Exhibit 2.1


      THIS RESTATED AGREEMENT is made as of this 21st day of April, 2005, by and
among UNITED DIAGNOSTIC,  INC., a Delaware corporation  ("Parent"),  SPO Medical
Equipment Ltd., an Israeli company  ("Sub"),  and the persons and entities whose
names,  addresses and  signatures  are set forth on the Signature  Pages to this
Agreement  (the  "Shareholders"  and  collectively  with  Parent  and  Sub,  the
"Parties").  Certain  capitalized  and other  terms used in this  Agreement  are
defined in Annex A hereto and are used herein with the meanings ascribed to them

      WHEREAS,  the Parties  entered  into a Capital  Stock  Exchange  Agreement
effective  as of February 28, 2005 (the "First  Agreement")  and wish to restate
the terms in accordance with this Agreement;

      WHEREAS,  Parent  currently has (a) 50 million shares of Common Stock, par
value $.01 per share ("Parent Common Stock") authorized, of which 659,709 shares
are  outstanding  as of the date  hereof  (on a fully  diluted  basis) and (b) 2
million shares of Preferred Stock,  par value $.01 per share ("Parent  Preferred
Stock")  authorized,  of which no shares are  outstanding as of the date hereof;
the issued and outstanding shares of Parent Common Stock collectively  represent
all of Parent's issued and outstanding capital stock (the "Parent Stock"); and

      WHEREAS,  Sub  currently has thirty  million  shares of NIS1 par value per
share of ordinary  shares ("Sub Common Stock")  authorized,  of which  3,210,032
shares are  outstanding  as of the date hereof (on a fully diluted  basis);  the
issued and outstanding  shares of Sub Common Stock represent all of Sub's issued
and outstanding capital stock (the "Sub Stock"); and

      WHEREAS,  as of the date hereof the  Shareholders own the number of shares
of Sub Common Stock set forth opposite their name on the Signature pages to this
Agreement and are the only holders of Sub Stock; and

      WHEREAS, Parent, Sub and the Shareholders believe that it is desirable and
in their  mutual  best  interests  that  Parent  acquire  100% of the issued and
outstanding  Sub Stock for a  consideration  consisting  of 5,937,381  shares of
Parent Common Stock  (including  shares  underlying fully vested penny option to
acquire  168,275  shares of Parent  to be  issued  to Israel  Sarrusi  forthwith
subsequent to Closing)  acquired upon the other terms and  conditions  set forth
herein,  which upon  consummation of such exchange would make Sub a wholly owned
subsidiary of Parent; and

      WHEREAS,  it the intention of the Parties  that:  (i) Parent shall acquire
100% of the Sub Common Stock in exchange  solely for the amount of Parent Common
Stock set forth herein; (ii) said exchange of shares shall qualify as a tax-free
reorganization  under Section  368(a)(1)(B) of the Code; and (iii) said exchange
shall  qualify as a  transaction  in  securities  exempt  from  registration  or
qualification  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and in effect on the
date of this  Agreement (the "1933 Act"),  and under the  applicable  securities
laws of the states or jurisdictions where the Shareholders reside;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the following mutual
covenants and agreements the "Parties agree as follows:


It is hereby agreed that the rights and  obligations of the Parties in the First
Agreement  shall  continue and  henceforth  be governed  solely by the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE I

                                 THE TRANSACTION

1.1 The  Transaction.  On the Closing Date,  and at the Closing Time, as defined
herein,  subject in all instances to each of the terms,  conditions,  provisions
and limitations contained in this Agreement the Shareholders shall exchange each
of their shares of Sub Common Stock with Parent for newly issued treasury shares
of Parent Common Stock in the amount listed beside each Shareholders name on the
Signature pages  (5,937,381 in the aggregate  including  options to acquire such
shares). The events set forth in this foregoing Section 1.1 shall be referred to
herein as the "Transaction").


1.2 Exchange of the Sub Common Stock. Subject to the terms of this Agreement and
in reliance on the  representations  and warranties of Parent,  the Shareholders
shall  exchange,  sell,  assign,  and  transfer to Parent at the closing of this
Agreement (the  "Closing"),  free and clear of all liens and  encumbrances,  and
Parent,  subject  to the  terms  of the  Agreement  and  upon  the  basis of the
covenants,  warranties and representations of Sub and the Shareholders set forth
herein, shall accept from the Shareholders at the Closing, all shares of the Sub
Common Stock issued and outstanding as of the Closing.

1.3 Consideration. Subject to the terms of this Agreement and in reliance on the
representations and warranties of Sub and the Shareholders, Parent shall deliver
to the  Shareholders,  at the  Closing,  the  Parent  Common  Stock to which the
Shareholders are entitled under this Agreement (the  "Consideration"),  free and
clear of all liens and encumbrances,  which the Shareholders  shall accept based
upon the covenants,  warranties and  representations of Parent set forth herein.
The Consideration shall be distributed among the Shareholders in accordance with
the Signature Pages to this Agreement.

1.4 Tax  Treatment.  The  exchange  described  herein is intended to comply with
Section 368(a)(1)(B) of the Code, and all applicable regulations thereunder.  In
order to ensure  compliance  with said  provisions,  the  Parties  agree to take
whatever steps may be necessary, including, but not limited to, the amendment of
this Agreement.

1.5 At Closing  Michael  Braunold,  Pauline  Dorfman  and Sidney  Braun shall be
appointed  to the board of  directors  of Parent  and at or before  the  Closing
Marvin  Feigenbaum  ("Feigenbaum")shall  resign  as a board  member  of  Parent.
Subsequent to closing the board shall consist of three members.

1.6 Closing.  The Closing hereunder shall take place at the offices of Parent or
at such other place as the Parties may agree upon, no later than April 30, 2005,
on a date to be set by the  Parties.  The date and  time on  which  the  closing
occurs shall be the Closing Date and Closing Time, respectively.

                                   ARTICLE II


      Where a  representation  contained  in this  Agreement is qualified by the
phrase "to the best of a party's  knowledge" (or words of similar import),  such
expression means that, after having conducted a reasonable due diligence review,
the Party  believes  the  statement  to be true,  accurate,  and complete in all
material respects. Except as otherwise indicated in the Schedules annexed hereto
(which  Schedules shall be arranged in paragraphs  corresponding to the numbered
and letter paragraphs  contained herein and which have been previously  provided
to Sub and the  Shareholders)  or in the Parent's SEC  Documents  (as defined in
Section 3.15 below), Parent represents and warrants to Sub and the Shareholders,
as follows:

 2.1 Due  Authorization.  This Agreement has been duly and validly  executed and
delivered by Parent and, to the extent  necessary,  the  stockholders of Parent,
and  constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  Agreement  of  Parent  enforceable  in
accordance  with its  terms,  except as such  enforceability  may be  limited by
general   principles   of   equity   or   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization, moratorium, liquidation or similar laws relating to or affecting
creditors  generally.  Parent has all requisite corporate power and authority to
enter into this Agreement and to carry out the Transaction, and its doing so has
been duly and sufficiently authorized by its Board of Directors.

2.2 Absence of Breach; No Consents. The execution,  delivery, and performance of
this Agreement,  and the performance by Parent of its obligations hereunder,  do
not,  nor will with the giving of notice or  passage  of time or both,  conflict
with, result in termination of, contravene,  constitute a default under, give to
others  any  rights  of  termination  or  cancellation  of,  or  accelerate  the
performance  required by or maturity  of,  result in the creation of any lien or
loss of any rights,  or result in a material  breach of, or default  under,  any
material indenture, loan, credit agreement, mortgage, deed of trust, note, bond,
franchise,  lease,  contract or any other  agreement or instrument  binding upon
Parent or a Subsidiary, or to which Parent or a Subsidiary is subject.

2.3   Valid Issuance of Stock.

      2.3.1 The Consideration,  when issued as provided in this Agreement,  will
be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

      2.3.2 Based in part on the  representations  made by the  Shareholders  in
Article  3  hereof,  the  offer  and  sale of the  Consideration  solely  to the
Shareholders  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement  will  be  exempt  from  the
registration and prospectus delivery requirements of the 1933 Act.


2.4 Disclosure.  To the best of Parent's knowledge, no representation,  warranty
or statement by Parent in this Agreement, or in any exhibit, schedule, statement
or certificate  furnished to Sub or the Shareholders pursuant to this Agreement,
when read as a whole,  contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits
to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made herein,  in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

2.5 Options or Warrants.  There are no existing  options,  warrants,  calls,  or
commitments  of the  Parent of any  character  relating  to the  authorized  and
unissued Parent stock.

2.6 Title and Related Matters. To the best of Parent's knowledge, no third party
has any right to, and the Parent has not received any notice of  infringement of
or conflict  with  asserted  rights of others with  respect to the Parent or any
material portion of its current properties, assets, or rights.

2.7 Litigation and Proceedings.  To the best of Parent's knowledge, there are no
actions, suits, or proceedings pending or threatened by or against the Parent or
affecting the Parent or its properties.

2.8  Compliance  With Laws and  Regulations.  To the best of its  knowledge  the
Parent has complied with all applicable statutes and regulations of any federal,
state, or other governmental entity or agency thereof, except to the extent that
noncompliance   would  not  materially   and  adversely   affect  the  business,
operations,  properties,  assets,  or  condition  of the Parent or except to the
extent that  noncompliance  would not result in the  occurrence  of any material
liability for the Parent.

2.9 Contracts. There are no material contracts, agreements,  franchises, license
agreements, debt instruments or other commitments to which the Parent is a party
or by which it or any of its assets,  products,  technology,  or properties  are

2.10 Material  Contract  Defaults.  The Parent is not in default in any material
respect under the terms of any outstanding material contract,  agreement, lease,
or other commitment.

2.11  Reporting  Requirements  of the  Parent.  The  Parent  is  subject  to the
reporting and filing  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 ("the
Exchange Act")  including (1) the periodic  reporting  requirements  and (2) the
Proxy Rules set forth thereunder.

       (a) The Parent has filed all reports  required to be filed by it with the
SEC  pursuant to the  Exchange  Act.  The SEC Reports  complied,  at the time of
filing,  in all  material  respects  with  the  applicable  requirements  of the
Exchange Act. None of the SEC Reports,  as of their respective dates,  contained
any  untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omitted to state a material  fact
required  to be stated  therein  or  necessary  in order to make the  statements
therein,  in  light  of the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,  not
misleading,  except to the extent superseded by an SEC Report filed subsequently
and prior to the date hereof. Parent has filed with the SEC and delivered to SPO
The Company 's annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2003
("Annual  Report") and the quarterly report for the three months ended September
30, 2004. As of Closing, there shall not be any change in the business,  assets,
liabilities,  financial  condition,  results of  operations  or prospects of the
Parent  from the  Annual  Report and the  Quarterly  report  which  would have a
Material Adverse Effect on the Parent.

       (b) The  financial  statements of the Parent made part of the SEC Reports
have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  US  generally  accepted   accounting
principles. All financial statements made part of the SEC Reports present fairly
the consolidated  financial  position of the Parent as of their respective dates
and the  consolidated  results  of its  operations  and its cash  flows  for the
periods  presented  therein  subject,  in  the  case  of the  unaudited  interim
financial statements,  to normal year-end adjustments that have not been and are
not expected to be material in amount.

2.12 Due Diligence.  Parent understand that the only representations  being made
to it under this Agreement are those expressly set forth in Article III and that
in entering into and  consummating the Transaction they have relied only on such
written  representations  of Sub made herein and are taking the Sub Common Stock
being transferred to them in the Transaction on an "as-is" basis. Parent further
acknowledge  that Sub shall not be responsible for the truth and accuracy of any
other  information  which Parent have  obtained or may  hereafter  obtain in the
course of any due diligence  investigations  that Parent may have  independently

      Except  as set  forth  above,  Parent  is  making  no  representations  or
warranties to Sub or the Shareholders of any kind or nature.


                                   ARTICLE III


      Except as otherwise  indicated in the Schedules  (which Schedules shall be
arranged in  paragraphs  corresponding  to the  numbered  and letter  paragraphs
contained  herein and which have  previously  been  provided to Parent)  annexed
hereto,  Sub and the  Shareholders,  jointly and severally  (except as otherwise
noted), represent and warrant to Parent as follows:

3.1 Organization and Qualification. Sub is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of Israel and has the  requisite
corporate  power  and  authority  to carry on its  business  as it is now  being
conducted. Sub is duly qualified as a foreign corporation to do business, and is
in good  standing,  in each  jurisdiction  where the character of the properties
owned  or  leased  by it,  or  the  nature  of  its  activities,  is  such  that
qualification as a foreign corporation in that jurisdiction is required by law.

3.2 Due  Authorization.  This  Agreement has been duly and validly  executed and
delivered  by Sub and its  Shareholders  and  constitutes  a valid  and  binding
Agreement   enforceable   in   accordance   with  its  terms,   except  as  such
enforceability  may be  limited by general  principles  of equity or  applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium, liquidation or similar laws
relating to or affecting  creditors  generally.  Sub has all requisite corporate
power  and  authority  to  enter  into  this  Agreement  and to  carry  out  the
Transaction contemplated hereby, and its doing so has been duly and sufficiently
authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  or other  action  of Sub or any of the

3.3  Capitalization.  Sub is authorized by its Certificate of  Incorporation  to

30  million  shares  of NIS 1 par  value  per  share  ordinary  shares  of which
3,119,054 (at the time of Closing) are duly and validly issued and  outstanding,
fully  paid,  and  non-assessable  and there  exists an option with one party to
acquire  90,978  shares  of the Sub for a  price  of NIS  0.01  per  share  (the

Other  than as set forth  above,  Sub does not have any  authority  to issue any
other  capital  stock or  other  security.  There  are no  outstanding  options,
contracts, commitments, warrants, preemptive rights, agreements or any rights of
any  character  affecting  or relating in any manner to the  issuance of any Sub
capital  stock or other  securities or entitling any person or entity to acquire
Sub capital stock or other securities of Sub, and no authorization therefore has
been given. There are no outstanding  contractual or other rights or obligations
to or of Sub,  any  Shareholder  or any  other  Person to  repurchase  redeem or
otherwise  acquire any  outstanding  shares or other  equity  interest of Sub or
restricting  the  ability  to vote or  transfer  such  shares  or  other  equity

3.4 Sub Stock  Ownership.  The Sub Common  Stock  consists of an aggregate of 30
million  shares  of NIS 1 par  value  per  share  common  stock,  all  of  which
(excluding the Option) is owned, beneficially and of record, by the Shareholders
in the respective  amounts set forth on the Signature  pages to this  Agreement.
The representations  hereafter made in this section 3.4 are made individually by
each  Shareholder  only:  Each  of the  Shareholders  has  good,  absolute,  and
marketable title to such  Shareholder's  Sub Common Stock. The Shareholders have
the complete and unrestricted  right, power and authority to sell,  transfer and
assign their Sub Common Stock  pursuant to this  Agreement.  The delivery of the
Sub  Common  Stock to Parent as herein  contemplated  will vest in Parent  good,
absolute and marketable title to all of the issued and outstanding shares of the
Sub  Common  Stock,  free and  clear of all  liens,  claims,  encumbrances,  and
restrictions  of every kind,  except those  restrictions  imposed by  applicable
securities laws.

3.6 Absence of Breach; No Consents. The execution,  delivery, and performance of
this  Agreement,  and  the  performance  by Sub and the  Shareholders  of  their
obligations  hereunder,  do not nor will with the giving of notice or passage of
time or both:

      3.6.1 conflict with or result in a breach of any of the provisions of
Sub's Articles of Association;

      3.6.2 contravene any law,  ordinance,  rule, or regulation of any State or
Commonwealth  or political  subdivision  of either or of the United  States,  or
contravene any order, writ,  judgment,  injunction,  decree,  determination,  or
award  of any  court or  other  authority  having  jurisdiction,  or  cause  the
suspension or revocation of any authorization,  consent,  approval,  or license,
presently in effect,  which affects or binds,  Sub or any of its Shareholders or
any of its or their  material  properties,  except in any such case  where  such
contravention will not have a Material Adverse Effect;

      3.6.3  except as set  forth in  Schedule  3.6,  conflict  with,  result in
termination  of,  contravene,  constitute  a default  under,  give to others any
rights of termination or cancellation of, or accelerate the performance required
by or maturity of, result in the creation of any lien or loss of any rights,  or
result in a material  breach of or default under any material  indenture,  loan,
credit  agreement,  mortgage,  deed of  trust,  note,  bond,  franchise,  lease,
contract or any other agreement or instrument  binding upon Sub, or to which the
property or business of Sub is subject; or


      3.6.4 except as set forth in the Schedule 3.6, require the  authorization,
consent,  approval,  or license of, or the  submission of any notice,  report or
other filing with, any third party, including any governmental agency.

3.7 Investment Representations.

      3.7.1 Acquisition for Own Account. The Consideration to be received by the
Shareholders   hereunder,   will  be  acquired  for  investment  for  each  such
Shareholder's own account, not as a nominee or agent, and not with a view to the
public  resale or  distribution  thereof,  and each  Shareholder  has no present
intention of selling,  granting any participation in, or otherwise  distributing
the same.

      3.7.2  Each  Shareholder  is either an  "accredited  investor"  within the
meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D  promulgated  under the 1933 Act or has such
knowledge and experience in financial and business matters that such Shareholder
is  capable  of  evaluating  the  merits  and risks of taking  and  holding  the
Consideration such Shareholder shall receive hereunder.

      3.7.3 Restricted Securities. The Shareholders understand the Consideration
is characterized as "restricted securities" under the 1933 Act inasmuch as it is
being acquired from Parent in a transaction  not involving a public offering and
that under the 1933 Act and applicable  regulations  thereunder  such securities
may be resold without  registration  under the 1933 Act only in certain  limited
circumstances.  In this  connection,  the  Shareholders  represent that they are
familiar with Rule 144 promulgated under the 1933 Act, and understand the resale
limitations imposed thereby and by the 1933 Act.

      3.7.4  Legend.   The   Shareholders   understand  that  the   certificates
representing  Consideration,  when  delivered  to  the  Shareholders,  may  have
appropriate  orders  restricting  transfer placed against them on the records of
the  transfer  agent  for such  securities,  and may have  placed  upon them the
following, or similar legend:


Each  Shareholder  agrees not to attempt  any  transfer  of any such  securities
without first  complying  with the substance of said legend,  and agrees that an
opinion of counsel, a no-action letter of the SEC, or equivalent evidence may be
required for removal of the legend.

      3.7.5 Additional  Representations.  Each Shareholder acknowledges that the
Consideration  has  not  been  registered  under  the  1933  Act and  that  such
securities  may  not  be  resold  unless  it is  subsequently  registered  or an
exemption form such  registration is available.  In addition,  each  Shareholder
acknowledges  that (a) such  Shareholder has been granted the opportunity to ask
questions of, and receive  answers from,  representatives  of Parent  concerning
Parent and the terms and conditions of the acquisition of the  Consideration and
to obtain any additional information such Shareholder deems necessary;  (b) such
Shareholder's  knowledge and  experience in financial  business  matters is such
that such  Shareholder  is  capable  of  evaluating  the merits and risks of the
investment in the Consideration; and (c) such Shareholder has carefully reviewed
the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement and has evaluated the  restrictions
and obligations contained herein.

3.8  Disclosure.  To the  best of  Sub's  and the  Shareholders'  knowledge,  no
representation,  warranty  or  statement  by them in this  Agreement,  or in any
exhibit, schedule, statement or certificate furnished to Parent pursuant to this
Agreement,  when read as a whole,  contains  any untrue  statement of a material
fact or omits to state a material  fact  necessary to make the  statements  made
herein,  in  light  of  the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,  not

3.9 Articles of Incorporation; Bylaws; Minute Books. True and complete copies of
the Articles of  Association  and  Certificate of  Incorporation  (or comparable
organizational  documents)  of Sub, as amended to and including the date hereof,
have been  delivered to Parent.  Sub is not in violation of any provision of its
Articles  of  Association  and  Certificate  of  Incorporation   (or  comparable
organizational  documents).  Sub's minute books,  stock books and stock transfer
records,  true and  complete  copies of which  have been  delivered  to  Parent,
contain  true and complete  records of all  issuances  and  transfers of capital
stock of Sub,  and  contain  a  materially  complete  summary  of all  meetings,
consents,  proceedings  and other formal  actions of directors and  stockholders
since February 1998.


3.10  Taxes.

      3.10.1 Since 1998, Sub and its Subsidiaries have filed all Tax Returns, as
defined below,  which they are required to file under all  applicable  laws; all
such Tax Returns are true and accurate and have been prepared in compliance with
all  applicable  laws;  each of Sub and  each of its  Subsidiaries  has paid all
Taxes,  as defined  below,  due and owing by it  (whether  or not such Taxes are
required  to be shown on a Tax  Return)  and has  withheld  and paid over to the
appropriate  taxing  authorities all Taxes which it is required to withhold from
amounts  paid or owing by it to any  employee,  stockholder,  creditor  or other
third party.

      3.10.2  No claim  has been made by a taxing  authority  in a  jurisdiction
where  neither  Sub nor any  Subsidiary  does  not file Tax  Returns  that  such
corporation is or may be subject to taxation by the  jurisdiction.  There are no
foreign,  federal,  state or local tax  audits  or  administrative  or  judicial
proceedings  pending or being  conducted  with respect to Taxes of Sub or any of
its  Subsidiaries;  no information  related to Tax matters has been requested by
any  foreign,  federal,  state or local taxing  authority.  To the best of Sub's
knowledge,  there are no material unresolved  questions or claims concerning the
Tax liability of Sub or any of its Subsidiaries.

      3.10.3 Sub has not (a) waived any  statute of  limitations;  (b) agreed to
any  extension of the period for  assessment or  collection;  or (c) executed or
filed any power of attorney with respect to any Taxes,  which waiver,  agreement
or power of attorney is currently in force.

3.11 Litigation.

      3.11.1 To the best of the knowledge of Sub, no  investigation or review by
any  governmental  entity  with  respect  to Sub or any of its  Subsidiaries  is
pending or threatened,  nor has any  governmental  entity indicated to Parent an
intention to conduct the same, and

      3.11.2 there is no action,  suit,  or  proceeding  pending or, to the best
knowledge of Parent,  threatened against or affecting Sub or its Subsidiaries at
law or in equity, or before any federal, state, municipal, or other governmental
department, commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality.

3.12  Employees.  There are no collective  bargaining,  bonus,  profit  sharing,
compensation,  or  other  plans,  agreements,  trusts,  funds,  or  arrangements
maintained  by Sub or any  Subsidiary  of Sub for the benefit of its  directors,
officers, or employees, and there are no employment,  consulting,  severance, or
indemnification arrangements, agreements or understandings between Sub or any of
its  Subsidiaries,  on the  one  hand,  and any  current  or  former  directors,
officers,  or  other  employees  (or  Affiliates  thereof)  of Sub or any of its
Subsidiaries,  on the other hand. Sub is not, and following the Closing will not
be, bound by any express or implied contract or agreement to employ, directly or
as a consultant  or  otherwise,  any person for any  specific  period of time or
until any specific age.

3.14 Labor Matters. There are no activities or controversies, including, without
limitation, any labor organizing activities,  election petitions or proceedings,
proceedings preparatory thereto, unfair labor practice complaints, labor strikes
or disputes pending or, to the best of the knowledge of Sub, threatened, between
Sub or any of its Subsidiaries and any of its or their employees.

3.15  Due  Diligence.   Sub  and  the  Shareholders  understand  that  the  only
representations  being made to them under this Agreement are those expressly set
forth in Article II and that in entering into and  consummating  the Transaction
they have relied only on such written  representations of Parent made herein and
are taking the Parent Common Stock being issued to them in the Transaction on an
"as-is" basis.  Sub and the Shareholders  further  acknowledge that Parent shall
not be responsible for the truth and accuracy of any other information which Sub
or the  Shareholders  have obtained or may hereafter obtain in the course of any
due diligence investigations that Sub or the Shareholders may have independently
conducted.  Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Sub also had
the opportunity to obtain and to review the Parent's  filings on EDGAR listed on
Schedule 3.15 (collectively, the "Company's SEC Documents").

                                   ARTICLE IV

                               PARENT'S COVENANTS

4.1 Affirmative Covenants.  Subject to the terms and conditions hereunder,  from
the date hereof  through  the  Closing  Date,  Parent  shall use its  reasonable
efforts  to take  every  action  reasonably  required  in order to  satisfy  the
conditions  to closing set forth in this  Agreement  and otherwise to ensure the
prompt  and  expedient  consummation  of the  Transaction,  and will  exert  all
reasonable  efforts to cause the Transaction to be consummated,  provided in all
instances that the representations and warranties of Sub and the Shareholders in
this  Agreement  are and remain true and  accurate  and that the  covenants  and
agreements of Sub and the Shareholders in this Agreement are honored.


4.2 Access and Information. Parent shall afford to Sub and the Shareholders, and
their accountants,  counsel and other representatives,  reasonable access during
normal  business  hours  throughout  the period  prior to the  Closing to all of
Parent's properties, books, contracts,  commitments, records (including, but not
limited to, tax returns), and personnel.

4.3  Cooperation.  Parent will use its reasonable  efforts to cooperate with Sub
and its Shareholders  and their counsel,  accountants and agents in carrying out
the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and in delivering all documents
and  instruments   deemed   reasonably   necessary  or  useful  by  Sub  or  its
Shareholders.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  Parent and its
authorized representatives agree to cooperate fully with Sub or its Shareholders
and to  execute  and  deliver  or  cause to be  executed  and  delivered  at all
reasonable times and places such additional  instruments and documents as Sub or
its Shareholders may reasonably  request for purposes of carrying out the intent
and purpose of this Agreement,  including without limitation, in connection with
the  preparation  and filing of any filings  required under any Federal,  state,
county, local or municipal law relating to the Transaction contemplated herein.

4.4  Expenses.  Whether or not the  Transaction  is  consummated,  all costs and
expenses   incurred  by  Parent  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and  the
Transaction  contemplated hereby,  including,  without limitation,  all fees and
disbursements  of counsel and auditors in connection  with the  preparation  and
filing of all SEC Documents, all past due fees and disbursements of the Parent's
transfer agent, all fees of Vintage Filings in connection with the filing of SEC
Documents,  all fees and  disbursements  of counsel to the Parent in  connection
with the preparation, negotiation and consummation of this Agreement and related
agreements  and fees  and  expenses  of  LeAnn  DeRita  in  connection  with the
preparation and filing of the SEC Documents, shall be paid by Sub.

4.5 Updating of Exhibits and  Disclosure  Documents.  Parent shall notify Sub of
any  changes,  additions  or events which may cause any change in or addition to
any  Schedules  delivered  by  it  under  this  Agreement,  promptly  after  the
occurrence  of the same and at the  Closing  by the  delivery  of updates of all
Schedules. No notification made pursuant to this Section shall be deemed to cure
any breach of any  representation  or warranty made in this Agreement unless Sub
and the Shareholders  specifically agree thereto in writing.  Nor shall any such
notification  be considered to constitute or give rise to a waiver by Sub or the
Shareholders of any condition set forth in this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V


5.1  Affirmative  Covenants.  From the date hereof through the Closing Date, Sub
and the Shareholders will take every action reasonably required of it to satisfy
the  conditions  to closing set forth in this  Agreement and otherwise to ensure
the prompt and expedient  consummation  of the  Transaction,  and will exert all
reasonable  efforts to cause the Transaction to be consummated,  provided in all
instances  that the  representations  and warranties of Parent in this Agreement
are and remain true and accurate and that the covenants and agreements of Parent
in this Agreement are honored.

5.2 Access and Information.  Sub and the Shareholders shall afford to Parent and
to Parent's  accountants,  counsel and other  representatives  reasonable access
during normal  business hours  throughout the period prior to the Closing to all
of Sub's properties, books, contracts,  commitments, records (including, but not
limited to, tax returns), and personnel.

5.3  Cooperation.  Sub and its  Shareholders  will cooperate with Parent and its
counsel,  accountants  and agents in every way in carrying out the  transactions
contemplated  by this Agreement and in delivering all documents and  instruments
deemed reasonably necessary or useful by Parent. Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing,  Sub and its Shareholders agree to cooperate fully with Parent
and its  authorized  representatives  and to execute  and deliver or cause to be
executed  and  delivered  at all  reasonable  times and places  such  additional
instruments  and  documents  as Parent may  reasonably  request for  purposes of
carrying  out the  intent  and  purpose  of this  Agreement,  including  without
limitation,  in  connection  with the  preparation  and  filing  of any  filings
required under any Federal,  state,  county,  local or municipal law relating to
the Transaction contemplated herein.

5.4 Expenses.  Except as set forth  herein,  whether or not the  Transaction  is
consummated,  all costs and  expenses  incurred by Sub and the  Shareholders  in
connection with this Agreement and the Transaction shall be paid by them.

5.5 Updating of Exhibits and Disclosure Documents. Sub or the Shareholders shall
notify Parent of any changes, additions, or events which may cause any change in
or addition to any  Schedules  delivered by them under this  Agreement  promptly
after  the  occurrence  of the same and  again at the  Closing  by  delivery  of
appropriate  updates to  Parent.  No such  notification  made  pursuant  to this
Section  shall be deemed to cure any breach of any  representation  or  warranty
made in this Agreement unless Parent specifically agree thereto in writing.  Nor
shall any such notification be considered to constitute or give rise to a waiver
by Parent of any condition set forth in this Agreement.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

6.1 Conditions to Obligation of Sub and the Shareholders.  The obligation of Sub
and  the  Shareholders  to  effect  the  Transaction  shall  be  subject  to the
fulfillment at or prior to the Closing of the following  conditions,  unless Sub
and the Shareholders shall waive such fulfillment:

      6.1.1 This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have
received all approvals, consents,  authorizations, and waivers from governmental
and other  regulatory  agencies  and other  third  parties  (including  lenders,
holders of debt securities, and lessors) required to consummate the Transaction;

      6.1.2 There shall not be in effect a preliminary  or permanent  injunction
or other order by any federal or state court which prohibits the consummation of
the Transaction;

      6.1.3 Parent shall have  performed  in all material  respects  each of its
agreements  and  obligations  contained  in this  Agreement  and  required to be
performed on or prior to the Closing and shall have  complied  with all material
requirements,  rules,  and  regulations  of all  regulatory  authorities  having
jurisdiction relating to the Transaction;

      6.1.4 The  representations  and  warranties  of  Parent  set forth in this
Agreement  shall  be  true  in all  material  respects  as of the  date  of this
Agreement and, except in such respects as, in the reasonable judgment of Sub and
the  Shareholders,  do not  materially  and  adversely  affect the  business  or
condition  (financial or otherwise) of Parent, as of the Closing Time as if made
as of such time; and

      6.1.5  Sub and the  Shareholders  shall  have  received,  on and as of the
Closing Date, such closing  documents and  instruments Sub and the  Shareholders
shall  reasonably  request,  in each case  reasonably  satisfactory  in form and
substance to Sub and the Shareholders' and their counsel.

