                                  8 Teak Court
                           Lake Grove, New York 11755

Tel.:    (631) 737-8381
Fax:     (631) 737-8382
email:   mskrome@optonline.net

Cheryl A. Krome
Ronald Krome
Legal Assistants

                                                                   March 8, 2006

John Reynolds, Assistant Director
Office of Emerging Growth Companies
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

               REFERENCE:    XIOM CORP.
                             REGISTRATION STATEMENT ON FORM SB-2
                             AMENDMENT FILED: FEBRUARY 22, 2006
                             FILE NO. 333-123176

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

      Enclosed herewith for filing on behalf of Xiom Corp. (the "Company"),
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1933, as amended, please find the
Company's Amendment No. 4 to its Registration Statement on Form SB-2 ("Amendment
No. 4"), marked to show the changes to the Company's Registration Statement on
Form SB-2, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 22,

      We received your letter of October 11, 2005 and of December 12, 2005,
containing comments prepared by the Staff of the Division of Corporation Finance
of the Securities and Exchange Commissions which pertain to the Registration
Statement, and we hereby submit the following responses to the numbered

- -------

1.    Please provide a more detailed analysis of how this spin-off was effected
      in compliance wit our view regarding spin-offs and section 5 of the
      Securities Act as reflected in SEC Staff Legal Bulletin No. 4 (CF),
      September 16, 1997.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 2 of 17


      The transaction with Xiom Corp. (then Panama Industries Ltd.) was intended
      to be under and fulfill the requirements of SEC Staff Legal Bulletin No. 4
      (CF), September 16, 1997 ("SEC Staff Legal Bulletin"). Specifically, the
      SEC Staff Legal Bulletin set out five specific items which when followed
      allowed a company subject to the reporting requirements of Section 13 or
      15(d) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, to "spin-out" a
      subsidiary, without filing a registration statement with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission. The Staff Bulletin stated five conditions to be

            *     the parent shareholders do not provide consideration for the
                  spun-off shares;
            *     the spin-off is pro-rata to the parent shareholders;
            *     the parent provides adequate information about the spin-off
                  and the subsidiary to its shareholders and to the trading

            *     the parent has a valid business purpose for the spin-off; and

            *     if the parent spins-off "restricted securities," it has held
                  those securities for at least two years.

      We believe that the transaction complied with all five items, as follows:

      (1)   There was no consideration paid for the spun off shares by the
            parent company. The shares of the Company were initially issued
            without any consideration being paid by any shareholder, and were
            issued by the parent company as a stock dividend directly to the
            current shareholders.
      (2)   The spin off was pro-rata to all shareholders then shareholders of
            the parent company. Inasmuch as the distribution of the shares to
            the original shareholders of the Company was effectuated as a stock
            dividend to all holders of shares of the parent company, there was a
            pro-rata distribution. No shareholder received, at the time of this
            initial distribution, more than the same percentage as any other
            shareholder in the spun-off company.
      (3)   At the time of the spin off the parent company believed that
            sufficient information was available to the pubic to comply with the
            Staff Legal bulletin, from the reported filings of the parent
            company. At the time of the spin off of the company, we believed
            that we had complied with the requirement of this provision of SEC
            Staff Legal Bulletin No. 4 (CF), September 16, 1997 ("SEC Staff
            Legal Bulletin"), in that the parent company (TTI Holdings Corp.
            "TTI") was a reporting company under the Securities Act of 1933 and
            1934, as amended, and had filed all reports due. Therefore,
            management at the time of the distribution believed that sufficient
            information was available to the public in accordance with the Staff


