Exhibit 10.6

                           [CATELLUS GROUP, LLC LOGO]

                               CATELLUS GROUP, LLC
                         REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SERVICES
                          220 East Boulevard, Suite 200
                               Charlotte, NC 28203
                                 (704) 332-7052

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG



                              A NEVADA CORPORATION

                                  PRESENTED BY:

                          STEPHEN D. BARKER, CCIM, SEC
                               CATELLUS GROUP LLC
                          220 EAST BOULEVARD, SUITE 200
                         CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28203

                                NOVEMBER 9, 2004


                           [CATELLUS GROUP, LLC LOGO]
                               CATELLUS GROUP, LLC
                         REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SERVICES
                          220 East Boulevard, Suite 200
                               Charlotte, NC 28203
                                 (704) 332-7052

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  dated  November  9,  2004,  by and among  SECURED
DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT,  LTD., a Nevada corporation whose address is 5030 Campus
Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660, ( hereinafter "Seller") and GRAND DAKOTA
MANAGEMENT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter  "Buyer"), and
assignee of STOW-AWAY SELF-STORAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina limited
partnership (hereinafter "Assignor").

                              PRELIMINARY RECITALS

Assignor and Seller  entered into a certain  Business and Real Estate  Leasehold
Interest  Purchase  Agreement  dated  July 7, 2004 (the  "Original  Agreement").
Assignor  assigned all of its interests and rights in the Original  Agreement to
Buyer  pursuant to an  Assignment  Agreement  of even date  herewith.  Buyer and
Seller  hereby  enter  into this  Agreement  for the  purpose  of  amending  and
restating the Original Agreement for all purposes.

Seller is engaged in a certain hospitality  business located at 532 15th Street,
Dickinson,  North Dakota (the "Business");  and Seller desires to sell to Buyer,
and Buyer desire to purchase from Seller,  the Business and including all of the
personal property, leasehold interest and assets required to own and operate the
Business,  excluding  the right to sell and the  business of selling or offering
for sale alcoholic  beverages ( the  "Alcoholic  Beverage  Business"),  upon the
terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained,  the
parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1


1.1  AGREEMENT  TO SELL.  At the  Closing  hereunder  (as  hereinafter  defined)
effective as of November 1, 2004 (the  "Effective  Date"),  and on the terms and
subject to the conditions  hereinafter set forth, Seller hereby sells,  conveys,
transfers,  assigns  and  delivers  to  Buyer,  free and  clear of all Liens (as
defined),  except as set forth on SCHEDULE  1.2 and Buyer hereby  purchases  and
acquires from Seller, the Business excluding the Alcoholic Beverage Business and
all of Seller's right,  title and interest in and to (a) the Business as a going
concern,  (b)  the  name  "The  Hospitality  Inn"  and all  goodwill  associated
therewith,  including the right to use this name in the name of the  corporation
or other entity selected by Buyer to conduct the Business after Closing, and (c)
all of the properties, assets and rights of Seller constituting the Business, or
used therein, of every kind and description, real, personal, mixed, tangible and
intangible, and which are used in or arise out of the conduct of the Business or
are considered to be assets of Seller wherever located and whether or not all or
any of said property and assets appear on or are reflected upon Seller's  books,
records  or  financial  statements,  which  Business,  name,  goodwill,  assets,
properties and rights are herein sometimes called the "Purchased  Assets" (other
than Excluded Assets as defined in SECTION 1.2), which PURCHASED ASSETS include,
by way of example and not by way of limitation:

         1.1.1  IMPROVEMENTS  AND TANGIBLE  PERSONAL  PROPERTY.  All  buildings,
         structures,  leasehold improvements,  fixtures,  machinery,  equipment,
         vehicles  (whether or not registered  under motor vehicle  registration
         laws), furniture,  furnishings and equipment,  goods and other personal
         property  of  Seller of every  type or kind  whether  or not  listed on
         SCHEDULE 1.1.1. All buildings,  structures,  leasehold improvements and


         fixtures conveyed herein are sometimes  referred to herein as the "Real
         Estate  Improvements."  The parties  hereto  agree that the Real Estate
         Improvements  shall be conveyed to Grand Dakota Partners LLC at Closing
         by warranty  deed.  In addition,  Seller agrees to provide Grand Dakota
         Partners  LLC with a quit  claim deed  conveying  its  interest  in the
         underlying fee interest, if any ;

         1.1.2 INVENTORIES AND SUPPLIES. All inventory of the Business, held for
         resale and display, and office and operating and other supplies whether
         or not any of the foregoing is listed on SCHEDULE 1.1.2;

         1.1.3 PREPAID ASSETS. All prepaid assets,  items and fees, expenses and
         costs of the Business;  excluding reimbursements for pre-paid insurance
         premiums  relating  to  periods  after  the  Effective  Date  listed on
         SCHEDULE 1.1.3;

         1.1.4  CONTRACT  RIGHTS.  All  agreements,   contracts  and  leases  of
         equipment and personal  property of the Business  specified on SCHEDULE
         1.1.4 as being assumed by Buyer;

         1.1.5  PROPRIETARY  RIGHTS.  Any and  all  service  marks,  trademarks,
         service mark and trademark registrations and applications, trade-names,
         logos, copyrights, and other licenses thereof, know-how, trade secrets,
         listings of past and presents customers,  potential customers, recorded
         knowledge,   business  plans,  performance  standards,  research  data,
         analyses  and  computer  software  programs,   sales  data,  sales  and
         advertising  materials,  scheduling  and  service  methods,  sales  and
         service  manuals  and all  other  proprietary,  confidential  and other
         similar  information  (in  whatever  form or  medium)  relating  to the
         conduct of the Business (collectively,  "Proprietary Rights") listed on
         SCHEDULE 1.1.5;

         1.1.6  REAL  ESTATE  LEASES.  All leases to real  property,  whether as
         Lessor or Lessee, as set out on SCHEDULE 1.1.6 wherein it is stipulated
         that such leases are being transferred to Buyer;

         1.1.7  RECORDS.  All  records,  files,  documents  and papers of Seller
         related to the conduct of the  Business,  including but not limited to,
         correspondence, customer records, customer lists and books of account;

         1.1.8  CLAIMS.  All causes of action,  claims,  rights of recovery  and
         set-off of every  kind and  character  pertaining  or  relating  to the
         Purchased  Assets,  including all insurance,  warranty and condemnation
         proceeds  received  after the  Effective  Date with  respect to damage,
         destruction or loss of any Purchased Assets arising after the Effective

         1.1.9  NAME  AND  GOODWILL.  The  name  "The  Hospitality  Inn" and all
         combinations  and variations  thereof,  and any other names utilized in
         the Business together with all goodwill  associated  therewith and with
         the Business;

         1.1.10 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  All rights under any patent,  trademark,
         service  mark,   trade  mark  or  copyright,   whether   registered  or
         unregistered, and any applications therefore and all methods, formulas,
         data bases, know how, inventions,  trade secrets and other intellectual
         property used in the Business or under development;

         1.1.11   COMPUTER   SOFTWARE.    All   computer   software   (including
         documentation and related object and source codes);

         1.1.12 CHOSES IN ACTION.  All rights or choses in action arising out of
         occurrences  before  or after the  Effective  Date,  including  without
         limitation,  all rights under express or implied warranties relating to
         the Purchased Assets;

         1.1.13 DOCUMENTATION.  All information,  files,  records,  data, plans,
         contracts  and  recorded  knowledge,  including  customer  and supplier
         lists, related to the foregoing.

1.2 EXCLUDED  ASSETS.  All other  properties  and assets owned or held by Seller
shall be  retained  by  Seller  and shall  not be sold or  transferred  to Buyer
hereunder, including, but not limited to, the following:

         1.2.1  ORGANIZATIONAL  RECORDS.   Seller's  formal  corporate  records,
         including its certificate of  incorporation,  by-laws,  corporate seal,
         minute books,  stock books and other records  having  exclusively to do
         with the corporate organization of Seller and the Business;

         1.2.2 RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. Seller's rights pursuant to or under
         this Agreement;

         1.2.3 ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE.  All accounts  receivable,  notes, bonds or
         other evidences of indebtedness  of any  corporation,  entity or person
         held by Seller relating to the Business  arising prior to the Effective
         Date,  including  any such  receivables  from  officers,  stockholders,
         employees and companies affiliated with Seller;

         1.2.4 CASH AND CASH  EQUIVALENTS.  Any and all cash and cash equivalent
         assets of the Business as of the Effective  Date,  including  rights to
         tax  refunds,  insurance  deposits or premiums  and rights to return of

         1.2.5 PERSONAL ITEMS. The personal items located at the Business;


         1.2.6  CERTAIN  CONTRACTS.  Rights under those  Contracts,  if any, set
         forth on SCHEDULE  1.2.6 and  designated  as not being assumed by Buyer

         1.2.7 REAL ESTATE LEASES. Certain leases to real property as set out on
         SCHEDULE 1.2.7 wherein it is stipulated  that such leases are not being
         transferred to Buyer;

         1.2.8 ACCESS TO RECORDS. Buyer shall retain the records of the Business
         that are  included  in the  Purchased  Assets  for a period of five (5)
         years  after  Closing  or, if  earlier,  until Buyer shall have sold or
         disposed of the Business, and during such period shall permit Seller to
         inspect such records  during normal  business hours upon seven (7) days
         prior request.  Seller shall retain all  organizational  records of the
         Business for a period of three (3) year after  Closing and shall permit
         Buyer to inspect such records and make copies and extracts thereof;

         1.2.9  EMPLOYMENT  RECORDS.  Buyer  shall  maintain  possession  of the
         employee  records  of the  Business  for a period of five (5) years and
         during such period Buyer may, upon seven (7) days prior request, review
         and make copies of such records during normal business hours;

1.2.10 ACCOUNT PAYABLES.  All obligations,  trade payable and other indebtedness
of Seller arising prior to the Effective Date; and

1.2.11 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE BUSINESS. Seller's license to sell and serve alcoholic
beverages and the Alcoholic Beverage Business

The  Purchased  Assets  shall be deemed to  include  property  and assets now in
existence  and those  hereafter  acquired  prior to the  Closing  (as defined in
Section  9.1 hereof)  excluding  only such items as may be disposed of by Seller
strictly in accordance with Section 6.1.1.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                                 PURCHASE PRICE

2.1 CLOSING  AMOUNTS.  The purchase  price to be paid by Buyer to Seller for the
Business and the Purchased Assets shall be EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND  ($800,000.00)
DOLLARS,  plus the dollar  value of Seller's  inventory  at the lower of cost or
current book value subject to the  allocations as described in SCHEDULE 2.1, and
the Closing  Adjustments  provided for by SECTION 9.6 hereof ("Purchase Price").
The parties will file Form 8594 with the  Internal  Revenue  Services  utilizing
such  allocations.  Buyer and Seller shall not treat the  allocation of Purchase
Price  inconsistently with the allocation under Section 2.1 and in no tax audit,
tax examination,  tax review or tax litigation will either Buyer or Seller claim
or assert that the allocation of the Purchase Price is or should be inconsistent
with Section 2.1 or was not separately bargained for at arm's length and in good
faith. The Purchase Price is composed of the components set out in Section 2.2.

2.2 PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE. The Purchase Price shall be paid as follows:

         2.2.1 CASH PORTION.  The Purchase  Price in the amount of THREE HUNDRED
         THOUSAND  AND  NO/100  DOLLARS  ($300,000.00)  plus the  Inventory  and
         Closing Adjustments  pursuant to Section 2.2.3 shall be paid in cash or
         other immediately available funds at Closing.

