ICAD, INC.
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

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AGREEMENT,  entered into ___________ 20__ (the "Date of Grant"),  by and between
iCAD, Inc. (the "Company") and __________ ("Optionee").

WHEREAS,  the Company has adopted the 2001 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan")  which
authorizes  the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board") to select a
committee of disinterested persons (the "Committee"),  which Committee may grant
options to certain  board  members,  officers  and key  employees of the Company
under the Plan;

WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to give the Optionee an  inducement  to acquire a
proprietary  interest  in the  Company  and an added  incentive  to advance  the
interests  of the  Company by  granting  to the  Optionee  an option to purchase
shares of common stock of the Company.

THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the promises set forth below, the parties agree
as follows:


The Company hereby grants to the Optionee the right, privilege,  and option (the
"Option") to purchase _____ shares (the "Option Shares") of the Company's common
stock (the "Common Stock" or "Stock"), according to the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth below and in the plan.


The per share  price to be paid by  Optionee  in the event of an exercise of the
Option shall be $____.


The  Options  become  exercisable  in the  amounts and on the dates set forth on
Exhibit 1 hereto.

The right to exercise  the Options  shall be  cumulative.  However,  in no event
shall this Option be  exercisable  after 5:00 p.m.  (Nashua,  New  Hampshire USA
time) on the tenth  anniversary  of the Date of Grant.  At that time this Option
Agreement expires and becomes void.


      4.1.  Generally:  Regardless  of  what  Paragraph  3 says,  if  Optionee's
            relationship  with the Company  should be  terminated  other than by
            Death or  Disability  (as defined  below),  then  Optionee  only has
            ninety (90) days after the date of  termination  to  exercise  those
            Options  which  were  exercisable  on the date of  termination.  The
            exercise of an Option  under this  Paragraph  4.1 shall be deemed to
            have occurred one (1) day prior to the date of termination.

      4.2.  Death or  Disability:  In the  event of the Death or  Disability  of
            Optionee  prior to the  expiration  of this  Option,  the  following
            provisions shall apply:

            4.2.1 If Optionee,  at the time of Death or Disability,  is a member
                  of the  Company's  Board of Directors  (as  determined  by the
                  Committee  in its sole  discretion)  since  the Date of Grant,
                  then the Option may be exercised;  (i) by Optionee  within one
                  (1) year following the date Disability commenced,  but only to
                  the extent Optionee is entitled to exercise such Option on the
                  date his or her  Disability  commenced;  or (ii) by Optionee's
                  estate,  or by a person who acquired the right to exercise the
                  Option  because of  Optionee's  will or the laws of descent or
                  distribution,  within one (1) year from the date of Optionee's
                  Death, but only to the extent of which Optionee is entitled to
                  exercise  the Option at the date of Death.  For the purpose of
                  this Agreement,  the term "Disability"  shall have the meaning
                  given to it in section 22(e)(3) of the Code.  Whether Optionee
                  suffers a Disability  shall be  determined by the Committee in
                  its sole discretion.

            4.2.2 If  Optionee  dies  within  thirty (30) days after the date of
                  termination  from the Board of  Directors,  the  Option may be
                  exercised at any time within one (1) year  following  the date
                  of Death, by Optionee's estate or by a person who acquired the
                  right to exercise the Option because of Optionee's will or the
                  laws of  descent  or  distribution,  but  only  to the  extent
                  Optionee is  entitled  to  exercise  the Option at the date of

      4.3   Cancellation  of Options:  By giving written notice to the Optionee,
            the  Committee in its sole  discretion  may cancel this  Option,  in
            whole or in part,  in either  of the  following  circumstances:  (i)
            where  Optionee's  employment has been  terminated  for cause;  (ii)
            where Optionee enters into  competition  with the Company;  or (iii)
            upon failure of Optionee to achieve  performance  related  goals and
            objectives agreed in advance by Optionee and the Company.


      5.1   Notice:  Optionee may exercise this Option, in whole or in part from
            time to time,  subject to the  conditions  contained in the Plan and
            this Agreement,  by giving written notice of exercise to the Company
            at its  principal  exective  office.  That notice  must  specify the
            number of Option  Shares  with  respect to which the Option is being
            exercised.  Optionee must also pay in full the total  purchase price
            for the Option Shares purchased.  Subject to Paragraph 5.3 below, as
            soon as  practical  after  receipt of notice and  payment,  Optionee
            shall be  recorded  on the books of the  Company as the owner of the
            Option  Shares and the Company shall deliver to Optionee one or more
            duly issued stock  certificates  evidencing  such  ownership.  Until
            certificates for the Option Shares are issued to Optionee,  Optionee
            shall not have any rights as a shareholder.

