No. 333-78795).
      (9)   Incorporated  by reference  from the Company's  Quarterly  Report on
            Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001.
      (10)  Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-K/A for the fiscal year 2001.
      (11)  Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-K/A for the fiscal year 2002.
      (12)  Incorporated  by reference from the Company's  Annual Report on Form
            10-K for the fiscal year 2003.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                               MISONIX, INC.

                                               By: /s/ Michael A. McManus, Jr.
                                                   Michael McManus, Jr.
                                                   President and Chief
                                                   Executive Officer

Date: September 15, 2004

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Signature                          Title                              Date
- ---------                          -----                              ----
/s/ Gary Gelman                    Chairman of the Board,             September 15, 2004
- -----------------------------      Director
Gary Gelman

/s/ Michael A. McManus, Jr.        President, Chief Executive         September 15, 2004
- ----------------------------       Officer, and Director
Michael A. McManus, Jr.            (principal executive officer)

 /s/ Richard Zaremba               Vice President, Chief Financial    September 15, 2004
- -----------------------------      Officer, Treasurer and Secretary
Richard Zaremba                    (principal financial and
                                   accounting officer)

 /s/ Howard Alliger                Director                           September 15, 2004
- -------------------------------
Howard Alliger

/s/ T. Guy Minetti                 Director                           September 15, 2004
- ------------------------------
T. Guy Minetti

/s/ Thomas F. O'Neill              Director                           September 15, 2004
- ---------------------------
Thomas F. O'Neill


                                   Item 14(a)


                         MISONIX, INC. and Subsidiaries

                            Year Ended June 30, 2004


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm...................... 44
Consolidated Balance Sheets--June 30, 2004 and 2003 ......................... 45
Consolidated Statements of Income--Years Ended
  June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002............................................... 46
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity--Years Ended
  June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 .............................................. 47
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows--Years Ended
  June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 .............................................. 48
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements................................... 50

The  following  consolidated  financial  statement  schedule is included in Item

Schedule II-Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves................... 79

All other  schedules for which  provision is made in the  applicable  accounting
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not required under the
related instructions or are inapplicable and therefore have been omitted.


            Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Directors and Stockholders

We have audited the accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets of MISONIX,  INC.
and  subsidiaries  as of June 30,  2004 and  2003 and the  related  consolidated
statements of income, stockholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended June 30, 2004.  Our audits also included the financial
statement  schedule  listed in the index at Item 14(a) for the years  ended June
30,  2004  and  2003.   These   financial   statements   and  schedule  are  the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the consolidated financial position of MISONIX, INC. and
subsidiaries as of June 30, 2004 and 2003, and the consolidated results of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
June 30, 2004, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Also in our opinion,  the related financial statement schedule,  when considered
in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole,  presents fairly
in all material respects the information set forth therein.

                                                      /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Melville, New York
August 23, 2004


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                                            JUNE 30,
ASSETS                                                                                               2004             2003
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      $  4,839,866    $  2,279,869
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $457,016 and
    $644,157, respectively                                                                          7,601,693       7,844,399
  Inventories                                                                                      10,944,572       8,979,472
  Deferred income taxes                                                                               645,381         477,580
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                                         1,114,546         983,523
Total current assets                                                                               25,146,058      20,564,843

Property, plant and equipment, net                                                                  3,892,920       3,574,207
Deferred income taxes                                                                                 412,201         862,690
Goodwill                                                                                            4,473,713       4,473,713
Other assets                                                                                          316,220         319,136
Total assets                                                                                     $ 34,241,112    $ 29,794,589

Current liabilities:
  Revolving credit facilities                                                                    $  1,373,681    $    704,669
  Accounts payable                                                                                  4,507,476       3,563,208
  Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                                                    1,857,097       2,002,154
  Income taxes payable                                                                                107,282          47,453
  Current maturities of long-term debt and capital lease obligations                                  302,932         279,554
Total current liabilities                                                                           8,148,468       6,597,038

Long-term debt and capital lease obligations                                                        1,264,480       1,235,362

Deferred income                                                                                       769,033         356,076
Minority interest                                                                                     315,955         263,450

Commitments and contingencies (Note 10)

Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock, $.01 par value--shares authorized 10,000,000; 6,816,253 and 6,733,665 issued,
    and 6,738,453 and 6,655,865 outstanding, respectively                                              68,163          67,337
  Additional paid-in capital                                                                       23,116,602      22,712,511
  Retained earnings (deficit)                                                                         665,461      (1,053,484)
  Treasury stock, 77,800 shares                                                                      (412,424)       (412,424)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                                                              305,374          28,723
Total stockholders' equity                                                                         23,743,176      21,342,663

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                                       $ 34,241,112    $ 29,794,589

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                        Consolidated Statements of Income

                                                                                   YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                                         2004              2003          2002
Net sales                                                             $ 39,059,066    $ 34,858,751    $ 29,590,453

Cost of goods sold                                                      22,542,463      20,354,558      17,931,874
Gross profit                                                            16,516,603      14,504,193      11,658,579

Operating expenses:
   Selling expenses                                                      4,662,006       4,132,077       4,502,173
   General and administrative expenses                                   7,633,930       7,023,088       6,469,704
   Research and development expenses                                     2,437,752       2,109,312       2,103,701
   Litigation (recovery)  settlement expenses                                   --        (344,435)     (1,912,959)
Total operating expenses                                                14,733,688      12,920,042      11,162,619
Income from operations                                                   1,782,915       1,584,151         495,960

Other income (expense):
   Interest income                                                          49,119          66,202         273,750
   Interest expense                                                       (164,985)       (166,971)       (133,438)
   Option/license fees                                                      25,893          24,312          24,312
   Royalty income, net of royalty expense of $82,362 in 2004             1,319,558         663,714         823,642
   Loss on impairment of Focus Surgery, Inc.                                    --         (13,725)       (410,700)
   Loss on impairment of Hearing Innovations, Inc.                        (198,800)       (298,232)       (542,197)
   Foreign currency exchange gain                                           26,406          17,401          11,948
Total other income                                                       1,057,191         292,701          47,317
Income before minority interest and income taxes                         2,840,106       1,876,852         543,277

Minority interest in net income (loss) of consolidated subsidiaries         52,505          23,485         (17,565)

Income before provision for income taxes                                 2,787,601       1,853,367         560,842

Income tax provision                                                     1,068,656         885,792         384,181

Net income                                                            $  1,718,945    $    967,575    $    176,661

Net income per share - Basic                                          $        .26    $        .15    $        .03

Net income per share - Diluted                                        $        .25    $        .15    $        .03

Weighted average common shares outstanding -Basic                        6,667,615       6,478,138       6,077,546

Weighted average common shares outstanding - Diluted                     6,849,845       6,623,743       6,648,761

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                 Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity

                    Years Ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002

                               COMMON STOCK
                               $.01 PAR VALUE        TREASURY STOCK                                    ACCUMULATED
                             -------------------   --------------------    ADDITIONAL    RETAINED         TOTAL         TOTAL
                             NUMBER                NUMBER                   PAID-IN      EARNINGS     COMPREHENSIVE  STOCKHOLDERS'
                            OF SHARES   AMOUNT     OF SHARES    AMOUNT      CAPITAL      (DEFICIT)    (LOSS) INCOME    EQUITY
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2001       6,121,915   $61,219   (66,800)   $(358,237)   $21,924,987   $(2,197,720)   $(323,431)   $ 19,106,818
Net income                          --        --        --           --             --       176,661           --         176,661
Foreign currency
   Adjustment                       --        --        --           --             --            --       59,499          59,499
Comprehensive income                --        --        --           --             --            --           --         236,160
Exercise of employee
   options                      58,250       583        --           --        389,004            --           --         389,587
Purchase of treasury stock          --        --    (7,500)     (43,737)            --            --           --         (43,737)
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2002       6,180,165   $61,802   (74,300)   $(401,974)   $22,313,991   $(2,021,059)   $(263,932)   $ 19,688,828
Net income                         --        --        --           --             --       967,575           --         967,575
Foreign currency
   Adjustment                       --        --        --           --             --            --      292,655         292,655
Comprehensive income                --        --        --           --             --            --           --       1,260,230
Exercise of employee
   options                     553,500     5,535        --           --        398,520            --           --         404,055
Purchase of treasury stock          --        --    (3,500)     (10,450)            --            --           --         (10,450)
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2003       6,733,665   $67,337   (77,800)   $(412,424)   $22,712,511   $(1,053,484)   $  28,723    $ 21,342,663
Net income                         --        --        --           --             --     1,718,945           --       1,718,945
Foreign currency
   Adjustment                       --        --        --           --             --            --      276,651         276,651
Comprehensive income                --        --        --           --             --            --           --       1,995,596
Exercise of employee
   options                      82,588       826        --           --        404,091            --           --         404,917
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2004       6,816,253   $68,163   (77,800)   $(412,424)   $23,116,602   $   665,461    $ 305,374    $ 23,743,176

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                           YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                                 2004             2003            2002
Net income                                                     $ 1,718,945    $   967,575    $   176,661
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
  provided by (used in) operating activities:
     Bad debt (recovery) expense                                  (112,420)       409,952         97,210
     Litigation recovery expense                                        --       (344,435)    (1,912,959)
     Deferred income tax expense                                   282,688        805,694      2,003,343
     Depreciation and amortization                                 732,755        689,605        599,342
     Loss on disposal of equipment                                 123,955        121,384         59,280
     Deferred income (loss)                                        412,957        (94,997)      (118,770)
     Foreign currency exchange gain                                (26,406)       (17,401)       (11,948)
     Minority interest in net income (loss) of subsidiaries         52,505         23,485        (17,565)
     Loss on impairment of Focus Surgery, Inc.                          --         13,725        410,700
     Loss on impairment of Hearing Innovations, Inc.               198,800        298,232        542,197
     Income tax benefit on exercise of stock options                    --       (648,578)            --
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Accounts receivable                                        496,662     (1,143,004)       144,259
        Inventories                                             (1,654,520)    (1,264,020)       929,865
        Prepaid income taxes                                        44,204      1,869,336     (1,391,978)
        Prepaid expenses and other current assets                  (51,798)      (361,374)        (1,047)
        Other assets                                               (40,136)       114,574       (290,020)
        Accounts payable and accrued expenses                      444,565        901,280       (531,313)
        Litigation settlement liabilities                               --       (174,332)    (3,928,960)
        Income taxes payable                                         8,038        136,791       (512,602)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities              2,630,794      2,303,492     (3,754,305)
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                      (534,371)      (535,420)      (293,924)
Redemption of investments held to maturity                              --             --      2,015,468
Purchase of Labcaire stock                                              --       (232,394)       (99,531)
Cash paid for acquisition of Fibra Sonics, Inc., net of cash
   Acquired                                                             --             --        (17,985)
Purchase of convertible debentures - Focus Surgery, Inc.                --             --       (300,000)
Loans to Focus Surgery, Inc.                                            --             --        (60,000)
Loans to Hearing Innovations, Inc., net                           (198,800)      (274,991)      (473,909)
Cash acquired from consolidation of variable interest entity           236             --             --
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities               (732,935)    (1,042,805)       770,119

                        (continued on next page)


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Continued)

                                                                           YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                                 2004             2003            2002
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                            $ 1,243,226    $   407,964    $   293,963
Payments of short-term borrowings                                 (627,479)      (534,695)      (127,919)
Principal payments on capital lease obligations                   (349,054)      (298,697)      (205,353)
Proceeds of long-term debt                                              --         12,901             --
Payment of long-term debt                                          (55,481)       (43,132)       (58,636)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                            404,917        404,055        389,587
Purchase of treasury stock                                              --        (10,450)       (43,737)
Net cash provided by (used in)  financing activities               616,129        (62,054)       247,905

Effect of exchange rate changes on assets and liabilities           46,009         15,771         27,173
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents             2,559,997      1,214,404     (2,709,108)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                   2,279,869      1,065,465      3,774,573
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                       $ 4,839,866    $ 2,279,869    $ 1,065,465

Cash paid for (received from):
Interest                                                       $   164,985    $   166,971    $   133,438
Income taxes                                                   $   539,185    $(1,785,349)   $   390,813

Capital lease additions                                        $   321,440    $   363,800    $   296,591

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003



The  consolidated  financial  statements  of  MISONIX,  INC.  ("Misonix"  or the
"Company") include the accounts of Misonix, its 100% owned subsidiary,  Labcaire
Systems,  Ltd.  ("Labcaire"),  its  90%  owned  subsidiary,  Acoustic  Marketing
Research,  Inc. doing business as Sonora Medical Systems,  Inc. ("Sonora"),  and
its 100% owned  subsidiary,  Misonix,  Ltd.  As of March 31,  2004,  the Company
consolidates  Hearing  Innovations,  Inc. ("Hearing  Innovations") in accordance
with FIN 46,  Variable  Interest  Entities,  as the Company  determined it was a
variable  interest (See Note 2). Prior to March 31, 2004,  the Company  reported
its investment in Hearing Innovations using the equity method of accounting. The
Company's  investment in Focus Surgery,  Inc. ("Focus") (See Note 2) is reported
using the equity method of accounting. All significant intercompany balances and
transactions have been eliminated.


Misonix  was  incorporated  under  the laws of the State of New York on July 31,
1967 and its principal  revenue  producing  activities,  from 1967 to date, have
been the manufacturing and distribution of proprietary  ultrasound equipment for
scientific and industrial  purposes and environmental  control equipment for the
abatement of air pollution.  Misonix's  products are sold worldwide.  In October
1996, the Company  entered into licensing  agreements to further  develop one of
its medical devices (see Note 13).

Labcaire,  which began  operations  in February  1992,  is located in the United
Kingdom,  and its core  business is the  innovation,  design,  manufacture,  and
marketing of air handling systems for the protection of personnel,  products and
the environment  from airborne  hazards.  Net sales, net income and total assets
related to Labcaire as of and for the years ended June 30,  2004,  2003 and 2002
were   approximately   $10,530,000,   $160,000  and  $9,414,000,   respectively;
$9,950,000, $305,000 and $8,053,000,  respectively; and $8,814,000, $609,000 and
$6,900,000, respectively.

The following is an analysis of assets related to Labcaire:

                                    JUNE 30,
                        2004          2003         2002
Current assets        $6,505,000   $5,421,000   $4,614,000
Long - lived assets    2,909,000    2,632,000    2,286,000
Total assets          $9,414,000   $8,053,000   $6,900,000

Sonora,  which  was  acquired  in  November  1999 and is  located  in  Longmont,
Colorado,  is an ISO 9001 certified  refurbisher of high-performance  ultrasound
systems  and  replacement  transducers  for the  medical  diagnostic  ultrasound
industry. Net sales, net income and total assets related to Sonora as of and for
the years  ended June 30,  2004,  2003 and 2002 were  approximately  $9,126,000,
$574,000 and  $5,376,000,  respectively;  $8,615,000,  $877,000 and  $5,181,000,
respectively; and $6,002,000, $100,000 and $3,686,000, respectively.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

Hearing  Innovations is located in Farmingdale,  New York. Net sales, net income
and total assets  related to Hearing  Innovations as of and for the three months
ended  June  30,  2004  were   approximately   $4,000,   $1,000  and   $100,000,

Misonix,  Ltd. was  incorporated  in the United Kingdom on July 19, 1993 and its
operations  since  inception  have  been  insignificant  to the  Company.  It is
presently dormant.


The Company  considers  all highly  liquid  debt  instruments  purchased  with a
maturity  of three  months or less to be cash  equivalents.  There  were no cash
equivalents at June 30, 2004 and 2003.


The Company's  investments  consisted of commercial  paper,  valued at amortized
cost, which approximated  market. In accordance with the provisions of Financial
Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB") Statement No. 115,  "Accounting for Certain
Investments  in  Debt  and  Equity   Securities,"  the  Company  classified  its
investments as  held-to-maturity  as the Company had both the intent and ability
to hold these securities until maturity.  The Company's  investment policy gives
primary consideration to safety of principal, liquidity and return.


The Company's  policy is to review its customers'  financial  condition prior to
extending credit and, generally,  collateral is not required.  Included in sales
of medical devices,  sales to one customer  (United States Surgical  Corporation
("USS")) in 2004, 2003 and 2002 were  approximately  $7,198,000,  $6,205,000 and
$4,060,000,  respectively.  Total  royalties  from  sales  of this  device  were
approximately  $1,402,000,  $664,000 and $824,000  during the fiscal years ended
June 30,  2004,  2003 and  2002,  respectively.  Accounts  receivable  from this
customer were approximately $1,555,000 and $1,712,000 at June 30, 2004 and 2003,
respectively.  At June 30, 2004 and 2003, the Company's accounts receivable with
customers   outside  the  United  States  were   approximately   $3,301,000  and
$2,477,000,  respectively,  of which  $2,345,000 and  $2,129,000,  respectively,
related to its Labcaire  operations.  The Company  utilizes letters of credit on
foreign or export  sales  where  appropriate.  Credit  losses  relating  to both
domestic  and  foreign  customers  have  historically  been  minimal  and within
management's expectations.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or market and
consist of raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods. Management
evaluates the need to record adjustments for impairments of inventory on a
quarterly basis. The Company's policy is to assess the valuation of all
inventories, including raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods.


Property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost. Depreciation of property and
equipment is provided using the straight-line method over estimated useful lives
ranging from 1 to 5 years. Depreciation of the Labcaire building is provided
using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of 50 years.
Leasehold improvements are amortized over the life of the lease or the useful
life of the related asset, whichever is shorter. The Company's policy is to
periodically evaluate the appropriateness of the lives assigned to property,
plant and equipment and to adjust if necessary.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003


The book values of cash,  accounts  receivable,  accounts  payable,  and accrued
liabilities  approximate their fair values principally because of the short-term
nature  of  these  instruments.   The  carrying  value  of  the  Company's  debt
approximates  its fair value due to  variable  interest  rates based on prime or
other similar benchmark rates.


The Company records revenue upon shipment for products  shipped F.O.B.  shipping
point.  Products shipped F.O.B.  destination  point are recorded as revenue when
received  at  the  point  of  destination.   Shipments  under   agreements  with
distributors  are not subject to return,  and payment for these shipments is not
contingent  on sales by the  distributor.  The  Company  recognizes  revenue  on
shipments to distributors in the same manner as with other customers.  Fees from
exclusive  license  agreements  are  recognized  ratably  over the  terms of the
respective  agreements.  Service contracts and royalty income is recognized when


The  carrying  values of  intangible  and  other  long-lived  assets,  excluding
goodwill,  are periodically  reviewed to determine if any impairment  indicators
are present. If it is determined that such indicators are present and the review
indicates that the assets will not be fully  recoverable,  based on undiscounted
estimated cash flows over the remaining  amortization and  depreciation  period,
their carrying values are reduced to estimated fair value. Impairment indicators
include, among other conditions,  cash flow deficits, an historic or anticipated
decline  in  revenue  or  operating   profit,   adverse   legal  or   regulatory
developments,   accumulation  of  costs   significantly  in  excess  of  amounts
originally  expected  to acquire  the asset and a material  decrease in the fair
value of some or all of the assets.  Assets are grouped at the lowest  level for
which there are identifiable cash flows that are largely independent of the cash
flows generated by other asset groups.  No such  impairment  existed at June 30,


Goodwill  represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the
net assets acquired in connection with the Company's  acquisitions of the common
stock of  Labcaire,  90% of the common stock of Sonora and the  acquisitions  of
Fibra Sonics,  Inc. ("Fibra Sonics"),  Sonic  Technologies  Laboratory  Services
("Sonic Technologies") and CraMar Technologies, Inc. ("CraMar").

In July 2001,  the FASB  issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards
("SFAS") Nos. 141 ("SFAS 141") and 142 ("SFAS 142"), "Business Combinations" and
"Goodwill  and  Other  Intangible  Assets,"  respectively.   SFAS  141  replaced
Accounting  Principles  Board  ("APB")  Opinion 16 "Business  Combinations"  and
requires the use of the purchase method for all business combinations  initiated
after June 30, 2001.  SFAS 142  requires  goodwill  and  intangible  assets with
indefinite  useful  lives to no longer be  amortized,  but instead be tested for
impairment at least  annually and whenever  events or  circumstances  occur that


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

indicate  goodwill might be impaired.  With the adoption of SFAS 142, as of July
1, 2001,  the Company  reassessed  the useful lives and  residual  values of all
acquired   intangible   assets  to  make  any  necessary   amortization   period
adjustments.  Based on that assessment,  only goodwill was determined to have an
indefinite  useful life and no adjustments were made to the amortization  period
or residual  values of other  intangible  assets.  SFAS 142 provided a six-month
transitional  period  from the  effective  date of  adoption  for the Company to
perform an  assessment  of  whether  there is an  indication  that  goodwill  is
impaired.  To the extent that an indication of  impairment  exists,  the Company
must perform a second test to measure the amount of impairment.  The second test
must be performed  as soon as possible,  but no later than the end of the fiscal
year. Any  impairment  measured as of the date of adoption will be recognized as
the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle. The Company performed
the first test and  determined  that there is no  indication  that the  goodwill
recorded is  impaired  and,  therefore,  the second  test was not  required.  In
addition,  the Company also completed its annual goodwill  impairment  tests for
fiscal 2004 and 2003 in the respective fourth quarter.  There were no indicators
that goodwill recorded was impaired.


The cost of acquiring or processing patents,  trademarks, and other intellectual
properties is  capitalized  at cost.  This amount is being  amortized  using the
straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives of the underlying  assets,
which is approximately 17 years.


Income taxes are accounted for in accordance with SFAS No. 109,  "Accounting for
Income  Taxes"  ("SFAS No.  109").  Under this  method,  deferred tax assets and
liabilities  are  recognized  for the future tax  consequences  attributable  to
differences  between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets
and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit
carryforwards.  Deferred tax assets and  liabilities  are measured using enacted
tax rates  expected  to apply to  taxable  income  in the  years in which  those
temporary  differences  are expected to be  recovered or settled.  The effect on
deferred tax assets and  liabilities  of a change in tax rates is  recognized in
income in the period that includes the enactment date.


Basic  income per  common  share  excludes  any  dilution.  It is based upon the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Dilutive
earnings per share  reflects the potential  dilution that would occur if options
to purchase  common stock were  exercised.  The  following  table sets forth the
reconciliation  of weighted  average  shares  outstanding  and diluted  weighted
average shares outstanding:

                                            2004       2003        2002
                                         ---------   ---------   ---------
Weighted average common shares
   outstanding                           6,667,615   6,478,138   6,077,546

Dilutive effect of stock options           182,230     145,605    571,215
                                         ---------   ---------   ---------
Diluted weighted average common shares
   outstanding                           6,849,845   6,623,743   6,648,761
                                         =========   =========   =========

Employee  stock  options   covering   25,000,   1,375,161  and  413,325  shares,
respectively, for the years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 were not included
in the diluted net income per share calculation  because their effect would have
been anti-dilutive.


The components of the Company's  comprehensive income are net income and foreign
currency translation  adjustments.  The foreign currency translation adjustments
included in  comprehensive  income has not been tax effected as  investments  in
foreign affiliates are deemed to be permanent.  Total  comprehensive  income was
$1,995,596  and  $1,260,230  for  the  years  ended  June  30,  2004  and  2003,


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003


The Company  follows the policies  prescribed by FASB Statement No. 52, "Foreign
Currency  Translation,"  for translation of the financial results of its foreign
subsidiaries.  Accordingly, assets and liabilities are translated at the foreign
currency  exchange  rate  in  effect  at  the  balance  sheet  date.   Resulting
translation  adjustments  due to fluctuations in the exchange rates are recorded
as other  comprehensive  income.  Results of operations are translated using the
weighted  average of the  prevailing  foreign  currency  rates during the fiscal
year. Stockholders' equity accounts are translated at historical exchange rates.
Gains and losses on foreign  currency  transactions are recorded in other income
and expense.


All research and development  expenses are expensed as incurred and are included
in operating expenses.


The cost of  advertising  is  expensed  as of the  first  showing.  The  Company
incurred  approximately  $474,000,  $441,000 and $412,000 in  advertising  costs
during fiscal 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States  requires  management to make estimates
and  judgments  that affect the reported  amount of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


The Company includes all shipping and handling income and expenses incurred as a
component of selling expenses.  Shipping and handling income for the years ended
June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 was approximately $412,000,  $228,000 and $214,000,
respectively.  Shipping and handling expenses for the years ended June 30, 2004,
2003 and 2002 were approximately $555,000, $356,000 and $456,000, respectively.


The  Company   accounts  for   stock-based   employee  and  outside   directors'
compensation  under  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Issued  to
Employees"   and   related   interpretations.   The   Company  has  adopted  the
disclosure-only   provisions  of  SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation"  and SFAS No. 148,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation  -
Transition and Disclosure",  which was released in December 2002 as an amendment
of SFAS No. 123. The following table illustrates the effect on net income (loss)
and net income  (loss) per share as if the  Company  had  applied the fair value
recognition provisions of SFAS 123 to stock-based employee compensation:


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

                                       2004              2003             2002
Net income (loss)-  As reported:   $   1,718,945    $     967,575    $     176,661
Stock based compensation
   determined under SFAS 123            (635,024)        (369,601)        (650,141)
Net income (loss)-  Pro forma:     $   1,083,921    $     597,974         (473,480)
Net income (loss) per share -
   As reported                     $         .26    $         .15              .03
   Pro forma                       $         .16    $         .09             (.08)
Net income (loss) per share -
   As reported                     $         .25    $         .15              .03
   Pro forma                       $         .16    $         .09             (.08)

The weighted  average fair value at date of grant for options granted during the
years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 was $3.56,  $2.64 and $3.02 per option,
respectively. The fair value of options at date of grant was estimated using the
Black-Scholes option-pricing model utilizing the following assumptions:

                                              2004                2003             2002
                                         --------------      --------------    -------------
Risk-free interest rates                  2.50% - 2.58%       2.58% - 3.08%        3.86%
Expected option life in years                   5                   5                5
Expected stock price volatility               100%                 59%              53%
Expected dividend yield                        -0-                 -0-              -0-


In April 2003, the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment of Statement No. 133 on
Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities"  ("SFAS No. 149").  Among other
things, the Statement requires that contracts with comparable characteristics be
accounted for similarly and clarifies  under what  circumstances a contract with
an initial net investment meets the  characteristics  of a derivative.  SFAS No.
149 was effective July 1, 2003. In the first quarter of fiscal 2004, the Company
adopted  SFAS No.  149.  The  adoption  of SFAS No.  149 did not have a material
impact  on  the  Company's  consolidated  results  of  operations  or  financial

In May 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 150,  "Accounting  for Certain  Financial
Instruments  with  characteristics  of both  Liabilities  and Equity" ("SFAS No.
150"). SFAS No. 150 establishes  standards for classifying and measuring certain
financial  instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity. SFAS
No. 150 was effective for financial  instruments  entered into or modified after
May 31, 2003. In October 2003, the FASB deferred indefinitely the application of
SFAS 150 only as it relates to non-controlling  interests that are classified as
equity in the financial  statements of the subsidiary but would be classified as
a liability  in the  parent's  financial  statements  under SFAS No. 150. In the
first quarter of fiscal 2004, the Company  adopted SFAS No. 150. The adoption of
SFAS No.  150 did not  have a  material  impact  on the  Company's  consolidated
results of operations or financial condition.

In November 2002, the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a consensus  opinion on
EITF 00-21,  "Revenue  Arrangements with Multiple  Deliverables" ("EITF 00-21").
The consensus  provides  that revenue  arrangements  with multiple  deliverables
should be divided into separate units of accounting if certain criteria are met.
The consideration for the arrangement  should be allocated to the separate units
of accounting based on their relative fair values, with different  provisions if
the  fair  value of all  deliverables  are not  known  or if the  fair  value is
contingent on delivery of specified items or performance conditions.  Applicable
revenue recognition  criteria should be considered  separately for each separate
unit of accounting.  EITF 00-21 was effective for revenue  arrangements  entered
into in fiscal  periods  beginning  after June 15,  2003.  Entities may elect to
report the change as a  cumulative  effect  adjustment  in  accordance  with APB
Opinion 20, Accounting Changes. In the first quarter of fiscal 2004, the Company
adopted EITF 00-21. The adoption of EITF 00-21 did not have a material impact on
the Company's consolidated results of operations or financial condition.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

In January  2003,  the FASB issued FASB  Interpretation  46,  "Consolidation  of
Variable  Interest  Entities,  an  Interpretation  of ARB No. 51" ("FIN 46"). In
December  2003, the FASB modified FIN 46 to make certain  technical  corrections
and address certain implementation issues that had arisen. FIN 46 provides a new
framework for identifying  variable  interest  entities ("VIEs") and determining
when a company should include the assets, liabilities,  noncontrolling interests
and results of activities of a VIE in its consolidated financial statements.

In general,  a VIE is a corporation,  partnership,  limited  liability  company,
trust,  or any other legal  structure used to conduct  activities or hold assets
that either (1) has an insufficient  amount of equity to carry out its principal
activities without additional subordinated financial support, (2) has a group of
equity  owners  that  are  unable  to  make  significant   decisions  about  its
activities,  or (3) has a group of equity owners that do not have the obligation
to absorb losses or the right to receive returns generated by its operations.

FIN  46  requires  a VIE  to be  consolidated  if a  party  with  an  ownership,
contractual or other financial  interest in the VIE (a variable interest holder)
is obligated to absorb a majority of the risk of loss from the VIE's activities,
is  entitled to receive a majority  of the VIE's  residual  returns (if no party
absorbs a majority of the VIE's  losses),  or both. A variable  interest  holder
that consolidates the VIE is called the primary beneficiary. Upon consolidation,
the primary beneficiary generally must initially record all of the VIE's assets,
liabilities and noncontrolling  interests at fair value and subsequently account
for the VIE as if it were consolidated based on majority voting interest. FIN 46
also requires  disclosures  about VIEs that the variable  interest holder is not
required to consolidate but in which it has a significant variable interest.

In  connection  with the  adoption of FIN 46 during the third  quarter of fiscal
2004, the Company consolidated Hearing Innovations in its March 31, 2004 balance
sheet as the entity was  determined  to be a  variable  interest  entity and the
Company is its primary  beneficiary.  The Company elected to record the adoption
of FIN 46 as a cumulative effect of an accounting change.  Consolidating Hearing
Innovations did not have a material impact on the Company's consolidated results
of operations  or financial  condition.  Prior  periods were not  restated.  For
additional  information on Hearing  Innovations  see Note 2 of the  consolidated
financial statements.

On December 17, 2003 the Staff of the Securities and Exchange  Commission issued
SAB No. 104, "Revenue  Recognition"  ("SAB 104"),  which superceded SAB No. 101,
"Revenue  Recognition  in Financial  Statements"("SAB  101").  SAB 104's primary
purpose is to rescind  accounting  guidance  contained in SAB No. 101 related to
multiple element revenue arrangements, superceded as a result of the issuance of
EITF  Issue  00-21,   "Accounting   for  Revenue   Arrangements   with  Multiple
Deliverables".  SAB  104  did not  have a  material  impact  on our  results  of
operations or financial position.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003



In June 1992,  the  Company  acquired  an 81.4%  interest  in  Labcaire,  a U.K.
company, for $545,169. The total acquisition cost exceeded the fair value of the
net assets acquired by $241,299, which is being treated as goodwill.

The balance of the capital stock of Labcaire was owned by three  executives  and
one retired executive of Labcaire who had the right, under the original purchase
agreement (the "Labcaire Agreement"),  to require the Company to repurchase such
shares at a price equal to its pro rata share of 8.5 times  Labcaire's  earnings
before interest, taxes and management charges for the preceding fiscal year.

In June 1996, the Labcaire  Agreement was amended and each of the four directors
agreed to sell  one-seventh  of his total  holdings  of  Labcaire  shares to the
Company in each of the next seven consecutive years, commencing with fiscal year
1996. Under the Labcaire Agreement,  the Company was required to repurchase such
shares at a price equal to one-seventh of each executive's  prorata share of 8.5
times Labcaire's earnings before interest, taxes, and management charges for the
preceding fiscal year, which amount is being treated as goodwill. Total goodwill
associated with Labcaire is $1,214,808 of which  $1,063,294  remains at June 30,
2004. The Company now owns 100% of Labcaire.


On February 8, 2001,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets and  liabilities of
Fibra  Sonics,  a  Chicago-based,   privately-held   producer  and  marketer  of
ultrasonic  medical  devices for  approximately  $1,900,000.  Subsequent  to the
acquisition,  the Company  relocated the assets of Fibra Sonics to the Company's
Farmingdale  facility.  The  acquisition  was  accounted  for under the purchase
method of accounting.  Accordingly,  the acquired  assets and  liabilities  were
initially  recorded at their  estimated fair values at the date of  acquisition.
The excess of the cost of the acquisition  ($1,723,208 plus acquisition costs of
$144,696,  which  includes a broker fee of $100,716)  over the fair value of net
assets acquired was $1,814,025 and is being treated as goodwill.  In fiscal year
2002,  the Company  re-evaluated  fixed  assets  acquired  from Fibra Sonics and
reclassified  approximately  $54,000  from  property,  plant  and  equipment  to


On October  12,  2000,  Sonora  acquired  the assets of Sonic  Technologies,  an
ultrasound  acoustic   measurement  and  testing  laboratory  for  approximately
$320,000.   The  assets  of  the  Hatboro,   Pennsylvania-based   operations  of
privately-held  Sonic  Technologies  were  relocated  to  Sonora's  facility  in
Longmont,  Colorado. The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method
of accounting.  Accordingly,  acquired assets and liabilities have been recorded
at their  estimated  fair values at the date of  acquisition.  The excess of the
cost of the  acquisition  ($270,000  plus  acquisition  costs of $51,219,  which
includes a broker fee of $25,000) over the fair value of net assets acquired was
$301,219 and is being treated as goodwill.


On July 27, 2000,  Sonora  acquired 100% of the assets of CraMar,  an ultrasound
equipment servicer for approximately $311,000. The assets of the Colorado-based,
privately-held  operations  of CraMar were  relocated  to  Sonora's  facility in
Longmont,  Colorado. The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method
of  accounting.  Accordingly,  acquired  assets  have  been  recorded  at  their
estimated fair value at the date of  acquisition.  The excess of the cost of the
acquisition ($272,908 plus acquisition costs of $37,898, which includes a broker
fee of $25,000)  over the fair value of net assets  acquired was $257,899 and is
being treated as goodwill.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003


On  November  16,  1999,  the  Company  acquired  a 51%  interest  in Sonora for
approximately $1,400,000.  Sonora authorized and issued new common stock for the
51% interest.  Sonora  utilized the proceeds of such sale to increase  inventory
and expand marketing, sales, and research and development efforts. An additional
4.7% was  acquired  from the  principals  of Sonora  on  February  25,  2000 for
$208,000, bringing the acquired interest to 55.7%. The principals of Sonora sold
an  additional  34.3% to Misonix on June 1, 2000 for  approximately  $1,407,000,
bringing the acquired interest to 90%. Sonora, located in Longmont, Colorado, is
an ISO 9001 certified  refurbisher of  high-performance  ultrasound  systems and
replacement  transducers for the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry.  Sonora
also offers a full range of  aftermarket  products and services  such as its own
ultrasound probes and transducers, and other services that can extend the useful
life of its customers' ultrasound imaging systems beyond the usual five to seven
years.  The acquisition of Sonora was accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting.  Accordingly,  results of operations  for Sonora are included in the
consolidated  statements  of income from the date of  acquisition  and  acquired
assets and liabilities  have been recorded at their estimated fair values at the
date of acquisition.  The excess of the cost of the acquisition ($2,957,000 plus
acquisition costs of $101,000,  which includes a broker fee of $72,000) over the
fair  value of net  assets  acquired  was  $1,622,845  and is being  treated  as


On October 18, 1999, the Company and Hearing Innovations completed the agreement
whereby  the  Company  invested  an  additional  $350,000  and  cancelled  notes
receivable  aggregating $400,000 in exchange for a 7% equity interest in Hearing
Innovations and  representation  on its Board of Directors.  Warrants to acquire
388,680 shares of Hearing  Innovations common stock with exercise prices ranging
from $1.25 to $2.25 per share were also part of this agreement.  These warrants,
which are deemed nominal in value,  expire in October 2005. Upon exercise of the
warrants,  the  Company  has  the  right  to  manufacture  Hearing  Innovations'
ultrasonic  products  and also  has the  right to  create a joint  venture  with
Hearing Innovations for the marketing and sale of its ultrasonic tinnitus masker
device.  As of the  date of the  acquisition,  the  cost of the  investment  was
$784,000 ($750,000 plus acquisition costs of $34,000).  The Company's portion of
the  net  losses  of  Hearing  Innovations  were  recorded  since  the  date  of
acquisition in accordance  with the equity method of  accounting.  During fiscal
2001,  the  Company  evaluated  the  investment  with  respect to the  financial
performance  and the  achievement  of specific  targets and goals and determined
that the equity  investment  was impaired and therefore the Company  recorded an
impairment  loss in the  amount  of  $579,069.  The net  carrying  value  of the
investment at June 30, 2004 and 2003 is $0.

On September 11, 2000, the Company loaned $108,000 to Hearing Innovations, which
together with the  then-outstanding  loans  aggregating  $192,000  (with accrued
interest)  was exchanged for a $300,000,  7% Secured  Convertible  Debenture due
August 27, 2002 and extended to November 30, 2003 (the "Hearing Debenture"). The
Hearing Debenture contains, in the aggregate, warrants to acquire 250,000 shares
of  Hearing  Innovations  common  stock,  at the  option of the  Company,  for a
purchase price of $2.25 per share.  These warrants,  which are deemed nominal in
value,  expire in October  2005.  The Hearing  Debenture is  convertible  at the
option of the  Company  at any time  into  shares  of  common  stock of  Hearing
Innovations at a conversion  price of $2.25 per share.  Interest  accrues and is
payable  at  maturity,  or is  convertible  on the  same  terms  as the  Hearing
Debenture's  principal  amount.  The Company  recorded an allowance  against the
entire balance of principal and accrued interest due in fiscal 2001. The related
expense  has  been   included  in  loss  on  impairment  of  investment  in  the
accompanying  consolidated statement of income. The Company believes the Hearing
Debenture is impaired since the Company does not anticipate such Debenture to be
satisfied in accordance  with the contractual  terms of the loan  agreement.  At
June 30, 2004, the Hearing Debenture is in default.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

During fiscal 2001, the Company  entered into fourteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  was  required  to pay the Company an  aggregate  amount of
$397,678 due May 30, 2002.  The maturity date was extended to November 30, 2003.
All notes bear interest at 8% per annum.  The notes are secured by a lien on all
of Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts  receivable,
inventory,  property,  plant and equipment  and processes of specified  products
whether now existing or hereafter  arising  after the date of these  agreements.
The loan agreements  contain,  in the aggregate,  warrants to acquire  1,045,664
shares of Hearing  Innovations common stock, at the option of the Company,  at a
cost that ranges from $2.00 to $2.25 per share. These warrants, which are deemed
nominal in value,  expire in October  2005.  The Company  recorded an  allowance
against the entire  balance  due in fiscal  2001.  The related  expense has been
included in loss on impairment of  investment in the  accompanying  consolidated
statement  of income.  The Company  believes  the loans are  impaired  since the
Company does not anticipate that these loans will be paid in accordance with the
contractual terms of the loan agreements.  At June 30, 2004, the above loans are
in default.

During fiscal 2002,  the Company  entered into fifteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  was  required  to pay the Company an  aggregate  amount of
$322,679  due May 30,  2002,  extended to November  30,  2003,  and $151,230 due
November  30,  2003.  All notes bear  interest  at 8% per  annum.  The notes are
secured by a lien on all of Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and interest in
accounts receivable,  inventory,  property, plant and equipment and processes of
specified  products  whether  now  existing  or arising  after the date of these
agreements.  The loan agreements contain, in the aggregate,  warrants to acquire
548,329  shares  of  Hearing  Innovations  common  stock,  at the  option of the
Company,  at a cost that  ranges from $.01 to $2.00 per share.  These  warrants,
which are deemed nominal in value,  expire in October 2005. The Company recorded
an allowance  against the entire balance due in fiscal 2002. The related expense
has  been  included  in  loss  on  impairment  of  loans  in  the   accompanying
consolidated  statement  of income.  The Company  believes the loans and related
interest are impaired  since the Company  does not  anticipate  that these loans
will be paid in accordance with the contractual terms of the loan agreements. At
June 30, 2004, the above loans are in default.

During fiscal 2003,  the Company  entered into sixteen loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  is  required  to pay the  Company an  aggregate  amount of
$274,991 due November 30,  2003.  All notes bear  interest at 8% per annum.  The
notes are  secured by a lien on all of  Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and
interest in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and equipment and
processes of specified  products  whether now existing or arising after the date
of these agreements. The loan agreements contain, in the aggregate,  warrants to
acquire 274,991 shares of Hearing Innovations common stock, at the option of the
Company, at a cost of $.10 to $1.00 per share. These warrants,  which are deemed
nominal in value,  expire in October  2005.  The Company  recorded an  allowance
against the entire  balance of  $274,991  for the above loans as well as accrued
interest of $23,241 during fiscal 2003. The related expense has been included in
loss on  impairment  of Hearing  Innovations  in the  accompanying  consolidated
statement of income.  The Company  believes  the loans and related  interest are
impaired since the Company does not anticipate  that these loans will be paid in
accordance with the contractual terms of the loan agreements.  In November 2002,
the Company signed a management  agreement with Hearing  Innovations whereby the
Company  earns  $17,000 per month for those  services.  These  amounts have been
fully  reserved  by the  Company,  as the  collectibility  of these  amounts  is
uncertain. At June 30, 2004, the above loans are in default.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

During  fiscal  2004,  the Company  entered into eight loan  agreements  whereby
Hearing  Innovations  is  required  to pay the  Company an  aggregate  amount of
$199,255,  of  which  $455  was in the  fourth  quarter  and was  eliminated  in
consolidation. Two of these notes aggregating $23,000 were due November 30, 2003
and are  currently  in  default  due to  non-payment.  The  remaining  six notes
aggregating  $176,255  were  due  June  30,  2004  and  are  in  default  due to
non-payment. All notes bear interest at 8% per annum. The notes are secured by a
lien on all of  Hearing  Innovations'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts
receivable,  inventory, property, plant and equipment and processes of specified
products whether now existing or arising after the date of these agreements. The
loan  agreements   contain   warrants  to  acquire  199,255  shares  of  Hearing
Innovations  common stock,  at the option of the Company,  at a cost of $.20 per
share.  These  warrants,  which are deemed  nominal in value,  expire in October
2005. The Company recorded an allowance against amounts loaned prior to April 1,
2004, which totaled  $198,800.  The related expense has been included in loss on
impairment of Hearing Innovations in the accompanying consolidated statements of
income.  The Company  believes the loans and related interest are impaired since
the Company does not anticipate that these loans will be paid in accordance with
the  contractual  terms of the loan  agreements and Hearing  Innovations  has no
predictable cash flows from its product revenue.

The  Company  previously  made the  decision  not to  continue  funding  Hearing
Innovations' operations, however, during fiscal 2004, the Company loaned Hearing
Innovations  $199,255  to enable  Hearing  Innovations  to reduce a  substantial
portion of its long-term debt to certain third parties. The Company continues to
believe that Hearing Innovations' technology could provide a benefit to patients
but the products  require more  improvement and market  development.  All equity
investments  and debt in  Hearing  Innovations  have  been  fully  reserved  and
currently have a zero basis.

If the Company were to exercise all  warrants  associated  with the above loans,
exercise the warrants  associated  with the Hearing  Debenture  and the original
investment and include the original investment ownership, the Company would hold
an interest in Hearing Innovations of approximately 46%.

In  connection  with the  adoption of FIN 46, the Company  consolidated  Hearing
Innovations  in its March 31, 2004 balance sheet as the entity was determined to
be a variable  interest entity and the Company is its primary  beneficiary.  The
Company  elected to record the adoption of FIN 46 as a  cumulative  effect of an
accounting  change.  Consolidating  Hearing  Innovations did not have a material
impact  on  the  Company's  consolidated  results  of  operations  or  financial

The current  ability of companies such as Hearing  Innovations to access capital
markets or incur third party debt is very limited and is likely to remain so for
the foreseeable  future. In light of this fact,  Hearing  Innovations  suspended
operations in April 2004. See Note 15.

Summarized unaudited financial  information of Hearing Innovations as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 are as follows:

Condensed Statement of Operations Information

                                                       2003 *        2002
                                                     ---------    ---------
            Sales                                    $  24,436    $  36,913
            Gross profit                                 6,581       20,435
            Net loss                                  (532,762)    (986,380)


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

Condensed Balance Sheet Information

                                                        2003         2002
                                                     ---------    ---------
            Current assets                         $    85,894    $  42,007
            Non-current assets                          60,539       66,302
            Current liabilities                      3,955,496    3,036,485
            Non-current liabilities                         --      348,125
            Preferred stock                            295,700      295,700
            Common stockholders' deficit            (4,104,763)  (3,572,001)

    *   As noted above,  the Company  consolidated  Hearing  Innovations  in its
        balance sheet as of March 31, 2004.


On May 3, 1999, the Company invested  $3,050,000 to obtain an approximately  20%
equity interest in Focus, a privately-held technology company and representation
on its Board of Directors.  The agreement  provides for a series of  development
and  manufacturing  agreements  whereby the Company would upgrade existing Focus
products  and create new products  based on high  intensity  focused  ultrasound
("HIFU") technology for the non-invasive treatment of tissue for certain medical
applications.  The Company has the  optional  rights to market and sell  several
other high potential HIFU  applications  for the breast,  liver,  and kidney for
both benign and cancerous  tumors.  The  Company's  portion of the net losses of
Focus were  recorded  since the date of  acquisition.  During  fiscal 2001,  the
Company  evaluated the investment with respect to the financial  performance and
the  achievement of specific  targets and goals and  determined  that the equity
investment was impaired and therefore the Company recorded an impairment loss in
the amount of  $1,916,398.  The net carrying value of the investment at June 30,
2004 and 2003 is $0.  Under the  equity  method  of  accounting,  if the  equity
investment  was ever deemed not  impaired,  the Company would have to record its
share of Focus'  losses  since 2001 before the  Company  can record  income from
Focus. Focus' unaudited net income in fiscal year 2004 was $150,810. The Company
will start to record its share of Focus'  income when  Focus'  income is greater
than the losses from fiscal year 2002 and 2003, which total $1,847,694.

On November 7, 2000, the Company purchased a $300,000,  5.1% Secured  Cumulative
Convertible  Debenture  from  Focus,  due  December  22,  2002 (the "5.1%  Focus
Debenture").  The 5.1% Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus
preferred stock at the option of the Company at any time after December 22, 2000
for two years at a  conversion  price of $1,200  per  share,  if the 5.1%  Focus
Debenture is not retired by Focus.  Interest  accrues and is payable at maturity
or is  convertible  on the same  terms as the 5.1% Focus  Debenture's  principal
amount.  The 5.1% Focus  Debenture is secured by a lien on all of Focus'  right,
title and  interest  in  accounts  receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and
equipment and processes of specified  products whether now existing or hereafter
arising  after the date of the 5.1% Focus  Debenture.  The  Company  recorded an
allowance  against the entire  balance of principal and accrued  interest due in
fiscal 2001.  The related  expense has been  included in loss on  impairment  of
investment in the accompanying  consolidated statement of income. The 5.1% Focus
Debenture is currently in default and the Company is negotiating an extended due
date and conversion  right.  The Company believes the loan is impaired since the
Company  does not  anticipate  the  5.1%  Focus  Debenture  to be  satisfied  in
accordance with the contractual terms of the loan agreement.

On April 12,  2001,  the Company  purchased a  $300,000,  6% Secured  Cumulative
Convertible  Debenture from Focus, due May 25, 2003 (the "6% Focus  Debenture").
The 6% Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus preferred stock
at the option of the  Company at any time after May 25,  2003 for two years at a
conversion  price of $1,200 per share,  if the 6% Focus Debenture is not retired
by Focus.  Interest accrues and is payable at maturity, or is convertible on the
same terms as the 6% Focus Debenture's  principal amount. The 6% Focus Debenture
is secured by a lien on all of Focus'  right,  title and  interest  in  accounts


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

receivable,  inventory, property, plant and equipment and processes of specified
products  whether now  existing or  hereafter  arising  after the date of the 6%
Focus Debenture. The Company recorded an allowance against the entire balance of
principal and accrued  interest due in fiscal 2001. The related expense has been
included in loss on impairment of  investment in the  accompanying  consolidated
statement  of income.  The 6% Focus  Debenture  is  currently in default and the
Company is negotiating an extended due date and  conversion  right.  The Company
believes the loan is impaired since the Company does not anticipate the 6% Focus
Debenture to be satisfied in accordance with the  contractual  terms of the loan

On July 31, 2001, the Company purchased a second $300,000, 6% Secured Cumulative
Convertible Debenture from Focus, due May 25, 2003 (the "Focus Debenture").  The
Focus  Debenture is convertible  into 250 shares of Focus preferred stock at the
option  of the  Company  at any  time  after  the due  date  for two  years at a
conversion  price of  $1,200  per  share.  The  Focus  Debenture  also  contains
warrants,  deemed  nominal in value,  to purchase an additional 125 shares to be
exercised  at the  option of the  Company.  Interest  accrues  and is payable at
maturity or is convertible on the same terms as the Focus Debenture's  principal
amount.  The Focus Debenture is secured by a lien on all of Focus' right,  title
and interest in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property,  plant and equipment
and  processes of specified  products  whether now existing or arising after the
date of the Focus  Debenture.  The  Company  recorded an  allowance  against the
entire balance of principal and accrued interest due in fiscal 2002. The related
expense  has  been   included  in  loss  on  impairment  of  investment  in  the
accompanying  consolidated statement of income. The Focus Debenture is currently
in default and the Company is  negotiating  an extended due date and  conversion
right.  The Company  believes  the loan is impaired  since the Company  does not
anticipate  the  Focus   Debenture  to  be  satisfied  in  accordance  with  the
contractual terms of the loan agreement.

During  fiscal 2002,  the Company  entered into a loan  agreement  whereby Focus
borrowed  $60,000  from the  Company.  This loan matured on May 30, 2002 and was
extended  to  December  31,  2002.  The loan bears  interest at 6% per annum and
contain  warrants,  which are  deemed  nominal in value,  to acquire  additional
shares. The loan is secured by a lien on all of Focus' right, title and interest
in accounts receivable,  inventory,  property, plant and equipment and processes
of  specified  products  whether now  existing or arising  after the date of the
loan. The Company  recorded an allowance  against the entire balance at June 30,
2004 and 2003.  The related  expense has been  included in loss on impairment of
loans  in the  accompanying  consolidated  statement  of  income.  The  loan  is
currently in default and the Company is  negotiating  an extended due date.  The
Company  believes  that  this  loan is  impaired  since  the  Company  does  not
anticipate that this loan will be paid in accordance with the contractual  terms
of the loan agreement.

In May 2004,  the  Company's  ownership  was  reduced  to 13% due to  additional
preferred stock issued by Focus.

If the Company were to convert the 5.1% Focus Debenture,  6% Focus Debenture and
Focus Debenture,  and exercise all warrants,  the Company would hold an interest
in Focus of approximately 18%.

The  Company  has  subcontracted  Focus  to  perform  research  and  development
activities  for which the Company  paid  $155,000,  $100,000  and $0 to Focus in
fiscal  2004,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  which is recorded as research  and
development expenses in the accompanying statement of operations.  During fiscal
2004,  Focus entered into an exclusive  agreement with the Company to distribute
the   Sonoblate  500  in  the  European   market.   The  Company  has  purchased
approximately  $199,000 of product from Focus during  fiscal 2004.  No purchases
were  made in fiscal  2003 and 2002.  Total  sales to Focus  were  approximately
$1,151,000, $379,000 and $352,000 for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2004, 2003
and 2002,  respectively.  Trade  accounts  receivable due from Focus at June 30,
2004 and 2003 were approximately $448,000 and $642,000, respectively. No amounts
were due to Focus at June 30, 2004 and 2003.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

Summarized unaudited financial information of Focus as of and for the year ended
June 30, 2004 and 2003 are as follows:

Condensed Statement of Operations Information

                                         2004         2003
                                     -----------   -----------
            Sales                    $ 3,357,985   $ 2,343,296
            Gross profit               2,206,716     1,807,221
            Net income (loss)            150,810      (591,156)

Condensed Balance Sheet Information

                                         2004         2003
                                     -----------    ----------
            Current assets           $   859,727    $   509,493
            Non-current assets           464,961        586,645
            Current liabilities        1,124,684      1,719,380
            Non-current liabilities    3,651,555      2,923,990
            Preferred stock            4,068,707      4,038,707
            Common stockholders'
               deficit                (7,520,258)    (7,671,068)


Inventories are summarized as follows:

                                              JUNE 30,
                                         2004          2003
                                     -----------   -----------
            Raw materials            $ 4,397,472   $ 4,230,870
            Work-in-process            1,733,577     1,112,453
            Finished goods             4,813,523     3,636,149
                                     -----------   -----------
                                     $10,944,572   $ 8,979,472
                                     ===========   ===========


Property, plant and equipment consist of the following:

                                              JUNE 30,
                                          2004         2003
                                       ----------   ----------
            Buildings                  $1,982,896   $1,808,195
            Machinery and equipment     3,145,102    2,705,972
            Furniture and fixtures        937,315      848,258
            Automobiles                 1,005,244      765,951
            Leasehold improvements        339,191      263,131
                                       ----------   ----------
                                        7,409,748    6,391,507
            Less: accumulated
               depreciation and
               amortization             3,516,828    2,817,300
                                       ----------   ----------
                                       $3,892,920   $3,574,207
                                       ==========   ==========


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

Included in machinery  and equipment and furniture and fixtures at June 30, 2004
and  2003  are  approximately  $117,000  and  $258,000,  respectively,  of  data
processing  equipment and telephone  equipment under capital leases with related
accumulated  amortization of  approximately  $50,000 and $75,000,  respectively.
Also,   included  in  automobiles  are  approximately   $676,000  and  $630,000,
respectively,   under   capital   leases  with   accumulated   amortization   of
approximately   $194,000  and  $181,000,   respectively.   The  Company   leased
approximately $321,000, $364,000 and $254,000 of automobiles and equipment under
capital lease arrangements  during the years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002,

Depreciation  and  amortization  of property,  plant and  equipment  amounted to
$699,811,  $663,057 and  $590,397  for the years ended June 30,  2004,  2003 and
2002, respectively.


Labcaire has a debt purchase agreement with Lloyds TSB Commercial  Finance.  The
amount of this facility is approximately  $1,710,000  ((pound)950,000) and bears
interest  at the bank's  base rate  (5.25% and 4.00% at June 30,  2004 and 2003,
respectively) plus 1.75% and a service charge of .15% of sales invoice value and
fluctuates based upon the outstanding  United Kingdom and European  receivables.
The agreement  expires on September  30, 2004 and covers all United  Kingdom and
European sales. During the year ended June 30, 2004 Labcaire borrowed $1,243,226
and made  payments of $627,479  under the debt purchase  agreement.  At June 30,
2004 and 2003, the balance  outstanding  under this debt purchase  agreement was
$1,373,681 and $704,669,  respectively,  and Labcaire was in compliance with all
financial covenants.

The Company  secured a $5,000,000  revolving  credit facility with Fleet Bank on
January 18, 2002 to support future working capital needs.  The revolving  credit
facility  expires  January 18, 2005 and has interest  rate options  ranging from
Libor plus 1.0% per annum to prime rate plus .25% per annum.  This  facility  is
secured by the assets of the Company.  This facility  contains certain financial
covenants,  including  requiring  that the  Company  maintain a ratio of debt to
earnings before  interest,  depreciation,  taxes and amortization of not greater
than 2 to 1; that the Company  maintain a working capital ratio of not less than
1.5 to 1; and that the Company maintain a tangible net worth of $14,500,000. The
terms  provide for the  repayment of the debt in full on its maturity  date.  On
June 30, 2004, the Company had $5,000,000  available on its line of credit.  The
Company is in compliance with all such covenants.


On January  22,  1999,  Labcaire  purchased  a  manufacturing  facility in North
Somerset,  England to house its operations. The purchase price was approximately
$2,100,000  and was partially  financed with a mortgage loan of  $1,283,256.  On
July 1, 2002, Labcaire transferred its mortgage loan on their facility to Lloyds
TSB from HSBC Bank plc. The property loan of  (pound)670,000  is repayable  over
180 months with interest at base rate (4.50% at June 30, 2004) plus 1.75% and is
collateralized by a security interest in certain assets of Labcaire.  As of June
30, 2004 and 2003,  $1,110,609  and  $1,064,879  were  outstanding on this loan,


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

At June 30, 2004, future principal maturities of long-term debt are as follows:

              2005                           62,172
              2006                           63,985
              2007                           65,254
              2008                           67,247
              2009                           69,060
              Thereafter                    782,891
                                       $  1,110,609


The following summarizes accrued expenses and other current liabilities:

                                                                JUNE 30,
                                                            2004         2003
                                                         ----------   ----------
      Accrued payroll and vacation                       $  296,628   $  283,339
      Accrued sales tax                                     155,180      208,005
      Accrued commissions and bonuses                       387,078      212,585
      Customer deposits and current deferred contracts      808,414    1,116,869
      Accrued professional and legal fees                   176,426      132,766
      Other                                                  33,371       48,590
                                                         ----------   ----------
                                                         $1,857,097   $2,002,154
                                                         ==========   ==========


Misonix has entered into several noncancellable  operating leases for the rental
of certain  office space,  equipment and  automobiles  expiring in various years
through 2009. The principal leases for office space provide for a monthly rental
amount  of  approximately  $63,500.  The  Company  also  leases  certain  office
equipment and automobiles under capital leases expiring through fiscal 2008.

The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments, by year and in the
aggregate, under capital and operating leases with initial or remaining terms of
one year or more at June 30, 2004:

                                              Capital        Operating
                                              Leases           Leases
                                            -----------    -----------
2005                                        $   268,993     $  663,367
2006                                            179,450         63,993
2007                                             62,330         59,137
2008                                             16,560         32,613
2009                                                  -         16,691
                                            -----------    -----------
Total minimum lease payments                    527,333     $  835,801
Amounts representing interest                   (70,530)

Present value of net minimum lease payments
(including current portion of $240,760)     $   456,803

Certain of the leases provide for renewal options and the payment of real estate
taxes and other  occupancy  costs.  Rent  expense for all  operating  leases was
approximately $788,000, $749,000 and $714,000 for the years ended June 30, 2004,
2003 and 2002, respectively.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003


In September  1991,  in order to attract and retain  persons  necessary  for the
success of the  Company,  the  Company  adopted a stock  option  plan (the "1991
Plan") which covers up to 375,000 shares of the Company's common stock, $.01 par
value  ("Common  Stock").  Pursuant  to  the  1991  Plan,  officers,  directors,
consultants  and key  employees  of the  Company are  eligible to receive  stock
options.  The 1991 Plan  provides for the granting of, at the  discretion of the
Board of  Directors,  options that are  intended to qualify as  incentive  stock
options  ("Incentive  Stock Options")  within the meaning of Section 422A of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") to certain  employees and
options not intended to so qualify  ("Nonqualified Stock Options") to employees,
consultants and directors.  At June 30, 2004,  options to purchase 30,000 shares
were  outstanding  under the 1991 Plan at an  exercise  price of $7.38 per share
with a vesting period  ranging from immediate to two years,  options to purchase
327,750  shares had been  exercised  and options to purchase  47,250 shares have
been forfeited (of which options to purchase 30,000 shares have been reissued).

In March 1996, the Board of Directors approved the 1996 Employee Incentive Stock
Option Plan  covering an aggregate of 450,000  shares of Common Stock (the "1996
Plan") and the 1996 Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan (the "1996 Directors
Plan")  covering an aggregate of 1,125,000  shares of Common Stock.  At June 30,
2004,  options to purchase  272,919 shares were  outstanding at exercise  prices
ranging  from $3.07 to $18.50 with a vesting  period of  immediate  to two years
under the 1996 Plan and options to acquire  255,000  shares were  outstanding at
exercise  prices  ranging from $.73 to $7.10 per share with a vesting  period of
immediate to two years under the 1996 Directors Plan. At June 30, 2004,  options
to purchase  136,295  shares under the 1996 Plan have been exercised and options
to purchase  182,731  shares have been  forfeited  (of which options to purchase
141,945  shares  have been  reissued).  At June 30,  2004,  options to  purchase
703,500  shares under the 1996 Directors Plan have been exercised and options to
purchase 40,000 shares have been forfeited (of which none have been reissued).

In October  1998,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  and, in January  1999,  the
shareholders  approved  the 1998  Employee  Stock  Option Plan (the "1998 Plan")
covering an  aggregate  of 500,000  shares of Common  Stock.  At June 30,  2004,
options to  purchase  440,877  shares  were  outstanding  under the 1998 Plan at
exercise  prices  ranging from $3.07 to $7.31 per share with a vesting period of
immediate to two years.  At June 30,  2004,  options to purchase  21,348  shares
under the 1998 Plan have been  exercised  and options to purchase  66,700 shares
under the 1998 Plan have been  forfeited  (of which  options to purchase  28,925
shares have been reissued).

In October  2000,  the Board of  Directors  adopted and, in February  2001,  the
shareholders  approved  the 2001  Employee  Stock  Option Plan (the "2001 Plan")
covering an  aggregate of 1,000,000  shares of Common  Stock.  At June 30, 2004,
options to purchase  791,444 shares were  outstanding  under the 2001 Plan at an
exercise  prices  ranging from $4.66 to $6.07 per share with a vesting period of
one to three years.  At June 30, 2004,  options to purchase  29,890 shares under
the 2001 Plan have been  exercised  and options to purchase  59,062 shares under
the 2001 Plan have been forfeited (of which no options have been reissued).

The selection of participants,  allotments of shares and  determination of price
and  other  conditions  relating  to  options  are  determined  by the  Board of
Directors or a committee thereof,  depending on the Plan, and in accordance with
Rule 4350(c) of the Qualitative Listing Requirements of the Nasdaq Stock Market.
Incentive  stock options granted under the plans are exercisable for a period of
up to ten years from the date of grant at an  exercise  price  which is not less
than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of the grant,  except
that  the  term of an  incentive  stock  option  granted  under  the  plans to a
shareholder  owning more than 10% of the outstanding Common Stock may not exceed
five years and its  exercise  price may not be less than 110% of the fair market
value of the Common Stock on the date of grant. Options shall become exercisable
at  such  time  and in  such  installments  as  provided  in the  terms  of each
individual option agreement.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

The following table summarizes  information  about stock options  outstanding at
June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002:

                                                      WEIGHTED AVG.
                                     SHARES          EXERCISE PRICE
            June 30, 2001           1,704,104           $     3.23
            Granted                   309,404                 6.07
            Exercised                 (58,250)                6.69
            Forfeited                 (21,045)                6.25
            June 30, 2002           1,934,213           $     6.64
            Granted                   353,000                 4.94
            Exercised                (553,500)                 .73
            Forfeited                (124,202)                5.57

            June 30, 2003           1,609,511           $     5.65
            Granted                   295,000                 4.73
            Exercised                 (82,588)                4.90
            Forfeited                 (31,683)                5.91

            June 30, 2004           1,790,240           $     5.53

The following table summarizes  information  about stock options  outstanding at
June 30, 2004:

                                   Options Outstanding                 Options Exercisable
                          --------------------------------------       -------------------
                                           Weighted  Average                      Weighted
                                           -----------------                       Average
   Range  of                         Contractual        Exercise                  Exercise
Exercise Price            Number      Life (Yrs)         Price         Number       Price
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$    .73                      75,000       3             $  .73        75,000      $  .73
$   3.07 -  4.99             435,500       9             $ 4.22       224,667      $ 3.85
$   5.06 -  7.57           1,254,740       6             $ 6.08     1,162,295      $ 6.13
$  12.33 - 18.50              25,000       3             $14.80        25,000      $14.80
                           1,790,240       7             $ 5.53     1,486,962      $ 5.66

As of June 30, 2004 and 2003,  1,790,240 and  1,609,511  shares are reserved for
issuance under  outstanding  options and 423,727 and 704,294 shares are reserved
for the granting of additional  options,  respectively.  All outstanding options
expire  between July 2006 and January 2014 and vest  immediately or over periods
of up to three years.

During fiscal year 2003, the Company  repurchased  shares of its Common Stock in
the open market. During fiscal year 2003, the Company had purchased 3,500 shares
at an average  price of $2.99 per share for an aggregate  amount of $10,450.  At
June 30, 2003,  the Company had purchased a total of 77,800 shares at an average
price of $5.30 per share for an aggregate amount of $412,424.


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003



The Company is a defendant in claims and lawsuits arising in the ordinary course
of  business.  The Company  believes  that it has  meritorious  defenses to such
claims and lawsuits and is vigorously  contesting them.  Although the outcome of
litigation  cannot be predicted with certainty,  the Company believes that these
actions will not have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's  consolidated
financial position or results of operations.


In October  2003,  the Company  entered into an  employment  agreement  with its
President and Chief  Executive  Officer which expires on October 31, 2004 and is
automatically  renewable  for  one-year  periods  unless  notice is given by the
Company or Mr.  McManus  that it or he  declines  to renew the  agreement.  This
agreement  provides  for an annual base  compensation  of $275,000 and a Company
provided  automobile.  The agreement  also provides for an annual bonus based on
the Company's  pre-tax  operating  earnings,  based on a calendar  year,  with a
minimum  guaranteed bonus of $250,000.  In 2003, Mr. McManus received a bonus of
$250,000,  which was paid in December. In 2002, Mr. McManus elected to receive a
bonus of $100,000,  which was paid in December. Mr. McManus elected to receive a
reduced bonus for such year due to the Company's  results.  Mr. McManus receives
additional  benefits  that are  generally  provided  to other  employees  of the


The Company  operates in two business  segments  which are  organized by product
types:  laboratory and scientific  products and medical devices.  Laboratory and
scientific  products include the Sonicator  ultrasonic  liquid  processor,  Aura
ductless  fume  enclosure,   the  Labcaire   Autoscope  and  Guardian  endoscope
disinfectant systems and the Mystaire wet scrubber.  Medical devices include the
Auto Sonix ultrasonic cutting and coagulatory system,  refurbishing  revenues of
high-performance  ultrasound systems and replacement transducers for the medical
diagnostic   ultrasound   industry,    ultrasonic    lithotriptor,    ultrasonic
neuroaspirator (used for neurosurgery) and soft tissue aspirator (used primarily
for the cosmetic surgery market).  The Company  evaluates the performance of the
segments  based upon  income from  operations  less  general and  administrative
expenses and litigation (recovery) settlement expenses,  which are maintained at
the corporate headquarters (corporate).  The Company does not allocate assets by
segment  as such  information  is not  provided  to the  chief  decision  maker.
Summarized  financial  information  for each of the segments for the years ended
June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002 are as follows:

For the year ended June 30, 2004:

                                 MEDICAL        LABORATORY AND       CORPORATE AND
                                 DEVICES      SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS     UNALLOCATED      TOTAL
Net sales                      $21,350,846        $17,708,220        $        --    $39,059,066
Cost of goods sold              11,879,237         10,663,226                 --     22,542,463
                               -----------        -----------                       -----------
Gross profit                     9,471,609          7,044,994                 --     16,516,603
Selling expenses                 2,150,482          2,511,524                 --      4,662,006
Research and development         1,580,909            856,843                 --      2,437,752
                               -----------        -----------                       -----------
Total operating expenses         3,731,391          3,368,367          7,633,930     14,733,688
                               -----------        -----------        -----------    -----------
Income from operations         $ 5,740,218        $ 3,676,627        $(7,633,930)   $ 1,782,915
                               ===========        ===========        ===========    ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative expenses


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

For the year ended June 30, 2003:

                                    MEDICAL       LABORATORY AND        CORPORATE AND
                                     DEVICES    SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS      UNALLOCATED       TOTAL
Net sales                         $17,504,978      $17,353,773          $        --     $34,858,751

Cost of goods sold                  9,725,617       10,628,941                   --      20,354,558
                                  -----------      -----------          -----------     -----------
Gross profit                        7,779,361        6,724,832                   --      14,504,193
Selling expenses                    1,406,543        2,725,534                   --       4,132,077
Research and development            1,400,336          708,976                   --       2,109,312
                                  -----------      -----------          -----------     -----------
Total operating expenses            2,806,879        3,434,510            6,678,653      12,920,042
                                  -----------      -----------          -----------     -----------
Income from operations            $ 4,972,482      $ 3,290,322          $(6,678,653)    $ 1,584,151
                                  ===========      ===========          ===========     ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.

For the year ended June 30, 2002:

                                    MEDICAL        LABORATORY AND       CORPORATE AND
                                     DEVICES     SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS     UNALLOCATED        TOTAL
Net sales                         $11,695,761       $17,894,692          $        --      $29,590,453
Cost of goods sold                  7,233,535        10,698,339                   --       17,931,874
                                  -----------       -----------          -----------      -----------
Gross profit                        4,462,226         7,196,353                   --       11,658,579
Selling expenses                    1,218,583         3,283,590                   --        4,502,173
Research and development            1,554,438           549,263                   --        2,103,701
                                  -----------       -----------          -----------      -----------
Total operating expenses            2,773,021         3,832,853            4,556,745       11,162,619
                                  -----------       -----------          -----------      -----------
Income from operations            $ 1,689,205       $ 3,363,500          $(4,556,745)     $   495,960
                                  ===========       ===========          ===========      ===========

      (a) Amount represents general and administrative and litigation settlement
(recovery) expenses.

There  are  two  major  customers  for  medical  devices.   Sales  to  USS  were
approximately $7,198,000, $6,205,000 and $4,060,000 for the years ended June 30,
2004,  2003  and  2002,   respectively.   Sales  to  Mentor  were  approximately
$1,732,000,  $536,000  and $97,000  during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2004,
2003 and 2002, respectively.  There were no significant  concentrations of sales
or accounts  receivable for  laboratory  and  scientific  products for the years
ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The  Company's  revenues are  generated  from various  geographic  regions.  The
following is an analysis of net sales by geographic region:

                                             Year ended June 30,
                                    2004            2003          2002
      United States             $25,261,159     $22,603,227     $19,272,670
      Canada                        565,872         446,307         230,567
      Mexico                        229,603           6,230          13,000
      United Kingdom              9,509,301       8,767,304       7,526,478
      Europe                      1,502,776       1,357,245         980,633
      Asia                        1,037,553       1,193,294         890,621
      Middle East                   325,365         139,501         146,387
      Other                         627,437         345,643         530,097
                                $39,059,066     $34,858,751     $29,590,453


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

Total assets, by geographic area, at June 30, are as follows:

                                 2004                 2003

      United States           $24,827,089          $21,742,113
      United Kingdom            9,414,023            8,052,476
                              $34,241,112          $29,794,589


Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the net tax effects of  temporary  differences
between the carrying  amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes.

The tax effects of temporary  differences that give rise to significant portions
of the deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented below:

                                                       2004           2003
      Deferred tax assets:
        Bad debt reserves                         $   116,508     $   184,436
        Inventory valuation                           503,809         267,324
        License fee income                            116,147         125,628
        Investments                                 2,563,292       2,485,583
        Non-cash compensation charge                  183,105         183,105
        Net federal operating loss carry forward           --         321,894
        Net state operating loss carry forward        159,962         323,005
        Depreciation                                    8,213           5,700
        Other                                          14,839          25,820
      Total deferred tax assets                     3,665,875       3,922,495
      Valuation allowance                          (2,608,293)     (2,582,225)
      Net deferred tax asset                      $ 1,057,582     $ 1,340,270

As of June 30, 2004,  the valuation  allowance was  determined by estimating the
recoverability  of the deferred tax assets.  In assessing the  realizability  of
deferred  tax assets,  management  considers  whether it is more likely than not
that some portion or all of the  deferred  tax assets will not be  realized.  In
making this  assessment,  the  ultimate  realization  of deferred  tax assets is
dependent  upon  the  generation  of  future  taxable  income  and tax  planning
strategies in making this  assessment.  Based on the level of historical  income
and projections for future taxable income over the periods in which the deferred
tax assets are deductible,  management  believes it is more likely than not that
the Company will realize the benefits of these  deductible  differences,  net of
the existing  valuation  allowances at June 30, 2004. The amount of the deferred
tax asset considered  realizable,  however, could be reduced in the near term if
estimates  of future  taxable  income  during the  carryforward  periods are not


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003

At June 30, 2004, the Company had a net operating loss  carryforward  ("NOL") of
approximately  $2,000,000  available  to reduce  future New York  state  taxable
income. This NOL begins to expire in fiscal year 2022.

In connection with the loss on impairment of equity investments,  which included
the carrying  value of the  investments  and related notes and  debentures,  the
Company recorded a deferred tax asset in the amount of $2,563,292 and $2,485,583
at June 30, 2004 and 2003,  respectively.  The Company recorded a full valuation
allowance  against the asset in accordance  with the provisions of SFAS No. 109.
Based  upon the  capital  nature of the  deferred  tax  asset and the  Company's
projections  for future  capital  gains in which the deferred tax asset would be
deductible, management did not deem it more likely than not that the asset would
be recoverable at June 30, 2004 and 2003.

During the fourth  quarter of fiscal  2003,  the  Company  recorded a  valuation
allowance  of $96,642  against the  deferred  tax asset  related to the non-cash
compensation  charge due to the recent  decline in the  Company's  stock  price.
During the fourth  quarter of fiscal  2004,  the Company  reduced the  valuation
allowance  by $51,641 due to the recent  increase in the  Company's  stock price
leaving a  valuation  allowance  of  $45,001.  With this  valuation,  management
believes  that it will  generate  taxable  income  sufficient to realize the tax
benefit associated with future deductible temporary differences.

Significant  components  of the income tax  expense  (benefit)  attributable  to
operations for the years ended June 30 are as follows:

                      2004            2003              2002
  Federal          $   801,297     $        --     $(1,797,906)
  State                 27,635          15,284              --
  Foreign              (42,964)         64,814         178,744
Total current          785,968          80,098      (1,619,162)

  Federal              206,307         702,695       1,969,113
  State                 76,381         102,999          34,230
Total deferred         282,688         805,694       2,003,343
                   $ 1,068,656     $   885,792     $   384,181

The  reconciliation  of income tax  expense  (benefit)  computed  at the Federal
statutory  tax rates to income tax expense  (benefit) for the periods ended June
30 is as follows:

                                           2004            2003          2002
      Tax at Federal statutory
        rates                          $   965,636    $   638,129   $   190,686
      State income taxes, net of
        Federal benefit                     68,651         23,098        22,592
      Foreign tax rate differential        (20,760)        (9,425)      (61,934)
      Valuation allowance                    8,862        218,305       333,406
      Travel and entertainment               6,524          4,140         3,384
      Other                                 39,743         11,545      (103,953)
                                       $ 1,068,656    $   885,792   $   384,181


                         Misonix, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                             June 30, 2004 and 2003


In  October  1996,  the  Company  entered  into a  License  Agreement  (the "USS
License") with USS for a twenty-year  period,  covering the further  development
and commercial  exploitation  of the Company's  medical  technology  relating to
ultrasonic  cutting,  which uses high  frequency  sound waves to  coagulate  and
divide tissue for both open and laproscopic surgery.

The USS License  gives USS  exclusive  worldwide  marketing and sales rights for
this  technology.  The  Company  received  $100,000  under the option  agreement
preceding the USS License.  This amount was recorded into income in fiscal 1997.
Under the USS  License,  the Company has  received  $475,000 in  licensing  fees
(which are being  recorded  as income  over the term of the USS  License),  plus
royalties  based upon net sales of such products.  Total royalties from sales of
this device were approximately $1,402,000,  $664,000 and $824,000 for the fiscal
years ended June 30, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.  Also as part of the USS
License, the Company was reimbursed for certain product development expenditures
(as defined in the USS License). The amount of reimbursement was $20,000 for the
year ended June 30, 2004.  There was no  reimbursement  for the years ended June
30, 2003 and 2002.

In June 2002,  the  Company  entered  into a ten-year  worldwide,  royalty-free,
distribution  agreement with Mentor for the sale,  marketing and distribution of
the Lysonix 2000 soft tissue aspirator used for cosmetic surgery. This agreement
is a standard  agreement for such  distribution in that it specifies the product
to be  distributed,  the  terms of the  agreement  and the  price to be paid for
product covered under the agreement.


The Company  sponsors a retirement  plan pursuant to Section  401(k) of the Code
for all full  time  employees.  Participants  may  contribute  a  percentage  of
compensation not to exceed the maximum allowed under the Code, which was $13,000
or $16,000 if the  employee was over 50 years of age for the year ended June 30,
2004. The plan provides for a matching contribution by the Company of 10%-25% of
annual eligible  compensation  contributed by the participants based on years of
service, which amounted to $90,785, $63,777 and $54,856 for the years ended June
30, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.


On July 14, 2004, Hearing Innovations sent all shareholders and creditors a plan
for  reorganization  and  disclosure  statement.  The Company  committed to fund
Hearing  Innovations  up  to  $150,000  for  the  reorganization  plan.  Hearing
Innovations  plans to file for relief  under  Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy
Code in September  2004. If the petition is approved,  the Company will own 100%
of the equity in Hearing Innovations.