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 3 of 17

      (4)   The purpose of the spin-off was for a valid business purpose. The
            business activities of Xiom Corp. (involving metal coatings and
            other metal related activities) were outside the sphere of the
            proposed acquisition of the parent company. At the time of the
            spin-off, in May and June 2001, the parent company was seeking to
            enter into a series of transactions to acquire up to eleven
            separately owned comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities
            ("CORF's") that were managed by a Florida based company named Total
            Health Care Consulting, Inc ("Total"). The Company was essentially
            acquiring the licenses to operate these CORF's with Total providing
            the back-office management functions. The acquisition of these
            CORF's was to have been executed by the distribution of shares of
            TTI to the CORF owners based upon certain financial criteria.
            However, on August 24, 2001 the Company terminated the agreements
            with the CORF owners and did not consummate the acquisitions upon
            being informed that certain representations regarding the financial
            condition of the CORF's and Total and other material matters were
            found to be not true. Management at the time felt that the
            combination of the two separate businesses would have been
            diametrically opposed and would have caused integration problems
            with the employees, management of the subsidiaries and accounting
            issues. The subsidiary that was spun out, then called Panama
            Industries, Ltd., and now Xiom Corp. was a viable operating business
            and although not profitable, it had the ability to grow on its own.
      (5)   Finally, the parent company did comply with the fifth and final
            requirement in that all of the securities spun off were "restricted
            securities" and the parent was not required to register the spin-off
            as it had complied with the initial four items. All shares issued in
            the spin-out to the shareholders bore a restrictive legend and were
            not subject to public sale.

Prospectus Cover Page
- ---------------------


2.    Please limit the outside front cover page to one page as required by Item
      501(a) of Regulation S-B.


      The outside front cover of the Prospectus has been limited to one page.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 4 of 17


3.    Please disclose the date the offering will end as required by Item
      501(a)(9)(iii) of Regulation S-B. You are reminded that Rule 415(a)(2) of
      Regulation C limits the offering to an amount that may be offered and sold
      within two years.


      We have indicated that the offering by the Company will end one year after
      the effective date of the prospectus.


4.    We reissue our prior comment 4 and remind you to please limit your
      disclosure on the cover page to only the information required by Item 501
      of Regulation S-B.

              We have removed the disclosure referenced the company's going
              concern and moved it to the Summary section.


5.    Please highlight the cross-reference to the risk factors section by
      prominent type or some other manner as required by Item 501(a)(5) of
      Regulation S-B.


      We have highlighted the cross-reference to the risk factors section by
      using bold type and capitalizing the sentence.


6.    If applicable, provide the disclosure required by Item 501(A)(10) of
      Regulation S-B.


      The prospectus contains the information required by Item 501(a)(10) of
      Regulation S-B at the top of the page.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 5 of 17

Prospectus Summary, page 4
- --------------------------


7.    We reissue our prior comment 6. Please add disclosure addressing the
      company's going concern qualification and its accumulated deficit.


      We have added disclosure regarding the company's going concern


8.    The disclosure regarding the spin-off is confusing. For example, what do
      you mean when you disclose in the second paragraph that "at the time of
      the spin-off, TTIH has intended to focus on a specific target merger
      candidate involved in a total unrelated business." Revise your disclosure
      to clearly indicate the various entities involved in the spin-off, the
      business purposes of each, and the manner in which the spin-off was
      effected. We may have further comment.


      We gave revised the disclosure to make the circumstances about the
      spin-off more clear and understandable.

Summary Financial Information, page 5
- -------------------------------------


9.    We note your response to prior comment 8. Please update the information
      presented as of September 30, 2004 and 2003 so that the information is
      consistent with the revised financial statements included in your filing.
      In addition, the information regarding loss per share for the nine months
      ended June 30, 2005 should also be revised. Please revise your disclosures


      We have updated the summary financial table, as requested, to red as


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 6 of 17


                                               June 30 2005   September 30, 2004   September 30, 2003
                                               ------------   ------------------   ------------------
Balance Sheet Data:
   Total Assets                                $   243,965    $   190,580          $   102,739
   Total Liabilities                           $    91,016    $    91,416          $    82,111
   Total Stockholders' Equity                  $   152,949    $    99,164          $    20,628

