- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Yes, thank you. I want to start by saying congratulations on the powerful

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Thank you, Alex.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

I wanted to go into how you view progress on the gross margin line, particularly
given the efforts in bringing in Anachip in-house, and I believe you mentioned
the increasing content of new products coming out there -- what is it, 29.7% of
revenues now? What should we expect on the gross margin line? I know you have
given us a near-term projection here. But what really is the update on progress

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Well, Alex, we know by bringing Anachip product to our own facilities, packaging
facilities, that gross margin should be improved quite a bit. And fortunately,
or unfortunately, our growth is faster than we expected. For example, you know,
we continue almost two quarters at consistently 12% growth. Therefore, we cannot
really bring in our product internally, because we just do not have enough
capacity to support those unfocused or unexpected upside.

Number two is our Anachip product grows much faster than our discrete product
growth. Therefore, the average actually affects the gross margin percent. You
know what I mean? Because energy products by doing outsourcing and packaging
actually have lower profit margin than our internal discrete -- are discrete
products through our internal packaging. And because energy's growth is less
than our discrete, that pulls the average down.

So looking into the future, I still see a lot of room for improved gross margin
by moving our product gradually through our own facilities. And I [understand]
the synergy we didn't really [utilize] yet is selling energy product to U.S. and
Europe customers. We know -- I think I talked to everybody before -- U.S. Europe
and U.S. customers typically, we can get a bigger ASP, and therefore, in turn,
upgrade their profit margins.

We just finished (indiscernible) our product -- all the energy products we want
to [port] through our (indiscernible) site, and the release to the U.S. and
Europe customer base. The design-in is very strong, but the ramp-up is not in
there yet. So I think through the next year, from the fourth quarter and the
more in the next year, we should see an improvement from the gross margin
percent due to bringing in to our own facility and number two, by getting the
customer from U.S. and Europe for our energy product.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

To be clear, I think I have discussed with you in the past that one of the
targets was for Q1 ramp in a number of areas. And am I hearing you correctly on
the Anachip front that you still expect Europe and U.S. to begin ramping in Q1
of next year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, correct. Like I said, we just finished the [porting] and I think I
mentioned to you, we don't want to just take the Anachip product, which is built
by our subcontract to the U.S. and Europe customers. We want to make sure all
those products are built by our own facilities in Shanghai. And therefore, we
take time to qualify all the products which can be built by ourselves. And we
just finished that qualification now. And we start to announce the [build-up] to
qualify our customer in the U.S. and Europe. And so it will take time. In any
quarter, it takes time for people to ramp it up. So yes, I think you are right
(indiscernible) from next quarter, from the first quarter next year, you will
start to see gradually design -- a gradual ramp-up from our energy product.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

And one more follow-up, if I could -- does this include increased penetration of
the cellular handset market at this juncture?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Well, one of the products that we just announced, AH180 -- that is from our
energy product. And you can see the applications. So the answer is yes. And our
AH180 product turned out to be quite a good product. In fact, we just announced
it a couple of weeks, right? And we already have a couple of design wins.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Congratulations on that front.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ramesh Misra, C.E. Unterberg, Towbin.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

Congratulations on the numbers. A first question, Carl, is for you. I wanted
clarification on that onetime expense you said for about $650,000 that is
related to tax. So basically -- which resulted in -- is that an understatement
in your pro forma EPS by $0.02, did I get that right?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Yes. It was a onetime adjustment, related to two areas. One was in '05, we had
an overstatement of our operating expense, about $800,000 related to the stock
option expensing. And the other component was an understatement of our other
expense, okay? And the net effect of both of those were a $650,000 decrease in
EPS of $0.02.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

So basically, if we had not included that charge, your EPS would have been

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, you are right. It is a $0.02 onetime deal effect.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

We tried to make that pretty clear with the onetime or (MULTIPLE SPEAKERS)
percent effect so you can model that outgoing for.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

Okay, and then my next question is for Dr. Lu. Dr. Lu, what is the size of your
overall Hall-effect sensor business at this current time?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

