As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 9, 2005

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


                  Investment Company Act file number 811-07763

                         THE MASTERS' SELECT FUNDS TRUST
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

               4 Orinda Way, Suite 230-D, Orinda, California 94563
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                               Kenneth E. Gregory
                            4 Orinda Way, Suite 230-D
                                Orinda, CA 94563
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

                                   Copies to:

                               Julie Allecta, Esq.
                     Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP
                          55 Second Street, 24th Floor
                         San Francisco, California 94105

                                 (925) 254-8999
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

Date of fiscal year end: December 31, 2004

Date of reporting period:  December 31, 2004

Item 1. Report to Stockholders.

The Masters' Select Funds Trust

                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                Annual Report

                The Masters' Select Equity Fund
                The Masters' Select International Fund
                The Masters' Select Value Fund
                The Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund

                December 31, 2004



The Masters' Select Concept

In constructing the Masters' Select Funds, our goal was to design funds that
would isolate the stock-picking skills of a group of highly regarded portfolio
managers. To meet this objective, we designed the funds with both risk and
return in mind, placing particular emphasis on the following factors:

1.    First, only stock-pickers we believe to be exceptionally skilled were
      chosen to manage each fund's portfolio.

2.    Second, and of equal importance, each stock-picker runs a very focused
      portfolio of not more than 15 of his or her favorite stocks. We believe
      that most stock-pickers have an unusually high level of conviction in only
      a small number of stocks and that a portfolio limited to these stocks
      will, on average, outperform (a more diversified portfolio) over a market

3.    Third, even though each manager's portfolio is focused, we seek ways to
      diversify each of our funds. With the Equity and International Funds, we
      have done this by including managers with differing investment styles and
      market cap orientations. With the Value Fund, we have selected managers
      who each take unique approaches to assessing companies and defining value.
      With the Smaller Companies Fund, we have selected managers with varying
      investment approaches who each focus on the securities of small companies.

4.    Finally, we believe that excessive asset growth results in diminished
      performance. We have committed to close each of the Masters' Select Funds
      to new investors at levels that we believe will preserve the managers'
      ability to effectively implement the "select" concept.

Portfolio Fit
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As with all equity funds, Masters' Select Funds are appropriate for investors
with a long-term time horizon, who are willing to ride out occasional periods
when the funds' net asset values decline. Within that context, we created the
Masters' Select Equity and Masters' Select International Funds to be used as
core equity and international fund holdings. Masters' Select Smaller Companies
Fund has been created to provide a core domestic small cap investment
opportunity. We created Masters' Select Value Fund for investors who seek
additional, dedicated value exposure in their portfolios. Although performance
in each specific down market will vary, we purposely set the allocations to each
manager with the objective of keeping risk about equal to the funds' overall
benchmarks. In the end, the focus on the highest conviction stocks of a group of
very distinguished managers with superior track records is what we believe makes
the funds ideal portfolio holdings.



Our Commitment to Shareholders                                                 2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Letter to Shareholders                                                         3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity Fund
  Equity Fund Review                                                           8
  Equity Fund Managers                                                        13
  Equity Fund Stock Highlights                                                14
  Equity Fund Schedule of Investments                                         16
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select International Fund
  International Fund Review                                                   18
  International Fund Managers                                                 24
  International Fund Stock Highlights                                         25
  International Fund Schedule of Investments                                  27
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Value Fund
  Value Fund Review                                                           29
  Value Fund Managers                                                         33
  Value Fund Stock Highlights                                                 34
  Value Fund Schedule of Investments                                          35
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund
  Smaller Companies Fund Review                                               36
  Smaller Companies Fund Managers                                             40
  Smaller Companies Fund Stock Highlights                                     41
  Smaller Companies Fund Schedule of Investments                              44
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expense Examples                                                              45
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statements of Assets and Liabilities                                          46
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statements of Operations                                                      47
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statements of Changes in Net Assets
  Equity Fund                                                                 48
  International Fund                                                          48
  Value Fund                                                                  49
  Smaller Companies Fund                                                      49
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial Highlights
  Equity Fund                                                                 50
  International Fund                                                          51
  Value Fund                                                                  52
  Smaller Companies Fund                                                      53
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notes to Financial Statements                                                 54
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                       59
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Information                                                             60
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tax Information                                                               61
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Index Definitions                                                             62
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trustee and Officer Information                                               63
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This report is intended for shareholders of the funds and may not be used as
sales literature unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus for the
Masters' Select Funds. Statements and other information in this report are dated
and are subject to change.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Due to market volatility,
fund performance may fluctuate substantially over the short-term and current
performance may differ from that shown. Share price and returns will fluctuate,
and investors may have a gain or loss when they redeem shares. Litman/Gregory
Fund Advisors, LLC has ultimate responsibility for the funds' performance due to
its responsibility to oversee its investment managers and recommend their
hiring, termination and replacement.

Quasar Distributors, LLC.

                                                            Table of Contents  1

Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors' Commitment to Shareholders

We are deeply committed to making each Masters' Select Fund a highly satisfying
long-term investment for shareholders. In following through on this commitment
we are guided by our core values, which influence four specific areas of

First, we are committed to the Masters' Select concept.

      o     We will only hire managers who we strongly believe will deliver
            exceptional long-term returns relative to their benchmarks. We base
            this belief on extremely thorough due diligence research. This not
            only requires us to assess their stock picking skills, but also to
            evaluate their ability to add incremental performance by investing
            in a concentrated portfolio of their highest conviction ideas.

      o     We will monitor each of the managers so that we can maintain our
            confidence in their ability to deliver the long-term performance we
            expect. In addition our monitoring will seek to assess whether they
            are staying true to their Masters' Select mandate. Consistent with
            this mandate we focus on long-term performance evaluation so that
            the Masters' Select stock pickers will not be distracted by
            short-term performance pressure.

Second, we will do all we can to ensure that the framework within which our
stock pickers do their work further increases the odds of success.

      o     New investments in each Fund are expected to be limited, subject to
            certain exceptions, when that Fund reaches certain asset levels. We
            followed through on this commitment when we closed Masters' Select
            Equity and International Funds to most new investors in October 2004
            at asset levels of $750 million and $1 billion, respectively.
            Currently we believe that the respective closing levels for Masters'
            Select Value and Masters' Select Smaller Companies Funds are
            approximately $1 billion and $450 million. By limiting Fund size in
            this manner, we believe each manager's Masters' Select asset base
            will remain small enough so that a high level of flexibility to add
            value through individual stock picking will be retained.

      o     The framework also includes the diversified multi-manager structure
            that makes it possible for each manager to invest in a concentrated
            manner knowing that the potential volatility within his portfolio
            will be diluted at the fund level by the performance of the other
            managers. The multi-manager structure seeks to provide the
            diversification necessary to temper the volatility of each manager's

      o     We will work hard to discourage short-term speculators so that cash
            flows into the Fund are not volatile. Lower volatility helps prevent
            our managers from being forced to sell stocks at inopportune times
            or to hold excessive cash for non-investment purposes. This is why
            years ago the Funds implemented a six-month 2% redemption fee that
            is paid to each Fund for the benefit of shareholders.

Third, is our commitment to do all we can from an operational standpoint to
maximize shareholder returns.

      o     We will remain attentive to Fund overhead and whenever we achieve
            savings we will pass them through to shareholders. For example, we
            have had several manager changes that resulted in lower sub-advisory
            fees to our Funds. In every case we have passed through the full
            savings to shareholders in the form of fee waivers.

      o     There will be no loads, 12b-1 charges or any distribution charges.

      o     We also work closely with our sub-advisors to make sure they are
            aware of tax-loss selling opportunities (only to be taken if there
            are equally attractive stocks to swap into). We account for partial
            sales on a specific tax lot basis so that shareholders will benefit
            from the most favorable tax treatment. The goal is not to favor
            taxable shareholders over tax-exempt shareholders but to make sure
            that the Masters' Select stock pickers are taking advantage of tax
            savings opportunities when doing so is not expected to reduce
            pre-tax returns.

Fourth, is our commitment to communicate honestly about all relevant
developments and expectations.

      o     We will continue to do this by providing thorough and educational
            shareholder reports.

      o     We will continue to provide what we believe are realistic
            assessments of the investment environment.

Our commitment to Masters' Select is also evidenced by our own investment. Our
employees have, collectively, substantial investments in the Funds, as does our
company retirement plan. In addition, we use the Funds extensively in our client
accounts in our investment advisor practice (through our affiliate
Litman/Gregory Asset Management, LLC). We have no financial incentive to do so
because the fees we receive from Masters' Select held in client assets are fully
offset against the advisory fees paid by our clients. In fact, we have a
disincentive to use the Funds in our client accounts because each Masters'
Select Fund is capacity constrained (they will be closed at the pre-determined
asset levels mentioned above) and by using them in client accounts we are using
up capacity for which we are not paid. But we believe these Funds offer value
that we can't get elsewhere and this is why we enthusiastically invest in them
ourselves and on behalf of clients.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While we believe highly in the ability of the Funds' sub-advisors, our
commitments are not intended as guarantees of future results.

This information is authorized for use when preceded or accompanied by a
prospectus for the Masters' Select Funds. Mutual fund investing involves risk;
principal loss is possible. While the Funds are no-load, there are management
fees and operating expenses that do apply. The prospectus contains more
information regarding the funds' investment objectives, risks, fees and
expenses. Read the prospectus carefully before you invest in the Funds.

2  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

January 2005

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

After struggling for much of the year the global stock market had a break-out
fourth quarter that pushed the 2004 return into double-digit territory. All of
the Masters' Select Funds delivered returns at least in the teens for the year.
The year demonstrated once again how the financial markets can surprise
investors over the short run. Though the election uncertainty did go away in
November, plenty of worries remained and the headlines from Iraq seemed to
worsen. Nevertheless, in the end, stocks delivered.

Please read on for general comments about performance, the Masters' Select
concept, some important recent developments and lastly, recent press coverage
about the Masters' Select Funds.

Masters' Select Performance

The performance of each Masters' Select Fund is depicted and discussed in detail
in the sections covering each individual fund later in this report. In this
section of the report we discuss the overall success level of Masters' Select
and its distinctive structure.

The year 2004 was a mixed bag for the Masters' Select Funds in terms of relative
performance. Masters' Select Smaller Companies and Equity both out-returned all
of their benchmarks. Masters' Select International and Value both underperformed
all of their benchmarks. Our mantra, as our long-term shareholders know well by
now, is that long-term performance is what matters. Any fund can do well over a
quarter or a year. It is much tougher to do well over extended time periods
relative to the relevant index benchmarks. In assessing the Masters' Select
Funds' performance it is important to understand that each fund's portfolio is
built bottom-up, with no concern about how it looks relative to any benchmark.
So it should be no surprise that the Masters' Select portfolios often look quite
different from their benchmarks. For this reason they are likely to suffer from
large "tracking error." Tracking error refers to the degree that the performance
of a fund differs from its benchmark. Positive tracking error is good since it
means the fund outperformed its benchmark. Negative tracking error is bad
because it reflects a period of underperformance. We don't worry about tracking
error over the short run but seek to comfortably beat benchmarks (positive
tracking error) over multi-year periods, and of most importance, over the life
of each fund.

Though we don't concern ourselves with short-term performance, it certainly
would be nice to outperform in every time period. That is, of course,
unrealistic. However, it is realistic to expect the funds to outperform in most
short time periods if the quality of the stock picking is high. This is what has
happened. In the history of Masters' Select there have been 20 full calendar
years across the fund family. The Masters' Select Funds have outperformed their
primary benchmarks in 14 out of the 20 calendar years--or 70% of the time. We
believe this is quite a good record. There are three other metrics we regularly
track and present in these reports that serve as a helpful report card on the
Masters' Select long-term performance and ultimately, the success of the
Masters' Select concept. These other metrics are updated below (the following
section will be updated in our semiannual and annual shareholder reports):

1st Metric: Overall Fund Performance Since Each Fund's Inception

Each of the three older Masters' Select Funds has outperformed their passive
index benchmarks by a comfortable margin after taking into account all fund

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        Average Annual
                                                                                     Outperformance Over
Fund                       Length of Operation           Index Benchmark                  Benchmark
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity           8 years                  Russell 3000             2.79% (279 basis points)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select            7 years and 1 month           MSCI ACWI ex-US           4.63% (463 basis points)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Value      4 years and 6 months        Russell 3000 Value          1.66% (166 basis points)

Masters' Select Smaller Companies is only 18 months old so we don't include it
in this analysis. Though it outperformed its benchmarks in 2004 it
underperformed in the prior six months and since inception. Its overall
performance has been hurt by high levels of cash in the initial months and to a
lesser extent throughout 2004. Please refer to pages 8, 18, 29 and 36 to view
the performance of each of the funds and their respective benchmarks for all
relevant time periods.

2nd Metric: Consistency of Outperformance

It is widely documented that beating a passive index over the long run is a rare
feat for active managers. In fact there are many investment professionals and
academics who believe active management is folly because the odds are stacked so
heavily in favor of index funds. In the case of Masters' Select, each fund has
in fact, as mentioned above, bested its benchmark over the long run. This is one
measure of consistency that we believe offers a reason for optimism. Another
measure is the percentage of times that each fund outperforms its benchmark over
rolling three-year and five-year time periods. While we would like each Masters'
Select Fund to outperform its index benchmark in every three-year period, that
has not proven possible and is perhaps an unrealistic standard since one bad
year can have a

                                                           Shareholder Letter  3

huge impact on any three-year period. What we do seek is for each Masters'
Select Fund to outperform its benchmark a very high percentage of the time over
this intermediate time period of three years, and a higher percentage of the
time over five-year periods. So far this goal has been achieved as depicted in
the following table. Though there are never any guarantees and past performance
cannot be relied on to predict future performance, we believe consistently good
performance over intermediate to longer-term time periods gives shareholders a
reason to have confidence that a fund is a good bet to outperform its benchmark
over most reasonably long time periods. So far we believe the Masters' Select
Funds have achieved this objective. The evidence is outlined in the following

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Number of                      Number of
                                Three-Year     Percentage      Five-Year       Percentage
Fund                             Periods      Outperformed      Periods       Outperformed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity              61             95%             37             100%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select                     50             78%             26             100%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Value               19             74%            n/a              n/a

*     The first rolling three-year period is reached 36 months after each fund's
      inception (based on month-end dates). The starting and ending periods then
      "roll" forward one month at a time to comprise a new 36-month period. The
      first rolling five-year period is reached 60 months after each fund's
      inception (based on month-end dates). The starting and ending periods then
      "roll" forward one month at a time to comprise a new 60-month period.

We believe the consistency of the outperformance across time periods and across
funds strongly suggests that Masters' Select has performed well for reasons that
can't be explained by mere chance.

3rd Metric: Performance of the Underlying Sub-advisors

A third measure for assessing performance is the performance of the underlying
sub-advisors. If a fund's success was the result of spectacular performance by
one or two sub-advisors, one could perhaps make the argument that there was luck
involved and thereby question the likelihood that the outperformance may be
repeated. In our opinion, the more managers who outperform their benchmarks over
the long run, the more likely it is that the group is truly skilled and that the
Masters' Select structure enhances the ability of managers to succeed. With
respect to this test, the evidence seems overwhelming. Every sub-advisor who has
ever run a Masters' Select portfolio for at least three years has outperformed
his or her benchmark. (There is more detail on this metric in the sections on
each individual fund.) For now we will simply summarize the facts, which are
that there have been 15 managers who have picked stocks for Masters' Select for
at least three years and all have outperformed their benchmarks during their
Masters' Select tenure. This includes two managers no longer part of Masters'
and two others who are included twice because they are part of two Masters'
Select Funds. The odds of this outperformance happening by chance would seem to
be quite low.

We continue to believe that together, the above metrics offer strong evidence
that the Masters' Select concept is being well executed and is delivering. In
the past, our discussions have focused mostly on the importance of the
due-diligence process we go through in order to find and select stock pickers we
believe are highly skilled, and the Masters' Select mandate which requires each
stock picker to build a portfolio of not more than 15 of his highest-conviction
stock ideas. We've also mentioned the importance of long-term focus but never
discussed its importance in detail. Based on our many years of evaluating and
interacting with stock pickers, we believe that many stock pickers feel pressure
to perform over the short-term and that this impacts their decision-making. This
pressure is a function of the tendency for funds to suffer liquidations after a
bad year or two, or for fickle clients to fire a manager who underperforms over
a similar time period. The result is that when a stock picker has a very
high-conviction idea, but is not confident that the idea will work out in the
short-run, he may be less likely to buy it or to weight it as heavily as
deserved based on his long-term conviction level. The stock picker may also hold
stocks that have momentum but that he believes are significantly overvalued, in
order to avoid short-term underperformance if these stocks continue to
temporarily drive the market. This sort of behavior was common during the tech
bubble of a few years ago. Some funds were temporarily rewarded, but over the
long-term this short-term "game playing" hurt their shareholders and their own
performance records. A number of other fund managers who avoided overvalued tech
stocks drastically underperformed for a while and in some cases suffered
shareholder redemptions. But in the long run they served their shareholders well
and in most cases were rewarded with a powerful positive reversal in the cash
flows into their funds. We have tended to be attracted to managers who already
have a disciplined focus on doing what will maximize their long-term
performance. But beyond finding the right managers, we are seeking to create an
ideal stock-picking environment that will make it easier for each of our stock
pickers to manage a portfolio as they might if it was their own money at risk
and they were the ultimate judge of their success. The message they get from
Litman/Gregory is two-fold:

o     First, they know that we have done extensive due diligence on their firm
      and investment team and that we understand their philosophy, investment
      process and investment edge well. Therefore, unless something changes
      within their firm or we discover new information, we will not replace them
      simply because they underperform for a year or two.

4  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

o     Second, we encourage them to run the portfolio as they would if they were
      investing their own money, without regard to short-term tracking error or
      short-term volatility. This objective is made easier because they realize
      that as one of several stock pickers on the fund, their individual
      portfolio volatility will be somewhat smoothed by the inclusion of the
      other subadvised portfolios.

Together, we believe this mindset of focusing on long-term performance without
worrying about tracking error, in addition to the concentration, frees up each
manager to make decisions with the single overriding objective of long-term
performance within the constraints of their investment approach and investment
universe. This means there is no artificial defensiveness built into the
portfolios in order to pacify short-term oriented investors at the expense of
long-term returns. And, because of the manager diversification, we believe this
focus can be achieved with risk that is within a reasonable range of each fund's


There are several important developments to report.

Masters' Select International sub-advisors: Since the end of 2004 we have made a
decision and received approval from the Board of Trustees to hire Amit Wadhwaney
who also manages Third Avenue International Value Fund, and Jim Gendelman who
also manages Marsico International Opportunities Fund. Wadhwaney and Gendelman
are taking over most of the assets previously run by Mark Yockey and Dan
Jaworski who we have decided not to retain as a sub-advisors.

Please refer to the section of this report covering Masters' Select
International for more information on both of these developments.

Fund Closings: During the month of October, both Masters' Select Equity Fund and
Masters' Select International Fund closed to investment from most new
shareholders. Existing shareholders can continue to add new money to their
holdings in these funds. In both cases each fund reached asset closing levels
that had long ago been identified by Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors (LGFA). We are
committed to keeping the asset base of each fund manageable so that the
sub-advisors can maintain a high level of flexibility in their efforts to
generate strong returns for shareholders.

Expenses inched lower in Masters' Select Equity, International and Value during
2004. All three funds are currently accruing expenses at lower levels than was
the case in 2004. There was a more significant expense decline for Masters'
Select Smaller Companies Fund which came in at 1.40% compared to 1.65% in 2003
and the fund is now accruing expenses at 1.30%. Expense ratio declines are in
large part a function of asset growth.

Taxes: Masters' Select Equity and Value did not make taxable distributions in
2004. Masters' Select International paid a small dividend and Masters' Select
Smaller Companies distributed short and long-term capital gains amounting to
approximately 3% of net asset value.

Fund Management Team at Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors: Effective January 2005,
Jeremy DeGroot, M.S., CFA, is joining me as co-manager of the Masters' Select
Fund family. Jeremy is a partner and co-Chief Investment Officer of
Litman/Gregory Asset Management, LLC (LGAM), the sister firm of Litman/Gregory
Fund Advisors, LLC. LGAM employs our entire investment research team. Though my
name has been most associated with Masters' Select over the years, the oversight
and management of the funds has been a team effort. Our research team conducts
due diligence on sub-advisors and performs ongoing monitoring. Both Jeremy and I
are members of the research team along with five other dedicated analysts. A
number of other investment professionals contribute to LGAM's overall research
effort. Jeremy's expanded role will include some additional oversight work and
contribution to shareholder communications. In addition, Jeremy's long-standing
informal involvement in decisions regarding sub-advisors, fund launchings and
other aspects of Masters' Select will now be more formalized so that we will
jointly take the lead on all decisions with input, as always, from our research
team and other partners in the firm. Though Jeremy is being formally recognized
and his role is somewhat expanded, for the most part this recognition comes
after the fact as Jeremy has been involved in the oversight of Masters' Select
for several years.

As Jeremy takes on a more formal role, my role will be somewhat reduced. The
primary change will be less responsibility for the monitoring of specific
managers and less involvement in due-diligence work. Jeremy and other members of
our research team will take on more of this responsibility. In each case,
analysts who already are familiar with and have responsibility for a specific
sub-advisor by virtue of our research on the sub-advisors' own funds (e.g. we
cover Bill Miller's fund, Legg Mason Value Trust for our investment management
and investment publishing businesses) will formally fold the Masters' Select
monitoring into their existing coverage (they have always considered Masters'
interests in their ongoing research). I also am reducing my hours in the office
in an effort to rein in my workaholic tendencies while I'm still young enough to
enjoy a more balanced life. Much of my reduction will come from non-Masters'
related responsibilities though the involvement of our team as described above
will free up some time. This evolutionary change should not be misconstrued as a
significant lessening of my involvement in Masters' Select now or in the
foreseeable future. The ultimate responsibility for Masters' Select will
continue to stop at my desk. I remain highly committed to Masters' Select with a
goal of extending our record and reputation as a fund family that consistently
delivers good relative performance and does so with the highest level of
integrity and shareholder focus.

                                                           Shareholder Letter  5

Litman/Gregory's Investment in Masters' Select: The owners and employees of
Litman/Gregory as well as the independent trustees of Masters' Select continue
to have great confidence in the Masters' Select concept and our ability to
successfully execute it with the assistance of our sub-advisors. This is why our
substantial investment in Masters' Select continues to grow. As of December 31,
2004 the combined total investment in Masters' Select from owners, employees and
trustees was $9.3 million.

Website Enhancement: We recently added a new function to our website, This new function allows shareholders to view their
account balances and transaction history. To access your account, visit the
website and go to the My Account Login button. You will need your account number
and 9 digit taxpayer ID /social security number in order to establish your
personal identification number (PIN).

Accolades: The Masters' Select Funds received a number of accolades during 2004.
Perhaps most satisfying was the "A" fiduciary grade received by all four of the
Masters' Select Funds from Morningstar, the independent mutual fund rating firm.
As of January 19, 959 funds had been graded and 79 had received an A grade (8.2%
of the total number of graded funds). Morningstar uses an A-F scale. We have
always had a philosophy of putting our shareholder interests first as is
evidenced by our commitment to closing our funds, honest communications, expense
management, redemption fees to discourage short-term investors and our
dedication to hiring only highly qualified stock pickers. We also stand by our
Commitment to Shareholders which is published in our Annual and Semi-Annual
reports (see page 2),

In addition to the fiduciary grade there were other comments about Masters'
Select in the financial media during 2004, including:

o     From's Analyst Reports:

      Masters' Select Value: "This fund might be due for a breather, given how
      successful it has been since its 2001 inception, but we think it's a
      long-term winner." 12/01/2004

      Masters' Select Smaller Companies: "This fund is one of the most appealing
      recent entrants in the small-cap universe. A quintet of top-flight
      managers and a small asset base give this fund considerable appeal."

      Masters' Select International: "Though the fund is lagging this year, it
      produced top-quartile results in five of its first six calendar years...In
      short, shareholders are likely to be happy here, as long as they know that
      the fund is somewhat more volatile than most of its peers, due to its
      issue focus and other distinctions." 11/10/2004

      Masters' Select Equity: "An all-star lineup of six managers, each with an
      excellent long-term record, has delivered the goods here. The combined
      portfolio is a mix of value and growth and large and small stocks. This is
      shaping up to be a solid core fund for fans of active management."

o     From, an article about Masters' Select Smaller Companies
      titled "Value Added: A Dream Team for Small Caps"

o     From Bloomberg Wealth Manager's article "In With the New," which covered
      the growth in sub-advised funds. The article states that "This
      organization is without question at the top of the heap" in referring to
      Masters' Select with respect to the question "which fund families have
      proven particularly deft at picking sub-advisors?"

o     From Kiplinger's Personal Finance in two articles titled "The 25 Best
      Funds" and "Invest in the Best."

In Closing

At Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors we consider ourselves very fortunate to have the
confidence of the many thousands of shareholders who invest in Masters' Select.
We take our responsibility seriously, and will continue to work hard and think
creatively in order to achieve our goal of superior long-term performance
relative to each fund's benchmarks and peer groups. In pursuing this goal we
will continue to view shareholder interests as criteria number one with respect
to our decision-making.

/s/ Ken Gregory

Ken Gregory
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors

6  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Please refer to pages 8, 18, 29 and 36 to view the performance of each of the
funds and their respective benchmarks for all relevant time periods.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security
or any other funds mentioned herein. The views herein are those of
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC at the time the material is written and may
not be reflective of current conditions.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

The selection of Masters' Select as being at the top of the heap in selecting
sub-advisors by the Editors of Bloomberg Wealth Management is based on the
five-year performance of Masters' Select Equity and International Funds.

The selection of the 25 Best Funds by the Editors of Kiplinger's Personal
Finance Magazine is based on the following criteria: consistency of long-term
performance, manager experience, risk as measured by performance volatility
during bear markets, fund operating expenses, limitation of assets under
management, and the integrity of the fund company.

                                                           Shareholder Letter  7

Masters' Select Equity Fund Review
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The stock market closed with a very strong fourth quarter, turning what looked
likely to be a mediocre year into a strong year for performance. Stocks of small
companies and foreign stocks performed particularly well while value stocks
bested growth stocks for the full year. Masters' Select Equity participated in
the fourth quarter rally and outperformed all of its benchmarks on the year with
a return of 13.54%.

Comparison Chart
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in Masters' Select Equity Fund
from its inception (12/31/96) to present as compared with the Russell 3000
Index, the Custom Equity Index and the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Index.