Statement of Operations:
   Revenues                                    $    58,270    $   114,479          $   143,973
   Expenses                                    $   265,398    $   350,283          $   239,883
   Net Profit (Loss)                           $  (207,128)   $  (235,804)         $ ( 95,910)
   Basic and Diluted Income (Loss) Per Share         (0.04)         (0.06)               (0.03)
   Weighted Average No. Shares Used
      In Computing Income (Loss) Per Share       5,676,776      3,970,602            3,632,973

Risk Factors, page 6


10.   We reissue our prior comment. The subheading for the 3rd risk factor
      merely reads "Operations and our Technology and Products." Please revise
      your subheadings so that they adequately describe the specific risk that
      results from the stated fact. To assist you in this regard, we refer you
      to "A Plain English Handbook - How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure
      Documents," issued by the Officer of Investor Education and Assistance,
      which is available on our website at www.sec.gov, and the updated Staff
      Legal Bulletin No. 7, dated June 7, 1999.


      We have revised our subheading, where possible to make them more
      adequately describe the specific risk that results from the stated fact.


11.   We reissue our prior comment 13. Add more risk factor disclosure covering
      the industry in which your company operates.


      We have added risk factors covering the industry in which our company


12.   We reissue our prior comment 14 because some of the risk factors continue
      to be generic. We specifically refer you to the 4th and 6th risk factors.
      Please revise your risk factors to so that each discussed a material risk
      to your potential shareholders. As a general rule, a risk factor is
      probably too generic if it is readily transferable to other offering
      documents or describes circumstances or factual situations that are
      equally applicable to other similarly situated businesses.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 7 of 17


      We have revised the risk factors to make them specific to our Company and

Use of Proceeds, page 10
- ------------------------


13.   Revise the disclosure to exclude the proceeds from the exercise of the
      warrants when calculating the use of proceeds from the sale of the
      company's securities.


      We have updated the disclosure to and have excluded the proceeds from the
      assumed exercise of the warrants when calculating the Use of Proceeds from
      the sale of the Company's securities. We have indicated the changes in
      response to Comment 14, below.


14.   Commensurate with Item 504 of Regulation S-B, please disclose the priority
      of each contemplated use of proceeds. Because no minimum amount is
      required to be sold in your offering, please address the full range of
      possible offering proceeds, from sale of a nominal amount to the maximum.
      We may have further comment.


      We have updated and revised the disclosure commensurate with Item 504 of
      Regulation S-B, as follows:


      XIOM Corp. will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the shares by
      the Selling Shareholders. XIOM Corp. will receive the proceeds of the
      500,000 shares to be sold directly by the Company, from time to time.
      There is no guarantee that these additional shares will be sold.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 8 of 17

      The following table allocates the proceeds from the sale of shares, at
      various levels from a minimum quantity to the maximum quantity, at $3.00
      per share and in priority order as to how such proceeds would be utilized.

                                       50,000      200,000      350,000      500,000

                                     Shares       Shares       Shares       Shares
                                   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Sales and marketing expenditures   $  100,000   $  200,000   $  250,000   $  300,000
Inventory purchases                    50,000      175,000      250,000      350,000
Accounts receivable financing               0      125,000      350,000      500,000
Administrative salaries                     0      100,000      200,000      350,000
                                   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
       Total Use of Proceeds       $  150,000   $  600,000   $1,050,000   $1,500,000
                                   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Determination of Offering Price, page 10
- ----------------------------------------


15.   Reconcile he information contained here with that contained on page 5
      where you indicate the price of the shares was arbitrarily determined..


      We have removed the reference on Page 5.

Management's Discussion and Analysis, page 11
- ---------------------------------------------


16.   Expand the disclosure about the "new expected distributors" in Washington
      State, Texas, Louisiana and Minneapolis.


      We have a signed agreement with a distributor in Texas. We are attaching a
      copy of the signed Distribution Agreement as a Material Agreement to the
      Registration Statement. We also have a distributor in Huntington, New York
      and Saskatchewan, Canada, and are including those Agreements as an
      Exhibits, as well. We have expanded the disclosure to include the material
      terms and conditions of the Agreements. We have no other distributors and
      have removed the references to other locations.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 9 of 17


17.   Discloser indicated that the first road show is scheduled for mid
      September in Boston. Disclose the results of this road show.


