[AmREIT Logo]

                                                        FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               Chad C. Braun (cbraun@amreit.com)
                                                          AmREIT, (713) 850-1400


HOUSTON,  August  7,  2007 - AmREIT  (AMEX:AMY),  a  Houston-based  real  estate
development and operating  company that has elected to be taxed as a real estate
investment trust, today announced financial results for the second quarter ended
June 30, 2007.

Second Quarter and Year-to-Date Highlights:
      o     Funds from Operations available to class A common shareholders (FFO)
            for the second quarter 2007 were $380,000, or $0.06 per share, which
            exceeded  the top end of our second  quarter  guidance  and compared
            with second quarter 2006 FFO of $516,000, or $0.08 per share;
      o     Net loss  available  to Class A common  shareholders  for the second
            quarter 2007 was $1.6 million, or ($0.25) per share, compared with a
            net loss of $1.7 million,  or ($0.26) per share, for the same period
            in 2006;
      o     Operating  revenues for the second  quarter 2007 were $11.5  million
            compared  with $13.3  million for the same period in 2006 due to the
            timing of acquisition fees and other transactional revenue. Revenues
            from the property  portfolio and asset  management fees increased by
            4.6% to $8.6 million for the quarter as compared to $8.2 million for
            the same period in 2006;
      o     FFO for the six months ended June 30, 2007 were  $638,000,  or $0.10
            per share compared with FFO for the comparable six months in 2006 of
            $913,000, or $0.14 per share;
      o     Net loss available to Class A common shareholders for the six months
            ended June 30, 2007 was $3.3 million, or ($0.52) per share, compared
            with a net loss of $3.5 million,  or ($0.55) per share, for the same
            period in 2006;
      o     Operating revenues for the six months ended June 30, 2007 were $22.7
            million  compared  with $24.6  million  for the same period in 2006.
            Revenues  from the  property  portfolio  and asset  management  fees
            increased  by 10.8% to $16.4  million  year to date as  compared  to
            $14.8 million for the same period in 2006;
      o     Total  distributions  paid to all  classes  of  common  shareholders
            exceeded  total FFO available to all classes of common  shareholders
            by $388,000 for the second  quarter 2007  compared with $246,000 for
            the same period in 2006,  and $890,000 for the six months ended June
            30, 2007  compared  with $608,000 for the same period in 2006. On an
            annual basis,  total FFO has  historically  exceeded total dividends
            paid, and for 2005 and 2006,  FFO exceeded  total  dividends by $1.1
            million and $1.6 million, respectively. Consistent with guidance and
            prior years, management expects the bulk of 2007 FFO to be earned in
            the second half of the year;
      o     The Board of Trust Managers declared a quarterly dividend of $0.1242
            per class A common share for the third quarter  2007,  which will be
            paid in three monthly installments;
      o     The Board of Trust  Managers  approved a $5  million  class A common
            share repurchase program on June 22, 2007;
      o     FFO  estimates  for the  third  quarter  2007 are $0.17 to $0.24 per
            class A share, and management  reiterates its annual FFO guidance of
            $0.78 to $0.82 per class A share;


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      o     Portfolio  occupancy  as of June 30,  2007 is 98.1%,  an increase of
            1.60% compared to December 31, 2006 occupancy of 96.5%;
      o     New leases signed at average  annual  rentals of $33.33 per foot and
            renewal leases signed at 12.4%  increases  over the expiring  rental
            rates; and
      o     Cap rates  continue  to  tighten  for high  quality  retail  assets,
            resulting  in   strengthened   net  asset   valuations  yet  limited
            acquisition opportunities near term.
Asset Advisory
      o     Equity under  management  increased from $121 million as of December
            31,  2006 to $144  million  as of June  30,  2007,  compared  to $85
            million as of June 30, 2006; and
      o     Total real estate assets owned by the merchant  development funds in
            the Company's asset advisory  business were $282 million at June 30,
            2007, compared with $149 million a year ago.

Commenting on the  financial  results for the quarter,  Chad C. Braun,  AmREIT's
Chief Financial  Officer,  noted,  "The  better-than-expected  FFO growth in the
second quarter was led by contributions from our two sources of recurring income
- - the  portfolio  of  Irreplaceable  Corners and a growing  base of assets under
management.  The  portfolio  experienced  strong  leasing  activity  as  well as
continued  improvement in occupancy and property  operating  margins,  while the
advisory/sponsorship  business benefited from additional capital raised over the
last six months.  Our guidance for the year remains unchanged as we anticipate a
solid base of recurring  income to match up with the usual ramp in transactional
activity during the second half of the year."

H. Kerr Taylor,  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AmREIT,  added, "Within
the investment climate in the shopping center industry, we still see a wealth of
institutional  activity  creating  competition  for quality assets like those we
own. This trend  continues to cut two ways.  First it increases the value of our
Irreplaceable  Corner  portfolio.  Second,  it inhibits  our ability to grow the
portfolio and our  transactional  business  through  acquisitions at the pace we
would  prefer.  We  continue  to make  strides in gaining  critical  mass in our
advisory/sponsorship  business and anticipate increased revenues from this group
beginning in 2008."

Portfolio of Irreplaceable Corners
As of June 30, 2007, AmREIT owned 50 properties,  with  approximately 91% of its
rental income coming from properties located in major Texas metropolitan areas.

The portfolio  generated $8.2 million in total revenue during the second quarter
of 2007,  up 2.5%  compared  with $8.0 million  generated for the same period in
2006.  The increase in revenue is a result of  increased  rents  resulting  from
increases in leasing activity, increased renewal leasing rates and the Woodlands
ground lease  properties  acquired during the first quarter.  After expenses and
allocation of dividends  paid on the Company's  non-traded  shares,  the segment
reported a GAAP net loss of $1.1  million,  or ($0.18) per class A common  share
and FFO totaling approximately  $847,000, or $0.13 per Class A common share, for
the quarter.

Real Estate Development and Operations
AmREIT's real estate  development and operating  business generated $1.4 million
in revenue during the second quarter,  a decrease compared with the $3.9 million
generated in the second quarter of 2006. The decrease in revenue  generated from
the real  estate  group is a result  of the  timing of  transactional  activity.
Consistent  with prior years,  we anticipate the bulk of this year's real estate
transactional revenue to fall in the second half of the year.


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Expenses  associated  with this line of  business  for the second  quarter  were
approximately  $1.9 million  (including direct  construction costs of $868,000),
resulting  in a net loss of $488,000 or ($0.08) per class A common  share.  This
business  is  transactional  in nature,  and the  timing of these  transactional
revenue  sources from quarter to quarter is  difficult  to predict,  however,  a
majority of the expenses and personnel  costs  associated with this business are
recurring throughout the year.

AmREIT's  pipeline of development  and  re-development  opportunities  for third
parties and for its asset advisory group includes  approximately  500,000 square
feet under various stages of  development.  Together,  this represents over $125
million in active  development and  re-development  projects.  Of this pipeline,
125,000 square feet is scheduled for completion in 2007.

Asset Advisory Business
As of June 30, 2007,  AmREIT had a combined $144 million in equity capital under
management  in its five  actively  managed  income  and  growth  funds.  For the
quarter,  this group generated total revenues of $1.8 million, with $1.5 million
related  to  securities  commissions  earned  on sales of units in the  merchant
development funds.

For  the  quarter,   expenses   associated  with  this  line  of  business  were
approximately  $1.7 million,  including  $1.2 million in  securities  commission
expense.  After  expenses  and  allocation  of dividends  paid on the  Company's
non-traded  shares,  the asset advisory group reported GAAP net income of $6,000
and FFO totaling approximately $25,000.

AmREIT updates earnings guidance on a quarterly basis and will update its annual
guidance as well as give guidance for the upcoming quarter.

Conference Call AmREIT will hold its quarterly conference call to discuss second
quarter 2007 results Wednesday, August 8, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time (11:00 a.m.
Eastern Time).  Interested  parties are encouraged to access the live webcast by
visiting the investor relations page of AmREIT's website at www.amreit.com.  The
dial-in  number  for the call is  1-800-817-2743.  A replay  of the call will be
available  through  August 15, 2007, by dialing  1-888-203-1112  (conference  ID
number 2430791).


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Supplemental Financial Information
Further  details  regarding  AmREIT's  results of  operations,  properties,  and
tenants can be accessed at the Company's web site at www.amreit.com.

About AmREIT
AmREIT (AMEX:AMY) is a growing real estate company that has delivered results to
its investors for 22 years.  Its mission is to build a real estate business with
complementary  operations that reduce AmREIT's  overall  sensitivity to changing
market cycles - a company with strong earnings  potential from multiple sources.
This mission has led AmREIT into three  distinct  businesses.  First,  as a real
estate development and operating  company,  it constructs,  develops,  acquires,
disposes of, brokers,  leases and manages properties for shareholders as well as
for its asset  advisory  group and third  parties.  Second,  AmREIT has an asset
advisory group which raises private capital for and generates fees from merchant
development  partnership funds. Third, AmREIT owns a portfolio of "Irreplaceable
Corners(TM)" - premier retail properties in high-traffic, highly populated areas
- - which  are held for  long-term  value and  provide  a steady  stream of rental
income.  As of June 30,  2007,  AmREIT has over  500,000  square  feet of retail
centers in various stages of re-development,  development or in the pipeline for
both our advisory group and for third parties. As of June 30, 2007, total assets
were $333  million  and the asset  advisory  group  managed an  additional  $282
million in total assets.

In  addition   to   historical   information,   this  press   release   contains
forward-looking  statements  under the federal  securities law. These statements
are based on current expectations,  estimates and projections about the industry
and markets in which AmREIT operates,  management's beliefs and assumptions made
by  management.   Past   performance  is  not  indicative  of  future   returns.
Forward-looking  statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve
certain risks and uncertainties, which are difficult to predict.

For more  information,  call Chad Braun,  Chief Financial  Officer of AmREIT, at
(713) 850-1400. AmREIT is online at Tuwww.amreit.comUT.

                               (Tables to Follow)


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                         Operating Results - (Unaudited)
                 (in thousands, except share and per share data)

                                                                    Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                                                         June 30,                June 30,
Revenues:                                                            2007        2006        2007        2006
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------
     Rental income from operating leases                           $  7,733    $  7,487    $ 14,815    $ 13,460
     Earned income from direct financing leases                         508         508       1,015       1,015
     Real estate fee income                                             160          --         854         751
     Real estate fee income - related  party                            349         910       1,062       1,677
     Construction revenues                                              695         319         792         940
     Construction revenues - related party                              219       2,623       1,095       3,796
     Securities commission income - related party                     1,484       1,227       2,477       2,618
     Asset management fee income - related party                        312         186         596         344
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------
                Total revenues                                       11,460      13,260      22,706      24,601

     General and administrative                                       1,911       2,254       4,120       4,136
     Property expense                                                 2,037       2,162       3,767       3,184
     Construction expense                                               868       2,609       1,729       4,284
     Legal and professional                                             479         288         774         597
     Real estate commissions                                             26          --         447         540
     Securities commissions                                           1,245       1,089       2,074       2,346
     Depreciation and amortization                                    1,958       2,391       3,898       4,573
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------
                Total expenses                                        8,524      10,793      16,809      19,660

Operating  income                                                     2,936       2,467       5,897       4,941

Other income (expense):
     Interest and other income - related party                          256         232         500         467
     Income from merchant development funds and other affiliates        (15)        208         (27)        306
     Federal income tax benefit for taxable REIT subsidiary             302         184         501         269
     Interest expense                                                (2,351)     (2,090)     (4,708)     (3,833)
     Minority interest in income of consolidated joint ventures         (27)        (27)        (63)        (58)
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------

Income before discontinued operations                                 1,101         974       2,100       2,092

Income from discontinued operations                                      --         272           4         241
Gain on sale of real estate acquired for resale                          --           7          --          12
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------

Net income                                                            1,101       1,253       2,104       2,345

Distributions paid to Class B, C and D shareholders                  (2,711)     (2,914)     (5,416)     (5,820)
                                                                   --------    --------    --------    --------

Net loss available to class A shareholders                         $ (1,610)   $ (1,661)   $ (3,312)   $ (3,475)


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                 (in thousands, except share and per share data)

                                                                      Three Months Ended              Six Months Ended
                                                                           June 30,                        June 30,
                                                                     2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                                 ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Reconciliation of Net Income before discontinued operations to
Funds From Operations ("FFO"):
    Income before discontinued operations                        $      1,101    $        974    $      2,100    $      2,092
    Income from discontinued operations                                    --             279               4             253
    Depreciation - from operations                                      1,961           2,425           3,900           4,589
    Depreciation - from discontinued operations                            10               6              14              16
    Adjustments for non-consolidated affiliates                            19              39              36              69
    Gain on sale of real estate held for investment                        --            (293)             --            (286)
    Class B, C and D distributions                                     (2,711)         (2,914)         (5,416)         (5,820)
                                                                 ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    FFO available to Class A shares                              $        380    $        516    $        638    $        913