                       Masters'     Russell       Lipper         Custom
                       Select     3000 Index     Multi-Cap       Equity
                       Equity                    Core Index      Index
31-Dec-96              $10,000       $10,000       $10,000       $10,000
31-Jan-97              $10,290       $10,553       $10,474       $10,443
28-Feb-97              $10,320       $10,565       $10,443       $10,466
31-Mar-97              $ 9,860       $10,086       $10,057       $10,070
30-Apr-97              $10,210       $10,583       $10,405       $10,502
31-May-97              $10,920       $11,306       $11,107       $11,251
30-Jun-97              $11,530       $11,776       $11,526       $11,764
31-Jul-97              $12,790       $12,700       $12,402       $12,547
31-Aug-97              $12,500       $12,184       $12,061       $12,019
30-Sep-97              $13,560       $12,875       $12,724       $12,724
31-Oct-97              $12,850       $12,442       $12,246       $12,217
30-Nov-97              $12,740       $12,919       $12,454       $12,584
31-Dec-97              $12,911       $13,177       $12,627       $12,791
31-Jan-98              $12,845       $13,246       $12,698       $12,908
28-Feb-98              $13,925       $14,193       $13,605       $13,834
31-Mar-98              $14,415       $14,897       $14,243       $14,486
30-Apr-98              $15,081       $15,043       $14,397       $14,616
31-May-98              $14,557       $14,671       $14,002       $14,275
30-Jun-98              $14,732       $15,167       $14,395       $14,697
31-Jul-98              $14,579       $14,891       $14,102       $14,364
31-Aug-98              $11,850       $12,610       $11,906       $12,176
30-Sep-98              $12,210       $13,470       $12,471       $12,873
31-Oct-98              $13,140       $14,492       $13,322       $13,843
30-Nov-98              $13,883       $15,379       $14,036       $14,647
31-Dec-98              $14,834       $16,357       $14,988       $15,482
31-Jan-99              $15,304       $16,913       $15,485       $15,971
28-Feb-99              $14,572       $16,315       $14,888       $15,327
31-Mar-99              $15,413       $16,913       $15,358       $15,868
30-Apr-99              $16,955       $17,676       $15,985       $16,646
30-May-99              $16,736       $17,340       $15,806       $16,340
30-Jun-99              $18,059       $18,216       $16,581       $17,186
31-Jul-99              $17,589       $17,664       $16,216       $16,767
31-Aug-99              $17,304       $17,463       $15,933       $16,591
30-Sep-99              $16,898       $17,016       $15,536       $16,290
31-Oct-99              $17,365       $18,082       $16,324       $17,086
30-Nov-99              $17,728       $18,589       $16,850       $17,592
31-Dec-99              $18,758       $19,775       $18,103       $18,874
31-Jan-00              $18,471       $19,000       $17,589       $18,030
29-Feb-00              $18,354       $19,176       $18,266       $18,435
31-Mar-00              $20,115       $20,678       $19,437       $19,526
30-Apr-00              $19,880       $19,950       $18,715       $18,777
31-May-00              $19,254       $19,389       $18,065       $18,243
30-Jun-00              $19,867       $19,963       $18,827       $18,947
31-Jul-00              $19,658       $19,610       $18,533       $18,539
31-Aug-00              $21,067       $21,065       $19,840       $19,644
30-Sep-00              $19,684       $20,111       $18,929       $18,707
31-Oct-00              $19,632       $19,825       $18,715       $18,441
30-Nov-00              $18,210       $17,997       $17,121       $16,976
31-Dec-00              $19,353       $18,300       $17,496       $17,387
31-Jan-01              $19,935       $18,925       $18,100       $18,001
28-Feb-01              $18,787       $17,196       $16,471       $16,481
31-Mar-01              $18,026       $16,075       $15,494       $15,477
30-Apr-01              $19,338       $17,364       $16,749       $16,668
31-May-01              $20,054       $17,503       $16,890       $16,767
30-Jun-01              $20,024       $17,181       $16,599       $16,528
31-Jul-01              $19,666       $16,897       $16,266       $16,207
31-Aug-01              $18,817       $15,900       $15,344       $15,352
30-Sep-01              $16,267       $14,498       $13,771       $13,915
31-Oct-01              $16,625       $14,836       $14,145       $14,299
30-Nov-01              $18,276       $15,978       $15,256       $15,341
31-Dec-01              $18,860       $16,203       $15,613       $15,634
31-Jan-02              $18,561       $16,001       $15,268       $15,359
28-Feb-02              $17,722       $15,674       $14,992       $15,078
31-Mar-02              $18,696       $16,361       $15,599       $15,800
30-Apr-02              $18,141       $15,502       $14,936       $15,169
31-May-02              $17,976       $15,322       $14,814       $14,977
30-Jun-02              $16,583       $14,219       $13,653       $14,023
31-Jul-02              $15,250       $13,088       $12,576       $12,696
31-Aug-02              $15,669       $13,150       $12,656       $12,746
30-Sep-02              $14,261       $11,768       $11,492       $11,456
31-Oct-02              $15,175       $12,705       $12,220       $12,298
30-Nov-02              $16,314       $13,473       $12,964       $13,080
31-Dec-02              $15,265       $12,712       $12,219       $12,352
31-Jan-03              $14,801       $12,401       $12,013       $12,005
28-Feb-03              $14,366       $12,196       $11,805       $11,779
31-Mar-03              $14,426       $12,324       $11,843       $11,867
30-Apr-03              $15,819       $13,331       $12,764       $12,894
31-May-03              $17,123       $14,136       $13,628       $13,726
30-Jun-03              $17,078       $14,327       $13,831       $13,932
31-Jul-03              $17,617       $14,655       $14,098       $14,313
31-Aug-03              $18,291       $14,980       $14,532       $14,673
30-Sep-03              $17,917       $14,817       $14,339       $14,556
31-Oct-03              $19,085       $15,713       $15,192       $15,468
30-Nov-03              $19,504       $15,930       $15,430       $15,708
31-Dec-03              $20,134       $16,658       $16,045       $16,472
31-Jan-04              $20,688       $17,006       $16,422       $16,850
29-Feb-04              $20,943       $17,236       $16,677       $17,085
31-Mar-04              $20,838       $17,031       $16,488       $16,946
30-Apr-04              $20,253       $16,678       $16,140       $16,550
31-May-04              $20,823       $16,920       $16,334       $16,767
30-Jun-04              $21,437       $17,257       $16,695       $17,176
31-Jul-04              $20,149       $16,605       $16,011       $16,490
31-Aug-04              $19,954       $16,673       $15,999       $16,527
30-Sep-04              $20,628       $16,929       $16,341       $16,851
31-Oct-04              $20,913       $17,207       $16,588       $17,156
30-Nov-04              $22,006       $18,007       $17,420       $18,058
31-Dec-04              $22,860       $18,648       $18,033       $18,674

The hypothetical $10,000 investment at fund inception includes changes in share
price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Indices are unmanaged, do
not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be invested in directly.

Investment Performance As of December 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                           Average Annual Total Returns
                                   One-Year                           Inception
                                    (2004)    Three-Year   Five-Year  (12/31/96)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity Fund         13.54%      6.62%        4.03%       10.89%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Custom Equity Index                 13.36%      6.10%       -0.22%        8.12%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 3000 Index                  11.95%      4.80%       -1.17%        8.10%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Index    12.39%      4.91%       -0.08%        7.65%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future
results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will
fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower or
higher than the performance quoted. To obtain the performance of the funds as of
the most recently completed calendar month, please visit our website at or call 1-800-960-0188.

The funds invest in foreign securities. Investing in foreign securities exposes
investors to economic, political and market risks and fluctuations in foreign
currencies. The funds invest in the securities of small companies. Small-company
investing subjects investors to additional risks, including security price
volatility and less liquidity than investing in larger companies.

Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be
invested in directly.

See page 62 for index definitions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long-Term Performance Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The entire Masters' Select team continues to focus our effort on extending each
fund's strong long-term performance record relative to its benchmarks.
Shorter-term performance, while desirable, is not a primary objective and we
expect that there will be occasional periods of a year or longer during which
performance will be sub-par.

We believe that over its eight-year life Masters' Select Equity has clearly
achieved its long-term performance objective relative to its benchmarks. In
addition, though there are never any guarantees that past performance trends
will be repeated, we believe the various elements that contributed to the fund's
positive record provide reason for optimism regarding the potential of the fund
to continue to beat its benchmarks over the long run. And, we believe some of
the fund's performance accomplishments are also encouraging, including the
following (all performance numbers are net of all fund fees and expenses
including advisory fees, fund operating overhead and trading costs):

o     The fund outperformed the Custom Equity Index, the best-performing of its
      benchmarks, by 2.77 percentage points (277 basis points) since its
      inception, as measured by average annual total return. This margin equates
      to 1.34 times the return of the Custom Equity Index over the same period.

o     Over its full life the fund has outperformed the S&P 500 by an average
      annualized margin of 2.90% (290 basis points). We don't view this index as
      a primary benchmark because it is more large-cap oriented than Masters'
      Select Equity. For the one-year, five-year and since inception periods
      ended 12/31/04, the S&P 500 Index average annual total returns were
      10.88%, -2.30% and 7.57%, respectively.

o     The fund has outperformed its Custom Equity benchmark and its Russell 3000
      benchmark in six out of eight calendar years.

o     The fund outperformed its benchmarks in strong growth years (1999) and
      strong value years (2000, 2001 and 2004).

o     The fund has outperformed, on a total return basis, all of its benchmarks
      in down years for the stock market (2000, 2001 and 2002) as well as in the
      up years of 1999 and 2004. In the up years of 1997 and 2003 it
      outperformed two of its three benchmarks.

o     While we believe three-year time periods are still relatively short and
      five years is a better minimum period over which to measure performance,
      the consistency of the fund's performance over three-year periods is, in
      our view, a valuable measure. There have been 61 rolling three-year time
      periods (the first starting at the fund's inception, and then in each
      subsequent period commencing at the beginning of the next month) during
      the fund's life. Masters' Select Equity has out-returned its Custom Equity
      benchmark in 59 of these periods, as measured by average annual total
      return. We believe this consistency is noteworthy. Masters' Select Equity
      has outperformed the same benchmark (and all of its benchmarks) in all
      37 of the rolling five-year periods.

8  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

o     Since its December 31, 1996 inception and over shorter time periods the
      fund has been highly ranked compared to its Lipper Category. (Note: lower
      percentile scores reflect a higher ranking.)

                                                 MASTERS' SELECT EQUITY FUND
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Annual Ranking                                Trailing Periods
                                                As of December 31,                          As of December 31, 2004
                     --------------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                       1997    1998    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004   Three-Year   Five-Year     (12/31/96)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Rank in Category     34.0%   64.2%   40.3%   25.2%   19.9%   32.8%   27.1%   23.8%    25.5%        26.8%        19.5%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funds in Category       156     187     253     310     457     470     597      722      514         347          200

Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. is an independent mutual fund research and
rating service. Each Lipper average represents a universe of funds with similar
invest objectives. Rankings for the periods shown are based on fund total
returns with dividends and distributions reinvested and do not reflect sales

o     For the period ended December 31, 2004, Masters' Select Equity has
      received a Five-Star Overall Morningstar Rating(TM) among 1,216 large
      blend funds from Morningstar, the mutual fund rating company.(1) The
      Overall Morningstar Rating(TM) for a fund is derived from a weighted
      average of the performance figures associated with its three-year,
      five-year and ten-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating(TM) metrics. A
      Five-Star rating is the highest rating a fund can receive under the
      Morningstar system and requires risk-adjusted performance to be in the top
      10% of the category peer group. The fund has also ranked in the top 7% of
      its Morningstar Large Blend peer group over the trailing five years as
      outlined in the table. (Note: lower percentile scores reflect higher

                                               MASTERS' SELECT EQUITY FUND
                                        MORNINGSTAR LARGE BLEND PEER GROUP RANKING
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     Annual Ranking                                 Trailing Periods
                                                   As of December 31,                           As of December 31, 2004
                      ----------------------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------
                      1997     1998     1999     2000       2001      2002     2003     2004    Three-Year   Five-Year
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Rank in Category     49%      78%      19%      15%        5%        23%      10%      12%        9%           7%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funds in Category      476      623      768      917      1,072      1,243   1,386    1,216      1,216         901

(1)   The Overall Morningstar Rating(TM) for a fund is derived from a weighted
      average of the performance figures associated with its three-year,
      five-year and ten-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating(TM) metrics. For
      each fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a
      Morningstar Rating(TM) (based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return
      measure that accounts for variation in a fund's monthly performance,
      including the effects of sales charges, loads, and redemption fees),
      placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent
      performance. The top 10% of funds in each broad asset class receive 5
      stars and the next 22.5% receive 4 stars. (Each share class is counted as
      a fraction of one fund within this scale and rated separately, which may
      cause slight variations in the distribution percentages.) Equity Fund was
      rated against the following numbers of U.S.-domiciled large blend mutual
      funds over the following time periods: 1,216 funds overall, 1,216 funds in
      the last three years, and 901 funds in the last five years. With respect
      to these large blend funds, Equity Fund received an Overall Morningstar
      Rating(TM) of 5 stars and a Morningstar Rating(TM) of 5 stars for the
      three-year period and 5 stars for the five-year period. International Fund
      was rated against the following numbers of U.S.-domiciled foreign large
      blend mutual funds over the following time periods: 380 funds overall, 390
      funds in the last three years, and 284 funds in the last five years. With
      respect to these foreign large blend funds, International Fund received an
      Overall Morningstar Rating(TM) of 4 stars and a Morningstar Rating(TM) of
      3 stars for the three-period, and 4 stars for the five-year period. (C)
      2005 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained
      herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar; (2) may not be copied or
      distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely.
      Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any
      damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past
      performance is no guarantee of future results.

                                                                 Fund Summary  9

o     All five of the fund's long-tenured managers have outperformed their
      benchmarks during their tenure at the fund. In addition, Sig Segalas, who
      was replaced in October 2003, also outperformed his benchmark during his
      almost seven-year tenure. Two other managers who had been replaced in
      earlier years did not outperform their benchmarks (one replaced the other
      and was then replaced by Bill Miller). The following table shows the
      outperformance of each long-tenured manager (without identifying the
      managers), relative to his benchmark:

                                versus BENCHMARKS
                        Tenure Through December 31, 2004*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity                        Annualized Performance Margin
                                               (Net of Allocated Expenses)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 1                                                14.89%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 2                                                 7.16%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 3                                                 4.58%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 4                                                 3.20%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 5                                                 2.84%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*     This table does not include the two managers that preceded Bill Miller
      prior to March 2000. Both of those managers underperformed their
      benchmarks. Listed alphabetically are the managers and their respective

Manager                  Tenure                   Benchmark
Bill D'Alonzo            12/31/96                 Russell 2500 Growth
Chris Davis              12/31/96                 S&P 500
Mason Hawkins            12/31/96                 Russell 3000 Value
Bill Miller              03/24/00                 S&P 500
Dick Weiss               12/31/96                 Russell 2000


o     Masters' Select Equity has also out-returned each of its benchmarks over
      its life after taking taxes into account. Though reporting regulations do
      not provide any methodology for measuring a benchmark's after-tax
      performance (and for this reason benchmark after-tax calculations are
      prohibited in shareholder reports), we can say with certainty that the
      fund has out-returned its benchmarks after taking into account taxes
      because Masters' Select Equity's after-tax return exceeds the pre-tax
      return of all its benchmarks. The fund's average annual return over its
      life assuming all shares were liquidated on December 31, 2004, and taxes
      were paid on distributions in each year at the highest tax rate in place
      at the time of each distribution, was 8.66%. Masters' Select Equity Fund
      average annual total return after taxes on distributions for the one-year,
      five-year and since inception (12/31/96) periods ended December 31, 2004
      are 13.54%, 3.45% and 9.28%, respectively. The average annual total return
      after taxes on distributions and the sale of fund shares for the one-year,
      five-year and since inception (12/31/96) periods ended December 31, 2004
      are 8.80%, 3.22% and 8.66%, respectively.

The strong relative performance in a variety of environments and what we believe
the evidence shows to be the superior performance of each of the Masters' Select
Equity stock pickers has contributed to the fund's overall performance and
raises Litman/Gregory's confidence in the fund's potential to continue to meet
its long-term performance objectives. However, it is important for shareholders
to have realistic expectations. Despite our confidence we expect that there will
be occasional years in which performance will be disappointing. Moreover, the
stock market will likely remain volatile with occasional losing years.

Portfolio Commentary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A number of factors contributed to the fund's performance during 2004. The
highlights follow.

Performance of managers: In 2004, two of the six Masters' Select stock pickers
significantly outperformed their respective benchmarks, three of the managers
underperformed by a slight margin (less than one percentage point) and one
manager significantly underperformed his benchmark. It is typical for the
managers' relative performance to be mixed in any shorter-term period. But over
the long run we seek to have each stock picker beat their benchmarks. To date,
all of the current Masters' Select Equity stock pickers have achieved that goal
after taking into account all allocated expenses.

In terms of manager performance, the returns for the individual stock pickers
during 2004 ranged from a low of 5.3% to a high of 18.7%.

Sector and stock-picking impact: Based on our attribution analysis, the fund's
overall sector exposure relative to the Russell 3000 Index had a slightly
positive effect on performance during 2004. The fund's underweighting to both
the health-care and information technology sectors added value during the year,
as those were the two worst-performing Russell sectors, while the fund's
underweighting to energy, the best-performing Russell sector, detracted slightly
from returns relative to the benchmark. Not surprisingly, the fund's performance
was primarily driven by individual stock selection rather than sector
allocations. For example, out of the eight largest sectors within the Russell
3000 Index, the fund's stocks in seven of those sectors outperformed their
respective sectors. These seven sectors constitute 69% of the Russell 3000
Index. The sector in which stock-picking had the largest negative (relative)
impact was telecommunication services, driven by the poor performance of Level 3

Leaders and laggards: During the year all four of the fund's large-cap managers
held at least one stock that was among the fund's largest winners on a dollar
basis. On a percentage basis, both small-cap managers were represented in the
top-ten gainers. Four of the managers, including one of the small-cap managers,
held at least one stock that was among the fund's ten largest dollar losers.
Tyco International was the largest dollar contributor, while Level 3
Communications was the largest dollar loser. On a dollar basis, the aggregate
gains from the ten largest winners were three times the aggregate losses from
the ten largest losers. All of the fund's ten largest winners and six of the ten
largest losers were still held in the portfolio at year-end.

See table on page 12 that lists the leaders and laggards over the past six and
12 months. The table includes dollar gains and losses as well as percentage
gains and losses. It is important to understand that the fact that a stock has
lost money for Masters' Select Equity for the period ended December 31, 2004
tells us nothing about how successful the holding will ultimately become. The
fund will hold some stocks for significantly longer periods of time and the
success of these holdings won't be known until they are ultimately sold. So in
that respect, while it is interesting to know how specific stocks performed
during the period, this information is of limited value in assessing the
ultimate success of these stock holdings.

10  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Portfolio mix: The fund's sector exposure did not change much during the year.
The allocation to the financials sector fell slightly while the allocation to
consumer discretionary stocks rose a bit. Relative to the Russell 3000
benchmark, at year-end the fund was significantly overweighted to the consumer
discretionary sector (28.1% of fund assets versus 12.8% for the index). This
sector encompasses a wide variety of industries, including media, retailing,
lodging, restaurants, autos, and consumer durables. The most underweighted
sectors in the fund were heath care (5.7% versus 13.2% for the index) and
consumer staples (2.8% versus 8.6%).

The fund's exposure to larger- and mid-cap stocks declined on the year by about
seven percentage points. The exposure to small-cap stocks rose slightly but
remained near an all time low for the fund at 10.2% of assets. Foreign stocks
accounted for 7.2% of the portfolio at year-end, up slightly from last year.

At year-end the fund's cash position stood at 7%, compared to 3% at the end of
2003. This higher cash holding was due to higher-than-normal cash positions by
Mason Hawkins (23%) and Dick Weiss (14%). As was the case at mid-year, both
managers continue to have difficulty finding very attractive stock picking
opportunities in the current market climate. In contrast, the other four
managers are essentially fully invested and hold minimal cash.

Please see page 13 for a breakout of the fund's sector and market-cap exposure.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund closing: In order to better serve the interests of existing shareholders,
Masters' Select Equity closed to new shareholders in October, when fund assets
reached $750 million. Existing shareholders can continue to add to their fund
investment. The reason for closing the fund is to slow down asset growth in
order to allow those sub-advisors who buy stocks that have limited liquidity
(usually smaller companies) to maintain the flexibility to continue to do so
absent any constraints. When an asset base is too large, it may take days, weeks
or longer to accumulate or sell a full position in a stock with limited
liquidity, resulting in lost opportunities. To do so more quickly may adversely
impact the price of the stock by creating an imbalance between buying volume and
selling volume. Masters' Select Equity's smaller-cap managers are the primary
beneficiaries of limiting the fund's asset base.

Taxes: Masters' Select Equity did not make a taxable distribution in 2004.
Having now used up most of the fund's tax loss carryover (there is about $8
million in loss carryover left) it is more likely that the fund may make a
taxable distribution in 2005. We will continue to work with the fund's
sub-advisors to manage the fund in a tax-aware manner. This will include taking
short-term losses when there is an alternative investment that is equally
attractive and using other tax-management techniques. However, the managers will
not sacrifice pre-tax performance in pursuit of after-tax performance since the
fund has tax-exempt investors as well as taxable investors.

Expenses: Expenses declined slightly in 2004 to 1.22% of assets from 1.23% in
2003. As of the beginning of 2005 expenses are accruing at a slightly lower rate
of 1.20%. If net asset levels remain at current levels or grow, expenses should
drift slightly lower given fee reductions that take effect at certain asset
levels for some of the sub-advisors and for Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors.

In Closing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Looking forward, we continue to view the global stock markets as being mostly in
a fair-value range. No one area appears clearly attractive or unattractive,
though foreign stocks, at the margin, seem to offer somewhat better value. Our
top-down-based analysis seems consistent with what we are hearing from the
Masters' Select sub-advisors. Generally speaking, our deeper-value managers are
not enthusiastic about the opportunities they are finding while other stock
pickers seem to be satisfied. Our foreign stock pickers are somewhat more
enthusiastic than the domestic stock pickers. There continue to be significant
big-picture concerns, the most troubling of which are the sizable U.S. trade
deficit, overall debt levels (household and public sector) and terrorism-related
risk and associated security costs. But we must point out that big-picture risks
are always present. Are they more serious now than at other times? Perhaps,
though over the years investors have faced a wide range of political, economic
and geopolitical crises. And while there are always things to worry about there
are also positives to remember. One that has not received much attention is the
low tax rate on capital gains and dividends. Because taxes on stock returns are
lower than in the past, this suggests that stock valuations should be higher
since investors get to keep more of the return. Our own view, which may differ
from some of the Masters' Select sub-advisors, is that from here, long-term
returns are likely to fall within the mid to high single-digit range. If some of
the worries turn into crises, returns could be lower for a period of time. And
in any given year returns can be much higher or lower.

We continue to urge each Masters' Select shareholder to carefully weigh their
ability to take on stock-market risk and their need for returns based on their
time horizon and financial objectives when considering how much stock market
exposure is appropriate. Whatever that amount is, we continue to be confident
that Masters' Select Equity is in a strong position to continue to deliver
strong long-term returns compared to its benchmarks. Though past performance
isn't by itself predictive, our confidence stems from the quality of the
Masters' Select stock pickers along with the focused Masters' Select mandate,
which we believe underlies their success to date.

We thank you for your confidence and continue to invest along side you while
staying focused on the goal of extending the success of Masters' Select into the

Please see page 14 for specific stock commentaries written by the Masters'
Select Equity managers.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security
or any other funds mentioned herein. The views herein are those of
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC at the time the material is written and may
not be reflective of current conditions.

                                                                Fund Summary  11

Masters' Select Equity Fund Leaders and Laggards (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2004

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Network Appliance, Inc.                        $   6,272,510           54.8%
Digitas, Inc.                                      1,522,178           53.9%
XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Class A        4,136,640           38.6%
Southwestern Energy Co.                            1,992,546           36.6%
Pentair, Inc.                                      1,561,859           34.4%
Yellow Roadway Corp.                               1,488,308           30.3%
Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.             1,344,207           29.5%
eBay, Inc.                                         4,428,294           29.0%
Harman International Industries, Inc.              1,575,123           28.3%
Armor Holdings, Inc.                               1,481,026           27.5%
                                               $  25,802,691

Gevity HR, Inc.                                $  (1,810,555)         (35.2%)
SIRVA                                             (1,496,036)         (30.8%)
Select Comfort Corp.                              (1,508,991)         (30.4%)
Maxim Inegrated Products, Inc.                    (1,868,017)         (19.0%)
Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc. - Class A            (698,137)         (18.4%)
Tenet Healthcare Corp.                            (1,215,000)         (18.1%)
United Rentals, Inc.                                (850,776)         (17.8%)
Amphenol Corp. - Class A                            (580,302)         (14.5%)
Aon Corp.                                         (2,414,772)         (13.8%)
General Motors Corp.                              (1,965,931)         (14.1%)
                                               $ (14,408,517)

                              By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Network Appliance, Inc.                        $   6,272,510           54.8%
eBay, Inc.                                         4,428,294           29.0%
XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Class A        4,136,640           38.6%
Comcast Corp. - Class A                            3,723,979           10.4%
Capital One Financial Corp.                        3,561,750           23.2%
Tyco International Ltd.                            2,682,315            6.3%
FedEx Corp.                                        2,671,200           20.6%
Home Depot, Inc. (The)                             2,638,110           21.4%
Eastman Kodak Co.                                  2,635,000           19.5%
Altria Group, Inc.                                 2,276,300           22.1%
                                               $  35,026,098

Aon Corp.                                      $  (2,414,772)         (13.8%)
Amazon.Com, Inc.                                  (1,995,434)          (7.3%)
General Motors Corp.                              (1,965,931)         (14.1%)
Maxim Inegrated Products, Inc.                    (1,868,017)         (19.0%)
Gevity HR, Inc.                                   (1,810,555)         (35.2%)
Select Comfort Corp.                              (1,508,991)         (30.4%)
SIRVA                                             (1,496,036)         (30.8%)
MGIC Investment Corp.                             (1,494,250)          (9.2%)
Tenet Healthcare Corp.                            (1,215,000)         (18.1%)
American International Group, Inc.                (1,162,959)          (6.0%)
                                               $ (16,931,945)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CKE Restaurants, Inc.                          $   3,203,198           91.1%
eBay, Inc.                                         8,082,740           69.5%
Southwestern Energy Co.                            3,015,327           68.3%
Yahoo!, Inc.                                       7,253,920           65.8%
Network Appliance, Inc.                            6,608,341           59.5%
Harman International Industries, Inc.              2,616,747           57.8%
XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Class A        5,065,877           51.8%
Houston Exploration Co. (The)                      2,309,719           50.2%
FedEx Corp.                                        4,927,410           45.9%
Lone Star Technologies, Inc.                       1,839,377           43.6%
                                               $  44,922,656

Gevity HR, Inc.                                $  (1,631,514)         (32.9%)
Level 3 Communications, Inc.                      (5,061,212)         (31.1%)
SIRVA                                             (1,496,036)         (30.8%)
Fairchild Semiconductor                           (1,092,790)         (26.6%)
Intel Corp.                                       (1,378,894)         (25.1%)
M-systems Flash Disk Pioneers                       (974,344)         (23.9%)
Xilinx, Inc.                                      (2,272,207)         (23.5%)
Schwab (Charles) Corp.                            (1,332,816)         (22.9%)
United Rentals, Inc.                              (1,068,574)         (21.4%)
Tenet Healthcare Corp.                            (1,495,180)         (21.4%)
                                               $ (17,803,567)

                              By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tyco International Ltd.                        $  11,678,815           30.8%
eBay, Inc.                                         8,082,740           69.5%
Yahoo!, Inc.                                       7,253,920           65.8%
Network Appliance, Inc.                            6,608,341           59.5%
Capital One Financial Corp.                        5,157,000           37.4%
XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Class A        5,065,877           51.8%
FedEx Corp.                                        4,927,410           45.9%
Vivendi Universal SA                               3,520,874           17.3%
Republic Services, Inc.                            3,480,400           30.9%
Eastman Kodak Co.                                  3,290,000           25.6%
                                               $  59,065,377

Level 3 Communications, Inc.                   $  (5,061,212)         (31.1%)
Xilinx, Inc.                                      (2,272,207)         (23.5%)
General Motors Corp.                              (1,956,913)         (14.0%)
Gevity HR, Inc.                                   (1,631,514)         (32.9%)
SIRVA                                             (1,496,036)         (30.8%)
Tenet Healthcare Corp.                            (1,495,180)         (21.4%)
Amazon.Com, Inc.                                  (1,423,283)          (5.4%)
Maxim Inegrated Products, Inc.                    (1,387,971)         (14.8%)
Intel Corp.                                       (1,378,894)         (25.1%)
Schwab (Charles) Corp.                            (1,332,816)         (22.9%)
                                               $ (19,436,026)

Please refer to the fund's schedule of investments in this report for complete
holdings information. Fund holdings are sector allocations are subject to change
and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.

12  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Equity Fund Managers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                           TARGET           CAPITALIZATION
INVESTMENT                                 ASSET            OF COMPANIES             STOCK-PICKING
MANAGER             FIRM                   ALLOCATION       IN PORTFOLIO             STYLE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Craig Blum/Stephen  TCW Investment           20%            Mostly mid- and          Growth
Burlingame          Management                              large-sized
                    Company                                 companies
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Davis/  Davis Selected           20%            Mostly large             Growth at a reasonable
Kenneth Feinberg    Advisers, L.P.                          companies                price
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill D'Alonzo and   Friess Associates,       10%            Small and mid-sized      Growth
team                LLC                                     companies
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mason Hawkins       Southeastern Asset       20%            All sizes and            Value
                    Management, Inc.                        global,
                                                            may have up to
                                                            50% foreign stocks
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Miller         Legg Mason Funds         20%            All sizes, but           Eclectic, may
                    Management, Inc.                        mostly large             invest in
                                                            and mid-sized            traditional value
                                                            companies                stocks
                                                                                     or growth stocks
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dick Weiss          Wells Capital            10%            Small and mid-sized      Growth at a
                    Management, Inc.                        companies                reasonable
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Portfolio Composition
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As reflected in this chart, your fund is well diversified in terms of market
capitalization. The fund holds 78 securities, exclusive of cash equivalents.

By Asset Class


Cash Equivalents & Other    7.1%
Foreign Equities            7.2%
Small-Cap Domestic         10.2%
Large-Cap Domestic         50.3%
Mid-Cap Domestic           25.2%

Market Capitalization:
   Small-Cap Domestic < $1.6 billion
   Mid-Cap Domestic $1.6 - $12.3 billion
   Large-Cap Domestic > $12.3 billion

By Sector

                                                      Sector Weights
                                                             Russell 3000
                                                  Fund           Index
                                                  ----           -----

Consumer Discretionary & Services(1)               28.1%          12.8%
Finance                                            22.8%          21.6%
Industrial Services and Durables                   14.2%          11.1%
Technology                                         12.6%          16.2%
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology         5.7%          13.2%
Energy & Integrated Oils                            3.7%           6.6%
Consumer Staples                                    2.8%           8.6%
Materials                                           1.6%           3.5%
Telecommunications                                  1.4%           3.1%
Utilities                                            --            3.3%
Cash Equivalents & Other                            7.1%            --
                                                  -----          -----
Net Assets                                        100.0%         100.0%
                                                  =====          =====

(1)   Includes Automobiles.

                                                                Fund Summary  13

Masters' Select Equity Fund Stock Highlights
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EOG Resources, Inc. - Christopher Davis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For short-term speculators in the stocks of commodity companies, like natural
gas producer EOG Resources, the direction of commodity prices is of paramount
concern. But for long-term investors in these companies, the way in which
management allocates capital is perhaps even more important. Companies that
explore for and develop oil and gas fields must invest huge amounts of capital
just to maintain production levels. By our calculations, the oil and gas
industry in aggregate reinvests about 75% of cash flow from operations to find
and develop additional oil fields with the remaining 25% used to pay down debt,
make acquisitions and, in some cases, pay dividends and repurchase shares. This
reinvest rate is high because the oil industry is faced with a declining asset
base; each year the productive capacity of a company's fields declines unless
additional capital is spent to bring on new production.

