State of Delaware

                        Office of the Secretary of State



                                       /s/ William T. Quillen
                                       William T. Quillen, Secretary of State


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                          MALONE ROAD INVESTMENTS, LTD.
                            (a Delaware corporation)

      The  undersigned,  in order to form a corporation  pursuant to the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, does hereby certify as follows:

      FIRST: The name of the Corporation is Malone Road Investments, Ltd.

      SECOND:  The address of the  registered  office of the  Corporation in the
State of Delaware is The Prentice-Hall  Corporation System,  Inc., 32 Loockerman
Square, Suite L-100, in the City of Dover, County of Kent 19901. The name of its
registered agent at the address is The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc.

      THIRD:  The purpose of the  Corporation  is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for _ which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware.

      FOURTH: The total number of shares of all classes which the Corporation is
authorized  to have  outstanding  is Twenty One Million  (21,000,000)  shares of
which stock Twenty Million  (20,000,000)  shares in the par value of $.001 each,
amounting in the aggregate of Twenty Thousand Dollars  ($20,000) shall be common
stock  and of which  One  Million  (1,000,000)  shares in the par value of $.001
each,  amounting  in the  aggregate to One Thousand  Dollars  ($1,000)  shall be
preferred  stock.  The board of directors is authorized,  subject to limitations
prescribed  by law, to provide  for the  issuance  of the  authorized  shares of
preferred  stock  in  series,  and  by  filing  a  certificate  pursuant  to the
applicable  law of the State of  Delaware,  to  establish  from time to time the
number of shares to be  included  in each such  series  and the  qualifications,
limitations or  restrictions  thereof The authority of the board with respect to
each  series  shall  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  determination  of the

      (a)   The number of shares  constituting  that series and the  distinctive
            designation  of that series;

      (b)   The dividend  rate on the shares of that series,  whether  dividends
            shall be cumulative,  and, if so, from which date or dates,  and the
            relative  rights of  priority,  if any, of payment of  dividends  on
            shares of that series;

      (c)   Whether  that series  shall have voting  rights,  in addition to the
            voting rights; provided by law, and, if so, the terms of such voting

      (d)   Whether that series shall have  conversion  privileges,  and, if so,
            the terms and conditions of such conversion, including provision for
            adjustment  of the  conversion  rate in such  event as the  Board of
            Directors shall determine;

      (e)   Whether or not the shares of that series shall be  redeemable,  and,
            if so, the terms and  conditions of such  redemption,  including the
            date or date upon or after which they shall be  redeemable,  and the
            amount per share  payable in case of  redemption,  which  amount may
            vary under different conditions, and at different redemption rates;


      (f)   Whether that series shall have a sinking fund for the  redemption or
            purchase of shares of that series,  and, if so, the terms and amount
            of such sinking fund;

      (g)   The rights of the shares of that series in the event of voluntary or
            involuntary   liquidation,   dissolution   or   winding  up  of  the
            corporation, and the relative rights of priority, if any, of payment
            of shares of that series;

      (h)   Any other  relative  rights,  preferences  and  limitations  of that
            series,   unless   otherwise   provided   by  the   certificate   of

      FIFTH:   Election  of  directors  at  an  annual  or  special  meeting  of
stockholders  need not be by written ballot unless the bylaws of the corporation
shall otherwise provide.  The number of directors of the corporation which shall
constitute the whole board of directors shall be such as from time to time shall
be fixed by or in the manner provided in the bylaws.

      SIXTH:  In  furtherance  and not in limitation of the powers  conferred by
statute, the board of directors is expressly authorized to make, repeal,  alter,
amend and rescind the bylaws of the corporation.

      SEVENTH:  A director of the corporation shall not be personally liable for
monetary  damages  to the  corporation  or its  stockholders  for  breach of any
fiduciary  duty as a director,  except for  liability  (i) for any breach of the
director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its stockholders; (ii) for acts
or omissions  not in good faith or which  involve  intentional  misconduct  or a
knowing  violation  of law;  (iii)  under  Section 174 of the  Delaware  General
Corporation Law or (iv) for any transaction  from which the director  derives an
improper personal benefit.

      EIGHTH: A director or officer of the corporation shall not be disqualified
by his or her office  from  dealing or  contracting  with the  corporation  as a
vendor, purchaser, employee, agent or otherwise. No transaction, contract or act
of the  corporation  shall  be  void  or  voidable  or in any  way  affected  or
invalidated  by  reason  of  the  fact  that  any  director  or  officer  of the
Corporation is a member of any firm, a  stockholder,  director or officer of any
corporation or trustee or beneficiary of any trust that is in any way interested
in  such  transaction,  contract  or  act.  No  director  or  officer  shall  be
accountable  or  responsible  to  the  corporation  for  or in  respect  to  any
transaction,  contract  or act of the  corporation  or for any  gain  or  profit
directly or  indirectly  realized by him or her by reason of the fact that he or
she or any firm in which he or she is a member or any corporation of which he or
she is a stockholder, director, or officer, or any trust of which he or she is a
trustee,  or  beneficiary,  is  interest in such  transaction,  contract or act;
provided  the fact that such  director  or officer  or such  firm,  corporation,
trustee or beneficiary  of such trust,  is so interest shall have been disclosed
or shall have been known to the  members of the board of  directors  as shall be
present at any meeting at which action upon such  contract,  transaction  or act
shall have been taken.  Any director may be counted in determining the existence
of a quorum at any meeting of the board of  directors  which shall  authorize or
take action in respect to any such  contract,  transaction  or act, and may vote
thereat to authorize,  ratify or approve any such contract,  transaction or act,
and any officer of the  corporation  may take any action within the scope of his
or her authority,  respecting such contract,  transaction or act with like force
and  effect as if he or she or any firm of which he or she is a  member,  or any
corporation  of which he or she is a  stockholder,  director or officer,  or any
trust of which he or she is a trustee or  beneficiary,  were not  interested  in
such transaction, contract or act. Without limiting or qualifying the foregoing,
if in any judicial or other inquiry, suit, cause or proceeding,  the question of
whether a  director  or officer  of the  corporation  has acted in good faith is
material,  and  notwithstanding  any  statue  or  rule of law or  equity  to the
contrary  (if any  there  be) his or her good  faith  shall be  presumed  in the
absence of proof to the contrary by clear and convincing evidence.


      NINTH:  Whenever a  compromise  or  arrangement  is  proposed  between the
corporation  and  its  creditors  or  any  class  of  them  and/or  between  the
corporation  and its  stockholders  or any class of them, any court of equitable
jurisdiction  within the State of Delaware may, on the  application in a summary
way of the  corporation  or of any  creditor  or  stockholder  thereof or on the
application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the corporation under the
provisions of Section 291 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code or on the  application
of trustees in  dissolution  or of any receiver or receivers  appointed  for the
corporation under the provisions of Section 279 of Title 8 of the Delaware Code,
order  a  meeting  of  the  creditors  or  class  of  creditors,  and/or  of the
stockholders or class of stockholders of the corporation, as the case may be, to
be summoned in such  manner as the said court  directs.  If a majority in number
representing  three-fourths  in value of the  creditors  of class of  creditors,
and/or the stockholders or class of stockholders of the corporation, as the case
may be, agree to any compromise or arrangement and to any reorganization of this
corporation  as  consequence  of  such  compromise  or  arrangement,   the  said
compromise or arrangement  and the said  reorganization  shall, if sanctioned by
the court to which the said  application  has been  made,  be binding on all the
creditors  or class of  creditors,  and/or on all the  stockholders  or class of
stockholders,  of  the  corporation,  as  the  case  may  be,  and  also  on the

      TENTH:  The  corporation  reserves  the  right to  amend  and  repeal  any
provision   contained  in  this  certificate  of  incorporation  in  the  manner
prescribed by the laws of the State of Delaware. All rights herein conferred are
granted subject to this reservation.

      ELEVENTH:  The  incorporator  is Jehu Hand whose mailing  address is 25431
Cabot Road, Suite 207, Laguna Hills, California 92653.

      I, the undersigned,  being the incorporator,  for the purpose of forming a
corporation  under the laws of the State of  Delaware  do make,  file and record
this Certificate of  Incorporation,  do certify that the facts herein stated are
true, and, accordingly, have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of May, 1994.

                                       /s/ Jehu Hand
                                       Jehu Hand,


                                State of Delaware

                        Office of the Secretary of State



                                       /s/ William T. Quillen
                                       William T. Quillen, Secretary of State

                          CERTIFICATE OF DOMESTICATION
                          MALONE ROAD INVESTMENTS, LTD.

      It is hereby certified as follows:

      1. The Corporation (the "Corporation") was first formed, incorporated,  or
otherwise came into being on August 6, 1990 in the  jurisdiction  of the Isle of
Man, and  subsequently  reincorporated  in the Turks and Caicos Islands on April
21, 1992.

      2. The name of the  Corporation  immediately  prior to the  filing of this
Certificate  of  Domestication  pursuant to the provisions of Section 388 of the
General  Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware  is Malone Road  Investments,

      3.  The  name  of  the  Corporation  set  forth  in  this  Certificate  of
Incorporation to be filed  concomitantly  with this Certificate of Domestication
in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 388 of the General  Corporation Law
of the State of Delaware is Malone Road Investments, Ltd.

      4. The jurisdiction that constituted the seat, siege, social, or principal
place  of  business  of  central  administration  of the  Corporation,  or other
equivalent  thereto under applicable law immediately prior to the filing of this
Certificate  of  Domestication  pursuant to the provisions of Section 388 of the
General  Corporation  Law of the  State of  Delaware  is the  Turks  and  Caicos

      5. The undersigned is a Corporation officer,  director,  trustee, manager,
partner or other person performing  functions  equivalent to those of an officer
or  director,  however  named  or  described,  and is  authorized  to sign  this
Certificate of Domestication on behalf of the Corporation.

Executed on May 8, 1994.

/s/ Jehu Hand
- --------------------------------------
Jehu Hand
Assistant Secretary


                                State of Delaware

                        Office of the Secretary of State

2001, AT 3 O'CLOCK P.M.


                                       /s/ Harriet Smith Windsor
                                       Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                                 PL BRANDS, INC.

      We, the undersigned, President and S ecretary, respectively, of PL Brands,
Inc., a corporation  organized  and existing  under and by virtue of the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware


      FIRST: That the name of the Corporation is PL Brands, Inc.

      SECOND:  That the FIRST Article of the Certificate of Incorporation be and
it hereby is amended to read in its entirety as follows:

            "FIRST: The name of the Corporation is Othnet, Inc."

      THIRD:  That the total  number of shares of all classes of stock which the
Corporation is authorized to have outstanding is Twenty-One Million (21,000,000)
shares of which stack Twenty  Million  (20,000,000)  shares in the par value o f
$.001 each shall be common stock and of which One Million  (1,000,000) shares in
the par value of $.001 each shall be preferred stock.

      FOURTH:  That the first sentence of the IOURTH Article of the  Certificate
of Incorporation be and it hereby is amended to read in its entirety as follows:

            "FOURTH:  The  total  number  of  shares  of  all  classes  whichthe
Corporation is authorized to have outstanding is Forty-Two Million  (42,000,000)
shares of which  stock  Forty  Million  (40,000,000)  shares in the par value of
$.001 each, amounting in the aggregate of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) shall
be common stock and of which Two Million  (2,000,000) shares in the par value of
$.001 each, amounting in the aggregate to Two Thousand Dollars (S2,000) shall be
preferred stock."


      FIFTH:  That  the  amendment  was  duly  adopted  in  accordance  with the
provisions  of  Section  242 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the  State  of

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  we have hereunto signed this  certificate this 22 01
day of March, 2001, and we affirm the statements  contained he'ein as true under
penalties of perjury.

                                       /s/ Richard A. Barbari
                                       Richard A. Barbari, President

                                       Attest:  /s/ David M. Kaye
                                                David M. Kaye, Secretary


                         CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCK OF
                                  OTHNET, INC.

      Acting  pursuant  to  Sections  151(a)  and  (g) of the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law,  the  undersigned,  Jeffrey  Wattenberg,  the duly elected and
acting President of Othnet, Inc. (the "Company") hereby certifies that the Board
of  Directors  of  the  Company  (the   "Board")  duly  approved  the  following
Certificate of Designation of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock and Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock of the Company on February 25, 2005,  and that the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Company expressly authorizes the Board to so
designate and issue one or more series of preferred  stock, par value $0.001 per
share, of the Company ("Preferred Stock"). The designations, powers, preferences
and  relative,  participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights,  and  the
qualifications,  limitations and restrictions  thereof in respect of each of the
Series A and  Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  are as  described  in the
following resolution, duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company.

      WHEREAS,  the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Company  authorizes a
class (or classes) of up to two million  (2,000,000)  shares of Preferred Stock,
and provides that such Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in one or
more Series and vests  authority  in the Board of  Directors to fix or alter the
rights,  preferences,  privileges,  restrictions and other matters granted to or
imposed upon any wholly unissued series of the Preferred Stock;

      WHEREAS, the Company has not heretofore issued any Preferred Stock; and

      WHEREAS,  it is the desire of the Board of Directors to fix and  determine
the rights, preferences,  privileges, restrictions and other matters relating to
One Million  (1,000,000) shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock and Two
Hundred Fifty Thousand (250,000) shares of Series B Convertible  Preferred Stock
of the Company.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED,  that the Board of Directors does hereby
fix and determine the rights,  preferences,  privileges,  restrictions and other
matters  relating to such One Million Two  Hundred  Fifty  Thousand  (1,250,000)
shares of Series A and Series B Convertible Preferred Stock:

      A. Authorized Number. One Million  (1,000,000) of the authorized shares of
preferred  stock,  par value  $0.001 per share are hereby  designated  "Series A
Convertible  Preferred  Stock" ("Series A Stock") and Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
(250,000) of the authorized shares of preferred stock, par value $0.001per share
are hereby designated  "Series B Convertible  Preferred Stock" ("Series B Stock"
and, together with the Series A Stock, the "Convertible Preferred").

      B.  Designation.  The rights,  preferences,  privileges,  restrictions and
other matters relating to the Convertible Preferred are as follows:

            1. Dividend  Rights.  Holders of Series B Stock shall be entitled to
receive,  pari passu with holders of common stock, par value $.001 per share, of
the Company (the "Common Stock"), all cash or in-kind dividends or distributions
on an as converted  basis from time to time at any time declared,  set aside, or
paid by the Company in an amount that would have been received by the holders of
Series B Stock (assuming,  for purposes of the calculation,  that the holders of
Series B Stock had lawfully  converted such Series B Stock into shares of Common
Stock immediately prior to the record date for determining the holders of Common
Stock  entitled to receive such  distribution  at the  then-applicable  Series B
Stock Conversion Rate), in each case only when, as and if declared by the Board,
and, in the case of cash dividends, only out of funds that are legally available
therefor. Such dividends shall be non-cumulative.

            2. Voting Rights.

      (I)  Until  such  time as the  Company  has  amended  its  certificate  of
incorporation  to  increase  its  authorized   Common  Stock  to  a  minimum  of
300,000,000  shares,  the  Convertible  Preferred  shall vote with the shares of
Common Stock of the Company on an as converted  basis from time to time, and not
as a separate  class,  at any annual or special  meeting of  stockholders of the
Company,  and may act by written consent in the same manner as holders of Common
Stock, in either case upon the following basis:  each holder of shares of Series
B Stock  shall be entitled to such number of votes as shall be equal to ten (10)
times the whole  number of shares of  Common  Stock  into  which  such  holder's
aggregate  number  of shares of  Series B Stock  are  convertible  (pursuant  to
Section 5 hereof)  immediately  after the close of  business  on the record date
fixed for such meeting or the effective date of such written consent.

      (II) At all times,  the Series A Stock, and subsequent to the filing of an
amendment to the Company  certificate  of  incorporation  with the  Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware whereby the authorized  Common Stock is increased
to a minimum  of  300,000,000  shares,  the  Series B Stock  shall vote with the
shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  on an as  converted  basis from time to
time,  and  not as a  separate  class,  at any  annual  or  special  meeting  of
stockholders  of the Company,  and may act by written consent in the same manner
as holders of Common Stock, in either case upon the following basis: each holder
of shares of Series B Stock  shall be  entitled to such number of votes as shall
be equal to the whole number of shares of Common Stock into which such  holder's
aggregate  number  of shares of  Series B Stock  are  convertible  (pursuant  to
Section 5 hereof)  immediately  after the close of  business  on the record date
fixed for such meeting or the effective date of such written consent.

In addition, the Company shall not, without the prior approval of the holders of
at least a majority of the then issued and  outstanding  shares of either series
of Convertible  Preferred,  voting as a separate class:

            (a) issue or create  any series or class of equity  securities  with
rights in parity  with or  superior  to such  series or  increase  the rights or
preferences  of any  series  or class of  equity  securities  having  rights  or
preferences  that  are  junior  to such  series  so as to  make  the  rights  or
preferences  of such  series or class in parity  with or senior to such;  or (b)
amend, alter, or repeal the preferences,  special rights, or other powers of the
such so as to adversely effect the holders of such series.


            3. Liquidation Rights.

            (a) Upon any liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Company,
whether  voluntary or involuntary,  before any  distribution or payment shall be
made to the holders of any other stock of the  Company,  the holders of Series B
Stock shall be entitled to be paid out of the assets of the Company,  pari passu
with any other series of preferred  stock equal to the Series B Stock, an amount
per share ("Issue  Price") of Series B Stock equal to 25% of the price of a Unit
as set forth in the Association of Volleyball Professionals,  Inc./Othnet,  Inc.
Confidential  Private Placement Memorandum (offering Units of Series B Stock and
Common Stock Purchase Warrants) (the "Offering Memorandum") (as adjusted for any
stock  dividends,  combinations,  splits,  recapitalizations  and the like  with
respect to such shares),  plus all declared and unpaid  dividends on such shares
of Series B Stock for each share of Series B Stock held by them.

            (b) After the  payment  of the full  liquidation  preference  of the
Series B Stock as set forth in Section 3(a) above,  the remaining  assets of the
Company legally available for distribution, if any, shall be distributed ratably
to the holders of any preferred  stock junior to the Series B Stock, if any, and
to the holders of the Series A Stock and Common Stock, and the holders of Series
B Stock shall not participate in any such distribution.

            (c) The  following  events shall be considered a  "liquidation"  for
purposes of this Section 3:

                  (i)     any     consolidation,     merger,     reorganization,
recapitalization or sale in one or more related transactions of the Company with
or into any other  corporation or other entity or person, or any other corporate
reorganization  or sale of securities of the Company,  in which the stockholders
of the Company immediately prior to such consolidation,  merger,  reorganization
or sale,  own less  than  fifty  percent  (50%) of the  Company's  voting  power
immediately  after such  consolidation,  merger,  reorganization or sale, or any
transaction  or  series  of  related  transactions  in which in  excess of fifty
percent (50%) of the Company's  voting power is transferred (an  "Acquisition");

                  (ii)  a  sale,   lease   or  other   disposition   of  all  or
substantially all of the assets of the Company (an "Asset Transfer").

            (d) If,  upon any  liquidation,  distribution,  or  winding  up, the
assets of the  Company  shall be  insufficient  to make  payment  in full to all
holders of Series B Stock of the  liquidation  preferences  set forth in Section
3(a), then such assets shall be distributed  among the holders of Series B Stock
and any holders of any other  preferred stock equal to the Series B Stock at the
time outstanding,  ratably in proportion to the full amounts to which they would
otherwise be respectively entitled.

            4.  Redemption.  There  shall  be no  obligation  on the part of the
Company to redeem any shares of Series B Stock,  however, the Company may redeem
the Series B Stock after the fifth  anniversary  of issuance on thirty (30) days
written  notice  to the  holders  of the  Series B Stock at a price per share of
Series B Stock equal to the Issue Price (as  adjusted  for any stock  dividends,
combinations,  splits,  recapitalizations  and the  like  with  respect  to such
shares), plus all declared and unpaid dividends on such shares of Series B Stock
for each share of Series B Stock held by them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in
the event that the Company does not have its  authorized  shares of common stock
increased  to no less  than  300,000,000  shares  within  180 days of the  final
closing of the  Company's  Series B Stock  offering,  each of the holders of the
Series B Stock  shall be entitled  to sell their  respective  shares of Series B
Stock to the Company at the Issue Price.


            5. Conversion Rights.

      The holders of Convertible  Preferred shall have the following rights with
respect to the conversion of  Convertible  Preferred into shares of Common Stock
(the  "Conversion  Rights"),  except that Subsection (k) hereunder shall only be
applicable to the Series B Stock:

            (a)  Optional  Conversion.  Subject  to and in  compliance  with the
provisions of this Section 5, any shares of  Convertible  Preferred  may, at the
option  of  the  holder,   be  converted  at  any  time  into   fully-paid   and
non-assessable  shares of Common Stock.  The number of shares of Common Stock to
which a holder of Convertible  Preferred shall be entitled upon conversion shall
be as  contemplated  in the  Offering  Memorandum  (as  adjusted  for any  stock
dividends,  combinations, splits, recapitalizations and the like with respect to
such shares) (the "Convertible Preferred Conversion Rate").

            (b) Fractional Shares. No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be
issued upon  conversion  of  Convertible  Preferred.  All shares of Common Stock
(including fractions thereof) issuable upon conversion of more than one share of
Convertible  Preferred by a bolder  thereof shall be aggregated  for purposes of
determining  whether  the  conversion  would  result  in  the  issuance  of  any
fractional share. If, after the aforementioned aggregation, the conversion would
result in the issuance of any fractional  share,  the Company shall,  in lieu of
issuing any  fractional  share,  pay cash equal to the product of such  fraction
multiplied by the Common  Stock's fair market value (as determined by the Board)
on the date of conversion.

            (c) Reservation of Stock Issuable Upon Conversion. The Company shall
at all times  reserve and keep  available  out of its  authorized  but  unissued
shares of Common Stock,  solely for the purpose of effecting  the  conversion of
the shares of Convertible  Preferred,  such number of its shares of Common Stock
as shall  from  time to time be  sufficient  to  effect  the  conversion  of all
outstanding  shares  of  Convertible  Preferred.  If at any time the  number  of
authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock shall not be sufficient to effect
the  conversion of all then  outstanding  shares of Convertible  Preferred,  the
Company will take such  corporate  action as may, in the opinion of its counsel,
be necessary to increase its authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock to
such number of shares as shall be sufficient for such purpose.

