INTER-CREDITOR AGREEMENT

      This INTER-CREDITOR  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement') is made and effective as
of  February  8,  2005,  by and among RCG  Companies  Incorporated,  a  Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company" or the "Debtor"),  the purchasers  signatory to the
Security Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement"),  dated as of February 8,
2005, by and among the Company and the  purchasers  (the  "Purchasers")  and JGB
Capital L.P. ("JGB" and  collectively,  the Purchasers and JGB shall be referred
to herein as the "Creditors").


      WHEREAS, the Debtor and the Purchasers have executed that certain Purchase
Agreement and any and all  subsequent  amendments and waivers  thereto,  for the
purchase  of  Secured  Convertible   Debentures,   due  February  8,  2007  (the
"Debentures") and Common Stock Purchase Warrants (the "Warrants");

      WHEREAS,  payments are to be made to the  Creditors by Debtor  pursuant to
the Debentures (as defined in the Purchase Agreement), which such Debentures are
secured by certain  Security  Agreements by and between the Debtor and Creditors
and dated as of the date hereof;

      WHEREAS,  the Creditors wish to  memorialize  their  agreement  concerning
their respective  rights,  duties and obligations to one another with respect to
the Purchase Agreement,  the Debentures and Transaction Documents (as defined in
the Purchase Agreement); and


      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants  herein,  their
respective  performances and benefits pertaining to the Purchase Documents,  and
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1. Payment of Obligations and Expenses.

      1.1.  The  parties  agree that the  payment of all  amounts  due under the
Debentures  and all  expenses  related to such  Transaction  Documents  shall be
shared in  proportion  to the amount  owed to each  Creditor  pursuant  to their
Debenture.  To the extent that any party receives a Debenture  payment in excess
of the payment amount due to such party pursuant to such party's Debenture,  the
other parties  shall  immediately  be notified and such excess  amounts shall be
paid to such parties on a pro-rata basis.

      1.2 If an Event of Default  occurs and any party hereto  receives  payment
from the Company,  the other parties  hereto shall be  immediately  notified and
such  payment  shall be shared  with all of the other  Creditors  on a  pro-rata


                                                                     EXHIBIT 4.7

      1.3 If an Event of Default occurs and any party hereto  collects  proceeds
pursuant to its rights under the Security Agreements, the other parties shall be
immediately  notified and such proceeds shall be shared with the other Creditors
on a pro-rata basis.

      1.4 The  Company  agrees it shall  treat each of the  Creditors  on a pari
passu  basis,  without  preference  or  priority  of any kind over one  another,
including in the event of a  bankruptcy,  and without  regard to  perfection  or
order of priority of the Creditors.

2.  Indemnification by the Debtor. The Debtor shall indemnify,  defend, and hold
harmless the Creditors against and in respect of any and all liability,  claims,
demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages, recoveries,
and deficiencies, including interest, penalties, and reasonable professional and
attorney's fees, including those arising from settlement negotiations,  that the
Creditors  shall incur or suffer,  which arise,  result  from,  or relate to any
breach  of,  or  failure  by  the  Debtor  to  perform,   any  of  the  Debtor's
representations,  warranties,  covenants,  or agreements in this Agreement or in
any  schedule,  certificate,  exhibit  or other  instrument  furnished  or to be
furnished by the Debtor under this Agreement.

3. Indemnification by Each Creditor. Each Creditor (the "Indemnifying Creditor")
shall  indemnify,  defend,  and hold harmless each of the other  Creditors  (the
"Indemnified  Creditors")  against  and in  respect  of any and  all  liability,
claims, demands,  losses, costs, expenses,  obligations,  liabilities,  damages,
recoveries,  and deficiencies,  including  interest,  penalties,  and reasonable
professional  and  attorney's  fees,  including  those  arising from  settlement
negotiations,  that such  Indemnified  Creditors  shall  incur or suffer,  which
arise,  result from, or relate to any breach of, or failure by the  Indemnifying
Creditor to perform, any of Indemnifying Creditor's representations, warranties,
covenants,  or  agreements in this  Agreement or in any  schedule,  certificate,
exhibit or other  instrument  furnished or to be  furnished by the  Indemnifying
Creditor under this Agreement.

4. Miscellaneous.

      4.1  Assignment.  The rights and  obligations  of the  parties  under this
      Agreement  may not be assigned or assumed  without the written  consent of
      all parties. Any attempt to transfer same shall be void ab initio.

      4.2 Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding on, and shall inure to
      the  benefit  of, the  parties  to it and their  respective  heirs,  legal
      representatives, and successors.

