

                           SUPPLEMENTAL LOAN CONTRACT


Address: Gu Su Industrial Estate, Xixiang, Baoan, Shenzhen

Postal Code: 518126

Legal Representative: Lei Lai Fong, Patinda

(Formerly known as Nam Tai Telecom (Cayman) Company Limited)

Address: Century Yard, Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681GT, George
Town, Grand Cayman, British West Indies


(1)  Party A borrowed from Party B a loan of Eighteen Million Six Hundred Sixty
     Thousand U.S. Dollars in accordance with a loan contract between Party A
     and Party B dated March 30, 2004 (the "Loan Contract"). The term of the
     Loan Contract is for one year, i.e., from May 1, 2004 to April 30, 2005.

(2)  Now, Party A and Party B enter into this Contract for renewal of the Loan
     Contract for an additional term of one year through consultation for
     observance and implementation by the Parties.

Article 1 Term of Loan

Party A and Party B agree to amend the term of loan as agreed in Article 3 of
the Loan Contract to two years, i.e., from May 1, 2004 to April 30, 2006.

Article 2 Validity of the Loan Contract

Except for the amendment referred to above, all other provisions of the Loan
Contract shall continue to be valid.


Article 3 Effectiveness of this Contract

This Contract shall become effective upon being affixed with the corporate seal
and signed by the legal representative (person in charge) or authorized agent of
Party A and affixed with the corporate seal and signed by the legal
representative or authorized agent of Party B.

Article 4 This Contract is executed in three copies and shall be no further
effect upon repayment of the principal by Party A.

Article 5 This Contract shall be in compliance with the foreign exchange control
regulations of the People's Republic of China.

Party A (corporate seal): [ZASTRON ELECTRONIC (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.] [sealed]

Legal representative (person in charge) or authorized agent: (signature):

                                                                  April 14, 2005

Party B (corporate seal): ZASTRON PRECISION-TECH LIMITED [sealed]

Representative or authorized agent: (signature): [signed]

                                                                  April 14, 2005