            (d) Notices. Any notice required by the provisions of this Section 5
shall be in writing and shall be deemed  effectively  given:  (i) upon  personal
delivery to the party to be notified,  (ii) when sent by confirmed  facsimile if
sent during normal  business  hours of the  recipient;  if not, then on the next
business  day,  (iii)  five (5) days after  having  been sent by  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid,  or (iv) one (1) day
after deposit with a nationally  recognized  overnight courier,  specifying next
day  delivery,  with  written  verification  of receipt.  All  notices  shall be
addressed  to each holder of record at the address of such holder  appearing  on
the books of the Company.


            (e) Mechanics of Conversion.  Each holder of  Convertible  Preferred
who  converts  the same into shares of Common  Stock  pursuant to this Section 5
shall surrender the certificate or certificates therefor,  duly endorsed, at the
office of the Company or any transfer agent for Convertible Preferred, and shall
give  written  notice to the Company at such  office that such holder  elects to
convert the same.  Such notice  shall state the number of shares of  Convertible
Preferred  being  converted.  Thereupon,  the Company shall  promptly  issue and
deliver at such  office to such holder a  certificate  or  certificates  for the
number of shares of Common  Stock to which  such  holder is  entitled  and shall
promptly  pay in cash or, to the extent  sufficient  funds are not then  legally
available  therefor,  in Common  Stock (at the Common  Stock's fair market value
determined  by the Board as of the date of such  conversion),  any  declared and
unpaid dividends on the shares of Convertible  Preferred being  converted.  Such
conversion  shall be deemed to have  been made at the close of  business  on the
date  of  such  surrender  of  the  certificates   representing  the  shares  of
Convertible  Preferred to be converted,  and the person  entitled to receive the
shares of Common Stock  issuable upon such  conversion  shall be treated for all
purposes as the record holder of such shares of Common Stock on such date.

            (f)  Adjustment  for Stock Splits and  Combinations.  If the Company
shall at any time or from time to time  after  the date that the first  share of
Convertible  Preferred  is issued (the  "Convertible  Preferred  Original  Issue
Date")  effect  a  subdivision  of  the  outstanding   Common  Stock  without  a
corresponding  subdivision of Convertible  Preferred,  the Convertible Preferred
Conversion  Rate  in  effect   immediately  before  that  subdivision  shall  be
proportionately increased.  Conversely, if the Company shall at any time or from
time to time after the  Convertible  Preferred  Original  Issue Date combine the
outstanding  shares of Common  Stock into a smaller  number of shares  without a
corresponding  combination of Convertible  Preferred,  the Convertible PrefLiled
Conversion  Rate  in  effect   immediately   before  the  combination  shall  be
proportionately  decreased.  Any adjustment under this Section 5(f) shall become
effective at the close of business on the date the  subdivision  or  combination
becomes effective.

            (g) Adjustment for Common Stock Dividends and Distributions.  If the
Company  at any  time or  from  time to time  after  the  Convertible  Preferred
Original  Issue Date  makes,  or fixes a record  date for the  determination  of
holders of Common Stock  entitled to receive,  a dividend or other  distribution
payable in additional shares of Common Stock, in each such event the Convertible
Preferred  Conversion  Rate that is then in effect  shall be increased as of the
time of such  issuance  or, in the event such  record  date is fixed,  as of the
close of business on such record date, by multiplying the Convertible  Preferred
Conversion  Rate then in effect by a fraction (1) the  numerator of which is the
total number of shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding  immediately prior
to the time of such  issuance or the close of business on such record date,  and
(2) the  denominator  of which is the total  number  of  shares of Common  Stock
issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the time of such  issuance or the
close of business on such record date plus the number of shares of Common  Stock
issuable in payment of such dividend or distribution; provided, however, that if
such  record  date is  fixed  and such  dividend  is not  fully  paid or if such
distribution  is not fully  made on the date  fixed  therefor,  the  Convertible
Preferred  Conversion  Rate shall be recomputed  accordingly  as of the close of
business on such record date and thereafter the Convertible Preferred Conversion
Rate shall be  adjusted  pursuant  to this  Section  5(g) to reflect  the actual
payment of such dividend or distribution.


            (h)  Adjustments  for  Other  Dividends  and  Distributions.  If the
Company  at any  time or  from  time to time  after  the  Convertible  Preferred
Original  Issue Date  makes,  or fixes a record  date for the  determination  of
holders of Common Stock  entitled to receive,  a dividend or other  distribution
payable in securities of the Company other than shares of Common Stock,  in each
such event provision shall be made so that the holders of Convertible  Preferred
shall receive upon  conversion  thereof,  in addition to the number of shares of
Common Stock receivable thereupon, the amount of other securities of the Company
which they would have received had their  Convertible  Preferred  been converted
into Common Stock on the date of such event and had they thereafter,  during the
period  from  the date of such  event  to and  including  the  conversion  date,
retained such  securities  receivable  by them as aforesaid  during such period,
subject  to all other  adjustments  called  for during  such  period  under this
Section 5 with respect to the rights of the holders of Convertible  Preferred or
with respect to such other securities by their terms.

