Form N-PX

                     Annual Report of Proxy Voting Record of

                                Copley Fund, Inc.

                    Investment Company Act File No.: 811-2815

                                Copley Fund, Inc.
                                245 Sunrise Ave.
                              Palm Beach, FL 33480

                                Agent for Service

                       Fiscal Year End: February 28, 2006

             Date of Reporting Period: July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007

                                                                                        Proponent                           or
                                                Meeting                                 (Management/   Voted?               Against
Name                      Ticker   CUSIP        Date       ItemDescription              Shareholder)   (Yes/No)  VoteCast   Mgt Rec

AT&T                      T        00206R102    7/21/06    Approve Issuance/Merger      Management     Yes       For        With

Bellsouth Corporation     BLS      079860102    7/21/06    Approve merger with AT&T     Management     Yes       For        With

Keyspan Corporation       KSE      49337W100    8/17/06    Elect 10 Directors           Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Adopt the agreement of
                          KSE                              merger                       Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Deloitte &
                          KSE                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With
                          KSE                              Adopt simple majority vote   Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Duke Energy Corporation   DUK      26441C105    10/24/06   Elect 14 Directors           Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approval of Long term
                          DUK                              incentive                    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Deloitte &
                          DUK                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With

Delta Natural Gas
Company, Inc.             DGAS     247748106    11/16/06   Elec 2 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Amend to increase common
                          DGAS                             stock                        Management     Yes       For        With

Public Service
Enterprise                PEG      744573106    11/21/06   Elec 4                       Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Raitfy of Deloitte &
                          PEG                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Relating to Excutive
                          PEG                              Compensation                 Management     Yes       Against    With

Peoples Energy                                             Approve merger w/WPS &
Corporation               PGL      711030106    12/6/06    Wedge Acq.,                  Management     Yes       For        With
                          PGL                              Adjourn the special meeting  Management     Yes       For        With

FPL Group, Inc.           FPL      302571104    12/15/06   Elect 10 Directors           Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Deloitte &
                          FPL                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With

New Jersey Resources
Corp.                     NJR      646025106    1/24/07    Elec 5 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve the 2007 Stock
                          NJR                              Award & incentive            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve the Retention of
                          NJR                              Delotte & Touche, LLP        Management     Yes       For        With

WGL Holdings, Inc.        WGL      92924F106    3/1/07     Elec 8 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Deloitte &
                          WGL                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approval of the Omnibus
                          WGL                              incentive compensation plan  Management     Yes       For        With
                          WGL                              Cumulative Voting            Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          WGL                              Independent Chairman         Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Executive Compensation
                          WGL                              Consultants                  Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

National City
Corporation               NCC      635405103    4/24/07    Elec 11 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Ernst & Young,
                          NCC                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With
                          NCC                              Excutive Compensation        Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Sunoco, Inc.              SUN      8674P109     5/3/07     Elec 11 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Ernst & Young,
                          SUN                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With

Nstar                     NST      67019E107    5/3/07     Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approval of the 2007 Long
                          NST                              Term incentive               Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify the appt. of
                          NST                              Pricewaterhousecoopers, LLP  Management     Yes       For        With

BP P.L.C.                 BP       055622104    4/12/07    Elec 16 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Receive Directors annual
                          BP                               report                       Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve the Directors
                          BP                               Renumeration                 Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Re-appoint Ernst & Young
                                                           LLP & authorize the board
                          BP                               to set their renuneration    Management     No        Against   Against
                                                           Give limited authority to
                                                           make political donations &
                          BP                               incur political expenditure  Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Authorize the use of
                          BP                               electronic communications    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Special Resolution: to
                                                           give limited authority for
                                                           the purchase of its own
                          BP                               shares                       Management     No        Against   Against
                                                           Authorize to allot shares
                          BP                               up to a speclified amount    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Special Resolution: to
                                                           give authority to allot a
                                                           limited number of shares
                                                           for cash free of
                          BP                               pre-emption rights           Management     Yes       For        With

Sempra Energy             SRE      816851109    4/26/07    Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       Withhold  Against
                                                           Ratify public accounting
                          SRE                              firm                         Management     Yes       For        With
                          SRE                              Adopt simple majority vote   Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Director election majority
                          SRE                              vote standard proposal       Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Supplemental Executive
                          SRE                              retirment plan policy        Management     Yes       Against    With

Public Service
Enterprise                PEG      744573106    4/17/07    Elec 4 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve amendment to
                                                           increase the authoriezed
                                                           common stock from 500
                          PEG                              million to 1 billion shares  Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve adoption of the
                                                           2007 equity compensation
                          PEG                              plan                         Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve amendment to
                                                           eliminate classification
                          PEG                              of the boards of directors   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve an amendment to
                          PEG                              eliminate cumulative voting  Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve eliminate
                          PEG                              pre-emptive rights           Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Deloitte & Touche
                          PEG                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With

Scana Corporation         SCG      80589M102    4/26/07    Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                          SCG                              Approve accounting firm      Management     Yes       For        With

Idearc Inc.               IAR      451663108    4/19/07    Elec 7 Directors             Management     No        Against   Against
                          IAR                              Ratify Ernst & Young, LLP    Management     Yes       For        With

Bank of America           BAC      060505104    4/25/07    Elec 17 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of the independent
                                                           registered public
                          BAC                              accointing firm 2007         Management     Yes       For        With
                          BAC                              Stock Options                Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          BAC                              Number of Directors          Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          BAC                              Independent Board Chairman   Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Progress Energy, Inc.     PGN      743263105    5/9/07     Elec 12 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Raitfy of Deloitte &
                          PGN                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve 2007 Equity
                          PGN                              Incentive Plan               Management     Yes       For        With

Citzens Communications    CZN      17453B101    5/18/07    Elec 12 Directors            Management     No        Against   Against
                                                           Adopt 2008 Citizens
                          CZN                              Incentive Plan               Management     Yes       For        With
                          CZN                              Ratify of KPMG LLP           Management     Yes       g          With

PPL Corporation           PPL      69351T106    5/23/07    Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Independent
                          PPL                              Accounting Firm              Management     Yes       For        With
                          PPL                              Shareowner Proposal          Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Southern Company          SO       842587107    5/23/07    Elec 10 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of Deloitte &
                          SO                               Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With
                          SO                               Environmental Report         Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Northwest Natuarl Gas     NWN      667655104    5/24/07    Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Reapproval Restated Stock
                          NWN                              Option Plan                  Management     Yes       For        With
                          NWN                              Pricewaterhousecoopers       Management     Yes       For        With

Wal-Mart                  WMT      931142103    6/1/07     Elec 15 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                          WMT                              Ratify Ernst & Young, LLP    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Charitable contributions
                          WMT                              report                       Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Universal Health Care
                                                           Policy                       Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Pay for Superior
                                                           Performance                  Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Equity Compensation Glass
                                                           Ceiling                      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Compensation Disparity       Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Business Social
                                                           Responsibility Report        Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Excutive Compensation Vote   Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Political Contribution
                                                           Report                       Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Social and Reputation
                                                           Impact Report                Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Cumulative Voting            Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                                                           Qualifacfations for
                                                           Director Nominees            Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

Exxon Mobil Corporation   XOM      30231G102    5/30/07    Elec 12 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify of indepentant
                          XOM                              auditors                     Management     Yes       For        With
                          XOM                              Cumulative Voting            Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Special Shareholder
                          XOM                              meetings                     Management     Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              Board Chairman and CEO       Management     Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              Dividend strategy            Management     Yes       For       Against
                          XOM                              Executive Compensation       Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              CEO Compensation decisions   Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Executive compensation
                          XOM                              report                       Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Executive compensation
                          XOM                              limit                        Management     Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              Incentive pay recoupment     Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Political Contribution
                          XOM                              Report                       Management     Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              Amendment of EEO policy      Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Community envirnmental
                          XOM                              impact                       Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Greenhouse gas emissions
                          XOM                              goals                        Management     Yes       Against    With
                          XOM                              CO2 information at the pump  Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Renewable energy
                          XOM                              investment levels            Management     Yes       Against    With

DTE Energy                DTE      233331107    5/3/07     Elec 5 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                          DTE                              Deloitte & Touche            Management     Yes       For        With

Dominion Resources, Inc.  D        25746U109    4/27/07    Elec 10 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                          D                                Ratify Auditors for 2007     Management     Yes       For        With
                          D                                Environmental Report         Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          D                                Transmission Report          Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

FPL Group, Inc.           FPL      302571104    5/25/07    Elec 12 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Deloitte & Touche
                          FPL                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approval of 207
                                                           Non-Employee Directors
                          FPL                              stock plan                   Management     Yes       For        With

Arthur J. Gallagher &
Co.                       AJG      363576109    5/15/07    Elec 3 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                          AJG                              Ratify Ernst & Young LLP     Management     Yes       For        With

PNC Financial Services    PNC      693475105    4/24/07    Elec 18 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           1996 Executive incentive
                          PNC                              award plan                   Management     Yes       For        With
                          PNC                              Pricewaterhousecoopers, LLP  Management     Yes       For        With

Zimmer Holding            ZMH      9856P102     5/7/07     Elec 2 Director              Management     Yes       For        With
                          ZMH                              Auditor Ratify               Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Restated certificate
                                                           Annual Election of all
                          ZMH                              Directors                    Management     Yes       For        With
                          ZMH                              Adopt simple majority vote   Shareholder    Yes       Against    With

American Electric Power   AEP      025537101    4/24/07    Elec 13 Directors            Management     Yes       Withhold  Against
                                                           Approve Senior Officer
                          AEP                              incentive                    Management     Yes       For        With
                          AEP                              Ratify accounting firm       Management     Yes       For        With

Ameren Corporation        AEE      023608102    4/24/07    Elec 12 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Public accounting
                          AEE                              firm                         Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Report on Callaway Plant
                          AEE                              Releases                     Management     Yes       Against    With

Bristol-Myers Squibb      BMY      110122108    5/1/07     Elec 9 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify public accounting
                          BMY                              firm                         Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           2007 Stock Award and
                          BMY                              Incentive                    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Senior Executive
                          BMY                              Performance Incentive Plan   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Executive Compensation
                          BMY                              Disclosure                   Management     Yes       Against    With
                          BMY                              Recoupment                   Management     Yes       Against    With
                          BMY                              Cumulative Voting            Management     Yes       Against    With

Duke Energy Corporation   DUK      26441C105    5/10/07    Elec 10 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Deloitte & Touche
                          DUK                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With

Energy East Corporation   EAS      29266M109    6/14/07    Elec 11 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                          EAS                              Pricewaterhousecoopers, LLP  Management     Yes       For        With

Exelon Corporation        EXC      30161N101    5/8/07     Elec 6 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                          EXC                              Rafify accountant            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Allow Election of all
                          EXC                              Directors beginning 2008     Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Require shareholder
                                                           approval of future
                                                           executive serverance
                          EXC                              benefits                     Management     No        Against    With

Firstenergy Corp.         FE       337932107    5/15/07    Elec 11 Directors            Management     No        Against   Against
                          FE                               Ratify accounting firm       Management     Yes       For        With
                          FE                               Approve 2007 incentive plan  Management     Yes       For        With
                          FE                               Shareowner Proposal          Shareholder    Yes       For        With
                                                           Shareowner Proposal          Shareholder    Yes       For        With
                                                           Shareowner Proposal          Shareholder    Yes       For       Against

Great Plains Energy Inc.  GXP      391164100    5/1/07     Elec 11 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify deloitte & Touche
                          GXP                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve amendments to
                          GXP                              Long-Term Incentive Plan     Management     Yes       For        With

Keycorp                   KEY      493267108    5/10/07    Elec 4 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Code regulations to reduce
                          KEY                              board  size                  Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Steps to cause Annual
                          KEY                              Election Directors           Shareholder    Yes       For       Against
                                                           Ratify Independent
                          KEY                              Accounting Firm              Management     Yes       For        With

Alliant Energy Corp       LNT      018802108    5/10/07    Elec 5 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Raitfy of Deloitte &
                          LNT                              Touche LLP                   Management     Yes       For        With

JP Morgan Chase & Co.     JPM      46625H100    5/15/07    Elec 11 Directors            Management     No        Against   Against
                          JPM                              Appoint public accountant    Management     Yes       For        With
                          JPM                              Stock Options                Management     Yes       Against    With
                          JPM                              restricted stock             Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Executive Compensation
                          JPM                              Approval                     Management     No        Against    With
                          JPM                              Separate chairman            Management     Yes       Against    With
                          JPM                              Cumulative Voting            Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Majority voting for
                          JPM                              directors                    Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Political Contribution
                          JPM                              Report                       Management     Yes       Against    With
                          JPM                              Slavery apology report       Management     Yes       Against    With

Integrys Energy Group     JPM                              Elec 5 Directors             Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Approve 2007 Omnubus
                          JPM                              incentive                    Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           issuance of an additional
                                                           0.7 million shares of
                          JPM                              common stock                 Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Deloitte & Touche
                          JPM                              LLP                          Management     Yes       For        With

Verizon                   VZ       92343V104    5/3/07     Elec 15 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Independent
                          VZ                               Accounting Firm              Management     Yes       For        With
                          VZ                               Eliminate stock options      Management     Yes       Against    With
                          VZ                               Future Severance agreements  Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Compensation consultant
                          VZ                               disclosure                   Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Advisory vote on Executive
                          VZ                               Compensation                 Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Limit service on outside
                          VZ                               boards                       Management     Yes       For       Against
                          VZ                               Future Poison Pill           Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Report on charitable
                          VZ                               contributions                Management     Yes       Against    With

Chevron Corp              CVX      166764100    3/12/07    Elec 14 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Public accounting
                          CVX                              firm                         Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Restated certificate of
                                                           incorporation to repeal
                                                           the Supermajority Vote
                          CVX                              Provisions                   Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Adopt policy and report on
                          CVX                              human right                  Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Adopt goals and report on
                          CVX                              greenhouse gas emissions     Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Adopt policy and report on
                          CVX                              animal welfare               Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           By-Laws to Separate the
                          CVX                              CEO/Chairman positions       Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Amend the By-Laws
                                                           regarding the Stockholder
                          CVX                              Rights Plan Policy           Management     Yes       Against    With
                                                           Report on host County
                          CVX                              Environment Laws             Management     Yes       Against    With

AT & T                    T        00206R102    4/27/07    Elec 17 Directors            Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           Ratify Independent
                          T                                Accounting Firm              Management     Yes       For        With
                                                           approve the AT & T
                          T                                serverance policy            Management     Yes       For        With
                          T                                Stockholders Proposal A      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          T                                Stockholders Proposal B      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          T                                Stockholders Proposal C      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          T                                Stockholders Proposal D      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With
                          T                                Stockholders Proposal E      Shareholder    Yes       Against    With


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
Fundersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Copley Fund, Inc.

By: /s/ Irving Levine

Date:  August 29, 2007