[Letterhead of The Otto Law Group]

                                December 7, 2004


Pamela A. Long, Assistant Director
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Mail Stop 4-4
Washington, D.C.  20549-0404

         RE:  NANNACO, INC.
              FILE NO. 000-50672

Dear Ms. Long:

         We are writing in response to comments issued by the Securities and
Exchange Commission in a letter dated December 6, 2004. We refer to the
Information Statement filed on Schedule 14C by Nannaco, Inc. ("Registrant"), via
EDGAR on November 24, 2004, as amended by PRER 14C filed on December 2, 2004.
The following responses, submitted by the Otto Law Group representing Registrant
are numbered to correspond with the numbers contained in the comment letter.


         As detailed above, on December 2, 2004, Registrant filed an amendment
to the Form 14 C filed November 24, 2004, for the purpose of addressing certain
internal inconsistencies within the initial document. For the reasons detailed,
below, Registrant does not believe that any further amendment is required at
this time.


         Registrant filed the Schedule 14C specifically to provide information
in connection with a proposed reverse stock split. Registrant did not file the
Schedule 14C to seek shareholder consent to the proposed merger with Nazz
Productions, Inc. The proposed merger is specifically conditioned upon future
consent of the Registrant shareholders, rather than upon the proposed reverse
stock split. Registrant will file a separate Schedule 14C that will include the
requisite information pursuant to Schedule 14A, prior to, and as a condition of,
the closing of the merger with Nazz Productions, Inc. Therefore, we do not
believe that the information in Schedule 14A, as read into Schedule 14C, is
required to be filed by Registrant at this time.


         The issuance of common stock to Nazz Productions, Inc. is specifically
conditioned upon future consent of the Registrant's shareholders to the merger
with Nazz Productions, Inc., and does not occur until closing of such merger.
Registrant intends to file a separate Schedule 14C regarding the proposed merger
that will include the requisite information pursuant to Schedule 14A. Therefore,
we do not believe that the information requested in connection with Items 11 and
12 is required at this time.

         We hope that these answers satisfy all of the staff's remaining
comments, and I will be contacting you in that regard in the near future. In the
meanwhile, please contact the undersigned if you have further questions. In Mr.
Shier's absence, please contact Todd Van Siclen.

                                                       Sincerely yours,

                                                       THE OTTO LAW GROUP, PLLC

                                                       Tracy Shier

cc:   Andrew P. Schoeffler
      Steve Careaga