Basic and Diluted Per Class A Share Data:
    Loss before discontinued operations                          $      (0.25)   $      (0.30)   $      (0.52)   $      (0.59)
    Income from discontinued operations                          $       0.00    $       0.04    $       0.00    $       0.04
                                                                 ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Net loss                                                     $      (0.25)   $      (0.26)   $      (0.52)   $      (0.55)

    FFO                                                          $       0.06    $       0.08    $       0.10    $       0.14

    Distributions per Class A share                              $       0.12    $       0.12    $       0.24    $       0.24

    Distributions per Class B, C and D share                     $       0.52    $       0.52    $       1.04    $       1.04

Share Data:
Weighted average Class A common shares used to compute net
  income per share, basic and diluted                               6,411,026       6,347,818       6,365,896       6,339,390

                          Market Capitalization Table

Common Shares Outstanding (06/30/07)   Number of Shares     Price     Market Equity
- ------------------------------------   ----------------   ---------   -------------
Class A, net of treasury shares               6,424,565   $    8.75      56,214,944
Class B                                       1,038,871   $    8.75       9,090,121
Class C (priced at par value)                 4,150,471   $   10.00      41,504,710
Class D (priced at par value)                11,060,390   $   10.00     110,603,900
                                       ----------------               -------------
                 Total                       22,674,297                 217,413,675


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                            Balance Sheet Highlights
                                 (in thousands)

                                                              June 30,    December 31,
                                                                2007          2006
                                                              --------    ------------
Real estate investments before accumulated depreciation       $282,356        $274,534
Real estate held for investment, net                           269,232         263,906
Net investment in direct financing leases                       19,181          19,204
Real estate held for resale, net                                 1,763              --
Total assets                                                   332,992         328,430
Notes payable                                                  157,545         144,453
Total liabilities                                              167,120         158,243
Minority interest                                                1,162           1,137
Total shareholders' equity                                     164,710         169,050

                          Non-GAAP Financial Disclosure

This press release contains certain non-GAAP  financial measures that management
believes  are  useful in  evaluating  an  equity  REIT's  performance.  AmREIT's
definitions  and  calculations  of non-GAAP  financial  measures may differ from
those used by other equity  REITs,  and  therefore  may not be  comparable.  The
non-GAAP  financial  measures  should not be considered as an alternative to net
income as an  indication of our  operating  results,  or to net cash provided by
operating activities as a measure of our liquidity.

AmREIT considers FFO to be an appropriate  measure of the operating  performance
of an equity REIT.  The National  Association of Real Estate  Investment  Trusts
("NAREIT")  defines FFO as net income  computed  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), excluding gains or losses from sales of
property, plus real estate depreciation and amortization,  and after adjustments
for unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures. AmREIT calculates its FFO in
accordance with this definition.  Management  considers FFO to be an appropriate
supplemental  measure of operating  performance  because,  by excluding gains or
losses on dispositions  and excluding  depreciation,  FFO is a helpful tool that
can assist in the  comparison of the operating  performance  of a company's real
estate  between  periods,  or as compared  to  different  companies.  FFO is not
defined by GAAP and should not be considered as an  alternative to net income as
an indication of our operating  performance or to net cash provided by operating
activities  as a measure of our  liquidity.  FFO as disclosed by other REITs may
not be comparable to AmREIT's calculation.

Projected FFO is  calculated in a method  consistent  with  historical  FFO, and
AmREIT considers  projected FFO to be an appropriate  supplemental  measure when
compared with projected EPS. A reconciliation  of the projected FFO to projected
EPS per share is provided below:

                                                               Projected 2007
                                                                 ---------         Historical
                                                               High      Low       12/31/06
                                                              ------    ------    ----------
Net (loss)/income available to Class A shareholders           ($0.57)   ($0.61)     $ (0.62)
Depreciation and amortization                                   1.39      1.39         1.40
Adjustment for non-consolidated affiliates                         -         -         0.02
Less gain on sale of real estate                               (0.00)    (0.00)       (0.05)
                                                              ------    ------    ----------
     FFO available to Class A shareholders                    $ 0.82    $ 0.78        $0.75
