Michael S. Krome, Esq.
                                  8 Teak Court
                           Lake Grove, New York 11755

Tel.:  (631) 737-8381
Fax:   (631) 737-8382
email: mskrome@optonline.net

Cheryl A. Krome
Ronald Krome
Legal Assistants

                                                                 August 22, 2005

John Reynolds, Assistant Director
Office of Emerging Growth Companies
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

                  Reference:     Xiom, Inc.
                                 Registration Statement on Form SB-2
                                 Filed:  May 6, 2005
                                 File No. 333-123176

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

      Enclosed herewith for filing on behalf of Xiom, Inc. (the "Company"),
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1933, as amended, please find the
Company's Amendment No. 2 to its Registration Statement on Form SB-2 ("Amendment
No. 2"), marked to show the changes to the Company's Registration Statement on
Form SB-2, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 6, 2005.

      We received your letter of July 5, 2005, containing comments prepared by
the Staff of the Division of Corporation Finance of the Securities and Exchange
Commissions which pertain to the Registration Statement, and we hereby submit
the following responses to the numbered comments.

- -------
      1.    Disclosure indicated that you were spun-off from Humana Trans
            Services Corp. f/k/a Thermaltec International Corp in July 2001.
            Please disclose the purpose of the spin-off and provide an analysis
            addressing the exemption from registration that Humana Trans Service
            Corp relied upon in connection with the spin-off. Please consult SEC
            Staff Legal Bulletin No. 4 (CF), September 16, 1997, located at
            http://sec.gov/interps/legal/slbcf4.txt for the Divisions views
            regarding section 5 of the Securities Act and spin-offs.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 2 of 23

      The transaction with Xiom Corp. (then Panama Industries Ltd.) was intended
      to be under and fulfill the requirements of SEC Staff Legal Bulletin No. 4
      (CF), September 16, 1997 ("SEC Staff Legal Bulletin"). Specifically, the
      SEC Staff Legal Bulletin set out five specific items which when followed
      allowed a company subject to the reporting requirements of Section 13 or
      15(d) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, to "spin-out" a
      subsidiary, without filing a registration statement with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission. The Staff Bulletin stated five conditions to be
            *     the parent shareholders do not provide consideration for the
                  spun-off shares;
            *     the spin-off is pro-rata to the parent shareholders;
            *     the parent provides adequate information about the spin-off
                  and the subsidiary to its shareholders and to the trading
            *     the parent has a valid business purpose for the spin-off; and
            *     if the parent spins-off "restricted securities," it has held
                  those securities for at least two years.

      We believe that the transaction complied with all five items, as follows:
      (1) There was no consideration paid for the spun off shares by the parent
      company. (2) The spin off was pro-rata to all shareholders then
      shareholders of the parent company. (3) At the time of the spin off the
      parent company believed that sufficient information was available to the
      pubic to comply with the Staff Legal bulletin, from the reported filings
      of the parent company. (4) The purpose of the spin-off was for a valid
      business purpose. The business activities of Xiom Corp. were outside the
      sphere of the proposed acquisition of the parent company. The combination
      of the two separate businesses would have been diametrically opposed and
      would have caused integration problems with the employees, management of
      the subsidiaries and accounting issues. (5) Finally, the parent company
      did comply with the fifth and final requirement in that all of the
      securities spun off were "restricted securities" and the parent was not
      required to register the spin-off as it had complied with the initial four

      2.    Tell us about Mr. Mazzone's affiliation with Steam Cleaning USA,
            Inc. and the business nature of this entity. We note that the
            company is now called Humana Trans Service Corp. We may have further

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 3 of 23

      Mr. Mazzone was the President of TTIH at the time of the spinout. He
      resigned as Sole Officer and Director of TTIH on November 1, 2001.
      Thereafter, when the targeting merger candidate for TTIH fell through,
      TTIH located a potential new target for acquisition and changed its name
      to Steam Clean USA, Inc. on or about August 15, 2002. On July 1, 2003,
      Steam Clean USA, Inc., acquired Humana Trans Services Group, Ltd. At this
      point Mr. Mazzone was invited to become Chairman of the Board of
      Directors. He served in that position until January 2004, when he resigned
      as Chairman but remained as a Director and until April 5, 2004, when he
      resigned from the Board entirely.

Prospectus Cover Page
- ---------------------
      3.    For the primary offering, please provide the disclosure required by
            Item 501(a)(9) of Regulation S-B.

      We have inserted the following paragraph on the Prospectus Cover Page:
      "The shares offered by the Company are being offered without an
      underwriter, on a best efforts basis, with no minimum purchase
      requirement. There will be no escrow of funds from the sale of the shares
      offered by the Company. The shares offered by the Company are being
      offered at $3.00 per share. There are no underwriting discounts. The total
      maximum amount of the offering by the Company is $1,500,000 based on
      500,000 shares sold at $3.00 per share."

      4.    Please limit your disclosure to the information required by Item 501
            of Regulation S-B. We believe you could safely eliminate disclosure
            referencing use of proceeds and payment of offering expenses.

      We have removed all references to the use of proceeds and payment of
      offering expenses from the Prospectus Cover Page.

      5.    You are reminded that the selling shareholders must sell at a
            stated, fixed price until the securities are quoted on the OTC
            Bulletin Board and thereafter, the selling security holders may sell
            at prevailing market prices or privately negotiated process. This
            includes the shares registered for resale in connection with the
            issuance of common shares upon the exercise of outstanding common
            stock purchase warrants. See Item 16 of Schedule A to the Securities
            Act of 1933

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 4 of 23

            We are aware that the selling shareholders, and the shares
            registered for resale in connection with the issuance of common
            shares upon the exercise of outstanding common stock purchase
            warrants, must sell at a stated, fixed price until the securities
            are quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board and thereafter, the selling
            security holders may sell at prevailing market prices or privately
            negotiated process. That price would be $3.00 per share. It is our
            belief that none of the current selling shareholders are
            attempting to sell their shares at any other price at this time.

Prospectus Summary, page 3
- --------------------------

      6.    Please add disclosure addressing the company's going concern
            qualification and its accumulated deficit.


      We have added the following disclosure to the Prospectus Cover Page:

      In the 2004 fiscal year, Xiom Corp. reported an operating loss and net
      loss. The independent auditors' report with respect to Xiom Corp's 2004
      financial statements stated that Xiom Corp.'s recurring losses from
      operations, working capital deficit and limited sources of additional
      liquidity raise substantial doubt about Xiom Corp.'s ability to continue
      as a going concern. The financial statements as of and for the year ended
      September 30, 2004, were prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes
      continuity of operations and realization of assets and liquidation of
      liabilities in the ordinary course of business. Management recognizes that
      the continuation of Xiom Corp. as a going concern is dependent upon the
      achievement of profitability, positive cash flow from operations and the
      generation of adequate funds to meet its ongoing obligations. In the first
      quarter of 2005, Xiom Corp. increased revenues through increased sales.
      Xiom Corp. continues to seek additional liquidity to improve its working
      capital position through the Self Offering conducted herein, and the
      possible exercise of the common stock warrants also contained in this
      registration statement. However, no assurance can be given that the
      Offering will be successful or that Xiom Corp. will be able to generate
      net income in the future. See "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
      Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and the financial
      statements and notes thereto presented elsewhere in this Prospectus."

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 5 of 23

      7.    Please disclose your internet address and disclose, if true, that he
            information contained on your website does not constitute part of
            your prospectus.

      We have included the following disclosure on page 3, under the heading
      "About Our Company" "Our website is http://www.xiom-corp.com. Any
      information contained on our website should not be considered as part of
      this prospectus. The information contained on our website is used for
      sales information to prospective customers."

Summary Financial Information, page 4
- -------------------------------------
      8.    Please revise your disclosure to include comparable information
            through the date of the interim financial statements.

      We have included the requested comparable information through the date of
      the interim financial statements, March 31, 2005.

Risk factors, page 5
- --------------------
      9.    In the introductory paragraph, clarify that you disclose all
            "material" risks here.

      We have added the phrase "we are disclosing all material risks herein" in
      the introductory paragraph, second sentence, as requested.

      10.   Revise your risk factor subheadings to ensure that your subheadings
            clearly reflect the material risk disclosed in the narrative. For
            example, two subheadings on page 8 merely read "No assurances" and
            "Competition." Please revise your subheadings so that they
            adequately describe the specific risk that results from the stated
            fact. To assist you in this regard, we refer you to "A Plain English
            Handbook - How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure Documents, : issued by
            the Officer of Investor Education and Assistance, which is available
            on our website at www.sec.gov and the updated version of Staff Legal
            Bulletin No. 7, dated June 7, 1999.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 6 of 23

      We have revised the subheadings of the risk factors to clearly reflect the
      material risk being disclosed in the narrative.

      11.   Please add a risk factor addressing the company's going concern

      We have added the following as the second risk factor: "Our independent
      registered public accounting firm issued a report for the year ended
      September 30, 2004 that contained a "going concern" explanatory paragraph.
      Our independent registered public accounting firm issued a report on their
      audit of our financial statements as of and for the year ended September
      30, 2004. Our notes to the financial statements disclose that Xiom Corp.'s
      cash flows have been absorbed in operating activities and Xiom Corp. has
      incurred net losses from inception and has a working capital deficiency.
      In the event that funding from internal sources or from public or private
      financing is insufficient to fund the business at current levels, we will
      have to substantially cut back our level of spending which could
      substantially curtail our operations. The independent registered public
      accounting firm's report contains an explanatory paragraph indicating that
      these factors raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a
      going concern. Our going concern uncertainty may affect our ability to
      raise additional capital, and may also affect our relationships with
      suppliers and customers. Investors should carefully read the independent
      registered public accounting firm's report and examine our financial

      12.   The first risk factor on page 5 should be updated through the
            current date, or alternatively you could delete the date from the
            statement - e.g. - "Through December 31, 2004, we have generated
            limited revenue..."

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 7 of 23

      We have amended the first sentence of the first risk factor on page 5 to
      read as follows:
            "We have, in our history, generated limited revenues from
            operations, have incurred substantial expenses and have sustained

      13.   Add risk factor disclosure that covers the industry in which your
            company operates.

      We have added the following risk factor with respect to the industry our
      company operates:
            "Operations and our Technology and Products We provide equipment and
            material for the spraying of steel and other metal surfaces. Our
            business is dependant upon the continued need for these types of
            services. Our equipment has been specifically developed for the
            application of the coatings we provide. There is no assurance that
            the end users we target will continue to require and seek our
            services. While we believe that our process and coating are superior
            to most, if not all others available, there is no way to foresee if
            another process is not developed by a competitor. In addition, we
            are dependent upon the continued need for steel and other metal to
            be coated to protect it from weathering, corrosion and other wear
            and tear. Currently, our major customers are anticipated to be
            governments and municipalities interested in treating exposed steel
            and metal surfaces, such as bridges, and other support items. It is
            anticipated, but we can not be certain that these needs will
            continue to be required to be met. Furthermore, while we seek to
            develop mew uses and applications for our technology and products,
            we can not be assured of (a) finding new uses for our technology and
            products, and (b) being able to introduce and interest customers and
            other industries in our technology and products."

      14.   Please revise your risk factors to so that each discusses a material
            risk to your potential shareholders. Some of your risk factors are
            too broad and generic and should be revised to state the material
            risk that is specific to Xiom Corp. As a general rule, a risk factor
            is probably too generic if it is readily transferable to other
            offering documents or describes circumstances or factual situations
            that are equally applicable to other similarly situated businesses.
            The following risk factors should be revised, deleted or moved to
            another section of the prospectus as appropriate:

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 8 of 23

            a.    "We are dependent on our key personnel...."
            b.    "We will need additional capital to finance...."
            c.    "Our directors have limited liability...."

      We have revised the indicated risk factors to make them specific to this
      offering, and have re-moved the third risk factor and inserted the text in
      the section of the registration statement dealing with "Certain Provisions
      of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws"

      15.   The last sentence of the second risk factor speaks to your marketing
            program yet the risk factor subheading addresses your dependence on
            key personnel. Revise as appropriate.

      We have removed the last sentence from this risk factor. At this point in
      time, the Company has no intention of conducting a marketing program.

      16.   In the eighth risk factor, clarify your reference to "Medivisor,

      We have removed the reference to Medivisor, Inc. from this risk factor and
      corrected it to read "Xiom Corp.

      17.   Disclosure in the tenth risk factor references "franchise
            opportunities." Disclose or tell us what you mean by "franchise
            opportunities" and how franchises impact your operations. We may
            have further comment.

      We have removed the sentence with the reference to `franchise
      opportunities." The Company is not in the franchise business, nor does it
      intend to franchise any operations, sales or marketing.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 9 of 23

18.   The disclosure in the second full paragraph on page 8 is repetitive of
      disclosure contained elsewhere on page 8. Revise as appropriate.

      We have removed the second full paragraph on page 8.

19.   In the eleventh risk factor, clarify your use of the term "network

      We have removed the first sentence of this risk factor. It was
      inapplicable to this offering.

Forward-Looking Statements, page 8
- ----------------------------------
20.   Refer to your statement that you "make no commitment to update any
      forward-looking statement or to disclose any facts, events or
      circumstances after the date of this document that may affect the accuracy
      of any forward-looking statement. Please confirm that you are aware of
      your responsibility to make full and prompt disclosure of material facts,
      both favorable and unfavorable, regarding your financial condition, and
      that this responsibility may extend to situations where management knows
      or has reason to know that previously disclosed projections no longer have
      a reasonable basis. See Item 10(b)(3) of Regulation S-K.

      The Company, and its management, is aware of their responsibility to make
      full and prompt disclosure of material facts, both favorable and
      unfavorable, regarding your financial condition, and that this
      responsibility may extend to situations where management knows or has
      reason to know that previously disclosed projections no longer have a
      reasonable basis. We have added to the sentence in the disclosure the
      following: "other than as required."

Use of Proceeds, page 9
- -----------------------
      21.   Please provide the full disclosure required by Item 504 of
            Regulation S-B. We may have further moment after reviewing your
            revised disclosure.

      We have updated our disclosure as required by Item 504 of Regulation S-B.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 10 of 23

Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation, page 10
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

      22.   We note a limited discussion of your plan of operations. Please
            revise to provide a detailed plan of operations. Substantial
            revision of this section is necessary in order for you to discuss,
            with detailed specificity, the steps you intend to take in
            furtherance of your plan of operations. Please provide a potential
            investor with comprehensive disclosure of the direction in which you
            plan to take your company in the next twelve months of operation.
            You should focus your discussion in monthly or quarterly increments
            and discuss the steps necessary for; the costs associated with, and
            projected timeframes for achieving sustained first revenues.
            Currently you do not identify any specific milestones nor do you
            discuss the ways in which you intend to generate sustained revenue.
            We may have additional comment after reviewing your revised

      We have updated the Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of
      Operations to indicate the business plan of the Company for the next
      twelve months.

      23.   Update the disclosure in the second paragraph since the second
            quarter is coming to a close.

      We have updated the second paragraph and removed any reference to any
      specific quarter.

      24.   Please revise your disclosure to include a discussion of your
            critical accounting policies and estimates. This disclosure should
            not merely repeat information presented in the financial statements,
            but rather should provide investors with insight into matters
            requiring significant estimates or judgment which may have a
            material impact on your financial statements. Refer to the
            Commission's guidance concerning critical accounting estimates and
            revise accordingly. This guidance is available on the SEC website at
            www.sec.gov/rules/interp/33-8350.htm. Please see section V.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 11 of 23

      We have added the last paragraph to the MD&A that discloses the
      percentage-of-completion method of accounting for recording revenues and
      related costs for long-term, fixed-priced, contracts, as defined.

      25.   Please provide a more detailed discussion of your short and
            long-terms liquidity.

      We have updated the MD&A which more fully details the short and long-term
      liquidity of the Company.

Business of the Company, page 10
- --------------------------------
20.   Please thoroughly revise your disclosure in this section and throughout
      your registration statement to clarify the current status of your
      operations, proposed business operations, products and services. Your
      current description of your business comprises a largely technical
      discussion of "coatings" and "TDPC technology" and your disclosure, as a
      result, is vague, difficult to comprehend, and does little to provide a
      potential investor with a clear sense of your business, the commercial
      feasibility of your product, and the ability of your company to survive in
      the short and long terms. Your disclosure in this section should be
      substantially revised to clearly describe your company's business in the
      manner required by Item 101(b) of regulation S-B. To the extent you
      discuss what appears to be your sole product, the XIOM 1000 polymer
      multicoat spray system, please provide specific disclosure about its
      manufacturing status and the timeframes in which you anticipate bringing
      the product to market. We may have further comment after reviewing your
      revised disclosure.

      We have substantially revised the description of the Business of the
      Company, and removed the discussion of the technology and related items
      and placed a more appropriate section in its place.

      26.   Some of the disclosure here is too technical to be understood by an
            ordinary investor unfamiliar with your industry. We direct your
            attention, without limitation, to the following terms of phrases:

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 12 of 23

            o     Biocidal additives
            o     Nylon co-polymers (Platamid)
            o     Polyetheramide (Pebax)
            o     Polyethylene
            o     Process aid materials
            o     Surface morpology

      We have removed all technical discussion from the registration statement,
      as we agree that it is to technical to be understood by an ordinary

      27.   Expand your disclosure relating to distributorships. Currently you
            merely disclose that distributor are located in New York, Texas,
            Massachusetts, South American and Africa

      We have updated the disclosure regarding distributorships as follows: "Our
      active distributors are located in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and
      Canada. Distributors who are becoming active are located in Africa,
      Mexico, Colombia (SA), Minneapolis, MN, California, Rhode Island and
      Texas. Our distributors work on a commission basis to sell our technology
      and products."

Governmental Regulations, page 13
- ---------------------------------
      28.   If applicable, please provide the disclosure required by Item
            101(b)(11) of Regulation S-B.

      We are not subject to any environmental laws of the Federal, State or
      local governments. We have added the following to the section:
            "We estimate that there is no material cost to comply with any
            environmental laws of the Federal, State or Local governments. Any
            compliance, we believe that any cost and/or compliance is the
            responsibility of the end user."

Management, page 14
- -------------------
      29.   Please disclose each person's term of office as a director and the
            period during which the person has served. See Item 401(a)(3) of
            Regulation S-B.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 13 of 23

      We have added to following to the disclosure:
           "Each Director is elected to serve a one year term, until the next
            annual meeting of the shareholders or until their successor is
            elected (or appointed) and qualified."


      30.   For the last five years or for any longer period of time that you
            voluntarily cove, present the following for each member of
      -     the title of each position held;
      -     the duties of each position if not clear form the title;
      -     the beginning and ending dates by month and year of each position;
      -     the name of the entity with whom the position was held; and
      -     the activities of the entity.

      We have revised the information with respect to each member of management.

      31.   Please name all promoters of the company. Refer to the definition of
            "promoter" in Rule 405 of Regulation C.

      Pursuant to the definition of "promoter" under Rule 405, all persons that
      fit the definition are as follows:

                           Andrew B. Mazzone
                           Thomas Gardega

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 15
- -------------------------------------------------------
      32.   On pages 15-16, there are numerous typographical errors in the
            information presented. For example, may of the numbers are missing
            one zero, e.g. 150,00 shares. Also in the past paragraph, the two
            issuances add to 850,000 shares, not 800,000.

      We have corrected the numerous typographical errors on pages 15-16

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 14 of 23

      33.   Please provide the disclosure required by Item 404(d) of Regulation

      We have updated the disclosure to comply with Item 404(d) of Regulation
      S-B, to include the information with respect to the issuance of shares to
      DRB Consulting, Inc. and Michael Krome.

      34.   Expand the disclosure relating to the "certain technology rights"
            referenced in the transaction with Mr. Mazzone.

      We have expanded the disclosure with respect to the "certain technology
      rights" obtained from Mr. Mazzone, as follows:
            "These certain rights included the creation of certain proprietary
            technologies and applications from Mr. Mazzone's experience in the
            coating industry which enhanced the patents received from Mr.

      35.   Expand the disclosure relating to the "certain Patent rights"
            referenced in the transaction with Mr. Gardega.

      We have expanded the disclosure with respect to "certain Patent rights"
      obtained from Mr. Gardega, as follows:
            "These patent rights are as contained in the patent descriptions
            filed as Exhibits to the Registration statement and with the United
            States Patent and Trademark Office."

Principal Stockholders, page 16
- -------------------------------
      36.   Please update the disclosure in this section as of the most recent
            practicable date.

      We have updated this section to indicate the most practicable date of
      August 15, 2005.

      37.   Tell us the business nature of Alpha Advisors.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 15 of 23

      Alpha Advisors, LLC is a consulting limited liability corporation formed
      to provide services to companies that wished to become publicly traded,
      that were already publicly traded and were in need of financial,
      management or business re-organization services. The company also attempts
      to locate short and long term financing and/or investors for companies
      that need capital.

Dilution, page 17
- -----------------
      38.   Please revise the disclosure to correct what appears to be a
            typographical error in the first sentence. It appears that the
            tangible nook value per share should be $.01 rather than $(.01) as
            currently indicated.

      The tangible book value should in fact read $.01, and it has been

Offering by Selling Shareholders, page 18
- -----------------------------------------
      39.   For all entities listed that are not natural persons, please
            identify the natural persons with voting or investment control.

      We have indicated the natural person with voting or investment control for
      all entities that are not natural persons.

      40.   Please disclose how you propose to reflect any changes in selling
            security holders.

      We have added the following to the disclosure: "Changes in the Selling
      Shareholders will be provided by post-effective amendments filed with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission."

Description of Securities, page 19
- ----------------------------------
      41.   Please disclose the basis for the statement that all outstanding
            shares of common stock are fully paid and non-assessable, e.g. court
            order, opinion of counsel, etc.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 16 of 23

      We have removed the phrase "fully paid and non-assessable" from the

Plan of Distribution, page 19
- -----------------------------
      42.   How do you intend to sell the shares covering the primary offering?
            If your officers and directors intend to sell the offering, please
            name those officers and directors who will be offering the shares on
            behalf of the company. Also, advise the staff supplementally of the
            basis of each person's participation in offering the securities
            without registration as broker-dealer. If Exchange Act Rule 3a4-1
            will be relied upon, explain supplementally how each element of the
            Rule will be satisfied as to each person.

      It is the intention of the Company to sell the shares being offered for
      sale by the Company only by its Officers and Directors, that being only
      Mr. Mazzone and Mr. Gardega. No other person or entity is expected, at
      this point in time, to be permitted to offer these shares for sale to
      investors. With respect to Rule 3a4-1, each element of subsection (a) is
      satisfied as follows:
      (1)   Neither person is subject to any statutory disqualification at the
            time of the participation;
      (2)   Neither person is being compensated in connections with his
            participation by the payment of commissions or other remuneration
            based either directly or indirectly on transaction in the
      (3)   Neither person at the time of his participation an associated person
            of a broker or dealer; and
      (4)   Each person meets the requirements of (a)4(i), (ii) or (iii) in as
            much as (ii) the associated person meets all of the following
            A.    The associated person primarily performs, or is intended
                  primarily to perform at the end of the intended offering,
                  substantial duties for or on behalf of the issuer other wise
                  in connection with transactions in securities; and
            B.    The associated person was not a broker or dealer, or an
                  associated person of a broker or dealer, within the preceding
                  12 months; and
            C.    The associated person does not participate in selling an
                  offering of securities for any issuer more than once every 12
            Each of the persons mentioned complies with the requirements set
            forth above.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 17 of 23

Experts, page 23
- ----------------
      43.   Please revise the disclosure to correct the dates indicated to be
            consistent with the dates of the audited financial statements
            (September 30, 2004 and 2005).

      We have revised the disclosure to be consistent with the dates of the
      audited financial statements (September 30, 2004 and 2003).

Financial Statements
- --------------------
      44.   Please provide a currently dated consent in any amendment and ensure
            the financial statements are updated as required by Item 310(g) of
            Regulation S-B.

      We have obtained a currently dated consent from our auditor and will
      provide same in this and any future amendment(s) and will ensure the
      financial statements are update as required by Item 310(g) of Regulation

Audit report, page F-2
- ----------------------
      45.   The audit report does not appear to be signed by the independent
            auditor. Please revise the filing accordingly to include a signed
            audit report.

      The audit report was, and will be signed by the independent auditor. A
      manually signed copy will be kept by the issuer and the counsel for the

Statement of Operations, page F-4
- ---------------------------------
      46.   Based on your disclosure on page 15, it appears that your officers
            are not currently compensated. Please tell us approximately how much
            time was incurred by the executive officers on company business
            during the years ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, and the six
            months ended March 31, 2005. Please note that all costs of doing
            business should be included in the registrant's financial
            statements, including expenses incurred on its behalf by its major
            shareholders. Where services are preformed for the company by its
            major shareholders at no charge, we believe that the substance of
            such transactions is the payment of the company's expenses through a
            capital contribution by the shareholder. See Staff Accounting
            Bulletin Topics 1.B.1 and 5.T. Please revise the financial
            statements for each period accordingly.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 18 of 23

      The executive officers/major shareholders devoted full time services to
      the Company for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 and for
      the six months ended March 31, 2005. The value of such services is
      estimated to be $60,000 annually for each officer/major shareholder. As a
      result, the financial statements have been revised to properly reflect
      this expense as "Additional Paid-In Capital" for each period presented.

Statement of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit), page F-5
- -----------------------------------------------------
      47.   We note the issuance of shares for services during the year ended
            September 30, 2004. Please disclose the material terms of these
            issuances in the footnotes to the financial statements, including
            how the fair value of the issuances was determined in accordance
            with FAS 123.

      We have disclosed the material terms of these issuances in the footnotes,
      including how the fair market value was determined in accordance with FAS

Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-7
- -------------------------------------------------------------
      48.   We note your disclosure regarding your patented industrial based
            thermal spray technology. Please clarify how revenue is currently
            being generated from this technology. Also please expand your
            disclosure regarding revenue recognition to include how loss
            contracts are accounted for. Lastly, please tell us whether you have
            experienced material contract losses to date.

      We have updated the footnote disclosure as requested. Additionally, we
      have experienced no material contract losses to date.

      49.   We note your disclosure that depreciation is provided using both the
            straight-line and accelerated methods over the estimated useful
            lives of the assets. If the accelerated method is used only for tax
            purposes, please delete the reference to the accelerated method from
            your disclosure. Alternatively, if both methods are used for
            external reporting purposes, please expand your disclosure to
            indicate which method is used for each individual category of fixed

      We have deleted reference to the accelerated method from our disclosure.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 19 of 23

      50.   We note that your financial statements do not include any
            disclosures regarding the impact of recently issued accounting
            pronouncements. Please consider the potential impact of recently
            issued accounting standards, including FAS 123R, and revise your
            disclosure accordingly. See Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 11.M.

      We have reviewed the disclosure requirements regarding the impact of
      recently issued pronouncements and have updated our disclosure as

Note 4 - Patents Pending, page F-9
- ----------------------------------
      51.   We note your disclosure regarding the patents. Please tell us why
            the patents are not being amortized over the estimated useful lives
            in accordance with FAS 142. Please refer to paragraph 11 and
            Appendix A of AS 142 and revise the financial statements

      We have updated the financial statements to include amortizing the patents
      over their estimated useful lives in accordance with FAS 142.

Note 5 - Retainage receivable, page F-9
- ---------------------------------------
      52.   We note your disclosure regarding the retainage receivables. As of
            the most recent balance sheet date, please disclose the amount of
            the receivable that is expected to be collected during the each
            year, if known. If not known, please state this in your disclosure.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 20 of 23

      We have updated the disclosure as requested.

Note 7 - Sales to Major Customers, page F-9
- -------------------------------------------
      53.   We note your disclosure that one major customer accounted from
            substantially all of your revenue. Accordingly, your agreements with
            this customer appear to be material contracts as outlined in Item
            601 of Regulation S-B. Please file the related agreements, including
            the contract extension described in Note 11, as exhibits to your
            amended filing.

      We have included the contract renewal as an exhibit in this amendment.

Note 12 - Going Concern, page F-10
- ----------------------------------
      54.   Please expand Note 12 to discuss the anticipated source of funds to
            meet your cash requirements for at least twelve months following the
            date of the financial statements being reported on. Also revise the
            MD&A to discuss your short-term and long-terms liquidity
            requirements and how you anticipate meeting those needs. Refer to
            Financial Reporting Codification 607.02 and AICPA Codification of
            paragraphs 10 and 11 of Auditing Standard Section 341.


