

                                pSiMEDICA LIMITED


                             AEA TECHNOLOGY QSA GmbH


ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS                                                       5

ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE                                                           8

ARTICLE 3 - TERM                                                              8

ARTICLE 4 - DEVELOPMENT PHASE                                                 8

ARTICLE 5 - FACILITY PROGRAM                                                  9


ARTICLE 8 - GENERAL OBLIGATIONS                                              13

ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS                                                         14

ARTICLE 10 - ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS                                            16

ARTICLE 11 - LICENSE                                                         18



ARTICLE 14 - QSA'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                            20


ARTICLE 16 - ARISING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY                                   22

ARTICLE 17 - REGULATORY MATTERS                                              24

ARTICLE 18 - GENERAL INDEMNITY                                               26

ARTICLE 19 - DISCLOSURE OF TECHNOLOGY                                        27

ARTICLE 20 - CONFIDENTIALITY                                                 27

ARTICLE 21 - TERMINATION                                                     28

ARTICLE 22 - NOTICES                                                         30

ARTICLE 23 - DISCLAIMER OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES                             31

ARTICLE 24 - ASSIGNMENT                                                      31

ARTICLE 25 - COMPLIANCE                                                      31

ARTICLE 26 - NON-WAIVER                                                      32

ARTICLE 27 - FORCE MAJEURE                                                   32

ARTICLE 28 - INSURANCE                                                       32


ARTICLE 29 SEVERABILITY                                                      34

ARTICLE 30 GENERAL                                                           34

ARTICLE 31 - APPLICABLE LAW                                                  35

Schedule A Development Phase                                                 37

Schedule B Facility Description                                              38

Schedule C Product Description (For Phase IIa Product)                       44

Schedule D Source Specifications                                             45

Schedule E Pricing                                                           49


THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 15th day of March, 2004,

              having a place of business at
              Gieselweg 1
              D-38110, Braunschweig


AND:          pSiMedica Ltd
              having a place of business at
              Malvern Hills Science Park
              Geraldine Road
              Malvem, Worcestershire,
              WR14 3SZ
              UNITED KINGDOM



I.    pSiMedica is the owner of certain patents, data, information and
      technology related to a new biomaterial (BioSilicon(TM)) that it wishes to
      be the basis for a potentially new class of P-32 containing "sources" for
      use in intratumoural brachytherapy;

II.   QSA has expertise in the production and processing of radioactive
      material, including the necessary patents, know-how, techniques, methods,
      processes and trade secrets for the development and manufacture of sealed
      sources and dosimetry;

III.  pSiMedica desires that QSA manufactures P-32 BioSilicon(TM) "sources" to
      meet pSiMedica's commercial supply requirements; and

IV.   pSiMedica desires that QSA develops the required sources, construct a
      facility at its subsidiaries sites, initially at Braunschweig, Germany,
      and then to manufacture pSiMedica's requirements for P-32 BioSilicon(TM)
      sources, in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set
      out herein.


NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein
contained, and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set out, the
Parties hereto agree as follows:

                             ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS

For the purposes of this Agreement:

1.1   "Affiliated Company" shall mean either

      (a) a company which is at least majority owned or majority controlled by a
      Party hereto or which holds at least a majority interest or majority
      control in such Party;


      (b) a parent company to one of the Parties hereto

1.2   "Batch" shall mean a production batch of P-32 BioSilicon(TM) manufactured
      by QSA under this Agreement.

1.3   "Background Technology" shall mean all QSA or its Affiliated Company(s)
      proprietary technology, including patents, copyrights, know-how,
      techniques, methods, processes and trade secrets which is required for the
      purposes of performing the obligations of QSA under this Agreement and
      which is owned by QSA or its Affiliated Company(s), or which QSA is
      authorized to use, or which is licensed to QSA from third parties and
      which is in existence in the form of a written, description, prototype or
      can otherwise be demonstrated to be the property of QSA or its Affiliated
      Company(s), prior to the Effective Date.

1.4   "Clinical Trials" shall mean human trials for clinical development of the
      Medical Device.

1.5   "Commercial Phase" shall mean the period commencing at the date of the
      first commercial sale of P-32 BioSilicon(TM) Sources from QSA to pSiMedica
      which have been manufactured in the Facility, for pSiMedica after receipt
      of marketing authorization from the appropriate Regulatory Authorities and
      ending at the date of the last commercial sale of P-32 BioSilicon(TM)
      Sources from QSA to pSiMedica.

1.6   "Development Phase" shall mean the period commencing from the Effective
      Date until completion to pSiMedica's reasonable satisfaction of the
      activities described in Schedule A and any other schedules referred to in
      Schedule A.

1.7   "Effective Date" shall mean the date of the signature of this Agreement.


1.8   "Equipment(s)" shall mean the moveable assets to be purchased or
      manufactured by QSA for and on behalf of pSiMedica. Said equipment will be
      detailed in project invoices from QSA to pSiMedica and will be clearly
      tagged and identified as pSiMedica property.

1.9   "European Authority" shall mean pSiMedica's Notified Body.

1.10  "Facility" shall mean the production line facility to be constructed by
      QSA in its currently existing factory in Braunschweig, Germany, as
      described in Schedule B and which will be constructed and installed for
      the production of Sources.

1.11  "Facility Program" or "Facility Phase" shall mean the program for the
      construction of the Facility as described in Article 5.

1.12  "Hot Cell(s)" shall mean the assets to be purchased or manufactured by QSA
      for and on behalf of pSiMedica and installed in the Facility for the term
      of this Agreement (unless QSA exercises the option under Article 6.1
      (ii)), as more specifically defined in Schedule "B".

1.13  "Improvements" shall mean the extension of Intellectual property gained
      during the Term of this Agreement

1.14  "Initial Term" shall have the meaning set forth in Article 3.1 hereof

1.15  "Initial Term Notice" shall mean the written notice by either Party which
      shall be given at least eighteen (18) months prior to the end of the
      Initial Term and by which the notifying Party informs the other Party that
      it does not wish to extend the term of the Agreement beyond the Initial

1.16  "Isotope" or "P-32" shall mean the Phosphorous-32 in the medical device.

1.17  "Intellectual Property Rights" (IPR) shall mean all intellectual rights
      (including but not limited to) rights to inventions, patent rights,
      know-how, copyrights and design rights in any part of the world to the
      fullest extent and for the full period thereof (including without
      limitation any extensions, reversions and renewals) and all rights thereto
      and interests therein."

1.18  "Major Repair(s)" shall mean a repair to a given asset entailing
      expenditures in excess of the lesser of:

      (i)   [***] of the subject asset's purchase price as determined at the
            time of purchase by the invoice price less any discounts received,

      (ii)  [***].

1.19  "Medical Device" shall mean pSiMedica's P-32 BioSilicon(TM) as described
      in Schedule C.


1.20  "Minimum Batch Size" shall mean the minimum number of dose vials to be
      assembled in one batch and the number of which is to be mutually agreed in
      writing prior to the commencement of the Commercial Phase.

1.21  "Notice of Termination" shall mean the written notice given by either
      Party to the other Party to terminate the Agreement after the Initial Term
      has ended. Notice of Termination must be given at least eighteen (18)
      months prior to the date of effective termination.

1.22  "pSiMedica Notified Body" shall mean the appropriately designated medical

1.23  "pSiMedica Technology" shall mean all pSiMedica proprietary technology,
      including patents, know-how, techniques, methods, processes and trade
      secrets which is required for the purposes of performing the obligations
      of pSiMedica under this Agreement and which is owned by pSiMedica, or
      which pSiMedica is authorized to use, or which is licensed to pSiMedica
      from third parties and which is in existence in the form of a written,
      description, prototype or can otherwise be demonstrated to be the property
      of pSiMedica, prior to the Effective Date.

1.24  "Process" shall mean the process of formulation, irradiation, preparation,
      dispensing into dose vials, encapsulation, de-encapsulation,
      re-encapsulation, inspection and testing of Sources to meet pSiMedica's

1.25  "QSA Repairs" shall mean repairs or maintenance to the Equipment and Hot
      Cells that are necessary through QSA's negligent abuse, improper
      operation, inadequate maintenance, negligence or willful misconduct.

1.26  "Scheduled Batch Completion Date" The date for which QSA has received
      final confirmation from pSiMedica that a Batch is required. Such
      confirmation from pSiMedica will be given at intervals no less than 14
      (fourteen) days prior to when dispatch is required by pSiMedica

1.27  "Specification(s)" shall mean those specifications for the Sources set out
      in Schedule D.

1.28  "Source(s)" shall mean the terminally sterilized patient dose vial
      produced using the Process which meet the Specifications.

1.29  "Dose vial(s)" shall mean Sources dispensed to an agreed contained
      activity and reference date meeting the Specifications suitable for use in
      the Medical Device.

1.30  "Transfer Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Article 6.1 sub-clause
      (v) hereof.