         2.2.2  PROPERTY  PORTION.  The  Purchase  Price in the  amount  of FIVE
         HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS  ($500,000.00) shall be paid by the
         conveyance  from the Buyer (or an  affiliate of Buyer) to the Seller of
         fee simple  title to an  approximate  1.6 acre parcel as more fully set
         forth on SCHEDULE 2.2.2(A) attached hereto (the "Dickinson  Property"),
         together with all rights, privileges, and easements appurtenant to such
         property, including all water and air rights, mineral rights, rights of
         way,  parking  areas,  roadbeds,  alleyways,  roadways,  easements  for
         vehicular, pedestrian and utility purposes and all other reversions and
         appurtenances used in connection therewith. The Dickinson Property will
         be  conveyed  by  special   warranty  deed  free  from  all  liens  and
         encumbrances  but  subject to the  Permitted  Exceptions  described  on
         SCHEDULE 2.2.2(B) attached and by reference made a part hereof.

         2.2.3  INVENTORY  PORTION  AND  CLOSING  ADJUSTMENTS.  The value of the
         Inventory  of the  Business  immediately  prior to the  Effective  Date
         valued at the lesser of its original cost or current net book value and
         the  Closing  Adjustments  (as defined in Section 9.6 shall be added to
         the  Purchase  Price  enumerated  in Section 2.1 above and paid in cash
         pursuant to Section 9.2.2; and

2. 3 ASSUMED  LIABILITIES.  Buyer shall not assume or agree to pay,  perform and
discharge  or in any  manner  be  responsible  for  any  debts,  obligations  or
liabilities of Seller or the Business of any kind or nature  whatsoever  arising
prior to the Effective Date.


2.4 ACCOUNTS  PAYABLE.  As of October 31, 2004,  Seller has outstanding  certain
obligations, trade payable and other indebtedness, including but not limited to,
the accounts payable set forth Schedule 2.4 (the  "Obligations").  Seller agrees
that if  Buyer,  in its  reasonable  commercial  judgment,  pays any part of the
Obligations  to protect  its  business  opportunity  or so that such vendor will
continue  supplying  services  and/or  products  to  Buyer,  then  Seller  shall
reimburse  Buyer for such payment within fifteen (15) days of receipt of written
notice from Buyer.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                                  REVIEW RIGHTS

3.1 BUYER'S  INSPECTIONS.  Until November 12, 2004 (the "Review Period"),  Buyer
and its authorized contractors,  engineers,  inspectors, agents, representatives
and  employees  shall  be  entitled  to  go  upon  the  Property  to  make  such
inspections,  examinations,  surveys, tests and other studies as may be required
by Buyer,  including,  without limitation:  environmental audits and surveys the
Purchased  Assets;  and inspections of the roofs and the structural,  mechanical
and other  components  (including,  but not  limited  to,  mechanical,  heating,
cooling, electrical and plumbing systems) of all Improvements leased or occupied
by the  Business.  Buyer  shall  indemnify  and hold  Seller  harmless  from any
liability,  claims,  damages or expenses (including  reasonable attorneys' fees)
proximately caused by its activities  pursuant to the aforesaid permitted entry;
provided, however, it is acknowledged that if Buyer or its contractors,  agents,
representatives or employees,  as a result of its or their  environmental  audit
activities,  may be  required  to  report  certain  facts and  circumstances  to
governmental agencies having jurisdiction in respect of such matters, then it is
agreed that the  aforesaid  indemnity  shall not extend to or cover  liabilities
arising  out of any  such  report.  Seller  agrees  that  Buyer  shall  incur no
obligations  other than as set out in this  subparagraph by virtue of exercising
any rights herein  granted,  and no exercise  hereof shall diminish or otherwise
affect any representations made by Seller in this Agreement,  including, without
limitation,  the  representations  as to the  condition  of the  structural  and
mechanical elements of the Improvements hereinafter set out.

         3.1.1    DELIVERIES FOR INSPECTION.  Seller has delivered to Buyer, and
                  Buyer acknowledges receipt of, the following:

          REVIEW OF PLANS AND  SPECIFICATIONS.  Buyer  (and its
                           contractors and  representatives)  with Seller's full
                           cooperation shall be entitled to review and reproduce
                           all of the Plans and  Specifications  from  which any
                           Improvements  owned or occupied by the Business  were
                           constructed  or  renovated,  including  all  building
                           permits,  curb  cuts,  utility  agreements  and other
                           documentation  relating to the  construction  of such
                           Improvements (all plans and  specification  have been
                           delivered  to Buyer as of the date of the  opening of

                           and  significant  correspondence  with  any  state or
                           federal  regulatory  agencies  during  the past  five

          PERMITS  AND  LICENSES.   All  material  governmental
                           permits and licenses of the Business.

3.2 DELIVERY OF SELLER  MATERIAL  AGREEMENTS.  Seller has delivered to Buyer all
material  agreements,   contracts  or  commitments  relating  to  the  Business,

         3.2.1 Personnel  policy manuals and literature  relating to all current
         programs  and  benefits  and  relating to programs  and  benefits to be
         proposed or implemented in the future;

         3.2.2 All agreements,  indentures,  or other  instruments which contain
         restrictions  with respect to the sale or other  transfer of a material
         portion of the Purchased Assets or properties;

         3.2.3 All  agreements,  contracts  or  commitments  relating to capital
         expenditures  or the  leasing,  sale,  distribution  or purchase of any
         products or services;

         3.2.4 All licensing agreements,  franchise agreements, equipment leases
         and conditional sales contracts;

         3.2.5 All loan  agreements and all  documentation  relating to loans or
         advances to, or investments in, any other person, firm,  corporation or
         other entity, and any agreements,  contracts or commitments relating to
         the making of any such loan, advance or investment;

         3.2.6 All guarantees in respect of any  indebtedness  or any obligation
         of any other person (other than endorsements of negotiable  instruments
         for collection in the ordinary course of business);

         3.2.7  All  management,  service,  consulting  and other  similar  type

         3.2.8 All joint  venture  and  partnership  agreements  relating to the

         3.2.9 All  mortgages  and deeds of trust  relating  to the  Business to
         which  Seller  is a party  or  which  cover  property  included  in the
         Purchased Assets;


         3.2.10 All deeds to real  estate  used in the  Business  together  with
         title reports and title insurance  policies relating thereto and copies
         of all surveys of any such property;

         3.2.11 All agreements, contracts or commitments which involve or create
         an  obligation  of the  Business  of  $5,000.00  or  more  and  are not
         cancelable without penalty or costs within thirty days;

         3.2.12 All agreements, contracts or commitments limiting the freedom of
         the  Business to engage in any line of business or to compete  with any
         other person;

         3.2.13 All agreement, contracts, instruments, judgments or decrees that
         materially  adversely  affect the  business  practices,  operations  or
         conditions of the Business or any of the Purchase  Assets or that would
         impair or prevent the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by
         this Agreement;

         3.2.14  All  leases  of real  and  personal  property  relating  to the
         Business to which the Seller is a party either as lessor or lessee;

         3.2.15 A schedule of all insurance  policies carried by Seller relating
         to the Business as to each policy indicating the insurer, the amount of
         insurance, the items, lives or property thereby insured, the expiration
         date, the premium and all mortgagees;

         3.2.16 A schedule of all patents,  patent applications,  service marks,
         trademarks,  trade names,  brands and  copyrights  owned or licensed by
         Seller relating to the Business;

         3.2.17 All contracts and agreements  with or pertaining to the Business
         and to which any  directors,  officers or owners of more than 5% of the
         stock of Seller are parties;

         3.2.18 All  documents  relating  to any other  transaction  between the
         Business and any  directors,  officers or owners of more than 5% of the
         stock of Seller; and

         3.2.19 All documents pertaining to any receivables of the Business from
         or payable to any directors,  officers or owners of more than 5% of the
         stock of Seller.

3.3  OTHER   DOCUMENTS.   Seller  has  delivered  to  Buyer,   all   litigation,
administrative  proceedings or governmental  investigations or inquiries pending
or threatened,  affecting the Business or any of the Purchased Assets, including
but not limited to;

         3.3.1   Information   regarding   compliance  with  federal  and  state
         environmental  protection acts,  including copies of all  environmental
         permits  necessary  for  the  operation  of the  Business;  information
         regarding claims under environmental protection laws and all notices of
         violation with respect thereto,  including any claims under and notices
         of violation with respect to the Comprehensive  Environmental Response,
         Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA") and the Resource Conservation
         and Recovery Act ("RCRA");  if applicable,  the CERCLA  notification of
         hazardous substance disposal areas used by Seller and any RCRA or state
         law notices of underground  storage tanks;  information  regarding OSHA
         citations and outstanding enforcement actions.

         3.3.2 Information  regarding the generation,  treatment and disposal of
         hazardous substances and/or solid wastes;  history of all problems with
         pollution   control   and    environmental    contamination   and   all
         communications  with  federal  or  state  environmental  agencies  with
         respect thereto.

         3.3.3 All consent decrees,  judgments,  administrative and other orders
         or decrees,  settlement  agreements  and other  agreements,  if any, to
         which the  Business is a party or is bound that  requires or  prohibits
         any future actions or activities.

         3.3.4 A schedule of major  suppliers  and  customers,  giving the name,
         address, contact person and annual dollar amounts purchased or sold.

         3.3.6 Backlog and order records.


                                    ARTICLE 4


Seller  hereby   represents   and  warrants  to  Buyer  as  follows,   all  such
representations  and  warranties  as  conditioned  or qualified by the Schedules
attached hereto:

corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing,  and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Nevada and has full corporate  power and authority to carry
on the Business as now conducted  and to own and operate the  Purchased  Assets.
Seller has full  corporate  power and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  this
Agreement  and  the  other  agreements   contemplated  hereby,  to  perform  its
obligations  hereunder  and  there  under  and to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and  thereby.  To the best of  Seller's  's  knowledge  and
belief,  Seller is not  required to be qualified or licensed to do business as a
foreign corporation in any jurisdiction(s) outside the State of Nevada except as
set forth in SCHEDULE 4.1. The Articles of  Incorporation  and By-laws of Seller
furnished to Buyer reflect all  amendments  thereto and are correct and complete
in all material respects and have not been amended or modified in any respect.

4.2 CORPORATE  AUTHORIZATION.  The execution and delivery of this  Agreement and
the other  agreements  contemplated  hereby and the performance by Seller of its
obligations hereunder and there under have been, or by the Closing Date will be,
duly authorized by all necessary  corporate action and no other corporate act or
proceeding on the part of Seller or its Board of Directors which is necessary to
authorize the execution,  delivery or performance by Seller of this Agreement or
any other agreement  contemplated hereby or the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby or thereby. This Agreement has been duly executed by Seller,
and  constitutes,   and  the  other  agreements  contemplated  hereby,  and  the
instruments and documents to be delivered by Seller hereunder,  also constitute,
the legal,  valid and binding  obligations  of each of Seller and is enforceable
against the Seller in accordance with their respective terms.

4.3  VALIDITY  OF  CONTEMPLATED  TRANSACTIONS.   The  execution,   delivery  and
performance  of this  Agreement  by the  Seller  does not and will not  violate,
conflict with or result in the breach of any term,  condition,  or provision of,
ore  require  the  consent of any other  person  under,  (a) any  existing  law,
ordinance or governmental rule or regulation to which Seller is subject, (b) any
judgment, order, writ, injunction,  decree, or award of any court, arbitrator or
governmental  or regulatory  official,  body or authority which is applicable to
Seller,  (c) the charter documents of Seller or any securities issued by Seller,
(d) any mortgage, deed of trust, indenture,  agreement,  contract,  lease, plan,
authorization or other instrument, document, or understanding,  oral or written,
relating to the Business to which  Seller is a party,  by which the Business may
have  rights or by which the  Business or the  Purchased  Assets may be bound or
affected  or give any party  with  rights  there  under the right to  terminate,
modify,  accelerate or otherwise  change the existing  rights or  obligations of
Seller there under. Except as aforesaid,  no authorization,  approval or consent
of, and no registration or filing with, any governmental or regulatory official,
body or authority is required in connection  with the  execution,  delivery,  or
performance of this Agreement by Seller.