With high reinvest rates, the return a company gets on the capital it invests
becomes a major determinant of value. As the investment horizon gets longer
(which ours is), return on incremental capital becomes even more important
because the management team reinvests capital every year, compounding the effect
of either poor or excellent capital allocation. Return on incremental capital is
also the major differentiator among companies competing in the energy industry.
Imagine two companies that each reinvest 100% of cash from operations, one gets
a 5% return on incremental capital and the other gets a 10% return. The 5%
company may just off-set its decline in production capacity with its capital
(resulting in flat production for the enterprise overall) while the 10% company
could off-set its production decline plus generate enough productive capacity to
actually grow production in total. If this happens year over year, the latter
company would generate substantially more value than the former, regardless of
commodity prices.

When we research companies in the energy industry, we therefore look for signs
of good capital allocation. We haven't found any better than EOG Resources, a
company with production in North America (mostly natural gas), Trinidad and a
small, but growing production base in the North Sea. Good capital allocation
generally starts at the top of the organization. EOG is no exception. Mark Papa
(CEO) and Ed Segner (Chief of Staff) together provide the leadership for an
organization with exceptionally high integrity, extraordinary knowledge of the
industry and, importantly, a focus on return on capital.

Mark and Ed have built an entire organization around creating value through
allocating capital at high rates of return. Cash bonuses for each of the eleven
divisional organizations are based on after-tax return on capital for their
respective division. Sometimes divisions actually return budgeted capital to the
parent when adequate returns cannot be met. This is very unusual in the energy
industry, an industry that is often more pre-occupied with spending available
capital than with the returns on the capital actually spent. At the corporate
level, EOG tracks production per share, a metric that grows either by growing
absolute production or by reducing shares outstanding, which ever yields the
highest return on the capital being spent. As a result of the metrics and
culture, EOG does not chase uneconomic or low return projects merely to grow

The leadership provided by Mark and Ed has paid off historically. EOG's reported
return on invested capital (a calculation based on historical performance) is
among the highest in the industry, despite the fact that EOG has not taken a
write-off of substance in the history of the company. Unlike many companies in
the industry that have taken large write-offs, all of the capital that EOG has
spent is reflected on its balance sheet.

Looking ahead, we believe that the disciplined approach to incremental return on
capital that Mark and Ed have put in place should result in one of the highest
production growth rates and one of the highest returns on capital in the
industry for years to come.

Yellow Roadway Corp. - Bill D'Alonzo
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When Yellow Corp. purchased Roadway in December 2003, many thought synergies
would be slow to materialize. A year later, Yellow Roadway is expected to close
out 2004 with record earnings per share thanks to its expanded fleet and $100
million in merger-related cost savings.

With 800,000 customers and $6.7 billion in revenue, Nasdaq-listed Yellow Roadway
Corp. is one of the largest U.S. less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation
providers, meaning it transports goods relatively short distances between
transit terminals. While Yellow and Roadway operate independently, together they
control more than 16,000 tractors, 62,000 trailers and 700 terminals throughout
North America. The company provides next-day service through New Penn Motor
Express and supply-chain management solutions through Meridian IQ and Yellow
Roadway Technologies.

In recent years, thousands of smaller long-haul truckload carriers have been
squeezed out of business amid rising insurance costs, increasingly stringent
requirements for financing, driver shortages and weak used-truck prices. As the
economy improved in 2004, Yellow Roadway's national footprint allowed it to
better handle higher tonnage volumes as capacity shortages forced more freight
onto its LTL routes. Tight capacity also allowed the company to increase prices
and pass along higher fuel costs.

The Friess Associates team spoke with Chief Executive Bill Zollars about the
cost-saving synergies the company has achieved. The Roadway acquisition doubled
the company's size, giving it greater purchasing power on costly trucks and
trailers. With such costs declining as the company's increased scale drives more
business, a larger portion of revenue hits the bottom line.

Yellow Roadway earned $1.38 in the September quarter, versus $0.75 a year ago
when it operated largely without Roadway. The Friess team bought Yellow Roadway
at just 9 times 2005 earnings estimates. Wall Street predicts 80 percent
earnings growth in 2004 will be followed by 24 percent growth in 2005.

Amazon.Com, Inc. - Bill Miller
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amazon.Com, Inc. is held in both the Equity Fund and the Value Fund. Please
refer to the discussion appearing on page 34.

Starbucks Corp. - Glen Bickerstaff
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Starbucks (SBUX) is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee
with over 8,500 retail locations in North America,

14  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Australia and the Middle East, as of
September 2004. SBUX expects to have 10,000 retail locations by FY'05 (September
2005) and their stated long term potential is 30,000 stores (15,000 in North
America and 15,000 in international markets). This unit development should lead
to 20 -25% revenue growth over the next several years. In addition to its retail
operations, SBUX sells ready to drink coffee drinks and super-premium ice creams
through its joint venture partnerships.

SBUX's primary competitive advantage is centered on its brand and the
experience/image it represents. This advantage will continue to produce strong
revenue growth and profitability for the company. The building blocks of this
advantage are listed as follows:

1.    Proven management team: The senior team at SBUX is focused on creating a
      brand that is the most recognized in the world. To this end, the company
      has tried to reach customers at home, at work, at bookstores, at grocery
      stores and club stores, at their retail locations and even at airports.

2.    Great culture: The reason why in a recent employee survey, 82% are very
      satisfied and 14% satisfied is the SBUX culture. SBUX was the first
      private company back in 1991 to offer their part-time employees an option
      program as well as full health coverage. In addition, the partners at SBUX
      receive above minimum wage compensation. All these factors keep turnover
      at SBUX at levels a third to a half of the industry's average.

3.    First mover advantage: With their established store base in the U.S. and
      their plans to move quickly into new potential specialty coffee markets,
      SBUX, with their partners' help will strive to establish and grow the
      specialty coffee industry overseas just as they did in the U.S.

As the international and domestic growth stories continue to unfold, SBUX is
still in the relatively early growth stages of their company history. SBUX can
capitalize on the universality of the coffee beverage to shift share of coffee
consumption from the home to the "third place" like they have done successfully
in the U.S. and are starting to do in markets like Japan. The company has a
visionary in Howard Schultz who is still actively involved as the chief
international strategist and has over time built up a solid management team with
people with many years of experience at other restaurants and consumer branded
companies. Lastly, the market is underestimating the broad appeal that the SBUX
brand and experience have both internationally and domestic. This should lead to
more units opening than investors realize over the longer-term and anticipated
better profitability with scale at that time.

Conseco, Inc. - Dick Weiss
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conseco, a holding company, owns and operates a group of insurance companies
that develop, market, and administer supplemental health insurance, annuity,
individual life insurance, and other insurance products. Conseco focuses on
serving the senior and middle-income markets, which it believes are attractive,
high growth markets. The company has a superior ranking among Medicare
supplement insurers and is also ranked as the number one provider of agent-sold
Medicare supplement insurance. Medicare supplement has remained one of company's
stronger product offerings. In addition, Conseco is among the top five providers
of specified disease insurance in the U.S.

On September 2003, Conseco emerged from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings
entered into in December 2002. As part of its reorganization, the company sold
substantially all of the assets of its predecessor's finance business and began
to conduct its business operations through two primary operating segments
(Bankers Life and Conseco Insurance Group) and a third segment comprised of
blocks of long-term care insurance business that the company no longer markets
or underwrites.

Bankers Life, representing 60% of the company's premiums, consists of Bankers
Life & Casualty and Colonial Penn Life Insurance. Bankers Life & Casualty
markets and distributes insurance and fixed annuities to the senior market
through exclusive career agents and sales managers. Colonial Penn markets life
insurance directly to consumers through television advertising, direct mail, the
Internet, and telemarketing. Both Bankers Life & Casualty and Colonial Penn
market their products under their own brand names.

Conseco Insurance Group markets and distributes specified disease insurance,
supplemental health insurance, and certain life and annuity products to the
senior and middle-income markets through independent marketing organizations.
This segment markets its products under the Conseco brand.

Key near term factors for Conseco are the company's A.M. Best rating of B++
(fair) and the realization of its deferred tax asset. The company needs an A
rating from A.M. Best in order to viably participate in the life and annuity
insurance market. Since filing for bankruptcy, Conseco has taken the steps
necessary to improve their rating by strengthening the balance sheet, greatly
improving asset quality, and working towards reducing operating expenses.
Management has suggested that the upgrade to the A level may occur in the latter
part of 2005 or early 2006. Conseco also has a $2.7 billion deferred tax asset
from operating losses sustained before the company entered bankruptcy. The
company will begin using this asset as early as this quarter to first eliminate
goodwill and intangibles from the balance sheet and then to offset operating
earnings for tax purposes. Both of these actions will serve to increase tangible
book value and should be a catalyst for the stock price.

Despite the company's checkered past, we like the steps taken by the new CEO,
Bill Kirsch, to strength the balance sheet and improve the quality of the
company. We believe that the company has a decent market share, which will
greatly improve once they receive the rating upgrade, and that it is trading at
an attractive discount.

In keeping with Southeastern Asset Management's disclosure policies, Mason
Hawkins has not contributed commentary on his holdings for this report.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities
mentioned herein. The views herein are those of the portfolio managers at the
time the commentaries are written and may not be reflective of current

                                                                Fund Summary  15

Masters' Select Equity Fund


  Shares                                                             Value

Consumer Discretionary: 28.1%
    568,400  Amazon.Com, Inc.*                                   $  25,174,436
     33,967  Comcast Corp. - Class A*                                1,130,422
    680,000  Comcast Corp. - Special Class A*                       22,331,200
    325,000  Conn's, Inc.*                                           5,466,500
    458,000  Disney (Walt) Co.                                      12,732,400
    500,000  Eastman Kodak Co.                                      16,125,000
    169,500  eBay, Inc.*                                            19,709,460
    265,000  Emmis Communications Corp. - Class A*                   5,085,350
    165,000  Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. - Class A*                5,157,900
    885,000  Gemstar - TV Guide International, Inc.*                 5,239,200
    300,000  General Motors Corp.                                   12,018,000
    350,000  Home Depot, Inc. (The)                                 14,959,000
    800,000  IAC/InterActiveCorp*                                   22,096,000
    140,400  Jarden Corp.*                                           6,098,976
    527,000  Koninklijk (Royal) Philips Electronics NV              13,965,500
    245,000  Nautilus Group, Inc.                                    5,921,650
     80,600  Pixar, Inc.*                                            6,900,166
     91,300  Starbucks Corp.*                                        5,693,468
    425,000  Vivendi Universal SA*                                  13,629,750
    394,800  XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Class A*           14,852,376
    185,000  Yankee Candle Co., Inc. (The)*                          6,138,300
Consumer Staples: 2.8%
    206,000  Altria Group, Inc.                                     12,586,600
    135,000  Costco Wholesale Corp.                                  6,535,350
    148,800  Heineken Holding NV - Class A                           4,481,831
Energy: 3.7%
    220,000  EOG Resources, Inc.                                    15,699,200
    157,000  GlobalSantaFe Corp.                                     5,198,270
     95,000  Houston Exploration Co. (The)*                          5,349,450
    385,000  KCS Energy, Inc.*                                       5,690,300
Finance: 22.8%
    283,200  American Express Co.                                   15,963,984
    279,900  American International Group, Inc.                     18,381,033
    485,000  Aon Corp.                                              11,572,100
        154  Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. - Class A*                    13,536,600
    225,000  Capital One Financial Corp.                            18,947,250
    190,400  Citigroup, Inc.                                         9,173,472
    305,000  Conseco, Inc.*                                          6,084,750
     60,500  Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.                        10,194,250
    478,662  HSBC Holdings Plc                                       8,060,815
    696,600  JPMorgan Chase & Co.                                   27,174,366
     21,100  Julius Baer Holding AG - Class B                        6,329,075
    215,000  MGIC Investment Corp.                                  14,815,650
    173,400  Progressive Corp.                                      14,711,256
    150,000  Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.                            9,274,500
    250,000  Washington Mutual, Inc.                                10,570,000

Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology: 5.7%
    140,000  Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.*                 5,524,400
     95,400  Amgen, Inc.*                                            6,119,910
    255,000  Genencor International, Inc.*                           4,182,000
    221,700  Genentech, Inc.*                                       12,069,348
    125,000  Icon Plc*                                               4,831,250
    210,000  Priority Healthcare Corp. - Class B*                    4,571,700
    110,000  ResMed Inc.*                                            5,621,000
    500,000  Tenet Healthcare Corp.*                                 5,490,000
Industrials: 14.2%
    146,100  Armor Holdings, Inc.*                                   6,869,622
    159,000  FedEx Corp.                                            15,659,910
    210,000  Navigant Consulting, Inc.*                              5,586,000
    140,000  Pentair, Inc.                                           6,098,400
    440,000  Republic Services, Inc.                                14,757,600
     85,000  Roper Industries, Inc.                                  5,165,450
    205,000  Timken Co.                                              5,334,100
  1,130,000  Tyco International Ltd.                                40,386,200
    514,000  Waste Management, Inc.                                 15,389,160
    115,000  Yellow Roadway Corp.*                                   6,406,650
Materials: 1.6%
    157,400  Arch Coal, Inc.                                         5,593,996
    156,200  Sealed Air Corp.*                                       8,320,774
Technology: 12.6%
    189,100  Dell, Inc.*                                             7,968,674
    455,000  Digitas, Inc.*                                          4,345,250
    220,000  Emulex Corp.*                                           3,704,800
     85,000  Global Payments, Inc.                                   4,975,900
    188,200  Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.                         7,977,798
    405,000  Mentor Graphics Corp.*                                  6,192,450
    533,400  Network Appliance, Inc.*                               17,719,548
    235,000  Polycom, Inc.*                                          5,480,200
    676,500  Powerwave Technologies, Inc.*                           5,736,720
    320,200  QUALCOMM, Inc.                                         13,576,480
    170,100  Symantec Corp.*                                         4,381,776
    249,000  Xilinx, Inc.                                            7,382,850
    484,900  Yahoo!, Inc.*                                          18,271,032
Telecommunications: 1.4%
    300,000  Cincinnati Bell, Inc.*                                  1,245,000
  3,300,000  Level 3 Communications, Inc.*                          11,187,000
   (cost $609,473,815)                                             794,878,104

16  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Equity Fund

SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES at December 31, 2004 - (Continued)

Amount                                                                Value

Repurchase Agreements: 7.0%
$55,708,000 State Street Bank & Trust Co., 1.050%, 12/31/04,
   due 01/03/05 [collateral: $43,760,000, U.S. Treasury Notes,
   7.125%, due 02/15/23, value $56,833,300]
   (proceeds $55,712,874)                                         $ 55,708,000

  4,285,000 State Street Bank & Trust Co., 2.170%, 12/31/04,
   due 01/03/05 [collateral: $4,040,000, FNMA, 5.875%,
   due 03/21/11, value $4,418,750]
   (proceeds $4,285,775)                                             4,285,000
   (cost $59,993,000)                                               59,993,000
      (cost $669,466,815): 99.9%                                   854,871,104

Other Assets less Liabilities: 0.1%                                    447,530
NET ASSETS: 100.0%                                               $ 855,318,634

* Non-income producing security.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                                     Schedule of Investments  17

Masters' Select International Fund Review
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Foreign stock markets delivered solid returns in 2004. When the impact of the
decline in the dollar is factored in, the total return to U.S. dollar-based
investors was better than solid, breaking through 20%. As was the case in the
U.S., much of the performance occurred in the fourth quarter. Masters' Select
International Fund delivered a solid absolute return of 14.30% on the year (all
in the fourth quarter). However, this return was disappointing relative to the
fund's benchmarks.

Comparison Chart
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Masters' Select
International Fund from its inception (12/01/97) to present as compared with the
MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index and the Lipper International Equity
Fund Index.


                    Masters'           Lipper              MSCI
                     Select         International     All Countries
                 International          Fund            World Free
                      Fund             Index          (ex US) Index
 1-Dec-97           $10,000            $10,000            $10,000
31-Dec-97           $ 9,880            $10,079            $10,115
31-Jan-98           $ 9,910            $10,323            $10,417
28-Feb-98           $10,990            $10,984            $11,112
31-Mar-98           $11,680            $11,580            $11,497
30-Apr-98           $11,930            $11,758            $11,580
31-May-98           $11,770            $11,782            $11,370
30-Jun-98           $11,360            $11,679            $11,327
31-Jul-98           $11,440            $11,858            $11,434
31-Aug-98           $ 9,400            $10,152            $ 9,822
30-Sep-98           $ 9,140            $ 9,836            $ 9,615
31-Oct-98           $ 9,870            $10,559            $10,622
30-Nov-98           $10,580            $11,088            $11,192
31-Dec-98           $11,040            $11,361            $11,578
31-Jan-99           $11,665            $11,430            $11,565
28-Feb-99           $11,534            $11,136            $11,306
31-Mar-99           $12,129            $11,507            $11,852
30-Apr-99           $13,107            $12,043            $12,445
30-May-99           $12,562            $11,595            $11,860
30-Jun-99           $13,369            $12,145            $12,406
31-Jul-99           $13,591            $12,416            $12,697
31-Aug-99           $13,520            $12,514            $12,742
30-Sep-99           $13,702            $12,554            $12,828
31-Oct-99           $14,488            $12,992            $13,305
30-Nov-99           $16,537            $13,944            $13,838
31-Dec-99           $19,321            $15,659            $15,158
31-Jan-00           $19,373            $14,742            $14,335
29-Feb-00           $21,857            $15,715            $14,722
31-Mar-00           $21,991            $15,756            $15,275
30-Apr-00           $20,170            $14,757            $14,423
31-May-00           $19,518            $14,351            $14,054
30-Jun-00           $20,273            $15,016            $14,652
31-Jul-00           $19,673            $14,529            $14,074
31-Aug-00           $19,890            $14,775            $14,248
30-Sep-00           $19,342            $13,913            $13,457
31-Oct-00           $18,545            $13,440            $13,029
30-Nov-00           $17,831            $12,873            $12,444
31-Dec-00           $18,354            $13,353            $12,870
31-Jan-01           $18,174            $13,432            $13,075
28-Feb-01           $17,155            $12,489            $12,046
31-Mar-01           $15,872            $11,611            $11,178
30-Apr-01           $17,083            $12,317            $11,926
31-May-01           $16,532            $12,019            $11,573
30-Jun-01           $15,872            $11,680            $11,125
31-Jul-01           $15,417            $11,376            $10,887
31-Aug-01           $14,853            $11,148            $10,617
30-Sep-01           $13,319            $ 9,933            $ 9,491
31-Oct-01           $13,930            $10,202            $ 9,756
30-Nov-01           $14,797            $10,582            $10,202
31-Dec-01           $15,061            $10,771            $10,334
31-Jan-02           $14,893            $10,336            $ 9,892
28-Feb-02           $15,109            $10,480            $ 9,963
31-Mar-02           $15,963            $11,035            $10,504
30-Apr-02           $16,083            $11,112            $10,572
31-May-02           $16,324            $11,271            $10,687
30-Jun-02           $15,542            $10,826            $10,226
31-Jul-02           $14,028            $ 9,745            $ 9,229
31-Aug-02           $13,907            $ 9,753            $ 9,230
30-Sep-02           $12,309            $ 8,703            $ 8,251
31-Oct-02           $12,826            $ 9,154            $ 8,694
30-Nov-02           $13,595            $ 9,587            $ 9,112
31-Dec-02           $12,902            $ 9,280            $ 8,817
31-Jan-03           $12,299            $ 8,941            $ 8,508
28-Feb-03           $11,600            $ 8,676            $ 8,335
31-Mar-03           $11,576            $ 8,464            $ 8,173
30-Apr-03           $13,095            $ 9,301            $ 8,961
31-May-03           $13,818            $ 9,899            $ 9,532
30-Jun-03           $14,313            $10,132            $ 9,796
31-Jul-03           $14,784            $10,416            $10,057
31-Aug-03           $15,085            $10,717            $10,357
30-Sep-03           $15,399            $10,932            $10,647
31-Oct-03           $16,496            $11,584            $11,336
30-Nov-03           $16,833            $11,817            $11,584
31-Dec-03           $17,916            $12,621            $12,467
31-Jan-04           $18,689            $12,893            $12,668
29-Feb-04           $18,919            $13,188            $12,990
31-Mar-04           $18,689            $13,253            $13,070
30-Apr-04           $17,868            $12,858            $12,664
31-May-04           $17,674            $12,850            $12,693
30-Jun-04           $17,916            $13,108            $12,980
31-Jul-04           $17,191            $12,680            $12,602
31-Aug-04           $17,106            $12,747            $12,703
30-Sep-04           $17,904            $13,086            $13,112
31-Oct-04           $18,520            $13,528            $13,541
30-Nov-04           $19,776            $14,395            $14,481
31-Dec-04           $20,478            $14,998            $15,102

The hypothetical $10,000 investment at fund inception includes changes in share
price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Indices are unmanaged, do
not incur fees and cannot be invested in directly.

Investment Performance As of December 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         Average Annual Total Returns
                               One-Year                               Inception
                                (2004)       Three-Year    Five-Year  (12/01/97)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select International Fund
                               14.30%          10.78%      1.17%         10.65%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index
                               21.36%          13.55%     -0.04%          6.02%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lipper International Fund Index
                               18.59%          11.59%     -0.90%          5.85%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future
results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will
fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower or
higher than the performance quoted. To obtain the performance of the funds as of
the most recently completed calendar month, please visit our website at or call 1-800-960-0188.

Investment in foreign securities subjects investors to political, economic and
market risks and fluctuations in currency rates. The fund may invest in smaller
companies which involve more risk such as limited liquidity and greater

Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be
invested in directly.

See page 62 for index definitions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long-Term Performance Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The entire Masters' Select team continues to focus our effort on expanding each
fund's strong long-term performance record relative to its benchmarks.
Shorter-term performance, while desirable, is not a primary objective and we
expect that there will be occasional periods of sub-par performance, as was the
case for this fund during 2004. The following presents important information
that should be helpful in assessing the fund's long-term performance.

Despite a disappointing relative performance in 2004, over its seven-year life
Masters' Select International has beaten its benchmarks by a wide margin and
ranked in the top decile of its Lipper Category peer group. This is consistent
with the fund's long-term objectives. In addition, though there are never any
guarantees that past performance trends will be repeated, we believe the various
elements that contributed to the fund's positive record provide reason for
optimism regarding the potential of the fund to continue to beat its benchmarks
over the long run. And in our opinion, many of the fund's performance
accomplishments are also encouraging, including the following (all performance
numbers are net of all fund fees and expenses including advisory fees, fund
operating overhead and trading costs):

o     The fund out-returned, as measured by average annual total return, the
      best performing of its benchmarks by 4.63 percentage points (463 basis
      points) since its inception seven years and one month ago. This margin
      equates to 1.77 times the return of the benchmark (MSCI All Countries
      World Free ex-U.S. Index) over the same time period.

o     The fund outperformed its benchmarks in strong growth years (1999) and the
      strong value years of 2000 and 2001, as measured by total return. It is
      noteworthy that the fund was in the top quintile in its Lipper Core
      International Fund (1999 - 40/516; 2000 - 92/605) and Morningstar Foreign
      Large Blend Fund (1999 - 25/129; 2000 - 2/214) peer groups in both 1999,
      an extreme growth year, and 2000, an extreme value year. Please see the
      following table below for complete ranking information, including
      one-year, three-year, five-year and since inception.

o     The fund outperformed its primary benchmarks, as measured by total return,
      in the negative return years for the international stock markets of 2000
      and 2001 and beat one index but trailed another in 2002 (another negative
      return year). It also beat its benchmarks in 1999, a very strong year for
      international stocks. And in 2003, another strong year, it beat one of its
      two benchmarks.

o     There have been 50 rolling three-year time periods (the first starting at
      the fund's inception, and then in each subsequent period commencing at the
      beginning of the next month) during the fund's life. Masters' Select
      International has out-returned its primary MSCI benchmark in 39 of these
      periods (78% of the time), as measured by average annual total return. The
      fund has outperformed its MSCI benchmark in every one of the 26 rolling
      five-year periods since its inception. We believe this consistency is

18  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

o     Since its inception and over most shorter time periods (though not over
      the last year) the fund is highly ranked compared to its international
      fund Lipper Category peer group (note: the lower the percentage ranking
      the better). As reflected in the table below, for the period since the
      fund's inception (December 1, 1997), Masters' Select International is
      ranked in the top 6.2% of its peer group, core international funds. It is
      also highly ranked compared to its Morningstar Foreign Large Blend peer
      group over the past five years. (Note: Morningstar does not provide a
      "since inception" ranking.) 2004 was the first year in the last six that
      the fund failed to rank at least in the top 30% of its Lipper and
      Morningstar peer groups.

                                              MASTERS' SELECT INTERNATIONAL FUND
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             Annual Ranking                                   Trailing Periods
                                            As of December 31,                             As of December 31, 2004
                     -----------------------------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
                     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004      Three-Year   Five-Year   (12/01/97)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Rank in Category   63.4%    7.8%     15.2%    23.5%    28.6%    25.7%    80.9%       39.4%        24.8%        6.2%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funds in Category    435      516      605      759      808      834      854         703          513          324

Lipper Analytical Services, Inc. is an independent mutual fund research and
rating service. Each Lipper average represents a universe of funds with similar
invest objectives. Rankings for the periods shown are based on fund total
returns with dividends and distributions reinvested and do not reflect sales

                                       MASTERS' SELECT INTERNATIONAL FUND
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Annual Ranking                             Trailing Periods
                                            As of December 31,                         As of December 31, 2004
                     -------------------------------------------------------------     ------------------------
                        1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004     Three-Year  Five-Year
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Rank in Category       64%       3%       6%      18%      23%      16%      86%         37%       8%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funds in Category        229      266      305      348      405      450      489         390      284

o     All four of the fund's long-term managers have outperformed their
      benchmarks during their tenure at the fund. (We don't include Bill Fries
      in this analysis because he has been part of the fund for just over a
      year.) In addition, the two managers who are no longer on the fund (Bruce
      Bee who died and Helen Young Hayes who has been off the fund for over two
      years) also outperformed their benchmarks during their tenure on the fund.
      The following table shows the out-performance of each long-tenured manager
      (without identifying the managers), relative to their benchmarks:

                                versus BENCHMARKS
                        Tenure Through December 31, 2004*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select International                      Annualized Performance Margin
                                                    (Net of Allocated Expenses)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 1                                                     8.45%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 2                                                     5.56%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 3                                                     3.83%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 4                                                     1.95%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*     This table does not include the manager that Ted Tyson replaced in
      September 1999 or the manager that was removed in September 2001. Both of
      those managers beat their benchmarks during their Masters' Select tenure.
      Listed alphabetically below are the managers and their respective

      Manager       Tenure    Benchmark
      David Herro   12/01/97  MSCI World Value Index
      Dan Jaworski  12/01/97  MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index
      Ted Tyson     09/24/99  MSCI All Countries World Free Growth (ex US) Index
      Mark Yockey   12/01/97  MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index

o     Masters' Select International has also out-returned each of its benchmarks
      over its life after taking taxes into account. Though performance
      reporting regulations do not provide any methodology for measuring a
      benchmark's after-tax performance (and for this reason benchmark after-tax
      calculations are prohibited in shareholder reports), we can nevertheless
      say with certainty that the fund has out-returned its benchmarks after
      taking into account taxes because its after-tax return exceeds the pre-tax
      return of all its benchmarks. Masters' Select International's after-tax
      return over its life assuming all shares were liquidated on December 31,
      2004, and taxes were paid on distributions in each year at the highest tax
      rate in place at the time of each distribution, was 8.92%. Masters' Select
      International Fund average annual total return after taxes on
      distributions for the one-year, five-year and since inception (12/01/97)
      periods ended December 31, 2004 are 14.13%, 0.25% and 9.80%, respectively.
      The average annual total return after taxes on distributions and the sale
      of fund shares for the one-year, five-year and since inception (12/01/97)
      periods ended December 31, 2004 are 9.29%, 0.50% and 8.92%, respectively.

Portfolio Commentary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Though we are proud of the long-term performance delivered by Masters' Select
International, 2004 was disappointing. Last year notwithstanding, we remain very
confident in this fund's ability to

                                                                Fund Summary  19

perform going forward. We think the fund's manager diversification will be
effective the vast majority of the time, though it wasn't in 2004. There have
been a few other disappointing years in the Masters' Select fund family and it
is worth noting that these were isolated incidents. The following provides
insights into the factors that impacted performance during this past year.

Performance of Managers: For the year, four of the fund's five managers
underperformed their benchmarks, with two of the managers lagging by a very wide
margin. In most periods the fund has a mix of underperforming and outperforming
managers. But historically, the outperforming managers more than offset the
underperforming managers. Over the longer run, as noted above, each of the
fund's four long-tenured managers have beaten their benchmarks. But, in 2004 the
multi-manager diversification did not help. In terms of manager performance, the
returns for the individual stock pickers on the fund ranged from a low of 3.6%
to a high of 21.4% for the year.

Sector, regional and stock-picking impact: During 2004 the fund's underweighting
to the financials, industrials and telecom & utilities sectors hurt its returns
relative to the MSCI benchmark. The fund benefited from its overweighting to the
top-performing energy sector. In terms of its country and regional allocations,
the fund's underweighting to Japan helped relative performance (since the
Japanese market as a whole underperformed the MSCI index) and its overweighting
to Latin America (one of the strongest-performing regions) added value as well.

It is important to remember, however, that the fund's sector and country
weightings are a derivative of the managers' bottom-up stock selection rather
than driven by top-down asset allocation decisions. On a stock-picking basis,
the performance of the fund's technology stocks was poor, generating a large
negative return for the year, which was a significant drag on overall fund
performance. Stock picks from the Asia ex-Japan region also generated negative
returns on average for the portfolio. In contrast, the managers' energy stock
picks were particularly strong, delivering an average gain of more than 30%.

