Exhibit 10.11

                             (Summary Translation)
                                (April 18, 2002)

As proposed by Professor Wang Zhigong, director of the Institute of RF & OE-ICs
of Southeast University (the "INSTITUTE"), and Professor Zhuang Kunjie,
president of Quanzhou Lake Microwave Co., Ltd ("LAKE MICROWAVE"), after friendly
negotiation and discussion, both parties agree to establish a joint laboratory
as provided herein (the "JOINT LAB").

Both parties hereby agree as follows:

1.   Through the Joint Lab, the parties intend to cooperate and share resources
     with respect to chip design, functional module, technical development of
     integrated application system and other RF and optical electrical fields.

2.   The Joint Lab shall be located in the Institute for the time being. The
     staff of the Joint Lab can be appointed by and from both parties. The daily
     operations of the Joint Lab will be under the management of the Institute.

3.   The instruments and equipment in the Joint Lab will be loaned by each
     party, who shall maintain its ownership to such instruments and equipment
     it has loaned to the Joint Lab. The Joint Lab shall have the right to use
     these instruments and equipment.

4.   The operating expenses of the Joint Lab will be borne by both parties
     subject to evaluation and settlement annually.

5.   The plans on research and development and human resources of the Joint Lab
     will be determined by the parties after consultation. Management members of
     both parties shall meet at least twice a year. The meetings will primarily
     review the progress of the specific research and development projects and
     the daily operating expenses incurred.

6.   Both parties shall jointly own the patent in connection with any invention
     of the Joint Lab, jointly author any publication and jointly file any
     appraisal application report.

7.   Lake Microwave shall have priority in commercializing any result from
     research and development by the Joint Lab. The parties agree to separately
     discuss and agree on how to share the profits from sale of any products
     after such commercialization.

8.   The Institute shall set up an experiment base at the premises of Lake
     Microwave. The post-development processing and commercialization for any
     products under research and development at the Joint Lab shall be conducted
     at this base in Lake Microwave. Lake Microwave shall provide support
     necessary for that purpose.

9.   The term of this Agreement shall be five years and shall be subject to
     further negotiation upon its expiration.

10.  This Agreement may be amended or otherwise modified to deal with currently
     unforeseeable circumstances during the term of this Agreement.


/s/ Wang Zhigong
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/seal/ Southeast University Institute of RF & OE-ICs


/s/ Zhuang Kunjie
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/seal/ Quanzhou Lake Microwave Co., Ltd.