      4.3 Parties in Interest.  Except as expressly  provided in this Agreement,
      nothing in this  Agreement,  whether  express or  implied,  is intended to
      confer any rights or remedies  under or by reason of this Agreement on any
      persons other than the parties to it and their  respective  successors and
      assigns,  nor is  anything  in  this  Agreement  intended  to  relieve  or
      discharge the obligation or liability of any third persons to any party to
      this  Agreement,  nor shall any provision give any third persons any right
      to subrogation or action over against any party to this Agreement.


                                                                     EXHIBIT 4.7

      4.4 Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement
      between the parties  pertaining to the subject matter  contained in it and
      supersedes all prior and contemporaneous  agreements,  representations and
      understandings of the parties.

      4.5 Amendment. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement
      shall be binding unless executed in writing by all the parties.

      4.6 Waiver.  No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be
      deemed, or shall constitute,  a waiver of any other provision,  whether or
      not  similar,  nor shall any waiver  constitute a  continuing  waiver.  No
      waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the

      4.7 Notices.  Any and all notices or other  communications  or  deliveries
      required or  permitted  to be provided  hereunder  shall be in writing and
      shall be deemed  given and  effective  on the  earliest of (a) the date of
      transmission,  if such notice or  communication is delivered via facsimile
      at the facsimile number specified on the signature page prior to 4:00 p.m.
      (New York City time) on a business day and an electronic  confirmation  of
      delivery is received by the sender,  (b) the next  business  day after the
      date of  transmission,  if such notice or  communication  is delivered via
      facsimile at the facsimile  number specified in this Section on a day that
      is not a business day or later than 4:00 p.m.  (New York City time) on any
      business day, (c) three  business days  following the date of mailing,  if
      sent by U.S. nationally  recognized overnight courier service, or (d) upon
      actual  receipt by the party to whom such  notice is required to be given.
      The addresses for such notices and  communications  are those set forth on
      the signature pages hereof,  or such other address as may be designated in
      writing hereafter, in the same manner, by such Person.

      4.9  Governing  Law and  Venue.  This  Agreement  shall  be  construed  in
      accordance  with,  and governed by, the laws of the State of New York, and
      any action or proceeding,  including arbitration,  brought by any party in
      which this  Agreement  is a subject,  shall be brought in New York County,
      New York.

      4.10 Effect of Headings.  The  headings of the Sections of this  Agreement
      are included for purposes of  convenience  only,  and shall not affect the
      construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.

      4.11 Invalidity.  Any provision of this Agreement which is invalid,  void,
      or illegal, shall not affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision of
      this Agreement,  and such other  provisions of this Agreement shall remain
      in full force and effect.

      4.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in one or
      more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of
      which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

      4.13 Number and Gender.  When  required by the context of this  Agreement,
      each number  (singular  and plural)  shall  include all numbers,  and each
      gender shall include all genders.


                                                                     EXHIBIT 4.7

      4.14  Joint  and  Several  Liability.  In the  event  either  party now or
      hereafter  shall consist of more than one person,  firm,  or  corporation,
      then and in such event, all such persons,  firms or corporations  shall be
      jointly and severally liable as parties under this Agreement.

      4.15 Further  Assurances.  Each party to this Agreement  agrees to execute
      further  instruments  as may be  necessary  or desirable to carry out this
      Agreement,  provided the party  requesting  such further action shall bear
      all related costs and expenses.

      4.16  Professional  Fees and  Costs.  If any  legal or  equitable  action,
      arbitration, or other proceeding,  whether on the merits or on motion, are
      brought or undertaken, or an attorney retained, to enforce this Agreement,
      or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in
      connection  with  any  of the  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  then  the
      successful  or  prevailing  party or parties in such  undertaking  (or the
      party that would prevail if an action were  brought)  shall be entitled to
      recover  reasonable  attorney's fees and other professional fees and other
      costs incurred in such action, proceeding, or discussions,  in addition to
      any other relief to which such party may be entitled.  The parties  intend
      this provision to be given the most liberal  construction  possible and to
      apply to any circumstances in which such party reasonably incurs expenses.

      4.17  Effectiveness.  This  Agreement  shall be dated and  effective  upon
      execution of this Agreement (or one or more of its counterparts) by all of
      the parties.


                                                                     EXHIBIT 4.7

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed by their  respective  authorized  signatories as of the date first
indicated above.





                                                                     EXHIBIT 4.7


Name of Creditor: ____________________________________
Signature of Authorized Signatory of Creditor: ____________________________
Name of Authorized Signatory: _____________________________________________
Title of Authorized Signatory: ____________________________________________

                           [SIGNATURE PAGES CONTINUE]
