Exhibit 10.39

                             ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES



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THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this February 21, 2005 (the Effective Date)
by and between Patriot Scientific Corp., a Delaware corporation having an office
at 10989 Via Frontera, San Diego, California 92127 (hereinafter "PTSC") and
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. a Delaware corporation, having an office at 5204
East Ben White, Austin, Texas 78741 (hereinafter "Licensee") including Spansion
Inc. and all current Affiliates of AMD and Affiliates formed by AMD over the
course of this Agreement for which AMD owns or controls more than 50% of the
shares, board seats, or equity in the entity. This Agreement shall apply to all
current AMD Affiliates, in the same manner it applies to AMD, for the term of
this Agreement even if these legal entities cease in the future to be an
"Affiliate" of AMD, as defined above.

      WHEREAS, PTSC owns certain U.S. patent rights, as defined herein, relating
      to high performance, low cost microprocessors and has the right to enter
      into the Agreement and grant the license granted herein;

      WHEREAS, PTSC is involved in litigation to enforce PTSC Patent Rights
      (defined herein) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
      California (PTSC v. Fujitsu et al, No. C035787SBA and Intel v. PTSC, No.
      C040439SBA) and to correct inventorship of same (PTSC v. Moore et al, No.
      C0400618JF) (the "Pending Litigations").

      WHEREAS, Licensee desires to obtain a license to PTSC Patent Rights to
      avoid litigation and has the right to enter into this Agreement; and

      WHEREAS, PTSC is willing to grant Licensee such an license upon the terms
      and conditions set forth herein.

      NOW, THEREFORE, intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto agree as

1.0 -- PTSC Patent Rights

      1.1 "Other Patents" shall mean all Patents, not including the patents
      covered by PTSC Patent Rights, in any country of the world including all
      reissues, divisions, renewals, reexaminations, extensions, provisionals,
      continuations, continuing prosecution applications and
      continuations-in-part thereof, in each case then owned (in whole or in
      part) or otherwise controlled by PTSC. Other Patents shall include all
      Patents to which PTSC has the right to grant sublicenses at any time up
      until five years from the Effective Date of this Agreement, provided,
      however, that if such right to grant sublicenses is subject to payment to
      a third party (other than a PTSC Subsidiary, agent, or an employee of PTSC
      or a PTSC Subsidiary), such Patent or patentable invention will be deemed
      to be a Licensed Patent only if LICENSEE agrees to bear such payment or
      otherwise arranges terms with the third party that removes the obligation
      of payment on PTSC.

      1.2 "PTSC Patent Rights" shall mean: the U.S. Patents listed in Appendix A
      attached hereto and made a part hereof and any continuation,
      continuation-in-part or divisional of any such application, the patents
      issuing thereon, and any reissue, reexamination or extension of any such
      patent, and any patent application or patent corresponding to such patents
      which are filed or hereinafter issued in any country;


      1.3 "Patents" shall mean all classes and types of patents, design patents,
      utility models, invention disclosures, or like instruments conferring
      similar rights (filed or issued) and all applications therefore in all
      countries of the world.

2.0 -- Confidentiality

      2.1 Confidential Information. For a period of seven (7) years following
      first disclosure thereof, each party shall maintain in confidence the
      confidential information of the other party (including samples) disclosed
      by the other party and identified as, or acknowledged to be confidential
      (the "Confidential Information") at the time of disclosure, and shall not
      use, disclose or grant the use of the Confidential Information except as
      licensed herein or on a need-to-know basis to those directors, officers,
      affiliates, employees, permitted licensees, permitted assignees and
      agents, consultants, clinical investigators, contractors, or other people
      or entities reasonably needed in connection with such party's activities
      as expressly authorized by the Agreement. To the extent that disclosure is
      authorized by the Agreement, prior to disclosure, each party hereto shall
      obtain agreement of any such Persons to hold in confidence and not make
      use of the Confidential Information for any purpose other than those
      permitted by the Agreement.