4.4 ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. Seller has no liabilities or obligations
with  respect to the  Business,  direct or  indirect,  matured or  unmatured  or
absolute, contingent or otherwise, except:

         4.4.1 those  liabilities  or  obligations  set forth on the most recent
         financial  statements  of Seller  delivered to and initialed by Buyer's
         representative and not heretofore paid or discharged;

         4.4.2 liabilities  arising in the ordinary course of business under any
         agreement,  contract,  commitment, lease or plan specifically disclosed
         to Buyer on SCHEDULE 4.4.2;

         4.4.3 those liabilities or obligations incurred, consistently with past
         business practice,  in or as a result of the normal and ordinary course
         of business since the date of the most recent  financial  statements of
         Seller delivered to and initialed by Buyer's representative.

For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "liabilities"  shall include,  without
limitation, any direct or indirect indebtedness,  guaranty,  endorsement, claim,
loss, damage, deficiency, cost, expense, obligation or responsibility,  fixed or
unfixed,  known  or  unknown,  asserted  or  unasserted,   choate  or  inchoate,
liquidated or unliquidated, secured or unsecured.

4.5 NO ILLEGAL  PAYMENTS.  With respect to the Business,  Seller has not made or
committed to make any bribe, kickback payments or other illegal payments.

4.6 NO CONTRACT  MODIFICATION.  No party  (including  Seller)  has  accelerated,
terminated,  modified,  or canceled  any  contract,  lease,  sublease,  license,
sublicense or other agreement set forth on the Schedules attached hereto.

4.7 TITLE TO PURCHASED  ASSETS.  Except for the Excluded  Assets,  the Purchased
Assets constitute all of the property and assets which are used in or considered
part of the  Business as presently  conducted  and all assets which were used to
conduct the  Business  since the date of the Latest  Balance  Sheet,  other than
assets  sold or  disposed in the  ordinary  course of business to  nonaffiliated
third  parties.  Except as set forth in  SCHEDULE  4.7.1,  Seller  owns good and
marketable  title,  free and clear of all Liens (as defined below) to all of its
properties and assets,  real, personal and mixed, which would be included in the
Purchased  Assets if the Closing  took place on the date  hereof,  which  Seller


purports  to own,  including  without  limitation  all of the real and  personal
property and assets shown on the latest Balance Sheet or acquired thereafter and
all real,  intangible and personal property and assets of Seller included within
the Purchased Assets.  Seller has the right to convey,  and upon consummation of
the transactions  which are the subject of this Agreement,  Buyer will be vested
with good and marketable  title to the Purchased  Assets,  free and clear of all
liens, mortgages,  charges,  security interests,  pledges, or other encumbrances
(collectively, "Liens").

4.8 INVENTORY.  The  inventories of the Business are in a good and  merchantable
condition  and  quality;  consists  substantially  of a  quality,  quantity  and
condition useable,  leasable and saleable in the ordinary course of business; is
valued  at  reasonable  amounts  based  on  costs;  and  is not  subject  to any
write-down  or write-off.  Seller is not under any liability or obligation  with
respect to the return of inventory in the possession of  wholesalers,  retailers
or customers.  None such inventory is of a type which is not utilized or readily
useable in conducting the Business as of the date hereof.

4.9 NO PATENTS,  TRADEMARKS,  ETC. The Business has no patents and no registered
trademarks  or service  marks.  The Business has not  trademark or service mark,
trade  name and logo.  The Seller has no other  copyrights,  licenses  and other
similar rights.

4.10  CONTRACTS  AND  AGREEMENTS.  SCHEDULE  4.10  identifies  every  agreement,
license,  lease and  contract,  written or oral, to which Seller is a party that
relates to the  Business  and/or the  Purchased  Assets (the  "Contracts"),  and
except as disclosed on SCHEDULE  4.10, all of such Contracts may be assigned and
transferred  to  Buyer  without  the  consent,  approval,   novation  or  waiver
(collectively,  "Defined  Consents") of any party to such  contract  (other than
Seller) or any other third party or governmental  authority or  instrumentality.
To the best of Seller's  knowledge or belief,  Seller is not in default,  and no
event has  occurred  which with the  giving of notice or the  passage of time or
both would  constitute a default,  under any Contract made or obligation owed by
Seller with respect to its Business or the Purchased  Assets which default would
adversely affect, either individually or together with such other defaults,  the
financial condition,  assets or properties of Seller and no default and no event
has  occurred  which  with the  giving of notice or the  passage of time or both
would constitute a default by any other party to any such Contract or agreement.
Seller  has  furnished  to Buyer  accurate  and  complete  copies  of all of the
agreements and Contracts  referred to in the first sentence of this SECTION 4.10
and a summary of all oral agreements and contracts so listed.

4.11 LICENSES AND PERMITS. Seller holds all the permits, licenses (including any
licenses held by any employees  pertaining  to the  Business),  and approvals of
governmental  authorities  and agencies  necessary or desirable  for the current
conduct of the Business and the ownership,  use, occupancy,  or operation of the
Purchased  Assets,  all of which are  identified on SCHEDULE  4.11  ("Permits").
Without limitation of the foregoing,  Seller holds all such Permits which relate
specifically  to, are unique to, or are  otherwise  required  for the  Business.
Seller,  the  Business  and the  Purchased  Assets are in  compliance  with such
Permits and Seller has received no notices to the contrary.  Except as disclosed
in SCHEDULE 4.12, each of the Permits is freely transferable and will constitute
party of the Purchased Assets.

4.12  COMPLIANCE  WITH LAWS.  Except as set forth in SCHEDULE  4.12,  Seller has
complied  with  each,  and  is not in  violation  of  any,  law,  ordinance,  or
governmental or regulatory rule or regulation,  whether federal, state, local or
foreign,   to  which  the   Business  or  the   Purchased   Assets  are  subject
("Regulations").  Seller own, holds, possesses or lawfully uses in the operation
of  the  Business  all  franchises,   licenses,  permits,   easements,   rights,
applications, filings, registrations and other authorizations ("Authorizations")
which are in any manner  necessary  for it to  conduct  its  business  as now or
previously  conducted or for the ownership  and use of the  Purchased  Assets or
used  buy  Seller  of the  Business,  free  and  clear  of all  liens,  charges,
restrictions and  encumbrances and in compliance with all Regulations.  All such
Authorizations  are listed and  described  on  SCHEDULE  4.12.  Seller is not in
default,  nor has it received any notice of any claim of default,  regarding any
such  Authorization.  All such Authorizations are renewable by their terms or in
the  ordinary  course of  business  without  the need to comply with any special
qualifications  procedures or to pay any amounts other than routine filing fees.
None of such  Authorizations  will be adversely  affected by consummation of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby.  No  director,  officer,  employee or former
director,  officer or employee of Seller owns or has any proprietary,  financial
or other interest (direct or indirect) in any  Authorization  which Seller owns,
possesses  or  uses  in the  operation  of  the  Business  as now or  previously

4.13, Seller is not a party to or obligated in connection with its Business with
respect to any (a)  outstanding  contracts  with  current  or former  employees,
agents, consultants,  advisers,  salesmen, sales representatives,  distributors,
sales agents or dealers or (b)  collective  bargaining  agreements  or contracts
with any  labor  union or other  representative  of  employees  or any  employee
benefits  provided for by any such agreement.  Seller has furnished Buyer with a
true and  complete  copy of each  document  listed in SCHEDULE  4.13.  Except as
listed in SCHEDULE 4.13, no strike, union organizational  activity,  allegation,
charge or complaint of employment discrimination or other similar occurrence has
occurred  during  Seller's past five  completed  fiscal years,  or is pending or
threatened  against  Seller;  nor  does  Seller  know  any  basis  for any  such
allegation,  charge, or complaint. Except as listed in SCHEDULE 4.13, Seller has
complied with all applicable laws relating to the employment of labor, including
provisions  thereof  relating to wages,  hours,  equal  opportunity,  collective
bargaining and the payment of social security and other taxes.  Except as listed
on SCHEDULE 4.13 there are no administrative charges or court complaints pending
or, to Seller's best  knowledge,  threatened  against the Seller before the U.S.
Equal Employment  Opportunity Commission or any state or federal court of agency
concerning alleged employment discrimination or any other matter relating to the


employment of labor. Except as listed in SCHEDULE 4.13, there is no unfair labor
practice  charge or complaint  pending or threatened  against  Seller before the
National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB") or any similar state or local body.

4.14  EMPLOYEE  SALARIES.  Attached  hereto as  SCHEDULE  4.14 is a correct  and
complete list setting forth (i) the names and current  salaries of the employees
of the Business,  regardless of the amount of annual compensation,  and (ii) the
names and total annual  compensation for all independent  contractors who render
services on a regular basis to the Business whose current annual compensation is
$10,000 or more.  Except as listed in SCHEDULE  4.14 the Business has no promise
to any employee orally or in writing of any bonus or increase in compensation or
a general  increase  or change in any  Employee  Benefit  Plan,  whether  or not
legally binding.

4.15 LITIGATION. Except as described in SCHEDULE 4.15 to the best of Seller's 's
knowledge  and  belief,  there  is  no  claim,   counter-claim,   action,  suit,
arbitration,  other proceeding or governmental  investigation pending before any
court,  arbitrator  or  governmental  ore  regulatory  official  or, to the best
knowledge of Seller,  threatened  against or involving Seller with respect to or
affecting  the  Business  or Purchase  Assets or  relating  to the  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  before any court,  agency,  commission,  board, bureau or
other governmental body or instrumentality.  Seller does not know of or have any
reasonable  grounds  to know of any  basis  for any such  claim,  action,  suit,
proceeding or governmental investigation. Neither the Business nor the Purchased
Assets is  directly  subject to or affected  by any order,  judgment,  decree or
ruling of any court or governmental agency.  Seller has not received any opinion
or memorandum or legal advice from legal counsel to the effect that the Business
is exposed, from a legal standpoint,  to any liability or disadvantage which may
be material to Seller, the Business or the Purchased Assets.

4.16 TAXES.  Except as listed on SCHEDULE  4.16 all taxes due and payable by the
Seller with respect to the Business or Purchased  Assets have been paid in full.
Seller has timely paid all taxes and filed all federal, state, county, local and
foreign tax returns (including  without limitation all income tax,  unemployment
compensation,  social  security,  payroll,  sales  and use,  excise,  privilege,
property, ad valorem, franchise, license, school, water and sewer, and other tax
or similar  governmental charge) which it is required to have paid and filed the
returns with  respect  thereto,  and such returns are complete and correct.  Any
deficiencies proposed as a result of any federal state or local audits have been
paid or  settled,  and there are no  present  disputes  as to taxes  payable  by
Seller.  There are no unexpired  waivers by Seller of any statute of limitations
with  respect  to any  taxes,  and  Seller  is not a  party  to  any  action  or
proceedings  by any  governmental  authority for the collection or assessment of

4.17 NO LEGAL OBSTRUCTION.  All consents and approvals by governmental  agencies
that are required for the  consummation of transactions  contemplated  hereby or
the other agreements  contemplated  hereby or by third parties that are required
in order to  prevent a breach  of,  or a  default  under,  or a  termination  or
modification of, any instrument, contract, lease or other agreement to which the
Purchased  Assets are  subject,  and  releases  of all Liens,  charges and other
restrictions on the Purchased Assets, have been obtained on terms and conditions
no less favorable to Buyer than they are to Seller.

4.18  INSURANCE  POLICIES.  Attached  hereto as SCHEDULE  4.18 are copies of all
insurance policies which include policy numbers, names and addresses of insurers
and expiration dates, of all insurance  policies owned by Seller with respect to
the  Business  or the  Purchased  Assets.  Such  policies  are in full force and
effect,  and there is no  existing  default or event  which,  with the giving of
notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a default there under.  Seller
has not  received  any notice of (i)  cancellation  or intent to cancel or, (ii)
increase  or  intent  to  increase  premiums,  with  respect  to such  insurance
policies.  Seller has not been refused any insurance,  nor has its coverage been
limited, by any insurance carrier during the past five years. SCHEDULE 4.18 also
contains  a  true  and  complete  description  of all  bonds  and  other  surety
arrangements issued or entered into in connection with the business,  assets and
liabilities of Seller, if any.