      We did not conduct the road show as planned. The road show was cancelled
      due to the company not having the wherewithal to pay for it. Accordingly,
      we have removed all reference to the road show in the disclosure statement


18.   Please identify the "well known testing agency" with whom you are


      We have included the name of the "well know testing agency" which is "KTA
      Tater, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


19.   We reissue our prior comment 22 because your revised disclosure is only
      partially responsive to our comment. Please provide a potential investor
      with a comprehensive disclosure in the direction in which you plan to take
      your company in the next twelve months. You should focus your discussion
      in monthly or quarterly increments and discuss the steps necessary for,
      the costs associated with, and projected timeframes for achieving
      sustained first revenues. Currently, you do not identify any specific
      milestones nor do you discuss the ways in which you intend to generate
      sustained revenues. We may have additional comment after reviewing your
      revised disclosure.


      We have updated the disclosure as required.

Business of the Company, page 13
- --------------------------------


20.   We reissue our prior comment 30 [should read 20]. Please review the
      disclosure requirements of Item 101 of Regulation S-B and revise your
      disclosure in accordance with the information that you are required to
      present. Your current description of your business continues to be vague
      and does not provide a prospective investor with the information he or she
      needs to clearly evaluate your product and the ability of the company to
      survive in the short and long term. We note that you have removed the
      disclosure relating to what appears to be your sole product, the XIOM 1000
      polymer multicoat spray system. Please explain why you have done so. In
      the alternative, replace your disclosure and provide specific information
      about its production/manufacturing status and key attributes of the
      product and or service. We may have further comment after reviewing your
      revised disclosure.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 10 of 17


      We have updated the disclosure to comply with Item 101 of Regulation S-B.


21.   Some of the disclosure in the third paragraph on page 13 may be considered
      promotional. Please revise to remove all statements that appear
      promotional in nature.


      We have removed what we consider to be promotional language from the


22.   Disclosure on page 13 indicates that you have applied for "viable
      patents." Please provide the disclosure required by Item 101(b)(7) of
      Regulation S-B.


      We have included the following descriptions regarding the patents filed by
      the Company"

            "The first patent is an equipment patent that covers the nozzle
            configuration and the propane, oxygen and air mixture configuration,
            in the gun, with a process description also included.

            The second patent covers the powder-feeder apparatus delivery
            mechanism, which feeds the nozzle configuration contained in the
            first patent.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 11 of 17

            The third patent covers the material feed-stock (powder), which is
            used by the devices, which is fed through the nozzle configuration
            and the powder-feeding configuration from the first two patents

            We have also filed international patents to cover the three items


23.   We reissue our prior comment 27. Expand your disclosure relating to you
      distributorships. Please identify your distributors and discuss their role
      in the company's operations. To the extent you maintain agreements with
      distributors, please disclose the material terms, financial and otherwise,
      of the agreements and file the agreements a material exhibits.


      We have updated the disclosure to remove any discussion of

Management, page 15
- -------------------


24.   We note your supplemental response to our prior comment 31. Please
      disclose in the prospectus the fact that Messrs. Mazzone and Gardega are
      your promoters.


      We have indicated in the prospectus, in the Management section that both
      Mr. Mazzone and Mr. Gardega are to be promoters of the Company. It has
      been indicated in the listing of positions with the Company and at the
      conclusion fo the biographies.

Dilution, page 18
- -----------------


25.   We note your response to prior comment 38. Please update the information
      as of the most recent balance sheet date presented in the registration


      The information has been updated as of the most recent balance sheet date,
      as follows:


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 12 of 17


Our net tangible book value as of June 30, 2005 was $152,949, or $0.03 per share
of common stock. Net tangible book value per share represents tangible assets,
less liabilities, divided by the number of shares of common stock issued and
outstanding. The following table illustrates the dilution to purchasers of
common stock in this offering at various arbitrarily determined sales levels, at
an assumed public offering price of $ 3 per share. At the sales levels
indicated, our pro forma net tangible book value at June 30, 2005 would have
been $752,949, $1,052,949, $1,352,949, or $1,652,949 respectively. This
represents an immediate dilution of $2.87, $2.82, $2.78 or $2.73 per share,
respectively, to new investors.

                                             Number of Shares of Common Stock Sold in the Offering(1)
                                                   200,000     300,000     400,000     500,000
                                                   Shares      Shares      Shares      Shares

Public offering price per share                    3.00        3.00        3.00        3.00

Net tangible book value before the offering        0.03        0.03        0.03        0.03
Increase in net tangible book value
attributable to new investors                      0.10        0.15        0.19        0.24

Pro forma net tangible book value per share
after the offering                                 0.13        0.18        0.22        0.27

Dilution per share to new public investors         2.87        2.82        2.78        2.73

(1) The above dilution calculations do not give effect to the outstanding
warrants to purchase up to 157,062 shares of common stock at $.75 per share.

Business of the Company - Principal Products and Services, page 18
- ------------------------------------------------------------------


26.   We note your disclosure that indicated that you currently do business and
      are expanding your business into Africa, Mexico and Columbia. Provide
      disclosure here or elsewhere as appropriate, to discuss the issues faced
      by the company in operating in foreign markets, identify any additional
      costs of doing business internationally, and consider adding a risk factor
      to discuss this fact.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 13 of 17


      The reference to Africa, Mexico and Columbia should have read as selling
      to businesses in foreign countries. The Company has no distributorships,
      nor any plans for distributorships overseas or plans to set up any
      operations of any kind. The disclosure has been revised to indicate that
      the Company has made sales to other countries, but does not conduct any
      business there.

Offering by Selling Shareholders, page 19
- -----------------------------------------


27.   Disclosure in the first paragraph indicates that the selling shareholders
      will sell at the fixed price of $3.00 for the duration of the company's
      primary offering. Please clarify. Disclosure elsewhere indicated that the
      selling shareholders will sell at $3.00 until the shares are quoted on the
      Over the Counter Bulletin Board.


      We have updated the disclosure to be consistent with the reference to the
      selling shareholders selling their shares at $3.00 until the shares are
      quoted on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board, if ever.

Plan of Distribution, page 21
- -----------------------------


28.   Please disclose your supplemental response to our prior comment 42.


      We have inserted our supplemental response to prior comment 42, as

Where you can find more information, page 24
- --------------------------------------------


29.   Please update the Commission's address.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 14 of 17


      We have updated the Commissions address

Audit Report, page F-2
- ----------------------


30.   We note your response to prior comment 45. Please revise the report to
      include a conformed signature at the bottom of the report, directly above
      the city and state where the report was issued. Typically, the conformed
      signature would appear in the form of: "/s/[Registered Accounting Firm]"


      We have indicated and included a conformed signature on the Audit Report

Note 4 - Patents Pending, page F-9
- ----------------------------------

31.           We note your response to prior comment 51. Pleas revise the
              financial statements to include the disclosures required by
              paragraphs 44-45 of FAS 142.

              We have revised the financial statements to include the
              disclosures required by paragraphs 44-45 of FAS 142.

Note 13 - Related Party Transactions, page F-10
- -----------------------------------------------

32.           We note your responses to prior comment 46. Please disclose the
              value of the contributed services for each period in the footnotes
              to the financial statements.

              We have disclosed the value of the contributed services for each
              period presented in the footnotes to the financial statements.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 15 of 17


33.   Please disclose on the face of the financial statements that they have
      been restated, disclose in a note the nature and amount of the restatement
      as required by paragraph 37 of APB 20, and direct your independent
      accountant to refer to the restatement of the annual financial statements
      in its report and dual-date or redate the report.