Leaders and Laggards: As is always the case, there were big winners and losers
among the fund's specific stock holdings in 2004. Each of the fund's five stock
pickers placed at least one holding on the fund's ten biggest dollar winners
list and four managers also had at least one stock among the biggest losers.
Overall, the aggregate gain among the leaders was almost twice as large as the
aggregate loss among the laggards. Three of the top ten names are Canadian
companies and five out of the top ten are in the energy sector.

See table on page 23 that lists the leaders and laggards over the past six and
12 months. The table includes biggest dollar gains and losses as well as the
largest percentage winners and losers.

Portfolio Mix: The fund's sector and geographic exposure did not change
dramatically but there were some shifts during the year. Please see page 24 for
sector, asset-class and regional allocations as of year-end. In looking at the
portfolio it is clear that Masters' Select International is driven by stock
picking and is not benchmark sensitive. Highlights include:

o     From a sector standpoint, exposure to financials dropped by approximately
      7 percentage points from the beginning of the year, technology exposure
      dropped by roughly 5 percentage points and industrials by 4 percentage
      points. The weighting to energy stocks increased by almost 7 percentage
      points, consumer discretionary increased by 4 percentage points and
      consumer staples by 3 percentage points.

o     The fund has almost 31% of its assets in the consumer discretionary
      sector, which is almost three times the benchmark weighting. Conversely,
      the financial sector accounts for less than 12% of the fund's assets
      compared to 27% for the benchmark index. The fund is also significantly
      underweighted to the industrials sector (9.5% of assets vs. 17.5% for
      the index).

o     Exposure to Japanese stocks began the year at 15% and ended the year at 9%
      of the portfolio, less than half the weighting of Japan in the benchmark.

o     The fund's weighting in European stocks rose significantly on the year to
      58%, in line with the benchmark weighting.

o     The managers re-allocated capital to larger-cap developed-market
      companies from both smaller-cap companies and emerging markets. The
      larger-cap allocation now stands at 79.4%, near an all-time high for the
      fund. Meanwhile, the fund's emerging-markets exposure declined to 12.7%,
      which is still higher then the benchmark's allocation, and the small-cap
      exposure dropped to 3.8% of assets, an all-time low for the fund.

o     The fund's cash position also declined and is near an all-time low at 4%
      of assets. This contrasts with the other Masters' Select funds, all of
      which are holding significant cash stakes, and suggests that there are
      still better stock-picking opportunities overseas compared to the U.S.

o     At year-end approximately 7.5% of the fund's foreign currency exposure was
      hedged back into U.S. dollars. Of the fund's 27.2% exposure to British
      pounds, approximately 20% was hedged, and approximately 80% of the fund's
      2.7% exposure to Swiss francs was hedged. There were no long-term hedges
      in euro currency or Asian currencies. Historically, the fund has not had
      many currency hedges in place.

Sub-advisor Changes
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During the first quarter of 2005, two new sub-advisors will be added to the
Masters' Select International Fund. Amit Wadhwaney, who manages the Third Avenue
International Value, and Jim Gendelman, who manages Marsico International
Opportunities, will each take over most of the assets run by Mark Yockey and Dan
Jaworski. Wadhwaney, a value manager, and Gendelman, a growth manager, together
will help the fund to meet its goal of staying "style-neutral."

Over the past year our research team has been actively conducting due diligence
on international managers. After a long search that

20  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

included a large number of international stock pickers, we feel fortunate to be
able to hire two very high-caliber managers who we believe are particularly well
suited to run a concentrated portfolio for Masters' Select. In evaluating stock
pickers for Masters' Select we have three key criteria:

o     After thorough due diligence of the stock picker, the analyst team and the
      underlying investment firm, we must believe that the stock-picking team is
      exceptionally skilled. We evaluate this through multiple discussions with
      team members about the investment process as well as in-depth discussion
      of a number of the companies the manager owns. We also look to the
      manager's historical track record for confirmation of our more qualitative
      assessment of the stock-picking team's skill.

o     We must believe that the stock picker's process and mindset is compatible
      with running a highly concentrated portfolio.

o     The stock picker must be enthusiastic about being part of Masters' Select
      and about the opportunity to run a portfolio consisting solely of
      "highest-conviction ideas."

We have been extremely impressed with Amit Wadhwaney of Third Avenue. Wadhwaney
is a value-oriented all-cap stock picker whose research process is extremely
thorough. He is highly disciplined in executing his stock-picking criteria with
respect to valuations and fundamentals. He also has a history of running fairly
concentrated portfolios and is clearly comfortable with the prospect of running
an 8- to 15-stock portfolio. Given our confidence, we would be comfortable
giving Wadhwaney a full 20% allocation but due to our desire to maintain "style
neutrality" across the fund as well as fee considerations we have decided to go
with a lower allocation at this point.

Similarly, we have been very impressed with Jim Gendelman and the Marsico
organization. Gendelman is an eclectic all-cap growth stock picker who executes
the Marisco investment approach, which combines top-down thematic work with very
in-depth bottom-up stock research. For Masters' Select, bottom-up stock research
will be the primary driver of stock selection and is the key factor behind our
confidence. In our discussions Gendelman exhibited deep knowledge and unique
insights into the companies he owns. Our very positive impression of Gendelman's
raw stock-picking skills outweighed some question marks. One is that Gendelman
doesn't have the many years of portfolio management experience we would like to
see. Though he has been actively involved in international equity markets since
the late 1980s, most of his experience was in institutional international equity
sales at Goldman Sachs. He is now coming up on his five-year record as a
portfolio manager with Marsico International Opportunities. Though his record is
excellent with this particular fund, it is not as long as we would like to see.
His dedicated team is also a bit young. These concerns are offset by the
extensive experience, depth and intense research mentality of the Marsico
organization and our overall extremely positive impression of Gendelman.

Based on what has been an extremely thorough due diligence process, we believe
that Gendelman is a highly skilled stock picker and has the right mindset to
successfully run a very concentrated stock portfolio for Masters' Select. As a
result, we are confident that making the change in favor of Wadhwaney and
Gendelman best serves shareholders' interests by strengthening the fund's
already strong management team while allowing the fund to remain "style neutral"
and well suited as a core international holding.

Shareholders may be wondering why we make manager changes. It is our policy not
to get into the specific reasons why we replace a specific manager because we
want to minimize any negative public feedback directed at the sub-advisor being
replaced. But in general one or more of the following reasons explain almost
every manager change.

o     We realize that we were wrong about the stock picker's skill

o     We realized that the stock picker is not at his or her best running a
      highly concentrated portfolio

o     Something has changed at the stock picker's organization that reduces our
      confidence in the ability of the stock picker to perform going forward

o     We come to believe that the stock picker is not adequately attentive to
      the Masters' Select portfolio

When we hire a stock picker we do an enormous amount of work with the hope that
we will make a good choice and the relationship will last for the duration of
the stock picker's career. However, sometimes things change that negate the
reasons why we hired a stock picker in the first place. Occasionally we will
make a mistake. Relative to the overall number of stock pickers we employ across
all Masters' Select funds, it is worth pointing out that there have been mostly
successes and very few changes.

Please see our website at for more background on Wadhwaney
and Gendelman and a detailed Q&A that provides more background about this

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund Closing: Masters' Select International closed to new shareholders in
October, when fund assets reached $1 billion. Existing shareholders can continue
to add to their fund investment. The reason for closing the fund is to slow down
asset growth in order to allow those sub-advisors who buy stocks that have
limited liquidity (usually smaller companies) to maintain the flexibility to
continue to do so absent any constraints. When an asset base is too large, it
may take days, weeks or longer to accumulate or sell a full position in a stock
with limited liquidity, resulting in lost opportunities. To do so more quickly
may adversely impact the price of the stock by creating an imbalance between
buying volume and selling volume. Masters' Select International's all-cap
managers gain the most advantage from limiting the fund's asset base.

Taxes: Masters' Select International did not make a capital gains distribution
in 2004 though it did make a small dividend distribution of less than one half
of one percent. Having now used up most of the fund's tax-loss carryover there
is a greater chance

                                                                Fund Summary  21

that the fund will make a capital gains distribution in 2005. We will continue
to work with the fund's sub-advisors to manage the fund in a tax-aware manner.
This will include taking short-term losses when there is an alternative
investment that is of equal attraction and using other tax-management
techniques. However, the managers will not sacrifice pre-tax performance in
pursuit of after-tax performance since the fund has tax-exempt, as well as
taxable, investors.

Expenses: Expenses declined slightly in 2004 to 1.09% of assets from 1.10% in
2003. As of the end of the year expenses are accruing at a slightly lower rate
of 1.05%. The impact of the manager changes described above will add about 0.05%
(5 basis points) to the fund's expenses because the new sub-advisors have a
slightly higher average fee schedule than the sub-advisor being replaced. This
will be offset by fee break points that are kicking in for some of the
sub-advisors and for Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors so that we believe it is
likely that expenses will decline slightly in 2005 compared to 2004.

In Closing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Looking forward, we continue to view the global stock markets as being mostly in
a fair-value range. No one area appears clearly attractive or unattractive,
though foreign stocks, at the margin, seem to offer somewhat better value than
domestic stocks. Generally speaking, our foreign stock pickers are more
enthusiastic than the domestic stock pickers. Our own view, which may differ
from some of the Masters' Select sub-advisors, is that from here long-term
returns are likely to fall within the mid- to high-single-digit range. Of
course there are scenarios that could cause returns to be higher or lower and
there will likely be individual years when returns will be much higher or lower.

We continue to urge each Masters' Select shareholder to carefully weigh their
ability to take on stock-market risk and their need for returns based on their
time horizon and financial objectives when considering how much stock-market
exposure is appropriate, and of that, how much should be committed to foreign
stocks. Whatever that amount is, we continue to be confident that Masters'
Select International is in a strong position to continue to deliver strong
long-term returns compared to its benchmarks. Moreover, we believe we have
improved the fund's long-term prospects with the recent manager additions.
Though past performance isn't by itself predictive, our confidence stems from
the quality of the Masters' Select stock pickers along with the focused Masters'
Select mandate, which we believe underlies their success to date.

We thank you for your confidence and continue to invest along side you while
staying focused on the goal of extending the success of Masters' Select into the

Please see page 25 for specific stock commentaries written by the Masters'
Select International managers.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security
or any other funds mentioned herein. The views herein are those of
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC at the time the material is written and may
not be reflective of current conditions.

22  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select International Fund Leaders and Laggards (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2004

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Royal Doulton Plc                              $   2,970,691           72.4%
Altadis SA                                         7,147,677           47.4%
Enterprise Inns Plc                                6,974,499           44.1%
Petroleo Brasileiro SA                             6,571,652           41.7%
Unmicore                                           6,713,503           38.8%
Antena 3 de Television SA                          6,370,561           37.3%
RCS MediaGroup SpA                                 4,263,856           35.4%
Adidas-Salomon AG                                  4,427,006           34.5%
Bouygues SA                                        4,749,260           34.4%
Austrailian Stock Exchange                         1,611,737           32.5%
                                               $  51,800,442

ASE Test Ltd.                                  $  (1,907,342)         (31.4%)
iSOFT Group Plc                                   (4,458,709)         (24.3%)
Compass Group Plc                                 (2,249,872)         (19.1%)
SINA Corp.                                        (3,409,798)         (17.1%)
SECOM Co., Ltd.                                   (1,399,312)         (16.0%)
Fast Retailing Co. Ltd.                           (2,605,848)         (15.3%)
Takefuji Corp.                                      (995,297)         (10.0%)
ABB Ltd.                                            (429,791)          (9.6%)
Atos Origin SA                                      (910,703)          (8.1%)
Repsol YPF SA                                       (675,184)          (7.2%)
                                               $ (19,041,856)

                              By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tesco Plc                                      $  14,908,521           27.6%
EnCana Corp.                                      10,409,021           30.7%
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia                        7,339,878           32.0%
Precision Drilling Corp.                           7,325,187           29.6%
Altadis SA                                         7,147,677           47.4%
Enterprise Inns Plc                                6,974,499           44.1%
Unmicore                                           6,713,503           38.8%
Petroleo Brasileiro SA                             6,571,652           41.7%
Antena 3 de Television SA                          6,370,561           37.3%
Bouygues SA                                        4,749,260           34.4%
                                               $  78,509,759

iSOFT Group Plc                                $  (4,458,709)         (24.3%)
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd                       (3,127,519)          (5.6%)
SINA Corp.                                        (3,409,798)         (17.1%)
Fast Retailing Co. Ltd.                           (2,605,848)         (15.3%)
Compass Group Plc                                 (2,249,872)         (19.1%)
ASE Test Ltd.                                     (1,907,342)         (31.4%)
SECOM Co., Ltd.                                   (1,399,312)         (16.0%)
Takefuji Corp.                                      (995,297)         (10.0%)
UBS AG                                              (956,375)          (7.0%)
Atos Origin SA                                      (910,703)          (8.1%)
                                               $ (22,020,775)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Royal Doulton Plc                              $   2,398,901           51.3%
Altadis SA                                         7,194,373           47.9%
Antena 3 de Television SA                          7,541,000           47.4%
Enterprise Inns Plc                                6,974,499           44.1%
Interbrew                                          1,984,785           42.1%
Adidas-Salomon AG                                  4,840,457           39.0%
Elekta AB - Class B                                1,840,072           37.8%
Bulgari SpA                                        4,454,466           35.6%
RCS MediaGroup SpA                                 4,263,856           35.4%
Petroleo Brasileiro SA                             5,770,480           34.9%
                                               $  47,262,889

ASE Test Ltd.                                  $  (8,352,288)         (66.7%)
Bennet Environmental, Inc.                        (4,426,002)         (39.0%)
ICICI Bank Ltd.                                   (3,107,890)         (30.5%)
Compass Group Plc                                 (3,394,464)         (26.2%)
SINA Corp.                                        (5,844,951)         (26.2%)
iSOFT Group Plc                                   (4,458,709)         (24.3%)
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.                     (3,174,792)         (23.8%)
Compania de Minas Buenaventura                      (818,649)         (20.6%)
Cinram International, Inc.                        (2,069,083)         (19.6%)
NCSoft Corp.                                        (828,414)         (16.0%)
                                               $ (36,475,242)

                             By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tesco Plc                                      $  16,282,754           30.9%
EnCana Corp.                                      11,304,088           34.3%
Antena 3 de Television SA                          7,541,000           47.4%
Altadis SA                                         7,194,373           47.9%
Enterprise Inns Plc                                6,974,499           44.1%
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia                        6,929,436           29.7%
Precision Drilling Corp.                           6,645,711           26.1%
Talisman Energy, Inc.                              5,835,160           33.8%
Petroleo Brasileiro SA                             5,770,480           34.9%
Unmicore                                           5,516,001           28.4%
                                               $  79,993,502

ASE Test Ltd.                                  $  (8,352,288)         (66.7%)
SINA Corp.                                        (5,844,951)         (26.2%)
iSOFT Group Plc                                   (4,458,709)         (24.3%)
Bennet Environmental, Inc.                        (4,426,002)         (39.0%)
Compass Group Plc                                 (3,394,464)         (26.2%)
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.                     (3,174,792)         (23.8%)
ICICI Bank Ltd.                                   (3,107,890)         (30.5%)
ASML Holdings NV                                  (2,693,087)         (12.3%)
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd                       (2,617,338)          (4.7%)
British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc                (2,560,338)         (15.6%)
                                               $ (40,629,859)

Please refer to the fund's schedule of investments in this report for complete
holdings information. Fund holdings are sector allocations are subject to change
and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.

                                                                Fund Summary  23

Masters' Select International Fund Managers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                            TARGET             CAPITALIZATION
INVESTMENT                                  ASSET              OF COMPANIES          STOCK-PICKING
MANAGER           FIRM                      ALLOCATION         IN PORTFOLIO          STYLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Fries        Thornburg                     24%             All sizes            Eclectic, may
                  Investment                                                         invest in
                  Management, Inc.                                                   traditional value
                                                                                     or growth stocks
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Herro       Harris Associates L.P.        23%             All sizes, but       Value
                                                                large and
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jim Gendelman     Marsico Capital               15%             All sizes, but       Growth
                  Management, LLC                               mostly
                                                                large and
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ted Tyson         Mastholm Asset                23%             All sizes            Growth
                  Management, LLC
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amit Wadhwaney    Third Avenue                  15%             All sizes            Value
                  Management, LLC
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Portfolio Composition
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fund holds 63 securities, exclusive of cash equivalents.

By Sector

                                                     Sector Weights
                                                             MSCI All
                                                          Countries World
                                              Fund      Free (Ex US) Index
                                             -----      ------------------
Consumer Discretionary & Services(1)         30.6%             11.5%
Energy                                       13.4%              9.1%
Finance                                      11.9%             27.4%
Industrial Services, Materials and Durables   9.5%             17.5%
Consumer Staples                              7.9%              7.6%
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology   7.9%              7.0%
Telecommunications & Utilities                7.5%             12.6%
Technology                                    7.2%              7.3%
Cash Equivalents & Other                      4.1%               --
                                             -----            -----
Net Assets                                   100.0%           100.0%
                                             =====            =====

(1)   Includes Automobiles.

By Asset Class


Cash Equivalents & Other        4.1%
Emerging Markets               12.7%
Developed Markets Small-Cap     3.8%
Developed Markets Large-Cap    79.4%

Market Capitalization:
   Developed Markets Small-Cap < $1.0 billion
   Developed Markets Large-Cap >1.0 billion

By Region

                                                     Regional Weights
                                                             MSCI All
                                                          Countries World
                                              Fund      Free (Ex US) Index
                                             -----      ------------------
Western Europe & United Kingdom              57.6%             60.0%
Asia (Ex Japan)                              10.3%              7.7%
Japan                                         9.4%             18.4%
Canada                                        8.2%              5.6%
Latin America                                 7.5%              2.0%
Australia/New Zealand                         2.9%              4.5%
Africa & Middle East                           --               1.8%
Cash Equivalents & Other                      4.1%               --
                                             -----            -----
Net Assets                                   100.0%           100.0%
                                             =====            =====

24  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select International Fund Stock Highlights
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sanofi-Aventis SA - Bill Fries
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Paris-based Sanofi-Aventis is the largest drug company in Europe and the third
largest worldwide. It was formed by various combinations of Sanofi, Hoechst,
Rhone-Poulenc, and Synthelabo that have occurred since 1998. Sanofi's major
drugs include: Plavix (stroke;anti-clotting), Lovenox, Taxotere, Ambien,
Allegra, Eloxatin, Delix, Avapro, Copaxone, and Ketek. Annual revenues total
almost 25 billion euros. These revenues include a large (around $2 billion,
annual sales) vaccine business, with roots dating back to the pioneering work of
medical biologist Louis Pasteur.

Optimizing the combined Sanofi and Aventis will challenge management. Although
Aventis' revenues were roughly twice those of Sanofi prior to the merger, almost
all senior management positions in the combined entity have gone to former
Sanofi personnel. This may make it more likely that the goal of more than 1
billion euro in post merger annual expense savings can be realized, since
Sanofi's profit margins were around 7% higher than Aventis'. The combined entity
appears to have a strong pipeline of new drugs. It may need these, particularly
the promising anti-obesity drug Acomplia, to show good efficacy in ongoing
trials. Sleeping pill Ambien loses patent protection in 2006, and strong sellers
Plavix, Lovenox, and Allegra are each in the midst of lawsuits challenging their
U.S. patent protection.

Questions regarding the future profitability of their U.S. businesses have
depressed the stock prices of most large pharmaceutical firms during 2004. In
the case of Sanofi-Aventis, the uncertainty has been accentuated by questions
about management's ability to effectively integrate the new entity, and the
prospects for the new drug pipeline vis-a-vis the various patent challenges.
During 2005, investors should begin to see evidence regarding whether Sanofi's
glass is "half empty, or half full."

Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) AG - David Herro
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We have recently established a position in automaker BMW. Though BMW is known
for fine performing automobiles, it has been a less than stellar stock to own in
the last few years. Despite the weak share price performance, we are very
enthused about this company's prospects.

Unlike most of the auto industry participants, BMW earns double-digit returns on
its capital employed, and, earns around 8% profit margins in its automobile
operations. This is significantly better than its peers. Also, due to a very
active new vehicle development program, BMW has been able to maintain a very
healthy growth rate in vehicle sales. Five years ago the company had three main
models: the 3, 5 and 7 Series cars. Today, in addition to its core models, it
has launched a SAV (sports activity vehicle) line consisting of X5 and X3, and a
new 6 and 1 Series. Further, they build Mini Coopers as well as Rolls-Royces!

Though they have grown aggressively, it has not at all strained their quality
and image, their balance sheet or profitability. In fact, despite having to
increase capital expenditures to fund the new models, returns on capital have
remained relatively high, and, free cash generation has been so strong, the
company has surplus cash.

The market is concerned with US dollar exposure as well as the general weakness
of the auto sector. We feel the dollar issue is cyclical, and BMW is hedged for
it both operationally, with plants in weak currency countries like the USA
today, and financially with currency hedges. Further, BMW has remained somewhat
immune to the vagaries of the auto cycle due to its premium products and loyal
customer base.

At just 5 times a growing cash flow and a 2% dividend yield, we believe BMW
represents excellent value given the quality of its business.

Tesco Plc - Dan Jaworski
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tesco is currently the 8th largest retailer globally, with roots tracing back to
its initial operations as a UK food retailer. The UK remains the company's core
market, with 1,878 stores and an industry leading 28% market share. Tesco's 28%
market share is 10% points ahead of its nearest competitor, ASDA, which is owned
by Wal-Mart. The UK accounts for 80% of sales and 83% of EBITDA (earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). Over the past 10 years, Tesco's
growth strategy has been centered on extending its retailing dominance within
the UK. More specifically, they have ensured that they remain the low cost
leader, have modernized and expanded existing stores with non-food items, and
have developed complementary retailing services such as, Tesco
Telecoms, and Tesco Personal Finance. More recently, the company has also been
enhancing growth by expanding its global footprint. This has enabled Tesco to
diversify its revenue base, shield its UK franchise from a domestic slowdown,
plus tap the explosive growth within emerging markets. Tesco's international
operations are concentrated in Ireland, Hungary, Poland and Asia, where they are
the leading retailer in Thailand and South Korea. EBITDA within its
international division has increased fourfold over the past three years and now
accounts for 17% of total EBITDA. Tesco currently operates 440 stores in 11
international markets. In total, the company's 2,318 stores generate global
sales of (pound)33.6 billion.

Tesco is one of the least expensive companies in the global food retailing
universe. On consensus 2005 earnings, Tesco trades at a 14% discount to its
peers. We believe a premium is actually warranted due to the company's superior
financial metrics and strong operating trends. Additionally, Tesco's three main
competitors in the UK are each distracted by their own major business model
transformations. It is also important to note that the company has been
successful at fending off competition from arguably the world's fiercest
competitor, Wal-Mart. Despite the tough competitive environment, Tesco has been
able to generate EBITDA margins of 8.3%, which trumped its UK and European
rivals by over 200 basis points in 2004. We expect Tesco to extend this "margin"
leadership into 2005 and beyond. The company is set to account for 50% of the UK
retail sector's store growth over

                                                                Fund Summary  25

the next 3 years. This should allow Tesco to continue taking market share from
their smaller competitors. We believe the combination of new store growth and
industry-leading operating metrics bodes well for Tesco stock in 2005. Finally,
the UK economy is forecast to grow at 3.3% in 2005 versus the Eurozone at 1.8%,
providing one of the best economic backdrops for retail in Europe.

Enterprise Inns Plc - Ted Tyson
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Enterprise Inns owns just under 9,000 leased and tenanted pubs in the U.K.,
where it is one of the largest such operators. The company's pubs dominate the
Midlands and Northwest regions of the U.K., including Yorkshire to the North.
The pubs distribute most of the major brands of beer, including Bass, Courage,
and Whitbread, and receive promotional assistance from the brewing industry.

The pubs are generally leased to "tenants" who operate the premises and take
most of the financial risk. Income per pub operator has risen sharply over the
past several years, rising from an average of 37,000 pounds ($67,000) in 2003 to
over 40,000 pounds ($73,000) currently. Enterprise faces no shortage of
potential tenants for its pubs--there are currently 721 fully funded applicants
waiting for an available pub.

Rent from tenants, profit-sharing, and trading of pubs has created a large and
growing cash flow far and above what has been needed to fund operations. This
has led to a sharp reduction in debt and improved margins via debt
restructuring. Combined with strict trimming of underperforming pubs, better
operational management has led to earnings growth in the current year to date of
better than 30%, a level we expect the company to meet or exceed in 2005.

Because of the high level of free cash flow we also anticipate that significant
amounts of cash flow will be used to fund share buybacks in the coming years.
Despite these significant buybacks, we also anticipate a sharp rise in dividend
payout, rising from approximately 12 pence per share in 2004 to well over twice
that level by 2006.

Credit Saison Co., Ltd. - Mark Yockey
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (8253) is Japan's third largest credit card company and
the nation's leading retailer affiliated credit card company. The company also
provides financial services such as consumer installment credits, loan
guarantees, loans, consignment operations, and leases.

Credit Saison is an extension of our long-running investment theme in the
financial sector, specifically the restructuring within Japanese financials, and
meets our investment criteria of providing compelling long-term earnings
prospects at an attractive valuation. The company has improved the quality of
its underlying asset base and has made major strides in the expansion of its
credit card operations through a number of strategic alliances. The opportunity
for future revenue growth has been most positively impacted by the recent tie-up
with diversified financial services company, Mizuho Financial Group. The
alliance with Mizuho will significantly increase the penetration of Credit
Saison in the Japanese consumer credit market. New credit card issuance is
anticipated to rise by 40% as a result of the tie-up, transforming Credit Saison
into the number one issuer in Japan. New cards issued will default to revolving
credit payments unless the customer specifies otherwise. This is a first in
Japan and is likely to be copied by other banks, potentially taking customers
away from traditional consumer finance companies where interest rates are

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities
mentioned herein. The views herein are those of the portfolio managers at the
time the commentaries are written and may not be reflective of current

26  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select International Fund


  Shares                                                            Value

Australia: 2.9%
  1,155,100  Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.         $   18,554,701
  6,265,000  Baycorp Advantage Ltd.                                 15,053,928
Belgium: 3.9%
    167,400  Interbrew SA                                            6,467,433
    379,400  UCB SA                                                 19,208,410
    195,358  Umicore                                                18,313,589
Brazil: 4.3%
    500,000  Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA                   16,720,000
    561,200  Petroleo Brasileiro SA                                 22,324,536
  1,492,367  Telesp Celular Participacoes SA*                       10,148,096
Canada: 8.2%
    778,700  EnCana Corp.                                           44,271,532
    510,800  Precision Drilling Corp.*                              32,078,240
    922,400  Shaw Communications, Inc. - Class B                    16,813,425
Denmark: 1.0%
  1,118,100  GN Store Nord AS                                       12,004,422
Finland: 1.4%
  1,005,700  Metso OYJ                                              15,874,114
France: 5.0%
    262,097  Bouygues SA                                            12,063,226
    230,800  Sanofi-Aventis SA                                      18,371,120
    497,700  Suez SA                                                13,218,712
    403,400  Vivendi Universal SA*                                  12,827,482
Germany: 4.4%
    107,400  Adidas-Salomon AG                                      17,264,754
    354,000  Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) AG                      15,909,768
    228,600  Schering AG                                            17,023,167
Hong Kong: 5.1%
 98,060,000  China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. - Class H             40,055,128
  1,240,000  Hutchison Whampoa                                      11,605,856
  1,700,000  Wharf Holdings Ltd.                                     5,948,950
Indonesia: 2.7%
 58,190,000  PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia                            30,246,889
Italy: 2.9%
  1,378,100  Bulgari SpA                                            16,957,706
  2,801,150  RCS MediaGroup SpA                                     16,305,244
Japan: 9.4%
  2,717,000  Bank of Fukuoka Ltd. (The)                             17,852,380
    282,400  Credit Saison Co., Ltd.                                10,253,597
  3,153,000  Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.                             17,433,116
      1,580  Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.                 15,995,328
     39,820  SFCG Co., Ltd.                                         10,039,307
    666,800  Toyota Motor Corp.                                     27,066,641
    163,000  Trend Micro, Inc.                                       8,774,360
Mexico: 1.4%
  4,607,400  Wal-mart de Mexico SA de CV                            15,814,969
Netherlands: 1.4%
    890,100  ASML Holding NV*                                       14,161,491
    154,300  Buhrmann NV                                             1,493,463
Panama: 1.8%
  1,003,700  Banco Latinoamericano de Exportacciones,
               SA - Class E                                         20,013,778
South Korea: 2.5%
    619,778  NEPES Corp.                                             5,807,425
     58,000  Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 144A GDR*                 12,702,000
     55,200  SK Telecom                                             10,504,637
Spain: 4.0%
    486,900  Altadis SA                                             22,212,230
    326,100  Antena 3 de Television SA*                             23,462,623
Sweden: 2.5%
    233,820  Elekta AB - Class B*                                    6,712,620
  6,886,200  Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB - Class B           21,885,532
Switzerland: 2.6%
     51,800  Julius Baer Holding AG - Class B                       15,537,730
     52,400  Nestle SA                                              13,662,577
United Kingdom: 27.1%
  7,649,200  Aegis Group Plc                                        15,827,083
  1,330,000  Aviva Plc                                              16,001,931
  1,750,000  Amvescap Plc                                           10,753,896
  7,628,000  ARM Holdings Plc                                       16,148,570
  1,283,700  British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc                     13,821,684
  1,941,408  Burberry Group Plc                                     14,914,967
  1,581,400  Cadbury Schweppes Plc                                  14,694,154
  2,021,821  Compass Group Plc                                       9,538,499
  1,327,600  Diageo Plc                                             18,898,058
  1,495,100  Enterprise Inns Plc                                    22,771,859
  1,180,600  Geest Plc                                              14,430,606
    815,100  GlaxoSmithKline Plc                                    19,082,849
  6,226,121  ITV Plc                                                12,554,539
  5,803,300  Kingfisher Plc                                         34,438,756
 31,754,000  Royal Doulton Plc*                                      7,075,209
 11,025,100  Tesco Plc                                              67,961,383
      (cost $869,096,851)                                        1,075,930,275

Germany: 1.4%
    170,586  Fresenius AG                                           15,894,382
   (cost $12,997,731)                                               15,894,382

                                                     Schedule of Investments  27

Masters' Select International Fund

SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES at December 31, 2004 - (Continued)

Amount                                                   Value

Repurchase Agreement: 3.0%
$33,865,000 State Street Bank & Trust Co., 1.050%, 12/31/04,
   due 01/03/05 [collateral: $26,610,000, U.S. Treasury Notes,
   7.125%, due 02/15/23, value $34,559,738]
   (proceeds $33,867,963)                                       $   33,865,000
   (cost $33,865,000)                                               33,865,000
      (cost $915,959,582): 98.9%                                 1,125,689,657

Other Assets less Liabilities: 1.1%                                 12,015,925
NET ASSETS: 100.0%                                              $1,137,705,582

* Non-income producing security.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

28  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Value Fund Review

The stock market closed with a very strong fourth quarter, turning what looked
likely to be a mediocre return year into an excellent return year. Value stocks
moved up sharply in the fourth quarter and generally performed better than the
overall U.S. stock market for the full year. For all of 2004, value benchmarks
outperformed growth benchmarks by a significant margin. Masters' Select Value
Fund also had a strong year, with a return of almost 15%. However, it trailed
its benchmarks in the year-end rally, largely due to above average cash holdings
by some of the fund's sub-advisors. Largely because the fund lagged during the
fourth quarter rally it also ended up behind its benchmarks for the year. It
remains comfortably ahead of all its benchmarks since the fund's inception.