      6.1.6  Feigenbaum  and  David  Sterling  shall  provide  to  Sub  and  the
Shareholders,  on and as of the  Closing  Date,  a waiver of all claims  against
Parent  including  any debt owed to them, in form  satisfactory  to the parties.
Such waiver shall not include a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or the
documents and  agreements  delivered to Parent and Feigenbaum and David Sterling
in connection with this Agreement.

6.2  Conditions to Obligation of Parent.  The obligation of Parent to effect the
Transaction  shall be subject to the  fulfillment  at or prior to the Closing of
the following conditions, unless the Parent shall waive such fulfillment:

      6.2.1  This  Agreement  and  the  Transaction   shall  have  received  all
approvals,  consents,  authorizations,  and waivers from  governmental and other
regulatory agencies and other third parties (including lenders,  holders of debt
securities,  lessors,  and  stockholders)  required  by  law to  consummate  the

      6.2.2 There shall not be in effect a preliminary  or permanent  injunction
or  other  order  by  any  federal  or  state   authority  which  prohibits  the
consummation of the Transaction.

      6.2.3  Sub and the  Shareholders  shall  have  performed  in all  material
respects their agreements and obligations  contained in this Agreement  required
to be performed on or prior to the Closing;

      6.2.4 No material  adverse  change shall,  in the  reasonable  judgment of
Parent,  have taken place in the business or condition  (financial or otherwise)
of Sub,  other  than  those  that  result  from the  changes  permitted  by, and
transactions contemplated by, this Agreement;

      6.2.5 The  representations  and warranties of Sub and the Shareholders set
forth in this Agreement shall be true in all material respects as of the date of
this  Agreement and,  except in such respects as, in the reasonable  judgment of
Parent,  do not  materially  and  adversely  affect the  business  or  condition
(financial  or  otherwise)  of Sub, as of the Closing Date as if made as of such

      6.2.6  Parent shall have  received,  on and as of the Closing  Date,  such
closing  documents and instruments as Parent shall reasonably  request,  in each
case  reasonably  satisfactory  in form and substance to Parent and its counsel;


      6.2.7 Parent shall have received,  free and clear of all liens, pledges or
encumbrances,  all of the issued and outstanding  shares of the capital stock of

      6.2.8  All of the bills to Parent  of the  vendors  set forth on  Schedule
6.2.8 shall have been paid in full.

      6.2.9 At Closing Parent shall receive financing in an amount not less than
$200,000  and Parent shall have (a) entered  into a  Consulting  Agreement  with
Feigenbaum in the form set forth as Exhibit A attached  hereto (the  "Consulting
Agreement"),  (b) paid to Feigenbaum the entire $100,000  consulting fee payable
to  Marvin  Feigenbaum  pursuant  to the  first  sentence  of  Section  4 of the
Consulting  Agreement  and (c) obtained  and have in full force and effect,  the
officers and directors errors and omissions  liability policy covering  officers
and  directors  of the Parent  required  under  Section  4(a) of the  Consulting

                                   ARTICLE VII

                         TERMINATION, AMENDMENT, WAIVER

7.1  Termination.  This Agreement and the  Transaction  may be terminated at any
time prior to the Closing, whether before or after any approval by stockholders:

      7.1.1       By mutual consent of the Parent, Sub and the Shareholders;

      7.1.2 By Sub and the  Shareholders,  upon written notice to Parent, if the
conditions set forth in Section 6.1 were not, or cannot reasonably be, satisfied
on or before  April 30,  2005 unless the  failure of any such  condition  is the
result of the material breach of this Agreement by Sub or the Shareholders;

      7.1.3 By Parent,  upon written notice to Sub and the Shareholders,  if the
conditions set forth in Section 6.2 were not, or cannot reasonably be, satisfied
on or before  April 30,  2005 unless the  failure of any such  condition  is the
result of the material breach of this Agreement by Parent;

      7.1.4 By Sub and the  Shareholders,  if there was a material breach in any
representation,  warranty, covenant, agreement or obligation of Parent hereunder
and such breach (provided it is curable and Parent promptly commences its effort
to cure) shall not have been remedied on or before April 30, 2005; or

      7.1.5 By  Parent,  if there was a material  breach in any  representation,
warranty,  covenant,  agreement or obligation of Sub or a Shareholder  hereunder
and such breach  (provided it is curable and Sub and the  Shareholders  promptly
commences  its effort to cure) shall not have been  remedied on or before  April
30, 2005.

      7.1.6 Effect of Termination.  If this Agreement is terminated  pursuant to
this Section 7.1, such termination  shall be without  liability of any Party, or
any shareholder, member, partner, director, officer, employee, agent, consultant
or representative of such Party, to any other Parties to this Agreement.

7.2 Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended in a writing signed by the Parties
hereto  at any  time,  but  after  the  Transaction  has  been  approved  by the
stockholders  of  Parent,  no  amendment  shall  be made  which  materially  and
adversely  affects the rights of Parent or its stockholders  without the further
approval of such stockholders.

7.3 Waiver. At any time prior to the Closing Date, any Party, and in the case of
Parent or Sub by action taken by their respective Boards of Directors, may:

      7.3.1 extend the time for the  performance  of any of the  obligations  or
other acts of the other Parties hereto;

      7.3.2 waive any inaccuracies in the  representations and warranties of the
other Parties contained herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto; or

      7.3.3 waive  compliance by the other Parties with any of the agreements or
conditions contained herein.

Any  agreement  on the part of a Party  hereto to any such  extension  or waiver
shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of
such Party.


                                  ARTICLE VIII

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

8.1  Arbitration.  In the event that there  shall be a dispute,  controversy  or
claim arising out of,  relating to or in  connection  with this  Agreement,  the
Transaction,  any document  referred to herein or related to the subject  matter
hereof,  the Parties  agrees that such  dispute  shall be  submitted  to binding
arbitration  in New York City,  under the auspices of, and pursuant to the rules
of,  the  American  Arbitration  Association  as then in  effect,  or such other
procedures  as the Parties may agree to at the time,  before a tribunal of three
arbitrators,  one of  which  shall be  selected  by each of the  Parties  to the
dispute  and the third of which  shall be  selected  by the two  arbitrators  so
selected.  Any award issued as a result of such  arbitration  shall be final and
binding  between  the  Parties,  and shall be  enforceable  by any court  having
jurisdiction over the Party against whom enforcement is sought.

8.2 Notices. All notices and other communications  hereunder shall be in writing
and shall be deemed given if delivered  personally,  faxed, mailed by registered
or certified mail (return  receipt  requested) or delivered by independent  next
business day delivery  service to the Parties at the following  addresses (or at
such other  address for a Party as shall be  specified  by like notice  given at
least five (5) business days prior thereto:

If to Parent:

124 West 60th Street, Apt 33L
New York, New York 10023

With a copy to:

Darren Ofsink, Esq.
Guzov Ofsink Flink, 14th Floor
New York, New York  10022

Facsimile: 212-688-7273

If to Sub:

3 Gavish St, Kfar Saba
Att: Michel Braunold
Facsimile: 972-9-764-4851

With a copy to:
Aboudi & Brounstein, Law Offices
3 Gavish St. Kfar Saba
Facsimile: 972-9-764-4834

If to any  Shareholder,  to the  address set forth for such  Shareholder  on the
Signature Pages to this Agreement.

Any such  notice or  communication  shall be deemed to have been given (a) if by
personal  delivery,  on the day after  such  delivery;  (b) if by  certified  or
registered mail, on the tenth day after the mailing thereof;  (c) if by next-day
or overnight  deliver,  on the day delivered;  or (d) if by fax, on the next day
following the day on which such fax was sent,  provided that a copy is also sent
by certified or registered mail.

8.3  Interpretation.  The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or  interpretation  of
this Agreement.

8.4   Miscellaneous. This Agreement:


      8.4.1  constitutes  the entire  agreement and  supersedes  all other prior
agreements and understandings,  both written and oral, between the Parties, with
respect to the subject matter hereof,  except as specifically provided otherwise
or referred to herein, so that no such external or separate  agreements relating
to the  subject  matter of this  Agreement  shall have any effect or be binding,
unless the same is referred to  specifically in this Agreement or is executed by
the Parties after the date hereof;

      8.4.2 is not intended to confer upon any other  person,  other than to the
Parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and permitted assigns, any
rights or remedies hereunder;

      8.4.3 shall not be assigned by operation of law or otherwise;

      8.4.4   shall  be   governed   in  all   respects,   including   validity,
interpretation  and  effect,  by the  internal  laws of the  State of New  York,
without regard to the principles of conflict of laws; and

      8.4.5 shall be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties
hereto   and   their   respective   successors,   assigns,   heirs   and   legal

8.5  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more  counterparts,
including by facsimile, which together shall constitute a single agreement.

8.6  Severability.  If any provision,  including any phrase,  sentence,  clause,
section  or   subsection,   of  this   Agreement  is  invalid,   inoperative  or
unenforceable  for any reason,  such provision shall be valid and enforceable to
the fullest extent  permitted by law and such  circumstances  shall not have the
effect  of  rendering  such  provision  in  question  invalid,   inoperative  or
unenforceable  in any other  case or  circumstance,  or of  rendering  any other
provision herein contained  invalid,  inoperative or unenforceable to any extent

8.7 Survival.  All  representations  and warranties of each of the parties shall
survive the transactions  contemplated  herein and shall remain operative and in
full force and effect,  regardless of any  investigations at any time made by or
on behalf of any party  hereto,  for a period of one (1) year after the  Closing

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned parties have caused this Agreement to
be signed on the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto
duly authorized.


By: /s/ Marvin Feigenbaum                 By: /s/ Michael Braunold
    ---------------------                     --------------------

Marvin Feigenbaum                         Michael Braunold
Chief Executive Officer                   Chief Executive Officer


                         Signature Page for Shareholders

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Name of Shareholder             Address                      Number of Shares of Sub      Number of Shares of Parent
                                                             Common Stock Being           Common
                                                             Exchanged By Shareholder     Stock To Be Issued to
                                                                                          Shareholder In Exchange
                                                                                          for Sub Common Stock
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Western Negev Initiative        P.O.B. 573, Neve Dekalim     176,846                      327,100
Centre                          Ind. Area, D.N. Hof Azza,
                                Israel 79779
/s/ Dov Henoch
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                                D.N. Hof Azza, Israel        758,055                      1,402,124
/s/ Israel Sarussi              79792
- ------------------------
Israel Sarussi

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                                D.N. Hof Azza, Israel        63,300                       117,082
/s/ Dov Henoch                  79792
- ------------------------
Dov Henoch

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Brounstein - Aboudi Adv.        3 Hagavish St., Kfar Saba,   151,620                      280,441
Trustees                        Israel 44641

/s/ Gerald Brounstein
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
TRBMS Investments Inc.          3535 Bathurst St., 2nd       137,500                      254,325
                                floor, North York,
/s/                             Ontario, Canada
- ------------------------        M6A 2C7

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Concinnity Corporation          21 Dundas Square             135,000                      249,700
                                Ste. 711, Toronto,
/s/ M. Kaiser                   Ontario, Canada
- ------------------------        M5B 1B8

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------


- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Name of Shareholder             Address                      Number of Shares of Sub      Number of Shares of Parent
                                                             Common Stock Being           Common
                                                             Exchanged By Shareholder     Stock To Be Issued to
                                                                                          Shareholder In Exchange
                                                                                          for Sub Common Stock
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
933745 Ontario Inc.             41 Sultana Ave.              138,000                      255,249
                                Toronto, Ont., Canada
/s/                             M6A 1T2
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
732498 Ontario Inc.             530 Wilson Ave., 4th         138,000                      255,249
                                floor, Downsview, Ontario,
/s/ S. Jacobs                   Canada
- ------------------------        M3H 5Y9