      Paragraph 37 of APB 20 refers to required disclosures related to the
      correction of an error as a prior period adjustment in previously issued
      financial statements. The financial statements included in the filing have
      not been previously issued to any third parties. Such issuance was subject
      to the current filing becoming effective. As such, the financial
      statements included in the filing have not been restated, but have been
      corrected as a result of the requested changes and the accountant's report
      has been appropriately redated.

Note 3 - Stock Option Grants, page F-15
- ---------------------------------------


34.   We note your response to prior comment 58. Based on your revised
      disclosure, it appears that no compensation expense was recognized for the
      option grant to the consultant. Note that under FAS 123, options granted
      non-employees must be recorded at fair value, with limited exception for
      non-employee directors meeting all of the conditions of paragraph 8 of FIN
      44. Please revise the financial statements as appropriate to include
      compensation expense relating to the non-employee grant, and disclose the
      fair value of the grant under FAS123, along with the major assumptions
      used to value the award. Also, please revise your disclosures under
      Executive Compensation on page 16 to discuss the stock option grants to
      the officers


      We have update Note 3 and adjusted the June 30, 2005 interim financials as
      requested. We determined the value of the non-employee option on the date
      of the grant to be "minimal", as defined in paragraph 20 of FAS 123.
      Additionally, because the Company is a "non-public entity", the expected
      volatility of its stock over the expected life of the option was
      appropriately not considered. We have also revised our disclosure under
      "Executive Compensation" as requested.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 16 of 17


            The officers of XIOM Corp. currently have no formal, or informal,
            compensation arrangements. They are reimbursed only for documented
            out-of-pocket petty cash expenses and by issuing shares, or granting
            of options, for services. On March 1, 2005, XIOM granted two options
            to purchase a total of 600,000 shares of restricted common stock at
            a price of $.75 per share, which approximates the fair market value
            on the date of the grant. The two operating officers, who are also
            shareholders, each received an option to purchase 300,000 restricted
            common shares.

            All directors hold office until the next annual meeting of
            stockholders and the election and qualification of their successors.
            Executive officers are elected annually by the Board of Directors to
            hold office until the annual meeting of shareholders and until their
            successors are chosen and qualified."

Comments of December 12, 2005

Financial Statements


1.    We note that the financial statements included in the registration
      statement do not meet the updating requirements of Item 310(g) of
      Regulation S-B. Since you do not meet all of the conditions specified in
      Item 310(g)(2) of Regulation S-B, audited financial statements for the
      year ended September 30, 2005 were required to be filed in the current
      amendment. Please revise the filing accordingly.


      We have updated the financial information in the registration statement to
      comply with Item 310(g) of Regulation S-B.


2.    We note that the filed consent refers to the audit report dated March 25,
      2005, which is inconsistent with the sate of the audit report included in
      the registration statement. Please ensure that an updated and currently
      dated consent is included in your next amendment.


Re:   Response Letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Comment letter of
      October 11, 2005 for Registration Statement on Form SB-2, Amendment No. 2,
      filed September 2, 2005, and December 12, 2005 on Form SB-2, Amendment No.
      3, filed December 6, 2005 for Xiom Corp.

March 8, 2006
Page 17 of 17


      We have filed and updated and currently dated consent related to the Audit


3.    We note your supplemental response regarding the use of zero volatility
      assumption to value stock options granted to non-employees. Please note
      that the use of the minimum value method described in paragraph 20 of FAS
      123 is only applicable to stock-based compensation awards made to
      employees. As discussed in footnote (1) to EITF 96.18, the minimum value
      method is not an acceptable method for determining the fair market value
      of non-employee awards by nonpublic companies. Please revise the financial
      statements accordingly.


      We have updated the financial statements and footnotes accordingly.

      This letter responds to all comments contained in your letters of October
11, 2005 and December 12, 2005. We are requesting that your office expedite the
review of this amendment as much as possible.

      If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Michael S. Krome

cc:  Mr. Andrew Mazzone,
     President, Xiom, Inc.