Comparison Chart
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Masters' Select Value Fund
from inception (06/30/00) to present compared with the Russell 3000 Value Index
and the Lipper Multi-Cap Value Index.


                  Masters'                   Russell                   Lipper
                   Select                     3000                    Multi-Cap
                    Value                     Value                     Value
                    Fund                      Index                     Index

30-Jun-00         $10,000                   $10,000                   $10,000
31-Jul-00         $10,040                   $10,139                   $10,085
31-Aug-00         $10,680                   $10,696                   $10,725
30-Sep-00         $10,480                   $10,783                   $10,576
31-Oct-00         $10,590                   $11,028                   $10,828
30-Nov-00         $10,100                   $10,630                   $10,428
31-Dec-00         $10,450                   $11,201                   $11,049
31-Jan-01         $11,540                   $11,261                   $11,466
28-Feb-01         $11,320                   $10,969                   $11,152
31-Mar-01         $11,240                   $10,596                   $10,761
30-Apr-01         $11,810                   $11,113                   $11,458
31-May-01         $12,240                   $11,365                   $11,711
30-Jun-01         $12,460                   $11,163                   $11,513
31-Jul-01         $12,410                   $11,124                   $11,498
31-Aug-01         $11,890                   $10,705                   $11,072
30-Sep-01         $10,290                    $9,922                    $9,937
31-Oct-01         $10,320                    $9,859                   $10,142
30-Nov-01         $11,197                   $10,442                   $10,876
31-Dec-01         $11,457                   $10,715                   $11,192
31-Jan-02         $11,527                   $10,649                   $11,046
28-Feb-02         $11,187                   $10,669                   $10,902
31-Mar-02         $11,818                   $11,196                   $11,458
30-Apr-02         $11,718                   $10,872                   $11,121
31-May-02         $11,608                   $10,892                   $11,110
30-Jun-02         $10,525                   $10,298                   $10,260
31-Jul-02          $9,894                    $9,298                    $9,408
31-Aug-02         $10,184                    $9,360                    $9,558
30-Sep-02          $9,202                    $8,345                    $8,522
31-Oct-02          $9,603                    $8,928                    $8,978
30-Nov-02         $10,244                    $9,500                    $9,646
31-Dec-02          $9,843                    $9,088                    $9,221
31-Jan-03          $9,493                    $8,865                    $9,031
28-Feb-03          $9,142                    $8,625                    $8,799
31-Mar-03          $9,112                    $8,645                    $8,832
30-Apr-03         $10,114                    $9,410                    $9,600
31-May-03         $11,076                   $10,042                   $10,402
30-Jun-03         $11,207                   $10,171                   $10,478
31-Jul-03         $11,257                   $10,348                   $10,623
31-Aug-03         $11,588                   $10,526                   $10,956
30-Sep-03         $11,658                   $10,421                   $10,830
31-Oct-03         $12,329                   $11,075                   $11,426
30-Nov-03         $12,650                   $11,246                   $11,670
31-Dec-03         $13,021                   $11,917                   $12,244
31-Jan-04         $13,472                   $12,142                   $12,502
29-Feb-04         $13,652                   $12,401                   $12,741
31-Mar-04         $13,632                   $12,314                   $12,630
30-Apr-04         $13,201                   $11,986                   $12,398
31-May-04         $13,532                   $12,110                   $12,456
30-Jun-04         $13,652                   $12,421                   $12,807
31-Jul-04         $13,372                   $12,212                   $12,441
31-Aug-04         $13,392                   $12,382                   $12,484
30-Sep-04         $13,773                   $12,599                   $12,737
31-Oct-04         $13,803                   $12,807                   $12,903
30-Nov-04         $14,464                   $13,496                   $13,580
31-Dec-04         $14,935                   $13,936                   $14,070

The hypothetical $10,000 investment at fund inception includes changes in
share price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Indices are
unmanaged, do not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be invested in

Investment Performance As of December 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          Average Annual Total Returns
                                   One-Year                      Inception
                                   (2004)         Three-Year     (06/30/00)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Value Fund         14.70%            9.24%         9.32%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 3000 Value Index           16.94%            9.15%         7.66%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lipper Multi-Cap Value Index       14.91%            7.93%         7.89%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future
results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will
fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower
or higher than the performance quoted. To obtain the performance of the funds
as of the most recently completed calendar month, please visit our website at or call 1-800-960-0188.

Investment in foreign securities subjects investors to political, economic and
market risks and fluctuations in currency rates. The fund may invest in smaller
companies which involve more risk such as limited liquidity and greater
volatility. The Fund is non-diversified, which means it concentrates more of its
assets in a smaller number of securities, therefore it is exposed to more risk
than a diversified fund.

Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be
invested in directly.

See page 62 for index definitions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Performance Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The entire Masters' Select team continues to focus our effort on extending
each fund's strong long-term performance record relative to its benchmarks.
Shorter-term performance, while desirable, is not a primary objective and we
expect that there will be occasional periods of a year or longer during
which performance will be sub-par.

Masters' Select Value is now 4 1/2 years old--barely old enough to consider
the record long-term. Thus far the fund has bested its benchmarks by a
comfortable margin since its inception. In addition, though there are never
any guarantees that past performance trends will be repeated, we believe the
various elements that contributed to the fund's positive record provide
reason for optimism regarding the potential of the fund to continue to beat
its benchmarks over the long run. Some of the encouraging performance history
includes the following (all performance numbers are net of all fund fees and
expenses including advisory fees, fund operating overhead and trading costs):

o     The fund outperformed the best performing of its benchmarks by 1.43
      percentage points (143 basis points) on average, per year, since its
      inception, as measured by average annual total return. This margin equates
      to 1.18 times the return of the benchmark (Lipper Multi-Cap Value Fund
      Index) over the same period.

o     The fund, as measured by total return, outperformed its Russell 3000 Value
      benchmark in three of the four full calendar years in which it has

o     There have been 19 rolling three-year time periods (the first starting at
      the fund's inception, and then each subsequent period commencing at the
      beginning of the next month) during the fund's life. Masters' Select Value
      has out-returned its primary Russell 3000 Value benchmark in 14 of these
      periods (74% of the total periods), as measured by average annual total
      return. What we seek is for each Masters' Select Fund to outperform its
      benchmark in a strong majority of three-year and five-year periods. As
      noted elsewhere in this report, this goal has been met with respect to
      each Masters' Select Fund.

o     Each of the fund's managers has outperformed their benchmarks during their
      tenure at the fund. The following table shows the outperformance of each
      manager (without identifying the managers), relative to their benchmarks.

                                versus BENCHMARKS
                        Tenure Through December 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Value                           Annualized Performance Margin
                                                  (Net of Allocated Expenses)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 1                                                     6.02%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 2                                                     4.66%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 3                                                     3.93%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manager 4                                                     1.39%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                Fund Summary  29

Listed alphabetically are the managers and their respective benchmarks

Manager               Tenure               Benchmark
Mason Hawkins         06/30/00             Russell 3000 Value Index
Bill Miller           06/30/00             S&P 500 Index
Bill Nygren           06/30/00             Russell 3000 Value Index
David Winters         06/30/00             Russell 3000 Value Index

o     Masters' Select Value has also out-returned each of its benchmarks over
      its life after taking taxes into account. Though reporting regulations
      do not provide any methodology for measuring a benchmark's after-tax
      performance (and for this reason benchmark after-tax calculations are
      prohibited in shareholder reports), we can say with certainty that the
      fund has out-returned its benchmarks after taking taxes into account
      because its after-tax return exceeds the pre-tax return of each of its
      benchmarks. Masters' Select Value's return over its life, assuming all
      shares were liquidated on December 31, 2004, and taxes were paid on
      distributions in each year, at the highest tax rate in place at the time
      of each distribution, was 8.07%. Masters' Select Value Fund's average
      annual total return after taxes on distributions for the one-year and
      since inception (06/30/00) periods ended December 31, 2004 are 14.70% and
      9.29%, respectively. The average annual total return after taxes on
      distributions and the sale of fund shares for the one-year and since
      inception (06/30/00) periods ended December 31, 2004 are 9.56% and 8.07%,

The strong relative performance in a variety of environments and the superior
performance of each of the Masters' Select Value stock pickers has contributed
to the fund's overall performance and contributes to our confidence in the
fund's potential to continue to meet its long-term performance objectives.
However, it is important for shareholders to have realistic expectations.
Despite our confidence we expect that there will be occasional years in which
performance will be disappointing. Moreover, the stock market will remain
volatile with occasional losing years.

2004 Performance and Portfolio Commentary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A number of factors contributed to the fund's performance during 2004. The
highlights follow.

Cash: Cash was a drag on performance in 2004, particularly in the fourth quarter
when it reached its highest levels of the year. We estimate that cash drag cost
the fund over 2.5 percentage points of performance during the year. See the
Portfolio Mix section below for more comments on the fund's cash positions.

Performance of managers: Two of the four managers outperformed their benchmark
for the year, one by a very large margin. The other two managers underperformed
by large margins. Over shorter-term time periods, such as 12 months, we do not
expect each Masters' Select manager to outperform his benchmark. However, over
the long term it is our goal for all four Value sub-advisors to outperform their
benchmarks and that goal has been met since the fund's inception as described
earlier in this report.

Sector and stock picking impact: Based on our attribution analysis, the fund's
overall sector exposure relative to the Russell 3000 Value Index had a negative
effect on performance during 2004. The fund was heavily under-allocated to the
energy sector, which was the best performing sector in the Russell benchmark.
Meanwhile the fund had a significant overweighting to consumer discretionary
stocks, which as a sector underperformed the overall benchmark. However, strong
stock-picking within the consumer discretionary, financials and industrials
sectors, the three largest sectors in the fund, helped relative performance.
Meanwhile poor returns from the portfolio's health care and telecom stocks were
drags on performance, although the weightings to both sectors in the fund were
relatively small. As with all Masters' Select funds, it is important to remember
that the portfolio is built through bottom-up stock picking rather than a focus
on top-down sector selection.

Leaders and laggards: For the year, each of the four Masters' Select Value stock
pickers placed at least one security in the top ten winners list and three out
of four also had at least one stock among the fund's ten worst performing
stocks--Bill Miller avoided the loser's list this year. It is typical for most
if not all of the managers to appear on both lists. For the year, the ten best
performing securities delivered an aggregate dollar return more than four times
the level of the aggregate dollar loss of the ten worst performing securities.

See table on page 32 that lists the leaders and laggards over the past six and
twelve months. The table includes dollar gains and losses as well as percentage
gains and losses. It is important to understand that the fact that a stock has
lost money for Masters' Select Value for the twelve months ended December 31,
2004 tells us nothing about how successful the holding will ultimately become.
The fund will hold some stocks for significantly longer periods of time and the
success of these holdings won't be known until they are ultimately sold. In that
respect, while it is interesting to know how specific stocks performed during
the period, this information is of limited value in assessing the ultimate
success of these stock holdings. All of the fund's ten largest winners and six
of the ten largest losers remained in the portfolio at year-end.

Portfolio mix: The Masters' Select Value portfolio continues to look quite
different than its benchmark, the Russell 3000 Value index. This is not
surprising given the managers' bottom-up stock picking approach and
insensitivity to tracking the benchmark. As of December 31, 2004, the fund had a
large overweighting to the consumer discretionary sector (33.0% of assets versus
11.0% for the index) and sizable underweights to the energy (0.4% versus 11.1%),
finance (23.7% versus 32.8%) and telecommunications and utilities (3.7% versus
11.1%) sectors.

The fund's foreign stock exposure declined during the year but remained rather
high compared to historical levels at 14.2%. David Winters, and to a lesser
extent, Mason Hawkins, account for all of this foreign exposure. The fund's
exposure to distressed notes and bonds, which had dropped to zero at mid-year,
inched back up to 1.2% by year-end as Winters initiated a new position. The
fund's exposure to mid-cap U.S. stocks dropped to 25%, and small cap stocks
comprised less than 1% of assets.

30  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

The fund's cash position rose throughout the year and ended at an all-time high
of 17.7% of assets driven primarily by Mason Hawkins and David Winters, who each
held more than 20% of their assets in cash. Bill Miller had only 1% in cash.
Hawkins and Winters require that they only invest in companies selling at a
significant discount to their assessment of the underlying intrinsic value of
the business. Recently, they have had difficulty finding compelling
opportunities. While the cash holdings have held back performance recently, if
the stock market undergoes a correction the fund's performance is likely to be
helped and the managers who are holding cash will have an opportunity to acquire
stocks at lower prices. Litman/Gregory's philosophy with respect to cash is that
we prefer the Masters' Select sub-advisors to stay close to fully invested and
believe that most of the time they should be able to find at least eight stocks
that they are enthusiastic about. (Eight is the minimum number of stocks each
sub-advisor must hold.) However, if they can't, they have the discretion to hold
some cash. It is also our philosophy not to second-guess our sub-advisors. We
have great confidence in them and while we want to understand the reasoning
behind what they do, we don't question it unless it is inconsistent with their
articulated stock picking process and approach. It seems likely that in the
short-term the fund's cash level will fall below its current level, but remain
at a higher level than we expect over the longer run.

Please see page 40 for a breakout of the fund's sector and market-cap exposure.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Taxes: Masters' Select Value did not make a taxable distribution in 2004. Having
now used up the fund's tax loss carryover it is more likely that the fund may
make a taxable distribution in 2005. We will continue to work with the fund's
sub-advisors to manage the fund in a tax aware manner. This will include
encouraging the sub-advisors to take short-term losses when there is an
alternative investment that is equally attractive and also using other
tax-management techniques. However, the managers will not sacrifice pre-tax
performance in pursuit of after-tax performance since the fund has tax-exempt
investors as well as taxable investors.

Expenses: Expenses continued to decline as assets have grown, dropping from
1.28% per share in 2003 to 1.23% in 2004. As of the beginning of 2005 expenses
were accruing at 1.21%.

In Closing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Looking forward, we continue to view the global stock markets as being mostly in
a fair-value range. No one area appears clearly attractive or unattractive,
though foreign stocks, at the margin, seem to offer somewhat better value. Our
top-down-based analysis seems consistent with what we are hearing from the
Masters' Select sub-advisors. Generally speaking, our deeper-value managers are
not enthusiastic about the opportunities they are finding while other stock
pickers seem to be satisfied. This view is perhaps reflected in the types of
companies held in the Masters' Select Value portfolio. For some time now,
several of the fund's sub-advisors have found some opportunities in stocks of
high quality companies that are selling at attractive prices. Thus, the fund, at
the margin, looks a bit growthier than is typically the case. In general we are
also hearing somewhat more enthusiasm from stock pickers that search in foreign
markets and this explains the fund's 14% exposure to foreign stocks. There
continue to be significant big-picture concerns, the most troubling of which are
the sizable U.S. trade deficit, overall debt levels (household and public
sector) and terrorism-related risk and associated security costs. But we must
point out that big-picture risks are always present. Are they more serious now
than at other times? Perhaps, though over the years we've faced a wide range of
political, economic and geopolitical crises. And while there are always things
to worry about there are also positives to remember. One that has not received
much attention is the low tax rate on capital gains and dividends. Because taxes
on stock returns are lower than in the past, this suggests that stock valuations
should be higher since investors get to keep more of the return. Our own view,
which may differ from some of the Masters' Select sub-advisors, is that from
here, long-term returns are likely to fall within the mid to high single-digit
range. If some of the worries turn into crises, returns could be lower for a
period of time. And in any given year returns could be much higher or lower.

We continue to urge each Masters' Select shareholder to carefully weigh their
ability to take on stock-market risk and their need for returns based on their
time horizon and financial objectives when considering how much stock market
exposure is appropriate. Whatever that amount is, we continue to be confident
that Masters' Select Value is in a strong position to continue to deliver strong
long-term returns compared to its benchmarks. Past performance isn't by itself
predictive, but our confidence also stems from the quality of the Masters'
Select stock pickers along with the focused Masters' Select mandate, which we
believe underlies their success to date.

We thank you for your confidence and continue to invest along side you while
staying focused on the goal of extending the success of Masters' Select into the

Please see page 41 for specific stock commentaries written by the Masters'
Select Value managers.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security
or any other funds mentioned herein. The views herein are those of
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC at the time the material is written and may
not be reflective of current conditions.

                                                                Fund Summary  31

Masters' Select Value Fund Leaders and Laggards (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2004

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remgro Ltd.                                    $   1,552,222           40.4%
Leucadia National Corp.                              924,893           39.8%
NRG Energy, Inc.                                   1,229,813           35.0%
Moodys Corp.                                         875,389           33.7%
KT&G Corp. 144a GDR                                1,667,295           29.5%
Toys R Us, Inc.                                      867,140           28.5%
White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd.                 734,400           26.7%
NTL, Inc.                                            915,612           26.3%
Imperial Tobacco Group                               970,026           26.3%
YUM! Brands, Inc.                                    980,742           25.9%
                                               $  10,717,532

Chiron Corp.                                   $  (1,260,315)         (31.5%)
Aon Corp.                                           (783,700)         (16.2%)
General Motors Corp.                                (655,103)         (14.1%)
Gap, Inc. (The)                                     (444,578)          (8.7%)
Knight Ridder, Inc.                                 (224,295)          (5.6%)
Level 3 Communications, Inc.                        (224,000)          (4.5%)
First Data Corp.                                    (192,037)          (3.5%)
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.                         (74,813)          (2.8%)
Waste Management, Inc.                              (132,770)          (2.3%)
Washington Post Co.                                  (66,158)          (1.9%)
                                               $  (4,057,769)

                             By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Home Depot, Inc. (The)                         $   2,143,430           20.3%
KT&G Corp. 144a GDR                                1,667,295           29.5%
Capital One Financial Corp.                        1,583,000           23.2%
Remgro Ltd.                                        1,552,222           40.4%
NRG Energy, Inc.                                   1,229,813           35.0%
Providian Financial Corp.                          1,073,733           11.3%
Eastman Kodak Co.                                  1,054,000           19.5%
Limited Brands                                       986,712           19.5%
YUM! Brands, Inc.                                    980,742           25.9%
Imperial Tobacco Group                               970,026           26.3%
                                               $  13,240,973

Chiron Corp.                                   $  (1,260,315)         (31.5%)
Aon Corp.                                           (783,700)         (16.2%)
General Motors Corp.                                (655,103)         (14.1%)
Gap, Inc. (The)                                     (444,578)          (8.7%)
Knight Ridder, Inc.                                 (224,295)          (5.6%)
Level 3 Communications, Inc.                        (224,000)          (4.5%)
First Data Corp.                                    (192,037)          (3.5%)
Waste Management, Inc.                              (132,770)          (2.3%)
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.                         (74,813)          (2.8%)
Washington Post Co.                                  (66,158)          (1.9%)
                                               $  (4,057,769)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

                           By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Toys R Us, Inc.                                $   1,495,530           61.9%
NRG Energy, Inc.                                   1,731,036           57.5%
Leucadia National Corp.                            1,093,225           50.7%
Remgro Ltd.                                        1,783,154           49.4%
FedEx Corp.                                        1,363,560           45.9%
KT&G Corp. 144a GDR                                2,261,320           44.7%
White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd.               1,004,670           40.5%
Providian Financial Corp.                          3,070,355           39.1%
Imperial Tobacco Group                             1,235,863           36.1%
Capital One Financial Corp.                        2,410,832           35.8%
                                               $  17,449,545

Chiron Corp.                                   $  (1,681,511)         (38.0%)
Level 3 Communications, Inc.                      (1,727,173)         (26.7%)
General Motors Corp.                                (651,098)         (14.0%)
Knight Ridder, Inc.                                 (446,173)         (10.6%)
Kroger Co. (The)                                    (202,383)          (7.1%)
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.                     (137,225)          (3.9%)
Clear Channel Communications, Inc.                   (31,266)          (1.8%)
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.                           (46,750)          (1.7%)
Mony Group, Inc.                                     (32,335)          (0.9%)
Hudson City Bancorp, Inc.                            (23,229)          (0.8%)
                                               $  (4,979,143)

                             By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Providian Financial Corp.                      $   3,070,355           39.1%
Tyco International Ltd.                            2,674,073           28.0%
Capital One Financial Corp.                        2,410,832           35.8%
KT&G Corp. 144a GDR                                2,261,320           44.7%
Home Depot, Inc. (The)                             2,059,728           19.4%
Remgro Ltd.                                        1,783,154           49.4%
NRG Energy, Inc.                                   1,731,036           57.5%
Toys R Us, Inc.                                    1,495,530           61.9%
FedEx Corp.                                        1,363,560           45.9%
Eastman Kodak Co.                                  1,316,848           25.7%
                                               $  20,166,436

Level 3 Communications, Inc.                   $  (1,727,173)         (26.7%)
Chiron Corp.                                      (1,681,511)         (38.0%)
General Motors Corp.                                (651,098)         (14.0%)
Knight Ridder, Inc.                                 (446,173)         (10.6%)
Kroger Co. (The)                                    (202,383)          (7.1%)
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.                     (137,225)          (3.9%)
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.                           (46,750)          (1.7%)
Mony Group, Inc.                                     (32,335)          (0.9%)
Clear Channel Communications, Inc.                   (31,266)          (1.8%)
Hudson City Bancorp, Inc.                            (23,229)          (0.8%)
                                               $  (4,979,143)

Please refer to the fund's schedule of investments in this report for complete
holdings information. Fund holdings are sector allocations are subject to change
and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.

32  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Value Fund Managers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               TARGET        CAPITALIZATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mason         Southeastern       25%         All sizes        Value
Hawkins       Asset
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Miller   Legg Mason         25%         All sizes but    Eclectic, may
              Funds                          mostly           invest in
              Management,                    large and        traditional
              Inc.                           mid-sized        value stocks
                                             companies        or growth stocks
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Nygren   Harris             25%         Mostly large     Value
              Associates L.P.                and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David         Franklin Mutual    25%         All sizes        Value
Winters       Advisers, LLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Portfolio Composition
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fund holds 51 securities, exclusive of cash equivalents.

By Asset Class


Large-Cap Domestic          41.0%
Mid-Cap Domestic            25.1%
Foreign Equities            14.2%
Cash Equivalents & Other    17.7%
Notes and Bonds              1.2%
Small-Cap Domestic           0.8%

Market Capitalization:
   Small-Cap Domestic < $1.6 billion
   Mid-Cap Domestic $1.6 - $12.3 billion
   Large-Cap Domestic > $12.3 billion

By Sector

                                                       Sector Weights
                                                             Russell 3000
                                                  Fund        Value Index
                                                  ----        -----------
Consumer Discretionary & Services(1)             33.0%           11.0%
Finance                                          23.7%           32.8%
Industrial Services and Durables                  8.6%           12.6%
Consumer Staples                                  5.1%            6.1%
Telecommunications                                3.7%            4.9%
Materials                                         3.3%            5.4%
Technology                                        1.7%            6.1%
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology       1.6%            3.8%
Energy                                            0.4%           11.1%
Utilities                                          --             6.2%
Bonds & Notes                                     1.2%             --
Cash Equivalents & Other                         17.7%             --
                                                 -----          -----
Net Assets                                       100.0%         100.0%
                                                 =====          =====

(1) Includes Automobiles.

                                                                Fund Summary  33

Masters' Select Value Fund Stock Highlights
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amazon.Com, Inc. - Bill Miller
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amazon's primary business is helping its customers "find and discover" products
and services using the Internet. In 1996, Amazon began selling books online,
principally for U.S. customers. Since then, Amazon has expanded its product line
to include music, videos, toys, electronics, hardware and other goods. Amazon
also expanded geographically and now has sites in the U.S., U.K., Germany,
Japan, France and Canada.

Amazon continues to push the boundaries of its business model, looking to
surprise customers and avoid the narrow categorization that left it simply a
bookseller in the perceptions of the mass market for many years. Amazon focuses
on delivering its product to customers in the most efficient manner possible,
aiming to offer the lowest prices by being the lowest cost provider. Amazon
relentlessly manages working capital, driving to minimize fixed investment and
maximize both return on capital and free cash flow generation.

In 1998, the company was in front of a wave of growth that almost swamped it
from a process standpoint in 2000. Since then, Amazon has focused intently on
driving efficiencies throughout the business and continues to evolve in a way
that supports or enhances its goal of triple-digit returns on capital. While
gross margins are essentially flat since 2000, operating margins have risen over
30%. More remarkably, Amazon has achieved this margin expansion while growing
sales at a 26% annual rate - all while the economy experienced a synchronized,
global recession. We believe that Amazon has a significant opportunity to drive
revenue growth of approximately 15% over the next ten years, while it continues
to manage costs to meet its long-term goal of double-digit operating margins.

Amazon's shares were pressured twice in 2004 by concerns over slowing growth.
First, the company reported second quarter results that failed to match
investors' elevated expectations. In our opinion, the investment community's
negative reaction partly reflected confusion between seasonal patterns and
secular trends. Then, investors were discouraged by Amazon's underwhelming sales
outlook for 2005, which we believe reflected management's cautiousness rather
than any deterioration in fundamentals. Amazon subsequently announced its
strongest holiday season ever, sparking a dramatic rally post-Christmas. Looking
beyond the short-term ebbs and flows, we continue to see strong secular growth
prospects for Amazon.

We believe that Amazon has a central tendency of value of $55 per share.
Valuation based on Internet peers averages around $90, while valuation based on
terrestrial retailers comes closer to $25; a blended average of those two
extremes is about $55. Our competitive strategy work also supports this value,
reflecting our view that although Amazon does not have the power of the eBay
model, it is not as inherently forced to spend capital as terrestrial retailers.
We believe Amazon's current stock price in the low $40s assumes that its
business decelerates significantly, margins come under sustained pressure, and
that capital intensity climbs materially - assumptions that we view as overly

Limited Brands - Bill Nygren
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Limited Brands (LTD) is a specialty retailer with well-known brands including
Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, Express, and its namesake, Limited. While
Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works have become highly profitable category
dominant chains, the other brands have struggled. Victoria's Secret and Bath &
Body Works now account for two-thirds of LTD's sales and about 90% of operating
income. Four years ago LTD stock reached a high of $28, but the stock suffered,
as investors seemed focused on the struggling turnaround efforts in their lesser

The company generates large sums of excess cash and has a cash rich balance
sheet. We believe Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works are above-average
franchises and are well insulated from Wal-Mart competition. These brands should
continue growing at above-average rates, as demographics of their key target
markets look favorable over the next decade. Management has also taken steps to
improve Express: repositioning the Express brand, refinements to the clothing
collection, a focus on higher quality clothing, and increased operational
efficiency. Management seems pleased with customers' response to these changes.
Success in the turnaround of Express is certainly possible, but our outlook on
this is conservative. In fact we believe that if the market priced Victoria's
Secret and Bath & Body Works at multiples consistent with other high-quality
specialty retailers, and valued Express and Limited at zero, Limited Brands
stock price would increase. We further believe that if the turnaround efforts
fail at Express or Limited, the result of closing those chains would be the
conversion of inventory and real estate assets into cash. And with a management
whose primary use of cash has been share repurchase--they repurchased well over
20% of their shares in 2004--more cash is a wonderful downside outcome! Selling
at 14 times estimated 2005 earnings, we believe LTD is a high-quality company
being priced as a below-average business.

KT&G Corp. - David Winters
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KT&G Corporation is the old Korea Tobacco and Ginseng Company which today is the
dominant producer of cigarettes in South Korea where the litigation environment
is minimal compared to the United States. The company trades at a low multiple
of earnings, pays a good dividend, buys back stock and is focused on shareholder
value. KT&G has net cash on the balance sheet and meaningful free cash flow.
Moreover, there are substantial real estate assets which are being monetized
over time. Importantly, we do not believe KT&G will diversify into lower margin
businesses or make acquisitions that dilute the superior economics of the
existing business. Management appears to be properly incented to run the company
well and drive returns. They continue to improve their marketing and develop
relevant brands to effectively compete with the foreign companies that have set
up in South Korea over the last few years. Proof of effectiveness is that KT&G's
market share has been stable since competition arrived. We are optimistic that
share buybacks will accelerate which is very accretive to remaining
shareholders. Management has articulated their plans which we believe are in all
shareholders interests.

