Washington, DC 20549-0001

                                    FORM 10-Q

      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     For the Quarter Ended: March 31, 2005.


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

             From the Transition Period from _________ to _________.

                         Commission File Number: 1-8662

                           RCG COMPANIES INCORPORATED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         DELAWARE                                        23-2265039
- -------------------------------          ---------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of          (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
incorporation or organization)

  6836 MORRISON BOULEVARD, SUITE 200, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211-2668, (704) 366-5054
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Address of registrant's principal executive offices including zip code
                   and telephone number, including area code)

Check whether the Registrant  (1) has filed all reports  required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding
12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant was required to file
such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past
90 days. YES |X| NO [ ]

Check whether the Registrant is an  accelerated  filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2
of the Exchange Act). YES [ ] NO |X|

The number of shares  outstanding  of the  Registrant's  common  stock  ("Common
Stock") as of April 28, 2005: 29,219,112

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION.................................................2

 Item 1. Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements..........................2

   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 31, 2005 (unaudited)
   and June 30, 2004..........................................................3

   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Three
   and Nine Months Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)..................4

   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Nine Months
   Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 (unaudited)..................................5

   Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Statements (unaudited).................6

 Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations..........................................19

 Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk..........27

 Item 4. Controls and Procedures.............................................27

PART II. OTHER INFORMATION...................................................29

 Item 1. Legal Proceedings...................................................29

 Item 2. Changes in Securities...............................................29

 Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities.....................................29

 Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.................29

 Item 5. Other Information...................................................29

 Item 6. Exhibits............................................................29



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                        (In thousands, except share data)

                                                                                      March 31,
                                                                                        2005            June 30,
                                                                                     (Unaudited)          2004
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
Cash and cash equivalents .........................................................  $       212      $       777
Restricted cash ...................................................................       13,780           18,697
Accounts receivable, net of allowance of doubtful accounts of $45 and $44,
   respectively ...................................................................        1,078              309
Prepaid expenses and other assets .................................................        2,917            2,937
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
          Total current assets ....................................................       17,987           22,720

Property and equipment, net .......................................................        1,430              354
Deferred costs and other assets ...................................................        2,700                6
Net non-current assets of discontinued operations .................................        2,739           15,839
Goodwill and other intangible assets ..............................................       42,878           10,147
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
      Total assets ................................................................  $    67,734      $    49,066
                                                                                     ===========      ===========

Notes payable and other obligations-current portion ...............................  $     9,931      $     1,509
Accounts payable and accrued expenses .............................................       14,405            9,132
Net current liabilities of discontinued operations ................................        4,757            5,865
Unearned income ...................................................................       13,496           17,346
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
      Total current liabilities ...................................................       42,589           33,852

Warrant obligations ...............................................................        1,593            1,520
Notes payable and other obligations ...............................................        5,644            7,504
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
      Total liabilities ...........................................................       49,826           42,876
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
Commitments and Contingencies

Shareholders' equity:
 Convertible Preferred stock, $.01 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized
    Convertible Series A Preferred stock, 1,570 and -0- issued, respectively ......           --               --
    Convertible Series B Preferred stock, 1,527,389 and -0- issued, respectively ..           15               --
   Common stock, $.04 par value, 200,000,000 shares authorized, 29,350,326 and
      21,289,004 issued, 29,219,112 and 21,157,790 outstanding, respectively ......        1,172              849
   Additional paid-in capital .....................................................      157,630          121,386
   Accumulated deficit ............................................................     (140,277)        (115,137)
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss ...........................................           --             (276)
   Treasury stock at cost (131,214 shares) ........................................         (632)            (632)
                                                                                     -----------      -----------
      Total shareholders' equity ..................................................       17,908            6,190
                                                                                     -----------      -----------

      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ..................................  $    67,734      $    49,066
                                                                                     ===========      ===========

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                  (Unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                       Three months ended                 Nine months ended
                                                             March 31,                         March 31,
                                                      2005             2004              2005              2004
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Revenue ........................................ $     16,448      $     19,769      $     57,677      $     36,691
Cost of Revenue ................................       16,687            19,437            57,983            34,507
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
      Gross (loss) profit ......................         (239)              332              (306)            2,184
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Selling, general and administrative expenses ...        3,447             3,446             9,992             5,913
Goodwill impairment ............................           --                --                --             1,000
Depreciation and amortization ..................          351                92               495               159
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
      Operating costs and expenses .............        3,798             3,538            10,487             7,072
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------

      Operating loss ...........................       (4,037)           (3,206)          (10,793)           (4,888)

Interest expense, net ..........................         (700)             (120)             (993)             (220)
Warrant expense ................................           --                --               (73)               --
Other income (expense) .........................         (259)               --              (519)              119
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Loss from continuing operations before .........       (4,996)           (3,326)          (12,378)           (4,989)
extraordinary items
Gain on debt restructuring .....................           --                --             2,257                --
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Loss from continuing operations ................       (4,996)           (3,326)          (10,121)           (4,989)

Loss from discontinued operations, net .........       (6,141)           (4,845)          (14,790)          (12,109)
Gain on sale of assets of discontinued
  operations ...................................           --                --             1,000                --
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------

Net loss .......................................      (11,137)           (8,171)          (23,911)          (17,098)
Preferred stock dividends ......................          (39)               --            (1,229)               --
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net loss attributable to common stock
shareholders ................................... $    (11,176)     $     (8,171)     $    (25,140)     $    (17,098)
                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Basic and diluted net loss per share:
   Loss from continuing operations ............. $      (0.18)     $      (0.18)     $      (0.43)     $      (0.29)
   Loss from discontinued operations ...........        (0.23)            (0.25)            (0.60)            (0.72)
                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
      Net loss ................................. $      (0.41)     $      (0.43)     $      (1.03)     $      (1.01)
                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

      Net loss attributable to common stock
        shareholders ........................... $      (0.41)     $      (0.43)     $      (1.08)     $      (1.01)
                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Weighted average shares outstanding ............   27,222,447        18,993,724        23,325,513        16,938,530
                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                            (Unaudited, in thousands)

                                                                                    Nine months ended March 31,
                                                                                        2005             2004
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net loss ...................................................................... $    (23,911)     $    (17,098)
   Loss on discontinued operations, net ..........................................       14,790            12,109
   Gain on sale of assets of discontinued operations .............................       (1,000)               --
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
      Loss from continuing operations ............................................      (10,121)           (4,989)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:
   Gain on debt restructuring ....................................................       (2,257)               --
      Depreciation and amortization ..............................................          495               159
      Loss (gain) on sale of investments .........................................          519              (119)
      Amortization of unfavorable airline contract ...............................       (1,834)           (1,132)
      Stock purchase warrants issued for services ................................          146               773
      Change in fair value of warrant obligation .................................           73                --
      Goodwill impairment ........................................................           --             1,000
      Deferred debt cost amortization                                                       660               190
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Restricted cash ..........................................................        4,917             5,347
        Accounts receivable ......................................................         (573)             (146)
        Prepaid expenses and other assets ........................................       (2,353)             (544)
        Accounts payable and accrued expenses ....................................        4,529             1,491
        Unearned income ..........................................................       (3,851)            3,990
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
           Net cash provided by (used in) continuing operating activities ........       (9,650)            6,020
           Net cash used in discontinued operations ..............................       (1,883)          (10,062)
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
              Net cash used in operating activities ..............................      (11,533)           (4,042)
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchase of property and equipment ............................................         (324)              (94)
   Sale of investments ...........................................................           16                --
   Cash acquired (paid) in connection with business acquisitions, net ............           86              (363)
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
      Net cash used in continuing investing activities ...........................         (222)             (457)
      Net cash used in discontinued operations ...................................         (157)              (35)
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
        Net cash used in investing activities ....................................         (379)             (492)
Cash flows from financing activities:
   Notes payable proceeds ........................................................        7,599                --
   Principal debt repayments .....................................................         (706)             (325)
   Issuance of RCG equity securities .............................................        4,212             5,023
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
      Net cash provided by continuing financing activities .......................       11,105             4,698
      Net cash provided by discontinued operations ...............................          242               342
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
        Net cash provided by financing activities ................................       11,347             5,040
                                                                                   ------------      ------------
   Net change in cash and cash equivalents .......................................         (565)              506
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ..............................          777                90
                                                                                   ------------      ------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ....................................... $        212      $        596
                                                                                   ============      ============

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                            (Unaudited, in thousands)

                                                                                             Nine months ended
                                                                                                 March 31,
                                                                                             2005          2004
                                                                                          ---------     ---------
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
   Cash paid during the period for:
      Interest .......................................................................... $     510     $      38
      Income taxes ......................................................................        --            --

   Non-cash investing and financing activities:
      Equity securities issued for acquired businesses ..................................    24,064           380
      Notes and Service Agreement Obligation issued for acquired businesses .............     6,038         9,068
      Preferred dividends paid in common stock in lieu of cash ..........................        96            --
      Preferred stock beneficial conversion feature......................................     1,133            --
      Common stock and warrants issued for conversion of debt ...........................        --           810
      Common stock and warrants issued for conversion of accounts payable and accrued
        expenses ........................................................................        --            70
      Conveyance of RCG's LFSI Common Stock for services ................................        --           119

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries


Basis of Presentation

The Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements are unaudited and include the
accounts  of RCG  Companies  Incorporated  and its  subsidiaries  ("RCG"  or the
"Company").  All significant  intercompany  accounts and transactions  have been
eliminated in  consolidation.  These financial  statements have been prepared in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America for interim  financial  information  and the  instructions of Regulation
S-X.  Accordingly,  they do not include  all of the  information  and  footnotes
required by such generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial

In the  opinion  of the  management  of the  Company,  the  unaudited  Condensed
Consolidated  Financial  Statements contain all adjustments,  consisting only of
normal recurring  adjustments,  considered necessary for a fair statement of the
results of  operations  for the  interim  periods  presented,  with no  material
retroactive  adjustments.  The results of operations for interim periods are not
indicative  of the  results  that  may be  expected  for a full  year due to the
seasonality  of the business.  These interim  unaudited  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the audited Consolidated
Financial Statements and notes thereto for the year ended June 30, 2004 included
in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K/A.

Certain  reclassifications  have been made to data from the  previous  period to
conform to the presentation of the current period.

Operations and Liquidity

The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will continue as a going concern. The Company has suffered recurring losses from
operations  and  as  of  March  31,  2005  had  a  working  capital  deficit  of
$24,602,000.  These  conditions  raise  substantial  doubt  about the  Company's
ability to continue as a going concern.  Management  recognizes that in order to
meet the Company's  capital  requirements,  and continue to operate,  additional
funding is  necessary.  During the  quarter  ended March 31,  2005,  the Company
raised  approximately  $6,300,000 by issuing Original Issue Discount Debentures.
Additionally,  subsequent to March 31, 2005,  the Company  raised  approximately
$31,000,000 by issuing Convertible  Preferred Series C shares. The proceeds were
used to acquire OneTravel, Inc. (see Note 8) and for additional working capital.
The Company is  exploring  additional  sources of  liquidity,  through  debt and
equity financing  alternatives and further  restructuring of its long-term debt.
If the Company is (i) unable to grow its business or improve its operating  cash
flows as expected,  (ii)  unsuccessful  in  negotiating  balances  owed to trade
creditors,  or (iii) unable to raise  additional funds through sales of debt and
equity  securities or sale of certain  assets or portions of the business,  then
the  Company  may be  unable to  continue  as a going  concern.  There can be no
assurance  that  additional  financing  will be  available  when  needed  or, if
available,  that  it  will  be  on  terms  favorable  to  the  Company  and  its
stockholders.  If the Company is not  successful in generating  sufficient  cash
flows from  operations,  or in  raising  additional  capital  when  required  in
sufficient amounts and on terms acceptable to the Company,  these failures would
have a material adverse effect on the Company's business,  results of operations
and financial condition.  If additional funds are raised through the issuance of
equity   securities,   the  percentage   ownership  of  the  Company's   current
shareholders would be diluted. These Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
do not  include  any  adjustments  that may  result  from the  outcome  of these


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

Revenue Recognition

Effective  February 2, 2005, RCG concluded the acquisition of 100% of the common
stock of Farequest Holdings, Inc. ("Farequest" or "1-800-CHEAPSEATS"). Farequest
is a travel agency and  consolidator  selling and  distributing  travel products
including airline tickets,  lodging, car rentals,  cruises and vacation packages
to consumers,  corporations  and travel  agencies  through  on-line sales on the
Internet and telephone  sales through call center agents (see Note 2 for further
discussion of the acquisition).

Farequest derives revenues from multiple sources including:

o     Sales of nonpublished airline fares: Farequest has agreements with certain
      airlines to purchase travel inventory generally at a discount to published
      rates  available to  consumers  and other  travel  agencies.  Farequest is
      generally the merchant of record and determines the price to the customer.

o     Supplier  transaction fees:  Farequest receives commissions on the sale of
      travel  at  published  rates  from  suppliers  of  travel,  which  include
      airlines,  hotels, cruise lines, car rental firms and other wholesalers of
      travel services.

o     Consumer  service  fees:  Consumers  pay a service  fee per  ticket on air
      transactions and other additional fees in certain cases.

o     Reservation   system  booking   incentives:   Farequest  receives  booking
      incentives  under  contracts  with  certain  Global  Distribution  Systems
      (GDSs).  GDSs are networks that facilitate the making of reservations with
      airlines,  hotels,  cruise  lines  and  car  rental  companies.  GDSs  pay
      Farequest  an incentive  for each  reservation  above a minimum  threshold
      level that is made  using  their  network,  depending  on certain  factors
      primarily related to the volume of transactions.

Revenues for Farequest are recognized when all of the following have occurred:
persuasive evidence of an agreement with the customer exists, services have been
performed, the fees for services performed are fixed or determinable and
collectibility of the fees is reasonably assured. Generally, these criteria have
been met as follows:

o     For  direct  sale of  airline  travel  and  consumer  service  fees,  when
      reservations  are  made and  secured  by a  credit  card or other  form of

o     For supplier  transaction fees, when the commissions are received from the
      supplier; and/or

o     For reservation system booking incentives,  when the reservations are made
      on the GDS network.

Farequest  presents revenue derived from the sale of nonpublished  airline fares
at the net amount  collected - meaning the amount  charged to the customer  less
the amount paid to the supplier - in accordance  with Emerging Issues Task Force
Issue No.  99-19,  "Reporting  Revenue  Gross as a  Principal  versus  Net as an
Agent."  Similarly,  commissions and  transaction  fees derived from the sale of
published airline fares are also recorded at the net amount realized. Revenue is
recognized at the time of ticketing,  net of an allowance for  cancellations and
refunds.  However,  due to the restrictive  nature of most airline ticket sales,
such  cancellations  or refunds are generally  immaterial.  Commissions from the
sale of published fares other than airline travel are recognized upon collection
from the supplier.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

Warrant Obligation

In  accordance  with  Emerging  Issues  Task Force Issue  00-19,  or EITF 00-19,
"Accounting  for Derivative  Financial  Instruments  Indexed to, and Potentially
Settled in, a Company's Own Stock", the fair value of warrants issued in certain
private  placements has been initially  accounted for as a liability because the
Company will incur a  substantial  penalty if it cannot  comply with the warrant
holders'  registration rights or have other net-cash settlement features.  As of
the closing date of the private  placements,  the fair value of the warrants was
approximately $1,520,000,  calculated utilizing the Black-Scholes option-pricing
model.  Changes  in the  market  value of the  Company's  common  stock from the
closing date until the warrants are  exercised or expire will result in non-cash
charges  or  credits to  operations  to reflect  the change in fair value of the
warrants  during  this  period.  To reflect  the  change in market  value of the
warrants, the Company recorded an expense to operations of approximately $73,000
during the nine-month period ended March 31, 2005.

Stock-Based Compensation

The Company has elected to  continue  to follow the  intrinsic  value  method of
accounting  as  prescribed  by  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion  No.  25,
"Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees"  ("APB 25"), to account for employee
stock options.  Under APB 25, no compensation  expense is recognized  unless the
exercise  price of the Company's  employee stock options is less than the market
price of the underlying stock on the date of grant.

The  Company's pro forma net loss and net loss per share  assuming  compensation
cost was  determined  under  FASB No.  123 for all  options  would have been the
following (in thousands, except share amounts).

                                                    For the three months        For the nine months
                                                       ended March 31,             ended March 31,
                                                     2005          2004          2005          2004
                                                   --------      --------      --------      --------
Net loss attributable to common stock
   shareholders, as reported                       $(11,176)     $ (8,171)     $(25,140)     $(17,098)
Deduct: Total stock-based compensation expense
   determined under SFAS 123 for all awards             (65)          (45)         (122)         (136)
                                                   --------      --------      --------      --------
Pro forma net loss                                 $(11,241)     $ (8,216)     $(25,262)     $(17,234)
                                                   ========      ========      ========      ========

Earnings per share:
Basic and diluted loss per share, as reported      $  (0.41)     $  (0.43)     $  (1.03)     $  (1.01)
                                                   ========      ========      ========      ========

Basic and diluted loss per share, pro forma        $  (0.41)     $  (0.43)     $  (1.08)     $  (1.02)
                                                   ========      ========      ========      ========


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

The  Company's  other  significant  accounting  policies  are the  same as those
applied at June 30, 2004 and  disclosed in the  Company's  audited  Consolidated
Financial  Statements  and  notes  thereto  for the year  ended  June 30,  2004,
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K/A.

New Accounting Pronouncements

In November  2004, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 151, Inventory Costs,
an amendment of ARB No. 43, Chapter 4. This Statement amends the guidance in ARB
No. 43, Chapter 4,  "Inventory  Pricing," to clarify the accounting for abnormal
amounts of idle facility expense,  freight,  handling costs, and wasted material
(spoilage).   This  Statement   requires  that  those  items  be  recognized  as
current-period  charges  regardless  of whether  they meet the  criterion of "so
abnormal" as defined in ARB No. 43. In addition,  this  Statement  requires that
allocation of fixed production  overheads to the costs of conversion be based on
the normal  capacity of the production  facilities.  This Statement is effective
for companies at the  beginning of the first interim or annual period  beginning
after June 15, 2005. The Company is in the process of reviewing SFAS 151 and has
not determined the effects on the consolidated financial statements.

In  December  2004,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 123  (revised  2004),  Share-Based
Payment,  which  is a  revision  of SFAS No.  123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation.  Statement  123(R)  supersedes APB Opinion No. 25,  Accounting for
Stock  Issued to  Employees,  and amends SFAS No. 95,  Statement  of Cash Flows.
Generally,  the approach to  accounting  for  share-based  payments in Statement
123(R) is similar to the approach described in Statement 123. However, Statement
123(R)  requires all  share-based  payments to  employees,  including  grants of
employee stock options,  to be recognized in the financial  statements  based on
their fair values.  Statement 123(R) is effective for companies at the beginning
of the first interim or annual period  beginning  after  December 15, 2005.  The
Company  is in the  process of  reviewing  SFAS 123 and has not  determined  the
effects on the consolidated financial statements.


Effective  February 2, 2005, RCG concluded the acquisition of 100% of the common
stock of Farequest Holdings,  Inc.  ("Farequest").  Farequest is a travel agency
and consolidator  that sells and distributes  travel products  including airline
tickets,  lodging,  car  rentals,  cruises and vacation  packages to  consumers,
corporations  and travel  agencies  through  on-line  sales on the  Internet and
telephone sales through call center agents.

Farequest  maintains its operations and accounting offices in Atlanta,  Georgia,
and its call  center  operations  are  located  in Las  Vegas,  Nevada,  with an
additional corporate travel service office in Los Angeles, California. Farequest
markets its call center travel services under the trade name of 1-800-CHEAPSEATS
and its on-line  travel  website to distribute  travel  products and services to
consumers under the brand name of 1800cheapseats.com.

In connection with the acquisition,  the Farequest  Stockholders  received:  (i)
4,779,196  shares of common stock of RCG; (ii) 1,527,389  shares of RCG Series B
6% Senior Participating  Preferred Stock ("Series B Preferred Stock"); and (iii)
a promissory  note payable  within one year of the effective time of the merger,
at the  option of RCG,  in either  (a) an amount in cash  equal to lesser of (x)
$6,037,872 or (y) 19% of the value of the total maximum consideration payable or
(b) 3,018,936  shares of RCG common stock. The promissory note bears interest at
4% per annum and the  interest is payable at maturity at RCG's  option in either
cash or shares of RCG common  stock  valued at the greater of $2.00 per share or
the market value at the maturity date.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

As an  anti-dilution  mechanism,  if and when  holders of the RCG's  Series A 6%
Convertible  Preferred Stock (the "Series A Preferred  Stock") convert shares of
Series A  Preferred  Stock  into  shares  of RCG  common  stock,  the  Farequest
stockholders shall be entitled to receive up to 185,821 additional shares of RCG
Series B Preferred  Stock (if the RCG Series B Preferred  Stock has not yet been
converted),  or  1,858,212  additional  shares of RCG  common  stock (if the RCG
Series B Preferred Stock has been converted),  pursuant to a formula designed to
prevent the dilution of the Farequest stockholders' equity interest in RCG.

The Series B Preferred  Stock has a stated value of $8.18 per share and shall be
automatically  converted on a 1-for-10  basis into shares of RCG common stock at
such time as (i) RCG  stockholders  have  approved  the issuance of greater than
19.9% of RCG's  issued and  outstanding  stock in the merger  transaction,  (ii)
there  is an  effective  registration  statement  covering  the  resale  of  the
conversion  shares,  (iii) the  conversion  shares are  listed on RCG's  primary
trading market, (iv) all dividends owed have or will be paid at conversion,  and
(v) certain  triggering  events have not occurred.  Dividends are payable on the
Series B Preferred Stock at the rate of 6% per annum, provided, however, that in
the event of conversion within 270 days of issuance no dividends shall be due or
payable.  Dividend  payments may be made at the option of RCG, either in cash or
in additional shares of Series B Preferred Stock. Upon the occurrence of certain
fundamental  transactions or change in control events, the holders of the Series
B Preferred  Stock shall have the right to require RCG to redeem the outstanding
shares of Series B Preferred Stock. At the effective time of the merger, the RCG
board of directors was expanded to eight (8) members.  William A.  Goldstein,  a
director and executive  officer of Farequest,  was appointed the Chairman of the
Board of Directors, and Ronald L. Attkisson, was appointed as a director of RCG.
For a  period  of three  years,  RCG's  board of  directors  will  nominate  and
recommend  for  election by the  stockholders  Mr.  Goldstein as Chairman of the
Board, and, provided that Mr. Goldstein shall have continued to own at least 10%
of the  outstanding  common stock of RCG, two additional  directors named by Mr.
Goldstein.  Such nominees shall be independent directors and shall be reasonably
acceptable to the then existing board of directors.  Mr. Goldstein has agreed to
vote his shares of RCG  common  stock (i)  during  such  three  year  period for
Michael  Pruitt  as a member of the RCG board of  directors,  provided  that Mr.
Pruitt  holds at least  750,000  shares of RCG  common  stock at the time of the
nomination, and (ii) for the remaining nominees nominated by the RCG board for a
one-year term beginning with the effective time.

The value assigned to the consideration  paid to the Farequest  shareholders was
approximately  $30,102,000  based on the average closing stock price of RCG over
the period from the date the  acquisition  was announced on November 30, 2004 to
the closing  date of  February  1, 2005.  The  primary  objective  of  acquiring
Farequest was to gain access to its supplier  relationships  principally  in the
form of airline  contracts as well as to incorporate its call center  operations
with those of RCG in order to  realize  cost  efficiencies  and  increase  sales


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

The  acquisition  was accounted  for under the purchase  method of accounting in
accordance  with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No.141
"Business  Combinations".  The  purchase  price was  allocated to the net assets
acquired,  including the liabilities  assumed as of February 1, 2005, based upon
their estimated fair values as of that date with the remainder being recorded as
goodwill. The consideration was allocated as follows (in thousands):

      Current assets ........................  $    346
      Property and equipment ................       984
      Goodwill and other intangible assets ..    33,045
           Total assets acquired ............    34,375
      Current liabilities ...................    (3,214)
      Long-term liabilities .................    (1,059)
           Net assets acquired ..............  $ 30,102

Operations of the acquired  business is included in the  condensed  consolidated
financial  statements  from the date of  acquisition.  The following  sets forth
unaudited pro forma consolidated financial information as if the acquisition had
taken place at the beginning of the periods presented (in thousands,  except per
share data):

                                       Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                                            March 31,                  March 31,
                                       2005          2004          2005          2004
                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
Revenues ..........................  $ 16,747      $ 20,581      $ 60,370      $ 38,535

Net loss ..........................  $(11,521)     $ (9,146)     $(27,756)     $(19,814)

Basic and diluted loss per share
 from operaions....................  $  (0.40)     $  (0.45)     $  (1.03)     $  (0.93)


On December  9, 2004,  RCG entered  into an  agreement  to sell the assets of FS
Tours, Inc. d/b/a Vacation Express,  ("FS Tours") to Vacation  Acquisition,  LLC
("Purchaser").  Under the terms and conditions of the Asset Purchase  Agreement,
FS Tours sold to Purchaser assets of FS Tours and the Purchaser agreed to assume
$8,000,000 in trade  payables,  consisting  principally of hotel  payables,  and
certain  liabilities  and  obligations  arising under contracts and other agreed
matters.  FS Tours had contracted with an affiliate of the Purchaser to purchase
hotel rooms, such payable was part of the assumed  liabilities.  Under the terms
of the Agreement RCG has agreed to guaranty the payment and  performance  of the
remaining  obligations of FS Tours.  Accordingly,  the operations of FS Tours as
well as Flightserv,  Inc., which provided charter  management  operations for FS
Tours, were reclassified to discontinued operations.

During the third quarter of fiscal year 2005, the Board  directed  management to
investigate  the possible sale of its Technology  Segment to provide the Company
with  additional  liquidity and allow the Company to focus on its core business,
the Travel Segment.  Based on  Management's  evaluation of the fair value of its
Technology Segment,  which included external market data, the Company recorded a
charge of approximately $5,800,000,  which is included in Loss from Discontinued
Operations,  net on the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations. On April
27, 2005, RCG, pursuant to the terms of an Asset Purchase  Agreement dated April
26,  2005 (the  "APA"),  closed a  transaction  through  which its wholly  owned
subsidiary  Logisoft Corp.  ("Logisoft") and Logisoft's  wholly owned subsidiary
eStorefronts.net  Corp.("eStorefronts" and together with Logisoft the "Sellers")
sold substantially all of the assets of Sellers to RMK Holdings,  LLC ("Buyer"),
in consideration for which Buyer paid Sellers $699,000 and assumed $2,083,000 of
Sellers'  liabilities.  The  purchase  price paid is  subject to a post  closing
adjustment,  as set forth in the APA, once the closing date financial statements
have been finalized.  Accordingly, the operations of the Technology Segment were
reclassified to discontinued operations.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

During  the third  quarter  of  fiscal  year  2004,  the  Board  authorized  the
disposition of the Company's investment in Lifestyle Innovations, Inc. ("LFSI").
Accordingly, the operations of LFSI were reclassified to discontinued operations
for all  periods  presented.  During the fourth  quarter  of 2004,  the  Company
contributed  approximately  4,000,000 shares to the treasury of LFSI, of which a
substantial  portion of the  contributed  shares were  reissued to certain  LFSI
investors to settle certain  contingent  claims.  LFSI also issued other shares,
which  resulted in RCG's  interest in LFSI being  reduced to an effective  45.5%
beneficial ownership. Considering the substantial reduction in ownership and the
lack of control over LFSI,  the  investment  in LFSI is now  recorded  using the
equity method and is no longer a consolidated subsidiary.

The loss from discontinued operations is summarized as follows (in thousands).

                                           For the three months ended   For the nine months ended
                                                     March 31,                   March 31,
                                                2005          2004          2005          2004
                                            -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Gross revenues ...........................  $     3,116   $    32,475   $    50,712   $    73,546
Cost of revenues and operating expenses ..        9,257        37,320        65,502        85,655
                                            -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Net loss .................................       (6,141)       (4,845)      (14,790)      (12,109)
Gain on sale of assets ...................           --            --         1,000            --
                                            -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Loss from discontinued operations ........  $    (6,141)  $    (4,845)  $   (13,790)  $   (12,109)
                                            ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========

Net non-current assets of discontinued operations consisted of the following (in

                                                              Mar. 31,          June 30,
                                                                2005             2004
                                                            -----------      -----------
Goodwill .................................................. $     2,146      $    14,306
Property and equipment ....................................         376            1,173
Deferred costs and other assets ...........................         289              512
                                                            -----------      -----------
   Non-currents assets ....................................       2,811           15,991
Long-term debt and capital leases, less current portion ...         (72)            (152)
                                                            -----------      -----------
   Net non-currents assets ................................ $     2,739      $    15,839
                                                            ===========      ===========


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

Net current  liabilities of discontinued  operations  consisted of the following
(in thousands):

                                                       Mar. 31,        June 30,
                                                         2005           2004
                                                       --------        --------
Cash ................................................. $     65        $  5,819
Restricted cash ......................................      769          21,691
Accounts receivable, net .............................    1,874           4,222
Prepaid expenses and other current assets ............       23           3,344
                                                       --------        --------
   Current assets ....................................    2,731          35,076
Accounts payable and accrued expenses ................   (6,220)        (19,335)
Notes payable ........................................     (768)           (433)
Unearned income ......................................     (500)        (21,173)
                                                       --------        --------
   Current liabilities ...............................   (7,488)        (40,941)
                                                       --------        --------
   Net current liabilities ........................... $ (4,757)       $ (5,865)
                                                       ========        ========


Notes payable and other obligations consisted of the following (in thousands).

                                                                                           Mar. 31,       June 30,
                                                                                             2005          2004
                                                                                           --------      --------
Note payable - in the amount of $1,000, less unamortized discount of $417, imputed at
   12%, secured by certain investment holdings (1) ......................................  $    583      $  5,724
Service agreement obligation - in the amount of $7,788 less unamortized discount of
   $1,940 imputed at 12% and unsecured (1) ..............................................     5,848         3,129
Note payable - in the amount of $1,300 with interest at 9%, secured by certain assets ...     1,300            --
Notes payable - in the amount of $999, less debt discount of $130 with interest at 7%
   (2) ..................................................................................       869            --
Note payable - due February 1, 2006 at interest rate of 4% (3) ..........................     6,038            --
Convertible debentures - in the amount of $7,969, less discounts of $7,659 (4) ..........       310            --
Notes payable - bearing interest at 5.89% to 11.49%, payable in monthly
 installments between $313 and $372 through 2009, secured by vehicles ...................       418            --
Capital lease obligations at interest rate of 4.2%, due in monthly installments of $3
   through April 2007 ...................................................................        74            --
Note payable - due July 27, 2003 and unsecured (5) ......................................       135           160
                                                                                           --------      --------
 ........................................................................................    15,575         9,013
Less current maturities, including demand notes .........................................    (9,931)       (1,509)
                                                                                           --------      --------

Long-term portion .......................................................................  $  5,644      $  7,504
                                                                                           ========      ========

- ------------------

(1)   On October 31, 2003, Flightserv purchased two businesses for a $10,000,000
      non-interest-bearing   seven-year  note.   Payments   commence   quarterly
      beginning June 30, 2004.  Effective November 12, 2004, the Company entered
      into an amendment which reduced the Promissory Note to $1,000,000  payable
      in (i) four (4) equal yearly  payments of $100,000,  commencing on October
      31, 2006, and continuing on the last day of each October  through  October
      31, 2009,  and (ii) a final  balloon  payment in the amount of $600,000 on
      October 31, 2010. In addition,  on October 31, 2003,  Flightserv agreed to
      pay $4,500,000 to MyTravel  Canada for certain  services over a three-year
      period  beginning  November 1, 2003.  Effective  November  12,  2004,  the
      agreement  was the  amended to extend the  agreement  through  October 31,
      2010.  The  services  agreement   originally   provided  for  payments  of
      $4,500,000; it now provides for additional payments of $4,875,000 over the
      new term of the  agreement.  The impact of the  amendments  resulted in an
      extraordinary gain of $2,257,000.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

(2)   On January 25, 2005, the terms of the $1,100,000 were  finalized--term 180
      days,  interest rate 7%, secured by 100% of the FS SunTours  common stock.
      In addition,  warrants to purchase  549,250  shares of common stock of the
      Company at an  exercise  price of $1.25 per share,  exercisable  until the
      date that is three years after the closing date, were issued.  On March 3,
      2005,  $100,000 of principal was repaid.  On April 15, 2005, the remaining
      $1,000,000 was repaid.

(3)   In connection  with the  acquisition  of  Farequest,  in addition to other
      consideration the Company a promissory note payable within one year of the
      effective  time of the  merger,  at the  option of RCG,  in either  (a) an
      amount in cash equal to lesser of (x)  $6,037,872  or (y) 19% of the value
      of the total maximum  consideration payable or (b) 3,018,936 shares of RCG
      common stock.  The promissory  note bears interest at 4% per annum and the
      interest is payable at  maturity at RCG's  option in either cash or shares
      of RCG common stock valued at the greater of $2.00 per share or the market
      value at the maturity date.

(4)   On February 8, 2005,  RCG closed a private  placement  offering with eight
      accredited investors for $7,968,700.  On April 14, 2005 principal plus 10%
      was repaid, which amounted to $8,765,570.

(5)   The Company  currently is  negotiating  with the debt holder to extend the
      term or agree upon a payment schedule.


Effective  September 14, 2004,  the Company  entered into a Securities  Purchase
Agreement  with  institutional  and  accredited   investors   (collectively  the
"Investors").  Pursuant to the terms of the Securities Purchase  Agreement,  the
Company issued the following  securities to the Investors in  consideration  for
the  Investors  making  payment  to the  Company  in  the  aggregate  amount  of
$4,300,000:  (i) 4,300 shares of Series A 6% Convertible Preferred Stock, with a
stated  value of $1,000 per share;  the shares are  initially  convertible  into
shares of  Common  Stock of the  Company  at a fixed  price of $0.94 per  share,
subject to adjustment ("Set Price") and that are, subject to certain conditions,
subject to forced conversion by the Company at any time the common shares of the
Company have a volume weighted  average price ("VWAP") which exceeds 200% of the
Set  Price for the  preceding  ten  trading  days,  (ii)  Warrants  to  purchase
approximately  1,143,617  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company at an exercise
price of $1.20 per share,  exercisable  commencing  six months after the closing
date until the date that is three  years  after such  date,  with  anti-dilution
provisions subject to a $1.00 floor, and that are subject to certain conditions,
callable by the Company at any time the common shares of the Company have a VWAP
that exceeds 200% of the exercise  price for the preceding 20 trading days,  and
(iii) Additional Investment Rights to purchase approximately 3,430,851 shares of
Common Stock of the Company at an exercise price of $1.03 per share, exercisable
commencing  six months after the closing date until the earlier of (a) the later
of the date that is six  months  after the  effective  date of the  registration
statement  covering  the shares and the date that is one year after the  closing
date,  and (b) September 13, 2006,  with  standard  anti-dilution,  and that are
subject to certain  conditions,  callable  by the Company at any time the common
shares of the Company  have a VWAP greater than or equal to 160% of the exercise
price for the  preceding 20 trading  days.  As of March 31,  2005,  2,730 of the
4,300  Series A Preferred  Stock  shares have been  converted.  As of the filing
date, no subsequent shares have been converted.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

In  connection  with  the  aforementioned  Securities  Purchase  Agreement,  the
Exercise  Price to holders of 2,500,000  Common Stock Purchase  Warrants  (dated
October  31,  2003) has been  reduced  from $2.442 per share to $0.94 per share,
pursuant to the Warrant Agreement.

On January  25,  2005,  the  Company  closed a private  placement  with five (5)
accredited    investors,    including   the   Company's   then-Chief   Executive
Officer/President, and a then-Director (collectively, the "Investors"). Pursuant
to the  terms of the Loan  Agreement,  the  Company  is to  initially  issue the
following  securities to the Investors in consideration for the Investors making
payment to the Company in the total amount of $1,098,500: (i) Secured Promissory
Notes in the total principal amount of $1,098,500, with interest accruing at the
7.0% per annum,  payable in one lump sum of  principal  and interest on the date
that is six (6) months after  issuance (with an option to extend the term if the
Company and the  Investors  mutually  agree),  secured by 100% of the issued and
outstanding  common stock of FS SunTours,  d/b/a SunTrips;  and (ii) Warrants to
purchase  549,250  shares of common stock of the Company at an exercise price of
$1.25  per  share,  exercisable  until the date  that is three  years  after the
closing date. The Notes were repaid on April 15, 2005.

As more fully described in Note 2, on February 2, 2005, RCG closed a transaction
through which its wholly owned subsidiary WTI  Acquisition,  Inc. ("Sub") merged
with and into Farequest.

On  February  8,  2005,  RCG  closed a private  placement  offering  with  eight
accredited  investors.   Pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  Securities  Purchase
Agreement,  the  Company  sold and the  purchasers  purchased  an  aggregate  of
$7,968,700 of two-year senior secured convertible debentures (the "Debentures").
The Debentures are original issue discount notes,  discounted to $6,294,392.  If
not converted  earlier,  the Debentures are due on February 8, 2007. The initial
conversion price of the Debentures is $1.30 per share and the Debentures are not
convertible  into shares of the Company's common stock until the shareholders of
the Company have approved the transaction  pursuant to the rules of the American
Stock  Exchange.  The Company has a right to redeem the  Debentures for cash any
time after the issuance date at 130% of the principal  amount of the Debentures.
The  purchasers  are  granted a senior  security  interest  in the assets of the
Company, subject to carve-outs for certain existing indebtedness.

In addition, the Company issued a total of 10,177,140 Warrants,  exercisable for
the Company's common stock.  Fifty percent (50%) of the Warrants are exercisable
at $1.55 per share and the  remaining  50% of the  Warrants are  exercisable  at
$1.87 per share.  The shares  underlying  the  Warrants are not issuable for 180
days from the closing  date of the  offering.  The  Warrants  have full  ratchet
anti-dilution  provisions,  but only after the shareholders approve the issuance
in excess of 20% of the outstanding common stock of RCG to the purchasers of the

The Company  agreed to hold a  shareholders  meeting to approve the  issuance in
excess  of 20% of its  common  stock  no  later  than May 31,  2005,  which  was
subsequently  extended to June 30, 2005,  and to file a  registration  statement
underlying the common stock in both the  Debentures and Warrants  within 45 days
of the  closing  date and to make  its  reasonable  best  efforts  to have  such
registration  declared  effective  at the  earliest  date.  If the  registration
statement is not timely filed or declared  effective  within 120 days  following
the closing,  additional  cash payments equal to 1.5% per month shall be owed on
the Debentures.


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

The Company paid a placement fee equal to 10% in cash of the aggregate number of
dollars raised and issued Warrants in  substantially  the same form as issued to
the purchasers in the amount of 50,000  Warrants for each  $1,000,000  aggregate
principal amount of dollars raised.


G. David Gordon, a Company stockholder,  also occasionally acts as legal counsel
to the Company.

On April 19,  2004,  Robert H.  Brooks,  Chairman of Hooters of  America,  Inc.,
Hooters Air and Pace Airlines,  Inc. joined the Company's Board of Directors. In
addition,  Mr.  Brooks made a $1,000,000  cash  investment  in the Company,  and
provided a waiver of the  requirement  of  delivery of a letter of credit in the
amount of  $1,000,000 to Pace  Airlines,  Inc., a charter  airline  company that
charters planes to the Company's  Travel  Services  division.  In exchange,  the
Company  issued  1,250,000  restricted  shares of Common  Stock and a warrant to
purchase  1,250,000  restricted  shares of Common Stock at an exercise  price of
$2.44 per share. The $1,000,000  investment was allocated $800,000 to the Common
Stock and $200,000 to the warrants using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model.
On August 2, 2004,  Mr. Brooks  resigned from the Company's  Board of Directors,
citing time constraints.

On  February  8, 2005,  K.  Wesley M.  Jones,  Sr.  resigned  as a member of the
Company's  Board  of  Directors,  citing  time  constraints.  Mr.  Jones  has an
ownership stake in a private  investment  group that has secured certain letters
of credit  issued by the  Company in the amount of  $2,000,000.  During the nine
months  ended March 31,  2005,  the Company  paid the private  investment  group
approximately   $180,000.   On  December  14,  2004,  the  Company  granted  the
aforementioned  private investment group, for one time release of collateral and
a term  extension  to the letters of credit,  215,000  three-year  common  stock
warrants at an exercise price of $1.25. The common stock warrants were valued at
$125,000  using the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model and the  expenses  is
included in selling, general and administrative expenses.

Mr.  Jones and  Michael D.  Pruitt,  RCG's  then-CEO,  as with other  accredited
investors,  each advanced the Company $250,000 of the total $1,100,000  advanced
(see Note 3).

Farequest  licenses  an  Internet-based  travel-booking  engine  from a  company
majority  owned by the founder of  Farequest.  Farequest  is  obligated to pay a
monthly  license  fee  for  support  and  maintenance  based  on the  number  of
reservations  booked  on-line.  Monthly fees charged by the company to Farequest
during the period from the date of the Farequest  acquisition  to March 31, 2005
totaled $41,489.

During the calendar year ended December 31, 2004,  Farequest  purchased  several
automobiles,  which were  financed  through  notes  payable.  Certain notes were
personally  guaranteed by two  stockholders  of  Farequest.  In exchange for the
guarantees,  during the period  from the date of the  Farequest  acquisition  to
March 31, 2005, the Company paid the stockholders fees that totaled $6,000.  The
fees are  expected  to be paid  through the term of the notes,  which  mature in


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries


As discussed  in Note 3, during the third  quarter of fiscal year 2005 the Board
directed  management to investigate the possible sale of its Technology  Segment
to provide the Company with additional  liquidity and allow the Company to focus
on its core business, the Travel Segment. On April 27, 2005, RCG closed the sale
of the Technology Segment. Accordingly, the operations of the Technology Segment
have been reclassified to discontinued operations.

As a result of the sale of the Logisoft  assets,  RCG no longer owns or operates
any entities in the  Technology  Segment and only has  operations  in the Travel
Segment.  Hence,  the Company no longer  reports  operating  results by business


On April 14, 2005, RCG entered into and closed a Securities  Purchase  Agreement
with 12 institutional  investors for a private placement of Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock totaling  $30,910,165,  and associated warrants.  Total proceeds
after offering expenses will be approximately $27,128,946.