1.31  "United States Authority" shall mean the United States Food and Drug

1.32  "Validation" shall mean the program mutually agreed to by the Parties by
      which documented evidence provides assurance that the Process will
      consistently produce Sources that meet Specifications and quality
      attributes, to the reasonable satisfaction of both Parties and the
      appropriate Regulatory Authorities.

                              ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE


      The scope and object of the Agreement is to complete the development of
      Sources in accordance with the development responsibilities and
      obligations attributed to each of the Parties as set out in this
      Agreement. In addition, this Agreement shall provide for the construction
      of a Facility at QSA's manufacturing site in Braunschweig, Germany, for
      the manufacture of Sources and the supply of Sources for Clinical Trials
      and initial commercial sales. It is anticipated that later duplication of
      the Facility may be required at other QSA subsidiary sites in order to
      follow market demands.

                                ARTICLE 3 - TERM


      The initial term of this Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date
      and, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement, shall continue
      until the third anniversary of the commencement of the Commercial Phase
      ("Initial Term").


      The term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended after
      expiration of the Initial Term unless either Party has given Initial Term
      Notice to the other Party. At least two years prior to the end of the
      Initial Term, the Parties agree to meet in order to discuss, in good
      faith, their intentions with respect to whether or not to continue the
      term of this Agreement beyond the Initial Term.

                         ARTICLE 4 - DEVELOPMENT PHASE


      During the Development Phase, QSA and pSiMedica shall respectively carry
      out their obligations described and attributed in Schedule "A", it being
      understood that some activities may be reasonably delayed to the extent
      that such activity is premised on the work or provision of data,
      information or technology by the other


      Party which such other Party does not provide on a timely basis. Each
      Party shall use their best efforts in order to carry out their respective
      obligations and responsibilities set out in Schedule "A" to the timescales

      The Parties acknowledge and agree that Schedule "A" may only be amended
      during the course of the Development Phase to accommodate unforeseen
      events and results beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. All such
      changes to Schedule "A" shall be made by written agreement of the Parties.

      The Project Managers (as specified at Article 22.1) will meet at least
      bi-monthly, at locations to be agreed, including telephone or
      videoconferencing, for the purpose of reviewing the status of the project
      and to assess progress against the milestones and activities set forth in
      Schedule "A". QSA shall also provide written reports to pSiMedica, on a
      monthly basis, setting out the progress against milestones set forth in
      Schedule "A".


      At each review meeting of the Project Managers an assessment shall be made
      of the progress of the Development Stage and the ability of both Parties
      to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. Should both Parties agree in
      writing during the Development Phase that it is no longer possible to
      fulfill the terms of this Agreement, then this Agreement shall be

                          ARTICLE 5 - FACILITY PROGRAM


      Subject to successful completion of the relevant parts of the Development
      Phase to the satisfaction of pSiMedica, QSA shall construct the Facility
      at its site in Braunschweig, Germany to carry out the manufacture of
      Sources. QSA will use its commercially reasonable best efforts to complete
      the Facility Program in accordance with the Gantt chart set forth in
      Schedule B. Schedule B may only be modified as agreed in writing by the


      The actual capital cost of the Facility Program will be calculated on a
      time and materials basis as set out in Article 9.1. The facility shall be
      completed by QSA on or about 18th May, 2005. The budgeted capital cost for
      performance of the Facility Program by QSA is estimated at the Effective
      Date to be One million two hundred and forty four thousand one hundred
      Euros.((euro) 1,244,100), inclusive of contingency and QSA administration
      fees. Any cost in excess of the estimated budgeted capital cost shall be
      subject to the prior written authorization of pSiMedica.


                          ARTICLE 6 - ASSET OWNERSHIP


      (i)   Under this Agreement QSA will purchase or manufacture, on behalf of
            pSiMedica, the Hot Cell(s) and Equipment, which will be installed in
            the Facility as described in Schedule B. Upon completion of the
            purchase or manufacture of the Hot Cell(s) and Equipment, a warranty
            bill of sale in a form reasonably acceptable to pSiMedica, shall be
            executed and delivered to pSiMedica transferring full title to such
            Hot Cell(s) and Equipment dedicated to pSiMedica requirements free
            and clear of all liens, claims, or encumbrances. Subject to
            pSiMedica's obligations to transfer ownership of the Hot Cell to QSA
            under circumstances as set forth in this Agreement, pSiMedica shall
            at all times hold all right, title and interest in the Hot Cell and
            Equipment; provided, however, that during the term of this
            Agreement, usage thereof shall belong exclusively to QSA for the
            purposes of producing Sources for pSiMedica at the Braunschweig,
            Germany site. Since the Equipment will be in QSA's possession, QSA
            represents and warrants that the Hot Cell(s) and Equipment insofar
            as circumstances that are wholly under the control of QSA shall not
            be encumbered, and shall, during the term of this Agreement, remain
            free and clear of any and all encumbrances including, but not
            limited to, mortgages, charges and liens and that no effective
            financing statement, pledge or other instrument similar in effect
            covering all or any part of the Hot Cell(s) or Equipment has been
            agreed or will be agreed by QSA or Parties claiming by, through or
            under QSA.

      (ii)  In partial consideration of the services to be performed hereunder
            by QSA and in consideration of the payment of [***] the sufficiency
            of which is hereby acknowledged, on the earlier of the natural
            expiration or termination of this Agreement by pSiMedica (for
            whatever reason other than the default by QSA), should QSA wish to
            retain the use of the Hot Cell(s), pSiMedica agrees without further
            notice or demand to transfer all of its right, title and interest in
            and to the Hot Cell and Equipment to QSA. After transfer of title,
            QSA will following such transfer be responsible for any
            decontamination or decommissioning costs of the Facility.

      (iii) At the conclusion of this Agreement (for what ever reason) the Hot
            Cell and other dedicated Equipment at Braunschweig, will need to be
            decontaminated and decommissioned. This shall be the responsibility
            of pSiMedica unless QSA is able and chooses to exercise its option
            to acquire title to the Hot Cells and Equipment. At the time of the
            completion of the Facility, on or about 30th December, 2004,
            pSiMedica shall establish an Escrow Account for the estimated cost
            to Decontaminate and Decommission the Facility [***]This Escrow
            Account shall be funded either by an irrevocable letter of credit,
            and be held by pSiMedica's attorney. Should QSA decline to exercise
            its option, or fail to be allowed to exercise the option due to its
            default of this Agreement, to own the Hot Cell and the Equipment,
            then upon the natural expiration or termination of this Agreement by
            pSiMedica the funds established by PSiMedica in the "Decontamination
            and Decommissioning" Escrow Account or through the letter of credit
            will be made available to QSA and shall be used exclusively for the
            decontamination and decommissioning of the Hot Cell(s) and any other
            Equipment prior to their removal by pSiMedica from the Braunschweig
            site. Should QSA exercise the option to own the Hot Cell(s) and the
            Equipment, then the funds held in the Escrow Account will revert to
            pSiMedica or the letter of credit canceled. At each calendar year
            end during this Agreement, pSiMedica will increase or decrease the
            balance of the Escrow Account or the letter of credit to reflect the
            reasonable costs of Decontamination and Decommissioning as estimated
            by QSA. If the balance of the Escrow Account exceeds the funds
            necessary for Decontamination and Decommissioning, the excess shall
            be returned to pSiMedica immediately upon completion of
            Decontamination and Decommissioning.


      (iv)  Except as may be provided in accordance with Article 16.1 sub-clause
            (ii), in no event may QSA use or permit any third Party to use the
            Hot Cell(s) or Equipment for the manufacture of any Sources, any
            products which use technology of pSiMedica, or any products which
            could compete with the sale of Sources or the Medical Device
            (including the Source) by pSiMedica. If title to the Equipment and
            Hot Cell(s) is obtained by QSA, QSA may not sell, transfer, lease,
            or permit the use of the Hot Cell(s) or the Equipment by third
            parties without first notifying pSiMedica and providing pSiMedica
            the opportunity to match the terms of any such sale, transfer,
            lease, or permit. Should pSiMedica decline to exercise such an
            option to purchase or acquire use of the Equipment and Hot Cell(s)
            then QSA shall be relieved of all obligations under this Article.

      (v)   It is understood that pSiMedica may finance the purchase and
            construction of the Hot Cell(s) and Equipment through debt and
            provide a preferred security interest (Sicherungseigentum) in the
            Hot Cell(s) and Equipment to a financing institution or other
            lender. Until such time as pSiMedica has made the transfer as set
            out in Article 6.1sub-clause(ii) or has otherwise transferred
            ownership of the Hot Cell(s) or Equipment as set out elsewhere in
            this Agreement (the "Transfer Date"), QSA shall have, and is hereby
            granted a secondary security interest (nachrangiges
            Anwartschaftsrecht auf Sicherungseigentum) in and to the Hot Cell(s)
            behind any security interest provided to any financing institution
            or other lender. The secondary security interest in the Hot Cell(s)
            and the provision for eventual Decontamination and Decommissioning
            set forth above shall be perfected by possession of the Hot Cell(s)
            by QSA and shall be effective as of the date of commencement of
            installation of such Hot Cell(s) and shall serve as collateral for
            the carrying out of the obligations of pSiMedica set out in this
            Agreement. Until the Transfer Date, QSA at all times during the Term
            of this Agreement shall be entitled to the use and possession of the
            Hot Cell(s) and Equipment in accordance with this Agreement, and the
            Hot Cell(s) and Equipment, shall be maintained and preserved by QSA
            at its expense in accordance with the provisions set out in this
            Agreement. pSiMedica shall execute all documents reasonably required
            to provide a secondary security interest in and to the Hot Cell(s)
            to QSA.


      (iv)  The labor rates and material handling markups on assets constructed
            by QSA or its affiliates for this Phase are set forth at Article 9.1



      QSA agrees to use the Process to produce Sources that meet the
      Specifications in conformity with all applicable laws, rules and
      regulations of Germany, the European Union and the United States and to
      ship Sources as directed by pSiMedica. Subject to the provisions of
      Article 27, during the Initial Term of this Agreement and any renewal or
      extension thereof, QSA shall manufacture as provided in the preceding
      sentence and provide pSiMedica with Sources which shall be ordered by
      pSiMedica under this Agreement for the purposes of clinical trials and
      commercial sale of the Medical Device.


      pSiMedica agrees that it shall order Sources at the price set forth in
      Article 9.3 in batch sizes no smaller than the Minimum Batch Size.
      pSiMedica further agrees that it shall purchase from QSA a minimum of
      [***] Sources during each twelve months period after commencement of the
      Commercial Phase for the remaining period of this Agreement. Should
      pSiMedica not order the minimum number of Sources in any twelve month
      period from the commencement of the Commercial Phase, then it shall pay
      QSA a penalty of [***] for the difference between the number of actual
      Sources ordered and the minimum purchase requirement for that period.


      QSA shall certify in writing, to pSiMedica, and shall provide backup
      evidence as requested, that each Batch of Sources was produced and tested
      in compliance with:

      (i)   the Specifications; and


      (ii)  all applicable laws, rules and regulations of Germany, the European
            Union and the United States, and in accordance with procedures
            agreed between pSiMedica and QSA.

      The tests and analyses provided in the Specifications as well as the
      nature and form of written certification may be amended from time to time
      only by mutual written consent of the Parties.


      After the Facility is installed, QSA shall maintain such Facility, Hot
      Cell(s) and Equipment in satisfactory operating condition, as required to
      enable QSA to manufacture Sources to Specification in accordance with the
      Process and all other applicable laws, regulations, rules or orders. In
      the event of any conflict between the applicable laws, regulations, rules
      or orders, QSA will notify pSiMedica of such conflict and the Parties
      shall act in good faith to resolve such conflict or to determine which
      laws, regulations, rules or orders should take precedence. Routine
      repairs, preventive maintenance and service contracts for the Facility and
      Equipment shall be arranged by QSA.

                        ARTICLE 8 - GENERAL OBLIGATIONS


      QSA shall obtain reactor irradiation space sufficient to meet its
      obligations hereunder.

      QSA shall contract for the supply of the irradiation facility(ies) to
      produce the Isotope necessary for QSA's production of Sources pursuant to
      this Agreement.


      It is understood that QSA's obligation to supply Isotope is conditional,
      depending upon its ability to obtain a sufficient supply of the Isotope by
      the reactor irradiation of feedstock doped BioSilicon(TM) supplied by
      pSiMedica. QSA will use its best efforts to locate and obtain sufficient
      reactor space to produce Isotope to manufacture the Sources required by
      pSiMedica. QSA will notify pSiMedica upon QSA's first knowledge of a
      shortage or likelihood of any shortage of Isotope if such shortage will
      impact the manufacture of the Sources. Except as set out below, QSA shall
      not be liable for any delays in the supply of Isotope if due to causes
      described in Article 27 hereof.


      During the first five (5) business days of each month commencing with the
      Commercial Phase of this Agreement, QSA and pSiMedica will establish a
      schedule of Batch runs for the next twelve (12) weeks. pSiMedica shall
      provide QSA with confirmation of Batch orders no later than fourteen (14)
      days prior to a Scheduled Batch Completion Date. QSA shall be under an
      obligation to deliver to pSiMedica the confirmed Batch order within the
      agreed time schedule for such delivery. This approach to production
      planning may be modified as mutually agreed to by the Parties based upon
      pSiMedica's and QSA's experience in clinical and commercial supply.


                              ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS


      As with the previous Agreements signed by the two Parties hereto, in
      performing the Development Phase QSA will invoice pSiMedica monthly in
      arrears, providing an adequate description of the work billed. [***]

      In the Facility Program, QSA will provide labor at the hourly billing
      rates detailed at Schedule A, [***].

      All charges not included in Schedule A or B hereto shall be subject to the
      prior written approval of pSiMedica. Charges shall be due only for
      services, material and equipment authorized by the terms of Schedule A or
      Schedule B. Monthly invoices that include detailed cost statements shall
      be submitted to pSiMedica for work performed during the prior month.



      QSA shall be responsible for the payment of all repair and maintenance
      costs. pSiMedica will repay all reasonable expenses for any Major Repairs
      to or replacement of the Equipment except for QSA Repairs. All costing for
      all repairs shall be on the same basis as the Facility Phase.

      The maximum amount QSA will be required to pay in any calendar year for
      routine repairs, preventive maintenance and service contracts for the
      Facility and Equipment shall be [***], plus all amounts required for QSA
      Repairs. Any reasonable amounts for routine repairs, preventive
      maintenance and service contracts for the Facility and Equipment other
      than QSA Repairs in excess of [***] in any calendar year will be borne by
      pSiMedica. Preventive maintenance and service contracts for the Equipment
      in excess of [***] which are approved in advance by pSiMedica will be
      borne by pSiMedica. All amounts set forth in this Article shall be based
      on [***] QSA shall co-ordinate with and advise pSiMedica regarding the
      advisability of any Major Repair or replacement. The only repairs, if any,
      to the Facility or Equipment which shall be borne by pSiMedica are those
      set forth in this Article. All other repairs shall be borne by QSA.



      Prior to the commencement of the Commercial Phase, the Parties shall agree
      the price that shall be paid by pSiMedica for each Source that QSA
      produces to Specification. [***]

9.4   [***]


      Except as otherwise provided herein, all invoices shall be paid within 30
      days. Where there is any dispute with regard to any item on any cost
      statement and or invoice, payment for that item shall be withheld until
      such time as any dispute is settled. Payment shall not be withheld from
      any item that is not under dispute.

      All payments, costs and prices included in this Agreement shall be
      exclusive of all taxes.


      Unless otherwise specified, all sums set out in this Agreement shall be in


9.7   AUDIT

      QSA shall keep accurate books and accounts of record in connection with
      the manufacture by it of the Sources in sufficient detail to permit
      accurate determination of all figures necessary for verification of all
      compensation required to be paid pursuant to Article 9. QSA shall maintain
      such records for a period of three (3) years after the end of the year in
      which they were generated. These records may be audited by pSiMedica in
      accordance with this Agreement, and shall be available for review by
      pSiMedica at any time upon reasonable notice.

      Except as provided below, pSiMedica, at its sole expense and through its
      accounting personnel or, if pSiMedica elects, through an independent
      certified public accountant reasonably acceptable to QSA, shall have the
      right to examine the books and records of QSA relating to the activities
      of QSA hereunder and compensation due QSA hereunder for the sole purpose
      of verifying such statements. Such audit shall be conducted upon six (6)
      weeks' prior written notice to QSA during ordinary business hours, and
      shall not be more frequent than once during each calendar year. pSiMedica
      agrees to keep in strict confidence all information learned in the course
      of such audits, except when it is necessary to reveal such information in
      order to enforce its rights under this Agreement. pSiMedica's right to
      have such records examined shall survive termination or expiration of this
      Agreement for a period of one (1) year. As each Phase of this Agreement
      shall be priced and invoiced in a different manner, any financial audits
      undertaken by pSiMedica, shall be done in a way that is appropriate for
      the type of pricing and invoicing that was undertaken. In all events, QSA
      shall promptly remit to pSiMedica the amount of any overpayment, plus
      interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the date such payment was
      received by QSA until repaid to pSiMedica. In addition, if the audit
      reveals an overcharge of more than ten percent (10%) of the amount due,
      QSA shall reimburse pSiMedica for the cost of the related audit and any
      costs incident thereto, including attorney's fees and all costs of
      collection. Should such audits reveal that QSA have undercharged
      pSiMedica, then pSiMedica shall promptly remit to QSA such sums as have
      not been recovered.

