Exhibit (a)(2)

                       [GRAPHIC OMITTED][GRAPHIC OMITTED]
                        SHENKMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.
                            RELATING TO PROXY VOTING

                              As of August 1, 2003

     Set forth below are the policies and procedures of Shenkman Capital
     Management, Inc. ("Shenkman Capital") with respect to proxy voting. This
     Statement does not attempt to describe every regulatory and compliance
     requirement applicable to proxy voting, but rather summarizes some of the
     issues involved and establishes general rules and procedures. Although this
     Statement expressly addresses proxy voting, the policies and procedures set
     forth herein apply to any solicitation of votes with respect to securities
     held in a fully discretionary client account, such as, for example, the
     solicitation of the consent of the holders of fixed income securities to a
     proposed restructuring.

I.   Policy

     Proxy voting is an important right of shareholders and reasonable care and
     diligence must be undertaken to ensure that such rights are properly and
     timely exercised. When Shenkman Capital has discretion to vote the proxies
     of its clients, it will vote those proxies in the best interest of its
     clients and in accordance with this Statement.

II.  Proxy Voting Procedures

     (a) Shenkman Capital will instruct each custodian for a discretionary
     client account to deliver to Shenkman Capital all proxy solicitation
     materials received with respect to the account. Shenkman Capital will
     review the securities held in its discretionary client accounts on a
     regular basis to confirm that it receives copies of all proxy solicitation
     materials concerning such securities. Shenkman Capital will vote all
     proxies on behalf of discretionary client accounts after carefully
     considering all proxy solicitation materials and other information and
     facts it deems relevant. A Portfolio Manager will make all voting decisions
     on behalf of a discretionary client account based solely on his/her
     determination of the best interests of that account. Shenkman Capital will
     use reasonable efforts to respond to each proxy solicitation by the
     deadline for such response.

     (b) All proxies received by Shenkman Capital will be sent to the Portfolio
     Administration Department for processing as follows:

          (1) Maintain a record of each proxy received;

          (2)  Determine which accounts managed by Shenkman Capital hold the
               security to which the proxy relates;


                                                                  Exhibit (a)(2)

          (3)  Forward the proxy to a Portfolio Manager together with a list of
               accounts that hold the security, the number of votes each account
               controls (reconciling any duplications), and the date by which
               Shenkman Capital must vote the proxy in order to allow enough
               time for the completed proxy to be returned to the issuer via the
               custodian prior to the vote taking place.

          (4)  Absent material conflicts (see Section IV), a Portfolio Manager
               will determine how Shenkman Capital should vote the proxy. The
               Portfolio Manager will send its decision on how Shenkman Capital
               will vote a proxy to the Portfolio Administration Department,
               which will be responsible for making sure the proxy has been
               completed and returning it to issuer and/or the custodian in a
               timely and appropriate manner.

     Shenkman Capital's General Counsel shall monitor the firm's processing of
     proxy statements to assure that all proxy statements are handled and
     processed in accordance with this Statement. The General Counsel will
     designate one or more employees of the firm to be responsible for insuring
     that all proxy statements are received and that Shenkman Capital responds
     to them in a timely manner.

III. Voting Guidelines

     Shenkman Capital will review all proxy solicitation materials it receives
     concerning securities held in a discretionary client account. Shenkman
     Capital will evaluate all such information and may seek additional
     information from the party soliciting the proxy and independent
     corroboration of such information when Shenkman Capital considers it
     appropriate and when it is reasonably available.

     In the absence of specific voting guidelines from the client, Shenkman
     Capital will vote proxies in the best interests of each particular client,
     which may result in different voting results for proxies for the same
     issuer. Shenkman Capital believes that voting proxies in accordance with
     the following guidelines is in the best interests of its clients.

     Generally, Shenkman Capital will vote FOR a proposal when it believes that
     the proposal serves the best interests of the discretionary client account
     whose proxy is solicited because, on balance, the following factors

     (i)   the proposal has a positive economic effect on shareholder value;

     (ii)  the proposal poses no threat to existing rights or shareholders;

     (iii) the dilution, if any, of existing shares that would result from
           approval of the proposal is warranted by the benefits of the
           proposal; and


                                                                  Exhibit (a)(2)

     (iv)  the proposal does not limit or impair accountability to shareholders
           on the part of management and the board of directors.

     Generally, Shenkman Capital will vote AGAINST a proposal if it believes
     that, on balance, the following factors predominate:

     (i)   the proposal has an adverse economic effect on shareholder value;

     (ii)  the proposal limits the rights or shareholders in a manner or to an
           extent that is not warranted by the benefits of the proposal;

     (iii) the proposal causes significant dilution of shares that is not
           warranted by the benefits of the proposal;

     (iv)  the proposal limits or impairs accountability to the shareholders on
           the part of management or the board of directors; or

     (v)   the proposal is a shareholder initiative that Shenkman Capital
           believes wastes time and resources of the company or reflects the
           grievance of one individual.

     Shenkman Capital will ABSTAIN from voting proxies when it believes that it
     is appropriate. Usually, this occurs when Shenkman Capital believes that a
     proposal will not have a material effect on the investment strategy it
     pursues for its discretionary client accounts.

IV.  Conflicts of Interest

     Due to the size and nature of Shenkman Capital's operations and its limited
     affiliations in the securities industry, Shenkman Capital does not expect
     that material conflicts of interest will arise between it and a
     discretionary client account over proxy voting. Shenkman Capital
     recognizes, however, that such conflicts may arise from time to time, such
     as, for example, when Shenkman Capital or one of its affiliates has a
     business arrangement that could be affected by the outcome of a proxy vote
     or has a personal or business relationship with a person seeking
     appointment or re-appointment as a director of a company. If a material
     conflict of interest arises, Shenkman Capital will determine whether voting
     in accordance with the voting guidelines and factors described above is in
     the best interests of the client. Under no circumstances will Shenkman
     Capital place its own interests ahead of the interests of its discretionary
     client accounts in voting proxies.

     If Shenkman Capital determines that the proxy voting policies do not
     adequately address a material conflict or interest related to a proxy,
     Shenkman Capital will provide the affected client with copies of all proxy
     solicitation materials received by Shenkman Capital with respect to that
     proxy, notify that client of the actual or potential conflict of interest,
     and of Shenkman Capital's intended response to the proxy request (which
     response will be in accordance with the policies set forth in this
     Statement), and request


                                                                  Exhibit (a)(2)

     that the client consent to Shenkman Capital's intended response. If the
     client consents to Shenkman Capital's intended response or fails to respond
     to the notice within a reasonable period of time specified in the notice,
     Shenkman Capital will vote the proxy as described in the notice. If the
     client objects to Shenkman Capital's intended response, Shenkman Capital
     will vote the proxy as directed by the client.

V.   Disclosure

     (a)  Shenkman Capital will disclose in its Form ADV, Part II that clients
          may contact Shenkman Capital (via e-mail or telephone) in order to
          obtain information on how Shenkman Capital voted such client's
          proxies, and to request a copy of this Statement. If a client requests
          this information, Shenkman Capital will prepare a written response to
          the client that lists, with respect to each voted proxy that the
          client has inquired about, (1) the name of the issuer; (2) the
          proposal voted upon, and (3) how Shenkman Capital voted the client's

     (b)  A concise summary of this Statement will be included in Shenkman
          Capital's Form ADV, Part II, and will be updated whenever these
          policies and procedures are updated. Shenkman Capital will arrange for
          a copy of this summary to be sent to all existing clients as part of
          its annual distribution of its Form ADV, Part II.

VI.  Recordkeeping

     Shenkman Capital will maintain files relating to its proxy voting
     procedures in an easily accessible place. Records will be maintained and
     preserved for five years from the end of the fiscal year during which the
     last entry was made on a record, with records for the first two years kept
     in the offices of Shenkman Capital. Records of the following will be
     included in the files:

     (a)  Copies of these proxy voting policies and procedures, and any
          amendments thereto.

     (b)  A copy of each proxy statement that it receives; provided, however,
          that Shenkman Capital may rely on obtaining a copy of proxy statements
          from the SEC's EDGAR system for those proxy statements that are so

     (c)  A record of each vote that Shenkman Capital casts.

     (d)  A copy of any document Shenkman Capital created that was material to
          making a decision how to vote proxies, or that memorializes that

     (e)  A copy of each written client request for information on how Shenkman
          Capital voted such client's proxies, and a copy of any written
          response to any (written or oral) client request for information on
          how Shenkman Capital voted its proxies.
