No TD0154

                                 Lease Agreement



     The lessor is the owner of the Tenda Building, which the lessor agrees to
     let and the lessee agrees to lease. Pursuant to the Contract Law of the
     People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, two
     parties come into a lease agreement as follows to stipulate the rights and
     obligations of the lessor and lessee.

Article 1 Rental, Property Management Cost and Deposit

     1.1 The lessor agrees to let the rooms of 01/02/03/09/10/11 in 7th Floor of
     Tenda Building to the lessee as office. The lease area of the rooms
     (hereinafter referred to as "Leased Rooms"), mutually confirmed by the two
     parties, is 1090 square meters in total. (Appendix 1 of this Agreement is
     the surface area drawing of the Leased Rooms, which is used exclusively to
     confirm the location.)

     1.2 The lease term is 1 year 3 months and 7 days, commencing from
     21 February 2005 to 27 May 2006.

     1.3 The rent is USD 13.4/Month/Sq.M. (RMB 3.71 Yuan/Day/Sq.M) while the
     Property Management Fee is USD 3.6/Month/Sq.M (RMB1 Yuan/Day/Sq.M).
     Therefore the total fee for each month (including the property management
     fee) is USD 18,530.00 (RMB 153,799.00 Yuan). Every month is calculated as
     30 days in this agreement. The rent and property management fee shall be
     paid monthly and prepaid every month; that means the lessee shall pay the
     rent and property management fee of next month before 21st of each previous
     month in RMB. The aforesaid fee will not be regarded as having been made
     unless the lessor has received the payment. The lessor shall issue
     corresponding legal receipts to the lessee once the lessee has made the

     1.4 The lessor is entitled to adjust the rent and property management fee
     in the case that the lease term is more than 2 years.

     1.5 The lessee shall give three months' rent and property management fee to
     the lessor as the guaranty of performing this Agreement (hereinafter
     referred to as "deposit"), which amount to USD 55,590.00 (RMB 461,397.00
     Yuan, in words: four hundred sixty one thousand three hundred and ninety
     seven Yuan)

     1.6 The lessee may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the
     lessor, in the case that the lessor fails to deliver the Leased Rooms to
     the lessee without any fault or negligence. Under such circumstances, the
     lessor shall return the deposit, rent and property management fee, which
     have been collected, to the lessee (without charging any interest of the
     aforesaid fees).

     1.7 The rent and property management fee shall be paid monthly and prepaid
     every month within 10 days commencing from each lease term begins, that
     means the lessee shall pay the rent and property management fee of next
     month before the 21st of each previous month (including 21st of each
     month). The aforesaid fee will not be regarded as having been made unless
     the lessor has received the payment. The lessee shall pay the lessor a late
     fee, which is two per ten thousand of the delayed payment per day, provided
     that the lessee failed to make the payment pursuant to the period
     stipulated in the Agreement.

     1.8 The lessor is entitled to deduct the deposit in compensating lessor's
     losses and the delayed payment in case that the lessee violates the
     Agreement (including delaying the payment of rent, property management fee,
     compensating lessor's damages due to lessee's failure in performance of the
     agreement). When the amount of the deposit kept by the lessor after the
     deduction of rent therefrom is less than the amount prescribed herein in
     clause 5, the lessee shall replenish it within three days after receipt of
     a written notice from the lessor. Otherwise, the lessor has the right to
     take such measures as cutting the telephone line or power until the
     agreement is terminated by lessor. The lessee shall compensate lessor's
     economic losses result from deposit deficiency.

     1.9 In case the lessee fully performs this Agreement, the lessor shall
     return the whole deposit (without interest) to the lessee within 30 days
     from the day when this agreement is expired, the lessee returns the Leased
     Rooms and pays up relevant fees to lessor.

     1.10 Without the permission of the lessor, the lessee cannot assign the
     right of claim for the return of the deposit to any third party or use it
     as a guaranty for lessor's debt.