      2.2 Permitted Disclosures. Except as otherwise set forth in Section 7.2
      herein, the confidentiality obligations contained in Section 2.1 above
      shall not apply to the extent that (a) any receiving party (the
      "Recipient") is required (i) to disclose information by law, order or
      regulation of a governmental agency or a court of competent jurisdiction,
      or (ii) to disclose information to any governmental agency for purposes of
      obtaining approval to test or market a product, provided in either case
      that the Recipient shall provide written notice thereof to the other party
      and sufficient opportunity to object to any such disclosure or to request
      confidential treatment thereof; or (b) the Recipient can demonstrate that
      (i) the disclosed information was public knowledge at the time of such
      disclosure to the Recipient, or thereafter became public knowledge, other
      than as a result of actions of the Recipient in violation hereof; (ii) the
      disclosed information was rightfully known by the Recipient (as shown by
      its written records) prior to the date of disclosure to the Recipient by
      the other party hereunder; or (iii) the disclosed information was
      disclosed to the Recipient on an unrestricted basis from a source
      unrelated to any party to the Agreement and not under a duty of
      confidentiality to the other party.

      2.3 Terms of the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.2
      and Section 7.2 hereof, or as required in order to operate in accordance
      with applicable laws and regulations (e.g., disclosure to legal counsel,
      accounting firms, etc.), LICENSEE shall not disclose any terms or
      conditions of the Agreement to any third party without the prior consent
      of PTSC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the term of this Agreement,
      LICENSEE may disclose that it holds a non-exclusive license to PTSC
      Patents Rights and Other Patents.


      2.4 Proprietary Rights. All ownership of patent rights, copyrights, trade
      secret rights and other proprietary rights in the PTSC Patent Rights and
      Other Patents shall remain with PTSC and their licensors, and no right or
      license is granted to LICENSEE hereunder except for the non-exclusive
      grants and covenants expressly set forth in Section 4.1 (a), (b), (c), and
      (d) hereof.

3.0 - [***]*

      3.1 [***]*.

4.0 -- License Grant and Release

      4.1(a) PTSC hereby grants and agrees to grant to Licensee, and Licensee
      accepts, a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid-up
      non-exclusive license under PTSC Patent Rights to practice the inventions
      covered thereby in any manner and to make, use, have made, offer for sale,
      import, and sell all products and services related thereto until the
      expiration of the last to expire patent included in the PTSC Patent

      4.1(b) PTSC hereby grants and agrees to grant to Licensee, and Licensee
      accepts, a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid-up
      non-exclusive covenant not to assert under all Other Patents to practice
      the inventions covered thereby in any manner and to make, use, have made,
      offer for sale, import, and sell all products and services related thereto
      until the expiration of the last to expire patent included in the Other

      4.1(c) The foregoing license grant and covenant of Sections 4.1(a) and
      4.1(b) will extend to Licensee's customers who make, use, import, offer to
      sell or sell products incorporating products purchased from Licensee where
      any of the foregoing activities would, in the absence of a license,
      infringe the PTSC Patent Rights or Other Patents.

      4.1(d) PTSC hereby releases and discharges Licensee from all claims and
      damages it may have against Licensee and its customers for past
      infringement of PTSC Patent Rights or Other Patents.

      4.1(e) For avoidance of any confusion, all third parties and individuals
      that are not LICENSEE or Affiliates of LICENSEE as set forth herein obtain
      no benefit from the license rights and covenants set forth herein unless:
      (i) they are secured by AMD as partners or contractors of AMD doing work
      for AMD so that AMD can exercise its rights under this Agreement or the
      Ignite License Agreement (e.g., joint designs, foundries, etc.), and even
      then the licenses and covenants applicable to these entities under this
      Agreement shall extend only to the work done in conjunction with AMD; or
      (ii) these parties have bought a product or service from AMD that is
      licensed herein and/or subject to a covenant under this Section 4, in
      which case the licenses and covenants shall only apply to that product and
      service secured from AMD. AMD shall have no right to sublicense the rights
      set forth herein independent of the products, joint collaboration, or
      services that AMD provides. For further clarification, royalties are due
      only under the Ignite License Agreement and then only for product that
      incorporates or uses the tangible deliverables provided by PTSC. [***]*.


5.0 -- Payment

      5.1 For the license granted to Licensee hereunder, Licensee shall pay to
      PTSC [***]*.

6.0 -- Term and Early Termination

      6.1 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect commencing with
      the Effective Date and continuing until the expiration of the
      last-to-expire patent in PTSC Patent Rights.

Part 7 -- General Provisions

      7.1 Except as required by law, neither PTSC nor Licensee shall originate
      any publicity, news release, or other public announcement, written or
      oral, whether to the public press, to stockholders, or otherwise, relating
      to this Agreement to any amendment thereto or to performance here under or
      the existence of an arrangement between the parties without the prior
      written approval of the other party. Neither party shall use the name of
      the other in any advertising, packaging or other promotional material in
      connection with the sale of Licensed Product.

      7.2 [***]*.

      7.3 Neither party shall unreasonably withhold its consent or agreement
      when such consent or agreement is required here under or is requested in
      good faith by the other party here under.

      7.4 This Agreement is unassignable by either party except with the prior
      written consent of the other and except that it may be assigned without
      consent to a corporate successor of Licensee or PTSC or to a person or
      corporation acquiring all or substantially all of the business and assets
      of Licensee or PTSC. PTSC shall ensure that any successor or assignee
      agrees to any covenants set forth herein, else such assignment shall be

      7.5 All notices to be given by each party to the other shall be made in
      writing by fax and confirmed by Registered or Certified Mail, return
      receipt requested, and addressed, respectively, to the parties at the

         To PTSC:          Patriot Scientific Corporation
                           10989 Via Frontera
                           San Diego, CA 92127
                           Attn.: Jeff Wallin, President
                           Fax No. 858-674-5005

         To Licensee:      Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
                           5204 East Ben White
                           Austin, Texas 78741
                           Attn: Harry Wolin,  Senior Vice President
                                 and General Counsel
                           Fax No. 512-602-4932


      Any notice shall be effective as of its date of receipt.

      7.6(a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
      and supersedes all written or oral prior agreements or understandings. No
      variation or modification of the terms or provisions of this Agreement
      shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

      7.6 (b) No right or license is granted by PTSC under this Agreement to
      Licensee, or by Licensee to PTSC, either expressly or by implication,
      except those specifically set forth herein.

      7.6(c) Waiver by PTSC of any single default or breach or succession of
      defaults or breaches by Licensee shall not deprive PTSC of any right
      arising out of any subsequent default or breach.

      7.6(d) All matters affecting the interpretation, validity, and performance
      of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of California applicable
      to agreements made and to be performed wholly within California but the
      scope and validity of PTSC Patent Rights or Other Patent shall be governed
      by U. S. law.

      7.7 The captions herein are solely for convenience of reference and shall
      not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PTSC and Licensee have caused this Agreement to be executed
in duplicate by their respective duly authorized officers.

Patriot Scientific Corp.

         By:  /S/  JEFFREY E. WALLIN
         Name/Title:  Jeffrey E. Wallin

         Date:  February 21, 2005

Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

         By:  /S/  HARRY A. WOLIN

         Name/Title:  Harry A. Wolin
                      Senior Vice President and General Counsel

         Date:  February 21, 2005

[***]* Confidential treatment has been requested for portions of this exhibit.
The copy filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidentiality
request. Omissions are designated as ***. A complete version of this exhibit has
been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


                                   APPENDIX A

Patriot Patents:

Number        Issued       Title
- ------        ------       -----
US6598148     2003-07-22   High performance microprocessor having variable speed
                           system clock
US5809336     1998-09-15   High performance microprocessor having variable speed
                           system clock
US5784584     1998-07-21   High performance microprocessor using instructions
                           that operate within instruction groups
US5659703     1997-08-19   Microprocessor system with hierarchical stack and
                           method of operation
US5604915     1997-02-18   Data processing system having load dependent bus
US5530890     1996-06-25   High performance, low cost microprocessor
US5440749     1995-08-08   High performance, low cost microprocessor


                                   APPENDIX B

      Payment Schedule:

      Date:                     Payment:

