[futuremedia logo]

                                                    Futuremedia PLC
                                                    Nile House
June 28, 2007                                       Nile Street
                                                    East Sussex, BN1 1HW

                                                    T +44 (0) 1273 829700
                                                    F +44 (0) 1273 829702

Dear ADR Holder,

The Board is pleased to advise that an Annual General Meeting of Futuremedia PLC
will be held at 9.30 am on July 27,  2007,  at its offices at Nile  House,  Nile
Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1HW, England.

All ADR holders are invited,  and if you wish to attend,  either in person or by
proxy,  please advise before July 13, 2007, in order that sufficient  places are
available, and bring personal identification with you.

If you wish to record  your vote at this  meeting on any  resolution,  either in
person or by proxy,  please  complete the  enclosed  proxy form and return it as
instructed.  Your vote will not be included  without the proper  completion  and
filing of this form, even if you attend on the day.

To minimise  expense,  it has been  decided  not to make a general  issue of the
Annual Report to all ADR holders again this year. The Report is available on our
website  (www.futuremedia.co.uk),  or on request from the  Company's  registered
office or from Bank of New York at either of the following offices:

                  Bank Of New York               Bank Of New York
                  ADR Division                   ADR Division
                  101, Barclay Street 15E        One Canada Square
                  New York                       London
                  New York 10286                 E14 5AL
                  USA                            England

The Annual  Report is also being  filed  electronically  with the United  States
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on Form 6-K and should be available on the
SEC's website (www.sec.gov).  Reference is also made to the Company's transition
report for the transition  period from May 1, 2006 to June 20, 2006 on Form 20-F
that was filed  electronically  with the SEC on November  16,  2006,  and to the
Company's  most recent annual report on Form 20-F that was filed  electronically
with the SEC on November 14, 2006.

Please note that a summary explanation  regarding certain of the resolutions set
out below is included in the Annual Report for your reference, as well as at the
end of this  letter.  In  addition,  set out in the  paragraph  below is further
detail and explanation for Resolution 4.


                                                              [futuremedia logo]

ADR holders will be aware of the decline in the market price of our ADRs. Due to
this decline, the Company may be required to issue shares for a consideration of
less than their current nominal value of one and one-ninth pence each;  which is
prohibited  by  English  company  law.  As a result,  it will be  necessary  for
Futuremedia to reorganise its share capital.  Futuremedia is therefore proposing
to sub-divide  each existing  ordinary share of one and one-ninth pence into one
new ordinary share of 0.010 pence and one deferred  share of 1.101111111  pence.
The new ordinary  shares of 0.010 pence  nominal  value will have all the rights
and be subject to all the  restrictions  of the existing  ordinary shares of one
and one ninth pence nominal value,  and the  sub-division  should not affect the
value of such shares or the  Company's  ADRs.  ADR holders  will retain the same
number of  ordinary  shares and ADRs as held  currently,  representing  the same
percentage  of the  Company's  issued  share  capital  as were held prior to the
sub-division.  The  deferred  shares will have no rights as to voting,  dividend
entitlement  and only very  limited  rights on return of capital.  The  deferred
shares will not be admitted to trading on any stock exchange.  In addition,  the
deferred  shares will have no right to receive  notice of, or attend or vote at,
any  general  or class  meeting  (other  than a class  meeting  of the  deferred
shareholders).  No share  certificates will be issued in respect of the deferred
shares (which the company is taking  authority to buy back for a nominal  amount
or cancel for no consideration). The deferred shares will not be included in the
ADR programme.

IMPORTANT:  ADR  holders  should  note that the  Company  closed a $4.6  million
financing,   in  the  form  of  a  senior  secured  convertible  debenture  (the
"Debenture"),  with Cornell Capital  Partners,  L.P. ("the Investor") on June 1,
2007. The terms of the  financing,  and the material  documents  relating to the
financing,  including  the Debenture and a securities  purchase  agreement  (the
"SPA") were filed  electronically  with the SEC on June 5, 2007.  Under the SPA,
the  Investor  agreed to purchase the  Debenture  and the Company is required to
comply with certain  ongoing  covenants.  These covenants  include,  but are not
limited to: (1) Mr George  O'Leary,  Ms Margot  Lebenberg and Mr Brendan  McNutt
must be appointed and remain  directors of the Company for a period of 18 months
from June 1,  2007;  (2) within 180 days of June 1,  2007,  the  Company  should
reduce the nominal  value of its ADRs (which  represent  50 ordinary  shares) to
$0.01. The proposals put forward in Resolution 4 reduce the nominal value of the
Company's ordinary shares to an equivalent amount which would, if passed, comply
with the covenant  described  above. ADR holders are under no obligation to vote
in favour of the  resolutions  included in this letter and the attached  Notice.
ADR holders should note, however,  that if any of Resolutions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 4
are not passed, then the Company will be in default of its obligations under the
Debenture.  If there is an event of  default  on the  Debenture,  the  principal
amount of the  Debenture,  plus  accrued  and unpaid  interest  may be  declared
immediately  due and  payable,  subject to certain  conditions  set forth in the

By order of the Board

/s/ Andrew Haire

Andrew Haire



NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that an Annual  General  Meeting of the Company  will be
held at Nile House, Nile Street, Brighton, BN1 1HW, England, on July 27, 2007 at
9.30 am for the following purposes:


1.    To receive and adopt the directors'  remuneration report and the company's
      annual  accounts,  together with the  directors'  report and the auditors'
      report  on  those  accounts  and the  auditable  part of the  remuneration
      report, for the year ended April 30, 2006.

To consider each of the following resolutions:

                              ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS

2.    To:

2.1   re-elect Ms Margot Lebenberg as Director;

2.2   re-elect Mr. Brendan McNutt as Director;

2.3   re-elect Mr George O'Leary as Director;

2.4   re-elect Mr Michiel Steel as Director;

2.5   re-elect Mr Jan Vandamme as Director.

3.    To  re-appoint  BDO Stoy Hayward LLP as the Auditors and to authorise  the
      Directors to determine the remuneration of the Auditors.



To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following  resolution which will be
proposed as a special resolution.

                               SPECIAL RESOLUTION

4.    THAT:

4.1   each of the authorised  ordinary  shares of one and one-ninth pence in the
      capital  of the  Company  (whether  issued or  unissued)  be and is hereby
      sub-divided  into 1 ordinary  share of 0.01 pence and 1 deferred  share of
      1.101111111  pence,  such  ordinary  share of 0.01  pence  having the same
      rights  and  being  subject  to the  same  restrictions  as each  existing
      ordinary  share of one and  one-ninth  pence has prior to the date of this
      resolution and as set out in the articles of association from time to time
      in force and such deferred  share which will be created  having the rights
      and being subject to the  restrictions  set out in Article 5(A)(a) adopted
      pursuant to paragraph 4.4 below;

4.2   the directors be and they are generally and unconditionally authorised for
      the  purposes  of  section  80 of the  Companies  Act 1985 (the  "Act") to
      exercise  all the  powers  of the  Company  to allot  relevant  securities
      (within the meaning of that section) up to the aggregate nominal amount of
      the  authorised  but unissued  share capital of the Company at the time of
      passing  this  resolution  providing  that this  authority is for a period
      expiring five years from the date of this  resolution but that the Company
      may before  such expiry  make an offer or  agreement  which would or might
      require  relevant  securities  to be  allotted  after such  expiry and the
      directors  may allot  relevant  securities  in  pursuance of such offer or
      agreement  notwithstanding that the authority conferred by this resolution
      has  expired.  This  authority  is in  substitution  for all  substituting
      authorities, to the extent unused;

4.3   the directors be and they are empowered  pursuant to section 95 of the Act
      to allot  equity  securities  (within the meaning of section  94(2) of the
      Act) wholly for cash pursuant to the  authority  conferred by the previous
      resolution  as if  section  89(1)  of the Act did not  apply  to any  such
      allotment,  provided that this power shall expire five years from the date
      of this resolution save that the Company may, before such expiry,  make an
      offer or agreement  which would or might require  equity  securities to be
      allotted  after such expiry and the directors may allot equity  securities
      pursuant  to any such offer or  agreement  notwithstanding  that the power
      conferred by this resolution has expired.


4.4   by replacing  the existing  Article  5(A) with the  following  new Article

            "5(A) The capital of the Company is  (pound)27,817,778  divided into
                  2,500,000,000   ordinary  shares  of  0.010  pence  each  (the
                  "Ordinary   Shares"),   2,500,000,000   deferred   shares   of
                  1.101111111  pence each (the "Deferred  Shares") and 2,000,000
                  preference shares of 2 pence each (the "Preference Shares")";

4.4.1 By adding the following new Article 5(A)(a) immediately  following Article

            "The Deferred Shares of 1.101111111 pence each in the capital of the
            Company shall have the rights and be subject to the restrictions set
            out below, namely:

            (a)   no right to participate in or receive any dividends  declared,
                  made or paid by the Company;

            (b)   no right to receive notice of or attend or vote at any general
                  or class  meeting  (other than a class meeting of the deferred
                  shares) of the Company;

            (c)   the  approval  of the  Directors  shall  be  required  for any
                  transfer of the deferred shares;


            (d)   the right on a return of assets in a winding-up to a repayment
                  of the capital  paid up on such shares after the rights of all
                  holders of ordinary  shares have been discharged in full and a
                  sum of  (pound)1,000,000  has  been  paid in  respect  of each
                  issued  ordinary  share in the capital of the Company,  but no
                  other right to participate in the assets of the Company;

            (e)   the Directors shall have irrevocable  authority at any time to
                  appoint  any person to execute on behalf of the holders of the
                  deferred  shares a transfer  thereof  and/or an  agreement  to
                  transfer the same,  without  making any payment to the holders
                  thereof,  to such persons as the  Directors  may  determine as
                  custodian  thereof and to cancel and/or  purchase the same (in
                  accordance with the provisions of statute)  without making any
                  payment to or obtaining  the  sanction of the holders  thereof
                  and pending the transfer and/or  cancellation  and/or purchase
                  to retain the certificates for such shares;

            but so that none of the  rights  or  restrictions  attached  to such
            deferred  shares  shall be or be deemed to be varied or abrogated in
            any way by the passing or coming into  effect of any  resolution  of
            the Company to reduce its share capital  and/or reduce or cancel (as
            the case may be) its share premium  account  (including a resolution
            to reduce  the  capital  paid up on, and to  cancel,  such  deferred

4.5   the Company may reduce its share  capital by  cancelling  all its deferred
      shares (which are unrepresented by available assets).

                                                           By Order of the Board

                                                                    Andrew Haire



Registered Office: Nile  House,  Nile Street,  Brighton,  East  Sussex, BN1 1HX,

Dated: June 28, 2007


(1)   A member  entitled  to attend  and vote at this  Meeting  is  entitled  to
      appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote in his stead.  A proxy need
      not be a member of the Company.

(2)   Members and proxies may be asked to produce  evidence of their identity in
      order to be admitted to the Meeting.



Shareholders  will be asked to approve the following  resolutions  at the Annual
General Meeting:

Resolution 1 -- to receive the report and accounts

The  Directors  will present the report and accounts of the Company for the year
ended 30 April 2006.

Resolution 2 -- re-election of directors

In accordance with the articles of association of the Company,  each director is
required to offer  themselves for  re-election at the Annual General  Meeting of
the company.  The resolution for the  re-election of each director will be voted
on separately.

Resolution 3 -- appointment and remuneration of the independent auditors

Resolution 3 is a resolution  to reappoint BDO Stoy Hayward LLP as the Company's
auditors and to authorise the Directors to determine the auditors' remuneration.

Resolution 4 - sub-division of the Company's ordinary shares

ADR holders will be aware of the decline in the market price of our ADRs. Due to
this decline, the Company may be required to issue shares for a consideration of
less than their current nominal value of one and one-ninth pence each;  which is
prohibited  by  English  company  law.  As a result,  it will be  necessary  for
Futuremedia to reorganise its share capital.  Futuremedia is therefore proposing
to sub-divide  each existing  ordinary share of one and one-ninth pence into one
new ordinary share of 0.010 pence and one deferred share of approximately  1.101
pence.  The new  ordinary  shares of 0.010 pence will have all the rights and be
subject to all the  restrictions of the existing  ordinary shares of one and one
ninth pence,  and the  sub-division  should not affect the value of such shares.
ADR holders  will  retain the same  number of  ordinary  shares and ADRs as held
currently,  representing  the same  percentage  of the  Company's  issued  share
capital as were held prior to the sub-division. The deferred shares will have no
rights as to voting, dividend entitlement and only very limited rights on return
of  capital.  The  deferred  shares will not be admitted to trading on any stock
exchange. In addition,  the deferred shares will have no right to receive notice
of, or attend or vote at,  any  general  or class  meeting  (other  than a class
meeting of the deferred  shareholders).  No share certificates will be issued in
respect of the  deferred  shares  (which the company is taking  authority to buy
back for a nominal amount or cancel for no consideration).

Resolutions  1, 2 and 3 will be proposed as  ordinary  resolutions,  requiring a
majority  of the votes  cast,  and  resolution  4 will be  proposed as a special
resolution requiring a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast.

Voting Procedures

      The votes of shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at the
Annual General Meeting will be tabulated by the Company Secretary.

      A quorum,  consisting  of at least two  persons  entitled to vote upon the
business being transacted, each being a member or a proxy for a member or a duly
authorized representative of a corporation, will be required for the transaction
of the business on the agenda for the Annual  General  Meeting.  The Bank of New
York, as depositary of the Company's ADR facility, is expected to be represented
at the  Meeting  and,  in such case,  shares held by the Bank of New York in its
capacity as  depositary  that are not  otherwise  represented  at the Meeting by
proxy shall be counted for purposes of a quorum.


      Except as indicated  above,  the  affirmative  vote of the majority of the
holders of shares present in person or by proxy and voting at the Annual General
Meeting is  required  to approve  the  resolutions  on the agenda for the Annual
General Meeting.

The enclosed proxy, if executed and returned in accordance with the instructions
thereon, will be voted as directed in the proxy.