In keeping with Southeastern Asset Management's disclosure policies, Mason
Hawkins has not contributed commentary on his holdings for this report.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities
mentioned herein. The views herein are those of the portfolio managers at the
time the commentaries are written and may not be reflective of current

34  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Value Fund

  Shares                                                                Value

Consumer Discretionary: 33.0%
    125,000  Amazon.Com, Inc.*                                    $  5,536,250
     51,400  Clear Channel Communications, Inc.                      1,721,386
    153,000  Comcast Corp. - Special Class A*                        5,024,520
    190,000  Disney (Walt) Co.                                       5,282,000
    200,000  Eastman Kodak Co.                                       6,450,000
    220,000  Gap, Inc. (The)                                         4,646,400
    100,000  General Motors Corp.                                    4,006,000
    297,000  Home Depot, Inc. (The)                                 12,693,780
    375,000  IAC/InterActiveCorp*                                   10,357,500
     56,000  Knight Ridder, Inc.                                     3,748,640
    228,000  Koninklijk (Royal) Philips
               Electronics NV                                        6,042,000
    320,000  Liberty Media Corp.*                                    3,513,600
    202,320  Limited Brands                                          4,657,407
    205,000  Mattel, Inc.                                            3,995,450
     54,389  NTL, Inc.*                                              3,968,222
    290,000  Time Warner, Inc.*                                      5,637,600
    191,000  Toys R Us, Inc.*                                        3,909,770
    160,000  Vivendi Universal SA*                                   5,131,200
    101,000  YUM! Brands, Inc.                                       4,765,180
Consumer Staples: 5.1%
    170,589  Imperial Tobacco Group Plc                              4,663,759
    497,700  KT&G Corp. 144A GDR                                     7,316,190
    111,400  Orkla ASA - Class A                                     3,644,473
Energy: 0.4%
     35,901  NRG Energy, Inc.*                                       1,294,231
Finance: 23.7%
    170,000  Aon Corp.                                               4,056,200
      2,564  Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. - Class B*                     7,527,904
    100,000  Capital One Financial Corp.                             8,421,000
     20,000  Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.                         3,361,982
     80,987  Hudson City Bancorp, Inc.                               2,981,941
    150,000  JPMorgan Chase & Co.                                    5,851,500
     49,220  Leucadia National Corp.^ ++                             3,248,815
     40,000  Moody's Corp.                                           3,474,000
    600,000  Providian Financial Corp.*                              9,882,000
    322,958  Remgro Ltd.                                             5,393,684
    300,000  UnumProvident Corp.                                     5,382,000
    229,000  Washington Mutual, Inc.                                 9,682,120
      5,400  White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd.                    3,488,400
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology: 1.6%
    217,000  IMS Health, Inc.                                        5,036,570
Industrials: 8.6%
     58,000  Dun & Bradstreet Corp.*                                 3,459,700
     44,000  FedEx Corp.                                             4,333,560
    120,000  Republic Services, Inc.                                 4,024,800
    250,000  Tyco International Ltd.                                 8,935,000
    187,000  Waste Management, Inc.                                  5,598,780

Amount                                                                Value
Materials: 3.3%
    169,802  Anglo American Plc                                   $  4,007,879
     75,194  Newmont Mining Corp.                                    3,339,366
             Potlatch Corp.                                          2,706,030
Technology: 1.7%
  3,650,000  Comdisco, Inc. Contingent Equity
               Distribution*+                                            5,475
    124,000  First Data Corp.                                        5,274,960
Telecommunications: 3.7%
  1,400,000  Level 3 Communications, Inc.*                           4,746,000
     84,000  Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.                          6,463,800
   (cost $187,689,518)                                             248,689,024

Telecommunications: 0.0%
        54 PTV, Inc.                                                       232
 (cost $0)                                                                 232

Finance: 1.2%
 $5,032,400  Armstrong Holdings Bank, 1.000%, 06/24/05               3,573,004
   (cost $3,173,780)                                                 3,573,004

Repurchase Agreement: 17.2%
 52,693,000  State Street Bank & Trust Co., 1.050%, 12/31/04,
    due 01/03/05 [collateral: $41,570,000,  U.S. Treasury
    Notes, 7.125%, due 02/15/23, value $53,761,756]
   (proceeds $52,697,611)                                           52,693,000
   (cost $52,693,000)                                               52,693,000
   (cost $243,556,298): 99.5%                                      304,955,260

Other Assets less Liabilities: 0.5%                                  1,586,571
NET ASSETS: 100.0%                                                $306,541,831

*     Non-income producing security.

^     Board valued illiquid security.

++    Security is restricted. On December 31, 2004, this security had cost of
      $1,735,005 and was valued at $3,248,815 or 1.06% of net assets. The
      security was acquired on December 20, 2002. See Note 2.C.

+     Illiquid security.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                                     Schedule of Investments  35

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Review
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Small stocks surged to the finish line in 2004 with a 14% return in the fourth
quarter, ending the year up 18.3%. Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund, after
an exceptionally strong first part of the year, lagged as the year drew to a
close, but its 21% return still easily outpaced its benchmarks for the full
year. The fund's lagging performance during the fourth quarter rally was
partially a function of a rather large cash position.

Comparison Chart
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The value of a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Masters' Select Smaller
Companies Fund from its inception (06/30/03) to present compared with the
Russell 2000 Index and the Lipper Small Cap Core Fund Index.


                       Masters'             Russell               Lipper
                        Select               2000               Small-Cap
                       Smaller               Index                 Core
                      Companies                                   Index
30-Jun-03              $10,000             $10,000               $10,000
31-Jul-03              $10,320             $10,626               $10,513
31-Aug-03              $10,830             $11,113               $10,968
30-Sep-03              $10,800             $10,907               $10,730
31-Oct-03              $11,420             $11,823               $11,574
30-Nov-03              $11,720             $12,243               $11,990
31-Dec-03              $11,917             $12,492               $12,324
31-Jan-04              $12,534             $13,034               $12,714
29-Feb-04              $12,685             $13,151               $12,935
31-Mar-04              $12,897             $13,273               $13,075
30-Apr-04              $12,806             $12,596               $12,625
31-May-04              $13,049             $12,797               $12,735
30-Jun-04              $13,484             $13,335               $13,279
31-Jul-04              $12,867             $12,438               $12,579
31-Aug-04              $12,594             $12,374               $12,470
30-Sep-04              $13,474             $12,955               $13,090
31-Oct-04              $13,403             $13,210               $13,304
30-Nov-04              $14,232             $14,355               $14,355
31-Dec-04              $14,421             $14,780               $14,588

The hypothetical $10,000 investment at fund inception includes changes in share
price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Indices are unmanaged, do
not incur fees, expenses or taxes and cannot be invested in directly.

Investment Performance As of December 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Average Annual Total Returns
                                                One-Year        Inception
                                                 (2004)          (06/30/03)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund           21.01%            27.56%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 2000 Index                               18.32%            29.75%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lipper Small-Cap Core Fund Index                 18.37%            28.63%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future
results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will
fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance of the funds may be lower or
higher than the performance quoted. To obtain the performance of the funds as of
the most recently completed calendar month, please visit our website at or call 1-800-960-0188.

Short-term performance is not a good indicator of a fund's future performance,
and an investment should not be made based solely on returns.

The fund invests in the securities of small companies. Small-company investing
subjects investors to additional risks, including security price volatility and
less liquidity than investing in larger companies.

Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees, expenses or taxes, and cannot be
invested in directly.

See page 62 for index definitions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance Analysis and Commentary
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The entire Masters' Select team continues to focus its effort on extending the
Masters' Select fund family's strong long-term performance advantage over its
benchmarks. Shorter-term performance, while desirable, is not a primary
objective and we expect that there will be occasional periods of a year or
longer during which performance will be sub-par. We generally think of three
years as a bare minimum time period over which to judge a fund's performance.
Five years is better still, because over three years one bad year can have a
significant impact.

At just 18 months since inception, Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund is not
yet old enough to have a long-term record. So far the absolute returns have been
very strong with an annualized return since inception, as shown in the prior
table, of 27.56%. However, this return trails the Russell 2000 Index and the
Lipper Small Cap Core Index benchmarks, due to cash drag. The most significant
cash drag occurred in the fund's first several months after the fund was
launched, when a surging small-cap market led some of our sub-advisors to put
the initial influx of cash to work gradually. The fund has slightly outperformed
its benchmarks since the beginning of its second month.

Nevertheless, the impact of the cash drag has continued as Bob Rodriguez, Dick
Weiss and John Rogers, three of the fund's sub-advisors, all held over 10% of
their sub-portfolios in cash for much of the life of the fund. More recently all
three held over 15% of their portfolios' in cash and the fund's overall cash
level was at 16% as of December 31. Though some of this cash is transitional
(cash held after a sell and before a buy) the high level reflects a general lack
of enthusiasm over the stock-picking opportunities the more valuation sensitive
stock pickers are seeing. In the strong stock market of the past 18 months, this
cash has continued to hold back performance. We estimate that it cost the fund
over 2.5 percentage points in return in 2004. However, it is worth noting that
the performance of the stocks picked for the fund (absent the cash) has been
quite good, having materially outperformed the Russell 2000 index. And, if there
is a meaningful correction in small-cap stocks, these managers' "dry powder"
will allow them to take advantage of lower prices. It is important to note that
the holding of cash does not suggest that any of these three stock pickers is
attempting to time the market.

Given this fund's cash stake, it's worth repeating what we wrote in the
semiannual report regarding Litman/Gregory's philosophy with respect to cash. We
prefer the Masters' Select sub-advisors to stay close to fully invested and
believe that most of the time they should be able to find at least 8 stocks that
they are enthusiastic about. (Eight is the minimum number of stocks each
sub-advisor must hold.) However, if they can't, they have the discretion to hold
some cash. It is also our philosophy not to second guess our sub-advisors. We
have great confidence in them and while we want to understand the reasoning
behind what they do, we don't question it unless it is inconsistent with their
articulated stock-picking process and approach.

36  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Besides holding cash, a number of other factors contributed to the fund's
performance during 2004. The highlights follow.

Performance of managers: In 2004, three out of the fund's five managers beat
their respective benchmark. Relative performance was particularly strong for the
growth managers. All five managers generated strong absolute returns, ranging
from a low of 16.6% to a high of 26.0%, after taking into account all fees.

Sector and stock-picking impact: As with the other Masters' Select funds, stock
picking was the primary performance driver for the Masters' Select Smaller
Companies Fund during 2004. The fund's stocks strongly out-returned the
benchmark's stocks in the consumer discretionary, health care, industrials and
consumer staples sectors. Stock selection was poor on the year in the
information technology sector, hurt by names such as Autobytel and Transaction
Technologies. The fund's large overweighting to the top-performing energy sector
was a positive from a sector-attribution perspective, while the underweighting
to materials companies slightly detracted from relative returns. It is important
to remember that (as with all the Masters' funds) the fund's sector weightings
are primarily a derivative of each manager's bottom-up stock picking rather than
the result of top-down sector calls.

Leaders and laggards: Each of the fund's stock pickers placed at least one stock
on the list of the top ten dollar gainers for the year. And even in a year like
2004, when returns are strong, there are always some stocks that lose money in
the portfolio. Only Bob Rodriguez managed to avoid owning a single stock on the
biggest dollar losers list. The aggregate gain from the ten biggest dollar
winners was more than double the aggregate loss from the ten largest losers.
Most of the year's losers are no longer in the portfolio, which is somewhat
unusual compared to the other Masters' funds. The reason is that both of the
fund's growth managers, Bill D'Alonzo and David Anthony, are typically quick to
jettison their losers and they have a higher turnover investment approach in
general than most of the other Masters' managers. Interestingly, Anthony had
more stock picks on both the top-gainers and top-losers list than any other
manager. See the table on page 44 for the portfolio leaders and laggards over
the past six and 12 months. The table includes dollar gains and losses as well
as percentage gains and losses.

Portfolio mix: The portfolio is well diversified with all the managers except
Rodriguez holding the maximum 15 stocks each. In terms of sectors, relative to
the Russell 2000 Index the fund is overweighted to energy (12.1% of the fund's
assets versus 5.4% for the index) and consumer discretionary stocks (20.1%
versus 14.8%). Its largest underweights are to financials (9.7% versus 22.2%),
health care (7.4% versus 12.6%) and materials (2.5% versus 6.0%). The fund's
allocation to micro-cap stocks (below $500 million market cap) has declined to
roughly 14% of the portfolio, from 22% at the end of last year. The mid-cap
exposure is up slightly to 2.6%. The fund's asset-weighted median market cap has
risen slightly to $1.23 billion. Please see the table on page 40 for the fund's
sector weights and market-cap exposure.

Over time, we expect the fund's portfolio mix will vary. The fund's stock
pickers have considerable leeway to pursue their most compelling ideas
regardless of sector. In addition, though this is primarily a small-cap fund,
each stock picker has some freedom to buy mid-cap stocks if they find
significantly better opportunities there. Subsequently, the fund may have more
mid-cap exposure than it does now, though we don't anticipate this exposure to
be significant enough ever to dominate the portfolio.

While Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund does not yet have a long-term
record, as detailed elsewhere in this report, each of the more seasoned Masters'
Select funds has met Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors' long-term performance
objective with consistency and by a clear margin. Of course, this past
performance cannot be considered to have predictive value with respect to the
Smaller Companies' future performance. On the other hand, we do not believe that
this past performance is irrelevant with respect to the Masters' Select concept.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Taxes: Masters' Select Smaller Companies made a taxable distribution equal to
about 3% of its assets. Over half of this distribution was characterized as
short-term capital gain. In the future we believe it is likely that a larger
percentage of any taxable distribution will be characterized as long-term
capital gain. Over the last year many of the gains triggered were short-term in
nature since the fund was less than a year old and many stocks had become fully
valued after experiencing significant price appreciation. We will continue to
work with the fund's sub-advisors to manage the fund in a tax-aware manner. This
will include taking short-term losses when there is an alternative investment
that is equally attractive and using other tax-management techniques. However,
the managers will not sacrifice pre-tax performance in pursuit of after-tax
performance since the fund has tax-exempt, as well as taxable, investors.

Expenses: Expenses declined significantly in 2004 to 1.40% of assets from 1.65%
in 2003. Moreover, thanks to continued strong asset growth, expenses have
continued to decline and are currently accruing at 1.30%.

Accolades: There were two mentions worth noting in 2004. From
there was an article about Masters' Select Smaller Companies titled "Value
Added: A Dream Team for Small Caps." And wrote that Masters'
Select Smaller Companies "is one of the most appealing recent entrants in the
small-cap universe."

In Closing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Looking forward, we continue to view the global stock markets as mostly in a
fair-value range. No one area appears clearly attractive or unattractive though
foreign stocks, at the margin, seem to offer somewhat better value. Stocks of
smaller companies, based on our analysis, are also in a fair-value range. As
noted above, this conclusion differs from some of the more value-oriented

                                                                Fund Summary  37

stock pickers we talk to. As is true in the larger-cap arena, deeper-value
managers are generally not enthusiastic about the opportunities they are finding
while other stock pickers seem to be satisfied. There continue to be significant
big-picture concerns, the most troubling of which are the sizable U.S. trade
deficit, overall debt levels (household and public sector) and terrorism risk
and related costs. But we must point out that big-picture risks are always
present. Are they more serious now than at other times? Perhaps, though over the
years investors have faced a wide range of political, economic and geopolitical
crises. And while there are always things to worry about there are also
positives to remember. One that has not received much attention is the low tax
rate on capital gains and dividends. Because taxes on stock returns are lower
than in the past, this suggests that stock valuations should be higher since
investors get to keep more of the return. Our own view, which is distinct to
Litman/Gregory and may differ from some of the Masters' Select sub-advisors, is
that from here, long-term returns are likely to fall within the mid to high
single-digit range. If some of the worries turn into crises, returns could be
lower for a period of time. And in any given year returns can be much higher or

We continue to urge each Masters' Select shareholder to carefully weigh their
ability to take on stock-market risk and their need for returns based on their
time horizon and financial objectives when considering how much stock-market
exposure is appropriate and what portion of that exposure should be invested in
small-caps. Whatever that amount is, we continue to be confident that Masters'
Select Smaller Companies is well positioned to continue to deliver strong
long-term returns compared to its benchmarks. Though past performance isn't by
itself predictive, the quality of the Masters' Select stock pickers coupled with
the focused Masters' Select mandate and the success achieved by all the Masters'
Select funds underlie our confidence.

We thank you for your confidence and will continue to invest along side you
while staying focused on the goal of extending the success of Masters' Select
far into the future.

Please see page 41 for specific stock commentaries written by the Masters'
Select Smaller Companies managers.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security
or any other funds mentioned herein. The views herein are those of
Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC at the time the material is written and may
not be reflective of current conditions.

38  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Leaders and Laggards (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2004:

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.                         $     745,153           58.2%
Hansen Natural Corp.                               1,033,069           53.2%
VaxGen, Inc.                                         147,828           41.1%
Bebe Stores, Inc.                                    490,466           32.0%
Witness Systems, Inc.                                356,323           31.0%
Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. (The) - Class A            311,444           28.6%
Markel Corp.                                         471,817           28.1%
Ceradyne, Inc.                                     1,493,879           26.8%
Varco International, Inc.                            419,359           25.4%
Wilshire Bancorp, Inc.                               455,489           22.9%
                                               $   5,924,827

Transact Technologies, Inc.                    $    (689,193)         (43.9%)
Gevity HR, Inc.                                     (447,787)         (35.0%)
Select Comfort Corp.                                (344,874)         (30.4%)
Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.                          (448,244)         (23.2%)
Meridian Resource Corp.                             (322,461)         (21.4%)
Autobytel, Inc.                                     (537,708)         (19.6%)
United Rentals, Inc.                                (207,061)         (18.1%)
Lifecell Corp.                                      (408,589)         (17.3%)
General Binding Corp.                               (253,565)         (15.2%)
Littlefuse, Inc.                                    (324,153)         (15.1%)
                                               $  (3,983,635)

                              By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                              Six Month Dollar       Six Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ceradyne, Inc.                                 $   1,493,879            26.8%
Hansen Natural Corp.                               1,033,069            53.2%
Southwestern Energy Co.                              875,327            20.4%
Armor Holdings, Inc.                                 829,521            13.4%
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.                               745,153            58.2%
Bebe Stores, Inc.                                    490,466            32.0%
Markel Corp.                                         471,817            28.1%
Wilshire Bancorp, Inc.                               455,489            22.9%
Alladdin Knowledge Systems                           446,057            13.2%
Varco International, Inc.                            419,359            25.4%
                                               $   7,260,137

Transact Technologies, Inc.                    $    (689,193)          (43.9%)
Autobytel, Inc.                                     (537,708)          (19.6%)
Libbey, Inc.                                        (476,734)          (10.9%)
Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.                          (448,244)          (23.2%)
Gevity HR, Inc.                                     (447,787)          (35.0%)
Lifecell Corp.                                      (408,589)          (17.3%)
Gen-Probe, Inc.                                     (368,733)          (12.8%)
Select Comfort Corp.                                (344,874)          (30.4%)
Littlefuse, Inc.                                    (324,153)          (15.1%)
Meridian Resource Corp.                             (322,461)          (21.4%)
                                               $  (4,368,476)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2004:

                            By Percentage Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quicksilver Resources, Inc.                    $     653,358           87.9%
VaxGen, Inc.                                         551,435           60.7%
Charming Shoppes, Inc.                               410,170           58.3%
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.                               745,153           58.2%
National-Oilwell, Inc.                               650,379           57.8%
Caesers Entertainment, Inc.                          627,083           56.2%
Hansen Natural Corp.                               1,033,069           53.2%
Genesco, Inc.                                        345,320           52.9%
LCA                                                  373,996           46.3%
Lone Star Technologies, Inc.                         431,837           44.2%
                                               $   5,821,800

SkillSoft Publications                         $    (354,067)         (40.8%)
Transact Technologies, Inc.                         (564,001)         (39.0%)
Atari, Inc.                                         (209,939)         (29.8%)
Northfield Laboritories, Inc.                       (226,006)         (27.6%)
Digital Insight Group                               (359,079)         (26.8%)
M-systems Flash Disk Pioneers                       (234,129)         (24.9%)
TTM Technologies, Inc.                              (347,072)         (22.2%)
Autobytel, Inc.                                     (611,301)         (21.7%)
United Rentals, Inc.                                (256,232)         (21.5%)
Meridian Resource Corp.                             (322,461)         (21.4%)
                                               $  (3,484,287)

                              By Dollar Gain / Loss

                                             Twelve Month Dollar    Twelve Month
Security                                     Contribution/(Loss)      % Change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ceradyne, Inc                                  $   2,122,175           42.8%
Southwestern Energy Co.                            1,099,437           27.1%
Hansen Natural Corp.                               1,033,069           53.2%
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.                               745,153           58.2%
Quicksilver Resources, Inc.                          653,358           87.9%
National-Oilwell, Inc.                               650,379           57.8%
Caesers Entertainment, Inc.                          627,083           56.2%
Varco International, Inc.                            586,372           39.5%
VaxGen, Inc.                                         551,435           60.7%
Websense, Inc.                                       528,880           22.3%
                                               $   8,597,341

Autobytel, Inc.                                $    (611,301)         (21.7%)
Transact Technologies, Inc.                         (564,001)         (39.0%)
Libbey, Inc.                                        (481,534)         (11.0%)
Digital Insight Group                               (359,079)         (26.8%)
SkillSoft Publications                              (354,067)         (40.8%)
TTM Technologies, Inc.                              (347,072)         (22.2%)
Meridian Resource Corp.                             (322,461)         (21.4%)
Martek Biosciences Corp.                            (286,261)          (8.8%)
United Rentals, Inc.                                (256,232)         (21.5%)
Emmis Communications Corp. - Class A                (238,196)         (13.9%)
                                               $  (3,820,204)

Please refer to the fund's schedule of investments in this report for complete
holdings information. Fund holdings are sector allocations are subject to change
and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.

                                                                Fund Summary  39

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Managers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              TARGET          CAPITALIZATION
INVESTMENT                                    ASSET           OF COMPANIES             STOCK-PICKING
MANAGER                 FIRM                  ALLOCATION      IN PORTFOLIO             STYLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Anthony           Ranger Investment     20%             Small and mid-sized      Growth
                        Management, L.P.                      companies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill D'Alonzo and       Friess Associates,    20%             Small and mid-sized      Growth
team                    LLC
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Rogers, Jr.        Ariel Capital         20%             Small and mid-sized      Value
                        Management, LLC                       companies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert Rodriquez        First Pacific         20%             Small and mid-sized      Value
                        Advisors, Inc.                        companies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dick Weiss              Wells Capital         20%             Small and mid-sized      Growth at a
                        Management, Inc.                      companies                reasonable
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Portfolio Composition
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fund holds 72 securities, exclusive of cash equivalents.

By Asset Class


Micro-Cap                 13.8%
Small Cap                 40.6%
Small-Mid Cap             26.2%
Mid Cap                    2.6%
Cash Equivalents & Other  16.8%

Market Capitalization:
   Micro-Cap < $500 million
   Small-Cap $500 million - $1.6 billion
   Small-Mid-Cap $1.6 - $4 billion
   Mid-Cap $4 - $10 billion

By Sector

                                                      Sector Weights
                                                             Russell 2000
                                                  Fund           Index
                                                  ----       ------------
Consumer Discretionary & Services(1)             20.1%           14.8%
Technology                                       16.8%           17.5%
Industrial Services and Durables                 13.7%           14.5%
Energy                                           12.1%            5.4%
Finance                                           9.7%           22.2%
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology       7.4%           12.6%
Materials                                         2.5%            6.0%
Consumer Staples                                  0.9%            2.6%
Utilities                                          --             3.3%
Telecommunications                                 --             1.1%
Cash Equivalents & Other                         16.8%             --
                                                -----           -----
Net Assets                                      100.0%          100.0%
                                                =====           =====

(1)   Includes Automobiles.

40  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Stock Highlights
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Southwestern Energy Co. - David Anthony
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Southwestern Energy is an exploration and production company headquartered in
Houston, with primary operations in Oklahoma and Arkansas. About 90% of the
company's energy reserves consist of natural gas. SWN also operates a natural
gas distribution business.

The outlook for SWN became much more interesting this year when management
announced the acquisition of nearly 500,000 acres in an alternative energy play
in Arkansas. The acquisitions are in a formation that management refers to as
the Fayetteville Shale, an area near the eastern portion of the Arkoma Basin.
Management has been drilling traditional wells in this area for quite some time.
After recent wells produced gas at a rate much higher than is typical for this
area, management did some research and learned they were operating within a
shale formation, a type of geologic formation extremely well suited to newer
horizontal drilling techniques. Management began quietly buying up leases in the
Fayetteville Shale for extremely low prices ($40 per acre). Southwestern plans
to develop this asset over the course of the next several years, and some
analysts estimate that the play could hold as much as one trillion cubic feet of
natural gas reserves. Our estimates, though not this aggressive, suggest that
Southwestern should outperform its more mature E&P peers for some time. This
long-lived prospect should also better help the company weather the volatility
seen in today's energy markets.

As of December 2004, the company had acquired 525,000 acres in the play. They
plan to invest approximately $100 million during 2005 in the area, which should
include drilling approximately 160-170 wells. The company recently expanded its
credit facility to help finance this growth.

Jarden Corp. - Bill D'Alonzo
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retail chains from Albertson's to Wal-Mart bet that "Official World Poker Tour"
items would be hot sellers. They were right, and now Jarden is raking in the

NYSE-listed Jarden Corp. is a leader in the recently revived market for
poker-chip sets through its U.S. Playing Card Company division, known best for
its Bee, Bicycle and Hoyle playing cards. Poker sets are currently among the
fastest selling home entertainment products, and Jarden benefits from being the
exclusive maker of sets branded by the catalyst behind the surge in demand, the
televised World Poker Tour.

But Jarden's playing card division is only part of the story. Jarden makes a
wide range of niche consumer products used in and around the home, including
Ball canning jars and Diamond plastic cutlery. With more than $800 million in
2004 revenue, the company is the North American market leader in home canning,
plastic cutlery, playing cards, kitchen matches, rope, cord, twine and
toothpicks. The breadth of its offerings appeals to many retailers that would
rather deal with a large, accommodating supplier than juggle many small vendor

The Friess Associates team spoke with President James Lillie about opportunities
created by Jarden's announced acquisition of American Household. The
acquisition, to be completed in early 2005, gives Jarden the Coleman and Sunbeam
brand names, which Jarden can use to expand the reach of its existing products.
For example, rope made by its Lehigh division could incorporate the Coleman name
to appeal to campers or a lower-priced Sunbeam food-preserving system could
complement its higher-end FoodSaver products.

Jarden's 15 percent September-quarter earnings growth brought the company's
string of exceeding estimates to 11 consecutive quarters. The Friess team bought
Jarden at just 13 times current 2005 earnings estimates. Wall Street expects the
company to grow earnings 25 percent in 2005.

Journal Register Co. - John Rogers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Headquartered in Trenton, NJ, Journal Register owns and publishes 27 daily
newspapers, including the New Haven Register, Connecticut's second largest daily
and Sunday newspaper, as well as nearly 340 non-daily publications. Journal
Register's publications are clustered in seven geographic areas: Greater
Philadelphia; Michigan; Connecticut; Greater Cleveland; Central New England; and
the Capital-Saratoga and Mid-Hudson regions of New York. Michigan, the company's
second-largest region based on revenues, is a new market for Journal Register as
a result of its July 2004 acquisition of privately held 21st Century Newspapers
Inc. Demographics are quite attractive within the company's distribution area,
as the average household income and wealth figures, as well as the number of
college-degree earners are well above U.S. averages.

In nearly all of its small to mid-size markets, Journal Register is the sole
publisher of local print media. Local newspapers possess very strong franchises
and identities within communities. Thus, if the local bridal or bakery shop
wishes to advertise in print, Journal Register is the beneficiary. This is an
important advantage, as local advertising revenues are more stable than those
from national advertisers. Journal Register derives approximately 55% of its
advertising revenues from a broad group of local retailers with the balance
coming from classified (40%) and national advertisers (5%). This is in stark
contrast to much larger metropolitan newspapers whose mix would show retail
advertising representing approximately 40-45% of advertising revenues and
national as much as 25%.

Journal Register's distinct and sustainable competitive advantage is derived not
only from the long-time publishing and advertising history of its local
newspapers, but also its unique cluster strategy. Clustering allows for
synergies and cost savings, including cross-promotion of advertising,
centralized newsgathering, production efficiencies including the consolidation
of printing plants, administrative consolidation, and increased scope for
advertisers (regional advertising opportunities and website networks). This
clustering strategy continues to be the primary driver of the company's
consistently stable advertising and circulation growth over the years.

                                                                Fund Summary  41

Because of its minimal working capital and low capital spending requirements,
Journal Register generates free cash flow well in excess of earnings and an
attractive return on capital. In an effort to reduce financial leverage from
last summer's acquisition of its Michigan newspapers, we expect management to
allocate its excess cash flow to debt reduction over the next several years.

We remain confident that management, led by Robert Jelenic and his nearly three
decades of management experience in the newspaper industry, and Chief Financial
Officer Jean Clifton with her nearly two decades of industry experience, will
continue to grow the long-term intrinsic value of the company and that
ultimately this value will be recognized in the market.