SCHEDULE  4.19,  neither the Seller nor any of its  affiliates has any direct or
indirect interest in any competitor,  supplier or customer of the Business or in
any person from whom or to whom the Seller leases any real or personal  property
or in any other  person with whom the Seller has any business  relationship.  An
affiliate means any person or entity controlling,  controlled by or under common
contract with Seller.

hereby  represents  and warrants to Buyer,  their heirs,  successors and assigns

         4.20.1 To the best of its knowledge,  there are no violations regarding
         the  Purchased  Assets of any  federal,  state or local  statute,  law,
         ordinance,  code,  or regulation  that creates  standards of conduct or
         imposes   liability   concerning   petroleum   products,    flammables,
         explosives,  radioactive  materials,  and any other  hazardous,  toxic,
         explosive,   or  other  dangerous   wastes,   substances  or  materials
         ("Hazardous Materials"); and

         4.20.2 During the period of Seller's  ownership of the Purchased Assets
         (up to and including  the Effective  Date) there has been no litigation
         brought or threatened against Seller nor any settlements  reached by or
         with any party or parties alleging the presence,  disposal,  release or
         threatened  release of any  Hazardous  Materials in, from, or under the
         premises on which the Purchased Assets is located.


4.21 SURVIVAL.  All  representation and warranties made Seller in this Agreement
or any certificate,  schedule, statement, document or instrument furnished or to
be furnished to Buyer pursuant  hereto,  or in connection with the  negotiation,
execution  or  performance  of this  Agreement  shall  survive the Closing for a
period of three (3) years.  Notwithstanding  any investigation,  audit or review
conducted  before or after  Closing,  Buyer  shall be  entitled to rely upon the
representations and warranties set forth herein and therein.

4.22  DISCLOSURE.  To the best of Seller's  knowledge  and belief,  neither this
ARTICLE 4 nor any writing  delivered by Seller to Buyer in  connection  with the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  contains any untrue  statement of a material
fact or omits a material fact necessary to make the statements  contained herein
and  therein,  in light  of the  circumstances  in which  they  were  made,  not
misleading.  There is no  material  fact which has not been  disclosed  to Buyer
which  materially  adversely  affects  or could  reasonably  be  anticipated  to
materially  adversely  affect the Business or the  Purchased  Assets or Seller's
ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

4.23 CONDITIONS  AFFECTING SELLER.  There is no fact,  development or threatened
development with respect to the markets, products, services, clients, customers,
facilities,   computer  software  data  bases,  personnel,  vendors,  suppliers,
operations, assets, or prospects of the Business which are known to Seller which
would materially  adversely affect the business,  operations or prospects of the
Business  considered  as a whole,  other than such  conditions as may affect the
economy generally.  Seller has used its best efforts to keep available for Buyer
the services of the employees,  agent, customers and suppliers of Seller who are
active  in the  conduct  of the  Business.  Seller  does not have any  reason to
believe  that any loss of any  employee,  agent,  customer  or supplier or other
advantageous  arrangement  will  result  because  of  the  consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

4.24  CONDITION  OF TANGIBLE  ASSETS.  All  buildings,  structures,  facilities,
equipment and other material  items of tangible  property and assets which could
be included in the Purchased Assets if the Closing took place on the date hereof
are in good operating condition and repair, subject to normal wear and tear, are
useable in the  regular  and  ordinary  course of  business  and  conform to all
applicable laws,  ordinances,  codes,  rules and regulations and  Authorizations
relating to their construction,  use and operation and none of the said tangible
assets require any repair or replacement  except for maintenance in the ordinary
course of Seller's  operations.  No person  other than Seller has any  ownership
interest in any of the Seller's  tangible  assets  unless  disclosed on SCHEDULE
4.24 attached to this Agreement.

4.25 LEASES.  All leases of real and personal  property leased by the Seller and
utilized in the  Business,  including  all such leases with  related  parties or
affiliates  are  listed on  SCHEDULE  4.25,  which  Schedule  lists the name and
address of each  landlord  or sub  landlord,  and as to each lease or  sublease,
itemizes  the  description   and  square  footage  of  the  leased  space,   the
commencement  and expiration date or each lease term, all renewal  options,  the
rent  rates  (including  base  rent  and all  additional  rents  [and  how  such
additional rents are computed or derived]) for the initial and all renewal terms
of lease,  the security  deposit made by Seller,  whether Seller may assign each
such lease to Buyer, and whether Seller must obtain the consent of its lessor or
any other  person to the  assignment  of the lease to Buyer.  Within sixty (60))
days of the date Seller has received a fully  executed  copy of this  Agreement,
Seller shall  deliver to Buyer  accurate and complete  copies of all such leases
and subleases. As to each such lease:

                  (i) Seller enjoys  peaceful and undisturbed  possession  under
                  each  such of the  leases,  and each  such  Lease  is,  and at
                  Closing  shall be, in full  force and  effect and has not been
                  assigned,  modified,  supplemented  or  amended,  and  neither
                  Seller  nor the  landlord  or sub  landlord  from whom  Seller
                  leases such  premises is in default,  and no state of facts or
                  circumstance  exists  which,  with the  giving  of  notice  or
                  passage of time,  or both,  would permit such  landlord or sub
                  landlord to  terminate  the lease or claim the right to invoke
                  any  remedy  available  under  the  lease  or at law  upon the
                  occurrence of default by Seller;

                  (ii) The real  property  which  Seller  possesses  under  such
                  leases is in good condition and repair with adequate plumbing,
                  heating and air  conditioning  and with access to public roads
                  and  adequate  public  utility  service  as  required  for the
                  conduct of the Business;

                  (iii) At  Closing,  Seller  shall  assign to Buyer all  right,
                  title and  interest  of Seller in and to all  Leases and shall
                  deliver to Buyer original copies of all consents  required for
                  such assignments;

                  (iv) Seller has received no oral or written notice, an has not
                  reason to believe, that any governmental body having the power
                  of  eminent  domain  over any  premises  leased by Seller  has
                  commenced or intends to exercise its power of eminent  domain;
                  and, if any leasehold to be assigned or transferred  hereunder
                  is hereafter taken by eminent  domain,  or is threatened to be
                  taken or notice of any such taking is given, prior to Closing,
                  then Buyer may elect to terminate this Agreement;  provided if
                  Buyer does not  terminate,  then (a) Buyer shall have the sole
                  right, in the name of Seller, to negotiate for, claim, contest
                  and receive all damages on account  thereof,  (b) Seller shall
                  be relieved of its  obligation  to transfer  the  leasehold to
                  Buyer,  (c) at Closing,  Seller  shall  assign to Buyer all of
                  Seller's  rights to damages  payable for such taking or injury
                  to  such   premises   and  shall  pay  to  Buyer  all  damages


                  theretofore  paid  to  Seller  by  reason  thereof,   and  (d)
                  following  Closing,  Seller  shall  give  Buyer  such  further
                  assurances  of such rights and  assignments  as Buyer may from
                  time to time reasonable request;

                  (v) All  premises  leased by Seller  and used in the  Business
                  comply with the Regulations of all governmental  bodies having
                  jurisdiction  thereof;  and Seller has  received  no notices ,
                  oral or written, from any governmental body, and has no reason
                  to believe,  that any leased  premises  or the uses  conducted
                  thereon   or   therein,   violate   any   Regulations   having
                  jurisdiction there over;

                  (vi)  Between the date hereof and  Closing,  Seller  shall not
                  encumber  or  transfer  or suffer the  transfer  of any of its
                  leased  premises  and  shall  not do or  permit  any act which
                  diminishes the title to or value of any such leased premises

4.26 REPORTS AND RECORDS.  Seller has not ordered,  not is it in possession  of,
analyses (within the last two years) of the Business or its industry prepared by
investment  bankers,  engineers,  management  consultants  or others,  including
marketing  studies,  credit  reports and  financial  and other types of reports.
Seller does not have projections,  budgets or business plans of the Business for
the past three years and for any future periods.

4.27  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN  DEVELOPMENTS.  Since  December  31,  2003,  Seller has
conducted the Business only in the ordinary  course of business  consistent with
past custom and  practice,  and has  incurred no  liabilities  other than in the
ordinary course of business  consistent  with past custom and practice.  Without
limitation of the foregoing, since December 31, 2003 Seller has not:

                  (i) sold, assigned or transferred any of the Purchased Assets,
                  or mortgaged, pledged or subjected them to any Lien, charge or
                  other restriction, except for Liens for current property taxes
                  not yet due and payable;

                  (ii) made or granted any bonus or any wage or salary  increase
                  to any employee or made any other change in  employment  terms
                  for any employee, except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.27;

                  (iii)  made  or  granted   any   increase  in  or  amended  or
                  terminated, any existing plan, program, policy or arrangement,
                  including  without  limitation,  any Employee Benefit Plan (as
                  defined) or  arrangement  or adopted any new Employee  Benefit
                  Plan or  arrangement,  or  entered  into  any  new  collective
                  bargaining  agreement  or  multiemployer  plan,  except as set
                  forth on SCHEDULE 4.27;

                  (iv)  conducted  its cash  management  customs  and  practices
                  (including the timing of collection of receivables and payment
                  of payable and other current  liabilities)  and maintained its
                  books and records other than in the usual and ordinary  course
                  of business consistent with past customs and practice;

                  (v) made any  loans or  advances  to,  or  guarantees  for the
                  benefit of, or entered into any transaction with any employee,
                  officer or director of Seller;

                  (vi) suffered any extraordinary  loss, damage,  destruction or
                  casualty  loss to the  Purchased  Assets  or the  Business  or
                  waived any rights of material value, whether or not covered by
                  insurance  and  whether  or  not  in the  ordinary  course  of

                  (vii)  received  notification  that any customer  will stop or
                  decrease in any  material  respect  the rate of business  done
                  with the Business except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.27;

                  (viii)   declared,   set  aside  or  paid  any   dividend   or
                  distribution  of cash or other property to any  stockholder or
                  purchased,  redeemed or  otherwise  acquired any shares of its
                  capital stock, or made any other payments to any stockholder;

                  (ix) entered into any other material  transaction,  other than
                  in the ordinary course of business consistent with past custom
                  and practice; or

                  (x) has committed to do any of the foregoing.

4.28 NO OTHER  WARRANTIES.  Except  the  specific  representations  made in this
Agreement, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Seller has not made, does not make
and  specifically  negates  and  disclaims  any  representations  or  warranties
whatsoever whether express or implied, oral or written, past, present or future,
with respect to (i) the value,  nature,  quality or  condition of the  Purchased
Assets, (ii) the income or losses to be generated by the Purchased Assets, (iii)


the suitability of the Purchased Assets for any or all activities that the Buyer
desires to conduct,  (iv) the compliance of the Purchased  Assets with any laws,
rules,  ordinances or regulations of any governmental authority or body, (v) the
habitability,  merchantability,  marketability,  profitability  or fitness for a
particular  purpose  of the  Purchased  Assets,  (vi) the  manner or  quality of
construction of any improvements included in the Purchased Assets, and (vii) the
manner,  quality,  state of repair or lack of  repair of the  Purchased  Assets.
Buyer has been given an opportunity to inspect,  and has inspected the Purchased
Assets.  Buyer is relying on its own  investigation  of the Purchased Assets and
not on any  information  provided by Seller  other than this  Agreement  and the
Schedules and Exhibits hereto.  Buyer further  acknowledges that any information
provided  by Seller to Buyer  regarding  the  Purchased  Assets  other than this
Agreement  has been  obtained  from a variety of sources  and the Seller has not
made an  independent  investigation  as to the accuracy or  completeness  of the

                                    ARTICLE 5


Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows, all such representations and
warranties as conditioned or qualified by the Schedules attached hereto:

limited liability company duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing
under the laws of the State of  Delaware  and has full  power and  authority  to
carry on the  Business as now  conducted  and to own and  operate the  Purchased
Assets. Buyer has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement
and the  other  agreements  contemplated  hereby,  to  perform  its  obligations
hereunder and there under and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby
and thereby.  Buyer is  authorized to do business in North Dakota and to acquire
title to the Purchased Assets.