                       ARTICLE 10 - ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS


      During the term of this Agreement, pSiMedica will forward orders to QSA by
      facsimile (or other suitable means). Such orders shall include the
      identity of the recipient and delivery destination. Delivery of Sources to
      pSiMedica or as otherwise directed by pSiMedica shall initially be
      ex-Works transport vehicle at QSA's facility in Braunschweig, Germany.
      Risk for the goods shall pass to pSiMedica at point of delivery to the
      transport vehicle. Title to the goods shall pass to pSiMedica upon QSA
      receiving payment from pSiMedica.


      During the term of this Agreement QSA shall subject to Article 27.1, meet
      pSiMedica's orders and delivery requirements.

      Prior to the first shipment of Sources to any third Party site, QSA shall
      obtain from such third Party its license evidencing proper legal authority
      for the receipt and possession of the Source by such third Party. If QSA
      is unable to obtain such license from the third Party, pSiMedica, upon
      QSA's request, shall obtain and provide such evidence of legal authority
      for the receipt and possession of the Source by such third Party.
      pSiMedica shall obtain all approvals, licenses and permits required to
      import the Source into any territory where pSiMedica directs shipments to
      be sent.

      QSA shall make shipping arrangement with carriers designated in writing by
      pSiMedica from the ex-Works point to the delivery site. All transportation
      and packaging costs incurred to deliver Sources ordered by pSiMedica shall
      be borne by pSiMedica.


      If either Party or its designee discovers that a Batch of Sources does not
      meet the Specifications, then the discovering Party shall promptly
      communicate in writing with the other Party to determine a mutually agreed
      course of action. With respect to any such Batch of Sources which do not
      meet Specifications as a result of shortcomings in process or parameters
      under the direct control of QSA, then QSA will promptly:

      (i)   replace such Batch of Sources at no additional cost (with QSA also
            paying all costs to deliver such replacement Batch to the pSiMedica
            designated site);

      (ii)  reimburse pSiMedica for its actual costs incurred to return the
            Sources to QSA and for any purchase price paid by pSiMedica for such
            Sources; and

      (iii) indemnify pSiMedica for any other costs it incurs by reason of such
            Batch of Sources or single Source not meeting Specifications. [***]


      Within one month of the commencement of the Commercial Phase of this
      Agreement, QSA shall maintain a reasonable minimum Source inventory of
      Sources to be agreed between the parties which will have a value according
      to the pricing agreed in Schedule E. This minimum inventory stock level
      shall be reviewed by QSA and pSiMedica at quarterly intervals to ensure
      compatibility with forecasted purchasing volumes. Upon Termination of this
      Agreement for any reason whatsoever, pSiMedica shall purchase the minimum
      inventory stock at QSA.


                              ARTICLE 11 - LICENSE


      pSiMedica hereby provides to QSA a non-exclusive, non-transferable,
      royalty free license during the term of this Agreement to use pSiMedica
      Technology, for the sole purpose of assisting QSA in carrying out its
      obligations set out in this Agreement. QSA hereby provides to pSiMedica a
      non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty free license during the term of
      this Agreement to the Background Technology, for the sole purpose of
      assisting pSiMedica in carrying out its obligations set out in this



      pSiMedica represents, warrants and covenants that:

      (i)   it has full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement;

      (ii)  it is the owner or licensee, in Germany, the United Kingdom and the
            United States, of the patents, data, information and technology
            supplied to QSA by pSiMedica to assist QSA in carrying out its
            obligations hereunder;

      (iii) exercise of the patent(s) and technology provided by pSiMedica do
            not, to pSiMedica's best information and belief, infringe any
            patents, copyright or other industrial or intellectual property
            rights of third parties;

      (iv)  it has the right to provide any license and right to permit QSA to
            use the patents and technology related to the Sources provided to
            the extent required to assist QSA in carrying out its obligations
            under this Agreement;

      (v)   it has not received any notice of adverse claim or infringement of
            any patent or misappropriation of trade secrets in connection with
            the use and exploitation of the patents, data, information and
            technology provided hereunder and related to the Sources; and

      (vi)  this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate
            action and constitutes a valid and binding agreement of pSiMedica,
            enforceable in accordance with its terms.

      (vii) it has complied with all corporate formalities required to legally
            bind it to this Agreement;

      (viii) it has executed no agreement in conflict herewith;


      (ix)  it shall exercise its rights and engage in activities hereunder in a
            workmanlike manner, using reasonable care and

      (x)   it shall at its sole cost and expense, comply with all laws and
            regulations and obtain all governmental approvals, regulatory
            approvals applicable to the exercise its rights and the engagement
            of its activities under this Agreement

      The foregoing representations and warranties shall be in lieu of and shall
      exclude all other warranties (as conditions) expressed or implied,
      statutory or otherwise, including any implied warranties (as conditions)
      of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



      pSiMedica hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold QSA, its Affiliates
      and all of the officers, directors, employees, and agents of QSA and its
      Affiliates harmless from any and all damages directly suffered by them
      arising out of or related to (a) the breach or falsity of any
      representation of pSiMedica contained herein or (b) the negligent or
      willful misconduct of pSiMedica or its officers, directors, employees or
      agents, or (c) any breach by pSiMedica of its obligations hereunder.

      pSiMedica shall indemnify and hold QSA harmless from and against any
      liabilities, claims, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney's
      fees) which QSA may be compelled to pay in any judgment, claim or action
      arising from infringement, of third Party copyright, patents, technology
      or other intellectual property rights, resulting from QSA's use, in
      accordance with the this agreement, of any data, information, technology
      or patents, as provided by pSiMedica hereunder. QSA shall give written
      notice of any such legal action promptly after QSA's first knowledge
      thereof. pSiMedica shall have sole and exclusive control of the defense of
      any legal action, including the choice and direction of any legal counsel.
      QSA may not settle nor compromise any legal action without the prior
      written consent of pSiMedica. This indemnity shall survive termination of
      the Agreement.

      This Article shall not apply to any liability resulting from the use of
      the aforementioned intellectual property for unauthorized purposes.

      In the event that any portion of the pSiMedica Technology is, in
      pSiMedica's reasonable opinion, likely to or does become the subject of a
      claim for a patent, copyright or other industrial or intellectual property
      rights infringement, pSiMedica reserve the right and may at its option:


      (i)   procure the right to continue using the pSiMedica Technology; or

      (ii)  modify the pSiMedica Technology to become non-infringing.



      QSA represents, warrants and covenants that:

      (i)   It has full right and authority to enter into this Agreement;

      (ii)  It is the owner or has legal rights of use of its data, information
            and technology contributed with respect to the Process;

      (iii) The data, information and technology contributed by QSA does not, to
            QSA's best information and belief, infringe any patents, copyright
            or other industrial or intellectual property rights of third

      (iv)  It has not received any notice of adverse claim of infringement of
            any patent or misappropriation of trade secret or any other
            intellectual property rights in connection with the use and
            exploitation of the data, information and technology used with
            respect to the Process;

      (v)   There is no action or proceeding pending or insofar as QSA knows or
            ought to know, threatened against QSA before any court,
            administrative agency or other tribunal which might have a material
            adverse effect on QSA's business; and

      (vi)  This Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate
            and government action and constitutes a valid and binding agreement
            of QSA, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

      (vii) it has complied with all corporate formalities required to legally
            bind it to this Agreement;

      (viii) it has executed no agreement in conflict herewith;

      (ix)  it shall exercise its rights and engage in activities hereunder in a
            workmanlike manner, using reasonable care and

      (x)   it shall at its sole cost and expense, comply with all laws and
            regulations and obtain all governmental approvals, regulatory
            approvals applicable to the exercise its rights and the engagement
            of its activities under this Agreement



      QSA warrants that the Product will be free from defects and conform to
      pSiMedica's specification but QSA's sole liability for breach of this
      warranty shall be as stated in Article 10.2 provided that the failure or
      defect is shown to QSA's reasonable satisfaction to be due to QSA's faulty
      workmanship, material or packaging and not to any defect in pSiMedica's
      Background Technology.

      The period of warranty in this Article 14.2 shall extend for a period of
      60 days from the date of receipt of the Product by pSiMedica or
      pSiMedica's customers or the end of the Product expiry date, whichever is



      QSA hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold pSiMedica, its Affiliates
      and all of the officers, directors, employees and agents of pSiMedica and
      its Affiliates harmless from any and all damages arising out of or related
      to (a) the breach or falsity of any representation of QSA contained
      herein, (b) the negligent or willful misconduct of QSA or its officers,
      directors, employees or agents, or (c) any breach by QSA of its
      obligations hereunder, including without limitation its obligation to
      comply with standard operating procedures.

      QSA agrees to defend, indemnify and hold pSiMedica, its officers,
      directors and employees harmless from and against any liabilities, claims,
      damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) which
      pSiMedica and such indemnified Parties may be compelled to pay in any
      judgment, claim or action arising from infringement of third Party
      copyright, patents, technology or other intellectual property rights
      resulting from pSiMedica's use under this Agreement of Background
      Technology. pSiMedica shall give written notice of any legal action
      promptly after pSiMedica's first knowledge thereof. QSA shall have sole
      and exclusive control of the defense of any legal action, including the
      choice and direction of any legal counsel. pSiMedica may not settle nor
      compromise any such legal action without the written consent of QSA. This
      indemnity shall survive termination of this Agreement.