In  conjunction  with the placement,  RCG repaid the promissory  notes issued in
January 2005 and redeemed all of its outstanding  convertible  debentures issued
in February 2005 for aggregate  consideration of $8,765,570.  Remaining proceeds
of the  placement  will be used to  finance  the  previously  announced  planned
acquisition of 100% of the outstanding stock of OneTravel,  Inc. and for general
working  capital.  The Company will record  approximately  $9,543,000 of expense
attributable  to the  repayment  of the  January and  February  2005 debt in the
fourth  quarter  of fiscal  year  2005,  of which  approximately  $8,746,000  is

On April 15, 2005, RCG closed the acquisition of OneTravel,  Inc. ("OneTravel"),
pursuant  to the  previously  announced  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger,  dated
February 10, 2005, by and among  OneTravel,  OT Acquisition  Corporation,  Terra
Networks  Asociadas,  S.L., Amadeus Americas,  Inc. and Avanti Management,  Inc.
(collectively,  the "Shareholders").  The terms of the acquisition provide for a
total  purchase  price  of  $26,827,000   including  estimated  working  capital
adjustment of $827,488,  of which $2,500,000 of the total consideration was paid
by the Registrant as a deposit upon signing.  On February 10, 2005,  $10,500,000
of the  total  consideration  was  paid in cash at  closing,  and the  remaining
$12,500,000  was paid at closing by the  issuance of  six-month,  interest-free,
convertible promissory notes to the Shareholders. The notes are convertible into
common stock at a conversion price of $0.6875 of the Registrant at the option of
the holder... This conversion price will be adjusted to equal 125% of the market
price of the  Registrant's  common  stock  in the  event  that the  Registrant's
contemplated  one for ten reverse  stock split is approved by its  stockholders,
and the average market value of the Registrant's  common stock is lower that the
split  adjusted  conversion  price  for  the  twenty  trading  days  immediately
following the effectuation of the reverse stock split. The Registrant has agreed
to file a registration  statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in
order to  register  the resale of the shares  issuable  upon  conversion  of the
convertible  promissory  notes.  The  Registrant  has the  right to  extend  the
maturity  of the  convertible  note  by up to five  months  upon  payment  of an
extension fee to the note-holders of an aggregate of $125,000 per each one-month


                   RCG Companies Incorporated and Subsidiaries

OneTravel  is a privately  held  provider of online and offline  discount-travel
products and services, offering its customers the ability to search for and book
a  full   range   of   travel   products.   OneTravel   also   has   proprietary
dynamic-packaging   search-engine   technology  that  allows  its  customers  to
customize  their  own  vacations  by  combining  air,  hotel  and land  options.
OneTravel operates a direct-to-consumer business through a variety of Web sites.
In  addition to  OneTravel.com,  it operates  11thHour.com,  CheapSeats.com  and
DiscountHotels.com.  OneTravel  also provides  technology  solutions and support
services  that enable other  businesses  to operate in the online  travel arena.
Through  OneTravel's  long-standing  partner  program,  OneTravel  has developed
turnkey solutions for organizations  such as The Travel Channel,  Sam's Club and


Guarantee Obligation

The Company has  certain  guarantees  with  airline  providers  that agrees to a
minimum  number of hours during each program and is required to pay any shortage
to the provider. The segment does not anticipate a shortage and, accordingly, no
amount has been  accrued.  However,  the  Company  has been  notified by a prior
airline provider claiming $1,400,000 for a program that was cancelled during the
year. The Company believes such claim is completely without merit.



The  Company's  business,  results of  operations  and  financial  condition are
subject to many  risks.  In  addition,  statements  in this  report  relating to
matters that are not historical  facts are  forward-looking  statements based on
management's  belief and assumptions based on currently  available  information.
Such  forward-looking  statements  include  statements  relating to estimates of
future  revenue and operating  income,  cash flow and  liquidity.  Words such as
"anticipates",  "expects",  "intends",  "believes",  "may", "will",  "future" or
similar expressions are intended to identify certain forward-looking statements.
In addition,  any statements  that refer to  expectations,  projections or other
characterizations   of  future  events  or  circumstances  are   forward-looking
statements.  Although the Company  believes that the  expectations  reflected in
such  forward-looking  statements are reasonable,  it cannot give any assurances
that these  expectations  will prove to be correct.  Such  statements  involve a
number  of  risks  and  uncertainties,  including,  but not  limited  to,  those
discussed  herein or included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed
registration statements, and other documents filed by the Company with the SEC.

Management's   Discussion  and  Analysis  should  be  read  with  the  Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements.


Effective  February 1, 2005, RCG concluded the acquisition of 100% of the common
stock of Farequest Holdings,  Inc.  ("Farequest").  Farequest is a travel agency
and consolidator  that sells and distributes  travel products  including airline
tickets,  lodging,  car  rentals,  cruises and vacation  packages to  consumers,
corporations  and travel  agencies  through  on-line  sales on the  Internet and
telephone sales through call center agents.

Farequest  maintains its operations and accounting offices in Atlanta,  Georgia,
and its call  center  operations  are  located  in Las  Vegas,  Nevada,  with an
additional corporate travel service office in Los Angeles, California. Farequest
markets its call center travel services under the trade name of 1-800-CHEAPSEATS
and its on-line  travel  website to distribute  travel  products and services to
consumers under the brand name of  1800cheapseats.com.  RCG's continuing results
from continuing  operations include the results of Farequest  beginning from the
date of acquisition.

RCG's  continuing  operations  also include a travel  company based in San Jose,
California  specializing  in the  distribution  of leisure  travel  products and
services  under the SunTrips  brand.  SunTrips  sells air and hotel packages for
Mexico, the Dominican  Republic,  Costa Rica, Hawaii and the Azores. The flights
originate in Oakland, California and/or Denver, Colorado.

During the third quarter of fiscal year 2005, the Board  directed  management to
investigate  the possible sale of its Technology  Segment to provide the Company
with  additional  liquidity and allow the Company to focus on its core business,
the Travel  Segment.  On April 27, 2005,  RCG closed the sale of its  Technology
Segment (See Note 3 of the Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
for  further  details).  As a result of the sale of the  Logisoft  assets RCG no
longer owns or operates any entities in the Technology Segment and only operates
within the Travel  Segment.  Hence,  the  Company  no longer  reports  operating
results by business segment.


On December 9, 2004, the Company sold the assets of FS Tours.  Accordingly,  the
operations  of FS Tours as well as  Flightserv,  Inc.,  which  provided  charter
management   operations  for  FS  Tours,   were   reclassified  to  discontinued
operations.  Both the operations of FS Tours and  Flightserv  were included with
the Travel Services Segment.

On April 14, 2005, the Company raised  $31,110,165 from the issuance of Series C
Preferred Stock and associated  warrants.  A portion of these proceeds were used
to fund the acquisition of OneTravel.

On April 15, 2005, RCG closed the acquisition by merger of OneTravel (See Note 8
of  the  Company's  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for  further

OneTravel  is a privately  held  provider of online and offline  discount-travel
products and services, offering its customers the ability to search for and book
a full  range  of  travel  products.  OneTravel  also  has  proprietary  dynamic
packaging search engine  technology that allows its customers to customize their
own vacations by combining air, hotel and land options.

OneTravel operates a direct-to-consumer business through a variety of Web sites.
In  addition to  OneTravel.com,  it operates  11thHour.com,  CheapSeats.com  and
DiscountHotels.com.  OneTravel  also provides  technology  solutions and support
services  that enable other  businesses  to operate in the online  travel arena.
Through  OneTravel's  long-standing  partner  program,  OneTravel  has developed
turnkey solutions for organizations  such as The Travel Channel,  Sam's Club and


Results of Operations

The following  table  summarizes  the  consolidated  results of  operations  (in

                                                    Nine Months Ended March            Nine Months Ended March
                                                            31, 2005                          31, 2004
                                                                      % of                               % of
                                                     Amount          Revenue           Amount           Revenue
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------
   Revenue ...................................... $    57,677            100.0%      $    36,691            100.0%
   Cost of revenue ..............................      57,983            100.5%           34,507             94.0%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

 Gross profit (loss) ............................        (306)            (0.5%)           2,184              6.0%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

Selling, general and administrative expenses ....       9,992             17.3%            5,913             16.2%
Goodwill impairment .............................          --              0.0%            1,000              2.7%
Depreciation and amortization ...................         495              0.9%              159              0.4%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------
      Operating costs and expenses ..............      10,487             18.2%            7,072             19.3%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

      Operating loss ............................     (10,793)           (18.7%)          (4,888)           (13.3%)

Interest expense, net ...........................        (993)            (1.7%)            (220)            (0.6%)
Warrant expense .................................         (73)            (0.1%)              --              0.0%
Other (loss) income .............................        (519)            (0.9%)             119              0.3%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

Loss from continuing operations before
  extraordinary items ........................... $   (12,378)           (21.4%)     $    (4,989)           (13.6%)
                                                  ===========      ===========       ===========      ===========


                                                     Three Months Ended Mar.           Three Months Ended Mar.
                                                            31, 2005                           31, 2004
                                                                       % of                              % of
                                                     Amount          Revenue            Amount          Revenue
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------
   Revenue ...................................... $    16,448            100.0%      $    19,769            100.0%
   Cost of revenue ..............................      16,687            101.5%           19,437             98.3%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

 Gross profit (loss) ............................        (239)            (1.5%)             332              1.7%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

Selling, general and administrative expenses ....       3,447             21.0%            3,446             17.4%
Depreciation and amortization ...................         351              2.1%               92              0.5%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------
      Operating costs and expenses ..............       3,798             23.1%            3,538             17.9%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

      Operating loss ............................      (4,037)           (24.6%)          (3,206)           (16.2%)

Interest expense, net ...........................        (700)            (4.2%)            (120)            (0.6%)
Other loss ......................................        (259)            (1.6%)              --              0.0%
                                                  -----------      -----------       -----------      -----------

Loss from continuing operations before
  extraordinary items ........................... $    (4,996)           (30.4%)     $    (3,326)           (16.8%)
                                                  ===========      ===========       ===========      ===========

31, 2004

For the nine months ended March 31, 2005,  Revenue was  $57,677,000  compared to
$36,691,000  in  the  same  period  a  year  before,  which  is an  increase  of
$20,986,000  or 57%.  SunTrips was acquired on October 31, 2003,  therefore only
five months of revenues  were  included  for the period  ended March 31, 2004 as
compared  to a full  nine  months  for the  period  end March  31,  2005.  Also,
Farequest  was  acquired  on  February  2, 2005  resulting  in two months of its
revenues totaling  $1,114,000 being included in the current year.  Revenues were
less than  expected  as  increased  competition  has  created  aggressive  sales
promotions resulting in deeply discounted fares. The implementation of SunTrips'
new online  reservation system in the first quarter of fiscal year 2005 severely
hindered bookings.  It is estimated that $6,000,000 of revenues were lost due to
implementation problems and delays.

For the nine months ended March 31, 2005,  the Gross loss was $306,000  compared
to a Gross  profit of  $2,184,000  for the same period in the prior year.  Gross
margins  declined as a direct result of the reduced revenues and being unable to
absorb the air cost.  The  majority of our air cost is fixed and is difficult to
reduce when  bookings  decline.  The price of jet fuel  continues  to  increase.
Competitive market conditions have prevented us from passing  increases,  in the
form of surcharges, to our customers.

For the nine months ended March 31, 2005,  Selling,  general and  administrative
("SGA") expenses were $9,992,000, or 17.3% of revenues,  compared to $5,913,000,
or 16.2% of revenues,  for the same period a year before.  SunTrips was acquired
on October 31, 2003,  therefore  only five months of expenses  were included for
the period ended March 31, 2004 as compared to a full nine months for the period
end March 31, 2005.  Additionally,  the  acquisition of Farequest on February 2,
2005 resulted in two months of  Farequest's  SGA expenses  being included in the
period ended March 31, 2005.


For the nine months  ended March 31, 2005,  Depreciation  and  amortization  was
$495,000  compared to $159,000 for the same period a year before, an increase of
$336,000  or  211%.  The  increase  was  primarily  due  to the  acquisition  of
Farequest,  which  resulted  in two  months  of its  depreciation  expenses  and
intangibles amortization being included in the current period.

For the nine-month period ended March 31, 2005, the Company incurred $993,000 of
Net-interest  expense compared to $220,000 in the same period in the prior year,
an  increase  of $773,000 or 351%.  The  primary  reasons for the  increase  was
interest  associated with the amortization of the original issue discount on the
securities  issued  February  8, 2005 as well as  interest  associated  with the
Promissory Notes issued in January 2005 to accredited  investors and in February
2005 to the Farequest shareholders.

For the nine-month period ended March 31, 2005, the Company incurred $519,000 of
Other  losses  compared  to Other  income of  $119,000 in the same period a year
before. The primary reason for the losses was the write-down of an investment.

MARCH 31, 2004

For the three months ended March 31, 2005,  Revenue was $16,448,000  compared to
$19,769,000 in the same period a year before,  which is a decrease of $3,321,000
or 16.8%.  The  decrease is  primarily  due to lower than  expected  revenues of
SunTrips, which operates in an intensely competitive market with adverse, market
conditions including a significant excess capacity of available passenger seats.
Increased  competition  has  created  aggressive  sales  promotions  with deeply
discounted fares.

For the three months ended March 31, 2005, the Gross loss was $239,000  compared
to a Gross profit of $332,000 for the same period a year before.  Gross  margins
declined as a direct result of the reduced revenues and not being able to absorb
air cost.  The majority of our air cost is fixed and is difficult to reduce when
bookings  decline.  The price of jet fuel  continues  to  increase.  Competitive
market  conditions  have  prevented  us from passing  increases,  in the form of
surcharges, to our customers.

For the three months ended March 31, 2005,  SGA  expenses  were  $3,447,000,  or
21.0% of sales,  compared to  $3,446,000,  or 17.4%,  for the same period a year
before.  A decrease in the  operating  expenses  of  SunTrips  was offset by the
inclusion of two months of Farequest's expenses in the current period.

For the three months ended March 31, 2005,  Depreciation  and  amortization  was
$351,000  compared to $92,000 for the same period a year before,  an increase of
$259,000.  The increase was primarily due to the  Farequest  acquisition,  which
resulted in two months of its depreciation expenses and intangibles amortization
being included in the current period.


For the three-month  period ended March 31, 2005, the Company incurred  $700,000
of Net-interest  expense  compared to $120,000 in the same period a year before.
The primary reason for the increase was the  amortization  of the original issue
discount  on the  securities  issued  February  8,  2005  as  well  as  interest
associated  with the  Promissory  Notes  issued in  January  2005 to  accredited
investors and in February 2005 to the Farequest shareholders.

For the three-month  period ended March 31, 2005, the Company incurred  $259,000
of Other losses related to the write-down of an investment.


The Company experiences  significant  seasonality in its SunTrips tour operation
due to the higher  level of demand for charter  travel to Mexican  and  Hawaiian
destinations from SunTrips'  departure cities during the vacation season,  which
coincides with the Company's first and fourth fiscal quarters. Although there is
some seasonality in  1-800-CHEAPSEATS'  and OneTravel's  businesses that mirrors
travel  seasonality,  generally,  in the same  first and  fourth  quarters,  the
seasonality  in these two  businesses is not as pronounced as in SunTrips'  tour


The Company has certain  guarantees  with an airline  provider  that agrees to a
minimum  number of hours  during  each  program  year and is required to pay any
shortage  to the  provider.  The Company  does not  anticipate  a shortage,  and
accordingly, no amount has been accrued.


The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will continue as a going concern. The Company has suffered recurring losses from
operations  and  as  of  March  31,  2005  had  a  working  capital  deficit  of
$24,602,000.  These  conditions  raise  substantial  doubt  about the  Company's
ability to continue as a going concern.  Management  recognizes that in order to
meet the Company's  capital  requirements,  and continue to operate,  additional
funding is necessary.

In September 2004, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with
institutional  and  accredited  investors  who  purchased  Series A  Convertible
Preferred  Stock and  associated  warrants  and other  investment  rights for an
aggregate amount of $4,300,000.

In  January  2005,  the  Company  closed a  private  placement  with  accredited
investors who received Secured  Promissory Notes and associated  warrants for an
aggregate amount of $1,098,000.

In February 2005, the Company entered into a Securities  Purchase Agreement with
certain  accredited  investors to issue senior secured  convertible  debentures,
associated  warrants  and other  investment  rights  for a  principal  amount of
$7,968,700.  The securities  were original  issue  discount  debentures and were
discounted to $6,294,392.

On April 14, 2005, RCG Companies  Incorporated (the  "Registrant")  entered into
and closed a Securities Purchase Agreement with 12 institutional investors for a
private placement of Series C Convertible  Preferred Stock totaling $30,910,165,
and  associated   warrants.   Total   proceeds  after  offering   expenses  were


In conjunction with the placement,  the Registrant repaid the Secured Promissory
Notes issued in January 2005 for $1,023,775 and redeemed all of its  outstanding
convertible  debentures  issued in February 2005 for aggregate  consideration of
$8,765,570.  Remaining  proceeds  of the  placement  were  used to  finance  the
acquisition of 100% of the outstanding stock of OneTravel, Inc.

Therefore,  the  remaining  proceeds of the April 14, 2005  private  placement -
subsequent to repayment of the January 2005 Secured Promissory Notes, redemption
of the February 2005 Original  Issue  Discount  Debentures,  the  acquisition of
OneTravel  and  payment of closing  and  transaction  costs - was  approximately
$4,500,000, which is available for working capital needs.

The Company is exploring additional sources of liquidity through debt and equity
financing  alternatives further  restructuring of its long-term debt and seeking
to  restructure  trade  creditor  obligations  of certain  subsidiaries.  If the
Company is (i) unable to grow its business or improve its  operating  cash flows
as expected,  (ii) unsuccessful in negotiating balances owed to trade creditors,
or (iii)  unable to raise  additional  funds  through  sales of debt and  equity
securities  or sale of certain  assets or  portions  of the  business,  then the
Company may be unable to continue as a going concern.  There can be no assurance
that additional  financing will be available when needed or, if available,  that
it will be on  terms  favorable  to the  Company  and its  stockholders.  If the
Company is not successful in generating  sufficient cash flows from  operations,
or in raising  additional  capital when  required in  sufficient  amounts and on
terms  acceptable to the Company,  these failures would have a material  adverse
effect on the Company's business, results of operations and financial condition.
If additional  funds are raised through the issuance of equity  securities,  the
percentage  ownership of the Company's  current  shareholders  would be diluted.
These Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements do not include any adjustments
that may result from the outcome of these uncertainties.

Cash and cash  equivalents were $212,000 and $777,000 at March 31, 2005 and June
30, 2004, respectively.  Cash and cash equivalents were approximately $4,330,000
at May 18,  2005.  At  March  31,  2005,  the  Company  had  current  assets  of
$17,987,000,  as compared to $42,589,000  of total current  liabilities at March
31, 2005,  resulting in a working capital  deficit of  $24,602,000.  At June 30,
2004, the Company had current assets of $22,720,000,  as compared to $33,852,000
of total current  liabilities at June 30, 2004,  resulting in a working  capital
deficit of $11,132,000.

For the nine months ended March 31, 2005, cash and cash equivalents decreased by
$565,000.  Cash flow of  $11,105,000  was provided  from  financing  activities,
primarily  from the sale of Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock in September
2004 of $4,300,000, from the proceeds of a Loan Agreement in January 2005 in the
amount of  $1,099,000,  and the  proceeds  of a  private  placement  of  secured
convertible debentures in the amount of $6,294,000. These amounts were offset by
$11,533,000 used in operations and $379,000 used in investing activities.

Cash of  $11,533,000  was used in  operations,  primarily  resulted  from a cash
operating  loss  of  $14,202,000  offset  by  $2,669,000  in the  change  in net
operating assets and liabilities.


Disclosures About Contractual Obligations and Commercial Commitments

The following table summarizes contractual  obligations as of March 31, 2005 (in

                                                             Prior to         4/1/06-         4/1/08-         4/1/10 &
                                                Total         3/31/06         3/31/08         3/31/10        thereafter
                                            -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Purchase obligations ...................... $    71,406     $    29,723     $    37,927     $     3,756     $        --
Long-term notes payable ...................      26,652          18,808           4,181           2,932             731
Operating and capital lease obligations ...       4,646           1,327           2,390             929              --
                                            -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
                                            $   102,704     $    48,858     $    44,498     $     7,617     $       731
                                            ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========


Determination of certain amounts in the Company's financial  statements requires
the use of estimates.  These  estimates are based upon the Company's  historical
experiences  combined  with  management's  understanding  of  current  facts and
circumstances.  Although the estimates are considered reasonable, actual results
could differ from the estimates.  Discussed  below are the  accounting  policies
considered  by management to require the most judgment and to be critical in the
preparation of the financial statements.


The Company's  tour  operator,  SunTrips,  sells tour packages  either to travel
agents or directly to passengers. Revenue is recognized on the departure date of
the trip. Direct air and hotel costs, other related direct costs and commissions
associated with the tour package are also recognized on the departure date. Cash
received in advance of the departure date is deposited into escrow  accounts and
recorded as unearned  income.  Substantially  all of the unearned  income on the
Company's balance sheet is from the SunTrips tour business.

As  discussed  in  Note  1 of the  Company's  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial
Statements,  Farequest derives revenues from multiple sources including:  a) the
sale of nonpublished  airline fares under  agreements  with certain  airlines in
which  Farequest  is  generally  the  merchant of record;  b)  commissions  from
suppliers such as airlines,  hotels, car rental companies, etc.; c) service fees
charged to consumers; and d) reservation booking system incentives.

Due to most airline  reservations  made by Farequest  being  noncancellable  and
nonrefundable,  as well as the  associated  service  fees  being  nonrefundable,
revenue for each of  Farequest's  sources of revenue other than  commissions  is
recognized when the  reservations are made and secured by a credit card or other
form of payment.  Commission  revenues are  recognized  when  received  from the

Farequest  presents revenue derived from the sale of nonpublished  airline fares
at the net amount  collected in accordance with Emerging Issues Task Force Issue
No.  99-19,  "Reporting  Revenue  Gross as a Principal  versus Net as an Agent."
Commissions  and service fees derived from the sale of published  airline  fares
are also recorded at the net amount realized.



Goodwill  is tested for  impairment  annually or more  frequently  if changes in
circumstances or the occurrence of events suggest  impairment  exists.  The test
for impairment  requires the Company to make several estimates about fair value,
most of which are based on projected future cash flows. The estimates associated
with the goodwill  impairment tests are considered critical due to the judgments
required in determining  fair value  amounts,  including  projected  future cash
flows. Changes in these estimates may result in the recognition of an impairment


Market  risk  generally  represents  the risk of loss that may  result  from the
potential change in value of a financial  instrument as a result of fluctuations
in  interest  rates and market  prices.  We do not  currently  have any  trading
derivatives  nor do we expect  to have any in the  future.  We have  established
policies and internal processes related to the management of market risks, which
we use in the normal course of our business operations.


We have a substantial  amount of intangible  assets.  We are required to perform
goodwill  impairment  tests at least on an annual basis and  whenever  events or
circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  value may not be  recoverable  from
estimated  future  cash  flows.  As a result of our  annual  and other  periodic
evaluations,  we may  determine  that the  intangible  asset  values  need to be
written down to their fair values,  which could result in material  charges that
could be adverse to our operating  results and financial  position.  Although at
March 31, 2005 we believe our intangible assets are recoverable,  changes in the
economy, the business in which we operate and our own relative performance could
change the assumptions  used to evaluate  intangible  asset  recoverability.  We
continue  to  monitor  those  assumptions  and  their  consequent  effect on the
estimated recoverability of our intangible assets.


We do not enter into  contracts  for the purchase or sale of  commodities.  As a
result, we do not currently have any direct commodity price risk.



The  Company  has  established  and  currently   maintains  controls  and  other
procedures designed to ensure that material information required to be disclosed
in its reports  filed under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 is  recorded,
processed,  summarized  and reported,  within the time periods  specified by the
Securities and Exchange Commission. In conjunction with the close of each fiscal
quarter,  the  Company  conducts  an update and a review and  evaluation  of the
effectiveness  of the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures.  It is the
opinion of the Company's  principal  executive officer and principal  accounting
officer,  based  upon  an  evaluation  as of the  end of the  period,  that  the
Company's  disclosure  controls and  procedures  are  sufficiently  effective to
ensure  that any  material  information  relating  to the  Company is  recorded,
processed,  summarized  and reported to its  principal  officers to allow timely
decisions regarding required disclosures.



There  were no  significant  changes in the  Company's  internal  controls  over
financial reporting procedures during the quarter that materially  affected,  or
are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal controls over
financial reporting.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


During  the  normal  course of  business,  the  Company  is  subject  to various
lawsuits,  which may or may not have  merit.  Management  intends to  vigorously
pursue and/or defend such suits, as applicable,  and believes that they will not
result in any material loss to the Company.


None, except for any reported on Form 8-K.








(a) Exhibits

      31.1  Certification of Principal Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302
            of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

      31.2  Certification of Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302
            of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

      32.1  Certifications  of  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Chief  Financial
            Officer, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In accordance  with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, the  Registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto
duly authorized.

                                       RCG Companies Incorporated

Date: May 23, 2005                     By: /s/ William A. Goldstein
                                           William A. Goldstein
                                           Chief Executive Officer
                                           (principal executive officer)

Date: May 23, 2005                     By: /s/ Philip A. Ferri
                                           Philip A. Ferri
                                           Chief Financial Officer
                                           (principal financial officer)