5.2  AUTHORIZATION.  The execution and delivery of this  Agreement and the other
agreements  contemplated  hereby and the performance by Buyer of its obligations
hereunder  and there under have been duly  authorized  by necessary  partnership
action, to the extent (if any) that is required,  and no other act or proceeding
on the part of Buyer is  necessary  to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery  or
performance  by Buyer to this  Agreement  or any  other  agreement  contemplated
hereby or the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby or thereby.
This  Agreement has been duly executed by Buyer and  constitutes,  and the other
agreements  contemplated hereby, the legal, valid and binding obligations of and
enforceable against Buyer in accordance with their respective terms.

5.3 NO  BREACH.  The  execution,  delivery  and  performance  by  Buyer  of this
Agreement and the other agreements  contemplated  hereby and the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby do not (i) violate,  conflict
with,  result  in any  breach  of,  constitute  a default  under,  result in the
termination  or  acceleration  of, create in any party the right to  accelerate,
terminate,  modify  or  cancel,  or  require  any  notice  under  any  contract,
agreement,  indenture,  loan agreement,  lease, sublease,  license,  sublicense,
franchise, permit, indenture, obligation or instrument to which Buyer is a party
or by which  Buyer is bound or  affected  (ii)  other than as  provided  in this
Agreement,  require any  authorization,  consent,  approval,  exemption or other
person or entity under, the provisions of any law,  statute,  rule,  regulation,
judgment, order or decree or any contract,  agreement, lease, sublease, license,
franchise,  permit,  indenture,  obligation  or  instrument  to  which  Buyer is
subject,  bound or  affected  or (iii)  violate or require any consent or notice
under law, statute,  regulation,  rule, judgment,  decree,  order,  stipulation,
injunction,  charge or other restriction of any government,  governmental agency
or court to which Buyer is subject, bound or affected.

5.4 ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  Buyer has no liabilities or obligations
with respect to the Dickinson Property, direct or indirect, matured or unmatured
or absolute, contingent or otherwise, except:

         5.4.1 those  liabilities  or  obligations  set forth on the most recent
         financial  statements  of Buyer  delivered to and initialed by Seller's
         representative and not heretofore paid or discharged;

         5.4.2 liabilities  arising in the ordinary course of business under any
         agreement,  contract,  commitment, lease or plan specifically disclosed
         to Seller on SCHEDULE 5.4.2;

         5.4.3 those liabilities or obligations incurred, consistently with past
         business practice,  in or as a result of the normal and ordinary course
         of business since the date of the most recent  financial  statements of
         Buyer delivered to and initialed by Seller's representative.

For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "liabilities"  shall include,  without
limitation, any direct or indirect indebtedness,  guaranty,  endorsement, claim,
loss, damage, deficiency, cost, expense, obligation or responsibility,  fixed or
unfixed,  known  or  unknown,  asserted  or  unasserted,   choate  or  inchoate,
liquidated or unliquidated, secured or unsecured.

5.5 TITLE TO DICKINSON  PROPERTY.  Seller owns good and marketable  title to the
Dickinson Property, free and clear of all Liens. Seller has the right to convey,
and  upon  consummation  of the  transactions  which  are  the  subject  of this
Agreement,  Buyer will be vested with good and marketable title to the Dickinson
Property, free and clear of all Liens.



5.7 NO ILLEGAL PAYMENTS.  With respect to the Dickinson Property,  Buyer has not
made or  committed  to make  any  bribe,  kickback  payments  or  other  illegal

5.8 NO  CONTRACT  MODIFICATION.  No party  (including  Buyer)  has  accelerated,
terminated,  modified,  or canceled  any  contract,  lease,  sublease,  license,
sublicense or other agreement set forth on the Schedules attached hereto.

5.9 TAXES.  Except as listed on  SCHEDULE  5.9 all taxes due and  payable by the
Buyer with respect to the Dickinson  Property have been paid in full.  Buyer has
timely paid all taxes and filed all federal,  state,  county,  local and foreign
tax  returns  (including   without  limitation  all  income  tax,   unemployment
compensation,  social  security,  payroll,  sales  and use,  excise,  privilege,
property, ad valorem, franchise, license, school, water and sewer, and other tax
or similar  governmental charge) which it is required to have paid and filed the
returns with  respect  thereto,  and such returns are complete and correct.  Any
deficiencies proposed as a result of any federal state or local audits have been
paid or settled, and there are no present disputes as to taxes payable by Buyer.
There are no  unexpired  waivers  by Buyer of any  statute of  limitations  with
respect to any taxes,  and Buyer is not a party to any action or  proceedings by
any governmental authority for the collection or assessment of taxes.

5.10 NO LEGAL OBSTRUCTION.  All consents and approvals by governmental  agencies
that are required for the  consummation of transactions  contemplated  hereby or
the other agreements  contemplated  hereby or by third parties that are required
in order to  prevent a breach  of,  or a  default  under,  or a  termination  or
modification of, any instrument, contract, lease or other agreement to which the
Dickinson  Property  subject,  and  releases  of all  Liens,  charges  and other
restrictions  on the  Dickinson  Property,  have  been  obtained  on  terms  and
conditions no less favorable to Seller than they are to Buyer.

represents  and  warrants to Seller,  their heirs,  successors  and assigns that
during the period of Buyer's  ownership  of the  Dickinson  Property  (up to and
including the Closing  Date) there has been no litigation  brought or threatened
against  Buyer  nor any  settlements  reached  by or with any  party or  parties
alleging the presence,  disposal, release or threatened release of any Hazardous
Materials in, from, or under the Dickinson Property.

5.12 BROKER'S FEES. No agent, broker, investment banker, or other person or firm
acting on behalf of Buyer or under its  authority  is or will be entitled to any
broker's or finder's fee or any other  commission  or similar  fee,  directly or
indirectly,  from Buyer in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement.  If applicable,  Seller agrees to pay any and all fees or commissions
regarding the sale of its property to duly authorized brokerage agents.

5.13  LITIGATION.  There  are no  legal,  administrative,  arbitration  or other
proceedings or governmental  investigations  pending or threatened against Buyer
or the  Dickinson  Property  that would give any third party the right to enjoin
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

5.14 SURVIVAL. All representation and warranties made by Buyer in this Agreement
or any certificate,  schedule, statement, document or instrument furnished or to
be furnished to Seller pursuant  hereto or in connection  with the  negotiation,
execution  or  performance  of this  Agreement  shall  survive the Closing for a
period of three (3) years.  Notwithstanding  any investigation,  audit or review
conducted  before or after  Closing,  Seller  shall be entitled to rely upon the
representations and warranties set forth herein and therein.

5.15 NO WARRANTIES.  Except the specific representations made in this Agreement,
Seller  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  Buyer has not  made,  does not make and
specifically negates and disclaims any representations or warranties  whatsoever
whether  express or implied,  oral or  written,  past,  present or future,  with
respect  to (i)  the  value,  nature,  quality  or  condition  of the  Dickinson
Property,  (ii) the income or losses to be generated by the Dickinson  Property,
(iii) the  suitability of the Dickinson  Property for any or all activities that
the Seller  desires to conduct,  (iv) the  compliance of the Dickinson  Property
with any laws, rules, ordinances or regulations of any governmental authority or
body, and (v) the habitability, merchantability, marketability, profitability or
fitness for a  particular  purpose of the  Dickinson  Property.  Seller has been
given an opportunity to inspect,  and has inspected the Purchased Assets.  Buyer
is relying on its own  investigation  of the  Dickinson  Property and not on any
information  provided by Buyer other than this  Agreement  and the Schedules and
Exhibits hereto.  Seller further  acknowledges that any information  provided by
Buyer to Seller  regarding the Dickinson  Property other than this Agreement has
been  obtained  from a variety of sources and Buyer has not made an  independent
investigation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                           AGREEMENTS PENDING CLOSING

6.1 AGREEMENTS OF SELLER PENDING CLOSING. Seller covenants and agrees with Buyer
that, pending the Closing and except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Buyer:


         6.1.1 BUSINESS IN THE ORDINARY  COURSE.  Seller shall use  commercially
         reasonable  efforts to operate  the  Business  in the  ordinary  course
         consistent in all material respects with past practices; use reasonable
         commercial  efforts  to  preserve  the  Business'  present  operations,
         organization   and   goodwill   and  to   preserve   Seller's   present
         relationships  with  customers,  suppliers  and  other  persons  having
         business  dealings  with the Business;  and to the extent  practicable,
         keep available the services of Seller's present  employees  relating to
         the  Business;  use its best  efforts to conduct the Business in such a
         manner that on the Closing Date, the  representations and warranties of
         Seller  contained in this Agreement shall be true,  except as otherwise
         contemplated  in  Article  6,  as  though  such   representations   and
         warranties were made on such date. Seller will cooperate with Buyer and
         use its best efforts to cause all of the conditions to the  obligations
         of Seller  under  this  Agreement  to be  satisfied  on or prior to the
         Closing Date.

         6.1.2 MAINTAIN THE PURCHASED  ASSETS.  Seller shall use and operate the
         Purchased  Assets  in a  reasonable  manner  and  maintain  all  of the
         tangible  Purchased  Assets in substantially  their current  condition,
         ordinary wear and tear excepted;

         6.1.3 UPDATE  SCHEDULES.  Seller shall  promptly  disclose to Buyer any
         information  contained in its  representations  and  warranties  or the
         Schedules  which,  because of an event occurring after the date hereof,
         is  incomplete  or no longer  correct  as of all  times  after the date
         hereof until the Closing Date;  provided none of such disclosures shall
         be  deemed to  modify,  amend or  supplement  the  representations  and
         warranties  of Seller  or the  schedules  hereto  for the  purposes  of
         Article  VII  hereof,  unless  Buyer  shall have  consented  thereto in

         6.1.4 SALE OR  ENCUMBRANCE  OF ASSETS;  NEGOTIATIONS.  Seller shall not
         directly or indirectly sell, lease,  pledge or otherwise dispose of any
         of the Purchased  Assets,  except for  dispositions of Inventory in the
         ordinary  course of Business  consistent with past practice or initiate
         or participate in any  discussions  or  negotiations  or enter into any
         agreement  to do any of the  foregoing.  Seller  shall not  provide any
         confidential  information  concerning the Business or its properties or
         assets  to any  third  party  other  than  in the  ordinary  course  of

         6.1.5  ACCESS.  Seller  shall  give  to  Buyer's  employees,   counsel,
         accountants and other  representatives  and agents free and full access
         to and the right to inspect during normal  business hours the Purchased
         Assets and the records,  contracts and other documents relating thereto
         or identified in the  schedules  delivered  hereunder or referred to in
         documents  delivered  with or  pursuant to such  schedules,  and Seller
         shall permit them to consult with the officers, employees, accountants,
         counsel, representatives and agents of Seller for the purpose of making
         such  investigations  and reviews of the Business  and/or the Purchased
         Assets (including the Seller's Financial  Statements delivered or to be
         delivered to Buyer)  provided such  investigation  and review shall not
         unreasonable  interfere  with Seller's  business  operations.  Further,
         Seller  shall  furnish  to  Buyer  all such  documents  and  copies  of
         documents  and records and  information  with respect to the  Purchased
         Assets and the Business  and its conduct by Seller (and working  papers
         with  respect  thereto)  as Buyer  shall  from time to time  reasonably
         request  and  shall  permit  Buyer  and its  agents  to  make  physical
         inventories  and  inspections  of the  Purchased  Assets  as Buyer  may
         request from time to time.

