Exhibit 99.1

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

      This CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement")  entered into effective this
3rd  day of  February,  2005,  by  and  between  Amazon  Biotech,  Inc.,  a Utah
corporation ("AMZB") and Halcyon, S.A., a Panamanian corporation ("Consultant").

      WHEREAS,  Consultant has agreed to provide business strategy  consulting
services to AMZB; and

      WHEREAS,  this Agreement is made to set out the  compensation,  conditions
and guidelines that will govern the relationship between the parties.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises and covenants
contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is expressly acknowledged
by the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows:

1. The Services.  Effective the date above (the "Effective  Date"),  and for the
term of this Agreement,  Consultant will provide  business  strategy  consulting
services,  including, but not limited to, reviewing,  revising, and developing a
business plan, model, and growth strategy for AMZB (the "Services").  Consultant
has not been  engaged to  perform,  nor does  Consultant  agree to  perform  any
services  in  connection  with  capital  raising  transactions.  It is  mutually
understood  and agreed that any fees for the  Services  provided by  Consultant,
which  result in some  benefit  for AMZB in  connection  with a capital  raising
transaction, shall be negotiated separately from this Agreement.

2. Term of Agreement.  Unless otherwise  terminated as provided  hereunder,  the
Services  shall be provided to AMZB from the  Effective  Date through  April 30,
2005. This Agreement may be renewed at the option of the parties.

3. Costs and Expenses.  AMZB  understands  that,  in the course of  Consultant's
efforts to develop AMZB's corporate image, it may be necessary for Consultant to
incur certain costs or expenses. AMZB will reimburse Consultant for the costs or
expenses by Consultant in providing the Services to AMZB, provided such expenses
are approved by AMZB in writing in advance.

4. Payment for Services. In consideration for the services, AMZB agrees to issue
to  Consultant  1,500,000  shares (the  "Shares")  of common  stock for services

5. Investment Representations; Registration.

      (a)   Investment Representations.

            (i) The  Consultant  represents  that the  Consultant has been given
full and complete  access to AMZB for the purpose of obtaining such  information
as the Consultant or its qualified  representative  has reasonably  requested in
connection  with the decision to acquire the Shares.  The Consultant  represents
that such  Consultant has been afforded the  opportunity to ask questions of the
officers of AMZB  regarding its business  prospects  and the Shares,  all as the
Consultant or the Consultant's qualified  representative have found necessary to
make an informed investment decision to purchase the Shares.


                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

            (ii) The  Consultant  has been advised that the Shares have not been
registered under the Securities Act or any other applicable  securities laws and
that  Shares  are  being  offered  and  sold  pursuant  to  Section  4(2) of the
Securities Act and Rule 506 of Regulation D thereunder, and that AMZB's reliance
upon Section  4(2) and Rule 506 of  Regulation  D is  predicated  in part on the
Consultant representations as contained herein. The Consultant acknowledges that
the  Shares  will be issued as  "restricted  securities"  as defined by Rule 144
promulgated  pursuant to the Securities Act. None of the Shares may be resold in
the absence of an effective  registration  thereof under the  Securities Act and
applicable  state securities laws unless,  in the opinion of AMZB's counsel,  an
applicable exemption from registration is available.

            (iii) The Consultant represents that the Consultant is acquiring the
Shares for the  Consultant's  own  account,  and not as  nominee  or agent,  for
investment purposes only and not with a view to, or for sale in connection with,
a distribution,  as that term is used in Section 2(11) of the Securities Act, in
a manner which would require  registration under the Securities Act or any state
securities laws.

            (iv) The Consultant  understands and  acknowledges  that the Shares,
when issued, will bear the following legend:

            SUCH ACT OR ACTS.

            (v) The Consultant  acknowledges that an investment in the Shares is
not liquid and is  transferable  only under limited  conditions.  The Consultant
acknowledges  that  such  Shares  must  be held  indefinitely  unless  they  are
subsequently  registered  under the  Securities  Act or an  exemption  from such
registration is available. The Consultant is aware of the provisions of Rule 144
promulgated under the Securities Act, which permits limited resale of restricted
securities  subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions and that such Rule
is not now available and, in the future,  may not become available for resale of
any of the Shares.


                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

            (vi) The  Consultant  is an  "accredited  investor" as defined under
Rule 501 under the Securities Act.

            (vii)  Consultant  acknowledges  that  it is  able  to  protect  its
interests  in  connection  with the  acquisition  of the Shares and can bear the
economic  risk of  investment in such  securities  without  producing a material
adverse change in Consultant's financial condition.  Consultant, either alone or
with  the  Consultant's  representative(s),  otherwise  has such  knowledge  and
experience  in  financial  or business  matters  that  Consultant  is capable of
evaluating the merits and risks of the investment in the Shares.

            (viii)  The  Consultant  has  a  preexisting  personal  or  business
relationship  with AMZB,  one or more of its officers,  directors or controlling
persons, or one of the selling agents of AMZB, if any.

            (ix) The  Consultant  represents,  warrants and covenants that it is
not  acquiring  the  Shares as part of a group  within  the  meaning  of Section
13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      (b)   Registration.

            (i)  Registration  Rights.  If, at any time after March 21, 2005 and
expiring March 21, 2008,  AMZB proposes to register any of its securities  under
the  Securities  Act  (except  for  registrations  on Forms  S-8 or S-4 or their
equivalent),  it will give written  notice by  registered  mail, at least thirty
(30) days prior to the filing of each such registration statement, to Consultant
of its intention to do so. If  Consultant  notifies AMZB within twenty (20) days
after  receipt of any such  notice of its desire to up to  750,000  Shares  (the
"Registrable Shares") in such proposed registration statement, AMZB shall afford
Consultant the opportunity to have any such Registrable  Shares registered under
such registration statement at AMZB's sole cost and expense. These rights may be
exercised  at any time on an unlimited  number of  occasions  prior to March 21,
2008, subject to the absolute discretion of any underwriter of AMZB's securities
requesting  that the  Registrable  Shares not be sold for a period not to exceed
one  hundred  eighty  (180) days from the  effective  date of such  registration

            (ii) Expenses of Registration.  All registration expenses (exclusive
of  underwriting  discounts  and  commissions)  shall  be  borne  by  AMZB.  The
Consultant shall bear all underwriting  discounts,  selling  commissions,  sales
concessions  and  similar  expenses  applicable  to the sale of the  Registrable
Shares sold by the Consultant.

            (iii)  Registration  Procedures.  In the  case of the  registration,
qualification  or  compliance  effected by AMZB pursuant to Section 5(b) hereof,
AMZB will keep the  Consultant  advised as to the  initiation  of  registration,
qualification and compliance and as to the completion  thereof.  At its expense,
AMZB will  furnish  such number of  prospectuses  and other  documents  incident
thereto as the  Consultants  or  underwriters  from time to time may  reasonably


                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

            (iv)  Information.  AMZB may  require  Consultant  as to  which  any
registration  is being  effected  to  furnish  such  information  regarding  the
distribution of the Registrable  Shares as AMZB may from time to time reasonably
request and AMZB may exclude from such  registration  the Registrable  Shares of
any seller who unreasonably  fails to furnish such  information  after receiving
such request.

            (v) Blue Sky. AMZB will, as expeditiously as possible,  use its best
efforts to register or qualify the Registrable  Shares covered by a registration
statement at the expense of AMZB in such  jurisdictions as the Consultant or, in
the case of an underwritten  public  offering,  the managing  underwriter  shall
reasonably  request at the expense of the Consultant being  registered  provided
that AMZB shall not be  required in  connection  with any such  registration  or
qualification  or as a  condition  thereto  to  qualify  to do  business  in any
jurisdiction  where it is not so  qualified  or to take any action  which  would
subject it to taxation or service of process in any jurisdiction where it is not
otherwise subject to such taxation or service of process.

            (vi) Notification of Material Events. AMZB will, as expeditiously as
possible,  immediately notify Consultant under a registration  statement, at any
time when a prospectus  relating  thereto is required to be delivered  under the
Securities  Act,  of the  happening  of any  event  as a  result  of  which  the
prospectus contained in such registration statement, as then in effect, includes
an untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omits to state any  material  fact
required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the  statements  therein not
misleading in the light of the circumstances then existing and, as expeditiously
as  possible,  amend or  supplement  such  prospectus  to  eliminate  the untrue
statement or the omission.

6.  Involvement  of AMZB.  AMZB  expects to be kept  informed on the progress of
Consultant's  Services  and,  in this  regard,  Consultant  agrees  to keep AMZB
apprised of all material developments in writing at least quarterly. Conversely,
there may be times when  Consultant will need to obtain  information  from AMZB.
All requests for access to documents,  employees,  or other  information of AMZB
shall be granted without unreasonable delay.

7. Termination.  Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days
notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt  requested,  addressed to
the other party. If either party  terminates this Agreement,  AMZB shall only be
liable  for  payment  of fees  earned or  accruing  to  Consultant  prior to the
Effective Date of the termination. The thirty (30) days notice shall be measured
from the date the notice is mailed.

8. Non- Exclusive Relationship. This Agreement, neither expressly nor impliedly,
creates a relationship of principal and agent between AMZB and  Consultant,  nor
is Consultant  bound by this Agreement or the contractual  relationship  created
hereunder to act  exclusively  for AMZB, or to provide AMZB with any priority or
exclusive  right to any  Services,  whether on behalf of AMZB or resulting  from
work which Consultant has performed for other clients.


                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

9. Independent Contractor. It is understood and agreed that Consultant is acting
as an  independent  contractor in providing the Services  under this  Agreement,
Accordingly,  Consultant  will be responsible for payment of all of his federal,
state,  and local taxes on fees paid under this Agreement,  including income and
social security taxes,  unemployment,  insurance,  and any other taxes as may be

10. Confidential Non-Circumvention.  Not withstanding Consultant's non-exclusive
relationship with AMZB, Consultant and AMZB Agree that all nonpublic information
concerning  the  identity  of the  Opportunities  introduced  to AMZB and AMZB's
business in  general,  is highly  confidential  and  proprietary  ("Confidential
Information").   Consultant  and  AMZB   acknowledge   that  such   Confidential
Information represents a legitimate, valuable, and protectable interest of AMZB,
which  AMZB  has  invested   considerable  time,  expenses  and  other  valuable
resources, and gives AMZB a competitive advantage, which would otherwise be lost
if the Confidential Information was improperly disclosed or used by consultant.

11. Assignment.  Notwithstanding contained herein to the contrary, the rights to
the  Shares  and the  obligation  to  provide  the  Services  set  forth in this
Agreement,  may be  assigned  or  transferred  by  Consultant  to an  Affiliate,
otherwise,  this Agreement and the rights and obligations hereunder shall not be
assigned.  For the  purpose of this  Agreement,  the term  "Affiliate"  shall be
defined as a person or enterprise that directly,  or indirectly,  through one or
more  intermediaries,  controls  or is  controlled  by, or is under  control  of

12. Counterparts:  Facsimile.  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in
two or more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of
which  together  shall  constitute  one and the same  instrument.  A  facsimile,
telecopy or other reproduction of the original,  or any counterpart  hereof, and
such executed original, or any counterpart hereof, may be delivered by facsimile
or similar  instantaneous  electronic  transmission device pursuant to which the
signature  of or on behalf of such  party can be seen,  and such  execution  and
delivery shall be considered valid,  binding and effective for all purposes.  At
the request of any party  hereto,  all  parties  agree to execute an original of
this instrument as well as any facsimile, telecopy or other reproduction hereof.

13. Further  Documentation.  Each party hereto agrees to execute such additional
instruments  and take such action as may be  reasonably  requested  by the other
party to effect  the  transaction,  or  otherwise  to carry out the  intent  and
purposes of this Agreement.


                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

14. Notice. All notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in writing
and shall be sent by prepaid  first class mail to the  parties at the  following
addresses, as amended by the parties with written notice to the other:

      To Consultant:    Halcyon, S.A.
                        222 Old Prospect Road
                        P.O. Box 31485 SMB
                        Grand Cayman
                        Cayman Islands

                        To AMZB: Amazon Biotech, Inc.
                        33 West 43rd Street, Suite 405
                        New York, NY 10001

15.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement was negotiated and shall be governed by the
laws of the state of New York  notwithstanding any conflict-of-law  provision to
the contrary.

16. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement set forth the entire understanding between
the parties  hereto and no other prior  written or oral  statement  or agreement
shall be recognized or enforced.

17.  Severability.  If a court of  competent  jurisdiction  determines  that any
clause or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the
other clauses and  provisions  of the  Agreement  shall remain in full force and
effect and the clauses and provisions  which are determined to be void,  illegal
or  unenforceable  shall be limited  so that they shall  remain in effect to the
extent permissible by law.

18.  Amendment  or Waiver.  Every  right and  remedy  provided  herein  shall be
cumulative with every other right and remedy,  whether conferred herein, at law,
or in equity, and may be enforced  concurrently  herewith,  and no waiver by any
party of the  performance of any obligation by the other shall be construed as a
waiver  of the  same or any  other  default  then,  theretofore,  or  thereafter
occurring or  existing.  A writing  signed by all parties  hereto may amend this

19. Headings. The section and subsection headings in this Agreement are inserted
for  convenience   only  and  shall  not  affect  in  any  way  the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.



                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed  this  Agreement the dates
first written above.

                                    Amazon Biotech, Inc.

                                    By:    /s/ Mechael Kanovsky, Ph.D.
                                        Name:  Mechael Kanovsky, Ph.D.
                                        Title: President

                                    Halcyon, S.A.

                                    By:    /s/ Debbie Gushlak
                                        Name:  Debbie Gushlak
                                        Title: President

                   [Signature Page to Consulting Agreement]