With its current low valuation on nearly all measures, we find the shares
attractive and recommend purchase.

Avnet, Inc. - Robert Rodriquez
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Avnet Inc. is the second-largest global distributor of electronic components and
the largest global supplier of mid-range computer systems. Through its over 275
worldwide locations in 68 countries, it has more than 300 vendor relationships
and in excess of 100,000 customers. It is a key link in the supply chain for
electronic components and services. The two largest U.S. electronic distributors
that are nearly equal in size, Avnet Inc. and Arrow Electronics Inc., control
nearly 50% of the U.S. market and are more than twice the size of their nearest
competitor. They are also the two largest distributors in Asia, the
fastest-growing region, with Avnet estimated to be the largest in China.

We are attracted to this company for several reasons. Avnet provides a
diversified way of participating in the growth of technology and its use. We
also do not have to bet on any one particular technology to be successful other
than being convinced that Avnet will remain a critical part of the
supply/production technology chain.

During the past five years, there has been a major shakeout in semiconductor,
communication and related technology industries. Avnet has also been negatively
affected by these same trends but to a lesser degree. Historically, electronic
distribution companies have experienced less business volatility than their
semiconductor/communication product suppliers. The most recent cycle was no

Given the severity of last cycle, Avnet as well as other electronic distributors
have worked to reduce the capital intensity of the business. As an example,
Avnet's inventory turnover ratio has improved from 4.5 times in 1997 to 7.2
times for their fiscal year ended 2004. The operating cycle has improved from
133 days to 107 days for these same periods. Since fiscal 2001, Avnet has
generated over $1.6 billion in free cash flow that has been used to reduce debt
and enhance its competitive capabilities. After a series of acquisitions, Avnet
reduced its total debt to total capitalization from nearly 68% to 41%.

Despite these improvements, Avnet's profitability is only now starting to
improve. Operating margins that peaked at over 6% in the previous cycle hit a
low of 0.86% in fiscal 2002 and are now nearly 3%. While actual results may
differ significantly from our estimates and assumptions, we believe Avnet can
improve its operating margins to 4% or more in 2006 and, therefore, could
achieve earnings in excess of $2 per share. Avnet has considerable operating
leverage that is just now on the verge of positively impacting the bottom line.
In a recent visit with Roy Vallee, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, it was
determined that Avnet has over $2 billion in operations that are now just at the
breakeven level. Over the next two years, with only slight profitability
improvements in these areas and 5% annual total revenue growth, our $2 estimate
could be attained. Should they achieve substantially better results from these
breakeven operations, the incremental benefit to the bottom line could be

With the stock selling at 1.1 times September 2004 book value and 13 times
fiscal 2005 earnings, we believe we have a company with a combination of market
leadership and significant earnings leverage. At its current price level, we
believe the stock has considerably more upside potential than downside risk.

Draxis Health, Inc. - Dick Weiss
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Draxis is a specialty pharmaceutical company with core competencies in
radiopharmaceuticals and sterile pharmaceuticals manufacturing. It sells its own
products through two operating divisions: DRAXIS Pharma (contract manufacturing
division) and DRAXIMAGE (nuclear medicine division).

DRAXIS Pharma specializes in sterile liquid and sterile lyophilized (i.e.,
freeze-dried) products for the global marketplace. Lyophilization capacity is in
short supply around the world due to the limited number of approved facilities
as a result of rigid and increasing cGMP standards and due to increased demand
over the last three to four years. The increased demand is a result of almost
all of the emerging biotech companies having new peptide biotech products, which
are unstable except when they are provided in a lyophilized state. To keep up
with the demand, DRAXIS Pharma has completed the installation of additional
lyophilizing capacity in 2004, which should effectively triple their capacity
going into 2005. This division has a wide array of customers from big pharma to
small emerging market companies.

DRAXIMAGE uses low doses of radioisotopes for the diagnosis of specific
conditions and high dose radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of certain
conditions, particularly malignancy. This nuclear medical division supplies
pharmaceuticals used for nuclear medicine diagnostic studies such as liver,
lung, kidney, and bone scans. They also supply therapeutic products such as
radioiodine, which is used to treat thyroid cancer or hyper-functioning of the
thyroid gland. This product is the only FDA approved radioiodine kit available
for that purpose. DRAXIMAGE currently has two products in the pipeline, one that
images actively forming blood clots and another that diagnoses deep-seated
bacterial infections. Commercialization of these products is expected in 2006
and 2007 respectively.

42  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

The current business plan was initiated about six years ago, and since then the
company has had an extremely successful performance track record. Revenue growth
in the last four years has been in the double digits. In 2004, roughly 63% of
revenues came from contract manufacturing, 28% from radiopharmaceuticals, and 9%
from corporate, which at this stage reflects royalties and milestone payments.
Draxis also enjoys stability of growth due to the diversified base of specialty
products across both radiopharmaceuticals and the contract pharmaceuticals
business. The biggest challenges the company faces is getting the pipeline
through to fruition and satisfying the tremendous customer demand in contract
manufacturing. Given the performance and growth prospects for Draxis, we think
it is an attractive small-cap company selling at a discount due to the
relatively low promotion of the company, as well as limited analyst coverage as
a result of being in a niche product market.

Neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed shall be
construed to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities
mentioned herein. The views herein are those of the portfolio managers at the
time the commentaries are written and may not be reflective of current

                                                                Fund Summary  43

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund

  Shares                                                                Value

Consumer Discretionary: 20.1%
     35,500  American Greetings Corp. - Class A                   $    899,925
     55,950  Bebe Stores, Inc.                                       1,509,531
    135,700  Big Lots, Inc.*                                         1,646,041
     60,000  Carter's, Inc.*                                         2,039,400
    118,900  Charming Shoppes, Inc.*                                 1,114,093
    133,000  Cox Radio, Inc. - Class A*                              2,191,840
     60,000  Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc.*                            2,109,000
     69,100  Foot Locker, Inc.                                       1,860,863
     52,000  Jarden Corp.*                                           2,258,880
     75,700  Jo-Ann Stores, Inc.*                                    2,084,778
    111,300  Journal Register Co.*                                   2,151,429
    130,000  K2, Inc.*                                               2,064,400
    110,000  Libbey, Inc.                                            2,443,100
     65,000  Men's Wearhouse, Inc. (The)*                            2,077,400
     59,000  Michaels Stores, Inc.                                   1,768,230
     19,600  Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. (The) - Class A               1,402,184
     71,000  O'Charleys, Inc.*                                       1,388,050
     49,800  Valassis Communications, Inc.*                          1,743,498
Consumer Staples: 0.9%
     37,988  Hansen Natural Corp.*                                   1,383,143
Energy: 12.1%
     86,300  Core Laboratories NV*                                   2,015,105
     35,000  Houston Exploration Co. (The)*                          1,970,850
    200,000  Input/Output, Inc.*                                     1,768,000
    120,000  Key Energy Services, Inc.*                              1,416,000
     50,300  National-Oilwell, Inc.*                                 1,775,087
     84,900  Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.                              1,651,305
    114,800  Rowan Companies, Inc.*                                  2,973,320
     48,519  Southwestern Energy Co.*                                2,459,428
     95,000  TOP Tankers, Inc.                                       1,543,750
     71,000  Varco International, Inc.*                              2,069,650
Finance: 9.7%
     53,100  Greater Bay Bancorp.                                    1,480,428
     50,300  HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc.                            1,665,936
     62,400  Horace Mann Educators Corp.                             1,190,592
    110,700  Janus Capital Group, Inc.                               1,860,867
      5,905  Markel Corp.*                                           2,149,420
     46,028  Placer Sierra Bancshares                                1,309,036
     45,166  Vineyard National Bancorp                               1,484,155
    108,200  Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. - Class A                2,584,898
     44,400  Westcorp                                                2,039,292
      4,895  Wilshire Bancorp, Inc.*                                    80,963
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology: 7.4%
     22,000  Apria Healthcare Group, Inc.*                             724,900
     39,000  Cerner Corp.*                                           2,073,630
    351,000  Draxis Health, Inc.*                                    1,740,960
     21,968  Gen-Probe, Inc.*                                          993,173
    102,600  IMS Health, Inc.                                        2,381,346
     60,400  Priority Healthcare Corp. - Class B*                    1,314,908
     27,724  Psychiatric Solutions, Inc.*                            1,013,589
     33,000  Respironics, Inc.*                                      1,793,880

  Amount                                                                Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Industrials: 13.7%
    149,577  Armor Holdings, Inc.*                                $  7,033,111
    117,000  Artesyn technologies, Inc.*                             1,322,100
     84,845  Ceradyne, Inc.*                                         4,853,982
    107,900  General Binding Corp.*                                  1,417,806
    215,000  Global Power Equipment Group, Inc.*                     2,115,600
     34,601  Greenbrier Cos, Inc.                                    1,171,244
     38,424  NCI Building Systems, Inc.*                             1,440,900
     87,100  Trinity Industries, Inc.                                2,968,368
Materials: 2.5%
     55,000  Arch Coal, Inc.                                         1,954,700
     19,500  Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.                                  2,025,270
Technology: 16.8%
     41,086  Aladdin Knowledge Systems*                              1,016,879
    134,700  Andrew Corp.*                                           1,835,961
    345,000  Autobytel, Inc.*                                        2,083,800
    152,200  Avnet, Inc.*                                            2,776,128
    220,000  Digitas, Inc.*                                          2,101,000
    140,000  Emulex Corp.*                                           2,357,600
    100,491  Jupitermedia Corp.*                                     2,389,676
    247,000  Lexar Media, Inc.*                                      1,936,480
     53,400  Littelfuse, Inc.*                                       1,824,144
    143,100  Maxtor Corp.*                                             758,430
    106,000  Mentor Graphics Corp.*                                  1,620,740
    102,000  Photronics, Inc.*                                       1,683,000
    250,400  Powerwave Technologies, Inc.*                           2,123,392
     47,481  The9 Ltd.*                                              1,121,501
    101,171  Witness Systems, Inc.*                                  1,766,446
      (cost  $118,716,975)                                         135,358,511

Repurchase Agreement: 15.3%
$24,838,000 State Street Bank & Trust Co., 1.050%, 12/31/04,
    due 01/03/05 [collateral: $19,520,000, U.S. Treasury Notes,
    7.125%, due 02/15/23, value $25,301,600]
    (proceeds $24,840,173)                                          24,838,000

   (cost $24,838,000)                                               24,838,000

   (cost $143,554,975): 98.5%                                      160,196,511

Other Assets Less Liabilities: 1.5%                                  2,433,917
NET ASSETS: 100.0%                                                $162,630,428

* Non-income producing security.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

44  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust

As a shareholder of the Funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) redemptions
fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including advisory fees and other fund expenses.
The examples below are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in
dollars) of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing
costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of
the period shown and held for the entire period from July 1, 2004 to December
31, 2004.

Actual Expenses

For each Fund, the first line of the table below provides information about
actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this
line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you
paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example,
an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by
the number in the first line under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During
Period" to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

For each Fund, the second line of the table below provides information about
hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual
expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses,
which is not the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and
expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or
expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the
ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this
5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the
shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your
ongoing costs only and do not reflect any redemption fees. Therefore, the second
line for each Fund of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and
will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds.
In addition, if these redemption fees were included, your costs would have been

                                                                                                Expenses Paid       Expense Ratio
                                                          Beginning            Ending          During Period*      During Period*
                                                        Account Value       Account Value       (07/01/04 to        (07/01/04 to
                                                         (07/01/04)          (12/31/04)           12/31/04)           12/31/04)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Masters' Select Equity Fund Actual                        $1,000.00           $1,066.40             $6.34               1.22%
Masters' Select Equity Fund Hypothetical
 (5% return before expenses)                              $1,000.00           $1,019.00             $6.19               1.22%
Masters' Select International Fund Actual                 $1,000.00           $1,143.70             $5.98               1.11%
Masters' Select International Fund Hypothetical
 (5% return before expenses)                              $1,000.00           $1,019.56             $5.63               1.11%
Masters' Select Value Fund Actual                         $1,000.00           $1,069.50             $6.40               1.23%
Masters' Select Value Fund Hypothetical
 (5% return before expenses)                              $1,000.00           $1,018.95             $6.24               1.23%
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Actual             $1,000.00           $1,094.00             $7.26               1.38%
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund Hypothetical
 (5% return before expenses)                              $1,000.00           $1,018.20             $7.00               1.38%

*Expenses are equal to the Funds' annualized expense ratio as indicated,
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the
number of days in most recent fiscal half-year period (184), then divided by the
number of days in the fiscal year (366) (to reflect the one-half year period).

                                                            Expense Examples  45

Masters' Select Funds Trust

                                                                                  International                        Companies
                                                                  Equity Fund          Fund          Value Fund           Fund
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investments in securities at cost                             $   609,473,815   $   882,094,582   $   190,863,298   $   118,716,975
 Repurchase agreements at cost                                      59,993,000        33,865,000        52,693,000        24,838,000
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
      Total investments at cost                                $   669,466,815   $   915,959,582   $   243,556,298   $   143,554,975
                                                               ===============   ===============   ===============   ===============
 Investments in securities at value                            $   794,878,104   $ 1,091,824,657   $   252,262,260   $   135,358,511
 Repurchase agreements at value                                     59,993,000        33,865,000        52,693,000        24,838,000
 Cash                                                                   23,258            89,306             1,546             2,077
 Cash, denomination in foreign currency
   (cost of $--, $14,638,180, $3 and $--, respectively)                     --        14,681,740                 3                --
   Securities sold                                                      18,257        13,260,930            57,564           670,871
   Dividends and interest                                              542,480         1,470,463           719,390            32,532
   Fund shares sold                                                  1,414,014         2,269,425         1,566,589         2,140,879
   Foreign tax reclaim                                                  22,191           423,241            13,883                --
 Unrealized gain on forward exchange contracts                              --         1,261,728            43,347                --
 Prepaid expenses                                                       15,005            19,171             9,183             5,174
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
      Total assets                                                 856,906,309     1,159,165,661       307,366,765       163,048,044
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
   Advisory fees                                                       766,915           841,632           267,949           143,765
   Trustee fees                                                            942             1,140               915               813
   Securities purchased                                                323,626        14,694,912                --           173,706
   Fund shares redeemed                                                301,006           327,802            14,073            28,511
   Foreign taxes witheld                                                 6,914           189,058            61,976                --
 Unrealized loss on forward exchange contracts                              --         5,076,618           390,787                --
 Accrued expenses                                                      188,272           328,917            89,233            70,821
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
      Total liabilities                                              1,587,675        21,460,079           824,933           417,616
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
NET ASSETS                                                     $   855,318,634   $ 1,137,705,582   $   306,541,832   $   162,630,428
                                                               ===============   ===============   ===============   ===============
 Number of shares issued and outstanding (unlimited number of
   shares authorized, $0.01 par value)                              56,058,659        67,379,949        20,572,414        11,751,990
                                                               ===============   ===============   ===============   ===============
Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share       $         15.26   $         16.88   $         14.90   $         13.84
                                                               ===============   ===============   ===============   ===============
 Paid in capital                                               $   678,451,815   $   930,187,540   $   246,639,044   $   143,734,571
 Undistributed net investment income (loss)                                 --         2,397,921          (558,091)               --
 Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments                (8,539,862)       (1,037,192)         (592,427)        2,254,321
 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:
   Investments                                                     185,404,289       209,730,075        61,398,962        16,641,536
   Foreign currency                                                      2,392        (3,572,762)         (345,657)               --
                                                               ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
      Net assets                                               $   855,318,634   $ 1,137,705,582   $   306,541,831   $   162,630,428
                                                               ===============   ===============   ===============   ===============

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

46  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust
STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

                                                                                     International                     Companies
                                                                       Equity Fund        Fund        Value Fund          Fund
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Dividends (net of foreign taxes withheld of $52,108, $1,754,814,
     $122,409 and $--, respectively)                                 $   5,146,518   $  16,924,412   $   3,104,246   $     232,934
   Interest                                                                264,439         258,014         238,209          68,606
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     Total income                                                        5,410,957      17,182,426       3,342,455         301,540
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
   Advisory fees                                                         7,826,190      10,198,070       2,580,882       1,033,963
   Administration fees                                                     161,450         210,342          53,160          20,596
   Custody fees                                                             72,603         521,273          39,268          27,962
   Transfer agent fees                                                     211,128         348,532          51,019          35,803
   Chief Compliance Officer fees                                             3,125           3,125           3,125           3,125
   Fund accounting fees                                                     74,496          68,131          60,245          68,572
   Professional fees                                                        99,667         113,628          41,200          36,306
   Trustee fees                                                             37,629          42,184          25,472          20,608
   Registration expense                                                     39,116          67,157          28,212          34,794
   Insurance expense                                                        31,412          39,518           9,299           2,623
   Reports to shareholders                                                  96,431         190,919          29,581          13,458
   Miscellaneous                                                            43,809          43,597          14,498           3,538
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     Total expenses                                                      8,697,056      11,846,476       2,935,961       1,301,348
     Less: fees waived                                                     (29,307)     (1,705,170)        (57,622)        (28,815)
     Less: expenses paid indirectly                                         (2,050)         (2,383)         (1,677)           (149)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     Net expenses                                                        8,665,699      10,138,923       2,876,662       1,272,384
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
      Net investment income (loss)                                      (3,254,742)      7,043,503         465,793        (970,844)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
 Net realized gain (loss) on:
     Investments                                                        32,090,933      41,168,402      10,362,778       8,014,682
     Foreign currency transactions                                          (2,286)     (1,069,959)     (2,019,046)             --
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     Net realized gain                                                  32,088,647      40,098,443       8,343,732       8,014,682
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:
     Investments                                                        68,113,423      91,237,872      25,288,921      11,121,971
     Foreign currency translations                                           1,489      (3,612,994)        252,637              --
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
     Net unrealized appreciation                                        68,114,912      87,624,878      25,541,558      11,121,971
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
       Net realized and unrealized gain on investments
         and foreign currency                                          100,203,559     127,723,321      33,885,290      19,136,653
                                                                     -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
         Net increase in net assets resulting from operations        $  96,948,817   $ 134,766,824   $  34,351,083   $  18,165,809
                                                                     =============   =============   =============   =============

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                                    Statements of Operations  47

Masters' Select Funds Trust

                                                                              Equity Fund                  International Fund
                                                                     -----------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                                          Year Ended December 31,        Year Ended December 31,
                                                                     -----------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                                          2004            2003             2004            2003
- -----------------------------------------------------------------    -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
 Net investment income (loss)                                        $  (3,254,742)  $  (1,936,677)  $    7,043,503   $   3,160,350
 Net realized gain on investments and foreign currency                  32,088,647      25,981,206       40,098,443      28,762,698
 Net unrealized appreciation on investments and foreign currency        68,114,912     117,606,482       87,624,878     138,945,829
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
     Net increase in net assets resulting from operations               96,948,817     141,651,011      134,766,824     170,868,877
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
 From net investment income                                                     --              --       (4,716,546)     (1,333,125)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
     Total distributions                                                        --              --       (4,716,546)     (1,333,125)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
 Proceeds from shares sold                                             211,894,235     104,215,032      409,035,241     294,912,705
 Reinvested distributions                                                       --              --        3,851,544       1,135,729
 Redemption fee proceeds                                                    59,366          47,566          259,588         153,148
 Payment for shares redeemed                                           (63,465,916)    (67,213,900)    (138,996,393)    (68,198,634)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
     Net increase in net assets from capital share transactions        148,487,685      37,048,698      274,149,980     228,002,948
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
       Total increase in net assets                                    245,436,502     178,699,709      404,200,258     397,538,700

 Beginning of year                                                     609,882,132     431,182,423      733,505,324     335,966,624
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
 End of year                                                         $ 855,318,634   $ 609,882,132   $1,137,705,582   $ 733,505,324
                                                                     =============   =============   ==============   =============
 Accumulated net investment income                                   $          --   $          --   $    2,397,921   $     108,077
                                                                     =============   =============   ==============   =============
 Sold                                                                   15,217,946       9,059,349       26,946,223      23,734,987
 Reinvested distributions                                                       --              --          228,840          77,584
 Redeemed                                                               (4,542,626)     (5,984,095)      (9,247,373)     (5,760,338)
                                                                     -------------   -------------   --------------   -------------
     Net increase from capital share transactions                       10,675,320       3,075,254       17,927,690      18,052,233
                                                                     =============   =============   ==============   =============

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

48  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust

                                                                            Value Fund                   Smaller Companies Fund
                                                                   ------------------------------    ------------------------------
                                                                                                                    June 30, 2003**
                                                                        Year Ended December 31,       Year Ended         through
                                                                   ------------------------------    December 31,      December 31,
                                                                        2004            2003             2004              2003
- ---------------------------------------------------------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
 Net investment income (loss)                                      $     465,793    $     519,948    $    (970,844)   $    (241,544)
 Net realized gain on investments and foreign currency                 8,343,732          889,730        8,014,682          759,261
 Net unrealized appreciation on investments and
   foreign currency                                                   25,541,558       40,724,005       11,121,971        5,519,565
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
     Net increase in net assets resulting from operations             34,351,083       42,133,683       18,165,809        6,037,282
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
 From net realized gain                                                       --               --       (4,769,266)        (537,968)
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
     Total distributions                                                      --               --       (4,769,266)        (537,968)
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
 Proceeds from shares sold                                           117,061,914       35,442,234      101,962,527       45,757,533
 Reinvested distributions                                                     --               --        4,698,946          535,644
 Redemption fee proceeds                                                  75,249           35,576           13,999              544
 Payment for shares redeemed                                         (25,940,696)     (34,551,813)      (8,632,384)        (602,238)
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
     Net increase in net assets from
      capital share transactions                                      91,196,467          925,997       98,043,088       45,691,483
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
      Total increase in net assets                                   125,547,550       43,059,680      111,439,631       51,190,797

 Beginning of period                                                 180,994,281      137,934,601       51,190,797               --
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
 End of period                                                     $ 306,541,831    $ 180,994,281    $ 162,630,428    $  51,190,797
                                                                   =============    =============    =============    =============
 Accumulated net investment income (loss)                          $    (558,091)   $     114,314    $          --    $          --
                                                                   =============    =============    =============    =============
 Sold                                                                  8,553,661        3,175,996        7,725,764        4,349,706
 Reinvested distributions                                                     --               --          340,507           44,974
 Redeemed                                                             (1,913,118)      (3,295,885)        (655,462)         (53,499)
                                                                   -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
   Net increase (decrease) from capital share transactions             6,640,543         (119,889)       7,410,809        4,341,181
                                                                   =============    =============    =============    =============

** Commenced operations on June 30, 2003.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                         Statements of Changes in Net Assets  49

Masters' Select Equity Fund

For a capital share outstanding throughout each period.

                                                                                          Year Ended December 31,
                                                                        2004         2003         2002         2001         2000
Net asset value, beginning of year                                    $  13.44     $  10.19     $  12.59     $  12.98     $  14.38
Income from investment operations:
  Net investment loss                                                    (0.06)       (0.04)       (0.03)       (0.04)       (0.05)
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
    investments and foreign currency                                      1.88         3.29        (2.37)       (0.29)        0.42
  Total income (loss) from investment operations                          1.82         3.25        (2.40)       (0.33)        0.37
Less distributions:
  From net realized gain                                                    --           --           --        (0.06)       (1.77)
  Total distributions                                                       --           --           --        (0.06)       (1.77)
Redemption fee proceeds                                                     --^          --^          --^          --^          --^
Net asset value, end of year                                          $  15.26     $  13.44     $  10.19     $  12.59     $  12.98
Total return                                                             13.54%       31.89%      (19.06)%      (2.55)%       3.17%
Ratios/supplemental data:
  Net assets, end of year (millions)                                  $  855.3     $  609.9     $  431.2     $  508.9     $  469.0
  Ratio of total expenses to average net assets:
         Before fees waived                                               1.22%        1.25%        1.27%        1.28%        1.26%
         After fees waived                                                1.22%        1.23%        1.25%        1.26%        1.24%
  Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets:                    (0.46)%      (0.39)%      (0.30)%      (0.36)%      (0.35)%
  Portfolio turnover rate                                                39.34%       84.28%       93.76%       94.98%      129.70%

^     Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

50  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select International Fund

For a capital share outstanding throughout each period.

                                                                                          Year Ended December 31,
                                                                        2004         2003         2002         2001         2000
Net asset value, beginning of year                                   $   14.83    $   10.70    $   12.53    $   15.31    $   18.67
Income from investment operations:
  Net investment income                                                   0.10         0.07         0.05         0.06         0.07
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
    investments and foreign currency                                      2.01         4.09        (1.85)       (2.83)       (1.04)
  Total income (loss) from investment operations                          2.11         4.16        (1.80)       (2.77)       (0.97)
Less distributions:
  From net investment income                                             (0.07)       (0.03)       (0.03)       (0.03)       (0.05)
  From net realized gain                                                    --           --           --           --        (2.34)
  Return capital                                                            --           --           --^          --^          --
  Total distributions                                                    (0.07)       (0.03)       (0.03)       (0.03)       (2.39)
Redemption fee proceeds                                                   0.01           --^          --^        0.02           --^
Net asset value, end of year                                         $   16.88    $   14.83    $   10.70    $   12.53    $   15.31
Total return                                                             14.30%       38.86%      (14.34)%     (17.94)%      (5.01)%
Ratios/supplemental data:
  Net assets, end of year (millions)                                 $ 1,137.7    $   733.5    $   336.0    $   278.9    $   275.8
  Ratio of total expenses to average net assets:
         Before fees waived                                               1.28%        1.30%        1.32%        1.37%        1.34%
         After fees waived                                                1.09%        1.10%        1.13%        1.19%        1.18%
  Ratio of net investment income to average net assets:                   0.76%        0.69%        0.47%        0.52%        0.47%
  Portfolio turnover rate                                                87.88%      110.19%      141.07%      174.19%      149.25%

^     Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                                        Financial Highlights  51

Masters' Select Value Fund

For a capital share outstanding throughout each period.

                                                                                    Year Ended December 31,               Ended**
                                                                            ------------------------------------------  December 31,
                                                                              2004       2003       2002        2001        2000
Net asset value, beginning of period                                        $  12.99   $   9.82   $  11.43    $  10.45    $  10.00
Income from investment operations:
  Net investment income                                                         0.02       0.04       0.06          -^        0.01
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
    on investments and foreign currency                                         1.89       3.13      (1.67)       1.00        0.44
  Total income (loss) from investment operations                                1.91       3.17      (1.61)       1.00        0.45
Less distributions:
  From net investment income                                                      --         --         --          --^         --
  From net realized gain                                                          --         --         --       (0.03)         --
  Total distributions                                                             --         --         --       (0.03)         --
Redemption fee proceeds                                                           --^        --^        --^       0.01          --^
Net asset value, end of period                                              $  14.90   $  12.99   $   9.82    $  11.43    $  10.45
Total return                                                                   14.70%     32.28%    (14.09)%      9.64%       4.50%+
Ratios/supplemental data:
  Net assets, end of period (millions)                                      $  306.5   $  181.0   $  137.9    $  160.5    $   56.4
 Ratio of total expenses to average net assets:
         Before fees waived                                                     1.25%      1.30%      1.31%       1.37%       1.75%*
         After fees waived                                                      1.23%      1.28%      1.29%       1.35%       1.70%*
 Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets:                   0.20%      0.35%      0.55%      (0.04)%      0.07%*
 Portfolio turnover rate                                                       29.14%     21.54%     54.08%      32.67%      17.05%+

*     Annualized.

+     Not annualized.

^     Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.

**    Commenced operations on June 30, 2000.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

52  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund

For a capital share outstanding throughout each period

                                                         Year Ended            Period Ended**
                                                     December 31, 2004       December 31, 2003
Net asset value, beginning of period                       $ 11.79                $ 10.00
Income from investment operations:
  Net investment loss                                        (0.08)                 (0.06)
  Net realized and unrealized gain on investments             2.56                   1.98
  Total income from investment operations                     2.48                   1.92
Less distributions:
  From net realized gain                                     (0.43)                 (0.13)
  Total distributions                                        (0.43)                 (0.13)
Redemption fee proceeds                                         --^                    --^
Net asset value, end of period                             $ 13.84                $ 11.79
Total return                                                 21.01%                 19.17%+
Ratios/supplemental data:
  Net assets, end of period (millions)                     $ 162.6                $  51.2
  Ratio of total expenses to average net assets:
         Before fees waived                                   1.43%                  1.67%*
         After fees waived                                    1.40%                  1.65%*
  Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets:        (1.07)%                (1.33)%*
  Portfolio turnover rate                                   148.81%                 43.49%+

*     Annualized.

+     Not annualized.

^     Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.

**    Commenced operations on June 30, 2003.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

                                                        Financial Highlights  53

Masters' Select Funds Trust

Note 1 - Organization
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Masters' Select Funds Trust (the "Trust") was organized as a Delaware
business trust on August 1, 1996 and is registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") as an open-end management investment company. The
Trust consists of four separate series: the Masters' Select Equity Fund, the
Masters' Select International Fund, the Masters' Select Value Fund and the
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund (each a "Fund" and collectively the

The Masters' Select Equity Fund seeks to increase the value of your investment
over the long-term by using the combined talents and favorite stock-picking
ideas of six highly regarded portfolio managers.

The Masters' Select International Fund seeks to increase the value of your
investment over the long-term by using the combined talents and favorite
stock-picking ideas of five highly regarded international portfolio managers.

The Masters' Select Value Fund seeks to increase the value of your investment
over the long-term by using the combined talents and favorite stock-picking
ideas of four highly regarded value portfolio managers.

The Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund seeks to increase the value of your
investment over the long-term by using the combined talents and favorite
stock-picking ideas of five highly regarded smaller company portfolio managers.