You know, our Hall sensor business is coming from Anachip the acquisition. And
you remember, Anachip acquisition, at that time when we buy -- we only look at
power management application. So if you remember, when I make that announcement,
I say we spent $31 million for the $35 million of power management business. And
so the total (indiscernible) other -- like a [PLD] PowerDI and the Hall sensor
(indiscernible) together -- last year is about $15 million. And so you can
figure out from that number -- PLD is the small number, so the rest is the Hall
sensor (indiscernible). Then, after we took over building this year, we spent
about (indiscernible) engineering effort tried to -- we look at this Hall sensor
business, and it turned out to be a surprise to us. It's a good business. And we
believe by putting our -- number one, our design resource to fix all the problem
and to [channel] the next-generation new order, and to spend time with our sales
channel, our distribution channel, we found out this is a pretty good product
line. And therefore, we announced the first new product which goes through our
new [engineering] resource, to come out this new product line -- AH180. And we
are very happy with the performance of this product and market acceptance of
this product. And we open up a big door for us to get into the cell phone
application too.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Yes, the Hall sensor remains a really nice lead-in product. Anybody that uses a
Hall sensor wants to talk to us, guaranteed. So it's a very exciting entry point
with some key customers after.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

I see. So you are clearly keeping this serendipitous discovery of the business
at Anachip. So is it safe to assume that it's about 10% or so of sales
currently? Very roughly, again.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

More than 10%. (MULTIPLE SPEAKERS). No, no, no -- you are talking about Anachip
- -- it's about (MULTIPLE SPEAKERS).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

No, just the Hall sensor.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

We don't --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

We don't get into detail, but you can see (indiscernible). The total Anachip
business last year is about 50, and the power management is 35. The rest of it
is -- the rest is the Hall sensor, PLD, everything else.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramesh Misra - C.E. Unterberg, Towbin - Analyst

Got it. And then one final question -- this may be for Mark or for Dr. Lu. I
just wanted a little more clarification in terms of APD's product portfolio. One
way of looking at it is that potentially you are paying about 4 times trailing
sales, or you are paying about onetime forward sales, depending upon how
successful APD's unreleased products are. So can you just kind of briefly go
into that product portfolio and what holes did it fill for you and where does it
help you going forward?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Ramesh, this is -- the APD acquisition is a little bit different from the
Anachip acquisition. Anachip acquisition for us is a jump start for us to get
into the analog business. So it's more on the product, more on the business,
more on the analog -- you know in that area.

But for APD acquisition, it's a pure technology acquisition. We agree -- I think
from our announcement, you can see they have a lot of patents, a lot of
trademarks, a lot of [tech knowledge] is within this APD Company. Their product
is in its infancy stage. I think Carl was talking about that. So you cannot
really to look at it's a 4-X of the revenue, because the money really pay for is
the technology. You know, you can see, we want to spend our R&D money. But our
revenue growth (indiscernible) we've just cannot spend enough R&D money to get
to our business model. But by doing this kind of acquisition is a supplemental
of our technology improvement. And if you look at APD technology, it provides us
a better performance, a lower-cost chip. Now, if you wanted -- if you keep --
the dies sets are the same, the performance is much better. And it's scalable.
So you can keep the same performance but reduce the die size, reduce the cost.
And it's leading us to a new generation, a new variable of technology. So I want
to say APD acquisition is really a technology acquisition and it's a growth
driver for us next year or even year after. And I think APD recognized that, and
we recognize that. And that is why they don't want to just take the money and
walk away. The really want (indiscernible) and now. And that (indiscernible)
tied to the revenue, because we all understand it will be a growth provider, a
growth driver for us in the future.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Steve Smigie, Raymond James.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

I was curious if you could tell me if the guidance that you gave for Q4 includes
any revenue from APD?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

We ought to mention -- APD is only $2 million, and very minor. So yes, it's
included, but it's a very, very small amount. The [power] (indiscernible) is $2
million, and we only two months left. And if we cross (indiscernible) you
probably only have a half-quarter left. So it's very small amount. It's not

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay, great. As Dr. Lu was mentioning, your percentage of R&D as a percentage of
revenues was still pretty low just because it looks like your revenue grew so
fast. Can you give us some guidance in terms of what R&D, and as long as you are
at it, SG&A will look like sequentially and if any sort of plans to ramp those
more quickly as we enter '07?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Well, I think our business model, I have been saying when we spent
(indiscernible) technology, we are not talking about R&D 10% or 15% like a lot
of people thinking going to (indiscernible). But I think I mentioned before our
(indiscernible) for our R&D is 2.5% plus/minus 0.5%. So you can see probably
somewhere around 2% to 3% of the revenue. And that is our business model, and
that is about what we are doing. And we are -- if you look at our R&D this
quarter, third quarter, it's a bit lower than our business plan. And it's
because -- but we are straight (indiscernible) the design center in
(indiscernible), the design center (indiscernible) and so we probably will catch
up to -- but our business model is about 2.5%, plus or minus 0.5%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Right. And you think you will catch up to that in Q4, or more Q1?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

No, it probably won't be in Q4. Q4 is only two months left. So you might
consider Q1.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay. And you did a good job there controlling SG&A as well. Does that increased
dollar-wise sequentially, and what sort of target do you have for that as a
percentage of revenue?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