Article 2. Termination by the lessee during the valid period of this Agreement

     With written notice to the lessor and paying the whole deposit, this
     Agreement can be terminated by the lessee during the valid period.

Article 3. The Equipments and Reconstruction of the Leased Rooms

     3.1 The lessor shall furnish the house with the following equipments:

          1.   central air-conditioner, ceiling(including intake, automatic
               smoke sensor, gushing machine, daylight lamp and head lamp, etc.)

          2.   220 v electrical plug, communication circuitry, antenna plug for
               satellite TV.

     3.2 In needs of making any fitments or reconstruction of the Leased Rooms,
     the lessee shall provide the lessor with blueprint and scheme of the
     fitments and reconstruction as well as the introduction of the construction
     enterprise and its personnel in advance. The construction enterprise is
     obligated to pay management fee RMB 7,106.80 Yuan (in words: RMB SEVEN
     construction can be commenced, provided that the payment of construction
     guaranty fee and management fee is paid by the construction enterprise. The
     lessor shall refund the construction fee to the lessee, in case that,
     through lessor's checking and accepting, the lessor confirms the
     construction is completed based on the blueprint and scheme approved by the
     lessor and no damages has been made to equipments or facilities of the
     Leased Rooms. The lessee shall bear the taxes of the additional fitments
     and equipments, regardless the account name on the bill or what kind of fee
     item the tax shown on the bill.

     3.3 In case that the lessee rents a direct telephone number (the account is
     opened under the name of the lessor in the telecom company) from the
     lessor, who will bear the telephone fee instead of the lessee, the lessee
     shall pay RMB

     5000Yuan/each line (in words: RMB FIVE THOUSAND YUAN each line) as deposit
     of the telephone fee and RMB 300 Yuan /Year/Line (in words:RMB THREE
     HUNDRED YUAN every year for each line) as circuitry maintenance fee. After
     paying the deposit of telephone fee and circuitry maintenance fee, the
     lessee may choose telephone number and the lessor is responsible for
     installing the telephone. The lessee shall pay each month's telephone bill
     within 7 days after receiving the notice from the lessor. The lessor shall
     refund the deposit of telephone fee without interest to lessee when the
     Agreement is expired; In case that the lessee brings the direct telephone
     number itself or open an account under the name of itself in the telecom
     company, it shall pay the following fees in lump sum: circuitry occupation
     fee of RMB 200Yuan/each line (in words: RMB TWO HUNDRED YUAN each line),
     transfer fee of RMB 5 Yuan/each line (in words: RMB FIVE HUNDRED each line)
     and circuitry maintenance fee of RMB 100Yuan/each line (in words: RMB ONE
     HUNDRED YUAN each line). The lessor shall assist lessee in installing the

Article 4. Re-leasing

     After the expiry of the lease, the lessee has the right of priority to
     extend the term of the agreement under the same circumstances, provided
     that the lessee notifies the lessor in writing three months before the
     expiry of the agreement. The terms and conditions of re-leasing shall be
     negotiated by both parties (the range for the adjustments of the price
     shall be made according to the rise or drop of the real estate index and
     the general leasing price of the whole building). If the lessee does not
     notify lessor in the aforesaid period, it will be regarded that lessee will
     not re-lease the Leased Rooms and shall move out of the Leased Rooms before
     the termination date of the Agreement.

Article 5. The Return of the Leased Rooms

     5.1 After the expiry of the agreement, the lessee shall return the Leased
     Rooms according to the time notified by the lessor. If the Leased Rooms
     cannot be returned on time for the reason on the part of the lessee and
     there is a new lessee, the lessor in entitled to request the lessee to
     leave the Leased Rooms in 3 days and deduct part of or entire deposit in
     compensating lessor's losses suffered from lessee's delaying in returning
     the Lease Rooms. In case the deposit is not sufficient for compensating
     lessor's losses, the lessor is entitled to claiming for

     the insufficient part. If the Leased Rooms have not been rented to other
     lessees, it will be deemed by the lessor that the lessee will re-lease the
     Leased Rooms. In such circumstances, the lessee shall re-lease the Leased
     Rooms. If lessee refuses to re-lease, the lessor will have the right to
     request the lessee to move out of the Lease Rooms and deduct part of or
     entire deposit in compensating lessor's losses suffered from lessee's
     delaying in moving out..

     5.2 When the lessee return the Lease Rooms after expiration, the Leased
     Rooms shall be in good status(excluding reasonable wear and tear);the
     lessor has right to deduct the deposit to compensate corresponding
     reasonable losses when it finds that the rooms and equipments is damaged
     from the reason on part of the lessee. In case the deposit is not
     sufficient enough to compensate lessor's losses, the lessee shall replenish
     the margin in case that the deposit is insufficient for the losses within 3
     days after receiving lessor's written notice.

     5.3 As to accession made by the lessee to the Leased Rooms (shall be
     approved by the lessor), the lessor is not certainly to request the lessee
     to restore it to the original conditions. The lessor shall not pay the
     expenses back for the accession even if the lessee does not make the

Article 6. The Obligations of the Lessee

     The lessee agrees to abide by the following provisions:

     6.1 The lessee shall abide by all the rules and regulations stipulated by
     the lessor and its authorized agent. The detail content is in Appendix two
     "Client Handbook". The lessee shall strictly abide by the rules and
     regulations and can not reject without reasonable causes if lessor notifies
     lessee of all reasonable alteration it made on the rules and regulations
     (adding or reducing clauses or revising). If inconsistency occurs between
     the Client Handbook and this Agreement as well as other appendixes, the
     concluded Agreement and appendixes shall prevail.

     6.2 The lessee shall not or allow others to take any actions, which will
     make the insurance of the Lease Rooms and the building invalid or possibly
     invalid, or result in an increase of the insurance premium. Otherwise, the
     lessee shall bear the corresponding increase of the insurance premium and
     other related expenses

     for repurchase of the insurance by the lessor due to lessee's violation of
     this clause. The lessee shall pay the aforesaid fees according to the
     period asked by lessor after the occurrence of lessee's violation.

     6.3 The lessee shall not take the following activities

          1.   To use the Leased Rooms to conduct illegal activities.

          2.   To assign the rights of lessee under the agreement to others or
               use it as security.

          3.   To lease part of or entire Leased Rooms to others or let others
               use the Leased Rooms.

          4.   To use the Leased Rooms with a third party (not including
               affiliated enterprises of the lessee which means the parent
               company, subsidiary, branch company of the lessee or the company
               which shares the common investment party and legal representative
               with the lessee) or show other's name as the lessee of the Leased

          5.   To transfer the ownerships of the ornaments, equipments and
               articles in the Leased Rooms to any third party or use them as

     6.4 The lessor shall take charge of the safety during the lease term and be
     responsible for theft or damages of the articles in the Leased Rooms. In
     case of fire, the lessee shall make compensation to lessor if the fire is
     occurred due to lessee's reason.

Article 7. The Obligations of the Lessor

     The lessor agrees to abide by the following provisions:

     7.1 The lessor shall guaranty the public facilities (including
     illumination, air-conditioner, automatic smoke sensor, shower, WC and
     elevator, etc.) are in good status. The repairs shall be made in time after
     receiving trouble report from the lessee.

     7.2 Implementing twenty-four hours' security measures to ensure the
     security of the mansion.

     7.3 The lessor shall bear the corresponding losses suffered by the lessee
     due to quality problems of the Leased Rooms. (excluding the matters
     stipulated in article 9 of this Agreement and the losses incurred due to
     the quality resulting from lessee's reconstruction)

Article 8. Damages and Breaching Liabilities

     8.1 The lessee shall compensate the lessor for losses due to intentional
     actions or negligence of lessee or its agent, employee. On the contrary,
     the lessor shall compensate lessee for losses due to intentional actions or
     negligence of lessor or its agent, employee.

     8.2 If the lessee breaches the agreement as well as appendixes and
     supplementary agreement and fails to make rectification measures within 7
     days since receiving the lessor's written notice, the agreement is
     automatically terminated within 14 days since the written notice is issued.
     The lessee shall leave the house within 5 days since the issues of the
     written notice after the agreement is automatically terminated; at the same
     time, the lessor is entitled to claim for damages with the amount of three
     months' renting fees and management fees; the lessee also agrees to bear
     losses and expenses incurred. The lessor shall deduct the guaranty money
     for the compensation if the amount of the guaranty money the lessee has
     paid is the same as the damages. Otherwise, the lessee is obligated to make
     up the margin. The measures prescribed here are not the solitary measures.
     The lessor is entitled to take other measures in case of the breach.

Article 9. Exemption From Liabilities

     The lessor is exempted from liabilities in the following cases:

          1.   The temporary cease for the utilization of the public
               establishments for the necessary maintenance of the building or
               not for the reason of the lessor.

          2.   The losses the lessee suffers is incurred in the event of
               earthquake, typhoon and other events which belongs to Force

          3.   The lessee suffers the losses for the reason of other lessees or
               the third parties (but the lessor is responsible to assist the
               lessee for reimbursement from the infringers).

Article 10. Abandonment of the Rights

     The abandonment of any right stipulated by the agreement shall be based on
     the written signature of the lessor. The facts that the renting fee or
     other items the lessee paid is insufficient to the amounts stipulated by
     the agreement, or with the consent of the lessor, do not have any influence
     on the right of the lessor to claim for the arrearage and the rights to
     take other measures according to the agreement or laws and regulations.

Article 11. The Service of the Notice

     All the notices required by the agreement shall be issued in written form.
     The invoices, bill of documents and other notices issued by the lessor to
     the lessee shall be marked with the lessee as addressee. The written notice
     is regarded as having served if it is delivered to the leased house, sent
     by the registered mail or delivered to the address of the lessee in
     Beijing. The notice issued by the lessee to the lessor will be regarded as
     having served if it is delivered to the following address and accepted with
     signature: Beijing Gao Ling Real Estate Development Co. Ltd., No.168, Xi
     Zhi Men Wai Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Article 12. Disputes

     The agreement shall be governed and explained by the law of PRC. Any party
     may file the action to the people's court in the jurisdiction if the lessor
     and lessee cannot settle the disputes which arise from the agreement with

Article 13. Business License and Language

     The lessee shall produce business license and the authorization letter for
     the authorized representative to sign the agreement on behalf of the
     lessee. The copy of the duplicate of the business license and the original
     authorization letter will be enclosed of the agreement. As an important
     part of the agreement, the appendix will be effected at the same time and
     have the same legal effect with the agreement.

     The agreement and its appendix shall be written in Chinese or English with
     the same legal effect. The agreement has two original copies while the
     lessor and lessee will hold one of them.

Article 14. Supplementary Agreement

     The parties of the agreement can conclude supplementary agreement through
     negotiation on other related matters. The supplementary agreement with the
     same legal effect of the agreement will be annexed to the agreement as an
     important part of the agreement.

     The agreement is effective on the date of the subscription as well as the
     guaranty The agreement is effective on the date of the subscription as well
     as the guaranty is fully paid.

Appendix One: Surface area drawing of the Leased Rooms
Appendix Two: <Clients Handbook>
Appendix Three: Supplementary Agreement

(Signature Page)



POST CODE: 100044

LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE (SIGNATURE): _________________________
TEL: 8838.3388
ACCOUNTING BANK: ______________
DATE: 2005-2-25

ADDRESS: __________________________________

POST CODE: ________________________________

LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE (SIGNATURE): ________________________
TEL: _______________

ACCOUNTING BANK: ______________________
DATE: 2005-2-25




          The lessor and lessee reach the following supplementary agreement as
          to < the Lease Agreement >. Num. TD 0154(hereafter simplified as <the

     1    Free Leasing Period: 66 days, in the following period.

          (1) February 21, 2005 to April 7, 2005
          (2) May 8, 2006 to May 27, 2006

          During the free leasing period, the lessee shall only pay RMB 1.00
          Yuan/day/Sq.M as the management fee and other related fees. If <the
          Agreement >is terminated before the expiration, the free period after
          the termination date will not come into effect any more and the lessor
          shall not make compensation to the lessee. The lessee shall make up
          for all the renting fee according to the stipulated rental of <the
          Agreement> if <the Agreement> is terminated by the lessee before the
          expiration of the renting term.

     2    One clause is added to the article one as clause 1.11: The renting fee
          and management fee should be calculated in USD and received in RMB.
          The exchange rate between the USD and RMB is fixed at 1:8.3.

     3    The lessor agrees to add roof-inhaled air-condition while the specific
          construction method should be approved by the lessor. The expenses of
          the reconstruction for the air-conditioning shall be borne by the
          lessee. When the lessee removes the ceiling and air-condition at the
          time of the termination of <the Agreement> and returns the Leased
          Rooms, the lessee shall restore the ceiling and air-condition system
          back to the original status while the expenses shall be borne by the

     4    The lessee shall produce blueprints in advance to the lessor and get
          the consent from the lessor and the fire control department for
          carrying out the construction if the lessee plans to make secondary
          fitments and reconstructions to the Leased Rooms. The lessee should
          not tie up the fire control channels and alter the fire control
          sub-area of the Leased Rooms. The modification for the liquid,
          ventilation and fire control system shall be carried out by the
          construction company appointed by the lessor, while related expenses
          shall be borne by the lessee.. The fitments and modification to the
          common area of the building should be restored to the original status
          at the time of its departure. All the expenses should be borne by the

     5    The lessor shall increase the electric power. The modification for
          electric power in the rented area shall be organized by the lessor.
          The lessee shall bear the related expenses which will be paid by the
          lessor before the modification is carried out.

     6    The lessee shall lease the room 05/06/07/08 on the 7th floor from July
          2005. Both parties confirm the following information that the total
          leased area is 458 square meters, the lease term is not shorter than
          one year, the rental and property management fee is USD 17.00/per
          square meters/per day, free leasing period is 30 days. The lease
          agreement will be concluded later. The lessee shall pay the lessor a
          deposit amounting at USD 23,358.00 YUAN (RMB 193,871.40 YUAN, in

          three months' rental and property management fee of the aforesaid
          leased area within 5 working days from the execution of <the
          Agreement>. The lessor is entitled to detain the aforesaid deposit for
          losses suffered from reserving the purposed rooms for lessee, if
          lessee fails to lease the rooms before July 31st 2005. The lessee is
          entitled to claim double amount of the deposit from the lessor if the
          lessor fails to reserve the rooms for lessee, which results in the
          impossibility of lessee in leasing the rooms before July 31st 2005.
          The aforesaid deposit can be transferred into deposit of the rooms in
          case of lessee succeeds in leasing the rooms before July 31st 2005.
          This clause shall be null and invalid in case that the lessee fails to
          pay lessor the deposit within 5 working days from the execution of
          <the Agreement>.

     7    The lessee shall pay RMB 615,196.00 Yuan, as the "Deposit three and
          Pay one" Clause in <the Agreement>, which shall be paid to lessor, by
          the end of February 21st 2005. (in words: RMB SIX HUNDRED FIFTEEN

     8    The supplementary agreement is the supplements and alteration for <the
          Agreement> and has the same legal effect with <the Agreement>. This
          agreement will prevail as to any conflict between the supplementary
          agreement and <the Agreement>. Others will be executed by <the

     9    The agreement has two original copies while the lessor and lessee will
          hold one of them. The agreement is effective on the date of the



LEASEE: ___________________________________________