The Masters' Select Equity Fund and the Masters' Select International Fund are
closed to most new investors.

Note 2 - Significant Accounting Policies
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies followed by
the Funds. These policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America.

A.    Security Valuation. Investments in securities traded on a national
      securities exchange or Nasdaq are valued at the last reported sales price
      (or the Nasdaq official closing price for Nasdaq-reported securities) at
      the close of regular trading on each day that the exchanges are open for
      trading. Securities traded on an exchange or Nasdaq for which there have
      been no sales are valued at the mean between the closing bid and asked
      prices. Securities for which market prices are not readily available are
      valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Managers and the
      Trust's Valuation Committee pursuant to procedures approved by the Board
      of Trustees. Debt securities maturing within 60 days or less are valued at
      amortized cost unless the Board of Trustees determines that amortized cost
      does not represent fair value. Securities whose values have been
      materially affected by events occurring before the Funds' valuation time
      but after the close of the securities' principal exchange or market, are
      fair valued using methods approved by the Board of Trustees.

B.    Foreign Currency Translation. The Funds' records are maintained in U.S.
      dollars. The value of securities, currencies and other assets and
      liabilities denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars are
      translated into U.S. dollars based upon foreign exchange rates prevailing
      at the end of the reporting period. The currencies are translated into US
      dollars by using the exchange rates quoted at the close of the London
      Stock Exchange prior to when each Fund's net asset value is next
      determined. Purchases and sales of investment securities, income and
      expenses are translated on the respective dates of such transactions.

      The Funds do not isolate that portion of their net realized and unrealized
      gains and losses on investments resulting from changes in foreign exchange
      rates from the impact arising from changes in market prices. Such
      fluctuations are included with net realized and unrealized gain or loss
      from investments and foreign currency.

      Net realized foreign currency transaction gains and losses arise from
      sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the
      trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the differences
      between the amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes
      recorded on the Funds' books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts
      actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign currency translation
      gains and losses arise from changes in the value of assets and
      liabilities, other than investments in securities, resulting from changes
      in the exchange rates.

C.    Restricted Securities. A restricted security cannot be resold to the
      general public without prior registration under the Securities Act of
      1933. If the security is subsequently registered and resold, the issuers
      would typically bear the expense of all registrations at no cost to the
      Fund. Restricted securities are valued according to the guidelines and
      procedures adopted by the Funds' Board of Trustees.

D.    Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts. The Funds may utilize forward
      foreign currency exchange contracts ("forward contracts") under which they
      are obligated to exchange currencies on specified future dates at
      specified rates, and are subject to the translations of foreign exchange
      rates fluctuations. All contracts are "marked-to-market" daily and any
      resulting unrealized gains or losses are recorded as unrealized
      appreciation or depreciation on foreign currency translations. The Funds
      record realized gains or losses at the time the forward contract is
      settled. Counter-parties to these forward contracts are major U.S.
      financial institutions.

54  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust

E.    Federal Income Taxes. The Funds intend to comply with the requirements of
      the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and
      to distribute all of their taxable income to their shareholders.
      Accordingly, no provisions for federal income taxes are required.

F.    Distributions to Shareholders. Distributions paid to shareholders are
      recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount of dividends and
      distributions from net investment income and net realized capital gains is
      determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may
      differ from generally accepted accounting principles. To the extent these
      "book/tax" differences are permanent in nature (i.e., that they result
      from other than timing of recognition - "temporary differences"), such
      amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their
      federal tax-basis.

F.    Security Transactions, Dividend and Interest Income, and Expenses.
      Security transactions are accounted for on the trade date. Realized gains
      and losses on securities transactions are reported on an identified cost
      basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest
      income is recorded on an accrual basis. Purchase discounts and premiums on
      fixed-income securities are accreted and amortized to maturity using the
      effective interest method. Most expenses of the Trust can be directly
      attributed to a specific Fund. Expenses that cannot be directly attributed
      to a specific Fund are apportioned among all the Funds in the Trust, based
      on relative net assets.

G.    Repurchase Agreements. Each Fund may enter into repurchase agreements
      through which the Fund acquires a security (the "underlying security")
      from a seller, a well-established securities dealer or a bank that is a
      member of the Federal Reserve System. The bank or securities dealer agrees
      to repurchase the underlying security at the same price, plus a specified
      amount of interest, at a later date, generally for a period of less than
      one week. It is the Trust's policy that its Custodian take possession of
      securities as collateral under repurchase agreements and to determine on a
      daily basis that the value of such securities, including recorded
      interest, is sufficient to cover the value of the repurchase agreements.
      If the counterparty defaults and the value of the collateral declines or
      if bankruptcy proceedings are commenced with respect to the counterparty
      of the security, realization of the collateral by a Fund may be delayed or

H.    Expenses Paid Indirectly. Under terms of the Trust's Custodial Agreement,
      the Funds earn credits on cash balances which are applied against
      custodian fees.

I.    Indemnification Obligations. Under the Funds' organizational documents,
      its current and former officers and trustees are indemnified against
      certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the
      Funds. In addition, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into
      contracts that contain a variety of representations and warranties that
      provide general indemnifications. The Funds' maximum exposure under these
      arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be
      made against the Funds that have not yet occurred or that would be covered
      by other parties.

J.    Accounting Estimates. The preparation of financial statements in
      conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
      States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions.
      These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and
      liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
      date of financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and
      decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period.
      Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Note 3 - Management Fees and Transactions with Affiliates
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Trust, on behalf of the Funds, entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement
(the "Agreement") with Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC (the "Advisor"). Under
the terms of the Agreement, each Fund pays a monthly investment advisory fee to
the Advisor at the annual rate below of the respective Fund's average daily net
assets before any fee waivers:

          Equity Fund                 1.10% on the first $750 million and
                                      1.00% on assets in excess of $750 million
          International Fund          1.10% on the first $1 billion and
                                      1.00% on assets in excess of $1 billion
          Value Fund                  1.10%
          Smaller Companies Fund      1.14%

The Advisor engages sub-advisors to manage the Funds and pays the sub-advisors
from it's advisory fees.

Through December 31, 2004, the Advisor contractually agreed to waive a portion
of its advisory fees equal to approximately 0.175% of the average daily net
assets of the Masters' Select International Fund, 0.02% of the average daily net
assets of the Masters' Select Value Fund, and 0.03% of the average daily net
assets of the Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund. The Advisor has agreed not
to seek recoupment of such waived fees.

                                               Notes to Financial Statements  55

Masters' Select Funds Trust

The Trust, on behalf of the Funds, has also entered into an Administration
Agreement with U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, L.L.C. (the "Administrator"). Under
its terms, the Funds pay monthly a fee based on the value of the total average
net assets of the Trust at an annual rate of 0.100% of the first $100 million of
such net assets, 0.050% of the next $150 million, 0.020% of the next $250
million, 0.015% of the next $2 billion and 0.0125% thereafter.

Affiliated entities of the sub-advisors received net commissions on purchases
and sales of the Funds' portfolio securities for the year ended December 31,
2004 of $24,465, $49,835, $25,640 and $-- for the Masters' Select Equity Fund,
the Masters' Select International Fund, the Masters' Select Value Fund and the
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund, respectively.

Each unaffiliated Trustee is compensated by the Trust at the rate of $40,000 per

Note 4 - Investment Transactions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The cost of securities purchased and the proceeds from securities sold for the
year ended December 31, 2004 excluding short-term investments, were as follows:

            Fund                       Purchases           Sales
            Equity Fund              $  366,909,823     $261,579,846
            International Fund        1,035,918,134      764,953,845
            Value Fund                  105,158,696       59,190,136
            Smaller Companies Fund      187,992,847      117,905,223

Note 5 - Income Taxes and Distributions to Shareholders
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net investment income and net realized gains differ for financial statement and
tax purposes due to differing treatments of wash sale losses deferred, foreign
currency transactions and losses realized subsequent to October 31 on the sale
of securities and foreign currencies.

As of December 31, 2004, the components of distributable accumulated
earnings/(losses) on a tax basis were as follows:

                                                                                      International                     Companies
                                                                       Equity Fund         Fund          Value Fund        Fund
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of investments for tax purposes                                  $ 670,179,219    $919,368,671    $243,559,848    $143,916,308
                                                                      =============    ============    ============    ============
Gross tax unrealized appreciation                                     $ 200,026,342    $217,426,761    $ 65,040,281    $ 17,422,718
Gross tax unrealized depreciation                                       (15,334,457)    (11,105,775)     (3,644,869)     (1,142,515)
                                                                      -------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net tax unrealized appreciation on investments                          184,691,885     206,320,986      61,395,412      16,280,203
Net tax unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on forward contracts
  and foreign-currency denominated assets and liabilities                     2,392      (3,572,762)       (345,657)             --
                                                                      -------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net tax unrealized appreciation                                       $ 184,694,277    $202,748,224    $ 61,049,755    $ 16,280,203
                                                                      =============    ============    ============    ============
Undistributed ordinary income                                         $          --    $  3,601,026    $         --    $  2,392,530
                                                                      =============    ============    ============    ============
Undistributed long-term gain (capital loss carryforward)              $  (7,827,458)   $     (8,556)   $   (588,877)   $    223,124
                                                                      =============    ============    ============    ============
Post October Currency Losses                                          $          --    $ (2,637,544)   $   (876,472)   $         --
                                                                      =============    ============    ============    ============

The tax composition of dividends (other than return of capital dividends for the
years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003) were as follows:

                                      2004                       2003
                             Ordinary      Long-term     Ordinary    Long-term
                              Income     Capital Gain     Income    Capital Gain
Equity Fund                        --            --             --           --
International Fund         $4,716,546            --     $1,333,125           --
Value Fund                         --            --             --           --
Smaller Companies
Fund*                       2,971,345    $1,797,921        537,968           --

*     The Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund commenced operations on June
      30, 2003.

56  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust

For Federal income tax purposes, the following Funds had capital loss
carryforwards at December 31, 2004 that may reduce distributions of realized
gains in future years.

                                  International                       Companies
Expiring In       Equity Fund          Fund         Value Fund          Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010              $7,827,458       $    8,556       $  202,490               --

2011                      --               --          386,387               --
                  ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------
                  $7,827,458       $    8,556       $  588,877               --
                  ==========       ==========       ==========       ==========

For the year ended December 31, 2004, the Masters' Select Equity Fund, Masters'
Select International Fund and the Masters' Select Value Fund utilized capital
loss carryforwards of $32,035,522, $40,431,151 and $10,362,778, respectively.

At December 31, 2004, the Masters' Select International Fund and the Masters'
Select Value Fund had deferred currency losses occurring subsequent to October
31, 2004 of $2,637,544 and $876,472, respectively. For tax purposes, such losses
will be reflected in the year ending December 31, 2005.

Note 6 - Off-Balance Sheet Risk

The Funds are parties to financial instruments with off-balance sheet risk,
primarily forward contracts, in order to hedge the impact of adverse changes in
the relationship between the U.S. dollar and various foreign currencies and
certain assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. These
instruments involve market risk in excess of the amount recognized in the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Risks also arise from the possible
inability of counter parties to meet the terms of their contracts, future
adverse movement in currency values and contract positions that are not exact
offsets. The contract amount indicates the extent of the Funds' involvement in
such currencies.

A forward exchange contract is an agreement between two parties to exchange
different currencies at a specified rate at an agreed future date. Forward
contracts are reported in the financial statements as unrealized gain (loss) as
measured by the difference between the forward exchange rate at the reporting
date and the forward exchange rate on the date the contract is entered into. At
December 31, 2004, the Funds had the following forward contracts outstanding:

Masters' Select International Fund

Contracts to Buy                           In Exchange For       Settlement Date      Unrealized Gain (Loss)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      202,891  Euro                        U.S. $   275,770         01/03/2005            ($    1,110)
   19,500,000  Euro                              25,436,775         04/15/2005                995,264
  289,995,835  Japanese Yen                       2,798,107         01/04/2005                 25,573
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contracts to Sell
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4,400,000  British Pound Sterling             8,336,040         12/07/2005                 59,725
    6,200,000  British Pound Sterling            11,842,620         12/09/2005                153,226
    9,400,000  British Pound Sterling            16,938,800         07/12/2005               (883,026)
    9,400,000  British Pound Sterling            17,026,220         07/14/2005               (794,276)
    4,500,000  British Pound Sterling             8,296,875         11/28/2005               (190,827)
    5,944,870  Euro                               8,075,511         01/03/2005                 27,940
   19,500,000  Euro                              23,899,395         04/15/2005             (2,532,644)
   12,000,000  Swiss Franc                       10,344,382         11/16/2005               (364,499)
    6,700,000  Swiss Franc                        5,789,837         11/17/2005               (189,639)
    5,000,000  Swiss Franc                        4,348,582         11/22/2005               (115,026)
    3,300,000  Swiss Franc                        2,943,013         12/07/2005                 (5,571)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized loss on forward contracts                                                  ($3,814,890)

                                               Notes to Financial Statements  57

Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Value Fund

Contracts to Sell                          In Exchange For       Settlement Date      Unrealized Gain (Loss)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2,795,470  British Pound Sterling      U.S. $ 5,351,564         06/08/2005                $43,347
  731,150,000  Korean Won                           700,000         06/17/2005                 (5,442)
3,469,637,500  Korean Won                         3,325,000         06/17/2005                (22,640)
1,887,340,000  Korean Won                         1,820,000         06/17/2005                   (978)
   21,303,087  South African Rand                 3,394,373         01/26/2005               (361,727)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized loss on forward contracts                                                    ($347,440)

Note 7 - Line of Credit
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Trust has an unsecured $45,000,000 line of credit with its custodian.
Borrowings under this arrangement bear interest at the federal funds rate plus
0.50% per annum. As compensation for holding available the lending commitment,
the Trust pays a 0.10% per annum fee on the unused portion of the commitment,
which is allocated among the Funds based on their relative net assets. The fee
is payable quarterly in arrears. The Trust made no borrowings during the year
ended December 31, 2004.

58  The Masters' Select Funds Trust


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of The Masters' Select Funds Trust:

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including
the schedules of investments in securities, and the related statements of
operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Masters' Select
Equity Fund, The Masters' Select International Fund, The Masters' Select Value
Fund and The Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund, each a series of Masters'
Select Funds Trust (the "Funds") at December 31, 2004, the results of each of
their operations for the year then ended, and the changes in each of their net
assets and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred
to as "financial statements") are the responsibility of the Funds' management;
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in
accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits, which included confirmation of securities at December 31, 2004 by
correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for
our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
San Francisco, California
February 18, 2005

                                              Notes to Financial Statements   59

Masters' Select Funds Trust

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The sub-advisors of the Funds vote proxies relating to portfolio securities in
accordance with procedures that have been approved by the Board of Trustees of
the Funds. You may obtain a description of these procedures, without charge, by
calling toll-free, 1-800-960-0188. This information is also available through
the Securities and Exchange Commission's website at

Proxy Voting Record
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Information regarding how the sub-advisors of the Funds voted proxies relating
to portfolio securities during the 12-month period ended June 30, 2004 is
available, without charge, by calling toll-free, 1-800-960-0188. This
information is also available through the Securities and Exchange Commission's
website at

Form N-Q Disclosure
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on
Form N-Q. The Funds' Form N-Q is available on the Securities and Exchange
Commission's website at The Funds' Form N-Q may be reviewed
and copied at the Commission's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC, and
information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by
calling 1-800-SEC-0330. This information is also available, without charge, by
calling toll-free, 1-800-960-0188 or by visiting the Funds' website at

60  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust

The percentage of dividend income distributed for the year ended December 31,
2004, which is designated as qualified dividend income under the Jobs and Growth
Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 is as follows:

Masters' Select International Fund                     100.00%
Masters' Select Smaller Companies Fund                   7.55%

For the year ended December 31, 2004 the International Fund earned foreign
source income and paid foreign taxes, which they intend to pass through to their
shareholders pursuant to Section 853 of the Internal Revenue Code as follows:

Country                          Gross Foreign Income           Foreign Tax Paid
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Australia                              $  402,562                $       --
Belgium                                   117,351                    59,313
Brazil                                    436,298                   166,668
Canada                                    154,900                    69,081
Finland                                    76,454                    34,096
France                                     63,785                    28,446
Germany                                   210,023                    54,899
Hong Kong                                 342,675                        --
Indonesia                                 334,079                   148,990
Italy                                     112,326                    58,329
Japan                                     413,779                    78,708
Mexico                                     67,387                        --
Netherlands                               113,639                    57,437
Norway                                     78,355                    34,944
Panama                                    501,959                        --
Portugal                                  103,698                    37,438
South Korea                               329,217                   167,015
Spain                                     240,081                   107,069
Switzerland                               102,553                    75,207
United Kingdom                          2,354,046                   661,009
                                       ----------                ----------
                                       $6,555,167                $1,838,649
                                       ==========                ==========

                                               Notes to Financial Statements  61

Masters' Select Funds Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Custom Equity Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Custom Equity Index is composed of a 70% weighting in the S&P 500 Index, a
20% weighting in the Russell 2000 Index, and a 10% weighting in the MSCI EAFE

Lipper Multi-Cap Core Fund Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Lipper Multi-cap Core Fund Index measures the performance of the 30 largest
mutual funds that invest in a variety of capitalization ranges, without
concentrating 75% or more of their equity assets in any one market
capitalization range over an extended period of time, as determined by Lipper,

Lipper International Fund Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Lipper International Fund Index measures the performance of the 30 largest
mutual funds in the international equity fund objective, as determined by
Lipper, Inc.

Lipper Multi-Cap Value Fund Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Lipper Multi-Cap Value Fund Index measures the performance of the 30 largest
mutual funds that invest in a variety of market capitalization ranges without
concentrating 75% or more of their assets in any one market capitalization range
over an extended period of time, as determined by Lipper, Inc. Value Funds seek
long-term growth of capital by investing in companies that are considered to be
undervalued relative to a major unmanaged stock index based on a
price-to-earnings, price-to-book value, asset value or other factors.

Lipper Small-Cap Core Fund Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Lipper Small-Cap Core Fund Index measures the performance of the 30 largest
mutual funds in the small capitalization range, as determined by Lipper, Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia, Far East Index is
a broad based index that measures the performance of all of the publicly traded
stocks in 21 developed non-U.S. markets. Among the countries included are
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong
Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The MSCI All Countries World Free (ex US) Index is a broad based index that
measures the performance of common equities in 48 countries.

MSCI All Countries World Free Growth (ex US) Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The MSCI All Countries World Free Growth (ex US) Index is a broad based index
that measures the performance those common equities in 48 countries with higher
price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth rates.

MSCI World Value Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The MSCI World Value Index is a broad based index that measures the performance
of common equities in 48 countries with lower price-to-book ratios and lower
forecasted growth rates.

Russell 1000 Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 1,000 largest companies
in the Russell 3000 Index.

Russell 1000 Growth Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 1000 Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 1000
companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth rates.

Russell 2000 Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies
in the Russell 3000 Index.

Russell 2500 Growth Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 2500 Growth Index measures the performance of those companies within
the 2,500 smallest U.S. companies in the Russell 3000 Index, based on total
market capitalization, that have higher price-to-book ratios and higher
forecasted growth rates.

Russell 3000 Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 3000 Index is a broad based index that measures the performance of
the 3000 largest U.S. companies as measured by market capitalization, and
represents about 98% of the U.S. stock market.

Russell 3000 Value Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Russell 3000 Value Index is a broad based index that measures the
performance of those companies within the 3000 largest U.S. companies, based on
total market capitalization, that have lower price-to-book ratios and lower
forecasted growth rates.

S&P 500 Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The S&P 500 Index, which is widely regarded as the standard for measuring
large-cap U.S. stock market performance, consists of 500 stocks that represent a
sample of the leading companies in leading industries.

62  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

Masters' Select Funds Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Background information for the Trustees and Officers of the Trust is presented
below. All Trustees oversee the four Masters' Select Funds. The SAI includes
additional information about the Trust's Trustees and is available, without
charge, by calling 1-800-960-0188.

                         Position(s)  Term of Office
Name, Address,           Held with    and Length of               Principal Occupation(s)                  Other Directorships
and Age                  Trust        Time Served                 During the Past 5 Years                  Held by Trustee
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. George Battle         Trustee      Term: Open Ended            Executive Chairman, Ask                  Director of Ask
4 Orinda Way,                         Time Served: 8 years        Jeeves, since 2004; Chief                Jeeves; Barra, Inc.;
Suite 230D                                                        Executive Officer, Ask Jeeves            and Fair, Isaac.
Orinda, CA 94563                                                  from 2000 to 2003; Senior
(born 1944)                                                       Fellow, The Aspen Institute
                                                                  since 1995.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frederick August         Trustee      Term: Open Ended            Vice President, RuotSource               None
Eigenbrod, Jr. PhD                    Time Served: 8 years        Consulting Services
4 Orinda Way,                                                     (organizational planning and
Suite 230D                                                        development) since 2002;
Orinda, CA 94563                                                  Senior Vice President,
(born 1941)                                                       Consulting Services, Silicon
                                                                  Valley, Right Associates
                                                                  (industrial psychologists)
                                                                  from 1990 to 2002.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenneth E. Gregory*      President    Term: Open Ended            President of the Advisor;                None
4 Orinda Way,            and Trustee  Time Served: 8 years        President of Litman/Gregory
Suite 230D                                                        Research, Inc. (publishers)
Orinda, CA 94563                                                  and Litman/Gregory Asset
(born 1957)                                                       Management, LLC (investment
                                                                  advisors), Officer of
                                                                  Litman/Gregory Analytics, LLC
                                                                  (web based publisher of
                                                                  financial research), since
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Craig A. Litman*         Secretary    Term: Open Ended            Treasurer and Secretary of               None
100 Larkspur             and Trustee  Time Served: 8 years        the Advisor; Vice President
Landing Circle,                                                   and Secretary of
Suite 204                                                         Litman/Gregory Research Inc.;
Larkspur, CA 94939                                                Chairman of Litman/Gregory
(born 1946)                                                       Asset Management, LLC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taylor M. Welz           Trustee      Term: Open Ended            CPA/PFS, CFP. Partner, Bowman            None
Bowman & Company LLP                  Time Served: 8 years        & Company LLP (certified
2431 W. March Lane,                                               public accountants).
Suite 100
Stockton, CA 95207
(born 1959)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Coughlan            Treasurer    Term: Open Ended            Chief Operating Officer,                 None
4 Orinda Way,            and Chief    Time Served: 8 years        Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors,
Suite 230D               Compliance                               LLC and Chief Financial
Orinda, CA 94563         Officer                                  Officer of Litman/Gregory
(born 1956)                                                       Asset Management, LLC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Denotes Trustees who are "interested persons" of the Trust under the 1940 Act.

                                             Trustee and Officer Information  63

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     This page is intentionally left blank.

64  The Masters' Select Funds Trust

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Litman/Gregory Fund Advisors, LLC
            Orinda, CA 94563

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Quasar Distributors, LLC
            615 E. Michigan St.,
            2nd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53202

Transfer Agent:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            P.O. Box 219922
            Kansas City, MO 64121-9922

            For Overnight Delivery:
            Masters' Select Funds
            C/O BFDS
            330 W. 9th Street
            Kansas City, MO 64105

Investment Professionals:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Registered Investment Advisors, broker/dealers, and other investment
            professionals may contact Fund Services at 1-925-253-5238.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            To request a current prospectus, statement of additional
            information, or an IRA application, call 1-800-656-8864.

Shareholder Inquiries:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            To request action on your existing account, contact the Transfer
            agent, BFDS, at 1-800-960-0188, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. eastern
            time, Monday through Friday.

24-Hour Automated Information:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            For access to automated reporting of daily prices, account balances
            and transaction activity, call 1-800-960-0188, 24 hours a day, seven
            days a week. Please have your Fund number (see below) and account
            number ready in order to access your account information.

Fund Information:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     Fund               Symbol         CUSIP       Fund Number
            ----------------------      ------         -----       -----------
                  Equity Fund            MSEFX       576417109         305
              International Fund         MSILX       576417208         306
                  Value Fund             MSVFX       576417406         307
            Smaller Companies Fund       MSSFX       576417307         308

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Item 2. Code of Ethics.

The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant's
principal executive officer and principal financial officer. The registrant has
not made any amendments to its code of ethics during the period covered by this
report. The registrant has not granted any waivers from any provisions of the
code of ethics during the period covered by this report.

A copy of the registrant's Code of Ethics is filed herewith.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

The registrant's board of trustees has determined that there is at least one
audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee. Mr. Taylor M.
Welz and Mr. A. George Battle are audit committee financial experts and are
considered to be independent.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

The registrant has engaged its principal accountant to perform audit services
and tax services during the past two fiscal years. "Audit services" refer to
performing an audit of the registrant's annual financial statements or services
that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and
regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years. "Tax services" refer
to professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax
compliance, tax advice, and tax planning. The following table details the
aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for audit fees and
tax fees by the principal accountant.

                               FYE  12/31/2004       FYE  12/31/2003
            Audit Fees            $115,000              $114,612
            Tax Fees               $22,840              $21,341

The audit committee has adopted pre-approval policies and procedures that
require the audit committee to pre-approve all audit and non-audit services of
the registrant, including services provided to any entity affiliated with the
registrant. All of the principal accountant's hours spent on auditing the
registrant's financial statements were attributed to work performed by full-time
permanent employees of the principal accountant.

The following table indicates the non-audit fees billed by the registrant's
accountant for services to the registrant and to the registrant's investment
adviser (and any other controlling entity, etc.--not sub-advisor) for the last
two years. The audit committee of the board of trustees has considered whether
the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant's
investment adviser is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant's
independence and has concluded that the provision of such non-audit services by
the accountant has not compromised the accountant's independence.

Non-Audit Related Fees                 FYE  12/31/2004        FYE  12/31/2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Registrant                             None                   None
Registrant's Investment Adviser        None                   None

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 6. Schedule of Investments.

Schedules of Investments are included as part of the report to shareholders
filed under Item 1 of this Form.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End
Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment
Company and Affiliated Purchases.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

The registrant has recently adopted a Nominating Committee Charter that contains
provisions by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant's
board of trustees. These provisions are as follows:

                                   APPENDIX A

                           NOMINATING COMMITTEE POLICY

When a vacancy on the Board exists or is anticipated, or when the Nominating
Committee ("Committee") deems it desirable to select a new or additional
trustee, the Nominating Committee will consider any candidate for Trustee
recommended by a current shareholder if the Committee is required by law to do
so. Any such recommendation must contain sufficient background information
concerning the candidate to enable the Committee to make a proper judgment as to
the candidate's qualifications. The Committee, however, will not be required to
solicit recommendations from the Trust's shareholders.


The Committee has not established specific, minimum qualifications that must be
met by an individual for the Nominating Committee to recommend that individual
for nomination as a Trustee. In seeking candidates to consider for nomination to
fill a vacancy on the Board, or when the Committee deems it desirable to select
a new or additional trustee, the Committee expects to seek referrals from a
variety of sources, including current trustees, the investment adviser of the
Trust and counsel to the Trust. The Committee may also engage a search firm to
identify or evaluate or assist in identifying or evaluating candidates.

In evaluating candidates for a position on the Board, the Nominating Committee
considers a variety of factors, including, as appropriate:

      (i) the candidate's knowledge in matters relating to the mutual fund

      (ii) any experience possessed by the candidate as a director or senior
      officer of public companies;

      (iii) the candidate's educational background;

      (iv) the candidate's reputation for high ethical standards and personal
      and professional integrity;

      (v) any specific financial, technical or other expertise possessed by the
      candidate, and the extent to which such expertise would complement the
      Board's existing mix of skills and qualifications;

      (vi) the candidate's perceived ability to contribute to the ongoing
      functions of the Board, including the candidate's ability and commitment
      to attend meetings regularly and work collaboratively with other members
      of the Board;

      (vii) the candidate's ability to qualify as an independent trustee for
      purposes of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the
      candidate's independence from Trust service providers and the existence of
      any other relationships that might give rise to conflict of interest or
      the appearance of a conflict of interest; and

      (viii) such other factors as the Committee determines to be relevant in
      light of the existing composition of the Board and any anticipated
      vacancies or other transitions (e.g., whether or not a candidate is an
      "audit committee financial expert" under the federal securities laws).

Prior to making a final recommendation to the Board, the Committee may conduct
personal interviews with the candidates it concludes are the most qualified. Any
candidates recommended by shareholders will be evaluated in the same manner.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures.

(a)   The Registrant's President and Treasurer have concluded that the
      Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule
      30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act")) are
      effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report
      that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on the
      evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b)
      under the 1940 Act and Rules 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act
      of 1934, as amended.

(b)   There were no significant changes in the Registrant's internal controls
      over financial reporting that occurred during the Registrant's last fiscal
      half-year that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
      materially affect, the Registrant's internal control over financial


Item 12. Exhibits.

(a)   (1) Any code of ethics or amendment thereto, that is subject of the
      disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends
      to satisfy Item 2 requirements through filing an exhibit. Filed herewith.

      (2) Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
      2002. Filed herewith.

      (3) Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under
      the Act sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on
      behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons. Not applicable to open-end
      investment companies.

(b)   Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
      Furnished herewith.



      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report
to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

      (Registrant) The Masters' Select Funds Trust

      By (Signature and Title) /s/ Kenneth E. Gregory
                                   Kenneth E. Gregory, President

      Date March 8, 2005

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

      By (Signature and Title) /s/ Kenneth E. Gregory
                                   Kenneth E. Gregory, President

      Date March 8, 2005

      By (Signature and Title) /s/ John Coughlan
                                   John Coughlan, Treasurer

      Date March 8, 2005