I think that's the way we control SG&A is quite good. And what we really do is
we (indiscernible) that SG&A growth (indiscernible), but we get our revenue
growth. So what we do is we allow SG&A increase at the best percentage of our
revenue growth. So eventually -- so we were hoping every quarter our SG&A is
either flat or down as a percentage. So I am very careful to make sure our SG&A
as a percent of the revenue won't increase. And we will keep it that way. That
is our business model anyway.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay, great. Your [interest common] assumption, the 5 to I think 5.5 you gave --
it seems like the interest rate you would be getting there was similar or a
little over 2%. Are you just being conservative with that, or could you get a
little bit more?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

No, don't forget -- we have to 2.25% cost, too.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay, so that's netted out.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, that is net. The one we report is net, and we have 2.25% payout twice a

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay, fair enough. And just in terms of looking at Q1, would you expect that to
be a pretty weak quarter sequentially just given your mix of consumer and
computing business, and could that potentially be down sequentially?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Well, number one, we don't really give the guidance that far away. Okay? So we
give the guidance on 4Q, but the 1Q for us, it's quite far away. And just that
- -- market seasonality, Christmas sales can affect. I can tell you so far, we
don't know what will be the Christmas sale. But if Christmas sales is good, at
the next quarter, then 1Q will be good. But if Christmas sale is bad, then 1Q
won't be as good. And so I really don't know. Just like everybody -- we don't
really know what will be the Christmas sales. I hope we have a good Christmas
sale. If we can encourage everybody go to do the Christmas shopping, I will be
pickled to death.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

And I apologize, just one more, if I could. The other income -- or I guess it's
actually other expense of $1.6 million -- seems up quite a bit sequentially. I
don't know if that was part of the reversal there or not. But even so, that
would only be $600,000 [as to -- so it would be] another $1 million. Just
curious what that increase was there?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Steve, it was actually a $1.1 million adjustment in the fourth quarter for the
other expense column. And so you need to make sure you add that back into your
model. You know, we stated the net effect after taxes was 650, but it was really
about $800,000 effect in the SG&A line. So if you were to add that back, our
percent of SG&A would have been closer to I think 14% range. Okay? And maybe I
should've added that when you asked me that question, but I was trying to get
some research on it. And then, the other income had a $1.1 million affect.

There's full disclosure in that convertible, if you want to see that in advance,
it's all spelled out there with the numbers in fact.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve Smigie - Raymond James - Analyst

Okay, very nice quarter.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gary Mobley, A.G. Edwards.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary Mobley - A.G. Edwards - Analyst

I was hoping that we could jump back on the topic of APD briefly and maybe you
could talk about the potential for gross margin there, perhaps well beyond the
2007 sales projection, once the products hit their full stride?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Yes, Gary, I think that we have good opportunity to expand gross margin, at our
discrete level or above. Again, we look at this product line as an extension to
our previous rectifier line and at the performance level. And where we use it in
a different where we scale it for cost, we think that that will provide cost
advantages. So we really look at the technology as an opportunity to both grow
revenues, add sockets in performance spots, but as well, save money. So we think
it has a play in both areas, both for growth into new markets, new product
segments, as well as expand our margins.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary Mobley - A.G. Edwards - Analyst

Okay. And back on the topic of bringing Anachip packaging in-house, it seems as
though you may have -- your capital spending trends in the quarter sort
contradict that, that you're running 100% utilization, and wanted to bring
packaging in-house. Could you give us some direction on what impacted the
quarter, and what the CapEx spend plan might be on a forward 12-month or '07

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

I think the capital expenditures -- I think in the past, I have already
mentioned -- we put that the biggest model is a 12% of revenue. We will put in
the capital expenditure. But if you look at our revenue growth -- so we can
spend more money. But when we spend that money, then the capacity won't be in
(indiscernible) quarter later or six months later. So we do expand the capacity.
Right now, I think our capacity now is like 1 billion units a month type of
capacity. And we are going to now -- later on, probably, go up to about 1.1
billion -- probably at year-end.

So we spend the money for the capacity. But the time to get to the variable, it
takes about three months to six months, okay? And that is why it (indiscernible)
us to bring in that product into our facility, because our growth is just better
than what we expected. If you remember, every quarter, we are talking about 5%,
6%, or 6%, 7% growth, and end up to be 12%. It's just -- much better than our

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Some of the packages that we kept outsourcers -- some of the higher ASP devices
that are in fewer packages for our facility. So again, we don't have as much
flexibility in this first stage to ramp as quickly. In some of the other
devices, more than our (indiscernible) 23 in there, SD59, we consumed that stuff
a while ago. But those are the lower ASPs, so the percentage of revenue, high
ASP versus low ASP, may throw that mix off a little, Gary.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

And Gary, like I mentioned, we actually started to move our product into our
facility and improve the gross margin. It's just because the lower gross margin
type of energy product would grow faster than discrete products. So it forced
the average chip (indiscernible) -- the average gross margin percent the same.
But if you look at -- we actually started a product of him through moving --
(indiscernible) product moving to our facility and then give us the better
margin. It just -- the percentage makes the equal.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary Mobley - A.G. Edwards - Analyst

With respect to the sale synergies from the Anachip acquisition, how far along
are we in seeing the benefits of that? You mentioned that you start see the
North American and European sales --?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

I think -- I'll answer that question -- and I think we are talking about new
power we are starting to see a ramp in 1Q because we finished this [cording],
and start to announce the product to our customer base in Europe and U.S. Then
you give them six months, you know, three to six months design-in, we see a lot
of other design wins. By the way, we always see a lot of design wins in the U.S.
and Europe from our energy product. It's just the time for them to ramp, it
takes probably three to six months. So Mark can answer it, but I would say
probably 1Q or 2Q.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Right. And in Asia, we pretty much have complete synergy. The customer overlaps,
the sales channel is rolling, and the customers are familiar with both lines, so
they would accept both logos.

In North America, we have done a lot of design wins at our key accounts. Those
would be our multinational accounts or design here and ship to Asia, or some of
our top OEMs that we said it was simple to pull an Anachip brand product into
those accounts right away.

It's where we are lacking and where we have taken our time is on introduction to
the channel, which would be distributors. And in North America and Europe,
roughly 70% of the business that we track as a revenue point in those areas is
through that channel. So that is where we have a lot of opportunity, is as we
move into our distributors -- Arrow, Avnet, Future Electronics, DigiKey and so
forth. But in order to do that, since there is inventory returns and stock
rotations and all that type of stuff, we wanted to make sure that it was all
centralized under one logo so that there was no confusion, and it wasn't clean.
So that is what we are talking about.

But we have been introducing into our key customers and working with our key
OEMs to establish a position for quite a while in that area. So we've had good
success at the key OEMs. It's now getting it into the channel. And the channel
drives the margin.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kevin Rottinghaus, Cleveland Research.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Just on a similar question -- CapEx looks like it dropped off fairly
significantly. With the move to bring Anachip in-house plus the growth you're
seeing, any comments on why that would have dropped off, keeping in mind that it
is a 12% target, but just would have thought that I would have continued to ramp
with the growth that you are seeing?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Are you talking about the CapEx would drop?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

If fell quarter over quarter fairly significantly.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes. Well, quarter to quarter, we don't track it quarter to quarter. And we see
the capacity need -- we expand it when we do. I think I have been saying is 12%
our annual revenue. So quarter to quarter, it's difficult, because any time you
added, it's a chunk. And if you don't add it, you don't put that chunk in there.

So I don't look at quarter to quarter. I am more tracking is year to year. And
if you look at today, our year-to-year, year-to-date is about -- we are talking
about 10 to 12% at (indiscernible) at that point. It's quoting that 6 million
for building -- we take those away.

So I think we are about at the middle of, I would say, 10 to 12% year-to-date.
And so we probably will finish this year at about 12% of our revenue.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Okay. Carl, was there any adjustments R&D due to the onetime?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Is the R&D in absolute dollars -- were actually down a little bit on the
quarter. Was there anything happening, either in second quarter or third quarter
that might have caused that to go down a little bit this quarter?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

No, typically, the R&D percent is you cut in mask. If you cut another mask in
that quarter, then the R&D will be up. The course of R&D is (indiscernible)
percent -- one is the people, the core of the (indiscernible). Those are very
constant. As a matter of fact, we are [hiding] the people, so it will be
probably included.

But the other big chunk is the mask and all the new product we have built now --
costs associated with the new products. And so when some quarter you cut a lot
of mask, your cost will be way up. Some quarter, they will be down.

Now, I am not saying this because our real growth (indiscernible) so you look at
the percent, you are going to say -- oh, the percent went down. But the
dollar-wise -- yes, our third quarter versus second quarter, it went down, what
200 -- ?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

About 150,000.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

150,000. So it's not up -- a couple of (indiscernible) of mask will offset that
amount --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

I think you're right. I think the mask, a lot of the variable cost in place.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes. But the reason percent went down so much is because -- don't forget, we
grow to almost 12% this quarter. And we just did not hire that many R&D to keep
up with it.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Okay, I understand. Then I guess two other quick ones. Mark, if you could please
repeat what you said earlier on channel inventories, and then any kind of
commentary you might have on inventory at your customers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

No, I think our inventory at our customers is fine. You know, I don't think we
ever have really any issue there. Customers pretty much depend on us to deliver,
so we don't think there's any double-ordering.

We do see the channel -- I don't think our inventory is out of whack, but the
distributor inventory in general may be a little out of whack. So we expect some
- -- we have seen -- as I mentioned that our POP was down quarter over quarter,
but we had record POS sales.

So I think that we are going to see a trend from the distributors across the
board to be a little bit careful with inventory over the balance of the fourth
quarter. But I don't think that there is anything to be concerned about there.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Okay. And then last, if you could just give any kind of commentary on the PC
market that you see out there -- maybe trying to net out your share gains, just
what the PC market looks like this time if year versus what it normally does.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

I think the PC market looks pretty much like it always does this time of year.
You know, there has been some indication of a little bit of more softening in
the motherboard going into the end of this year. But it's really not clear yet
to us, okay? We are still tracking. Our numbers are still tracking and so we
don't see any big adjustments.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Tom Grayless], Longbow Research.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom Grayless - Longbow Research - Analyst

Hi, this is [Tom Grayless] for Sean Harrison. I was just wondering if you could
give us a little more color here on product inventory at distribution, Anachip
versus the legacy lines, and if you are seeing any change in order
cancellations? I know you want to do that a little bit, but maybe just a little
more detail?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Actually, you know, I think in Asia, this is a very busy time of year, so
there's certainly no inventory buildup in Asia. And so, basically, we have no
inventory -- Anachip inventory in the channel yet, because -- again, no
significant inventory in the channel yet, because we are in the process -- we
just completed all of our qualifications and are porting into the logo
transformation. So there is certainly no issue with inventory of Anachip in the
channel. And as I said before, I think we are pretty -- we're in a pretty
reasonable position. Our inventories are higher than they were last year, but we
are also seeing record POS. So I think we are in pretty good shape in the
channel industry, and on the (Inaudible question - background noise) side.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom Grayless - Longbow Research - Analyst

All right. And could you comment a little bit about the rise in lead frame
molding costs in 3Q and 4Q -- any thoughts you have on that?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

What was the question?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

The change in lead frame cost and molding cost and -- you know, when you are
running a billion units a month of very small material content devices, it may
take us several quarters to see the impact of those changes. And as we have
increased our volume and so on, we have kind of offset some of these with
synergies and overhead cost reductions and so forth. So yes, we just don't have
the data on that.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Christopher Mongaru], Sidoti.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

Congratulations on a good quarter. I just wanted to know a little bit more about
what you see going forward with the ADP acquisition -- how it's going to enhance
your business going forward, and some things that you are looking at
product-wise and basically just to give us a better idea of maybe where you are
going with this?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Okay, number one, it's APD. That is a (multiple speakers)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

I apologize -- APD. (multiple speakers)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Okay, the Company is called APD. They provide really technology. We need it, and
complement to our product line. That is number one. And that is why we are very
interested, because we look at their technology. It's really a very good
differentiator, and it provides a [load] (indiscernible) and -- and yes, they
provide the [low] we have and -- let me see -- low leakage at high temperature.
So those was the very good performance in our mind. You know, our product -- we
- -- leakage is one important phase, especially for portable product, high
temperature. So they provide us a technology at high temperature, low leakage,
and the [law] we have. And those are related technology can lead into a
dealership product. Okay?

And number two is the die size is scalable to the performance. That is our other
key thing. In the Schottky product, it's very difficult to control the die size.
And so you have fixed die size, you have performance come out. Now you say, I
don't need this kind of performance. Can you give me a lower cost at a lower
performance? In Schottky, it's very difficult to do.

This technology for provide us the scalable effect. So if you show me a
high-performance, like I mentioned, low [VF] and a low leakage and temperature
- -- if you don't need this kind of performance, then you can shrink the die and
provide a low-cost product. And that is the second thing.

So we all -- we could say, is the cost effective, or performance type of
technology? And that gives us the leadership product. And that is why we believe
It's the gross driver for us in the future.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

As well as you, can actually design the efficiency, which is a combination of
the VF and leakage towards the application, and very specifically, towards what
the customer needs, is very simply by just modeling the difference. So we see it
to offer improved performance in someone's circuit very simply in high-volume
applications. So this goes very well with our PowerDI performance packaging
platform, which is very small devices with very high thermal capability. And we
just see a lot of opportunity, not only to enhance or Schottky offering, but
also to attack different rectifier technologies that might not be our strengths,
which would be ultrafast marketplace and so forth. So we see a great opportunity
in performance and power supplies. And most importantly, long-term, we see this
as a nice automotive opportunity.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

Great, that helped a lot. And also, after -- you just had a fantastic quarter,
something like 12% top-line growth. Do you think any of that might have been
attributable to this quarter, and maybe that's part of the reason for the 1 to
3% growth guidance, as opposed to -- if you guys have been giving maybe 3% to 7%
the last couple of quarters?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Christopher, so if I could take -- I think that is it difficult question. When
you, off of it, --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

I know, it's hard -- I am just wondering --.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Chris, what is the question? What are you saying?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

Well, the question is -- do you think any of the -- with the extreme growth seen
in the third quarter might have been attributable to some sales from the fourth

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

I don't think so.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Chris, what I was going to start to say is, we had our first $50 million quarter
in the second quarter of 2005. We had our first $60 million quarter in the
fourth quarter of '05. We had our first $70 million quarter in the first quarter
of '06. We had our first $80 million in the second quarter, and we had our first
$90 million in the third quarter. That is a lot of compounded growth. (multiple
speakers) a short period of time.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Let me answer -- your first question -- is it because we proved -- [pull] in the
fourth quarter to make the third quarter 12%? The answer is definitely not. We
don't do that.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

No, I understand.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Okay. Number two, if you look at most guidance today, our competitors' -- most
of them tell you it's negative. And so we believe for us -- our strategy always
- -- we are going to be outperforming our market. And we are going to outperform
probably 3-X of our market growth. So if you go to look at everybody's
announcements, you would say our continued growth will be very positive. So
maybe, we are now able to repeat 12%. But when people grow 7, 8%, or 6, 7%, we
grow 12%. But when people go to negative, 4, 5%, for us to say 1 to 3% -- I
think we still outperform the whole market.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

No, I agree. I was just --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

(multiple speakers) so it's definitely not because we pull in fourth quarter to
make a third quarter number. That is definitely not the answer.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

We still expect to take share gain in the fourth quarter, Chris.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Mongaru - Sidoti - Analyst

Yes, that is exactly what I was asking.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chris Chaney, Stanford Group.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Chaney - Stanford Group - Analyst

Thank you, and gentlemen, I wanted to add my congratulations for a very nice Q3
also. Now I had two questions. The first relates to the tax rate for '07. And
Carl, I am thinking that with what's being said about the expected ramp at
Anachip, especially in the U.S. and Europe, that we should see the tax rate
begin to increase somewhat in 2007? Can you give us any guidance on that?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Well, we gave the guidance for the end of the fourth quarter basically being in
line with the last one -- pretty close to the high end of the 19, 20%. Again, I
think for modeling '07, we don't give the guidance that far out. But you guys
still need to do some modeling -- I would suggest keeping it that [rate]. We are
doing a lot of tax planning globally. It's a very complex environment. Tax, as
we know, changes almost daily with the government and such. So I would say stay
in that high-end range for your model.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Chaney - Stanford Group - Analyst

All right, very nice. And then the second question relates to really your -- I
guess your unit output, or unit capacity as we were hearing earlier that by the
end of the year, we might see around 1.1 billion units per month as the run
rate. Do you guys have a target specifically for -- by the end of 2007, or where
do you think you might be? And what sort of CapEx could get you there? Would it
still be the 12% number of sales you were talking about earlier?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Number one, yes -- our CapEx model for next year is going to be still at 12%.
Number two, how much we're going to do it, we don't know, because it depends on
how the market is doing. In fact, I mentioned, we always put in the capacity
when we need it. We do not put in a lot of capacity and expect the market is
going to be growing, then turn out to be wrong, and then have a lot of excess
capacity sitting there. Therefore, we now still look at in our assumption of the
revenue and plan on 12% of that revenue to be the capital expenditure. When we
get there, then we spend it. And if our revenue is not there, we don't spend it.
But we do put in a new capability. For example, this year, we put up the [18 SO]
packets. We did not have that 18 SO before. And due to the Anachip acquisition,
we have put in 18 SO capacity -- capability into our assembly. Now, by buying
APD, we need to look at a lot of the product they can use in our internal
capabilities. But they have I think one package we don't produce. So we are
looking at -- we might want to put in that capacity into our capability -- our
assembly site, too.

