Exhibit 2.1

DECEMBER 7, 2005

BY AND BETWEEN:                 TELIPHONE  INC., a body  politic and  corporate,
                                duly  incorporated  according  to law,  having a
                                place of  business at 1080  Beaver  Hall,  suite
                                1555,   Montreal,   Quebec,   H2Z   1S8   herein
                                represented by George Metrakos,  President, duly
                                authorized as he so declares,

                                hereinafter referred to as "TELIPHONE"

AND:                            IPHONIA INC. a body politic and corporate,  duly
                                incorporated according to law, having a place of
                                business at 5, St-Sulpice, Oka, Quebec, J0N 1E0,
                                also operating  under the trade name  "METRONET"
                                herein    represented   by   Micheline    Soucy,
                                President, duly authorized as she so declares,

                                hereinafter referred to as "IPHONIA"

AND:                            TELICOM INC. a body politic and corporate,  duly
                                incorporated according to law, having a place of
                                business at 5, St-Sulpice, Oka, Quebec, J0N 1E0,
                                herein  represented  by Serge Doyon,  President,
                                duly authorized as he so declares,

                                hereinafter referred to as "TELICOM"

AND:                            UNITED AMERICAN CORPORATION.  a body politic and
                                corporate,  duly incorporated  according to law,
                                having a place of  business  at 3273  East  Warm
                                Springs Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 USA, herein
                                represented  by Simon  Lamarche,  President  and
                                CEO, duly authorized as he so declares,

                                hereinafter referred to as "UAC"

Known collectively as "THE PARTIES"


WHEREAS TELIPHONE is a provider of Voice-over-Internet-Protocol  (VoIP) services
and is currently  expanding its client base through  direct sales efforts to new
residential and business customers;

WHEREAS IPHONIA is a provider of VoIP,  inter-suburban and dial-up long distance
telecommunications  services  and wishes to transfer its client base and various
telecommunications equipment to TELIPHONE;

WHEREAS  TELICOM will transfer a full access and full usage license at no charge
for use of the  source  code and  intellectual  property  of  TELICOM's  billing
software,  currently utilized by TELIPHONE as the basis for its first generation
service billing software.

WHEREAS  UAC,  as  majority  owner  of  TELIPHONE  through  its   majority-owned
subsidiary OSK CAPITAL II Corp., will guarantee the monthly payments required in
this agreement as outlined in section 4.

WHEREAS THE PARTIES wish to set forth their rights and obligations pertaining to
the transfer of IPHONIA's clients and services to TELIPHONE, along with the sale
of  various  telecommunications  equipment  and  have  agreed  to  transfer  the
customers and equipment in conformity  with the terms and conditions as provided

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.    The Preamble hereinabove stated shall form an integral part of the present
      Agreement as if recited herein at length;


      2.1.  ARPU: Average Revenue Per User.

      2.2.  DID: A unique phone number as depicted by a 10 number  sequence that
            is used to direct voice traffic throughout the PSTN.

      2.3.  LNP:  Local  Number  Portability.  The  process  in  which  a DID is
            transferred from one PRI owner to another.

      2.4.  PRI: Primary Rate Interface,  which is a data connection to the PSTN
            that can manage 23 simultaneous  channels of voice communications at

      2.5.  PSTN:    Public    Switched    Telephone    Network.    The   global
            telecommunications   network   owned   and   operated   by   Tier  1
            Telecommunications  carriers  worldwide  who may sell or lease voice
            traffic over it to Tier 2 & 3  telecommunications  carriers  such as
            TELIPHONE and IPHONIA.

      2.6.  VOIP: Voice Over Internet  Protocol,  the use of the public internet
            to transmit voice calls.

3.    Transfer of IPHONIA Services to TELIPHONE

      3.1.  IPHONIA will transfer to TELIPHONE all of its  Inter-Suburban,  VoIP
            and Long  Distance  dial-up  services  that are required to properly
            serve clients that are being transferred as part of this agreement.

      3.2.  TELIPHONE may decide to sell these Services to its existing clients,
            or to  market  them  to  new  clients  at  the  sole  discretion  of

4.    Transfer of IPHONIA Operations to TELIPHONE

      4.1.  IPHONIA  agrees to transfer to  TELIPHONE  all active DID's from its
            three (3) Telus Montreal  PRI's. A list of active Montreal DID's can
            be found in Schedule A.

      4.2.  IPHONIA  agrees to transfer to  TELIPHONE  all active DID's from its
            combined  Quebec  city -  Sherbrooke  - Ottawa PRI.  TELIPHONE  will
            assume the  balance of  IPHONIA's  contract  ending in May 2007 with
            Group  Telecom for this  combined PRI. A list of active Quebec City,
            Sherbrooke and Ottawa DID's can be found in Schedule B

      4.3.  Considering  that  IPHONIA's  contract  with Telus for the three (3)
            Montreal  PRI's is due to expire on December 31, 2005,  IPHONIA will
            facilitate the LNP of these DID's to TELIPHONE's Montreal network.

      4.4.  In  consideration  of the added  cost that  TELIPHONE  will incur in
            upgrading its own Montreal PRI network in order to  accommodate  the
            added PRI  capacity  required,  THE  PARTIES  hereby  agree that the
            equivalent  $ value of capacity  upgrade  required by  TELIPHONE  to
            accommodate  these IPHONIA Montreal DID's shall be paid to TELIPHONE
            in the  form  of  IPHONIA  Telecommunications  Equipment,  described

            4.4.1. It is estimated that this will represent  Cdn$1,500 per month
                  of additional charges incurred by TELIPHONE and therefore this
                  amount will be placed  against the  purchase of the  following
                  IPHONIA Telecommunications equipment:

                  o     1  x  CISCO  AS5350,  8-T1  Gateway,   market  value  of
                        Cdn$15,000, serial #JAE0641055F

                  o     1  x  CISCO  PIX  515E  Firewall,   already  in  use  by
                        TELIPHONE,    market   value   of   Cdn$4,500,    serial

                  o     1 x CISCO PIX 515E Firewall,  market value of Cdn$2,500,
                        serial #806383054

            For a total of  Cdn$22,000.  At  Cdn$1,500  per month plus  interest
            expenses,  THE PARTIES  agree that  TELIPHONE  will continue to make
            these payments for 18 months from the signing of this agreement.

      4.5.  IPHONIA  agrees to transfer the bank  accounts  utilized to collect,
            through   direct  debit,   revenues  from  IPHONIA   clients  to  be
            transferred to TELIPHONE.

            4.5.1. While  the  bank  accounts  and  customers   will  belong  to
                  TELIPHONE,  IPHONIA  will  maintain  signing  authority on the
                  accounts in order to extract a monthly amount, for a period of
                  24 months  from the  signing  of this  contract  of  Cdn$7,600
                  representing the client revenues plus an additional  Cdn$1,500
                  representing  the  payment  by  TELIPHONE  for  the  equipment
                  purchased as described  in section  4.4.1 above,  until all of
                  the equipment is paid for.  Afterwards,  IPHONIA will continue
                  to extract Cdn$7,600 until the end of the 24 month period.

            4.5.2. Any amounts of sales  taxes will be  collected  by  TELIPHONE
                  since TELIPHONE is declaring the revenues of the clients.

            4.5.3. At the end of the 24 month period,  signing authority will be
                  changed to TELIPHONE in which case no further payments will be
                  made to IPHONIA.

            4.5.4. IPHONIA  agrees to change the name on the  account  such that
                  IPHONIA  clients will see  "TELIPHONE  INC." as the debitor of
                  their bank account.

      4.6.  IPHONIA will transfer the remaining balance at the end of each month
            to  TELIPHONE,  which  represents  the  taxes and any  increases  in
            revenues from the IPHONIA client base.

      4.7.  TELIPHONE  will pay IPHONIA any  shortfalls  from the total  amounts
            owing per month, as described above in section 4.5.