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                                517 Jarvis Ave., Far         135,070                      249,830
/s/ Seth Rosenblatt Seth        Rockaway, NY, USA
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                                703 Carlyle St., Woodmere,   135,500                      250,625
/s/ Aaron Fischman              NY, USA
- ------------------------
Aaron Fischman

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Ephod Management Group          445 Central Av. A2R          135,000                      249,700
                                Cedarhurst, NY, USA
/s/ Seth Rosenblatt             11516-2001
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Choshen Israel Group            445 Central Ave.             137,000                      253,400
                                Cedarhurst, NY, USA
/s/Aaron Fischman               11516
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                                533 Hicksville Rd., Far      123,500                      228,430
/s/ Shelly Freedman             Rockaway, NY, USA
- ------------------------
Shelly Freedman

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------


- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Name of Shareholder             Address                      Number of Shares of Sub      Number of Shares of Parent
                                                             Common Stock Being           Common
                                                             Exchanged By Shareholder     Stock To Be Issued to
                                                                                          Shareholder In Exchange
                                                                                          for Sub Common Stock
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Directives International Inc.   230 Fifth Ave.,              137,500                      254,325
                                9th floor
/s/ Morris Abboudi              New York, NY
- ------------------------        USA 10001

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Jorlee Holdings Ltd.            21 Dundas Square             146,575                      271,110
                                Ste. 700
/s/Sheldon Barris               Toronto, Ont.
- ------------------------        Canada M5B 1B8

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
/s/ Jeff Dorfman                16 Ambassador Place,         146,575                      271,110
- ------------------------        Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jeff Dorfman

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
/s/ Larry Katz                  626 EAB Plaza, Uniondale,    146,576                      271,112
- ------------------------        NY, USA
Larry Katz

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
711129 Ontario Ltd.             124 Dufferin St.             25,000                       46,241
                                Hamilton, Ont. Canada
/s/ Ira Jacobs                  L8S 3N6
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Tower Capital Corp              140 Cidermill Ave.,          31,134                       57,586
                                Concord, Ont. Canada L4K
/s/ Josh Frankel                4K5
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Double D Venture Fund L.P.      1 New York Plaza             121,303                      224,366
                                NY NY
/s/ Philip Braginsky
- ------------------------

- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Total                                                        3,119,054*                   5,769,106**
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------

      *     Excludes   90,978   options  which  Israel   Sarrusi  holds  in  Sub

      **    Excludes168,275  fully vested  penny  options to be issued to Israel
            Sarrusi forthwith subsequent to Closing in exchange for Option.


                                       Annex A

"1933 Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, as of the Closing Date.

"Affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly,  or indirectly through one
or more intermediaries,  controls,  is controlled by, or is under common control
with the first Person. "Control" (including the terms "controlled by" and "under
common control with") means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power
to direct or cause the direction of the management policies of a Person, whether
through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, as trustee or executor,
or otherwise. For purposes of this Agreement,  each of the Shareholders and each
member of each Shareholder's immediate family shall be deemed to be an Affiliate
of Sub.

"Closing" is defined in Section 1.2.

"Closing Date" is defined in Section 1.5.

"Closing Time" is defined in Section 1.5.

"Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and related rules
and regulations thereunder.

"Common Stock" is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.

"Consideration" is defined in Section 1.3.

"ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

"Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

 "GAAP" means United States generally accepted accounting principles

 "IRS" means the Internal Revenue Service.

"Liabilities"  means  obligations,  whether  known  or  unknown,  contingent  or
absolute,  recorded on its books or not,  arising or  resulting  in any way from
facts, events, agreements, obligations or occurrences that existed or transpired
at a prior point in time, or resulted from the passage of time.

"Material Adverse Effect" or "Material Adverse Change" means with respect to any
Person,  any event,  change,  circumstance  or effect  that is or is  reasonably
likely to be  materially  adverse to (a) the  business,  financial  condition or
results of operations of such Person and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole; or
(b) the ability of such entity to consummate  the  Transaction  contemplated  by
this Agreement.

"Pension  Plan" shall mean a pension plan or employee  pension  benefit plan, as
defined in Section  3(2) of ERISA and  regulations  adopted  under ERISA or such
other  law,  modifying,  amending,  interpreting,  or  otherwise  affecting  the
application of such provision,  either in general or as applied to the nature or
circumstances of a particular entity that is a party to, or is affected by or is
involved in the Transaction and with respect to which entity the use of the term
in this Agreement, or in the particular location in this Agreement, is relevant.

"Person"  means  an  individual,   corporation,   limited   liability   company,
partnership,  association,  trust, unincorporated organization,  other entity or

"Plans" is defined in Section 3.13.1.

"Related Persons" is defined in Section3.13.1.

 "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Shareholders" is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.

"Sub Common Stock" is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.


"Sub Preferred Stock" is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.

"Sub Stock" is defined in the recitals to this Agreement.

"Subsidiary"  means each  corporation  or other Person in which a Person owns or
controls,  directly  or  indirectly,  capital  stock or other  equity  interests
representing  more  than 50% of the  outstanding  voting  stock or other  equity

"Tax" or "Taxes" means federal,  state, county,  local, foreign or other income,
gross  receipts,  ad  valorem,  franchise,  profits,  sales  or  use,  transfer,
registration, excise, utility, environmental,  communications,  real or personal
property,   capital  stock,   license,   payroll,  wage  or  other  withholding,
employment,  social security, severance, stamp, estimated and other taxes of any
kind  whatsoever  (including,  without  limitation,   deficiencies,   penalties,
additions to tax and interest attributable thereto) whether disputed or not.

"Tax  Return"  means any return,  information  report or filing with  respect to
Taxes,  including  any  schedules  attached  thereto and including any amendment

"Transaction" is defined in Section 1.1.

"Welfare  Plan" means a welfare  plan or an  employee  welfare  benefit  plan as
defined in Section  3(1) of ERISA and  regulations  adopted  under ERISA or such
other  law,  modifying,  amending,  interpreting,  or  otherwise  affecting  the
application of such provision,  either in general or as applied to the nature or
circumstances of a particular entity that is a party to, or is affected by or is
involved in the Transaction and with respect to which entity the use of the term
in this Agreement, or in the particular location in this Agreement, is relevant.