So we did not -- we are still not our model, and we will spend the money. But I
cannot give you the -- what will be the run rate we expect by the end of next

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Chaney - Stanford Group - Analyst

Okay, I understand. And just one last question, and that is that earlier this
quarter, when it appeared to you that the market was going to be better and that
sales were going to be really ramping, I'm wondering if at that time, were you
trying to order equipment and having trouble getting the deliveries and getting
them into production, or do you see any tightness in the back of equipment going
into next year?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

No, like I said, we do not see by gauging the needs and then putting in
capacity. We put in the capacity when we really have the need. And that is why
did not bring in porting energy products faster than what we expand it. When we
grow faster than we -- when the business grows faster than we expect it, we just
throw down the porting Anachip products into our facilities. And we're using
that capacity originally for the energy products. We used this for additional

Now, we have put in the capacity because our run rate reached there, and we put
in the capacity there. So we didn't -- like the beginning of the quarter that
you say (indiscernible) had good business then put in the capacity. We don't do

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Chaney - Stanford Group - Analyst

I understand. Thank you very much.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Chris, if I can add to that a little bit, there was a question asked earlier
about the seemingly slowdown in our CapEx in the third quarter. We also have to
go back to where we were in the second quarter where we had stated we were
actually ahead of the schedule. At the end of the second quarter, we were at $29
million in CapEx, including the $6 million building. So that was still $24
million for production expansion. So the $5 million is balancing out. Like we
said, we are still in the mid range of that 10 to 12%.

And I think year in and year out, we have proven that we are pretty efficient in
our expansion, and we know what it's like to run facilities at less than full
capacity, and we like to keep it at full. So we have been very cautious on our
expansion, and I think we're in a pretty good position to continue to go

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Chaney - Stanford Group - Analyst

Do you plan much spending at the wafer fab?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

As of this moment? No. Because for the Anachip, we're using outsourcing. Anachip
products, they don't use our internal plant because they're using an outsourcing
plant. And for our discrete, we still -- we are running about 85% through. And
we (indiscernible) improved the productivity, and we still can support our wafer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kevin Rottinghaus.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

So I just had a quick follow-up for you. I guess two follow-ups. When does the
holiday build typically start to slow down for you?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

December seems to be a little slower generally than -- October and November
seemed to be the peak for us.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Okay, they start to slow down in December. And then last -- the announcement
today between International Rectifier and Vishay -- any commentary you can have
on what that does to competitive dynamics, or any impact that might have on the
market would be very helpful. Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

I'll let Mark answer this question.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

I think that that's a perfect acquisition for Vishay. Those are not the right
things for us. It seems to be an older technology and so forth.

We always like any consolidation in the industry. It always seems to confuse the
competitors a little bit, and give us a little bit of a head start. I don't see
- -- this one is kind of a more non-mainstream transaction. So I don't see it
having a real significant effect on us.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Rottinghaus - Cleveland Research - Analyst

Or on the overall market?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Or on the overall market. I think it's just transferring from one big guy to
another big guy. So it's not -- if they were coming altogether, that would be
wonderful for us, because we always believe that all consolidation opens up huge
opportunities for us.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alex Gauna, UBS.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

I wanted to confirm -- I believe you mentioned that both core and the Anachip
business lines grew in the current quarter -- or the past quarter, I'm sorry. Is
that correct?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes -- both grew.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

And then going forward in the neutral gross margin guidance, is that assuming
then that both core and the Anachip are expected to grow at the same rate right

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

And then I guess I am wondering, as the quarter progressed, where did you see --
you did upwardly revise guidance twice. Where were those revisions coming from?
Were they coming on the Anachip side or on the core side or both?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Both. You're talking about the third quarter, right?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes. It's actually from both.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Okay. And then, Mark, I believe you mentioned that you some people maybe getting
or distribution getting maybe a little bit more cautious in Q4. And Dr. Lu, you
had also mentioned that peers have showing quite a bit of underperformance here
lately. Isn't it safe to assume that somewhere in your end market, you actually
- -- there was actually slowing in Q3 as well? You managed to outperform it,
obviously. But hasn't there already been slowing in the market?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

You know, we've spent a lot of time studying our business. So it's really hard
to understand the dynamics of everyone else's business. I think that we have
been on a pretty strong growth path all year long. And we don't really see that
our segments have been on a strong a growth path as we are. But it does appear
that our peers definitely had a much slower growth rate in Q3 than we did.