5.    Transfer of IPHONIA Clients to TELIPHONE

      5.1.  IPHONIA will transfer their active clients (estimated at 750), along
            with  a  database  of  inactive  clients  (estimated  at  3,000)  to
            TELIPHONE  for  the  sole   consideration   listed  in  item  4.5.1,
            representing  the average  revenues  generated  by the clients  less
            additional infrastructure costs required to serve them, as mentioned
            in section 4.4. above.

      5.2.  Upon termination of this agreement, all clients will become the sole
            property of TELIPHONE,  and all revenues  associated  with them will
            belong  solely to  TELIPHONE  without any  consideration  of revenue
            transfer to IPHONIA.

      5.3.  TELIPHONE  reserves the right to "up-sell",  that is to increase the
            revenues of any of the clients  through a targeted  sales  campaign.
            IPHONIA will offer whatever  assistance is deemed necessary in order
            to  facilitate  this  process.  Any  increases in revenues  from the
            existing  client base will  belong  solely to  TELIPHONE.  TELIPHONE
            agrees  to  provide  an  e-mail  notification  within 24 hours of an
            IPHONIA client being transferred to a TELIPHONE service.

      5.4.  At the end of each  month,  TELIPHONE  will  transfer to IPHONIA any
            amounts  received  from  clients who have  transferred  from IPHONIA
            services to  TELIPHONE  services.  The amounts  transferred  will be
            equivalent to the amounts of revenues  that these clients  generated
            when purchasing IPHONIA services.

6.    Additional Services Provided by TELIPHONE to IPHONIA

      6.1.  TELIPHONE  will  offer  at no  additional  cost the  co-location  of
            IPHONIA equipment in its Montreal data center. The equipment list to
            be hosted is found in Schedule C. This  equipment will be identified
            as the sole  property of IPHONIA and will be labelled as such within
            TELIPHONE's  co-location facility at PEER 1 Montreal. In addition, a
            letter,  signed  by  TELIPHONE  and  IPHONIA  will be sent to PEER 1
            identifying  these  items  as  being  property  of  IPHONIA  and not
            TELIPHONE. Included in this letter, will be the equipment identified
            in  item  4.4.1.  Upon  receipt  of  the  18th  month  payment  from
            TELIPHONE,  and hence this equipment becoming property of TELIPHONE,
            these  items  will  be  newly  identified,  within  the  co-location
            facility and in writing to PEER 1 as belonging to TELIPHONE.

      6.2.  TELIPHONE  will  provide  at no  additional  cost  to  IPHONIA,  the
            required  bandwidth of Internet  traffic for  services  unrelated to
            this  agreement.  It is understood by THE PARTIES that the amount of
            bandwidth  is minimal in  comparison  to that used by TELIPHONE on a
            regular  basis  for its  operations.  However,  should  the  IPHONIA
            bandwidth usage become more  significant in the future,  THE PARTIES
            agree that IPHONIA will pay TELIPHONE an equivalent market price for
            its bandwidth requirements.

      6.3.  TELIPHONE  will provide to IPHONIA a total of fifteen (15) unlimited
            world IP calling packages at no charge for personal and business use
            by IPHONIA and their  affiliated  companies for a period of ten (10)
            years upon the signing of this contract. A partial list of DID's for
            the  services  to be  offered  over is  found in  Schedule  D. It is
            understood  by THE  PARTIES  that  these  lines  will not  consume a
            significant volume of long distance charges.


IPHONIA  agrees,  for a full five (5) years after the signing of this  agreement
(see TERM AND  TERMINATION),  to not enter into direct or  indirect  competition
with TELIPHONE as it pertains to VoIP services,  inter-suburban and dial-up long
distance telecommunications services.


