PROMISSORY NOTE

$100,000                                                   As of August 26, 2005
                                                               Clayton, Missouri

Viceroy  Acquisition  Corporation (the "Maker")  promises to pay to the order of
Lee E. Mikles (the "Payee") the principal  sum of One Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
and No Cents  ($100,000.00)  in lawful  money of the United  States of  America,
together with interest on the unpaid  principal  balance of this Promissory Note
(this "Note"), on the terms and conditions described below.

      1.    Principal.  The principal balance of this Note shall be repayable on
the earlier of (i) August 26,  2006 or (ii) the date on which Maker  consummates
an initial public  offering of its securities  under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended.

      2.    Interest.  Interest shall not accrue on the unpaid principal balance
of this Note.

      3.    Application  of  Payments.  All payments  shall be applied  first to
payment in full of any costs  incurred  in the  collection  of any sum due under
this Note,  including (without limitation)  reasonable  attorneys' fees, then to
the reduction of the unpaid principal balance of this Note.

      4.    Events of Default.  Each of the following shall  constitute an event
of default ("Event of Default") under this Note:

            (a)   Failure to Make Required Payments. Failure by Maker to pay the
principal  of or accrued  interest on this Note within  five (5)  business  days
following the date when due.

            (b)   Voluntary  Bankruptcy,  Etc.  The  commencement  by Maker of a
voluntary  case  under  the  Federal  Bankruptcy  Code,  as now  constituted  or
hereafter  amended,  or  any  other  applicable  federal  or  state  bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization,  rehabilitation or other similar law, or the consent
by it to the  appointment  of or taking  possession  by a receiver,  liquidator,
assignee, trustee, custodian,  sequestrator (or other similar official) of Maker
or for  any  substantial  part  of its  property,  or  the  making  by it of any
assignment  for the benefit of creditors,  or the failure of Maker  generally to
pay its debts as such debts  become  due, or the taking of  corporate  action by
Maker in furtherance of any of the foregoing.

            (c)   Involuntary  Bankruptcy,  Etc.  The entry of a decree or order
for relief by a court having jurisdiction in the premises in respect of Maker in
an  involuntary  case under the Federal  Bankruptcy  Code,  as now or  hereafter
constituted, or any other applicable federal or state bankruptcy,  insolvency or
other similar law, or appointing a receiver,  liquidator,  assignee,  custodian,
trustee, sequestrator (or similar official) of Maker or for any substantial part
of its property,  or ordering the  winding-up or  liquidation  of the affairs of
Maker,  and the  continuance  of any such decree or order unstayed and in effect
for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days.

      5.    Remedies.

            (a)   Upon  the  occurrence  of an  Event of  Default  specified  in
Section 4(a) hereof, Payee may, by written notice to Maker, declare this Note to
be immediately due and payable,  whereupon the unpaid  principal  amount of this
Note, and all other amounts payable hereunder,  shall become immediately due and
payable without presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind, all of
which are hereby expressly waived, anything contained herein or in the documents
evidencing the same to the contrary notwithstanding.

            (b)   Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default specified in either
Section 4(b) or 4(c) hereof,  the unpaid principal balance of this Note, and all
other amounts payable hereunder,  shall automatically and immediately become due
and  payable,  in all cases  without any action on the part of Payee,  including
presentment,  demand,  protest  or other  notice of any  kind,  all of which are
hereby expressly waived.


      6.    Waivers.  Maker and all  endorsers and  guarantors  of, and sureties
for,  this Note waive  presentment  for  payment,  demand,  notice of  dishonor,
protest, and notice of protest with regard to this Note, all errors, defects and
imperfections  in any  proceedings  instituted  by Payee under the terms of this
Note,  and all  benefits  that might accrue to Maker by virtue of any present or
future  laws  exempting  any  property,  real or  personal,  or any  part of the
proceeds arising from any sale of any such property,  from  attachment,  levy or
sale under  execution,  or providing for any stay of execution,  exemption  from
civil process, or extension of time for payment;  and Maker agrees that any real
estate that may be levied upon pursuant to a judgment obtained by virtue hereof,
on any writ of execution issued hereon,  may be sold upon any such writ in whole
or in part in any order desired by Payee.

      7.    Unconditional   Liability.   Maker  hereby  waives  all  notices  in
connection with the delivery, acceptance,  performance,  default, or enforcement
of  the  payment  of  this  Note,  and  agrees  that  its  liability   shall  be
unconditional, without regard to the liability of any other party, and shall not
be affected in any manner by any indulgence,  extension of time, renewal, waiver
or  modification  granted or consented to by Payee,  and consents to any and all
extensions of time,  renewals,  waivers, or modifications that may be granted by
Payee with respect to the payment or other  provisions of this Note,  and agrees
that additional makers,  endorsers,  guarantors,  or sureties may become parties
hereto without notice to it or affecting its liability hereunder.

      8.    Notices.  Any notice called for hereunder  shall be deemed  properly
given if in writing and (i) sent by certified  mail,  return receipt  requested,
(ii)  personally  delivered,   (iii)  dispatched  by  any  form  of  private  or
governmental express mail or delivery service providing receipted delivery, (iv)
sent  by  confirmed  telefacsimile  or (v)  sent  by  confirmed  e-mail,  to the
following  addresses or to such other  address as either party may  designate by
notice in accordance with this Section:

      If to Maker:

         Viceroy Acquisition Corporation
         8235 Forsyth Boulevard, Suite 400
         Clayton, Missouri 63105
         Attn.: Chief Executive Officer

      If to Payee:

         Lee E. Mikles
         1801 Century Park East, Suite 460
         Los Angeles, California 90067

Notice  shall be  deemed  given on the  earlier  of (i)  actual  receipt  by the
receiving party, (ii) the date shown on the conformed telefacsimile transmission
confirmation, (iii) the date on which an e-mail transmission was received by the
receiving  party's  on-line access  provider (iv) the date reflected on a signed
delivery receipt,  or (vi) two (2) business days following tender of delivery or
dispatch by express mail or delivery service.

      9.    Governing Law; Construction.  This Note, the legal relations between
the Maker  and  Payee and the  adjudication  and  enforcement  hereof,  shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California
applicable to contracts  executed in and to be performed in that state,  without
regard to the conflicts of law provisions  thereof to the extent such principles
or rules  would  require  or  permit  the  application  of the  laws of  another

      10.   Severability.   Any  provision  contained  in  this  Note  which  is
prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction  shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be ineffective to the extent of such  prohibition  or  unenforceability  without
invalidating  the  remaining  provisions  hereof,  and any such  prohibition  or
unenforceability   in  any   jurisdiction   shall  not   invalidate   or  render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Maker,  intending to be legally  bound  hereby,  has
caused this Note to be duly executed the day and year first above written.

                                               VICEROY ACQUISITION CORPORATION

                                               By:  /s/ Lee E. Mikles
                                                 Name:  Lee E. Mikles
                                                 Title: Chief Executive Officer