            (i) Adjustment for Reclassification,  Exchange and Substitution.  If
at any time or from time to time after the Series B Original Issue Date,  Common
Stock issuable upon the conversion of Convertible  Preferred is changed into the
same or a different  number of shares of any class or classes of stock,  whether
by recapitalization, reclassification or otherwise (other than an Acquisition or
Asset  Transfer as defined in Section 3(c) or a subdivision  or  combination  of
shares or stock dividend or a reorganization,  merger,  consolidation or sale of
assets  provided for elsewhere in this Section 5), in any such event each holder
of Convertible  Preferred shall have the right  thereafter to convert such stock
into the kind and amount of stock and other  securities and property  receivable
upon such  recapitalization,  reclassification or other change by holders of the
maximum  number of shares of Common Stock into which such shares of  Convertible
Preferred could have been converted immediately prior to such  recapitalization,
reclassification or change, all subject to further adjustment as provided herein
or with respect to such other securities or property by the terms thereof.

            (j) Reorganizations,  Mergers, Consolidations or Sales of Assets. If
at any time or from time to time after the Series B Original  Issue Date,  there
is a capital  reorganization of Common Stock (other than an Acquisition or Asset
Transfer  as  defined  in  Section  3(c)  or  a  recapitalization,  subdivision,
combination,  reclassification,  exchange or substitution of shares provided for
elsewhere  in  this  Section  5),  as a part  of  such  capital  reorganization,
provision  shall be made so that the  holders  of  Convertible  Preferred  shall
thereafter be entitled to receive upon  conversion of Convertible  Preferred the
number of shares of stock or other  securities  or  property  of the  Company to
which  a  holder  of the  number  of  sharesof  Common  Stock  deliverable  upon
conversion would have been entitled on such capital  reorganization,  subject to
adjustment in respect of such stock or securities by the terms  thereof.  In any
such  case,  appropriate  adjustment  shall  be made in the  application  of the
provisions  of this  Section 5 with  respect  to the  rights of the  holders  of
Convertible  Preferred  after  the  capital  reorganization  to the end that the
provisions of this Section 5 (including  adjustment of the Convertible Preferred
Conversion  Price  then in  effect  and  the  number  of  shares  issuable  upon
conversion of the Convertible  Preferred)  shall be applicable  after that event
and be as  nearly  equivalent  as  practicable.

            (k) Sale of Shares Below the Convertible Preferred Conversion Price.


                  (i) If at any time or from time to time after the  Convertible
Preferred  Original Issue Date, the Company issues or sells, or is deemed by the
express  provisions of this  subsection  (k) to have issued or sold,  Additional
Shares of Common  Stock (as  hereinafter  defined),  other than as a dividend or
other  distribution on any class of stock as provided in Section 5(h) above, and
other than a subdivision or combination of shares of Common Stock as provided in
Section 5(f) above,  for an Effective Price (as  hereinafter  defined) per share
less than the quotient  obtained by dividing the Issue Price by the  Convertible
Preferred Conversion Rate ("Convertible Preferred Stock Conversion Price"), then
and in each such case the then existing  Convertible  Preferred Stock Conversion
Rate shall be increased, as of the opening of business on the date of such issue
or sale,  to a price  determined  by dividing the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
Conversion Rate by a fraction (i) the numerator of which shall be (A) the number
of shares of Common  Stock deemed  outstanding  (as defined  below)  immediately
prior to such issue or sale, plus (B) the number of shares of Common Stock which
the aggregate  consideration  received (as defined in subsection (k)(ii)) by the
Company  for the total  number of  Additional  Shares of Common  Stock so issued
would purchase at such Convertible  Preferred Stock  Conversion  Price, and (ii)
the  denominator  of which shall be the number of shares of Common  Stock deemed
outstanding (as defined below)  immediately prior to such issue or sale plus the
total number of Additional Shares of Common Stock so issued. For the purposes of
the  preceding  sentence,  the  number of shares  of Common  Stock  deemed to be
outstanding  as of a given  date shall be the sum of (A) the number of shares of
Common  Stock and actually  outstanding,  and (B) the number of shares of Common
Stock into which the then outstanding  shares of Convertible  Preferred could be
converted if fully converted on the day immediately preceding the given date.

                  (ii) For the purpose of making any  adjustment  required under
this Section 5(k),  the  consideration  received by the Company for any issue or
sale of  securities  shall (A) to the extent it consists of cash, be computed at
the  gross  amount of cash  received  by the  Company  before  deduction  of any
underwriting or similar commissions, compensation or concessions paid or allowed
by the Company in connection with such issue or sale and before deduction of any
expenses payable by the Company, (B) to the extent it consists of property other
than cash,  be computed at the fair value of that property as detennined in good
faith by the Board,  and (C) if Additional  Shares of Common Stock,  Convertible
Securities  (as  hereinafter  defined) or rights or options to  purchase  either
Additional  Shares of Common Stock or Convertible  Securities are issued or sold
together  with other stock or  securities  or other  assets of the Company for a
consideration which covers both, be computed as the portion of the consideration
so received that may be  reasonably  determined in good faith by the Board to be
allocable to such Additional Shares of Common Stock,  Convertible  Securities or
rights or options.