         6.1.6    TAX RETURNS AND PAYMENTS.

                  (i) All tax  returns,  estimates,  and reports  required to be
         filed by Seller prior to the Closing Date or relating to periods  prior
         to the  Closing  Date will be timely  filed by Seller when due with the
         appropriate governmental agencies; and

                  (ii) All  Federal,  state and local taxes,  including  but not
         limited to, pro rated ad valorem,  withholding and unemployment  taxes,
         pertaining  to  ownership of the  Purchased  Assets or operation of the
         Business  prior to the Closing Date will be paid by Seller when due and

         6.1.8  CONVEYANCE  FREE AND CLEAR OF LIENS. At or prior to the Closing,
         Seller shall obtain the release of all liens and encumbrances disclosed
         in the  Schedules  hereto and any other  liens or  encumbrances  on the
         Purchased Assets and shall duly file releases of all such liens in each
         governmental  agency  or  office  in which  any such  lien or  evidence
         thereof shall have been previously filed, and Seller shall transfer and
         convey, been previously filed, and Seller shall transfer and convey, or
         cause to be  transferred  and  conveyed,  to Buyer at Closing  good and
         marketable  title to all of the Purchased  Assets free and clear of all
         liens and  encumbrances  with the  exception of that certain land lease
         noted herein.

         6.1.9 PRESS RELEASE. Except as required by applicable law, Seller shall
         not give notice to third parties or otherwise make any public statement
         or releases concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated
         hereby except for such written  information as shall have been approved
         in writing as to form and content by Buyer, which approval shall not be
         unreasonably withheld.


         6.1.10  EMPLOYEES  AND  BUSINESS  RELATIONS.  Seller shall use its best
         efforts  to keep  available  the  present  employees  and agents of the
         Business and to maintain the relations and goodwill with the suppliers,
         customers,  distributors and any others having business  relations with
         the Business.

         6.1.11  MAINTENANCE  OF  INSURANCE.  Seller  shall  notify Buyer of any
         changes in the terms of the insurance  policies and binders referred to
         on SCHEDULE 4.18.

         6.1.12  MAINTENANCE  OF  FRANCHISES,  ETC.  Seller  shall  use its best
         efforts to maintain in full force and affect all  Franchises  currently
         in effect used in the conduct of the business of the Business.

         6.1.13  COMPLIANCE  WITH LAWS,  ETC. Seller shall comply with all laws,
         ordinances, rules, regulations and orders applicable to the Business or
         Seller's  operations,  assets or  properties  in respect  thereof,  the
         noncompliance  with which might  materially  affect the Business or the

         6.1.14 UPDATE  SCHEDULES.  Seller shall promptly  disclose to Buyer any
         information  contained in its  representations  and  warranties  or the
         Schedules  which,  because of an event occurring after the date hereof,
         is  incomplete  or is no longer  correct as of all times after the date
         hereof until the Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that none of such
         disclosures  shall  be  deemed  to  modify,  amend  or  supplement  the
         representations  and  warranties of Seller or the schedules  hereto for
         the  purposes of Article 4 hereof,  unless  Buyer shall have  consented
         thereto in writing.

6.2  AGREEMENTS  OF BUYER PENDING THE CLOSING.  Buyer  covenants and agrees with
Seller that, pending the Closing and except as otherwise agreed to in writing by

         6.2.1 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  Buyer shall use its best efforts to conduct
         its   business  in  such  a  manner  that  on  the  Closing   Date  the
         representations  and  warranties of Buyer  contained in this  Agreement
         shall be true,  except as specifically  contemplated by this Article 6,
         as though such  representations  and warranties  were made on and as of
         such date.  Furthermore,  Buyer shall cooperate with Seller and use its
         best efforts to cause all of the conditions to the obligations of Buyer
         and Seller  under this  Agreement  to be  satisfied  on or prior to the
         Closing Date.

         6.2.2 SALE OR  ENCUMBRANCE  OF ASSETS;  NEGOTIATIONS.  Buyer shall not,
         directly  or  indirectly,  sell  or  encumber  all or any  part  of the
         Dickinson  Property,  other  than in the  ordinary  course of  business
         consistent  with  past  practice  or  initiate  or  participate  in any
         discussions  or  negotiations  or enter into any agreement to do any of
         the  foregoing.  Buyer shall not provide any  confidential  information
         concerning  Buyer or the  Dickinson  Property  to any third party other
         than in the ordinary course of business.

         6.2.3   CONFIDENTIALITY.   Unless  and  until  the   Closing  has  been
         consummated,  Buyer  will  hold,  and shall  cause  their  counsel  and
         independent public accountants, appraisers and other representatives to
         hold in confidence any confidential  data or information made available
         to Buyer in connection with this Agreement with respect to the Business
         using the same standard of care to protect such  confidential  data and
         information as is used to protect Buyer's confidential information.  If
         the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement are not  consummated,
         Buyer agrees that it shall return to Seller all written  materials  and
         all  copies  thereof  that were  supplied  to Buyer by Seller  and that
         contain such confidential data or information.

         6.2.5 PRESS RELEASE.  Except as required by applicable law, Buyer shall
         not give notice to third parties or otherwise make any public statement
         or releases concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated
         hereby except for such written  information as shall have been approved
         in writing as to form and content by Seller,  which  approval shall not
         be unreasonably withheld.

         6.2.6  CONVEYANCE  FREE AND CLEAR OF LIENS. At or prior to the Closing,
         Buyer shall obtain the release of all liens and encumbrances  disclosed
         in the  Schedules  hereto and any other  liens or  encumbrances  on the
         Dickinson  Property  and shall duly file  releases of all such liens in
         each  governmental  agency or office in which any such lien or evidence
         thereof shall have been previously  filed, and Buyer shall transfer and
         convey,  or cause to be transferred and conveyed,  to Seller at Closing
         good and  marketable  title to all of the  Dickinson  Property free and
         clear of all liens and encumbrances.

         6.2.7    INTENTIONALLY OMITTED.

         6.2.8  COMPLIANCE  WITH LAWS,  ETC.  Buyer shall  comply with all laws,
         ordinances, rules, regulations and orders applicable to its business or
         operations,  assets or properties in respect thereof, the noncompliance
         with which might materially affect Buyer or the Dickinson Property.

         6.2.9 UPDATE  SCHEDULES.  Buyer shall  promptly  disclose to Seller any
         information  contained in its  representations  and  warranties  or the
         Schedules  which,  because of an event occurring after the date hereof,


         is  incomplete  or is no longer  correct as of all times after the date
         hereof until the Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that none of such
         disclosures  shall  be  deemed  to  modify,  amend  or  supplement  the
         representations and warranties of Buyer or the schedules hereto for the
         purposes  of  Article 6 hereof,  unless  Seller  shall  have  consented
         thereto in writing.

                                    ARTICLE 7


All of Buyer's  obligations under this Agreement are subject to the satisfaction
and  fulfillment  on or  prior to the  Closing  Date,  of each of the  following
conditions precedent unless waived by Buyer in writing:

7.1  ACCURACY  OF  REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES.   The  representations  and
warranties of Seller  contained in this Agreement or in any other Document shall
be true and  correct  in all  material  respects  on the date  hereof and at the
Closing Date with same effect as though made at such time.

7.2 COMPLIANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT. Seller shall have performed or complied with
all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this  Agreement to be performed or
complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.


7.4  OPINIONS OF COUNSEL  FOR SELLER.  Seller  shall have  delivered  to Buyer a
written  opinion of its legal  counsel,  dated the Closing  Date, in the form of
EXHIBIT  A hereto  with  only  such  changes  as shall be in form and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel.

7.5 NO THREATENED OR PENDING LITIGATION. On the Closing Date, no suit, action or
other proceeding,  or injunction or final judgment  relating  thereof,  shall be
threatened or pending before any court or governmental  or regulatory  official,
body or authority in which relief is sought to restrain or prohibit or to obtain
damages or other relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated hereby, and no investigation that might result in
any such suit, action or proceeding shall be pending or threatened.

7.6 CONSENTS AND APPROVALS.  The holders of debt of the Seller,  the lessors and
lessees of any real or personal property or assets leased by Seller, the parties
(other than Seller) to any contract,  commitment,  or agreement, to which Seller
is a  party  or  subject,  any  governmental  or  regulatory  official,  body or
authority or any other person that owns or has  authority to grant any Franchise
and any governmental,  judicial or regulatory official, body or authority having
jurisdiction  over, Seller or Buyer to the extent that their consent or approval
is required or necessary under the pertinent debt, lease, contract,  commitment,
agreement or other  document or instrument  or under  applicable  orders,  laws,
rules or  regulations,  for the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby in the  manner  herein  provided,  shall  have  granted  such  consent or

7.7 ESCROW AGREEMENT.  Seller and Escrow Agent shall have executed and delivered
the Escrow Agreement, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B.

7.8  CLOSING  OF  BUYER'S  ACQUISITION  OF LAND.  Concurrently  with  Closing or
immediately  prior thereto,  Buyer shall have consummated its acquisition of the
land  underlying  the Purchased  Assets and the  Dickinson  Property from Robert
Leonard et al.

7.9 OPTION  AGREEMENT.  Buyer and Seller  shall  enter into an Option  Agreement
whereby  Buyer shall have the option to purchase  the  Dickinson  Property for a
period of three years for $500,000.00 (the "Option Agreement").

                                    ARTICLE 8


The obligation of Seller to close the transaction contemplated by this Agreement
is  subject  to the  satisfaction,  on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date,  of the
following conditions, unless waived by Seller in writing:

8.1  ACCURACY  OF  REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES.   The  representations  and
warranties of Buyer herein  contained shall be true in all material  respects at
the date hereof and at the  Closing  Date with the same effect as though made at
such time.


8.2 COMPLIANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT. Seller shall have performed or complied with
all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this  Agreement to be performed or
complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.


8.4  OPINIONS  OF COUNSEL  FOR BUYER.  Buyer  shall have  delivered  to Seller a
written  opinion of its legal  counsel,  dated the Closing  Date, in the form of
EXHIBIT  C hereto  with  only  such  changes  as shall be in form and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to Seller and its counsel.

8.5 NO THREATENED OR PENDING LITIGATION. On the Closing Date, no suit, action or
other proceeding,  or injunction or final judgment  relating  thereof,  shall be
threatened or pending before any court or governmental  or regulatory  official,
body or authority in which relief is sought to restrain or prohibit or to obtain
damages or other relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated hereby, and no investigation that might result in
any such suit, action or proceeding shall be pending or threatened.

8.6  CONSENTS  AND  APPROVALS.  The  holders of debt of Buyer,  the  lessors and
lessees of any real or personal  property or assets leased by Buyer, the parties
(other than Buyer) to any contract,  commitment, or agreement, to which Buyer is
a party or subject, any governmental or regulatory  official,  body or authority
or any other person that owns or has  authority to grant any  Franchise  and any
governmental,   judicial  or  regulatory  official,  body  or  authority  having
jurisdiction  over Seller or Buyer to the extent that their  consent or approval
is required or necessary under the pertinent debt, lease, contract,  commitment,
agreement or other  document or instrument  or under  applicable  orders,  laws,
rules or  regulations,  for the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby in the  manner  herein  provided,  shall  have  granted  such  consent or

8.7  CLOSING  OF  BUYER'S  ACQUISITION  OF LAND.  Concurrently  with  Closing or
immediately  prior thereto,  Buyer shall have consummated its acquisition of the
land  underlying  the Purchased  Assets and the  Dickinson  Property from Robert
Leonard et al.

8.8 MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT.  Buyer shall have entered into that certain Management
Agreement with Dickinson Management Inc.

                                    ARTICLE 9


9.1  Closing.  The  closing  (the  "Closing")  of the sale and  purchase  of the
Purchased  Assets  shall  take place at 10:00  a.m.,  local  time,  on or before
November  12,  2004 or on such  other  date as may be  mutually  agreed  upon in
writing  by Buyer  and  Seller.  The date of the  Closing  is  sometimes  herein
referred to as the "Closing  Date".  The  effective  date of the transfer of the
Purchased  Assets shall be October 31, 2004. The Escrow Holder shall be Alliance
Title Company,  (affiliate of First American Title), % Brenda Barnett, 18831 Von
Karman, Irvine, California, 92614, 949-724-4900, Cell: 949-795-5114.

         The  Closing  shall be held  simultaneously  with the  exchange  by and
between Grand Dakota Partners, LLC and Robert and Sumiye Leonard et al herewith,
concerning  that certain  exchange  agreement by and among the parties  which is
attached hereto and made an integral part hereof.  The Closing of this Agreement
is  contingent  upon the  simultaneous  closing of the  aforementioned  exchange

9.2 Items to be  delivered  at Closing.  At the Closing and subject to the terms
and conditions herein contained:

         9.2.1  Seller  shall  execute,   acknowledge  in  form  sufficient  for
         recording and deliver to Buyer the following:

                  (i)  such   bills  of  sale  with   covenants   of   warranty,
                  assignments,   endorsements  and  other  good  and  sufficient
                  instruments and documents of conveyance and transfer,  in form
                  reasonably  satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel, as shall be
                  necessary  and  effective  to transfer and assign to, and vest
                  in, Buyer all of Seller's rights, title and interest in and to
                  the  Purchased   Assets  free  and  clear  of  all  liens  and
                  encumbrances,  which  instruments and documents shall include,
                  without limitation,  (A) good and valid title in and to all of
                  the  Purchased  Assets  owned by  Seller,  (B) good and  valid
                  leasehold  interests  in and to  all of the  Purchased  Assets
                  leased by Seller as  lessee,  and (C) all of  Seller's  rights
                  under all agreements,  contracts,  commitments, leases, plans,
                  bids, quotations,  proposals,  instruments and other documents
                  included in the Purchased Assets to which Seller is a party or
                  by which it has rights on the Closing Date: and


                  (ii) all of the agreements,  contracts,  commitments,  leases,
                  plans,  bids,  quotations,  proposals,  instruments,  computer
                  programs  and  software,  databases,  whether  in the  form of
                  computer tapes or otherwise,  related object and source codes,
                  manuals and guidebooks, price books, and price lists, customer
                  and subscriber lists,  supplier lists,  sales records,  files,
                  correspondences,    legal   opinions,    rulings   issued   by
                  governmental  entities and other  documents,  books,  records,
                  papers,  files,  office  supplies and data belonging to Seller
                  which are part of the Purchased Assets;

                  (iii)  Certified  resolutions  of the  Board of  Directors  of
                  Seller  approving the execution and delivery of this Agreement
                  and  each  of  the  other   Documents  and   authorizing   the
                  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and

                  (iv) Such additional  information and materials as Buyer shall
                  have reasonably  requested to evidence the satisfaction of the
                  conditions to its  obligations  hereunder,  including  without
                  limitation,  evidence that all consents and approvals required
                  as a condition to Buyer's  obligation to close  hereunder have
                  been obtained,  and any other documents  expressly required by
                  this Agreement to be delivered by Seller at Closing;

                  (v) A Closing  Statement  describing  with  particularity  the
                  source and  application  of the funds  payable at Closing  and
                  simultaneously  with such  delivery,  all such  steps  will be
                  taken as may be required to put Buyer in actual possession and
                  operating control of the Purchased Assets; and

                  (vi) A warranty deed  conveying  the Real Estate  Improvements
                  and a quit  claim  deed  conveying  Seller's  interest  in the
                  underlying fee interest, if any.

         9.2.2  Buyer shall deliver to Seller the following:

                  (i) the Cash Portion in an accordance  with Sections 2.2.1 and
                  2.2.3 hereof;

                  (ii)  a  warranty  deed  to the  Dickinson  Property  in  form
                  suitable for recording;

                  (iii) Certified resolutions of the Board of Directors of Buyer
                  approving  the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement and
                  each of the other Documents and  authorizing the  consummation
                  of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby;

                  (iv) Such additional information and materials as Seller shall
                  have reasonably  requested to evidence the satisfaction of the
                  conditions to its  obligations  hereunder,  including  without
                  limitation,  evidence that all consents and approvals required
                  as a condition to Seller's  obligation to close hereunder have
                  been obtained,  and any other documents  expressly required by
                  this Agreement to be delivered by Buyer at Closing; and

                  (v) A Closing  Statement  describing  with  particularity  the
                  source and  application  of the funds  payable at Closing  and
                  simultaneously  with such  delivery,  all such  steps  will be
                  taken as may be  required  to put Seller in actual  possession
                  and operating control of the Dickinson Property.

At or prior to the Closing,  the parties hereto shall also deliver to each other
the  agreements,  opinions,  certificates an and other documents and instruments
referred to in Article 7 and 8 to the extent such are not specifically  required
to be delivered pursuant to Article 9.

9.3  THIRD  PARTY  CONSENTS.  To the  extent  that  Seller's  rights  under  any
agreement,  contract,  commitment,  lease,  Authorization (as defined in Section
4.12) or other  Purchased  Asset to be  assigned to Buyer  hereunder  may not be
assigned without the consent of another person which has not been obtained, this
Agreement  shall not  constitute an agreement to assign the same if an attempted
assignment would constitute a breach thereof or be unlawful,  and Seller, at its
expense,  shall use its best efforts to obtain any such  required  consent(s) as
promptly as  possible.  To the extent that Buyer's  rights under any  agreement,
contract,  commitment, lease, Authorization (as defined in Section 4.12) may not
be assigned  without the consent of another  person which has not been obtained,
this  Agreement  shall not  constitute  an  agreement  to assign  the same if an
attempted  assignment  would  constitute a breach  thereof or be  unlawful,  and
Buyer,  at its expense,  shall use its best efforts to obtain any such  required
consent(s) as promptly as possible. If any such consent shall not be obtained or
if any  attempted  assignment  would be  ineffective  or would  impair a party's
rights  under  the asset in  question  so that  such  party  would not in effect
acquire  the benefit of all such  rights,  each  party,  to the  maximum  extent
permitted  by law,  shall act after the  Closing as the other  party's  agent in
order to obtain for it the  benefits  there  under and shall  cooperate,  to the
maximum extent permitted by law, in any other reasonable arrangement designed to
provide such benefits to appropriate party.

9.4 FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  Seller, from time to time after the Closing at Buyer's
request,  will execute,  acknowledge and deliver to Buyer such other instruments
of  conveyance  and  transfer  and will take such other  actions and execute and


deliver such other documents, certifications and further assurances as Buyer may
reasonably  require in order to vest more  effectively  in Buyer or to put Buyer
more fully in  possession of any of the  Purchased  Assets.  Each of the parties
hereto  will  cooperate  with the other and  execute  and  deliver  to the other
parties hereto such other  instruments and documents and take such other actions
as may be  reasonably  requested  from time to time by any other party hereto as
necessary  to carry out,  evidence  and  confirm the  intended  purposes of this

9.6  CLOSING  ADJUSTMENTS.  Set forth on  Schedule  9.6 is a list of all Closing
Adjustments  which shall be added to or subtracted  from the Cash Portion of the
Purchase Price to be paid at Closing.  Such Closing Adjustment shall include the
following items:

         9.6.1 TAXES. Set for on Schedule 9.6 is a list of all taxes relating to
         the Purchased Assets for period after the Effective Date that have been
         paid or advanced by the Seller.  All real estate and personal  property
         taxes,  ad valorem  taxes and any other taxes that are or will become a
         lien  upon  the  Purchased  Assets  or  the  Dickinson  Property  or an
         obligation  of the Tenant under all Leases  assumed by Buyer or Seller,
         shall be prorated for the year of Closing as of the Effective Date. Any
         delinquent  taxes  or  assessments  on the  Purchased  Property  or the
         Dickinson   Property,   and  all  personal  property  taxes  and  other
         assessments and charges,  shall be paid by the transferor thereof prior
         to or at  Closing.  Proration  shall  be made on the  basis of the most
         recent mill levy  assessment and valuation;  provided  however,  if the
         levy rate or valuation  increases  after the Closing,  each  transferee
         reserves  the right to require an equitable  re-proration  thereof from
         its  transferor.  The  provisions of this  Paragraph  shall survive the

         9.6.2 EXPENSES. All expenses of operation of the leased premises of all
         leaseholds to be  transferred  to Buyer at Closing and of the Dickinson
         Property  to be  transferred  to  Seller,  whether  billed or  unbilled
         (including  rent  payments,  utilities  and  maintenance)  shall be the
         responsibility  of the owner and transferor  until the day of Effective
         Date and  shall  be so  prorated.  Thereafter,  such  expenses  are the
         responsibility of the transferee.

         9.6.3 PREPAIDS. Set forth on Schedule 9.6 is a list of all payments and
         premiums  relating  to  the  Purchased  Assets  for  period  after  the
         Effective  Date.  The parties  shall  prorate the payments or premiums,
         relating  to  periods  after the  Effective  Date,  with  regard to any
         warranties,  service,  management or brokerage  contracts,  maintenance
         agreements or insurance policies which each party has elected or agreed
         to assume.  As of the date of  Effective  Date,  Buyer and Seller shall
         prorate  operating  expenses  relating  to  the  Purchased  Assets  not
         specified above.

         9.6.4 RENTAL RECEIPTS.  As of the day before the date of closing,  each
         of the parties shall prorate  rentals from tenants and other  receipts,
         revenues and income from the property it is transferring  for the month
         of  closing  and each  transferee  shall  receive  a credit  for  rents
         actually  received  by the  transferor  for the month of  closing.  Any
         prepaid  rents shall be adjusted  and the  transferor  shall  receive a
         credit from the  transferee  for the amount of payment  relating to any
         period after the Closing Date.

9.6.5    EMPLOYEE COSTS.  On or before Closing,  Buyer will inform Seller of any
         employees  it intends to hire.  If Buyer elects to hire any of Seller's
         employees  as provided  above,  either  Seller shall pay or Buyer shall
         receive a credit  against the Cash Portion of the Purchase Price due at
         Closing for the value of said accrued but unpaid wages and salaries and
         all employee's sick leave,  vacation or other employee  benefits earned
         but not yet paid or used, whether accrued on Seller's books or not.

9.6.6    ESCROW  FEES AND  COSTS.  Seller  and  Buyer  shall  pay the  costs and
         expenses of the escrow agent,  title  insurance and related  matters as
         set forth on Schedule 9.6.

9.7  TRANSFER OF THE  ALCOHOLIC  BEVERAGE  BUSINESS.  Upon receipt by Buyer of a
valid  license  to sell  alcoholic  beverages  under  North  Dakota  law and the
ordinances of Dickinson, North Dakota, but not later than the expiration date of
the Management Agreement, Seller hereby agrees to transfer, convey and assign to
Buyer the Alcoholic  Beverage  Business for additional  consideration  of $1.00.
Seller  and Buyer  acknowledge  and agree  that  such sale and  transfer  of the
Alcoholic  Beverage  Business  is  an  inherent  and  inseparable  part  of  the
consideration  for the purchase of the  Business.  Until the date the  Alcoholic
Beverage  Business is  transferred  to Buyer,  Dickinson  Management  Inc. shall
remain the owner of and in control of the Alcoholic  Beverage  Business pursuant
to the terms of the Management Agreement.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                                   ARTICLE 10


10.1  INDEMNITY BY SELLER.  Without  limitation  of any other  provision of this
Agreement  or any other  rights  and  remedies  available  to Buyer at law or in
equity,  Seller  covenants  and agrees to  protect,  indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless  Buyer and its business and  properties  (including  the Business,  the
Purchased Assets,  and any other properties  transferred to the Buyer hereunder)
and  Buyer's  affiliates,   officers,  directors,  employees,   representatives,
successors and assigns from all liabilities,  losses, claims, demands,  damages,
interest,  penalties,  fines, costs and expenses,  whether or not arising out of
third  party  claims  (including  without  limitation,  diminution  in value and
consequential damages, reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees and expenses)
actually or allegedly  arising out of, in connection with or relating to (i) any
act  or  omission,   or  any  condition   (including   without   limitation  any
environmental condition) occurring or existing, or any contract performed, on or
prior to the Effective  Date, in each case by or with respect to the Business or
its operations or properties, and (ii) any misrepresentation, breach of warranty
or  nonfulfillment of any agreement or covenant on the part of Seller under this
Agreement or from any  misrepresentation  in or omission  from any  certificate,
schedule, statement document or instrument furnished to Buyer pursuant hereto or
in connection with the negotiation,  execution or performance of this Agreement,
and  (iii)  any  debts,   obligations  or  liabilities   (including   contingent
liabilities)  incurred by Seller,  excepting only those specific limited Assumed
Liabilities assumed by Buyer in accordance with this Agreement; and (iv) any and
all actions, suits, claims, proceedings  investigations,  demands,  assessments,
audits, fines, judgments, costs and other expenses (including without limitation
reasonable  attorneys fees and expenses)  incident to any of the foregoing or to
the enforcement of this Section.