      We have expanded Note 12 and updated the MD&A as requested.

Related party Transactions
- --------------------------
      55.   We note the line titled shareholder loans on the balance sheet.
            However, there does not appear to be any footnote disclosure
            regarding these loans. Please revise the financial statements to
            disclose all material terms of the shareholder loans, including the
            interest rate and whether the obligations are secured. Also, please
            disclose the conversion of a portion of the shareholder loans to
            common stock during the year.

      We have added the footnote disclosure as outlined, including material
      terms and conversion to common stock during the year.

      56.   We note your disclosures on pages 15-16 regarding the issuance of
            shares to various affiliates. Please revise the financial statement
            to disclose any related party transactions which are not already
            disclosed. Also, please ensure that your disclosure describes the
            nature of the related party relationships with DRB Consulting and
            James W. Zimbler. For the purpose of the financial statement
            disclosures, you may elect to omit the names of the related parties,
            as long as the nature of the relationships and transactions is
            clearly disclosed.

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 21 of 23

      We have updated the disclosures as appropriate. Although DRB Consulting
      and James W. Zimbler are not related parties to the Company as defined, we
      have included references to the transactions as appropriate.

Unaudited Financial Statements for the Six Months ended march 31, 2005,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
page F-11
- ---------
      57.   Please revise the financial statements to be complaint with all the
            requirements of Item 310(b) of Regulation S-B. Specifically, we note
            the following:
            o     The statement of operations and statement of cash flow should
                  be revised to include the comparable period in the prior year.
            o     The heading for the statement of cash flows references the
                  incorrect periods.
            o     The financial statements must include all adjustments which in
                  the opinion of management are necessary in order to make the
                  financial statements not misleading. Note that an affirmative
                  statement to this effect must be included in the interim
                  financial statements.
            o     Typically, interim financial statements include disclosures
                  regarding their basis of presentation. We believe these
                  disclosures are advisable because interim financial statements
                  do not include all of the disclosures required to complete
                  financial statements prepared in accordance with generally
                  accepted accounting principles.

      We have revised the interim financial statements to be compliant with the
      requirements of Item 310(b) of Regulation S-B.

Note 3 - Stock Option Grants, page F-15
- ---------------------------------------
      58.   We note your disclosure regarding the option grants. Please confirm
            whether the exercise price of the options were equal to the market
            value of the company's common stock on the date of the grant. Also,
            in regards to the options granted to the consultant, please tell us
            whether there are any vesting restrictions or future performance
            requirements and explain to us how you have accounted for them.
            Revise the financial statements to disclose the compensation expense
            relating to the issuance and the major assumptions used to value the

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 22 of 23

      We have updated the financial statement disclosure as requested

                Part II - Information Note Required in Prospectus

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
- ---------------------------------------
      59.   On Page 27, reference is made to "Medivisor, Inc." Please clarify.

      The reference to "Medivisor, Inc.," was a mistake. It has been replaced
      with "Xiom, Inc."

      60.   Please provide Item 26 disclosure for the past three years, Refer to
            Item 701 of Regulation S-B

      We have updated Item 26 to include all sales of unregistered securities
      for the past three years.

- ----------
      61.   The date on the signature block on page 29 is incorrect - April 18,
            2005. Please ensure that the dates for all signatures are correct

      We have corrected the date of April 18, 2005, and ensured all dates for
      signatures are correct.


      62.   Please have the principal accounting officer and principal financial
            officer sign in these capacities. Refer to Instruction 1 for
            signatures, Form SB-2/

Michael S. Krome, Esq.
Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of July 5,
2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, filed May 6, 2005 for Xiom, Inc.
August 23, 2005
Page 23 of 23


      We have indicated that the principal accounting/financial officer has
      signed the registration statement.

      This letter responds to all comments contained in your letter of July 5,
2005. In order to assist in your review of the latest filing, I have enclosed
herewith, courtesy copies of the Amendment No. 2, marked to show the changes
from the initial filing, for your convenience. We are requesting that your
office expedite the review of this amendment as much as possible.

      If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at

                                                    Very truly yours,

                                                    Michael S. Krome

cc:  Mr. Andrew Mazzone, President
     Xiom, Inc.