                  (iii) For the purpose of the  adjustment  required  under this
Section  5(k),  if the  Company  issues or sells any rights or  options  for the
purchase of, or stock or other securities convertible into, Additional Shares of
Common Stock (such  convertible  stock or securities being herein referred to as
"Convertible  Securities") and if the Effective Price of such Additional  Shares
of Common Stock is less than the Convertible  Preferred Stock Conversion  Price,
in each  case the  Company  shall be  deemed  to have  issued at the time of the
issuance of such rights or options or Convertible  Securities the maximum number
of  Additional  Shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise or  conversion
thereof and to have received as consideration for the issuance of such shares an
amount equal to the total amount of the  consideration,  if any, received by the
Company for the  issuance of such rights or options or  Convertible  Securities,
plus,  in  the  case  of  such  rights  or  options,   the  maximum  amounts  of
consideration,  if any,  payable to the Company upon the exercise of such rights
or options, plus, in the case of Convertible Securities,  the maximum amounts of
consideration,  if any,  payable to the  Company  upon the  conversion  thereof;
provided that if in the case of Convertible  Securities  the maximum  amounts of
such consideration cannot be ascertained,  but are a function of antidilution or
similar  protective  clauses,  the Company  shall be deemed to have received the
maximum amounts of  consideration  without  reference to such clauses;  provided
further that if the maximum amount of consideration  payable to the Company upon
the exercise or  conversion  of rights,  options or  Convertible  Securities  is
reduced over time or on the  occurrence or  non-occurrence  of specified  events
other than by mason of  antidilution  adjustments,  the Effective Price shall be
recalculated  using the figure to which such amount of consideration is reduced;
and provided further that if the maximum amount of consideration  payable to the
Company upon the exercise or conversion of such rights,  options or  Convertible
Securities  is  subsequently  increased,  the  Effective  Price  shall  be again
recalculated using the increased maximum amount of consideration  payable to the
Company upon the exercise or conversion of such rights,  options or  Convertible
Securities.  No further adjustment of the Convertible Preferred Stock Conversion
Rate,  as adjusted  upon the  issuance of such  rights,  options or  Convertible
Securities,  shall be made as a result  of the  actual  issuance  of  Additional
Shares of Common  Stock on the  exercise  of . any such rights or options or the
conversion of any such Convertible Securities.  If any such rights or options or
the conversion  privilege  represented by any such Convertible  Securities shall
expire without having been exercised, the Convertible Preferred Stock Conversion
Rate as  adjusted  upon the  issuance  of such  rights,  options or  Convertible
Securities  shall be readjusted to the Convertible  Preferred  Stock  Conversion
Rate which  would have been in effect had an  adjustment  been made on the basis
that the only  Additional  Shares of Common Stock so issued were the  Additional
Shares of Common Stock, if any,  actually issued or sold on the exercise of such
rights or options or rights of conversion of such  Convertible  Securities,  and
such  Additional  Shares of Common  Stock,  if any,  were issued or sold for the
consideration  actually  received by the Company  upon such  exercise,  plus the
consideration,  if any, actually received by the Company for the granting of all
such  rights  or  options,  whether  or not  exercised,  plus the  consideration
received for issuing or selling the Convertible  Securities  actually converted,
plus  the  consideration,  if  any,  actually  received  by the  Company  on the
conversion of such Convertible Securities, provided that such readjustment shall
not apply to prior conversions of Convertible Preferred.

                  (iv) "Additional Shares of Common Stock" shall mean all shares
of Common  Stock  issued by the Company or deemed to be issued  pursuant to this
Section 5(k),  whether or not subsequently  reacquired or retired by the Company
other than (1) shares of Common Stock issued upon  conversion of the Convertible
Preferred;  (2) shares of Common Stock and/or options,  warrants or other Common
Stock  purchase  rights   thereafter  (as  adjusted  for  any  stock  dividends,
combinations,  splits,  recapitalizations  and the like)  issued  to  employees,
officers or directors of, or  consultants,  advisors,  advisory board members or
committee  members to, the Company  pursuant to stock  purchase or stock  option
plans or other arrangements that are approved by the Board; (3) shares of Common
Stock issued  pursuant to mergers,  acquisitions  or other similar  transactions
approved  by the Board;  and (4) all  issuances  in  connection  with  strategic
partnerships,   strategic  alliances,  joint  ventures,  or  any  other  similar
transaction approved by the Board. The "Effective Price" of Additional Shares of
Common Stock shall mean the quotient  determined by dividing the total number of
Additional  Shares of Common Stock issued or sold, or deemed to have been issued
or sold by the Company under this Section 5(k), into the aggregate consideration
received,  or deemed to have been  received  by the Company for such issue under
this Section 5(k), for such Additional Shares of Common Stock.


            (l)  Adjustments  for Issuance of Additional  Securities to Series A
Stock holders in Accordance with Agreement and Plan of Merger. If the Company at
any time or from time to time after the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  Original
Issue Date issues or provides for the issuance of its securities to the Series A
Stock holders in accordance with Section 2.5(a)(iv) of the Agreement and Plan of
Merger among Othnet, Inc., Othnet Merger Sub, Inc. and Association of Volleyball
Professionals,  Inc.,  dated as of June 29, 2004 ("Merger  Agreement"),  in such
event provision shall be made so that the holders of Convertible Preferred shall
receive upon conversion  thereof,  in addition to the number of shares of Common
Stock  receivable  thereupon,  the  amount of Common  Stock or other  securities
convertible  into  Common  Stock,  equal to their  pro  rata  percentage  of the
fully-diluted  securities  of the Company prior to any issuances to the Series A
Preferred  Stockholders  in accordance  with the terms of the Merger  Agreement,
subject  to all other  adjustments  called  for during  such  period  under this
Section 5 with respect to the rights of the holders of Convertible  Preferred or
with respect to such other securities by their terms.

