August 29, 2005

Viceroy Acquisition Corporation
8235 Forsyth Boulevard, Suite 400
Clayton, Missouri  63105

The Shemano Group, Inc.
As representative of the several Underwriters
601 California Street, Suite 1150
San Francisco, California  94108

Re:   Initial Public Offering

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      The   undersigned   stockholder   of   Viceroy   Acquisition   Corporation
("Company"),  in consideration of The Shemano Group,  Inc. (the "Shemano Group")
agreeing to underwrite an initial public offering ("IPO") of the Company's units
("Units"),  each comprised of one share of the Company's common stock, par value
$.0001 per share ("Common Stock"),  and one warrant exercisable for one share of
Common Stock  ("Warrant")  and  embarking on the IPO process,  hereby  agrees as
follows  (certain  capitalized  terms  used  herein are  defined  in  Schedule 1

      1.    If the Company  solicits  approval of its stockholders of a Business
Combination,  the  undersigned  shall (i) vote all Insider  Shares owned by such
person in  accordance  with the majority of the votes cast by the holders of the
IPO Shares and (ii) vote any shares of Common Stock  acquired  following the IPO
in favor of the Business Combination.

      2.    In the  event  that the  Company  fails  to  consummate  a  Business
Combination  within  18  months  from  the  Effective  Date of the  registration
statement relating to the IPO (or 24 months under the circumstances described in
the  Prospectus),  the undersigned  will vote all Insider Shares owned by him in
favor of the Company's decision to liquidate.  The undersigned hereby waives any
and all right,  title,  interest  or claim of any kind in or to any  liquidating
distributions by the Company including,  without limitation, any distribution of
the Trust Fund as a result of such  liquidation  with  respect to such  person's
Insider Shares ("Claim") and hereby waives any Claim the undersigned may have in
the future as a result of, or arising out of, any contracts or  agreements  with
the  Company  and will not seek  recourse  against the Trust Fund for any reason
whatsoever.  The undersigned hereby agrees that the Company shall be entitled to
a  reimbursement  from the  undersigned  for any  distribution of the Trust Fund
received by the undersigned in respect of such person's Insider Shares.

      3.    Neither the  undersigned,  any member of the Immediate Family of the
undersigned, nor any affiliate of the undersigned ("Affiliate") will be entitled
to receive and will not accept any  compensation  for  services  rendered to the
Company  prior to, or in  connection  with,  the  consummation  of the  Business
Combination;  provided  that,  commencing on the Effective  Date,  Mikles/Miller
Mgmt.,  Inc.("Related  Party"),  shall be allowed  to charge  the  Company up to
$3,750 per month,  representing an allocable share of Related Party's  overhead,
to compensate it for the Company's use of Related Party's offices, utilities and
personnel.  The  Related  Party and the  undersigned  shall also be  entitled to
reimbursement  from the  Company  for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses
incurred in connection with seeking and consummating a Business Combination.

      4.    Neither the  undersigned,  any member of the Immediate Family of the
undersigned,  or any Affiliate of the undersigned will be entitled to receive or
accept a finder's fee or any other  compensation  in the event the  undersigned,
any member of the Immediate  Family of the  undersigned  or any Affiliate of the
undersigned originates a Business Combination.

      5.    The  undersigned  will escrow his Insider  Shares for the three year
period commencing on the Effective Date,  subject to the terms of a Stock Escrow
Agreement  which the Company will enter into with the  undersigned and an escrow
agent acceptable to the Company.


      6.    The undersigned's questionnaires furnished by the undersigned to the
Company  and the  Shemano  Group  are true and  accurate  in all  respects.  The
undersigned further represents and warrants that:

            (a)   The undersigned is not subject to or a respondent in any legal
action for, any  injunction,  cease-and-desist  order or order or stipulation to
desist  or  refrain  from  any  act or  practice  relating  to the  offering  of
securities in any jurisdiction;

            (b)   The  undersigned has never been convicted of or pleaded guilty
to any  crime  (i)  involving  any  fraud  or  (ii)  relating  to any  financial
transaction or handling of funds of another person,  or (iii)  pertaining to any
dealings in any  securities  and such person is not currently a defendant in any
such criminal proceeding; and

            (c)   The  undersigned  has never been  suspended  or expelled  from
membership in any  securities or  commodities  exchange or  association or had a
securities or commodities license or registration denied, suspended or revoked.

      7.    The  undersigned  has full right and power,  without  violating  any
agreement by which he is bound, to enter into this letter agreement.

      8.    The undersigned  acknowledges and understands that The Shemano Group
and the Company will rely upon the  agreements,  representations  and warranties
set forth herein in proceeding with the IPO.

      9.    This letter  agreement  shall be binding on the undersigned and such
person's respective  successors,  heirs,  personal  representatives and assigns.
This  letter  agreement  shall  terminate  on the  earlier  of (i) the  Business
Combination Date or (ii) the Termination Date; provided,  however, that any such
termination shall not relieve the undersigned from any liability  resulting from
or arising out of any breach of any  agreement or covenant  hereunder  occurring
prior to the termination of this letter agreement.