We do believe we continue to gain share. We do believe we continue to add valued
at our customers that is winning us stronger position. So really, we are pretty
focused on running our business.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, but we know one thing -- our third quarter really didn't see the slowdown.
From our business, our third quarter didn't see the slowdown, because you can
see from our guidance, every time we up our guidance, it's essentially higher
than what we previously said. And you remember from our convertible bond
offering, at that time, we thought we had 11.5. But we ended up to be 11.9. So
we really didn't see any slowdown in third quarter. (multiple speakers)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carl Wertz - Diodes Inc. - CFO

Okay, to some degree, it seemed like you viewed the not pulling the Anachip in
as a weakness. Actually, I view that as a strength. I view that as our ability
to recognize and be flexible and able to maximize our assets in order to
maximize our overall top-line growth. And so that is a regular part of our plan.
And that has been a part of our utilization plan before Anachip and so forth, is
maintaining utilization to maximize revenue.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Yes, I think -- Alex, you know I have been talking about -- when we're talking
about profitable growth, what we really want to do is make the revenue, okay?
And we don't pay that much attention to the gross margin percent. As long as we
consider which one -- by growth or by improve the gross margin percent, whatever
can give us the best gross margin dollar improvement is what we go after. So at
this time, and I do mean the third quarter, when we look at it, we definitely
want to go to growth instead of just trying to improve that gross margin
percent. And it turned out to be, our decision is right. If you look at -- our
bottom line number, it still continually improved. And so it's unfortunate we
have these two adjustments when also, it cost us $0.02, or we will be even $0.02
better than what we tell you today. So I think our strategy is correct, and we
continue to concentrate on gross margin dollars. And whenever -- from a matter
from growth or from percent improvement, whichever can give us the best of the
gross margin dollar, is what we go after.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Yes, I don't mean to imply that I view what happened as a weakness. Again, it
was obviously a very powerful quarter. What I am getting at here is, it seems to
meet that the industry has slowed down. And anecdotally, there are some signs
that maybe we are coming out of a trough at some point. So I'm wondering if
perhaps this 1 to 3 could turn into something stronger if the industry does in
fact have a good holiday sales cycle and come out of it, given you do do quite a
bit of turns in the quarter. So I was wondering if maybe, had the industry not
slowed, we might even be talking about you having just posted a 16 or 17%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

(laughter). (multiple speakers) I like your number. But unfortunately, the
[bucket] actually slowed down. Now, we are still much better from a performance
point of view relative to our competitors, because every day, I see all these
announcements, negative, 7%, negative 7%, and I feel very nervous. But when I
look at our number, our focus, I think, 1 to 3% is pretty good for me. And I
feel comfortable we should be able to do 1 to 3%.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Last one, if I could. You gave some helpful color on the PC market. You are
seeing more now on the LCD exposure side. What do you think is happening with
that market right now? There seem to be some mixed indications on whether it's
ahead of itself or yet to commence a nice seasonal run here. What you think on
the LCD front?

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark King - Diodes Inc. - SVP, Sales and Marketing

Every month, my Asian sales manager comes to me and says the LCD (indiscernible)
the thing is slowing down. At the end of every month, he tells me I'm wrong --
said he was wrong. So there is a lot of talk about it slowing down. But we
haven't seen a significant slowdown. But again, that's a seasonal business --
actually, the seasonal business for that though goes into first quarter because
of Super Bowl and so forth. I think it's still very hard to judge.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

I think, Alex, it's really kind of Christmas sale. I think I mentioned that
earlier. If economic improve and then people really go out for the Christmas
sales, then I feel much better, even this quarter. And I think our customer,
which is the LCD monitor builder, or the PC builder -- they are all trying to --
one foot on the gas pedal, the other foot on the brake pedal. And the same
thing, they watch, everybody watch the Christmas sale, start from Thanksgiving
holiday. And I do the same thing. And really, very hard for us -- I don't think
people are now -- even the Wall Street, anybody can tell you what will be this
year's Christmas sales. I really don't know.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Gauna - UBS - Analyst

Very good, and congratulations again -- powerful quarter. Thank you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Thank you, Alex.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So there are no further questions at this time.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crocker Coulson - Diodes Inc. - IR

I think we would like to thank everybody for their time this afternoon and this
evening. The questions have certainly run longer than ever in my memory. And we
look forward to coming back to you after we close the fourth quarter to give you
an update on our further progress. In addition, Diodes will be presenting at the
AEA Conference next week up in Monterey. So any of you who are going to be at
the conference, we hope you will come by and meet with C.H. and Mark in person.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

No, no C.H. (laughter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crocker Coulson - Diodes Inc. - IR

Sorry, (MULTIPLE SPEAKERS) with Dr. Lu and Carl in person. And the company will
also be at the UBS Conference the following week.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Keh-Shew Lu - Diodes Inc. - President & CEO

Okay, thank you very much. Thank you, everyone.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This concludes today's 2006 results conference call. You may now disconnect.