            (m)  Certificate  of  Adjustment.  In each case of an  adjustment or
readjustment of the Convertible  Preferred Stock Conversion Price for the number
of  shares of Common  Stock or other  securities  issuable  upon  conversion  of
Convertible Preferred,  if Convertible Preferred is then convertible pursuant to
this Section 5, the Company,  at its expense,  shall compute such  adjustment or
readjustment in accordance with the provisions  hereof and prepare a certificate
showing such adjustment or  readjustment,  and shall mail such  certificate,  by
first class mail,  postage  prepaid,  to each  registered  holder of Convertible
Preferred  at the  holder's  address  as  shown  in  the  Company's  books.  The
certificate  shall set forth such adjustment or readjustment,  showing in detail
the facts upon which such  adjustment  or  readjustment  is based,  including  a
statement  of (1) the  consideration  received  or deemed to be  received by the
Company for any  Additional  Shares of Common  Stock issued or sold or deemed to
have been issued or sold, (2) the Convertible  Preferred Stock  Conversion Price
at the time in effect,  (3) the number of Additional  Shares of Common Stock and
(4) the type and amount,  if any, of other  property  which at the time would be
received upon conversion of the Convertible Preferred.

            (n) Notices of Record Date.  Upon (i) any taking by the Company of a
record of the holders of any class of securities  for the purpose of determining
the  holders  thereof  who  are  entitled  to  receive  any  dividend  or  other
distribution,  or (ii) any  Acquisition  (as  defined in Section  3(c)) or other
capital  reorganization of the Company, any reclassification or recapitalization
of the capital stock of the Company,  any merger or consolidation of the Company
with or into any other corporation, or any Asset Transfer (as defined in Section
3(c)), or any voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of
the Company,  the Company shall mail to each holder of Convertible  Preferred at
least  ten (10)  days  prior  to the  record  date  specified  therein  a notice
specifying  (1) the date on which any such record is to be taken for the purpose
of  such  dividend  or  distribution  and a  description  of  such  dividend  or
distribution,  (2) the  date on  which  any  such  Acquisition,  reorganization,
reclassification,  transfer, consolidation, merger, Asset Transfer, dissolution,
liquidation or winding up is expected to become effective,  and (3) the date, if
any,  that is to be fixed as to when the  holders of record of Common  Stock (or
other securities) shall be entitled to exchange their shares of Common Stock (or
other  securities)  for  securities  or other  property  deliverable  upon  such
Acquisition, reorganization,  reclassification, transfer, consolidation, merger,
Asset Transfer, dissolution, liquidation or winding up.


            6. Mandatory  Conversion.  At any time commencing one year after the
issuance of shares of Series B Stock the Company may send a notice of conversion
to the holders of the Series B Stock,  provided:  (i) all shares of Common Stock
underlying  the  Series  B Stock  have  been  registered  for  resale  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission, and such registration statement is effective
at the time such  notice of  conversion  is sent to the  holders of the Series B
Stock,  (ii) the Common Stock is quoted on the  Over-The-Counter  Bulletin Board
("OTCBB") or a similar electronic quotation system or stock exchange,  (iii) the
closing  price per share,  or the  average of the  closing bid and ask price per
share of Common  Stock,  if  applicable,  has been at least twice.  the quotient
obtained  by  dividing  the  redemption  price of the  Series B Stock by 100 (as
adjusted for any stock dividends,  combinations,  splits,  recapitalizations and
the like with respect to such shares) for thirty (30)  consecutive  trading days
prior to a notice of  conversion,  and (iv) the average daily trading  volume of
the Common Stock as reported on the OTCBB, or other electronic  quotation system
or stock exchange as then listed,  averages at least 2,000,000  shares of Common
Stock for each of the thirty (30) consecutive  trading days prior to a notice of
conversion, the Company may send the holders a notice of conversion.

      Upon the  sending of such  notice,  all shares of Series B Stock  shall be
converted  into Common Stock at the Series B Conversion  Rate then in effect (as
adjusted for any stock dividends,  combinations,  splits,  recapitalizations and
the like with  respect to such  shares).  Upon such  automatic  conversion,  any
declared and unpaid dividends shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of
Section 5(g) above. Upon such automatic  conversion,  the outstanding  shares of
Series B Stock shall be converted  automatically  without any further  action by
the holders of such shares  whether or not the  certificates  representing  such
shares are surrendered to the Company or its transfer agent.

      At such time as the Company has amended its  certificate of  incorporation
to increase its authorized Common Stock to no less than 300,000,000 shares, each
share of Series A Stock shall automatically be converted into a number of shares
of Common Stock equal to the then current Convertible Stock Conversion Rate, and
each Series A Stock  certificate  shall  represent the number of whole shares of
Common Stock that shall equal the product  obtained by multiplying the number of
shares of Series A Stock  stated  thereon by the  Convertible  Stock  Conversion
Rate. Upon surrender of such certificate to the Company, the Company shall issue
certificates  representing  such whole number of shares of Common Stock and cash
in the amount of any fractional  share as the holder of such  certificate  shall
lawfully direct.

            7. No Reissuance  of  Convertible  Preferred.  No share or shares of
Convertible Preferred,  or any other series of preferred stock authorized by the
Company, acquired by the Company by reason of redemption,  purchase,  conversion
or otherwise shall be reissued;  and in addition, the Certificate of Designation
of  Rights  Preferences  and  Limitations  of  Convertible  Preferred  shall  be
appropriately  amended to effect the  corresponding  reduction in the  Company's
authorized  stock.  If  the  Convertible   Preferred  shall  not  be  issued  as
contemplated in the Offering Memorandum, the Company shall file a certificate of
resolutions  of the  Company's  board of directors to such effect in  accordance
with Section 151 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.


            8. No Preemptive Rights. No stockholders of the Company,  including,
without limitation,  the holders of Convertible Preferred, shall have preemptive

                  [remainder of page intentionally left blank]


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Cati icate of Designation
of Series A and Series B Convertible  Stock to be duly executed by its President
and attested to by its Secretary on this 25th day of February, 2005.

By: /s/ Jeffrey Wattenberg
    President:  Jeffrey Wattenberg

By: /s/ Jeffrey Wattenberg
    President:  Jeffrey Wattenberg