      5.2   Payment:  Optionee  can pay the total  purchase  price of the Option
            Shares to be purchased  solely in cash or may ask the  Committee for
            permission to be allowed to pay either by transfer to the Company of
            previously  acquired  shares of Common  Stock of the Company  with a
            then  current  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value  equal  to such  total
            purchase price, or by a combination of cash and previously  acquired
            shares  of  Common  Stock.  For  purposes  of  the  Agreement;   (i)
            "Previously  Acquired Shares" shall mean only shares of Common Stock
            of the Company that are already owned by the Optionee at the time of
            exercise and (ii) "Fair Market  Value"  shall be  determined  as set
            forth in the Plan.

      5.3   Limitation on Obligation to Issue: The Company shall not be required
            to sell or issue  any  shares  under  this  Option  if,  in the sole
            opinion of the  Committee;  (i) the  issuance of such  shares  would
            constitute a violation by Optionee or the Company of any  applicable
            law or regulation including,  without limitation,  federal and state
            securities law, or (ii) the consent or approval of any  governmental
            body is necessary or  desirable in  connection  with the issuance of
            such shares.


Each certificate  representing any shares of Stock issued to Optionee  hereunder
may have endorsed thereon a legend in a form as may be determined by the Company
to be necessary, in its sole discretion, reflecting any limitations on resale.


      7.1   If the  Company  declares  a  stock  dividend  or a stock  split  is
            authorized, the number of Option Shares still outstanding under this
            Option shall be increased proportionately and the exercise price per
            share proportionately  decreases.  In the event the Company declares
            or authorizes a reverse stock split or  combination  of shares,  the
            number of Option  Shares  shall be  proportionately  reduced and the
            exercise price per share shall be proportionately increased.

      7.2   If the  Company's  Common  Stock  shall be changed  into a different
            class of shares or if, because of reorganization,  recapitalization,
            merger or  consolidation  it is  necessary  to  exchange  the Option
            Shares  for  shares  of  another   company,   then  the  appropriate
            substitution or exchange shall be made in the shares subject to this
            Option. The Committee may make such adjustments in the number, kind,
            exercise date of the Option Shares as is necessary. However, none of
            these  changes  shall  give  the  Optionee  additional  benefits  or
            increase the  differential  between the exercise  price and the Fair
            Market Value.

      7.3   If the Company is dissolved or liquidated,  or if the Company is not
            the surviving or resulting  corporation in connection  with a merger
            or  consolidation,  the Committee (in its sole discretion) may allow
            Optionee the right to exercise  this Option prior to the  occurrence
            of the event which would otherwise terminate this Option.


      Prior to making a disposition  (as defined in Section  425(c) of the Code)
      of any shares of Stock  acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of this Option
      before the  expiration  of two years after the Date of Grant or before the
      expiration  of one year after the date on which such  shares of Stock were
      transferred  to the  Optionee  pursuant to exercise  of this  Option,  the
      Optionee  shall send written notice to the Company of the proposed date of
      such  disposition,  the number of shares to be disposed  of, the amount of
      proceeds to be received from such  disposition  and any other  information
      relating to such disposition that the Company may reasonably request.


      This Option shall not be transferable by Optionee,  either  voluntarily or
      involuntarily, except by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and
      then only to the extent provided in Paragraph 4.2. Any attempt to transfer
      this Option  other than as  permitted  shall void the  Option.  The Option
      shall be exercisable during Optionee's lifetime only by Optionee.


      Nothing in this agreement  shall be construed to: (i) limit in any way the
      right of the  Company to  terminate  the  relationship  of Optionee at any
      time,  or (ii) be evidence of any agreement or  understanding,  express or
      implied, that the Company will employ Optionee in any particular position,
      at any particular  rate of  compensation  or for any particular  period of


      This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors,  administrators
      and successors of the parties hereto.


      This Agreement and all rights and  obligations in it shall be construed in
      accordance  with  the Plan and  governed  by the laws of the  State of New
      Hampshire. The parties hereto agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction
      of  courts  sitting  in the  State of New  Hampshire  for the  purpose  of
      resolving any dispute under this Agreement.


      This   Agreement   supersedes   any  prior   agreement,   discussions   or
      understandings  between the parties on the subject  matter covered by this


      Should any  provision  of the  Agreement be deemed by a court of competent
      jurisdiction to be unenforceable,  the remaining provisions shall continue
      to be in full force and effect.


      This  Agreement  may only be amended by written  agreement  signed by both
      parties, by amendment of the Plan or as provided for in the Plan document.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement  effective on the
Grant Date.



ITS:  Chief Executive Officer


Name Printed:

                                    EXHIBIT 1

NAME OF OPTIONEE:   _______________

DATE OF GRANT:  ___________, 20__




        Initial Date of Exercisability                 Number of Shares with respect
                                                        to which Option Is initially
         ___________, 200 [Date of Grant]                       ________  [1/3rd]

         __________, 200_[Date one year from
                         Date of Grant]                         ________ [1/3rd]

         ________, 200__ [Date two years from
                          Date of Grant]                        ________ [1/3rd]