TELIPHONE  reserves the right to publicly  announce the  acquisition as it deems
necessary  to meet SEC  disclosure  norms as a public  company.  TELIPHONE  also
reserves  the right to disclose  the  transaction  in the form of a public press
release.  All releases  will require  prior  approval of IPHONIA  prior to being


      9.1.  TERM.  This  Agreement  shall commence on the date  hereinabove  and
            remain  in  effect  for an  initial  period of two (2) year from the
            effective date.  Upon completion of the two (2) year period,  all of
            IPHONIA  Services,  Operations  and Clients will transfer in full to
            TELIPHONE.  This will  constitute  the official  termination  of the

      9.2.  TERMINATION  BY EITHER  PARTY.  Either  party  (the  "Non-Defaulting
            Party") may  terminate  this  Agreement by providing at least thirty
            (30) days prior written  notice to the other party (the  "Defaulting
            Party") upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

            (a)   the Defaulting  Party is in default in the  performance of any
                  of its  obligations  under  this  Agreement  or  breaches  any
                  provision hereof and such default or breach continues after at
                  least ten (10) days  following  receipt of  written  notice of
                  such  default or breach from the  Non-Defaulting  Party to the
                  Defaulting Party.

            (b)   the  conviction  in any  court of  competent  jurisdiction  of
                  either party or any employee, shareholder, director or officer
                  of either  party for any crime or  violation  of law if,  such
                  conviction  is likely to  adversely  affect the  operation  or
                  business  of the  other  party  or tend to be  harmful  to the
                  goodwill or reputation of the other party.

            (c)   Any  conduct  or  practice  by either  party,  its  directors,
                  officers, employees or shareholders, which is injurious to the
                  goodwill or reputation of the other party.

            (d)   Either  party  commits,  participates  or  acquiesces  in  any
                  fraudulent or improper actions in regards to this agreement;

      9.3.  However  unlikely,  in the event the TELIPHONE becomes insolvent and
            can no longer actively serve IPHONIA's clients,  IPHONIA retains the
            right to terminate  this contract and to reclaim its former  clients
            and services from  TELIPHONE in order to continue to offer  services
            to them.


      10.1. "Confidential   Information"   means  any  business  and   technical
            information  disclosed by either  party to the other  party,  either
            directly or  indirectly,  in  writing,  orally or by  inspection  of
            tangible objects (including without  limitation  concepts,  designs,
            documents,   prototypes   or  samples),   which  is   designated  as
            "Confidential,"  "Proprietary"  or some  similar  designation  or is
            disclosed  under   circumstances  which  indicate  its  confidential
            nature.  Confidential  Information  may  also  include  third  party
            confidential information.  Confidential Information will not include
            any information which

            (i) was publicly  known and made  generally  available in the public
            domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party;

            (ii)  becomes  publicly  known and made  generally  available  after
            disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no
            action or inaction of the receiving party;

            (iii) is already in the  possession  of the  receiving  party at the
            time of disclosure by the disclosing party as shown by the receiving
            party's  files  and  records   immediately  prior  to  the  time  of

            (iv) is obtained by the receiving party from a third party without a
            breach of such third party's obligations of confidentiality; or

            (v) is independently developed by the receiving party without use of
            or reference to the disclosing party's Confidential Information,  as
            shown by documents  and other  competent  evidence in the  receiving
            party's possession.

      10.2. Non-use  and  Nondisclosure.  Each  party  agrees  not  to  use  any
            Confidential  Information  of the other party for any purpose except
            to  perform  its  obligations  or  exercise  its  rights  under this
            Agreement.  Each  party  agrees  not to  disclose  any  Confidential
            Information  of the other party to third  parties or to such party's
            employees, except to those employees or consultants of the receiving
            party who are  required  to have the  information.  Nothing  in this
            Section  precludes  either party from  disclosing  the other party's
            Confidential Information as required by law or a legal process.

      10.3. Maintenance of Confidentiality.  Each party agrees that it will take
            reasonable  measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid  disclosure
            and unauthorized  use of the  Confidential  Information of the other
            party. Without limiting the foregoing, each party will take at least
            those  measures  that  it  takes  to  protect  its own  most  highly
            confidential  information  and will  ensure that its  employees  and
            independent contractors who have access to Confidential  Information
            of  the  other  party  have  signed  a  non-use  and  non-disclosure
            agreement in content  similar to the provisions  hereof.  Each party
            will reproduce the other party's  proprietary  rights notices on any
            such approved copies,  in the same manner in which such notices were
            set forth in or on the original.