      In the event that any portion of the Background Technology developed is,
      QSA's reasonable opinion, likely to or does become the subject of a claim
      for a patent, copyright or other industrial or intellectual property
      rights infringement, QSA reserves the right and may at its option:

      (i)   procure the right to continue using the technology; or

      (ii)  modify the technology to become non-infringing.



      In the event that any portion of the technology developed under this
      Agreement is, in either Parties reasonable opinion, likely to or does
      become the subject of a claim for a patent, copyright or other industrial
      or intellectual property rights infringement, either Party reserves the
      right and may at its option:

      (i)   procure the right to continue using the technology; or

      (ii)  modify the technology to become non-infringing.



      All Intellectual Property Rights in any Improvements conceived, written,
      created, developed or first reduced to practice in and related to the
      performance of this Agreement that relate to the pSiMedica Technology or
      BioSilicon(TM) generally ("pSiMedica Improvements") will be owned solely
      by pSiMedica irrespective of who conceives, writes, creates, develops or
      first reduces to practice any such Improvements.

      All Intellectual Property Rights in any Improvements conceived, written,
      created, developed or first reduced to practice in and related to the
      performance of this Agreement that relate to Background Technology ("QSA
      Improvements") will be owned solely by QSA irrespective of who conceives,
      writes, creates, develops or first reduces to practice any such

      All Intellectual Property Rights in any Improvements conceived, written,
      created, developed or first reduced to practice in and related to the
      performance of this Agreement that do not relate to either the pSiMedica
      Technology or the Background Technology, will be jointly owned by
      pSiMedica and QSA, irrespective of who conceives, writes, creates,
      develops or first reduces to practice any such Improvements and both
      pSiMedica and QSA shall, except as otherwise stated in this clause, have
      free use of such Improvements. Each Party on behalf of its stockholders,
      directors, employees, officers, Subsidiaries and representatives hereby
      assigns to the other party all Intellectual Property Rights in all such
      jointly owned Improvements. However neither Party shall utilize such
      jointly owned Improvements in conjunction with any third party without the
      prior written approval of the other party, which approval if given may be
      subject to any conditions that the other party reasonably determines but
      shall not be unreasonably withheld.

      In the event that pSiMedica is acquired or assigns a manufacturing license
      for the production of its P-32 BioSilicon(TM) that results in production
      other than by utilising the ongoing services of QSA and pSiMedica assets
      residing at QSA facilities, then pSiMedica, its heirs, successors or
      assigns shall be entitled to:


      a)    use any QSA Improvement which is made, developed or acquired by QSA,
            for its own purposes by way of a non-exclusive license without limit
            of time in exchange for a reasonable royalty

      b)    use the relevant Background Technology necessary to operate the
            manufacturing process by way of a non-exclusive license without
            limit of time in exchange for a reasonable royalty

      QSA will do all acts and things necessary to become the owner of any
      intellectual property rights arising out of the performance of the
      Agreement and to which pSiMedica can possibly be entitled or have a right
      to. In particular, QSA should, after consultation with pSiMedica, be
      obliged to claim all rights to inventions of their employees invented in
      the performance of the Agreement



      must notify pSiMedica in writing of all pSiMedica Improvements promptly
      following such Improvements being conceived, written, created, developed
      or first reduced to practice by any of its employees, officers, agents,
      contractors or other personnel engaged by QSA in and related to the
      performance of this Agreement; must upon pSiMedica's request, provide all
      details relating to any pSiMedica Improvements in a form specified by
      pSiMedica; hereby assigns all Intellectual Property Rights in all
      pSiMedica Improvements topSiMedica; and

      must do all things directed by pSiMedica, including executing such
      documents, which pSiMedica considers necessary in order to assign to
      pSiMedica and otherwise absolutely vest title in pSiMedica to all
      Intellectual Property Rights in such pSiMedica Improvements.



      must notify QSA in writing of all QSA Improvements promptly following such
      Improvements being conceived, written, created, developed or first reduced
      to practice by any of its employees, officers, agents, contractors or
      other personnel engaged by pSiMedica in and related to the performance of
      this Agreement; must upon QSA's request, provide all details relating to
      any QSA Improvements in a form specified by QSA; hereby assigns all
      Intellectual Property Rights in all QSA Improvements to QSA; and must do
      all things directed by QSA, including executing such documents, which QSA
      considers necessary in order to assign to QSA and otherwise absolutely
      vest title in QSA to all Intellectual Property Rights in such QSA



      This Article 16 shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any
      reason including expiration or termination of this Agreement.

                        ARTICLE 17 - REGULATORY MATTERS


      It shall be the responsibility of pSiMedica or its designee to file,
      obtain and maintain such licenses, registrations, listings, authorizations
      and approvals as the European Authority or United States Authority or any
      other applicable governmental entity may require to enable use of the
      Sources as a Medical Device. QSA shall provide to pSiMedica as requested
      or, at QSA's discretion directly to the regulatory authority (in order to
      protect the proprietary nature of the information), all required
      information in its possession necessary to assist pSiMedica in filing,
      obtaining and maintaining all licenses, registrations, listings,
      authorizations and approvals of any governmental entities necessary for
      the use of Sources as a Medical Device and in order to seek marketing
      authorization for the Medical Device.


      QSA shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all necessary
      facility licenses, registrations, authorizations and approvals, other than
      those required to market the Medical Device or use it in clinical trials,
      which are necessary to develop, manufacture, handle, store, label,
      package, dispose of, transport and ship Sources and radioactive materials
      in the U.S., Germany, and other jurisdictions specified by pSiMedica.


      Upon request of any governmental entity or any third Party entity
      authorized by a governmental entity, such entity shall, for the purpose of
      regulatory review, have access to observe and inspect the Facility and
      procedures used for the manufacturing, testing, storage and shipping of
      Sources, including Process development operations, and to audit such
      Facilities for compliance with applicable regulatory standards, and to
      perform such other activity as such entity may be authorized to undertake.
      QSA shall give pSiMedica prompt notice of any upcoming inspections or
      audits by a government entity of the Facility or procedures and shall
      provide pSiMedica with a written summary of such inspection or audit
      following completion thereof. QSA agrees to use commercially reasonable
      efforts to promptly rectify or resolve any deficiencies noted by a
      government entity whether communicated orally, in a report or
      correspondence or otherwise issued to QSA.



      pSiMedica shall have reasonable access to the Facility and procedures:

      (i)   at least once per calendar quarter and more frequently for good
            cause, for the purpose of observing the Process development relating
            to the Sources, and

      (ii)  no more frequently than semiannually (except for good cause) for the
            purpose of auditing the Facility for compliance to applicable
            regulatory requirements and standards relating to the Sources and
            timely performance by QSA of its obligations hereunder.

      After commencement of the Commercial Phase, pSiMedica shall, as mutually
      agreed and no less frequently than semiannually (except for good cause),
      be entitled to access to the Facility for the purpose of observing any
      Process development or to audit the Facility for compliance with
      specifications and other regulatory requirements. QSA shall provide access
      to pSiMedica, on a continuing basis, to all QSA protocols, standard
      operating procedures and manufacturing records, as is necessary or
      relevant for the development, manufacture, handling, storage, labeling,
      packaging, disposing, transportation and shipment of Sources, which may be
      required in obtaining or maintaining licenses, registrations,
      authorizations and regulatory authorization of the Medical Device. All
      such information disclosed to pSiMedica or its employees or agents, shall
      be deemed to be pSiMedica's Confidential Information as such term is
      defined in this Agreement.


      QSA agrees that no changes will be made to any materials, Specifications,
      Equipment, Hot Cell(s) or methods of production or testing the Sources,
      without pSiMedica's prior written approval. Subsequent to such approval by
      pSiMedica, QSA may then make such approved changes in manufacturing
      procedures, so long as in any event:

      (i)   such changes are permitted by applicable government regulations and
            the terms of any licenses, registrations, authorizations or
            approvals previously granted by the applicable governmental entity
            with respect to the Medical Device, and

      (ii)  pSiMedica receives copies of all documentation relating to such
            approved changes.

      If the changes require the additional license, registration, authorization
      or approval of any applicable governmental entity in Europe, United States
      or elsewhere, such changes may not be implemented until QSA receives
      written notice that the governmental entity or entities has or have
      authorized or approved the change. Each Party shall cooperate fully with
      the other in preparing data and information for a submission requesting
      prior authorization or approval of a change in materials, specifications,
      equipment or methods of production or testing. However, where changes are
      required to be made at the request of a regulatory body, pSiMedica shall
      not withhold their agreement to such changes.



      Each Party shall promptly notify the other of new regulatory requirements
      of which it becomes aware which are relevant to the manufacture of Sources
      under this Agreement and which are required by the European Authority,
      United States Authority or other applicable governmental entities and the
      Parties shall confer with each other with respect to the best means to
      comply with such requirements. QSA shall be responsible for implementing
      and complying with any new or revised regulatory requirements arising
      after the Effective Date relating to QSA's performance of this Agreement.

                         ARTICLE 18 - GENERAL INDEMNITY


      QSA and pSiMedica, as the case may be, shall indemnify and hold harmless
      the other from and against any and all costs, claims, judgements or other
      expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising as a result of
      damages claimed by third parties, in tort, contract or other legal theory,
      or arising as a result of its violation of any applicable law or
      regulation, in each case occasioned by QSA's or pSiMedica's negligence or
      willfulness or that of their respective employees or agents, in carrying
      out their obligations hereunder.


      A Party (the "Indemnitee") which intends to claim indemnification under
      this Agreement shall promptly notify the other Party (the "Indemnitor") in
      writing of any action, claim or other matter in respect of which the
      Indemnitee, or any of their respective directors, officers, employees or
      agents intend to claim such indemnification; provided, however, the
      failure to provide such notice within a reasonable period of time shall
      not relieve the Indemnitor of any of its obligations hereunder except to
      the extent the Indemnitor is prejudiced by such failure. The Indemnitor
      shall have sole and exclusive control of the defense of any legal action,
      including the choice and direction of any legal counsel. The Indemnittee
      may not settle nor compromise any legal action without the written consent
      of the Indemnitor The Indemnitee, and its respective directors, officers,
      employees and agents shall cooperate fully with the Indemnitor and its
      legal representatives in the investigation and defense of any action,
      claim or other matter covered by this indemnification. The Indemnitee
      shall have the right, but not the obligation, to be represented by counsel
      of its own selection and at its own expense.



      This Article 18 shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any
      reason including expiration of the term.

                     ARTICLE 19 - DISCLOSURE OF TECHNOLOGY


      Except as otherwise set out, it is agreed that disclosure of data,
      information or technology by QSA or pSiMedica, to the other, during the
      term of this Agreement shall not, except to the extent granted herein,
      constitute any grant, option or license under any patent, technology or
      other rights, held by QSA or pSiMedica.

                          ARTICLE 20 - CONFIDENTIALITY


      During the term of this Agreement and for a period of ten (10) years
      thereafter, each Party hereto shall maintain in confidence all technology
      including Background Technology, pSiMedica Technology, Jointly Owned
      Arising IP and know-how, data, processes, methods, techniques, formulas,
      test data and other information disclosed to such Party by the other Party
      whether or not it is identified as "Confidential Information" by the
      disclosing Party (collectively "Confidential Information"). Each Party
      shall necessarily be free to disclose its own Technology under the terms
      of its own established process for the disclosure of its Confidential
      Information. If either Party needs to disclose Confidential Information
      pertaining to the manufacturing process covered by this Agreement to a
      third Party then this shall be accommodated by the creation of a three way
      Confidential Information disclosure agreement. This obligation of
      confidentiality shall not apply to the extent that it can be established
      by the Party in receipt of such Confidential Information, that the

      i)    was already known to the receiving Party at the time of disclosure;

      ii)   was generally available to the public or otherwise part of the
            public domain at the time of its disclosure;

      iii)  became generally available to the public or otherwise part of the
            public domain after its disclosure to the receiving Party through no
            act or omission of the receiving Party;

      iv)   was disclosed to the receiving Party by a third Party who had no
            obligation to restrict disclosure of such information; or

      v)    was independently developed by the receiving Party without any use
            of Confidential Information of the disclosing Party.


      Notwithstanding the foregoing, QSA and pSiMedica may both disclose
      Confidential Information to an Affiliate or permitted assign provided that
      the Affiliate or permitted assign is bound by confidentiality to the same
      extent as QSA and pSiMedica hereunder. The Party disclosing Confidential
      Information to such Affiliate or permitted assign shall be liable for any
      unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information by the
      Affiliate or permitted assign.

      This Article shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement in
      accordance with its terms.

                            ARTICLE 21 - TERMINATION


      This Agreement may be terminated by either Party in the event of a
      material breach by the other Party of the terms and conditions hereof;
      provided, however, the other Party shall first give to the breaching Party
      written notice of the proposed termination of this Agreement (a "Breach
      Notice"), specifying the grounds thereof. Upon receipt of such Breach
      Notice, the breaching Party shall have ninety (90) days to respond by
      curing such breach. If the breaching Party does not cure such breach
      within such cure period, the other Party may terminate the Agreement
      without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which may be available
      to the non-breaching Party.


      If QSA terminates this Agreement, under Articles, 21.1 or 21.3, QSA, in
      addition to any claim for damages it may have, shall be entitled to:

      (i)   retain all amounts paid by pSiMedica to QSA prior to such

      (ii)  except for the Hot Cell(s), return to pSiMedica all the Equipment
            which is owned by pSiMedica and in QSA's possession and for which
            pSiMedica has paid all amounts due to QSA pursuant to this
            Agreement, unless pSiMedica requests that QSA decommission the
            Equipment by using the funds in the Escrow Account;

      (iii) terminate all activities under this Agreement expeditiously so as to
            minimize costs incurred by pSiMedica therefor;

      (iv)  deliver all completed and undelivered Sources to pSiMedica, or
            destroy such Sources, as pSiMedica may elect.

      (v)   immediately upon such termination, except as provided elsewhere in
            this agreement, terminate all licenses granted by QSA to pSiMedica
            under this Agreement which rights shall revert back to QSA; and


      (vi)  where applicable receive from pSiMedica written confirmation that
            the foregoing steps have been taken and that it has ceased using all
            patents data, information, technology, trade secrets and other
            intellectual property owned by QSA pursuant to this Agreement.

      pSiMedica shall further reimburse QSA for all reimbursable costs and work
      necessarily and properly incurred in relation to the orderly cessation of
      the work and sums owing but not invoiced prior to the effective date of
      any such termination by QSA under this Agreement. In addition, pSiMedica
      will if QSA so opts, either promptly transfer title of the Hot Cell(s) to
      QSA or allow the execution of the Decontamination and Decommissioning work
      by using the funds in the Escrow Account, whereupon pSiMedica shall have
      no further obligations under Article 6. 1.


      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, this
      Agreement may be terminated by either Party in the event the other Party
      files a petition in bankruptcy, is adjudicated a bankrupt, or files a
      petition or otherwise seeks relief under or pursuant to any bankruptcy,
      insolvency or reorganization statute or proceeding, or if a petition in
      bankruptcy is filed against it which is not dismissed within sixty (60)
      days or proceedings are taken to liquidate the assets of such Party which
      are not stayed within sixty (60) days. Any assets jointly owned by the two
      Parties including the Jointly Owned Arising IP shall become the property
      of the Party not seeking such relief.


      If pSiMedica terminates this Agreement under Article 21.1 or under Article
      21.3, or under any other provision hereof, pSiMedica, in addition to any
      claim for damages it may have, shall be entitled to:

      (i)   within thirty (30) days of such termination at QSA's expense if
            termination is caused by a breach of QSA's or at pSiMedica's if
            termination is for any other reason, receive the Equipment and all
            related materials, in its then current condition (subject to

      (ii)  exercise the option whether the Hot Cell(s) shall be returned to
            pSiMedica by QSA or whether they shall be decontaminated and
            decommissioned by QSA by using the funds in the Escrow Account;

      (iii) receive all completed Sources which have been ordered but not

      (iv)  immediately upon such termination, terminate all licenses granted by
            pSiMedica to QSA under this Agreement which rights shall revert back
            to pSiMedica and QSA shall then destroy all Sources pSiMedica elects
            not to acquire; and


      (v)   receive from QSA written confirmation that the foregoing steps have
            been taken and that it has ceased using all patents data,
            information, technology, trade secrets and other intellectual
            property owned by pSiMedica pursuant to this Agreement.

      If pSiMedica terminates this Agreement, pSiMedica shall reimburse QSA for
      all reimbursable costs and work necessarily and properly incurred in
      relation to the orderly cessation of the work and sums owing but not
      invoiced prior to the effective date of any such termination by pSiMedica
      under this Agreement. In addition, pSiMedica will if QSA so opts, either
      promptly transfer title of the Hot Cell(s) to QSA or allow the execution
      of the Decontamination and Decommissioning work by using the funds in the
      Escrow Account, whereupon pSiMedica shall have no further obligations
      under Article 6. 1.


      Notwithstanding expiration or termination of this Agreement, the
      obligations of the Parties under Articles 21 shall survive termination of
      this Agreement.

                              ARTICLE 22 - NOTICES

22.1  Within thirty (30) days after execution of this Agreement, the Parties
      shall each designate a Project Manager, who shall be responsible for
      coordinating communication and monitoring performance under this
      Agreement. All references in this Agreement to changes to the Schedules
      shall be automatically approved if agreed in writing by both Parties
      Project Managers.

22.2  Any notice to be sent to a Party hereunder except with regard to changes
      to the Schedules hereto shall be forwarded to:

22.3  QSA at:          AEA TECHNOLOGY-QSA, GMBH
                       Gieselweg 1
                       D-38110, Braunschweig

      Attention:       Dr. Rainer Lambrich

      PSiMedica at:    pSiMedica Ltd
                       Malvern Hills Science Park
                       Geraldine Road
                       Malvem, Worcestershire, WR14 3SZ
                       UNITED KINGDOM

      Attention:       Dr. Roger Aston


      Any notice required or authorized to be given by a Party to the other in
      accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall, unless otherwise
      specifically stipulated, be in writing and delivered personally, overnight
      courier or electronic facsimile confirmed by registered mail.



      In no event shall either Party be liable to the other for indirect,
      contingent, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but
      not limited to, any claim for damages based on lost profits, cost of
      capital, loss of business opportunity or loss of time.

                            ARTICLE 24 - ASSIGNMENT


      This Agreement shall endure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon
      the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns of
      the Parties. Neither QSA nor pSiMedica shall assign any portion of this
      Agreement without the written approval of the other Party, which approval
      shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, either Party has the right to
      assign this agreement to an Affiliate, but in such case shall remain
      liable to the other Party for the performance of its Affiliate and shall
      indemnify the other Party and hold it harmless from and against all costs,
      claims, judgements and other expenses arising from the Affiliate's
      performance or failure of performance.

      QSA shall be entitled to subcontract to third parties any of its
      obligations set out in this Agreement in order to carry out its
      obligations hereunder; provided, however, that QSA may not subcontract any
      obligation in this Agreement unless such subcontractor shall agree to be
      bound by all of the relevant provisions hereof. QSA shall remain
      responsible for the performance of its subcontractors and shall indemnify
      pSiMedica and hold it harmless from and against any and all costs, claims,
      judgments or other expenses arising from any subcontractor's performance
      or failure of performance.

                            ARTICLE 25 - COMPLIANCE


      This Agreement shall be carried out in compliance with all relevant laws,
      bylaws, rules, regulations and orders of government or manifestations
      thereof of Germany, the European Union and the United States.


                            ARTICLE 26 - NON-WAIVER


      Failure by either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of
      this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of its rights hereunder.
      Any waiver of a breach of any provision hereof shall not affect either
      Party's rights in the event of any additional breach.

                           ARTICLE 27 - FORCE MAJEURE


      Neither Party shall be liable to the other for loss or damage by virtue of
      the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure. In the event of Force
      Majeure, the Party affected shall promptly notify the other and shall
      exert commercially reasonable efforts to eliminate, cure or overcome such
      event and to resume performance of its obligations. If QSA is the Party
      affected by the Force Majeure event, QSA agrees that it will resume
      production of Sources as soon as practicable thereafter. For such time as
      QSA is affected by an event of Force Majeure, PSiMedica is relieved from
      its purchase obligations under this Agreement which purchase commitments
      shall be adjusted accordingly on a pro rated annual basis. "Force Majeure"
      shall mean an occurrence which prevents, delays or interferes with the
      performance by a Party of any of its obligations hereunder, if such event
      occurs by reason of any act of God, flood, fire, explosion, casualty or
      accident, or war, revolution, civil commotion, acts of public enemies,
      blockage or embargo, or any law, order or proclamation of any government
      not existing on the Effective Date, failure of unaffiliated suppliers to
      provide materials, equipment or machinery, interruption of or delay in
      transportation, strike or labor disruption, or other cause, whether
      similar or dissimilar to those above enumerated, beyond the commercially
      reasonable control of such Party.

                              ARTICLE 28 - INSURANCE


      From the start of the commercial phase of this Agreement and for a period
      of four years after the expiration or other termination hereof, pSiMedica
      shall maintain in force and effect product liability insurance issued by a
      reputable insurance company with a rating reasonably satisfactory to QSA.
      Such insurance shall (a) insure against Damages resulting from or caused
      by (or claimed to be resulting from or caused by) the operation or use of
      any Medical Devices marketed or distributed by pSiMedica, and (b) shall
      have coverage limits of not less than U.S. $8,000,000 per occurrence and
      U.S. $8,000,000 in the aggregate. Within 15 days after the execution of
      the Commercial Phase of this Agreement, pSiMedica will deliver to QSA
      copies of all policies effecting such insurance (in English) with a
      certificate (in English) of pSiMedica's insurance broker stating that all
      premiums then due have been paid.


      It is understood that pSiMedica shall establish separate insurance cover
      for the risks associated with the period of clinical trials for each
      individual clinical trial. pSiMedica will deliver to QSA copies of all
      policies effecting such insurance (in English) with a certificate (in
      English) of pSiMedica's insurance broker stating that all premiums then
      due have been paid.


      QSA agrees, at QSA's expense, to maintain general liability, business
      interruption (for at least $2 million) and property and casualty insurance
      covering loss or damage to:

      (i)   the Facility;

      (ii)  any asset owned by pSiMedica in the possession of QSA under this
            Agreement, including the Hot Cell(s) and Equipment; and

      (iii) QSA's facility located at Braunschweig, Germany, as the case may be.

      Such insurance policy shall designate pSiMedica as loss payee in the event
      of any loss or damage involving any asset owned by pSiMedica and shall
      name pSiMedica as an additional insured. QSA agrees that such insurance
      shall be replacement value insurance for all property owned by pSiMedica.
      QSA shall, upon request, provide to pSiMedica a certificate of insurance
      designating pSiMedica as loss payee in event of any loss or damage covered
      by sub-clause (ii) of this Article, provided that any proceeds so received
      as a result of less than a total loss shall be used to repair such damaged
      or destroyed assets, including, but not limited to, the Hot Cell(s) and
      the Equipment. Any insurance proceeds held by QSA pursuant to this Article
      shall be used to repair or replace such damaged Facility and QSA shall
      give pSiMedica thirty (30) days advance notice of any termination or
      cancellation of such coverage. This Article shall survive termination of
      this Agreement with respect to sub-clause (ii) of the first sentence of
      this Article.

      In addition, during the Term of the Commercial Phase of this Agreement and
      for a period of four years after the expiration or other termination
      hereof, QSA shall maintain in force and effect product liability insurance
      issued by a reputable insurance company with a rating reasonably
      satisfactory to pSiMedica. Such insurance shall (a) include coverage
      insuring against Damages resulting from or caused by (or claimed to be
      resulting from or caused by) the operation or use of any Source shipped or
      repaired by QSA (b) shall have coverage limits of not less than U.S.
      $8,000,000 per occurrence and U.S. $8,000,000 in the aggregate, and shall
      name pSiMedica as an additional insured. Within 15 days after the
      execution of the Commercial Phase of this Agreement, QSA will deliver to
      pSiMedica copies of all policies effecting such insurance (in English)
      with a certificate (in English) of QSA's insurance broker stating that all
      premiums then due have been paid.


                            ARTICLE 29 SEVERABILITY


      If any provision or term of this Agreement is found unenforceable under
      any of the laws or regulations applicable thereto, all other conditions
      and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force
      and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the Agreement or
      transactions contemplated herein are not affected in any manner materially
      adverse to any Party. Upon such determination that any term or other
      provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, the Parties
      hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement to effect
      the original intent of the Parties as closely as possible in a mutually
      acceptable manner, in order that the transaction contemplated hereby be
      consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible.

                               ARTICLE 30 GENERAL


      This Agreement, including the Schedules hereto which are incorporated
      herein, constitute the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the
      subject matter hereof and supersedes all proposals, oral or written, and
      all negotiations, conversations, or discussions. This Agreement may not be
      modified, amended, rescinded, canceled or waived, in whole or in part,
      except by written amendment signed by both Parties hereto.


      The Parties agree that, except as may otherwise be required by applicable
      laws, regulations, rules or orders, no information concerning this
      Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein shall be made public by
      either Party without the prior written consent of the other, which consent
      shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event either Party decides to
      issue a press release announcing the execution of this Agreement, it shall
      not do so without the prior written approval of the other Party.

      A copy of any proposed press release shall be provided to the other Party
      at least three (3) business days prior to any proposed dissemination. The
      Parties agree that they will use reasonable efforts to coordinate the
      initial announcement or press release relating to the existence of this


      The Parties understand that materials and information resulting from the
      performance of this Agreement may be subject to export control laws and
      that each Party is responsible for its own compliance with such laws.
      pSiMedica agrees that the cost of exporting Sources from Germany at its
      request shall be the responsibility of pSiMedica.



      (i)   In the event that, at any time during the term of this Agreement, a
            disagreement, dispute, controversy or claim should arise relating to
            scientific or technical issues in connection with QSA's performance
            under this Agreement, the Parties will attempt in good faith to
            resolve their differences for sixty (60) days. If, after sixty (60)
            days, the Parties are unable to resolve such dispute, the Parties
            shall refer the matter to a third Party consultant with expertise in
            the scientific or technical area of dispute for sixty (60) days. In
            the event such consultant is unable to work out a resolution of the
            issue with the Parties, the Parties shall within 30 days submit the
            matter to binding arbitration in Frankfurt, Germany to be undertaken
            pursuant to the applicable rules of the London Court of
            International Arbitration.

      (ii)  In the event that, at any time during the term of this Agreement, a
            disagreement, dispute, controversy or claim should arise out of or
            relating to the interpretation of or performance under this
            Agreement, or the breach, or invalidity thereof other than a dispute
            relating to scientific or technical issues in connection with QSA's
            performance under this Agreement covered by Article 30.4 sub-clause
            (i) above, the Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve their
            differences by referring the matter to the Chief Executive Officers
            of the Parties (or their designees) for sixty (60) days, following
            which if the matter is not resolved it will be submitted to
            alternative dispute resolution in Frankfurt, Germany to be
            undertaken pursuant to the applicable rules of the London Court of
            International Arbitration.

      (iii) The dispute resolution tribunal shall be composed of three
            arbitrators. The language of the arbitration shall be English. Under
            the LCIA Rules which are deemed to be incorporated by reference into
            this Agreement, the arbitrators shall resolve any dispute arising
            out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any questions
            regarding its existence, validity or termination.


      Time is of the essence in this agreement.

                          ARTICLE 31 - APPLICABLE LAW


      This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws
      of Germany. The Convention on the International Sale of Goods of April 11,
      1980 (CISG) and the German Law transforming the CISG into national law
      shall not apply.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.

                                        AEA TECHNOLOGY QSA GMBH

                                        By: /s/Ranier Lambrich
                                            Dr. Rainer Lambrich

                                        PSIMEDICA LTD

                                        By: /s/Roger Brimblecombe
                                            Dr. Roger Brimblecombe


                          SCHEDULE A DEVELOPMENT PHASE

This schedule is subject to any requirement contained in schedules B, C and D.
Any changes to such requirements will alter the provisions of schedule A.

At the Effective Date the ongoing development phase continues to optimise the
production of irradiated P-32 BioSilicon(TM) for animal and potential human
trials and the development of automation to the handling processes necessary to
produce the finished Sources.

The Development Phase has two key milestones

      1.    Pilot plant development for supply of circa 8 patient doses into a
            Phase IIa human clinical trial expected to commence May 2004.

      2.    Main plant development with process scale up to deliver [***] into a

Phase IIb human clinical trial expected to commence [***]. Design capacity for
commercial production - [***].

The initial development programme will indicate the process by which sources
will be manufactured viz) method of slurry creation, or dry powder dispensing,
and sterilization method. The time frame for this is estimated to be by end
March 2004.

Flexibility to react to pSiMedica requirements is an important concept in the
Development Phase and at the Effective Date work was also being defined to
develop a Source dose-vial containment, shielding and Source transport

Progress of the Development Phase projects is disseminated via monthly reports
and changes/additions to the programmes are actioned after receipt of written
instructions from PSiMedica.

Additional development activities outside of the scope of the initial
development programme and provision of the Pilot Plant facility will be agreed
under protocol by both parties and billed at the following contract rates

Facility Programme billing rates:




[*** five pages excluded ***]



32P BioSilicon 20um High P is a source component consisting of 20um particles of
acid treated Silicon containing Phosphorus-32.

The device will be provided `for single use only' as a dry powder for use in
interstitial brachytherapy. It is supplied as a sterile powder in 10ml
borosilicate glass vials with a 20mm rubber stopper and aluminium overseal. The
glass vial is contained for transportation within a lead-shielded Perspex "vial

Specific activity of P-32 BioSilicon 20um High P at reference date will be 1.4
+/- 0.1 MBq per mg.

Nominal activity: Each vial will contain 250 +/- 25 MBq of P-32 BioSilicon 20um
High P.

Prior to use the device will be reconstituted in an injectable suspending
aqueous formulation (known as FM27v2) at up to 50 mg/ml BioSilicon

It is anticipated that the Source will be a component of a Device kit that is
approved for the delivery of patient doses.

First clinical trials will follow a low dose range strategy of ~ 4 MBq per ml of
tumour. The 32P-BioSilicon(TM) microparticles will be administered
interstitially using a specially designed shielded syringe, which is under
development. This will minimise the possibility of environmental contamination
with radionuclide during the injection process, ensure operator safety and allow
site directed delivery using assisting techniques such as ultrasound or

Radionuclide purity:

32P BioSilicon 20um High P is nuclear reactor produced by the neutron
bombardment of 31P. At the time of calibration it contains not less than 99%
Phosphorus 32

Radiochemical purity: >95%

Chemical purity:

32P BioSilicon 20um High P is tested for the following metals, Na, Mg, Al, K,
Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu (also Mo & Co) and contains below 10 ppm of each

It is recognised by both Parties that the product details may change as the
Development programme progresses. All changes will be as a result of mutual
agreement and confirmed in writing, between the parties.



At the Effective Date, the final specification and presentation of the Source(s)
has not been completely developed, however, the fundamental product details and
description of the said specification are understood, and are detailed in
Schedule C.

In addition, during the period of the Development Phase covered in Article 4,
pSiMedica may request alterations to the specifications in order to meet the
needs of:

            -     Product Improvement

            -     Product development difficulties

            -     Market changes

            -     Business strategy

A draft specification agreed by both Parties is incorporated into this Schedule
D. Changes to the specifications must be agreed in writing between the two
Parties and where justified, revisions to the Commercial Phase terms will be


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AEA TECHNOLOGY                Specification                          [LOGO]
QSA GMBH        Specification for P-32 BioSilicon 20umHigh P      AEA TECHNOLOGY
BRAUNSCHWEIG                 Dokumentnummer:                          QSA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                     DRAFT 1

                                  QS-DOC. NO.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name, Vorname / Funktion : Th

Datum                    :

Unterschrift             :
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name, Vorname / Funktion :

Datum                    :

Unterschrift             :
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name, Vorname / Funktion :

Datum                    :

Unterschrift:            :
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Uberprufungsintervall: alle 2 Jahre
Besonderheiten:        keine


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AEA TECHNOLOGY                Specification                          [LOGO]
QSA GMBH        Specification for P-32 BioSilicon 20umHigh P      AEA TECHNOLOGY
BRAUNSCHWEIG                 Dokumentnummer:                          QSA
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.      MAT. NO.                   [Psi code No.]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.      CODE                       PBSB.....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.      PRODUCT NAME               (32P)BioSilicon 20um High P
        COMPANY DISTRIBUTOR        PsiMedica
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.      DESCRIPTION                                               TARGET
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.1     ACID TREATED SILICON CONTAINIG                            --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.1    IDENTITY P-32 / LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTING              Beta max. energy not greater
                                                                  than 1.7 1MeV
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.2    y-emitting impurities / y-spectrometry                     P-32 > 99 %
       AT REFERENCE DATE (RD)                                     Impurities
                                                                  < 1%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTING                              (1.4 +/- 0.1) MBq/mg
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.4    (mass or volume of formulant per vial) Tbd                 n.n.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.6    Chemical purity / (Tbd Psi)                                Tbd by PSi
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.7    RADIOCHEMICAL PURITY / PER SE                              > 95%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.     CERTIFICATE                               Batch No.;.... [batch code system tbd by PSi]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.    SAFETY DATA SHEET PURSUANT TO             --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.    SHIPPING TERMS                            Shielded
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.    STORAGE TERMS                             Shielded
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.    REFERENCE DATE AND TIME                   Date (Day, Month, Year),
       LABELLING                                 12:00 (Singapore local time)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14.    SHELF- LIFE                               Reference date +/- 2 days
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15.    PRODUCT PACKAGING                         P6 injection vial with puncture stopper
                                                 and crimped caps
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. WRAPPING / SHIPPING PACKAGING                Typ A Shipping Packaging
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. REDEMPTION/ DISPOSAL                         Product: Hazardous Waste
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18. MISCELLANEOUS                                --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               SCHEDULE E PRICING

In accordance with Article 9.3, prior to the commencement of the Commercial
Phase, the Parties shall agree the price that shall be paid by pSiMedica for
each Source that QSA produces to Specification. [***].

At the Effective Date QSA is unable to provide definitive pricing schedules that
will be relevant to the supply of sources during the Commercial Phase, however,
good faith indications of the prices will be confirmed at the end of the
relevant portion of the Development Phase and prior to the commencement of the
Commercial Phase. The definitive pricing schedules will be communicated via an
amended Schedule E.

It is anticipated that pricing will vary by required batch size and that the
price schedules will reflect this fact. Source prices will be cited for
different order quantities, however, the prices will be dictated by the
effective number of Sources demanded per batch. Both Parties recognise that the
Facility will be designed to cope with a maximum Source throughput (Sources per
year) that will be agreed before the end of the Development Phase.