10.2  INDEMNITY  BY BUYER.  Without  limitation  of any other  provision of this
Agreement,  Buyer  covenants and agrees to protect,  indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless Seller from all third party liabilities,  obligations,  losses,  suits,
claims, breaches, demands, damages, judgments, interest, penalties, fines, costs
and  expenses  (including   reasonable  attorneys'  and  accountants'  fees  and
expenses)  actually or  allegedly  arising  out of, or in  connection  with,  or
relating  to (i) only  those  specific  limited  Assumed  Liabilities  expressly
assumed by Buyer as of the  Effective  Date in accordance  with this  Agreement;
(ii) any act or  omission  occurring  or arising  after the  Effective  Date and
caused by the  wrongful  acts or  omissions  of Buyer;  (iii) any  breach of any
covenant, representation or warranty of Buyer; or (iv) any debts, obligations or
liabilities incurred by Buyer.

10.3.  PROCEDURE  AND PAYMENT.  If after the Closing  Date either  Seller or the
Buyer or their  representatives,  directors or officers (the "Indemnitee") shall
receive  notice of any third party claim or alleged third party claim  asserting
the  existence of any matter of the nature as to which the  Indemnitee  has been
indemnified   against   under  this   ARTICLE  10  by  the  other  party  hereto
("Indemnitor"),  Indemnitee  shall  promptly  notify  Indemnitor in writing with
respect  thereto.  Indemnitor  shall have the right to defend  against  any such
claim  provided (i)  Indemnitor  shall,  within 10 days after the giving of such
notice by  Indemnitee,  notify  Indemnitee  that it disputes  such  claim,  give
reasons  therefore  together  with a copy of any  complaint  or other  documents
asserting  such claim,  and that  Indemnitor  will, at its own cost and expense,
defend the same, and (ii) such defense is instituted and continuously maintained
in good faith by  Indemnitor.  In such event the defense may, if  necessary,  be
maintained in the name of Indemnitee. Indemnitee may, if it so elects, designate
its own counsel and at its own cost and expense to participate  with the counsel
selected by  Indemnitor  in the conduct of such  defense.  Indemnitor  shall not
permit  any lien or  execution  to attach to the assets of the  Indemnitee  as a
result of such claim, and the Indemnitor shall provide such bonds or deposits as
shall be necessary to prevent the same.  In any event  Indemnitee  shall be kept
fully  advised as to the status of such defense.  If  Indemnitor  shall be given
notice of a claim as  aforesaid  and  shall  fail to  notify  Indemnitee  of its
election to defend such claim within the time and as prescribed herein, or after
having so elected to defend such claim shall fail to institute and maintain such
defense  in  accordance  with  the  foregoing,  or  if  such  defense  shall  be
unsuccessful  then, in any such event,  the  Indemnitor  shall fully satisfy and
discharge  the claim  within  twenty  (20) days  after  notice  from  Indemnitee
requesting Indemnitor to do so.

                                   ARTICLE 11



         11.1.1 The  representations  and warranties of Seller in this Agreement
         or in any certificate or document  delivered prior to or on the Closing
         Date  shall  survive  the  Closing  for a  period  of  three  (3)  year
         subsequent  to the  Closing  Date and  shall be  considered  in  effect
         thereafter for claims alleging a breach thereof as to which Seller, and
         have been notified in writing  during such period;  provided,  that the


         representations  and  warranties  of Seller set forth at  SECTION  4.16
         hereof  regarding  Taxes  shall  survive for a period not less than the
         statutes of limitations applicable to the matters addressed therein. In
         addition,  the rights to indemnity provided in ARTICLE 10 shall survive
         the  Closing  of  this  Agreement  and  shall  inure  to  the  parties'
         respective successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assigned
         by any party  without  the prior  written  consent of the other  party,
         provided  that  Seller  hereby  consent to the  Assignment  by Buyer of
         Buyer's  benefits  hereunder  to the lenders of Buyer as  security  for
         borrowings,  or to any  affiliates of Buyer.  Subject to the foregoing,
         this  Agreement  shall be for the benefit of and shall be binding  upon
         the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

         11.1.2 The representations and warranties of Buyer in this Agreement or
         in any  certificate  or document  delivered  prior to or on the Closing
         Date  shall  survive  the  Closing  for a  period  of  three  (3)  year
         subsequent  to the  Closing  Date and  shall be  considered  in  effect
         thereafter for claims alleging a breach thereof as to which Buyer,  and
         have been notified in writing  during such period;  provided,  that the
         representations and warranties of Buyer set forth at SECTION 5.9 hereof
         regarding  Taxes shall  survive for a period not less than the statutes
         of  limitations   applicable  to  the  matters  addressed  therein.  In
         addition,  the rights to  indemnity  provided in this  agreement  shall
         survive the Closing of this  Agreement  and shall inure to the parties'
         respective successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assigned
         by any party  without  the prior  written  consent of the other  party,
         provided  that  Buyer  hereby  consent to the  Assignment  by Seller of
         Seller's  benefits  hereunder  to the lenders of Seller as security for
         borrowings,  or to any affiliates of Seller.  Subject to the foregoing,
         this  Agreement  shall be for the benefit of and shall be binding  upon
         the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

11.2 CONSTRUCTION.  This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with, and all questions concerning this construction,  validity,  interpretation
and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by, the laws of the state of
North Dakota without giving effect to provisions  thereof regarding  conflict of

11.3  CONSENT  TO   JURISDICTION.   Seller  and  Buyer  hereby  consent  to  the
jurisdiction of any state or federal courts located in the State of North Dakota
and irrevocably agree that all actions or proceedings arising out of or relating
to this  Agreement  or the other  related  documents  shall be litigated in such
courts.  Seller and Buyer each  accept  for  itself and in  connection  with its
properties, generally and unconditionally,  the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the
aforesaid courts and waive any defense of forum non convenience, and irrevocably
agree to be bound by any  judgment  rendered  thereby  in  connection  with this

11.4 NOTICES. All necessary notices,  demands and requests required or permitted
to be given  hereunder  shall be deemed  duly  given when  personally  delivered
subject to the subsequent designation of another address, addressed as follows:

If to Buyer:

Grand Dakota Management, LLC
220 East Boulevard, Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28203
Attention:  Stephen D. Barker

With a copy to:

% Joe F. Teague, Jr.
Johnson, Allison and Hord, Attorneys at Law,
610 East Morehead Street,
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
(704)332-1181, Fax (704) 376-1628

If to Seller:
% William Biddle
Secured Diversified Investment, Ltd.
5030 Campus Drive,
Newport Beach, California 92660

With a copy to:

Christopher A. Wilson, Esq.
5030 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660


If to Escrow Agent:
% Brenda Barnett
Alliance Title Company,
(Affiliate of First American Title)
18831 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 380
Irvine, California 92612
(949)-724-4900, Cell: (949)-795-5114.

Such notice shall be effective  immediately upon personal delivery,  twenty-four
(24)  hours  after  delivery  through a  national  courier  service or three (3)
business days after deposit in the U.S. mail.

11.5 HEADINGS;  PRONOUNS.  The captions in this Agreement are for convenience of
reference  only and  shall not  define  or limit any of the terms or  provisions
hereof. Pronouns used herein shall include the other genders whether used in the
masculine,  feminine or neuter gender, and the singular shall include the plural
whenever and as often as may be appropriate.

11.6 COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which
shall be considered one and the same agreement,  and shall become effective when
one or more  counterparts  have been  signed by each of the  parties  hereto and
delivered to the other.

11.7 BROKERS.  Each party warrants to the other that it has not employed or used
the  services  of any  broker  or  finder  in  connection  with the  transaction
contemplated  by this  Agreement  and shall  indemnify  and hold the other party
harmless  from any loss or damage  arising  from any claim made by any broker or
finder  claiming  to  have  acted  on  behalf  of or at  the  instance  of  such
indemnifying party.

11.8 RELIANCE. All covenants,  warranties and representations made herein by any
party  shall be deemed  to be  material  and  relied  upon by the  other  party,
notwithstanding any investigation by or knowledge of such other party.

11.9 EXPENSES WITH RESPECT TO TRANSACTION. Each party hereto shall pay all fees,
costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with this transaction.

11.10  COMPLETENESS OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement,  and the Schedules hereto and
the other  documents  referred to or provided  for herein  represent  the entire
contract among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof,  and shall
not be modified or affected by any offer, proposal, statement or representation,
oral or written,  and by or for any party in connection  with the negotiation of
the terms hereof.

11.11 AMENDMENT AND WAIVER.  This Agreement may be amended,  or any provision of
this Agreement may be waived, provided that any such amendment or waiver will be
binding only if such  amendment or waiver is set forth in a writing  executed by
the party to be  charged.  The  waiver  of any  party  hereto of a breach of any
provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
other breach.  Any waiver shall be effective only if in writing and then only in
accordance with its express terms.

11.12 PREAMBLE;  PRELIMINARY RECITALS. The Preliminary Recitals set forth in the
Preamble hereto are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement.

11.13 THIRD PARTIES. Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be
construed to confer upon or give to any person, firm or corporation,  other than
the parties hereto and their respective  permitted  successors and assigns,  any
rights or  remedies  under or by reason of this  Agreement,  such third  parties
specifically including,  without limitation,  any employees of Seller. Except as
otherwise provided herein,  this Agreement shall insure to the benefit of and be
binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or and permitted

11.14  ASSIGNMENT.  This  Agreement  and  any  rights  hereunder  shall  not  be
assignable  by either  party  hereto  without the prior  written  consent of the
Buyer. Buyer may assign this Agreement, but such assignment shall not relieve it
of its duties hereunder.

11.15  GOVERNING  LAW. This  Agreement  shall in all respects be governed by and
construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of North  Dakota,  including
all matters of  construction,  validity and performance  applicable to contracts
made and to be performed in such state.

11.16  AMENDMENTS  AND WAIVERS.  No term or provision of this  Agreement  may be
amended,  waived,  discharged or terminated  orally but only by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party  against whom the  enforcement  of such  amendment,
waiver,  discharge or termination is sought.  Any waiver shall be effective only
in accordance with its express terms and conditions.


11.17  SEVERABILITY.  Any provision of this Agreement which is  unenforceable in
any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of
such unenforceability  without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof, and
any such  unenforceability  in any  jurisdiction  shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.  To the extent permitted
by applicable  law, the parties  hereto hereby waive any provision of law now or
hereafter in effect which  renders any  provision  hereof.  Pronouns used herein
shall  include the other  genders  whether  used in the  masculine,  feminine or
neuter  gender,  and the singular  shall include the plural  whenever the plural
whenever and as often as may be appropriate.

11.18   COUNTERPARTS.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts, and by either party on separate counterparts,  each of which shall
be deemed an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute one and the
same instrument.

11.19 REFERENCES.  All references in this Agreement to Articles and Sections are
to Articles and Sections contained in this Agreement unless a different document
is expressly specified.

11.20 SCHEDULES. Unless otherwise specified herein, each Schedule referred to in
this Agreement is attached hereto, and each such Schedule is hereby incorporated
by reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Any disclosure
contained  in any Schedule to this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be included in
all other  Schedules  required by this  Agreement  as if  specifically  included
therein  and each  party  shall be deemed to have  knowledge  of any  disclosure
contained in all Schedules.



IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Seller,  Buyer and  Escrow  Agent  each have  caused  this
Agreement  to be duly  executed,  sealed  and  delivered  in its name and on its
behalf, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]



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                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]



- -------------------------------------

By: C.L. Strand
Its: President