      11.1. This  agreement  shall  ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon
            the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, legatees, executors,
            legal representatives, successors and assigns.

      11.2. This Agreement  contains the entire agreement among the parties with
            respect to the transactions  contemplated herein, and supersedes all
            prior negotiations, agreements and undertakings.

      11.3. This Agreement may be executed in two or more  counterparts  each of
            which shall be deemed an original  and all of which  together  shall
            constitute  one and the  same  Agreement.  Faxed  signatures  of the
            parties  shall be valid and  binding,  however,  the parties  hereto
            agree to provide the original of their  signature to this  Agreement
            to each of the other parties thereafter.

      11.4. All notices in connection  with this  Agreement  shall be in writing
            and either  hand-delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail
            and  shall be sent to all of the  parties  hereto.  Any such  notice
            shall be deemed to have been  received on the earlier of the date of
            the  hand-delivery  or on the fifth (5th) business day following the
            date indicated on the proof of mailing. The respective addresses for
            such notices are:

            Teliphone Inc
            1080 Beaver Hall, Suite 1555
            Montreal, Quebec, H2Z 1S8 Canada
            Attention:  George Metrakos
            Telephone: (514) 313-6010
            Fax: (514) 313-6001
            E-mail: gmetrakos@teliphone.ca

            Iphonia Inc.
            5, St-Sulpice
            Oka, Quebec, J0N 1E0, Canada
            Attention: Micheline Soucy
            Telephone: 514-788-6186
            Fax: (514) 908-5170
            E-mail: msoucy@iphonia.com

            United American Corp
            1080 Beaver Hall, Suite 1555
            Montreal, Quebec, H2Z 1S8 Canada
            Attention:  Simon Lamarche
            Telephone: (514) 313-3421
            Fax: (514) 313-6001
            E-mail: slamarche@teliphone.ca

            Telicom Inc.
            5, St-Sulpice
            Oka, Quebec, J0N 1E0, Canada
            Attention: Serge Doyon
            Telephone: 514-788-6186
            Fax: (514) 908-5170
            E-mail: sjdoyon@telicom.ca

      11.5. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the
            Province of Quebec and Canada.

      11.6. This  Agreement  may be  amended  only  by  written  agreement  duly
            executed by all parties hereto.

      11.7. The  parties  shall  furnish  and  deliver  from  time to time  such
            documents,  and writings as may  reasonably be required as necessary
            or desirable to complete  this  Agreement  and to give effect to its

      11.8. The  parties  agree to do and  cause to be done  such  acts,  deeds,
            documents  and/or  corporate   proceedings  as  maybe  necessary  or
            desirable  to  complete  this  Agreement,  and to give effect to its

      11.9. The parties  hereto have  requested  that the present  Agreement  be
            drafted in the English  language.  Les parties  declarent qu'ils ont
            requis que la presente entente soit redigee dans la langue anglaise.


TELIPHONE INC                             IPHONIA INC

per:                                      per:

- -------------------------                 --------------------------
George Metrakos, President                Micheline Soucy, President

- -------------------------                 -------------------------
Date                                      Date


per:                                      per:

- -------------------------                 --------------------------
Serge Doyon, President                    Simon Lamarche, President & CEO

- -------------------------                 --------------------------
Date                                      Date

                                   SCHEDULE A

List of Active IPHONIA Montreal DID's

                                   SCHEDULE B

List of Active Quebec City, Sherbrooke and Ottawa DID's

                                   SCHEDULE C

Amount of Co-Location Space to be Offered at No Charge by TELIPHONE to IPHONIA

                                   SCHEDULE D

List of DID's that TELIPHONE will Provide Unlimited US & Canada VoIP Services at
no charge to IPHONIA