      10.   The undersigned authorizes any employer,  financial institution,  or
consumer credit  reporting  agency to release to The Shemano Group and its legal
representatives  or agents (including any investigative  search firm retained by
The  Shemano  Group)  any  information  they may have  about  the  undersigned's
background  and  finances  ("Information").  Neither The  Shemano  Group nor its
agents shall be violating  the  undersigned's  right of privacy in any manner in
requesting and obtaining the  Information  and the  undersigned  hereby releases
them from liability for any damage whatsoever in that connection.

      11.   This  letter  agreement  shall be governed  by and  interpreted  and
construed in  accordance  with the laws of the State of New York  applicable  to
contracts  formed  and to be  performed  entirely  within the State of New York,
without  regard to the  conflicts of law  provisions  thereof to the extent such
principles  and rules  would  require or permit the  application  of the laws of
another jurisdiction.  The undersigned hereby agrees that any action, proceeding
or claim against the  undersigned  arising out of or relating in any way to this
Agreement  shall be brought and  enforced in the courts of the State of New York
or the United States  District Court for the Southern  District of New York, and
irrevocably submits to such jurisdiction, which jurisdiction shall be exclusive.
The undersigned  hereby waives any objection to such exclusive  jurisdiction and
that such courts represent an inconvenience forum.

      12.   No term  or  provision  of this  letter  agreement  may be  amended,
changed,  waived,  altered or modified except by written instrument executed and
delivered by the party against whom such amendment,  change, waiver,  alteration
or modification is to be enforced.

              [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank]


                              Lee E. Mikles Revocable Trust dated March 26, 1996

                              /s/ Lee E. Mikles

Accepted and agreed:



Accepted and agreed:


By: /s/ Lee E. Mikles
  Name:  Lee E. Mikles
  Title: Chief Executive Officer


                                   SCHEDULE 1


      Unless the contact shall otherwise require,  the following terms shall the
following  respective meanings for all purposes,  and the following  definitions
are  equally  applicable  to both the  singular  and the  plural  forms  and the
feminine, masculine and neuter forms of the terms defined.

      "BUSINESS COMBINATION" shall mean the acquisition by the Company,  whether
by merger,  capital stock exchange,  asset acquisition or other similar business
combination,  of one or  more  operating  businesses  in the  business  services
sector, having,  collectively,  a fair market value equal to at least 80% of the
Company's net assets at the time of such merger,  capital stock exchange,  asset
acquisition or other similar business combination.

      "BUSINESS  COMBINATION  DATE"  shall  mean the date upon  which a Business
Combination is consummated.

      "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean the date upon which the Registration Statement
is declared effective under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, by the SEC.

      "IMMEDIATE  FAMILY" shall mean, with respect to any person,  such person's
spouse, lineal descendents,  father, mother,  brothers or sisters (including any
such relatives by adoption or marriage).

      "INSIDERS"  shall mean all of the officers,  directors and stockholders of
the Company immediately prior to the Company's IPO.

      "INSIDER  SHARES"  shall  mean all shares of Common  Stock of the  Company
owned by an Insider immediately prior to the Company's IPO. For the avoidance of
doubt,  Insider Shares shall not include any IPO Shares purchased by Insiders in
connection with or subsequent to the Company's IPO.

      "IPO  SHARES"  shall mean all shares of Common Stock issued by the Company
in its IPO,  regardless  of whether  such  shares  were  issued to an Insider or

      "PROSPECTUS" shall mean the final prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and included in the  Registration

      "REGISTRATION  STATEMENT" shall mean the  registration  statement filed by
the Company on Form S-1 with the SEC, and any amendment or  supplement  thereto,
in connection with the Company's IPO.

      "SEC" shall mean the United Stated Securities and Exchange Commission.

      "TERMINATION  DATE" shall mean the date that is sixty (60)  calendar  days
immediately following the Transaction Failure Date.

      "TRANSACTION  FAILURE"  shall mean the earlier of (i) the failure to enter
into a letter of intent,  definitive  agreement or  agreement in principal  with
respect to a Business  Combination on any day during the  eighteen-month  period
immediately  following the Effective  Date, and (ii) the failure to consummate a
Business Combination on any day during the twenty-four-month  period immediately
following the Effective Date.

      "TRANSACTION  FAILURE  DATE"  shall mean if a  Transaction  Failure  first
occurs as a result of the failure  described in clause (i) of the  definition of
"Transaction Failure", the eighteen-month anniversary of the Effective Date, and
if a Transaction  Failure  first occurs as a result of the failure  described in
clause (ii) of the definition of "Transaction  Failure",  the second anniversary
of the Effective Date.

      "TRUST  FUND"  shall mean that  certain  trust  account  established  with
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as trustee, and in which the Company
deposited the "funds to be held in trust," as described in the Prospectus.
