[LETTERHEAD OF KAVINOKY COOK LLP]

                                October 30, 2006

Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc.
55 York Street
Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario M5J 1R7 Canada


      We have acted as counsel to Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), in connection with the registration of shares of
its common stock on behalf of certain selling shareholders identified in the
registration statement of the Company on Form SB-2 (including all amendments,
the "Registration Statement").

      The opinions set forth in this letter, whether or not qualified by the
phrase "to our knowledge," are subject to the following qualifications,
limitations and exceptions, and are based solely on our review, as submitted to
us, of the following:

      A.    The following certificates and organizational documents of the

            1.    Certificate of Incorporation of the Company dated May 31,
                  2000, with filing receipt issued by the Delaware Secretary of
                  State dated May 31, 2000, under the name "RealDarts
                  International, Inc.";

            2.    A Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Company dated August 3, 2000, filed on August 4, 2000
                  with the Delaware Secretary of State, which changed the name
                  of the Company to "Optima 2000, Inc.";

            3.    A Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Company dated August 28, 2000, filed on August 29,
                  2000, which changed the name of the Company to "Optima
                  International, Inc.";

            4.    A Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Company dated August 28,2000, filed with the Delaware
                  Secretary of State on September 27, 2000, which changed the
                  name of the Company to "Optima Global Corporation";

            5.    A Certificate of Merger dated February 2, 2001 and filed with
                  the Delaware Secretary of State on February 5, 2001, in which
                  the Company is the surviving corporation;

            6.    Articles of Merger filed with the Florida Secretary of State
                  dated February 5, 2001 together with the Plan of Merger
                  annexed thereto, in which the Company is the surviving

            7.    A Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Company dated November 20, 2002, filed with the
                  Delaware Secretary of State on November 27, 2002, changing the
                  name of the Company to "Take-4, Inc.";

            8.    A Certificate for Renewal and Revival of Charter of the
                  Company, dated October 29, 2003 and filed with the Delaware
                  Secretary of State on October 29, 2003;

            9.    A Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Company dated October 27, 2003, filed with the Delaware
                  Secretary of State on October 29, 2003, changing the name of
                  the Company to "Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc.";

            10.   By-Laws of the Company adopted as of February 2, 2002;

            11.   The Certificate of the Secretary of State of Delaware dated
                  October 3, 2006, certifying that the Company is a corporation
                  in good standing; and

            12.   The Minute Book of the Company as submitted to us by the

      B. An officer's certificate of the Secretary/Treasurer of the Company (the
"Officer's Certificate") attached hereto as Exhibit A.

      C. Such review of published sources of law as we have deemed necessary
based solely upon our review of the items listed in subparagraphs A and B above
(such items being the "Reviewed Documents").

      Other than our review of the Reviewed Documents and those files in our
offices relative to matters with respect to which we have represented or
represent the Company, we have made no inquiry or other investigation as to any
factual matter.

      We have assumed without any inquiry or other investigation (a) the legal
capacity of each natural person, (b) the payment of all required filing or
recording fees and taxes, (c) the genuineness of each signature (including
signatures on facsimile copies), the completeness of each document submitted to
us, the authenticity of each document submitted to us as an original, the
conformity to the original of each document submitted to us as a copy and the
authenticity of the original of each document submitted to us as a copy, (d) the
truthfulness of each representation, warranty, certification or statement as to
any factual matter contained in any of the Reviewed Documents, and (e) the
accuracy on the date of this letter of the Officer's Certificate.

      We are members of the Bar of the State of New York and the opinions
expressed herein concern only such provisions of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware, as currently in effect, including statutory provisions,
all applicable provisions of the Delaware Constitution, as currently in effect,
and reported judicial decisions interpreting those laws, as currently in effect.

      Subject to the qualifications, limitations and exceptions set forth in
this letter, it is our opinion that:

      1. The Company is a corporation duly formed and validly existing under the
laws of the State of Delaware.

      2. The common shares of the Company covered by the Registration Statement
of the Company, to which this letter is an exhibit, have been duly authorized
and validly issued by the Company and are fully paid and non-assessable.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        KAVINOKY COOK LLP

                                        By: /s/ Jonathan H. Gardner
                                            Jonathan H. Gardner
                                            For the Firm

                                    Exhibit A

                              OFFICER'S CERTIFICATE

      I, Lisa Rose, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and
acting Secretary of Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"). This Certificate is provided in connection with
opinions (the "Opinions") to be rendered by Kavinoky Cook LLP, in connection
with the registration of certain of the Company's common shares pursuant to the
Registration Statement. The information contained in this Certificate concerns
the status of factual matters through the date of this Certificate. The
statements made herein to Kavinoky Cook LLP are made with the understanding and
intention that they will rely upon the information and representations contained
in this Certificate in rendering the Opinions. Capitalized terms used in this
Certificate and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings
given them in the opinion letter of Kavinoky Cook LLP to which this Officer's
Certificate shall be annexed as an Exhibit. The undersigned hereby certifies to
Kavinoky Cook LLP as follows:

      1.    The Minute Book of the Company provided to Kavinoky Cook, LLP for
            review is accurate and complete.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this certificate and
caused it to be delivered this 30th day of October, 2006.

                                        /s/ Lisa Rose
                                        Lisa Rose, Secretary
                                        Secretary, Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc.